Bulletin November 2,2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Bulletin November 2,2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY OCTOBER WEEKLY INCOME Monthly YTD 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 Total Total Wkly Church Support Budget 17,549 17,549 17,549 17,549 $70,196 $298,333 Church Support (Offertory) 16,962 16,662 12,300 12,476 $72,866 $294,218 Monthly Online Donations - 14,466 Ahead/(Behind) $2,670 ($4,115) CHURCH SUPPORT Mon MASS INTENTIONS Nov 3 @ 8:30AM Communion Service Tue Nov 4 @ 8:30AM DEBT REDUCTION Todd Trelstad (dec) Wkly Debt Reduction Budget Debt Reduction 6,923 5,331 - 6,923 4,088 - 6,923 1,863 - 6,923 $27,692 $117,691 2,324 $21,196 $93,088 7,590 ($6,496) ($24,603) Wed Nov 5 @ 8:30AM Jerry Popp (dec) Thu Nov 6 @ 8:30AM Elizabeth Polhamus (dec) Fri Nov 7 @ 8:30AM Todd Trelstad (dec) Sat Nov 8 @ 5:00PM Joe & Mabel Martin (dec) Sat Nov 8 @ 7:00PM Nivia Luz Herrera (dec) ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA ASISTENCIA Sat Oct 25 @ 5:00 PM 230 Sun Nov 9 @ 9:00AM David Bishop (dec) Sat Oct 25 @ 7:00 PM 351 Sun Nov 9 @ 11:30AM People of St. Thomas Sun Oct 26 @ 9:00 AM 305 Sun Oct 26 Total @ 11:30 AM 292 1,178 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Joyce Lewis, Julie Sheffer, Alma Bennett, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Murray Causey, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Margaret Holsenbeck, Dick Myers, John Bowser, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Joe Krzysik, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Joe Salada, Anna Aseltine, Marilyn Macheske, Shatha Ankawi, Cheryl Nadeau, Candi Smith, Red Gilbert, Mary Ann Herlihy, John Hvizdos, Jo Doster, Roberto Ibarra, Bill Waskelis, Rita Finn, Martin Powers CURSILLISTAS English-speaking women’s group meets on Thursdays at 7:30AM in the church. For information, call Bette Purvis 458-8070. For information about the English speaking men’s group, call Tony Hartman, 458-0936. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY “There is a hole in every human heart that only God can fill.” LITURGY OF THE HOURS – EVENING PRAYER Join the Regina Caeli Schola for sung Vespers each Tuesday at 5:30pm. ROSARY Immediately following Daily Mass. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Monthly Online Donations Ahead/(Behind) COME EXPLORE CATHOLICISM Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic as an infant, but never received any other sacraments, or attended religious education or Mass while growing up? Are you a visitor, curious about what the Catholic Church teaches? Perhaps thinking about joining the Catholic Church? For more info, please call Edie Shanahan, 865-271-9276, or els947@comcast.net. COMMUNION SERVICE Monday, November 3, 2014 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday, November 7th from 9:00am-3:00pm +OFFICE OF THE DEADEVENING PRAYER-FIRST FRIDAYS+ Beginning Friday, November 7, at 6 PM, the Regina Caeli Schola will pray for our deceased loved ones. Please join us, or email names of those you wish to be included in our monthly prayers to: Viscontip@bellsouth.net. NOVEMBER 1-15 BIRTHDAYS – CUMPLEAÑOS DEL DEL 11-15 DE NOVIEMBRE John Fasse Nancy Klekamp Faye Polhamus Linda Denardo Jill Thomas Zoila Cano Santos Juarez Madeline Gibson Alexandra Gonzalez Miranda Gonzalez Victor Garcia Carroll Becker Robert Thelen Mark Werner Brittany Artis Donald Kimbrel Judith Pabich Chere Rackstraw Michael Healy Luke Chill Anna Guiliano Mick Nichols Gabriel Shanahan Tyler Blair Antonio Garcia Joan Petill Bunny Thelen John Manners Anita Elder Natalie Magana Richard Cross Deacon Jose Rivera Claire Frazer Cindy Solomon Trudy Durham Jorge Armando Garcia Thomas Spahn Juan G. Lopez Barbara Rueth Caden Lombardi Jack Callahan Julia Fowle John Stower Margaret Gould James Gecsei Harry Denardo Ashely Sarten Deacon Sean Smith Yolanda Gonzalez Elizabeth Hebert Caitlin Prendergast Luke Cooney Emily Guzman Donaldo Pineda Norm Corda Brayden Gonzalez Sally Wilson Elizabeth Calton Berta Saucedo Emily Hosty Santos Saucedo Natalie Rickerson F. Bradley Orcutt Richard Bresky Anahy Cornejo Jan Joyce Natalie Hassil Wayne Metheny Rosemary Chestnut Claudia Garza Alexandra Madsen Janet Cooper John Hebron Sam Sellers Gregory Wells Theresa Beyer Megan Rapien Joe Filosi Adriana Gonzalez John Ptacek Audrey Lex Yurisan Cornejo Deb Reinhart Kenneth Schoeling Fernando Carvajal Kay Schmid Ethan Fiedler Thomas Peck Thania Villicana Mary Dougherty Jakelin Mejia Randy Logsdon Chelsea Galvan Jim Walker John Gripp Jill Tarter Ronald B. Bastien German Juarez Mark Galbaugh Maria Corona Marcos Chang, Sr. Ashlyn Callahan Tory Kinson Carlos Zavala Rosalie Gonzalez Katie Marie Reed BISHOP STIKA STATEMENT ON AMENDMENT ONE Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, one of the great privileges of living in a democracy is the right of its citizens to vote. Although the Catholic Church will never identify itself with any political community or system, we can and must speak up in support of moral issues. One such issue that we as Catholics will have an opportunity to vote on November 4th is Amendment One. This amendment is neither a Republican nor Democrat issue, but a moral and life issue of greatest magnitude. A yes vote on Amendment One, a prolife amendment, would neutralize the extreme interpretation taken by the Tennessee State Supreme Court in 2000 in which they declared that our State Constitution guarantees the right to an abortion. Passage of this Amendment would restore back to the voter the “life” decisions that were taken from them by the state court decision. For this reason, I and my brother Bishops in Nashville and Memphis wholeheartedly ask for your support for “life” by voting for “Yes on One” this November 4th. DAILY MASS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH Veterans Day There will only be one Mass on Tuesday, November 11th; St. Martin of Tours and Veteran's Day. Mass will be at 9:30 a.m. After Mass, there will be a wreath laying at the veterans’ memorial site followed by a celebration in the PFLC. SPECIAL COLLECTION TO SUPPORT OUR DEACONS - NOVEMBER 1 AND 2 Today is the Second Collection for Diocese of Knoxville Deacon Formation Support. Our Diocese is blessed with 57 permanent Deacons serving in 28 parishes, with another 24 men currently in formation. Deacons bring the Gospel and the gift of themselves to the soup kitchens, the food banks, prisons, hospitals and wherever else a need exists as well as to the parish in which they are assigned. Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity. CREED WEEKLY JUSTICE CHALLENGE: November 2-8 November 3 is the feast day of St. Martin de Porres. Martin was the son of a knight and a freed slave woman. His passion and life work were dominated by his care for the sick, the poor, and slaves in Peru. While we don’t officially have slaves in our country today, we do have people who are unjustly bound. There are victims of human trafficking in our cities who are working for unjust wages or are caught up in the commercial exploitation of sex. Many of them are immigrants, and many are children—both innocent victims of crimes which deny them their basic human rights. Your challenge this week is to educate yourself—as an individual and as a family—on one of the ways in which people are treated as slaves in our country. Then pray for the victims, and pray for the perpetrators of the injustice. Do one thing—send an email, make a phone call, talk to others—to advocate for safeguards which will prevent this crime from happening in our country and our world. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS EXPLAINED WITH FATHER DOUG Thursdays: *November 6 and 20, 2014 *Date Change 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the PFLC We are a religion of rituals; our Roman Catholic Mass is filled with rituals. While attending Mass every weekend we give Praise and Glory to God. How do we do it? There are four (4) major parts to the Mass: the Opening Rites; the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding Rites. Father Doug will explain the basics of the Mass so we know what we are doing, why we are doing it; what it does and how it is vital to Christian growth. Join us to obtain a deeper understanding of the Roman Catholic Mass. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com LAST CHANCE TO ORDER! CHRISTMAS WREATHS Knights of Columbus will be taking orders after Mass this weekend - November 1/2 This Christmas Season, give yourself, your family and friends a special greeting with a fresh fragrant Evergreen Wreath, Mini-Christmas tree, Mini-Holy Berry tree and/or an Evergreen Elegance Centerpiece. They will be shipped directly, and includes a greeting card, wreath hanger, gift packaging and delivery by FedEx between Nov 24 & Dec 11. For more information contact Stu McFadden 458-3911 E-MAIL REMINDERS If you have not been receiving our email reminders and would like to, please email chris@sthomaslc.com and let her know so that we may add your email address into our system. Thank you! LITURGICAL MINISTRIES MEETINGS Meetings for the Liturgical Ministries will be held in the church during the next several weeks. Current ministers and anyone interested in learning about any of the ministries are urged to attend. This is an opportunity for ministers to recommit to their ministries and to refresh their knowledge of the various policies and procedures. Any new or changed procedures will be discussed. There will be time for questions and answers and discussion of any other issues pertinent to each ministry. Each meeting will have spiritual and practical components and should last about one hour. A choice of meetings for each ministry, day or evening, have been scheduled for your convenience, except Altar Servers, who will meet after the 11:30 Mass on Sundays. Please make every effort to be in attendance. For questions, please contact Jim Polhamus 986-9885 or jim@sthomaslc.com. MEETING SCHEDULE BAKERS WANTED The Bake and Craft Sale sponsored by the Women’s Guild will be the weekend of November 15-16 at the PFLC. We need the help of all the wonderful bakers in the parish. Get those special recipes ready and plan to help us make this event a display of harvest bounty. Any home baked items will be accepted. Please do not bring store bought baked goods for this sale. We appreciate all your help. Proceeds will go to the Guild’s charities. NOTE: Baked items can be delivered to the PFLC on Friday, November 14 from noon-4pm and on Saturday, November 15 from 8-9am. If you have questions, call Vonnie (4089035) or Joyce (458-4303). PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING It has been almost one full year since Joe Salada was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. We have been so humbled by the outpouring of love from our devoted parishioners and friends at STCC (St. Thomas Catholic Church). We have experienced immeasurable strength and healing from all the caring cards, phone calls, and loving words. Most of all our strength and encouragement came from all the prayers that have been offered up to our Lord for Joe’s healing. We are especially grateful for Fr. Doug’s inclusion of Joe in the weekly Sunday Mass prayer intentions. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each and every one of you for such a wonderful gift of prayer. Joe’s disease has somewhat stabilized and he has returned to some normalcy in his life and after prayerful consideration we have asked Joe’s name to be removed from the prayer list. We are hopeful that he, at some point, may be able to return and celebrate Mass and receive the Eucharist in Holy Communion along with the STCC Faithful. Many prayer requests remain on the STCC prayer line that needs our devoted prayers for healing. Our hearts are so spiritually moved by the love and prayers that have been offered up to our Lord in behalf of Joe, and we will always be so grateful for your dedication in prayer for his healing. We are so thankful to all of you and may God always bless your lives with all His goodness. God is so Good. In Christ, Joe and Betty Salada View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Nov. 4 (Tue.) Nov. 7 (Fri. ) Nov. 9 (Sun.) Nov. 12 (Wed.) Nov. 19 (Wed.) Dec. 2 (Tue.) Dec. 4 (Thur.) 11 AM 11 AM 1 PM 7 PM 7 PM 11 AM 7 PM EMHC/Sacristans Lectors Altar Servers EMHC/Sacristans Lectors Ushers Ushers NPH EL SALVADOR TRIP We will be going to the NPH orphanage in El Salvador next month and are collecting items to take with us for the children. Needed are: new socks & underwear (boys and girls – all sizes), Bras (32 A,B,C; 34 A,B; 36 A,B,C), toothbrushes, toothpaste and body lotion. There are boxes in the Narthex to place your donated items. Call Jan or Stu McFadden for questions 458-3911. NPH EL SALVADOR NEEDS YOU!!! The orphanage, many of us support, in El Salvador desperately needs $6,000 for tennis shoes for 331 children for the next year. Please help us meet this goal by writing a tax deductible check to NPH-USA. In the memo line, write “tennis shoe project”. You may drop it off at the church office or call; Jan & Stu McFadden 458-3911, Theresa & George Beyer 458 1519, or Crystal & John Deinhart 671-1642 and we will pick it up. Thank you for your generosity. TENNESSEE WIND SYMPHONY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 @ 3:30 PM in the PFLC SINGING THE STARS AND STRIPES!!! The Tennessee Wind Symphony (TWS), under the direction of Dr. Ric Best, presents a year-round series of concerts in a wide range of venues dedicated to excellence in symphonic band performance and to providing quality band music to the people of TN and the surrounding area. A minimum donation of $5 is requested to defray expenses. Bring your friends; come enjoy an afternoon of patriotic songs and beloved symphonic band music! POLAND PILGRIMAGE & WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS Have you ever dreamed of walking in the footsteps of St. John Paul, visiting the Franciscan Monastery founded by St. Maximillian Kolbe, going to Glogowiec the birthplace of St. Faustina, venerating the “Queen of Poland” in Czestochowa or celebrating Mass with our Holy Father? Then this pilgrimage is a dream come true for you. To view the complete amazing itinerary, visit the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry webpage on www.dioknox.org. You are invited to attend one of the informational meetings presented by Select Internationals’ representative, Lisa Morris. The first deposit to save your place is due January 5, 2015 so now is the time to plan and act. Notre Dame Church, Greeneville Monday, Nov. 10 in the Marian Room from 7-8:00 pm St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Lenoir City Saturday, November 15 in the Deacon José Rivera Room following the 5:00 pm Mass Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Knoxville Monday, Nov. 17 in the Youth Center from 7-8:00 pm Contact: Karen Byrne, kbyrne@dioknox.org or 865-584-3307. MISA DEL DÍA - MARTES 11 DE NOVIEMBRE La Misa del Día el martes 11 de noviembre será a las 9:30AM; Día de San Martin de Tours, conocido también como San Martín Caballero. ¡NUESTROS PEQUEÑOS HERMANOS NECESITAN AYUDA! Varias personas de nuestra parroquia van a hacer un viaje a El Salvador en noviembre y están colectando artículos para llevar a los niños. Se necesitan: calcetines y calzoncillos para niños y niñas en todos tamaños; sostenes tamaños 32 A,B,C; 34 A,B; 36 A,B,C, cepillos de dientes, pasta de dientes y loción para cuerpo. Hay cajas en la iglesia para que deje su donación. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina parroquial. CELEBRACIÓN PARA EL DÍA DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Ya se está organizando la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe y necesitamos voluntarios para planificar la cena que se dará después de misa el viernes 12 de diciembre. Los voluntarios favor de contactar a Brenda Gonzalez al (865)271-7828. LAS POSADAS También se están organizando Las Posadas. Las familias interesadas en tomar una posada, favor de contactar a Cayetano Perez al (865) 635-6436. SERVICIO DE COMUNIÓN Lunes 3 de noviembre EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO Primer Viernes 7 de noviembre de 9:00am-3:00pm RETOS SEMANALES DE JUSTICIA 2 al 8 de noviembre: el 3 de noviembre es el día de la fiesta de San Martín de Porres. Martin era el hijo de un caballero y una esclava liberada. Su pasión y su vida laboral fueron dominadas por su atención a los enfermos, los pobres y los esclavos en el Perú. Si bien no tenemos oficialmente esclavos en nuestro país hoy en día, tenemos personas que están atados injustamente. Hay víctimas del tráfico de humanos en nuestras ciudades que están trabajando por salarios injustos o están atrapados en la explotación comercial del sexo. Muchos de ellos son inmigrantes, y muchos son niños-ambos son víctimas inocentes de los delitos que les niegan sus derechos humanos básicos. Tu reto esta semana es educarte a ti mismo, como individuo y como familia, en una de las formas en las que los trabajadores son tratados como esclavos en nuestro país. Después, ora por las víctimas, y ora por los criminales autores de la injusticia. Haz una cosa; envía un correo electrónico, haz una llamada telefónica o habla con otros-para abogar por la protección que impidan que este crimen ocurra en nuestro país y nuestro mundo. DECLARACIÓN DEL OBISPO STIKA SOBRE LA ENMIENDA UNO Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: Uno de los grandes privilegios de vivir en una democracia es el derecho que tienen sus ciudadanos a votar. Si bien la Iglesia Católica nunca se identificará con ninguna comunidad o sistema político, sí podemos y debemos pronunciarnos para apoyar cuestiones morales. Una de esas cuestiones que nosotros, como católicos vamos a tener la oportunidad de someter a voto, el 4 de noviembre, es la Enmienda Uno. Esta enmienda no es un asunto republicano ni demócrata, sino una cuestión moral y de vida de la mayor magnitud. Un voto a favor de la Enmienda Uno, una enmienda pro-vida, neutralizaría la interpretación extrema adoptada por la Corte Suprema del Estado de Tennessee en el 2000, en el que declararon que nuestra Constitución Política del Estado garantiza el derecho a un aborto. La aprobación de esta enmienda haría que los electores recuperen las decisiones sobre la "vida" que les han sido arrebatados por la decisión de una corte estatal. Por esta razón, yo y mis hermanos obispos en Nashville y Memphis, sinceramente, les pedimos que apoyen la "vida" al votar por un "Sí por la Uno" este 4 de noviembre. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com View these Sponsors @ TheCatholicDirectory.com PATTY CONSTRUCTION Asphalt Paving Advanced Transmission Quality Work at Affordable Prices! 4920 Hwy. 11 East, Lenoir City www.clickfuneralhome.com 2250 Big Hill Rd., Lenoir City Click Funeral Home-Farragut Chapel Click Funeral Home Click Funeral Home - Tellico Village Chapel 11915 Kingston Pike, Knoxville 109 Walnut St., Lenoir City 145 Chota Center, Loudon 865-986-7299 865-988-8502 865-671-6100 pattyconstruction.com 865-458-6767 865-986-8013 Southeast Pest Control Dixie Lee Wines and Liquors 986-2497 Sam & Linda Taylor & Family, Owners 986-5050 NATURE by designLLC Landscapes & Irrigation Design & Installation 966-5551 Open 8am -10pm K I•N•T•E•R•I•O•R•S COMPLETE DESIGN SERVICE • paint consultation • window treatment • flooring Closed Sunday •Licensed •Bonded •Insured necht 734-476-1113 References Parishioner 7203 Hwy. 11 865-986-7307 MULCH TOPSOIL Country Kinfolk Marketplace and Cafe 865-250-8733 270 Hickman St., Lenoir City Behind Hardees Open Tues.-Sun. 10-5 Lunch Hours 11-2 Same Day Delivery ELECTRICAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Pressure Washing INDUSTRIAL LICENSED & INSURED LYNN LILES 388-7443 865-986-4282 Please visit us in Lenoir City E & L Mark Waugh 865-603-1762 JERRY LILES 388-0927 Tim Kukla Tennessee Single Catholics Affiliate Broker Cell: 865-403-0400 401 Town Creek Rd. 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Internal Medicine Accepting New Patients La Lupita 403 Grove St. Loudon La Lupita #1 Lenoir City 865-986-3525 865-408-1311 Visit Us In Historic Downtown Loudon All StAte SAleS tAx From retAil SAleS in HiStoric Downtown louDon Are returneD to tHe city oF louDon until 2023 Summit Medical Group Summit Medical Group at Fort Loudon at Fort Loudon Providing Summit Compassionate, Patient-Centered Primary Care Medical Group Providing Compassionate, Patient-Centered Primary Care to Loudon County Since 1992 Summit Medical Group toat Since 1992 FortCounty Loudon atLoudon Fort Loudon Providing Compassionate, Compassionate, Patient-Centered Patient-Centered Primary Providing Primary Care Care to Loudon County Since 1992 to Loudon County Since 1992 Dr. Gail-Marie Gail-Marie Walter Dr. Walter Board-Certified Family Medicine Dr. Gail-Marie Walter Board-Certified Family Medicine Dr. Gail-Marie Walter Board-Certified Family Medicine Board-Certified Family Medicine MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED For appointments, call (865) 986-4450 MOST INSURANCE call PLANS ACCEPTED For appointments, (865) 986-4450 ForFor appointments, call (865) 986-4450 appointments, call (865) 986-4450 In Loving Memory of Carl F. and Michael E. 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