lake hauto club newsletter
lake hauto club newsletter
LAKE HAUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Kenneth Snyder This is the last of many newsletters that I have written for Lake Hauto. As we all know, the bylaws allow a member to serve two consecutive 3-year terms and after one year they may run again. I’ve done that two times since 2001. Lake Hauto came a long way and the Association is financially stable. Zero Beach: Zero Beach is well on its way to become a full-fledged beach. The seawall is completed and it looks great. It stops the sand from going into the water which was our objective. Since we surveyed Zero Beach, the Club is ready to allocate funds to implement the improvement plan. The draft improvement plan includes a pavilion, two parking lots, sandy beach and boat docks. I’m sure there will be some fine-tuning when the Board begins the basic infrastructure of this project. Eastwood Beach: Eastwood got a whole new configuration to the bank with rocks and flowers. The beautification committee did a great job planting the flowers. Both A and B docks have been totally rebuilt, new mulch was added to the playground and regular mulch was also added to dress-up the rest of the landscape. A walking path that will take you from the basketball court down to the beach, has been started. The beach also got a fresh layer of sand and a pile for the kids to play on. The parking lot had stone added to it after the rough winter. Oakwood Beach: Oakwood had their dock rebuilt a couple years ago. The beach got a fresh layer of sand and also a pile for the kids to play on. The Oakwood volunteers have spread the playground mulch and are now in the process of painting tables. They are also planning to install steps to provide easy access from the parking lot to the beach area. I would like to thank the volunteers of Oakwood Beach for jobs well done and taking pride in the Beach area. Crescent Beach: Crescent Beach had new playground mulch added and regular mulch put around the trees. The parking lot was stoned, and the beach got a fresh layer of sand that is raked every day by member volunteers. I would like to thank the volunteers that rake all three beaches. Roads: About 4,500 feet of Lake Drive is going to be replaced beginning where we left off in 2014 and continuing east, past the east gate. New trip wiring will be in- LAKE HAUTO CLUB SUMMER 2015 Editor: Kim Thomas stalled due to the black topping beyond the east gate. This will complete the Lake Drive road project from White Oak to just beyond the east gate. The cost of doing the roads in 2014 and 2015 was $455,832.00. The road program for 2016 will be done as money becomes available. Rush Township has completed the guard rails from the main entrance to our property line. They also committed to provide us approximately 44 ton of salt to maintain Lake Drive from our property line up to Route 54 in the upcoming winter. Walking Trails: All the walking trails are completely redone. We expect the four-wheelers and other motorized vehicles not use them as they are for foot and bicycle traffic only. We used 240 ton of stone plus labor to complete this project. This was a long overdue job that had been promised for the past 10 years and it was time we get this done. Gates: The gates are working as expected. There were some upgrades added to make the gate operation more membership friendly. This year we had very few people that hit the gate compared to last year. Our goal this past winter was to keep the area well salted and cindered so nobody would slide into the gates and that seemed to work very well. We will continue this practice moving forward. Again, the gates are working as expected, but there are times they may malfunction. If you see a gate malfunctioning during office hours, call 570-645-7100. During off hours, call 570-751-6512 and maintenance will attend to the problem. Cameras/Security: As you all know we have cameras throughout the Lake and they record 24 hours a day. We also have license plate readers at all gates plus overhead cameras. The cameras have proven to be a great deterrent for mischief and other vandalism. We have one camera that sweeps a large area and 44 regular cameras recording in full color. We contracted with the same security company as last year with a few changes towards enforcement that seems to have improved their effectiveness. Your recreation tags are very important and are required to be visible whenever you’re on the beach or recreation area. Recreation: The merry-go-round and sliding board at Eastwood Beach were replaced with a modern all-in-one piece of playground equipment at a cost of approximately PAGE 1 SUMMER 2015 President’s Message (continued) system left behind could be as large as 15 feet. $11,000. The cost of recreation equipment is very high due State and Federal safety regulations. For instance, we could not afford to buy a merry-go-round again because the new safety regulations require a breaking system. This project will have to be done in late August or early September. When the project is being done there can be no wake whatsoever because it washes the herbicide off the lily pad and when it hits the water it becomes totally neutral. The board will be notifying the membership when this will be done. We had a great selection of bands, July 4th fireworks and we are contracted for fireworks for Labor Day weekend. This year we received $18,341 worth of donations, which offset the expense for the bands and fireworks. Please refer to the banner on the Club office wall for a complete list of donors. One firework display costs $4,500 plus the cost of extra security. There will also be a Halloween and Christmas party this year. Legal: There is currently three legal concerns and two that were finalized. (1) A member built a draining system on Lake Hauto Club property and wants us to pay the costs. The Board believes this member had no right to put it there in the first place. (2) There was an accident on Route 54 at Lake Drive and the Club was named in this case. The Club does not own any part of the road so we will ask to be relieved from this lawsuit. (3) The third legal issue concerns a waterfront member which is getting complicated by the day. This issue is anticipated to result in several lawsuits. Member Picnic: The membership picnic is chaired by James Demetriades Jr. again this year. He did a great job last year and I would like to thank him for that and for this year in advance. You will find the menu on the website. Volunteers are needed, so if you would like to volunteer for the day of the picnic, call the office at 570-645-7100. James would like to have 12 volunteers. Community Center: Phase 2 has begun. The new energyefficient glass windows and doors in the library and the coffee shop make the front of the building look completely different. Also, we completed the refurbishing of the restrooms with all new fixtures, new floors, painting and widening the doors. The restrooms were heated with electric; we re-piped the area and is now heated/cooled off of the regular furnace, which lowers the operational cost. Lily Pads: We have a contract with a consultant to assist the Board to control the amount and location of the lily pads. The Board agreed to remove those in front of the swimming areas and some that are in front of waterfronts. You’ll be notified if we are doing anything in front of your waterfront. If you don’t want them removed discuss your position with the Board or call the office. This will be an ongoing project for a couple years to have complete control of the lily pad growth. We had a meeting at the community center that was attended by nearly 60 people. There were great questions that our consultant answered thoroughly. For example, our consultant explained that by pulling a lily pad out only removes the flower and it will come back next year because the root LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 2 Additionally, the lily pads in the 5 mile an hour (no wake) zone will be thinned out and pushed back towards the far shoreline. Leaf Dump: The leaf dump has been pushed back and will remain locked. You will be able to open the lock by using a code. The code system works a lot better than a key and this makes the dump available to members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When taking leaves over to the leaf dump, back in as far as you can before you dump your leaves. This could save us $1,000 because we don’t have to push the leaves back. No plastic bags, lumber, building material, stumps or large rocks. This is for leaves and grass clippings only! To get the code, call the Club office and be sure to lock the gate every time you exit the dump. In Closing: As you realize, with the major projects like lily pads, gates, roads, leaf dump, community center, recreation, security, dam, beaches, restrooms and trash, everyday maintenance becomes time consuming. We have two full-time employees year-round and four additional part-time in the summer. They get a tremendous amount of work done to ensure the community remains one we are proud of. Election is coming up soon, so please vote. There are three positions open with four members running. Your vote counts! These past 14 years were great years for Lake Hauto Club and I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the membership during these times. This is my last President’s letter because I will be off the Board in September. We have accomplished a great deal in that time and I wish the Club great success in the future. Have a safe summer and I hope to see you around the Lake. Ken Snyder Board President Lake Hauto Club Annual Meeting September 13, 2015 2:00 PM in the Community Center SUMMER 2015 Recreation Steak & Clambake: Thank you to all who came to our Steak & Clambake dinner. Despite some stubborn clams, everyone seemed to enjoy their meal and each other's company. -Recreation Committee Thank you for allowing me to serve our community for the past four years. I have met and worked with many wonderful members and I am very grateful for all that I have experienced and learned about our community. Our Recreation events would not have been successful without the contributions of the Snyder, Demetriades, DeAngelo, Smith, and Kane families. Thank you for your time and efforts in making our children's holiday parties and beach movies special. Also, to Kim & Deb in our office who kept track of registrations, emails, deposits, etc... We couldn't have asked for two better people to keep our chaos organized! Most importantly, thank you to Mark, Sean, & Megan for always being supportive, even when there were 600 plastic eggs in our living room that needed to be filled!! Best wishes to our next elected board. - Jen Lavine S U M F M U E N R 2015 Steak and Clam Bake Movie Night - Ashley and Megan making the popcorn. SECURITY NOTES The security team that we have hired will be checking for the following: 1. Recreation tags need to be worn whenever members are using any Recreation Areas. There are many new members and this makes it easier on everyone to know that you are a member. No one is exempt from this rule no matter how long you have lived here. 2. Boat Stickers need to be on both sides of the boat towards the rear of the boat. Security will be inspecting all boats. Boats may not be launched without the stickers. 3. Recreational Vehicles must be registered with the club and the stickers must be visible. Drivers must possess a valid drivers license. 4. Speed Limits will be checked periodically. The speed limit on Lake Drive is 25 miles per hour and on the side streets, it is 15 miles per hour. Please read the Lake Hauto Club Rules and Regulations for a complete list of rules and thank you for your cooperation. Lake Hauto Board of Directors LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 3 SUMMER 2015 THE VOTING AND COUNTING PROCESS EXPLAINED DO NOT SIGN YOUR BALLOT. Place your ballot into white envelope #1 and seal. Do NOT put the number of votes on the white envelope. This number is filled in by the tellers. The number represents how many lots you own. It is NOT how many people you are voting for or how many people are in your household or on the deed. Place sealed envelope #1 into envelope #2. Do not remove the return label on the green envelope or your vote will not count. Please mail this ballot so that it is received in the post office no later than the date that is specified on the ballot. No ballots will be accepted in the office. Hand delivered ballots will NOT be accepted at the Lake Hauto Club office. Only the ballots that are received from the post office box will be accepted. The procedure for counting votes: There are always from six to eight volunteers who serve as tellers . There is one Judge of Elections. The green envelopes are put in alphabetical order first. Then only the green envelopes are opened at this time. The names are then individually called out, the teller is then told how many votes/number of lots that member has and that number is then recorded on the white envelope by the teller. The green envelope is then discarded before the white ballot envelope is ever opened. After all the names are called, the white envelopes are then individually opened and the number of lots/votes is marked on the ballot itself. The final step is to count the votes. For example, if you have one lot, your vote is worth one. If you have 2 lots, your vote is worth 2, and so on. If the question is “yes” or “no”, you must make a choice. If you are voting for board of directors, you may vote for just one or up to the number of positions that are open. Your vote will be disqualified if you owe dues for more than one year, delinquent on an assessment, or your name is missing from the green envelope and we cannot check whether you are eligible to vote. I hope that this clarifies the counting process for all ballots. This is your community and it is very important to vote so that you are heard. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 4 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 5 SUMMER 2015 This is a rough sketch of the lake indicating the direction in which all motorized boats must travel. Motorized boats must travel in a counter clockwise direction around the designated ski area. Water skiing and tubing is only permitted in the center designated ski area. Motorized boats not skiing are not permitted in the ski area unless they are pulling a skier or someone in the tube. The “No Wake” area means exactly that, your boat should be going slow enough to not produce a wake. Following these boating rules will only help to make our lake a safer place. BOAT RESTRICTIONS WARNING!!! Anyone vandalizing any of the lake buoys will be fined and possibly denied water privileges for a period of time. The fine and penalty will be at the discretion of the Lake Hauto Club Board of Directors. Each buoy costs approximately $275.00 - $300.00 total for which you may be responsible. THE SKI AREA IS FOR SKIING AND TUBING ONLY. Boaters are not permitted to cut across the ski area. Tubing, skiing and wake boarding is only permitted in the ski area. Do not tube or ski outside of this area. This is for the safety of everyone! LAKE HAUTO CLUB The length of all Inboard/Outboard (I/O) watercraft only must be 20 foot or under with no greater than a 4.3 Liter engine. The outboard watercraft must be 20 feet or less and have an engine of 200 horsepower or less. Personal watercraft engines are limited to 135 horsepower or less. Pontoon boats will be 20 feet or less and are limited to an engine of 150 horsepower or less. Pontoon boats are measured by deck size. Power watercraft registered and operated on Lake Hauto prior to 1975 are excluded. This exclusion applies to the original boat and motor and not to any replacement, revision or modification. WATER SKIING 1. All water skiing shall be done in the area designated by buoys. Traffic is to flow counterclockwise. 2. All water skiing hours are between 10 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily within the confines of the skiing area. These times superseded only by State Rules. 3. Only those boats engaged in the towing of water skiers will be permitted within the designated skiing area during the skiing hours on Saturday, Sunday, and designated State or Federal Holidays. During weekdays, if no skiing is being done, other boats are permitted the use of the area. PAGE 6 SUMMER 2015 Fish By Bob Davidovich Trout fishing season started on April 18th and Birch Pool’s Pond was stocked with 311 trout. The pond was restocked for the Children’s Fishing Derby on May 17th with 354 trout ranging in size from 12” to 22”. This year a trophy and a rod and reel were awarded to the child with the largest fish. The children were broken down into 3 divisions 11 years to 15 years, 6 years to 10 years, and 5 years and younger. A rod and reel was awarded to the boy and to the girl within each division for the catching the first limit. If a limit was not caught the child with the most fish received the rod and reel. There were 50 tagged fish placed in the pond and any child with the most fish received the rod and reel. There were 50 tagged fish placed in FISHING DERBY DONATIONS NAME Anonymous John & Sharon Kovatch III Hess Windows Koch's TV & Appliances Panther Valley Lumber Paul & Amy Whitley Peter Radocha & Sons Seitz Bros. Sherry Dental Lake Hauto Fishing Club Tammy Sword Realty Bill & Maribeth Scheidig Charlene & Ryan Barwis Scott, Wendy & Mason Murphy Dale & Joyce Kostick Ed Yeneshosky First Niagara Bank Hometown Village Pharmacy James Demetriades Larry Diane & Mosser Mary Amodea, Realtor - Pocono Mtn. Lakes Realty Mary Enck Realty, Inc. - Edward Staloski Renae & Dave DeMelfi The Kane family The Slivka family Tirpak Insurance Basile's Restaurant LAKE HAUTO CLUB AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 36.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 $ 25.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 the pond and any child catching a tag fish was awarded a corresponding prize. Donuts and drinks were available in the morning and pizza was served at lunch. I would like to thank Greg Slivka for measuring the fish, keeping the records and awarding the prizes. I would also like to thank all of those generous people whose contribution made this event possible. A list of those people is published in this newsletter. The lake was stocked on April 21st with 400 hybrid largemouth bass 6-7”, 343 crappie, 625 blue gills 34”, and 167 yellow perch 7-9 “. On May 5th 200 pounds of shiners were released as feeder fish. Please remember to practice catch and release whenever possible. There is nothing wrong with taking a few fish to eat but please release the largemouth bass over 16”. These are female fish and are our breeder fish. Please support the fish program by purchasing raffle tickets you received in the mail. PAGE 7 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS NAME TELEPHONE # COMMITTEE Maintenance Employees KEN SNYDER 610-390-9920 (cell) 610-264-3721 EMAIL B&G, Beaches, Rd. Maint., 610-264-3332 (fax) President GEORGE DEMETRIADES 570-527-6601 Gates, Road Construction Vice-President CY FULTON Secretary Summer Entertainment 570 -645-2649 570-578-7925 (cell) Building Plans, Spec. Projects Dam, Recreation, Security, B&G Gates, Road Construction Road Maintenance, B&G Recreation, Special Projects ROBERT DAVIDOVICH Treasurer 570-645-3456 570-778-4484 (cell) Fish, Dam, water Quality JENNIFER 570-645-0340 Recreation, Building & LAVINE Special Projects Grounds, Special Projects DAVID DEMELFI 570-579-5786 Building, Grounds, Beaches, Maintenance, Bldg. Plans CHESTER 570-645-7054 Water Quality, Dam Safety GANGAWARE JACK MURPHY SCOTT 570-205-6570 (cell) Building Plans 570-645-9172 Security 570-977-1857 (cell) 570-805-4559 Docks, Summer Entertainment MURPHY OFFICE 570-645-7100 GARAGE 570-645-7104 Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meetings Are the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Community Center. All members are welcome to attend! IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS LAKE HAUTO CLUB OFFICE 570-645-7100 LAKE HAUTO CLUB GARAGE 570-645-7104 911 NON EMERGENCY (Schuylkill) 570-622-3739 911 NON EMERGENCY (Carbon) 570-669-5551 LANSFORD-COALDALE JOINT WATER AUTHORITY 570-645-3040 PPL ELCTRIC COMPANY 800-342-5775 NESQUEHONING POST OFFICE 570-669-6621 BLUE RIDGE CABLE COMPANY 570-645-5511 RUSH TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT 570-668-4242 RUSH TOWNSHIP SEWER AUTHORITY 570-668-4336 RUSH TOWNSHIP BD. OF SUPERVISORS (Garbage) 570-668-2938 NESQUEHONING POLICE DEPARTMENT 570-669-9111 NESQUEHONING SEWER AUTHORITY 570-669-9951 NESQUEHONING BOROUGH BUILDING (Garbage) 570-669-9588 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 8 WELCOME NEW CLUB MEMBERS We would like to welcome the following new club members Shawn Mehalko Sara Geltzer & Jonathan Weiner Michael & Robin Sockel Joseph & Kathleen Breen Jr. Robert Williams Kyle & Megan Berezwick Kathryn & Leonard Oriel Scott & Kathy Robb We ask all members to get involved with the club. Web site: Rules, permits applications, minutes, finances, upcoming events, etc. are available for your viewing. Newsletter is available in color. Email— If you are looking for someone to do various jobs around your yard, please do not forget to look at the web site. New Library at the Community Center Open 24 hours a day/7 days a week These are instructions for how to operate the lock on the library door, which is operated by a code. The code number is 1357. To unlock the door: Press in the numeric code – 1357. Turn the lock knob to the left. Pull open the door with the handle. To lock the door: Press the top button labeled Schlage. Press in the numeric code 1357. Turn the lock knob to the right to lock. No cards needed. No time limit. Enjoy!! SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 9 SUMMER 2015 Lake Hauto Community Center Has been renovated and will is now available for renting. Call the office for availability. $150.00 for four hours ($10.00 for every additional hour) There is a deposit of $50.00 to reserve the date and for cleaning. The $50.00 will be returned if everything is left as it was found, in good condition and clean. There are new light fixtures, new carpeting, newly painted walls, new tables, new windows and doors. Call the office for availability and have your next event at the newly remodeled Community Center. You can also asked the office to set up a visitor gate code just for your party. SIGNS 1. Real Estate: a. Any sign designating or advertising the sale of a property or premises shall not exceed a maximum size of 18 x 24 inches (432 sq. in.). b. Only one sign is permissible per property for sale. c. Posting of "FOR LEASE" or "FOR RENT" signs is prohibited. 2. Directional Signs: Club members who post directional signs on club property are to have these removed following their use. 3. The posting of signs or the attachment of any objects to, as well as entry upon, the “Teepees or Rocks” at the entrance to Lake Hauto is not permitted LAKE HAUTO CLUB Cleanup & Planting Reminders The South Shore Much Area is for compost material only. That includes leaves, tree limbs, and grass clippings. NOT PERMITTED: tires, concrete, stumps, railroad ties garbage or tree trunks. The dumpsters at the beaches are not for the disposing of your household garbage. Violators will be fined. DO NOT deposit your grass clippings and/or leaves in the greenbelt areas or the lake itself. Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly - if at all - and follow package directions carefully when determining how much of a product to use. Landscape using native plants. Natives require less fertilizer and fewer pesticides to look their best. Pets are NOT permitted in the Recreational Areas at any time This includes the tennis courts, beaches, baseball fields, playgrounds, basketball areas, parking lots, etc. There are no exceptions to this rule. Additional Fees payable by Property owners in the Club are as follows: - Initiation Fee $1000.00 - Water License Agreement $1000.00 - Building Permit for new home $1000.00 - Road Opening Fee $800.00 - Building Permit for an addition $250.00 - Building Permit for landscaping or deck $25.00 - Building Permit for a shed $25.00 - Building Permit for a pavilion $35.00 - Tree Permit - Dock rental fee $25.00 plus $50.00 per live tree $150.00 (single slip) $50.00 (shallow slip) $20.00 (shoreline) - Boat Registration Fee $36.00 (over 10 horsepower) $12.00 (under 10 horsepower) - Recreational Vehicle Registration Fee PAGE 10 $20.00 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 11 SUMMER 2015 Observe the speed limits within the lake. It is only 25 MPH on Lake Drive. Please watch out for joggers , walkers, people on bikes and children at play. Please Slow Down! LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 12 SUMMER 2015 The following are motions that were made since the last newsletter. This is a more condensed version of any actions taken by the Board of Directors than in the minutes. If you would like the minutes, please contact the office. They will be available also on the web site soon. LOG OF ALL LAKE HAUTO MEETING MOTIONS AND DECISIONS AFFECTING THE MEMBERSHIP Motion Number is a 4 digit year, two digit month, a dash and a two digit sequential number for that month. Motions in favor of a) accepting minutes, b) accepting Treasurer’s Report, c) accepting bills to be paid and d) for adjournment, will not be recorded if no special actions were taken and motion was carried unanimously. MOTION / DECISION NUMBER 201506-02 TOPIC / DISCUSSION RESULT A motion was made by J. Murphy, seconded by S. Murphy, to accept the new member: Joseph Breen, Jr. All in favor, motion carried. 201506-01 G. Demetriades explained that there was a special meeting for the purpose of rescinding the motion to send out to vote on treating the lily pads. The club already has a signed contract. S. Murphy made a motion, seconded by J. Murphy, to accept the minutes from the special June meeting where it was passed to rescind the motion to send out a ballot about the lily pads. There is a special meeting this Saturday on the 20th to discuss the lily pads with a consultant. Discussion held. All in favor, motion passes. 201505-05 C. Gangaware made a motion to have the membership vote yes or no as to whether to use chemicals in the lake. There would first be a meeting for the membership with the consultant and then a letter explaining the vote. This motion was seconded by B. Davidovich. Discussion held. The spraying is to cost $1929.00. The chemical that they use is the one that is approved by the state. Roll call vote: Yes – B. Davidovich, D. DeMelfi, C. Gangaware, J. Murphy. No – C. Fulton, S. Murphy. Motion passes. 201505-04 D. DeMelfi made a motion, seconded by C. Gangaware, that any new construction, either a new home or an addition, needs to have the property surveyed and have it attached to the building permit. Previous plans are grandfathered and do not require the survey. All in favor, motion carried. 201505-03 C. Fulton made a motion, seconded by J. Murphy, to add to the shed guidelines that all sheds stay four feet from the property lines. 201505-02 A motion was made by D. DeMelfi, seconded by S. Murphy, to approve the EJ Brennan proposal for $157, 269.00 for the 2015 Road Project on Lake Drive. K. Snyder stated that the road should start at the end of June. 201505-01 A motion was made by J. Murphy, seconded by C. Gangaware, to accept the new member: Michael Sockel and Sara Geltzer. In favor - Bob Davidovich, Cy Fulton, Scott Murphy, Jack Murphy, Chester Gangaware. Opposed – Dave DeMelfi. Motion passes. Roll call vote taken: yes - Bob Davidovich, Dave DeMelfi, Cy Fulton, Scott Murphy, Jack Murphy, Chester Gangaware. None opposed. Motion passes. All in favor, motion carried. 201504-02 A motion was made by J. Murphy, seconded by G. Demetriades, to accept the new member: Shawn Mehalko. All in favor, motion carried. 201504-01 A motion was made by G. Demetriades, and seconded by J. Murphy, to accept the treasurer’s report with the correction in the reserve account. Need to move money to Eastwood renovation from miscellaneous reserve. All in favor-motion carried. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 13 SUMMER 2015 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE - AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE ULTRA CLUB FLEECE BLANKET—$20.00 Color—Navy or dark green are left Size 50” X 62” With the Lake Hauto Club logo embroidered in the corner. BEACH TOWEL— $20.00 Colors —White, Lime green, yellow, fushia and turquoise. Size 30” X 60” With the Lake Hauto Club logo embroidered in the corner. COFFEE MUGS 11 OUNCES $5.00 each Options are dark green with white logo OR white with green logo. CANVAS POCKET BEACH TOTE—$20.00 Color—Natural with dark green or navy trim Green imprint of the Lake Hauto Club logo on the pocket. Lake Hauto Club Merchandise SWEATSHIRTS (crew neck) ADULT SIZES $25.00 YOUTH SIZES $20.00 HATS $10.00 LAKE HAUTO CLUB $10.00 LICENSE PLATES $10.00 FANNY PACKS $5.00 GOLF SHIRTS (MEN'S AND LADIES) $20.00 FLEECE BLANKET - NAVY OR GREEN $20.00 JACKETS (HOODED) ADULT $35.00 YOUTH $30.00 TANK TOPS $10.00 VISORS LANYARDS $3.50 OR 3/$10.00 HOODED SWEATSHIRTS ADULT SIZES $30.00 YOUTH SIZES $25.00 T-SHIRTS ADULT SIZES - SHORT SLEEVE YOUTH SIZES - SHORT SLEEVE ADULT SIZES - LONG SLEEVE NYLON SPORTPACK with mesh pocket - $5.00 Color Dark green Size—14” X 16 “ with Lake Hauto logo BEACH TOWEL - white, yellow, green, fushia, turquoise $20.00 NYLON SPORTS PACK- dark green $5.00 $13.00 $10.00 $18.00 COFFEE MUGS 11 oz. - green or white - $5.00 CANVAS TOTE BAG - tan with green or navy trim $20.00 PAGE 14 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 15 SUMMER 2015 We would like to thank all of our generous members and local area businesses for donating to the 2015 Summer Entertainment. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!! BAND & FIREWORKS DONATIONS Diamond Patrons ($1000.00 & up) Barwis Families Malcolm Bennett & Joan Demetriades Platinum Patrons ($500.00 up to $999.00) Hess Home Improvements, Inc. Thomas & Anne Meade Bryan, Ashley, Chayse & Grayson Smith Gold Patrons ($200.00 up to $499.00) Bill & Loretta Scutta Cullen, Conner & Mason Murphy Joseph Kovatch, Sr. - Kovatch Sales & Service Lehighton Mary Amodea - Local Realtor The Demetriades Family Bob & Jayne Dieruff Randy & Jamie Goodreau Thomas Haddad Cutloose - Hair Salon Richard & Debra Montemore Scott, Wendy & Mason Murphy Tom & Jackie Rees Hometown Village Pharmacy Philip Walsh The Wells Family Jim & Joan Yorke Anonymous Silver Patrons ($100.00 up to $199.00) Lawrence & Shelia Bistany The Perchak Family KL Herring & Son LLC - Heating-Plumbing-Fuel Oil (Owners Stacy & Dave Kerstetter) Michael & Christine Marek In Memory of Stephen Prebish Karl (Max) & Kathy Sherman John & Denise Wisochanski Jr. Welcome Schuylers Jeffrey & Rhonda Beck Carol John & Kim Briner Bob & Susan Dadio Dr. Michael Ehrig & Dr. Susan Tallick Carolyn & Manny Filloy Fritz Financial Group - Cory Fritz & Mike Runk Gibble & Lakata Families Kostick's Robert J. Kovacs Mary Jo & Charles Kovacs, Jr. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 16 SUMMER 2015 John & Olga Kushnir In Memory of Gretchen & Wilfred Resch Ray and Judi Loftus The Daniels Family Mary +Potochny Marian McDonald, MD, Keystone Surgical Associates Buzz & Family Rentschler Chevrolet Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Elmer D. Robinson Manny & Rosemary Roman Rosemary Rubino Rich & Gwyneth Sample Bill & Cindy Smith Tirpak Insurance The Volpe Family Tom and Eileen Whildin Anonymous Bronze Patrons ($10.00 up to $99.00) The Karnish, Onea & Lavine Families The Packer Family Carol Searfoss Dan & Judy Slegal Jim & Shelia Davidson Deacon & Marcia Evans Evan & Sandra Evans Bill & Mildred Gaddes Dan & Jane Genesio James & Gail Jordan John Mikovich Marianne Jones Jim & Rita George & Ann Marie Lill Matt & Jeff Jack & Jackie Murphy Sue & Warren Nelson Michael & Mary Jean Noon Ed & Suzanne Stianche Dr. Clifford C. Wagner Chester Gangaware Isabelle & Jason Werkheiser Darryl & Donna Seiwell The Daubert Family Dr. & Mrs. James E. Dynan Lee & Jean Gackenbach Homcha Family Dick & Deb Hunter Kathy Inama HoJo Ronald & Judith Kimber Thomas McArdle III & Melinda Penberth Kenneth McCusker Ann Miller In Memory of Robert (Bob) Rehatchek Joe & Lois Rilo Gar & Kim Thomas Rich & Jenn Vermillion John & Ann Yaroma LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 17 SUMMER 2015 Mark & Margaret Trusa Anonymous BAND ONLY DONATIONS Diamond Patrons ($1000.00 & up) Ken & Irene Snyder Gold Patrons ($200.00 up to $499.00) Heat Elite LLC-Specializing in Bed Bud Heat Treatment Silver Patrons ($100.00 up to $199.00) Jim & Jen Caring Senior Service Brent "Chuck" Andrew & Rodeen Lechleitner Bronze Patrons ($10.00 to $99.00) Carol Searfoss Eileen Gibas Kmetz, CPA of Wittig CPA's Larry & Diane Mosser FIREWORK DONATIONS Diamond Patrons ($1000.00 & up) Horwith Trucks, Inc. Kovatch Ford - John and Sharon Kovatch Ken & Irene Snyder Gold Patrons ($200.00 up to $499.00) Anonymous Silver Patrons ($100.00 up to $199.00) Caring Senior Service Dick & Margaret Ann Fenstermacher Steve & Teri Lukach Diane & Jay O'Neill Bronze ($10.00 to $99.00) Rob and Jenn Ehrig Paul and Amy Whitley Thank you to all who contributed to summer entertainment!! ONLY tennis playing on the tennis courts! No skateboards, roller blades, scooters, bikes, etc. on the tennis courts. We want to preserve the courts in good condition for the tennis players. Thank you for your cooperation. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 18 Remember that all storm drains and canals eventually drain into the lake. Never dispose of unwanted household chemicals, waste oil, fuels, lawn and yard debris, or any hazardous material in a storm drain. SUMMER 2015 Lake Hauto Summer Events: Memorial Weekend: Sunday, May 24th “Toolshed Jack” performs 7-10pm* Saturday, June 20th: The band “Night Wind” Playing at Eastwood 8:00 PM -11:00 PM* Friday, June26th: The band “The 3 of Us” Playing at Eastwood Beach 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM Independence Weekend: Friday, July 3rd “Another Side” performs 7-11pm* at Crescent Beach Fireworks at 9pm* Saturday, July 18th: Steak & Clambake 4-6pm (ticket sales to begin in May) Maury Rutch 7-11pm* at Crescent Beach Friday July 10th - Movie night at dusk Popcorn and snow cones Saturday, July 25th : “County Line” performs 7-11pm* at Crescent Beach Saturday, August 1st: Annual Picnic 1-6pm “Into the Spin” playing 6-9 PM Saturday, August 8th: Movie Night TBA (at dusk) Friday, August 21st: Movie Night TBA (at dusk) popcorn & snow cones * All events made possible by your continued donations! Labor Day Weekend: Sunday, September 6th “Becky & The Beasts” playing 7-11pm Fireworks at 9pm* LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 19 SUMMER 2015 Congratulations!!! Wedding Announcements Congratulations to our son, John Koval on his marriage June 26,2015 to Nicole Miller Still. Wishing both of them a lifetime of happiness. Bob and Dianne Koval. Congratulations to our daughter, Samantha on her marriage to Michael Capita on May 16, 2015. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness, love, and good health. Thank you to all who contributed the white vases that made the barn just beautiful. Gar and Kim Thomas. Congratulations to Jaime E Price and Dr. Nicholas D. Montecalvo on their marriage May 9th,2015. Jaime is the daughter of Kevin and Laurie Price. We wish them a life of health, happiness, and lots of love. Birth Announcements Denise and Charlie Sincavage are proud to announce the birth of their first grandchild. Charles Stanley Hallowich was born May 5, 2015. He is the son of Rebecca and Daniel Hallowich of Scranton, PA. His paternal grandparents are Mary Grace Hallowich of Mayfield, PA and Stanley Hallowich of Jermyn, PA. Jack and Peggy Kweder welcomed their second grandchild on June 27, 2015, Gwen Christine Kweder. She is the daughter of Christopher and Angela Kweder, Pittsburgh, PA. Maternal grandparents are Mike and Amy Martino, Brookville, IN. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 20 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 21 SUMMER 2015 A & W Plumbing and Heating Nesquehoning, PA 18240 PA Reg # 014818 Residential plumbing, heating and installation of oil burners, gas furnaces, coal stokers, and appliances; install, repair, clean sewer & drain lines. Est. 1965 (formerly Stemetzki P & H) Amanda Watkins Breiner, Owner/LH Resident Call Robert Watkins @ 570-669-6147 Ed Yeneshosky 570-640-0229 Tree & stump removal Drainage problems solved Stone Works Pebbles to Boulders Ponds, Falls, Fountains Retaining Walls and Patios Excavation Work Insured Owned and operated by Lake Hauto Club residents Jen and Randy Fayash Want to know the value of your property? Call today for a Free Market Analysis! I would be happy to share my expert knowledge of our local Real Estate market with you! With Ed Staloski of Mary Enck Realty, You’ve got a friend in the business! Edward Staloski Associate Broker Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 570-778-7325 cell 570-722-8000 office LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 22 SUMMER 2015 Hess Windows & Doors 56 Mauch Chunk Street Tamaqua PA 18252 570-668-8866 Windows, Entry/Storm Doors, Patio Doors & Enclosures Patio Covers, Aluminum Awnings & Railings Visit our showroom * M-F 10-4 & SAT. 10-2 ADDITIONAL 5% OFF to all Lake Hauto Residents expires 10/01/2015 Visit our website for our latest coupons! Owner is a Lake Hauto Resident Dry Cleaning Pick-up and Delivery Service Escalating gas prices, nasty weather or just out of the way? Have all of your dry cleaning needs picked-up and delivered at your home or office for *No Extra Charge* Now accepting VISA, MasterCard & Discover Card To schedule a delivery please call: AM19Delivers,LLC at 570-436-2705 Please visit our web site on (Look under AM19 Delivers in Pennsylvania) Dry Cleaning is done by Empire Cleaners of Hazleton at 570-454-3561 Lake Hauto Club continues to participate in Redner’s Save-A-Tape and Boyers’ rebate programs. Take your eligible Save-A-Tapes from Redner’s down to the office and drop them into the outside letter drop or take them inside the office during regular office hours and give them to Kim. At Redner's you must remember to have the cashier swipe your key tag in order for your Save-A-Tape to be eligible.. At Boyer’s, all you need to do is swipe your Boyer’s tag (there is no need for a receipt to be submitted to Lake Hauto Club for a rebate). If you need a Boyer’s tag, call the office. Kim will be happy to get a tag to you. If you need a save-a tape key tag from Redner’s, ask any cashier for one before he/she begins to register your purchase. Currently, all the rebate money from Redner’s and Boyer’s is being deposited into the Road Savings Account. LAST YEAR WE DEPOSITED $621.36. Thank you, everyone, for participating!! Reliable Service Customer Satisfaction Top Quality Dry Cleaning LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 23 SPRING 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 24 SUMMER 2015 Lansford, PA Andreas, PA Frank Sowers, Jr. Owner 24 Hours Service House * Garage * Commercial Clean Outs & Demolition At Reasonable Rates Snow Plowing Available 570-645-2028 LAKE HAUTO CLUB 570-778-9450 PAGE 25 SUMMER 2015 Need a New kitchen or bath? Call or Email for more information. We have all your needs for the upcoming grilling season. Stop in anytime or call ahead and we will gladly get it ready for you! XXXXXXXXXXXXX We thank you for your continued support! Tom and Nancy Pilla Lake Hauto members since 1989 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 26 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 27 SUMMER 2015 WE SELL DOCK RUBRAIL & CORNERS WE FILL PROPANE TANKS A complete line of hardware and building material for the do-it-yourselfer. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 28 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 29 SUMMER 2015 Celebrating 29 years of service Route 309, Hometown 570-668-2788 or Toll Free 800-303-6400 AUTO INSURANCE FOR PREFERRED & HIGH RISK DRIVERS OF ALL AGES Auto, Health, Life, Business, Full Time, Vacant & Seasonal Homes, Boats, Motorcycles, Snow Mobiles, ATV’s & Trucking Risks Brian Tirpak Shirley Tirpak Lake Hauto Club Residents over 30 years A Full Service Pharmacy Counseling Candy Gifts Jewelry Let our pharmacy family be your family pharmacy! *** Let us transfer your prescriptions*** (We will gladly meet or beat local prescription prices) Designer Greeting Cards & Gift Wrap 50% off every day Buy 1 Get 1 Free - Natures Bounty Vitamins (Select items monthly) 220 Claremont Ave. Suite #2 Tamaqua, PA. 18252 Phone: 570-668-1900 Lou Rubino RPh Paula Rubino RPh Lake Hauto Members LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 30 SUMMER 2015 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 31 SUMMER 2015 Standard Rate U.S. Postage PAID Lake Hauto Club 140 Maple Terrace Nesquehoning, PA 18240 Lehighton, PA 18235 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit No. 310 REMINDER Congratulations to all of our Lake Hauto graduates from Tamaqua, Panther Valley and Marian High Schools. Congratulations to all 2015 graduates of other high schools, colleges and universities!~ Good luck in whatever you choose to do. We are proud of all your accomplishments! Recreation tags need to be worn whenever members are using any Recreation Areas. There are many new members and this makes it easier on everyone to know that you are a member. No one is exempt from this rule no matter how long you have lived here. Lake Hauto Club OFFICE HOURS Sunday, Monday & Tuesday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday 8 a.m.—3 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.—2 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.—2 p.m. LAKE HAUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues (15% off) (20% off) (25% off) Full Page $120.00 $204.00 $288.00 $360.00 Half Page 70.00 119.00 168.00 210.00 Quarter Page 40.00 68.00 96.00 120.00 Business Cards 20.00 34.00 48.00 60.00 NO ATVs AND SNOWMOBILES ON THE CRESCENT BEACH BALLFIELD AND PARKING LOT. Riding on the ball field creates significant damage to the field. LAKE HAUTO CLUB Message from our mailer carrier Shari Wentz - Dear Lake Hauto Residents, It has been my honor and privilege to serve you these last 20 years. With heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses shone to me, I will leave with great memories of the many friends that I have made and I will miss coming here everyday. God Bless PAGE 32 SUMMER 2015