Rig pdf - Discovery
Rig pdf - Discovery
COMPLETIONS AND WORKOVER RIG RIG DISCOVERY 6 SPECIFICATIONS BROCHURE HIGHLIGHTS Name: Brand Power: Year: Double Drum: Type: Static Hook Load: Drilling depth: Discovery 6 Loadcraft 550 HP 2013 Drawworks and Sandline Drums Self-propelled Land Rig 250.000 Libras 15.000 FT TUBING 3-1/2” 9,3# CARRIER CARRIER Specifications Data Manufacturer Loadcraft Model LCI 550C Brakes Air brakes in all wheels Steering Hydraulic powered Front axles 2 Rear axles 3 Headlights Stop and taillights Reflectors Air horn Cab One man, washer and wiper Mirrors Two rear view mirrors RIG DISCOVERY 6 OPERATIONS AT RIOHACHA MAST AND SUBSTRUCTURE MAST Specifications Data Manufacturer Loadcraft Model 104/250 Type Telescoping double Clear Height 104ft Static Hook Load 250.000 Lbs Drilling line size 1" MAST SUBSTRUCTURE Specifications Manufacturer Year Type Height Capacity Clearence Weight Rotary Table: Data Prodimetales 2013 Telescoping (Low boy) 15ft 250.000 Lbs 12ft 12.000 Kg IDECO 17-1/2" and 250 Ton HOISTING EQUIPMENT DRAWWORKS Specifications Manufacturer Year Model Size Single line pull Shaft Diameter Horse power rating Drum Capacity Data Loadcraft 2013 550/42-12, 42X12 42 X 12" 42.500 Lbs 6-1/2" 550 HP 3260 ft, 1" Wire rope AUXILIARY BRAKE Specifications Manufacturer Reference Data Parmac 202 HOISTING EQUIPMENT SANDLINE DRUM Specifications Manufacturer Model Size Drum Capacity Data Loadcraft 42X8 42 X 8" 14.400 ft of 9/16 Sandline TRANSMISSION Specifications Manufacturer Model Type Power shift Data Allison CLT60661DB Automatic From cab and rear control ENGINE Specifications Manufacturer Model Rating Exhaust Air compressor Emergency stop Data Caterpillar CAT C15 540 HP @ 2100 rpm With spark arrestor Driven from engine High water temp, low oil pressure and overspeed emergency shutdown HOISTING EQUIPMENT HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Specifications Hydraulic pump Oil Tank Max. Pressure System rating pressure Raising Cylinder Jackscrews Data 50 GPM (PTO Driven by transmission) 195 Gal 2500 PSI @ 2100 rpm 3000 PSI Three stages (hydraulic) 4 hydraulic leveling jacks HANDLING WINCH Specifications Type Capacity Rated line pull Line Fail-safe brake Data Hydraulic powered 8.000 Lbs 100 fpm and 2.000 PSI 325 ft of 1/2" Included TRAVELING BLOCK Specifications Manufacturer Type Data TFI Hook block Reference Load capacity Sheaves Fail-safe brake Link elevators YG-150 150 TON 4 sheaves of 30" Included 150 TON, 8 ft ROTARY SYSTEM ROTARY TABLE Specifications Manufacturer Load capacity Reference Size Data IDECO 150 Ton 175 F 17-1/2" Max. Working torque 10.132 ft.Lbs Max speed 300 rpm KELLY SYSTEM Specifications Kelly type Bottom conexión Top conexión Kelly drive bushing Kelly master Bushing Load capacity Size Max. Working torque Max speed Data Square 3-1/2" X 36ft 3-1/2 IF pin 6-5/8 Reg LH box Square drive 17-1/2" Included 150 TON 17-1/2" 10.132 ft.Lbs 300 rpm ROTARY SYSTEM SWIVEL Specifications Manufacturer Bottom conexion Reference Capacity Rotating load capacity Working pressure Main bearing Fluid passage Data Western Rubber 6-5/8 Reg LH pin 15 NV 150 Ton 90 Ton @ 100 rpm 4.500 PSI Full apex roller 3" Rotary hose 3" X 5000 PSI (35ft) CIRCULATING SYSTEM MUD PUMP Specifications Manufacturer Reference Liners Stroke lenght Engine Horse power rating Year Transmission Data Sentry (Continental Emsco) Sentry SI 500 (CE F-500) 4-1/2« and 6-3/4 8" CAT C15 530 HP 2010 Automatic Allison 6061 CIRCULATING SYSTEM MUD TANKS Specifications Qty Capacity Agitators Cetrifuge Type Fixed poor boy Electric instalation Mud mixing Hopper Data 2 250 BBL (TOTAL: 500 BBL) 2 (for each tank) 4X6 (Electric engine of 40HP) Fast move Included Explosion proof (6 lamps) Included WELL CONTROL SYSTEM* ANULAR BOP Specifications Manufacturer Size Top conexión Bottom conexión Max. Working pressure Data Hydril 7 1/16 X 5M or 11X5M Studded Flanged 5000 PSI RAM BOP Specifications Manufacturer Size Top conexión Bottom conexión Max. Working pressure Rams Pipe rams Data Hydril 7 1/16 X 5M or 11»X5M Studded Flanged 5000 PSI Blind Rams and Pipe rams 3-1/2 and 2-7/8 CHOKE MANIFOLD Specifications Reference Valves Conexiones Chokes *all well control equipment is as per API RP 53 Data 2-1/16 X 5M 9 gate flanged valve 2-1/16 X 5M 2" Fig. 1502 2 graduable chokes WELL CONTROL SYSTEM* ACCUMULATOR UNIT Specifications Bottles Working pressure Pre-charge pressure Hydraulic pump Pneumatic pump Four way rotary valve Pressure regulator Electric system Data 8 for 11 Gal 3000 PSI 1000 PSI Triplex Included 4 2 Explosion proof WELL CONTROL SYSTEM* POOR BOY Specifications Size Type Liquid outlet Gas outlet Data 24" Fixed at mud tank 6" 3" POWER SYSTEM GENERATORS Specifications Manufacturer Qty Capacity Cabin Model Conexions Data Stamford 2 150 KVA Isolated cabin UCI274D Explosion proof (Appleton) TOOLS MANUAL TOOLS Specifications Pipe wrenches Chain wrenches HYDRAULIC TONG Specifications Manufacturer Tubing sizes Reference Type Data Foster 2-3/8, 2-7/8, 3-1/2 58-93R Hydraulic powered MANUAL TONGS Specifications Manufacturer Type Range Torque rating Data BJ RS 2 7/8 – 3 1/2 6650 ft-lb Data 2 of each size (24, 36, 48 y 60) 24 and 36" TOOLS ELEVATORS Specifications Tubing elvators Drill pipe elevator Torque rating Type Data 90° for 2-3/8, 2-7/8 and 3-1/2 18° for 3-1/2 Up to 35.000 Lbs Latch SLIPS Specifications Pneumatic slips Rotary slips Drill Collar slips Safety clamp Data Cavins for 100 tons (2-3/8 to 3-1/2) Varco - BJ (2-7/8 to 3-1/2) 150 tons 4-3/4 Drill Collar slips 4-3/4 Drill Collars CAMPING MIN CAMP Specifications Units Beds Bathroom Year Skidd Refrigerator Red fox unit Dining room Data 3 2 or 4 for every room 1 for each room 2010 Yes For Coman and assistant 60 people capacity included INSTRUMENTATION WEIGHT INDICATOR Specifications Manufacturer Type Lines Range Data Martin Decker Clipper 8 lines of 1" 0-280.000 Lbs JOINT TORQUE Specifications Manufacturer Range Type Data Martin Decker 0-10.000 ft.Lbs Pressure Cell ROTARY TORQUE Specifications Manufacturer Range Data Forum 0-500 STROKE COUNTER Specifications Model Totalizer Mud pumps Data 5700 Included 2 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SWABBING EQUIPMENT Specifications Oil saver Swivel rope socket Sinker bars Swab mandresl Hydraulic pump Dephtometer Lubricator Swabbing tree Data Guiberson HD Guiberson for 9/16 2 of 10ft Knuckle joint type (2) Including a hose of 50ft Cavins 4" 4" with 3 gate valves (4"X5M) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Specifications Data Full body harnesses, Body Fall Protection belts, Lanyards , SRL´S. Low speed descender Included Climbing assist Included system Gas detector Portable Breathalyzer Portable
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