ZEB-REVO - 3D Laser Mapping
ZEB-REVO - 3D Laser Mapping
ZEB-REVO Specifica on_v.1.0.1 ZEB-REVO Handheld Laser Scanner Lightweight Easy to operate Rapid data capture +/- 0.1% accuracy Online processing Desktop processing Automa c registra on Pay-as-you go 86 113 Geoslam Limited, Unit 1, Moorbridge Court, Moorbridge Road East, Bingham, No ngham, U.K., NG13 8GG Tele: +44 (0) 1949 831814 Email: info@geoslam.com Registered in England and Wales No: 7824395 VAT number: GB 166 3844 83 ZEB-REVO Specifica on_v.1.0.1 ZEB-REVO System Features Data Maximum Range 30m* Resolu on 0.625° horizontal, Data Acquisi on Rate Data Storage Capacity 55GB 1.8° ver cal Processed data file size 12VDC ± 10% Default output file format ~8MB for every 1 min scanning 43,200 points/sec Angular FOV 270° x 360° Supply Current Max 1.5A, normal 1.0A Supply Voltage Power Consump on Opera ng Temperature Opera ng Humidity Moun ng Opera on Less than 20W 0o to +50 oC <85% RH Removable handle provided, can also be pole or vehiclemounted Raw data file size Compa bility Accuracy Rela ve Accuracy Absolute Posi on Accuracy *Maximum range to Kodak white card indoors (90% reflec vity) Outdoors range may be reduced to 15-20m depending on environmental condi ons Sensor Laser Safety Class Class 1 Eye Safe Scanner Line Speed 100Hz Laser Wavelength Scanner Resolu on Rota on Speed Ba ery 905nm 0.625° horizontal 0.5Hz Ba ery Type Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Nominal Voltage 12V Charge Time 8 – 12 hours Capacity Ba ery Life Ba ery Lifespan Chargers Supplied Weight 8Ah +/- 5% 4 hours (con nuous use) 300+ cycles UK, USA, EU & AUS 600g ~10MB for every 1 min scanning .LAZ (compressed .LAS) Unzipped .LAS data compa ble with all major CAD so ware packages 2 – 3cm 3 – 30cm (10 mins scanning, 1 loop) A number of environmental factors can influence trajectory accuracy, including: Extremely smooth or blank surfaces Moving objects (i.e. people or vehicles) Feature-poor environments (i.e. corridors) Precipita on Failure to close the loop Under op mum indoor condi ons, greater accuracy can be achieved than that stated above. Casing IP Ra ng Cable Connectors Weight (scanner) Weight (total system) Dimensions (scanner) Dimensions (backpack) Geoslam Limited, Unit 1, Moorbridge Court, Moorbridge Road East, Bingham, No ngham, U.K., NG13 8GG Tele: +44 (0) 1949 831814 Email: info@geoslam.com Registered in England and Wales No: 7824395 VAT number: GB 166 3844 83 IP64 (dust- ght, splashproof) LEMO mul pin 1.0kg 4.1kg 86 x 113 x 287 mm 180 x 220 x 470 mm