Annual Report 2014 - Seattle`s Union Gospel Mission


Annual Report 2014 - Seattle`s Union Gospel Mission
Annual Report 2014
It starts with
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
Dear Friends,
I’m often asked if we ever get overwhelmed by the amount
of need the Mission sees on a daily basis, or by the magnitude
of problems facing so many. No, we are not. We are stirred
by it; compelled by it; maybe even driven by it to do more.
In fact, one of the Mission’s core values is to work with a
“passionate urgency.”
The Mission was founded on values written into Scripture
thousands of years ago. These are values and virtues consistent
with a God who loves, heals, and forgives; a God who saves us
from injustice, from another’s poor choices, and from our own.
Because of our faith, we are not idle dreamers. We are believers.
And we have hope. We see lives changed every day. We are on
the front lines of where good meets evil, where healing meets
brokenness, and where love reaches out and embraces
the lonely and discarded. I saw it happen today, and so I hope
(and believe) it will happen again tomorrow.
Mother Teresa once said, “I alone cannot change the world, but
I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
The truth is, in spite of this hope that burns within us, if we
were trying to meet this city’s desperate needs alone, we could
easily be overwhelmed. But we don’t have to carry this burden
alone. We are the beneficiaries of the time, talent, and resources
of so many extraordinary partners all across the city who join
with us to help better serve those in greatest need.
Somewhere out there tonight are hurting people with a flickering
of hope inside them. They have a sense that maybe there is
something or someone good capable of making a difference.
We have seen God’s hand at work, and with friends
and supporters like you, we can make good on
the promise of hope.
Thank you for all that you have made possible
this year!
In Christ,
Jeff Lilley
Seattle Mennonite Church • Our Lady of the Lake Church • Lake City Baptist Church • Prince of Peace Lutheran •
Eastside Foursquare • Cornerstone Church • Northwest Church Christ Church Kirkland • Lake Sawyer
Christ Church Kirkland • Kent Covenant Church • Boulevard Park Presbyterian Church * River of Life Church *
“I alone cannot _ change the world,
_ but I can cast
_ a stone across the _ waters to create
_ many ripples.’’
Church • Cornerstone Church • Northwest Church • Capitol Hill Presbyterian • Epic Life Church • Career Path Se
Internships • City of Seattle Probation Office • Rainier Beach High School • Seattle Chinese Alliance Church • Lak
• Lake Sawyer Church • Sai Group • Seattle Grace Presbyterian Church • HPSI Purchasing Services • Lake City T
Mary’s Place • Metropolitan Improvement District • City of Seattle Human Services Department • Soleil Developm
ment of Dentitry • Real Escaped from Sex Trafficking (REST) • Azteca • Machine Group of Companies • All Caterin
Services • Seattle Recovery and Support Center • Traugott Terrace/Matt Talbot • Healthcare for the Homeless • O
ing • Rainier Mountaineering Incorporated/International Mountain Guides • Seton Hall University • Northwest Un
lege • Eastside Academy • Jubilee Reach • KidReach • Lifewire • Lifehouse Ministries • Overlake Christian Churc
Gospel Mission • William Booth House • Bread of Life • Matt Talbot Center • New Horizons • Recovery Café • No
• King County Bar Association • Washington State Division of Child Support • Solid Ground • Seattle Community L
University of Washington Law Center • Seattle University Law School; Access to Justice Institute • Christian Lega
com • HUB • I58:10 Media • Maxwell Edwards • Genius Creative • Michelle Millard-Kish • Masterworks • Satori
Baptist Church • Prince of Peace Lutheran • Philadelphia Church • Bellevue Presbyterian Church • Sanctuary Ch
Christ Church Kirkland • Lake Sawyer Christian Church • Bethany Community Church • New Light Church • Phil
Covenant Church • Boulevard Park Presbiterian Church • River of Life Church • Bible Fellowship Church • Churc
Northwest Church • Capitol Hill Presbyterian • Epic Life Church • Career Path Services, Internships • University
Probation Office • Rainier Beach High School • Seattle Chinese Alliance Church • Lake Burien Presbyterian Chur
Sawyer Church • Sai Group • Seattle Grace Presbyterian Church • HPSI Purchasing Services • Lake City Task For
• Metropolitan Improvement District • City of Seattle Human Services Department • Soleil Development • Puget S
• Real Escaped from Sex Trafficking (REST) • Azteca • Machine Group of Companies • All Catering • University of
Recovery and Support Center • Traugott Terrace/Matt Talbot • Healthcare for the Homeless • Olive Crest • Hope
taineering Incorporated/International Mountain Guides • Seton Hall University • Northwest University • Lake Wa
emy • Jubilee Reach • KidReach • Lifewire • Lifehouse Ministries • Overlake Christian Church (Special Delivery)
William Booth House • Bread of Life • Matt Talbot Center • New Horizons • Recovery Café • Northwest Justice Pr
Association • Washington State Division of Child Support • Solid Ground • Seattle Community Law Center • The A
ington Law Center • Seattle University Law School; Access to Justice Institute • Christian Legal Society • World R
I58:10 Media • Maxwell Edwards • Genius Creative • Michelle Millard-Kish • Masterworks • Satori • Gateway • A
Prince of Peace Lutheran • Philadelphia Church • Bellevue Presbyterian Church • Sanctuary Church • Seattle Ch
Kirkland • Lake Sawyer Christian Church • Bethany Community Church • New Light Church • Philadelphia Churc
Kent Covenant Church • Boulevard Park Presbyterian Church * River of Life Church * Bible Fellowship Church • C
Church • Northwest Church • Capitol Hill Presbyterian • Epic Life Church • Career Path Services, Internships • U
Seattle Probation Office • Rainier Beach High School • Seattle Chinese Alliance Church • Lake Burien Presbyteria
• Lake Sawyer Church • Sai Group • Seattle Grace Presbyterian Church • HPSI Purchasing Services • Lake City T
Mary’s Place • Metropolitan Improvement District • City of Seattle Human Services Department • Soleil Developm
ment of Dentistry • Real Escaped from Sex Trafficking (REST) • Azteca • Machine Group of Companies • All Cater
Services • Seattle Recovery and Support Center • Traugott Terrace/Matt Talbot • Healthcare for the Homeless • O
ing • Rainier Mountaineering Incorporated/International Mountain Guides • Seton Hall University • Northwest Un
lege • Eastside Academy • Jubilee Reach • KidReach • Lifewire • Lifehouse Ministries • Overlake Christian Churc
• Philadelphia Church • Bellevue Presbyterian Church • Sanctuary Church • Seattle Church • Westminster Chape
Christian Church • Bethany Community Church • Eastside Foursquare
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
* Bible Fellowship Church • Church by the Side of the Road • Heart of God Church • Tabernacle Missionary Baptis
ervices, Internships • University of Washington, Service Learning Internships • Seattle University, Service Learnin
ke Burien Presbyterian Church • MacKay Restaurant Group - AQUA / El Gaucho Restaurants • Eastside Foursqua
Task Force on Homelessness • Congregations for the Homeless • KentHOPE • Catholic Community Services •
ment • Puget Sound • Christian Clinic Dental Clinic • PIMA Hygiene Program • University of Washington Depart-
ng • University of Washington • Seattle Pacific University • Safeway • Seattle Conservation Core • Pioneer Huma
Olive Crest • Hope Central • SPU Nursing Program • Compassion House • Wayback Inn • Whittaker Mountaineer
niversity • Lake Washington Institute of Technology • University of Washington School of Medicine • Bellevue Col
ch (Special Delivery) • Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing • Children’s Law Center of Washington • Everett
orthwest Justice Project • Columbia Legal Services • Washington Defender Association • The Defender Associatio
Law Center • The American Civil Liberties Union of Washington • Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement •
al Society • World Relief • DADS • Urban Impact • Rainier Health and Fitness • Seattle Urban Academy • Worldbo
• Gateway • • Seattle Mennonite Church • Our Lady of the Lake Church • Lake City
hurch • Seattle Church • Westminster Chapel • Eastside Foursquare • Cornerstone Church • Northwest Church
ladelphia Church • Eastside Foursquare • Cornerstone Church • Northwest Church • Christ Church Kirkland • Ke
ch by the Side of the Road • Heart of God Church • Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church • Cornerstone Church •
of Washington, Service Learning Internships • Seattle University, Service Learning Internships • City of Seattle
rch • MacKay Restaurant Group - AQUA / El Gaucho Restaurants • Eastside Foursquare • Mars Hill Ballard • Lak
rce on Homelessness • Congregations for the Homeless • KentHOPE • Catholic Community Services • Mary’s Pla
Sound • Christian Clinic Dental Clinic • PIMA Hygiene Program • University of Washington Department of Dentis
f Washington • Seattle Pacific University • Safeway • Seattle Conservation Core • Pioneer Human Services • Seat
Central • SPU Nursing Program • Compassion House • Wayback Inn • Whittaker Mountaineering • Rainier Moun
ashington Institute of Technology • University of Washington School of Medicine • Bellevue College • Eastside Aca
• Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing • Children’s Law Center of Washington • Everett Gospel Mission •
roject • Columbia Legal Services • Washington Defender Association • The Defender Association • King County B
American Civil Liberties Union of Washington • Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement • University of Wash-
Relief • DADS • Urban Impact • Rainier Health and Fitness • Seattle Urban Academy • • HUB • • Seattle Mennonite Church • Our Lady of the Lake Church • Lake City Baptist Church
hurch • Westminster Chapel • Eastside Foursquare • Cornerstone Church • Northwest Church Christ Church
ch • Eastside Foursquare • Cornerstone Church • Mars Hill Church • Northwest Church • Christ Church Kirkland
Church by the Side of the Road • Heart of God Church • Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church • Cornerstone
University of Washington, Service Learning Internships • Seattle University, Service Learning Internships • City of
an Church • MacKay Restaurant Group - AQUA / El Gaucho Restaurants • Eastside Foursquare • Mars Hill Ballar
Task Force on Homelessness • Congregations for the Homeless • KentHOPE • Catholic Community Services •
ment • Puget Sound • Christian Clinic Dental Clinic • PIMA Hygiene Program • University of Washington Depart-
ring • University of Washington • Seattle Pacific University • Safeway • Seattle Conservation Core • Pioneer Hum
Olive Crest • Hope Central • SPU Nursing Program • Compassion House • Wayback Inn • Whittaker Mountaineer
niversity • Lake Washington Institute of Technology • University of Washington School of Medicine • Bellevue Col
ch (Special Delivery) • Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing • Children’s Law Center of Washington 3
• Everett
Corrections Center
for Women
Valley Cities Counseling
& Consultation
(Patsy’s Employer)
(Hope Place Case Manager)
It starts with
PATSY “I came to the Women and Children’s Shelter
in January 2007 directly from prison. My plan was to ‘get out of
there’ as soon as possible, but then I was introduced to Jesus
by a resident named Betty at a community meeting. The Bible
taught me about faith, hope, and forgiveness. I needed to forgive
the man who shot my boyfriend in front of me. That was the
one thing that had kept me in darkness. Once I forgave him,
I felt 20 years of weight lift away.
“My Mission case manager Sarah was the best role model.
She challenged me to do the next right thing, even when I didn’t
want to, because I could grow into the person I wanted to be.
I was living on $339 a month, and Sarah taught me how to do a
budget, so I saved about $3,000 in a year’s time! Other women
went out to eat and shopping but I had $30 a month to live on.
I used my savings to get a car, to move forward. Now I budget.
I save. And my bills are paid.
“Without the support of people like Betty and Sarah, someone
who starts from homelessness, addiction, and hopelessness
wouldn’t have a BA, be serving the community as a Chemical
Dependency Clinician, and getting a master’s degree. Today
I carry a caseload of 70 people, and I hold them accountable
like Sarah taught me. But I also show them unconditional
love—because I know what a difference that makes.”
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
“Once I heard Patsy’s story, I was so energized about the work we do. She’s a walking testimony
to the profound impact that programs like ours and the Mission’s can have — and proof positive
of the power of giving back.”
Chief Executive Officer
Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation
Hours of Counseling
Bible Studies
Our Programs
Offers both emergency and long-term services
as well as addiction recovery designed to help
men overcome substance abuse and gain the tools
necessary for lifetime recovery.
Matches volunteers’ interests and talents with
proactively identified needs both inside the Mission
and out in the community.
Offers homeless women hope, opportunity, and
practical skills to rebuild broken lives through
programs in addiction recovery, domestic violence,
job training, and discipleship. Provides structured
programs for children and youth up to age 18.
Helping men and women struggling with mental
health issues in partnership with the Metropolitan
Improvement District. Training on Mental Health
First Aid is available to the public.
Offers emergency services for women with children
in Belltown in partnership with Mary’s Place.
Provides free legal assistance and referrals to
homeless individuals, with the help of volunteer
legal professionals.
Offers physical, emotional, and spiritual support
to people while they are incarcerated and when
rebuilding their lives after release.
Provides after-school, neighborhood, and summer
programs for high-risk youth, as well as campus
outreach and leadership training.
Transitional housing program for single women in
partnership with West Seattle Mars Hill.
An urban missions institute offering young men
and women the opportunity to commit a year
to serving the city through a variety of internships
and innovative ministries while living together in
intentional community.
A partnership with Philadelphia Church, providing
women, and women with children, stable housing
as they transition to living independently.
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
Provides a way out of gang life for young men on the
streets through training, job readiness, relational
support and Christian mentorship.
Distributes food, blankets, clothing, and the hand
of friendship to individuals sleeping on the street.
Invites them to safe shelter and a hot meal
at the Mission.
Serving businesses and residents by offering
individuals who are sleeping in doorways and
on benches a cup of coffee and a ride back to
the Mission.
Offers dental care to men and women who
otherwise can’t afford it. Staffed by volunteer
dentists and hygienists.
Provides women and children a
home-like setting with transitional
services available for up to two years.
Serves homeless women and their
children. Services include meals,
counseling, showers, and connections
to get jobs, into stable housing or
a recovery program.
It starts with
Coach Bobby
(Ricky’s Mentor)
Pinchot University
(Helped Ricky Pursue His
Bakery Dream)
118 Designs
RICKY “I lived alone in my cell—a bed, a metal sink,
and a toilet. I was sad and lonely. On the walls of my cell there
were names written: ‘So and so was here.’ I thought, ‘If you
write your name, it means you’ll be back again.’ So I focused
on learning, I earned a baking certificate, and I never wrote my
name on that wall.
“Today, because of the Mission, because of Jesus, I’m no longer
surviving in FEAR. I’m living in FAITH. Today, I have one hope:
to heal and help people. Being involved with Street Outreach/
118 Designs has allowed me to mentor younger kids and gang
members who say they don’t want to live as I did. I’m trying to
show them that you can live better…not just tell them. I got four
guys out of gangs. Five go to school consistently. Three have
part time jobs. And five I talk to on a weekly basis.
“My old nickname used to be “Slick.” Today, I have a new name,
‘SLIC’ (Suddenly Living in Christ). I’ve got my driver’s license
and my own place to live. I’m about to be a business owner with
my own bakeshop: Sincerest Sweets and Treats of Life. I’m also
engaged to be married and look forward to being a husband and
“Today, I am a man who praises God. And my life is living proof
of the power of that path.”
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
“It was an honor to join the young men of 118 Designs in the Ice House entrepreneurship course.
As part of their commitment to transformation, we explored how it’s often fear that keeps
us from moving from idea to action—fear of failure, success, or of the unknown. I was inspired
to watch their courage stare down these fears through the course of our ten weeks together.”
Director of the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Pinchot University
Hours in a Computer
Learning Center
Housing Units Found
FY 2014
It was another wonderful year of community support.
At the Mission, partnerships are the fabric of our
work—the people and resources weave themselves
in and out and around each of the lives we serve.
Through these partnerships, your generosity, and
God’s amazing grace, over 10,000 men, women,
and children have been directly served—urban
at-risk kids; adults in addiction recovery; young
men escaping urban gangs; incarcerated men and
women, and homeless kids and adults.
This report highlights a few of them, and some
partners like you who helped pave the way. Your
gifts are very real investments in lives that keep
paying dividends for decades to come. We hope
you share our confidence and joy in this report.
Individual Contributions..................................... $10,721,000
Business Contributions............................................. 699,000
Foundation Grants.................................................. 1,017,000
Churches, Clubs & Other Contributions.................... 630,000
Total Contributions for Operations..................... $13,067,000
Gifts-in-Kind Contributions ................................. $3,276,000
Bequests from Estates - net................................... 1,337,000
Capital Campaign Contributions................................. 10,000
Total Contributions............................................. $17,690,000
Investment Income - net....................................... $2,483,000
Catalyst Event - net.................................................... 785,000
Insurance Proceeds - net.......................................... 230,000
Ministry, Rents & Other - net..................................... 598,000
Total Other Revenues............................................ $4,096,000
Total Support & Revenue.................................... $21,786,000
And my God will meet
all your needs according
to his glorious riches in
Christ Jesus.
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
Program Services............................................... $18,915,000
Fundraising Expenses............................................ 2,961,000
Administrative Expenses........................................ 1,445,000
Total Operating Expenses................................... $23,321,000
Capital Campaign Expenses........................................ $9,000
Total Expenses.................................................... $23,330,000
Decrease to Invested Funds - net....................... $(1,738,000)
Decrease to Pledges & Receivables - net............... (369,000)
Increase to Fixed & Other Assets/Debts - net.......... 563,000
82.0% Individual Contributions
5.3% Business Contributions
7.8% Foundation Grants
4.8% Churches, Clubs & Other Contributions
Total Disbursements - net.................................. $21,786,000
Total Net Assets* - August 31, 2014..................... $34,800,000
*Total assets (includes buildings and other property owned), less our
total liabilities.
This financial information reflects
the pre-audit consolidated
operations of Seattle’s Union Gospel
Mission, including depreciation and
amortization expense.
81.1% Program Services
12.7% Fundraising Expenses
6.2% Administrative Expenses
Feeling Safe
It starts with
Redeeming Soles
(Supplies the Mission
with Shoes)
J.P. Work &
(Food Partner)
(Men’s Shelter
Staff Cook)
“It’s hard to imagine a life where you don’t have
any shoes and you have to wonder what you’re going to do when
you’ve worn through your socks. At the Mission, knowing that your
basic needs are taken care of, takes off the weight of surviving,
so you can focus on the big issues and soften your heart. Eating
your first meal in comfort and safety is a pivotal moment
between having a future and going back out there…to nothing.
“Before I came here, I’d lost everything—including my faith in
God, in other people, and in myself. Jack in the kitchen took me
under his wing and we began playing worship music together.
Someone taking an interest in me changed how I saw myself.
And rediscovering Jesus through music gave me a way to heal.
“Worship music chases away the darkness and gives people
hope. It inspires people to let go of their inhibitions and shame,
which leaves them with an open heart for Christ.
“Since I’ve been here, I’ve learned to journal, and each of my
entries starts with a prayer of thanks and ends up with a song.
Now I play worship music on Fridays at morning devotionals.
My whole life I never thought I’d be talking in front of 130-plus
guys about God and faith and changing your life and giving it
over to Jesus. I never thought I’d be sharing my songs.”
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
In peace I will lie down
and sleep, for you alone,
Lord, make me dwell
in safety.
”With the help of our partners, like the Mission, we’ve been
able to help homeless individuals get back on their feet one
pair of shoes at a time.”
Executive Director
Redeeming Soles
Meals Served
Bednights Provided
It starts with
Spirit 105.3
Men’s Shelter Residents
Downtown Seattle Association
(Partners with the Mission’s
Mental Health Program)
“I first heard about the Mission listening to Spirit
105.3 on Thanksgiving in the fall of 2008. I didn’t know at the time
why I was so compelled to volunteer, but in hindsight now I know.
“At first I was a little intimidated by the thought of working with
homeless men who were battling addictions. But on my first day,
my heart melted.
“The Mission was the most loving place I’d experienced in my life,
as I watched men battling and overcoming obstacles and staff
working with them to help them through the process.
“Still, I asked myself, ‘Why are all these guys spilling out their
heart to me?’ About six months after I started volunteering with
the Mission’s Mental Health program, someone very close to
me started struggling with addiction. And I realized that my work
here was God’s way of getting me ready for what I was going to
walk through.
“We didn’t know it at the time, but the guys in the program
I was helping were helping me more than I was helping them.
God was getting me ready for a battle I didn’t know was coming.
Those men were showing me total surrender and trusting in
God. Inspired by them, I started listening, and being totally open.
As a result, He was totally there to guide me through every
step of the way—and that made all the difference.”
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
”The collaborative efforts of the Mission and our Metropolitian Improvement District Outreach
Ambassadors have produced hundreds of interactions aimed at connecting our city’s most
vulnerable population with the services they need. The success of this program is also evident
in the relationships that have been forged and the trust that’s been developed. Relationships
and trust lead to change.”
VP of Public Area Management
Metropolitan Improvement District (MID)
Volunteer Hours Served
Mental Health Brief
Therapeutic Interventions
Key Partners
Giving between September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014
For over 82 years, everything we’ve done for the hungry and hurting in our community has been made possible by
our generous donors. Thank you for your continued support and for the impact you allow us to make for those in
greatest need.
Charles Aanenson
Bill and Bartley Aanenson
Dave Acker
Karen J. Ackley
Mr. Edward Joseph Adams-Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Aeschbacher
Mr. Mark L. Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Albright
Mr. Jack H. Allen
Mr. Steve W. Allington
Nancy Alvord
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Amaral
Bonnie Sue and R. Chris Anacker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson
Mr. James R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Apostol
Mr. Michael L. Ashmore
Estate of George E. Aspinwall
Mr. and Mrs. John Atwood
Elizabeth B. Baggaley
Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey
Mr. David Baker
Mr. Paul A. Baker
David Bakke
Prashant Baktha Kumara Dhas
Gary Baldridge
Kari and Jody Balmer
Mr. Youssef Barakat
Mark Barbieri
Pamela A. Barker
Rebecca L. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bates
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Beattie
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bennett
Mr. Daniel M. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Berfield
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Berg
Erica Bergman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertch
Mr. and Mrs. D. William Best
David Bettis
Jonathan Beuca
Mr. and Mrs. James Bevier
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Biddle
Bob Bienkowski
Mr. and Mrs. William Bigbee-Hansen
Chris A. Birkland
Mr. Wayne Bishop
Mr. John R. Black
Liane Black
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bleckwehl
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Blier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blomquist
Estate of Phyllis Blomquist
Mr. and Mrs. David Bloyer
Mr. William A. Bock
Mr. Philip B. Bockrath
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bodenstab
Anna M. Boeschoten
Mrs. Marjorie A. Bombar
Adriane Bosa
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bosshart
Mr. David E. Brandt
Mary K. Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bredengerd
Mr. David M. Brenner
Mr. John K. Broback
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. David Broman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brossard
Jerry and Tina Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
Stephen Brozovich
Eric and Sophie Brun
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bube
Leah Buhner
Jennifer and Ryan L. Buma
Sharon Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Burtis
Karen and Jeremy Butler
Tanya L. Button
Mr. Thomas S. Cain
Mr. Randolph K. Camacho
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. David Carleson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Carlson
Jeff and Alicia Carnevali
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson
Colin Cary
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Catterall
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cedergreen
Mr. Leslie J. Chaffee
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Chailante
John Chamberlain
Jason Chan
Mr. Patrick M. Chaney
Terry L. Chaussee
Dora Chin
Sandra Chivers
Min Chong
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Chou
Katherine A. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. John Christianson
Grace Chung
Charles D Clark
Dr. and Mrs. James Clifton
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clinkenbeard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cocorocchia
Maggie A. Colin
Mr. and Mrs. William Condon
Mr. Harold E. Cone
Mr. Stephen Connelly
Tamara A. Connolley
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Conrads
Tamara Contreras
Michael Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Corbin
Jack Corser
Mike Corsetto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan
Mr. N. L. Cowan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox
Sarah Cox
Ms. Julie Cox
William Coyne
Mrs. Erna S. Craven
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cressey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crews
Robert and Elizabeth S. Crittenden
Mr. C. B. Crouse
Mr. Gene Curcio
Michael and Nicole Curnutt
Kelly Curran
Jerad and Jessica Daley
Estate of Joseph Edward Danovich
Mr. Cliff Dargie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davey
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis
Tricia Davis and Benjamin Haggerty
Mr. Jerry R. Davis
Jerry Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean
Mr. David W. Decker
Mr. Henry W. Decker
Mr. David Deffinbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Deister
Carol J. DeLappe-Chryst
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devey
Mr. and Mrs. Royce DeVore
Lauri DeWhitt
Peri and Philip Dicrescentis
Mr. and Mrs. H. David Dillinger
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Dir
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dirks
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dokken
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dombek
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donovan
Mrs. Turrell S. Doolittle
Jo Ettea Dorband
Brenda Dormaier
Marcus C. Dorschel
Ms. Patricia D. Downs
Lois E. Drake
Estate of Irene A. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. William Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dubeck
Stacy Dunlap
Sylvia M. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dwinell
Stephen and Sandy Dymale
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eberts
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Edelman
Sherry L. Edmondson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edson
Mr. and Mrs. James Eernisse
Mr. Henry J. Eickhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eisses
Mr. Brian Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Engle
Mr. David P. Enzminger
Barden Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Esser
Jonathan Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Evanger
Meagan A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Evans
Derryl B. Evans
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
Rick and Vicki L. Ezell
Mr. Patrick Fahey
Randi C. Fattizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Faulstich
R. Preston and Lora Feight
Ms. Vanessa Fenlason
Mr. and Mrs. David Fennell
Mr. Kelly Finn
Darcy Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fly
Mr. Patrick Fly
Katherine and
Mark W. Appleby Forbush
Peter Forras
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foxworthy
Gale and Donna Francis
James and Amanda Franck
Ms. Sonia Frank
Mr. Russell G. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Friedel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Funderburke
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabryjelski
Ellen M. Gaebe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garvey
Christy Gatewood
Ernie Gehre
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Gerry
Estate Of Ida Y. and Merrill H. Gerstel
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gila
Robert Gomulkiewicz
and Andrea Lairson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Keith Gorder
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gore
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gottas
Sok-May Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gray
Greg Greeley
Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Greenburg
Mr. Tyrel A. Greenland
Mr. Dale Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gribben
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Grimm
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Guhlke
Kathleen Gullberg
Lyn Gundram
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gunnells
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Guzman
Mr. John S. Haapala
Mrs. Wilma S. Hagen
Ryan Hagstrom
Mrs. Carol Hainline
Katie Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hanes
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hansen
Mr. Rodney Hanson
Mr. Conrad J. Hanson III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hanson
Shirley J. Harlow
Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harrang
Susan N. Harris
James E. Harris
Le Beau and Robert Harrow
Jay and Dorothy Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harter
Brenden Hartford
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hartnett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hauff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heisel
Arletta L. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Herd
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hestad
Mr. William R. Hill
Harold and Mary Frances Hill
Tara Hirjak
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hirsch
Mr. Ralph G. Hoard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman
Mrs. Kathryn M. Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. John Hollinrake
Mr. Richard Holt
Mr. Mark A. Holub
Chris Hoover
Mr. Brian M. Hopkins
Kenneth and Barb Horsfall
Mr. George M. Horsham
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Horvath
Isaac Huang
Mr. Erik Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Hubert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huff
Katherine Huffendick Charitable Trust
Christina and James Hughes
Brett D. Humphrey
Lillian Hunt
Susan L. Husted
Mr. Harold W. Huston
Gwendolyn A. Hyde
Stacy Hyle
Ronald Hysom
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Igo
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ihde
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ivarson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Iwen
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to
the Lord, and he will repay him for
his deed.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Jantz
Mrs. Selina Jap
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeans
Marvin Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jernberg
Ann Jewett
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johansson
Lisa Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson
Elaine C. Johnson
James W. Johnson
Beatha A. Johnson
Jane E. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones
The Estate of Averill Jorgenson
Estate of Julia Julsrud
Ms. Linda Jweinat
Mr. David Kading
Theresa A. Kain
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Kam
Mr. Hyeon Kang
Mr. and Mrs. Hyeon Kang
Mr. Iwao Kawakami
Blanche E. Kazen
Kathleen L. Keeling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. David Keyes
Mr. Mark A. Kieffer
Christine Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Kimzey
Mr. Charles F. King
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kirkpatrick
Mr. Robert D. Kitchen
Mr. Ernie L. Kitchin
Darlene and W. R. Kluth
William and Jolinda Knight
Mr. Paul Kollmorgen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kongorski
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Konswa
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Krauss
Anne K. Krook
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kuehn
Peggy J. Kulpa
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kvinge
Ms. Stephanie Laboo
Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Lake
Mr. Eugene Lam
Patrick Lamasney
Cherie M. Lang
Mr. Charles E. Lang
John C. Langsev
Bruce and Emily Langworthy
Mr. Greg K. Larson
Mr. Benjamin F. Laughlin
Ms. Catherine Lavelle
Robyn M. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lemon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lenarz
Mr. Paul Lepse
Mr. and Mrs. Scott LeRoux
Amy and Daniel Letinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis
Marian R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis
Estate of Cora E. Lewis
Mr. Jim Liebert
Ronald Lilley
Jeff and Eugenie Lilley
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Limb
Jeffrey and Sherry Lin
Vila M. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Litke
Mr. and Mrs. William Little
Mr. and Mrs. Darran Littlefield
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Loewen
Drew Londgren
Raelenna Love
Mr. Daniel P. Loyle
Mr. Daniel J. Lund
Laura Lundgren
Mr. Michael L. Lunsford
“Jesus told us to love our neighbor as
ourselves. The Mission gives ordinary
people like us an opportunity to love
God by serving people. This is a unique
experience where you can actually see
change in people’s lives as they progress
through the program.”
Mrs. Peggy Lutz
James Ma
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Mackay
Mr. Jeffrey P. Magnotti
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Malkowicz
Marida Manning
Jamie Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Markezich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marshall
Mr. David C. Marshall
Lilliane Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Martinell
Brent Martonik
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mason
Santosh Mathan
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Matsen
David and Abigail Matson
Matt and Susan Maury
General and Mrs. Barry McCaffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCanna
Mr. and Mrs. David McCracken
Kara Mcdermott
Douglas Mcdougall
Ms. Margie McGarvey
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McGee
Mr. and Mrs. William McGonagle
Matt and Laurra McGregor
Mr. Paul J. McKillop
Mr. and Mrs. Murray McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McKinney
Sarah McLatchy
Karen and Gary McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McPoland
Mr. Mike Meenen
Janeth Melin
Michael Melvin
Mike Mercer
Mr. Kelly M. Messer
Sherril Meunier
Pamela Meyer
Mark Mikoleit and Marci Marra
Ms. Donna Miller
Ellie W. Miller
Mrs. Carolyn Miller
Shawn Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mills
Mr. and Mrs. William Milne
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Minnick
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell
Dave and Sue Mitchell
Vincent Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miyauchi
Mr. and Mrs. David Moerdyk
Maxine L. Moergeli
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Monteith
J. Diane Monzingo
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore
Roberta R. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George Moorhead
Brett and Kristine Moreland
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Morgenroth
Dr. Linda Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moser
Paul and Susan Moulton
Dr. Oussama Moussan
Lori E. Mumford Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mumford
Mary M. Murfey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy
Mr. Michael J. Murphy
Judy C. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nalley
Heather and Jason Needham
Melissa E. Nelson
Mr. Andrew Nelson
Ms. Betty Nes-Wabey
Mrs. Helen Neudorfer
Mr. and Mrs. David Nickerson
Mr. and Mrs. David Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Nienaber
Mr. John H. Nitardy
Jeannie and Bruce Nordstrom
Molly and Blake Nordstrom
Mr. Eric W. Noreen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nowogroski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nuber
Mr. Phil M. Nyberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien
Mr. David Odom
Mr. and Mrs. John Olerud
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Olsby
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Olsen
Mr. David Olson
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson
Nancy L. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil
Chikako Oshima
Mr. Russell G. Ostlie Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owens
Linda M. Pahl
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Paoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parente
Mr. Craig R. Pargeter
Lisa M. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pederson
Marian E. Peiroli
Henry A. Pelletier
Eleanor M. Pendley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Person
Kyle and Sue Peters
Mr. and Mrs. James Petrin
Tom and Sally Peyree
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pfeifer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Phillips
Harekeshava Pillay
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pittenger
Ryan Plasch
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Platou
Mr. Mike Plows
Ms. Katherine Postell
Hengky G. Prasetiyo
Thomas D. Pretlow
Lindsay J. Price
Karen Rains
Janet S. Rasey-Jackson
Joanne Rayl
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rech
Susan K. Redhed
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Regis
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reid
Mrs. H. Reinert
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Rekow
Mr. and Mrs. William Reubel
Michael J. Revis
Michael Reynolds
Carrie D. Rhodes
Jonathan Rhodes
Justin Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Richards
J. W. Richardson II
Joseph and Allison Riley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Karl Ris
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rixon
Mr. Andy Robblee
Mr. John F. Robert
Mr. Jim Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson
Mrs. Anne Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenkranz
Lyuda R. Roshchuk
Igor Roshchuk
Mr. Greg Roslansky
Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland
Greg Rumage
Layne Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rutherford
Dr. Susan E. Rutherford
Mark Rydman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sample
Mr. Steve Sanchez
Mr. Davis J. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Sankey
Mr. Ryan Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schein
Mary Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Scherrer
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scherrer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlegel
Mr. Michael B. Schmit
Mr. Dennis Schober
Mr. Michael A. Scoggins
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott
Dr. and Mrs. James Seeley
Lori Segale
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seip
Capt. and Mrs. Nicholas Sgalitzer
Estate of Juanita A. Shaternick
Guy D. Shefner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shen
Dr. Thomas H. Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Shetler
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sholund
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Shope
Helena D. Shorett
Mr. and Mrs. David Shute
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Simonson
Helen M. Simpson
Murali and Gouri K. Sivarajan
Katherine J. Skordal
Marlene A. Smedley
Ms. Terry Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith
Leonard B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith
Patricia T. Smoll
Paulette M. Sorensen
Mauricio O. Soto
Sunny Speidel
Mr. Jack C. Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Spiro
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Spitalnick
Ms. Diane D. Springs
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stabingas
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Stafford
Mr. Robert W. Stafford Jr.
Cynthia and Jeffrey Stair
Albert Stephens
Heather Stephenson
Gordon Stephenson
Ronnie Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stevens
Jay Stickney
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stockdale
Mr. and Mrs. David Stockert
Mrs. Sue-Erin Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Storm
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Strackbein
Sharon L. Struthers
Jennifer J. Summa
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sweeney
James and Jennie Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sweo
Mr. and Mrs. James Szabo
Mr. David Taylor
Kenita Teague
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Temp
Mr. Ty A. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Terry
Dr. and Mrs. James Thomas
Deanna Thome
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson
Mr. Ted C. Thompson
Reed And Marion Thorkildsen
Keith and Susan Tibbles
Timothy and Sarah Tien
Mr. Wesley P. Tietge
Jonathan Tinter
Mr. Andrew J. Toles
Daryl and Karen Trezise
Mr. Kurt J. Tufford
Rita R. Tuohy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tutmarc
Mr. and Mrs. John Ulacia
Mr. Calvin N. Ulberg Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Vallerand
Michael H. Valley
Mr. and Mrs. David Van Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Van Ness
Mr. John Van Velthuyzen
Amy E. Van Velthuyzen
Jeff Vandel
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vander Pol
Mr. and Mrs. Joel VanDerPuy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Vanderwerff
Dana Velkers
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Vermillion
Karen Vollrath
Dale Voth
Dennis Wackerbarth
Carol J. Wade
Carrie Waffle
Mr. David Wakeman
Paul T. Waldroop II
Ms. Joan M. Walker
Frances J. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallulis
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Walter
Estate of Olga A. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. George Ward
Craig and Erin Watson
Mr. Kenneth Watts
Mr. and Mrs. George Watts
Douglas T. Weaver
Peggy Webb
Mr. Robert M. Weede
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weibling
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wenkle
Mr. Michael Wensman
Edward Werner
Mr. Phil Westbrook
Mr. Michael Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wetmore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wetter
Colleen R. Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney
Mr. Keith Whittemore
Teresa A. Wicorek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wight
H. Everett Wilcock
William Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Willems
Lanta L. Wine
Mr. Johnny Winters
David Witham
Forrest Wohlhueter
Mr. Thomas R. Wolter
Mr. James S. Woodford
Cynthia L. Woodford
Mrs. Lucina Woodman
Timothy R. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wooldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Woolett
Mr. and Mrs. Kemyss Worley
Hung I Wu
John Wurts
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Yancich
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Yocom
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yoshida
Glaucia Young
William and Michelle Youngsman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zevenbergen
Yong Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Zimberoff
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Zonnefeld
Mrs. Stella J. DeYoung
Mrs. Sandra B. Dunn
Estate of Paul Dyson
Martin and Linda Ellison
Mr. Craig Francis
Estate of Ethel M. and
Donald H. Garrison
Mr. Dominic F. Gospodor
Stone Gossard
Christine M. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haechler
Mr. and Mrs. Elling Halvorson
William Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hanson
Estate of Frances Harris
Estate of Harold and Marjorie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hill
Helga C. Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. James Huntsperger
Mr. and Mrs. William Adamucci
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Alstead
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Alvord
Richard and Nancy J. Alvord
Mr. and Mrs. David Ashmun
Kathleen Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. James Borgman
Loren Ceder
Dr. and Mrs. A. Zerne Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chapman
Estate of Theodore J. Chetnik
Jeff Cole
Mr. and Mrs. David Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Darwin
Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Daubenspeck
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis
Mrs. Jean M. Johnson
Estate of Edna Johnston
Mr. Floyd U. Jones
Mr. Richard L. Kemp
Mrs. Glenna S. Kendall
Mrs. Karleen Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kletsch
Elizabeth Lie
Mr. and Mrs. Jason MacKenzie
Estate of Betty Jane Martin
Estate of Erna E. Meinke
Estate of Elinor K. Menter
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Mr. Zimri G. Moore
Estate of Shirley A. Nelson
Mr. Maurice I. Nelson
Estate of Beatrice Olson
Estate of Dorothy D. Peterson
Estate of Norman Meyer Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. George Petrie
Tom Prenzlow
Mike and Linda Ranz
Janet L Ravander
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ried
Mrs. Joan Riser
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schepper
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shaber
Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldrup
Bill and Becky Smead
William Snider and
Kendra VanderMeulen
Estate of Imo Irene Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steegstra
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Teves
Estate of Ruth Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tindall
Mr. and Mrs. James Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Twiggs
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Urie
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Vieceli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker
Mr. James A. Weber
Estate of Lewis G. Weiss
Allan and Laurie Wenzel
Estate of Jessie Margaret Wheeler
Terry Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zonnefeld
American Enterprise Investment
Services Inc.
Amgen Foundation
Aronson Security Group, Inc.
AT&T United Way
Employee Giving Campaign
Aviation Partners, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Blueprint Services LLC
Bowen Scarff Ford - Lincoln
Campbell Nelson
Charlie’s Produce
Children’s Chance of Life
Cobalt Mortgage
Component Products Corp.
Cruse of Oil
Deseret Management Corporation
Ellis, Li & McKinstry, PLLC
Ellison Foundation
Fulcrum Capital LLC
Give with Liberty
Google Inc
Great Northwest Soup Company
Halvorson Charities Fund
Health Excellence Chiropractic
HHS Region X Employees’ Association
Industrial Air Systems Inc.
JP Work & Associates
Keithly Electric Company
Kent Rotary Club Foundation
Kibble & Prentice
King County Employee Giving Program
KPFF Consulting Engineers
Miller Laine Properties
Montana Funding
Morgan Stanley
National Safety Inc.
Network For Good
Nintendo of America Inc.
Pacific Northwest Relocation Council
Precision Acoustical LLC
Queen Anne Real Estate
RSD Knight, LLC
Seattle Aquarium
Seattle Chocolate Company
Single Vision Express, LLC
Spectralux Corporation
Starbucks Corporation
Starbucks Matching Gifts Program
SubTerra, Inc.
The Capital Group
Companies Charitable Foundation
Treen Corporation
Umpqua Bank
Unitec Corporation
United Way Of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
USI Insurance Services LLC
WA Evergreen Chpt of the IAAP
Walashek Industrial & Marine
Wheeler Seafood Inc.
AH&T Insurance
Employees Community Fund of Boeing
Metropolitan Improvement District
(DBIA Services)
Microsoft Corporation
Motor Oil Supply
Oak Harbor Freight Lines Inc.
Odyssey Enterprises Inc.
Seattle Pump and Equipment Co.
Stabbert Maritime
Terra Associates Inc.
Thai Siam Restaurant
United Way Of King County
BEIT TIKVAH Messianic Congregation
Bellevue Presbyterian Church
Calvary Chapel South
Community Christian Fellowship
Crossroads Bible Church
Des Moines Gospel Chapel
Eastridge Baptist Church of Kent
Edgewood Baptist Church
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Evergreen Baptist Church of Seattle
First Evangelical Presbyterian Church
John Knox Presbyterian Church
Kent Covenant Church
Lake Sawyer Christian Church
Life Source Christian Fellowship
Maple Valley Presbyterian Church
New Day Church
Northgate Gospel Chapel
Northwest University
Refuge Church
Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints Foundation
West Side Presbyterian Church
We strive for accuracy, please excuse any errors. Contact the Donor Relations Department at 206.723.0767 x428 or
for any changes or corrections.
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission 2014
Board of Trustees
Director, Global Ecommerce
Seattle Mariners Radio
Bonneville Sports Marketing
Account Executive
Ellis, Li & McKinstry PLLC
Co-Founder and Director
Klein Partners, Inc.
Colliers International
Senior Vice President
Medical Teams International
Director of Development, Pacific NW
Tutmarc Architects
College Success Foundation
College Advisor
University Presbyterian Church
Sr. Director, University Ministries
Swedish Hospital Medical Center
Medical Social Worker
Washington Air Reps, Inc.
Sweeney Conrad, P.S.
Tax Shareholder
Seattle’s Union
Gospel Mission
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Matt McGregor, John Forrest, Jenny Printz, Craig Chapman,
Kellie Schneider, Linda Ranz, Bill Aanenson, Ann Klein, Scott Urie, Ryan Church, Andy Toles,
Andre Benjamin, and Michael Tutmarc (not pictured: Jeff Lilley)
Our Mission
To serve, rescue
SERVE We are called
RESCUE When basic
and transform those
to demonstrate God’s love
by helping those in greatest
need by first providing
the essentials of food,
shelter, and security. Only
then can we help them
move into lasting change
in their lives.
needs are met and
the foundation of real
relationships have been
laid, people are more
willing to open their
hearts and minds to the
teaching and ministry
we offer. Then the real
work can begin.
real skills, true faith, and
a profound change in
perspective, the people
we help are able to not
only live independent and
healthy lives, but also
to give back to others with
insight and empathy.
in greatest need
through the grace of
Jesus Christ
Lovejoy Photography
Stefanie Krach
Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission
3800 South Othello Street, Seattle, Washington 98118
206.723.0767 /