School News - Sacred Heart Girls` College
School News - Sacred Heart Girls` College
Sacred Heart Girls’ College MANAWA TAPU Excellent Education That Embraces Gospel Values New Plymouth T E R M NEWSLETTER 2 J U N E 2 0 1 1 ______________________ Principal’s Peace DATES TO REMEMBER: Friday 1 July Sacred Heart Day Saturday 2 July City Sounds Concert, Devon Hotel Sunday 3 July ‘8’ Ball & Darts, Stratford Club Sunday 3 July City Sounds Choir, Devon Hotel Wed 6—Thurs 7July St Peter’s Sports Exchange, Palmerston North Thurs 7—Thurs 14 July Life Education, bus on site Thursday 7 July Year 7 and 8 Social, SHGC Thurs 7—Fri 8 July NZ Concert Band Champs, New Plymouth Saturday 9 July Year 13 Ball Sunday 10 July Squash, Okato Squash Club __________________ TERM DATES: Term 2 Mon 2 May—Fr 15 July Term 3 Mon 1 Aug—Fri 7 Oct Term 4 Tues 25 Oct—Thurs 8 Dec Dear Parents On June 11th in the company of Claire Whareaitu , Emma Crowe and Priyaanka Khatri, I was privileged to attend the Ordination Mass for Bishop Charles Drennan. The Mass was a formal occasion and included sections in Latin , English and Maori. It was also a celebration of the diverse cultures of our diocese. Students who attend St Joseph’s in Powderham Street participated in the 10.30am Mass the following weekend which was concelebrated by Bishop Peter and Bishop Charles. The Tenners were also a part of this service and sang beautifully during communion. The recent happenings in Christchurch are a constant reminder of how fragile our lives are. Over the past few weeks I have been reassured that the safety of our future is in good hands. I have witnessed this in the actions of our students and their commitment to helping others in their hour of need and in their selfless generosity of giving. The recent Airbands concert raised $1700 for Christchurch and the various activities of Culture Week raised over a thousand dollars for Canteen. This money was raised from the support of the student community and their families and from time generously donated. On July 1st we celebrate Sacred Heart Day. We are reminded at this time of Jesus’ love for all of us. The symbols contained in the Sacred Heart remind us of Jesus’ selfless act in dying to save us. We are reminded of His suffering. Our students celebrate the values of the Sacred Heart daily through their actions. They embrace the gospel values and make them a real part of their lives. Charity and kindness certainly go a long way towards making the world a better place. I hope that you will join us in the celebration of this Mass and of our feast day. I wish each and everyone of you a happy feast day. God Bless Rose Sawaya Principal Congratulations to: Former student Bryony Williams who has been awarded a Moyra Todd Memorial Scholarship. Former student Casey Stevens who was awarded a Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship. Students are encouraged to subscribe to our regular scholarships e-newsletter by emailing with “subscribe” in the subject line. P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 2 Cath Leger — Deputy Principal Tena kotou katoa, Curriculum Co-ordinator Principal’s Nominee for NZQA Whaia e koe ki te iti kahurangi; ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain Recently this whakatauki was interpreted and performed in the House Drama competition. There were some powerful interpretations. It is heartening to realise that the girls know that they will struggle in their lives and in their studies. They also showed that they will be rewarded for their hard work, even if it is not yet obvious to them. It was also obvious that they realised that the love of God will help them in times of crisis when they must bow their head to their lofty mountain. NCEA Information: All Year 11 to Year 13 students’ caregivers should have received information regarding NCEA payment in the mail. In the same mail out there was also information about how to apply for financial assistance if you should require it. If your daughter is doing NCEA standards in Year 10 this year, these credits will be “held over” until 2012. Your daughter’s credits will be forwarded to NZQA at the beginning of 2012. This means that you will only be required to pay the NCEA fee in 2012 Some students have been logging into the NZQA website to check their entries and credits. This is good practice and is encouraged. They will need their NSN in order to log-in. This number was mailed to you as part of the information about NCEA fees. The information provided to NZQA is updated monthly. Some students have been logging in to the school’s new website This is another good way for students to check their entries and credit summary. We will also be providing regular credit summary printouts for each student in Years 11 to 13 in Week 2 and Week 8 of each term. Students are congratulated for following our policies and procedures regarding application for extensions and for planned absence. They have been very responsible in this respect and thank you for your support in this matter. Useful Websites: – if you have not already visited this site please ensure that you do. It has a lot of information about NCEA and your daughter should be visiting regularly to ensure her grades are recorded accurately. - find out all you need to know about the NZ curriculum find out all about National Standards if your daughter is in Year 7 or 8. Reports 2011: Teachers are currently working on formal written reports for all students. These formal reports will be sent home at the end of the term. Teacher’s comments should be read very carefully as they will provide timely and useful information that will help your daughter to progress further with her learning. Please contact the school at any time if you have any questions or concerns about your daughter’s progress. Feel free to contact me at the school or via e-mail: and I will ensure that the right person responds to your query. Year 11 Art work by Renee Landers P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 3 School News BOARDS TALK At Sacred Heart Girls’ College there are three bodies whose role is the welfare of our College and its students these are the Principal and two Boards: the Board of Trustees & the Mission College New Plymouth Trust Board. You are probably aware that schools are governed by a Board of Trustees ( BOT). The Board comprises the Principal, a staff representative, a student representative, and 5 elected parent representatives. In addition on the BOT at Sacred Heart we have 3 representatives of the Proprietors. Who are the Proprietors? The proprietors are the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions - this Catholic order of Sisters founded our school in 1884. For over 100 years the Sisters owned, managed & taught at the school. As there are now no longer any Sisters involved in managing or teaching at the school, a Board was formed to continue the work of the Sisters. The Mission College New Plymouth Trust Board ( Proprietors Board ) act on behalf of the Congregation who are the owners and as such are responsible for the provision of buildings. Elizabeth House, the boarding Hostel, have its own governance structure but also reports to and is responsible to the Proprietor's Board. The Proprietors Board is made up of 3 Order appointees, 2 Bishop's appointees, 1 Old Girls' representative, the Hostel Chair of the Management Board and the Hostel Manager, the BOT Chair and the Principal. It s not just about buildings however -the Proprietors Board key role is to ensure that the Catholic character is promoted, protected and preserved. Catholic character is also known as Special character - this is not an add-on to what would otherwise be a secular State school nor is it just about religious education, ceremonies, rituals & observances - e.g. Masses, Feast days etc . Catholic/Special character provides the framework within which the whole school curriculum is delivered; it is, in fact, integral to everything that takes place in the school, or on behalf of the school, and it's community. It also provides a climate of hope, inspiration and service for all members of the school community. The Mission Statement of our school is " Sacred Heart Girls' College provides excellence in education while embracing gospel values." External reviews of the Special Character are conducted every three years and this will occur at Sacred Heart in the ninth week of this term. Therese O'Connell Order Appointee on the Proprietor's Board Proprietor's Board representative on the BOT Social Sciences Department At Sacred Heart it is important to incorporate the Gospel Values in all areas of the curriculum. We are lucky in the Social Sciences Department, as our subjects easily allow us to teach them along side the New Zealand Curriculums values, into our units of work. The following are a couple of examples of how they are incorporated. In the Year 11 History Black Civil Rights Unit, the students have been looking at Social Injustice and the Gospel Values of Freedom and Courage. They have learnt how Martin Luther King Junior led a march in Birmingham, USA to try and change the unjust system of segregation. He and fellow protesters made the choice to carry out the march despite extreme opposition. In the Year 7 Anzac's Unit, one focus was on the Gospel Value of Celebration. Through a wide range of activities, students learnt how important it is to commemorate this significant event in New Zealand's history. We are over halfway through the year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the teachers in the Social Science Department for their hard work and commitment. As for the students, I will use the famous report line that most of you will be familiar with "You are a pleasure to teach." Isabel Moller P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 4 School News Gateway There are nearly 40 students enrolled in the Gateway programme in 2011. They are working in a number of various workplaces within the community and are gaining valuable experience in areas of interest to them. Many of the gateway students have gained paid part-time work in their areas of interest. A number of students are working towards gaining Equine credits which will be counted towards their Level 2 and 3 NCEA qualifications. Laura Fleming and Jamiee Richardson are involved at Riding for the Disabled where they help members of the community to ride and enjoy themselves. Kate Davis is also working in the Equine area where she is learning under the guidance of Bill Newton, breaking-in horses and developing her Western riding skills. She has also had the opportunity of travelling to the Equine Hospital at Massey University with a sick horse. Bianca van der Poel one of our Tourism students has recently completed work experience with Chaddy’s Charters. She had the chance to work with a group of Chilean exchange students and to go out to the islands with a Marine Biologist. Bianca also went on the Pilot boat to Oakura and on the return journey was allowed to drive the boat. She has also gained a radio Operators Certificate and now has the chance of gaining a Launch Masters Ticket. Hannah Yandle and Anita Murphy have successfully completed the first stage of the Hairdressing Industries training programme. They have completed their Gateway package and their credits will count towards both NCEA Level 2 and any future Hairdressing apprenticeship. Congratulations to Terrwyn Pryor, Eboni Manu and Jarhna Waters who have also gained credits in the Hairdressing Industry. At the start of the year 40 students took part in an excellent two day course run by ProMED. This covered aspects of safety in the workplace and was enjoyed by all. It was interactive and the girls had many challenges. Included in the course were the effects of drug abuse in the workplace and the dangers of using mobile phones while driving. P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 5 Andrew Murray — Deputy Principal Student Management “Nonetheless, we can but encourage each other in the endeavour of being neither too close so we suffocate, nor too far so we neglect “ I came across an article in Time magazine 3 years old. Nonetheless, we can but recently, which as an educator and parent encourage each other in the endeavour of interested me and I thought I would share it. It being neither too close so we suffocate, concerned “helicopter parenting” which nor too far so we neglect even at 3. Where describes those parents who are up in the air, do you fit in your relationship? constantly hovering about their children and affording them little independence. Principals Award The article suggested some parents are In our scheme that promotes a culture of content to use commercial helicopters, others learning by both honouring achievement use military gun-ships from which they rain and rewarding effort, we congratulate the down hostile ordinance and withering bursts of following who have received the Deputy destructive fire on any real or imagined threat Principal award in the “To last month. Emma catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or that might endanger their daughter. These Brown, Talitha van Lith, Ariana Kereopa, quote from the story here.” parents are so protective they will speak for Hazel Schofer, Kate Byrne, Teegan their daughter, they will act for their daughter, Chard, Rebecca Wormald, Emma they will think for their daughter. The result can Daniels, Sarah McKie, Harriet be a lack of resilience and a loss of identity. In Sherwood , Libby White, Jessica their love, these parents hurt their offspring. Woolley and Grace Greensill. It is great Conversations with their daughters are likely to to see so many of our students achieve in be reduced to a parental monologue that so many different areas. meets parental fear rather than their daughter’s needs. Uniform Then there are the parents that are all at sea. Uniform issues are common at this time of This condition describes those who the year with the cold and wet weather. We disappear to work each day. After months at require your support on the following: story can fit 100-150 words. the upon new procedures improvework, theThis parental mariner re-enters Shoes:or please NO CANVAS shoes as ments to the business. Sales daughter’s life to sort everything out. Months of these get wetfig-and are not appropriate The subject matter that appears in ures will show inactivitynewsletters are expiated by a frenzied of or earnings footwear forhow school. Also this year, ankle is virtually endless. round your business is growing. parent interviews, meetings, and catching up boots are starting to make an appearance You can include stories that focus on other on issues. – these are not regulation footwear. Our current technologies or innoSome newsletters include a colThen there are the parents who have their feet regulations are black polishable shoes. If vations in your field. umn that is updated every issue, on the ground. They are neither up in thefor instance, an you are in doubt, please feel free to contact advice column, a may also want to sufficiently note busi- engaged air nor allYou at sea. They are the school. book review, a letter from the or economic makeabsent, with theirness daughter’s life,trends, even or when Jackets: we do not have a regulation president, or an editorial. You can predictions for your customers or for for discourse to come without the need jacket and students are able to wear any also profile new employees or top clients. choreography. The daughter artificial social is jacket to school to keep warm and dry. customers or vendors. practicedIf in seeing her parents around and However, they are to be removed in class. the newsletter is distributed chatting with them verbally if present, or HOODIES are not jackets. internally, you might comment electronically if absent. Jerseys: please NAME them. There is a These are the parents who prefer to commune mountain of jerseys that lay unclaimed as at the dining table rather than in front of they are unnamed. the television. These are the parents who Uniform is available from Campus Clothing habitually share their feelings and ideas with located on Gill Street – they stock all of our their daughter and have a reasonable uniform requirements. They have a website expectation that their daughter will reciprocate. which details all of their contact details: These are the parents who ask how the day There is a small supply of second hand has been with sufficient interest to show that uniform, please contact the school office if the enquiry is genuine. you wish to take advantage of any of our I have not always found it easy to have my feet second hand uniform. If you wish to on the ground. At times I have been up donate second hand uniform please bring it in the air or all at sea. I have one piece of to the school office – all donations are undeniable evidence to support this gratefully accepted. confession, she is called Charlotte, and she is P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 6 Sports Taranaki Netball Representative Players 2011 Taranaki U19 Taranaki U17 Grace Kelly Rebecca Major Taranaki U17 Development Alex Reid Eloise Stevens Siobhan Pope Taranaki U15 Mairangi Tamati-King Taranaki U15 Development Mechaela Major Taranaki Yr 7 Madeline Wells Grace Major Gracen Walsh Taranaki Yr 7 Development Cora van den Bos Britney Witehira Lakein Cottam GOLF A great day was had by all at the Ambrose Golf Tournament at Eltham Golf course on Friday 17 June. Nine holes were played and the girls were greeted with a frosty tee off at 9.30am. Alice Hales Jaime Livingstone Shantelle Bromley played 18 holes in a golf tournament at the Stratford Golf Course on Friday 17 June. Rheanne Walker P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 7 Sports Adventure Racer Nathan Fa’avae Sports Ambassadors Mechaela Major, Nicole Alexander, Mairangi Tamati-King and Courtney Keech attended the Sports Seminar held at Waitara High on Tuesday 31st May where Bevan Martin was the guest speaker. Elle Fairgray and Hannah Trevis attended the Sports Seminar held at Spotswood College on Tuesday 14 June where Nathan Fa’avae was the guest speaker. Softball Bevan Martin Congratulations to: Annika Roodbeen who has been selected for the U15 Taranaki Hockey Team. Emily Duffy who has been selected for the U15 Taranaki Basketball Team. NZ Cross Country Championships Saturday 18 June 2011 Ashburton We had a fantastic trip south. The girls performed outstandingly both as competitors and as ambassadors of the school. The Year 9 six person team of Libby Antunovic, Emma Daniels, Katja Ehler, Natasha Potroz, Michaela Spurdle and Peta van Hattum, gained a silver medal. This was a brilliant result and very exciting for not only these six girls but for the whole team. In the senior race - (under 19s) Jess Leary also did extremely well - being placed 24th out of 173 competitors. The remaining six girls who competed also put in 100% effort. Overall I believe we had a very enjoyable and successful trip. Thank you to Judy van Hattum and Donna Potroz for assisting and making my job so much easier and less stressful. Jo Leary P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 8 Sports MISSION CUP N E T B A L L The wonderful PTFA busy at work in the kitchen preparing food for the Mission Cup. On the 4th of June six Mission schools travelled from all over New Zealand to attend the annual Mission Cup, held this year at our school in New Plymouth. All girls, coaches and managers stayed at the Elizabeth House boarding hostel and games were played in our Event Centre. The Mission Cup is a prestigious competitive netball tournament between the Mission schools in New Zealand. These schools were all founded by the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions and include Sacred Heart Hamilton, Lower Hutt, Napier and New Plymouth as well as St Josephs Maori Girls’ College and Catholic Cathedral College from Christchurch. Teams arrived late Friday afternoon and after a powhiri and meal many teams had an early night. Games began on Saturday at 8am and our team was focused and ready to go. The first game was hard fought by a well drilled Lower Hutt team who pushed us for the entire four quarters. Our girls proved too tough and we managed to win by 3 goals. After evaluating a somewhat poor performance from our school side in the morning game our girls made a comeback by having two reasonably large wins against Cathedral and St Josephs on the Saturday afternoon. All schools attended a Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians where each participant received a badge in recognition of participating in the tournament. A lovely dinner was provided by the hostel to end the Saturday events. Many tired bodies awoke on Sunday for the last day of competition with two rounds still to come. Our first game was against Napier, which we won. This was a well fought match and showed our the higher level of play that was needed to win the tournament. Following this game was the big one against Hamilton, considered as the ‘final’. We knew it was a must win game. With pressure to retain the Cup and win at home, we knew what we had to do. A solid team defence and short sharp attacking play proved to be too good for Hamilton. A much anticipated tight clash was not reflected in the score margin as we marched ahead to win by 22. This was a well organised event with a great final result for our school’s Senior A Netball team who retained the Mission Cup. Many friendships were made and immense skill was shown on the netball court by all. I would like to take this opportunity to thank firstly Ms Tamati for her great organisation; the weekend would not have run as smoothly without her, the schools’ PTFA for providing the competitors with delicious food during the day and the Elizabeth House staff for hosting and catering all the girls involved in this tournament. Lastly thank you to all the supporters that came to cheer us on throughout the weekend, your voices make a huge difference. Well done girls you all played outstanding and this shows that all our hard training does pay off! Rebecca Major – Captain Senior A Netball P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 9 School News Music The Music Department has been a particularly busy place this term with a variety of events and activities involving our students, along with visiting performers entertaining us. It is great to see so many students involved in such a wide range of activities. NZ Music Month May is, of course, NZ Music Month. Competitions were available every week for the girls to enter, testing their knowledge of the local music scene. A New Zealand wide initiative to coincide with Music Month was “The Big Busk”, where schools were invited to busk to raise money for Child Cancer. We had some enthusiastic performers singing their way around the school, and the proceeds (along with profit from the recent Talent Quest) are being sent to this worthy cause. To end the month we had a special assembly at which Stephanie Piquette, a local singer / songwriter, performed some of her own songs. This was particularly inspiring to many of our own budding artists. Taranaki Youth Orchestra Chamber Music Competition This is an annual event involving students from all over NZ competing in Regional competitions, with the possibility of being invited to the National Final. Sacred Heart was represented by a string trio; Arianna McCaul and Georgia Irvine on violin, with Kathleen Chow on piano. They had worked hard for this competition under the tuition of Norine Dixon, our String Tutor. They performed well and can be very proud of themselves, representing our school admirably. Well done girls! Eight Sacred Heart Girls are members of the Youth Orchestra which recently performed in the Theatre Royal. It was a sold out event as the conductor, Harry Brown, was retiring from the orchestra. Congratulations to Ashleigh Fromont, Arianna McCaul, Bhadra Rajendren, Hogan McKee, Georgia Irvine, Kathleen Chow, Sofie Van den Tillart and Laura George. P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 0 School News Music drummers in Auckland bands, but obviously really enjoy the On Wednesday 8 June opportunity of being in a the school was privileged to have this amazing group percussion-only band. It was an amazing performance performing for us. They started the afternoon with a that used a wide range of instruments and workshop for 18 keen styles. Audience drummers who learnt a participation added to variety of skills and tricks. the performance as we Then the whole school came to the Events Centre watched Mrs Blanks and Mr Howarth to see their energetic displaying their own performance. The three drumming skills, and a drummers, based in Auckland, travel around NZ group of students playing at various schools playing the log drums! and events. They are each “STRIKE!” Percussion th “Kids Sing!” This is an event held in conjunction with the NZ Choral Federation’s Big Sing competition, for primary and intermediate aged choirs. Each choir presents a 10 minute programme of 3 songs, and are judged from their entry on to the stage until they exit the stage. The Trebles looked immaculate in their uniforms, and were very excited as they warmed up for their time on the stage. They moved to the stage very professionally and confidently sang their bracket of Strike! Percussion songs. They were accompanied on the piano by Miss Hayley Kim, a great find for the Music department! The girls were thrilled to receive the award for “Most Entertaining Performance,” – well-deserved! They are now looking forward to their next engagement on Sunday 3rd July, singing as guests of The City Sounds choir at the Devon Hotel. Coming Up: The SHGC Concert Band, under the direction of Stewart Maunder, has combined with FDMC this year. As a combined band, “Fusion”, they are sounding great! They will be participating in the NZ Concert Band National competition on the 8th and 9th of July, here in New Plymouth. As a warm up to this event they will be playing on Sunday 3rd July at St Andrews Church. This concert involves several bands and starts at 2pm. They will also be travelling to Hamilton, along with our Jazz Band, on Friday August 5th to participate in a competition there. 10D class work 10D students have designed mobiles (using sticks) that represent a time of survival or conflict in their lives. By Sharlene King By Stephanie Murphy-Provis P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 1 School News Cultural Week June 13—17 was Culture Week at Sacred Heart Girls’ College this year. The week started with the joint Sacred Heart and Francis Douglas talent quest. A large variety of different acts competed forming an extremely impressive showcase of the talent from both schools. While all the acts were impressive and entertaining, a few exceptional groups came out with a prize. The event raised a large amount for the Canteen Charity and was an overall success. A massive thanks to our fantastic judges, Lois Finderup, Andrew Trolove and Raewyn Daurua. 1st Place The Sister Sledge (Alex , Abbey and Bailey Mullin) Runner-up The Dance Trio (Eloise Mori-Watson, Janelle Javier and Nicole Alexander) Most Entertaining Me Llamo Esteban (Sam Thompson, Lauren Nottingham, Daniel Phipps, Jake Church and Calbe Birbich) Audience Appeal Maria Mosquera On the Tuesday at lunchtime Bollywood dancing lessons were offered by last years talent quest winners Priyaanka Khatri, Presshini Lawerance and Valentine Fernandes for any interested girls. There was a great turn out and we all learnt some great lessons on cultural dance. Thank you to Alex Mullin for her contribution. The next successful event was the Cultural Lunch. With help from the Prefects and a very knowledgeable Mrs Chaudhari, we managed to cook a delicious meal for 300 girls and teachers. The meal consisted of butter chicken, sushi, baked potatoes and Russian fudge. Overall the week was a huge success, but wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many people. Firstly we would like to thank Pak n Save for their huge donation of food for the Cultural Lunch. This was an amazing contribution to our school. Thank you also to Mrs Chaudhari and the Prefects who were in the kitchen all day cooking and cleaning. We would also like to thank Jarrod Bakker, George Grainger and Tane Butler for the joint effort of the talent quest. Throughout the week we all had a great time and this was made possible by the support of the wider school community. Thanks everyone for a great week! Cultural Leaders Renee Cadenhead and Susannah Apps Thank you to Pak N Save New Plymouth for supplies donated for the Cultural Lunch P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 2 School News Year 7 Camp On Tuesday May 24th our Year 7 students headed to Lake Taupo Christian Camp for a four day adventure away from home and school. Activities included a visit to the Volcanic Activity Centre to find out about the geology of the area, a visit to the Honey Hive to find out about the life of a honey bee and a scenic cruise on Lake Taupo. The wet weather did not put too much of a dampener on the activities back at camp. These included high and low ropes, a Burma trail and team building activities. Some of the evenings were spent in the fabulous hot pools in the area. The drama performances were a highlight on the second night – thanks to Miss Hunneyball. It was also great to have a brilliant group of parents at camp. Their energy, enthusiasm and willingness to get involved in everything was really appreciated. Thanks also to Bruce and Lorraine from ABC Tours - the best bus drivers we could ask for. The girls had a fantastic experience and returned with many life long memories. P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 3 School News Science Three of our Year 13 students recently attended the New Zealand Oil and Gas Conference held in New Plymouth. Students with an interest in a career in the industry were invited to attend a day long student workshop organised by the Petroleum Skills Association. The highlights of the day were the spaghetti and marshmallow platform building competition, the Methanex site tour and a number of wonderful speakers who gave the girls an insight into their careers in the industry. All three of the girls left the day with a spring in their step and a greater awareness of the opportunities available in the Oil and Gas industry. Bridie Poppelwell, Ashleigh Fromont and Emma Crowe with their “not so structurally sound” spaghetti and marshmallow platform. Jeremy Taylor HOF Science Year 7 Art For our topic in Art we wove together magazines in the shape of a bag. We then stapled a plastic bag to the outside of the hand bag. After crunching it up and folding it inside-out, we put a plastic bag over it to make it water proof. Then we stapled string to the outside and it turned out like this ... By Taila Hurley and Aleisha Sadler Canteen Update The school policy for Canteen Guidelines has recently been reviewed, the Student Council has carried out a survey, and changes are on the way. As per policy, the canteen will be offering “food choices that promote a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet”. Chocolate bars and other lollies will no longer be sold. P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 4 School News Airbands On the night of Tuesday May 31st, the Sacred Heart Girls’ College Student Council, along with Mr Moodley and Mr Murphy, organised and hosted a lip synching Airband Competition with Francis Douglas Memorial College. The night was a big success as students, friends and families fundraised over $1700 for the Christchurch relief fund. First place: Second place: Third place: “The Dolls” SHGC “Nowhere Man” FDMC “9Glee” SHGC Airbands was an entertaining night that will hopefully become a yearly tradition for both schools. These were held on Friday 17 June and the results are as follows: House Dramas Chanel House Drama 1st Place Chanel 2nd Place Lourdes 3rd Place Vianney 4th Place Barbier P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 5 School News Sacred Heart Girls’ College 9 Pukaka Street Fitzroy New Plymouth 23 June 2011 Dear Parents/ Caregivers The Magazine Committee for 2011 is offering advertising space in our annual school magazine. The options are listed below: Size: Footer Colour: Black and White Price: $50 ‘Acknowledgement of Sponsors’ Page(3.5cm X 5.5cm) Full Colour $120 Your family or business may sponsor a page, which will appear as a footer showing your family name or business. You may indicate a page preference and we will do our best to meet your request. To sponsor a page, please contact the school office or Anne McSweeney ( We would really appreciate your sponsorship as this is one way of reducing production costs. Thank you The Magazine Committee Emelia French, Caitlin Finnerty, Kiana Burkett Example of Sponsor’s Advert: Advertise here! Example of Footer: This page is kindly sponsored by the Burkett family P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • P A G E 1 6 Advertising Roadsafe Taranaki is partnering with The Edge Radio Station to modify or “Revamp” a car to give away to one lucky person in September 2011. The Edge is running a competition on line asking the community to vote on what they want to see on the “modified” car and local businesses are helping create a “Revamped” car that is legally modified, roadworthy and safe. Check out the competition on facebook (Roadsafe Taranaki Ride Revamp) or go to The Edge website to see how to enter the competition to go in the draw to win the car.