662-902-9940 - Delta Farm Press
662-902-9940 - Delta Farm Press
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 23 www.deltafarmpress.com CALL 1-800-253-3160 TO PLACE YOUR AD EQUIPMENT WANTED DAMAGED GRAIN 18X70 SCOTT LEVELER 2005 JD 8420, 3800 HRS., NICE We pay top dollar for damaged grain. Trucks and vac’s available. Immediate response anywhere. JD 6359T POWER UNIT W/ GENERATOR PRUESS ELEVATOR, INC. 1-800-828-6642 For details and a list of participating New Leader authorized John Deere CAD/ASD dealers, visit highwayequipment.com/spreadsmart. 1-1/2” 2” 870-243-9610 3” Diesel • Fertilizer Water • Chemical NighteNgale_Chad_dFP111414_1 x2 Pickett Equipment 800-238-9095 2010 VERSATILE 485 SCRAPER TRACTOR, Olive Branch, MS epickett.com/dfp.pdf 5883 hrs. – 7500 hr. ext. warr., 2-JD 1812 Scarpers, Trimble field level system, $175,000 800-363-1771 • information@highwayequipment.com All-Stainless DEF Pumps. Diesel-duty Pumps 3/4” 1-1/2” 2” 3” Pickett Equipment Olive Branch, MS 800-238-9095 www.epickett.com PIN MOUNT ADVANTAGE FREE UPGRADE *Free mounting kit when ppurchasing any Transport Tank BONUS FOR SALE 2011 VERSATILE 485 SCRAPER TRACTOR, © 2014 Highway Equipment Company. All rights reserved. No need to tighten bands and hoops after filling! *Special offers end December 31st 2014 | Not applicable with any other offers or discounts CALL NOW or VISIT 1.877.877.4370 enduraplas.com 1341 Highway 11341 N Highway 1 N 4712 hrs. – 7500 hr. ext. warr., Crabtree Greenville, MS 38703 Greenville, MS 38703 20 yd. scraper & 1814 JD Scraper, Trimble field level system, $215,000 662-335-1432 662-335-1432 662-347-2424 662-347-2424Cell Cell 662-820-9909Cell Cell 662-820-9909 Swiftwater_dfp0920_1x2 WWW.DELTAFARMPRESS.COM 662-902-9940 The Professional’s When it Comes to Tanks and Equipment Schmidt_Dale_dfp111414_1x2 Servicing the Mid-South from MS, LA, TX, AL, KY, and GA • Fertilizer, Water, Chemical Tanks • Cone Bottom/Mixing Tanks • Septic Tanks • Pumps & Parts • Nurse Trailers • Low Profile Pasture Sprayers • Tractor Mount Tank Racks • Rate Controllers/GPS Units • Pop Up Tanks • Transport/Leg Tanks • Fittings & Valves • 12V Spot Sprayers • 3 Point Hitch Sprayers • Hooded Boom Sprayers • Applicators • Skid Sprayers Olive Branch, MS Inverness, MS Hopkinsville, KY PHONE: 866-776-8265 or 662-895-4337 sales@protankequipment.com www.protankequipment.com Lowest Prices…. Guaranteed! DELTA Protank_ TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT DFP110714_2x2_vsnB TRIPLE C EQUIPMENT 662-836-8787 • 662-830-1220 CHISEL PLOWS ROLL-A-CONE SINGLE BLADE HIPPERS 3PH OR PULL TYPE NEW 12ROWS 8ROWS 16ROWS TALL SHANK-HARDEN ANY ROW SPACING POINT-1250PSI SPRINGUSED 8ROWS AND 3BAR FRAME 12ROWS TRACTORS JD 4020 DIESEL JD 4020 LP JD 4760 MFWD JD 8220 2WD 6400HRS JD 8220 2WD 9000HRS JD 8310 MFWD 9000HRS GUIDENCE READY JD 8420 MFWD 900HRS JD 8220 MFWD 8000HRS JD 8220 MFWD 7500HRS JD 8220 MFWD 7000 HRS JD 310J MFWD BACKHOE 2500HRS JD 4730 SPRAYER 90FT 2200HRS 2 SETS TIRES GUIDENCE DISC 27 SUNFLOWER 1235NEW BLADES AND BEARING FRONT AND BACK 30 SUNFLOWER 1435 LIKE NEW 32 SUNFLOWER 1233 32 CIH RMX 340 NEW BLADES 32 JD 637 NEW BLADES INVERNESS, MS Deltatractor_ Dfp102414_2x3.5 Give us 1 minute, we’ll give you 390 gallons. 24 JD 630 GOOD CONDITION 28 IH 490 SEVERAL 25 IH 490 SEVERAL 21 IH 480 SEVERAL NEW 8FT 3PH ATLAS 32 GREAT PLAINS 2012 EAGL DITCHER LIKE NEW 5FT CUT COMBINES IH 1688 8RW CORN HEADER 20 BEAN HEADER JD CORN HEADER 12-30 JD 9610 3400-2700 HRS EXC. EQ. 10FT SUNFLOWER DRILL GREAT PLAINS 20 SOYBEAN SPECIAL 2 12ROW BELL DO-ALL 2 8RW BELL DO-ALLS 8RW FOREST CITY DO-ALL JD 15SHANK CHISEL PLOW WILRICH25FT FIELD CULT 2 LEVEE LEAPERS 8-12 JD 7300 PLANTERS IH DAY CAB 6000 GAL KBH WATER TRL TRACTORS: 8130 8400 COMBINES: S670 2-9970 2010 Models 2-9970 ’09 & ’08 Models 9750 HEADERS: 2-635 Drapers 6-625 Drapers 2-925 Drapers 3-635 Flex 6-630 Flex 1-625 Flex PLANTERS: 2-1720 12R 1910 270 bu. w/1890 No-Till Drill LOONEY IMPLEMENT Hughes, AR 870-339-2313 Great For Agricultural & Looney_ Duck Hunting Land DFP032114_1x3.75 RELIFT PUMPS Sizes 8”, 10” & 12” We also manufacture landplanes, rollers, scrapers & multigraders 20179 Hwy. 64 McCrory, AR 72101 870-697-3338 FINANCING AVAILABLE TIMELY, RELIABLE INFORMATION FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE WWW.DELTAFARMPRESS.COM 24 www.deltafarmpress.com EQUIPMENT AIR COMPRESSORS TA N N E H I L L INDUSTRIES, INC. 30 Gallon Two Stage Sales Service & Supplies FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 FARM LOANS PRESSURE WASHERS CORN 300 BUSHEL CORN? Your Lender of Choice for Agricultural Mortgages Request youR FRee copy oF the NcGA chAmpioNs DVD eNtitleD BREAKING THE 300 BUSHEL CORN YIELD BARRIERTM Hot Water Electric Belt Drive 800-748-8560 TRENCH WHEELS, V-Shaped Wheels to Ditch Water !!! FITS ALL ATV’S. © 2014 METLIFE, INC. © ‘14 PNTS WHEELS (872)588-1022 Contact your MetLife representative for competitive financing! Hot & Cold Pressure Washers • Air Compressors • Generators (Air Compressor - Generator - Welder Combination) • Cleaning Chemicals ATV DITCHING tannehill_dfp0322_2x2 by cAlliNG Long-term fixed or adjustable rate mortgage loans. Jack Davis, Paragould, AR 870-215-1811 jndavis@metlife.com Phillip Howell, Lonoke, AR 501-676-7842 jhowell@metlife.com oR wAtch oNliNe At www.RaiseBetteRCRops .Com DAMAGED GRAIN RaiseBetteRCRops.Com_DFp_1x2 ATTENTION Mark Loftin, Red Banks, MS 901-826-3547 mloftin@metlife.com Will Buy All Types of Damaged Grains and Fertilizers., Damaged Soybeans, Soybean Screenings, Rice, Heated Sour, Stack or Insect Damaged. Frank Melton, Cleveland, MS 662-347-7777 fmelton@metlife.com www.metlife.com/ag Agricultural Investments The Salvage Group 1-800-524-7246 Visit www.trenchwheels.com for more information • 320-815-0865 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Got Plastic?? Raguse, Steve_2x2.25 ADVERTISE WITH DELTA Rayville, LA PLASTIC CULVERTS FLASHBOARD RISER Crowley, LA 318-728-5770 337-250-4488 Cleveland, MS CALL 1.800.253.3160 Large Inventory In Stock! Agricultural Lending & Crop Insurance Dexter, MO 662-843-0944 573-614-5525 Jonesboro, AR Victoria, TX 870-336-2620 NRCS approved cost share Delivery Available 361-703-5036 662-627-7060 877-974-SEED www.armlend.com REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET! (Toll Free) ARM_2015_DFP_2x3.5 6933 Sunflower School Rd - Clarksdale, MS 38614 WWW.DELTAFARMPRESS.COM TIMELY RELIABLE INFORMATION FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE GRAIN BIN STORAGE CINDY, Ext. 70134 chubbard@farmpress.com Did you miss an issue? If so, go to: www.deltafarmpress.com/ marketplace • 10% Of All Grain System Packages 870.265.9736 Lake Village, AR DISCOVERCMC.COM WINTER DISCOUNTS EXPIRE JANUARY 15th FRIDAY, Serving LA, AR and MS Sales Construction and Service NOVEMBER 21, 2014 www.deltafarmpress.com 318•372•2699 or 318•329•1199 GRAIN STORAGE REAL ESTATE Monroe, LA Grain Bin Services Inc. Call today for GRAIN & FEED best prices of the year SYSTEMS Serving LA, AR and MS Sales Construction and Service 318•372•2699 or 318•329•1199 www.grainbinservices.com GrainBinServices_ HELP WANTED DFP103114_2x2.5 SEND RESUME TO P O BOX 32, LELAND, MS 38756 Wanted experienced Ginner For Modern Hi-capacity Gin in ne arkansas BeneFits include: salary + Bonus – dependinG on experience, paid Vacation, HealtH insurance, retireMent plan & VeHicle. send resuMe to: Box BBa c/o delta FarM press p. o. Box 1420 clarksdale, Ms 38614 PRUESS_TODD_DFP110714_1X2 PECANS FARM MANAGER FOR LARGE RICE OPERATION • • • • • 25 SCALES LAND FOR SALE 290 ac Madison Co., TN 40 ac cropland, cabin & creeks, potential lake sites, deer/turkey, only 1 hour 10 min from Memphis $1,362/acre 149 ac Fayette Co., TN near Williston, mix of pasture and woods with home site overlooking fishing lake, lots of deer/turkey $3,650/ac 184 +/- ac Grand Junction, TN: 3br/3ba cabin, spring fed 51 ac. fishing/skiing TRUCK lake, comes with boats and tractor, mature hardwood timber $2,961/acre SCALES 313 +/- ac Benton Co., MS: beautiful hardwood timber w/ 45 ac. of open land, proven trophy deer/turkey, 6 stall cypress barn, 2 homes, - $2,350/ac. 388 +/- ac. Laconia, TN: stocked fishing lake, 50 ac. cropland, trophy deer/ turkey, mature timber, home site on lake w/power and water. $1,250,000 Call Hunt at 901-871-4450 w w w. h a r v e s t e r s l a n d . c o m FARM SOFTWARE FOR SALE SEALED BID What do you need to weigh ? Lee County, AR AUCTION H arvesters L and C o _dFP112114_2 2, 800-467-6707 1940 AcRES in 1 x bLOck DEVUE SPURLOCK 96% ROw cROp, ESTATE WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM What do you need to weigh ? 800-467-6707 VISIT US ON THE WEB Indianola Pecan House 1013 Hwy 82 East Indianola, MS 38751 Toll Free 1-800-541-6345 or 1-800-541-6252 MS Fax: 662-887-2906 Contact: Wheeler Timbs ttimbs@pecanhouse.com 662-207-0077 (1 mile SoutH of Hwy. 1 and 438 interSection) waySide, mS Steele daviS 662-822-5858 cG daviS 662-820-0763 avonpipe@deltaland.net AvonPiPe_ DFP101714_2x1 TIRES 1250/35R46 GRAIN BULKWEIGHERS PROBES Goodyear CFG LSW VISIT US ON THE WEB WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM What do you need to weigh ? 800-467-6707 VISIT US ON THE WEB WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM 318-419-1919 LAND FOR SALE • 198± Acres Coahoma County, Mississippi Foster_Donna_DFP112114_1x2 •Highlyproductivefarmland3-1/2milessoutheastof Lula •PropertyisbisectedbyChanceRoad •179±tillableacresofwhich139±isprecisionleveled •Excellentgroundwater •Twosmalltimbertractsincluded For details, contact: Bill Shannon, AFM/Agent • Jonesboro, Arkansas (870) 933-9700 or (870) 761-5649 BShannon@FarmersNational.com www.FarmersNational.com Real Estate Sales • Auctions Farm and Ranch Management Largest farm floatation tire designed for and being proven in the muddy rice, corn, and bean fields of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. For more information, contact Bruce Proctor BOBBY HENARD TIRE SERVICE Hwy 70 East • Brinkley, AR 800-664-1044 1417 Hwy 82 East • Indianola, MS 662-887-7272 BobbyHenard_dfp110714_2x5 ge Carries Steel, Corrugated, and ADS Plastic Pipe. We serve most of the Southern United States. lar DELTA Phone: 870-932-0121 800-553-1373 WWW.DELTAFARMPRESS.COM www.deltafarmpress.com TRUCK SCALES necessiTy soils Family Owned and Operated Since 1978 NorthsideSteel_DFP1011_1x2.25 FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE 3,750 PeR acRe $ L-1500071 Hwy 1 SoutH TIMELY RELIABLE INFORMATION Wilson_larry_DFP111414_1x2 77.2 ToTal acres, 76 crop acres precision leveled & irrigaTed primarily class ii PIPE THE DELTA’S LARGEST SUPPLY of METAL PIPE! HarvestWeigh_2014_1x3_softwar 870-295-0995 TRUCK SCALES R P FaRm FoR sale No lot too small, No lot too large! WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM 100% iRRigAbLE, 26 wELLS, 2 pivOtS, 4-32,000 bu. gRAin binS, pOLE bARn, ShOp & hOuSE. Duck, DEER & FiShing $ 6,000 pER AcRE Approximately 428 acres of farmland, and 301 acres of woods suitable for hunting, in 4 tracts 4 miles south of Holly Grove, Monroe County, Arkansas Sealed Bids to be opened at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 3, 2014 For details and Bidding Instructions, Contact: Raymond R. Abramson Attorney at Law P.O. Box 532 Holly Grove, Arkansas 72069 870-734-6455 rabramson@centurytel.net VISIT US ON THE WEB DeVue Spurlock_DFp_110714_1 ichland aRish x3What do you need to weigh ? CottonGrowersInC_DFP_112114_1 x2 WE BUY PECANS 800-467-6707 “I Love My Job” TRUCK SCALES v l in l a sm es nt tme MARKETPLACE rn u ret 26 www.deltafarmpress.com FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 TRUCKS / TRAILERS AUCTION COMBINE HEADER TRAILERS FARM MACHINERY AUCTION New Tandem Axle with Dolly Wheels, High Speed 41’ - $8,200 • 36’ - $5,300 • 31’ - $4,900 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2014 Contact us for dealer near you. Sikeston, MO 800-992-0634 www.jamarmfg.com DIRECTIONS: 5 miles south of Marked Tree, AR on Highway 149 Delivery Available 4- 9380 Case IH 710/70R/38 R1 duals 1- 9370 Case IH 30.5x32 R2 duals, 3pt hitch 1- 9370 Case IH 30.5x32 R1 singles 1- 9370 Case IH 24.5x32 R2 duals 1- 9370 Case IH 20.8x42 R1 duals 1- Panther III Steiger 24.5x32 R1 duals 1- Lot of tractors for salvage Ja-Mar_DFP1227_2x1.5 2015 CTS 23 990 $ , includes F.E.T. FOBSikeston, MO NEW AND USED INVENTORY AVAILABLE Call for complete list of used & new trailers www.ater.com Ater_DFP110714_1x2.75 AUCTION NOW ACCEPTING EQUIPMENT! Mon - Fri, 8am-5pm Tractors, Const Machinery, Trucks, Trailers, Tillage & Planting Equipment & Much, much more! Auction yard is located 2 miles west of Wynne, AR on US Hwy 64 Equipment accepted thru Wed, Dec 10 Advertisement Deadline: Wed, Nov 26 TRUCKS & TRAILERS TRACTORS View on line @ tsomemphis.com 1- Chevy tandem axle grain truck 1- Donahue trailer MISCELLANEOUS 1- Lot of diesel tanks, trailers, storage tanks, ag and dirt scoop drawbars, tractor cabs (9380 & 9370), tractor frames (9380 & 9370), salvage pickups, van trailer, salvage dirt scoops, dirt scoop parts, tires, weights, scrap iron & misc. 1- Tag-a-long loader 1- Steel bed for ton truck Partial Listing Only! DIRT SCOOPS 6- Reynolds, Mod. 18c, S/N 28254, S/N 30069, S/N 28934, S/N 30001, S/N 29224, S/N 30181 1- Reynolds, Mod. 18cf, S/N 21115 1- Reynolds, Mod. 18cf, S/N 19527 1-Ashland, Mod. CS 18-HD, S/N 21949 1- Reynolds, Mod. WSE-16, enjector bucket, S/N 30050 TrailerSalesMemphis_dfp112114_2x1.5 Trailer Sales & Service We offer the full line of Wilson trailers including, Grain Hoppers, Belts, Livestock, Goosenecks and Flatbeds. Eager Beaver 50 and 55 ton Lowboys. Also call us for your used truck and trailer needs. IMPLEMENTS 1- JD field cultivator;1- JD 8 row hipper 1- 3900 IH disk; 2-Amco disks 1- 7 tine subsoiler; 1- Fold type chisel plow 1- 3pt chisel plow; 1- 3pt blade 2- Land plane; 1- 3pt cutter 2- 1466 IH, 4 post 1- 4010 John Deere, with mower 1- 4010 JD, salvage with backhoe & front loader TRAILER SALES OF MEMPHIS 901-398-0133 FERRIDAY, LA WEST HELENA, AR 800-545-9204 800-669-6646 3- Reynolds, Mod 18CF, parts missing, 1 sold by photo 2-Laser trailers & 1 lot of laser equipment 4x4 TRACTORS YEAR END SAVINGS! HARVEST MASTERS Start Time 10:00 a.m. MARKED TREE, ARKANSAS OWNER: HERBERT ALLEN For more information: Herbert Allen 870-243-5975 or Ronald Tacker 870-930-0882 FA R M I N G NEWS DeWitt Auction Company, Inc. 220 DeWitt Drive • Sikeston, MO 63801 • 800-533-9488 www.dewittauction.com • Lic. Nos: MO 14 & 85; AR 390 & 404 Announcements made auction day take precedence over printed material. DeWitt Auction Co. does not guarantee the hours or condition of any item sold in this auction. THAT YOU CAN USE FARM MACHINERY AUCTION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. TRENTON, TENNESSEE Owner: Carlton Brothers Farms DIRECTIONS: Take Highway 104 East from Dyersburg, Tennessee for 12.5 miles to sale site on right. 1-8070 Allis Chalmers (original owner) TRACTORS 1-8320R John Deere MFWD, 480/80 R50 duals, 1,000 hrs., S/N 1RW8320RCAP010509 1-8310R John Deere MFWD, 480/80 R50 duals, 650 hrs., S/N 1RW8310RLOP057810 1-8130 John Deere MFWD, 480/80 R46 duals, 2374 hrs., S/N RW8130P013791 1-8100 John Deere MFWD, 20.8x42 duals, 4465 hrs., S/N 002994 1-7730 John Deere MFWD, 18.4x42 single tires, 1573 hrs., S/N RW7730R010265, w/746 loader 1-7820 John Deere 2 wh. drive, 480/80R42, 3220 hrs., S/N 033684 1-7810 JD 2 wh. dr, 18.4 R42 duals, 3 pt. & PTO, 4601 hrs., w/loader 1-4320 John Deere w/front blade 1-4020 JD, 2 wh. drive, w/loader COTTON PICKER 1-7760 John Deere Bale Picker 170 fan hrs., 210 eng. hrs. (Like New) S/N 1N07760XVE0050309 1-Frontier cotton bale mover COMBINE 1-Gleaner S78 Super Series 196 sep. hours, 260 eng. hrs, 20.8x42 duals (Like New) S/N AGCRS7800EHTV7542 HEADERS 1-9250 Dyna Flex Draper Agco, SN AGCR925000EHD01276 1-AGCO Corn head, 6 row, S/N 636RHM27362 1-Ja-Mar 36’ header trailer PLANTERS & FIELD EQUIPMENT 1-DB44 JD CCS planter, 23 row 19 in. or 12 row 38 in., coulter/row cleaner comb. Central Fill S/N 1AODB44XTDG755145 1-DB44 JD planter, 12 row wide, vacuum S/N PADB44X710161 1-3000TM Great Plains Turbo Max, 30’, S/N GP-C1298H 1-5300 Case Nutri-Placer, 30’, fertilizer applicator 1-Anderson Mfg. fertilizer applicator 3-1400 Wil-Rich Do-Alls 1-1300 Allis Chalmers field cultivator 1-John Deere 30’ field cultivator 1-630 John Deere disk 2-2500 Allis Chalmers disks 1-14’ John Deere disk 3-John Deere 8 row cultivators 1-7 shank ripper 2-5 bottom plows 1-John Deere CX20 cutter HAY EQUIPMENT 1-Massey Ferguson hay rake 1-New Holland 256 hay rake 1-411 New Holland discbine 1-Apache bale transporter trailer CARTS & WAGONS 1-ST350 KBH seed tender, conveyor 1-1170 Killbros grain cart 1-690 Killbros grain cart 2-Doyle fertilize wagon w/ spreader TRUCKS & TRAILERS 1-2004 Volvo, day cab, 464,592 mi. 1-Int. day cab, ‘84 mod., 260,372 mi. 1-Armor Lite 2014 mdl 40’ hopper 1-CPS 1996 model hopper bottom,42’ 1-2005 Ford F-350 service truck, 16,654 mi 1-1970 GMC 7000 bob truck MISCELLANEOUS SPRAYER 1-455D Ford backhoe, 3472 hrs. 1-4730 Sprayer, 644 hrs., 100’ boom, 1-Fuel tank, 9,000 gallons SN 1NO4730XAC0023885 1-Lot planter parts & 1-Lot radios For more information, contact: Mike Carlton 731-414-4662 or Andy Carlton 731-571-5605 DeWitt Auction Company, Inc. OFFICE:870.238.1400 KIRKWITCHER:870.588.1260 KENTWITCHER:870.588.6571 AALB#s�2100,2101 220 DeWitt Drive • Sikeston, MO 63801 • 800-533-9488 www.dewittauction.com • Lic. Nos: MO 14 & 85; AR 390 & 404; TN 4647 & TN Firm 2422 Announcements made auction day take precedence over printed material. DeWitt Auction Co. does not guarantee the hours or condition of any item sold in this auction. AUCTION CALENDAR Schedule of Forthcoming Agricultural Sales Nov. 22 • 10 AM Rougemont, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Nov. 29 • 10 AM West Point, VA www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Dec. 3 • 10 AM Marked Tree, AR www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 6 • 10 AM Dyersburg, TN www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Nov. 22 • 9 AM Crowville, LA Sunbelt Auction Co. 318-722-4441 Nov. 29 • 12 Noon West Point, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Dec. 4 • 9 AM Wilson, NC www.richandrichauctioneers.com 800-420-3445 Dec. 6 • 12 AM Rocky Mount, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Nov. 28 • 6 PM Snow Camp, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Dec. 1 • 9:30 AM Sikeston, MO www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 5 • 10 AM Trenton, TN www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 6 • 9 AM Toccoa, GA LeCroy Auction, Inc. 706-201-2257 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 27 www.deltafarmpress.com AUCTION A LARGE JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2014 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. DYERSBURG, TENNESSEE OWNER: TENNESSEE TRACTOR, L.L.C. AUCTION TO BE HELD AT JOHN DEERE STORE DIRECTIONS: From I-55 take Exit Hwy 78 to first light. Go left to first light. Turn left. Then turn right at first street (Community Park Road). Store is on left. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Tennessee Tractor, L.L.C. has commissioned DeWitt Auction Co. to sell this large group of late model equipment at public auction to the last bidder regardless of price. Note: All items listed are in Tennessee Tractor’s inventory and will be sold. For Dealer Transfer, Call Jay Adamson 731-234-4213. For John Deere Financing Prior Approval, Call Teresa Parsons 731-635-9771. John Deere Financing Prior Approval Must Be Arranged By December 6. TRACTORS 1-8360R JD 918 hrs., IVT trans., ILS axle, frt. duals, 480x50 dueals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8360RTC064471 1-8360R John Deere, 870 hrs., IVT Trans., ILS axle, frt. duals, 480x50 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8360RTCD064622 1-8335R John Deere, 811 hrs., IVT trans., ILS axle, frt. duals, 480x50 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8335RACD064714 1-8335R JD 2400 hros., PST trans., ILS axle, 480x50 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8335RHBP042051 1-8310R JD, 801 hrs., PST trans., ILS Axle, 480x50 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8310RCCP065006 1-8310R JD, 910 hrs., PST trans., ILS axle, 480c50 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8310RVCP065287 1-8310R John Deere, 1039 hrs., PST trans., ILS axle, 480x50 duals, 4 remotes,S/N1RW8310RCBP044582 1-8285R JD, 480 hrs., PST trans., 1500 axle, 480x50 duals, 4 remotes, S/N 1RW8285RTDP074537 1-8285R John Deere, 511 hrs., PST trans., 1500 axle, 480x50 duals,5 remotes, S/N1RW8285RCCP064398 1-8285R John Deere, 610 hrs., PST trans.,480x50 duals, 4 remotes, S/N 1RW8285RCBP047723 1-8235R JD, 243 hrs., ILS axle, PST trans., 480x50 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8235RCDp068965 1-8235R John Deere, 283 hrs., PST trans., 480x46 duals, 5 remotes, S/N 1RW8235RKCP064921 1-8330 John Deere, 3603 hrs., IVT trans., 480x50 duals, S/N 012975 1-8520 John Deere 4662 hrs., ILS axles, PTS trans., frt. duals, 480x50 duals, S/N RW8520P015773 1-8320 JD, 8000 hrs., PST trans., 18.4x46 duals, 4 remotes,S/N021687 1-8120 John Deere, 4654 hrs., 480x50 duals, S/N 037844 1-8400 John Deere, 8225 hrs., MFWD20.8x42 duals, 4 remotes, S/N 006168 1-7330 John Deere, 626 hrs., 4wd, power quad trans., S/N 029882 1-7230 John Deere, 3013 hrs., 4wd, 16 spd. pwr. quad trans., w/H360 loader, S/N 595240 4WD TRACTORS 1-9560R John Deere 897 hrs., PST reans., 650 duals, S/N 1RW9560RTCP004817 1-9230 JD, 2141 hrs., PST trans., rear PTO, 20.8x42 duals, S/N 002815 UTILITY TRACTORS 1-6170R JD, 324 hrs., 4wd, pwr. quad trans., S/N 1RW6170RJCA0005767 1-6150M John Deere, 1509 hrs., 4wd, 16 spd. pwr. quad. trans., S/N 1L06150MHDH750486 1-6140D JD, 189 hrs., 4wd, pwr. rev, S/N 1P06140DLCM050011 1-6105D JD, 192 hrs., 4wd, q. range, S/N 1P06105DCDM050615 1-6400 John Deere, 5846 hrs., 2wd, w/loader, S/N L06400P106001 1-4760 John Deere, 2wd, quad range 1-4430 John Deere COMBINES 1-S680 John Deere, 550 sep. hrs., 650x38 duals, 4wd, prodrive, pwr. cast, G53, ext. wear, S/N 1H05680SPC0747539 1-S670 John Deere, 567 sep. hrs., 520x42 dualsm 4wd, prodrive, chopper, G53, S/N 1H05670STD0756476 1-S670 John Deere, 756 sep. hrs., 520x42 duals, 4wd, pwr. cast, G53, S/N 1H05670SAC0747185 1-S670 John Deere, 900 sep.hrs., 520x42 duals, prodrive, 4wd, chopper, S/N 1H05670SCC0746115 1-9870 JD, 1200 sp. hrs., 620x38dls, 4wd, chopper, ext. wear,S/N 730681 1-9770 JD 1200 sp. hrs., 20.8x42dls, 4wd, ext. wear, chopper, S/N733398 1-9770 JD, 1614 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 duals, 4wd chopper, S/N 727854 1-9770 JD, 1800 sep. hrs., 20.8x42dls, 4wd, chopper, ext. wear, S/N727562 1-9670 John Deere, 1631 sep.hrs., 20.8x42 duals, 4wd, chopper, S/N730644 1-9760 JD, 2254 sep. hrs., 20.8x42 dual, 4wd, spreader, S/N 711660 1-9660 JD 3234 sep. hrs., 35.5 single, 4wd, spreader, ext. wear, S/N706546 1-9750 John Deere 20.8x42 duals, 4wd, S/N 696058 1-7720 John Deere, S/N 509172 PLANTERS 1-DB60 JD, 24/47 row, row comCORN HEADERS mand, S/N 1A0DB60YLCA750114 1-893 John Deere, 8 row 30” 1-DB44 JD, 18 row 38”, row com2-644 John Deere, 6 row wide mand, hyd. drive, w/splitters, 1-984 Case IH, 8 row wide S/N 1A0DB44XTAG740155 1-Geringhoff NS-800, 8 row wide 1-1790 John Deere, 16/31 row, 1-Geringhoff 1230F, 12 row 30” S/N 740312 GRAIN HEADERS 1-1790 John Deere, S/N 735478 1-640 FD John Deere, S/N 1-1790 JD, 16/31 row, S/N 735344 1H0640FDEB0745172 1-1790 JD, 16/31 row, S/N 725460 1-640 FD John Deere, S/N 1-1790 JD, 16/31 row, S/N 720337 1H0640FDPC0745596 1-1760 John Deere, S/N 695293 4-635F John Deere Flex Heads 1-1730 John Deere, S/N 680196 10-630F John Deere Flex Heads 1-1720 John Deere, central fill, 12 2-930F John Deere Flex Heads row 30”, row command, S/N 735143 1-918F John Deere, S/N 540784 3-1720 JD Stack Fold, 12 row 38”, 1-FD75 MacDon, 40’, S/N 241352-13 1-1240 Case IH, central fill, 16/31 1-FD75 MacDon, 40’, S/N 234509-13 row, S/N 7024 1-FD70 MacDon, 35’, S/N 199990 1-1240 Case IH, central fill, 16/31 1-FD70 MacDon, 35’, S/N 196935 row S/N 8074 2-974 MacDon 1-1230 Case, 12 row 38”, S/N 29303 1-3020 Case, S/N YCZL59643 1-5400 Case IH, S/N 853403 1-1020 Case, S/N JJC0328543 2-3PYPA Great Plains, central fill, COTTON PICKERS 16/31 row, 12 row 38” 1-9976 John Deere, 2950 fan hrs., 4 1-3600 Kinze, 16/31 row, w/liquid row, Pro 16 units, 4wd, S/N 9085 CARTS 1-9965 John Deere, S/N 6764 1-875 J&M, 2010 mod. 1-9965 John Deere, S/N 4415 1-750 J&M; 1-620 J&M mod. SPRAYERS 1-874 Brent 1-4940 John Deere, 772 hrs., 120’ 1-840 Kinze, 2005 model boom, S/N 18275 1-450C Kinze; 2-220 Friesen 1-4930 John Deere, 1637 hrs., 120’ FIELD EQUIPMENT Boom, S/N 18241 2-4000TC Great Plains turbo chopper 1-4830 John Deere, 910 hrs., 100’ 4-3000TT Great Plains turbo till boom, S/N 24173 1-980 John Deere field cultivator 1-4730 John Deere, 311 hrs., 100’ 1-4300 Case IH field cultivator boom, S/N 24158 1-4300 DMI field cultivator 1-4730 John Deere, 657 hrs., 90’ 1-DMI Crumbler boom, S/N 23871 1-568 Case IH Do All 1-4730 John Deere, 738 hrs., 90’ 2-Tf212-34 J&M rolling harrow boom, S/N 23869 1-Remlinger 32’ crumbler 1-4730 John Deere, 571 hrs., 100’ 1-1460 Redball, sidedress, fertilize app boom, S/N 23435 1-Blu-Jet Landrunner 1-4730 John deere, 1405 hrs., 90’ 1-1400 Wil-rich Do All boom, S/N 18787 1-630 John Deere Disk 1-4730 John Deere, 1378 hrs. 100’ 1-FX20 Shulte cutter boom, S/N 13671 1-2720 Bush Hog cutter 1-4730 John Deere, 1538 hrs., 90’ 1-3168 Woods cutter boom, S/N 8463 1-BW180X Woods cutter 1-3320 Spx Case, 2500 hrs. 1-KBH Module Builder 1-LA9560 AG-Spray MISCELLANEOUS 2-4T115 JD p. units, 1466/2783 hrs. For Info.: Jeff Sartin 731-695-7654, Jay Adamson 731-234-4213, Danny Marbury 731-225-6170, Elliott Marbury 731-345-0349 DeWitt Auction Company, Inc. 220 DeWitt Drive • Sikeston, MO 63801 • 800-533-9488 www.dewittauction.com • Lic. Nos: MO 14 & 85; AR 390 & 404; TN 4647 & TN Firm 2422; Announcements made auction day take precedence over printed material. DeWitt Auction Co. does not guarantee the hours or condition of any item sold in this auction. Dec. 10 Greenwood, MS. www.middeltaauctions.com 662-299-2414 Dec. 13 • 10 AM Sikeston, MO - Hutson Inc. www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 16 • 10 AM Forrest City, AR www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 19 • 1 PM Oxford, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Dec. 12 • 10 AM Neelyville, MO www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 13 • 10 AM Durham, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Dec. 17 • 9 AM Batesville, MS www.crenshawauctioncompany.com 901-486-6828 Dec. 19 • 10 AM Sherman, Texas Catching Bros. Auctioneers LLC 903-868-3132 Dec. 12 • 12PM Southampton County, VA www.richandrichauctioneers.com 800-420-3445 Dec. 15 • 10 AM Joiner, AR www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 18 Belzoni, MS Y & L Auction 800-637-3575 Dec. 19 • 10 AM Blytheville, AR www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Dec. 20 • 8:30 AM North, SC Dukes Auction Co. 803-533-9333 Dec. 27 • 10 AM Blairs, VA www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Dec. 30 • 10 AM Suffolk, VA www.richandrichauctioneers.com 800-420-3445 Dec. 30 • 10 AM Oxford, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Jan. 3 • 10 AM Oxford, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Jan. 5 • 9:30 AM Sikeston, MO www.dewittauction.com 800-533-9488 Jan. 15 • 10 AM Keeling, VA www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Jan. 17 • 8:30 AM Bishopville, SC Dukes Auction Co. 803-533-9333 Jan. 17 • 10 AM Margarettsville, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Jan. 26 • 8 AM Kennett, MO www.dewittauction.com 870-926-4173 Jan. 31 Como, MS www.crenshawauctioncompany.com 901-486-6828 Mar. 14 • 12 PM Troy, NC www.ebharris.com 252-257-2140 Apr. 18 • 8:30 AM North, SC Dukes Auction Co. 803-533-9333 Jun. 13 • 8:30 AM North, SC Dukes Auction Co. 803-533-9333 To have your sale of farm land or equipment listed, email us at: chubbard@farmpress.com or bpatton@farmpress.com