Table of contents - Slovenske železnice
Table of contents - Slovenske železnice
Slovenske železnice – Infrastruktura, d.o.o. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 Valid from 13th December 2015 to 10th December 2016 Version 2.0 from 27.11.2015 T AB L E O F C ON TE N TS THE TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE NETWORK STATEMENT .......................................... 2 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 5 1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 LEGAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................ 5 1.4 LEGAL STATUS ................................................................................................................ 6 1.4.1 GENERAL REMARKS .................................................................................................... 6 1.4.2 LIABILITY .................................................................................................................... 6 1.4.3 APPEALS PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 7 1.5 STRUCTURE OF THE NETWORK STATEMENT...................................................................... 7 1.6 VALIDITY AND UPDATING PROCESS .................................................................................. 7 1.6.1 VALIDITY PERIOD ........................................................................................................ 7 1.6.2 UPDATING PROCESS ................................................................................................... 7 1.7 PUBLISHING .................................................................................................................... 7 1.8 CONTACTS...................................................................................................................... 8 1.9 RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDORS ............................................................................................... 9 1.9.1 RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDOR BALTIC – ADRIATIC .............................................................. 12 1.9.2 RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDOR MEDITERRANEAN ................................................................ 12 1.10 RAILNETEUROPE – INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGERS ................................................................................................................. 13 1.10.1 ONE EUROPE – ONE SERVICE ................................................................................. 14 1.10.2 RNE TOOLS ........................................................................................................... 14 2. ACCESS CONDITIONS ................................................................................................ 16 2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 16 2.2 GENERAL ACCESS REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 16 2.2.1 REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY FOR A TRAIN PATH ............................................................ 16 2.2.2 W HO IS ALLOWED TO PERFORM TRAIN OPERATIONS ON THE PRI ................................ 16 2.2.3 LICENCES................................................................................................................. 17 2.2.4 SAFETY CERTIFICATE................................................................................................ 17 2.2.5 COVER OF LIABILITIES ............................................................................................... 17 2.3 GENERAL BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL CONDITIONS ............................................................. 18 2.3.1 FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT ........................................................................................ 18 2.3.2 ACCESS CONTRACT .................................................................................................. 18 2.4 OPERATIONAL RULES .................................................................................................... 18 2.5 EXCEPTIONAL TRANSPORT ............................................................................................ 19 2.6 DANGEROUS GOODS ..................................................................................................... 19 2.7 ROLLING STOCK ACCEPTANCE PROCESS GUIDELINES..................................................... 19 2.8 STAFF ACCEPTANCE PROCESS ...................................................................................... 19 3. INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... 20 3.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 20 3.2 EXTENT OF NETWORK ................................................................................................... 20 3.2.1 DEFINITION OF THE PRI ............................................................................................ 20 3.2.2 SLOVENIAN PRI NETWORK ........................................................................................ 20 3.2.3 CONNECTED RAILWAY NETWORKS ............................................................................ 22 3.2.4 FURTHER INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 22 3.3 NETWORK DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 23 3.3.1 GEOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................... 23 TRACK TYPOLOGIES .............................................................................................. 23 TRACK GAUGES ..................................................................................................... 24 STATIONS AND NODES ............................................................................................ 24 3.3.2 TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................... 27 NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 1 T AB L E O F C ON TE N TS LAUDING GAUGE.................................................................................................... 27 W EIGHT LIMITS ...................................................................................................... 27 LINE GRADIENTS AND GRADIENT FORCES ............................................................... 28 MAXIMUM LINE SPEEDS ......................................................................................... 29 MAXIMUM TRAIN LENGTHS ..................................................................................... 29 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................. 30 3.3.3 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ................................................... 31 SIGNALING SYSTEMS ............................................................................................. 31 TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS ................................................................................. 32 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................... 33 RADIO DISPATCH CONNECTIONS ............................................................................ 34 3.4 TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS................................................................................................. 35 3.4.1 SPECIALIZED INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................. 35 3.4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................... 35 3.4.3 DANGEROUS GOODS ................................................................................................ 36 3.4.4 TUNNEL RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................. 36 3.4.5 BRIDGE RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................. 36 3.5 AVAILABILITY OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................... 36 3.6 SERVICE FACILITIES ...................................................................................................... 37 3.6.1 PASSENGER STATIONS ............................................................................................. 37 3.6.2 FREIGHT TERMINALS................................................................................................. 39 3.6.3 FREIGHT STATIONS, MARSHALLING YARDS AND TRAIN FORMATION FACILITIES ............. 39 3.6.4 SIDING TRACKS ........................................................................................................ 40 3.6.5 MAINTENANCE AND VEHICLE SERVICE FACILITIES ....................................................... 40 3.6.6 OTHER TECHNICAL FACILITIES................................................................................... 40 3.6.7 REFUELING FACILITIES .............................................................................................. 40 3.7 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................. 41 4. CAPACITY ALLOCATION ........................................................................................... 43 4.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 43 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS ..................................................................................... 43 4.2.1 TRAIN PATH ORDER .................................................................................................. 43 4.2.2 TRAIN PATH CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................................... 45 4.2.3 RESERVATION OF A CONSTRUCTED TRAIN PATH......................................................... 46 4.3 SCHEDULE FOR THE ALLOCATION PROCESS ................................................................... 46 4.3.1 SCHEDULE FOR THE ALLOCATION PROCESSES FOR A NEW TIMETABLE PERIOD ........... 46 4.3.2 SCHEDULE FOR THE ALLOCATION PROCESSES FOR AD HOC TRAIN PATHS................... 47 4.4 TRAIN PATH ALLOCATION .............................................................................................. 48 4.4.1 COORDINATION PROCESS ......................................................................................... 48 4.4.2 FAST-TRACK PROCEDURE FOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................. 49 4.4.3 CONGESTED INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................. 49 4.4.4 IMPACT OF FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS ...................................................................... 50 4.4.5 CHANGES, COMPLETIONS, W ITHDRAWAL AND CANCELLATIONS OF TRAIN PATH ........... 50 4.5 ALLOCATION OF CAPACITY FOR MAINTENANCE, RENEWAL AND ENHANCEMENT................. 51 4.6 NON-USAGE / CANCELLATION RULES .............................................................................. 51 4.7 EXCEPTIONAL TRANSPORT AND DANGEROUS GOODS ..................................................... 52 4.7.1 EXCEPTIONAL TRANSPORT ........................................................................................ 52 4.7.2 TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS ........................................................................ 53 4.8 SPECIAL MEASURES TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT OF DISTURBANCE .................................. 53 4.8.1 PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................................. 53 4.8.2 OPERATIONAL REGULATION ...................................................................................... 53 4.8.3 FORESEEN PROBLEMS .............................................................................................. 53 NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 2 T AB L E O F C ON TE N TS 4.8.4 UNFORESEEN PROBLEMS.......................................................................................... 54 5. SERVICES .................................................................................................................... 55 5.1 LEGAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................... 55 5.2 MINIMUM ACCESS PACKAGE .......................................................................................... 55 5.3 TRACK ACCESS TO SERVICE FACILITIES AND SUPPLY OF SERVICES ................................. 55 5.3.1 AVAILABLE SERVICE FACILITIES .................................................................................. 55 PASSENGER STATIONS AND HALTS ......................................................................... 56 FREIGHT TERMINALS .............................................................................................. 56 MARSHALLING YARDS AND TRAIN FORMATION FACILITIES ........................................ 56 SIDING TRACKS...................................................................................................... 57 MAINTENANCE AND VEHICLE SERVICE FACILITIES .................................................... 57 OTHER TECHNICAL FACILITIES ................................................................................ 57 REFUELLING FACILITIES ......................................................................................... 58 5.3.2 SUPPLY OF SERVICES ................................................................................................. 58 SHUNTING ............................................................................................................. 58 SETTING UP A SHUNTING ROUTES .......................................................................... 58 USE OF THE LOADING GAUGE ................................................................................. 59 USE OFSTABLE COMPRESSOR TO TEST THE BRAKES ............................................... 59 5.4 ADDITIONAL SERVICES .................................................................................................. 59 5.4.1 USE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLY EQUIPMENT FOR TRACTION CURRENT ............................ 59 5.4.2 STABLE DEVICES FOR PREHEATING OF PASSENGER W AGONS .................................... 60 5.4.3 CONTROL OF TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS AND ASSISTANCE IN RUNNING EXCEPTIONAL TRANSPORT ........................................................................................ 60 5.5 ANCILLARY SERVICES.................................................................................................... 60 6. CHARGES .................................................................................................................... 61 6.1 LEGAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................... 61 6.1.1 CONTRACT ON PRI USAGE CHARGE PAYMENT ........................................................... 61 6.2 CHARGING PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................. 61 6.2.1 MINIMUM ACCESS PACKAGE...................................................................................... 61 6.2.2 CHARGING SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 61 6.2.3 THE FORMULA FOR USAGE CHARGE CALCULATION..................................................... 61 6.2.4 VALUES OF ELEMENTS IN THE FORMULA .................................................................... 62 W EIGHTINGS OF THE LINE ...................................................................................... 62 FACTOR OF POWER CARS’ CLASSIFICATION (FVV) .................................................... 63 SUPPLEMENTS AND DEDUCTIONS IN REGARD TO THE TRANSPORT TYPE (CVP)............. 64 6.3 TARIFFS ....................................................................................................................... 65 6.3.1 COST PER TRAIN KILOMETRE .................................................................................... 65 6.3.2 TARIFFS FOR TRACK ACCESS TO SERVICES FACILITIES ............................................... 65 6.3.3 TARIFFS FOR ADDITIONAL AND ANCILLARY SERVICES.................................................. 65 6.3.4 EXTERNAL COSTS .................................................................................................... 65 6.4. FINANCIAL FEES AND INCENTIVES .................................................................................. 65 6.4.1 FEES FOR NON-USE OF TRAIN PATHS.......................................................................... 65 6.4.2 LATE CANCELLATION FEES......................................................................................... 65 6.5 PERFORMANCE REGIME ................................................................................................ 66 6.6 EXCEPTION TO USAGE CHARGES ................................................................................... 67 ANNEXES............................................................................................................................... 68 NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 3 G LOSS AR Y T HE TE RM S AN D AB B R EVI ATI O NS USED I N THE NE TW OR K S T ATEM E NT Access to the PRI the right to use the Public Railway Infrastructure under defined conditions. Ad/hoc train path a capacity allocated for individual train run, available as spare capacity. Agency The Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport is the competent body for capacity allocation, as well as determination and charging usage fees and preparing, accepting, publishing and control of performing of the Network timetable. Allocation is train path allocation that the Agency allocates to an Applicant. is an Undertaking or any other legal entity that, due to public (country, local community, public service provider) or commercial interests (freight Applicant undertakings, shippers and undertakings in the combined transport), needs a train path. is train path or train paths, that in the Network timetable are available to Available train path Agency for train path allocation a document listing free and informative train paths that are available for Available train path the applicants in train path allocation process to the valid network catalogue timetable. is the charge for the minimum service package provided by the PRI Basic charge Manager. price paid by an undertaking for using PRI. The charge is intending to Charge cover PRI maintenance. is the process by which total access costs are calculated for allocated, Charging used or late cancelled train paths. is a section or a part of infrastructure for which the demand for train Congested paths or capacity cannot be fully satisfied during certain periods, even infrastructure after coordination of the different requests for capacity. is a process, where the Agency, the Applicants and the PRI Manager try Coordination to settle the disputes arisen from conflicting requests for train paths. the transfer with the railroad vehicles which alone or together with the Exceptional cargo exceed permitted loading gauge, maximum loading weight, transport prescribed codes for rail lines or permitted axle load or load per unit of length and is carried out as exceptional transport. defines the characteristics of infrastructure capacity to be allocated to an Framework applicant for one timetable period of the network. The Framework Agreement Agreement does not specify the train path in detail, but seeks to meet the legitimate commercial needs of the applicant. Informative train is coordinated, but not allocated train path, ordered by applicant. path Infrastructure The potential to schedule train paths requested for a part of the capacity infrastructure for a specified period. are legal bodies with the status of a legal entity according to the Legal entities legislation of the country where they are registered. is an official document, entitling the undertaking to use fully or partially Licence the rail infrastructure and rail transport services, which include ensuring of tractions or capacity to only ensure tractions. Network the entire infrastructure operated by the Manager. is the act of the Agency, which includes information on all scheduled Network Timetable movements of trains and track vehicles on the network for the period of its validity. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 2 G LOSS AR Y Offer train path Other concerned stakeholders Path catalogue Public Rail Infrastructure Public Railway Infrastructure Manager Railway Undertaking Regulatory body Specialized infrastructure Timetable Timetable period Train path Train path production Working timetable is free train path study, which is ordered by the Applicant, but not allocated to him (marked with the symbol "F" behind the number of the train) those entities, whose business or life are influenced by the transport undertaking services (for example, local communities, companies, etc.). a document listing train paths that are available for the applicants in the path allocation process to the new network timetable. is the Railway Infrastructure, owned by the Republic of Slovenia. is a legal entity responsible for maintenance of the PRI, traffic control and infrastructure management. is a Company whose main activity is providing or ensuring rail transport services. It holds a licence for providing those services and ensuring train traction. It can be a Company carrying out train traction and holding a licence for that service. is an authority responsible for enforcing the basic principles of the Railway Transport Act (ZZelP) and is competent for settling the appeals against individual acts of the Agency relating to the train path allocation, determining the charges and the issuing of licences and other tasks defined by the Act. is a section or a part of the Infrastructure preferentially intended for a special type of transport and is determined by the Manager in the Network Statement a schedule, defining all planned train movements, designed by an undertaking for particular timetable period, on the basis of the Network timetable. is time period for which the network timetable is made. is the transport infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two stations over a given time period. is train path production done by the Manager on the basis of the Applicant’s request for train path allocation. contains particular timetables for the Manager’s use for particular lines and all undertakings’ particular timetables for that lines. d.m. State border ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System ETCS European Train Control System IM Infrastructure Manager NVP Internet application for placing a train path order or path cancellation. OSS One Stop Shop PCS Path Coordination System – RNE web application for international path requests PRI Public Railway Infrastructure RFC Rail Freight Corridor according to the EU Regulation 913/2010 RID The regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail RNE RailNetEurope NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 3 G LOSS AR Y RS Republic of Slovenia RU Railway Undertaking TAF TSI Technical Specifications for Interoperability for Telematics Applications for Freight TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network UIC International Union of Railways ZVZelP Railway Traffic Safety Act (Official Journal of the RS, No. 56/13 - official consolidated text, 91/13, 82/15 and 84/15) ZZelP Railway Transport Act (Official Journal of the RS, No. 11/11 - official consolidated text, 63/13 and 84/15 – ZZelP-J) X The Working timetable enforcement date and beginning of new timetable period respectively NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 4 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N 1. 1.1 G E N E R AL I NFO RM AT I O N INTRODUCTION In the Republic of Slovenia the PRI Manager is the company Slovenske železnice – Infrastruktura, d.o.o. (Slovenian Railways – Infrastructure Ltd), which, in accordance to the provisions of the legislation, is responsible for maintenance of the PRI, traffic control and infrastructure management. More information on the company can be found on the following website: Every year the Traffic Management Business Unit issues a Network Statement, prepared in accordance with the Railway Transport Act and a Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure. The Network Statement contains detailed explanation of the general rules, terms, procedures and criteria in relation to the defined charges and allocation of the Infrastructure’s capacities; it also contains information required to submit requests for allocation of the Infrastructure’s capacities, possible additional and auxiliary services, as well as other information. 1.2 OBJECTIVE The fundamental objectives to be achieved by the Network Statement are the following: to offer the Applicants the necessary information for participation in the train path allocation process, to determine the terms the Applicants shall meet and consider them in the train path allocation process, to give fundamental information on the rail infrastructure and services, to inform the Applicants of the terms of PRI use. 1.3 LEGAL FRAMEWORK The Network Statement is prepared in accordance with: Railway Transport Act , Railway Traffic Safety Act, Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 113/2009, 73/2012), Decree on the elaboration of the network timetable for public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 73/2012), Decree on categorization of railway lines (Official Journal of the RS, No. 4/2009, 5/2009, 62/2011, 66/2012), Commission Decision 2002/844/ES amending Directive 2001/14/ES in respect of the date for changing the working timetable for rail transport (Official Journal of the EC, No. 289, dated 26.10.2002). On 21st of November 2015 the Act Amending the Railway Transport Act (Official Journal of the RS, No. 84/2015, hereinafter ZZelP-J) came into force. It defines the transfer of certain functions of the Agency to the infrastructure manager SŽ – Infrastruktura, d.o.o. According to the amended Article 11.b ZZelP manager also performs the following tasks: Capacity allocation; Determination and charging usage fees; Preparation, adoption, implementation and publication of the network timetable; Ensuring the effectiveness of international train paths; Ensuring the competitiveness of international freight transport. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 1 5 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N ZZelP-J in the transitional and final provisions in Article 34 provides that the transfer of functions and works from Agency to the infrastructure manager is carried out within six months from the entry into force of ZZelP-J. Till the transfer of functions the mentioned tasks are performed by Agency. Additionally, the infrastructure manager, the Agency and the RUs within six months from the entry into force of ZZelP-J conclude annexes to the existing Access Contracts and Contracts on PRI usage charge payment, which transferred the obligation of paying usage to the Agency to the infrastructure manager (Article 41 ZZelP-J). 1 Because the transfer of functions to the infrastructure manager is not yet completed and the annexes to the above mentioned contracts had not yet been concluded, the provisions in Network Statement, which refer to the capacity allocation, determination and charging usage fees, preparation, adoption, implementation and publication of the network timetable, ensuring the effectiveness of international train paths and ensuring the competitiveness of international freight transport consider the provisions of the Railway Transport Act, which were valid before enforcement of the ZZelP-J. After the transfer of function the required amendments to the Network Statement will be published immediately. 1.4 1.4.1 LEGAL STATUS GE NE R AL REM AR K S The Network Statement is an act adopted by the Public Railway Infrastructure Manager of the Republic of Slovenia, which in cooperation with the Agency and after consultation with the regulatory body, RUs and other concerned stakeholders is elaborated by the Public Railway Infrastructure Manager for each individual timetable period. The Network Statement presents general information on the Public Railway Infrastructure capacity and indicates all restrictions relating to the capacity usage. It specifically defines rules, deadlines, criteria and procedures for train path allocation and Railway Infrastructure capacity, as well as specifies the charging system for the use of infrastructure. The Network Statement also includes information on additional and auxiliary services available in the Republic of Slovenia for full delivery of the rail transport services. 1.4.2 LI AB I LI TY The Network Statement is an informative document without any contractual power. The information published in the Network Statement has no influence on the national legislation. The PRI Manager shall not be responsible for any false information in the Network Statement regarding the Infrastructure and the services that is out of his competence. The Network Statement is prepared on the basis of available information and applicable legislation as of 21st of November 2015. The legislation under preparation has not been considered. In case of incompatibility of the Network Statement’s provisions with the applicable legislation, the provisions of the legislation shall be applied. While interpreting the provisions of the Network Statement all regulations and technical documents that come into force after the publication of the Network Statement shall be considered. The information in the Network Statement on the planned changes to the PRI and/or the terms of its use may be applied for individual timetabled period for information purposes, as well as for assisting the train paths allocation process; however the PRI Manager is not obliged to also carry out those changes. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 6 1 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N 1.4.3 AP PE AL S PR O CED U RE The Applicants may ask for any explanation or additional information about the Network Statement from the PRI Manager (the contact points are indicated in Section 1.8). The PRI Manager shall respond to the request no later than 15 (fifteen) days. Appeals filed in regard to the Network Statement and its criteria shall be resolved by the regulatory body at the Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Railway traffic department. 1.5 STRUCTURE OF THE NETWORK STATEMENT The structure and contents of Network Statement is provided from a Network Statement's Common Structure, issued and yearly updated by RNE. The last version of the Common Structure from 10th of March 2015 is available on the RNE website. The Network Statement is divided into six core chapters: 1. General Information 2. Access Conditions 3. Infrastructure 4. Capacity Allocation 5. Services 6. Charges 1.6 1.6.1 VALIDITY AND UPDATING PROCESS V AL I DI TY PE RIO D The information contained in the Network Statement 2016 is valid for the timetable period 2015/2016, from 13th December 2015 to 10th December 2016. 1.6.2 UPD ATI N G PR O CESS The Manager shall update and amend the Network Statement if appropriate. While preparing amendments the Manager shall cooperate with the Agency and consult the Ministry of transport, regulatory body, railway undertakings and the other concerned stakeholders. The Agency shall collaborate closely during preparation of the amendments to the Network Statement that concern train path allocation and charging of infrastructure fees. It also shall issue a prior consent for publishing the subject matter amendments to the Network Statements. The Manager shall notify all applicants and undertakings, which have been allocated train paths, on the amendments to the Network Statement no later than 15 (fifteen) days before their enforcement. The changes concerning the fee charging system shall be published no later than 3 (three) months before their enforcement. In case the changes take place due to new or amended national regulations, the changes in the Network Statement come into force immediately or on the enforcement date of the amendments in national regulations. 1.7 PUBLISHING The Network Statement in English language is published and free to download on the following website: In case of amendments to the Network Statement the very last version is published on the website. Number of version and the date of issue is published on the cover of the Network Statement. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 7 1 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N In case of doubt in the English version, the Slovenian version shall be used. It can be found on the following website: The Network Statement can be also ordered in written form, by e-mail or fax, from the PRI Manager at a current cost of EUR 87,50 for printing and delivery in the Republic of Slovenia. 1.8 CONTACTS For any additional information about the Network Statement, such as terms or other inquires, to order the Network Statement in print or in regard to other relevant issues, the Applicants may contact: Slovenske železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. Kolodvorska 11, SI-1506 Ljubljana Contact points for the different working areas are shown in the table below. Slovenske železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. WORKING FIELD CONTACT OFFICE CONTACT DATA General Information OneStopShop (OSS) Tel.: 01 29 13 474 Fax.: 01 29 12 960 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana Network Statement, Access Contract Planning and Technology Department Tel.: 01 29 13 226 Fax.: 01 29 12 960 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana Access Contract Planning and Technology Department Tel.: 01 29 13 075 Fax.: 01 29 12 960 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana Allocation for exceptional transport Planning and Technology Department Tel.: 01 29 13 078 Fax.: 01 29 12 982 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana Ad – hoc train path requests in fast – track procedure PODROČJE DELOVNO MESTO Main Traffic Dispatcher AD – HOC TRAIN PATH REQUESTS IN CASE OF EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS Tel.: 01 29 13 079 Fax.: 01 29 12 981 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana TRAIN PATHS CROSSING SEVERAL TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTERS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER LJUBLJANA AREA EXCEPT THE SECTION LJUBLJANA - DOBOVA Traffic Control Center Dispatcher Ljubljana Train Dispatcher Traffic Control Center Dispatcher Maribor Tel.: 01 29 13 361 Fax.: 01 29 12 981 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana SECTION LJUBLJANA – DOBOVA Tel.: 01 29 15 733 Fax.: 01 29 12 828 E-mail: Address: Trg OF 6, 1000 Ljubljana TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER MARIBOR AREA Tel.: 02 29 22 361 Fax.: 02 29 22 715 E-mail: Address: Partizanska 50, 2000 Maribor NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 8 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER POSTOJNA AREA Tel.: 05 29 62 361 Fax.: 05 29 62 383 E-mail: Address: Kolodvorska 25b, 6230 Postojna Traffic Control Center Dispatcher Postojna Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport WORKING FIELD CONTACT PERSON CONTACT DATA Licences and Safety Certificates SEME Zdenko Tel.: 02 234 14 83 Fax.: 02 234 14 52 E-mail: Address: Kopitarjeva ulica 5, 2000 Maribor Train path requests for the new network timetable in regular and late request procedure and ad- RAJTMAJER Andrej hoc train path requests in regular procedure* Tel.: 02 234 14 54 Fax.: 02 234 14 52 E-mail: Address: Kopitarjeva ulica 5, 2000 Maribor PEPEVNIK Uroš Train Path Allocation * Tel.: 02 234 14 47 Fax.: 02 234 14 52 E-mail: Address: Kopitarjeva ulica 5, 2000 Maribor * office opening time on working days, except on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Connected Railway Networks COUNTRY INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER CONTACT DATA Praterstern 3 1020 Wien Tel.: +43 1 93000-0 Antuna Mihanoviča 12 10000 Zagreb Tel.: +385 1 378 33 01 Austria ÖBB Infrastruktur AG Croatia HŽ – Infrastruktura d.o.o. Italia RFI – Rete Ferrovia Italia SpA. Piazza della Croce Rossa 1 Roma Hungary MAV Co. H-1087 Budapest Könyves Kalman krt. 54-60 Tel.: +36 1 511 4801 1.9 RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDORS In 2010 the European Parliament and the Council laid down rules for the establishment of a European rail network for competitive freight, consisting of international freight corridors (Rail Freight Corridor – RFC). The aim is to achieve reliable and good quality railway freight services to be able to compete with other modes of transport. The main objective to initiate Regulation 913/2010/EU (hereinafter: "the Regulation") was to improve the services provided by the IMs to international freight operators. Several initiatives have contributed to the creation of the corridors' concept: the 1st railway package, the TEN-T programme, cooperation among Member States and IMs within the framework of ERTMS, and the deployment of TAF TSI. Through the regulation the European Union would like to act in the following main areas corresponding to the process of harmonization: improving coordination among IMs, improving the conditions of access to infrastructure, guaranteeing freight trains' adequate priority, improving intermodality along the corridors. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 9 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N In order to rich these goals, the European Union designed nine initial international rail freight corridors in the EU rail network. The main parameters of the RFCs are included in the table below (Regulation 1316/2013/EU). CORRIDOR Rhine - Alpine MEMBER STATES NL, BE, DE, IT PRINCIPAL ROUTES ESTABLISHMENT (2) Zeebrugge – Antwerpen/Amsterdam/Vlissingen /Rotterdam – 10.11.2013 Duisburg - [Basel] – Milano - Genova (3) NL, BE, North Sea LU, FR, Mediterranean (2) UK (1) (3) (3) (3) Glasgow /Edinburgh /Southampton /Felixstowe – (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) London /Dunkerque /Lille /Liege /Paris /Amsterdam – (2) Rotterdam – Zeebrugge /Antwerpen – Luxembourg – Metz – (2) Dijon – Lyon/[Basel] - Marseille (2) 10.11.2013 (2) Stockholm/Oslo /Trelleborg – Malmö – Kobenhavn – Hamburg Scandinavia - SE, DK, (2) (2) – Innsbruck – Verona – La Spezia /Livorno / Mediterranean DE, AT, IT (2) (2) (2) Ancona /Taranto /Augusta /Palermo 10.11.2015 Atlantic PT, ES, (2) FR, DE Sines – Lisboa / Leixões – Madrid – Medina del Campo/ Bilbao/San Sebastian – Irun – Bordeaux – Paris/Le Havre/ Metz – (2) (2) Strasbourg /Mannheim Sines – Elvas/Algeciras 10.11.2013 Baltic Adriatic PL, CZ, SK, AT, IT, SI Swinoujscie /Gdynia – Katowice – Ostrava/Žilina – Bratislava/ Vienna/Klagenfurt - Udine - Venezia/Trieste/Bologna/Ravenna Graz – Maribor – Ljubljana – Koper/Trieste (2) 10.11.2015 Almeria – Valencia/Algeciras/Madrid – Zaragoza/Barcelona – Marseille – Lyon – Turin – Milano – Verona – Padova/ Venezia – ES, FR, Mediterranean IT, SI, HU, Trieste/Koper – Ljubljana – Budapest 10.11.2013 (2) (2) (2) (2) HR Ljubljana /Rijeka – Zagreb – Budapest – Zahony (Hungarian Ukrainian border) NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 10 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N (3) (3) (3) (3) Orient / East Med CZ, AT, SK, HU, RO, BG, (3) EL, DE Bremerhaven /Wilhelmshaven /Rostock /Hamburg – Praha – Vienna/Bratislava – Budapest - Bucharest - Constanta 10.11.2013 (3) (3) - Vidin – Sofia – Burgas /Svilengrad (Bulgarian-Turkish border)/ (3) Promachonas – Thessaloniki – Athina - Patras North Sea (4) Baltic DE, NL, BE, PL, (3) LT, LV , (3) EE Wilhelmshaven /Bremerhaven/Hamburg /Amsterdam /Rotterda m/ Antwerpen – Aachen/Berlin – Warsaw – Terespol (Poland10.11.2015 (3) (3) Belarus border)/Kaunas – Riga - Tallinn Rhine (5) Danube FR, DE, AT, SK, HU, RO, CZ Strasbourg – Mannheim – Frankfurt – Wels Strasbourg – Stuttgart – München – Salzburg – Wels – Vienna – Bratislava – Budapest – Arad – Brasov/Craiova – Bucharest – Constanta Čierna and Tisou (Slovak - Ukrainian border) – Košice – Žilina – Horni Lideč – Praha – München/Nürnberg (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (2) (2) (2) 10.11.2020 "/ " means alternative routes. In line with the TEN-T guidelines, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean corridors should in the future be completed by the Sines/Algeciras _ Madrid _ Paris freight axis crosses the central Pyrenees via a low elevation tunnel. (2) Routes marked with shall be included in the respective corridors at the latest 3 years and routes marked (3) with at the latest 5 years after the date of establishment set out in this table. Existing structures defined under Article 8 and Article 13 (1) of the Regulation shall be adjusted with the participation of additional Member States and IMs in the respective corridors. These inclusions shall be based on market studies and take into consideration the aspect of existing passenger and freight transport in line with Article 14 (3) of the Regulation. Until the realization of a Rail Baltic line in 1435 mm nominal track gauge, the specifications of different track gauge systems shall be taken into account in the establishment and operation of this corridor. The creation of this corridor shall be based on the market studies and take into consideration the aspect of existing passenger and freight transport in line with Article 14 (3) of the Regulation. The section Čierna and Tisou (Slovak/Ukrainian border) – Košice – Žilina – Horni Lideč – Praha shall be established by 10 November 2013. Two RFCs are crossing Slovenia, namely (RFC6). NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 Baltic - Adriatic (RFC5) and Mediterranean 11 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N 1.9.1 R AI L F REIGH T CO RRI DO R B AL TI C – AD R I ATI C Corridor Baltic - Adriatic (RFC 5) runs from Poland across Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Slovenia to Italy. Starting point of corridor is the port of Gdynia (alternative route start in town Świnoujście at the Baltic Sea), from where it runs to Katowice through Ostrava and Breclav to Vienna. The alternative route between Katowice and Vienna runs through Slovakian cities Žilina and Bratislava. From Vienna the corridor runs through Klagenfurt and Udine to Venice. The alternative route branches in Bruck an der Mur to the Graz and continues through Maribor, Ljubljana and Divača to Koper. From Divača the alternative route is setting up through Trieste, Venice and Padua, when the routes are joined together again. From there the route continue to Bologna with connection to Ravenna. Rail freight corridor 5 has been established on 10th November 2015, except the section Świnoujście – Katowice, which has to be established by the 10th November 2018. A Permanent Management Office (PMO) has been set up in Warsaw (Poland). Within PMO is the corridor OSS, which ensure the applicants to find all the information about the infrastructure capacities on the corridor on this spot. Address: RFC 5 Permanent Management Office 74 Targowa St 03-734 Warsaw Poland 1 More information on the RFC Baltic - Adriatic can be found on the following website: 1.9.2 R AI L F REIGH T CO RRI DO R M EDI TER R AN E AN Rail freight corridor Mediterranean (RFC 6) runs from Spain across France, Italy and Slovenia to Hungary. Starting point of corridor is the port of Almeria, from where runs through Valencia, Barcelona (connection with Madrid and Zaragoza), Marseille, Lyon, Turin, Milan, Verona, Padua, Venice, Trieste, Sežana, Divača (connection with Koper), Ljubljana and Budapest to Zahony (Hungarian-Ukrainian border). The alternative route runs to Budapest and further to Zahony from Croatian port of Rijeka through Zagreb. The routes are also connected in the Slovenian junction Zidani Most. Rail freight corridor 6 has been established on 10th November 2013, except the section between Zidani Most – (Rijeka)Zagreb - Budapest, which has to be established by 10th November 2016. A Permanent Management Office (PMO) has been set up in Milan (Italy). Within PMO is the corridor OSS, which ensure the applicants to find all the information about the infrastructure capacities on the corridor on this spot. Address: RFC 6 Permanent Management Office Greco Pirelli, Via Ernesto Breda 38 (CAP) Milano (Italia) One-Stop-Shop: Tel: +39 328 638 4700 E-mail: NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 12 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N Contacts: Andrea Galluzzi (Managing Director) E-mail: István Pákozdi (Infrastructure Advisor) E-mail: Pierre Chauvin (OSS Leader) E-mail: More information on the RFC Mediterranean can be found on the following website: 1.10 RAILNETEUROPE – INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGERS RailNetEurope (RNE) was created in January 2004 on the initiative of a number of European railway Infrastructure Managers and Allocation Bodies (IMs/ABs). As a non-profit making association of Infrastructure Managers and Allocation Bodies (IMs/ABs), it is dedicated to facilitating international traffic on the European Infrastructure. RNE's aims RNE is committed to facilitating international traffic on the European rail infrastructure. It provides support to Railway Undertakings (RUs) in their international activities (both for freight and passengers) and strives to increase the efficiency of the IMs’/ABs’ processes. As a trans-European association, RNE plays a pivotal role in encouraging the industry to follow harmonised, transparent and non-discriminatory rules in the international railway business. Together, the Members of RailNetEurope are making international rail transport conditions more uniform and introducing a corporate approach to promote the European railway business for the benefit of the entire rail industry across Europe. RNE's tasks In its day-to-day work, RNE’s task is to simplify, harmonise and optimise international rail processes such as Europe-wide timetabling, sales (including Network Statements), traffic management and after-sales services (e.g. reporting). These tasks are carried out by four standing working groups and by ad-hoc project groups co-ordinated by the RNE Joint Office, which is based in Vienna, Austria. RNE international working groups and boards are striving to make seamless cross-border rail services across Europe a reality – whether this is by creating common standards for data exchange, easing inter-personal communication between traffic control centres or agreeing timetabling procedures for new train path products. A coordination platform for the Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs) Following the publication of the Rail Freight Regulation 913/2010 for a European rail network for expert support provider for corridor organisations in the areas of developing and operating methods, processes and developing and operating tools. In 2014, this mandate was extended in order to achieve a stronger harmonisation of the different RFCs’ implementation approaches. Now RNE’s tasks also include ensuring that harmonised processes and tools are applied on various corridors to the benefit of both Railway Undertakings (RUs) and nonRU Applicants, as well as IMs and ABs that are part of several RFCs. RFCs also participate in the RNE General Assembly and they have been offered Associate Membership of RNE. RNE also provides support to its Members as regards compliance with the European legal framework. Last, but not least, dedicated IT tools are also being streamlined and harmonised wherever necessary, and RNE’s own IT systems are gradually being rolled out across Europe. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 13 1 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N Currently, RailNetEurope is a partnership of 35 IMs/ABs, who are either full or associated members, or candidate members. All in all their rail networks add up to well over 230 000 km. 1.10.1 ONE EUROPE – ONE SERVICE OneStopShop Coordinator OSS at the Agency LEŠNIK Peter Tel.: +386 1 29 13 474 Fax.: +386 1 29 12 960 E-mail: Address: Kolodvorska ul. 11, 1000 Ljubljana ŠABEDER Dejan Tel.: +386 2 234 14 79 Fax.: +386 2 234 14 52 E-mail: Address: Kopitarjeva ulica 5, 2000 Maribor RNE has established one OSS contact point in every member country. Each customer can choose its favoured OSS contact point for all its needs regarding international rail services. From the initial questions related to network access to international path requests and performance review after a train run – all these issues and more are handled by one contact point for the whole international train journey at the customers' convenience. Customers of RNE Members who run international rail services can therefore make use of the RNE One Stop Shop’s bundle of services: A network of contact points guiding customers through the whole range of procedures: gaining network access, planning of efficient international rail transport, international train path management (ITPM) and performance review after train operation. Response times have been standardised at a customer-friendly level – the attainment of these service levels is currently being tested. OSS experts drawn from sales and timetabling merge their expertise in these fields to serve customers together with the OSS contact points. IT tools further assist applicants by giving price estimates for rail infrastructure use, by coordinating international train path ordering and supply processes, and by tracking & tracing international trains in real time. A list of all OSS contact points is available at: 1.10.2 RNE TOOLS PCS (Path Coordination System) is a web application provided by RNE to Infrastructure Managers (IMs), Allocation Bodies (ABs), Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs), Railway Undertakings (RUs) and non-RU Applicants, which handles the communication and co-ordination processes for international path requests and path offers. PCS also assists RUs and non-RU Applicants in their pre-co-ordination tasks related to train path studies and international train path requests. RNE provides a PCS Integration Platform (PCS IP), a direct communication channel between PCS and the domestic systems of RUs and IMs/ABs allowing two-way data interchange. With this module, one of the major obstacles to the use of PCS in the freight business has been eliminated: RUs and IMs/ABs no longer have to provide the same information about an international train path request twice (once in the national system and once in PCS) – it is now possible to automatically synchronize the international train path request data between national systems and PCS. In November 2013 PCS was ready to be the tool for handling (publish, request, allocate) Prearranged Paths (PaPs) according to the RFC Regulation 913/2010. In the meantime, the system is continuously being improved based on the experiences of RUs, IMs and RFCs, in order to make PaP process for freight trains faster and more flexible. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 14 1 GE NE R AL INF ORM ATI O N For more information, please visit the website or write to the helpdesk CIS (Charging Information System) is RNE’s international access charge estimation tool, designed to provide customers with pricing information. A web-based umbrella system for the various national rail infrastructure charging systems, it can calculate the price for the use of international train paths within minutes, 24 hours a day – including charges for train paths, station fees and shunting fees. The current objective of CIS’s development is to align the information provided by CIS with the information in the Network Statements. The CIS website is at, and the helpdesk may be contacted by TIS (Train Information System) is an easy-to-use, web-based application which visualizes international trains from origin to destination. It supports international train management by delivering data concerning international passenger and freight trains along RNE corridors and Rail Freight Corridors. Following the request of some internationally active Railway Undertakings TIS is now processing a defined amount of national trains as well in order to simplify data exchange and optimise the information process. Additionally, a specific function has been developed for Terminals along the corridors so that they can take advantage of the TIS information exchange as well. TIS delivers real-time train data directly to the users via internet and generates reports based on historical data. The two TIS products are based on the same raw data. The real-time train information overview gathers, centralizes and publishes information on train running on most of the (remaining) RNE Corridors and Rail Freight Corridors. Current participants: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway*, Poland, Portugal*, Romania*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain*, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands. (*Contract signed, implementation in progress.) Data portfolio: current and past train location (train running information message), agreed daily timetable information (contracted timetable message), delay information and reasons for delay (delay reason message). The reporting function enables the monitoring and analysis of train and delay information. Data portfolio: punctuality and delay analysis, data quality analysis, system performance analysis. In the meantime, TIS has been optimized and is now able to process both in-bound and outbound TAF TSI messages from/to the IMs, and outbound TAF TSI messages to the RUs directly. Currently, TIS applicants are IMs, RUs and Terminal Operators. TIS may be accessed via, and the helpdesk may be contacted by email NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 15 1 ACCESS CONDITIONS 2. 2.1 AC C E S S CO N DI TI O NS INTRODUCTION The conditions to access the Public Railway Infrastructure are defined in the ZZelP, the Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 113/2009, 73/2012), the European Commission Decree No. 653/2007/ES, dated 13th June 2007 on the use of the common European format for safety certificates and application documents in accordance with Article 10 of Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, and on the validity of the safety certificates delivered under Directive 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and Council (Official Journal of the EU, No.153, dated 14th June 2007), as well as the Decree on the qualification procedure for the licensing of Railway Undertakings, the withdrawal of the licence or extension of its validity, and the notification procedure of foreign Licensing Authorities (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 34/2001, 122/2007). 2.2 GE NE R AL AC C E SS R E QU IR EM E NTS To implement railway traffic operations and other work on the PRI the undertakings are required to comply with the rules and procedures prescribed by both international and national regulations that govern the rail traffic safety, including: Railway Traffic Safety Act (ZVZelP), Traffic Rules (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 50/2011), Rules on the signalling devices (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 123/2007, 18/2011), Rules on brakes, safety devices, special devices and equipment of railway vehicles, (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 122/2007, 30/2009), Manuals and reports of the PRI Manager, as well as the Station rules of operations, 1st and 2nd parts, which with login and password are available in Slovenian language at 2.2.1 REQ UIREM EN TS TO AP PL Y FO R A T R AI N P ATH The Agency allocates the train paths under the terms as provided in Articles 15, 15a, 15b, 15c and 15č of the ZZelP. The train paths of the PRI may be allocated to Applicants who are RUs or other legal entities, registered in European Union member states, and need a train path to transport passengers and/or goods in public or commercial interest. A train path might be allocated also to an Applicant that is not headquartered in a European Union member state but reciprocal conditions and procedures are signed with the country, where the Applicant is registered, upon the train path allocation. An Applicant cannot transfer its allocated train path to another Applicant. Within the RFC the train path can be requested directly at the Corridor OSS. The procedure of requesting train paths on the RFC is precisely described in Section 4.2.1. 2.2.2 W HO IS AL LOW ED TO PE RFO RM TR AI N OPE R ATI O NS O N TH E P RI Rail transport services may be provided or ensured only by a RU. In case the Applicant is not a RU, it shall hold a signed contract with a RU for rendering or ensuring rail transport services. The RU must fulfil the following conditions: possess a valid licence, issued by the Agency or a licensing authority of an European Union member state, possess a valid safety certificate, issued by the Agency, NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 16 ACCESS CONDITIONS presents a contract for the access to and use of PRI, singed with the PRI Manager. 2.2.3 LICENCES In the Republic of Slovenia valid licences are only issued by the Agency or by licensing authorities of European Union member states. The Agency shall issue or, after 5 (five) years of issuing licence, extend the licence validity of the RUs, registered in the Republic of Slovenia, if they prove to have fulfilled the terms for obtaining the licence as defined in Article 16 of the ZZelP. A licence issued by the Agency is valid until revocation of its validity. The Agency can only suspend the licence or revoke its validity because of reasons defined in the Article 17 of the ZZelP. The detailed information related to the procedures of qualification for licensing, its temporary suspension, withdrawal and extension is available at the Agency (the contact point is indicated in Section 1.8). 2.2.4 S AF E TY CER TIFI C ATE In order to acquire a train path, the Applicant must present a valid Safety Certificate that proves the fulfilment of the traffic safety requirements prescribed by the ZVZelP, as well as attests the implementation of appropriate special measures to ensure rail traffic safety requirements. In case the Applicant is not a RU and seeks to acquire a train path, it must prove that a RU, acting on its behalf and holding a Safety Certificate can ensure the transport services on the requested train path. The Agency shall issue a Safety Certificate to an Applicant, holding a valid licence: if it fulfills prescribed technical and operating conditions for rail transport services and obligatory safety requirements for the staff, that the Applicant's staff, responsible for operating and monitoring trains, have proper qualifications to fulfil the traffic rules which ensure safety in rail transport, that the rolling stock on the railway lines of the Public Railway Network in the Republic of Slovenia meets the terms and requirements defined in the ZVZelP and the regulations derived from that Act. The criteria for acquiring Safety Certificates are defined in detail in the Commission Regulation No. 653/2007/ES of 13 June 2007 on the use of a common European format for safety certificates and application documents in accordance with Article 10 of Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and on the validity of safety certificates delivered under Directive 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Official Journal of the EU, No. 153 of 14 June 2007). The only valid Safety Certificates are the ones issued by the Agency. A Safety Certificate is valid until the RU meets the terms for its acquisition, but no longer than five (5) years from the date it was issued. The detailed information relating to the procedures for obtaining and extending the Safety Certificate and the reasons for its suspension is available at the Agency (the contact point is indicated in the Section 1.8). 2.2.5 COVE R OF LI AB I LI TIES In order to obtain a train path, a RU must present evidence of being able to cover any possible reimbursements resulting from its liability for damage appearing when performing its operations on the PRI, which is owned by the Republic of Slovenia. In order to show fulfilment of this condition, before signing an Access Contract, the RU must present a statement from the insurance company, or any other document showing the method and capability of covering the liabilities for damages arising as a consequence of performing the activities on the PRI owned by the Republic of Slovenia. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 17 ACCESS CONDITIONS 2.3 2.3.1 GENERAL BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL CONDITIONS F R AM EW ORK AG R EEM EN T The Agency and the Applicant may sign a Framework Agreement defining the characteristics of the Infrastructure capacities for a period longer than the period of the Network Timetable's validity. The Framework Agreement does not specify the train path in detail, but seeks to meet the legitimate commercial needs of the Applicant. The provisions for signing the Framework Agreement and the content of the Agreement are specified in Article 15e of ZZeIP. Before signing the Framework Agreement the Applicant must obtain prior approval of the regulatory body. 2.3.2 AC C ESS CON TR AC T For the use of the PRI the RU must sign a Contract with the PRI Manager for the access to and use of the PRI. The Contract includes general and technical provisions and defines mutual relationships between the RU and PRI Manager in relation to technical and other security measures assurance in the rail traffic. The General Business/Commercial Conditions to access to the PRI, published in Annex 2/1 of the Network Statement is an integral part of an Access Contract between the PRI Manager and the RU. It defines the general rights and liabilities of the PRI Manager and the RU. The Access Contract shall be signed in a written form and is valid for the network timetable period for which the train paths were allocated. The PRI Manager, either by itself or with another service provider, must ensure the PRI tracks access to other infrastructure facilities and equipment for the RU with an allocated train path. These service facilities are stated in Section 5.3. The services themselves must be ensured by signing a special agreement between the Applicant or its RU and the Manager, or, by its mediation, with the provider of these services. The service provider ensures the services stated in Section 5.3 in fair and non-discriminatory manner. The applications to access the mentioned services can be denied only if other acceptable possibilities exist under market terms. The PRI Manager or service provider may offer to Applicants or their Undertakings in nondiscriminative manner additional services as stated in Section 5.4. To ensure these services the Applicant or its RU sign with the PRI Manager or service provider a special agreement, which is based on the market principles. In addition to the services mentioned in the previous two paragraphs, the Applicant or its RU who has been allocated a train path, may send a request to the Manager for additional scope of auxiliary services stated in Section 5.5. The Manager is not obliged to provide those services. 2.4 OPERATIONAL RULES The national regulations, which have to be followed and adhered to when using the Railway Infrastructure capacities in the Republic of Slovenia, are regulated and enforced by the Agency. The regulations are available on the Agency website The traffic regulations of the Manager, which the RUs have to apply and comply to while using the PRI capacities in the Republic of Slovenia, are available to the undertakings in Slovenian language with login and password on the following website: Slovenian is the formal working language, mandatory for all communications in the sphere of PRI between the staff of the IM and RU, except on traffic interchange stations, where the NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 18 ACCESS CONDITIONS communication language is specified by a separate agreement between neighbouring Railway IMs. 2.5 EXCEPTIONAL TRANSPORT The exceptional transports are carried out as transportation of exceptional consignment by a regular train or as transportation of exceptional consignment by a special train. The Manager’s permission is required for the exceptional transport. The permission defines the conditions and the mode of transportation, as well as the expenditure to be reimbursed, specified for the transport of exceptional consignment. The Manager shall decide on providing the exceptional consignment no later than 15 (fifteen) days after the submission of the request. The technical regulations, the definition of exceptional consignments, the terms for acquiring permission and the method for defining the transport conditions are specified in the national legislation, which regulates the transport of exceptional consignments (Traffic regulations). Trial run of the railway vehicle can be treating as exceptional transport as well. More precise provisions regarding the exceptional transports are stated in Section 4.7.1. For any further information related to the transport conditions on PRI the RU should contact the PRI Manager (contact points are indicated in Section 1.8). 2.6 DANGEROUS GOODS Goods are considered as dangerous if they are stated in the list of dangerous goods and are part of the Directive on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (RID). For transporting dangerous goods the RU’s vehicles, which will run on the PRI tracks shall meet the terms and the staff controlling and monitoring the trains must be qualified, in accordance with the ZVZelP and the regulations derived from that Act. RU validates the qualification by acquiring the Safety Certificate. More precise provisions as well as restrictions with regard to the transport of dangerous goods are stated in Section 4.7.2. 2.7 R O LLI N G ST OC K AC C E P T AN C E PRO C E SS G UI DE LI NE S By acquiring a Safety Certificate, RU shall prove that the rolling stock and the vehicles on the railway lines of the public rail network in the Republic of Slovenia meet the terms and requirements as defined in the Railway Traffic Safety Act and the regulations issued on the basis thereof. For any further information in regards to rolling stock acceptance the Agency contacts (indicated in Section 1.8) for licences and Safety Certificates should be referred. 2.8 S T AFF AC C E PT AN C E P RO C ES S The requirements, referring to the professional qualifications of the RU’s staff are met, when RU proves to have established an organised operation which guarantees appropriate knowledge or experiences necessary for safe and reliable control of the operations, defined in the Safety Certificate. For the purpose of acquiring the safety certificate, the RU must prove proper qualifications of the staff to run a train on the specified railway lines or sections of lines. To get these skills, a RU which wishes to acquire a safety certificate, must agree a contract with one of the RUs which already has a safety certificate for this line or section for accompaniment with the driver - pilot on the trail run. The RU, which will provide accompaniment, also order the necessary train paths for trail runs. For any further information in regards to staff acceptance the Agency contacts (indicated in Section 1.8) for licences and Safety Certificates should be referred. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 19 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE 3. 3.1 I NF R AS T R U C TU R E INTRODUCTION The Public Railway Infrastructure consists of the facilities and devices necessary for unhindered public rail service, as well as the associated land, which is used for the predetermined functional purposes. The PRI is established for public good, is owned by the state and is used in a way and under the terms, defined in the ZZelP, as well as regulations issued on the basis thereof. 3.2 3.2.1 EXTENT OF NETWORK DEFINITION OF THE PRI The geographic definition of the PRI presents the review of the main and regional rail lines as a constituent part of the PRI on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as the review of the operation stations on those lines. In accordance with the ZZelP the following types of lines and referring equipment do not belong to the PRI: service tracks (tracks for repairing the rail vehicles and fixing damage caused by the loading of goods), tracks in locomotive depots, industrial branches and privately owned tracks and line. 3.2.2 S LOVE NI AN P RI NE TW ORK The rail Network in the RS defines the Decree on categorization of railway lines. In the following map and the table the basic data of the PRI lines are shown. More detailed information can be found in the Annex 3 A. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 20 M E70 E69 D3 114,751 20 Ljubljana – Jesenice – d.m. M E65 D3 70,898 62,440 21 Ljubljana Šiška – Kamnik Graben R C4 23,010 23,010 C3 108,274 15,647 E67 E69 LINE No. TRACK LENGTH d.m. – Dobova - Ljubljana DOUBLE - TRACK LINE 10 NATIONAL NAME OF THE LINE E - LINE No. WHOLE LINE SINGLE - TRACK LINE CONSTRUCTION LENGTH OF THE LINE WITH MAIN RUNNING TRACKS (km) LINE CATEGORY NATIONAL CAT. OF THE LINE (MAIN/REGIONAL) I NF R AS TR U C TU RE 114,751 229,502 8,458 79,356 23,010 30 Zidani Most – Šentilj – d.m. M 31 Celje – Velenje R C3 37,967 37,967 37,967 32 d.m. – Rogatec – Grobelno R C3 36,496 36,496 36,496 33 d.m. – Imeno - Stranje R C4 14,236 14,236 14,236 34 Maribor – Prevalje – d.m. R B2 82,672 82,672 82,672 40 Pragersko – Ormož M E69 C3 40,273 40,273 40,273 41 Ormož – Hodoš – d.m. M T69 C3 69,215 69,215 69,215 42 Ljutomer – Gornja Radgona R C2 23,050 23,050 23,050 43 d.m. – Lendava R B2 5,216 5,216 5,216 44 Ormož – Središče – d.m. M E69 C3 11,615 11,615 11,615 50 Ljubljana – Sežana – d.m. M E70 E69 E65 D3 116,592 60 Divača – branching Prešnica M E69 D3 16,479 16,479 16,479 61 bran. Prešnica – Podgorje – d.m. R C2 14,721 14,721 14,721 62 branching Prešnica – Koper M E69 D3 31,553 31,553 31,553 64 Pivka – Ilirska Bistrica – d.m. M E65 C2 24,405 24,405 24,405 70 Jesenice – Sežana R C2 129,185 129,185 129,185 71 branching Šempeter pri Gorici – Vrtojba – d.m. R C2 1,855 1,855 1,855 72 Prvačina – Ajdovščina R C2 14,833 14,833 14,833 73 bran. Kreplje – Repentabor – d.m. R C2 2,501 2,501 2,501 80 d.m. – Metlika – Ljubljana R C2 123,362 123,362 123,362 81 Sevnica – Trebnje R C2 31,345 31,345 31,345 82 Grosuplje – Kočevje R D4/A 49,184 49,184 49,184 14 bend Zidani Most M C3 1,284 0,809 45 bend Pragersko M C3 0,636 35 bend Maribor Tezno – Mb Studenci R C3 1,033 1,033 1,033 51 bend Divača M D3 1,040 1,040 1,040 11 Ljubljana Zalog – bran. Kajuhova (P3) R D3 2,660 2,660 2,660 12 Ljubljana Zalog – Ljubljana (P4) R D3 3,854 3,854 3,854 13 Ljubljana Zalog – Ljubljana (P5) R C3 3,506 3,506 3,506 NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 92,627 200,901 116,592 233,184 0,475 1,759 0,636 1,272 21 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE Line category regarding the permitted axle load and permitted load per unit length, shown in the fifth column of the table above is valid for whole line. More presise overview of permitted axle load and permitted load per unit length is shown in Annex 3A and in the map in Section 3.2.3 CO NNE C TE D R AI LW AY NE TW OR KS The PRI of the Republic of Slovenia borders with the Infrastructure Managers of the following countries: Italy - RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Austria – ÖBB Infrastruktur Betrieb AG Hungary - MAV/GYSEV Croatia – HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. The neighboring border lines and stations are shown in the table below. NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY BORDER LIN E BORDER STATIONS INTERCHANGE STATION Croatia Lendava – Lendava d.m. / Čakovec d.m. - Čakovec Lendava / Čakovec Čakovec Croatia Središče – Središče d.m. / Čakovec d.m. – Čakovec Središče / Čakovec Čakovec Croatia Rogatec – Rogatec d.m./ Đurmanec d.m. – Đurmanec Rogatec / Đurmanec Rogatec Croatia Imeno – Imeno d.m. / Kumrovec d.m. – Kumrovec Imeno / Kumrovec Kumrovec Croatia Dobova– Dobova d.m. / Savski Marof d.m. – Savski Marof Dobova / Savski Marof Dobova Croatia Metlika – Metlika d.m. / Kamanje d.m. – Kamanje Metlika / Kamanje Metlika Croatia Ilirska Bistrica – Ilirska Bistrica d.m. / Šapjane d.m. – Šapjane Ilirska Bistrica / Šapjane Šapjane Croatia Rakitovec – Rakitovec d.m. / Buzet d.m. – Buzet Rakitovec / Buzet Buzet Austria Jesenice - Jesenice d.m. / Rosenbach d.m. – Rosenbach Jesenice / Rosenbach Jesenice Austria Prevalje – Prevalje d.m. / Bleiburg d.m. – Bleiburg Prevalje / Bleiburg Bleiburg Austria Šentilj – Šentilj d.m. / Spielfeld Strass d.m. – Spielfeld Strass Šentilj / Spielfeld Strass Spielfeld Strass Italy Nova Gorica – Nova Gorica d.m. / Gorizia d.m. – Gorizia Cle. Nova Gorica / Gorizia Cle. Nova Gorica Italy Sežana – Sežana d.m. / Villa Opicina d.m. / Villa Opicina Sežana / Villa Opicina Villa Opicina Hungary Hodoš – Hodoš d.m. / Oriszentpeter d.m. – Oriszentpeter Hodoš / Oriszentpeter Hodoš 3.2.4 F U R THER I NF ORM ATI O N Further information and technical data on rail lines, equipment and stations is available in the annexes to the 3rd Chapter: NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 22 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE Annex 3A Technical information on rail lines Annex 3B Technical information on railway stations Annex 3C Sketches of stations' track plans Annex 3D Clearance and loading gauge Annex 3E Overview of ruling gradients and gradient forces Annex 3F Line speeds The Manager provides certain technical information for RUs on PRI of the Republic of Slovenia in Slovenian language also at: 3.3 3.3.1 NETWORK DESCRIPTION GE OG R AP H IC I DE N TIFI C ATI O N T R AC K T YPO LOGIES With regard to the traffic volume, economic significance and connecting role in the railway network, the rail lines are divided into main and regional types. PRI lines are classified also according to the number of tracks: single-track lines (trains run in both directions on the same track) 874,2 km double-track lines (trains run in defined directions on each track) 333,5 km NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 23 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE T R AC K G AU GES Track gauge is the minimum distance between the inside edges of the railheads within the range of 0 and 14 millimeters below the flat surface of the upper edges of both tracks. The track gauge for all tracks, which comprise the PRI is equal to 1435 mm. S T ATI O NS AN D NO DES The technical characteristics and the distances between individual stations and nodes of the PRI and the tracks designations in the international standards (track number and corridor), are shown in Technical information on rail lines (Annex 3 A) and Technical information on railway stations (Annex 3 B). Territories of more railway stations that compose a whole are junction stations from the point of view of traffic management. There are four junction stations in Slovenia: TERRITORY (RAILWAY STATIONS) JUNCTION STATION Divača Divača, Rodik, Hrpelje Kozina Koper Koper, Koper tovorna Ljubljana Ljubljana, Ljubljana Zalog, Ljubljana Moste, Lokomotivska postaja Ljubljana Moste, Ljubljana Šiška Maribor Maribor, Maribor Studenci, Maribor Tezno NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 24 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 25 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 26 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE 3.3.2 TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES L AU D I NG G AU G E In terms of maximum permitted dimensions of the vehicles and loads the rail lines are classified in accordance with the types of permitted loading gauges. All lines of the PRI allow transport of vehicles and goods in accordance with the international loading gauge, the loading gauge of the SŽ I, as well as the loading gauge for the combined transport GA and GB. The loading gauge of the SŽ I and international loading gauge are shown in Annex 3D. Each vehicle or load, exceeding the loading gauge of a particular rail line or line segment, should be handled as exceptional consignment. Exceptionally, the combined transport units, the cross-section of which exceeds the allowed loading gauge are not transported as exceptional consignments. They are transported as codified consignments. The codification of combined transport units is used in the case of rail wagons that are marked especially for transportation of codified consignments on codified rail lines. The codification system of lines for combined transport on the PRI is shown in the map below. The code C is used for swap bodies and the code P is for semi-trailers. WEIGHT LIMITS In terms of permitted weight load of freight cars on the PRI lines, the rail lines are classified in accordance with the permitted axle load and permitted load per unit length criteria. The permitted axle load is the maximum weight in tons which can be loaded onto one axle of a railway vehicle on a certain line or route, regardless of its total number of axles. The permitted load per running meter is the maximum weight in tons which can be loaded on one running meter of a railway vehicle on a certain line or route. In relation to the permitted axle load and load per unit length criteria the rail lines or route sections fall under the categories, defined in the table below. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 27 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE LOAD PER UNIT LENGHT (t/m) (TOTAL MASS OF THE VEHICLE AND LOAD, DIVIDED BY THE VEHICLE LENGTH BETWEEN TWO BUFFERS) AXLE LOAD (t) (MASS OF THE VEHICLE AND LOAD, DIVIDED BY THE NUMBER OF AXES) 20 22,5 C2 D2 7,2 C3 D3 8,0 C4 D4 5,0 16 18 A B1 6,4 B2 Since the substantial portion of the railway lines, used for international transit traffic in the Republic of Slovenia, falls under the category D3, it is considered as normal category for the Slovenia's PRI rail lines. The main overview of permitted axle load and permitted load per meter on PRI lines is shown in table 2, in Section of this document. More precise overview of permitted axle load and permitted load per meter on particular sections of all lines of the PRI is demonstrated in the map bellow and in Annex 3A. LI NE G R AD IEN TS AN D GR AD I ENT FO RCES The ruling (maximum) line gradient of a rail line is the steepest incline or decline of the line. This is expressed in thousandth (‰) and is the basis for determining the braked weight percentage, the journey time calculation, the tonnage of the load that the locomotive can haul reliably, etc. The ruling (maximum) gradient force is the ruling line gradient, expressed in daN/t (Dec Newton/ton) where bend tracks and tunnel resistance have to be added. An overview of the ruling gradients and gradient forces on individual lines is outlined in Annex 3E. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 28 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE M AX IM UM L I NE SPEE DS In terms of the maximum line speed, the rail lines are categorized as high-speed rail lines and conventional lines. All rail lines in the Republic of Slovenia fall under the category of conventional lines. The line speeds on the rail lines of the PRI are shown in Annex 3F. M AX IM UM T R AI N LEN G THS While constructing a train path and for better exploitation of the PRI, the Manager considers the usable lengths of station tracks and prescribes the maximum permitted length of the trains, which run on particular PRI lines of the Republic of Slovenia. Maximum permitted length of a passenger trains on the PRI is 430 meters and of a freight trains 700 meters. On particular lines permitted length is extra restricted because of short station tracks as is shown in the table below. LINE No. NATIONAL NAME OF THE LINE SECTION OF TH LINE MAXIMUM PERMITED LENGTH OF THE 1) TRAIN 10 d.m. – Dobova – Ljubljana d.m. – Dobova – Ljubljana 570 m 20 Ljubljana – Jesenice – d.m. Ljubljana – Jesenice – d.m. 515 m 2) 21 Ljubljana Šiška – Kamnik Graben Ljubljana Šiška – Kamnik Graben 398 m 2) Zidani Most – Maribor Tezno 597 m 30 Zidani Most - Šentilj – d.m. Maribor Tezno – Šentilj – d.m. 560 m 31 Celje – Velenje Celje – Velenje 450 m 32 d.m. - Rogatec – Grobelno d.m. - Rogatec – Grobelno 400 m 34 Maribor – Prevalje – d.m. Maribor – Prevalje – d.m. 350 m 40 Pragersko – Ormož Pragersko – Ormož 600 m 41 Ormož – Hodoš – d.m. Ormož – Hodoš – d.m. 600 m 43 d.m. – Lendava d.m. – Lendava 500 m 44 Ormož – Središče – d.m. Ormož – Središče – d.m. 600 m 50 Ljubljana – Sežana – d.m. Ljubljana – Sežana – d.m. 600 m 60 Divača – branching Prešnica Divača – branching Prešnica 525 m 61 Prešnica – Rakitovec – d.m. Prešnica – Rakitovec – d.m. 500 m 62 branching Prešnica – Koper branching Prešnica – Koper 525 m 64 Pivka – Ilirska Bistrica – d.m. Pivka – Ilirska Bistrica – d.m. 530 m 2) Jesenice – Anhovo 2) Jesenice – Sežana 480 m 70 Anhovo - Sežana 510 m d.m. – Metlika – Novo mesto 430 m Novo mesto – Ljubljana 460 m Sevnica – Trebnje 550 m 80 81 2) 2) d.m. – Metlika – Ljubljana Sevnica – Trebnje NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 29 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE 1) In particular exceptional cases trains exceeding maximum permitted length also can run on particular rail lines. The permission for exceeding train length on certain line is issued by the Manager's chief traffic controller. The permission is issued in accordance with the actual capacities of the line and traffic situation, provided that the train shall not hinder the scheduled traffic of other trains. 2) Because of shorter station tracks at particular railway stations the following exceptions must be considered in the Network timetable production process and at overcrossing of trains: LINE No. NATIONAL NAME OF THE LINE MAXIMUM PERMITED LENGTH OF THE TRAIN Žirovnica 480 m Slovenski Javornik 330 m Jarše - Mengeš 316 m Verd 590 m Gornje Ležeče 196 m Podgorje 269 m potek HŽ 350 m Pivka – Ilirska Bistrica – d.m. potek HŽ 400 m Jesenice – Sežana Bohinjska Bistrica 395 m 20 Ljubljana – Jesenice – d.m. 21 Ljubljana Šiška – Kamnik Graben 50 Ljubljana – Sežana – d.m. 61 Prešnica – Rakitovec – d.m. 64 70 RAILWAY STATION ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY The PRI rail lines, except for network connection points or nodes, are electrified by a oneway system of a nominal voltage of 3 kV. On node points with foreign railway infrastructures the other electrification systems may also appear, namely: Republic of Croatia on the station Dobova and on station Šapjane – 25 kV AC voltage, 50 Hz frequency, Republic of Hungary on the station Hodoš – 25 kV AC voltage, 50 Hz frequency, NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 30 1 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE Republic of Austria on the station Jesenice – 15 kV AC voltage, 16 2/3 Hz frequency. At those node points the single-system electrical locomotive has to be changed or a multisystem electrical locomotive has to be used. 3.3.3 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SIG N AL I NG S YS TEM S Signaling systems are used to show signals for permitting or prohibiting train movement and signs for permitted train movement with a regular or reduced speed, depending on the location and geometry of the line, shape of the route (straight line or turn), the situation with the traffic and other factors. The signaling systems are classified in accordance with the purpose of their use: Station safety equipment: electronic signaling equipment (ILTIS, THALES, TRIS), electronic relay signaling equipment , electro-mechanical signaling equipment, mechanical signaling equipment, combined equipment. Level crossing safety equipment: protected level crossings: o automatically or electronically protected level crossings: DK – remote control, DKPO – remote control in the station area, PO – station area, KS – control signal. o mechanically protected level crossings: mechanical barriers. o passively protected level crossings, marked with traffic road signs. means of protection: o barriers, o half barriers, o road signals. Automatic rail Block equipment – APB Ensures complete security of successive trains on an open line between two stations. Block Systems – MO Simplified APB to control availability and security on the entire network between the station sections. Commonality of Traffic – OP Complete security and signalization of the train movements on double-track lines in both directions - variable traffic. Remote Traffic Control - DVP Active remote control and traffic management on a definite line or junction station from the central part. Auto Stop Devices – ASN Automatic train stop in case of an uncontrolled conveying the main signals. Shunting technique Performing technological work procedure; Speed control of the wagons when disassembling, sorting out trains or wagons through humps NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 31 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE T R AF F IC C O N TROL S YS TEM S There are different Traffic Control Systems - signalling equipment on the PRI, intended for traffic management. The overview maps of the signalling and traffic control equipment installed on PRI are shown below. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 32 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Slovenian Railways has its own telecommunication system, the main purpose of which is to ensure the efficiency and needs while managing the rail traffic and the operations of the business system. The telecommunication system is divided into more subsections, which logically complete the equipment for a defined function. The telecommunication part consists of the following sections: transfer systems, telecommunication system at stations (PTS), telephone stations, loudspeakers systems at stations, telecommunication call points, auxiliary telephones, register phones, watch devices, data network (Gbit Ethernet), automatic train identification system (AIS), emergency call system (SOS columns). The transmission systems transfer data between particular stations. The SDH/PDH technology is used. SDH is a backbone system, while PDH is an access system on a local level. Optical fibres are the main transmission media between the stations. The following systems are connected to the transmission system: STS, data network, public address systems, automatic train identification system, ILTIS and SIMIS-W and others. The Station Telecommunication System is a digital communication system based on ISDN technology. LB, CB, analogue and digital telephone subscribers, the public address system and interphone are connected to it. The user (signalman) has a communication desk in front of him and uses it to control station communication connections. The desk consists of a keyboard, a display, micro-telephone combination, and has a built-in microphone and loudspeaker for hands-free communication. Telephone stations allow the connecting of analogue and ISDN telephone subscribers and connecting of analogue wires with E&M signalization. Connection to the public telephone network is made on the S2M level through ISDN centrals. Auxiliary telephones, or wallboards, are set up in traffic offices on each station. They are connected parallel to phone lines and are meant to be used in cases when other systems break down. Bells, switches (assuring selection of individual phone lines) and LB telephones are mounted on the wallboards as well. Public address system is intended for two groups of users: railroad personnel and passengers on a station. It consists of amplifiers and loudspeakers. It is used for live voice messages, spoken into an STS microphone by the signalman, and for messages of an automatic train identification system. This system is connected directly onto the STS or over a transfer system. Telecommunication call points are intended for the railroad personnel performing their work along the rail line. Telecommunication call points include LB or CB telephone appliances for voice communication with traffic or maintenance staff at stations. Call points may be in the form of lockers or columns. The difference between lockers and columns is that the former has an additional space where an event logbook can be stored. Lockers are mounted at level crossings, entrance or exit signals on the station, station areas, at automatic rail blocks and elsewhere. Columns are built on the open line at a distance of one kilometre apart. Register phones are intended to record conversations on rail lines, radio communications and telecommunication boards of train dispatchers. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 33 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE Watch devices are intended to display the right time, both for users of railroad services and for the PRI employees. The Data network consists of a passive part (wiring) and an active part (Ethernet switches and routers). One side of the switches is connected to the transfer system, while on the side of the station systems they enable the local Ethernet network. Automatic train identification system triggers automatic (recorded) spoken messages depending on the motion of the trains. The system receives information about the position of the train from the ILTIS system. On the basis of this information, entered timetable and prerecorded messages, it triggers the appropriate recording on the corresponding station. The messages inform passengers about regular arrivals and delays of the trains. Messages are recorded in Slovenian, widespread foreign languages and the languages of the minorities. Emergency call system consists of emergency call systems (SOS columns) which are placed at the stations, near the area where the passengers are. The system assures direct and immediate connection between the user and workplace, which is occupied 24 hours per day. The system is for informing of intervention events while, at the same time, it gives the users access to a lot of information. SOS columns are physically connected to the STS either directly or over the transfer system. Functionally, all connections from SOS columns are directed to the Traffic Control Centre. All the main lines of PRI are equipted with the digital connections, while the regional ones are mainly equipted with analog connections. R AD I O DISP ATC H CO NNE C TI ONS Radio dispatch connections (RDZ) have been developed especially for railroads, and they allow uninterrupted telecommunication connection between the train (locomotive) and the dispatcher centre on certain sections of the train route. They present rational and necessary instruments for the railroad traffic management. Due to possibility of direct emergency call in both directions the radio dispatch connection is a supplement to the existing railway signalling and traffic control systems and increases the general safety of the traffic. RDZ consists of: RDZ base stations, Radio dispatch centre, RDZ locomotive station. The RDZ system operates within the radio frequency ranges from 457,450 MHz to 458,300 MHz and from 467,450 MHz to 468,300 MHz The connection between the locomotive and the train route dispatcher is established by a selective call. Commands or messages are transferred in a coded digital or phonic form. Messages and orders may be sent by activating appropriate pre-programmed keys. The reception of coded messages is optically and acoustically indicated on light fields, which are designated by anticipated symbols. The number of the train, which can be a six digit number, is used as a reference number. Since the selective call makes the line busy (blocked for the rest of the trains) for as long as the information is being transferred. The speed of 600 Bauds is used for the transfer of coded messages. This makes the line busy for as little time as possible and is approximately 100 milliseconds. If the message is not received by the receiver for whatever reason, the process is repeated automatically. In an emergency situation, the communication desk in the radio dispatcher station allows for simultaneous calls of all the locomotives in a certain RD train route section. Likewise, it is possible to make an emergency call from the locomotive to the radio dispatch station despite the busy line. The frequency diversity switches the locomotive receiver to the frequency which has the strongest field at a given moment. After changing the radio dispatch section, the frequency has to be set up manually. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 34 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE On the train side, the radio dispatch system provides the connection with the public address system, while on the radio dispatch station side it provides the connection with the railway telephone network and other communication systems. Each radio dispatch section represents a closed technical and technological unit which cannot be interrupted by other sections. Junctions of RDZ systems are covered between each other. The designations of junctions on the railroad consist of the mark RDZ K and the number of the radio channel. 3.4 3.4.1 TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS SPE CI AL I ZED I NF R AS TR U C TURE For timetable period 2015/2016 the following lines are defined as specialised infrastructure: (Čakovec) - d.m. - Lendava, which do not have a direct connection with the home country, Grosuplje – Kočevje, intended only for limited freight traffic (the passenger carriage is possible exclusively after signing a special agreement), Ljutomer – Gornja Radgona, intended only for freight traffic (the passenger carriage is possible exclusively after signing a special agreement), Branching Kreplje - Repentabor - d.m. - (Villa Opicina), intended only for limited traffic after signing a special agreement. 3.4.2 E NVIR ONM EN T AL RES TRI C TI ONS The RUs providing transport operations on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia shall: observe all rules necessary to prevent and reduce the burden on the environment, take all necessary measures which prevent and reduce the environmental pollution, so the emissions to the environment do not exceed the prescribed limits, NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 35 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE in case of an environmental accident, immediately inform the IM, which is responsible to inform the competent authority and take all urgent measures to reduce the harmful consequences for the environment. The environmental restrictions in regard to the rail transport, which have to be fulfilled while providing rail transport services, are defined in: The Environmental Protection Act - Officially consolidated text – ZVO-1-UPB1 (Official Journal of RS, No 39/2006), Meteorological Activities Act – ZmetD (Official Journal of RS, No 66/2006), Spatial Planning Act - ZPNačrt (Official Journal of RS, No 33/2007), Financing of Municipalities Act - ZFO-1A, (Official Journal of RS, No 57/2008), Act Amending the Environmental Protection Act – ZVO-1B (Official Journal of RS, No 70/2008, 43/2011), Act Amending the Environmental Protection Act – ZVO-1C (Official Journal of RS, No 108/2009), Executive regulations of The Environmental Protection Act (ZVO-1), published at the website of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. 3.4.3 D AN G E RO US G OO DS The transport of dangerous goods is carried out on all PRI lines, in accordance with the requirements of the state authorities, Rules on the transport of dangerous goods, provisions of the ZVZelP and other related regulations. 3.4.4 TUNNEL RESTRICTIONS The tunnel restrictions, with regard to the spatial dimensions of particular wagons in a train in a combined transport are considered with the codification of lines. For the other consignments the spatial restrictions are valid, which defined by the clearance and loading gauge and stated in Annex 3D. In Bohinj tunnel on rail line No. 70 Jesenice - Sežana traffic limitations are foreseen in case of floods or increased level of water. Those limitations are described in the Station rules of operations of Bohinjska Bistrica railway station. There are no other special limitations in the other tunnels of the PRI. 3.4.5 BRIDGE RESTRICTIONS Wagon or train weight restrictions with regard to the bridges are taken into consideration in the permitted axle load and weight per meter length shown in Section and in Annex 3A. Restrictions on the PRI bridges, because of anticipated weather conditions, specific opening hours and other factors, are not foreseen. 3.5 AV AI L AB IL ITY O F T HE IN FR AS T RUC T UR E While preparing the Network timetable the Agency shall consider and for separate rail sections show the reserved time or reserved dates for carrying out maintenance and repair works, new constructions on the PRI, as well as indicate train paths, which are reserved for service trains movements. The Manager shall forward information on PRI restrictions through contact points, indicated in the Section 1.8 of the Network Statement or those, determined in Access Contracts, signed for accessing to the PRI. Beside this the IM provides information about planned line obstructions on PRI two months in advance. This information is available with login and password at: NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 36 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE On the same website the review of the stations and offices with interrupted service is to be published by the PRI Manager. In case of engagement of additional workforce outside the official working hours of the station or operation station due to the needs of RU´s (delivering or dispatching wagons, supplying of the operation stations etc.), the RU´s must to agree such occupation of the workplace with responsible person of the IM prior the train path order. These occupation must be agreed in time, however no later than within 3 (three) working days. The RU´s must notify the authority for allocation of train paths, that the occupation of additional workforce is agreed by typing notes in the application form for path allocation: “The occupation of (the station or operation station name) agreed". 3.6 SERVICE FACILITIES At some PRI stations, the Manager allows access to the service facilities and equipment for carrying out service works. A list of facilities, usage conditions and prices are described below. The facilities that are not a constituent part of the PRI are described in general, detailed information are available at the owners of these facilities and at the provider of services. The calculation model and the prices for services in the facilities owned by IM are shown in Section 5. 3.6.1 P AS SEN GER S T ATI O NS A list of stations, including the data on the tracks with platforms and the length of the platforms, is in Annex 3B and the plans of particular passenger stations are shown in Annex 3C. With regard to the station equipment according to the Rules on railway stations and stops facilities (Official Journal of RS, No 72/2009), passenger stations are classified into four categories, as shown in the table below. STATION NAME CATEGORY I Ljubljana Celje II Jesenice Koper Nova Gorica Novo mesto Pragersko Kranj Litija Maribor Murska Sobota Sevnica Škofja Loka Trbovlje Zagorje Zidani Most III IV Bohinjska Bistrica Borovnica Brežice Črnomelj Divača Dobova Domžale Grobelno Grosuplje Hrastnik Ivančna Gorica Jarše Mengeš Kamnik Kočevje Kresnice Krško Laško Lesce - Bled Ljubljana Rakovnik Ljubljana Vižmarje Ljubljana Zalog Logatec Medvode Metlika Most na Soči Ormož Pivka Poljčane Polzela Ponikva Postojna Ptuj Rače Rakek Ribnica Rimske Toplice Sežana Slovenska Bistrica Stranje Šentjur Trebnje Velenje Višnja Gora Žalec Anhovo Blanca Bled Jezero Breg Brestanica Brezovica Črnotiče Dobrepolje Dravograd Gornje Ležeče Hoče Hodoš Hrastovlje NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 Grahovo 37 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE IV Hrpelje Kozina Ilirska Bistrica Imeno Ivanjkovci Kidričevo Laze Lipovci Ljubljana Črnuče Ljutomer Maribor Studenci Mirna Peč Moškanjci Ortnek Pesnica Podbrdo Podgorje Podnart Podvelka Preserje Prestranek Prevalje Prvačina Radohova vas Rodik Rogatec Ruše Ruta Sava Semič Slovenski Javornik Središče Šentilj Škofljica Šmartno ob Šoštanj Uršna sela Velenje Pesje Verd Vuhred Štanjel Tržišče Paki Vuzenica Žirovnica All halts are shown in table below and they are stated into the fourth category. HALT NAME Ajdovščina Atomske Toplice hotel Avče Batuje Birčna vas Bistrica ob Bohinjska Dravi Bela Boštanj Branik Celje Lava Cesta Cirknica Cirkovce Čušperk Dobovec Dobravice Dobravlje Dobrije Dolga Gora Dornberk Dornberk vas Dutovlje Fala Florjan Frankovci Gaber Globoko Gomila Duplica Bakovnik Gornji Petrovci Gradac Grlava Hajdina Holmec Homec Hudajužna Hudo Jelovec Jevnica Kamnik Graben Kamnik mesto Kamnje Kanal Kilovče Kočna Kopriva Košaki Košana Kreplje Libna Limbuš Litostroj Ljubljana Brinje Ljubljana Ježica Limbuš Ljubljana Stegne Maribor Tezno Ljubljana Tivoli Ljubljana Vodmat Ljutomer mesto Loka Mačkovci Ljubljana Polje Maribor Sokolska Marles Medno Mekotnjak Mestinje Mirna Mlačevo Mokronog Narin Nomenj Notranje Gorice Novo mesto Novo mesto Obrež center Kandija Okroglica Orehova vas Osluševci Ostrožno Otoče Otovec Ožbalt Paška vas Pavlovci Petrovče Pijavice Planina Plave Podčetrtek Podčetrtek Toplice Podhom Podklanc Podmelec Podplat Polževo Ponikve na Dolenjskem Povir Prešnica Pristava Puconci Pušenci Radeče Radovljica Rakitovec Ravne na Koroškem Reteče Rjavica Rodica Rogaška Slatina Rosalnice Rožni dol Ruše tovarna Sodna vas Solkan Spodnje Slivnice Stara Cerkev Steske Strnišče Sveti Danijel Sveti Rok ob Sotli Sveti Vid Šalovci Šempeter Šikole Šmarca Šmarje pri Šmarje - Sap Šentrupert Šentvid pri Šentvid pri pri Gorici Šempeter v Savinjski dolini Jelšah Maribor Tabor Šentlovrenc Štefan Grobelnem Stični Štore Tekačevo Trbonje Trbonjsko jezero Trebnje Kamna Gora Trzin Trzin industrijska cona Trzin Mlake Velika Loka Velike Lašče Velika Nedelja Veržej Vidina Vintgar Volčja Draga Vuhred Elektrarna Zamušani Zazid Žalna Žlebič The railway stations intended for passenger carriage provide access to and use of platforms, including all other passenger facilities and connecting paths to ensure commuters' traffic. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 38 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE Public awareness and alert systems (via loudspeakers and optical information systems) on arrivals, departures or train movements, respectively, on all particular events are also included. 3.6.2 F REIG H T T ERM IN AL S Freight terminals in Slovenia are not constituent part of the PRI. The IM ensures only the track access to the terminals, while the services are managed by owners of the terminals. Track access to the container terminals is available at the following stations: Celje tovorna, Koper Luka, Ljubljana Container terminal, Maribor Tezno. The freight terminals open for "piggy-back" transport are Ljubljana Moste and Maribor Tezno. Besides above mentioned terminals the track access to the port terminal, located in the Port of Koper, is enabled from the station Koper tovorna. The manager of this terminal is a company Luka Koper, d.d. 3.6.3 F REIG H T S TATI O N S , M AR S H AL L ING Y AR D S AN D T R AI N FO RM ATI O N F AC I LI TIES A list of all stations intended for receiving and dispatching the wagon consignments is in Annex 3G. The indicated freight stations ensure the capacity of tracks to perform loadingunloading and reloading operations. The loading/unloading platforms for loading and unloading private cars on wagons that belong to agency’s passenger train are located on the stations Koper, Jesenice and Maribor. The stations that allow loading and unloading of personal road vehicles are: Koper, Jesenice, Maribor, Most na Soči, Podbrdo, Bohinjska Bistrica. The Ljubljana Zalog freight station is determined as marshalling yard. On this station a permanent shunting group, organized by IM, operates the shunting. The detailed information related to the shunting at the marshalling yard and prices of shunting are shown in Section 5.4.4. Except in the cases of marshalling yards, train composition and decomposition is available at other stations of the PRI that have adequate track capacities. When an undertaking performs shunting movements on those stations, the technological work processes should be elaborated accordingly. Those stations are shown in the table below. STATION NAME Anhovo Bohinjska Bistrica Borovnica Brestanica Brežice Celje tovorna Divača Dobova Dravograd Hoče Hodoš Hrastnik Hrpelje Kozina Ilirska Bistrica Imeno Ivančna Gorica Jarše Mengeš Jesenice Kamnik Kidričevo Kočevje Koper tovorna Kranj Krško Lendava Lesce Bled Litija Lipovci Logatec Ljubljana Ljubljana Črnuče Ljubljana Moste Ljubljana Rakovnik Ljubljana Šiška Ljutomer Maribor Maribor Studenci Maribor Tezno Medvode Murska Sobota Nova Gorica Ormož Pivka Postojna Podnart Poljčane Pragersko Preserje Prestranek Prevalje Ptuj Rače Rakek Rogatec Ruše NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 1 39 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE Sevnica Sežana Šentilj Šentjur Šoštanj Trbovlje Trebnje Velenje Zagorje Zidani Most Žalec 3.6.4 Škofja Loka Verd 1 SIDING TRACKS The Undertakings can use certain available tracks on PRI for deposition of rail vehicles. The usage fee is not charged, if it is necessary to occupy the tracks on PRI Manager’s order or due to its fault, or because of: service interruption on shunting or other stations, disturbances to rail service, specially agreed waiting times and connections in passenger transport. For the deposition of rail vehicles the RU must acquire previous permission by the IM's responsible person. The IM's contact persons are stated in the Access Contract. 3.6.5 M AI N TE N AN C E AN D V EHI CLE SE RVI CE F AC I LI TIES The maintenance tracks and facilities with enabled access are located on the following railway stations: for locomotive services: Maribor, Ljubljana and Divača, for wagon services: Divača, Dobova, Maribor Tezno, Ljubljana Šiška, Ljubljana Moste, Ljubljana Zalog, Ptuj, Jesenice, Nova Gorica and Koper tovorna. The mentioned tracks and maintenance facilities with enabled access are not a constituent part of the PRI. To use maintenance facilities the Undertaking shall sign a special agreement with the company that owns the equipment. 3.6.6 O THE R T ECH NI C AL F AC I LI TIES The other technical facilities, to which the track access is enabled, include: lauding gauge, stable compressor to test the brake, stable devices for preheating of passenger wagons. More detailed description of these devices including the possibilities to access and using of them is stated in Section 5.4.2. 3.6.7 REF UELIN G F AC I LI TIES On PRI the RUs have track access to services facilities, where they can use the refueling services. The pumping stations with track access are located on the following railway stations: Celje, Divača, Jesenice, Ljubljana*, Maribor Studenci, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Pragersko. The part of access tracks are owned by the Undertaking SŽ - Potniški promet, d.o.o. (SŽ Passenger Transport Business Unit). For usage of these tracks the owner’s permission is needed. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 40 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE 3.7 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT The rail infrastructure development projects in Slovenia are based on the National Programme of the Slovenian Railway Infrastructure Development (Official Journal of the RS 13/96), Resolution on the transport policy of the RS (Official Journal of the RS 58/06) and Decision No 661/2010/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2010 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport (Official Journal of the EU, No L 204/1 dated 5.8.2010). The goals, targeted by development projects are: ensuring the axle load D4 (22,5 t) on corridors V and X, increasing speed on corridor rail lines to 160 km/h, electrification of unelectrified sections of rail lines on the corridor V, construction of rail lines on the single-track sections on corridors V and X, improving the safety on the level crossings, modernising the signalling equipment for two-way traffic on double-track lines, modernising the signalling equipment with the intention of distant control of the traffic. Ongoing or forthcoming renovation and enhancement works: increasing the axle load on the rail line Zidani most - Maribor on D4; modernising the signalling equipment on the line Divača – Koper; increasing the capacities of the rail line Divača – Koper, including improvement of capacities of stations Koper, Divača, Kozina, substations Koper, Divača and Kozina; enhancement of the rail line Pragersko – Hodoš (2nd phase – line sections Pragersko – Ptuj and Mekotnjak- Murska Sobota) managing the speed restriction on corridors V and X; other projects concerning safety matters on the corridors V and X; other projects concerning support services for passengers; upgrading the rail line Grosuplje - Kočevje and establishment of passenger carriage. The main new construction projects are: the technical protection of unprotected railway crossings and reduction in their number, the establishment of distant control of the substations, installation of ECTS level 1 on the corridor V, installation of GSM-R system on the entire rail network, electrification of the line Pragersko – Hodoš, construction of the second track Ljubljana – Jesenice, when checking a possible connection with the Ljubljana Airport, construction of the second track Maribor – Šentilj, construction of double-track line Koper – Divača, when checking a possible connection with Trieste – Koper, upper level access to platforms on the stations and halts. In 2016 the key restrictions on the network will relate to renewal and enhancement works. Line obstructions and permanent speed limitations will be introduced on the segments, where the construction works will be carried out. Planned line obstructions for 2016 on the main single track lines are shown in the table below. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 41 I NF R AS TR U C TU RE LINE SECTION DATE FROM TO 10.4., 12.6., 14.8. and 16.10. 00.15 04.30 12. and 13.3., 7. and 8.5., 24. and 25.9., 5. and 6.11. 09.45 17.00 3.4., 5.6., 7.8. and 23.10. 00.50 04.30 19. in 20.3., 14. and 15.5., 10. and 11.9., 19. and 20.11. 10.20 17.30 Ljubljana - Kranj Kranj - Jesenice th th Ljubljana -Jesenice 14 to 25 November th continuous th 19 June and 6 November. Maribor - Šentilj st 23.40 rd 21 to 23 May from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ormož – Ljutomer (Murska Sobota – Hodoš) Ormož – Hodoš 5.00 continuous From Monday to Saturday - from 4 to 30 January 8.00 13.30 12.00 17.30 From Monday to Friday - from 1.2. to 29.2. 7.00 13.00 th th Poljčane– Slovenska 5.9. to 12.12. Bistrica (levi tir) continuous Pivka Ilirska Bistrica – Every Friday from 7 p.m. to Sunday to 4 p.m.: Divača – Koper 2 to 4 , 9 to 11 and 17 to 18 January (Prešnica – Koper) 6 to 8 , 13 to 15 , 20 to 22 Divača - Koper Every second Monday: th st February, 27 June to 31 July and December Every second Monday: th th March, April, May, 4 to 13 June, September, October and November th th th th March (except 25 to 27 ), April, May, 4 to 19 June, September nd th th th th th 1 th th th th continuous th nd th th and 28 to 29 August continuous 9.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 Other planned obstructions for the infrastructure maintenance purposes will be published in Slovenian language in monthly plans of obstructions and will be available for the undertakings two months prior to introducing the obstructions at the following website: NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 42 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON 4. 4.1 C AP AC I T Y AL L O C AT I O N INTRODUCTION The train path allocation process is regulated by the ZZelP, the General Administrative Procedure Act – ZUP-UPB2 (Official Journal of the RS, No. 24/2006, 126/2007, 65/2008, 8/2010, 82/2013), the Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 113/2009, 73/2012), Decree on the elaboration of the network timetable for public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 73/2012) and by international agreements. 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS In the Republic of Slovenia an independent authority at the Agency has the competency for the train path allocation. The entire process of the train path allocation must be based on the principle of competitive neutrality, meaning fair treatment to all Applicants' requests. Throughout the entire process, the principle of maximizing PRI capacity utilization shall be applied. The Network timetable must be prepared in accordance with the optimal use of resources by the applicants and regard the optimal utilization of the PRI. Prior to each train ride on the PRI it is necessary to acquire a decision on the allocated train path, on the basis of the completed application for path allocation, which at the same time is considered as a train path order. The train path allocation process is divided into four spheres: preparing train path catalogue, train path request, train path construction, train path allocation changes, cancelation and withdrawal of train path. Precise account of the train path allocation process is provided in Annex 4D. 4.2.1 T R AI N P ATH O R DER The Applicants who want to acquire a train path on the PRI shall submit a train path allocation application to the Agency. The train path allocation request is submitted by an Applicant within defined timeframe, via web application Train path ordering, PCS tool or completed Application form published in the Network Statement (Annex 4A). We recommend to use the web application, which is available with an assigned login and password at: The train path application form must be completed fully and correctly and include all required data. A valid Safety Certificate for the requested capacity should be attached to the application. The Agency shall keep a record of the path construction orders to monitor the further elaboration and coordination processes. The record contains all the basic and technical data from train path requests, all prepared components of train path constructions. It also contains data on the chronological course of the coordination process and approval of train path construction. If the Applicant submits an incomplete and incomprehensible application, the Agency within 5 (five) working days after the receipt of the application contacts the Applicant by e-mail or fax, asking him to complete the form within 14 (fourteen) days, otherwise the form shall not be processed in the train path allocation process. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 43 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON The path allocation application form or construction order is composed of Chapters, where the Applicants enter the following data: information on Applicant range of requested services, the types of requested services, general information on requested train path, additional data on requested train path, technical data on requested train path, annexes. New train path orders and requests for services are divided into: requests for a new timetable period, new train path requests and train paths for enforcement of changes in already allocated paths within the framework of working timetable interim changes (dates are shown in Section 4.4.6), ad-hoc train path requests. All data, entered by the Applicants in the allocation application, are confidential. The Agency shall not forward the data to a third party without the Applicant’s prior consent or use it for any purpose whatsoever. The Applicant submits the application for the entire international path at one of the competent authorities on that path. The authority processes the application with the other competent authorities on the train path in accordance with the valid regulations and international agreements. To perform international passenger services, the Applicant should attach an evidence of informing all entities mentioned in the Article 15a of the ZZelP of its request for the train path. Ordering international train paths at a Manager or Allocation Body for the whole journey route: The path ordering process is started in the republic of Slovenia: The ordering is carried out in accordance with the prescribed procedure at the Agency. The Agency, in cooperation with other foreign Infrastructure Managers, constructs the path for the whole train path. The Agency forwards the agreed offer for the whole train path to the ordering party and allocates the path only for the train course through the PRI of the RS. The path ordering process is started at the level of a foreign Infrastructure Manager: The foreign Infrastructure Manager orders the train path’s construction at the Agency, as a request to study the train path. The Agency, in cooperation with the other foreign Infrastructure Managers, elaborates and coordinates the path construction for the train course all through the PRI of the RS. The Agency forwards the elaborated and coordinated construction to the ordering party – foreign Manager. The Undertaking/ordering party, based on the prepared and coordinated construction, orders train path at the Agency, in accordance to the prescribed procedure. Ordering international train paths on RFC: According to the Regulation EU No 913/2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight the train paths on RFC are allocated on a level of the Corridor OSS, which enable applicants to ask for all the information and get the required answers regarding to the infrastructure capacities of RFC. Within the corridor OSS the applicants can get available prearranged international train paths (PaPs) for freight trains. That paths can be ordered directly to corridor OSS. The list of PaPs is available on the RFC5 and RFC6 websites and on the web application PCS (described in Section 1.10.2). The applicants can order the PaP directly by corridor NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 44 1 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON OSS as it is defined in Regulation EU No 913/2010 and corridor OSS internal rules and procedures. The train path allocation request on RFC can be submitted RFC exclusively by using PCS. The train path requests on RFC are divided into: requests for a new timetable period: regular procedure - from X - 11 to X - 8 late path requests - from X - 7,5 to X - 2 ad-hoc train path requests After X – 2 only ad hoc train path requests for the reserve capacities are available. Such paths must be requested at the C-OSS at least 30 days before the train run. Later requests on RFC 6 are not possible, in these cases the national rules for the train path ordering, described in Section 4.3.2, must be considered. 1 In case of conflicts in allocation process for the requests for new timetable period the rules, described in Section 11.8 of corridor informative document (CID) are implemented. Basic priority criteria, which are taken into account in these cases, are: length of the train path on RFC, number of the train's running days. If needed two additional criteria are taken into consideration: length of feeder or outflow path, where only as the crow flies distance from entering or leaving point on the corridor to the final destination of train path is taken into account, length of network path, which runs across two or more RFCs. In the late path requests for a new timetable period and in ad-hoc train paths requests procedure the "first come - first served" principle is applied. It means that the Applicant who ask for the available path first will get this requested path. More precise rules regarding the allocation of train paths and the performance of transport services in rail cargo on RFCs are described in CID, which are available on the RFC's websites. Contacts of RFC 5 and RFC 6 including the C-OSS are shown in Section 1.9.2. 4.2.2 T R AI N P ATH CO NS TRU C TIO N The Agency shall prepare the construction in such a way as to make the most use of the Railway Infrastructure and, at the same time, to address the Applicants’ wishes. During a train path construction the Agency should address all requirements, indicated for train path construction, as much as possible. The Agency, before starting the train path construction, prepares a path catalogue, where the unoccupied routes are shown, to promptly address the received applications for path allocation and construction. Train path construction is carried out in the following order: train paths of passenger trains within the public service obligation in passenger carriage in domestic and cross border traffic; train paths of other passenger trains; train paths of trains running through the stations, where they have planned connection with other trains; pre-arranged international train paths for freight trains in accordance with Regulation No. 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (Official Journal of the EU, No.276, dated 20th October 2010), train paths of the Framework agreement are taken into account prior to new ordered; train paths according to the time of the train path order (requests in regular procedure are taken into account before requests in late procedure); international train paths before train paths in domestic traffic, NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 45 1 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON train paths that provide better usage of the PRI and a wider range of services prior to the train paths which utilize PRI to a lesser extent; train paths of trains running on the single-track line on the part of the route. Construction of train paths for locomotive run in junction stations does not perform, only speed and journey time are determined. The Agency shall forward this data to the IM. Train path for intervention train has priority over all other trains, when it is sent in order to handle the troubles and ensure normal traffic conditions. In case of obstacles in traffic the extra train paths (not provided for by the timetable) to make a detour must be determinate. The IM set down to the train available, already constructed train path, and inform the Agency of this use. After train path construction the route offers from the path catalogue can be published in catalogue of available train paths and are available to applicants in case they need ad-hoc train paths. 4.2.3 RESERV ATI O N O F A C O NS TR UC TED T R AI N P ATH A train path that has been constructed and coordinated on the basis of order for a new network timetable in regular or late procedure, is reserved from the day of the Applicant’s confirmation to path allocation day, but not later than X-2 months. An ad-hoc train path, including path offer is booked from the day of confirmation by an applicant to the day of path allocation or maximum 15 (fifteen) days. 4.3 S C HE DU LE F OR T H E AL L O C ATI O N P R O CE SS The Applicants shall submit a request for train path allocation for each timetable period separately, within a timeframe, specified in Section 4.3.1. During the network timetable validity period ad hoc train path requests can be submitted within a timeframe, specified in Section 4.3.2. 4.3.1 S CHE D ULE F OR THE AL L OC ATI O N P R O CESSES FO R A NEW T IM ET AB L E PERIOD Timely submitted path allocation requests for the 2015/2016 timetable period are those submitted to the Agency, not later than 13th April 2015 (the second Monday in April 2015). A train path allocation request for an international train path in the timetable period of this Network Statement, which the Applicant submits in a timely manner to a foreign Infrastructure Manager, shall also be considered as a timely requests, provided that the foreign Infrastructure Manager timely forwards the requests to the Agency on behalf of the Applicant. A request for an international train path (submitted by the Applicant himself or by a foreign Infrastructure Manager on its behalf) submitted to the International Railway Conference that convenes to prepare the Network timetable, valid for the period of this Network Statement, shall also be considered as a timely request for an international train path. Train paths construction processes, that is considered in preparation of new Network timetable are divided into: regular procedure – applications are accepted from X – 12 to X – 8 months, late request procedure – subsequent acceptance of applications from X – 8 to X – 2 months, request procedure within the framework of working timetable interim changes – applications are accepted from X – 2 to X + 11 months. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 46 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON Description of activities and deadlines for train path allocation processes NO. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES PERFORMER OF THE ACTIVITY* DEADLINE IN MONTHS 1 Defining of technical elements necessary for path construction Manager X – 12 2 Publishing the Network Statement Manager X – 12 3 Establishing of temporary international train paths Agency X – 11 4 Preparing and publishing the path catalogue Agency X – 11 5 Requesting a train path in regular procedure from the Agency Applicants X – 12 to X – 8 6 Preparation and edition of the draft Network timetable and its delivery to the Applicants and to the Manager * Agency X–5 7 The Applicants comments on the draft Network timetable Applicants X–4 8 Coordination process in terms of the received suggestions Agency Manager Applicants X – 4 to X – 3 9 Requesting a train path in late request procedure and requesting the informative train paths Applicants X – 8 to X – 2 10 Consultation and coordination process for train paths Agency Manager Applicants X–2 11 Train path allocation to the Applicants Agency X–2 12 Acceptance and publishing the network timetable and its delivery to the Manager and to the RUs* Agency X–2 13 Public publishing the timetable of passenger trains within the public service obligation in domestic and cross border traffic Agency X – 15 days 14 Publishing the working timetable documents Manager RUs X – 15 days 15 Enforcement of the network timetable Agency X 16 Preparing modifications to the valid network timetable and their publishing in the working timetable. Agency X + 12 * The draft Network timetable the Agency delivers to the Manager, and the drafts of constructed train paths separated to the each individual Applicant and other interested customers. 4.3.2 S CHE D ULE F OR THE AL L OC ATI O N P R O CESSES FO R AD HO C T R AI N P ATH S During production of the network timetable and its modifications the Agency prepares the available train path catalogue, where the unoccupied routes are shown, to promptly address the received ad hoc requests for path allocation. Here is the schedule for requests for ad hoc train paths: regular procedure (requests are accepted from 30 to 5 days prior to the train departure), fast-track procedure (from 5 days prior to train departure to no later than 12 hours before the train departure, respectively, 6 hours before the cargo train departure in case of international train paths), exceptional procedure (ordering in case of exceptional events). For construction of ad hoc train path can be used: the informative train path, which at this time is not in use and elements of which meets the requirements, indicated for train path construction, NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 47 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON available train path, path of a regular train, for which the particular timetable is constructed in advance and for which the new schedule or the number of duplicate train is determinated, tailor-made path construction based on data, provided by the Applicant in the path application form. During ad hoc train path construction the sequence of procedure from Section 4.2.2 should be considered and the capacity is allocated on the “first come, first served” principle. Ad hoc train path is allocated to an Applicant on the grounds of its application. In the regular procedure the Agency shall process the accepted path allocation requests as soon as possible, however no later than within 5 (five) working days. The details of ad-hoc train path allocation and distribution process are provided in the Annex 4D. 4.4 TRAIN PATH ALLOCATION Based on the elaborated and by an ordering party confirmed train path, the Agency issues to the Applicant a decision on train path allocation. The fee for the issued decision is regulated by the Administrative Fees Act - ZUT-UPB6 (Official Journal of the RS, No. 106/2010) in accordance with the tariff 35/2.a. The Agency allocates the train path to the Applicant for period, not exceeding the validity period of the Network timetable. After the receipt of the decision and before the beginning of delivery of the rail transport services the Applicant shall sign a Contract from Section 6.1.1. with the Agency. In path allocation process the Agency shall consider criteria, defined in the Annex 4C. The factors and principles that the Agency shall consider while evaluating those criteria in accordance with the Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure, are also provided in the same Annex. If the Agency cannot decide on the path allocation on the grounds of the above mentioned criteria, the additional factors, indicated in Section 4.4.3 shall be considered in the decisionmaking process. 4.4.1 COO R DIN AT IO N P RO CESS In the train path allocation process each train path shall be coordinated prior to path allocation and shall be confirmed by the Applicant. While preparing a train paths construction, the process shall be coordinated at international and local levels, between the RUs or Applicants, the Manager and the Agency. In case of competing requests for the same path on the PRI, placed by different Applicants, or if the desired paths overlap on a part of the PRI, the Agency can offer to an Applicant an alternative path, provided the following principles: considering the potential and dynamics of Applicants’ performance in the future, flexibility in train path allocation process, at the same time considering the aspects of the soundness of the requests and the maximum usage of the PRI, preventing situations, when an Applicant with allocated train path hinders the operation of another Applicant without a justifiable reason. During the coordination process the Agency shall handle the conflicting requests. The coordination process shall begin with a written dialogue between the Agency and Applicants holding the conflicting requests. The Agency immediately informs the Applicants in writing, by fax or e-mail that more undertakings have requested the same path and offers them an available alternative path or another possible solution. Within 5 (five) days from the receipt of such a proposal the Applicant shall forward to the Agency its viewpoint on the proposed NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 48 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON solutions in writing, by fax or e-mail, otherwise agreement to the proposal would be assumed. If, after the receipt of the Applicants’ opinions, the Agency still fails to resolve disputed requests, the Agency establishes a verbal dialogue in order to reach an acceptable solution. If within the verbal dialogue an agreement is achieved, the Agency shall prepare a written agreement in the form of protocol, signed by all concerned stakeholders. According to this agreement, within 7 (seven) days after the signing of the protocol, all stakeholders shall present the changed path allocation requests to the Agency. If the Applicants or the other concerned stakeholders with conflicting requests do not achieve an agreement within the coordination process and equally qualify for the path allocation (according to the evaluation criteria, indicated in Annex 4C), a congested infrastructure capacity allocation process is implemented (see Section 4.4.3). After coordination process for a new timetable period the Agency shall prepare the draft network timetable. It contains requested and available train paths. Train paths for locomotive run in junction stations are not taken into account in the draft network timetable. The Agency shall send the draft network timetable to the Manager not later than five months before the new timetable period. After coordination and final preparation of materials the Agency forwards the elaborated train paths draft to the Applicants and other stakeholders, who wish to influence on the network timetable. The Manager, Applicants and other stakeholders shall send their possible comments within the time limit set by the Agency (not less than one month period). Within the prescribed time period the Agency gathered possible comments on draft network timetable and try to handle the conflicting requests in the consultation process. 4.4.2 F AS T- TR AC K PR OCE D URE F OR DISP U TE RES OL U TIO N Along with the existing legal means of appeal to the regulatory body there is also a fast-track procedure for dispute resolution which is carried out by the Agency and is only an interim tool in coordination process. A decision in this case shall be issued within 10 (ten) working days. The contact persons at the Agency, responsible for conflict resolution, are indicated in Section 1.8. 4.4.3 CO NGES TE D IN FR AS TR U C TU RE If after coordination process the requirements for train path allocation cannot be met fully or the demand for infrastructure capacity cannot be satisfied, the Agency shall immediately proclaim that part of the infrastructure as congested infrastructure. The same is to be made for infrastructure with obviously insufficient capacity in the future. If a section or a part of the PRI is proclaimed as congested infrastructure, the Agency shall perform a capacity analysis, unless a capacity expansion plan has already been performed. If the usage charge for the PRI does not allow capacity expansion of the PRI segment or part, which is proclaimed as congested infrastructure, the Agency may use the additional factors in path allocation process, besides the above mentioned factors: importance of the transport service for the wider community in terms of enabling other services and the possible consequences of allocation or non-allocation of the path; importance of the freight service with regard to provision of international rail freight traffic. During the coordination process the Agency shall handle the conflicting requests. If the path allocation is impossible even after the implementation of path construction process on a congested infrastructure and coordination (since competing Applicants meet defined criteria and attain equal rights to allocation), then the Agency triggers tender offer, in which the train NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 49 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON path is allocated to the Applicant who is prepared to pay the highest user charge. The Agency shall inform the regulatory body about the tender. The tender starts when the Agency invites the Applicants with conflicting requests to post their offers for the user charge within 5 (five) days of the receipt of the call for tender. The negotiations shall take place exclusively under the supervision of the regulatory body. In case the Applicant with a disputable request fails to forward a written offer for the highest usage charge to the Agency in due time, it would be considered as an allocation request withdrawal. It would lead to compensation to the Agency for its procedural costs. Upon receiving the written offers, the Agency shall examine them closely, and within 5 (five) days shall decide on the path allocation on the basis of the highest offered usage charge. The Agency shall inform all tender participants on the allocation decision. Participants who failed to obtain a train path may make an appeal against this decision. The regulatory body makes the decision on the appeal against the decision for path allocation issued by the Agency. If irregularities are discovered in the selection process, the appellant can request to repeat the tender. 4.4.4 IM P AC T OF F R AM EW OR K AG REEM E N TS The Agency and the Applicant may sign a Framework Agreement, where the characteristics of infrastructure capacity are determined for the period exceeding one network timetable period. The Framework Agreement does not specify the train path in detail, but seeks to meet the legitimate commercial needs of the applicant. The signed Framework Agreement does not prevent the usage of the certain infrastructure by the other applicants or for the other rail services. In the Framework Agreement the defined requirements of an Applicant should not occupy more than 75% of infrastructure capacity of a rail line or a rail line segment in one hour. 4.4.5 CH AN G ES , C OM PLETIO NS , W I TH DR AW AL AN D C AN C EL LATI O N S OF T R AI N PATH Changes or completions to existing train path means that upon an Applicant’s request changes are made in the main data on existing train path, that brings about cancellation of scheduled and already constructed train path, and as a result, the existing train path is canceled and a new path is requested. Train path withdrawal means final cancellation of an allocated train path for the entire timetable period, from the first day of withdrawal enforcement to the timetable expiration day. With train path withdrawal the Applicant loses its rights for further usage of allocated train path during agreed timetable period. Train path withdrawal till to the enforcement date of the network timetable changes or the interim changes enforcement is treated as cancellation. It means that the RU is obliged to cancel that path till the enforcement date. If the path isn’t canceled, the RU should pay the late cancellation fee, described in point 6.3.5 of this document. Cancellation means withdrawal of a train path for one or more train running days. In that case the Applicant reserves the right for further usage of allocated train path during agreed timetable period. Cancellation is possible for up to 20 days in advance. The changes are enforced by the Agency during timetable period, five times per year on predetermined dates, coordinated on international level. The Applicant shall submit the request for the change, withdrawal or cancellation in the same way as a new train path order within prescribed timeframe, via an online application NVP. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 50 1 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON The changes in allocation requests as a result of coordination procedure, in allocation process are considered as timely submitted complete applications. The Applicants shall submit appropriately changed applications to the Agency according to the process, described in Section 4.2.1. The changes, completions and withdrawal of the train paths, which influence on the train schedule on the railway lines of other foreign Infrastructure Managers, shall be done upon prior consultation between the Agency, the Applicant, the Manager and foreign Infrastructure Managers. In domestic traffic, consultation can be done without other applicants and foreign Infrastructure Managers, when this changes, completions and withdrawal of the train paths have no influence on their timetable. Dates of the Network timetable interim changes enforcement in 2016 NO. DEADLINES FOR ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR TRAIN PATH CHANGES OR WITHDRAWAL 1 8 January 2 4 March th th 12 May th 5 August 4 4.5 th 8 February th 3 5 ENFORCEMENT DATES OF THE NETWORK TIMETABLE CHANGES th 9 September th 1 4 April th 12 June th 5 September th 10 October AL L O C AT I ON O F C AP AC IT Y FO R MAI N T EN AN C E , RE NEW AL AN D ENHANCEMENT The train path allocation process, defined in Sections 4.1 - 4.4, can also be used for PRI maintenance, renewal and enhancement purposes. For the purposes of the intervention train the Manager, in order to re-establish the normal conditions of the PRI, is allowed to use the first suitable train path. The Manager shall inform the Agency on that use. The Agency regularly supervises the use of such train paths. 4.6 NON-USAGE / CANCELLATION RULES If an Applicant has failed to use the allocated train path, the Agency is entitled to allocate the infrastructure capacity to another Applicant. The Agency may withdraw the path allocated to an Applicant if: the Applicant has used less than 30% of the allocated train path within an uninterrupted period of minimum one month, the Applicant in a period of minimum one month has used less than 75% of the approved congested infrastructure or an infrastructure that has been allocated in the coordination process. The provisions from the previous paragraph do not apply, however, if the failure to fully utilize the capacity is a result of non-economic causes which are beyond the Applicant’s control. Before the Agency withdraws the unused train path and allocates it to another Applicant, it will inform the first owner with a written notice and provide it an opportunity to explain the reasons for underuse. All Applicants or Railway Undertakings have a right to cancel or revoke an allocated train path. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 51 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON The train path cancellation can be made exclusively by the NVP. For late cancellations penalties shall be paid. The rate depends on cancellation time. The terms of cancellation fees are indicated in Section 6.3.5. In case of performing scheduled maintenance or renewal works the cancellation request is placed by the Applicant who has been allocated train path, after reaching an agreement with the Manager. The Applicant shall also that cancellations perform by the NVP, therefore the Agency is immediately informed of all such cancellations. 4.7 EXCEPTIONAL TRANSPORT AND DANGEROUS GOODS The Railway Undertaking shall guarantee the transport of exceptional consignments and dangerous goods under the terms defined in the national regulations and European Union directives, which refer to the transport of exceptional consignments and dangerous goods. The Agency should provide the Railway Undertakings with more detailed information on the national regulations. 4.7.1 EX CEP TIO NAL T R AN SP OR T For transport of exceptional consignments the Manager’s permission is required, which specifies the method and transport terms, as well as the refund policy for exceptional transport. The Manager shall decide on providing the exceptional transport not later than 15 (fifteen) days after submission of the request. After receiving a request for transport of exceptional consignments, the Manager shall define the possibility for the transport and transport conditions. The Manager shall issue a permit, together with details of the transport conditions for an exceptional consignment. If the exceptional transport is impossible, the Manager shall inform and explain the refusal to the Railway Undertaking with a written notice. The Manager’s expenses for exceptional transport are: Basic expenses - include the preparation of the transport conditions and issuing a permit for exceptional transport: the basic expenses for exceptional transport conditions “A” (Alfa) and “B” (Bravo) amount to 65 € + VAT; the basic expenses for exceptional transport conditions “C” (Charlie) and “D” (Delta) amount to 130 € + VAT. Additional expenses - depending on the extent and complexity of transport conditions and Managers' actual expenses during transportation, are suggested to the Undertaking, together with the transport conditions and transport permit: for exceptional transport conditions “A” (Alfa) and “B” (Bravo), as well as for consignments, not exceeding the axle load or load per unit length of the rail line, additional costs are not charged; for exceptional transport conditions “C” (Charlie) and “D” (Delta), as well as for consignments, exceeding the axle load or load per unit length of the rail line, additional costs are charged per vehicle, namely for two-axle vehicle 0,53 € + VAT per day per km, for vehicles with more than two axles 0,66 € + VAT per number of km covered. Unforeseen expenses - other eventual expenses, arising during transportation process, which could not be foreseen in advance. The Manager calculates them additionally, after actual transportation. The technical regulations, the definitions of exceptional transport, the terms for acquiring permission and the method for defining the transport conditions are provided in the national legislation, which regulates the exceptional transport and in the Manual of the PRI Manager, where also all the required forms to order an exceptional transport can be found. The Manual is available in Slovenian language with login and password on the following website: NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 52 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON For any further information the PRI Manager should be contacted (contact person is stated in Section 1.8). 4.7.2 T R AN SP OR T O F D AN G E RO US GO OD S The Undertaking shall inform the Manager on the intended dispatch of dangerous goods and possible environmental damage caused by the nature or quantity of those goods. In train path allocation request, in section ''Remarks'', the Applicants shall indicate the numbers of dispatch dangerous substances, in accordance with the RID. During handover between the Undertaking and the Manager, which takes place at the departure station or traffic interchange station, the Undertaking is obliged to inform the Manager (signalman or section regulator) on the actual placing of wagons with dangerous goods in the train and indicate the types of the dangerous substances. In accordance to the Article 18 of Decree on the water protection area for the aquifers of municipalities Šmartno ob Paki, Polzela and Braslovče (Official Journal of the RS, No. 98/2011) on the section Polzela – Šmartno ob Paki, which is part of the line No. 31 Celje – Velenje, the traffic of dangerous goods by rail is prohibited. 4.8 4.8.1 SPECIAL MEASURES TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT OF DISTURBANCE PRINCIPLES The PRI Manager and the Railway Undertaking are obliged to inform each other on any arisen problem and irregularity which disturbs, or may disturb the normal flow of traffic. The PRI Manager and the Railway Undertaking shall take all necessary measures to address the problems as soon as possible and to ensure the undisturbed traffic operations. In order to promptly handle the troubles and ensure normal traffic conditions, the PRI Manager and the Undertaking shall mutually support each other in terms of staff and technical resources. In case of defining of the extra train paths for train run on a detour because of obstacles in a traffic, the IM set down to the train available, already constructed train path, and inform the Agency of this use. In case of unforeseen emergency situations the train paths, that have been used partially or haven’t been used at all due to exceptional events, shall be cancelled by the Applicant, on Manager’s order. For cancellation in case of exceptional events, the fee for path late cancellation is not charged. 4.8.2 OPE R ATI O NAL R EG UL ATI O N In emergency cases, or when the Infrastructure is temporarily disabled, the Manager can deny the operation on the allocated train path without any notice and as long as it is necessary to repair the system. The Manager may require available resources from the RUs, necessary to re-establish normal conditions in the shortest possible time. 4.8.3 FORESEEN PROBLEMS While ensuring regular capacities, the Manager shall inform the RU on foreseen obstacles in a timely manner, so the RU can request another train path, respectively find a mutual satisfactory solution with the Manager. More precise provisions, defining the relationships and the responsibilities of the Manager and the RU, are stated in Annex 2A. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 53 C AP AC I TY AL L O C ATI ON 4.8.4 UNFORESEEN PROBLEMS In the case of unexpected events which cause deviations from the allocated train path, the PRI Manager, upon prior consultation with the RU, has the right to adjust the train path in a way that ensures the existing connections as much as possible. The Manager informs the RUs or the Applicants on the exceptional events, describes the encountered problems and foreseen consequences. It also suggests appropriate solutions, which should be coordinated with the RUs’ regulations as far as possible. If consensus is not possible, the final solution is made by the Manager. Making this solution the Manager shall consider priorities in traffic management of delayed trains. Priority shall be given to the trains in the following order: 1. passenger trains against all other trains, 2. trains, running over interchange stations, on which they have connection with other trains, 3. trains with longer path to the last stop, 4. trains that on part of the route run on a single track line. Intervention train has priority over all other trains, when it is sent in order to handle the consequences of an exceptional event and ensure normal traffic conditions. More precise provisions, which define the relationships and the responsibilities of the Manager and the RU, are stated in Annex 2A. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 54 SERVICES 5. 5.1 SERVICES LEGAL FRAMEWORK The legal framework for defining the PRI is provided in: Articles 9 and 10 of the ZZelP, which describes the PRI and its constituents, Chapter III of the Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 113/2009, 73/2012), which defines methodology for charging and charging principles, Articles 15b and 15d ZZelP, which defines the right to use the PRI including the minimum access package, tracks access to service facilities and additional and auxiliary services (as follows in Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5). 5.2 MI NIM UM AC C E S S P AC K AG E The minimum access package that all RUs with allocated train paths are entitled to use includes: handling of requests for railway infrastructure capacity; the right to utilize capacity which is granted; use of the railway infrastructure, including track points and junctions; train control including signalling, regulation, dispatching and the communication and provision of information on train movement; use of electrical supply equipment for traction current, where available; all other information required to implement or operate the service for which capacity has been granted. 5.3 1 TR AC K AC C E S S T O SE RV IC E F ACIL ITI ES AN D SU PP LY O F S ER VI CE S An Applicant or a RU who has been allocated a train path, alongside the minimum access package, has tracks access to service facilities and supply of services: passenger stations, their buildings and other facilities, including travel information display and suitable location for ticketing services; freight terminals; marshalling yards and train formation facilities, including shunting facilities; storage sidings; maintenance facilities, with the exception of heavy maintenance facilities dedicated to high-speed trains or to other types of rolling stock requiring specific facilities; other technical facilities, including cleaning and washing facilities; maritime and inland port facilities which are linked to rail activities; relief facilities; refueling facilities and supply of fuel in these facilities, charges for which shall be shown on the invoices separately. The tariffs for track access to services facilities, indicated in subsections of this Section, in timetable period 2015/2016 are not charged. From charging only compensation for track access to service facilities is excluding, while the services and supply of services themselves are charged in accordance with a special agreement signed by RUs with the provider of these services or owner of service facilities. These services shall be provided on fair, non-discriminatory basis. The RUs’ request may be refused only if there are other suitable offers under market conditions. 5.3.1 1 AV AI L AB L E SE RVICE F AC I LI TIES Service facilities, to which the track access is available, are indicated in Section 3.6 with subsections. Following there are detailed information on methodology for charging and the prices of services. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 55 1 SERVICES P AS SE NGE R S T ATI O NS AN D H AL TS The Undertaking can access and use the platforms on railway stations, including all other public connections that enable rail passenger service. The public address facilities (via loudspeakers and optical information systems) on arrivals, departures or train movements and all particularities are also available. The usage fee for the passenger stations is calculated according to the following formula: Upp = P • C Abbreviations: Upp usage fee for the passenger stations P number of stops of a passenger train on a passenger station or halt price in € depending on station's or halt's category: - Category 1 1,50 € C - Category 2 1,30 € - Category 3 1,20 € - Category 4 1,00 € The stations and halts are categorised into four categories, as shown in Section 3.6.1. F REIG H T T ERM IN AL S The PRI Manager do not manage freight terminals, it only provides the track access to them. The information about the terminals, their capacities and prices are available on the web sites of the terminal managers, SŽ – Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (SŽ Cargo) at and Luka Koper, d.d. (Port of Koper) at M AR S H AL LI NG Y AR D S AN D T R AI N FO RM ATI O N F AC I LI TIES The usage fee for access and use of marshalling yard Ljubljana Zalog is calculated according to the following formula: Urp = V • C Abbreviations: Urp usage fee for access and use of marshalling yard V number of trains C price (22,00 €) The usage fee for PRI tracks that are used for train formation and are not specified as tracks and facilities for shunting on marshalling yard Ljubljana Zalog are calculated as follows: Usv = V • T • C Abbreviations: Urp usage fee for tracks and other facilities for train formation V number of trains T number of tracks C price (11,00 €) NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 56 SERVICES The user fee for loading and unloading rail wagons on PRI include charge for tracks and facilities on the delivery way, public sidings, loading/unloading sidings and loading/unloading platforms. The usage fee for loading and unloading sidings is calculated according to the following formula: Unr = Vag • C Abbreviations: Unr usage fee for loading/unloading sidings Vag number of wagons for loading/unloading C price (0,60 €) SIDING TRACKS The usage fee for siding tracks is calculated according to the following formula: Uot = D • Voz • C Abbreviations: Uot usage fee for siding tracks D number of days Voz number of vehicles C price (4,80 €) M AI N TE NAN C E AN D VE HIC LE SE RVICE F AC I LI TIES The user fee to access to service tracks and maintenance facilities is calculated according to the following formula: Uvzd = Voz • C Abbreviations: Uvzd user fee to access to service tracks and maintenance facilities Voz number of vehicles C price (0,75 €) O THER TEC H NI C AL F AC I LI TIES The other technical facilities include the lauding gauge and the stable compressor to test the brakes. The user fee to access the above mentioned facilities is calculated according to the following formula: Upk = Voz • C Abbreviations: Upk usage fee for access to the lauding gauge and the stable compressor Voz number of vehicles C price (0,25 €) NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 57 SERVICES REF UELL IN G F AC I LI TIES Track access is provided to the pumping stations, which do not belong to the PRI, but are owned by the company Petrol d.d. The PRI Manager does not distribute engine fuel. For provision and sale of propellants the Undertaking signs a special contract with a company that provides it The usage fee for the tracks access to services and refuelling facilities is calculated according to the following formula: Uog = Voz • C Abbreviations: Uog usage fee for the tracks access to services and refueling facilities Voz number of vehicles C price (0,75 €) 5.3.2 SUPPLY OF SERVICES The PRI Manager provides the access to the service facilities, listed in Section to If there's no special remark at the particular service facility, the Applicant or its RU shall ensured the service facilities and services by a special agreement with the owner of the service facilities or with provider of the services. The service provider ensures the services stated in fair and non-discriminatory manner and can deny the mentioned services only if other acceptable possibilities exist under market terms. SHUNTING The PRI Manager organises shunting movement as additional service in accordance with the Section 5.4. The PRI Manager provides shunting movement in accordance with the provisions of the 2nd paragraph of section 32 of Traffic Rules ((Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 50/2011) with a subcontractor, namely undertaking SŽ – Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (Freight transport). Undertakings that need shunting services on marshalling yard, shall sign special agreement with the implementer of shunting. Contact point of the implementer of shunting is: Slovenske železnice – Tovorni promet, d.o.o. Boris ŠVAJGER Kolodvorska ul. 11, 1506 Ljubljana tel. +386 1 29 14 172 fax +386 1 29 14 817 The price for shunting services at marshalling yard Ljubljana Zalog is 708,00 € per train. VAT is not included. SETTING UP A SHUNTING ROUTES In case the employees of the PRI Manager set shunt routes on the safety device or at the field, the actual/agreed time load is calculated for particular shunt unit multiplied with the cost of a worker that sets the shunt routes. This service is assured by a special agreement between the RU and the PRI Manager. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 58 SERVICES To deliver a locomotive to a train (train locomotive, assisting locomotive or banking locomotive), to remove the locomotive from the train and to change the movement direction the setting of a shunt route is not charged. USE OF TH E LO AD I N G G AU G E The PRI Manager owns the loading gauges and enables using of them. The stations equipped with the loading gauge are shown in the Annex 3G . Use of the loading gauge itself is free of charge. USE OF S TAB L E C OM PRESSOR TO T ES T THE BR AK ES The Undertakings have track access to stable compressor to test the brakes on stations Koper tovorna and Ljubljana Zalog. To use the stable compressor on Koper tovorna station the Undertaking shall sign a special agreement with the implementers of services on the stable compressor, namely firm SŽ-VIT, d.o.o. Contact point of the implementers of services is: SŽ – VIT, d.o.o. Igor RECEK Zaloška 217, 1000 Ljubljana tel. +386 1 29 15 053 fax +386 1 29 15 174 Stable compressor on Ljubljana Zalog till further is not in use. 5.4 AD D I T I ON AL S E RV IC ES The PRI Manager or another service provider may offer to Applicants or their RUs in nondiscriminative manner by a special agreement, which is based on the market principles, additional services as follows: traction current, charges for which shall be shown on the invoices separately from charges for using the electrical supply equipment, without prejudice to the application of Directive 2009/72/EC; pre-heating of passenger trains; tailor-made contracts for control of transport of dangerous goods and assistance in running exceptional transport. The fee for such service depends on the expenses incurred and is calculated on the basis of actual use. The infrastructure manager in RS offers following additional services: traction current, pre-heating of passenger trains, control of transport of dangerous goods, services for exceptional transport. 5.4.1 USE OF E LEC TR IC AL S UPPL Y EQ UIPM EN T FO R T R AC TI O N C U R REN T The map of stable devices of the transport network that enable track vehicles to use the electrical supply equipment for traction current, is shown in Section The methodology for user fee calculation for the electrical supply for traction current has not been elaborated. The service fee is not charged. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 59 SERVICES 5.4.2 S T AB L E DEVI CES FO R P REHE ATI N G OF P AS SEN GER W AG ONS The Undertakings have track access to stable devices for preheating of passenger wagons on the stations Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper and Dobova. The Maribor Tezno station is also equipped with facilities for passenger wagons preheating; however the tracks to access to facilities do not belong to the PRI. To use that tracks the owner's permission is needed. The stable devices for preheating the passenger wagons do not belong to the PRI. To use that equipment the RUs shall sign a special agreement with the owner of the facilities. 5.4.3 CO N TROL OF TR AN SP OR T OF D AN G E RO US G OO DS AN D ASSI S T AN C E I N R U N NIN G EXCEP TI ON AL TR AN SP OR T The payment amount for this service depends on its provision costs that are calculated on the basis of actual use. Contact point of PRI for abovementioned service is indicated in Section 1.8. 5.5 AN C I L L AR Y SE R VI CE S The Applicant and/or its Undertaking, who has been allocated a train path, alongside the services mentioned in the previous two sections may ask for additional choice of ancillary services, such as: access to telecommunication networks; provision of supplementary information; technical inspection of rolling stock; ticketing services in passenger stations; heavy maintenance services supplied in maintenance facilities dedicated to high-speed trains or to other types of rolling stock requiring specific facilities. The IM is not obliged to provide those services. The fee for such services depend on the expenses incurred and is calculated on the basis of actual use. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 60 C H AR G ES 6. 6.1 C H AR G E S LEGAL FRAMEWORK The legal basis for defining and charging the usage fee for the PRI is the Article 15d of the ZZelP, which defines the criteria for the usage charge, as well as Chapter III of the Decree on train path allocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS, No. 113/2009, 73/2012). 6.1.1 CO N TR AC T O N P RI US AG E CH AR GE P AYM E N T The Applicant who has been allocated train paths, before starting perform transport services, sign with the Agency a Contract on PRI usage charge payment. The Contract specifies mutual relationships concerning the payment terms for PRI usage and includes information on accounting securities with calculated fees, other provisions in regard to securities as well as method of charging compensation for delay in accordance with the performance regime. Until a Contract is signed, the Applicant has no right of track access. 6.2 CHARGING PRINCIPLES 6.2.1 M INIM UM AC CESS P AC K AG E The basic charge covers the costs of the minimum access package as indicated in Section 5.2. 6.2.2 CH AR G I NG S YS TEM The usage fee charging is based on the following principles: simplicity of calculation, clarity, impartiality, charging in accordance with the incurred expense. 6.2.3 T HE F O RM UL A FO R US AG E CH AR G E C AL C U L ATI O N The PRI usage charge is calculated for every realized train path in accordance with the following formula: U= ( I VV ∑ ∑ Qvlkm(vv,i) • Fvv • Pi • Cvlkm • Cvp i=1 vv=1 ) Abbreviations: U Cvlkm usage charge for the allocated train path the number of train kilometres performed on certain line categories (i) and by the same power car (vv) cost per train kilometre Pi weighting of the line category (i) Fvv the coefficient of the power car category (vv) the cost of supplement or deduction for the type of transport (depends on the type of the train Qvlkm(i,vv) Cvp NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 61 C H AR G ES 6.2.4 V AL U ES OF E LEM EN TS I N THE F ORM UL A WEIGHTINGS OF THE LINE Weighting of the line is defined according to the line category. For the purpose of the usage charge the lines in the RS are divided in seven categories regarding the line equipment and the traffic volume. LINE CATEGORY ( i ) R1 – regional rail lines with the minor traffic volume R2 – detour rail lines R3 – regional rail lines with the major traffic volume R4 – other regional rail lines G1 – single-track main rail lines with the minor traffic volume G2 – main rail lines with the major traffic volume G3 – main electrified rail lines NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 LINE WEIGHTING ( Pi ) 0,411 0,587 0,542 No. OF LINE AND NAME OF THE LINE OR LINE SECTION 42 Ljutomer – Gornja Radgona 43 d.m. - Lendava 71 branching Šempeter pri Gorici – Vrtojba – d.m. 73 branching Kreplje – Repentabor – d.m. 82 Grosuplje - Kočevje 70 Jesenice - Sežana 81 Sevnica - Trebnje 80 section Trebnje - Ljubljana 21 Ljubljana Šiška – Kamnik Graben 31 Celje – Velenje 80 section d.m. – Metlika - Trebnje 34 section Maribor - Ruše 13 Ljubljana Zalog – Ljubljana (P5) 32 d.m. – Rogatec - Grobelno 33 d.m. – Imeno - Stranje 34 section Ruše – Prevalje – d.m. 61 branching Prešnica – Podgorje – d.m. 72 Prvačina - Ajdovščina 40 Pragersko – Ormož 41 Ormož – Hodoš – d.m. 44 Ormož - Središče – d.m. 64 Pivka – Ilirska Bistrica – d.m. 20 Ljubljana – Jesenice – d.m. 60 Divača – branching Prešnica 62 branching Prešnica - Koper 10 d.m. – Dobova - Ljubljana 11 Ljubljana Zalog – branching Kajuhova (P3) 12 Ljubljana Zalog – Ljubljana (P4) 30 Zidani Most – Šentilj – d.m. 50 Ljubljana – Sežana – d.m. 0,531 0,788 1,104 1,000 62 C H AR G ES F AC TO R OF P OW ER C AR S ’ CL AS SIFI C ATI O N ( FVV) The power cars are divided in three categories with appurtenant coefficients. Weight of power cars’ is taken into account when calculating usage charge. CATEGORY A COEFFICIENT 0,95 NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 SERIES OF POWER CAR POWER CAR DESCRIPTION 3120 SŽ electric multiple unit Siemens (two-carriage train sets) 3121 SŽ electric multiple unit Siemens (three-carriage train sets) 6420 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6421 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6422 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6423 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6430 SŽ Diesel locomotive 7110 SŽ Diesel multiple unit 7130 SŽ Diesel multiple unit 7131 SŽ Diesel multiple unit 7145 SŽ Diesel multiple unit 7320 SŽ Diesel 7321 SŽ Diesel 8130 SŽ Diesel multiple unit 8131 SŽ Diesel multiple unit 30 SŽ steam locomotive 60 SŽ steam locomotive 63 C H AR G ES A B 0,95 1,00 170 SŽ steam locomotive 250 SŽ steam locomotive 330 SŽ steam locomotive 1216 ÖBB electric locomotive 2016 ÖBB Diesel locomotive 3100 SŽ electric multiple unit ICS (tilting train) 3420 SŽ electric locomotive 5410 SŽ electric locomotive 5411 SŽ electric locomotive 5412 SŽ electric locomotive 5415 SŽ electric locomotive 5416 SŽ electric locomotive 6440 SŽ Diesel locomotive 0 C 1,00 unknown 3110 SŽ electric multiple unit 3112 SŽ electric multiple unit 3630 SŽ electric locomotive 6610 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6611 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6640 SŽ Diesel locomotive 6641 SŽ Diesel locomotive SUPPLEME N TS AN D DE D UC TIO NS I N RE G AR D TO T HE TR AN S PO R T TYPE (CVP) Supplements and deductions in regard to the transport type are shown in the table below. cargo trains up to 1000 t gross weight 0,72 cargo trains from 1001 to 1500 gross weight 1,00 cargo trains from 1501 to 1750 gross weight 1,24 cargo trains from 1751 to 2000 gross weight 1,55 cargo trains more than 2000 t gross weight 1,86 cargo trains – circuit working, pick-up 0,10 empty cargo trains (less than 100 t net weight) 0,30 locomotive trains (empty multiple units, power cars running solely) 0,30 tilting trains 0,83 classic passenger trains (locomotive with wagons) 0,61 multiple units 0,60 motorail through the Bohinj tunnel 0,30 other motorails 0,42 empty classic passenger trains 0,30 heritage trains service trains (planned maintenance of the PRI, elimination the consequences of natural disasters, emergencies or force majeure) 0,42 NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 0,00 64 C H AR G ES service trains (unplanned maintenance of the PRI) 0,00 other trains 0,72 6.3 6.3.1 TARIFFS COS T PE R TR AI N KILOM E TRE The cost per train kilometre (Cvlkm) amounts to 1,133 €, VAT excluded. 6.3.2 T AR I FFS F OR T R AC K AC C E SS TO S E RVICES F AC I LI TIES The tariffs for track access to services facilities, indicated in Section 5.3, in timetable period 2015/2016 are not charged. More precise provisions, defining charging of services themselves, are also stated in the same section. 6.3.3 T AR I FFS F OR AD D I TIO N AL AN D AN C ILL AR Y SE RVI CES The tariffs for additional services, indicated in Sections 5.4 and 5.5, are defined in special agreements between the Manager or service provider and the Undertakings or Applicants. 6.3.4 EX TE R N AL C OS TS The external costs are not charged at the moment. 6.4. 6.4.1 FINANCIAL FEES AND INCENTIVES FEES FO R NO N- USE OF TR AI N P AT H S If the RU doesn't use the allocated train path and the non-used train path has not been cancelled or has been cancelled after the scheduled time of departure, the cancellation fee to the amount of the complete user charge for the allocated train path is charged to the responsible RU. If the RU doesn't use ad-hoc train path and the non-used train path has not been cancelled or has been cancelled after the scheduled time of departure, the labour costs, incurred in the fast-track process for ad-hoc path allocation in total amount of 25 € + VAT beside the cancellation fee from previous paragraph are charged. Regardless of the path or service cancellation time, the Undertaking shall also cover the costs incurred, which, despite the cancellation, the Agency suffered while processing allocation order as well as costs, the Manger suffered with its implementation (for example, engagement of additional workforce, etc.). The procedure for train path cancelation is described in Section 4.6. 6.4.2 L ATE C AN C ELL ATI O N FEE S For late cancellations penalties shall be paid. The rate depends on cancellation time. The terms of cancellation fees are indicated in the tables in Section 4.6. The cancellations of train paths, that have been allocated in procedures of the procedures for new Network timetable or its interim changes, done more than 6 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure, is free of charge. By this provision the RUs are encouraged to plan on time the realization of the allocated train paths. If the train paths from previous paragraph are cancelled less than 6 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure, the cancellation fee in total amount of 50% of user charge for allocated train path is charged. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 65 C H AR G ES IFor the cancellation ad - hoc train path tThe labour costs, incurred in the fast-track process for ad-hoc path allocation in total amount of 25 € + VAT are charged to the responsible RU. Regardless of the path or service cancellation time, the Undertaking shall also cover the costs incurred, which, despite the cancellation, the Agency suffered while processing allocation order as well as costs, the Manger suffered with its implementation (for example, engagement of additional workforce, etc.). The Agency may exempt the separate Applicant/RUs from late cancellation fees, if the Applicant/RUs on the Agency request gives the reasonable explanation in relation to the late cancellation or non-use of train paths. To the reasonable explanation belongs: late cancellation of train paths by neighbouring railways, line obstructions, capacity restrictions by loading or unloading, exceptional events. The Agency has at any time right and authority to control the correctness of argumentation and procedures in this regard. 6.5 PERFORMANCE REGIME In accordance to the Act of providing the effectiveness of the rail network (Official Journal of the RS, No. 108/2013) the performance regime is enforced. The purpose of it is to encourage the RUs and the Manager to minimize disruption on the rail network and to improve the performance of transport services (Directive 2012/34/EU) The performance regime is applied in the equally and non-discriminatory way to the all RUs and to the Manager. The basic component of the performance regime is accuracy of a train according to its allocated train path, which is expressed by the delay. The accuracy of trains is determined at the agreed monitoring sites of the train route based on deviations between planned and actual time. Agreed monitoring sites are several traffic points (interchange stations, departure, intermediate and arrival stations), which are set as a point of train run. Train run evidence is the responsibility of the IM. Delay causes can be primary, secondary and external. A delay fee is charged only for the primary delay causes, originate on the Slovenian PRI. Primary delay is a direct consequence of a certain unexpected event (e.g. signalling device failure, engine breakdown, exceed of the stopping time etc.), which affect on the particular train timetable and doesn't origin because of some other train. Secondary delay is an operational consequence of the other - primary delay, which can be caused by other train or it is an outcome of a previous delay of the same train. External delays originate from circumstances which cannot be influenced by IM or RUs. They include delays caused by force majeure, third parties or exceptional weather conditions. Primary delay can be attributed to the IM or to the RU. The IM establishes and inserts to the IT system all the primary delays except those, for which the RU is responsible. Besides it inserts all the secondary and external delays. Delays are coded according to delay causes as provided for in UIC Leaflet 450-2. If the delay is caused by the RU, the responsible person of the IM proceeds such delay to the responsible person of the RU using the adequate code in the IT system. Responsible person of the RU confirms such delay and responsibility for it by inserting the appropriate codes. If he doesn't agree with responsibility for the delay, he refuses it with an argumentation (he offers new code). If the IMs responsible person accepts these argumentation, he inserts the delay with a new code. The procedure is finished by that. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 66 1 C H AR G ES If the IM doesn't agree with an argumentation, this delay is designated as delay for which the further investigation is needed. This delay is a subject of settlement. If the responsible person of the RU doesn't insert the appropriate codes for the delay or doesn't refuse it within six hours after the IM proceeds the delay to him, the responsibility for this delay is automatically assigned to the RU. Subsequently modifying of the delay causes is possible on the IMs and RUs predefined computer terminals/working stations. Modifying is possible at the most five days (120 hrs) hours after originate of the delay. The IM and RU can modify only the causes inside their own group - in this phase the transfer already confirmed delays from IM to RU or inversely is not possible. In this phase the responsible persons of the IM and RUs can also agree on the delays, which would otherwise be a subject of settlement. Inserting the appropriate codes those cases are closed before the settlement. 1 The Agency, the IM and the RUs establish common settlement board for solving the disputable cases. This board meets monthly. The board meeting is convened by the Agency on the 10th day of the month for the previous month at the latest. The board tries to achieve a settlement finding out the actual delay cause and the responsibility for it. If the consensus can't be reached, the delays are proportionally distributed among all the involved parties. If any of party doesn't agree with this distribution it files an appeal to the regulatory body. The Agency makes out an account to those who has an surplus of a delays. The gathered amount the Agency delivers to the rightful claimant - to the IM or RU, who has bonus in the total sum of the amounts. For the charging the sum of the delays on the final destination or on the interchange station is taking into account. Beside that the threshold of the delays is taking into account for which the delay fee isn't charged, namely 10 minutes for passenger and 60 minutes for freight trains. The total amount of the charged minutes for the delay can't exceed 300 minutes. The cost per every minute of the delay amounts to 0,10 €. 1 The Agency sign with the RUs, to whom has been allocated train paths, and with the IM a contract on the performance regime, which specifies mutual relationships concerning the payment terms for the delays. The contract with IM furthermore defines the contents and the form of data of delays, which IM must pass to the Agency. 1 1 6.6 EXCEPTION TO USAGE CHARGES The government may issue a decision that the Undertakings carrying out public service obligation in passenger carriage in domestic and cross border traffic, as well as the Managers performing public service obligation for PRI maintenance purposes, are exempt from user charges that refer to public service obligation performance. NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 67 ANNEXES 2A General business/commercial conditions to access to the PRI 3A Technical data on rail lines 3B Technical data on railway stations 3C Sketches of station track plans 3D Clearance and loading gauge 3E Overview of line gradients and gradient forces 3F Line speeds 3G List of stations and station offices, opened for transport of wagon-load consignment 4A Path allocation application form 4B Guideline for completing the application form for path allocation 4C Process and evaluation method of the criteria for train path allocation 4D Tabulation of the train path allocation process ANNEXES NETWORK STATEMENT 2016 68