The Messenger – April 11, 2016
The Messenger – April 11, 2016
1420 State Street Cayce, SC 29033 Office - 803 796-6123 Website: Volume 72, No. 304 S T AT E S T R E E T B AP T I S T C H U R C H SCHEDULE 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. SUNDAY Sunday School Morning Worship Bible Buddy’s (Age 3-5) Skills and Thrills (Grades 1-6) Youth Activities Adult Studies Pastor & Deacon Visitaton 11:00 a.m. MONDAY Church Staff Meeting 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. TUESDAY Handy Hands Ministry Pastoral Meeting 5:20 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. WEDNESDAY Family Supper Children and Preschool Choirs Adult Prayer Service Youth Games / Worship Children & Preschool (Mission Friends, G.A.’s & R.A.’s) Adult Choir Practice Church Staff Dr. Chet Andrews Senior Pastor Rev. Bobby Baston Minister to Youth & Children Mr. Rhett Siedschlag Interim Music Director Shirley Best Business/Media Administrator Betty Platt Interim Administrative Secretary April 11 2016 WELCOME NEW CHURCH MEMBER Joined: April 10, 2016 (by baptism) M ISS V IRGINIA D EMPSEY APPROVED AT CHURCH CONFERENCE MARCH 30, 2016 Katie Weaver and Debbie Selander were approved to serve three-year terms on the Nominating Committee. CHANGES TO OUR CHURCH NEWSLETTER—The Messenger Beginning next month, in May, the church office will only send out one issue per month of the newsletter. Ideally, we would like for you to receive it by the first day of each month. Therefore the deadlines will have to be earlier because it will take longer to complete. There will not be a newsletter the week of April 25th! Deadline for the May newsletter will be Friday, April 22nd. Please remember, when sending in anything that will go in the newsletter or on the church calendar, the information will need to be for the entire month. Also, there will be more space, so we would appreciate more detailed information. There will be a calendar insert each month, so please plan ahead. Please send your info to us in writing as we will add it to the calendar during our staff meetings on Mondays at 11:00 a.m. before the newsletter deadline date. We hope this will be easier for everyone! RECOGNITION OF NATHAN BROWN’S DROP-IN RECEPTION RETIREMENT SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH FROM 3:00 TO 5:00 P.M. State Street Baptist Church Fellowship Hall Love Offerings Are Still Being Accepted (there will not be an adult bible study following reception) Note from the Pastor Dr. Chet Andrews Senior Pastor There is a distinct difference between happiness and biblical joy. Happiness depends on circumstances and things “happening” to you or for you. If the right circumstances do not present themselves to you, then you will not experience happiness. Biblical joy, on the other hand, is not dependent upon circumstances that change, but on the steadfast love of Christ that never changes. This week in our time of worshiping together on Sunday morning, I will continue a sermon series called Unshakable Joy: Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Last week I started in Acts 16 when Paul made his first journey to Philippi and saw 3 people receive the gift of salvation through Christ. Lydia, the slave girl, and the jailer were all founding members of the Church at Philippi. Before they surrendered to the Lordship of Christ, they found their identity in temporal things such as money or a job. After conversion their identity was in the eternal God of the universe. It was then that they began to live the lives they were created to live. In this sermon series we will explore the Book of Philippians and how Paul challenges the Church at Philippi to boldly live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and deed. The unshakable joy Christ offers can be ours if we take our eyes off our self and cast our gaze intentionally on Christ Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. I would love for you to invite guests to State Street anytime, but it is especially a good time when a new sermon series is starting. Think and pray about who you can invite to church this Sunday!! Baby Dedication on Mother’s Day, May 8th Please contact the church office no later than May 4th if you would like to participate in the baby dedication service. It will be held during the morning worship service. 75th Anniversary Book The History Committee is pre-selling copies of our 75th anniversary book. Those who pre-buy will be guaranteed a copy of the book for $20.00, which is less than half the actual cost of printing the book. We anticipate the book being ready for our 75th anniversary celebration. It will be a colorful pictorial history of our 1st 75 years as a church. Orders will be taken through May. Checks should be payable to State Street Baptist Church. Orders may be given to Virginia Martin or to the church office. Order forms are available through the Sunday School classes or church office. We appreciate your support of this project. Supper line opens at 5:20 p.m. and will remain open until 5:50 p.m. Please make reservations and cancellations by 12:00 p.m. Preschoolers—$1, Grades 1-5— $2 and Grades 6-Adults—$4 Wed., April 20th Wed., April 27th Meal: Chicken fingers, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls, dessert Meal: Hamburgers, baked beans, fruit, dessert • Homeless Ministry: Sunday, April 17th • Homeless Ministry: Sunday, May 15th • Dominican Republic Casas Por Cristo Mission Trip: Saturday, June 11th - 18th • Homeless Ministry: Sunday, June 19th • SeeSalt Youth Conference: Monday, June 27th - Friday, July 1st (deposit $180 due by Wednesday, April 27th) • VBS: Sunday, July 24th - 27th • Coast 2 Coast Mission Camp: Sunday, August 8th-12th Graduate Recognition - Sunday, May 22, 2016 Please turn your information in to the church office no later than: Wednesday, May 11 at 4:30 pm We need to know the school you are graduating from and the graduation date. Also, let us know if you are planning to attend college, tech school, or join a branch of the armed forces. Praise the Lord, the BBQ Fundraiser for the Casas Por Cristo Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic was a huge success last weekend. We had a goal of reaching at least $1800 to cover the food and transportation expenses for our team members and we met that goal after all supplies were covered. However, we could not have done that without the help of many who donated cakes, desserts, fuel, cooking supplies, time and energy. Many who came to help are not on the mission team going to the Dominican Republic, but simply came to help those of us who are, and I want everyone to know how truly grateful I am for their contribution that helped make this fundraiser a big success. Rev. Bobby Baston Where Are They Now? If you know the current location of the following church members? Please contact Virginia Martin with information at (796-2480). Dr. Peter Platteborge Angela Williams Angela Creamer Perciful Sandra Baco Burrell Brack Burrell Robin Nabors Erica Nabors Sara Danford Candace Fore Monica McPherson James D Suggs Hope Suggs “Flip-It” Pancake Ministry for B.C. High School Students Wed., April 27th There will be no Flip-It on April 20th due to a change in BC early release that day. Deacons of the Week 4-17-16 to 4-23-16 Gerrald Branton and Charles McGlamery 4-24-16 to 4-30-16 Jerry Owens and Carl Selander 5-1-16 to 5-7-16 Marion Hutson and Jon Sherer CALENDAR INFORMATION May Dixon WMU Prayer Group Monday, April 18 at 11:00 a.m. Conference Room B.O.G. Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall ANNIE ARMSTRONG In memory of Tyler Boyd By: Doug & Linda Coates Rudy & Ellen Mancke Bonnie Rabon In memory of Melvin Foster By: Doug & Linda Coates Doris Harvey Rudy & Ellen Mancke Bonnie Rabon BUILDING FUND In memory of Evelyn Bundrick By: the Faith Class Gerrald & Mildred Branton B.T. Renfro & Family In memory of Kenneth, Ken, & Buddy By: Bonnie Rabon Church Conference Wednesday, April 20 at 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall QUINN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bylaws Committee Meeting Sunday, April 24 at 4:30 p.m. Conference Room In memory of Evelyn Bundrick By: Freddie & Ann Jordan Property Committee Meeting Monday, April 25 at at 6:30 p.m. Conference Room In memory of Tyler Boyd By: Doris Harvey Our sympathies are extended to the families of: Gloria Corley, who passed away March 31st. (aunt of Dell Price) Ministry Health Kits Due - April 17, 2016 Due date for towels and wash cloths for Ministry Health Kits. Please place them in the baskets in the Educational Building. Contact Virginia Martin 796-2480 if you have any questions. James Marion Hutto, who passed away April 6th (husband of Jessie Hutto) (father of Marilyn Hutto) Evelyn Bundrick, who passed away April 7th (mother of Babs Martin) Shealy’s Barbecue Dinner Response to the Shealy’s Barbecue on Friday, April 22 at 6:00 p.m. has been minimal. If we do not have enough signed up by Monday, April 18th we will have to Prayers & Squares Quilt Ministry Please come by the prayer room and say a prayer as you tie a knot on a quilt Shirley Osborne (cancer). Sponsor is Linda McAulay. Thank you so very much for all of the phone calls, visits, prayers, and cards we received during Barbara’s surgery and recuperation. We love our church family. Each and everyone of you means so much to us. Please continue to keep us in your prayer! Charles & Barbara McGlamery I wish to express my appreciation to the Faith Sunday School Class, Mildred Branton, and all those who had a part in the gift of the prayer quilt for me. This is such a sweet and caring ministry. Having tangible evidence of the loving concern of our church family means so much. Thank you—I love you too, May Dixon Facts & Figures STATE ST RE ET BAPTI ST CHURCH 14 20 ST ATE ST REET CAY CE, S C 2 9 03 3 Sunday School Attendance Report ATTENDANCE: Total Present: Visitors Apr. 3rd Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 111 Columbia, SC POSTMASTER: OR CURRENT RESIDENT Apr. 10th 184 15 180 12 (total present figure includes visitors) Tithes & Offerings Receipts for Week of April 3, 2016 Budget Offering Building Rent Mission Trip Annie Armstrong Benevolence Love Offering Quinn Scholarship 75th Anniversary Books Missions $13,169.00 6,380.00 950.00 1,198.00 2,088.00 302.00 40.00 15.00 240.00 47.56 Total Offering $24,429.56 MEMBERS IN ACTION Apr. 17: Apr. 24: Apr. 17: Tithes & Offerings Receipts for Week of April 10, 2016 Budget Offering Building Rent Mission Trip BBQ Fundraiser Annie Armstrong Wednesday Suppers Love Offering Quinn Scholarship 75th Anniversary Books Return to Budget Total Offering YTD budget receipts through Mar. 2016 YTD budget expenses through Mar. 2016 YTD surplus or (deficit) $7,608.93 1,241.00 300.00 1,300.00 2,597.00 163.00 112.00 135.00 125.00 100.00 242.00 $13,923.93 $313,524.65 $276,659.89 $ 36,864.76 NOTES FROM THE FINANCIAL SIDE OF WORSHIP “I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words, if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc., is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving away too little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditures excludes them.” —C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), English author and scholar Apr. 24: Apr. 17: Apr. 24: Apr. 17: Apr 24: Apr. 17: Apr. 24: Children’s Church Ann Malpass / Ann Derrick Ann Derrick / Kaitlyn Borders Extended Teaching Care Babies—Ones Kathy Collins Two—Three Donna Pulliam & Judy Fisher Babies—Ones Claire Easley Two—Three Cindy Zeigler & Jalynn Zeigler Greeters Tim Shealy, Mary Ann Adams, Jack Sightler Doug Coates, Wayne Easley, Drew Holland, Tommy Thompson Ushers Frank Cornell, Gerrald Branton, Drew Holland, Mansfield Robinson Frank Cornell, Tommy Lorick, Charles McGlamery, Jimmy Cox, Rodney Howell Prayer Team Patsy Stegall, Deb Woolery, Donna Pulliam Rudy Mancke and Jon Sherer Reveal God’s Plan (Building / Renovations Fund Update) 3-Year Commitment Total - $452,283.65 Contributions Received as of 4/10/16: $211,296.51 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Our Goal: Received: $6,100.00 $5,221.00
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