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saleen alley -
Volume 15, Issue 3
Summer 2012
Down The Alley...
News & Notes: A Chat with Steve Saleen:
RRR Racing September 17, 2011
Steve Saleen Going to 2012 Sturgis Mustang
Rally: August 29 - September 2, 2012
From Down Under - Perth, Australia
Concourse Judging in Perth, Australia
A Saleen Finds a Home in New Zealand
National Parts Depot Ford & Mustang
Roundup 2012: January 6-8, 2012
Saleen Open House: April 21, 2012
SOEC Dinner After the Open House:
April 21, 2012
Fabulous Fords Forever: April 22, 2012
More Fabulous Fords Forever: April 22, 2012
All-Ford Nationals, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
June 1-3, 2012
Manitowoc, Wisconsin Saleen Event:
June 29-30, 2012
Wisconsin Maritime Museum Manitowoc,
Wisconsin: June 28, 2012
2012 Ocean State Mustang Nationals in
Warwick, Rhode Island: July 20-22, 2012
Seal Beach, California Saleen Mustang Police
Car at Warwick, Rhode Island Show
Mustang Rally Weekend of the Finger Lakes:
August 3-5, 2012
Annual Saleen Show & Open House
September 14, 15, & 16, 2012
Mustangs at the Mickyard
August 30-September 1, 2013
Calendar of Events
Front & Back Covers: Molly Saleen & Mustang Rally of the
Finger Lakes visited Watkins Glen International Speedway
August 3, 2012.
Content Copyright © 2012 Saleen Owners and Enthusiasts Club
(SOEC). SOEC is the official, independent, non-profit organization for
owners and enthusiasts of Saleen vehicles and their related activities.
Saleen Owners and Enthusiasts Club
Established 1991
Officers & Appointed Positions
Debbie Blaylock
Saleen Alley Editor
Betsy Beyer
Jim Reynolds
Other Contributors
Articles & Photos
Rudy Beyer
Helen Doyle
Harry Martin
Jim Reynolds
John Rocksvold
Gene Russell
Marilyn Peek
Web Administrator
Jim Dvorak
Saleen Owners & Enthusiasts Club
Saleen Alley Newsletters Archived at
Owner & Member Services
Jim Dvorak
7071 Warner Avenue, #F-671
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
California: 1-714-369-8621 (8 A.M.–9 P.M. PT)
London: 020-8150-6192 (4 P.M.-11 P.M. GMT)
Dues are $25 per year. Registration is available online.
Photo Usage
Photos taken by the editor were taken while the cars were on
display at public events, or they were taken with the permission
of the car owner. Saleen Alley is a non-commercial publication
printed for the dissemination of information and for the enjoyment of the reader.
Submissions to Saleen Alley
Articles, stories, photographs, upcoming events, and other
news submissions are encouraged. E-mail Word-compatible
documents and your original, non-copyrighted images to All submissions become the property of
News & Notes:
A Chat with Steve Saleen: RRR Racing
Text & photos by: Betsy Beyer
Last September 17, 2011,
during my visit to the SMS
facility in Corona, California, I
was sitting by the Saleen RRR
racecar #5 in the showroom.
Looking at the racecar brought
to mind the racing years with
Steve Saleen and the RRR
race team. I asked Steve, “How did you get to know Tim Allen
and get him into racing?” I got an interesting response.
One of Steve’s friends invited him to a comedy club to see Jay
Leno perform and to possibly meet Jay Leno. (This was in 1992
or 1993 during the early years of Jay on the Tonight Show. Jay
left immediately after the show and Steve didn’t get a chance to
meet Jay. Steve was invited back to the club again when Tim
Allen was scheduled to appear. Steve was told to arrive at the
club in a Saleen Mustang and park in front of the club. Steve
and Liz Saleen drove up in a Saleen Mustang and were met by
Tim Allen. Steve gave Tim the keys and the two guys left Liz
standing on the sidewalk at the club while they took off for a
long test drive.
Tim and Steve discussed making a Saleen Mustang for Tim.
Steve told Tim to order the Mustang, and he (Steve) would take
care of the rest. In return for the Saleen transformation on Tim’s
Mustang, Tim Allen did a press shoot featuring Tim’s new 1993
Saleen Mustang, dubbed the RRR Casper. You can read about
the car at the following website.
To enhance his driving skills, Tim Allen went to Bob Bondurant
for some driving lessons. Tim discovered a talent for racing.
That was the beginning of the Saleen / Allen RRR Speedlab
race team.
Steve Saleen Returning to the 2012
Sturgis Mustang Rally
The 6th Annual Sturgis Mustang Rally will be held on Labor Day
Weekend, August 29-September 2, 2012. All participants will
have a chance to roll the dice to win a one-of-a-kind Sturgis
Mustang Rally Edition Saleen Mustang built in Corona, California. The first participant to roll the dice and spell “SALEEN” will
win the car. If nobody rolls the correct “SALEEN”, the car will be
auctioned off after the dice roll event.
The Sturgis Mustang Rally Saleen is part of Steve Saleen’s
sponsorship of the 2012 Sturgis Mustang Rally. Steve will be
attending the event and will be giving a formal presentation
about his cars and company, Saleen.
While driving on the Black Hills Poker Run during the 2011 Sturgis Mustang Rally, Steve was unsuccessful in his quest to photograph a real, live buffalo. In hopes of being successful this
year, a drive to Bear Butte State Park is planned. Also on the
agenda are drives on the Custer State Park Wildlife Loop Road
and Iron Mountain Road. Steve also wants to go west of Sturgis
to nearby Wyoming to visit Devil’s Tower Monument. Devil’s
Tower was the first National Monument. It was designated in
1906 by President Teddy Roosevelt. The natural rock formation
is the core of a volcano exposed after millions of years of erosion. It was used in the 1997 movie, Close Encounters of the
Third Kind.
Other possible sites for Steve to visit east of Sturgis include the
Badlands of South Dakota, the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site, and the South Dakota Air and Space Museum at Ellsworth Air Force Base. For a complete rally schedule and registration, visit the rally website.
At the time that Tim became a Saleen Owner, he was in the
early years of his TV show, Home Improvement. Tim’s popularity and success are now well known.
In November 1994, Tim Allen achieved the status of having the
#1 television show - Home Improvement, the #1 best selling
book - Don’t Stand Too Close to a Naked Man, and the #1
movie - The Santa Clause. In1997 Tim Allen drove in three
races. At Dayton he drove 2 races in the SAR970001 Saleen
Mustang, and at Las Vegas he drove 1 race in the SAR9700002
Saleen Mustang.
When reminded about the delivery of Tim Allen’s car, Molly
Saleen (then around the age of 10 years old) added that she
remembered that the presentation of Tim Allen’s Saleen was
done at the studio where Tim’s show, Home Improvement, was
being filmed. Tim was first
presented an authentic
Mustang - a live, 4 legged
horse. After the humorous presentation, Tim
received his authentic
Saleen Mustang, the 4
wheeled variety!
Above: Buffalo grazing by the
Custer State Park Wildlife
Loop Road.
Left: Devil’s Tower Monument
in Wyoming.
Below: Badlands National
Above: Tim Allen’s 1993 Saleen. Photo credit:
From Down Under - Perth, Australia
Text and photos by Helen Doyle and Harry Martin
Concourse Judging in Perth, Australia
The obsession to wash, wax, clean, and detail every inch of a Saleen isn’t reserved for just the citizens of the U.S.A. Saleen owners in
Australia and other countries also love their Saleens and enjoy entering car shows to “show off” their beloved Saleens. The care and
detailing necessary to enter a judged show is what motivates many owners world-wide to maintain their Saleens in pristine condition
and always ready for inspection.
In Australia, the definition of a Concourse Vehicle as described by the Mustang Owners Club of Australia is similar to the definition
from the Mustang Club of America. To be awarded an Original Class Gold Trophy the car should be absolutely stock, original, and
unaltered and unmodified in design & layout. The points score shall be based on 1,000 points. To win a gold award, the car must
score a minimum of 950 out of the 1,000 points.
In its lifetime our Saleen S281 Speedster #98-10 has won numerous trophies in Western Australia. (Our state is roughly the size of a
region that would stretch from Chicago in the north to El Paso in the south, and west to San Francisco.) Awards for our Saleen include: state champion, best judged, best engineered, best panel & paint, top street machine, Royal Automobile Club award, and Best
Selected Community award at the Perth Motor show (a show like your SEMA - Specialty Equipment Market Association - show in Las
Vegas). Our top concourse original class wins include silver, as well as 7 gold awards earned in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
The photo on the right was taken during a show here in Perth, at Western Australia’s largest horsepower show. It is a huge annual
event not only for “rev heads”, but it also includes a showcase of the best with an Elite Pavilion which, of course, is where Harry’s
Saleen was displayed. It impressed the more esteemed of horsepower enthusiasts. It won best engineered, best judged, and best
paint & panel.
One of the attractions on the burn out track was a beast best known
as “Armygeddon”, a recruiting project put together by Army motor
mechanic apprentices. It is a 6x6 Land Rover with a 7.0L engine
out of a Corvette, modified with a 3.3L supercharger, powerglide,
custom built t/case, and Nissan Patrol diffs with air lockers. If you
Google “Armygeddon” you will find quite a bit of information about
this machine.
Here’s a link to a YouTube video featuring the Australian Army’s
We attended the 40th Anniversary Celebration in Nashville and are
looking forward to attending the 50th Anniversary Celebration in Above: Middle, “Armygeddon” and right, Saleen S281 #98-10.
April 2014. We are disappointed that there are two separate shows,
one in Charlotte and one in Las Vegas. This gives more people the opportunity to attend a celebration closer to their home, but it
makes it difficult for us to pick which show to attend. We will hope to hear some news about Steve Saleen’s participation in the event.
Next year our club here in Perth is the host club for the Mustang Club of Australia Nationals. Planning for the event is underway already. If any other Saleen or Mustang owners in Australia read this article, please look for the 2013 Australia Nationals in Perth.
A Saleen Finds a Home in New Zealand
Earlier this year Harry & I travelled to New Zealand for some adventure kiwi style doing some mountain climbing first then kayaking down in the Fiords (long, narrow
inlets with steep sides or cliffs created in a valley carved by glacial activity). The fiords
of New Zealand are all located in the southwest of the South Island, in a mountainous
area known as Fiordland.
While in Christchurch, New Zealand we met up with friends from
the Canterbury Mustang Club. The Vice President of the club has
his own Mustang parts business, the Mustang Centre. In his shop he had a Saleen that had
been recently imported by one of their club members. The silver
S281 #06-229 coupe still had its SOEC & MCA stickers on the
windscreen (windshield). Perhaps someone reading this article
may know the background of the Saleen and be interested to
know that it has found a home in New Zealand. See the photos
with this article.
S281 #06-229
Christchurch, New Zealand is still suffering from a string of deadly and damaging earthquakes. Many individuals
have suffered quite badly. Many businesses have been reduced to rubble, and thousands have moved on to other places. Many are
heading to Australia to find work in our booming economy, but just as many will not budge. The people continue to endure the ongoing
tremors that don’t seem to be easing up.
National Parts Depot
Ford & Mustang Roundup 2012
The 18th Annual NPD Ford and Mustang Roundup was held in Ocala,
Florida on January 6-8, 2012. This year’s weather was mild and
mostly sunny. (Steve Saleen attend the 2010 Roundup when there
was a slight dusting of snow, and the high for the day was 32 degrees!) The Friday Pony Trail Cruise to Cedar Keys was a leisurely, well organized drive. The traffic at
intersections was held while over 300 cars made their way to the designated route. After lunch at area
Cedar Keys restaurants, participants strolled through the street and spent time shopping at local
stores. The cars returned to NPD on their own.
Dyno runs by Justin Starkey, PVMP Tuning, were available in the NPD parking lot. The NPD Museum
of over 170 cars was open for everyone to visit. Included in the collection is Rick Schmidt’s (Vice
President of NPD) 1997 Saleen S351 Speedster.
Cedar Keys, FL
The car show was at Silver Springs Nature Park on Saturday and Sunday, January 7-8, 2012. Starting
at sunrise, the NPD staff parked over 1000 cars inside the park. The first 1000 cars to preregister in
September 2011 received free admission to the show and 2 free passes for the nature park. In addition to seeing all of the Mustangs and Fords, participants got to enjoy the Glass Bottom Boat Rides,
the Jeep Safari Rides, the Petting Zoo, and the shops.
On Sunday, January 8, participants returned for day two of the show. Thirty Participant Choice Awards
were given to winners. The winners had to be present for the award ceremony on Sunday afternoon.
The free registration to the show is usually online in September. Highlights of the 2012 show are on
the NPD website. Check out the highlight video and look for the 2013 show registration in late August or in September.
Thank you to Rick Schmidt and all of the NPD staff for hosting this annual event. Remember the event is free to the first 1000 to preregister. The next show in on January 4-6, 2013.
Above & below: Around the show field,
Silver Springs Nature Park.
Below: Ocala, FL - Horse Capital, highest
number of horses in residence in America.
Saleen Open House: April 21, 2012
Text and photos by: John Rocksvold
Visitors are always welcome to stop at the Saleen Headquarters
in Corona, California. A couple of times a year, Saleen formally
invites the public to an Open House. This spring’s open house
was amazing. There were Saleen and SMS cars of every description available to view, and this year even some beautiful
custom imports made their way in. One nice couple came in
looking to buy a new Saleen Mustang for their son. Lucky kid!
This year’s Open House
was the first one since
Steve Saleen regained
control of the Saleen
brand name. This Open
House was a special
celebration. The Saleen
name was on the front
Above: There were many Saleens present including a Lizstick
red new edge Speedster with its proud owner.
Below, left: A beautiful Atlantic Blue Saleen S281 coupe.
Below, right: A rare, first of its kind, Saleen Explorer XP8 #98001x that was built on a 1997 chassis and was heavily optioned
with a Powerdyne Supercharger, Recaro Seats, Carbon Fiber
Interior Accents, Mirror Covers, CoCo Mats, and a Saleen Hood
(not currently on vehicle).
Above: The Mopars were the first to hit the scene. Notice
in the picture, the SMS sign is gone!
There were also a couple of Saleen tribute cars present.
Above left: An awesome 2007 Sonic Blue Mustang.
Above right: A vinyl wrapped new edge Mustang.
Above & below: Once the Mopars pulled out, a local Mus-
tang club entered and took up residence.
Above: This pristine 1969 Mach I represented the classic genre.
Inside, there were a couple of awesome S281 Motorsport customized Saleens.
Above, left: The black and gold Saleen #07-0191 belongs to
Terry Norris.
Above, right: The Candy Apple Extreme #06-159E with ghost
flames belongs to Sam Neer.
Above, left to right: There were a couple of cars that were in
various stages of completion like this menacing black 570X and
this custom green 570.
Above: Saleen had the Saleen-Bondurant Camaro on display.
Above: While the adults looked about, the children played with
the Transformers’ movie prop. It has since been sold and is part
of a collection in Deadwood, South Dakota.
Above & below 2 photos: The crown jewel of the show was
this beautiful custom silver 2013 Black Label Saleen, wearing
the new Mustang halo tail-lights.
Above: Visitors look around the Saleen production facility.
Above: The crowd gathers to hear Steve talk about his latest
Below: Steve Saleen, center, in front of an awesome Saleen S7
SOEC Dinner After the Open House:
April 21, 2012
Fabulous Fords Forever:
April 22, 2012
Text and photos by: John Rocksvold
Text and photos by: John Rocksvold
My favorite part of the weekend is the rally and club dinner with
the Saleens. This time Steve had everyone around the table
share a little bit about themselves. As everyone shared, we
were afforded the opportunity to see the lighter side of Steve as
he corrected some of the mini bios. We also welcomed new
members to the Saleen team: Jess Albright of Revstone, a strategic partner for Saleen (Jess has since moved to Classic Design Concepts), Al Wagner a Saleen engineer, and Natasha.
The Annual Fabulous Fords Forever Show was held at Knott’s
Berry Farm in Buena Park, California on April 22, 2012. True to
custom, Steve Saleen and a nice group of Saleen owners were
present at the show.
Above, left: #05-1004, Ben Cabdoy’s Windveil Blue S281.
Above, right: #06-095, Richard Eimer’s custom S281-SC.
Below: #06-1065, Ricardo Barragan’s eye-catching yellow convertible and other Saleens in the second row.
Above & below: SOEC members gathered for dinner at Citrus
City Grille in Corona, California.
Above: Steve Saleen having a brief before dinner chat with Jim
Dvorak. Special thanks to Jim for organizing this weekend.
Below, left to right: The after dinner chat with Bill Smallwood,
Jim Dvorak, Erin Kimm, and Ben Cabdoy.
Above: #07-316PJ, one of the four limited edition SaleenParnelli Jones Mustangs at the show.
Below: #08-038 This amazing dark grey Saleen S331 Sport
Truck was the only one of its kind at the show.
Above: Saleen display with a Blue 440 HP White Label Saleen Mustang and a Black 625 HP Yellow Label (SC) Saleen Mustang.
Below: This 800+ horsepower Ford GT was part of the AE Collection that had several cars at the show.
Above: #89-059 SSC from the AE Collection, one of the two
super clean SA5s that made it to the show.
Above: #90-125, beautiful red fox body with a GT40 intake fed
by a Vortech supercharger.
More Fabulous Fords Forever: April 22, 2012 Text and photos by: John Rocksvold
Above: #97-001, Rob Cutler’s beautiful
S351 Speedster.
Above: #98-022x, a very rare sight, a
dark blue Saleen Explorer.
Above: #99-129 – Rene Barba’s clean
white blown S281.
Above: The long, long line for Steve’s signature. Below, left to right: Steve Saleen signing posters; Harun Ayouby and David Koh
have the “pleasure” of being the end of the autograph line; Liz Saleen training her granddaughter, Ryan Saleen, to autograph Saleen
cards. Ryan’s father and mother are Clint and Sarah.
Above: Steve Saleen, left, with a fan in
front of this 100 year old 1913 Ford.
Below: Steve Saleen always takes time at
the end of the show to sign cars. Here he is
signing Scott Sorweid’s car.
Above: Two rare black and gold Saleens - Scott
Sorweid’s #96-048 Vortech equipped convertible
with Mike Pacaud’s #88-655 hatchback.
Below: At the Fabulous Fords Forever luncheon
the who’s who of Ford posed for pictures together.
Left to right - Steve Saleen, Robert Hight, Linda
Vaughn, Henry Ford III, Courtney Force, Brittney
Force, and John Force..
Above: The Saleen Ladies doing
their thing, looking good in front of
the AE Collection S7. Molly
Saleen, middle.
All-Ford Nationals, Carlisle, Pennsylvania: June 1-3, 2012
A record number 2800 vehicles were at the 2012 All-Ford Nationals in Carlisle, Pennsylvania on
June 1-3, 2012. On Friday and Saturday free test drives of the latest products from Ford were
available at the Carlisle Expo Center. In addition to the usual vendors, there were activities for
the Shelby Reunion. After the show on Saturday, 400 cars joined a parade to downtown Carlisle
for a Carlisle Ford street party.
On Saturday, SOEC members greeted visitors to the SOEC tent. Saleen posters and spec
cards were available. Dave Bruno distributed goody bags to members that pre-registered with
the SOEC Forums. Thank you to Jim Dvorak for sending Mothers products for the goody bags.
Above, left to right: #07-14 Supercharged S281, #97-14 Supercharged S351, and #98-14
Supercharged S351. Three Saleens with the #14 on the bumpers confused visitors.
Above: Saleen section of the show field.
Below: In the center of the photo below, Dave Bruno is photographing the Saleens.
Above: Saleen section of the show field.
Below: Watch out for the low bumper. There was a slight dip
from the road surface to the grass!
Above: 2007 Parnelli Jones Saleens #07-190 and #07-423.
Manitowoc, Wisconsin Saleen Event
Text and photos by: Jim Reynolds and Betsy Beyer
Saleen Owner, Mark Mielczarek, invited owners of Saleens to visit
his very unusual home for a three-day Wisconsin Saleen Fest that
included a parade, cruise-in, car show, picnic, and drive to Lambeau Field. To get started, it is necessary to mention that Mark &
Becky Mielczarek, and their 4 boys (Austin - 16, Alex - 13, Adam 9, & Ashton - 7) live in a converted fire house. Yes, a building that is
a former fire house, complete with a tower for hanging up hoses to
dry, and a huge garage for all of the Saleens, a fire truck, a small
boat, a lift for cars, and an antique pick up truck.
Starting with a rendezvous at Mark and Becky’s firehouse home on
Friday evening, June 29, 2012, a dozen Saleens drove to the Manitowoc branch campus of the University of Wisconsin where they
joined about 450 vehicles that were waiting to drive to Two Rivers,
Wisconsin for the Cool City Cruise Night. The cruisers drove
through the crowd lined streets of Manitowoc to Maritime drive. The
line of Saleen Mustangs and trucks drew a lot of attention as the
group drove the 8-mile route along the shore of Lake Michigan to
Two Rivers, Wisconsin. The route was picturesque with occasional
sailboats and other craft. The entire caravan arrived at Two Rivers
where the main street was blocked off for the informal cruise night.
Above & below: 12 Saleens at the University of Wisconsin
at Manitowoc on Friday, June 29, 2012.
Saturday morning began with the Saleen group again meeting at
the firehouse for a cruise to Two Rivers for the car show. Saleens
were the feature marque and had reserved parking near the town
square. The main street was blocked off for several blocks, and about 325 cars were parked on both sides of the street for the judged
car show. A separate class for Saleens was included. 14 Saleens participated in the show. Saleens from Manitowoc, Westbend, Milwaukee, and Chicago attended the event. Rudy and Betsy, from Pittsburgh, were present with their ’07 Saleen Convertible, and Jim
and his son Bryan, from Cincinnati, were present with their XP-8. (Rudy and Betsy won the longest distance award for the show.)
The town square served as show center with large food tents and other vendors, as well as a bandstand with a live band playing.
Show vehicles of all types and ages were present - Concours 1930’s Packards, a Deusenburg, Street Rods, Muscle cars, sports cars,
and trucks. The city of Two Rivers hosted the show. The proceeds were for the benefit of the downtown beautification fund.
Saturday evening, when the show ended, the Saleen group and several other mustang owners gathered back at Mark’s for a “fry out”
and drive in movie projected on a large screen mounted on the firehouse tower. The brats, burgers, and picnic food were a treat after
a day in the sun. The nighttime feature was Bruce Almighty, of course. In the movie, Steve Saleen’s personal Saleen S7 was the car
that “God” drove. There were about 40 Saleen and Mustang enthusiasts at the party.
Sunday, again, started at the firehouse. The group circled the pony’s for a 40-mile drive to Green Bay, Wisconsin, the home of Lambeau field and the Green Bay Packers. Sorry Steelers and Bengals fans. After a photo op in front of Lambeau everyone had a great
meal at a local sports bar. Many thanks to Mark and Becky for all the effort they put into this outstanding event.
Left & right, above & below: On Friday, June 29, 2012, twelve Saleens were part of a parade of 450 cars that cruised from the University of Wisconsin at Manitowoc to Two Rivers for a cruise-in on the main street.
Above & below: On Saturday, June 29, 2012, at the Two Rivers Cool City Classic Car Show, 325 registered cars were judged. 13
Saleens participated in the show.
Above & below: After the Two Rivers Cool City Classic Car Show, Saleen participants returned to the Mielczarek home for a picnic
dinner of dogs, brats, potato salad, and beans. Thank you to Mark and Becky Mielczarek for their hospitality.
Below: After dinner, some of the participants stayed for a private outdoor showing of the movie Bruce Almighty on a big screen hanging outside for Mark’s drive-in theater. In the movie, Steve Saleen’s personal Saleen S7 was the car that “God” drove.
Above & below: On Sunday, July 1, 2012, 8 Saleens cruised through the dairy lands of the Wisconsin countryside to Lambeau Field,
home of the Green Bay Packers. Mark referred to the drive as an “international drive.” Notice the names of the areas that the group
drove through on the way to Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Below: During the drive to Green Bay, Wisconsin the group drove through dairy country. Cheese curds are a favorite treat of the area.
The Green Bay Packers fans are referred to as “Cheese Heads.”
Saleens at Lambeau Field,
Home of the Green Bay Packers
Above: Saleens parked at Lambeau Field.
Photo by: Cheri Kimball
Wisconsin Maritime Museum
Manitowoc, Wisconsin
June 28, 2012
Above, left: Manitowoc, Wisconsin
is the home of the Wisconsin Maritime Museum.
Part of the Wisconsin Maritime
Museum is an actual World War II
Submarine, U.S.S. Cobia, built by
the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company.
Left: Torpedo section
Right: Exterior of U.S.S. Cobia
2012 Ocean State Mustang Nationals in Warwick, Rhode Island
The Ocean State Mustang Nationals were held on July 20-22, 2012 and hosted by the Mustang Car Club of New England. Friday,
July 20 was the day for registration. Rain was on the menu for the day. The rain ended in time for the Rhode Island Fast Ferry Sunset
Cruise on Narragansett Bay. The tour featured the lighthouses of Rhode Island Sound. Above are photos taken during the cruise.
Saturday was the day for the MCA judging. The evening dinner was
a New England Clambake including “A Night of Murder & Mayhem”
Dinner Theater. Some of the participants that didn’t attend the
event went to local restaurants to enjoy the fresh seafood, especially the lobster and lobster rolls.
Below: #97-14 Supercharged S351 Saleen displayed in the
Conservator’s Class for Mustangs that have earned enough
points to receive an MCA Grill Medallion.
Above & 2 photos below: Mustangs on the show field at the
Crown Plaza Hotel, Warwick, Rhode Island.
Left & above: July 20-22, 2012. #09 SA 15 at the Ocean State
Mustang Nationals, Warwick, Rhode Island.
Seal Beach, California Saleen Mustang
Police Car at Warwick, Rhode Island Show
The Saleen on this page is a 1989 modified 5.0 LX
Hatchback that was built for the Seal Beach, California Police Department. It was designated as an S442 model.
This Saleen served Seal Beach until its retirement in the
late 1990s.
Mustang Rally Weekend of the Finger Lakes
The New York Mustangs, held a Mustang Rally at Phelps, New York on August 3-5, 2012. Molly Saleen was
their special guest. Thank you to Dan Bremer, Grey Schwartz, and Jim Cheney - Mayor of Phelps, New York.
The activities started with a Friday evening, August 3, visit to Watkins Glen International Speedway for 3 paced laps and photos on
the track. It was amazing to have three Saleens on the track where the Saleen/Allen RRR Race Team raced and won in the mid1990s. At a 39-lap, 95.55-mile SCCA World Challenge race on August 26, 1996 Steve Saleen, driving the #65 Saleen/Allen Saleen
Mustang, scored his first SCCA World Challenge Victory in his S2 Class and had the fastest race lap in 1:15.501 (116.81 mph). In an
SCCA race on June 29, 1997 the Saleen Mustangs finished 1,2, and 3 in the T1 Class at Watkins Glen Speedway.
After the paced laps, some of the participants stayed to meet with the speedway's president, Michael Printup. After a short discussion
about speedway operations, the group went outside for some photos in the victory lane area.
Dinner was at the Seneca Lodge Restaurant in Watkins Glen. Racecar drivers often stop there.
Saturday, August 4, Molly autographed posters for the participants of the car show held at the Phelps Community Center. Five
Saleens were present for the show. Around 100 Mustangs were on display and in hopes of winning one of the show awards.
After the show, the Mustangs lined up for a short drive around the outside of town to join the parade down Main Street. The parade
was part of the Sauerkraut Festival that was being held in town. The festival celebrates that Phelps was once the largest producer of
sauerkraut in the world. After the parade, the Mustangs drove back to town and parked on Main Street for the awards presentation.
After the event, Molly Saleen and others went to the Sauerkraut Festival grounds for dinner at food vendors at the festival.
Sunday's event was a well organized 125 mile poker run following Seneca Lake and Cayuga Lake. At each of 7 stops participants
went to the cash register attendant to get a card. The cards were in sealed envelopes that had security printing so that the card inside
couldn't be read. Trading cards with a friend to make a better hand wasn't an option! The sealed envelopes were opened at the
Phelps American Legion at the end of the poker run.
Proceeds of the weekend's events were for the Habitat for Humanity of Ontario County and the Wounded Warrior Project. Thank you
to everyone who stopped to meet Molly. It was a pleasure to be part of the event.
Above: Saleens at Watkins Glen International Speedway.
Below: Mustangs on the show field at the Phelps Community
Above: Molly Saleen, “What? SALEENPJ on
the plate?” The license plate is going to be
transferred to the PJ!
Above: Saleens that were at the event.
Below: Grand stands at Watkins Glen International Speedway.
Above: Molly Saleen in Tom Cesare’s
Saleen convertible in line with the
Saleens, ready for the parade.
Above: Molly Saleen with her
poker cards on Sunday’s poker
run. Sorry Molly, you didn’t win!
cial event (to be announced based on participation interest -how about a wine country tour?)
Annual Saleen Show & Open House
September 14, 15, &16, 2012
All Ford, Mustang, Challenger, & Camaro
Models Welcome!
Text from
Register Online at
Saleen World Headquarters, 2735 Wardlow Road,
Corona, CA 92882 Phone: 714-400-2121
Join Steve Saleen, the Saleen family, and the team at "Saleen
Headquarters" as we welcome the Saleen Owners and Enthusiasts Club and all Saleen owners and enthusiasts at the annual
open house and car show. This is the world's largest gathering
of Saleens in the world!
Friday evening: SOEC Members, Non-Members, and Guests
Dinner (casual meet with locals and out-of-towners; pay-yourown way). Meet at 5:30 p.m. at Saleen, 2735 Wardlow Rd., Corona, CA 92882.
Saturday: Car Show and Open House
More than 30 Saleen and SMS classes!
Expanded classes for 2005-09 S-series 3-Valve, Supercharged and Extreme!
Also classes for other Mustangs and Fords, plus Chevrolet,
Camaro, Dodge, Challenger, and more!
Special Display Only category for those who don't want
their Saleen judged -- bring your daily driver or fixer-upper!
Special SOEC awards for Saleen entries: Longest Distance
Driven, Longest Distance Traveled, Best Non-Judged
(nomination required).
Saleen worldwide headquarters factory tours.
Entertainment for the kids!
Poster signing and autograph session with Steve Saleen!
Steve Saleen will autograph Saleen vehicles after the show
-- please be by your Saleen or SMS vehicle to have it
Saturday Evening: SOEC Dinner (members and their guests)
with the Saleen family -- Meet at 5:30 p.m. for a leisurely cruise
to a casual, pay-your-own way dinner.
Sunday: SOEC Breakfast (members and their guests) and spe-
SOEC Hotel: Ayres Suites Corona West: Comfortable accommodations at a special $75 bargain price. It's only 1.4 miles
away on the other side of the 91 freeway and up Frontage
Road. The Special Saleen/SMS Supercars $75 rate includes a
continental breakfast starting at 7:00 a.m. (just for the morning
of the show), and a full hot American breakfast buffet served
starting at 7:30 a.m. every day. All rooms have microwave,
fridge, coffeemakers (with coffee), and free wireless. You save
$24+ over their regular rate and the hotel has free parking.
Double occupancy rooms are available with double-doubles or a
king. Inquire at the time you make reservations for the best
room layout that suits your needs. There is a do-it-yourself car
wash nearby off 6th Street.
Call Ayres Suites Corona West directly at (951) 738-9113
and ask for the "Saleen" rate. Rooms blocked at that rate are
limited, and the rates are good for the full weekend from Thursday-Sunday or as they have room, but you should book by Sept
1. Clarify room amenities and layout at time of booking. Room
upgrades are available. It's a nice, clean, casual hotel, pool for
the kids, and a good Mexican restaurant next door. Ayres
Suites Corona West, 1900 Frontage Road, Corona, CA.
Mustangs at the Mickyard
August 30-September 1, 2013
Mustangs at the Mickyard will be held on Friday, August 30,
through Sunday, September 1, 2013. The host hotel, inside Walt
Disney World, is the Coronado Springs Resort. The rate is only
$99/night, plus you will receive two free after 4 P.M. park tickets.
Hotel reservations have been available since April 17, 2012. A
one night deposit is required when you make the reservation.
You do NOT need to be an MCA member to reserve a room(s),
at the discounted rate. Just use the group number below. Family
and friends are welcome and are eligible for the same great
rate! This special rate is good from Monday, August 26, 2013
through Friday September 6, 2013. The show has a guaranteed
block of rooms. If the rooms sell out quickly, the Coronado will
expand the block for a short time. Reserve your room now to get
the discounted rate and ticket package. These same rooms are
usually priced at $350-$495/night, with no freebies. Don’t wait
and be disappointed. If needed, you are permitted to cancel
your room(s) up to a week in advance of your reservation. Several Saleen owners have already made reservations! As of midAugust 2012 the Coronado was fully booked and the Orleans
Resort is being offered at the same price. Coronado rooms may
become available via cancellations. The Orleans Resort is near
Downtown Disney, the shopping and restaurant area.
Disney has given two dedicated phone numbers to assist with
the reservations for this show.
Hotel: Coronado Springs Resort or the Orleans, as available.
Group name: Mustang Club of America Grand National 2013
Group #: G0605618
Use these two phone numbers:
Primary: 1-407-939-4686 and Secondary: 1-407-939-1020
Calendar of Events
Please visit for
information on these events and other activities.
August 29 - September 3, 2012
Sturgis Mustang Rally
Sturgis, South Dakota
Steve Saleen Signature Event
September 14-16, 2012
Steve Saleen’s Annual Car Show and Open House
Saleen Headquarters
2735 Wardlow Road, Corona, California 92660
Steve Saleen Signature Event
Friday: Casual Dinner
Saturday: Saleen Show and Open House
Saturday Evening: SOEC Members & their Guests :
Dinner with Steve & Family
Sunday: Breakfast
Annual Events for 2013
January 12-13, 2013
National Parts Depot
19th Annual Ford & Mustang Roundup
Silver Springs, Ocala, Florida
Free Registration to the 1st 1,000.
Registration is usually posted in
late August or in September.
Saturday - Sunday, April 20-21, 2013
Saleen Rally: Saleen, Corona, California
Fabulous Fords Forever Knott’s Weekend
Knott’s Berry Farm, Buena Park, California
June 7-9, 2013
Carlisle All-Ford Nationals
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Saturday & Sunday, July 20&21, 2013
Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Races and Car Shows
Ford Mustang will be the 2013 Marque of the Year
Mustangs of all years are welcome as we gear up to
celebrate Mustang’s 50th Anniversary.
Space for the first 500 Mustangs to be on display in the middle
of the golf course overlooking the vintage races. Mustang owners will be part of the country’s largest vintage race event and
have an opportunity to take a parade lap on the 2.3 mile street
circuit in front of 100,000 spectators! Ford is hosting the marque
pavilion and promises to bring special guests and Mustangs
from museums, private collections, and even special racing
editions. As available, details about the PVGP Mustang Marque
of the Year events can be found at:
Mid July 2013
2013 Mustang Roundup & All Ford Picnic
Bellevue College, Bellevue, Washington
MCA 2012 & 2013
National Shows
Check the MCA website for details and
regional MCA shows.
2012 MCA Grand National
August 31 – September 2, 2012
Mustang Club of Oklahoma
OK Corral MCA Grand National
Mustang, Oklahoma
2013 MCA National Shows
April 19-21, 2013
Wild Horse Mustang Club
Ponies in the Park
Ford Park Event Center, Beaumont, Texas
June 7-9, 2013
Reno Mustang Car Club
MCA National Show
Reno, Nevada
July 5-7, 2013
Blue Ridge Mustang Club of Asheville
Stars, Stripes, and Stangs
Crowne Plaza Golf & Tennis Resort
Asheville, North Carolina
It’s on a holiday weekend.
Hotel Reservations available now!
Reservation acceptance started July 23, 2012
It’s on a holiday weekend so reserve rooms early.
August 2-4, 2013
Mustang Club of Indianapolis
MCA National Show
Indianapolis, Indiana
Labor Day Weekend 2013
August 30-September 1, 2013
Mid-Florida Mustang Club
2013 Grand National Show
Mustangs at the Mickyard
Walt Disney World Coronado Resort
Orlando, Florida
It’s on a holiday weekend so reserve rooms early.
Hotel Reservations available now @ $99 / night!
Reservation acceptance started April 17, 2012.