lake hauto club newsletter
lake hauto club newsletter
LAKE HAUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Kenneth Snyder Finally summer is here. This was a rough winter on our roads, equipment and labor costs. The snow was late leaving, so we are behind two months in outdoor maintenance. We made up for two months in one month in order to be ready for Memorial Day. You will be seeing a new face on 5500 running feet of Lake Drive. It is going to be milled to its base and reconstructed with a new road. This will start a little bit west of our directional pole at the island and stop at Hemlock Road. We are also doing a long –awaited Spruce Terrace. The total cost is $255,000.00. There will not be any loans. We have the necessary money in reserve for roads. This money comes from the budget; most of it is from reserves and your road assessment. I would like to thank everybody that cooperated and paid their road fee on time or this could not have been possible. With the new road you will find yourself very easily going over the speed limit of 25 MPH on Lake Drive. Please try to restrain yourself and keep the speed down. Eastwood Beach is being reconstructed at this time. The budget for this project is $9000.00 to complete. The stone wall that you see is not completed, but it will be in the near future. The slate bank up to the tennis court is going to be regraded. Also there are new windows ordered for the restrooms. A new information board was installed, along with painting of the posts and door. We are changing the hand towels to automatic with the hope of saving the cost on paper towels. That does not seem to be much, but we use three quarters to a full case every week. We hope to lower the lake this year and then we will be able to finish the boat ramp that we started last year. This winter we will be building all new docks at Eastwood, both A and B docks. On the parking lot we are hoping to put in a new layer of stone. More sand was put on the beach. Thanks to the volunteer that runs the stone scrubbing machine on the sand and picks up all the small stones. Also I would like to thank the person that rakes the beach every week. At Oakwood Beach, we have redone the parking lot to direct the water back to the trench, instead of the water running down over the beach and washing the sand into the lake. The trees and bushes that were donated last year all survived. I was a little worried about one tree, but it came around. We put more sand on the beach to add to the sand that we put there last year. We have LAKE HAUTO CLUB SUMMER 2014 Editor: Kim Thomas cleared out ditches to divert the water away from the beach. At Crescent Beach, we put sand on the beach. We are going to put new stone on the parking lot at the office. We also mulched the entire plant areas with the help of the Beautification Committee and our maintenance crew. Two docks at Crescent were reconditioned, which we were hoping to get in earlier this season, but the docks were snowed in. We are also going to do some painting of doors, walkways and so forth. At Zero Beach, we intend to complete that beach, not all this year, but in the near future. That is a forgotten beach. It is located going east on Lake Drive and then it is on the right, opposite the road that goes to our maintenance shop. It is nice water for swimming and we also have docks there that are rented. Our intention this year is to cut all the weeds, put sand on the beach and build a parking lot. Future boards will decide where to go from there. We are considering changing the name and running a contest to choose a new name. However, I kind of like the name “0” Beach. The reason it gets its name is because we had one, two and three beaches already in place, so for lack of a better word, they called it “0” Beach keeping the numbers in order. The gates are working, but not to our satisfaction. This is an ongoing project. With the cameras on the gates we are able to see who is tailgating (we are working to solve this problem), but our members also have to cooperate to help us solve this problem. It is for your own protection. Therefore, if you see anybody tailgating please stop your vehicle and tell them. You can never be sure who the members are. The cameras for security are doing their job. We have seen and found people that were breaking rules. Some of the cameras, which we have been testing for a year, are being relocated. We also have the gates for security and for the summer we have hired a security team. We are protected as well as we can be due to the budget constraints. The only thing left to do is a guard at the east gate and the west gate, which would cost approximately $300,000.00 per year. We have established new rules for the boats to be registered. This has been done to stop nonmembers or renters from putting boats on the lake. The new rules are listed later in this newsletter. The board is enforcing very strongly that you must be 16 years old to ride the all-terrain vehicles and four wheelers They will also be checking for their sticker PAGE 1 SUMMER 2014 President’s message (continued from page 1): numbers to be current. Next season, there is consideration of a whip stick on the machine with a flag and your number. This will give us a better chance to read the numbers of violators. Maintenance did a very good job this year. The roads were kept clean during the winter with the use of sand and salt. We patched the potholes on all the roads; of course, we are bound to miss some. On Lake Drive, where the roads are being totally replaced, we are only patching the larger holes. Our equipment breakdown is very low and the equipment is being well maintained. They are cutting grass practically all day, working on “0” Beach, and preparing Lake Drive for the new road. There are so many things that they do that I could fill this whole newsletter. Jim is learning the gates so that when something goes wrong, he now knows how to reboot them up and do minor adjustments. In time, he will know how to do all the minor adjustments. Kim does all the computer work for putting in the codes. The changes have to be up loaded at the gates, so when you see her there, be cautious. The Community Center is still for rent and the board is looking into how to use it. The siding that was blown off on the northwest side of the building was replaced. The library in the Community Center is long overdue to be finished. A volunteer is helping some of our crew on rainy days to finish it. When it is finished, you will be able to sit and read books at your leisure or take them home. This year the board has built on the projects that last year’s board started and continues to complete those projects along with starting new ones. If you intend to run for the board, you can pick up a petition at the office. The completed petition needs to be returned to the office in person by July 17, 2014 by two o’clock. It cannot be mailed or put through the mail slot. You need just ten signatures by members in good standing in order to run for the board. I would like to thank the Beautification Committee and the board for the work that is being done. Some of the flowers were donated and we thank them for their donation. The club and the Beautification Committee also paid for some of the flowers. Thanks to the donations that are listed is this newsletter. It is making possible for us to have fireworks on the Fourth of July and Labor day. Also we are having a variety of bands, which are also listed in this newsletter. Please come out and enjoy! Wishing you a safe and pleasant summer season!! SECURITY By Dave DeMelfi The summer season has begun! Security at LHC is underway. We've employed the Legion Security Firm this year. Last summer, there were too many trespassers in our development using our facilities. In many instances there were non-members launching their own watercraft and utilizing our lake, not to mention our beaches and recreation areas. If you do not own property in LHC, you are not a member. There have been several misunderstandings concerning this issue. Non-members are NOT permitted to launch their own watercraft on the lake or to operate recreational vehicles on Lake Hauto property. Legion Security will be patrolling our community and enforcing all LHC rules and regulations. This is strictly for our safety and protection, both personally and legally. The gates have been in operation and we are getting the bugs out of them. Members and their guests are asked NOT to piggyback through the gates. This causes needless problems and can potentially cause damage to your vehicle and LHC property. Lake Hauto Community is not responsible for damage you cause by piggybacking. Also, members are encouraged NOT to give non-members their gate code, cards or clickers to gain entrance into our development. There is a weekly code for that purpose. Members will be held responsible for any damage caused by their guests. Just a reminder, no one under the age of 16 is permitted to operate a recreational vehicle (atv's, golf carts, motorcycles, dirt bikes, etc.) on Lake property. Also, those members that are 16 and older must have a valid driver's license in order to operate a recreational vehicle. As you know, we've implemented a new system this year. All members were required to sign the rules and regulations document. This gives the board of directors, as well as, security the right to inspect all watercrafts and recreational vehicles for proper documentation, tags, legal size and most importantly, legal horsepower. Those in violation will be fined. Anyone who refuses to allow the inspection of their watercraft and/or recreational vehicles will be subject to a fine as well. All members must wear beach tags and their guests must have guest stickers on the beach and recreational areas. Remember, this makes it easier for security and members to determine who belongs here and who does not. Trespassers do not pay our LHC dues, assessments and taxes so they should not enjoy our amenities. Remember, Legion Security is here to secure our development and to keep us safe. Wishing you a great summer 2014! Thank you for your assistance!! The Board of Directors would like to thank the members who have reported any violations in our community. We appreciate your help when you report dangerous situations, damage to our property and any infraction to our rules. We encourage you to report any concerns to the office or any board member. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 2 SUMMER 2014 NEW RULES SECTION B. WATERCRAFT 9. The outboard watercraft must be 20 feet or less and have an engine of 200 horsepower or less. 23. Only the member that is listed on the membership (and the deed) is permitted to register any recreational equipment. The member must be in good standing before they can register any equipment. The recreational equipment including equipment such as inboard and outboard boats, personal watercrafts, four wheelers, golf carts and so forth. The insurance statement must be in the same name as the owner of the equipment and has to be the member only. 12. Bona fide leases shall not be able to launch a watercraft. SECTION C. SNOWMOBILES, MOTORIZED AND MISCELLANEOUS RECREATION VEHICLES 12. Only the member that is listed on the membership (and the deed) is permitted to register any recreational equipment. The member must be in good standing before they can register any equipment. The recreational equipment including equipment such as inboard and outboard boats, personal watercrafts, four wheelers, golf carts and so forth. The insurance statement must be in the same name as the owner of the equipment and has to be the member only. WATER SKIING 1. All water skiing shall be done in the area designated by buoys. Traffic is to flow counterclockwise. 2. All water skiing hours are between 10 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily within the confines of the skiing area. These times superseded only by State Rules. 3. Only those boats engaged in the towing of water skiers will be permitted within the designated skiing area during the skiing hours on Saturday, Sunday, and designated State or Federal Holidays. During weekdays, if no skiing is being done, other boats are permitted the use of the area. All 2014 stickers MUST be placed on both sides of the boat in full view without having to move any personal equipment (such as covers). Security will assume that the boat does not have a sticker and the board will possibly fine the member for not displaying the sticker within full view. This is a rough sketch of the lake indicating the direction in which all motorized boats must travel. Motorized boats must travel in a counter clockwise direction around the designated ski area. Water skiing and tubing is only permitted in the center designated ski area. Motorized boats not skiing are not permitted in the ski area unless they are pulling a skier or someone in the tube. The “No Wake” area means exactly that, your boat should be going slow enough to not produce a wake. Following these boating rules will only help to make our lake a safer place. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 3 BOAT STICKERS SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS NAME KEN SNYDER President GEORGE DEMETRIADES Vice-President JENNIFER LAVINE Treasurer ROBERT DAVIDOVICH DAVID DEMELFI CY FULTON CHESTER GANGAWARE JAMIE KANE SCOTT MURPHY TELEPHONE # 610-390-9920 (cell) 610-264-3721 610-264-3332 (fax) 570-527-6601 570-645-0340 570-645-3456 570-778-4484 (cell) 570-579-5786 (570) 645-2649 570-578-7925 (cell) 570-645-7054 570-205-6570 (cell) 570-645-6345 570-805-4559 COMMITTEE Building & Grounds, Maintenance, Roads Legal Security, Building plans, Building & Grounds B&G, Docks, Spec. Projects Security, Building plans, Building & Grounds Special Projects, B & G, Recreation Water Quality, Dam Safety Building Plans We would like to welcome the following new club members We ask all members to get involved with the club. Docks, Fish WELCOME NEW CLUB MEMBERS Jenna & Dan Carlson, Jacob & Hallie Daubert, Kyle Klimowitch & Kelly Mott, Diane & Thomas Richar, Web site: Rules, permits applications, minutes, finances, upcoming events, etc. are available for your viewing. Newsletter is available in color. Email— GARAGE 570-645-7104 OFFICE HOURS Sunday, Monday & Tuesday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday & Thursday 8 a.m.—3 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.—2 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.—2 p.m. BOAT RULES: If you are looking for someone to do various jobs around your yard, please do not forget to look at the web site. NEWSWORTHY ITEMS In case you are considering purchasing a new watercraft, the rules are as follows: a) The length of all Inboard/Outboard (I/O) watercraft only must be 20 foot or under with no greater than a 4.3 Liter engine. b) The outboard watercraft must be 20 feet or less and have an engine of 200 horsepower or less. c) Personal watercraft engines are limited to 135 horsepower or less. d) Pontoon boats will be 20 feet or less and have motor of four cylinders or less. Pontoon boats are measured by deck size. e) Power watercraft registered and operated on Lake Hauto prior to 1975 are excluded. This exclusion applies to the original boat and motor and not to any replacement, revision or modification. LAKE HAUTO TEENS DO YOU NEED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS?? THINK LAKE HAUTO BEAUTIFICATION LAKEHAUTOBEAUTIFICATION@MAIL.COM Ready to Frame Prints Matted 8x10 prints of select 2013 Calendar Photos Ready for an 11x14 frame $10 a print or 2 for $15 Available in the club office LAKE HAUTO CLUB Recreation, Building & Grounds, Special Projects Fish, Dam OFFICE 570-645-7100 Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meetings Are the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Community Center. All members are welcome to attend! EMAIL PAGE 4 1) All directional signs, (i.e. Balloons, paper plates, etc.) placed on trees or poles along the roadway by members are to be removed by the member immediately following their use. 2) Dumpster at the recreation areas are for refuse generated at the beaches only, not for household waste. All property owners pay for garbage pickup at their residences. Please take advantage of it. 3) Dock slips are for one boat only. No one may attach a boat along side or at the end of any dock at any time. 4) Fishing is NOT permitted on any of the boat docks. Have your next party at the Lake Hauto Community Center $150.00 for four hours ($10.00 for every additional hour) $25.00 deposit to save the date. Call the office for availability! SUMMER 2014 The following are motions that were made since the last newsletter. This is a more condensed version of any actions taken by the Board of Directors than in the minutes. If you would like the minutes, please contact the office. They will be available also on the web site soon. LOG OF ALL LAKE HAUTO MEETING MOTIONS AND DECISIONS AFFECTING THE MEMBERSHIP Motion Number is a 4 digit year, two digit month, a dash and a two digit sequential number for that month. Motions in favor of a) accepting minutes, b) accepting Treasurer’s Report, c) accepting bills to be paid and d) for adjournment, will not be recorded if no special actions were taken and motion was carried unanimously. MOTION / DECISION NUMBER 201405-03 TOPIC / DISCUSSION RESULT A motion was made by C. Fulton, seconded by D. DeMelfi, to approve a new rule #12 under section B. Watercrafts. It reads: Bona fide leases shall not be able to launch a watercraft. A motion was made by D. DeMelfi, seconded by C. Fulton, to remove old rule #12 under section B. Watercrafts in the Rules and Regulations. It reads: Bona fide lessees (as hereinafter defined) shall be permitted to launch one (1) watercraft on Lake Hauto during the term of their occupancy under a lease agreement which has been filed with and approved by the Club, provided the lessee has paid the necessary fee. All in favor, motion carried. 201405-01 A motion was made by D. DeMelfi, seconded by C. Fulton, to approve the new members Kyle Klimowitch, Diane Richar (daughter of the late Charles Sincavage), Georgene Berg (daughter of the late Robert Weston), Tony Arnoldi. All in favor, motion carried. 201404-04 A motion was made by Dave DeMelfi, seconded by George Demetriades to add the following new rule TO BOTH: Procedure to register boats and recreational vehicles. All in favor, motion passes. 201405-02 All in favor, motion carried. Only the member that is listed on the membership (and the deed) is permitted to register any recreational equipment. The member must be in good standing before they can register any equipment. The recreational equipment including equipment such as inboard and outboard boats, personal watercrafts, four wheelers, golf carts and so forth. The insurance statement must be in the same name as the owner of the equipment and has to be the member only. A motion was made by Bob Davidovich, seconded by Dave DeMelfi, to add the following rule under Section B of Boat Rules: NEW RULE: The outboard watercraft must be 20 feet or less and have an engine of 200 horsepower or less. A motion was made by Bob Davidovich, seconded by Dave DeMelfi, to remove the following rule under Section B of Boat Rules: OLD RULE: The outboard watercrafts must be less than 19 feet and have engines of four cylinders or less. A motion was made by S, Murphy, seconded by B. Davidovich, to approve the new members Jacob Daubert, Hallie Seiwell, Stephanie Black and Jenna Carlson. Roll call vote: Yes - S. Murphy, D. DeMelfi, B. Davidovich. No – G. Demetriades. Motion passes. 201403-04 A motion was made by C. Gangaware, seconded by G. Demetriades, to destroy the Road Assessment ballots after 30 days from the counting. All in favor, motion carried. 201403-03 A motion was made by G. Demetriades, seconded by C. Fulton, to purchase a swing set for Oakwood Beach. Price not to exceed $2000.00. All in favor, motion carried. 201403-02 D. DeMelfi made a motion, seconded by G. Demetriades, to be made to hire Legion Security out of Wilkes-Barre to work Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day Weekend. All in favor, motion carried. 201403-01 A motion was made by G. Demetriades, seconded by C. Fulton, to approve the new member Gregory Mikovich. All in favor, motion carried. 201404-03 201404-02 201404-01 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 5 Roll call vote: Yes - S. Murphy, D. DeMelfi, B. Davidovich. No – G. Demetriades. Motion passes. All in favor, motion carried. SUMMER 2014 Lake Hauto Club recommends catch and release in our lake. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 6 SUMMER 2014 We would like to thank all the contributors to the Annual Children’s Fishing Derby!! It was a great success thanks to you. Donations for the Tagged Fish for the Children’s Fishing Derby Anonymous Robert & Jayne Dieruff George Demetriades Ken and Irene Snyder Mermon Motors Jeff Slivka Seitz Bros. Exterminating Panther Valley Lumber Tammy Sword Realty First Niagara – Lansford Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank Dan & Laura Smith Brad & Barbara Derby Tom Haddad Larry and Diane Mosser Matt & Sally (Mosser) Kresge Koch's TV & Appliances Hometown Village Pharmacy Nancy's Meats/Keystone Kitchen & Bath Rentschler's Chevrolet Jack Davis Ed Yeneshosky Stone Works Edward & Joan Yorke, Jr. 2 0 1 4 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 7 SUMMER 2014 Hess Windows & Doors 56 Mauch Chunk Street Tamaqua PA 18252 570-668-8866 Windows, Entry/Storm Doors, Patio Doors & Enclosures Patio Covers, Aluminum Awnings & Railings Visit our showroom * M-F 10-4 & SAT. 10-2 ADDITIONAL 5% OFF to all Lake Hauto Residents expires 12/31/2014 Visit our website for our latest coupons! Owner is a Lake Hauto Resident Congratulations!!! Jess Finlayson, daughter of Erik and Jean Dalstad, graduated in May with a Math/Secondary Education degree from Lebanon Valley College. Nicole Dubosky Thomas, daughter of Gar and Kim Thomas, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cedar Crest College. She is also the granddaughter of Dan and Nancy Dubosky. Geoffrey Charles Sincavage, son of Charlie and Denise Sincavage, graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Energy Engineering. He has accepted a position with Johnson Controls. Congratulations Antonia Arlene DeMelfi. She recently graduated from Hazleton Area High School with High Honors, was a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, and she also received the Dr. Geraldine Shepperson award. Antonia will be attending Temple University this Fall. She is the daughter of David DeMelfi, resident of Lake Hauto and grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DeMelfi of Hazleton. We are all very proud of Toni's accomplishments and wish her continued success in the future. Jack and Peggy Kweder are the proud grandparents of Harrison Charles Kweder, born March 26, 2014. Harrison is the son of Jonathan and Katy Kweder, Lexington, SC. Maternal grandparents are Bill and Ellen Taylor, Charleston, WV. The Best of Wishes, Dad, Renee, Nana, Pop, Ava, Cherise and Nicole LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 8 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 9 SUMMER 2014 THE VOTING AND COUNTING PROCESS EXPLAINED DO NOT SIGN YOUR BALLOT. Place your ballot into white envelope #1 and seal. Do NOT put the number of votes on the white envelope. This number is filled in by the tellers. The number represents how many lots you own. It is NOT how many people you are voting for or how many people are in your household or on the deed. Place sealed envelope #1 into envelope #2. Do not remove the return label on the green envelope or your vote will not count. Please mail this ballot so that it is received in the post office no later than the date that is specified on the ballot. No ballots will be accepted in the office. Hand delivered ballots will NOT be accepted at the Lake Hauto Club office. Only the ballots that are received from the post office box will be accepted. The procedure for counting votes: There are always from six to eight volunteers who serve as tellers . There is one Judge of Elections. The green envelopes are put in alphabetical order first. Then only the green envelopes are opened at this time. The names are then individually called out, the teller is then told how many votes/number of lots that member has and that number is then recorded on the white envelope by the teller. The green envelope is then discarded before the white ballot envelope is ever opened. After all the names are called, the white envelopes are then individually opened and the number of lots/votes is marked on the ballot itself. The final step is to count the votes. For example, if you have one lot, your vote is worth one. If you have 2 lots, your vote is worth 2, and so on. If the question is “yes” or “no”, you must make a choice. If you are voting for board of directors, you may vote for just one or up to the number of positions that are open. Your vote will be disqualified if you owe dues for more than one year, delinquent on an assessment, or your name is missing from the green envelope and we cannot check whether you are eligible to vote. I hope that this clarifies the counting process for all ballots. This is your community and it is very important to vote so that you are heard. Observe the speed limits within the lake. It is only 25 MPH on Lake Drive. Please watch out for joggers , walkers, people on bikes and children at play. Please Slow Down! Congratulations to all of our Lake Hauto graduates from Tamaqua, Panther Valley and Marian High Schools. Congratulations to all 2013 graduates of other high schools, colleges and universities! Good luck in whatever you choose to do. We are proud of all your accomplishments! Damage to our Gates According to the Vehicle Code of PA, there is an obligation of a driver to report any damage to our gates. If someone does not report damages to our gates, it is a summary offense and you can be fined $300.00 plus the cost to repair the gates (including labor costs). To report the damage you may call the number at the gates 484-226-6950, call the office 570-645-7100 and leave a message, mail your information or drop it in the mail slot at the office, or report it to any board member. Lake Hauto Board of Directors LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 10 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 11 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 12 SUMMER 2014 Easter Egg Hunt 2014 Rules for the Pavilions 1) Members are not permitted to reserve the pavilions at the beaches. It is on a first come first served basis. You may put tablecloths and names on tables at 7:00 a.m. You are permitted 2 tables per member unless you have other members attending then you may use their names also. 2) You are permitted 25 day passes free per season. After that number it is $2.00 per day pass. Under 14 years of age do not require passes but must be accompanied by an adult with a pass or regular recreation tag. 3) We have no rules on DJs. 4) The lifeguards work from noon to 5:00 pm. 5) The beaches are only open until 11:00 PM. Dry Cleaning Pick-up and Delivery Service Escalating gas prices, nasty weather or just out of the way? Have all of your dry cleaning needs picked-up and delivered at your home or office for *No Extra Charge* Now accepting VISA, MasterCard & Discover Card To schedule a delivery please call: AM19Delivers,LLC at 570-436-2705 Ed Yeneshosky 570-640-0229 Tree & stump removal Drainage problems solved Stone Works Pebbles to Boulders Ponds, Falls, Fountains Retaining Walls and Patios Excavation Work Insured Please visit our web site on (Look under AM19 Delivers in Pennsylvania) Dry Cleaning is done by Empire Cleaners of Hazleton at 570-454-3561 Reliable Service Customer Satisfaction Top Quality Dry Cleaning LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 13 SUMMER 2014 Summer Entertainment June 20th—“The Churchill's” (Maury and Tim) will be playing at Crescent Beach 7:30 – 10:30 PM. June 28th - Bake Sale – 9 – 1 PM at the office. Bakers needed. You may drop the baked goods off the day before. June 28th—‘BIG, BAD, ROCKABILLY CATS’ Join use for a ‘Vintage Rock Dance Party’ at Crescent Beach, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM July 4th – “Tool Shed Jack” at Crescent Beach 7-11 PM. There will also be fireworks off the breast of the dam that night at 9:00 PM. July 5th – Colin Jones at Oakwood Beach 1 – 4 PM. July 26th – “County Line Band” at Crescent Beach 7-11 PM August 9th – Annual Picnic – more information to follow. August 16th – “Becky and the Beasts” at Eastwood Beach 7 – 11 PM August 30th “Another Side” (classic rock) at Crescent Beach 7 – 11 PM. There will also be fireworks off the breast of the dam that night at 9:00 PM. Beach Tags required at all events. We would like to thank all of our generous members and local area businesses for donating to the 2014 Summer Entertainment. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!! BAND DONATIONS Diamond Patrons ($1000.00 & up) Kenneth & Irene Snyder Malcom Bennett & Joan Demetriades Platinum patrons ($500.00 up to $999.00) Hess Home Improvements, Inc. The Ladd Family Gold Patrons ($200.00 up to $499.00) Tom Haddad Seitz Bros. Exterminating Inc. Jackie & Tom Rees Scott, Wendy & Mason Murphy The Wells family Robert C. Dieruff, First Vice-President -CRPC, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Randy & Jamie Goodreau Cullen & Conner Murphy Heat Elite LLC - Specializing in Bed Bug Heat Treatment Cutloose – Hair Salon The Demetriades family Philip Walsh Hometown Village Pharmacy, LLC Peter J. Radocha & Sons Inc. Anonymous Silver Patrons ($100.00 up to $199.00) Marian McDonald MD - Keystone Surgical Associates Bob Kovacs Joseph Doyle Ryan & Charlene Barwis In Memory of Bob Rehatchek LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 14 SUMMER 2014 The Dadio family DBA Caring Senior Service Mike & Chris Marek Buzz & family Bistany Grandchildren To Honor Stephen Prebish KL Herring & Son LLC - Heating-Plumbing-Fuel Oil (Owners Stacy & Dave Kerstetter) James Perchak Bill Scutta Robert Warkala DPM – Cornerstone Foot & Ankle Fritz Financial Group - Cory Fritz & Mike Runk Bronze Patrons ($10.00 up to $99.00) In Memory of Robert "Bob" Rehatchek Donna Valent Jay & Isy Werkheiser Dr. & Mrs. James E. Dynan Jack & Ann Yaroma Lee & Jean Gackenbach Tom & Eileen Whildin Gwyneth & Rich Sample Ed & Joan Yorke, Jr. William & Cindy Smith Carol Blaschak Warren & Sue Nelson Rosemary Rubino Walt Logechnik Diane & Jay O'Neill Ray & Judi Loftus Eileen Gibas Kmetz CPA of Wittig CPA's Chad & Yvonne Gibble Carol Searfoss Richard Montemore The Lightcap family Dr. Clifford Wagner Michael Davis Financial Advisor, Ameriprise Financial James & Gail Jordan Zach Chodur FIREWORK DONATIONS Diamond Patrons ($1000.00 & up) Ken & Irene Snyder Kovatch Ford Horwith Trucks, Inc. Barwis Construction Anonymous Gold Patrons ($200.00 up to $499.00) Panther Valley Lumber Co Inc. Bronze ($10.00 to $99.00) Carol Searfoss Cameron & Diane Fowler William Hedish Frank & Mary Lou Maradeo LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 15 SUMMER 2014 Lake Hauto Club continues to participate in Redner’s Save-A-Tape and Boyers’ rebate programs. PERMITS NEEDED FOR: (Fees associated with the application) New Construction - $1000.00 Road opening with new construction - $800.00 Additions - $250.00 Landscaping or deck - $25.00 Pavilion - $35.00, Shed - $25.00 Tree permit - $10.00 per tree Driveway—$10.00 All fees are non-refundable. All Rules and Regulations must be followed. You must allowed at least 15 days from submission for approval. ONLY tennis playing on the tennis courts! No skateboards, roller blades, scooters, bikes, etc. on the tennis courts. We want to preserve the courts in good condition for the tennis players. Thank you for your cooperation. A & W Plumbing and Heating Nesquehoning, PA 18240 PA Reg # 014818 Residential plumbing, heating and installation of oil burners, gas furnaces, coal stokers, and appliances; install, repair, clean sewer & drain lines. Take your eligible Save-A-Tapes from Redner’s down to the office and drop them into the outside letter drop or take them inside the office during regular office hours and give them to Kim. At Redner's you must remember to have the cashier swipe your key tag in order for your Save-A-Tape to be eligible.. At Boyer’s, all you need to do is swipe your Boyer’s tag (there is no need for a receipt to be submitted to Lake Hauto Club for a rebate). If you need a Boyer’s tag, call the office. Kim will be happy to get a tag to you. If you need a save-a tape key tag from Redner’s, ask any cashier for one before he/she begins to register your purchase. Currently, all the rebate money from Redner’s and Boyer’s is being deposited into the Road Savings Account. The amount deposited to date is $1069.12. Thank you, everyone, for participating!! Pets are NOT permitted in the Recreational Areas at any time This includes the tennis courts, beaches, baseball fields, playgrounds, basketball areas, parking lots, etc. There are no exceptions to this rule. Est. 1965 (formerly Stemetzki P & H) Amanda Watkins Breiner, Owner/LH Resident Call Robert Watkins @ 570-669-6147 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 16 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 17 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 18 SUMMER 2014 Lansford, PA Andreas, PA Frank Sowers, Jr. Owner 24 Hours Service House * Garage * Commercial Clean Outs & Demolition At Reasonable Rates Snow Plowing Available 570-645-2028 LAKE HAUTO CLUB 570-778-9450 PAGE 19 SUMMER 2014 LAKEFRONT FOR SALE . SIGNS 1. Real Estate: a. Any sign designating or advertising the sale of a property or premises shall not exceed a maximum size of 18 x 24 inches (432 sq. in.). b. Only one sign is permissible per property for sale. c. Posting of "FOR LEASE" or "FOR RENT" signs is prohibited. 2. Directional Signs: Club members who post directional signs on club property are to have these removed following their use. 15 Club Dr, Lake Hauto Pride of ownership is evident in this well maintained property. Beautiful location with mature trees and lake access, Priced to sell at $349,900. Contact listing agent for details. 3. The posting of signs or the attachment of any objects to, as well as entry upon, the “Teepees or Rocks” at the entrance to Lake Hauto is not permitted. Edward Staloski Associate Broker 570-778-7325 cell 570-722-8000 office DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON THE TEEPEES. MARY ENCK REALTY, INC. PLEASE REMOVE ALL DIRECTIONAL SIGNS AND Don’t Settle For Less Than The Best! BALLOONS AFTER YOUR PARTY. WARNING!!! IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS LAKE HAUTO CLUB OFFICE 570-645-7100 LAKE HAUTO CLUB GARAGE 570-645-7104 911 NON EMERGENCY (Schuylkill) 570-622-3739 911 NON EMERGENCY (Carbon) 570-669-5551 LANSFORD-COALDALE JOINT WATER AUTHORITY 570-645-3040 PPL ELCTRIC COMPANY 800-342-5775 NESQUEHONING POST OFFICE 570-669-6621 BLUE RIDGE CABLE COMPANY 570-645-5511 RUSH TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT 570-668-4242 RUSH TOWNSHIP SEWER AUTHORITY 570-668-4336 RUSH TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Garbage) 570-668-2938 NESQUEHONING POLICE DEPARTMENT 570-669-9111 NESQUEHONING SEWER AUTHORITY 570-669-9951 NESQUEHONING BOROUGH BUILDING (Garbage) 570-669-9588 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 20 Anyone vandalizing any of the lake buoys will be fined and possibly denied water privileges for a period of time. The fine and penalty will be at the discretion of the Lake Hauto Club Board of Directors. Each buoy costs approximately $275.00 $300.00 total for which you may be responsible. SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 21 SUMMER 2014 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! SHERRY DENTAL 570-668-6200 41 WEST BROAD ST TAMAQUA, PA 18252 PROVIDING ALL ASPECTS OF MODERN GENERAL DENTISTRY: DIGITAL X-RAYS CLEANINGS FILLINGS EXTRACTIONS CHILD FRIENDLY EVENING & EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! COSMETIC DENTISTRY CROWNS BRIDGES VENEERS WHITENING DENTURES FLEXIBLE PARTIAL DENTURES (NO METAL) WWW.SHERRYDENTAL.COM Need a New kitchen or bath? Call or Email for more information. We have all your needs for the grilling season. Stop in anytime or call ahead and we will gladly get it ready for you! XXXXXXXXXXXXX We thank you for your continued support! Tom and Nancy Pilla Lake Hauto members since 1989 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 22 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 23 SUMMER 2014 WE SELL DOCK RUBRAIL & CORNERS WE FILL PROPANE TANKS A complete line of hardware and building material for the do-it-yourselfer. LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 24 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 25 SUMMER 2014 Celebrating 29 years of service Route 309, Hometown 570-668-2788 or Toll Free 800-303-6400 AUTO INSURANCE FOR PREFERRED & HIGH RISK DRIVERS OF ALL AGES Auto, Health, Life, Business, Full Time, Vacant & Seasonal Homes, Boats, Motorcycles, Snow Mobiles, ATV’s & Trucking Risks Brian Tirpak Shirley Tirpak Lake Hauto Club Residents over 29 years A Full Service Pharmacy Counseling Candy Gifts Jewelry Let our pharmacy family be your family pharmacy! *** Let us transfer your prescriptions*** (We will gladly meet or beat local prescription prices) Designer Greeting Cards & Gift Wrap 50% off every day Buy 1 Get 1 Free - Natures Bounty Vitamins (Select items monthly) 220 Claremont Ave. Suite #2 Tamaqua, PA. 18252 Phone: 570-668-1900 Lou Rubino RPh Paula Rubino RPh Lake Hauto Members LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 26 SUMMER 2014 LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 27 SUMMER 2014 Standard Rate U.S. Postage PAID Lake Hauto Club 140 Maple Terrace Nesquehoning, PA 18240 Lehighton, PA 18235 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit No. 310 REMINDER If anyone is planning on running for a position on the Lake Hauto Board of Directors, you must have your petition in the office before 2:00 PM on Saturday July 12, 2014. This year there are 3 full term vacancies (3 years each). Please remember that you must use the official petition form for Lake Hauto Club. These forms are available in the office. If you cannot pick up a form, please contact the office and one will be sent to you. You need at least 10 signatures. LAKE HAUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues (15% off) (20% off) (25% off) Full Page $120.00 $204.00 $288.00 $360.00 Half Page 70.00 119.00 168.00 210.00 Quarter Page 40.00 68.00 96.00 120.00 Business Cards 20.00 34.00 48.00 60.00 Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable summer! Save-the-date! Saturday, August 9th is our annual summer picnic! Food by Christy Joy and The Waffle Hut Entertainment by “Into the Spin” Look for more information to come in the mail! LAKE HAUTO CLUB PAGE 28 SUMMER 2014