asbury theological seminary celebrates 2013 herald and annual
asbury theological seminary celebrates 2013 herald and annual
a s b u ry t h e o l o g i c a l s e m i n a ry c e l e b r at e s 2 0 13 h e r a l d a n d a n n u a l r e p o r t missional vision. g l o b a l i m pa c t. w e s l e ya n s p i r i t. A community called to prepare theologically educated, sanctified, Spirit-filled men and women to evangelize and to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world through the love of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to the glory of God the Father. 800.2ASBURY ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s 05 06 09 asbury theological seminary Publisher dr. timothy c. tennent Editor in Chief Letter from the President Dr. Timothy C. Tennent Story-Tellers, Song-Writers, and Sight-Seers Dr. David L. McKenna Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner Tonight? Sheila Lovell 12 Ira Gallaway & Joan Krupa 14 Faculty Focus 16 Kern Scholars 18 En Route to Our Future deb adams haley hill 22 Forging Ahead 23 Our Donors 31 Financial Report 32 Faculty Publications 34 News 35 Events Managing Editor Graphic Designer POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to The Asbury Herald, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY 40390-1199. Asbury Theological Seminary is a religious, not-for-profit, educational institution, which has long enjoyed the benefit of estate stewardship of many friends. If you are considering a bequest, please use our full legal name and address: Asbury Theological Seminary, 204 N. Lexington Avenue Wilmore, KY 40390-1199 or call 800.2ASBURY for specific information. Find this 2013 Annual Report, previous editions of The Asbury Herald, and other Asbury Seminary resources online at or e-mail Dr. Timothy C. Tennent Go green! t ry o ur e-edit ion The Asbury Herald (including Annual Report) is published three times per year and is mailed to more than 17,000 households. It is the official magazine of Asbury Theological Seminary. It is also published in electronic format ( to reduce paper consumption and increase access. Please visit this site to learn how to access the electronic version on your Apple or Kindle device. 3 p r e s i d e n t ’s cabinet Dr. Timothy C. Tennent President Mr. Kevin E. Bish Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Services Mr. Bryan Blankenship Vice President of Finance and Administration Dr. Marilyn Elliott Vice President of Community Formation Dr. Steve Gober Vice President of the Florida Dunnam Campus Mr. Robert S. Landrebe Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Mr. Jay E. Mansur Vice President of Advancement Dr. Douglas K. Matthews Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost Rev. John David Walt Associate Vice President of Advancement Asbury Seminary is not only about academic education; we journey together to learn spiritual disciplines and observe ministry in action. We are constantly embracing wholeness and holiness. Often, that is shaped through the rich fellowship of community and our personal spiritual growth. Learn more about the amazing community of Asbury Seminary at 4 board of trustees Oversight and control of Asbury Seminary is vested in an independent board of trustees, as described in the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of Asbury Theological Seminary. Dr. Paul M. Baddour Mr. Randall P. Birdwell Mrs. Debra McKenna Blews Rev. Gloria B. Brooks Mr. Dale S. Ditto Mrs. Nancy L. Dumas Rev. June Pinner Edwards Mr. Paul R. Ervin, Jr. Rev. Dr. George H. Freeman Rev. Dr. Ira Gallaway Dr. David R. Goodnight Bishop Alfred W. Gwinn, Jr. Rev. Dr. Joseph L. Harris Bishop Robert E. Hayes, Jr. Rev. J. Anthony Holifield Rev. Dr. Dan G. Johnson Mr. William M. Johnson Dr. Charles L. Joiner Mr. Joe W. Kilpatrick Bishop Sundo Kim Mrs. Peggy Boyd Kirkpatrick Mrs. Joan Gore Krupa (Chair) Bishop João Carlos Lopes Mr. John O. McNairy Dr. Steven G. W. Moore Dr. E. Harold Munn, Jr. Bishop Luis F. Palomo Rev. J. Gregory Parris Rev. Dr. Edmund W. Robb, III Rev. Dr. Jerald W. Russell (Vice Chair) Rev. Dr. James W. Smith Mrs. Karen E. Thomas alumni council Rev. Rurel Ausley Dr. Stephen Babby Mrs. Laura Berg Mr. Gene Chambers Rev. Dr. Bryan Collier Rev. Dr. Steve Elliott Rev. BJ Foster Rev. David Goss Rev. Dr. Tom Harrison Mr. Greg Kannon Dr. Charles Kyker Rev. Dr. Lyndol Loyd Rev. Sheryl Marks-Williams Mrs. Kathy Milans Capt. Andrew Miller Rev. Carolyn Moore Rev. Allen Newton Rev. Dr. Branson Sheets Rev. Ralph Sigler Rev. Rick Vinther Rev. Dr. Ken Werlein Rev. Steve Wood i n t e r n at i o n a l m e m b e r s Dr. Andrea Baare Dr. Ricardo Gomez Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Hance Rev. Chung Suk Kim Dr. Bauta Motty Dr. Prabhu Singh Rev. Ivan (Meng Cheng) Tan Dear Friends, As Asbury Theological Seminary observes the 90th anniversary of its founding this year, I invite you to celebrate with us within the pages of this commemorative issue of the Herald. It is fitting that not only do we look back into the past, we also anticipate the future through our faculty and our new and far-reaching programs. As well, we offer our profound gratitude to our alumni and friends who continue to demonstrate their confidence in Asbury Seminary through their financial support. Through past issues of the Herald, you have been kept apprised of the recent building and renovation projects taking place on our two physical campuses. On the Kentucky Campus, our 150 new family housing units and two single student residence halls are evidence of our continued commitment to residential theological education. The complete renovation of Larabee-Morris Hall and the recently-completed Streetscape Project have transformed our original Asbury Seminary building and the entrance into campus, respectively. The basement of the Administration Building is also currently under renovation to house our post-graduate studies center. On the Florida Dunnam Campus, renovations have been completed to house new offices for Student Services and for the Justo Gonzalez Center and the Harry Hoosier Institute. In adherence to our Strategic Plan 2023, revisions and innovations in our curriculum and programs are also evident. The new emphasis on church planting, the Seedbed online resource platform, and partnerships with international theological schools, among others, all signal Asbury Seminary’s commitment to educating and forming students, serving the global Church, and equipping laity for ministry. So celebrate with us as together we honor the past—and forge the future. Dr. Timothy C. Tennent President Professor of World Christianity for information on how to partner with asbury seminary contact: 859.858.2305 | 5 asbury theological seminary’s 90 year celebration Excerpts from the Anniversary Address by David L. McKenna W hen I sign a letter or a book, I always scribble “With His joy, Dave” followed by a swirl and the scriptural notation, “Isaiah 43:19.” Forget the former things. Look, I am doing a new thing. Do you not see it springing up even now? 6 God speaks the words of our text through Isaiah to the Children of Israel who are in Babylonian exile. Sixty to seventy years have passed since Jerusalem was sacked, the Temple destroyed, and Jewish leaders humiliated by a forced march through the wilderness to the land of exile in punishment for their sins. They are now a fractured community of different generations—leaders who have prospered by privilege, masses who are comfortable by entitlement, and a younger generation who have no memory of Jerusalem and its glory. Only a handful of the faithful keep hope alive by remembering the miraculous story of the Exodus when God parted the waters of the Red Sea so that Moses could lead his people to freedom on dry ground. Sounds almost like a Barna poll of American Christianity in the 21st century, doesn’t it? Privileged leaders, comfortable masses, forgetful youngsters, and a handful of the faithful. The fact is that the metaphor of Babylon is timeless, running from the Old Testament prophets, through our time, and out to John’s vision in the Book of Revelation. So, whether the setting is exile in 583 B.C. or in 2013 A.D., God has a word for us, “Forget the former things. Look. I am doing new things. Do you not see it springing up even now?” Looking back and leaning forward, God has for us a new story to tell, a new song to sing, and a new sight to see. A New Story to Tell God begins by giving the Jews in Exile a new story to tell that is a complete reversal of the old story of The Exodus: Instead of parting the waters to create dry land, He will give them springs in the desert; instead of letting them wander for 40 years through the wilderness, He will personally prepare a royal highway with a military escort for their journey. Looking back, we too have an old story to tell. Our Wesleyan identity begins with a voice telling how cold reason caught fire and rigid legalism gave way to freedom. John Wesley summed up his story in the simple sentence, “My heart was strangely warmed.” Our Asbury identity is written in the story of a Methodist preacher who, when he was warned that if he left the security of established churches on the East Coast to ride circuit in the wilds of Kentucky, the results of his ministry wouldn’t fill a corncrib, Francis Asbury answered, “I will show you the way.” We also want to pre-write the new story according to our wishes. . . I wish, for instance, that our secular city of Seattle would be transformed. When Garrison Keillor brought his radio program “The Prairie Home Companion” to our city, he began his show by musing, “Hmmm. Here we are in Seattle where dogs outnumber Christians”; I wish that we could learn to show tolerance to racial, ethnic, and religious diversity without sacrificing our biblical convictions; I wish that we could find the Spirit-guided way to use the social media as an instrument for getting millions of hits inquiring about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, perhaps on a website named “FaithBook”; Most of all, at a time when the search for holiness is being whipsawed between radical and complicated views of believing and behaving, I wish that we could again communicate the message of holiness as wholeness of believing, being, and doing in a natural, simple, and beautiful way for the people in the pew and the person on the street. But then I remember the rest of the verse where God says, “Look. I am doing a new thing. Don’t you see it?” As we lean forward, God is calling us to be “first-class noticers.” Rather than trying to pre-plan or pre-write God’s story for Him, we need to pray for discernment of the Spirit to help us see where new things are springing up. Out of these “new things” will come the new story that He wants us to tell. Let the new story begin. A New Song to Sing A new story needs a new song. Before God gave Israel a new story, Israelites were singing the lament, “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?” (Psalm 137: 1, 4). Now, to celebrate their freedom from exile, God has a new song for them: You will go out with joy and be led forth in peace; The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all of the trees of the field will clap their hands. (Isaiah 55:12) 7 As their new story told “who they were”, their new song tells “Who God is.” We Wesleyans are known for songs to match our story. Is there any greater moment in our history than when Charles prepared the way for his brother John to tell his story by singing the song he wrote to celebrate the first anniversary of his conversion, “He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me”? Taking a cue from Charles Wesley, when I traveled back and forth across the country telling the Asbury Seminary story to new friends and prospective donors, many of whom had never visited the campus, I always said, “If I could waft you over the miles to a seat in Estes Chapel when the students are singing, ‘And Can It Be’ you would be an Asburian forever.” What is the new song that God wants us to sing? Along with the new story, it is yet to be written. The secular world is showing us what to look for. iTunes with its millions of songs not only leads in marketing new technology for the younger generation, but also carries a message of moral revolution across the world. iTunes teaches us that we need a new song—a new song that tells who God is, rings true to the word of our Biblical and Wesleyan theology, plays in the marketplace, dispels the public notion of dreary and disgruntled Christians, and makes the world eager to hear our story. May the Spirit of God lead us to a renaissance of Wesleyan song as the note of joy for our story of full salvation. Let the new song begin. A New Sight to See Our new story and our new song need a new sight to see. Isaiah fired the imagination of Babylonian exiles when he painted the word picture of Jerusalem restored and the Temple rebuilt. Even more excitement would be created by the prophet’s vision of standing on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and seeing the horizon filled with the white sails of ships bringing Jews from every nation on earth coming home to worship God at the sacred Temple in the Holy City. No sooner was this exhilarating image fixed in the minds of his hearers than Isaiah blows the scene wide open with the declaration, 8 It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel whom I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49: 6) In these words, the Children of Israel get a God’s eye view of Jerusalem and the Temple being the light for the Gentiles and the hope of all the world. Oh, the power of imagination. Walt Disney died before he saw his dream realized for Disney World. At the grand opening Walter Cronkite, Master of Ceremonies, said to Disney’s widow, “It is too bad that Mr. Disney is not here to see this.” Mrs. Disney answered, “If he had not seen it first, we would not be seeing it now.” Think about it. Asbury Seminary. If H. C. Morrison had not seen it first, we would not be seeing it now; Beeson Center. If Bill and Betty Conger had not seen it first, we would not be seeing it now; Florida Dunnam Campus. If Maxie Dunnam had not seen it first, we would not be seeing it now; Kalas Village. If Bill and Carol Latimer had not seen it first, we would not be seeing it now. Can you see it now? God accepts our dedication of this restored and rebuilt campus to Him and His glory, but quickly adds, “It is too small a thing for you…” Google Earth zooms open before our eyes and we realize that our campus is a local pinpoint in a global picture. Asbury Seminary is not just an institution in itself; its influence is magnified many times as it is an integral part of a global network and a major player in answering Christ’s command to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation…” President Tennent has brought that sight with him and as our Global Partnerships develop, we will say, “If Timothy Tennent had not seen it first, we would not be seeing it now.” So, looking back from our 90th anniversary year, we celebrate a Seminary whose soul is found, not primarily in strategy, statistics, and success, but in the stories we tell, the songs we sing and the sights we see. Leaning forward toward our Centennial, we anticipate, by the grace of God, another generation of Story-tellers, Song-writers, and Sight-seers. Guess who’s coming for dinner tonight? By Sheila Lovell With trembling hand, the elderly preacher pulled back his tan frock coat, reached into his belt, and drew out an imaginary knife. Holding it high over his head, he stood motionless behind the pulpit, while the congregation waited in breathless silence. The hand holding the knife shook, and then began its downward arc toward the sacrifice tied on the altar, when suddenly his other hand grabbed the descending wrist and stopped the blow. Thus, the preacher explained, did God stay Abraham’s hand when he would have sacrificed his own son. J.T. and Ruth, just after first meeting in 1936. Sitting in the congregation that night in 1937, 21-yearold Ruth Childers let out her breath. This was the first time she had ever seen the legendary evangelist Dr. Henry Clay Morrison, founder and president of Asbury Theological Seminary, and she never forgot that moment or that sermon. Dr. Morrison was noted for his dramatic preaching of the gospel, just as Ruth’s fiancé, J. T. Seamands, had told her. She had never before heard preaching like that. Following the service, J.T. took Ruth to introduce her to Dr. Morrison. 9 J.T. was the bass member of the Ambassador Quartet, a well-known singing group from (then) Asbury College. The quartet rose early every morning and sang before Dr. Morrison preached. The music and the sermon were transmitted by telephone every morning at 6 o’clock from the Asbury College campus to Louisville, where they were broadcast over WHAS radio. People on their way to work enjoyed hearing Dr. Morrison’s sermons. Ruth was impressed with the man. “He had a shock of shoulder-length white hair,” she recalls, “and always wore a frock coat, sometimes tan and sometimes black.” She noted that his demeanor was sober, though not necessarily stern. His sermon on Abraham and Isaac was her first introduction to him, but she also remembered his famous “elevator sermon.” “He spoke very dramatically,” Ruth observed, “and in that sermon he took the congregation on an elevator with him to heaven and to hell.” In each case he interviewed Bible characters who told their stories—Judas and Cain in hell and Abraham and Moses in heaven. “He painted such vivid verbal pictures,” she recalls, “that you could practically feel that elevator taking you up and down. Like him, you were in a hurry to get out of hell and get to heaven.” Not many people alive today can say they have known all eight of the presidents of Asbury Seminary, but at the age of 96, Ruth Seamands is one of them. Since that first night so long ago, when she first met H. C. Morrison, she has had a connection to the Seminary. Henry Clay Morrison with the Asbury College Quartet, Late 1930’s Ruth and J.T. married in 1938 and she graduated from Asbury College (now Asbury University) in 1940, the same time that J.T. graduated from Asbury Seminary. They went to India later that year but World War II interrupted their plans, and Ruth and her baby girl returned to America in the summer of 1942, after a perilous six-week trip by troop transport, shadowed by Japanese and German submarines. She came back to Wilmore and lived in Talbott Hall, later named Larabee-Morris Hall, which at that time was the 10 only building on the Seminary campus. The building contained living quarters for faculty and students, Talbott Hall classrooms, the library, (Larabee-Morris) 1941 the chapel, a kitchen, and a dining commons. Ruth took some classes in seminary, while living in a room on the main floor of the building, with her 7-month-old baby. “The student body was very small at that time,” she says. “Remember, most of the men were at war.” Her room was right next door to the kitchen. A Mrs. Oliver cooked for everyone. A rather stout lady, she was a great woman of prayer. Ruth remembers many times when Mrs. Oliver would get down on her knees and intercede earnestly for her “preacher boys.” Ruth would be next door and hear Mrs. Oliver at prayer and simultaneously smell the beans scorching on the stove. She would rush into the kitchen, “Mrs. Oliver! Mrs. Oliver! The beans are burning!” “Oh, Lord!” Mrs. Oliver would haul herself to her feet and rescue the beans, her prayers set aside for the moment. Ruth returned to India with J.T. after the war for another two terms of missionary service. In 1959 she and J.T. and their family came to Wilmore for what was supposed to be a one-year furlough, but things turned out quite differently. The illness of one of the children prevented the Seamands family from returning to India in 1960, and suddenly J.T. was unemployed. Dr. J. C. McPheeters, Asbury Seminary’s second president, offered him a professorship teaching missions, a position that J.T. held until his retirement in 1988. He was the founding director of the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism. Ruth remembers Dr. McPheeters with fondness. When asked who among the eight presidents was her favorite, she thought briefly and named “Dr. Mac.” “He was a wonderful man,” she says. He and Dr. E.A. Seamands, J.T.’s father and himself a former missionary to India, would meet on the street in Wilmore and simultaneously break into their favorite hymn, “It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, and the half has never yet been told.” She remembers when “Dr. Mac” learned to waterski at 79 years of age and recalls affectionately his booming voice, unexpected in such a small man. “Of course everyone who knew him remembers his favorite saying,” she smiles, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” It was Dr. McPheeters who gave Sam Kamaleson a scholarship to come to Asbury Seminary and take his B.D. degree (now the M.Div.), which prepared him to become an evangelist to the pastors of the world. J.T. Seamands had “discovered” Sam, who was at the time a veterinarian with a glorious bass voice, living in Madras (now Chennai), India. Kamaleson came to Asbury Seminary to major in music, but while he was in school the Lord got hold of his heart and called him to preach. Dr. McPheeters was a frequent guest at the Seamands’ dinner table, as were several of the Asbury Seminary presidents to follow. Dr. Frank Bateman Stanger, Asbury Seminary’s third president, graduated from Asbury College in 1934, the same year that J. T. Seamands began his studies there. For a year their paths crossed, while Dr. Stanger attended Asbury Seminary, which at that time was located in Morrison Hall on the Asbury College campus. Dr. Stanger then left to attend Princeton Theological Seminary. J.T. was already teaching at Asbury Seminary when Dr. Stanger became president in 1962. Ruth remembers Frank and Mardelle Stanger as friendly neighbors and people of deep prayer. “He cared deeply about the Seminary,” she said. While a student at Asbury Seminary, David McKenna, the Seminary’s fourth president, came under conviction in a chapel service under J.T. Seamands’ preaching and offered himself completely to God, even as a missionary to India. God honored that surrender but steered Dr. McKenna into higher education instead, and in an interesting twist of events he became J.T.’s president and boss. Ruth admits to being a little intimidated by David McKenna. “He seemed very young to be a seminary president. He was so smart,” she says, smiling. “He scared me a little.” But she soon made friends with him, especially since he had hired her daughter, Sheila Lovell, as his administrative assistant. He, too, came to dinner from time to time, especially if she were serving Indian food. He loved her curry and rice. Ruth met each of the other four presidents—Maxie Dunnam, Jeff Greenway, Ellsworth Kalas, and Timothy Tennent—especially because her daughter, Sheila, worked for all of them. Each of these men was a recipient of Ruth’s hospitality, and many wide-ranging and inspiring conversations took place around her capacious dining room table. She marvels at the growth of the Seminary over the years and remarks especially about the Beeson family. “We met Ralph and Orlean and Dwight and Lucille Beeson years and years ago,” she says. “They were very interested in missions and of course J.T. headed up the missions department. Ralph would give J.T. funds to take his students on their mission studies during the January term. We visited in their homes in Birmingham. We were thrilled when he gave so much to the Seminary in his will. And he gave the money to name academic chairs after each of the Seamands boys – E.A., J.T. and David.” Lucille and Dwight Beeso n & Orlean an d Ralph Beeso n (ordered lef t to right) Her mind wanders back over the years, beginning in 1937, that she has been associated in one way or another with Asbury Seminary. She has seen it advance from a one-building site in Wilmore to the bustling campus community it is today, growing then into a second physical campus in Orlando, and around the world on-line, and she smiles—remembering fondly Mrs. Oliver and her burning beans. Sheila Lovell, the daughter of J.T. and Ruth Seamands, came to Asbury Seminary in the Sheila and Ruth, October 2013 summer of 1982, shortly after President David L. McKenna began his presidential duties. As first Executive Assistant and now Special Assistant to the President, she has served under the last five presidents. Her 31 years (and counting) on the staff have been made up of reams of minutes, thousands of letters, phone calls, appointments made (and broken), and hundreds of thousands of pages of presidential archives. In her current position within the Advancement area, she continues to produce special letters and writing projects for the President, as well as video scripts, press releases, articles, reports to foundations, and anything else she is asked to write. “Asbury Seminary has been a huge part of my life, even before I began working here, since my Dad was on the faculty here for 28 years,” she notes. “And now I get to do much more writing than ever before, which I absolutely love to do.” 11 T he fact that Asbury Seminary was born the same year as was Ira Gallaway (1923) has not been lost on either him or the Seminary. The lives of the man and the institution have meshed in remarkable ways, thanks to the grace of God shed upon both. Dr. Gallaway has been known to say that except for his work in the pastoral ministry, he is most proud of his involvement with Asbury Seminary. In addition, Dr. Ira Gallaway has had a profound effect upon the Church in general and the United Methodist Church in particular, as he has led or been crucially involved in many of the reform movements. for his church. His ministry has impacted the world through those he has helped put into positions of responsibility and through at least two organizations, the Mission Society for United Methodists and the worldwide Walk to Emmaus. Dr. Gallaway helped establish the Mission Society, which today has over 225 missionaries serving in 37 countries around the world. Its current President and CEO, Dick McClain, is an M.Div. graduate of Asbury Seminary. Sally Gallaway, Ira’s wife, came to Christ before her husband did and was a vital part of his conversion. She was present by his side while he was in the pastorate 12 and in other leadership positions in the church until her death in 2009. After several years in the local church pastorate in Texas, Dr. Gallaway was invited to become the General Secretary of the Board of Evangelism in Nashville, TN. During his time there, he hired and worked with several men who would go on to become leaders in the United Methodist Church. Among them was Maxie Dunnam, who would lead the Walk to Emmaus movement. Dr. Gallaway held the first Protestant Cursillo at his church, First United Methodist Church of Peoria, at the invitation of Maxie Dunnam. The Cursillo went on to become the Walk to Emmaus. Dr. Gallaway was elected to the Asbury Seminary Board of Trustees in 1971 and served as Board Chair from 1980 to 1986. He helped bring the E. Stanley Jones name to Asbury Seminary’s School of Mission and Evangelism, through his friendship with Bishop James K. Mathews and his wife, Eunice Jones Mathews. He was instrumental in bringing David L. McKenna to the presidency of Asbury Seminary, where he served from 1982– 1994. In his 42 years of service on the Board, Dr. Gallaway has worked with six of the eight presidents of Asbury Seminary, beginning with Dr. Frank B. Stanger. In 1994, Maxie Dunnam, whom Dr. Gallaway had hired at the Board of Evangelism years before, became the fifth president of Asbury Seminary. While he was pastor at First Church Peoria, Dr. Gallaway became acquainted with Luis Palomo, a young evangelical leader from Costa Rica. Dr. Gallaway arranged for Asbury Seminary and First Church Peoria to partner together for scholarship and living expenses for the Palomos to come to Asbury Seminary. Today, Luis Palomo serves as the Bishop of the Methodist Church in Costa Rica, He founded the Methodist Seminary in Costa Rica and teaches there as well. Asbury Seminary recently signed a partnership memorandum of agreement with that seminary. Luis is also one of the three international members on the Seminary’s Board of Trustees, where he helps bring a worldwide perspective to the deliberations. Dr. Ira Gallaway’s wisdom, experience, his service on the Board of Trustees, and his heart for the Kingdom have been vital to Asbury Seminary as it has grown and expanded. We thank God for his long life of influence upon the global Church in general, the United Methodist Church in particular, and especially Asbury Theological Seminary. J oan Gore Krupa was a parishioner at First United Methodist Church, Peoria, Illinois, when a new pastor, Dr. Ira Gallaway, came to her church. A few years later, in 1977, she attended the first Upper Room Cursillo pilot program that transitioned into becoming the Walk to Emmaus movement. She did not know at the time that she and Ira Gallaway would end up serving together on the Board of Trustees of Asbury Theological Seminary or that she would be elected the first female Chair of the Board in the Seminary’s 90year history. Mrs. Krupa earned degrees in education and counseling from Bradley University. She has since served in many leadership positions in organizations in Peoria, such as a program for at-risk preschool children and as Director of the Children’s Home Association of Illinois’ Good Beginning program. Joan directed the GED program at the Peoria County Jail before being elected to the Peoria County Board for two terms. In 2009, she served briefly as State Representative to the Illinois General Assembly. She has also held many leadership positions in her church. She and her husband, Ted, lived in Asia for nearly eight years, during which time she was a deacon and elder at Union Church in Hong Kong. She and Ted introduced the Walk to Emmaus Movement to Hong Kong in 1996 with the help of many Peorians (including Ira Gallaway) who served on the first Hong Kong team. In Beijing, she held leadership positions at the Congregation of the Good Shepherd. Upon her return to the States, Mrs. Krupa became the CEO of Heartland Community Health Clinic, which now serves over 30,000 medically uninsured/underserved patients. She is a founding member of the Peoria Riverfront Museum Board of Trustees. Since her three adult sons reside on three continents, she enjoys traveling overseas and seeing her three grandchildren who live nearby. Mrs. Krupa was first elected to the Asbury Seminary Board of Trustees in 2003 and has served as secretary and Vice Chairperson before her current term as Board Chair. When asked about Ira Gallaway’s influence on her as a Christian and as a person, she replied, “Ira led me into a deeper relationship with God, since Jesus and the Bible were at the forefront of his sermons. Sally Gallaway, an accomplished scholar in her own right, was my adult Sunday School teacher and dear friend. Ira introduced me to Maxie Dunnam and many Asbury Seminary ‘stars’ who visited First Church over two decades.” As to being elected Asbury Seminary’s first female Board Chair, Mrs. Krupa said, “After much prayer and consultation with Christian friends, I accepted with great hopefulness and a few butterflies in my stomach, but with a clear knowledge that the Holy Spirit would guide the Board while I served in this unique position. (Butterflies have been replaced by joy since my election!)” “As long as we remain true to our mission and remain a blessing to the whole world” Mrs. Krupa stated with conviction when asked about the Seminary’s future, “Asbury Seminary will continue to be blessed by God in ways we can only begin to imagine. Under President Tennent’s fine leadership, with our world class faculty, dedicated staff, outstanding alumni, friends, donors, and Board, our awesome students will continue to bring honor to the Kingdom of God in Jesus’ name.” Joan Krupa honoring Ira during the dedication of Gallaway Village on November 13, 2012. 13 A Glimpse at a Few of the Incredible Professors of Asbury Seminary Asbury Theological Seminary is blessed with a truly world-class and internationally-known faculty, who strive to make a difference in the Kingdom through their service in the classroom and to the global Church. While the mission of Asbury Seminary—preparing men and women to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world—does not change, methods and varieties of ministry continue to evolve. Our faculty members, from various disciplines within theological education, are both teachers and learners in this great Kingdom enterprise. Those who are highlighted here are representative of the 60 full-time faculty members of Asbury Seminary. Dr. Douglas Matthews, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost came to Asbury Seminary as a member of the administrative team in 2012. His 25 years of experience in Christian higher education includes a wide range of areas, from student development to nontraditional graduate education models, as well as teaching, for which he has received many and various awards. Dr. Jose Javier Sierra, a professional counselor and family and marriage therapist in the Chicago area for several years, now holds licenses in health counseling and marriage and family therapy in the state of Florida. As Associate Professor of Counseling and Pastoral Care on the Florida Dunnam Campus of Asbury Seminary, he uses his education, experience, and commitment to the Latino church in the Orlando area to also provide marriage enrichment and parenting workshops and seminars in various local churches, as well as in other Latin countries. He is the 2010 recipient of the Seminary’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring. Dr. Anne Gatobu’s education and experience in the parish ministry as well as in pastoral care and counseling have equipped her well for her current role as Dean of the School of Practical Theology and Associate Professor of Pastoral Counseling at Asbury Seminary. Her heart for her native Kenya is evidenced by the organization FOWCUS-Kenya, which she founded and established, and which is a non-profit U.S.-based ministry to orphaned children and women in her homeland,. Her newest book is entitled Female Identity Formation and Response to Intimate Violence. 14 Dr. Kevin Kinghorn is Professor of Philosophy and was the first full-time ExL professor at Asbury Seminary. He is published in books and articles, where his writings have been about subjects as varied as superheroes, C. S. Lewis, Alfred Hitchcock, and sports, as well as moral and theological subjects. In 2008 he was elected to the Theology faculty at Oxford University. Dr. Jeffrey Frymire spent many years in pastoral ministry before earning his PhD in Practical Theology with an emphasis on homiletics. He is Associate Professor of Homiletics on the Florida Dunnam Campus, helping prepare students for the best use of their preaching skills to the glory of God. He has served in leadership positions in his denomination, the Church of God (Anderson), and holds preaching clinics at conferences and ministerial gatherings on the principles of narrative preaching. Dr. Zaida Maldonado Pérez is Professor of Church History and Theology on the Florida Dunnam Campus. She came to Asbury Seminary after serving as director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative at Princeton Theological Seminary. Her service to the global church has included teaching at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico as well as other seminaries, and participation in seminars and speaking and teaching engagements around the world. Dr. Fred Long’s expertise ranges from classical and biblical Greek to the Pauline Epistles to Greco-Roman society and culture. Besides his teaching duties as Professor of New Testament on the Kentucky Campus, he is an active presenter at the annual meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature and has presented papers internationally. In addition, he is published widely in the fields of biblical translation and analysis, having contributed essays to several books and reference works. His most recent projects include a handbook on the Greek text of 2 Corinthians and organizing a new international Greek Honor Society (Gamma Rho Kappa). Dr. Steve Offutt, one of the Seminary’s newest faculty members, is Assistant Professor of Development Studies. As a sociologist of religion, he prepares his students for ministry in the global Church through studies in such issues as congregations and social change, new religious movements, and contemporary cults. His strong interest in faith-based international development has led to his work in Christian development and missions organizations in Central America and Southern Africa. 15 *All three of Asbury Seminary’s Kern cohorts posed for this picture. Missing Mark Matthews and Phil Carder. 16 Andrea Abrahamson Megan Byers Cornerstone University; Wesleyan; Fall 2013 Cohort Messiah College; Brethren in Christ; Fall 2013 Cohort Mary Sullivan-Trent Harrison Bell Regent University; United Methodist; Fall 2013 Cohort East Tennessee State University; United Methodist; Fall 2012 Cohort Todd Ransom Angela Shroeder Kentucky Christian University; Non-Denominational; Fall 2012 Cohort Bowling Green University; United Methodist; Fall 2012 Cohort Ian Cole Olivet Nazarene; Church of the Nazarene; Fall 2013 Cohort Emily Bingham Franklin and Marshall; United Methodist; Fall 2012 Cohort Drew Baker University of Southern Indiana; Independent; Fall 2011 Cohort Evan Guse Caitlin Martin Purdue University; United Methodist; Fall 2013 Cohort University of Georgia; United Methodist; Fall 2013 Cohort Corey Burns Johnathan Crabtree Liberty University; United Methodist; Fall 2012 Cohort Mississippi State University; United Methodist; Fall 2012 Cohort Phil Carder Stephen Fincher Indiana Wesleyan University; Wesleyan; Fall 2011 Cohort Auburn University; United Methodist; Fall 2011 Cohort A sbury Seminary welcomed the third cohort of Kern Scholars to the Kentucky Campus in September, marking the Kern Scholars Initiative’s third year. Funded by a $1.5 million grant from the Kern Family Foundation, this initiative funds full-tuition scholarships and a generous housing stipend to young, evangelical men and women who are called to lifelong pastoral ministry in the United States. One of just eight seminaries receiving this grant, Asbury Seminary was selected in recognition of its M.Div. program of preparation through rigorous scholarship in biblical studies, theological education, and practical experience in a local church. With this third group in place, Asbury Seminary’s Kern Scholars now number twenty-one, with a total of thirtyfive expected when the total of five cohorts is complete. The Kern Scholars take most of their courses together. Each cohort mentors the successive cohort of Kern Scholars. They also live in community on the Kentucky Campus, intentionally clustered in housing. This facilitates sharing of their faith and experiences and serves to strengthen their commitment to their calling. In addition, they meet as a monthly legacy group, led by Dr. Russell West, Associate Dean of the Beeson Center for Biblical Preaching and Church Leadership and Professor of Leadership Education. Upon graduation and entering into pastoral ministry, the Kern Scholars become Kern Pastors and are invited to participate in the Kern Pastors Network, the Foundation’s postgraduate initiative. Studies show that the greatest number of pastors leaves the ministry during their first five years. The Kern Pastors Network seeks to alleviate the loneliness and isolation such pastors may feel and encourages them to develop healthy, innovative churches. The Kern Family Foundation also sponsors annual retreats for Kern Scholars during and after their time in seminary. Relationships fostered during their seminary studies are reinforced at the annual retreat and will become an important pastoral network in ministry. Seth Neckers Kenneth Russell Penn State, Behrend; United Methodist; Fall 2013 Cohort Indiana Wesleyan University; Wesleyan; Fall 2013 Cohort Mark Matthews Alyssa Quade Grove City College; Christian & Missionary Alliance; Fall 2012 Cohort Jamestown College; United Methodist; Fall 2012 Cohort In addition to their theological studies, the Kern Scholars, as well as all M.Div. students, are encouraged to be involved in local churches. They are also required to participate in the Mentored Ministries program, three consecutive semesters in an approved church/ministry site. Students serve ten hours a week at their approved site, interact two hours a week in a Campus Reflection Group, and meet one hour a week with a mentor. This combination of vocational tasks, instructive feedback, and theological reflection prepares students for full-time ministry upon graduation. Through the Beeson Center, Asbury Seminary is uniquely positioned to provide world-class mentoring to these students. The group focuses on gratitude and stewardship of opportunities, with the goal of developing deep and abiding friendships to take with them into ministry. Kern Scholars will join the Beeson Pastors on at least one international trip during their time at Asbury Seminary. Last spring, the Scholars got to visit KwangLim Church in Seoul, Korea. Asbury Seminary has always emphasized students’ church and ministry involvement throughout their theological preparation, which corresponds with the Kern Family Foundation’s belief in the transformative power of local churches. We are grateful to the Foundation for their funding of the Kern Scholars Program. Zachrey Fitzpatrick Chris Peters University of Georgia; United Methodist; Fall 2011 Cohort University of the Cumberlands; Baptist; Fall 2011 Cohort To learn more about opportunities through the Kern Scholarship Program, please contact Asbury Seminary’s Admissions Office at 859.858.2211. 17 Highlights from President Timothy C. Tennent’s Fifth Convocation Address 18 B en Meyer once wrote that, “Christianity has never been more true to itself, more consistent with the message of Jesus, or more evidently in route to its own future than in the launching of the world mission of the church.”1 From the dawn of the Abrahamic covenant when God declared that in his seed “all nations would be blessed,” to those falling tongues of fire which erupted into global worship on the day of Pentecost, to that glorious day on October 27, 1771 when Francis Asbury first stepped foot onto this continent, to the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum held in Bangalore, India this past summer, and a thousand other examples which could be cited, the Church, when true to itself, has always been about global mission: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Isa. 52:7; Rom. 10:15). Asbury Seminary’s founding motto, “the whole Bible for the whole world” reflects in seed form this grand biblical vision. It is that vision which was made command through our Risen Lord Jesus Christ when he said, “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). We are the sent people of God—sent out as joyful participants in God’s redemptive mission in the world. The difference between a church which says to the world “come to church” versus a church which says to its own members “go to the world” is, perhaps, a more defining shift than has been fully appreciated. That movement from an attractional model to a missional model, from a seeker-sensitive model to postseeker model, from a programmatic model to a relational model, from a Christendom to a post-Christendom model is profound and, in the process, might help us to rediscover the missional nature of the Church of Jesus Christ. Indeed, the very phrase “missional church” is a grammatical tautology, like the phrase, “a male man” or a “four cornered square.” The Church is by nature and calling missional – an outpost of the New Creation in Adam’s world. The only true church is a missional church because this is the route to our own future. Asbury Theological Seminary’s 2023 vision of our own future, if it is to be truly transformative for our students and our graduates, must be tied to this great missional, redemptive plot authored by God himself. Francis Asbury “on Mission” with God in the Frontier This vision of a church on mission with the Triune God is not alien to our own Wesleyan tradition. Indeed, this is our truest identity. There has never been a more successful church planting movement in America than the story of the Methodist movement which is still the only church planting movement which planted a church in every county in the country. This vision was inaugurated by none other than Francis Asbury, one of the greatest pioneer church planters in the history of the church and from whom our seminary derives its name. Asbury preached in taverns, he preached in court houses, he preached in the public square, he preached in the tobacco fields, he preached in homes, he preached in prisons, he preached under shaded trees and yes, he even preached in churches! If he had been alive today you would have seen him on YouTube and FaceBook. He would have been waiting in the parking lot outside a Lady Gaga concert. Asbury averaged 6,000 miles per year; traveled over 270,000 miles on horseback, and preached over 15,500 sermons (not counting exhortations). To read the conference journals on the growth of the church is inspiring. In the first year of ministry in the New World Asbury and his preaching band had led almost 1,000 people to Jesus Christ. By 1775, there were 3,148 members reported. By 1777, 5,000 Methodists were reported, and, four years later, almost 11,000. By 1796, the church had over 70,000 members. One year, 1801, saw over 14,000 new people brought to Christ, bringing the overall number to 104,070 and, from there, the growth became exponential, numbering eventually in the millions. Today there are 80 distinct Methodist movements worldwide comprising nearly 80 million people! 19 Facing our Missional Frontier We, like Francis Asbury over 240 years ago, face a great missionary challenge, right here in North America, as well as around the world. The challenge to spread scriptural holiness is just as urgent today as in his day. Asbury faced many dangers and perils, and this seminary named in his honor has experienced its own share of trials and difficulties. Sometimes storms can serve to define us, even shaping our destiny, for good or for ill. Brothers and sisters of Asbury Theological Seminary… we don’t need to be intimidated by the scholarship of any other school or sector of evangelicalism. We don’t need to waste our God-given energies criticizing Pentecostals, or Reformed Christians or Baptists, or any other group. We must sing the song that God has given us to sing and allow our own God-given grand vision of spreading scriptural holiness throughout the world shine forth! A whole new Christianity is being re-discovered by the global Church—one that is more apostolic, more missional, more prophetic. It will be a church less domesticated than the one most of us have known. If we are humble enough we just might see how nominal we have become. There is a difference between a post-Christian West and a post-Western Christianity. The world is re-discovering a gospel, which is beyond much of our experience of it, and in the light of a re-energized apostolic faith, we will come out of this better Wesleyans than we are now. That is the amazing thing about global Christianity—it breaks you of your parochialism, but, in the process, returns to you an even better particularity than you ever had! Brothers and sisters, Asbury Seminary is well positioned to negotiate these new realities. We will lead in on-line Extended Learning. We will lead in demonstrating how to unite sound learning and vital piety. We will lead in living out the vital link between soul care and creation care. We will lead with our commitment to a residential renaissance. We will lead in our faithfulness to biblical authority and biblical preaching! We will lead with our Hispanic initiatives on our Orlando campus. We will lead the way in finding that important balance between contextual sensitivity and prophetic clarity. We will lead with our joyful engagement with the global Church, not as Methodist Christians trying to extend or aggrandize our own little groups, but as the people of God who, by the way, happen to embody a joyful 20 Wesleyan vision, who will join with Christians from around the world in bearing witness to Christ and the in-breaking New Creation. We will lead in training a whole new generation of church planters. We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away from us. Like Asbury of old, we are looking out on a whole new frontier. It is a frontier which looks a lot different from the one Asbury faced, but is no less daunting. We must unleash new networks of church planting movements. We will lead in the empowering of women for ministry around the world; women who are anointed by God and committed to historic faith. We will lead in providing resources for the church here and around the world. With our state-of-theart scanning technology, coupled with our Seedbed platform and our global relationships fostered by our global partnerships, as well as our budding connections to the Lausanne movement, there is no limit to what new horizons we can extend. This is the future we are in route to. It is a missional vision, with a global impact, in the Wesleyan spirit. We are called to be the people of God on mission with the Spirit in the world. Asbury Seminary is on route to its own future. Our goal is not to balance our budget, or to see men and women walk across stages and receive degrees. Our goal is not to plan the perfect curriculum, or to have the most beautiful campus. None of those things appear in our mission statement. Our goal is always the training and sending forth of Spiritfilled and sanctified men and women into ministry. The greatest hermeneutic of the gospel is the community of believers themselves as we embody the gospel in the midst of a fallen world. You are to be outposts of the future in the present age. There is no better hermeneutic of the gospel than that. Ravi Zaccharias once said there are actually five gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the lives of Christians, and most people will never read the first four. This is our great calling: embodied holiness on mission in the world. It is, therefore, in the end, not about what we do, but about what He is doing and our joyful participation in His mission. The devil wants us to orient ourselves around what he is doing in the world. The gospel calls us to orient ourselves around what the Triune God is doing in the world. That choice is before each of us this day. 1 Chuck Van Engen, People on the Way Dr. Tennent’s Convocation Address can be found in its entirety at How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 when you partner with students, you receive the blessing of their ministries. TOGETHER, we are carrying god’s love to the world. j o i n as b u ry s e m i n a ry st u d e n ts i n t h e i r j o u r n e ys 859.858.2305 | 21 A nniversaries serve a dual purpose—that of delving into the past as well as anticipating the future. Asbury Seminary’s 90th anniversary is one of those times. This issue of the Herald commemorates our past, while looking forward to our 100th birthday. The 2023 Strategic Plan, which was adopted last year, is serving Asbury Seminary as our guide into the future in several aspects of the Seminary program. One of the ten vision statements for the Strategic Plan states that “Asbury Theological Seminary will be a wellspring of training and collaboration for church renewal and lay revitalization as well as the training of church planters and the stimulation of new church planting movements.” A new degree, the Master of Arts in Church Planting, launched this fall, will train students in the theological, theoretical, and practical literatures of church planting. Students who complete this course of study will be equipped to plant churches in whatever culture to which God calls them. One of our newest professors, Dr. W. Jay Moon, Associate Professor of Church Planting and Evangelism, is leading this emphasis. Another one of our vision statements declares that Asbury Seminary, which is committed to “spread Scriptural holiness throughout the world,” will be globally positioned to equip, train, serve, and support the world Christian movement. In addition to the emphasis 22 on church planting, the Seminary is committed to ensuring that its faculty members are conversant with trends and emerging movements in global Christianity and are fully capable of teaching and training in cross-cultural contexts. Partnerships and affiliate relationships are being pursued with a wide range of international training institutions who share a common vision. So far, the Seminary has signed partnership agreements with nine such institutions, with others under development. These partnerships allow for the two-way movement of faculty, staff, students, and resources. Institutions abroad, for instance, have much to teach us about church planting, while Asbury Seminary can share its expertise in library management and development, as well as other aspects of theological education. Such sharing among institutions is a response to the Holy Spirit’s movement around the world. One of the goals in the 2023 Strategic Plan is for Asbury Seminary to be a leader in leadership-supported lay ministry, as a well-trained lay ministry is at the heart of any serious commitment to church renewal, member revitalization, and church planting. The Seminary has developed the Lay Mobilization Institute, a discipleship strategy which facilitates a congregational transformation process, consisting of a four-part series for pastors and key lay partners. Pastors and lay teams who attend receive their own congregation transformation coach. In this way, Asbury Seminary carries out its strong commitment to resource churches into missional centers of discipleship. The intent of the Lay Mobilization Institute is to mobilize the entire people of God as disciple-making disciples in ministry and mission within each local church congregation in order to transform the world around them. A further initiative to impact the global Church is Asbury Seminary’s This initiative sows the whole gospel into the whole world by uniting voices around a shared vision and publishing resources, both electronic and print, to awaken the Wesleyan movement for the 21stcentury Church. One of the most popular Seedbed offerings is the SevenMinute Seminary video series, in which today’s theological leaders give sevenminute talks on a range of relevant topics. Seedbed’s most recent venture is a state-of-the art “print local” technology for international book distribution. By maintaining a single print file in its US-based host manufacturing center, Seedbed’s offerings will be accessible for its local printing sites around the world. Currently the print local network operates with plants in the UK, Australia, and Singapore. India and Brazil will soon be coming online. Through these and other initiatives and emphases, the future of Asbury Seminary is indeed bright, through the grace of God and the support of our alumni and friends. Below are the names of the individuals, corporations, trusts, foundations, churches, and estates that have financially supported Asbury Theological Seminary during the previous fiscal year (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013). Each name represents a person or institution that has sacrificially given to support the mission of Asbury Seminary. By doing so, they have invested in Asbury Seminary so that we may invest in our students and they can go out into the world to invest in Kingdom-work. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy in the report, we recognize errors are possible. Please forgive omissions and call 859-858-2305 to make any corrections you find. Dr. Graham Abbott Dr. & Mrs. William Fraher Abernathy ABR Construction Inc. Dr. & Mrs. William James Abraham Rev. & Mrs. Jorge Agustin Acevedo Rev. & Mrs. George F. Adam, Sr. Mr. David C. Adams Dr. Evyn M. Adams Mrs. Joyce Nordquest Adams Miss Linda Gail Adams Mrs. Marilyn J. Adams Mrs. Nadine W. Adams Ms. Zainab A. Adeniji-Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Adkinson Agape Counseling Services AgMark, L.L.C. Ms. Terra Aguirre Rev. & Mrs. Charles R. Aigner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Akahoshi Rev. & Mrs. David Martin Albertson Aldersgate United Methodist Church of Dobb’s Ferry, NY Rev. Eugenia Joyce Alexander Dr. & Mrs. Mark Linley Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Charles Allen Dr. & Mrs. E. Drell Allen Pastor & Mrs. James Douglas Allen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allen Rev. & Mrs. Thomas P. Allen Rev. Ashlee Elaine Alley Rev. & Mrs. Joseph W. Alley Alliance Coal LLC Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Y. Allison Alternative Power Solutions Mr. & Mrs. David Altorfer Amend Ministry, Inc. American General Life Insurance Co. Rev. & Mrs. A. Eugene Amerson Rev. & Mrs. Guy Chetwood Ames, III Rev. & Mrs. Daniel J. Amey Mr. Brian Lee Amstutz Mrs. Miriam Jean Amstutz Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson Ms. June Anderson Rev. & Mrs. Loren E. Anderson Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Foy R. Andrews, Jr. Dr. Leslie A. Andrews Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Andrews Rev. Roger Lee Andrews Anonymous Mr. Michael & Mrs. Barbara Antrobus Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center Mr. & Mrs. Turner Arant Pastor & Mrs. Josue Requiao Araujo Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Hunt Archer Mr. & Mrs. Keith Armour Mr. & Mrs. Wendel Blake Arms Rev. Jason & Rev. Beth Armstrong Dr. & Mrs. Bill T. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Arnold Mr. & Mrs. John Douglas Arnold Rev. & Mrs. Neil L. Arnold Arthur Muselman Family Foundation Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Kwadwo Asare-Kusi Asbury United Methodist Church of Tulsa, OK Asbury University Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Rene Atchley Mr. & Mrs. Mark Atherton Rev. & Mrs. David L. Atkinson ATS Korean Alumni Mr. & Mrs. Jim Aubrey Rev. & Mrs. Rurel R. Ausley, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Babby Rev. Kenneth & Rev. Naomi Babcock Rev. & Mrs. Ernest R. Babel Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Baddour Rev. & Mrs. Robert M. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. George Bailey Rev. & Mrs. Maurice E. Bailey Bainbridge Church of Christ Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Baker Mr. & Mrs. William Edward Baldwin Mr. James William Ballard Chaplain & Mrs. David C. Ballew Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Banales Bank of America Matching Gifts Mr. Curtis A. Banker Rev. & Mrs. H. Raymond Banks Dr. & Mrs. Ray Gene Barber Dr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Barbour Rev. & Mrs. Danny M. Barfield Mr. Mark Eric Barfield Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker Rev. & Mrs. William R. Barlow Barnard Law Office, PLLC Rev. & Mrs. Kevin Bryan Barnes Mr. & Mrs. William David Barnes, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Dennis G. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Vernie T. Barnett Ms. Pshon Barrett Rev. & Mrs. Jack M. Bartholomew Rev. & Mrs. Alan E. Bartlett Bishop & Mrs. Donald Bastian 23 Mrs. Marcella R. Bateman Dr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Bates Dr. David R. Bauer Rev. & Mrs. Vernon L. Bauer Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Baumberger Mr. James L. Baumgardner Dr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Baxter Rev. & Mrs. Charles E. Beahm Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Bealmear Rev. & Mrs. Steven Thomas Beam, Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Reed E. Beard Rev. & Mrs. Alan H. Beasley Dr. & Mrs. G. Earl Beatty Rev. & Mrs. Stan A. Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Paul Standley Bebout Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Beck Chaplain Major & Mrs. James W. Beckley Ms. Lauren Bedevian Rev. Bill C. Bedsole Rev. & Mrs. Brian L. Beeks Dr. & Mrs. John F. Beeson Rev. & Mrs. Lucien E. Behar Rev. & Mrs. Ben Belcher Dr. James Allison Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bellman Mr. A. Mark Bennett, III Ms. Joy Bennett Rev. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bennett Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Payne Bennett Rev. & Mrs. Ryan Palmer Bennett Mrs. Jane P. Bennighof Rev. James D. Benson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas William Bentum, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. James Robert Beranek Rev. & Mrs. Robert Berkebile Rev. Charles W. Bertrand Ms. Mary Betterton Rev. & Mrs. Floyd W. B’Hymer Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Emil Bias Rev. & Mrs. Howard L. Biddulph Bill & Carol Latimer Charitable Foundation Rev. & Mrs. Leland B. Billings Mrs. Sara Marie Bird Mr. & Mrs. James Birdwell Mr. & Mrs. Randall P. Birdwell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bish Rev. & Mrs. Harold R. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Lee Bishop Mrs. Joyce B. Bittle Rev. & Mrs. J. Allen Black, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. John Robert Black Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Black Dr. & Mrs. David Wayne Blackmer Rev. & Mrs. James A. Blaine Rev. & Mrs. William Jay Blair Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Paul Blankenship Blessed Earth, Inc. Rev. Steven Allen Blest Mr. Edward & Mrs. Debra Blews Mr. & Mrs. Adam Michael Blincoe Mr. Neal Bliven Rev. & Mrs. Nelson R. Blount Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Boadway Ms. Sandra Boatright Rev. & Mrs. James L. Bocian Dr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Bodey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. I. Howard Boeckner Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Ronald Bogen Rev. & Mrs. David R. Boger 24 Pastor J. Robert Boggs, Jr. Mrs. Jodie Boggs Rev. Leon A. Boggs Mr. Frank Boggus Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Bolton Rev. Dawn S. Bond Rev. & Mrs. Merritt Franklin Bongard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bonney Rev. & Mrs. Harold Bonney Dr. R. Brian Bonney Rev. Curtis & Rev. Leslie Book Mr. Jerry W. Boozer Rev. & Mrs. Max W. Borah Mr. & Mrs. Mike Borden Dr. Clifton Jason Borders Mr. & Mrs. Tristan Paul Borland Dr. Charles L. Boss Mr. & Mrs. R. Wiley Bourne, Jr. Chaplain & Mrs. Curtis R. Bowers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Bowery Mr. & Mrs. David Bowles Rev. & Mrs. Allen J. Bowman Rev. Jessica Lynne Box Mr. & Mrs. Walter Llewellyn Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Curt Brantingham Mrs. Ellen Brantingham Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brantley Rev. & Mrs. Steven Mark Bray Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David L. Brazelton Bread for the World Institute Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth John Bremer Pastor & Mrs. Dewayne Lee Brewer Rev. & Mrs. William P. Brigden Pastor & Mrs. Barry Ryan Briggs Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Brittain Broadhurst Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Bradon Brokaw Rev. & Mrs. Boyce F. Brooks Rev. & Mrs. Joshua David Brooks Mrs. Martha Ann Brooks Rev. Philip D. & Rev. Gloria Brooks Rev. Lori Ann Broschat Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Brossman Brosville Animal Clinic Rev. Daniel Clark Brown Dr. & Mrs. Danny Harris Brown Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brown Rev. & Mrs. Jack M. Brown Rev. & Mrs. Keith E. Brown Pastor & Mrs. Mary Susan Brown Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Elmer Brown Mr. William Brown Rev. & Mrs. David E. Brownlee Mr. & Mrs. Gene Bruhn Mr. & Mrs. James C. Brumfield Mr. Richard & Rev. Rhoda Brumfield Rev. & Mrs. J. Jamison Brunk Rev. & Mrs. William F. Brunk Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Brunstetter Rev. & Mrs. D. Max Brunton Ms. Karla L. Bryant Mr. David & Mrs. Vickie Bryant Mr. Walter Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Burl Buchanan Rev. & Mrs. David J. Buck Rev. Scott P. & Rev. Pamela Buck Ms. Dabney Buckingham Rev. & Mrs. Jay P. Buckingham Mrs. Dorothy H. Bullis Rev. John R. & Rev. Ellen Bullock Rev. Lori Leigh Bultemeier Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd Bumpus Rev.Salvatore & Mrs. Nancy Buonocore Rev. & Mrs. James Duke Burdette Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Scott Burgess Mrs. Marcia Kay Burgess Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Mike Burkhart Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Burkman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Francis Burks Mr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Burnell Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Burns Rev. Clifton L. & Rev. Leanne Burris Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Burtch Rev. & Mrs. David L. Burton Comr. & Mrs. John Busby Mrs. June Inabnet Busby Rev. & Mrs. Larry M. Bush Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lee Busick Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin Hartford Butler Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Butler Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Butterworth, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David P. Butts Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bynner Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence Byrnes Mrs. Luvenia A. Caister Lt. Gen. William B. & Rev. Stephanie Caldwell, IV Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Caldwell Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Guy Calhoun Mr. Joel A. Calicott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Andrew Calvert, Jr. Mrs. Grace A. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Denny L. Camp Rev. Donald L. & Rev. Dora Campbell Rev. Dr. & Mrs. John Gary Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John Richard Campbell Rev. & Mrs. Michael Lee Canada Ms. Laura Louise Canine Rev. & Mrs. Steven G. Cann Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cantrell Mr. James E. Capin Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Capin Ms. Jonelle Marie Capitano Mr. Brian & Mrs. Sheila Carlblom Dr. & Mrs. Donald Carlson Rev. & Mrs. E. Luke Carlson Mr. & Mrs. John Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Carmack Ms. Glenda M. Carpenter Pastor & Mrs. Jon David Carrell Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Goforth Carson Rev. & Mrs. Craig A. Carter Dr. & Mrs. E. Earl Carver Dr. Kimberly Fay Case Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. Case Rev. & Mrs. Anthony Ray Casey Rev. & Mrs. Joe Severo Castillo Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Castle Rev. & Mrs. John Edwin Casto Caterpillar Foundation Central United Methodist Church of Fayetteville, AR Ms. Tammy Lee Cessna Mr. Gary Chamberlain Dr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Chambers Mr. Eugene Chambers Mrs. Helen Chamness Mrs. Yuen Shan Chan Rev. & Mrs. John Edward Chandler Ms. Joyce D. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Chapman Pastor & Mrs. Michael S. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chase Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Ms. Karyn Chaudoin Rev. & Mrs. Wade H. Childers Rev. & Mrs. Mark A. Chow Rev. & Mrs. W. Jing Chow Mr. Wing Kong Chow Christ United Methodist Church of Memphis, TN Christ United Methodist Church of Hickory, NC Christ Wesleyan Church of Greensboro, NC Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Christensen Christian Life Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Larry Christian Ms. Deborah Christie Rev. & Mrs. Herbert E. Claar Mr. & Mrs. David Claridge Mrs. Carolyn Clayton Ms. Catherine P. Clayton Rev. & Mrs. John M. Clements Rev. & Mrs. J. Fay Cleveland Ms. Elizabeth Clevenger Rev. & Mrs. Donald R. Cline Mr. & Mrs. Cloyd Edwin Carlos Mr. Robert S. Clyde Rev. & Mrs. Gerald W. Coates Rev. & Mrs. Robert Fred Coburn The Coca-Cola Foundation Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr. Mrs. Olivia Miller Coffman Mr. William James Cogswell Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Cole Rev. & Mrs. Kay D. Cole Ms. Edrel Coleman Rev. & Mrs. Edward C. Coleman Rev. & Mrs. Milan S. Coleman Rev. & Mrs. Richard E. Coleson Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Bruce Collier Mr. & Mrs. William Collier Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Joseph Collins Mr. & Mrs. Mark Collins Ms. Patricia A. Collins Mr. & Mrs. McGuire Conway Colliver Rev. Donald R. Comer Mrs. Ola Comer Commerce First United Methodist Church of Commerce, GA Community Foundation of Louisville Community Foundation of North Texas Community Foundation of South Georgia Community Foundation of Central Illinois Community Foundation of South Alabama Community Foundation of Tampa Bay Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Rev. & Mrs. Jay A. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Ardis Conat Mr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Congleton Rev. Sandra Elder Conley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Conner Rev. David & Rev. Chris Cook Dr. & Mrs. Dean Cook Mr. & Mrs. James H. Cook Rev. Wayne Patrick Cook Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cooley Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Andrew James Cooney Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Alvin R. Cooper Mrs. Jackie Cooper Rev. & Mrs. Sterling H. Cooper Rev. & Mrs. Delmas M. Copeland Dr. & Mrs. Edward Copeland Mr. Robert & Mrs. Rebecca Copeland Dr. & Mrs. W. Joel Copeland, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. E. Halson Copley Rev. Delvin Coppinger Rev. & Mrs. Claude T. Corbett Rev. & Mrs. Donald Burke Corbit Mr. & Mrs. Olin B. Cosby Ms. Anya Cost Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Cottrill Rev. Marilyn Sue Couger Mr. John A. Counter Ms. Louise Courtelis Dr. & Mrs. Glenn L. Courts Covenant United Methodist Church of Winterville, NC Rev. Dr. Darrell K. & Rev. Pam T. Cowart Mr. Randy & Mrs. Cheri Cowell Dr. & Mrs. David L. Cowen Mr. & Mrs. James T. Cox Rev. & Mrs. Randall Allen Coy Mrs. Rowean Crader Mr. & Mrs. James E. Craig Mr. & Mrs. Byron Crain Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craine Dr. & Mrs. Jack C. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Cramer Rev. & Mrs. Wallace Peter Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Crays Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Keith Cressman Rev. Donald W. Crider Mr. & Mrs. Johnny D. Crist Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Dean Crock Rev. & Mrs. Steven Mark Croft Mrs. Joyce Cromwell Rev. & Mrs. Tom O. Crosby, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Tony Gary Crosby Mr. & Mrs. William J. Crosby Dr. J.B. & Dr. Bette Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Joe Crouse Rev. & Mrs. Greig Duane Crowder Mr. Louis & Rev. Nancy Crowl Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donny Lee Crowson Dr. & Mrs. Noah Clayton Croy Mrs. Grace Crum Rev. Robert H. Crumbley Rev. Michael David Crump Mr. & Mrs. Clark Cryderman Dr. Wayne & Rev. Dorothy Culp Dr. & Mrs. T. Joe Culumber Dr. & Mrs. Harold W. Custer Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mark Dadisman Rev. & Mrs. Danny Lee Dahl Ms. Sherry L. Dame Mr. & Mrs. Paul Albert Damkoehler Mrs. Dorothy H. Daniel Mr. Lowell K. Daniel Rev. & Mrs. Paul Edwin Daniels Dr. & Mrs. Jay Dargan Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Dauenbaugh Rev. & Mrs. Robert P. Daughenbaugh Dr. & Mrs. Julian A. Davies Rev. & Mrs. Brian S. Davis Rev. & Mrs. Bruce K. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Casey Wayne Davis Rev. & Mrs. E. Parks Davis Mr. & Mrs. Elvis Davis Mr. John G. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Davis Rev. & Mrs. Julian Lamar Davis, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. T. Edward Davis, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Talbot Alan Davis Dr. Warner F. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Woody D. Davis Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Junior Davitz Rev. & Mrs. Douglas James Dawson DBA/By Divine Design Mrs. Cynthia Goodyear Dean Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Wesley Dean Mrs. Ruth Ann Dean Mr. & Mrs. Dale Dechenne Rev. & Mrs. Frederick M Decker, Jr. Chaplain & Mrs. David DeDonato Ms. Dianne Deemer Mr. Leonard A. Deets Rev. & Mrs. Robert Lee Deich Mr. George deJager Delta Natural Gas Company Rev. & Mrs. William DeMersseman Rev. Dr. & Mrs. John Charles Dendiu, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Mark H. Denham Rev. & Mrs. Gregory Joseph Denk Rev. & Mrs. Doyle C. Dennings Rev. Daniel L. Dennis Rev. Curtis & Rev. Celestyne DeVance Mrs. Marie Deviney Dr. Marvin Lee Deviney, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Charles B. DeWitt Rev. & Mrs. David A. Diamond Rev. & Mrs. Barry D. Dickerson Rev. & Mrs. Rusty Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Dickinson Rev. & Mrs. Paul J. Dickinson Rev. & Mrs. Douglas E. Diehl Rev. & Mrs. David Bryan Dietzel Rev. J. Roger Dill Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dillon Dr. & Mrs. Burrell D. Dinkins Rev. & Mrs. Clarence Dinnen Ms. Suzanne M. Dinwiddie Rev. & Mrs. Clarence G. Dishman Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Ditto Rev. & Mrs. Thomas W. Ditto Mrs. Lila Clausen Dizon Dr. & Mrs. Nolan B. Donald Rev. & Mrs. Marc Blain Donaldson Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Dongell Dr. & Mrs. Oliver Bryson Dongell Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd J. Donnell Dora Tes Basileas Foundation Pastor & Mrs. W. Ernest Dorrell Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Dorsett Rev. & Mrs. William H. Doubblestein Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Eric Douglass Cpt. John Dove Rev. & Mrs. C. Leroy Doverspike Mr. Andrew Dragos Pastor & Mrs. Walter Kevin Drane Mr. & Mrs. Bob Draper Dream Maker Real Estate, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Jay F. Dudley Rev. & Mrs. Paul D. Duerksen Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Nancy Dumas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hunt Dunagan Mr. & Mrs. J. Henry Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dunham Mrs. Mary Dunham Rev. Floyd R. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Dunn Dr. Margaret Ann Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Jarrell R. Dunson, III Rev. Charles & Mrs. JoAnn Dupree Rev. J. William Dupree Mr. Stanley & Mrs. Pamela Durden Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Durden Dr. & Mrs. Phil Duvall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert John Dykman Rev. & Mrs. Martin Stanley Earl Mr. & Mrs. Martha Easter Rev. & Mrs. Emmitt W. Eccard, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Eckley Mrs. Ruth Eddins Ms. Pennie Marie Eddy Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Eden Mr. Ted Eden Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Edens Mrs. Patsy Edens Educational Opportunities Tours Mr. Edward Jones Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Philip Edwards Mr. Steve & Rev. June Edwards Rev. Lewis B. Edwards Rev. & Mrs. O. Kemp Edwards Mr. Richard A. Edwards, J.D. Rev. & Mrs. Walter D. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Michael Egan Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Egbers Mr. & Mrs. Kurt K. Eichorst Rev. & Mrs. William D. Eisele Mr. & Mrs. Bill Eisenhuth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ekberg Mr. Raja Elango Mr. & Mrs. David C. Elliott Rev. Dr. Stephen & Dr. Marilyn Elliott Dr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Ellis Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Francis Ellison Rev. & Mrs. Charles Hugh Ellison Elroy & Vickie Wisian Ministries Rev. Ann Elizabeth Emerson Dr. & Mrs. Edward Conant Emery, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Nesbit Endicott, IV Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Engle Mr. & Mrs. Shelby Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Evan Enns The Hon. & Mrs. Ron Enns Rev. & Mrs. Kurt F. Erhard Rev. & Mrs. Michael K. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Ernst, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Erny Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Erny Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Ervin, Jr. Erwin T. Koch Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Tim Esau Mrs. Bonny Jean Morton Eskew Cdr. & Mrs. Otis D. Essex, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Terry A. Euper Evans Investments, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. David Evans Rev. Jual H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Tom Evans Mr. & Mrs. Henry Everitt Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Evers ExxonMobil Foundation Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Eyre Mr. & Mrs. Greg Faber Mr. Vincent P. & Mrs. Vadean E. Facione Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Faggard, Jr. Rev. Leonard & Dr. Lisa Fair Dr. & Mrs. Leighton Fairbairn Mr. & Mrs. James Farland Dr. & Mrs. James J. Fason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David L. Fastenow Rev. & Mrs. Harry W. Fegan Mr. Fred & Rev. Cathy Felber Rev. & Mrs. Douglas William Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Jon Nicholas Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ferns Rev. & Mrs. Harley M. Fiddler Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Rev. W. Claude Fillingim Ms. Rebecca Finan Rev. James Orndorff Finch Mr. & Mrs. William R. Finklea Dr. & Mrs. Bradford L. Fipps First Baptist Church of Garland, TX First Southern National Bank First United Methodist Church of Tulsa, OK First United Methodist Church of Lexington, KY First United Methodist Church of Lancaster, PA First United Methodist Church of Niceville, FL First United Methodist Church of Cape May C.H., NJ First United Methodist Church of Birmingham, MI First United Methodist Church of Blackwell, OK First United Methodist Church of Anson, TX First United Methodist Church of Saint John, WA First United Methodist Church of Goldthwaite, TX Ms. Barbara Moss Fisher Rev. & Mrs. Fred Fischer Mr. George Fisher Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Fisher Rev. & Mrs. Robert T. Fisher Mrs. Kathryn Ann Fanning Rev. & Mrs. Dennis W. Flaugher Mr. Paul & Mrs. Sara Fleming Dr. Arthur Fleser Mr. John Florek The Florida United Methodist Foundation, Inc Mr. Robert & Rev. Barb Flory Dr. Wilbur H. Foard Mrs. Virginia E. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Folmar Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Michael Foote Rev. & Mrs. Milton H. Ford Mrs. Patricia B. Fornash Ms. Glynn Fort Rev. & Mrs. L. Daniel Foster Mrs. Velma Foster Mr. & Mrs. Winfred A. Foster, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Floyd Fought Foundation for Evangelism Rev. & Mrs. Leon D. Fowler Mr. Clifton & Rev. Susan Fox Rev. & Mrs. Douglas G. Fraley Rev. & Mrs. Albert Edward Franke, III Ms. Ann Y. Franklin Rev. James M. Frazier Fred L. & Virginia Nelson Trust Rev. & Mrs. Roger Frederick Rev. & Mrs. Ronald G. Frederick Free Methodist Church of North America Rev. Dr. & Mrs. George H. Freeman Dr. Elaine Friedrich Friendship Bible Church of Keystone Heights, FL Mr. David Frieze Mr. & Mrs. Scott William Frisbie Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Fritts, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Willard W. Frost Rev. & Mrs. David L. Fruth Rev. & Mrs. Thomas R. Fry Mr. & Mrs. William T. Fryman Mr. & Mrs. John Arthur Fugh, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. David Wayne Fuller Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Phillip Fuller Mr. James & Mrs. Sherree Funk Rev. & Mrs. Max W. Furman Rev. Dr. Ben & Rev. Dr. Dora Gafford Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jeff Gage Rev. & Mrs. Edgar H. Gaines, III Rev. Dr. Ira Gallaway Rev. & Mrs. Leonard W. Gamber Mr. Robert & Rev. Carol Gander Ms. Esther L. Gant Rev. & Mrs. Richard Gantz Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Garman Rev. & Mrs. Lanny Garner Rev. & Mrs. William Reese Garrard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bradford Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Kirby Garrett Mr. William N. Garrett Rev. & Mrs. James F. Garrison Dr. Anne Kiome Gatobu Ms. Sue Ann Gauck GE Foundation Rev. & Mrs. Roy Wallace Gearhart Rev. & Mrs. Raymond D. Gearing, Jr. Rev. Reginald E. Gentry Mr. Ronald C. Gentry Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Gary George Mrs. Mary George Mr. Lowell K. Gerber Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Steven Anton Gerig Rev. & Mrs. Michael L. Gibbons Rev. & Mrs. C. Michael Gibson Mrs. June T. Gibson Rev. & Mrs. William Carey Gibson Rev. & Mrs. Stan E. Gill Pastor William D. Gillespie, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Edson G. Gilmore Dr. & Mrs. Samuel K. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Wylie Gilmore Rev. & Mrs. Richard R. Givens, II Giving Assets, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Evans Gladding Mr. & Mrs. Pete Glavas Mr. William K. Glover, II Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stephen Gober Mr. & Mrs. Julian Goddard Rev. & Mrs. John Albert Godissart Rev. & Mrs. Gary R. Goettel Mr. & Mrs. John Goff Col. & Mrs. David O. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Efraim Mark Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Goodenough Dr. & Mrs. James Goodman Dr. & Mrs. David Goodnight Dr. & Mrs. Norman Goodwin Dr. & Mrs. William C. Goold Mrs. Ruth D. Gordon Dr. & Mrs. David Gorenz Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Neville Sterling Gosman Rev. & Mrs. David Johnston Goss Dr. & Mrs. Milton Gould Rev. & Mrs. Richard A. Gould Pastor Cynthia Hinson Graham Ms. Doris J. Graham Mrs. Summer Noel Graham Rev. Dr. Walter D. Graham, III Grand Prairie Evangelical Methodist Church of Stuttgart, AR Mr. & Mrs. Clair Gray Mrs. Betty Green Rev. Cecil Green, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Joseph S. Green Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Eugene Green Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L Green Mr. & Mrs. Tom Green Mr. Jaime S. Greene Rev. & Mrs. Robert Denny Greene Dr. & Mrs. J. Harold Greenlee Miss Jill Ann Greenway Rev. Paul R. Greenwell Dr. Kyle R. & Dr. Karen Greenwood Rev. & Mrs. Dwight Tilden Gregory Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Greilich Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Griffin Mr. Brad & Mrs. Melisaa Griffin Pastor & Mrs. Claude E. Griffith Mr. A. C. Griggs Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. George C. Grisaffe, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Grisham Mrs. Janie Grout Rev. Alison Wolff Grove Pastor & Mrs. George H. Groves Mr. & Mrs. Vern Roy Groves Rev. & Mrs. Thomas L. Gruver Mr. Robert Edward Guyton Bishop & Mrs. Alfred W. Gwinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gyorffy Mr. & Mrs. J. David Haas Ms. Kathy A. Haas Mr. Alfred Herman Haase Mr. Owen & Mrs. Barbara Haase Rev. & Mrs. Earl L. Habecker, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Harold Hagglund Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Scott Hagood Rev. & Mrs. Raymond J. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lowell Haines Rev. & Mrs. Daniel C. Hair Rev. & Mrs. Ronald L. Haithcock The Halbrook Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John A. Halbrook Mr. & Mrs. James Christopher Hale Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Haley Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hall Mr. Ed Hall Rev. & Mrs. Harold B. Hall, Jr. Mrs. Stephanie Pittman Hall Rev. & Mrs. Loney J. Hallberg Ms. Tanya W. Hallmon Rev. Bobby Ray Hallyburton Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hamilton Mr. J. Kern Hamilton Rev. & Mrs. James E. Hamlin Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Hammerbacher Rev. & Mrs. Edward Kimberly Hamshar Dr. James Han Mr. & Mrs. Don Haney Rev. & Mrs. N. Stan Hankins Chaplain & Mrs. Harold M. Hannum Rev. & Mrs. Robert W. Hannum Rev. Derek Gerald Hansen Ms. Kristine M. Hansen Pastor Myron Keith Harden Mr. Jerry Hardesty Pastor & Mrs. Joseph Harding, Jr. 25 Harned United Methodist Church of Harned, KS Mrs. Helen Harness Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James A. Harnish Rev. Dr. & Mrs. John E. Harnish Rev. & Mrs. John C. Harp, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Steve Harper Mr. & Mrs. Gary Harrington Mr. Doyle Geoffrey Harris Rev. & Mrs. Frank S. Harris, III Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Harris Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence Hoover Harris Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Harris Rev. Dr. & Mrs. H. Thomas Harrison, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Mason W. Harrod Rev. & Mrs. Joel R. Harshberger Rev. B. Gerald Hartman Rev. Raymond T. Hartman, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Hartman Harvest Church United Methodist of Dothan, AL The Harvey-McNairy Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory K. Haseloff Mrs. Patricia M. Haswell Dr. Melanie Rachel Hauser Rev. & Mrs. John B. Hawbaker Dr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Hawk, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hayes Bishop & Mrs. Robert E. Hayes, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Fred Haywood Dr. & Mrs. Van B. Haywood Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Headley Dr. & Mrs. Wylie Hearn Rev. & Mrs. David Anthony Hedeen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ray Heemstra Dr. & Mrs. James V. Heidinger, II Rev. & Mrs. David G. Heistand Rev. Dr. & Ms. Steve Duane Heitkamp Ms. Jennifer Lyn Helms Rev. & Mrs. Lauren Lamar Helveston Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Helvey Ms. Alexandra Henchy Mr. John & Dr. Kathryn Hendershot Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Rev. Hugh Edward Hendrickson Ms. Marylin Henegar Mr. & Mrs. Tom Henrichs The Henry Luce Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David H. Henry Chaplain & Mrs. Myron B. Henry Mr. Forrest Henson, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Herlong Mr. & Mrs. Jose Carlos Hernandez, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Joel Alan Heron Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Herr Chaplain & Mrs. Robert D. Hershberger Rev. J. Wesley Hertel Rev. & Mrs. Dillon L. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Timothy James Hibschman Rev. & Mrs. John L. Hickman, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Wayne D. Hickman Mrs. Elouise Higgins Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David Andrew Higle Dr. & Mrs. Darold Lee Hill Rev. & Mrs. David Clarence Hill Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hill Rev. & Mrs. Benny L. Hillard Hillside United Methodist Church of Woodstock, GA Rev. Harold E. Himes Mrs. Lilly Himes Dr. Andrew H. Hines, Jr. 26 Rev. & Mrs. Robert W. Hinkle Dr. & Mrs. Lewis James Hiserote Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hoag Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Hobson Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Hodge Rev. & Mrs. A. Donald Hodges Rev. & Mrs. George L. Hodgkins, Jr. Mr. Scot Douglas & Rev. Patricia Hoeksema Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hoffman Rev. & Mrs. Wilbert S. Hoffman Mr. Elmo Rogers Hoffman Rev. & Mrs. Philip A. Hoffman Mr. Nelson M. Hoffman, III Ms. Tammy Jane Hogan Lt. Col. & Mrs. William Edward Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leighton Hogg Rev. & Mrs. Clarke A. Hogue, III Dr. Virginia Holeman Chaplain James W. Holiday Rev. & Mrs. J. Anthony Holifield Mr. Gregory O’Brient Hollingsworth Dr. James W. & Dr. Barbara Holsinger, Jr. Mrs. Alita Holt Ms. Kimberly Susan Holt Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Edward Hom Ms. Esther Louise Hood Hope Christian Community Foundation of Memphis, TN Dr. Michael K. & Rev. Ferris R. Hoppe Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Noel Hopper Mr. & Mrs. James W. Horn Mr. & Mrs. Neil DeWayne Horner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Horsburgh Rev. & Mrs. Eugene L. Horton Rev. & Mrs. James N. Hosey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Eugene Hossler Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Houk Chaplain Kevin Michael & Rev. Heidi Hovan Rev. & Mrs. Bruce T. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Burton Howard Rev. & Mrs. Jack T. Howard Dr. & Mrs. John Franklin Howard Rev. & Mrs. W. Dewey Howard Mr. Roger & Rev. Kathy Howell Rev. L. Glenn Howell Rev. & Mrs. Charles Hubbard, Jr. Mr. Paul & Mrs. Janice Huber Rev. & Mrs. Laurence E. Hubley Rev. Robert L. & Dr. Susan Huckaby Rev. Claire E. Huestis Rev. & Mrs. Monroe Hughbanks Ms. Holly Hughes Rev. Walter C. Hughley Ms. Melinda Huisenga Mr. & Mrs. Beau Hummel Rev. & Mrs. Gordon T. Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hundley Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Andrew Hunt Mrs. Clarence V. Hunter Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hunter Rev. Brian Thomas Hurley Rev. & Mrs. Joel W. Hurley Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Riley Hurst Mr. William & Mrs. Karen Hussar Rev. & Mrs. Travis L. Hutchison Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hutt Dr. Roger K. & Mrs. Carol Iddings Mr. Roger & Mrs. Joy Iddings Mr. & Mrs. Robert Charles Illi International Focus Ministries International Ministerial Fellowship Rev. & Mrs. Scott Emerson Ireland Dr. & Mrs. Donald Irwin Dr. Eunice Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Irwin Dr. George F. Isham Pastor Tamara Isidore Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Israel J Barrett & Co. Ms. Sara Ann Jackson Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Tammy Jackson Rev. & Mrs. Charles R. Jacobs Rev. J. Larry Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Miles Jaeckle Ms. Barbara Ann Jaeger Mrs. Peggy Jakway James W. Potts Architects Dr. & Mrs. Mark James Dr. & Mrs. Philip Daniel Jamieson Chaplain & Mrs. Roger F. Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Ron Jamieson Rev. Lee R. Jamison Mrs. Anupa Jenkin Rev. & Mrs. Corey Charles Jenkins Rev. & Mrs. William E. Jenkins Rev. Greer G. Jensen Dr. & Mrs. Randall William Jessen Lt. Col. & Mrs. Vernon W. Jewett Chaplain & Mrs. Scott Jimenez Rev. & Mrs. Henry G. Jinnette John and Polly Sparks Foundation Pastor Kamala M. John Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Johnson Charitable Gift Fund Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Thomas Johnson Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Dan G. Johnson Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Earl Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Edward H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Larry E. Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Mark Gregory Johnson Ms. Marvel Johnson Rev. Michael & Bishop Peggy Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Roger Alan Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Theodore H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Alan Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Paul G. Johnston Mr. Trevor G. & Mrs. Leah Johnston Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Joiner Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Jolley Rev. Dr. & Mrs. C. David Jones Mr. & Mrs. Corey Antoine Jones Rev. & Mrs. Craig D. Jones Rev. & Mrs. Daniel R. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keith Jones Rev. Harris C. Jones, III Rev. Hughey L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Stewart Jones Dr. & Mrs. Kelvin S. Jones Rev. & Mrs. LeRoy V. Jones Mrs. Myrtle Jones Rev. & Mrs. Rodney L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Jones Mrs. Lynda Milligan Jordan Miss Nelda Jordan Rev. & Mrs. Sushil Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Derek Raymond Joyce Rev. & Mrs. Matthew Robert Judd Mr. & Mrs. Justin James Jump Junction Management, LLC Dr. Chaneung Jung & Mrs. Yunjeong Kim Rev. & Mrs. Paul D. Juvinall Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Kaiser Dr. & Mrs. Larry R. Kalajainen Dr. J. Ellsworth & Mrs. Janet Kalas Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kandlbinder Dr. & Mrs. Harold Karnes Miss Wilma V. Kasten Kathryn C. Harrison Living Trust Ms. Clair M. Kaufman Mr. John Raymond Kavanaugh, Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Claude Jackson Kayler Dr. & Mrs. Robert Alfred Kaylor Rev. Dr. Jessie Coles Keaton Rev. & Mrs. Thomas F. Keef Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Leslie Keely Rev. & Mrs. Adrian Serounian Keir Chaplain & Mrs. Lenne L. Keithley, II Rev. & Mrs. Roger B. Keller Rev. & Mrs. Dean J. Kelly Rev. Larry D. Kennard Rev. & Mrs. Charles O. Kent Kentucky Bank Kentucky United Methodist Foundation Pastor & Mrs. Wayne E. Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. John Keown Mr. Curtis E. & Rev. Connie Keplinger The Kern Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Kersey Mrs. Lovell Kesner Mr. & Mrs. Aaron B. Kesson Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Ketner Rev. Daniel J. & Rev. Kris Key Dr. & Mrs. Jack Key Dr. & Mrs. William R. Key Dr. & Mrs. Chris Alan Kiesling Ms. Cassandra Lynn Kile Rev. & Mrs. Mark E. Killam Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Kilpatrick Rev. & Mrs. Chung Suk Kim Rev. & Mrs. Haksop Kim Rev. Isaac E. Kim Bishop & Mrs. Sundo Kim Mrs. Joan Kinde Rev. Kurtis & Mrs. Anne King Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Wesley King, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. John C. King Rev. Jack T. King Rev. & Mrs. Stephen E. King Mr. & Mrs. Verlin W. King Rev. Susan Marie Kingsley Mr. Bob & Mrs. Vivian Kinnear Rev. & Mrs. Charles Kinsley Pastor Tim Bradley Kirkes Mr. John & Mrs. Peggy Kirkpatrick Rev. & Mrs. Virgil Eugene Kirkpatrick Rev. & Mrs. Donald William Kirsch Rev. & Mrs. J. W. Leonard Kiser Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kleysteuber Mr. & Mrs. Charles Adam Knight Ms. Linda Knight Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Knopf Pastor & Mrs. Donald T. Knott Rev. & Mrs. Donavon Lee Koehn Mr. & Mrs. Eric James Kohler Ms. Margaret H. Kohlhase Ms. Carol Koons Rev. & Mrs. William G. Kope Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David Paul Koppel Rev. & Mrs. Keith A. Koteskey Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kotke Rev. & Mrs. Brian L. Kottas Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Carlon C. Kress Rev. & Mrs. Richard F. Kriesch Pastor & Mrs. Leslie L. Krober Dr. & Mrs. Kent Kroehler Rev. Mark E. Kroehler Rev. Stephen & Mrs. Jayne Kroh Mr. Ted & Mrs. Joan Krupa Rev. & Mrs. Ken Kubichek Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kusche Ms. Evelyn F. Kuttler, J.D. Dr. Kiem-Kiok Kwa Kwanglim Methodist Church of Seoul, Korea Dr. & Mrs. Charles Clinton Kyker Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kyle Rev. Dr. Mark La Branche Chaplain & Mrs. Donald E. LaFaber Mr. James R. LaGrone Rev. & Mrs. Robert Epps Laidlaw Mr. & Mrs. James Lail Dr. & Mrs. Donald Eugene Lain Mrs. Emma Laine Dr. & Mrs. Charles C. Lake Ms. Cheryl Lamastra Chaplain & Mrs. Eugene V. Lamb Mr. Jonathan Jennings Lamb Ms. Addie Lamberth Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Landrebe Miss Anna Bell Lane Dr. & Mrs. Dewey Lane Mrs. Tina Sue Lane Miss Kelly Marie Langdoc Rev. & Mrs. Charles R. Langford Dr. & Mrs. John W. Langley Mrs. Billie Langston Rev. & Mrs. Richard E. Lanning Dr. & Mrs. Leon Lantz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Larson Mrs. Jean Larson Mr. Doug Latimer Mr. & Mrs. William H. Latimer, III Rev. & Mrs. Paul K. Lattimer Mr. & Mrs. James Lavy Miss Helen Law Rev. & Mrs. Cheney Paul Lawler Rev. Sandra Gene Lawrence Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Barry G. Lawson Mr. & Mrs. John Gabriel Lawson Dr. & Mrs. Fred D. Layman Mr. Charles W. Lazenby Rev. John Harvey Lea, III Rev. & Ms. Arthur Stevens Leach Rev. & Mrs. Keith E. Leap Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Diane LeBlanc Lee United Methodist Church of Lee, FL Rev. W. Keith & Mrs. Coralie Lee Mr. & Mrs. David William Lee Rev. & Mrs. Elden W. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Lee Mr. & Mrs. John Lefferdink Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lehman-Schletewitz Rev. & Mrs. Lewis Leih Leipsic United Methodist Church of Leipsic, OH Rev. & Mrs. James E. LeMaster, Jr. Chaplain & Mrs. Clarence LeMasters Rev. & Mrs. Dannel F. Lemons Rev. & Mrs. James Orville Leonard The LeRoy Jones Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. Rev. & Mrs. Eldon F. LeRoy Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Lescalleet Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lester Dr. & Mrs. Ray Lewandowski Mrs. Erma Lewis Rev. George Henry Lewis Rev. & Mrs. Gerald D. Lewis Mrs. Margie M. Lewis Rev. & Mrs. Roger Lewis Mr. Samuel F. Lewis Rev. & Mrs. Stanley R. Lewis Pastor & Mrs. Joseph Gilson Liddick Mr. & Mrs. Gary Joseph Liederbach Lillian United Methodist Church of Lillian, AL Lilly Endowment, Inc. Rev. Kerry E. Lilly Mr. & Mrs. David Lindquist Dr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Lindstrom Mr. Ron & Mrs. Sandra Lindy Ms. Lois C. Linfield Rev. & Mrs. Dale H. Linhart Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Lintemuth Rev. & Mrs. Raymond E. Linza Rev. & Mrs. Hong-Fu Liu Lockheed Martin Dr. & Mrs. W. Richard Loerke Rev. & Mrs. James Layfette Loftin Rev. & Mrs. Jack Asbury Logan Mrs. Rosebud Logan Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Logue Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick James Long Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Long Mr. John Alden Long Mr. & Mrs. William C. Long, III Bishop & Mrs. João Carlos Lopes Rev. & Mrs. Alan C. Lott Mr. Thomas R. Lougheed Mr. Covert N. Lounsbury Rev. James & Rev. Edna Love Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrew Love Mrs. Sheila S. Lovell Dr. Milton & Dr. Verna Lowe Mr. & Mrs. James Lowe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James Hughes Lowry, Jr. LPL Financial Rev. Barry A. Lucas Rev. & Mrs. Jay F. Lucas Miss Sarah Louise Luce Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Robert Luchetti Rev. & Mrs. J. David Luckert Mrs. Mary Ludwick Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Aaron Ludwig Mr. Patric D. Lummuka Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Christopher Luper Mr. & Mrs. William Lux M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Rev. & Mrs. J. Louie Mabrey Rev. & Mrs. Robert J. Mackmer Dr. & Mrs. Ian J. Maddock Rev. & Mrs. Thomas D. Maddrey Magee Christian Education Foundation Ms. Melissa Amy Maher Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Andrew Major Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Mallory Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lynn Malone, Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mangum Rev. & Mrs. Michael L. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Mansfield Rev. Joni Sue Manson Mr. & Mrs. Jay E. Mansur Mr. Robert W. Mansur Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mantle Ms. Renee Marchant Rev. & Mrs. Jerald Marcoe Rev. David Durell Marcy Dr. Ellen Louise Marmon Mr. & Mrs. Lee Roy Martin, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. B. R. Martin Rev. & Mrs. G. Thomas Martin, III Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Dale Martin Ms. Mary Lou Martin Mr. Ryan Samuel Martin Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Martyn Rev. & Mrs. Leonard T. Martz Mr. C. Gregory Maske Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy L. Maske Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Mason Rev. & Mrs. Frank M. Mason, II Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mason Rev. James L. Mason Pastor & Mrs. James William Mason Rev. & Mrs. Frank C. Masserano, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Herbert E. Massey Rev. Jonathan W. Massey Mr. & Mrs. Duane Alan Mathias Chaplain Rick D. Mathis Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Matlock Mrs. Esther M. Matson Dr. Douglas & Dr. Carol Matthews Dr. & Mrs. Harold Matthews Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ronald Maxwell Pastor & Mrs. Michael Maxwell Rev. & Mrs. Phillip May Mr. David Chadwick Maynard Rev. Ronald Brent Mays Dr. & Mrs. David P. McBeth Mr. & Mrs. James D. McBrayer Mrs. Doris McCall Pastor & Mrs. David J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Gene McCartney Mrs. Janis McCartney-Truelove Dr. & Mrs. Mac McCastlain Mr. & Mrs. E. Delos McCauley Mrs. Katie Rose McClendon Rev. & Mrs. Donald G. McCoun Mrs. Yvonne C. McCrary McCreless Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McDaniel Rev. & Mrs. Robert McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Robert McElroy Rev. & Mrs. Gregory McGarvey Rev. Benjamin & Mrs. Alisa McGehee Dr. & Mrs. Terry L. McGuire Rev. & Mrs. David W. McIlvaine Dr. & Mrs. Robert McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott McKay Major Pamela Kay McKee McKendree United Methodist Church of Danville, AL Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David L. McKenna Ms. Margie Ann McKinley Rev. Linda Carol McKnight Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Stuart McLain, II Mr. & Mrs. William J. McLaughlin Ms. Isabel McLeod Rev. & Mrs. Robert A. McMillen Mr. I. Louis McMurray Mr. & Mrs. John O. McNairy Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Gene McPhee Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. McVeigh Ms. Melia Marie Mehlhorn Rev. & Mrs. Dwight L. Meier Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Meier Dr.Nantachai & Dr. Ubolwan Mejudhon Pastor & Mrs. W. Brian Mercer Rev. & Mrs. James L. Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wesley Merricks, II Dr. & Mrs. Millard Mershon Rev. & Mrs. Paul Edmond Mertz Dr. & Mrs. John J. Merwin Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Laura Messamore Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Messer Mr. Brian Richard Messman Mr. & Mrs. Arvid R. Metcalf Rev. & Mrs. Ralph R. Metheny Mr. & Mrs. Bill Metsker Ms. Kari Jo Meyer Mike & Susan Burkhart Foundation Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Kathy Milans Mildred Hoggard Endowment Fund Milford United Methodist Church of Somerset, PA Miller Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rev. Floyd L. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Miller Dr. & Mrs. James Cooper Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Miller Rev. & Mrs. Keith Allen Miller Mrs. Leslie K. Miller Ms. Mary Katherine Miller Mr. Max Miller Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Miller Mr. Jesse & Mrs. Norma Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Miller Rev. & Mrs. William Thomas Miller Mr. & Mrs. Melvin T. Milliron, Jr. Mrs. Audrey H. Millsaps Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Milone Mr. & Mrs. R. Carlisle Minter Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Alan Mishoe Mississippi United Methodist Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thomas Mitchell Rev. & Mrs. Richard Stephen Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. James Mizell Rev. Matthew Alan Mobley Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Mobley Mr. D. Joe Moder Rev. & Mrs. Konrad C. Modschiedler Mrs. Martha Williamson Moe Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan James Moehlig Mrs. Dorothy Moffet Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Mohr Mr. & Mrs. Charles Monica Mr. John & Mrs. Lydia Monroe Mr. C. S. Montgomery Mrs. Emmie Montgomery Dr. & Mrs. Bob Mark Moon Rev. Colin Craig Moore Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Marilyn Moore Mrs. Evelyn Moore Mrs. Frances Kinlaw Moore Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Howard W. Moore Ms. Katherine Margaret Moore Rev. Lynn Ellen Ward Moore Mr. Raymond E. Moore Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Moore Mr. Steven & Rev. Carolyn Moore Dr. & Mrs. Steven G. W. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Jack Byron Moreheart Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Rev. Oyer C. Morgan Rev. & Mrs. Shirley E. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dale Morris Mr. & Mrs. John E. Morris Rev. Rebecca Kay Morrison Mr. Brooks St. Clair Morton Mrs. Ann Mountz Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Allen Mouttet Rev. & Mrs. James Michael Mozley Dr. & Mrs. M. Robert Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. William D. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mumford Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Alan Munn Dr. & Mrs. E. Harold Munn, Jr. Rev. Michael & Rev. Claire Murdoch Dr. & Mrs. Jon Tal Murphree Murphy Oil Corporation Rev. & Mrs. Herschel E. Murray Ms. Robin W. Murray Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Travis Todd Muse Mr. & Mrs. Roger Muselman Ms. Brenda K. Myers Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Lewis Myers, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. James W. Myers, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Larry E. Myers Ms. Lettie A. Myers Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Cynthia Nash Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Russell Nason National Christian Foundation of Kentucky National Christian Foundation of Georgia Rev. & Mrs. Donald D. Nations Rev. & Mrs. Wiley L. Neal Rev. & Mrs. David Kent Neckers Rev. & Mrs. Bradley K. Neel Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Neel, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Blake J. Neff Dr. & Mrs. Amirtharaj Nelson Rev. Carolyn Jean Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Nelson Rev. & Mrs. Harold E. Nelson Ms. Karen A. Nelson Ms. Karen Peterson Nelson Rev. Lowell E. Nelson Mr. Michael Logan Nelson Mr. Thad & Mrs. Abigail Nelson Rev. & Mrs. Larry Nemitz Rev. Jonathan K. & Rev. Carolyn D. Nettles Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Lee Nettleton New Hope Foundation Rev. & Mrs. E. Allen Newby Rev. Dr. Deron Scott Newman Dr. & Mrs. Larry S. Nichols Rev. & Mrs. Richard W. Nichols Mrs. Pat D. Nickels Rev. & Mrs. Mark Eugene Nikont Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Carrie Nimrod Ninde Funeral Directors Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Ray Noah Rev. & Mrs. Raymond E. Noah Miss Georgia M. Noble Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Lee Noell Rev. & Mrs. Frank C. Norris Mr. Sidney & Mrs. Sue North Mrs. Dorothy Northern Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Norton Nubar Yacoubian Jewelers Ms. Marie L. Nudi Dr. & Mrs. James Gregg Nunn Rev. & Mrs. Leigh F. Nygard Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Oakman Mr. Garmon & Mrs. Mitzi Oates Mr. & Mrs. William R. O’Brien Rev. Wesley & Mrs. Cynthia Oden Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey V. Odom Mr. & Mrs. Brad Ogletree Dr. & Mrs. Gregg A. Okesson Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Babatunde Enoch Oladimeji Dr. & Mrs. David M. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Joel Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Jacob Olivo Dr. Kent & Rev. Beth Olney Mr. Kyle Robert Olney Mr. & Mrs. John Olson Dr. J. Steven & Dr. Angeline O’Malley Mr. James & Rev. Martha O’Reilly Mrs. Doris M. Orr Rev. & Mrs. Herbert R. Osborne Rev. & Mrs. Theodore J. Osgood Rev. Mark L. O’Shields Pastor & Mrs. Theodore Osler Dr. & Mrs. John N. Oswalt Rev. & Mrs. Teyrl Tucker Otto Mr. & Mrs. William Overmyer Rev. & Mrs. David Owen Mr. & Mrs. Eric Stephen Owen Mr. & Mrs. Mark Owens Mr. & Mrs. Ned Owens Rev. Daniel & Mrs.Hope Owsley Mr. Randy Scott Ozan Dr. Lalsangkima Pachuau Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Lee Page Mr. & Mrs. David E. Palm Rev. & Mrs. Stephen L. Palmer Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Palmer Rev. & Mrs. Thomas O. Palmer Bishop & Mrs. Luis F. Palomo Rev. & Mrs. Wade S. Panse Mr. Martin Andrew Paparo Mr. Robert L. Parker Ms. Harriet L. Parks Mrs. Lucine Parks Rev. & Mrs. J. Gregory Parris Mr. & Mrs. Norman Parrish Rev. & Mrs. David Ronald Parry Rev. & Mrs. Norman Parsons Dr. & Mrs. R. Wade Paschal Rev. & Mrs. Elwyn E. Patrick Mrs. June Ward Patrick Dr. & Mrs. William J. Patrick Rev. & Mrs. Derrell W. Patterson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Paul Dr. & Mrs. Carl E. Pavey Rev. & Mrs. John J. A. Pawelski Pastor & Mrs. David Erich Payne Rev. & Mrs. David S. Payne Rev. & Mrs. James Sterling Payne, II Rev. & Mrs. Leslie D. Payton Rev. & Mrs. Timothy Harold Pearce Rev. & Mrs. Luke Pederson Mr. & Mrs. James Lorin Pedigo Rev. Luis & Dr. Zaida Perez Ms. Jean H. Perriman Mr. & Mrs. Ed Perry Rev. & Mrs. Lynton N. Perry Pershing LLC Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Peters Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peters Dr. & Mrs. Roger Kent Peters Dr. Russel & Dr. Margaret Peters Ms. Ann Lauren Peterson Mrs. Betty L. Peterson Rev. & Mrs. Kirk Peterson Dr. Michael L. Peterson Dr. Michael & Rev. Rebecca Peterson 27 Rev. & Mrs. Dallas Vernon Peyton, Sr. Pharmacia Foundation Rev. & Mrs. Timothy D. Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Phillips Rev. & Mrs. Robert J. Phillips Rev. & Mrs. Rosario Picardo Dr. & Mrs. D. Eugene Pickard Dr. & Mrs. Earle Pickens Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Pickering Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Craig Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Wendell D. Pinkerton Rev. & Mrs. H. Thomas Pitcher Rev. Leroy Pittman Pleasant Run United Church of Christ of Indianapolis, IN Rev. & Mrs. Troy Bonner Poff Dr. Christine Pohl Rev. & Mrs. Patrick Charles Polis Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Matthew Poole Rev. & Mrs. Jimmy L. Poole Rev. Lewis Carroll Pope, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. William M. Pope Mr. & Mrs. Dexter W. Porter Rev. & Mrs. James G. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Andrew Powers Pastor & Mrs. David J. Powless Chaplain & Mrs. John L. Prater Mr. & Mrs. Gary Preslan Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Presley, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David Price Dr. Fred W. & Dr. Elaine Price Mr. & Mrs. Keith Price Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Duane Price Mr. Philip James Price Dr. Joseph W. Pridgen Mr. & Mrs. Claude Priest Rev. & Mrs. Terry Clayton Priest Mr. & Mrs. Edward Prigge Prince Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Eric Prince Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Prince Mr. Philip & Dr. Valeria Prince Dr. & Mrs. Duane W. Priset Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kevin Pruitt Mr. & Mrs. Max Prusak Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ray Puckett Mrs. Connie Pullen Rev. & Mrs. Edward D. Purkey Charles and Kathryn Purser Trust Rev. & Mrs. George William Pursley Dr. & Mrs. Tommy Gerald Purvis Rev. Jane Marie Pykus Rev. & Mrs. Jimmie D. Pyles Rev. & Mrs. Richard H. Quackenbush Mr. & Mrs. Norman Quick Mr. & Mrs. William S. Quick Rev. & Mrs. Walter A. Quigg Mr. & Mrs. Randall Steven Race Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Rackley Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rademacher Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Rader Lt. Col. & Mrs. Lyell M. Rader, Jr. Gen. Paul & Comr. Kay Rader Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Rambaud Rev. & Mrs. W. Marshall Rampey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ramsay Rev. & Mrs. Victor Eugene Ramsey, II Pastor Douglas Warren Ranck Rev. & Mrs. P. David Randall Miss Margaret Randerson Rev. Judith Lynn Ransbottom-Stallons Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Ransom 28 Rev. & Mrs. Eugene M. Rasmussen Pastor Stephen Nicholas Rath Rev. Nelson L. & Rev. Rochelle I. Ray Mr. & Mrs. James R. Read Rev. & Mrs. John E. Reasons Rev. Thomas Bingham Reaves Mr. & Mrs. Ted Rebstock Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reddick Rev. & Mrs. Lyle Aaron Reece Dr. & Mrs. David G. Reese Dr. Ruth Anne Reese Dr. & Mrs. Dan Reinhardt Rev. & Mrs. John W. Reinmuth Dr. & Mrs. Clarence Erland Rempel Rev. & Mrs. A. Merlyn Rensberry Rev. & Mrs. John C. Rentz Mr. & Mrs. Myron P. Reth Pastor Beth Ann Reum Mrs. Diane F. Reynolds Rev. & Mrs. Michael Bruce Reynolds Rev. & Mrs. R. David Reynolds Dr. & Major John R. Rhemick Rev. & Mrs. Charles Rhoads Dr. & Mrs. Michael Rice Rev. Luke & Rev. Carolynne Richards Dr. Janet Sweet Richardson Rev. Nadine Ann Richmond Mr. & Mrs. Gene Rick Rev. B. Cary & Rev. Linda A. Rickman Mr. Michael Rider Rev. & Mrs. Roger C. Rider Ms. Carolyn Ridley Rev. & Mrs. Thomas C. Rieke Rev. Dr. & Pastor Darrel E. Riley Rev. & Mrs. Dennis O. Rinehart Rev. & Mrs. George A. Rinehart Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Ritter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bobby F. Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Joseph Rivers Rev. & Mrs. George H. Roads Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Edmund W. Robb, III Mrs. Martha Robb Mr. James Richard Roberts, III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ray Roberts Chaplain & Mrs. J. Michael Robison Mr. Ken & Mrs. Josephine Roddenberry Ms. Sarah J. Rodrigues Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Jay Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Rohrer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anthony Rose Rev. & Mrs. Philip H. Roughton Rev. Roger C. Rounds Rev. & Mrs. Donald W. Routh Rev. & Mrs. Mark William Rowland Rev. & Mrs. John Vincent Roy Royal Foundation, Inc. Mr. Charles Royal Rev. & Mrs. Matthew D. Rucker Mr. & Mrs. Rick Rucker Ruckers Wholesale & Service Rev. Dorothy Rudd Rev. & Mrs. John C. Rudd Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ruff Rev. & Mrs. Garry Evan Ruff Rev. & Mrs. James L. Rule Mr. & Mrs. Gail R. Runnels Rev. & Mrs. James H. Rush Mr. & Mrs. Randall Thomas Rush Dr. Brian Douglas Russell Mr. & Mrs. David Russell Rev. & Mrs. Donald A. Russell Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Jerald W. Russell Mrs. Juanita Russell Rev. & Ms. Richard Wells Russell Rev. & Mrs. Vincent A. Rutherford Rev. Janet L. Saddel SAIC Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. David M. Samuelson Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sanchez Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Denny Alan Sanders Rev. & Mrs. James H. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanders Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Sanders Mr. Haggeo J. Sandoval Ms. Muriel E. Sanford Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Grady Charles Satterwhite Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Saum Rev. & Mrs. Craig David Saunders Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Ross Sawyer Ms. Tonya Raynette Sayre Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Scandrett Rev. & Mrs. Michael W. Schafer Dr. & Mrs. Earl R. Schamehorn, Sr. Mr. Melvin L. Schaper Mr. & Mrs. Darren Edward Schaupp Rev. & Mrs. Clifford G. Schell Rev. & Mrs. Michael F. Schell Rev. & Mrs. Donald M. Scheller Rev. & Mrs. Glenn Albert Scheyhing Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schlenke Mr. & Mrs. Dane Schlenke Rev. & Mrs. Ken Schock Rev. & Mrs. G. Roger Schoenhals Dr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Schofield Mrs. Kay Scholl Rev. & Mrs. David Schroen Mrs. Cindy Marie Schutz Rev. Leroy B. & Rev. Helen Schultz Ms. Carole Ann McDowell Schuster Schwab Fund, Charitable Giving Rev. & Mrs. Harold E. Schwantes Rev. & Mrs. DeVern E. Schwenn Rev. & Mrs. Ivan Lee Schwenn Rev. & Mrs. Brian Francis Scott Rev. David Lee Scott Dr. & Mrs. Harold D. Scott Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Rhonda Scott Dr. & Mrs. Lane A. Scott Rev. & Mrs. Richard L. Scott Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robin Bradley Scott Dr. & Mrs. W. Donald Scott Rev. & Mrs. Dale Eugene Scritchfield Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Seamands Ms. Danys K. Self Mr. & Mrs. Garland Sell Mrs. Lois Harris Shafer Rev. & Mrs. Donald R. Shank Mrs. Bernice Shanklin Ms. Beverly G. Sharpe Rev. Raymond & Rev. Regina Shaw Dr. & Mrs. Richard Scott Shaw Mr. & Mrs. John Shearer Mr. Clinton Richard Sheets, II Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Julia Sheets Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Branson Sheets, III Rev. & Mrs. Bruce W. Sheffield Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Arthur Shei Shell Oil Company Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Shell Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Shepard Mrs. Margaret Shepherd Rev. & Mrs. George F. Shiltz Rev. Brian & Rev. Karen Shimer Rev. & Mrs. Harold B. Shimfessel Rev. & Mrs. Burl J. Shinkle Rev. & Mrs. Donavon W. Shoemaker Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Shoemaker Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Chadwick Lowell Short Mr. Christopher Alan Short Rev. & Mrs. E. Thomas Shouse Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Shrauner Dr. & Mrs. Michael Shrock Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Shrout Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Shudo Rev. & Mrs. Peter K. Shultis Rev. & Mrs. David Carl Shumaker Dr. & Mrs. John T. Shumaker Rev. & Mrs. Dale R. Shunk Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Warren Shurtz Rev. & Mrs. Floyd William Shutt, II Rev. & Mrs. Don Sides Rev. & Mrs. Grant D. Siegfried Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Edward Sigler Rev. & Mrs. Richard Michael Sigler Rev. & Mrs. Dennis W. Sillaman Mr. Steve & Mrs. Diane Silver Dr. Geneva Silvernail Dr. & Mrs. Orin M. Simmerman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Simmons Rev. & Mrs. Alan Michael Simonson Mr. Hugh Byron Sims, III Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Sineath, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Singletary Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Siviglia Mr. & Mrs. Preston E. Sizemore Rev. & Mrs. E. Roy Skeeter Mr. & Mrs. Alexis Lang Smith Mrs. Anna Bell Smith Dr. & Mrs. Barry Smith Ms. Beth A. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Smith Dr. Daryl & Mrs. Carolyn Smith Rev. & Mrs. David Lee Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Smith Rev. & Mrs. G. Timothy Smith Dr. & Mrs. James L. Smith Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James W. Smith Fr. & Mrs. Jonathan Alan Smith Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Rev. Michael W. Smith Rev. & Mrs. Newell D. Smith Rev. Patricia Lynn Smith Dr. & Mrs. Randal David Smith Rev. & Mrs. Robert Loy Smith Mrs. Ruby C. Smith Rev. & Mrs. Steven M. Smith Rev. Theron H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tillman Smith Rev. & Mrs. Daniel R. Snyder Rev. & Mrs. Dorwin C. Snyder Mrs. Marjorie L. Snyder Rev. & Mrs. Damon Louis Soper Rev. E. Anthony Soper Mr. Rick & Chaplain Christine Sorrow Ms. Janet Sparks Mrs. Martha Sparks Rev. & Mrs. Hugh C. Spaulding Mrs. Lavonne F. Speakman Rev. & Mrs. Charles R. Spell, Jr. Pastor & Mrs. Michael Steven Spell Mr. John H. Spencer Rev. Scott Allen Spencer Rev. & Mrs. Donald L. Spicer Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Spiller Mr. & Mrs. Roger Spillyards Mrs. Martha B. Spining Rev. & Mrs. Richard M. Sprague Spring Valley Fellowship of Houston, TX Mr. & Mrs. William Squires St. Luke Simpson U.M.C. of Lake Charles, LA Mr. Mark Stallons Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stamps Mr. & Mrs. David Stanley Mrs. Judith A. Stanley Mr. David L. Stanton Dr. & Mrs. Marshall P. Stanton Mrs. Robert Stanton State Farm Companies Foundation Ms. Janice M. Steffensen Mrs. Elma Claire Steinbach Ms. Lorraine Steines Rev. & Mrs. Scott K. Stephans Mr. Isaac Stephenraj Mrs. Carol Sterner Mrs. Bertha Stevens Mrs. Frances Stevens Mrs. Piccola Stevens Rev. Eugene & Mrs. Beth Stewart Rev. Jennifer Wells Stewart Ms. Maryann Elizabeth Stewart Rev. & Mrs. Roland J. Stewart Ms. Ursula Nancy Stinchcomb Rev. Linda D. Stoddard Mrs. Marilyn Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Mike Stone Dr. Catherine M. Stonehouse Chaplain & Mrs. Gary Story Rev. & Mrs. Judson J. Stover Rev. & Mrs. Julius K. Strand Mrs. David Stratton Dr. & Mrs. James C. Stratton Rev. & Mrs. Roy R. Straub Rev. Dr. & Mrs. William Lee Strawhun, Jr. Chaplain & Mrs. L. Wilson Strickhausen Col. & Mrs. C.D. Strider Mr. & Mrs. Ken Stringer Ms. Lois Greenlee Stuck Pastor & Mrs. Robert W. Stull Mr. & Mrs. John Stumbo Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Sunderland SunTrust Bank Mr. Isaiah Michael Surbrook The Susan Rebecca Burkhart Trust Rev. & Mrs. Mark A. Suter Rev. Matthew G. Swartsel Rev. & Mrs. William O. Swathwood Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Swayne Mrs. Lettie Sweazy T. Edward and Janice Davis Properties LLC Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taft Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Tai Mr. & Mrs. Jed Tai Rev. & Mrs. Joshua T. Tam Mr. Ivan Meng Cheng Tan The Tankersley Living Trust Mr. & Mrs. Gary Edward Tarleton Mr. & Mrs. Allan Frederick Tarr Pastor & Mrs. Russell Mack Tate Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Tatsch Mr. Jimmy Lee & Rev. Karen Taylor Mrs. Leone Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor TD Ameritrade Clearing Rev. Jerry E. Temple Dr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Tennent Mrs. Robert W. Tennent Mr. Rusty & Rev. Cathy Thacker The Woodlands United Methodist Church of the Woodlands, TX Mr. & Mrs. Lawson Thigpen Dr. & Mrs. James R. Thobaben Rev. Dr. & Mrs. C. Chacko Thomas Rev. David & Mrs. Karen Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thomerson Rev. & Mrs. Clancy J. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. David L. Thompson Mr. Jim L. Thompson Rev. Margot R. Thompson Rev. & Mrs. Steven M. Thompson Rev. Wayne H. Thompson Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Doug Thrasher Rev. Jon E. Throckmorton Dr. & Mrs. Lynn I. Thrush Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Thurman Tickled Pink Rev. & Mrs. Christopher L. Tiger Mrs. Carrie Beth Tigges Mr. & Mrs. William A. Tillmann Rev. & Mrs. D. Ivan Timm Rev. & Mrs. Adrian Eugene Timmons Rev. & Mrs. Robert G. Tindale Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Tinsley Mr. Paul & Mrs. Dawn Tippey Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Tipton Rev. & Mrs. Donald L. Tipton Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Becky Todd Rev. Steven & Mrs. Patricia Todd Mr. & Mrs. L. William Tolbert Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Tollefson Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Toluba Rev. & Mrs. Kelly Toth Pastor & Mrs. Fee Kee Tow Mr. & Mrs. Sam Treynor Trinity United Methodist Church of Gainesville, FL Trinity-on-the-Hill United Methodist Church of Augusta, GA Mr. & Mrs. Derek Vance Trout Mrs. Pat Troutman Truelove Family Trust Mr. Ken Truelove Rev. & Mrs. Clyde A. Trumbauer Rev. Danny L. Trussell Rev. & Mrs. James L. Tubbs Tulsa Community Foundation Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Yvonne Tumblin Rev. & Mrs. Gary L. Turk Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Turkington Rev. & Mrs. Dale R. Turner Dr. & Mrs. James Tuttle Rev. & Mrs. Richard G. Tuttle Ms. Ann Tyler UBS Financial Services, Inc. Mr. Gregory S. Uchimura Rev. Kimberly Colleen Uchimura Rev. & Mrs. James C. Ullian Rev. & Mrs. J. Wesley Ummel Union Chapel Ministries U.M.C. of Muncie, IN Rev. & Mrs. David Willard Unkles Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Nicolai Ursin Mrs. Elizabeth C. Ury Mr. Gil & Mrs. Edita Valenzuela Mr. & Mrs. Cayetano Valle Mr. & Mrs. Greg Van Dussen Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Anna Van Fleet Rev. & Mrs. James B. Van Hook Dr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Van Tatenhove Dr. John & Mrs. Ann Van Valin Dr. & Mrs. H. Frank Van Valin Dr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Vanderhoof Rev. John W. & Rev. Sallie Vandervort Rev. & Mrs. Frederick Simon Edward Vanderwerf Mr. & Mrs. Everett L. Vanest Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Vasey Rev. & Mrs. Carness Alton Vaughan Rev. Wayne & Mrs. Carolyn Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Clef Vaughan, Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Clefton Samuel Vaughan Mrs. Mabel Veal Mrs. Jose R. Velazquez Verizon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Verville Mr. & Mrs. Brandon John Vetter Rev. & Mrs. Larry J. Vickers Dr. Nancy J. Vickers Rev. & Mrs. Terry M. Vickous Vineyard Fellowship - PCMC, Inc. Dr. Richard E. & Rev. Carol Visser Rev. Richard S. Vitolo Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Voigt, Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Carl Voigts Mrs. Clarita Vollenweider Dr. & Mrs. Alvern L. Vom Steeg Mrs. Sammye Vore Mr. Donald & Mrs. Diane Vosburg Rev. & Mrs. Scott H. Wachter Mrs. Debra Leah Wacker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Waddelow Dr. & Mrs. Blake Wagner, Sr. Mr. Fred Wagner Mrs. Nancy Mitchem Wagner Rev. & Mrs. Wayne G. Wagner Rev. James E. & Rev. Dr. Cori M. Waisanen Rev. & Mrs. Robert F. Waites, Jr. Rev. Patrick O. Walden Rev. & Mrs. Stephen A. Waldorf Dr. Dale & Mrs. Alice Walker Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Walker Rev. James H. & Rev. Kathryn Walker Mr. & Mrs. William Joseph Walker Rev. & Mrs. Timothy J. Walker Mr. & Mrs. William A. Walker, II Mr. & Mrs. William R. Walker Rev. & Mrs. Evan J. Wall Rev. Dr. & Mrs. John Paul Wallace Rev. & Mrs. Paul H. Walles Rev. John David & Rev. Tiffani Walt, Jr. Mr. Stanley D. Walters Rev. & Mrs. David A. Walton Mrs. Prudence M. Walz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wang Pastor Jen-Chieh Wang & Mrs. Su-Jung Kuo Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ward Rev. & Mrs. David Bruce Ward Rev. & Mrs. Jerome D. Ward Rev. & Mrs. David C. Warden Rev. & Mrs. Charles J. Warner Mrs. D. Louise Warner Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Warner Mr. & Mrs. John Warner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Warnock Rev. Dr. & Mrs. George Mitchell Wasson Mr. & Mrs. Toni Waters Rev. & Mrs. Brent A. Watson Rev. Karen Dianne Watson Rev. Ronald & Mrs. Candace Watts Rev. & Mrs. Raymond P. Watts Ms. Joni Brewer Way Rev. & Mrs. Dennis Lynn Wayman Rev. & Mrs. Hugh D. Wayman Mrs. Patricia Aileen Waytovich Ms. Heidi Marie Weaver Mrs. Lois Bokma Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Steve Weaver Rev. & Mrs. David D. Webb Mr. & Mrs. David F. Wehrenberg Dr. Eric & Mrs. Debra Wehrli Rev. John Albert Weller Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Wells Pastor & Mrs. John W. Wells Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wendle Dr. & Mrs. William C. Wenger The Honorable & Mrs. Ewing Werlein Ms. Beverly G. Werntz Ms. Judith K. Weseman Ms. Norma K. Weseman Mr. & Mrs. Ted Weseman Wesley United Methodist Church of Muscatine, IA Wesleyan Investment Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Wesner, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Gregory Bradshaw West Rev. & Mrs. Paul N. West Rev. & Mrs. Richard Martin West Dr. & Mrs. Russell W. West Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Paul Westbury Rev. & Mrs. Neil H. Westby Western Hills U.M.C. of El Paso, TX Rev. & Mrs. John C. Weston Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dale Westveer Rev. & Mrs. Gale Wetzel Rev. & Mrs. Aaron E. Wheaton Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Wheeler, Sr. Pastor & Mrs. Stephen Owen Wheeler Mr. Barton & Mrs. Karen Wherritt Mr. & Mrs. Dale Whetzel Dr. & Mrs. Dale Whilden Dr. & Mrs. Almon D. White Rev. & Mrs. James K. White Rev. & Mrs. R. Blake White Mr. Malcolm M. & Rev. Carol L. Whiting Lt. Col. & Mrs. Robert H. Whitlock Rev. Mary Sharon O’Quinn Wiese Mr. & Mrs. Steven Michael Wiggers Mrs. Doris O’Dell Wilcher Mrs. Arda M. Wilday Mr. Fred P. Wiley Rev. & Mrs. Gary L. Wiley Rev. & Mrs. Joe Wilkerson Rev. & Mrs. Forrest B. Williams Dr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Williams Rev. & Mrs. J. Russell Williams Mr. John Jeffery Williams Rev. & Mrs. Lyle E. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mark Williams Mrs. Susan Williams Ms. Kelly Beth Willian Rev. & Mrs. Allan K. Wilson Rev. & Mrs. Richard D. Wilson Rev. & Mrs. Richard Thomas Wilson Mr. Robert Jefferson Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ron Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wiltfang Mr. & Mrs. Wayne David Wimbish Windgate Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. H. Alden Winslow Rev. Keith & Mrs. Julie Winslow Rev. Jeffrey N. Winter Mr. & Mrs. Don Wiruth Mrs. Vickie Wisian Ms. Lisa Gay Witham Dr. & Mrs. Ben Witherington, III Mrs. Joyce Witherington Rev. & Mrs. J. David Woerner Mr. Blake Wolf Rev. Dr. Alice Marie Wolfe Ms. Darlene J. Wolfe Rev. Jack & Mrs. Bunny Wolfe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Karl Gregory Wolfe Dr. & Mrs. Louis Daniel Wolfe Rev. & Mrs. Roy Wesley Wolfe Rev. George E. Wolffbrandt Mrs. Jean Wolford Mr. & Mrs. James T. Wollin, Sr. Mrs. Catherine Womack Mr. Jack M. Womack Mr. & Mrs. Michael Womack Rev. & Mrs. Harry F. Wood Dr. Laurence W. Wood Rev. & Mrs. Robert Wood Rev. & Mrs. Steven D. Wood Rev. & Mrs. Nick E. Woodall Bishop & Mrs. James H. Woods Col. & Mrs. Glenn R. Woodson Rev. & Mrs. Wayne W. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Jim Alex Workman, Jr. Ms. Alison Spiers Wright Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Wright Rev. Julie Houser Wright Dr. & Mrs. Ronald James Wright Mr. & Mrs. William Thomas Wrobleski Dr. & Mrs. David C. Wu Mr. Samuel Robert Wyckoff Wycliffe Bible Translators Wycliffe Hall Mr. & Mrs. Nubar K. Yacoubian Mrs. Charlotte M. Yates Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul L. Yeun Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Yoder Rev. & Mrs. Paul A. Yoder Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Stanley Yoder, Jr. Mr. William L. Yohe Rev. & Mrs. Harold Stanley York Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Young Rev. & Mrs. Larry Allen Young Rev. & Mrs. M. Gene Young Rev. & Mrs. Michael L. Young Mr. & Mrs. Monroe A. Young Mr. Bill Younkin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yrigoyen Rev. & Mrs. Yang-Sheng Johnson Yu Rev. & Mrs. J. Yoshiaki Yui Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Lee Zabilka Dr. & Mrs. A. H. Mathias Zahniser Rev. Robert C. Zangger Mr. J.A. Zebio Miss Sybil J. Zehner Mr. Harry Kenneth Zeiders Mr. Kenneth G. Zimmerman Rev. & Mrs. Paul K. Zimmerman Mr. Clarence G. Zitterkob Rev. & Mrs. Duane R. Zoller Rev. & Mrs. David H. Zuber estates Estate of Alice W. Lockmiller Estate of Dorothy Gee Crowe Estate of Dorothy L. Brining Estate of Elbert E. Anderson Estate of Ezra R. Morgan Estate of Frank L. Tully Estate of Lauretta M. Borgman Estate of Louisa Ammerman Estate of Marian Nelson Estate of Mary Belle Thornton Estate of Pinson Childers Estate of Vivian E. Dixon Estate of Wesley E. Olson in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Mark Linley Alexander By Dr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Dr. Leslie A. Andrews By Dr. John & Mrs. Ann Van Valin Mr. & Mrs. William Michael Cobb By Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Folmar Dr. & Mrs. Jay Dargan By Ms. Tammy Lee Cessna Mr. Owen & Mrs. Barbara Haase Ms. Tammy Jane Hogan Mrs. Emily Kay La Branche Delikat By Rev. Dr. Mark La Branche Mr. James Nesbit Endicott, IV By Mr. A. Mark Bennett, III Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kandlbinder Rev. Dr. Carl Hendrix Fannin By Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Beck Rev. Dr. Ira Gallaway By Ms. Tammy Lee Cessna Dr. & Mrs. David Gorenz Mr. Jerry Hardesty Ms. Tammy Jane Hogan Ms. Clair M. Kaufman Ms. Margaret H. Kohlhase Mr. Ted & Mrs. Joan Krupa Mr. I. Louis McMurray Ms. Sarah Rodrigues Ms. Judith Stanley Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wendle Dr. & Mrs. J. Harold Greenlee By Ms. Lois G. Stuck Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Gober By Mr. & Mrs. John Warner, Jr. The Golden Class of 1963 By Dr. Alvern & Mrs. Jane Vom Steeg Rev. & Mrs. R. Fletcher Hardy, III By Ms. Mary Betterton Brosville Animal Clinic Dr. Steve & Mrs. Jeannie Harper By Rev. Donald & Mrs. Ola Comer Rev. Wayne Patrick Cook Rev. & Mrs. H. Thomas Harrison, Jr. By Asbury United Methodist Church of Tulsa, OK Ninde Funeral Directors Mr. & Mrs. William Warnock Mrs. Kari Lewis Howard By Dr. John Franklin Howard Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Huckaby By Rev. Robert & Dr. Susan Huckaby, Jr Mr. Justin Jump By Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Beck Dr. & Mrs. Chris Alan Kiesling By Rev. & Mrs. Mark E. Killam 29 Mr. & Mrs. John O. McNairy By Anya Cost Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Richard T. Mitchell, Jr. By Mrs. R. Carlisle Minter Dr. M. Robert Mulholland By Mr. Forrest Henson, Jr. Rev. Gary & Rev. Jayne Rideout By Mr. & Mrs. Bill Walker Benjamin & Samohya Stallons By Rev. Judith Ransbottom-Stallons Mr. Mark Stallons Jason & Erin Stallons By Rev. Judith Ransbottom-Stallons Mr. Mark Stallons Rev. & Mrs. John Swaim By Mrs. Susan Williams Dr. Timothy C. Tennent By Mr. & Mrs. John Warner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Tillmann By Mrs. Ola Comer Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Andi Wallace By Dr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Rev. Rocky and Mrs. Denise Wallace By Mr. & Mrs. James Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Shrout Ms. Janet Sparks Dr. & Mrs. Ben Witherington By Trailblazers Sunday School Class of FUMC Lexington in memory of Pastor Paul L. Amstutz By Mrs. Miriam Jean Amstutz Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Hammerbacher Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott McKay Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanders Ms. Muriel E. Sanford Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell, III By Lt. Gen. William B. and Rev. Stephanie Caldwell, IV Marian Chamberlain By Mr. Gary Chamberlain Rev. Donald R. Comer By Ms. Joyce D. Chandler Mrs. Ola Comer Mr. & Mrs. William R. Finklea Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Messer Mr. & Mrs. William D. Mullen Ms. Jean H. Perriman Mr. & Mrs. James R. Read Mildred H. Craven By Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Lewis Myers, Jr. Mr. Charles E. Crouse By Ms. Terra Aguirre Mr. & Mrs. Keith Armour Rev. & Mrs. Keith E. Brown Mr. James E. Capin Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Capin Mr. & Mrs. John Carlson Christ Wesleyan Church Ms. Deborah Christie Mr. & Mrs. Joe Crouse Mr. & Mrs. J. Henry Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Martha Easter Mr. & Mrs. David C. Elliott Dr. Arthur Fleser Mr. & Mrs. Winfred A. Foster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Fryman Mr. & Mrs. Bud Gallimore Mr. William K. Glover, II Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gyorffy Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Hodge Ms. Tammy Jane Hogan Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Mr. & Mrs. James Lavy Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Lintemuth Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mantle Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Mobley Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Marilyn Moore Mr. & Mrs. Edward Prigge Mr. Michael Rider Mr. & Mrs. John Shearer Mr. & Mrs. John Stumbo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. William Wesner, Jr. Mr. H. Forest Crum By Mrs. Grace Crum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ekberg Ms. Sara Ann Jackson & Family Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kotke Janet Waters Harvard & Lee Joe & Susie Waters Smetana & Cathy Ms. Lorraine Steines Daisy Waters Wagner & Family Vern & Janet Waters & Family Dr. Marvin Lee Deviney, Jr. By Mr. William Brown Mr. & Mrs. Gene Bruhn Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson Ms. Cheryl Lamastra Ms. Renee Marchant Miss Hira K. Dhanawade By Kamala M. John Mr. Samuel Clay Eden By Mr. & Mrs. David Bowles Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Burnell Ms. Patricia A. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Copeland Rev. Michael David Crump Dr. & Mrs. Julian A. Davies Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Eden Mr. Ted Eden Mrs. Karen Russell Hussar Mr. William Hussar Dr. & Mrs. J. Ellsworth Kalas Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Kathy Milans Dr. Steven & Dr. Angeline O’Malley Mrs. Kay Frazier By Rev. James M. Frazier Rev. Robert E. Frescoln By Ms. Karla L. Bryant Rev. & Mrs. Milan S. Coleman Rev. & Mrs. Steven Lesley Todd Mrs. Katherine Dixon Furr By Ms. Laura Joyce Witherington Mrs. Joyce Witherington Mrs. Sally Gallaway By Ms. Sarah J. Rodrigues Mr. Paul E. Haas By Mrs. Ellen Brantingham Mr. & Mrs. J. David Haas Ms. Kathy A. Haas Ms. Marie L. Nudi Mr. & Mrs. Wendell D. Pinkerton Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Rackley Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schlenke Mr. & Mrs. Dane Schlenke Ms. Darlene J Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Young Mrs. Betty Halbrook By Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mumford Ms. Carole Ann McDowell Schuster Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Verville Mrs. Bethany Hunter Hardman By Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Martyn Dr. Glenn Haswell By Mrs. Patricia M. Haswell Rev. William Hinson By Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Sanders Marilyn Kauffman By Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kandlbinder Mrs. Leona Kennard By Rev. Larry D. Kennard Rev. Dr. R. L. Kirk By Mrs. Patsy Edens Dr. Edmund C. Kornfeld By Rev. J. Russell & Mrs. Claire Williams Gladys Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Gayland Smith Mr. Earl F. Marmon By Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Martyn L. C. Maske By Dr. & Mrs. John W. Langley Mr. C. Gregory Maske Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy L. Maske Mrs. Doris McCall Rev. David L. Moe By Mrs. Martha Williamson Moe Mrs. Margaret Rogers By Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Tatsch Mrs. Helen Seamands By Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Martyn Mrs. Betty Stoddard By Ms. Beverly G. Sharpe Mr. Bill Younkin, Sr. Rev. Richard & Mrs. Betty C. Stoddard By Rev. Linda D. Stoddard Mr. Eldred Tumblin By Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Martyn Mrs. Jean Uible By Rev. Dr. Donny & Mrs. Mary Virginia Crowson Mr. Brian Russell Walker By Mr. & Mrs. William R. Walker Ms. Christy A. Witherington By Mr. James L. Baumgardner Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Brunstetter Ms. Rebecca Finan First United Methodist Church of Lexington, Kentucky Mr. & Mrs. James Horn Mr. & Mrs. James Lail Ms. Margie Ann McKinley Ms. Ann Tyler Certainty in an uncertain world. Today more than ever, people need reliability, certainty, and accountability when planning for their financial future. We are all looking for ways to invest that are stable, solid, and firm. For many of us, it means a return to classic financial values and enduring ideals. One of these values is the charitable gift annuity (CGA).* *A CGA is a simple agreement between you and Asbury Theological Seminary, where you agree to donate a sum of money to the Seminary. In return, we agree to pay you a fixed dollar amount every year for as long as you live. To learn more about charitable gift annuities, visit *Void where prohibited by state law. | 706.217.5193 Each gift invested in Asbury Seminary is important. You are investing in instruction, institutional support, academic support, student services, and auxiliary enterprises. Expenses by Function (FY 2012/13) $22,583,282 7% 9% 37% instruction 37% 12% 35% institution support 12% academic support 9% student services 7% auxiliary enterprises and public services instruction 35% • World-renowned faculty • Continuing education student services • Academic development of students • Spiritual formation for students institution support • Administrative support of the Leadership Team • Institutional Advancement academic support • Technology-rich classrooms • Research libraries • Administrative support for faculty auxiliary enterprises • • • • Dormitories Dining Services Bookstore Guest Services (hotel and conferencing functions) • Lecture series Your gift joins other streams of income... Tuition, Gifts & Grants, Endowment Income, Auxiliary Enterprises, and Other Revenues. Sources of Revenue (FY 2012/13) $23,043,380 9% 9% 60% tuition and fees 12% net assets released 10% 60% *Copy of Audited Financial Statement available upon request. 12% 10% other revenues 9% private gifts & grants 9% auxiliary enterprises 31 2013 Faculty Publications asbury seminary has a world-renowned faculty. Bauer, David R. “Perfection of Disciples in Matthew’s Gospel: An Examination of a Central Concept in Matthean Kingdom Ethics.” Kingdom Rhetoric: New Testament Explorations in Honor of Ben Witherington III. Eugene, OR. Wipf & Stock Pub (pp. 3-20) Bauer, David R. “Genealogy.” In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. 2nd ed. Ed. Joel B. Green, Jeannine K. Brown, and Nicholas Perrin. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, Oct. 2013 Collins, Kenneth J. and Jason Vickers. The Sermons of John Wesley: A Collection for the Christian Journey. Nashville, TN. Abingdon Press. 2013 Cook, John A. “Actionality (aktionsart): Pre-modern Hebrew”. In Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan. Leiden: Brill. 2013 Cook, John A. “Aspect: Pre-modern Hebrew”. In Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan. Leiden: Brill. 2013 Cook, John A. “Verb.” In Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan. Leiden: Brill. 2013 Cook, John A., and Robert D. Holmstedt. Beginning Biblical Hebrew: a Grammar and Illustrated Reader. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. 2013 Danielson, Robert “Independent Indigenous Mega Churches in El Salvador”. Missiology: An International Review, 41 (3) Dongell, Joseph R. “The Puzzle of ‘Earthly Things’ in John 3:12” Kingdom Rhetoric: New Testament Explorations in Honor of Ben Witherington III. Eugene, OR. Wipf & Stock Pub. Edgar, Brian G. God is Friendship: A Theology of Spirituality, Community and Society. Franklin, Tennessee: Seedbed Publishing. 2013 32 find their pictures, bios, and education background at Edgar, Brian G. “Invasion Theology: Asylum Seekers, Aborigines, ANZACS and Australian Identity.” Zadok Papers No. 198 (Winter 2013) 9-16. 2013 Edgar, Brian G. “A Tale of Two Cities: understanding the relationship between Christ and culture.” Zadok Paper No. 199 (Spring 2013) 1-8; Also published in abbreviated form in ACCatalyst: Assembly of Congregation within the Uniting Church, 7(2), 7-9. 2013 (Kiome)—Gatobu, Anne K. Female Identity Formation and Response to Intimate Trauma, Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications. 2013 Gatobu, Anne K. “Pastoral Implications: “The Shrewd Manager” (Luke 16:1-13)” in Lectionary Homiletics, Proper 20. September 22, 2013 Gatobu, Anne K. “Pastoral Implications: Humility and Engagement with the Marginalized. (Luke 14:1, 7-14)” in Lectionary Homiletics, Proper 17. September 1, 2013 Gatobu, Anne K. “Pastoral Implications: If my People Turn and Pray (Exodus 32:7-14)” Lectionary Homiletics, Proper 19. September 15, 2013 Gatobu, Anne K. “Pastoral Implications: Bridging the Gaps (Luke 16:19-31)” in Lectionary Homiletics, Proper 21. September 29, 2013 Henchy, Alexandra M. “The Benefits of Participating in Campus Recreation Programs and Facilities: A Comparison Between Undergraduate and Graduate Students.” Recreational Sports Journal 37 (2013), 97-105 Hiatt, R. J. “John Wesley’s Approach to Mission” Asbury Journal 68:1. Spring 2013 Johnson-Miller, Beverly. Guest Editor/Special Focus of the Christian Education Journal. Fall 2013 Johnson-Miller, Beverly. “Conversational Teaching and Christian Transformation” Christian Education Journal, Fall 2013 . Johnson-Miller, Beverly. Editorial, “Transfiguring Transformational Teaching” Christian Education Journal, Fall 2013 Johnson-Miller, Beverly. (editor) 1. Stop, Look, Listen: Contemplative Teaching and Learning by E. Byron Anderson 2. Transformational Teaching Insights from Neuroscience by Dean Blevins 3. Transformed by the Transfiguration: Reflections on a Biblical Understanding of Transformation and its Implications for Christian Education by S. Steve Kang and Michael Feldman 4. The Christian Story and Our Stories: Narrative Pedagogy in Congregational Life by Benjamin D. Espinoza 5. Transformative Learning Theory: Possibilities for Christian Education by Ellen L. Marmon Johnson-Miller, Beverly. (Consulting Editor) The Encyclopedia of Christian Education (In Press January 2014) Authored: “Transformation”, “Quaker Education”, “Sophia Fahs”, “Iris Cully”, “Mary Elizabeth Moore”, “The Educational Mission of the Church”, “Uniform Lesson Series” Johnson-Miller, Beverly. (Co-Authored) “Catechesis, Developmental Theory, and a Fresh Vision for Christian Education”, Christian Education Journal, Spring 2014. Keener, Craig S. Vol. 2 of Acts: An Exegetical Commentary. 4 vols. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012-2014. Vol. 2 (1152 pages). 2013 Keener, Craig S. “Jesus and Parallel Jewish and Greco-Roman Figures.” Pages 85111 in Christian Origins and Greco-Roman Culture: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament. Edited by Stanley Porter and Andrew W. Pitts. Vol. 1 of Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context. Vol. 9 in Texts and Editions for New Testament Study. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Keener, Craig S. “John, Gospel of.” In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. 2nd ed. Ed. Joel B. Green, Jeannine K. Brown, and Nicholas Perrin. 12,350 words. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, Oct. 2013 419-436 Keener, Craig S. “An Immigration Story.”Huffington Post (May 2013). http:// Keener, Craig S. “My Friend the Refugee.” Huffington Post (June 30, 2013). http://www. Keener, Craig S. “Love Which Enemies?” Prism 20 (2, March 2013): 30-32. Keener, Craig S. “An Immigration Story.” Prism 20 (Summer 2013): 9. Keener, Craig S. “Biblical Fidelity as an Evangelical Commitment.” Pp. 29-41 in Following Jesus: Journeys in Radical Discipleship. Essays in Honor of Ronald J. Sider. Edited by Paul Alexander and Al Tizon. Regnum Studies in Global Christianity. Oxford: Regnum, 2013. Keener, Craig S. “Interdependence and Mutual Blessing in the Church.” 187-95 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013. Keener, Craig S. “Is the Bible Reliable?” Explore God website, 2013. http://www. Long, Fred J. “Paul’s Prophesying Isa 28:11 in Context: The Signs of Unbelievers and Believers in 1 Corinthians 14.” Kingdom Rhetoric: New Testament Explorations in Honor of Ben Witherington III. Edited by T. Michael W. Halcomb. Eugene, Oreg.: Wipf & Stock, 2013. Long, Fred J. “Lectionary Exegesis of Luke 14:1, 7-14 Year C.” Lectionary Homiletics 24.5 (2013): 33-34. Long, Fred J. “Lectionary Exegesis of Luke 16:1-13 Year C.” Lectionary Homiletics 24.5 (2013): 56-57. Long, Fred J. “Lectionary Exegesis of Luke 16:19-31 Year C.” Lectionary Homiletics 24.5 (2013): 64-65. Long, Fred J. (co-edit) with M.W. Halcomb. 800 Words and Images: A New Testament Greek Vocabulary Builder. Accessible Greek Resources and Online Studies. Ed. Fredrick J. Long and T. Michael W. Halcomb. Wilmore, Ky.: GlossaHouse, 2013. Long, Fred J. (co-edit) with M.W. Halcomb. A Handbook of Ancient Greek Grammatical Terms: Greek-English and English-Greek. Accessible Greek Resources and Online Studies. Wilmore, Ky.: GlossaHouse, 2013. Long, Fred J. (co-edit) with M.W. Halcomb, and J. Day. The Path to Learning Greek. Accessible Greek Resources and Online Studies. Wilmore, Ky.: GlossaHouse, 2013. Long, Fred J. (co-edit) with M.W. Halcomb, J. Klay, and Chad M. Foster, eds. 1-3 John: A General Reader. Accessible Greek Resources and Online Studies. Wilmore, Ky.: GlossaHouse, 2013. Maldonado Pérez, Zaida “Justo: His Legacy of Forming Hispanic/Latina-o Leaders” in A Legacy of Fifity Years: The Life and Work of Justo González edited by Stan Perea. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2013. (The same book is both in English and Spanish). Marmon, Ellen L. “Transformative Learning Theory: Connections with Christian Adult Education” Christian Education Journal, Series 3, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Fall 2013). Ed. Beverly Johnson-Miller Marmon, Ellen L. “Teaching Through the Lenses of Orality and Literacy: One Professor’s Journey” Religious Education Journal, Vol. 108, No. 3 (June 2013). Ed. Jack Seymour Moon, W. Jay “Teaching Oral Learners in Institutional Settings.” In Beyond Literate Western Models: Contextualizing Theological Education in Oral Contexts. Samuel Chiang and Grant Lovejoy, eds. Hong Kong: International Orality Network. 2013 Moon, W. Jay “Encouraging Ducks to Swim: Suggestions for Seminary Professors Teaching Oral Learners,” William Carey International Development Journal 2013 2(2):3-10. Moon, W. Jay “Using Rituals to Disciple Oral Learners: Part 1.” Orality Journal 2013 2(1):43-63. Okesson, Gregg A. (contributor) The Cape Town Commitment: A Confession of Faith, A Call to Action edited by Darrell Bock. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013. Pasquarello III, Michael “God Our Teacher: a Wesleyan Vision of Theological Education”, Wesleyan Theological Journal, Fall 2013 Peterson, Michael L. Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, 5th edition (Oxford University Press, to be released mid-January 2014 Peterson, Michael L. “Evolution and Christianity: The Power of a Worldview” in Personal Journeys into Evolution by Evangelical Thinkers (John Templeton Foundation Press, 2013) Peterson, Michael L. “The Problem of Evil” in The Oxford Handbook of Atheism edited by Stephen Bullivant (Oxford University Press, 2013) Peterson, Michael L. “The Encounter between Atheistic Naturalism and Christian Theism” in Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, 5th edition, ed. by Michael Peterson, et al. (Oxford University Press, 2014). Seamands, Stephen A. Preparing for Ordination: A Guide for Preparing Written Materials for United Methodist Probationary Members and Meeting with Your Board of Ordained Ministry (Asbury Seedbed). Published June 2014. Smith, Daryl. Radical Journey: A Discipling Immersion with Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Lulu Ent. 2013 Stratton, Stephen P. (2013). Thinking ahead: The neuroscience of Wesley’s dispositional love. In A. J. Headley’s Getting It Right: Christian Perfection and Wesley’s Purposeful List (pp. 171-178). Lexington, KY: Emeth Press. Tennent, Timothy C. “Why I am an Evangelical and a Methodist”, Why We Belong, ed. by Anthony L. Chute. Wheaton, IL. Crossway. 2013. Tippey, Paul A. Bartholomew, J., and Veldheer, K. “Supporting Online Education: Provision & Assessment of Resources and Services.” American Theological Library Association, Summary Of Proceedings, 66. June 2013 Voigts, Michael C. Letters of Ascent: Spiritual Direction in the letters of Bernard of Clairvaux, Eugene OR. Pickwick Pub. 2013 Witherington III, Ben and K. Yamazaki-Ransom “Lord.” In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. 2nd ed. Ed. Joel B. Green, Jeannine K. Brown, and Nicholas Perrin. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, Oct. 2013 526-535 Ybarrola, Steven J. “Diasporas and Multiculturalism: Social Ideologies, Liminality, and Cultural Identity.” In The Human Tidal Wave: Global Migration, Megacities, Multiculturalism, Pluralism, Diaspora Missiology, ed. Sadiri Joy Tira. LifeChange Publishing, 2013. Ybarrola, Steven J. “The Jesus Network.” In Revitalization Amid Diaspora, ed. J. Steven O’Malley. Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 79-95, 2013. 33 News Dr. Ben Witherington invited to Speak at Ratzinger Foundation Historical Jesus Symposium Dr. Ben Witherington III, Jean R. Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies, travelled to Rome October 24-26, 2013 for a symposium entitled The Gospels. Historical and Christological Research sponsored by the Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation. While the symposium was led by members of the Roman Catholic Church, scholars from around the world were invited to speak. Dr. Witherington was one of only a handful of Protestant scholars who presented, and the only New Testament scholar in the United States invited to speak at this prestigious event. 90 Minute Debate Hosted on Christian Theism vs. Atheist Naturalism Professor of Philosophy and Religion Dr. Michael Peterson held a debate on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 with Dr. Michael Ruse, Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy at Florida State University. This 90 minute Christian Theism versus Atheist Naturalism debate covered questions such as: Does science disprove faith? Is it more rational to be an atheist than to believe in God? Does science contradict the Bible? Battles between “Science and Religion” and “Atheism and Faith” continue in American society. Asbury Theological Seminary is committed to excellence in theological education; this commitment includes engagement with important intellectual and cultural issues on behalf of Christian faith. The Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements cosponsored Consultation in Nairobi, Kenya The Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements co-sponsored a Consultation in Nairobi, Kenya, on July 18–21, 2013. Entitled, “New Cities, New Jerusalems: Emerging Patterns of Christian Identity in Urban East Africa,” the Consultation opened with a lecture by Emeritus Professor Paul Gifford of the Center for Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. The heart of the Consultation consisted of two days of intensive work by international, interdisciplinary teams of scholars and practitioners who examined five case studies on current renewal movements in Nairobi (Kenya), Kampala (Uganda), and Bunia (Democratic Republic of Congo). The Center for World Christianity at Africa International University (AIU) in Nairobi was the co-sponsor of the event. AIU is a strategic global partner institution with Asbury Theological Seminary. 34 Funded by a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, this Consultation was the first of four such research/ consultation projects conducted by the Revitalization Center in non-Western regions of the world. The Center will conduct a similar project in northern India in 2014, the Philippines (2015), and Costa Rica/Latin America (2016). Jim Miller, Professor of Inductive Biblical Studies and New Testament and Director of the Revitalization Center, serves as the Director for the Luce grant project. Asbury Theological Seminary and the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies Form New Partnership On June 24th, 2013 Asbury Theological Seminary and the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) entered a multi-faceted cooperative affiliation, providing a structure for bilateral faculty and student exchange, team-teaching, joint research and publication projects, cooperative mission ventures, and digital resource sharing. This is the seventh such international partnership Asbury has formed in the last two years, and the second in India. The roots of the Asbury linkage with SAIACS are deep, extending to Methodist missionaries of previous generations such as J.T. Seamands for whom one of their buildings is named. Since its founding thirty-one years ago several Asbury faculty have taught at SAIACS, including veteran professors John Oswalt and Robert Coleman. Announcing the Winner of the 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award “The Award Committee is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2013 Asbury Theological Seminary Distinguished Alumni Award is Dr. Steven G. W. Moore. After much consideration by the selection committee, it became clear that Steve Moore should be the recipient. Steve has a distinguished career in higher education as well as deep roots at Asbury Theological Seminary. He graduated with a M.Div. in 1980 and then returned to be the Senior Vice President from 2001–2006. He continues to serve the Seminary as a current member of the Board of Trustees. Congratulations Steve!” said Tammy Cessna, Director of Alumni Relations. Dr. Tennent comments on this great achievement, “Steve brings such a diverse background and experience to Asbury Seminary, for which I am so grateful. His love for students and student formation is legendary. I have met people all across the country who were either discipled by him or were part of a Wesley Fellowship which he helped to organize. Steve understands the multiplication inherent in discipleship and forming new leaders for the church!” Lay Mobilization e-Luncheons with the Director each monday at 12 p.m. et The intent of the Lay Mobilization Institute is to mobilize the entire people of God as disciple-making disciples in ministry and mission within each congregation in order to transform the world around them. This event will last an hour or less. During the session, you will: • Learn about the unique aspects of Asbury Seminary’s Lay Mobilization Institute • Chat with the director, Dr. Bryan Sims • Learn how to build a clergy-lay ministry team that multiplies disciples in your church • Locate an LMI offering near you • Discover ways to afford the Lay Mobilization Institute journey • Get a $50 registration fee waiver! Register today at Please join President Timothy C. Tennent as he shares the Asbury Seminary vision in your area. Tennent Tours are well under way, so mark your calendar now! At each of his stops, Dr. Tennent is honored to be speaking at various Saturday evening and Sunday morning services. 2014 Dates: January 31 – February 2 Christ UMC Memphis, Tennessee February 7–9 Killearn UMC Tallahassee, Florida March 7–9 New Covenant UMC The Villages, Florida April 4–6 First Methodist Houston Houston, Texas September 12–14 Asbury UMC/First UMC Tulsa, Oklahoma November 14–16 Parker UMC Denver, Colorado For event schedule, reservations, and information, please contact Major Events by phone, 877.PRAY.ATS (772.9287) or email, Doctor of Ministry e-Luncheons with the Director each monday at 12 p.m. et God is still making masterpieces, one life at a time, one leader at a time. The Asbury Seminary Doctor of Ministry Program is designed for academically serious, mid-career congregational leaders who qualify to immerse themselves in a program of renewing, retooling and refueling. We invite you to look over our program’s key features at The D.Min. program may be just the right experience that God will use to further shape you. Get more information today at You will see information about the 2014 Ministry Conference on the back cover. Here is an additional invitation for you! We invite you to join Dr. Ben Witherington III for an exclusive book reading and signing on the Kentucky Campus during Ministry Conference. Wednesday, March 19, 2014 A Week in the Life of Corinth (Published 2013) Bring your copy of the Herald with you for FREE ADMISSION to this special event! 204 North Lexington Avenue Wilmore, Kentucky 40390 800.2ASBURY address service requested To learn more about these two conferences and other Lifelong Learning Events, please visit today! Strengthening clergy and other caregivers for ministry with those facing aging, death and dying, disability, and birth technology issues. FEBRUARY 4–6, 2014 The Bioethics Conference at Asbury Seminary provides a distinctive biblical word about prevalent cultural issues regarding the status and worth of humanity. These issues include death and dying, disability and sickness, health care and reproductive technologies. This conference will not only discuss these issues, providing space for thoughtful discussion, but also offer a theological framework for reflection to ensure that beliefs and actions align. Speakers include keynote, Dr. John Kilner; special guest Dr. James Holsinger; and Asbury Seminary faculty who are experts in the field. Please call The Beeson Center (888.5BEESON ) for more information.