Fall 2010 - North Park University
Fall 2010 - North Park University
LATIN AMERICAN INITIATIVES AT NORTH PARK UNIVERSITY Fall/Otoño 2010 Vol. 13, Núm. 2 Hispanic Heritage Month 2010 “Flamenco Passion” by Ensemble Español (Flamenco Dance Theater) 8:00 pm LHA September 30th, 2010 “Menudo Monologues” a solo play performed by Comedy Central star Jade Esteban Estrada 7:00 pm Anderson Chapel October 7th, 2010 El Mes de la Herencia Hispana Hispanic Heritage Month The United States Government has approved to celebrate annually the Hispanic Heritage Month from 15 of September till 15 of October. The purpose is to praise the culture and the advances in all levels of Latino population, which can be calculated to be more than 35 million. The majority of the government and private institutions organize an event, big or small, with understanding of their resources or interests, just with the motive to celebrate this event nationally. The Day of la Raza is the 12th of October, some call it “Columbus Day”. We are not celebrating the “discovery of América” but rather the contact and mixing of the Indigenous cultures of América with the cultures of Europe. This contact and mixing has produced violent confrontations and destruction. Some populations were completely eliminated by aggression and disease brought by the Europeans. One example can be found with the Taíno Indians of Puerto Rico. Today the only remains are some customs and words incorporated into both English and Spanish, for example “huracán”, “barbacoa”, “hamaca”, “tabaco”, “papaya”, or “hurricane”, “barbeque”, “hammock”, “tobacco”, “papaya”, etc. Despite this history with its ups and downs, today we celebrate a rich culture in customs and values. The Latino Race with its rich diversity and variety has been called the “cosmic race” that is to say “all inclusive”. Join with us in the enjoyment of sharing, food and music. Por decreto gubernamental, en los Estados Unidos se celebra anualmente el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, con el propósito de enaltecer la cultura y los avances en todos los niveles de la población latina, la que algunos calculan en más de 35 millones de habitantes. La mayoría de instituciones gubernamentales y privadas, organiza un evento, grande o pequeño, de acuerdo con sus recursos o interés, con motivo de esta importante celebración nacional. El Día de Raza es el 12 de octubre. No celebremos el “descubrimiento de América” sino el contacto y la mezcla de las culturas indígenas de América con las culturas europeas. Este contacto y mezcla produjo enfrentamientos violentos y destrozos. Algunas poblaciones han sido eliminadas completamente por la agresión y las enfermedades traídas por los europeos. Un ejemplo es de los taínos de Puerto Rico. Hoy en día lo único que resta de esa población son unas costumbres y unos vocablos incorporados al inglés y español como por ejemplo “huracán”, “barbacoa”, “hamaca”, “tabaco”, “papaya”, etc. A pesar de esta historia con sus altibajos, hoy en día celebramos una cultura godeña en costumbres y valores. La raza latina con su riqueza tan diversa y variada ha sido llamada “la raza cósmica” quiere decir “incluye todo”. Disfruten con nosotros estos días de compartir, comida y música. ¡Que viva la raza! ¡Que viva! The Latin American Initiatives, The Latin American Student Organization LASO and The Office of Diversity and Intercultural Studies at North Park University present: 9/12 (Sunday) Mexican Independence Day Parade 9/13 (Monday) Hispanic Heritage Month Kick Off/Collaboratory Picnic – food, piñata and music (The Hump 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm) 9/20 (Monday) Comida Latina 1 (Puerto Rican and Cuban Cuisine in ARA, 5 pm) 9/21 (Tuesday) Presentation by Ambassador Manuel Rodrígues Arriaga of the Mexican Consulate on the politics of Mexico (C-13 11:45 am) 9/24 (Friday) Fiesta Latina – dance lessons 7-9 (salsa, meringue, bachata), dance 9-12 with a special performance from the LASO Dance Team (Hamming Hall) 9/27 (Monday) Comida Latina 2 (Argentinean and Uruguayan Cuisine in ARA, 5 pm) 9/30 (Thursday) Ensemble Español (Flamenco Dance Theater) 8:00 pm LHA 10/4 (Monday) Comida Latina 3 (Colombian and Venezuelan Cuisine in ARA, 5 pm) * Presentation by Frutuoso Santana of the Brazilian Consulate on the upcoming presidential elections (the Collaboratory, Caroline Hall 11:45 am) * “Menudo Monologues” a solo play performed by Comedy Central star Jade Esteban Estrada (7:00 pm Anderson Chapel) 10/7 (Thursday) 10/11 (Monday) Comida Latina 4 (Peruvian and Ecuadorian Cuisine in ARA, 5 pm) 10/13 (Wednesday) Latino Chapel 10/19 (Tuesday) Presentation from the Chilean Consulate on the 2010 earthquake and the election of a new president (the Collaboratory, Caroline Hall 11:45 am) For more information contact Dr. Lorenzo Florián at the Latin American Studies Department: Phone: (773) 244.57.42 or e-mail: lflorian@northpark.edu Food, Love, and Getting Hit with the Chancla Synopsis: “The Menudo Monologues” holds a hand mirror to the audience in the form of a seven modern lives bound together by fajitas and Facebook, respect for God, Mexican culture and their iPhone. They all have two burning questions on the comal - "Where does life at abuelita’s house end and the world of Obama’s America begin?" and "Am I Latino enough?" Meet Chocha, a city councilwoman, Chepe, a grocery store bagger, Jeanette, a Sprint store manager, Raul, an affluent student from Mexico City, Sandra, full-time student/part-time stripper, Chandler, a Jehovah’s Wittness and Mrs. Rodriguez, a Catholic mother as they make being Latino make sense to them with just one click. Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine calls Jade Esteban Estrada (Comedy Central, Bravo TV) st “one of the finest solo theatre artists of the 21 century.” “Menudo Monologues” a solo play performed by Comedy Central star Jade Esteban Estrada Thursday, October 7th, 2010 (7:00 pm Anderson Chapel) NPU Students – Free, General Admission - $10 North Park University 3225 West Foster Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625 For more information contact Dr. Lorenzo Florián at: (773) 244.57.42 or lflorian@northpark.edu Pasión Flamenca ENSEMBLE ESPAÑOL SPANISH DANCE THEATER A program of Spanish music, song and dance presenting classical, traditional folkloric and fiery Flamenco dances all accompanied by live classical and Flamenco musicians with extraordinary costumes, multimedia effects and stage settings. The Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater, under the artistic leadership of founder Dame Libby Komaiko, is the premier Spanish dance company in the United States to have inresidence status at a university, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago. The Ensemble is chartered to share the rich traditions of the dance, music, literature, and culture of Spain in the classical, folkloric and Flamenco styles, with all our communities, and to be a center which encourages new artistic creativity within the framework of the Ibero-Hispanic experience. Thursday, September 30th 2010, 7:30 pm (Anderson Chapel) North Park University, 3225 West Foster Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625 Tickets: NPU Students free with ID, NPU Staff/Faculty $10, General Public $15 For more information contact Dr. Lorenzo Florián at: Phone: (773) 244.57.42 or e-mail: lflorian@northpark.edu Mexican Independence Day Parade 200 Years of Independence / 200 Años de Independencia September 12th, 2010 NPU students enjoyed the largest Mexican Independence Parade in the United States Multicultural Welcome Picnic / Hispanic Heritage Month Kick Off September 13th, 2010 Food and music representing countries from around the world. CALL FOR STUDENT PAPERS (2010-2011) The Collaboratory for Urban and Intercultural Learning invites student papers that deal with culture (such as cultural products, forms, behaviors, institutions, traditions, semiotics, etc) in relation to various political, economic, historical, social, or religious issues and conditions. Papers may be empirical, theoretical, or interdisciplinary in their approach. (Students are advised that the research paper should be a new project.) Those wishing to present a paper should send their proposals of no more than 250 words to Prof. Ilsup Ahn (iahn@northpark.edu) by October 5th. Three proposals will be selected and notified to the students by October 20th. Students whose proposals are selected will receive $500.00 for supporting their research, and closely work with Prof. Ilsup Ahn during the academic year. There will be also a public presentation of the completed papers in April 2011. Students of ethnic or cultural minorities are strongly encouraged to present their papers. Please submit via e-mail a 250 word proposal including your name, major, email, and the name of a supporting faculty. For more information, please contact Prof. Ilsup Ahn. Department of Philosophy Caroline Hall, 3rd floor. 773-244-5517 iahn@northpark.edu LATAMIN http://campus.northpark.edu/centers/latino/ The Latin American Initiatives as part of the Urban and Multicultural Collaboratory at North Park University educates and promotes the richness of the Latino peoples and cultures enabling an understanding between all communities. Our basic values include: 1. Educate others on Latino Cultures 2. Support Latino Students on the college path to success 3. Reduce prejudices and understanding and promote camaraderie between Latinos and the campus community 4. Grow spiritually as we share our common ground in Christ Uphold Latino values in a non-Latino society The LATAMIN accomplishes these goals by bringing to campus performers, artists, and exhibitions that demonstrate the richness and variety of U.S. Latina/o culture, through curriculum development, and the sponsoring of lectures, colloquia, and conferences on special topics in Latino studies. LAI Staff: Dr. Lorenzo Florián - Faculty Fellow, Latin American Initiatives at North Park University Collaboratory: Email: lflorian@northpark.edu Marcus Simmons - Coordinator of Student Engagement Email: msimmons@northpark.edu Latin American Cultural Initiatives North Park University 3225 W. Foster Ave. Chicago, IL 60625-4895 773-244-5742 ________________________
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