reaching - Children`s Hospital of Wisconsin
reaching - Children`s Hospital of Wisconsin
r e a c NEW h HEIGHTS ing dea r FRIENDS, The past year brought many ups and downs for health care organizations, with most of those related to the economy. The same was true for Children’s Hospital and Health System. To be sure, 2009 was a year of challenge, but more importantly, it was a year of excitement, opportunity and growth. Larry Rambo Our peak, of course, was the opening of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s new west tower last March. The expansion allows us to provide private rooms for patients in all three towers. It also offers amenities to make the entire inpatient experience more comfortable, safe and efficient for patients, their families and our own staff. Of course, the year also brought a significant challenge in the form of H1N1 influenza. Thanks to incredible teamwork among our patient care staff, support staff and volunteers, we were able to manage hundreds of flu-related patient visits while continuing to care for children with other needs. Jim Miller Between the spring and fall waves of flu activity, we took a bold step west. In August, we opened Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Clinics-New Berlin to bring our specialty treatment services closer to patients and families in Milwaukee’s western suburbs. Our patient counts continue to rise there, and we’ve been warmly welcomed by the community and local health care providers. At the same time, we continued to provide health and safety education, social services, foster care and adoption, and related services through Children’s Health Education Center and Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin. At Children’s Research Institute, our investigators continued to explore ways to diagnose and prevent health problems before they occur. Their success in identifying genetic markers for polycystic kidney disease is a great example of the center’s groundbreaking work. Peggy Troy, MSN, RN While expansion played a big role last year, we know there is more to be done. The demand for our surgical services continues to grow, and our Emergency Department/ Trauma Center needs additional space. We also are committed to expanding our role in supporting underserved children. We look forward to our continued partnership with you to help provide the very best care and services for children and families in our community – as we have done for more than 100 years. We hope you enjoy the stories and information that follow. Your involvement and investment make our mission possible, one child at a time. Sincerely, Larry Rambo Chairman Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Board of Directors Jim Miller President and CEO Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Peggy Troy, MSN, RN President and CEO Children’s Hospital and Health System contents Page 2009 Milestones 2 A year of great strides and important work Expanding patient care 4 Exciting growth continues at hospital Meeting community needs 6 Dental care is high priority Finding connections 8 Family Finding program helps kids find permanent homes Exploring the possibilities 10 Research leads to screening for kidney disease Achieving goals 12 2009 Statement of Operations Securing the future Thanks for your generosity Did you know? Children’s Hospital and Health System has more than 2,200 volunteers who donate 42,000 hours each year. Their service is valued at more than $800,000 annually. 14 r e m e m b eMILESTONES ring JANUARY Peggy Troy, MSN, RN, joined Children’s Hospital and Health System as president and CEO. Children’s Hospital and Health System launched to share information on child health topics. The blog offers comments on pediatric health, parenting, injury prevention and child safety, advocacy, adoption and foster care. FEBRUARY In its February 2009 issue, Parents magazine published the results of its Best Children’s Hospitals Survey. It rated Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin third in the nation. In addition, Children’s Hospital earned top-10 ratings in five specialty areas: emergency medicine No. 2, neonatology No. 5, pulmonary medicine No. 7, heart care No. 9 and cancer care No. 10. MARCH Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin opened its new west tower, beginning a new chapter in its 115-year history of caring for children. The 12-story, 425,000-square-foot west tower expansion increased the hospital’s bed count to 296 and allowed us to provide private rooms throughout the hospital. The tower has room for additional expansion. The American Nurses Credentialing Center once again named Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin a member of the prestigious Magnet® Recognition Program for excellence in nursing services. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Gov. Jim Doyle visited Children’s Research Institute to learn about the cutting-edge, innovative research center located in Milwaukee. After a tour of the laboratories, the governor heard from investigators about their research and how the support of the state government and donors has improved health care for Wisconsin children. APRIL Children’s Health Education Center’s e-learning programs now deliver health education to more than 15,000 Wisconsin students. The programs address growing health-related issues in children, including drug abuse, bullying, obesity, nutrition and body image. MAY Radio hosts Dave Luczak and Carole Caine hosted the 12th annual Dave & Carole Miracle Marathon on WKLH 96.5 FM for Children’s Hospital. The annual radiothon raised $1.3 million, bringing the grand total to more than $12 million in 12 years. The 2009 Fore the Kids Charity Golf Classic continued the late Max McGee’s efforts to help children with diabetes. JUNE The Welfare Auxiliary of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin presented a check for $165,000 to benefit the hospital’s Child Protection Center. The gift represents the largest donation to date raised by the auxiliary’s annual fundraising event, the Swan Ball. Since its formation 83 years ago, the Welfare Auxiliary has raised nearly $2.3 million. 2 JULY Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin proudly partnered with the U.S. Bank Championship. The Pro-Am Fore Kids kicked off the tournament’s week of festivities, along with the Imagine the Possibilities Dinner Celebration. Since 2000, the Pro-Am and Dinner Celebration have raised more than $3.7 million to support programs, clinics and research. La Gran D 104.7 FM, a Milwaukee-area Spanish language radio station, hosted a three-day radiothon July 9-11, raising more than $53,000. The 32nd annual Wisconsin Football Coaches Association All-Star Charity Football Game benefiting Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin was held at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. The event raised more than $130,000 for patient care programs. AUGUST Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Clinics-New Berlin, a new outpatient specialty center, opened to the public. The outpatient center brings more than 15 pediatric specialties closer to the children and parents of New Berlin, Wis., and surrounding communities. Among its specialties are Allergy/Asthma (adult and pediatric), Audiology, Behavioral Health, Cardiology, ENT and Gastroenterology. Radio listeners participated in the FM 106.1 Care-A-Van for Kids benefiting Children’s Hospital and Health System’s Child Abuse Prevention Fund. Featuring inspirational stories told by child abuse and neglect survivors, the two-day radiothon raised more than $120,000. SEPTEMBER The 11th annual Louie’s Last Regatta attracted more than 140 boats. This is one of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s largest independent fundraising events and has contributed more than $550,000 in support of cancer care since its inception. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin announced the launch of an influenza prevention campaign. The campaign, titled “Children’s Flu Fighters,” helped educate preschool and school-age children and their caregivers about how to prevent the spread of viruses – including H1N1 – as well as other common winter illnesses. OCTOBER The 32nd Briggs & Al’s Run & Walk for Children’s Hospital was a huge success. More than 14,500 participants helped raise more than $1 million. To date, this event has generated more than $10.5 million in support of patient care programs. The first Push.Pull.Pedal. event was held at Winnequah Park in Monona, Wis. With more than 150 participants, the event raised more than $24,000 for Herma Heart Center. NOVEMBER The 20th annual Sugar Plum Luncheon, a holiday-themed event, was held at Westmoor Country Club in Brookfield, Wis. It raised more than $55,000. Bids for Kids, a fundraising dinner to benefit adoption services provided by Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin, was held for the 14th time. The event raised $110,000. DECEMBER Children’s Hospital and Health System released its latest Community Benefits Report. The report shared details regarding more than $114 million that health system entities invested in the community in 2008. Read Danayja’s story on Page 5. 2008 COMMUNITY BENEFITS REPORT Improving the health status of our children 3 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T e x p a nPATIENT d iCARE ng Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s new west tower. 4 Exciting growth continues at hospital Surgical expansion critical to our future Looking back at 2009, you’ll see accomplishment after accomplishment in our health system. The most significant, perhaps, was the opening of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s west tower. This 12-story, 425,000-square-foot addition addressed a pressing need for more inpatient beds. It also allowed us to provide private rooms for patients throughout the entire hospital. We also expanded our cardiac catheterization lab. Cardiac catheterization is a procedure that tests how well the heart is pumping by examining the blood flow to the heart. The new cath lab, opened in February 2010, provides safer, more reliable patient care with the best equipment available. It is the only pediatric hybrid cath lab in Wisconsin, allowing us to conduct many complex and life-saving surgeries in a minimally invasive way. Plans are developing to expand Children’s Hospital’s surgical space. The need for operating rooms and special procedures rooms has risen steadily during the past 10 years. In 2000, we performed 11,965 surgeries. In 2009, the number was 15,822. “The demand continues to grow,” said Mary O’Connor, MBA, MSN, RN, director of Surgical Services. “We project another 4 percent growth for 2010. It’s crucial that we expand to serve the needs of our patients.” C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin’s new cath lab. Did you know? Forty-one interpreters serve children and families in the hospital who do not speak English fluently, helping them feel comfortable and safe. $50 can help a family receive professional translation services while at the hospital. 5 mCOMMUNITY e e t iNEEDS ng Dental care is high priority for health system Good oral health is essential to kids’ well-being Kids and their families often overlook dental care, yet it’s critical to good pediatric health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, early childhood tooth decay may be the most prevalent infectious disease among our nation’s children. We know it’s a problem in southeastern Wisconsin, particularly in Milwaukee’s economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. In fact, dental problems are the No. 2 reason patients visit our Emergency Department/Trauma Center. Many of those children are treated at Children’s Dental Clinic. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T The clinic accommodates nearly 20,000 visits each year. For Camilla Boyles and her newly adopted daughter, 4-year-old Danayja, the clinic was life-changing. Prior to treatment, Danayja had chronic mouth problems. She couldn’t bite into solid food, and she could not smile. The Dental Clinic treated Danayja, whose problems were complicated by a rare, underlying disease called chronic neutropenia. Now, with a healthy mouth, little Danayja has a wonderful smile. Unfortunately, Children’s Dental Clinic doesn’t have the capacity or financial resources to treat all the children in Milwaukee who desperately need dental care. Many of these children are insured only by Medicaid, which typically covers just 36 percent of dental costs. With donor funding and community support, Children’s is planning to build the Next Door Dental Clinic at the Next Door Foundation in Metcalf Park, an impoverished neighborhood just north of downtown. The clinic will make dental care accessible to children who would otherwise go without. This care could prevent years or even a lifetime of dental pain, mouth problems, misplaced or missing teeth and a host of related health care problems for children in Milwaukee. 6 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Danayja and her mom, Camilla Boyles. Did you know? Children’s Hospital employs two full-time chaplains and six on-call chaplains. $100 helps purchase spiritual books or videos for use by families. 7 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T f i nCONNECTIONS ding Thanks to the Family Finding program, the Post family connected with another member, Alexander, who was not available for this photo. Several family members posed for a recent photo, including: (back row) Amanda, Eric and Nicholas Post; (middle row) parents Chris and Callie Post; (front row) Saxon, Ella, Callie and Aubree Post. Callie and Aubree are Eric Post’s twin daughters. 8 Family Finding program helps kids find permanent homes connects foster children with biological family members One of the most important factors for establishing safe, permanent homes for children in out-of-home care is helping them find meaningful connections with biological family members. Studies show that children thrive when cared for by family members. Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin is helping to connect children with their families through the Family Finding program. The program was launched in 2009, thanks to a $1.2 million grant from the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families – Children’s Bureau. The grant calls for the health system to raise an additional $600,000. Children’s Service Society was one of only four agencies nationwide to receive funding. The grant will allow Children’s Service Society to provide family-finding services to kids throughout Wisconsin. The goal is to help more than 300 children in foster care during the three-year grant period. The Family Finding program uses a computer-based research method to identify and locate family members. Children’s Service Society’s Family Finding specialists use the information to help connect kids in out-of-home care to biological relatives. The specialists team with family members to create a plan that helps provide a safe, permanent home for each child. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T The program recently connected Callie and Christopher Post of Marshall, Mo., with a 2-year-old relative in foster care in Milwaukee. “Before we were contacted through Family Finding, we didn’t even know about little Alexander,” Callie explained. “We came to Milwaukee to meet him and spend time together over Thanksgiving weekend, and he fit in so well with our family.” The Posts, who have seven children including 1½-year-old twins, hope to become Alexander’s foster parents. “I think he’ll do well with us,” said Callie, a registered nurse. “He needs to be loved and have a family to hug him. When we learned that he needed a permanent home, we knew he belonged with us.” “It’s incredibly important for children to connect with their families,” said Maria McDermott, director of Out-of-Home Care for Children’s Service Society. “They need to be part of a family, not just part of a system.” Did you know? Children’s Health Education Center distributed more than 600 car seats last year and taught families how to install and use them. The program relies on donations and received $200,000 in 2009. 9 e x p THE l oPOSSIBILITIES ring Research leads to screening for a common yet deadly kidney disease Another example of bench-to-bedside care For the parents of little Addison Strobel, the months and years ahead will be filled with many typical questions about their daughter’s development. “When will she walk?” “When will she talk?” “Will she excel in school?” “Is she happy and healthy?” C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T One thing they won’t have to question is whether or not she could have polycystic kidney disease – a disease that took the life of her brother shortly after birth. Thanks to groundbreaking research conducted by Children’s Research Institute, in partnership with The Medical College of Wisconsin, Jana and Tim Strobel welcomed their daughter with healthy kidneys. Polycystic kidney disease, which is inherited from parents, results in the growth of fluid filled cysts in the kidneys. Eventually it can prevent the kidneys from functioning normally. Polycystic kidney disease is the third leading cause of chronic kidney failure and affects at least 1 in every 4,000 people. Children’s Research Institute discovered a unique method of testing for the disease. It involves creating whole genome amplification from a single cell. This technique eliminates many common problems previously seen in other protocols and allows genetic testing to be performed very early. The research team was led by Ellis Avner, MD, director of Children’s Research Institute. He also serves as a professor and associate dean, Research, at The Medical College of Wisconsin. Thanks to the team’s efforts, Children’s Research Institute has created a worldwide resource to help parents have a child free from polycystic kidney disease. It is yet another example of translational research, in which Children’s Research Institute takes clinical problems from patients’ bedsides to the laboratory. Laboratory discoveries are then converted into new treatments, preventive measures, therapies and cures for patients. 10 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Jana and Tim Strobel with Addison. Did you know? Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin performed 46 bone marrow transplants in 2009. $140 will purchase 12 DVD movies to help entertain these patients during their long hospital stays. 11 a c h i e v GOALS ing C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2009 Statement of Operations for Children’s Hospital and Health System For more than a century, Children’s Hospital and Health System has been caring for children. Through all those years of change, the commitment of our supporters to help make life better for children has remained the same. Their gifts touched thousands of lives. On behalf of the children who sought care and treatment in 2009, we thank more than 20,000 individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations that donated more than $18.5 million last year. We will go forward to provide the best care possible to every child regardless of his or her family’s ability to pay and continue to carefully, thoughtfully steward your investment. 12 Areas your gifts supported $8,000,000 Clinical $ 3,167,238 Research $ Advocacy $ 1,550,651 Education $ 1,003,896 International health $ West tower $ 1,174,352 Unrestricted funds $ 3,938,935 Endowment funds $ 7,174,813 $7,000,000 510,721 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 95,583 $18,616,189 Source of gifts $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $ 6,496,538 Corporations and closely-held corporations $ 4,506,048 Foundations $ 445,160 Organizations and schools $ 346,040 Events $ 1,615,718 Planned giving $ 5,206,685 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T $1,000,000 Individuals and family foundations $0 $18,616,189 Grant funding 10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Children’s Hospital $ 3,503,426 Children’s Research Institute $ 9,376,262 Child Abuse Prevention Fund $ Children’s Health Education Center $ 2,939,758 School-Health Nurse Program $ 1,013,306 Children’s Service Society $ 1,627,876 745,947 $19,206,575 $0 13 s e c uTHEr FUTURE ing 2009 COMMITMENTS C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Donors who made a commitment payable over time during the past year. $250,000 and above $25,000 – $49,999.99 Abbott Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Bauman KBS Construction, Inc. Variety – The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin West Foundation Judy and John Bongiorno Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Feroah, PhD Forrer Business Interiors, Inc. The Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pepke Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Plichta Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Radoszewski Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schmidt $100,000 – $249,999.99 The CUNA Mutual Group Foundation Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc. Ladish Company Foundation Milwaukee Golf Charities, Inc. Kim and John Schlifske $50,000 – $99,999.99 Mr. Mark E. Anderson Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Larson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lindenberg Metavante Corporation Kevin and Patti Van Kampen Wisconsin Energy Foundation 14 2009 CIRCLES OF GIVING: INDIVIDUALS/FAMILY FOUNDATIONS Individuals and family foundations with annual gifts of $1,000 or more in 2009. LEADERS’ CIRCLE $1,000,000 and above Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herma $250,000 – $499,999.99 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Feroah, PhD $100,000 – $249,999.99 The Bleser Family Foundation Mrs. John B. Gardetto Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masters Nicholas Family Foundation Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zore Mary ANN AND GREG RENZ In June 2009, several donors received the Nunnemacher $50,000 – $99,999.99 Award at the Anonymous (1) Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation, Inc. Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation Scott R. Haag Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hamacher Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Margolis Arlene and Chip Meier Circles of Giving $25,000 – $49,999.99 CIRCLE OF CARE $10,000 – $24,999.99 Anonymous (5) The Donald & Judith Alstadt Charitable Research Foundation Mr. Mark E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Asmuth The Asmuth Foundation Dr. Ellis D. and Dr. Jane A. Avner at Westmoor Country Club in Brookfield, Wis. Honorees Mary Ann and Greg Renz have volun- Mary Ann and Greg Renz teered hundreds of hours to manage health system events, chair C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Abraham Thomas and Diane Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Black Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Denise and David Bunning Gerald E. and Elizabeth H. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. David J. Drury Dr. Eric J. Hohenwalter and Mrs. Jennifer A. Blahnik Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Kubale Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Larson Frank R. and Marisa F. Martire Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mosher Mr. and Mrs. J. Joel Quadracci Joel Quadracci – The Windhover Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Rambo Reiman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Kim and John Schlifske Arch W. Shaw Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John S. Shiely Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Stock Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. James S. Tweddell Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Wilson Luncheon held committees and serve as board directors and advisors. They have backed up their donated time and talents with generous financial support as well. Tim and Crystal Birkenstock Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bolger Mr. and Mrs. William B. Broydrick Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Buehrle Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Buonaccorsi Mrs. James Cary Mr. Helio Castroneves Jane A Chevako, MD Ms. Cinthia S. Christensen and Mr. Todd M. Weir Dr. Roger D. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crneckiy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curt S. Culver Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellsworth Mr. Jere C. Fabick Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon F. Foster Mr. Jeff Gentine Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gutzeit Mrs. Joanne A. Haertle Scott and Kathy Happ Cynthia and Jeff Harris Mr. Thomas R. Hendee Virginia Hendee and Joseph Huetz Mark and Janet Hogan Mrs. Charles D. Jacobus, Sr. Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation 15 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jenkins Kevin J. Kelly, MD, and Christine M. Walsh-Kelly, MD Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kliegman Carol A. Kling The Charles E. Kubly Foundation The family of Billy Lagerstrom Dr. George M. Lange and Dr. Marlene D. Melzer-Lange Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lindenberg Love 4 Lexi Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lubotsky Mrs. Denise McGee Mr. and Mrs. John S. McGregor Linda and John Mellowes Audrey and Jack Miller Family Charitable Foundation Sheryl and Jim Miller Ms. Mary L. Mowbray and Mr. Roland P. Schroeder Mr. Walter J. Mundschau Mr. Donald K. Mundt Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nasgovitz John and Peggy Niemer Joey O'Brien Foundation, Inc. Keith T. Oldham and Karen S. Guice Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. O'Meara Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Rasansky Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ribbens Ms. Marcia Rimai and Mr. Daryl L. Diesing Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Riordan The Alicia Rose Victorious Foundation Lori & Rick Rosmann Foundation James and Ellen Rossmeissl Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Rothman Dr. Colin D. Rudolph and Dr. Harriet S. Iwamoto Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sampson Mr. Harold E. Schiferl Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schmidt Mrs. Marvin C. Schuette Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sommerhauser Mrs. Irene Spyhalski Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Trau Ron and Peggy Troy David and Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation, Inc. Kevin and Patti Van Kampen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry D. Veenhuis Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Vice James Wheeler Campbell Memorial Foundation Mr. Kurt E. Widmann Ken and Karen Yontz Andrew A. Ziegler and Carlene Murphy Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Zoeller CIRCLE OF HOPE $5,000 – $9,999.99 Anonymous (2) Ms. Patricia Allison and Mr. Ralph Stonebraker Renee and Tom Boldt Judy and John Bongiorno Howard Bornstein and Judy Russell Mike Bostrom Joan and Fred Brengel Family Foundation Mr. Robert M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Costigan Mr. Frank J. Daily and Ms. Julianna Ebert Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. D’Angelo Mrs. Joan L. Deardorff Dr. Beth A. Drolet and Mr. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Duncan 16 Missy JACOBUS MACLEOD For more than a half-century, the Jacobus family has dedicated time and resources to community service and philanthropy. Children’s Hospital and Health System has benefitted from the family’s ongoing generosity. D.C. Jacobus planted the first seeds of philanthropy when he founded the Jacobus Family Foundation in 1954. When he died in 1985, his four children decided to split the foundation along family lines. Charles D. Jacobus launched the Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation in 1986, with a focus on children’s needs. He, his wife, Eugenia, and the Jacobus Company made generous gifts to the foundation. The foundation established a fund at Children’s Hospital for cancer care that they contribute to annually. Charles Jacobus’ daughter, Missy Jacobus MacLeod, stepped in to manage the foundation upon his death in 1997. MacLeod now serves as president of the foundation and also serves on the Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Board of Directors. “In addition to cancer care, we fund programs and services that help children who live in parts of Milwaukee that are underserved,” MacLeod said. “We’re concerned with health care and issues like obesity and safety as well as mental illness. Children’s works to meet those needs. We think Children’s is incredibly important to Milwaukee for the care it provides, and also for its economic impact. It’s a huge employer that is very important to the local economy.” Dr. Thomas H. Dunigan Ms. Lee Anne Eddy Florie and Tom Enders Tom and Nancy Gazzana Mr. Thomas A. Greene Dr. and Mrs. David D. Gummin Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hefty Mr. and Mrs. Rolf R. Hempel Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hirasuna Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Hosmer Mrs. Peter D. Humleker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Kahn Dr. Bruce Kaufman J. J. Keller Foundation, Inc. CIRCLE OF PROMISE $2,500 – $4,999.99 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Anger Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick C. Austermann Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Beam Mr. Thomas H. Bentley III Mr. and Mrs. Terence G. Bischoff Ms. Bonnie Blad Mr. Richard L. Blomquist and Mrs. Patrice L. Bringe-Blomquist Mr. and Mrs. Steven Booth Mr. and Mrs. John P. Breidster Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown Ms. Elaine Burke Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Dahlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. DeRosa Dream Makerz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dave Durment Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. Field Mr. Danny Finn Ms. Carolyn J. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Ethan C. Frounfelker Gebhardt Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan V. Goodman Dr. John B. Gordon and Mrs. Catherine Firth Gordon Mr. and Mrs. John A. Groskopf Mr. Paul Grunau and Mrs. Jeanie Hart-Grunau Mr. and Mrs. William R. Haack Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Hammes Ms. Suzanne C. Hansen Mrs. Caroly Hendee-Nadelhoffer Dr. George M. Hoffman and Mrs. Holly C. Rockwell Mr. William H. Honrath and Ms. Elizabeth M. Blackwood Mr. Tom Hybicki Mr. James R. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jurgenson Al and Maryanne Kessel Mr. and Mrs. Irving K. Kao Nancy and John Korom Mr. Rodney S. Kussow Mr. and Mrs. William E. LaMacchia, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lausten Mr. and Mrs. Donald Levy Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lewenauer Mrs. Robert A. Lewenauer Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Marotta Mr. Jared T. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Matson Ms. Michelle Mettner Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Miller Dr. Michael E. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Moranski Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. O’Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Pascucci Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Plichta Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Polacheck Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Poliner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Quick Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Quinn Judge Bruce A. Ranta and Dr. Marylyn Ranta Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Jon Riggs Mrs. Holly Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Savage William G. and Betty Schuett Family Foundation Jeffrey P. and Mary L. Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Scovil Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scurek Silverman Family Foundation Mr. Jeff Simon Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Spence Dr. and Mrs. John G. Thometz Mr. Timothy N. Thorn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Train Mr. and Mrs. Chris G. Trost Mr. and Mrs. James N. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wiklin Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wojkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Worthy C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Juliet Kersten and David Rusch Allen D. Kohl Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Krohn Mary Ann and Charles P. LaBahn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Leopold Mr. Benjamin Lukens Steven J. Marcus and Colleen K. Dougherty Camilla and David Mathews Ms. Elaine F. Mau Dale R. Michels and Ruth L. Michels Family Foundation Jeffrey Modell Foundation Mr. Randy Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Munson Paul and Shirley Neylon Chris and Anne Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Orr III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Palmen Ms. Julie J. Pedretti Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pepke Janice and Raymond Perry Community Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Peters The Rod Petersen Family Thomas M. and Sheri F. Price Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Radoszewski Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Refinski The Gary and Gail Reynolds Family Trust Sheila M. Reynolds and Robert S. Chang The ROS Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Ramesh C. Sachdeva Dr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Sato Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ship Mr. and Mrs. Dale Siejkowski Dr. Scott and Mary Ellen B. Stanek Mr. and Mrs. Bart Starr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thrun Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Van Handel, Sr. Martin and Tammy Vogel Ms. Rhoda J. Williams Windway Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Zetley CIRCLE OF FRIENDS $1,000 – $2,499.99 Anonymous (4) Ms. Kim Acheson Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Altschaefl Dr. and Mrs. John F. Altstadt Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wesley K. Anderson Apple Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Asp Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Augustin 17 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Ms. Janine M. Augustin Mr. Jeff Augustin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Austin Mr. William Austin Gary and Cindy Baeb Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Barnard Dr. Mary Bartel and Mr. Timothy W. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bauer Dr. and Mrs. Rick C. Bauman Mr. Joshua Baumgarten Ms. Melanie Beasley Mr. Michael J. Beaumont Ms. Karen Becker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Becks James D. and Jane Bell Mr. Andrew Benedetto and Rep. Donna Seidel Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Benes Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Berg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bergan Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bergman Ms. Nadine A. Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bernstein Dennis W. and Mary K. Bersch Mr. and Mrs. Morry L. Birnbaum Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blake Mr. and Mrs. David C. Boerke Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Briscoe Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brockington Mrs. August Brogno Ms. Rosalie A. Bronson Ms. Flora Brown Dr. Walter Brummund and Dr. Sara Arnold Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bryson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Buchmann Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Buchmann Ms. Mary F. Bullamore Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Bures Mrs. Marlene King Burris and Mr. Robert Burris The Butte Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Butterfield Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Camitta Dr. Angela M. Carron Barbara J. Carson Dr. and Mrs. James T. Casper Mr. Burton J. Chapleau Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Chusid James R. and Martha Clark Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clark Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Cleary Ms. Maureen M. Collins The Costigan Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Martin Crain Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Curler Ms. Sandy Czosnek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Daniels Mr. Christopher L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Keric T. DeChant Ms. Marcia Deckert Ms. Lorie T. Deering Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Degnan III Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Delzer Ms. Mary J. DeNoble Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Derdzinski Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doane Terry and Mark Doll Kevin and Kerry Doyle Dr. and Mrs. Matt Driscoll 18 Harry KOEPKE At the Circles of Giving Luncheon held at Westmoor Country Club in Brookfield, Wis., the family of the late Harry Koepke accepted the Legacy Award on Koepke’s behalf. The humble farmer from Oconomowoc, Wis., bequeathed Harry Koepke a multimilliondollar gift to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin to establish The Harry E. Koepke Endowed Benefit Fund. The fund provides medical services to disadvantaged children. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. David Egan Mr. Warren Emery and Ms. Phyllis McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Evans Mr. John Falotico Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Farkas Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fatla Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Feller Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Fischer Robert and Diane Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fluegge Mr. Todd Fogel Drs. Peter and Michele Frommelt Ms. Barbara N. Fuldner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Gavronski Dr. Nancy S. Ghanayem Ms. Susanne Gidan Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gienke Ms. Beverly A. Gieringer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Girmscheid Mr. Fred O. Goldman Dr. Marc H. Gorelick and Lynn Broaddus Mr. and Mrs. John L. Greenwood Ms. Nancy A. Grode Dr. Deborah Grosenick Mr. Jay Gruber Jonathan and Mary Kay Gundlach Bill and Penny Gutekunst Mr. and Mrs. David V. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hammel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hampton Ms. Judy A. Hanrahan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Hanson Ms. Vera Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Malin Ms. Judy Mangen Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mantz Ms. Marietta Marshall Mr. Mark S. Mathe Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Matson Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCleary Ms. Meg A. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Robert McManus Mr. Richard McVey Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Meilander Mr. and Mrs. Ken M. Meinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Metz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery P. Meyer Ms. Judy Meyer Mr. David Miskinis Ms. Barbara W. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mowbray Ms. Monica Mullins Dr. Kevin J. Murray and Dr. Janet M. Merfeld Mr. and Mrs. Cory L. Nettles NEV 2/11 Foundation Ms. Lisa Nevins Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Nothstine Ms. Sandy Oberembt Ms. Patricia L. Obletz Ms. Mary E. O’Connor Mr. John Ogden, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Will Olive Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. O'Neil Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Ordinans John Oster Family Foundation Dr. Gordon Owley Mr. and Mrs. David Palay Ms. Amy N. Pallesen Mr. Greg M. Palmer Ms. Beth A. Parworth Mr. and Mrs. David Paucek Mr. Mark T. Peddecord Ms. Estella S. Pedersen Mary Beth and Holger Petersen Dr. Neil E. Peterson Mr. Robert Phillips Ms. Patricia L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pindyck, JD Ms. Rhonda S. Plotkin Mr. Jack Pollock Pollybill Foundation Purple Moon Foundation Dr. Ruth M. Rademacher and Mr. Thomas R. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Rakowski Christopher and Kelly Rebholz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roethie Mr. and Mrs. David M. Rogers Mr. Lawrence G. Rogutich Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Roos Mr. Barry Rosenblatt Dr. and Mrs. John M. Routes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Ruminski Gregory and Kelly Sachse Mrs. John R. Safro Ms. Maureen A. Sagui Mr. John W. Sawasky Kathleen J. Sawin Mr. Joseph E. Schick Linda S. and David L. Schieble Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schlueter, Sr. Robert E. Schmidt III Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Schnettler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schnoll C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Ms. Rita Harasha Jean and Thomas Harbeck Family Foundation, Inc. Hartwig Family Foundation Dr. Gordon D. Haugan Ms. JoEllen Hegwood Ms. Kimberly Henke Mr. and Mrs. William R. Henning Mr. Charles T. Hill Mr. Paul J. Hoffman IV Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holter Mr. David M. Homp Mr. Fred Hostetler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Hugo Iglewski Family Foundation Richard G. Jacobus Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Jacque Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Janzer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Jasen Dr. Susan Jay Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Jentsch Mr. and Mrs. David C. Jesse Dave and Mel Johnson Mr. Don Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Johnson Ms. Lisa Jonson Mr. George Jurss and Dr. Barbara L. Kolp-Jurss Mr. Harold Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Karrasch Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Kasten, Jr. Mr. Dale Kauper Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kelchen James E. & John A. Keyes Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kiernan Mr. Ken Kniech Mr. and Mrs. John Knowlton Kolaga Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jon Koopman Mr. Peter Kortes, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kosch Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kowalski Mr. Dennis Krakau Krause Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Kris Mrs. Reuben Kritzik Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Krizek Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kroll Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. LaBri Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ladish Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Ladwig Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lampe Mr. Daniel S. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Laning Mr. Robert E. Larivee, Sr. Nancy and Arthur Laskin James A. and Catherine C. Lathrop Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Lawrence Mr. Fred H. Lawton James R. Leary and Jo Ann Leary Sheldon L. and Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lewenauer Dr. and Mrs. B. U. K. Li Dr. Abraham J. Liebeskind and Dr. Ann M. Liebeskind Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lueck Dr. James V. Lustig and Mrs. Joan Shepard Lustig Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Madrigrano, Jr. Ms. Melinda L. Mahdasian Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mahler, Sr. 19 Briggs & STRATTON CORPORATION At the Circles of Giving Luncheon held at Westmoor Country Club in Brookfield, Wis., Briggs & Stratton Corporation received the Organization Award for its generous financial support and also for its employees’ volunteer hours. Its signature event, Briggs & Al’s Run & Walk for Children’s Hospital, is the health system’s No. 1 fundraising event. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Mr. Lee J. Schoen Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schroeder Mr. Patrick Schroeder Beth and Matthias Schueth Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seaman, Sr. Dr. Linda L. Sell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J. Shefchik The Joseph Shorkey Memorial Foundation Mr. Jim Shufflebotham Mr. David T. Siewert Mr. and Mrs. Chris Simon Ms. Rachel Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Smith Mr. Thomas Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Snieg Mr. and Mrs. George H. Solveson Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Southerland Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Sperka Mr. and Mrs. David Sprissler Ms. Paula Stack Ms. Susan J. Staley Mr. Richard Steenis Ms. Diana Stockton The Streich Family Foundation, Inc. E.C. Styberg Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Sullivan Mr. Matthew J. Suminski Mr. and Mrs. Mel R. Sundby Mr. and Mrs. George M. Sundheim III Mr. Richard F. Swenson Ms. Catherine A. Swessel Dr. Katalin Szaniszlo Dr. and Mrs. Philip D. Szold Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Tews Ms. Christine Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Totka Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Tritschler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Troy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Twinem Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ulrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vadnais Mrs. Dorothy K. Vallier Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Van Kauwenberg Gregory and Erin Vandenberg Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. VanDinter Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Vedra 20 Mr. Andrew Viguetti Ms. Barbara Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Voissem Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wanezek Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ward Mr. Michael A. Weber Les Weil and Jodi Peck Ms. Debra L. Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weisgerber David or Michael Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Weiss Mrs. Rosella E. Wellert Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Werner Ms. Patricia D. Westphal Mr. and Mrs. Michael White Ms. Terry Wick Ms. Susan O. Widmann Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wigdale, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wilson Mr. Noel Winscher Mr. John L. Woloszyk Mr. and Mrs. George T. Wong Ms. Marian Woolsey Mr. Jim Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Wren John J. Zacher 2009 CHILDREN’S CIRCLE OF CARE Children’s Circle of Care is a North American organization that recognizes major benefactors of 25 leading pediatric hospitals that are part of the Woodmark Group in the U.S. and Canada. Generous friends who make a gift of $10,000 or more in a calendar year qualify for membership. ROYAL CIRCLE of CARE Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Bauman The Bleser Family Foundation Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herma Mrs. Denise McGee Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Muma Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation Puelicher Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Reiman D.B. and Marjorie Reinhart Family Foundation Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. David V. Uihlein, Jr. CIRCLE of CARE Children’s CIRCLE C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Anonymous (13) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Abraham The Donald & Judith Alstadt Charitable Research Foundation Mr. Mark E. Anderson Thomas and Diane Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Asmuth The Asmuth Foundation Dr. Ellis D. and Dr. Jane A. Avner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Bauman Tim and Crystal Birkenstock Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Black The Bleser Family Foundation Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Renee and Tom Boldt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bolger Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Briscoe Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Broydrick Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Buehrle Denise and Dave Bunning Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Bunzel Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Buonaccorsi Mrs. James H. Cary Mr. Helio Castroneves Jane A Chevako, MD Ms. Cinthia S. Christensen and Mr. Todd M. Weir Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation Dr. Roger D. Cohen Gerald E. and Elizabeth H. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crneckiy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curt S. Culver Mr. and Mrs. David J. Drury Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellsworth OF CARE Children’s Circle of Care members, each of whom donate at least $10,000 annually to Children’s Hospital and Health System, gathered at the Chenequa, Wis., home of Jim and Nancy Lindenberg in October 2009. The Lindenbergs are standing to the right of the fireplace. Farther right is Peggy Troy, Children's Hospital and Health System president and CEO. 21 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Mr. Jere C. Fabick Thomas R. Feroah, PhD, and Catherine Feroah The Foster Family Mrs. John B. Gardetto Mr. Jeff Gentine Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gutzeit Scott R. Haag Mrs. Joanne A. Haertle Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hamacher Scott and Kathy Happ Cynthia and Jeff Harris Mr. and Mrs. Cort R. Hartmann Mr. Thomas R. Hendee Virginia Hendee and Joseph Huetz Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herma Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hillis, Sr. Mr. Greg Hobbs Mark and Janet Hogan Dr. Eric J. Hohenwalter and Mrs. Jennifer A. Blahnik Mr. and Mrs. Randal S. Howard Mrs. Peter D. Humleker, Jr. Mr. Roy Jablonka Mrs. Charles D. Jacobus, Sr. Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jendusa Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Jones John J. and Ethel D. Keller Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Kellogg Kevin J. Kelly, MD, and Christine M. Walsh-Kelly, MD Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Klein Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kliegman Ms. Carol A. Kling Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Kubale The Charles E. Kubly Foundation The family of Billy Lagerstrom Dr. George M. Lange and Dr. Marlene D. Melzer-Lange Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Larson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lindenberg Love 4 Lexi Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Lubotsky Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Margolis Frank R. and Marisa F. Martire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masters Mrs. Denise McGee Mr. and Mrs. John S. McGregor Arlene and Chip Meier Linda and John Mellowes Audrey and Jack Miller Family Charitable Foundation Sheryl and Jim Miller Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mosher Ms. Mary L. Mowbray and Mr. Roland P. Schroeder Mr. Walter J. Mundschau Mr. Donald K. Mundt Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nasgovitz Nicholas Family Foundation John and Peggy Niemer John and Patty Noel Joey O’Brien Foundation, Inc. Keith T. Oldham and Karen S. Guice Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. O’Meara 22 Joel Quadracci – The Windhover Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Rambo Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Rasansky Christopher and Kelly Rebholz Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Reiman Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Sheila M. Reynolds and Robert S. Chang Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ribbens Mr. and Mrs. Norris F. Richardson Ms. Marcia Rimai and Mr. Daryl L. Diesing Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Riordan The Alicia Rose Victorious Foundation Lori and Richard R. Rosmann James and Ellen Rossmeissl Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Rothman Dr. Colin D. Rudolph and Dr. Harriet S. Iwamoto Sadowsky Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sampson Mr. Harold E. Schiferl Kim and John Schlifske Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schmidt Mrs. Marvin C. Schuette Mr. and Mrs. John S. Shiely Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sommerhauser Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust Mrs. Irene Spyhalski Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Stayer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Stock Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Trau Ron and Peggy Troy Dr. and Mrs. James S. Tweddell David and Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation, Inc. Kevin and Patti Van Kampen Myra M. & Robert L. Vandehey Foundation, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry D. Veenhuis Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Vice James Wheeler Campbell Memorial Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Wickert Mr. Kurt E. Widmann Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Wilson Ken and Karen Yontz Andrew A. Ziegler and Carlene Murphy Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Zoeller Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zore 2009 ENDOWED NAMED FUNDS Endowed named funds can be established with gifts of $25,000 or more, payable over a period of up to five years. Endowed funds are invested in perpetuity and generate income that is used annually to support the specific purpose of each fund. Anonymous (1) The James and Martha Clark Heart Fund The Abbott-Ranson-Bauman Chair for Epilepsy Research The Catherine Cleary Endowed Fund The Abraham Family Fund The Van and Bocky Coddington Fund for Emergency Medicine The Accunet Mortgage Fund for School-based Health Centers The Elsa B. and Roger D. Cohen MDs Chair for Medical Education The Joyce Achtenhagen Endowed Fund The Sidney Cohen Fund The Administrative Staff Open Door Fund The Gerry and Heidi Connolly Family Professorship for Sickle Cell Diseases The Kayleigh Ali’s Vascular Anomalies Research Fund The Cousins Subs Child Abuse Care Fund The Altschaefl Family Fund The James Crawford Family Fund The John and Cindy Amato Fund The Judith and Francis Croak Fund The J. Philip Ambuel Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Cuene Family HIV Program Fund The Harry A. Apple Family Fund for Children at Risk The Curt and Sue Culver Fund for Childhood Cancer The Applebee’s Children’s Fund Dr. Czajka Hispanic Patient Fund The Chucker Aring Chair in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry The Jim Czosnek Heart Fund The Gordon and Jean Armbruster Family Fund for Children The Frank J. Daily and Julie Ebert Fund for Immunology and The Asmuth Family Fund for Pediatric Brain Injury Asthma Research The Austin Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Mara and Russ Darrow Family Fund The Bando Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Charlie Dearholt Fund The MiraCole Bash/Cole Hefty Fund The Direct Supply, Inc. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Fund The Raymond J. Battaglia Fund for Vascular Anomalies The Barri and David J. Drury Family Fund for Genetic Research The Bauman Family Chair in Critical Care The Dunigan Family Fund The Heidi Marie Bauman Chair in Pediatric Epilepsy The Mike and Toni Duvall Family Fund for Birth Defects Research The Chadwick John Baumann Brain Tumor Program Fund The Erna L. and Joseph C. Eckerle Endowed Fund The Howard and Marie Becker Fund for Neonatal Intensive The Estelle Ehlert Child Life Fund Care Equipment The William F. Eisner, Sr. Children’s Art Fund Benjamin’s Research Fund: Neurofibromatosis and Near Infrared Light The Ellison Transport Program Fund The Bentley Children’s Fund to Benefit the Children’s Health The Endowment for Pediatric Research The Esther Erickson Endowed Fund for the Palliative Care Program The Bentzien and Brusa Family Fund for Children’s Care The Katie Falk Family Fund for Adolescent Psychiatry The Drs. Berger and Biller Family Fund The Mary M. Farago Fund for Orthopedic Care The Jessica Erin Berry Pediatric Cardiology Fund The Bill and Julie Felsing Fund in Memory of Jamieson Felsing The Birkenstock Health Education Fund The Jordan Fink, MD Lectureship Fund The Alvin and Marion Birnschein Nursing Education Fund The Anton Flach-Bongiorno Glanzmann's Research Fund The Birth Defects Research Center Endowment Fund The Flowers Family Fund The Christopher Blaesing Fund for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit The Jeanne Foley General Endowment Fund The Bleser Family Endowed Chair of Neurology The Foley & Lardner Heritage Fund Blount Orthopedic Education Fund The Jack Foster Epilepsy Foundation The Christopher D. Boerke Fund for Special Needs Children The James H. Fuchs Endowment Fund The Peter Borisch Fund for Adolescent Medicine The June Fykse Neonatal Fund The Matthew Brown Rehabilitative Services Fund The Dr. William J. Gallen Lecture Fund The Ben and Peg Bugbee Fund for Children’s Health The Tom and Nancy Gazzana Children’s Health & Social Services Fund The Abigail Bunzel Memorial Fund for The Herma Heart Center The John C. Geilfuss Pediatric Neurology Fund The Janet and Philip Cady Fund for Leadership and Innovation The Dr. Marvin Glicklich Annual Lectureship Series in Surgery The Logan Dean Carlson Fund The Marvin and Diann Glicklich Pediatric Surgical Research & Education The Steve and Cheri Cary Juvenile Diabetes Research Endowment Fund Endowed Fund The Del Chambers Fund for Childhood Cancer The Margaret and Kenneth Gotz Endowed Fund for Cancer Research The Charity Care Endowment Fund The Peggy Grebe Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Joseph J. Charles Fund in Support of Outcome Enhancement The Michael Kent Groth Fund for Critical Care Physicians Research The Gutzeit Family Fund for Children with Special Health Care Needs The Jane A Chevako Hospice and Palliative Care Fund The Kathleen Ann Haertle Fund for Pain Management Research The Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Directors Fund The Hamacher Pharmacy Fund The Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Planned Giving The Garrett Hamm Bone Marrow Fund Council Endowed Fund The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Endowment for the Dental Center The Children’s Hospital and Health System Research Lectureship Endowment Fund C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Education Center The Happ Family Fund The Anne Barker Hardy Fund for Cystic Fibrosis The Jim Hardy Memorial Lectureship in Mental Health The Harley-Davidson Fund for Inner City Services The Shane Locke Hasbrook Fund The Children’s Sexual Abuse Prevention Fund The Jay Hashek Memorial Fund for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome The Christofferson Family Fund for Hospice Care The Melissa Lynne Heeg Heart Fund 23 The HELP Fund (Hospital Employee Fund) The Max McGee Endowed Chair for Patient Care in Diabetes The Herma Heart Center Endowment Fund The McGeoch Ophthalmology Fund The Leigh Gabrielle Herma Chair for Cardiology The Meier Family Endowed Fund for Seizure Disorders The Janice Herma Cardiac Research Fund The Mellowes Family Fund for Pediatric Research The Tricia Heston Endowment for Child Abuse Prevention The Robert J. and Charlotte Miller Fund for Special Needs Children The William A. and Jeanette Mary Heth Endowed Fund for Pediatric The Wm. E. and Iris A. Miller Medical Research Fund Cancer Research The Dr. Norman Hodgson Urology Education Fund The Audrey Hohenwalter Endowment Fund for Children with VCFS The Madeleine McKeown Hoy Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Fund The Autumn Grace Hughes Fund The Bart M. Huige Comfort Fund The Charles and Eugenia Jacobus Fund for Cancer Care The Rebecca Jayne Memorial Lecture Fund Steve AND CHERI CARY The Diane and Robert Jenkins Family Fund for Palliative Care The Elsie Jenquine Fund Family traditions are important, as Steve Cary will The Jay and Holly Jensen Family Fund for Children attest. His late father, Jim, and his mother, Betty, The Bergeda and Kenneth Johannes Endowed Fund for Pediatric Surgery The Charlotte Promersberger Johnston Endowed Genetics Research Fund directed their philanthropy to the Max McGee The Charlotte Promersberger Johnston Endowed Lectureship in Genetics National Research Center for Juvenile Diabetes at The Just A Little Faith Foundation Children’s Hospital. Cary and his wife, Cheri, are The Gerald J. and Rosalie E. Kahn Fund for Rehabilitative Services doing the same through the Steve and Cheri Cary The George and Alex Kao Fund Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund. The Dr. Bruce A. Kaufman Pediatric Neurosurgery Fund The “Chase’s Gift” – Chase Kelly Memorial Fund The Kerschner Family Fund for Pediatric Otolaryngology Research and Education was a friend The Kersten/Rusch Family Fund for Pediatric Research of Max’s. He “the kids thank you” really wanted The Marlene Colwell King Early Childhood Development Fund for to support dia- Child Abuse Prevention Kini Family Endowed Fund for Emergency Medicine C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T “My father betes research The Kliegman Labrys Fund for Cancer Research because he The Harry E. Koepke Endowed Benefit Fund respected and The Mabel E. Koepke Endowed Benefit Fund admired Max The Dr. Elaine Kohler Fund for Critical Care Medicine and what he The Kohl’s Cares for Kids Child Life Fund The Michael Carl Kovnar Memorial Annual Lectureship Fund was doing,” The Kramer Memorial Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship Fund Cary explained. The Ron and Marjorie Krizek Fund for Diabetes Research “My mother The Alexander T. Kroll Memorial Fund continues to The Tom and Nina Krukowski Fund for Juvenile Diabetes support dia- The Bernard and Mary Kubale Family Support Fund betes research at Children’s, and we do, too. It’s a The Cynthia and James Kubinski Family Fund for the Cancer Care Program Max McGee local avenue to support a cause I care about and The Celia M. and Michael Kutil Fund for Child Life a great way to support the community. I think The Rebecca Marie Kuzel R & D Fund Children’s is an unbelievable place.” The Billy Lagerstrom Memorial Fund The Rochelle Lamm Pain Management Fund The Lucile and Lynford Lardner Fund for Nursing Advancement The Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Fund The Carys have two teenage daughters who are healthy and free from diabetes. Cary, however, is The Adam Lemel Endowment Fund not. He has type 1 diabetes and understands the The Mary Ann and Deborah Ann Lensby Fund challenges faced by children with the disease. “I The Robert and Rita Lewenauer Family Fund know what it’s like. It’s something I deal with every The David Lewis Memorial Fund day,” Cary said. “Basically, we’re all looking for a The Litwin Family Fund for Children at Risk cure. We hope our family’s financial support helps The S. Bert Litwin Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery The Timothy J. Mahler Fund for Cardiology get us there someday.” The Marcdante Medical Education Fund The David A. Margolis Chair in Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant The Max McGee Center conducts bench-to-bedside The Marriott Family Fund research, bringing treatments and discoveries The Collin, Ethen and Brandi Mathias Fund for Cochlear Implant Program directly to children with diabetes. The center The Alexis Rose Mathison-Szozda (A.R.M.S.) Memorial Fund The Matson Family Fund 24 serves more and more patients each year. It has The McCardle Family Fund seen double-digit growth in its overall patient The Max McGee Chair in Diabetes Research population in three of the past six years. The Larry and Judy Moon Fund for Palliative Care The Smallwood Family Fund for Preschool Child Abuse Prevention The Moore Oil Company Foundation Epilepsy Fund The Pamela C. Smith Joy of Children Creativity/Art Education Fund The Alnora C. Mosley Fund for Children The Daniel M. Soref Endowment Fund for the Support of the The Muma Family Chair in Pediatrics The Michael P. Mundschau Memorial Fund The Munson Family Fund Daniel M. Soref Family Resource Center The Dakota Dale Sorenson Memorial Fund for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research and Support The Nevins Family Foundation Fund for Children at Risk The Spence Family Fund for Rheumatology The Nickolett Family Fund for Childhood Rheumatic Diseases The Karen Spindler Endowment Fund for Children’s Health Education The Joey O’Brien Memorial Center Programs The Oldham Pediatric Surgery Endowment Fund The Nicholas A. Stanek Memorial Fund for Dentistry/Oral Surgery The “G” Man Olsen Fund The Brian Stark and Debra Altshul-Stark Endowment Fund for Asthma The Alice Bronn O’Malley Fund to benefit Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Education and Clinical Care The Stark Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Osborn Family Endowed Fund for HOT Services Clinic The Staunt-Larson Child Protection Program Fund The Oshkosh B’Gosh Fox Valley Charity Care Fund The Bert L. and Patricia S. Steigleder Fellowship The Jack Palmen Fund The Megan Steinbrenner Pediatric Transplant Program Fund The Parenting Newsletter Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The William and Rita (Halbur) Steinhilber Fund The Pediatric Faculty Endowment Fund The Sol and Rose Steren Cancer Fund The Pediatric Faculty Research Fund The Frank M. Sterner Family Fund for Child and Adolescent The Harry and Marilyn Pelz Family Fund for HIV Care Psychiatric Services The Frank and Elsa Sterner Neonatology Intensive Care Support Fund The Dr. Archebald R. Pequet Lectureship Fund The Frank and Elsa Sterner Neonatology Lectureship Fund The Kevin and Sharon Peters Family Heart Fund The Stephen R. Stilling Fund The Petersen Family Fund for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin The Delphia M. Stippich Family Fund for Children The Dr. J.C. Peterson Fund for Primary Care Education and Research The Tim and Kay Sullivan Family Fund The Jane B. Pettit Chair in Pediatric Pain Management The Syburg Family Fund for Health Education The Pettit Pain Center Fund The Thrun Family Fund The Physician Advancement Fund The Jeremy Trau Down Syndrome Research & Education Fund The Physician Community Care Fund The Megan Martha Tritschler/Keyes Fund for Down Syndrome The Physicians Fund for Critical Care Advancement The Julia and David Uihlein Children’s Pain Fund The Taylor Lynn Poirier Fund The Marie Z. Uihlein Chair in Pediatric Surgery The Larry and Bobbi Polacheck Education Fund The Marie Z. Uihlein Surgical Advancement Fund The Ed and Betty Pope Fund for Child Protection The Joseph and Margaret VandenHeuvel Fund for Children The T.J. Price Fund for Birth Defects Research The Maurice W. Vandertie and Francis P. Neylon, Jr. Memorial Fund The Jack Puelicher Memorial Fund The Van Handel Family Fund for Pediatric Cardiology The Radiology Research and Education Fund The Kevin and Patricia Van Kampen Health and Social Services Fund The Larry and Kathi Rambo Fund for Health Education and Research The Jon E. Vice Chair for Emergency Medicine The Ryan Refinski Immunology Fund The Jon E. Vice Children's Research Fund The D.B. and Marjorie Reinhart Chair in Rheumatology The Jon and Teri Vice Diabetes Research Fund The Mary Ann and Greg Renz Fund for the Protection of Children The Jon and Teri Vice Fund for Asthma and Allergy The Maureen Rich Lectureship Fund The Dr. Fred J. Vlazny Humanitarian Fund for Pediatric Anesthesiology The Maxwell Z. Richardson Endowment Fund The Tony and Joyce Vogel Children’s Health Education Center Fund The John and Bobbi Rosenberg Fund for Childhood Cancer The Wallace/Ford Endowment Fund The Jay and Tracy Rothman Family Fund for Children The Brendan Ward Heart Fund The Ramesh and Sue Sachdeva Endowment The WARP Fund (Whelan Advanced Research in Photobiomodulation) The Scott and Peggy Sampson Family Fund The Brandon B. Wedig Memorial Fund The Larrie Sarff MD Infectious Disease Fund The Frank J. and Rosella E. Wellert Fund for Behavioral Health The Katie Sartori Fund for Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow The Chester A. and Lillian E. Wells Fund for Diabetes Transplant The Cassidy Tiana Weyek Memorial Fund The Katie Sawasky Fund for Chronically Ill Children The Sunny and Sandy Williams Fund for Infectious Diseases The Robert and Bonnie Schaefer Family Fund The Wings of Angels Endowment Fund The Scheffer Family Innovative Treatments in Pediatric Psychiatry Fund The Wisconsin Energy Fund for Neurology Services The Kim and John Schlifske Fund for Child Development The Nancy Wollenberg Cancer Care Fund The Henry Schoelkopf Library Fund The Larry and Juanita Woodard Children's Health Education Center Fund The Sophie Schroeder Patient Care Services Chair The Larry and Juanita Woodard Endowment for Arthritis Research The Anne Douglas Seaman Fund for Community and Professional The Sidney and Marajen Wynn Craniofacial Fund Education C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T The Michael and Kate Pepke Children’s Health and Social Services Fund The Yontz Family Fund for Child Abuse Care The Richard Seaman Family Psychotherapy Research Fund The Zalewski Family Fund for Neurology Care The SECURA Fox Valley Children’s Hospital Fund The Zore Family Fund for Pediatric Hospice The Selig Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Selig Family Marketing Support for Child Abuse Prevention The Shiely Family Fund for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research The Dr. George Simons Pediatric Orthopedic Fund The William Skurzewski, Jr. Heart/Lung Transplant Fund The Dr. Catherine M. Slota-Varma Family Fund The Rebecca Jean Slye Chair in Oncology 25 2009 PLANNED AND ESTATE GIFTS Many of our friends support us through their estate plans by naming the health system as a beneficiary of a will or trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy, or by making a gift that returns income, such as a gift annuity. Planned gifts can provide financial benefits for you and your family, while also helping the children in our community. GUARDIAN AND LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Anonymous (11) Ms. Gertrude L. Abitz Diane and Michael Abraham Mary and Jeff Albrecht Mrs. Joyce Altman Dr. and Mrs. John F. Altstadt Mr. and Mrs. Ward Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Anhalt William and Marianne Arpe Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick C. Austermann Roger W. and Theresa Barrette Mary Ann Barton Adam R. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Curt Bawden Frieda R. Baxter Darcia Behrens Donald and Jean Beier Mr. and Mrs. B. Alan Bendtsen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Berens Richard and Gloria Bergman Ms. Barbara A. Bombaci Ms. Dianne E. Bridges Robert M. Brown Dan and Karen Buehrle Todd J. and Deborah J. Busniewski Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buss Jane A Chevako, MD Louis and Alissa Clark Dr. Roger D. Cohen Gerald E. and Elizabeth H. Connolly Ms. Patricia Costello Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Crow Ms. Sandy Czosnek Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dambruch Merry Damrow Dr. and Mrs. Larry B. Dean Rolf* and Gloria Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Kelly L. Diestler Mr. Paul A. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Edler James M. Eisenman Thomas and Susan Ela Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fox Dr. Bill and Mrs. Pat Gallen Ms. Suzanne Garr Lora L. Gatzke Tom and Nancy Gazzana Mrs. Ruth S. Gresham Laura Gille and John Howman Lois C. Gresl Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Grigg, Jr. Mr. Barry A. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hamacher Suzanne C. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Leesley B. Hardy Ms. Nikki Hauck Mrs. Dorothy A. Heale Ms. Marjorie F. Healy Donald H. and Julie Heeg 26 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hirt Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Irion* Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. James Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Jensen Mrs. Florence M. Jungen Dr. Mary K. Kachoyeanos Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Kahn Ms. Jeanine M. Kissinger Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kliegman Carol A. Kling Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Klink Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kohn Audrey J. Komarek Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Kraft* Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kraig Mr. Bernard S. Kubale Mrs. Patricia J. Kupka Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lach Ms. Rochelle Lamm Rev. Leo R. Lessard Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lofy Mrs. Ruthann Lubahn John M. Lutz Mrs. Arlene S. Mann Dr. Karen J. and Mr. Anthony J. Marcdante Ms. Marion H. Martin Mrs. Mary McCann John D. and Judy McGourthy Selma Mechanic Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Meiers Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Mercier Mr. Daniel M. Micha Keith* and Deanna Miller Sheryl and Jim Miller Wm. E. and Iris A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Leigh E. Morris Barbara W. Morrissey Mrs. Peggy S. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Mueller Ms. Susan E. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. William Muir Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Muma M. Lucille Neff Mr. Edward Neuwirth Lorraine O’Connor Patricia Obletz Mr. Alan Ochalek Mr. John Ogden, Sr. Ms. Donna Palkowski Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Parker, Jr. Mr. Mark T. Peddecord Ms. Julie J. Pedretti Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pelz Mary Beth and Holger Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Phillips Judy A. Pocan Mark S. and Mary Catherine* Poker Dr. Larry and Bobbi Polacheck Larry and Kathi Rambo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Rand Mr. Michael J. Reiter Margaret Rendall Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Ms. Angela M. Rester David and Ruth Rex John and Sue Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Rom Mr. and Mrs. DuWayne Romenesko Mrs. Kelly W. Sachse Dr. Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes Paul B. and Jennifer L. Sahy Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sampson Dick and Fritzie Sawasky Stephen and Faye* Scheil Mr. Harold E. Schiferl Ms. Virginia Schiferl Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schmidt Earl* and Jean Schmit Carlile L. and Richard M. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Seidl Mr. Bill Semonin Dan Sherman Joyce M. Shiels Mark and Jennifer Shiller Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sipress Jim and Shirley Skarda Mrs. Irene Spyhalski Mrs. Louise A. Stack David and Paula Strelitz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Struensee Paul and Lisa Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Timberlake Christine A. Tischer Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Toner Mr. and Mrs. Joe VandenHeuvel Jeffry D. and Elizabeth A. Veenhuis Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Vice Ms. Pamela R. Vogt Ms. Judy Wagner Jeffrey A. Walker, PhD Dr. Steven and Mrs. Kristen Weisman Rosella E. Wellert Ms. Patricia D. Westphal Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkiewicz Mrs. Rhoda J. Williams Mr. and Mrs.* Don Wood Kenneth and Carolyn Zacharias Glenn Zellmer Merle* and Donna Zellmer, Jr. Thomas and Jennifer Zoeller Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zore *Deceased. Larry AND KATHI RAMBO When personal interest, community support and business goals intersect, all roads lead to Children’s Hospital and Health System for Larry and Kathi Rambo. Many years ago, the Rambos were involved with a start-up organization, the Health Education Center. As parents, they believed in the concept of teaching kids how to live healthier lives and take care of themselves before they got sick. As a businessperson, Larry was keenly aware of the Larry and Kathi Rambo rising cost of health care and the importance of preventing illness before it strikes. Larry’s employer made a generous contribution to the center, but it was clear that it needed more help and direction. As president of the center’s board, Larry turned to Children’s Hospital and Health System to ensure ESTATE GIFTS RECEIVED the center could continue to serve Milwaukee and grow for the future. The health system stepped up to the challenge. Children’s Health Education Center was born. Since then, the Rambos have continued to support the center as well as other components of the health system, including Children’s Research Insti- C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Elaine and Max Baverman Marie A. and Howard P. Becker Andrew F. and Edith M. Bell Perpetual Trust Mary Barrock Bonfield Clara J. Breese Testamentary Trust Joan L. Burmeister Glen S. Burr and Betty A. Burr Joseph J. Charles James and Sally Crawford Helen M. Cudahy Trust Henry D. “Dal” Eglin Josette and Emil Glasberg Eleanor F. Goepfert Margaret Gotz Endowment Fund Ione S. Harrington Olson Ann M. Hecker Paul and Rose Holschbach Trust Margaret E. Jaeger Johanna Marie Jansen Helen Way Klingler Charitable Foundation Harry E. Koepke Mabel E. Koepke Donald W. Krueger Trust Lawrence F. Marty Alice B. O’Malley Sadowsky Charitable Trust Isabel Schendel – Robert and Josephine Pieper Trust Joseph M. Spitzer William and Rita (Halbur) Steinhilber Ronald A. Weiner Frances D. Wysocki tute. “The more involved I became with the health system, the more impressed I was,” Larry explained. He has donated countless hours to board work and currently chairs the Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Board of Directors. In addition, the Rambos established the Larry and Kathi Rambo Fund for Education and Research. They support their fund with generous annual gifts and have named Children’s Hospital and Health System as the owner of a substantial life insurance policy. Larry and Kathi also have included the health system in their estate plans as a beneficiary of their trust. Larry is president of the Wisconsin and Michigan markets for Humana Inc. “Being in the health insurance business, I bring my own, personal perspectives to the health system, and I appreciate what it provides to Wisconsin and beyond,” he said. “It’s been really rewarding to see the return on investment from our time and our gifts. We can see how they help families.” “What Children’s does for children and families is so impressive,” Kathi said. “We’ve learned so much and met so many wonderful people.” 27 2009 CORPORATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Corporations, organizations and foundations with annual gifts of $1,000 or more in 2009. $250,000 – $499,999.99 The Boldt Company Johnson Controls Foundation RE/MAX International, Inc. Variety - The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin WHG Applebee’s Briggs & Stratton Corporation Foundation MACC Fund $25,000 – $49,999.99 $500,000 – $999,999.99 Kohl’s Corporation Walmart Stores, Inc. $100,000 – $249,999.99 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, Inc. Agape Charitable Fund Robert and Andrea Bauman Family Fund Robert & Patricia Endries Family Foundation, Ltd. Jim and Mary Grist Family Fund Richard L. and Barbara Gunderson Fund John J. and Ethel D. Keller Fund John and Lynn Pfefferle Charitable Fund Frank C. Shattuck Community Fund U.S. Oil Co., Inc. Myra M. & Robert L. Vandehey Foundation, Ltd. Credit Union for Kids The CUNA Mutual Group Foundation Dairy Queen International Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc. Frank Rogers Bacon Fund Mrs. Jamet P. Balding George and Margaret Barrock Fund Marge and Fred Brossmann Fund Del Chambers Fund Susan J. Cornwell Fund Endowment for Children Fund Michael Hack Fund Kopmeier Family Fund J. Michael and Virginia McBride Fund Jeannette McKelvey Fund Moore Oil Company Foundation Fund Oconomowoc Area Foundation Rodney F. Park and Betty Park Family Fund W. Robert Read Fund Roller Family Fund Dr. Abraham B. and Irma F. Schwartz Fund David C. Scott Foundation Fund Russell and Betty Shaw Fund Bessie A. and Harold M. Stratton Fund William H. Wasweyler Fund West Bend Community Foundation Ladish Company Foundation Milwaukee Golf Charities, Inc. Noel Group/Compass Properties Northwestern Mutual Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Speedway SuperAmerica, LLC Stark Hospital Foundation, Inc. United Way of Greater Milwaukee Welfare Auxiliary of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin $50,000 – $99,999.99 Abbott Fund 28 CO-OP Financial Services Costco Forrer Business Interiors, Inc. Howard Young Health Care Infant Welfare Circle of King’s Daughters Kimberly-Clark Corporation Midwest Airlines, Inc. MillerCoors, LLC Milwaukee Admirals Plexus Corp. Reiman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ronald McDonald House Charities Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wis., Inc. Sensient Technologies Corporation Ellamae Siebert Foundation, Inc. Bert L. & Patricia S. Steigleder Trust Tricom Funding WKLH FM 96.5 $10,000 – $24,999.99 Anonymous (1) Academy of Learning & Leadership Accunet Mortgage Ace Hardware Store, Inc. AirTran Airways American Express online giving Associated Bank Assurant Health Foundation Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated Bunzel’s Meat Market CDW Corporation Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc. ConvaTec David Hobbs Honda Direct Supply, Inc. Faith Technologies, Inc. Fiserv, Inc. Forward Dental Fox Cities Chapter of Credit Unions Glenroy, Inc. & Everproducts Guardian Credit Union Heartland Advisors, Inc. HMS Host Humana, Inc. InPro Corporation Johnsonville Sausage, LLC Kraft Foods Global, Inc. Landmark Credit Union Major League Baseball Office of the Commissioner Metavante Corporation Microsoft Variety – THE CHILDREN’S CHARITY OF WISCONSIN Variety – The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin is a not-forprofit organization whose mission is to provide life-enriching assistance to Wisconsin children challenged by physical disabilities. Driven by this noble cause, Variety has forged a long-standing relationship with Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. To date, Children’s Hospital has received more than $1.6 million from this special organization. Variety and Children’s have reached yet another milestone together – the purchase and installation of a new EOS low-dose radiation scanner. Children’s Hospital is the first pediatric health center in the Midwest to obtain this new equipment. It will be used primarily for children with idiopathic scoliosis and other chronic orthopedic conditions that require frequent imaging. sional image with 1/10 the radiation of an X-ray and 1/1000 the radiation of a CT scan. “Traditional X-rays are required regularly for our scoliosis patients, and multiple X-rays over time can increase the risk for developing breast or thyroid cancer,” said John Thometz, MD, medical director, Orthopedics, Children’s Hospital and professor, The Medical College of Wisconsin. “The EOS scanner will provide a much better image with 3-D capability and greatly decrease the radiation risk, in less time with less discomfort for our patients.” Variety’s vision and support will move the Variety Orthopedic Clinic one step closer to becoming a National Center of Excellence in spine care. “The EOS scanner can be used for so many purposes,” said Gerise LaSpisa, Variety’s executive director. “It will help physicians to better diagnose and determine treatment. These kids already face tremendous challenges. This equipment will make things better and safer for them.” $5,000 – $9,999.99 Anonymous (1) A.O. Smith Foundation, Inc. Accenture LLP American Car Care Centers Badger Plug Company Bassett Mechanical The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. – Boston Store Burleigh Elementary School Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Board of Directors Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc. Computershare Cooper Bussman Corporate Central Credit Union Crystal Print Foundation CU Cooperative Systems, Inc. Dyar Foundation Enterprise Rent-A-Car Fox Cities Exchange Club Galloway Co. Heart of Gold Charity, Inc. HFM Packaging, Ltd. Hoffman Corporation Horizon Community Credit Union Illinois Tool Works Foundation Johnson Controls Employees Johnson Controls, Inc. Stella H. Jones Foundation KBS Construction, Inc. Gustav & Gladys Kindt Foundation Kiwanis International Lurie Companies, Inc. M&I Bank Marriott Corporation Hotels and Resorts Marshall & Ilsley Foundation Master Lock Company O’Reilly Auto Parts The Perkins Charitable Foundation Pioneer Credit Union Ralph Wendricks Enterprises, Inc Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. Rockwell Automation Roehl Foundation, Inc. Sodexo Health Care Services South Central Chapter Credit Unions Spencer Gifts LLC Total Mechanical Trilogy Health Insurance C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T The EOS scanner provides a full-body, multidimen- Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club National Insurance Services of Wisconsin Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Our Hope of Burlington, Inc. Perkins Restaurant Racine Community Foundation, Inc. Frederic and Leona Gaiser Fund Mae Soule Fancher Jensen Fund Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. Quad/Graphics, Inc. Dr. Scholl Foundation Security Finance Shipbuilders Credit Union State Farm Insurance Companies ThyssenKrupp Town Bank of Delafield 29 CUNA MUTUAL GROUP FOUNDATION In 2006, CUNA Mutual Group Foundation posed a simple question to its employees: What community outcome is most important to you? Their answer: helping kids succeed in school so they have a better chance of succeeding in life. Fewer than half of the low-income and minority children in Dane County have the skills they need to successfully start kindergarten. Knowing that, CUNA Mutual’s employee philanthropy team spent nearly a year researching the best way to reach preschool children and their families in Madison’s poorest neighborhoods. Based upon its research and recommendaUnited Liquid Waste Recycling, Inc. Ziemann Foundation The Zimmerman Design Group, Inc. tions from community leaders, CUNA Mutual chose Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin to deliver its newly created KinderReady program $2,500 – $4,999.99 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Albany Chicago Company Bay Shore Credit Union Blake Capital Corp. Brady Corporation Briggs & Stratton Employees Brown County Chapter of Credit Unions Bubricks Complete Office Bunell & Associates Campbellsport Building Supply Carmike Cinemas Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin – Nutritional Services Chocolate City Festival, Inc. Contract Converting, LLC Eastbay Eaton Corporation Educators Credit Union The Equitable Bank, S.S.B. First American Credit Union Fond du Lac Credit Union Fox Communities Credit Union GE Foundation Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. Hangers Unlimited, Inc. HK Systems Howards Grove Public Schools Hydrite Chemical Company International House of Pancakes Kalmbach Publishing Company Kapco, Inc. Kohler Credit Union Kundinger Fluid Power, Inc. Michigan Sporting Goods Distributors 30 to selected children and their parents. “Children’s Service Society combines high quality social services with good business discipline,” said Steven Goldberg, the foundation’s executive director. “That’s very important to us.” CUNA Mutual’s foundation invested more than $650,000 from 2007 to 2009 in KinderReady. Pleased with the results, the foundation has budgeted an additional $185,000 for 2010. The KinderReady campaign was launched in February 2007 and reached 320 children in its first year alone. It includes a series of parenting workshops, home visits from bilingual social workers and education specialists, and opportunities for preschool-age children to learn through structured play. All these measures help young children and their families prepare for kindergarten. “We know KinderReady and Children’s Service Society are having a positive impact on the community,” Goldberg said. “We measure outcomes and provide updates to our employees. We’re very proud of what we’re doing. It’s our signature program.” Milwaukee Admirals Power Play Foundation Mortenson Construction M&I Bank – Appleton Neonatal Associates of Wis., S.C. New Balance Milwaukee New Credit Union Northwestern Mutual – Employees Park Bank, Inc. PCM Employees Credit Union Prime Financial Credit Union Radisson Paper Valley Hotel Runzheimer International Sargento Foods, Inc. Schenck Business Solutions Sheboygan Area Credit Union Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Teammates For Kids Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Trega Foods United Healthcare of Wisconsin, Inc. United Way Fox Cities, Inc. United Way of Tri-State UnitedOne Credit Union The Village at Manor Park Vilter Foundation, Inc. von Briesen & Roper, S.C. W.W. Grainger, Inc. Waterstone Bank WEYCO Group, Inc. Wilson (SHST) Elementary Wisconsin Credit Union League $1,000 – $2,499.99 Anonymous (1) A. Amann Inc. Abbott Fund Matching Grant Program C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T 31 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Adventure Rock, Inc. Agusta Hamilton Foundation, Inc. AJ's Bar & Grill Allen-Edmonds Shoe Corporation Alliant Energy Foundation American Paper Converters American Legion Ladies Auxilary Milwaukee Post 18 Amusement Devices, Inc. Appleton Atcam, Inc. Bahcall Rubber Co., Inc. Baker Tilly Barnes & Associates Dentistry, S.C. Boston Gourmet Pizza Boyle Fredrickson Intellectual Property Law BPI Blueprints, Inc. Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Brewers Charities, Inc. Broydrick & Associates, Inc. The Business Bank Calibre Campbellsport Fire Department Christ King Congregation City of Wauwatosa Combined Federal Campaign Community Credit Union Cooper CBE Services, Inc. Dean St. Mary’s Outpatient Center Dick & Reuteman Co., Inc. Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. Eagle Disposal, Inc. El Rey Plaza Electroline Data Communications, Inc. Endeavor Electric, Inc. Energy Services, Inc. Enterprise Credit Union Eve Brothers Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fire Ridge Golf Course First Service Credit Union Forester Fox Valley Branch 1331 Fourteen Foods Fraternal Order of Eagles #453 GE Healthcare Gilles Frozen Custard Glacier Hills Credit Union Glen Rose School Grady & Hayes Neary, LLC Graef Anhalt Schloemer & Associates Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Green Bay Packers Hand and Upper Extremity Center of Northeast Wisconsin, LTD Hemb Insurance Group, LLC Hennes Services The Hertz Corporation Highview Custom Fabricating, Inc. Horace Mann Middle School Huron Consulting Group, Inc. Imagery Homes InSinkErator Integrated Systems Corporation John F. Nolan & Associates Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. Koch Charitable Trust Liberty Mutual “Give with Liberty” Campaign 32 Longshots Sports Bar Marcus Corporation Foundation McMahon Associates, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Mid-America Bag, LLC Middle Wisconsin Chefs Association Miller Compressing Company Milwaukee Area Volkswagen Club Monroe Dodge Chrysler Jeep Network for Good New London Engineering Niebler Pyzyk Klaver & Wagner Northern Paper Mills Credit Union Northern Trust Company Oak Creek – Franklin Joint School District Pitney Bowes, Inc. Plennes, Inc. Power Test, Inc. Premier Financial Credit Union Right Management Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Sargento Employee’s Care About People Saturn of Southeastern Wisconsin SCA Tissue North America, LLC Sentry Foods Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott Architects Shorewest Realtors Silver Lake Auto Center, Inc. Silver Lake Intermediate School Skycom Avionics, Inc. Springhetti Landscaping & Lawncare, Inc. STAR Foundation, Inc. Stone Cellar Brewpub, Inc. Strategies, LTD Stolley’s Hogg Alley, LLC Superior Health Linens, LLC Tanner’s Grill & Bar Target Tess Corners Elementary School Time Warner Cable Toymakers Auxiliary of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin U.S. Bank United Rentals Aerial Equipment United Way in Waukesha County, Inc. University School of Milwaukee Vic Ferrari Enterprises, Inc. Wellpoint Foundation West Business Services Windwood Wisconsin Club Wisconsin Society of Gastroenterolgy Nurses and Associates Woodlands Senior Park W.O.W. Distributing Co., Inc. Xanitos C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T 33 2009 EVENTS Events that provided support of $1,000 or more. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2009 Greater Gank Open 3rd Annual WSSP AM 1250 Toy Drive 3rd Annual WSSP Golf Outing AFLAC Worldwide Headquarters ARMS Memorial Battle of the Bands Bayshore Charity Program Bids for Kids Books are Fun Borski Bash Memorial Open Bounce U Briggs & Al’s Run & Walk for Children’s Hospital British Car Field Day Burger Benefit Calvary Lutheran Church Campbellsport Building Supply CAP Fund Golf Outing Charity for Change Charity Softball Camp Bryce Dempsey Cheese Wheel, Inc. CHHSF Sidewalk Sale Chickens 4 Charity Children’s Hospital Pro-Am Fore Kids Child’s Play Charity Chuck-a-Puck Clothing Swap for CHW Cuts-for-a-Cause Dave & Carole Miracle Marathon Day For Kids Eau Claire Healing Emerald Society Benefit – Brendan Heart Fund EMTEQ Charity Golf Outing Entertainment Publications Family Fest Festival of Trees (Sheboygan County), Inc. Fishing for a Cure FM106.1 CAP Fund Care-a-Van for Kids Focus Credit Union Poker Run Fore! The Kids Charity Golf Event Forward Dental Open Fox Cities Beer Festival Garden Parade, Stevens Point Graef Golf Outing Greater Lombardo Open Green Bay Reception Halloween Party – Fox Valley Heart & Sole 5K Heart of Gold Jack Hartmann Open Golf Tournament Janus Charity Challenge For The Ironman JK Lee Board Break-a-Thon Joe Lemel Marathon Joey O’Brien Memorial Golf Tournament Jordan Brandt Open Just a Little Faith Golf Outing Kaine M Cox Benefit Karate America – Brookfield Karate America Kick-A-Thon Karen Smith Fundraiser Kick for Kids Classic Kohl’s Care for Kids La Gran D Radiothon Pictured (from left): Kelly Stuckert, EMTEQ; Tanya Bissen and Jeff Stewart, Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation; and Keith Winters, Sue Gasper, Jerry Jendusa and Kimberly Hoogland, EMTEQ. 34 EMTEQ For EMTEQ, a desire to give back to the community while engaging employees has produced incredible results. In 2005, the company launched an annual golf event, the EMTEQ Charity Golf Outing. In its first year, it raised more than $4,600 for Children’s Hospital and Health System’s Child Abuse Prevention Fund. In just a few short years, the event has grown in popularity and blossomed into a week’s worth of activities. Vendors, customers and other business partners participate, along with the company’s employees and their families. As a result, EMTEQ’s efforts produced a $92,000 gift for the Child Abuse Prevention Fund in 2009. In total, the event has raised $277,000. “Giving back while engaging our employees is important to us,” said Jerry Jendusa, EMTEQ’s founder and CEO. “It’s part of what we do that makes EMTEQ a great place to work. We chose to support Children’s because we’re a young company. Our employees have young children. We’ve all heard the wonderful stories about what Children’s does for kids. We chose the CAP Fund in particular because we wanted to support The Child Abuse Prevention Fund is a special fundraising initiative of Children's Hospital and Health System. Since 1988, the organization has distributed more than $9.2 million to support community-based child abuse prevention initiatives throughout Wisconsin. EMTEQ is a worldwide leader in the production and supply of innovative products for the aviation industry. It employs 400 people and operates from a state-of-the-art facility in New Berlin, Wis., with other offices around the world. C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T something proactive.” Lake States Women in Timber, Inc. Lakeshore Weekend for Kids Lamo Open Leff’s Lucky Town Golf Outing Lexus Champions For Charity Logan Memorial Golf Outing Louie’s Last Regatta Lynn & Tony’s Anniversary Poker Run Maggie’s Smile Marshfield Movie Night Mel’s Pig Roast MEMO – Midwest Employees Memorial Open Michael A. Kalldin Memorial Dinner Milwaukee County District Attorney Bake Sale Miss America Mustaches for Milwaukee Natania’s Night New Berlin Lions Club New York Life Golf Newton Fire Fighters Our Hope of Burlington Outagamie County Denim Day Paperfest Tour de Fest Pat Hardy Memorial Golf Outing Pause for a Cause Pick n’ Save We Care Program Pickin For Sick Kids Pinstripe Legends Art Plexus Celebrity Golf Invitational Porktoberfeast Primerica Baby Buckle Golf Outing Push.Pull.Pedal. Racine Firefighter Charities Racing For Kids Ali Raddatz Memorial Rebecca Marie Kuzel Memorial Golf Outing Rock-a-Thon Rooter Palooza Ryan Carlson Memorial Shoot Ryan’s Game Safe at Home Sleighbell Luncheon Sprecher Volleyball Tourney Stolley’s Hog Alley Poker Run Sugar Plum Luncheon Sweeney/Price Wedding Donations Swinging for the Children of Wisconsin Team Up for a Miracle Tee Up for the Cure – ITU Golf Outing The Navigator House Tomorrow’s Hope Tri-Ing for Children’s UW-Milwaukee Dance Marathon Verizon Golf Outing Vicky’s Cut-A-Thon Walmart Softball Tournament Wauwatosa East Walk-In, Lock-In WAVE St. Patrick’s Jersey Auction WFCA All-Star Charity Football Game Wild Game Feed Wings of Angels Wisconsin Rapids Chef Party Woodward Radiothon Yancy Family Ride 35 2009 VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP Children’s Hospital and Health System David J. Drury, chair William J. Abraham Jr. Curt S. Culver Susan Herma Robert M. Kliegman, MD Michael Pepke Larry A. Rambo Peter M. Sommerhauser Owen J. Sullivan Peggy Troy, MSN, RN Julia A. Uihlein Jon E. Vice Edward J. Zore Albert S. Orr, III Marylyn S. Ranta, MD Marcia Rimai Peter M. Sommerhauser Owen J. Sullivan Timothy Sullivan Peggy Troy, MSN, RN Jon E. Vice Mark C. Witt Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Susan Herma, chair Michael W. Altschaefl Thomas M. Bolger Elizabeth Brenner Cinthia S. Christensen Curt S. Culver Mark R. Hogan Paul W. Jones Robert M. Kliegman, MD Marlene Melzer-Lange, MD C. David Myers Keith T. Oldham, MD Children’s Hospital and Health System Foundation Larry A. Rambo, chair Thomas E. Arenberg Ellis D. Avner, MD Morry Birnbaum Kelly Cleary-Rebholz Thomas J. Enders Julie W. Gardner Marc H. Gorelick, MD Scott R. Haag David P. Hamacher Mary M. Hosmer Ted D. Kellner Bernard S. Kubale John D. Lubotsky Karim J. Macleod Gregory S. Marcus Kim M. Marotta Frank R. Martire, Jr. John S. McGregor Jim Miller John M. Noel Timothy C. Oliver Steven M. Palec Larry J. Polocheck, MD Kailas J. Rao, PhD Todd M. Reardon Greg W. Renz Mary Ann Renz Jay O. Rothman Mary Ellen B. Stanek John W. Steiner Curt B. Trau Peggy Troy, MSN, RN James S. Tweddell, MD Patricia L. Van Kampen Jon E. Vice Michelle S. Nettles Michael T. Pepke Thomas W. Pierce Mary Ann Renz Holly A. Ryan Larry T. Sarver, JD David L. Schuelke Kathy Schwab Kristine Seymour Paul W. Sweeney Patricia L. Van Kampen Anne Zizzo Holly A. Ryan Kristin Severson Paul W. Sweeney Laura Timm Peggy Troy, MSN, RN Jon E. Vice Michael Weber Earnestine Willis, MD Catherine Zimmerman Michael J. Koss Denise McGee Keith T. Oldham, MD James Joel Quadracci Larry A. Rambo Peggy Troy, MSN, RN Jon E. Vice Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L A N D H E A LT H S Y S T E M F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 0 9 A N N U A L R E P O R T Michael W. Altschaefl, chair Howard R. Bornstein Cinthia S. Christensen Todd M. Cleary Karen Diatta Robin Fall Gary W. Freels Thomas M. Gazzana Joseph J. Gehrke David L. Heard Karen R. Jackson, PhD David A. Klante Steven J. Marcus, RPh Kenneth Munson Children’s Health Education Center David C. Boerke, chair Rick C. Bauman, PhD William D. Felsing William W. Mahler John R. Meurer, MD Jill Frances Mocarski, MD Paul Nannis Albert S. Orr, III Roberta Polacheck Peter J. Ruud Children’s Research Institute William J. Abraham Jr., chair Al Costigan Martin J. Crneckiy, Jr. Richard S. Florsheim 36 Scott T. Happ Joseph L. Heil, Jr. Susan Herma Robert M. Kliegman, MD MS 3050 PO Box 1997 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997 (414) 266-6100 Trees saved – 5 Energy saved – 3.3 million BTUs Water – 1,764 gallons Greenhouse gas reduction – 538 lbs. of C02 Solid waste reduction – 292 lbs. © 2010 Children’s Hospital and Health System. All rights reserved. Exacta 12.7k mlk 0410 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PMILWAUKEE, A I D WI PERMIT NO. 2817 Children’s Hospital and Health System, Inc. MS 3050 PO Box 1997 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997