The American Beagler
The American Beagler
the american 573-859-6866 The Magazine Ahead of the Pack! SUBSCRIPTION Form One year (12 issues) Two years (24 issues) Three years (36 issues) Name________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City___________________________State______________Zip Code_____________ Kennel Listing Form Kennel Listings must be received by the 1st of the month to run in the next month’s issue. Kennel Name__________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ Kennel Information_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________________________________ Email or Web Address___________________________________________________ KENNEL LISTING IS $20.00 FOR ONE YEAR YOU CAN SEND CHECK OR MONEY TO: THE AMERICAN BEAGLER MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 957, BELLE, MO 65013 YOU CAN CALL 573-859-6866 AND PAY WITH A DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD YOU CAN ALSO PAY ON THE WEBSITE WITH PAYPAL BY CLICKING THE PAYPAL BUTTON The American Beagler July, 2012 573-859-6866