Cisco Data Center Interoperability Support Matrix
Cisco Data Center Interoperability Support Matrix
Cisco Data Center Interoperability Support Matrix June 2008 Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Text Part Number: OL-10416-11 THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. 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CONTENTS Preface vii Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC 1-4 Hitachi Data Systems IBM HP 1-10 1-18 1-34 Sun Microsystems NEC 1-46 1-52 Fujitsu 1-54 ADTX 1-56 Infortrend 3PAR 1-57 1-58 XIOtech 1-60 Network Appliance 1-62 Pillar Data Systems 1-64 Apple Computer ATTO 1-65 1-66 Compellent Technologies Nexsan 1-67 1-68 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM 2-1 2-2 StorageTek Quantum HP 1-1 2-6 2-11 2-18 Overland Storage SONY 2-21 ATTO 2-22 Crossroad Systems Tape Acceleration 2-20 2-23 2-25 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11, Version 3.3(1a) iii Contents Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix 3-1 SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix HDS 3-3 IBM 3-4 HP 3-6 Network Appliance 3-7 EMC 3-8 3-2 Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) Computer Associates 3-10 CommVault 3-11 EMC Legato 3-12 Data Mobility Manager (DMM) EMC 3-14 IBM 3-16 HP 3-18 HDS 3-20 3-13 Storage Media Encryption (SME) Symantec 3-23 EMC 3-25 IBM 3-27 HP 3-28 BakBone Software 3-29 3-22 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Cisco Devices 4-1 4-2 Switch Interoperability Matrix NPV 4-3 4-8 IBM eServer Bladecenter Interoperability Matrix NPV Interoperability Matrix iSCSI Interoperability EMC 5-2 IBM 5-3 HDS 5-5 HP ADTX 3-9 4-8 4-9 5-1 5-6 5-7 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix iv OL-10416-11 Contents Cisco Nexus 5000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC 6-1 6-2 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11, Version 3.3(1a) v Contents Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix vi OL-10416-11 Preface This document provides a reference to matrices of Cisco MDS SAN-OS components and configurations tested and validated by Cisco’s Solution-Interoperability Engineering and/or qualified by Cisco’s Partners for supporting seamless deployment of fabrics using the Cisco MDS 9000 family of Fibre Channel Switch and Director class products. Audience This reference document is designed for use by Cisco TAC, sales, support engineers, professional service partners, and systems administrators responsible for the design and deployment of Storage Area Networks in the data center environment. The content of this document is constantly being updated. For the latest version, visit the following URL: Related Documentation The documentation set for the Cisco MDS 9000 Family includes the following documents. To find a document online, use the Cisco MDS SAN-OS Documentation Locator at: For information on IBM TotalStorage SAN Volume Controller Storage Software for the Cisco MDS 9000 Family, refer to the IBM TotalStorage Support website: Release Notes • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Cisco MDS SAN-OS Releases • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Storage Services Interface Images • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Cisco MDS 9000 EPLD Images Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 vii Preface Compatibility Information • Cisco MDS 9000 SAN-OS Hardware and Software Compatibility Information • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix • Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for IBM SAN Volume Controller Software for Cisco MDS 9000 • Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for Storage Service Interface Images Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information • Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Hardware Installation • Cisco MDS 9500 Series Hardware Installation Guide • Cisco MDS 9200 Series Hardware Installation Guide • Cisco MDS 9216 Switch Hardware Installation Guide • Cisco MDS 9100 Series Hardware Installation Guide • Cisco MDS 9124 Multilayer Fabric Switch Quick Start Guide • Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch Hardware Installation Guide Cisco Fabric Manager • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Quick Configuration Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Fabric Manager Online Help • Cisco MDS 9000 Fabric Manager Web Services Online Help Command-Line Interface • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Software Upgrade and Downgrade Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Quick Configuration Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Quick Command Reference • Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch Configuration Guide and Command Reference • Cisco MDS 9000 Family SAN Volume Controller Configuration Guide Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix viii OL-10416-11 Preface Intelligent Storage Networking Services • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Data Mobility Manager Configuration Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Storage Media Encryption Configuration Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Secure Erase Configuration Guide - For Cisco MDS 9500 and 9200 Series Troubleshooting and Reference • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide • Cisco MDS 9000 Family MIB Quick Reference • Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch MIB Quick Reference • Cisco MDS 9000 Family SMI-S Programming Reference • Cisco MDS 9000 Family System Messages Reference • Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch System Messages Reference Installation and Configuration Note • Cisco MDS 9000 Family SSM Configuration Note • Cisco MDS 9000 Family Port Analyzer Adapter Installation and Configuration Note Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at: Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS version 2.0. You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL: You can access the Cisco website at this URL: You can access MDS SAN-OS documentation at this URL: You can access international Cisco websites at this URL: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 ix Preface Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix x OL-10416-11 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix • Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix • Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix • Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix • SAN Interconnect Device Matrix • iSCSI Interoperability CH A P T E R 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix This chapter lists storage systems qualified by the Original Storage Vendors (OSMs), Cisco’s Partners, Cisco’s Solution-Interoperability Engineering (iLAB) for supporting seamless deployment of Storage Area Networks using the MDS 9000 family of Fibre Channel Switch and Director class products. Refer to the following OSM web sites to obtain the latest support matrix: • EMC—visit • HP—visit • IBM—visit • IBM SAN Volume Controller—visit: • HDS—visit . Table 1-1 Qualified Storage Systems Vendor Disk Storage Model Page EMC EMC Symmetrix 8000 Series 4 EMC Symmetrix DMX 5 CLARiiON FC4700 6 CLARiiON CX200 7 CLARiiON CX600/400/300/500/700 8 Distance Extension 9 TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform (USP, USPV) Series 10 Lightning 9900 Series 11 Lightning 9900V Series 12 TagmaStore AMS 1000, 500 13 Thunder 9500V Series 14 Thunder 9200 Series 15 HDS-NetApp Enterprise gFiler NAS Gateways 15 Unisys - Microsoft Data Center 16 Hitachi Data Systems Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-1 Chapter 1 Table 1-1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Qualified Storage Systems (continued) Vendor Disk Storage Model Page IBM Distance Extension 17 ESS 2105 model 800 18 DS 8000 Series 20 DS 6000 Series 22 DS4800 24 DS4200 (FAStT 700), DS4500 (FAStT 900) 25 DS4300 (FAStT 600 Single and Dual Controller), DS4300 Turbo 26 DS4100 (FAStT 100) 27 IBM FAStT 200, 500 28 IBM DS 8000, 6000 Series Distance Extension 30 IBM ESS 2105 Series Distance Extension 32 HP XP 10000, 12000, 20000, 24000 34 HP XP128, XP1024, XP48, XP512 36 HP EVA GL -- 3000 (HSV100, HSV101), 5000 (HSV200, HSV201 38 HP EVA XL -- 4x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B), 6x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B), 8x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B) 40 HP MA8000 (HSG80) 42 HP MSA1000, MSA1500 (Active/Active) 43 HP VA7410, VA7400 44 Distance Extension 45 StorEdge 9970V 46 StorEdge T3+ 47 StorEdge FC Array A5200 48 StorEdge 6120 49 StorEdge 6130 50 StorEdge 3510 51 S2300 52 S1300 52 S2800 52 D1-10, D3-10 53 HP Sun Microsystems NEC Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-2 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Table 1-1 Qualified Storage Systems (continued) Vendor Disk Storage Model Page Fujitsu Eternus 2000 54 Eternus 3000 54 Eternus 6000 54 Eternus 4000 55 Eternus 8000 55 ADTX ArrayMasStor L 56 Infortrend EonStor F16F-R2A2 57 EonStor 2510FS 57 InServ Storage Server E200, S400, S800 58 InServ Storage Server E200, S400, S800 59 XIOtech Magnitude (Rel. 10.01/11.01), Magnitude 3D (Rel. 2.5/3.13), Magnitude 3D 3000 (Rel 4.1) 60 Network Appliance FAS and V-serries Product Families 62 Pillar Data Systems Axiom Storage System 300, 500 64 Apple Computer Xserve RAID 65 ATTO ATTO Diamond V Class Array 66 Compellent Technologies StorageCenter 67 Nexsan ATAboy-2X 68 ATAbeast 68 SATABoy 68 3PAR Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-3 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC EMC Table 1-2 EMC Symmetrix 8000 Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric EMC NAS7 5.0.9/11, 5.1.15/18, 5.1.9 EMC: 201-712-900, 250-734-902, 250-735-900, 250-736-900 MDS9513 HP-UX 11.0, 11i (11.11) HP: A5158A, A6795A MDS9509 11.0 HP: A6684, A6685A MDS9506 5.1 HP: KGPSA-DA 5.1, 5.1A, 5.1B HP: KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-DA, KGPSA-BC, FCA 2384, FCA2354 OpenVMS 7.2-2, 7.3, 7.3-1 HP: KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-DA, KGPSA-BC, FCA2354 AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 3.0(2a) Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3, SP4) Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP850-EMC, LP9002L-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802-E, LP982-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E 3.1(2) Tru64 Unix Data Center Qlogic: QLA2200F-EMC Unisys:FCH732213-P64 Windows 2003 AS Enterprise Edition Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP9002DC-E, LP1105 HP: 336070-001, FCA2354, FCA2355, FCA2404 AS Standard IBM: 19K1246 (QLA2310), 24P0960 (QLA2340) Edition NEC: N8803-031 Qlogic: QLA2310F-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E Windows NT Data Center Unisys: FCH20111-P64, FCH20113-P64, FCH732213-P64 4.0 (SP6a) Emulex:LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP9002DC-E, LP850-EMC IBM: 00N6881 HP: 176479, KGPSA-CB, KGPSA-CY Qlogic: QLA2200F-EMC Unisys: FCH20111-P64, FCH20113-P4 Linux MDS9216i 3.0(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) MDS9020 2.1(2) MDS9124 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) HP: Mezzanine RedHat ES 2.1 QLogic: QLA220F, QLA2310F, QLA2340-E RedHat 8.0 Emulex: LP982-E, LP9002-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP1050DC-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E FICON Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002DC-E, LP9002S-E, LP9002C-E 3.0(2a) 8 Qlogic: QLA2202FS-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E JNI: FC64-1063-EMC, FCE-1063-E, FCE2-1063-E, FCE2-1473-E, FCE2-6412-E, FCX2-6562-E 9 Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP9002DC-E, LP9002S-E, LP9002C-E Qlogic: QLA2202FS-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E JNI: FCE-1063-E, FCE2-1063-E, FCE2-1473-E, FCE2-6412-E, FCX2-6562-E VMWare ESX MDS9140 RedHat AS 2.1 RedHat 7.3 Solaris MDS9216A 1.5.2, 2.0.1 QLogic: QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 3.2.(3a) 2.0(2b) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) ECC 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RPQ 3.1(3a) 3.1(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-4 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 1-3 EMC Symmetrix DMX Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric EMC NAS7 5.0.9/11, 5.1.15/18, 5.1.9 EMC: 201-712-900, 250-734-902, 250-735-900, 250-736-900 MDS9513 HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A MDS9506 11.0 HP: A6684, A6685A MDS9216A 5.1 HP: KGPSA-DA, FCA2354 MDS9140 5.1, 5.1A, 5.1B HP: KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-DA,KGPSA-BC, FCA 2384, FCA2354 MDS9216i OpenVMS 7.2-2, 7.3, 7.3-1 HP: KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-DA, KGPSA-BC, FCA2354 AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3, SP4) Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP9002L-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E Data Center Qlogic: QLA2200F-EMC, QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E Tru64 Unix MDS9509 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) Unisys:FCH732213-P64, FCH2113-P4, FCH732213-P64 Windows 2003 3.2.(3a) MDS9020 2.1(2) HP: 336070-001, FCA2354, FCA2355, FCA2404 MDS9124 Standard IBM: 19K1246 (QLA2310), 24P0960 (QLA2340) 3.1(2) Edition NEC: N8803-031 3.2(1a) Qlogic: QLA2310F-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 3.2(2c) Unisys: FCH20111-P64, FCH20113-P64, FCH732213-P64 3.2.(3a) Emulex:LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP9002DC-E, LP850-EMC MDS9222i 4.0 (SP6a) HP: 176479, 336070-001, FCA2404, KGPSA-CB Qlogic: QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340-E Unisys: FCH20111-P64, FCH20113-P4 Solaris 3.2(2c) Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP9002DC-E IBM: 00N6881 Linux 3.2(1a) HP: FCA2404 Enterprise Edition Windows NT 3.0(2) MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RedHat AS 2.1 HP: Mezzanine ES 2.1, 8.0, 7.3 QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2310F, QLA2340-E FICON Emulex: LP982-E, LP9002-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP1050DC-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E 2.0(2b) Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002DC-E, LP9002S-E, LP9602-E 3.0(3b) 8 3.0(2a) 3.2(2c) Qlogic: QLA2202F-E, QLA2202-E, QLA2202FS-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 9 VMWare ESX 1.5.2 Patch 2 /3 JNI: FC64-1063-EMC, FCE-1063-E, FCE2-1063-E, FCE2-1473-E, FCE2-6412-E, FCX-6562-E ECC Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP9002DC-E, LP9002S-E, LP9002C-E, LP9002-E 2.1(2b) Qlogic: QCP2202F-E, QLA2200F-E, QLA2342-E 3.0(2) JNI: FCE-1063-E, FCE2-1063-E, FCE2-1473-E, FCE2-6412-E, FCX2-6562-E 3.0(2a) QLogic: QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 3.1(2) 2.0(3) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RPQ 3.1(3a) 3.1(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-5 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 1-4 CLARiiON FC4700 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric EMC NAS7 5.0.9, 5.0.11, 5.1.15, 5.1.18, 5.1.9 EMC: 201-712-900, 250-734-902, 250-735-900, 250-736-900 MDS9513 HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A MDS9506 11.0 HP: A6684, A6685A MDS9216A 5.1 HP: KGPSA-DA, FCA2354 MDS9140 5.1, 5.1A, 5.1B HP: KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-DA,KGPSA-BC, FCA2354 MDS9216i AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3, SP4) Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP9002L-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E Data Center Qlogic: QLA2200F-EMC, QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340 3.2(1a) (SP3, SP4) Unisys:FCH732213-P64, FCH2113-P4, FCH732213-P64 3.2(2c) HP: FCA2404, 336070-001, FCA2354, FCA2355 3.2.(3a) Tru64 Unix MDS9509 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) IBM: 00N6881 Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC MDS9020 2.1(2) HP: 336070-001, FCA2404 Windows NT Standard IBM: 19K1246 (QLA2310), 24P0960 (QLA2340) MDS9124 Edition NEC: N8803-031 3.1(2) Qlogic: QLA2310F-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 3.2(1a) Unisys:FCH732213-P64, FCH2113-P4, FCH732213-P64 3.2(2c) Emulex:LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E 3.2.(3a) 4.0 (SP6a) HP: 336070-001, FCA2404 Linux Solaris Qlogic: QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340-E MDS9222i Unisys: FCH20111-P64, FCH20113-P4 MDS9134 RedHat AS 2.1 HP: Mezzanine RedHat ES 2.1 QLogic: QLA220F, QLA2310F, QLA2340-E RedHat 8.0 RedHat 7.3 Emulex: LP982-E, LP9002-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP1050DC-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E 8 Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002S-E Qlogic: QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 9 Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002DC-E, LP9002C-E, LP9802-E Qlogic: QCP2202F-E JNI: FCE-1063-E, FCE2-1063-E, FCE2-1473-E, FCE2-6412-E, FCX2-6562-E MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) ECC 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RPQ 3.1(3a) 3.1(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-6 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 1-5 CLARiiON CX200 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3, SP4) Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP9002L-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP982-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E MDS9513 Data Center Qlogic: QLA2200F-EMC, QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340-E MDS9506 (SP3, SP4) Unisys:FCH732213-P64, FCH2113-P4, FCH732213-P64 MDS9216A HP: FCA2404, 336070-001 MDS9140 IBM: 00N6881 MDS9216i Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP9002-E, LP982-E LP9802-E, LP9802DC 3.0(2) Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition HP: 336070-001, FCA2404 Standard 4.0 (SP6a) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) Qlogic: QLA2310F-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E Edition Windows NT MDS9509 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) Emulex:LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E 3.2.(3a) HP: 336070-001, FCA2404 Linux RedHat AS 2.1, ES 2.1, 8.0, 7.3 Qlogic: QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340-E MDS9020 HP: Mezzanine 2.1(2) QLogic: QLA220F, QLA2310F, QLA2340-E Emulex: LP982-E, LP9002-E, LP9802-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802DC-E, LP1050DC-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E MDS9124 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) ECC 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RPQ 3.1(3a) 3.1(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-7 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 1-6 CLARiiON CX600/400/300/500/700 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric EMC NAS7 5.0.9, 5.0.11, 5.1.15, 5.1.18, 5.1.9 EMC: 201-712-900, 250-734-902, 250-735-900, 250-736-900 MDS9509 HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A, A6684, A6685A MDS9216A Tru64 Unix 5.1, 5.1A, 5.1B HP: KGPSA-DA, FCA2354, FC2384, KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-BC MDS9140 AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 MDS9216i Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3, SP4) Emulex: LP8000-EMC, LP9002L-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP982-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E MDS9513 Data Center Qlogic: QLA2200F-EMC, QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340-E 3.0(2a) (SP3, SP4) Unisys:FCH732213-P64, FCH2113-P4, FCH732213-P64 3.1(2) HP: FCA2404, 336070-001 3.2(1a) IBM: 00N6881 3.2(2c) Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC 3.2.(3a) HP: 336070-001, FCA2404 MDS9020 Qlogic: QLA2310F-E, QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E 2.1(2) Emulex:LP8000-EMC, LP9002-E, LP982-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E MDS9124 HP: 336070-001, FCA2404 3.1(2) Qlogic: QLA2310-E, QLA2342-E, QLA2340-E 3.2(1a) Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Standard MDS9506 3.0(2) Edition Windows NT Linux 4.0 (SP6a) RedHat AS 2.1, ES 2.1, 8.0, 7.3 HP: Mezzanine QLogic: QLA220F, QLA2310F, QLA2340-E Emulex: LP982-E, LP9002-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9802-E, LP9802DC-E, LP1050DC-E, LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E Solaris 8 9 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP8000-EMC, LP9002S-E, LP9002-E, LP9002C, LP9002DC, LP9802-E MDS9134 Qlogic: QLA2340-E, QLA2342-E, QCP2202F-E 3.2(1a) Emulex: LP10000-E, LP10000DC-E, LP9002DC-E, LP9002C-E, LP9802-E 3.2(2c) Qlogic: QCP2202F-E 3.2.(3a) MSM 18/4 ECC 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RPQ 3.1(3a) 3.1(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-8 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 1-7 Distance Extension Distance System Maximum Distance1 Network Protocol Storage System Switch Fabric Cisco Metro 1500 200km DWDM Block I/O EMC CLARiiON FC4700, CX Series MDS9513 Block I/O EMC Symmetrix 8000 Series MDS9509 MDS9506 SRDF/S Block I/O ONS 15252 200km DWDM EMC Symmetrix DMX Series MDS9216A SRDF/S MDS9140 SRDF-A MDS9216i Block I/O ONS 15530 Mirror Virew2 ONS 15540 Block I/O EMC CLARiiON FC4700, CX Series 3.0(2a) EMC Symmetrix 8000 Series SRDF/S Block I/O 3.0(2) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) EMC Symmetrix DMX Series 3.2.(3a) SRDF/S MDS9020 SRDF/A MDS IPS-8 MDS IPS-4 See note after this table. FCIP Block I/O EMC CLARiiON FC4700, CX Series Mirror Virew MDS9216i Block I/O MPS-14/2 SRDF/S Block I/O SRDF/S 2.1(2) MDS9124 EMC Symmetrix 8000 Series 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) EMC Symmetrix DMX Series 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) SRDF/A MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) FICON 2.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) ECC 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2.(3a) RPQ 3.1.3a 3.1(2b) 1. Supported distance is determined by EMC field personnel and professional services based on customer’s application requirements. 2. The Fibre Channel Write Acceleration (FC-WA) feature with MirrorView is supported by SSI boot image version 2.1(1g) and later. Refer to the following link for latest EMC Support Matrix: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-9 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-8 TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform (USP, USPV) Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP11000-M4, LP10000, LPe11000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 Multipath Support Switch Fabric HDLM MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Emulex: LP11000-M4, LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850, LP1100, LPe110000 MDS9140 HDLM 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(1) Qlogic: QLAE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card 3.1(2) AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 HDLM HPUX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A HDLM Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP10000, LP9802, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000 HDLM DMP Qlogic: QLA2340 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCE2-6410, FCE2-6412, FCE-6460N MDS 9124 SUN: SG-XPCI1FC-JF2, SG-XPCI2FC-JF2, X6727A, X6799A Linux MDS9216i 3.1(1) RedHat AS 2.1, RedHat AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11000, LP9000, LP952L, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 HDLM 3.1(2) DMP SLES QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fiber card 3.1(3a) VMware1 ESX 3.01 QLogic: QLA2340 Bundled Netware 6.0 SP2, 6.5 SP4a QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344 Bundled 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) FICON 2.0(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) 1. Guest servers Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 2003 SP1/R2, Linux AS 3.0 UP7 or latest Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-10 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-9 Lightning 9900 Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 Multipath Support Switch Fabric HDLM MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 Qlogic: QLA2460, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition MDS9216A MDS9140 Emulex: LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850, LP11000, LPe11000 MDS9216i 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 HPUX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP10000, LP9802, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000 3.1(1) 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) HDLM 3.2(2c) DMP 3.2(3) QLogic: QLA2340 3.2.(3a) JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCE2-6410, FCE2-6412, FCE-6460N 3.3(1a) SUN: SG-XPCI1FC-JF2, SG-XPCI2FC-JF2, X6727A, X6799A Linux Netware RedHat AS 2.1, RedHat AS 3.0 Emulex: LP9000, LP952L, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802, LPe11000 SLES QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fiber card 6.0 SP2, 6.5 SP4a QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344 MDS 9124 HDLM 3.1(1) DMP 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) Bundled 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) FICON 2.0(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-10 Lightning 9900V Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 HDLM MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition MDS9216A MDS9140 Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850, LP11000 MDS9216i 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 HPUX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP10000, LP9802, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000 3.1(1) 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) HDLM 3.2(2c) DMP 3.2(3) QLogic: QLA2340 3.2.(3a) JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCE2-6410, FCE2-6412, FCE-6460N 3.3(1a) SUN: SG-XPCI1FC-JF2, SG-XPCI2FC-JF2, X6727A, X6799A Linux MDS 9124 RedHat AS 2.1, RedHat AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11000, LP9000, LP952L, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 HDLM 3.1(1) DMP SLES QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fiber card 3.1(2) VMware1 ESX 3.01 QLogic: QLA2340 Bundled Netware 6.0 SP2, 6.5 SP4a QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344 Bundled 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) FICON 2.0(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) 1. Guest servers Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 2003 SP1/R2, Linux AS 3.0 UP7 or latest. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-12 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-11 TagmaStore AMS 1000, 500 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 Multipath Support Switch Fabric HDLM MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition MDS9216A MDS9140 Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850, LP11000 MDS9216i 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 HPUX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP10000, LP9802, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000 3.1(1) 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) HDLM 3.2(2c) DMP 3.2(3) QLogic: QLA2340 3.2.(3a) JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCE2-6410, FCE2-6412, FCE-6460N 3.3(1a) SUN: SG-XPCI1FC-JF2, SG-XPCI2FC-JF2, X6727A, X6799A Linux RedHat AS 2.1, RedHat AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11000, LP9000, LP952L, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 HDLM MDS 9124 DMP SLES QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fiber card 3.1(1) VMware1 ESX 3.01 QLogic: QLA2340 Netware 6.0 SP2, 6.5 SP4a QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344 Bundled 3.1(2) Bundled 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 1. Guest servers Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 2003 SP1/R2, Linux AS 3.0 UP7 or latest Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-13 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-12 Thunder 9500V Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 Multipath Support Switch Fabric HDLM MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 Qlogic: QLE2460, QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition MDS9216A MDS9140 Emulex: LP11000-M4, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850, LP11000 MDS9216i 3.0(2a) Qlogic: QLA2462, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card 3.0(3) 3.1(2) AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 HPUX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP10000, LP9802, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000 3.1(1) 3.1(3a) HDLM 3.2(1a) DMP 3.2(2c) QLogic: QLA2340 3.2(3) JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCE2-6410, FCE2-6412, FCE-6460N 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) SUN: SG-XPCI1FC-JF2, SG-XPCI2FC-JF2, X6727A, X6799A Linux Netware RedHat AS 2.1, RedHat AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11000, LP9000, LP952L, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 SLES QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fiber card 6.0 SP2, 6.5 SP4a QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344 HDLM MDS 9124 DMP 3.1(1) 3.1(2) Bundled 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-14 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-13 Thunder 9200 Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 Multipath Support Switch Fabric HDLM MDS9500 MDS9216 1.0(2) Qlogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP982, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000, LP8000, LP850 1.1(2) HDLM 1.2(1a) 1.3(3c) 1.3(4a) Qlogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fibre card 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) AIX 5.1, 5.2 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239 HDLM 2.1(2b) HPUX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158, A6795A HDLM 2.1(2d) Solaris 7, 8, 9 Emulex: LP10000, LP9802, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP952L, LP9000 HDLM MDS9100 JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCE2-6410, FCE2-6412, FCE-6460N Linux Netware RedHat AS 2.1, RedHat AS 3.0 Emulex: LP9000, LP952L, LP9002, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 SLES QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, HP Fibre card, IBM Fiber card 6.0 SP2, 6.5 SP1.1 QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344 1.2(1a) HDLM 1.3(3c) 1.3(4a) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) Bundled 2.1(2b) 2.1(2d) MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b 2.1(2d) Table 1-14 HDS-NetApp Enterprise gFiler NAS Gateways HDS Storage Configuration DATA ONTAP Verion Protocol Operating System Switch Fabric TagmaStore (USP) Stand-alone 6.5.2P2 Block: FCP, iSCSI Windows 2000 (SP 4) MDS9500 Lightning 9900 and 6.5.3.H1P4 File: NFS, CIFS Windows 2003 (SP 1) MDS9216 Lightning 9900v Metro Cluster AIX (5.1, 5.2) MDS9216i HP-UX (11.0, 11i) MDS9100 Linux (RedHat 3.0, 2.1) 1.3(4a) Solaris (8, 9) 2.0(2b) Thunder 9500v 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 2.1(2d) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-15 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-15 Unisys - Microsoft Data Center Operating System Storage Server Type Version Host Bus Adapter Unisys Qualified Switch Fabric Thunder 9200 Unisys ES7000/540 v1.0 Windows 2000 Data Center (SP3) Emulex: LP9002L Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 1.0(2) 1.1(2) 1.3(3c) 1.3(4a) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 2.1(2d) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-16 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Hitachi Data Systems Table 1-16 Distance Extension Distance System Maximum Distance1 Network (TrueCopy) Protocol Storage System Switch Fabric MDS IPS-8 See note1 FC-IP Block I/O TagmaStore (USP, USPV) MDS9509 True Copy (Sync and Async) Lightning 9900v, 9900 MDS9506 Thunder 9500v (Sync. only) MDS9216A MDS IPS-4 MDS9216i MPS-14/2 MDS9140 FC-IP WA feature is supproted Cisco ONS 15530 100 km 25 km MDS9513 DWDM Block I/O TagmaStore (USP, USPV) Lightning 9900v, 9900 CWDM True Copy (Sync and Async) Cisco ONS 15454 Cisco CWDM MDS9216i FC-WA feature supported Thunder 9500v (Sync. only) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(1) 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS 9124 3.1(1) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) FICON 2.0(2b) 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.0(3b) 1. Supported distance is determined by HDS field personnel and professional services based on customer’s application requirements. Fibre Channel write acceleration is supported with Cisco SAN-OS Release 3.0(2a) and later. Hitachi Universal Replicator (HUR) for TagmaStore has been qualified on Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.0(2a). Single tunnel per VSAN is supported Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-17 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM IBM Table 1-17 ESS 2105 model 800 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 SDD MDS 9509 Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC MDS 9506 QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L MDS 9216A Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP8000, LP9802 MDS 9216i QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2310F,QLA2310FL MDS 9140 IBM: FC2104 (FC2/133-24P0960), eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678 and 8832) 3.0(2a) Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP2 or later) Data Center Windows 2003 Standard Enterprise Netware Linux 6.0 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC MDS 9513 3.0(3) No QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2310F,QLA2310FL 3.1(3a) IBM: FC2104 (FC2/133-24P0960) 3.2(2c) 6.5 IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678 and 8832) 3.2(3) RedHat 7.2, AS 2.1, AS 3.0 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP8000, LP9802 3.2(1a) SDD QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2310F,QLA2310FL 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 2.1(2) IBM: FC2104 (FC2/133-24P0960) Solaris 3.1(2a) RedHat 7.3, 8, 9, 2.1 IBM: IBM eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678) MDS 9124 RedHat AS 2.1 IBM: IBM eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8832) 3.1(2a) SLES 7 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC No 3.1(3a) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2310F,QLA2310FL 3.2(1a) IBM: FC2104 (FC2/133-24P0960) 3.2(3) United Linux 1.0 (SLES 8.0) IBM: IBM eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678 and 8832) 3.2.(3a) 2.6, 7, 8, 9 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9002S, LP9002C SDD MDS9134 QLogic: QLA2310FL, QLA2340/2342 MSM 18/4 3.2(2c) IBM: zSeries models z800, z890, z900, z990 JNI: FCE-6460, FCC-6562, FCX2-6562, FCC2-6562, FCE1473 HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A VMware ESX 2.0 IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678 and 8832) MDS9222i MPXIO 3.2(1a) 3.2(c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch1 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2.(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-18 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-17 ESS 2105 model 800 (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric OS/400 (iSeries) V5R2, V5R3 IBM: 2766, 2787 NA 1.3(2a) and higher IBM z/OS (FICON or FICON Express Channel) 1.4.1 or later IBM: zSeries models z900, z990, G5/G6 1.3(4a) Logwave: FC2315, FC2319 2.0(2b) Shortwave: FC2318, FC2320 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) 1. IBM Fibre Channel Switch Module (FCSM) Restrictions: - BladeCenter and Cisco FCSM customers should run in normal switch mode, if customer wants to run with BladeCenter and Cisco FCSM in NPV mode, No IP address change are allowed as this will result in an unrecoverable state for the FCSM that would require an RMA of the switch. Status message will indicate POST not complete. IP changes can occur in normal switch mode without any issue. This problem will be fixed in the next SAN-OS release 3.2(3). - Customers running NPV with external fabric switches, such as Cisco MDS 9124, must use the edge-switch configuration with 3.2(1a). Core switch configuration is fixed in 3.2(2c) - Refer to Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-19 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-18 DS 8000 Series Operating System Multipath Support Switch Fabric SDD MDS 9509 Type Version Host Bus Adapter AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: FC 0612, FC 0625, FC 0626, FC 0646, FC 2766, FC 2787, FC 1977, FC 5716, FC 6228, FC 6239 NAS Gateway 500 5198 model 001 NA MDS 9216A Windows 2000 Advanced Server Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 MDS 9216i Data Center LP10000, LP10000DC MDS 9140 Standard Edition QLogic: QLA2310F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340F, QLA2342FL MDS 9513 Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Netware 5.1, 6.0, 6.5 Linux RedHat 2.1, 3.0 SLES 8, 9 IBM: 19K1246, 24P0960, eServer BladeCenter HS20, HS40, LS20 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9802, LP9402DC, LP10000, LP10000DC MDS 9506 3.0(2a) No 3.1(2a) SDD 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) IBM: FC 0612, FC 0625, FC 0626, FC 0646, FC 2766, FC 2787, FC 1977, FC 5716, FC 6228, FC 6239, 19K1246, 24P0960 1.1 IBM: FC 1977, FC 5716, FC 6228, FC 6239 Solaris 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9002S 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) QLogic: QLA2340F, QLA2342FL, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL IBM Virtual Server (VIOS) 3.0(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 SDD 2.1(2) LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC HP-UX VMware ESX 11.i, 11v2 (11.23) 2.5.0, 2.5.1 QLogic: QLA2310FL, QLA2310F, QLA2340F, QLA2342FL MDS 9124 AMCC/JNI: FCE-6460, FCX2-6562, FCX-6562, FCE-1473 3.1(3a) Sun: 6727A, 6757A, 6767A (SG-XPCI1FC-QF2), 6768A (SG-XPCI2FC-QF2) 3.2(2c) HP: A5158A, A6795A, A6684A, A6826A, A6685A, A9782A 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) IBM: Blade Center HS20, HS40, 19K1246, 24P0960 Emulex: LP9402DC, LP9802 MDS9222i QLogic: QLA2310F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340F, QLA2342FL MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-20 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-18 DS 8000 Series (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter OS/400 V5R3 IBM: FC 0612, FC 0625, FC 0626, FC 0646, FC 2766, FC 2787 i5/OS IBM z/OS (FCP, FICON) Multipath Support Switch Fabric NA 1.3(2a) or higher z/OS (FICON) ver. 1 R4, R5, R6 IBM: zSeries models z900, z990, IBM 9672 G5 and G6, z800, z890, z9-109: 1.3(4a) z/OS.e (FICON) ver. 1 R4, R5, R6 FC 2315, FC 2318, FC 2319, FC2320, FC 3319, 3.0(2) z/VM (FCP, FICON) ver. 4 R4, Ver 5 R1 FC 3320 3.0(3) z/VSE (FCP, FICON) ver. 3 R1 IBM: S/390: 3.0(3b) VSE/ESA (FICON) ver 2 R7 FC 2314, FC 2316 3.2(2c) Linux RH (FICON) 3.0 Suse (FCP, FICON) 8, 9 2.0(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-21 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-19 DS 6000 Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: FC 5716, FC 6228, FC 6239 SDD MDS 9509 NAS Gateway 500 5198 model 001 NA MDS 9506 Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP2 or later) Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9802 MDS 9216A LP10000, LP10000DC MDS 9216i Data Center QLogic: QLA2310F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL MDS 9140 IBM: 19K1246, 24P0960, eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678 and 8832) 3.0(2a) Windows 2003 Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Netware Linux 6.0 6.5 IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20 (8678 and 8832) RedHat 2.1, 3.0 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9802, LP9402DC, LP10000, LP10000DC SLES 8 MDS 9513 No 3.1(2a) SDD No QLogic: QLA2340L, QLA2342FL, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL 8, 9 Emulex: LP9002L, LP9002DC, LP9402DC, LP9002S 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) IBM: FC2104 (FC2/133-24P0960) Solaris 3.0(3) 3.2.(3a) SDD LP9802 MDS 9020 QLogic: QLA2310FL, QLA2310F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L 2.1(2) JNI: FCE-6460, FCX2-6562, FCX-6562, FCE-1473 MDS 9124 HP-UX 11.i, 11v2 (11.23) HP: A5158A, A6795A, A6684A, A6826A, A6685A, A9782A 3.1(2a) VMware ESX 2.0 IBM: Blade Center HS20 (8678, 8832) 3.2(2c) Emulex: LP9402DC, LP9802 3.2(3) QLogic: QLA2310F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340L, QLA2342L 3.2.(3a) 3.2(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-22 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-19 DS 6000 Series (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric OS/400 (iSeries) V5R2, V5R3 IBM: FC2766, FC 2787, FC 0646, FC 0612, FC 0626 NA 1.3(2a) or higher IBM z/OS (FICON or FICON Express Channels 1.4.1 or later IBM: zSeries models z900, z990, G5/G6 1.3(4a) Longwave: FC2315, FC2319 2.0(2b) Shortwave: FC2318, FC2320 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.0(3b) 3.2(2c) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-23 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-20 DS4800 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716, JS20 blade RDAC MDS 9509 Windows 2000 Server IBM: FC2103, FC2104, FC2102 MDS 9506 Advanced Server QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F MDS 9216A IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20, HS40 (8678 and 8832) MDS 9140 Windows 2003 Standard, Enterprise, Web Edition MDS 9216i Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802, LP10000 Netware 6.0 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 MDS 9513 No QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL Linux 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 6.5 IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20, HS40 (8678 and 8832) RedHat AS 2.1 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 RDAC 3.2(1a) United Linux 1.0 QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F No 3.2(2c) (SLES 8) 3.1(3a) 3.2(3) Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802, LP10000 RedHat 7.3, 8, 9 IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20, HS40 RDAC RedHat 3.0 MDS 9020 2.1(2) United Linux 1.0 MDS 9124 (SLES 8) Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, 9 JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6460 RDAC 3.1(3a) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2300F, QLA2310F HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A, A3591B, A3740 VMware ESX 2.5.2 IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20, HS40 (8678 and 8832) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F 3.1(2a) RDAC 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802, LP10000 MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-24 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-21 DS4200 (FAStT 700), DS4500 (FAStT 9001) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716, JS20 RDAC MDS 9509 Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) IBM: FC2103, FC2104 MDS 9506 QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F MDS 9216A Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802, LP10000 MDS 9216i Server IBM: FC2103, FC2104 MDS 9140 Advanced Server QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F MDS 9513 IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20, HS40 3.0(3) Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Standard, Enterprise, Web Edition Netware 6.0 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 3.0(2a) No QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F Linux IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20, HS40 RedHat AS 2.1 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) RDAC United Linux 1.0 No (SLES 8) RedHat 7.3, 8, 9 Solaris 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802, LP10000 6.5 3.1(2a) 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 2.1(2) IBM: eServer BladeCenter HS20, HS40 RDAC RedHat AS 2.1 MDS 9124 United Linux 1.0 3.1(2a) (SLES 8) 3.1(3a) 2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6460 RDAC 3.2(1a) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F MPXIO 3.2(2c) RDAC HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A, A6826A, A3591B VMware ESX 2.0, 2.5.2 IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20, HS40 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802, LP10000 MDS9222i QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 1. Refer to the following links for latest IBM interopearability support matrix: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-25 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-22 DS4300 (FAStT 600 Single and Dual Controller), DS4300 Turbo Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 No MDS 9509 Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) IBM: FC2102, FC2103, FC2104 RDAC MDS 9506 Server QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL MDS 9216A Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802 MDS 9140 Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) Windows 2003 Netware Standard, Enterprise, Web Edition 6.0 MDS 9216i MDS 9513 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 No 3.0(3) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL Linux RedHat AS 2.1, 3.0 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 RedHat 3.0 (xSeries) QLogic: QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL United Linux 1.0 Solaris HP-UX 3.0(2a) 3.1(2a) RDAC 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) No 3.2(2c) (SLES 8) 3.2(3) SLES 9 (pSeries) 3.2.(3a) 2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11.0, 11i JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6460 RDAC QLogic: QLA2300F, QLA2340, QLA2342 MPXIO HP: A5158A, A6795A RDAC MDS 9020 2.1(2) MDS 9124 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-26 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-23 DS4100 (FAStT 100)1 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716 No MDS 9509 Windows 2000 Server IBM: FC2102, FC2103, FC2104 RDAC MDS 9506 Advanced Server (SP3) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL Windows 2003 Linux Standard, Enterprise, Web Edition MDS 9216A No Emulex: LP9002, LP9402, LP9802 MDS 9216i MDS 9140 RedHat 3.0 IBM: FC2103, FC2104 RDAC MDS 9513 SLES 9 (pSeries) QLogic: QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, QLA2310FL No 3.0(2a) SLES 8 (xSeries) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) MDS 9124 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) 1. Refer to the following URL for complete IBM SAN Volume Controller Compatibility information with Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-27 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-24 IBM FAStT 200, 500 Operating System Host Bus Adapter Type Version Model RDAC Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 6239, 5716, JS20 No MDS9500 Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) IBM: FC2103, FC2104 Yes MDS9216 Windows 2000 Server Advanced Server Windows 2003 Linux Solaris Standard, Enterprise, Web Edition QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F MD9216i QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F MDS9100 IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20, HS40 2.0(2b) 1.3(4a) 2.1(1b) RedHat 7.3, 8, 9 IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20 (8678) RedHat 3.0 (pSeries) IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20 (8832, 8678) RedHat 8.0 (xSeries) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, FC2103, FC2104 SLES 9 (pSeries) IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20 (8832) SLE 8.0 (xSeries) QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2342L, QLA2300F, QLA2310F, FC2103, FC2104 2.6, 7, 8, 9 JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6460 QLogic: QLA2200F, QLA2340L, QLA2300F 2.1(2b) 2.1(2d) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) No 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) Yes 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9020 2.1(2) MDS9513 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9124 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) (continued) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-28 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-24 IBM FAStT 200, 500 (continued) Operating System Host Bus Adapter Type Version Model RDAC Multipath Support Switch Fabric HP-UX 11.0, 11i HP: A5158A, A6795A Yes MDS9222i VMware ESX 2.0, 2.5.2 IBM: eServer Blade Center HS20, HS40 MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-29 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-25 IBM DS 8000, 6000 Series Distance Extension Enhanced Remote Mirror Cisco Product Protocol IP Service Module (IPS 4, IPS 8) FC-IP Metro Mirroring Global Copy Global Mirroring Ver. 5.0.0 & higher Ver. 5.0.0 & higher Ver. 5.0.0 & higher Ver. 5.0.0 & higher MDS 9216i Cisco Fabric MDS 9509 MDS 9506 MDS 9216A MPS-14/2 Cisco ONS Global Mirror FICON MDS 9216i FC MDS 9140 MDS 9513 Cisco CWDM 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) MDS 9124 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-30 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-26 IBM DS 4000 Series Distance Extension Cisco Product Protocol Volume Copy RVM Cisco Fabric Cisco CWDM FC ver. 8.3, 8.41 & higher ver. 8.3, 8.41 & higher MDS 9509 MDS 9506 MDS 9216A MDS 9216i MDS 9140 MDS 9513 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 2.1(2) MDS 9124 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-31 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-27 IBM ESS 2105 Series Distance Extension Cisco Product Protocol PPRC Sync PPRC Long Distance IP Service Module FC-IP ver. 2.3.0 & higher ver. 2.3.0 & higher (IPS 8, IPS 4) Async Cascade PPRC-XD Async PPRC ver. 2.3.0 & higher 2.4.0 & higher Cisco Fabric MDS 9509 MDS 9506 MPS-14/2 MDS 9216A MDS 9216i MDS 9216i Cisco CWDM FC MDS 9140 MDS 9513 Cisco ONS 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS 9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) MDS 9124 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Blade Center Cisco Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.2.(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-32 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 1-28 IBM SAN Volume Controller1 Protocol SVC version FC FC-IP iSCSI Cisco Fabric V2.1.0 & higher 2.1(2b) 2.1(2b) Windows 2000 (1.06 driver) MDS9509 3.0(2) 3.0(2) Windows 2003 (1.06 driver) MDS9506 3.2(1a) 3.2(1a) Red Hat AD 2.1, 3.0 (3.6.2 driver) MDS9216 3.2(2c) 3.2(2c) MDS9216i 3.2(3) 3.2(3) MDS9100 3.2.(3a) 3.2.(3a) MDS9513 MDS9124 1. Refer to the following URL for the complete IBM SAN Volume Controller Compatibility Matrix under Supported Hardware with Cisco MDS product family: ilyind=5329743 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-33 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP HP HP XP 10000, 12000, 20000, 240001 Table 1-29 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 HP: FCA2354, FCA2384, FCA2684, FCA2684DC Native MDS9513 OpenVMS IA64 HP-UX 4 3 8.2-1, 8.3, 8.3-1H1 11iv1, 11iv2 11iv3 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC MDS9509 HP: AD299A, AD355A, A6826A, A9782A, A9784A MDS9506 AB465A, AB378A, AB378B, AB379A MDS9216A AB379B, AD300A, AD193A, AD194A, QMH2462 MDS9216i HP: A5158, A6795A, AB465A, A9782A, A9784A, A6826A, AB378A, AB379A, AD193A, AD194A, AB378B, AB379A, AD300A, AD299A, AD355A, QMH2462, Mezzanine SecurePath Native MDS9140 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) Tru64 Unix 5.1B-3, 5.1B-4 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 5716, 6227, 6228, 6239 MPIO/ODM 3.2(1a) Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3+) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, LP9802DC, LP1050DC, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony SecurePath 3.2(2c) QLogic: QLA2462, QLA234x, QMH2462 Microsoft MPIO/DSM Emulex: LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LP11002-M4, LP9802DC, LP8000, LPe1105 Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition 3.1(3a) 3.2(3) MDS9020 2.1(2) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony 2.1(3) Qlogic: QLA2462, QLA234x MDS9124 Emulex: LP11002-M4, LP1050DC, LP9802DC, LP8000 Windows 20085 IA32 & x64 Emulex: LP1050 (FC2143), LP11002 (FC2243), LPe1150 (FC2142SR), LPe11002 (FC2242SR), LPe1105 (HP c-Class Mezz Card), LP9802DC (FCA2404DC), LP982 (FCA2408) 3.1(2) HP MPIO FF DSM 3.00.00 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) 2 HP: FC Mezz Card (p-Class BL20p G2), FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3, BL45p G2), Mezzanine FCA (p-Class BL20p G4), HPBALCF 105 (p-Class BL25p, BL45p), FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL30p, BL35p) , E-FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3), E-FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL25p, BL45p, BL45p G2, BL30p, BL35p, BL45p) Enterprise 4.0 HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, DS-KGPSA-CB 8, 9, 10 MDS9124e 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) EOL 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) (SP6a) Solaris 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) Qlogic:QLA2460 (FC1143), QLA2462 (FC1243), QLE2460 (FC1142), QLE2462 (FC1242), QLA2340 (FCA2214), QLA2342 (FCA2214DC), QMH2462 (HP c-Class Mezz Card) Windows NT 3.3(1a) Emulex: LP9802, LP10000DC MPXIO QLogic: QLA2202, QLA2310, QLA234x, QLA2462 JNI: FCE-6410, FCX-6562, FCE-6460, FCE-1473 MDS9222i MDS9134 Veritas DMP Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) SecurePath 3.2(2c) Linux Red Hat EL 3 U6+ HP: Mezzanine, Balcony Emulex 3.2(3) (32bit or 64bit) Red Hat EL 4 U1+ Qlogic: QLA234x, QLA 2462, QLE 2462, QMH2462 Multipulse 3.3(1a) SuSE 8 SP4+ Emulex: LP11002, LPe1105 SuSE 9 SP2+ QLogic Path Failover FICON 3.0(3) 3.2(2c) (continued) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-34 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-29 HP XP 10000, 12000, 20000, 240001 (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric Netware 5.1 SP8 & higher HP: Mezzanine Native MDS9500 QLogic: QLA234x VMware ESX Server 3.0 (XP 12000 not MDS9100 HP: FCA2214, FCA2210, FCA2214DC, Mezzanine, Balcony Native MDS9200 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) supported) 2.1(2b) 3.1.3(a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) BDE 3.2.(3a) 1. Boot Fron SAN is supported 2. HP Fibre Channel Switch Module (MDS 9124e) Restrictions: - The NPV mode can be supported with Brocade fabric configuration in InterOp mode or Native mode. If the MDS9124e NPV is connected to an external fabric comprising of only Brocade switches, use Brocade Native mode only. If the MDS9124e NPV is connected to an external fabric with a mix of Brocade and Ciscoswitches, then Brocade (and Cisco) switches need to be set to InterOp mode-1 (as defined in the document below) - Refer to 3. Open VMS is not supportde on the MSA 1500 active/passive configuration. 4. HPUX 11iv1 is not supported on AD194A, AB378B, AB379B, Mezzanine cards. QMH2462 is supported on HPUX 11iv2, 3 only. AD299A and AD355A is supported on HPUX 11iv2 only. 5. Cisco MDS SAN-OS 3.2(3) is the minumum version required for Windows 2008 support. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-35 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP HP XP128, XP1024, XP48, XP5121 Table 1-30 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 HP: FCA2354, FCA2384, FCA2684, FCA2684DC Native MDS9513 OpenVMS IA642 HP-UX 3 8.2-1, 8.3, 8.3-1H1 11iv1, 11iv2 11iv3 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC MDS9509 HP: AD299A, AD355A, A6826A, A9782A, A9784A MDS9506 AB465A, AB378A, AB378B, AB379A MDS9216A AB379B, AD300A, AD193A, AD194A, QMH2462 MDS9216i HHP: A5158, A6795A, AB465A, A9782A, A9784A, A6826A, AB378A, AB379A, AD193A, AD194A, AB378B, AB379A, AD300A, AD299A, AD355A, QMH2462, Mezzanine SecurePath Native MDS9140 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) Tru64 Unix 5.1B-3, 5.1B-4 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 5716, 6227, 6228, 6239 MPIO/ODM 3.2(1a) Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3+) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, LP9802DC, LP1050DC, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony SecurePath 3.2(2c) QLogic: QLA2462, QLA234x, QMH2462 Microsoft MPIO/DSM Emulex: LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LP11002-M4, LP9802DC, LP8000, LPe1105 Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition 3.1(3a) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Qlogic: QLA2462, QLA234x Emulex: LP11002-M4, LP1050DC, LP9802DC, LP8000 Windows NT Enterprise 4.0 HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, DS-KGPSA-CB EOL 3.1(2) (SP6a) Solaris 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP9802, LP10000DC MPXIO QLogic: QLA2202, QLA2310, QLA234x, QLA2462 JNI: FCE-6410, FCX-6562, FCE-6460, FCE-1473 Veritas DMP Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 SecurePath Linux Red Hat EL 3 U6+ HP: Mezzanine, Balcony Emulex (32bit or 64bit) Red Hat EL 4 U1+ Qlogic: QLA234x, QLA 2462, QLE 2462, QMH2462 Multipulse SuSE 8 SP4+ Emulex: LP11002, LPe1105 SuSE 9 SP2+ Netware 5.1 SP8 & higher MDS9124 QLogic: QLA234x 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9124e 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) QLogic Path Failover HP: Mezzanine 3.1(3a) Native 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) FICON 3.0(3) 3.2(2c) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-36 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-30 HP XP128, XP1024, XP48, XP5121 (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter VMware ESX Server 3.0 HP: FCA2214, FCA2210, FCA2214DC, Mezzanine, Balcony Multipath Support Switch Fabric Native MDS9500 MDS9100 (XP 12000 not MDS9200 supported) 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.1.3(a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) BDE 3.2.(3a) 1. Boot Fron SAN is supported 2. OpenVMS is not supportde on the MSA 1500 active/passive configuration. 3. HPUX 11iv1 is not supported on AD194A, AB378B, AB379B, Mezzanine cards. QMH2462 is supported on HPUX 11iv2, 3 only. AD299A and AD355A is supported on HPUX 11iv2 only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-37 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP HP EVA GL -- 3000 (HSV100, HSV101), 5000 (HSV200, HSV2011 Table 1-31 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 HP: FCA2354, FCA2384, FCA2684, FCA2684DC Native MDS9513 OpenVMS IA642 HP-UX 3 8.2-1, 8.3, 8.3-1H1 11iv1, 11iv2 11iv3 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC MDS9509 HP: AD299A, AD355A, A6826A, A9782A, A9784A MDS9506 AB465A, AB378A, AB378B, AB379A MDS9216A AB379B, AD300A, AD193A, AD194A, QMH2462 MDS9216i HP: A5158, A6795A, AB465A, A9782A, A9784A, A6826A, AB378A, AB379A, AD193A, AD194A, AB378B, AB379A, AD300A, AD299A, AD355A, QMH2462, Mezzanine SecurePath native MDS9140 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) Tru64 Unix 5.1B-3, 5.1B-4 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 5716, 6227, 6228, 6239 MPIO/ODM 3.2(1a) Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3+) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, LP9802DC, LP1050DC, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony SecurePath 3.2(2c) Emulex: LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LP11002-M4, LP8000 Microsoft MPIO/DSM QLogic:QLA2462, QLA234x Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition 3.1(3a) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony MDS9020 Emulex: LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LP11002-M4, LP8000, LP9802 2.1(3) 2.1(2) QLogic: QLA2462, QLA234x Windows 2008 4 Windows NT IA32 & x64 Enterprise Emulex: LP1050 (FC2143), LP11002 (FC2243), LPe1150 (FC2142SR), LPe11002 (FC2242SR), LPe1105 (HP c-Class Mezz Card), LP9802DC (FCA2404DC), LP982 (FCA2408) HP MPIO FF DSM 3.00.00 MDS9124 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) Qlogic:QLA2460 (FC1143), QLA2462 (FC1243), QLE2460 (FC1142), QLE2462 (FC1242), QLA2340 (FCA2214), QLA2342 (FCA2214DC), QMH2462 (HP c-Class Mezz Card) 3.2(1a) HP: FC Mezz Card (p-Class BL20p G2), FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3, BL45p G2), Mezzanine FCA (p-Class BL20p G4), HPBALCF 105 (p-Class BL25p, BL45p), FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL30p, BL35p) , E-FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3), E-FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL25p, BL45p, BL45p G2, BL30p, BL35p, BL45p) 3.3(1a) HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, DS-KGPSA-CB 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 EOL 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) Edition 4.0 (SP6a) Linux RedHat AS 2.1 HP: FCA2214, Mezzanine, Balcony Emulex (32bit or 64bit) Red Hat EL 3 U6+ QLogic: QLA234x Multipulse 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) Red Hat EL 4 U1+ SuSE 7 QLogic SuSE 8 SP4+ Path Failover 8, 9, 10 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) SuSE 9 SP2+ Solaris MDS9124e JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCX-6562, FCE-6460 MPXIO Emulex: LP9802, LP10000DC QLogic: QLA2310, QLA234x Veritas DMP Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 SecurePath 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) (continued) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-38 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-31 HP EVA GL -- 3000 (HSV100, HSV101), 5000 (HSV200, HSV2011 (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric Netware 5.1 SP8 HP: Mezzanine Native MDS9500 6.1 SP4 QLogic: QLA234x 3.0 HP: FCA2214, FCA2210, FCA2214DC, Mezzanine VMware ESX Server MDS9100 Native MDS9200 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) BDE 3.2.(3a) 1. Boot Fron SAN is supported 2. OpenVMS is not supportde on the MSA 1500 active/passive configuration. 3. HPUX 11iv1 is not supported on AD194A, AB378B, AB379B, Mezzanine cards. HPUX 11iv3 supports EVA 3000/5000 active/active configuration .QMH2462 is supported on HPUX 11iv2, 3 only. AD299A and AD355A is supported on HPUX 11iv2 only. 4. Cisco MDS SAN-OS 3.2(3) is the minumum version required for Windows 2008 support. Only active/active EVA firmware versions are supported. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-39 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-32 HP EVA XL -- 4x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B), 6x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B), 8x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B)1 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 HP: FCA2354, FCA2384, FCA2684, FCA2684DC Native MDS9513 OpenVMS IA64 HP-UX 3 2 8.2-1, 8.3, 8.3-1H1 11iv1, 11iv2 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC MDS9509 HP: AD299A, AD355A, A6826A, A9782A, A9784A MDS9506 AB465A, AB378A, AB378B, AB379A MDS9216A AB379B, AD300A, AD193A, AD194A, QMH2462 MDS9216i 11iv3 Tru64 Unix4 5.1B-3, 5.1B-4 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 5716, 6227, 6228, 6239 MPIO/ODM 3.2(1a) Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3+) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, LP9802DC, LP1050DC, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony SecurePath 3.2(2c) Emulex: LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LP11002-M4, LP8000 Microsoft MPIO/DSM QLogic: QLA2462, QLA234x Windows 20085 IA32 & x64 SecurePath MDS9140 HP: A5158, A6795A, AB465A, A9782A, A9784A, A6826A, AB378A, AB379A, AD193A, AD194A, AB378B, AB379A, AD300A, AD299A, AD355A, QMH2462, Mezzanine 3.0(2a) Native 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(3) Emulex: LP1050 (FC2143), LP11002 (FC2243), LPe1150 HP MPIO FF DSM (FC2142SR), LPe11002 (FC2242SR), LPe1105 (HP c-Class 3.00.00 Mezz Card), LP9802DC (FCA2404DC), LP982 (FCA2408) Qlogic:QLA2460 (FC1143), QLA2462 (FC1243), QLE2460 (FC1142), QLE2462 (FC1242), QLA2340 (FCA2214), QLA2342 (FCA2214DC), QMH2462 (HP c-Class Mezz Card) Enterprise 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) MDS9124 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) HP: FC Mezz Card (p-Class BL20p G2), FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3, BL45p G2), Mezzanine FCA (p-Class BL20p G4), HPBALCF 105 (p-Class BL25p, BL45p), FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL30p, BL35p) , E-FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3), E-FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL25p, BL45p, BL45p G2, BL30p, BL35p, BL45p) Windows NT 3.0(3) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, DS-KGPSA-CB EOL Edition 4.0 (SP6a) MDS9222i MDS9134 Linux RedHat AS 2.1 HP: FCA2214, Mezzanine, Balcony Emulex (32bit or 64bit) Red Hat EL 3 U6+ QLogic: QLA234x Multipulse Red Hat EL 4 U1+ MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) SuSE 7 QLogic SuSE 8 SP4+ Path Failover 3.3(1a) MPXIO MDS9124e 3.2(3) SuSE 9 SP2+ Solaris 8, 9, 10 JNI: FCE-1473, FCE-6410, FCX-6562, FCE-6460 Emulex: LP9802, LP10000DC QLogic: QLA2310, QLA234x 3.1(2a) Veritas DMP Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 Netware 5.1 SP8 HP: Mezzanine 6.1 SP4 QLogic: QLA234x 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) SecurePath 3.2(2c) Native 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) (continued) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-40 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-32 HP EVA XL -- 4x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B), 6x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B), 8x00 (HSV200, HSV200-A, HSV200-B)1 (continued) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter VMware ESX Server 3.0 HP: FCA2214, FCA2210, FCA2214DC, Mezzanine, Balcony Multipath Support Switch Fabric Native MDS9500 MDS9100 MDS9200 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) BDE 3.2.(3a) 1. Boot Fron SAN is supported 2. OpenVMS is not supportde on the MSA 1500 active/passive configuration. 3. HPUX 11iv1 is not supported on AD194A, AB378B, AB379B, Mezzanine cards. QMH2462 is supported on HPUX 11iv2, 3 only. AD299A and AD355A is supported on HPUX 11iv2 only. 4. True64 is not supported on EVA4400 and MSA1500 (active/passive) arrays. 5. Cisco MDS SAN-OS 3.2(3) is the minumum version required for Windows 2008 support. Only active/active EVA firmware versions are supported. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-41 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-33 HP MA8000 (HSG80) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.3 IBM: 6227, 6228, 5716 SecurePath MDS9513 Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3+) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, LP9802DC, LP1050DC, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine SecurePath MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise MDS9216A MDS9506 Edition HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine Windows NT Enterprise 4.0 (SP6a) HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, DS-KGPSA-CB MDS9140 Linux RedHat AS 2.1 HP: FCA2214, Mezzanine 3.0(2a) SUSE 7 HP: FCA2214 8, 9 JNI: FCE-6410, FCX-6562, FCE-6460, LP9802 Solaris QLogic: QLA2310 JNI: FCE-1473 Sun: SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 Netware 5.1 SP8 HP: Mezzanine 6.1 SP4 Qlogic: QLA234x MDS9216i 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) MDS9124 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-42 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP HP MSA1000, MSA1500 (Active/Active)1 Table 1-34 Operating System Type HP-UX 2 Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric 11iv1, 11iv2 HP: A5158, A6795A, AB465A, A9782A, A9784A, A6826A, AB378A, AB379A, AD193A, AD194A, AB378B, AB379A, AD300A, AD299A, AD355A, QMH2462, Mezzanine Single Path MDS9513 Native MDS9509 HP: FCA2354, FCA2384, FCA2684, FCA2684DC Native 11iv3 OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 MDS9506 MDS9216i Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC OpenVMS IA64 3 8.2-1, 8.3, 8.3-1H1 MDS9140 3.0(2a) HP: AD299A, AD355A, A6826A, A9782A, A9784A 3.0(3) AB465A, AB378A, AB378B, AB379A 3.1(2) AB379B, AD300A, AD193A, AD194A, QMH2462 Tru64 Unix Windows 2000 5.1B-3, 5.1B-4 Advanced Server (SP3+) Emulex: LP8000 Enterprise Edition IA32 & x64 SecurePath (Active/Passive) (Active/Active) MDS9020 2.1(2) Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802 MDS9124 Emulex: LP1050 (FC2143), LP11002 (FC2243), LPe1150 (FC2142SR), LPe11002 (FC2242SR), LPe1105 (HP c-Class Mezz Card), LP9802DC (FCA2404DC), LP982 (FCA2408) 3.1(2) HP MPIO FF DSM 3.00.00 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i HP: FC Mezz Card (p-Class BL20p G2), FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3, BL45p G2), Mezzanine FCA (p-Class BL20p G4), HPBALCF 105 (p-Class BL25p, BL45p), FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL30p, BL35p) , E-FC Adapter Card (p-Class BL20p G3), E-FC Balcony Card (p-Class BL25p, BL45p, BL45p G2, BL30p, BL35p, BL45p) Enterprise 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) Qlogic:QLA2460 (FC1143), QLA2462 (FC1243), QLE2460 (FC1142), QLE2462 (FC1242), QLA2340 (FCA2214), QLA2342 (FCA2214DC), QMH2462 (HP c-Class Mezz Card) Windows NT 3.2(2c) HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, DS-KGPSA-CB, Mezzanine, Balcony QLogic: QLA234x Windows 20084 3.2(1a) Microsoft MPIO/DM Qlogic: QLA234x Windows 2003 3.1(3a) Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9802, LP10000, LP10000DC HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, LP9802DC, LP1050DC, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, Mezzanine, Balcony MDS9216A MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) HP: FCA2355, FCA2101, DS-KGPSA-CB EOL 3.3(1a) MDS9124e Edition 4.0 (SP6a) Linux RedHat AS 2.1 HP: FCA2214, Mezzanine, Balcony Emulex (32bit or 64bit) Red Hat EL 3 U6+ QLogic: QLA234x Multipulse 3.1(3a) Red Hat EL 4 U1+ SuSE 7 Qlogic SuSE 8 SP4+ Failover SuSE 9 SP2+ 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-43 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP HP MSA1000, MSA1500 (Active/Active)1 (continued) Table 1-34 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Switch Fabric VMware ESX Server 3.0 HP: FCA2214, FCA2210, FCA2214DC,Mezzanine Native MDS9500 (MSA1000 only) QLogic: QLA234x MDS9100 MDS9200 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) BDE 3.2.(3a) 1. Boot Fron SAN is supported 2. HPUX 11iv1 is not supported on AD194A, AB378B, AB379B, Mezzanine cards.MSA 1000 active/active supports HPUX 11iv3 only. MSA 1000/1500 single control support HPUX 11iv1, v2 only. MSA1500 active/active configurations supports HPUX 11iv1, 2, 3 versions.QMH2462 is supported on HPUX 11iv2, 3 only. AD299A and AD355A is supported on HPUX 11iv2 only. 3. Open VMS is not supportde on the MSA 1500 active/passive configuration. 4. Cisco MDS SAN-OS 3.2(3) is the minumum version required for Windows 2008 support. Only active/active EVA firmware versions are supported. Table 1-35 HP VA7410, VA7400 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, LP1050, LP9802DC, LP10000DC Windows 2003 Enterprise HP: DS-KGPSA-CB, FCA2355, FCA2101, FCA2214, FCA2214-DC, LP1050DC, LP10000, LP9802 Edition Multipath Support Switch Fabric SecurePath MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i MDS9140 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) MDS9020 2.1(2) MDS9124 3.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-44 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 1-36 Distance Extension Distance System Maximum Distance Network Protocol Storage System Switch fabric Cisco 1000Base-CWDM 50km CWDM Block I/O HP EVA GL (3.028) MDS9513 CA (Sync) HP XL (5.031, 5.110, 6.0) MDS9509 HP StorageWorks Block I/O HP XP128/1024, XP48/512, XP12000 MDS9506 - CWDM 2-Slot MUX CA (Sync, Async) MDS9216A - CWDM 8-port MUX MDS9216i - CWDM Slot A 4-port Add/Drop Multiplexer MDS 9 - CWDM Slot B 4-port Add/Drop Multiplexer 3.0(3) Cisco 15530 3.0(2a) 3.1(2a) 100km DWDM Block I/O HP EVA GL (3.028)) CA (Sync) HP XL (5.031, 5.110, 6.0) Block I/O HP XP128/1024, XP48/512, XP12000 CA (Sync, Async) Cisco 15540 100km DWDM 100km DWDM HP EVA GL (3.028)) CA (Sync) HP XL (5.031, 5.110, 6.0) Block I/O HP XP128/1024, XP48/512, XP12000 Cisco MPS-14/2 Cisco MDS 9216i See note1 after this table. 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MSM 18/4 Block I/O HP EVA GL (3.028)) 3.2(1a) CA (Sync) HP XL (5.031, 5.110, 6.0) 3.2(2c) Block I/O HP XP128/1024, XP48/512, XP12000 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) CA (Sync, Async) Cisco MDS IPS-8 3.2(1a) 3.2(3) Block I/O CA (Sync, Async) Cisco 15252 3.1(3a) FC-IP Block I/O HP EVA GL (3.028)) (IPSec/IKE) CA (Sync) HP XL (5.031, 5.110, 6.0) Block I/O HP XP128/1024, XP48/512, XP12000 CA (Sync, Async) MDS9124e 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) BDE 3.2.(3a) 1. Supported distance is determined by HP field personnel and professional services based on customer’s application requirements. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-45 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems1 Table 1-37 StorEdge 9970V Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Cisco Certified Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 1.3(4a) 2.0(2b 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9134 MDS9124 MDS9222i MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) GTY 3.2(3a) 1. Refer to the following link for the Sun Microsystems InterOp Tool: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-46 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Sun Microsystems Table 1-38 StorEdge T3+ Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Cisco Certified Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 1.3(4a) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.1(3a) MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.1(3a) MDS9020 2.1(2) GTY 3.2(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-47 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Sun Microsystems Table 1-39 StorEdge FC Array A5200 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Cisco Certified Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 1.3(4a) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-48 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Sun Microsystems Table 1-40 StorEdge 6120 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Cisco Certified Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9134 MDS9124 MDS9222i MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-49 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Sun Microsystems Table 1-41 StorEdge 6130 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Cisco Certified Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9134 MDS9124 MDS9222i MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-50 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Sun Microsystems Table 1-42 StorEdge 3510 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Cisco Certified Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 Yes MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 MDS9216i 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9134 MDS9124 MDS9222i MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-51 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix NEC NEC Table 1-43 S2300 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3 or higher) Emulex: LP952L NEC SPS MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server HPUX 11.0 MDS9216 MDS9216i HP: A6795A, A6826A PvLinks Linux RedHat AS2.1 Emulex: LP952L No Solaris 8, 9 QLogic: QLA2310F Veritas DMP AIX 5.1, 5.2 IBM: 6228, 6239 No Table 1-44 MDS9100 1.3(4a) 11i 3.1(1) S1300 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3 or higher) Emulex: LP952L NEC SPS MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server HPUX 11.0 MDS9216 MDS9216i HP: A6795A, A6826A PvLinks Linux RedHat AS2.1 Emulex: LP952L No Solaris 8, 9 QLogic: QLA2310F Veritas DMP AIX 5.1, 5.2 IBM: 6228, 6239 No Table 1-45 MDS9100 1.3(4a) 11i 3.1(1) S2800 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3 or higher) Emulex: LP952L NEC SPS MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server HPUX 11.0 MDS9216 MDS9216i HP: A6795A, A6826A PvLinks MDS9100 1.3(4a) 11i Linux RedHat AS2.1 Emulex: LP952L No Solaris 8, 9 QLogic: QLA2310F Veritas DMP AIX 5.1, 5.2 IBM: 6228, 6239 No 3.1(1) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-52 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix NEC Table 1-46 D1-10, D3-10 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2003 Enterprise Server Emulex: LP1150, LPe1150 NEC Path MDS9124 QLogic: QLE2460, QLA2460 Manager 3.1(2) Linux RedHat Enterprise Emulex: LP1150, LPe1150 QLogic: QLA2460, QLE2460 Table 1-47 S2800 Distance Extension Cisco Product Protocol RDR Sync. RDR Async Cisco Fabric IP Service Module FC-IP ver. 2.3.0 ver. 2.3.0 MDS9500 (IPS 8, IPS 4) Cisco CWDM Cisco ONS MDS9216 FC MDS9216i MDS9100 1.3(4a) 3.1(1) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-53 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Fujitsu Fujitsu Table 1-48 Eternus 2000 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC, LP11000, LP11002, LPe11000, LPe11002 VERITAS 5.0 MDS9500 MP1 MDS9216 QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2460, QLA2462 MDS9216i HPUX 11iv2 HP: AB378A, AB379A, A6826A, A6795A PvLinks MDS9120 AIX 5.2 IBM:1905, 1910 ETERNUS MPIO 2.0(3) for IBM AIX 3.1(1) Table 1-49 Eternus 3000 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP9802, LP10000 GRMPD MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server QLogic: QLA2342 HPUX 11.0 HP: A6795A, A6826A MDS9216 PvLinks MDS9120 11i Linux RedHat AS2.1, 3.0 QLogic: QLA2342 No Emulex: LP9002 Solaris 8, 9 Emulex: LP9802, LP10000 Veritas DMP AIX 5.3, 5.2 IBM: 6228, 6239 No Cambex: P2000LC DPF Table 1-50 MDS9216i 2.0(3) 3.1(1) Eternus 6000 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP9802, LP10000 GRMPD MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server QLogic: QLA2342 HPUX 11.0 HP: A6795A, A6826A MDS9216 PvLinks MDS9120 11i Linux RedHat AS2.1, 3.0 MDS9216i QLogic: QLA2342 No Emulex: LP9002 Solaris 8, 9 Emulex: LP9802, LP10000 Veritas DMP AIX 5.3, 5.2 IBM: 6228, 6239 No Cambex: P2000LC DPF 2.0(3) 3.1(1) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-54 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Fujitsu Table 1-51 Eternus 4000 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) QLogic: QLA2200F/66 Enterprise Server QLogic: QLA2342 Eternus driver 2.0L12 MDS9500 Windows 2003 Linux Solaris Table 1-52 MDS9216 MDS9216i Emulex: LP9002L,LP9002DC, LP 9802, LP9802DC, LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LPe1150, LPe11000, LPe11002, LP11000, LP11002, LP1150 MDS9120 3.1(1) RedHat AS 4.0 QLogic: QLA2342 RedHat-ES 4.0 Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC Eternus driver 2.0L12 8 Fujitsu: GP7B8FC1, PW008FC2 Eternus driver 2.0.2 9 Fujitsu::GP7B8FC1, PW008FC2, PW008FC3 10 Fujitsu: PW008FC2, PW008FC3 Eternus 8000 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) QLogic: QLA2200F/66 Enterprise Server QLogic: QLA2342 Eternus driver 2.0L12 MDS9500 Windows 2003 Linux Solaris MDS9216 MDS9216i Emulex: LP9002L,LP9002DC, LP 9802, LP9802DC, LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC, LP1050EX, LPe1150, LPe11000, LPe11002, LP11000, LP11002, LP1150 MDS9120 3.1(1) RedHat AS 4.0 QLogic: QLA2342 RedHat-ES 4.0 Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC, LP1050, LP1050DC Eternus driver 2.0L12 8 Fujitsu: GP7B8FC1, PW008FC2 Eternus driver 2.0.2 9 Fujitsu::GP7B8FC1, PW008FC2, PW008FC3 10 Fujitsu: PW008FC2, PW008FC3 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-55 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix ADTX ADTX Table 1-53 ArrayMasStor L Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP9802 Path Cruiser MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server QLogic: QLA2340 Linux RedHat 7.1.14-3 Emulex: LP9802 No Solaris 8, 9 Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2 Veritas DMP MDS9216 MDS9216i MDS9100 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-56 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Infortrend Infortrend Table 1-54 EonStor F16F-R2A2 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP9002, LP9802 No MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server Emulex: LP1050DC MDS9216 Linux RedHat 8.0 Emulex: LP9002, 9802 MDS9100 QLogic: QLA2310 MDS9216i 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(3) Table 1-55 EonStor 2510FS Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) Emulex: LP9002, LP9802 No MDS9500 Windows 2003 Enterprise Server Emulex: LP1050DC MDS9216 Linux RedHat 8.0 Emulex: LP9002, 9802 MDS9100 QLogic: QLA2310 MDS9216i 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(3) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-57 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix 3PAR 3PAR Table 1-56 InServ Storage Server E200, S400, S800 Qualified Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 SP4 MDS9500 Windows 2003 SP1, SP2 (32 / 64 bit), QLogic: QLA2310F(L), QLA 2302F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, QLA2302, QLA2460, QLA2462, QLE2360, QLE2362, QLE2460, QLE2462, QLA2300F, QLA2440, QLE2440, 381881-B21, 361426-B21, 26K4859, 26K4841, 381881-B21, 354054-B21, 26R0884, 41Y8527, 39Y9306, 403619-B21, 394588-B21 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002(L,DC), LP9402, LP9802(DC), LP10000(DC),ExDC, LP1050, LP952, LP982, LP1050(DC,Ex), LPe1150, LPe11000, LPe11002, 43W6859, 403621-B21 2.1(1a) IA64 Linux RH AS 2.1, Enterprise 3.0 Enterprise 4.0 Linux SUSE SLES 9 QLogic: QLA2310F(L), QLA 2302F, QLA2340, QLA2342, QLA2344, QLA2302, QLA2460, QLA2462, QLE2360, QLE2362, QLE2460, QLE2462, QLA2300F, QLA2440, QLE2440 MDS9216 MDS9216i MDS9124 2.0(1b) 2.1(2b)\ 2.1(2e) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) AIX 5.1 IBM: 6228, 6239 5.2 IBM: 5716, 6239, 6228 5.3, IBM Virtual Server IBM: 5716, 5759, 5758 OnStor 1.2.x.x, 1.3.x.x, 2.2.x.x., 3.0.x.x., 3.1.x.x Internal HBA HP-UX 11i v1, 11iv2, 11iv3 HP: A5158A, A6795A, A6826A, A9782A, A9784A, AB456A, AB378, AB379, AD193, AD194 Tru64 5.1b HP: KGPSA-CA, KGPSA-DA, KGPSA-EA, A5132-AA, Incipient iNSP 1.1 NA VMware ESX 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3. 2.5.4 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2 QLogic: QLA2302, QLA2342, QLA2300, QLA2310, QLA2340, QLA2344, QLE2360, QLE2362 4.x.x.x., 5.x.x.x Egenera supplied Egenera PAN Mgr 3.2(2c) MDS9100 2.1(1a) 2.1(2b)\ 2.1(2e) 3.0(3) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-58 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix 3PAR Table 1-57 InServ Storage Server E200, S400, S800 Qualified Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Solaris 8, 9, 10 SPARC Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-QF4, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF4, 6727A, 6799A, SG-XPCI1FC-EM4-Z, SG-XPCI2FC-EM4-Z, SG-XPCIE1FC-EM4, SG-XPCIE2FC-EM4, SG-XPCIE1FC-QF4, SG-XPCIE2FC-QF4, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 MDS9500 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002, LP9002DC, LP9402, LP10000, LP10000DC, LP9802, LP9802DC, LP11000, LP11002, LPe11000, LPe11002 2.0(1b) QLogic: QLA2310FL, QLA2310F, QLA 2302F, QLA2340, QLA2340L, QLA2342, QLA2344, QLA2300, QCP2340, QCP2330, QCP2332, QSB2340, QLA2460, QLA2462, QLE2460, QLE2462, QSB2342, QCP2342 10 x86 MDS9216 MDS9216i MDS9124 2.1(1a) 2.1(2b)\ 2.1(2e) 3.0(3) 3.2(1a) JNI: FC64-1063, FCI-1063, FCE6460, FCX-6562, FCX2-6562, FCE-1473, FCE2-1473 3.2(2c) Sun: SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCiE2FC-QB4-Z, SG-XPCI1FC-EM4-Z, SG-XPCI2FC-EM4-Z, SG-XPCIE1FC-EM4, SG-XPCIE2FC-EM4, SG-XPI1FC-QF4, SG-XPCI2FC-QF4, SG-XPCIE1FC-QF4, SG-XPCIE2FC-QF4, SG-XPCI1FC-EM2, SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 MDS9100 Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC, LP11000, LP11002, LPe11000, LPe11002, LP10000ExDC 3.0(3) QLogic: QLA2310FL, QLA2310F, QLA 2302F, QLA2340, QLA2340L, QLA2342, QLA2344, QLA2300, QLA2460, QLA2462, QLE2460, QLE2462, QLA2440, QLE2440 2.1(1a) 2.1(2b)\ 2.1(2e) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-59 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix XIOtech XIOtech Table 1-58 Magnitude (Rel. 10.01/11.01), Magnitude 3D (Rel. 2.5/3.13), Magnitude 3D 3000 (Rel 4.1) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2310, QLA2200 MDS9500 Standard and Emulex: LP9002L MDS9216 Windows 2003 1.3(4a) Enterprise Editions Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) QLogic: QLA2340, QLA2200, QLA2310F MacOS 10.3 Apple: M9274G/B AIX 4.3.3, 5.1 Cambex: PC1000, PC2000 Linux RedHat 8.0, AS 2.1, Enterprise 3.0 QLogic: QLA 2340, QLA 2310F, QLA2200 Suse United 1.0, SLES 9 QLogic: QLA 2310F, QLA2340 11, 11i HP: A6795A HP-UX 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) Emulex: LP9002L Netware 5.1, 6, 6.5 QLogic: QLA 2310F, QLA 2340, QLA 2200 MDS9216i VMware ESX Server QLogic: QLA2310F 2.0(3) Solaris 7, 8, 9 QLogic: QLA2310F, QLA2200, QLA 2202FS, QSB 2340 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9222i MDS9124 MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9020 2.1(2) MDS 9513 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-60 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix XIOtech Table 1-59 Distance System MDS IPS-8 MDS IPS-4 MPS-14/2 MDS9216i Distance Extension1 Maximum Distance See note after this table. Network Protocol Storage System Switch fabric DWDM Geo-Replication Magnitude 10.01, 11.01 MDS9500 CWDM (Sync mode) Magnitude 3D 2.5, 3.13 MDS9216 Magnitude 3D 3000 4.1 MDS9216i FCIP 1.3(3) 1.3(4a) 2.0(3) 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) MDS9134 MDS9124 MDS9222i MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) MDS9513 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 1. Supported distance is determined by XIOtech, based on customer’s application requirement. Xiotech accepts Cisco’s qualification of the Cisco iSCSI drivers and Microsoft iSCSI drivers with the Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-61 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Network Appliance Network Appliance Table 1-60 FAS and V-serries Product Families Operating System Data ONTAP Version Cisco Switch Model Supported SAN-OS All NetApp FCP Host Kit w/MultiPat 6.4 (6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4,6.4.5) MDS 9216, MDS 9509 1.0(4) 6.4 (6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4,6.4.5) 1.1(1a) 6.5 (6.5.1,6.5.2) 6.5 (6.5.1,6.5.2) MDS 9506 1.1(1a) 6.5 (6.5,6.5.1,6.5.2) MDS 9120, 9140, 9216, 9216i, 9509, 9506 1.3(3c) 6.5 (6.5.3,6.5.4,6.5.5,6.5.6) MDS 9120, 9140, 9216, 9216i, 9509, 9506 1.3(4a) MDS 9120, 9140, 9216, 9216 A, 9216i, 9509, 9506 2.1(1b) MDS 9020 FabricWare 7.0 (7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3,7.0.4,7.0.5,7.0.6) 6.5 (6.5.4,6.5.5,6.5.6); 7.0 (7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3,7.0.4,7.0.5,7.0.6) 7.1 (7.1,,7.1.1,,7.1.2, 7.2 (7.2.1,,7.2.2,7.2.2L1,7.2.3) 7.2 (7.2.4) 7.2 (7.2.4L1) 7.2 (7.2,7.2.1,,7.2.2,7.2.2L1,7.2.3) 7.2 (7.2.4) 2.1(2) 7.2 (7.2.4L1) 2.(1(3) 7.0 (7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3,7.0.4,7.0.5,7.0.6) 7.1 (7.1,,7.1.1,,7.1.2, 7.0 (7.0.3,7.0.4,7.0.5,7.0.6) MDS 9120, 9140, 9216, 9216i, 9509, 9506 7.1 (7.1,,7.1.1,,7.1.2, 2.1(2b) 2.1(3) 7.2 (7.2,7.2.1,,7.2.2,7.2.2L1,7.2.3) 7.2 (7.2.4) 7.2 (7.2.4L1) 7.0 (7.0.4,7.0.5,7.0.6); MDS 9120, 9140, 9216, 9216i, 9509, 9506, 9513 3.0(1) 7.1(7.1,,7.1.1,,7.1.2, 3.0(2) 7.2(7.2,7.2.1,,7.2.2,7.2.2L1,7.2.3) 3.0(2a) 7.2 (7.2.4) 3.0(2b) 7.2 (7.2.4L1) 3.0(3) 3.1(1) 7.1 MDS 9120, 9140, 9216, 9216i, 9509, 9506, 9513 3.1(2) 7.0 (7.0.5,7.0.6) 7.2 (7.2.4) 7.2 7.2-7.2.3 7.2 (7.2.4L1) 7.2 (7.2.4) MDS 9120, 9124, 9513, 9509, 9506, 9216i, 9216A, 9216, 9140 3.1(2a) 7.2 7.2-7.2.3 7.1 Cisco- HP C-Class 9124e 3.1(3) 7.0 (7.0.5,7.0.6) Cisco - IBM BladeCenter Blade DS-IBM-FC-K9 3.1(3a) 7.2 (7.2.4L1) 3.1(2b) 3.1(4) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-62 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Network Appliance Table 1-60 FAS and V-serries Product Families (continued) Supported SAN-OS Operating System Data ONTAP Version Cisco Switch Model All NetApp FCP Host Kit w/MultiPat 7.2 (7.2.4) 3.2(1a) 7.0 7.0.5-7.0.6 MDS 9120, 9124, 9513, 9509, 9506, 9216i, 9216A, 9216, 9140, 9124, 9134 7.1 Cisco 9134 N-Port Virtualizer (NPV) 3.2(3) 7.2 7.2-7.2.3 Cisco 9124 N-Port Virtualizer (NPV) 3.2(3a) 7.2 (7.2.4L1) Cisco- HP C-Class 9124e 3.3(1a) 3.2(2c) Cisco- HP C-Class 9124e N-Port Virtualizer (NPV) Cisco - IBM BladeCenter Blade DS-IBM-FC-K9, DS-IBM-FC-K9 DS-IBM-FC-K9, DS-IBM-FC-K9 N-Port Virtualizer (NPV) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-63 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Pillar Data Systems Pillar Data Systems Table 1-61 Axiom Storage System 300, 500 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter windows 2000 Server with SP4 (x86); Qlogic: QLA2200, QLA2310, QLA2340/42/44, QLE2460/62, QLA2460/62, QMH2462 Advanced Server with SP4 (x86) Windows 2003 Linux Switch Fabric 2.2.8 MDS9500 2.3.4 MDS9216i Emulex: LP982, LP1050, LP9402DC, LP9802/DC, LP10000/DC, LP/e1150, LP11000/2, LPe11000/2 MDS9216A Standard Edition with SP1 (x86, x64); Qlogic: QLA2200, QLA2310, QLA2340/42/44, QLE2460/62, QLA2460/62, QMH2462 2.0(1b) Enterprise Edition with SP1 (x86, x64, IA64) Emulex: LP982, LP1050, LP9402DC, LP9802/DC, LP10000/DC, LP/e1150, LP11000/2, LPe11000/2 RedHat ES 3.0/4.0/5.0 Qlogic: QLA2310F/L QLA2340/2/4, QLA2460/2, QLE2460/2 OEL4.0 SUSE 9 Solaris Multipath (APM driver) 8, 9,10 MDS9100 2.1(1a) 2.1(1b) 2.2.2 3.0(1) Emulex: LP10000/DC, LP11000/2, LPe11000/2 3.0(2a) Qlogic: QLA2310F/L QLA2340/2/4, QLA2460/2, QLE2460/2 3.0(1) Emulex: LP10000/DC, LP11000/2, LPe11000/2 3.2(1a) Qlogic: QLA2200, QLA2310, QLA2340/42/44, QCP2340/42 3.1(3) 01.04.05 2.02 Emulex: LP952/L, LP982, LP9002/DC, LP9402DC, LP9802/DC, LP1050 LP10000/DC AIX 5.2, 5.3 2.1(2e) IBM: 5716, 5758,5759,6228, 6239 MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) 2.0.6 2.1.4 MDS9513 3.0(1) ONStor EverON Internal HBA VMware ESX 2.5.2, 3.0.2, 3.5 Qlogic: QLA2310, QLA234x Native 3.0(2a) 3.0(1) 3.2(1a) MDS9124 3.2(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-64 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Apple Computer Apple Computer Table 1-62 Xserve RAID Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4) LSI: 44929O MDS9500 QLogic: QLA 2310F MDS9216 Apple: Dual FC HBA P/N M8940 G/D MDS9100 MacOS X Server 10.3.2 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) MDS9216i 2.0(1b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(2a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-65 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix ATTO ATTO Table 1-63 ATTO Diamond V Class Array Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition ATTO: FC3300, FC-21PS, FC-22XH No MDS9509 Solaris 9 ATTO: FC-21PS MDS9216 Mac OSX (Tiger) 10.3.9, 10.4.2 ATTO: FC-41XS, FC-21PS MDS9100 Mac OSX (Panther) 10.3.9 ATTO: FC-21PS 2.1(1a) 3.1(3a) MDS9216i 2.1(1a) 3.1(3a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-66 OL-10416-11 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Compellent Technologies Compellent Technologies Table 1-64 StorageCenter Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Switch Fabric Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1 QLogic: QLA2342 MPIO MDS9124 Emulex: LP11002 Solaris 10 QLogic: QLA2462 3.1(1) No Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 1-67 Chapter 1 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix Nexsan Nexsan Table 1-65 ATAboy-2X Qualified Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) QLogic: QLA 2312 MDS9500 MDS9200 Windows 2003 MDS9100 RedHat 9 MDS 9216i RHEL Update 3 1.2(1a) 1.2(2a) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) Table 1-66 ATAbeast Qualified Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) QLogic: QLA 2312 MDS9500 MDS9200 Windows 2003 MDS9100 RedHat 9 MDS 9216i RHEL Update 3 1.2(1a) 1.2(2a) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) Table 1-67 SATABoy Qualified Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) QLogic: QLA 2312 MDS9500 Windows 2003 MDS9200 MDS9100 RedHat 9 MDS 9216i RHEL Update 3 1.2(1a) 1.2(2a) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 1-68 OL-10416-11 CH A P T E R 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix This chapter lists tape storage libraries and drives tested by Cisco’s Solution-Interoperability Engineering group (iLAB) and/or self-certified by OEMs/Partners. Table 2-1 Tested Tape Storage Libraries and Drives Vendor Tape Library Model Page IBM IBM 3590 /3592 E11/E1A and H11/H1A 2 IBM Ultrium 3584 UltraScalable 3 IBM Ultrium 3583 Scalable 4 IBM Ultrium 3582 5 L180 6 L700e 7 L8500 8 SL500 9 SL500 9 Scalar 24 11 Scalar 50 12 Scalar I500 13 Scalar 10000 14 Scalar i2000 15 PX720 16 DX30 17 HP MSL, ESL, EML Series 18 HP VLS Series 19 Overland Storage Neo Series 20 SONY PetaSite 21 ATTO Fibre Storage 22 Crossroad Systems Storage Routers 8000 /6000/10000 23 Storage Routers 4250 24 SAN-OS 2.x, 3.x Tape Acceleration Feature 25 StorageTek Quantum HP Tape Acceleration Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-1 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM IBM Table 2-2 IBM 3590 /3592 E11/E1A and H11/H1A Operating System Type Version AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Windows 2003 Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Windows 2000 Linux Server Tape Drive Models Native FC standalone or in a 3494 tape library or Silo Switch Fabric MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i Advanced Server (SP3 or later) MDS9140 RH 2.1 & higher 3.0(2) SLES 7 & higher 3.0(2a) Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.23 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Blade Center Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-2 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 2-3 IBM Ultrium 3584 UltraScalable Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: MDS9513 Windows 2003 Standard Edition LTO-3 FC MDS9509 Enterprise Edition LTO-2 FC Windows 2000 Linux Server Switch Fabric MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i Advanced Server (SP3 or later) MDS9140 RH 2.1 & higher 3.0(2) SLES 7 & higher 3.0(2a) Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.23 OS/400 V5R2, V5R3 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) MDS9214 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Blade Center Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-3 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 2-4 IBM Ultrium 3583 Scalable Operating System IBM iSCSI Support Type Version Tape Drive Models AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Native FC LTO-2, LTO-3 No Standard Edition or Yes Enterprise Edition Integrated SDG Server Module Windows 2003 Windows 2000 Linux Switch Fabric MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i MDS9140 Advanced Server (SP3 or later) 3.0(2) RH 2.1 & higher 3.0(3) 3.0(2a) SLES 7 & higher, 9, 10 Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.23 OS/400 V5R2, V5R3 No 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) FC LTO-2, LTO-3 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Blade Center Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-4 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix IBM Table 2-5 IBM Ultrium 3582 Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models IBM iSCSI Support AIX 5.1, 5.2 Native FC LTO-2 No MDS9513 Windows 2003 Standard Edition LTO-3 Yes MDS9509 MDS9506 Enterprise Edition Windows 2000 Linux Switch Fabric MDS9216A Server MDS9216i Advanced Server (SP3 or later) MDS9140 RH 2.1 & higher 3.0(2a) SLES 7 & higher Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.23 3.0(2) No 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Blade Center Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-5 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix StorageTek StorageTek Table 2-6 L180 Operating System Level Version Tape Drive Models Windows 2000 Advanced Server STK: MDS9513 (SP2 or later) 9840B FC MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise 9840B FC MDS9216A AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 9840C FC MDS9216i HPUX 11.0, 11.11, 11.23 9940A FC MDS9140 Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 9940B FC Switch Fabric MDS9506 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) T10000 FC 2G 3.0(3) T10000 FC 4G 3.1(2) 1 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) IBM: 3.2(2c) LTO Gen-2 FC 3.3(1a) LTO Gen-3 FC 2G MDS9222i LTO Gen-3 FC 4G MDS9134 LTO Gen-4 FC 4G MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) HP: 3.3(1a) LTO Gen-2 FC LTO Gen-3 FC 2G LTO Gen-3 FC 4G MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) Quantum: SDLT-600 2G FC S4 FC 4G 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3) 1. SAN-OS 3.1(2) is availale from Sun Microsystems through the Get-To-Yes process. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-6 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix StorageTek Table 2-7 L700e Operating System Level Version Tape Drive Models Windows 2000 Advanced Server STK: MDS9513 (SP2 or later) 9840A FC MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise 9840B FC AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 9840C FC MDS9216i HPUX 11.0, 11i 9940A FC MDS9140 Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 9940B FC 3.0(2) T10000 FC 2G 3.0(2a) T10000 FC 4G Switch Fabric MDS9506 MDS9216A 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 1 3.1(3a) IBM: 3.2(1a) LTO Gen-2 FC 3.2(2c) LTO Gen-3 FC 2G LTO Gen-3 FC 4G 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 HP: MSM 18/4 LTO Gen-2 FC 3.2(1a) LTO Gen-3 FC 2G 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) LTO Gen-3 FC 4G LTO Gen-4 FC 4G MDS9214 3.1(2) Quantum: SDLT-600 2G FC S4 FC 4G 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3) 1. SAN-OS 3.1(2) is availale from Sun Microsystems through the Get-To-Yes process. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-7 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix StorageTek Table 2-8 L8500 Operating System Level Version Tape Drive Models Windows 2000 Advanced Server STK: MDS9513 (SP2 or later) 9840A FC MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise 9840B FC AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 9840C FC MDS9216i HPUX 11.0, 11i 9940A FC MDS9140 Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 9940B FC 3.0(2) T10000 FC 2G 3.0(2a) T10000 FC 4G Switch Fabric MDS9506 MDS9216A 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 1 3.1(3a) IBM: 3.2(1a) LTO Gen-2 FC 3.2(2c) LTO Gen-3 FC 4G 3.3(1a) MDS9222i HP: MDS9134 LTO Gen-2 FC MSM 18/4 LTO Gen-3 FC 4G 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) Quantum: SDLT-600 2G FC MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3) 1. SAN-OS 3.1(2) is availale from Sun Microsystems through the Get-To-Yes process. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-8 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix StorageTek Table 2-9 SL500 Operating System Level Version Tape Drive Model Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server IBM: MDS9513 (SP2 or later) LTO Gen-2 FC MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise LTO Gen-3 FC 4G AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 LTO Gen-4 FC 4G HPUX 11.0, 11i Solaris 7, 8, 9, 10 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i MDS9140 Quantum: 3.0(2) SDLT-600 2G FC 3.0(2a) SDLT-320 2G FC 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 1 3.1(3a) HP: 3.2(1a) LTO Gen-2 FC 3.2(2c) LTO Gen-3 FC 4G 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) Get-To-Yes 3.2(3) 1. SAN-OS 3.1(2) is availale from Microsystems through the Get-To-Yes process. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-9 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix StorageTek Table 2-10 SL3000 Operating System1 Level Version Tape Drive Model Switch Fabric Windows 2000 Advanced Server IBM: MDS9513 (SP2 or later) LTO Gen-3 FC 4G MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise LTO Gen-4 FC 4G AIX 5.3 Linux RedHat and Suse STK: MDS9140 HPUX 11i T10000A, T10000B 3.2(1a) Solaris 9, 10 T9840C, T9840D 3.2(2c) MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i 3.3(1a) HP: MDS9222i LTO Gen-3 FC MDS9134 LTO Gen-4 FC 4G MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(3) 1. Pleasse check with the Sun account rep for customer specific environment Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-10 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Quantum Table 2-11 Scalar 24 Operating System Type Version Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP2 or later) Wndows 2003 Enterprise AIX 5.4 Tape Drive Models Switch Fabric IBM: MDS9513 LTO Gen-2 FC MDS9509 LTO Gen-3 FC 4G LTO Gen-4 FC 4G MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i MDS9140 Solaris 8, 9, 10 Quantun: 3.0(2) SDLT-600 2G FC 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Table 2-12 Scalar 50 Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models Windows 2003 Enterprise HP: Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) LTO Gen-3 FC 4G Solaris 8, 9, 10 LTO Gen-4 FC 4G Switch Fabric MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i Quantun: MDS9140 DLT-S4 4G FC 3.0(2) Quantum LTO-3 HH 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-12 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Table 2-13 Scalar I500 Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models Windows 2003 Enterprise IBM: Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) LTO Gen-2 FC Solaris 8, 9, 10 LTO Gen-3 4G FC Linux RH 4, RH 5 LTO Gen-4 4G FC HPUX 11, 11iv1, 11iv2 AIX 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Switch Fabric MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i MDS9140 HP: 3.0(2) LTO Gen-4 4G FC 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-13 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Table 2-14 Scalar 10000 Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models Linux RH 4, RH 5 IBM: MDS9513 Windows 2000 AS Advanced Server (SP3) LTO Gen-3 4G FC MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise LTO Gen-4 4G FC AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM:3592 MDS9216i HPUX 11iv1, 11iv2 IBM TS1120 MDS9140 Solaris 8 8, 9, 10 Switch Fabric MDS9506 MDS9216A 3.0(2) Quantum: SDLT-320 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Blade Center Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-14 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Table 2-15 Scalar i2000 Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models Linux RH 4, RH 5 IBM: MDS9513 Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) LTO Gen-2 FC MDS9509 Windows 2003 Enterprise LTO Gen-3 4G FC Solaris 8, 9, 10 LTO Gen-4 4G FC HPUX 11i, 11iv1, 11iv2 AIX 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Switch Fabric MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i MDS9140 HP: 3.0(2) LTO Gen-3 4G FC 3.0(2a) LTO Gen-3 2G FC LTO Gen-4 4G FC 3.0(3) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) Quantum: 3.3(1a) DLT S4 FC MDS9214 SDLT-600 2G FC 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) MDS9020 2.1(2) Blade Center Embedded Switch 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-15 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Table 2-16 PX720 Operating System Type Version Tape Drive Models Windows 2003 Enterprise Quantum: DLT S4 4G FC Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) Solaris 8, 9,10 HP: HPUX 11.0, 11iv1, 11iv2 LTO Gen-2 2G FC MDS9216i LTO Gen-3 4G FC MDS9140 LTO Gen-3 2G FC 3.0(2) LTO Gen-4 4G FC 3.0(2a) Switch Fabric MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-16 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Quantum Table 2-17 DX30 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Tape Drive Models Windows NT 4.0 (SP6a) Emulex: LP8000 Quantum: SDLT Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3) QLogic: QLA 2200 3.0(1) Solaris 8 8 Emulex: LP8000 MDS9500 AIX 4.3.3 4.3.3 IBM: 6228 Switch Fabric MDS9513 MDS9216 MDS9100 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) MDS9216i 2.0(1b) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-17 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix HP HP Table 2-18 HP MSL, ESL, EML Series Operating System1 Host Bus Adapter Models Tape Drive Models Windows HP: HP: MDS9513 Solaris All HP supported models LTO-1, LTO-2, LTO-3, LTO-4 MDS9509 Switch Fabric MDS9506 Linux MDS9216A HPUX MDS9216i AIX MDS9140 Open VMS 3.0(2) Netware 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.1(3a) 3.2(1a) 3.2(2c) 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) 2.1(3) 1. Refere to the EBS compatibility matrix at the following link for more infomation on supported operating systems and applications:: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-18 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix HP Table 2-19 HP VLS Series Operating System1 Host Bus Adapter Models Tape Drive Models Windows HP: HP: MDS9513 Solaris All HP supported models All suppoted emulated tape drives MDS9509 Linux Switch Fabric MDS9506 MDS9216A HPUX MDS9216i AIX MDS9140 Open VMS 3.2(3) Netware 3.3(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) MDS9214 3.2(3) 3.3(1a) 1. Refere to the EBS compatibility matrix at the following link for more infomation on supported operating systems and applications: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-19 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Overland Storage Overland Storage Table 2-20 Neo Series Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server QLogic: QLA2300 (SP3) Tape Drive Models Switch Fabric HP: MDS9513 LTO-1, LTO-2 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A Emulex: LP9802 Qntm ATL: MDS9216i SDLT320 MDS9140 HP: 3.0(2) LTO-1, LTO-2 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) Qntm ATL: 3.1(2a) SDLT320 3.2(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) MDS9222i MDS9134 MSM 18/4 3.2(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-20 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix SONY SONY Table 2-21 PetaSite Operating System Tape Drive Models Type Version Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP2) Emulex: LP9802 SONY: MDS9513 Solaris 8, 9 Emulex: LP8000, LP9002 SDZ 100 SAIT MDS9509 QLogic: QLA2310, QLA2342 SDZ 130 SAIT Irix HP-UX Host Bus Adapter MDS9506 MDS9216A Sun: X6767A, X6727A MDS9216i 6.5.18m, 6.5.19m, 6.5.21m & APD2.7 SGI: PCI-FC-1P (QLA2200) MDS9140 QLogic: QLA2340 3.0(2) 11i HP: A5158A 3.0(2a) Emulex: LP9002 Linux Switch Fabric RedHat 8 QLogic: QLA2300 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) MDS9214 3.1(2) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-21 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix ATTO ATTO Table 2-22 Fibre Storage Operating System Host Bus Adapter Type Version Model Tape Library Model Tape Drive Models Switch Fabric Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition10 ATTO: FC3300 FB 1180 IBM LTO-2 MDS9513 FB1290 IBM LTO-2 MDS9509 FB2300 IBM LTO-2 FB4500 SDLT 220 MDS9216i MDS9506 MDS9216A Windows 2000 Professional ATTO: FC-21PS FB2400 IBM LTO-2 MDS9140 Mac OSX Tiger 10.4.2 ATTO: FC-41XS, FC-42XS FB2300 SDLT220 3.0(2) Mac OSX Panther Panther ATTO: FC-21PS 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(2a) 3.2(1a) MDS9214 3.1(2) 3.2(1a) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-22 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Crossroad Systems Crossroad Systems Table 2-23 Storage Routers 8000 /6000/10000 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Model Solaris 8 QLogic: QLA2200, QLA2342 CR 8000 fw: 4.03.27 JNI: FCE 1473 JNI: FCE 1473 CR 10000 Cisco Tested Yes Switch Fabric MDS9513 3.0(1) MDS9500 (set at 2G) MDS9216 MDS9100 CR 6000 1.1(1) 1.2(1a) 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-23 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Crossroad Systems Table 2-24 Storage Routers 4250 Operating System Type Version Windows 2000 AS Host Bus Adapter Model QLogic: QLA2200 CR 4250 Emulex: LP9002DC fw: 306 2009m Cisco Tested Yes Switch Fabric MDS9513 3.0(1) MDS9500 MDS9216 MDS9100 1.1(1) 1.2(1a) 1.3(2a) 1.3(4a) 2.0(1b) 2.0(2b) 2.1(1b) 2.1(2b) 3.0(1) MDS9020 2.1(2) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-24 OL-10416-11 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Tape Acceleration Tape Acceleration Table 2-25 SAN-OS 2.x, 3.x Tape Acceleration Feature Veritas Net Backup Tape Drive Legato Networker HP Data Protector CA BrightStor Commvault Galaxy IBM TSM IBM LTO-2, 3, 4 a a a a a IBM 3590/3592 a a a a a HP LTO-2, 3, 4 a a a a HP LTO-1 a a a a a a HP NSR Bridge a Crossroad Systems a a a a STK T9840 a a a a STK T9940 a a a a EMC CDL a a Sony SAIT a a a a a Quantum SDLT 600, S4 a a a a a a Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 2-25 Chapter 2 Tape Storage Interoperability Matrix Tape Acceleration Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 2-26 OL-10416-11 CH A P T E R 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix This chapter lists Cisco fabric applications supported b the SSM module and tested by Cisco’s Solution-Interoperability Engineering group (iLAB) to ensure seamless installation at the end-user data center. • SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix • Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) • Data Mobility Manager (DMM) • Storage Media Encryption (SME) Customer Order Number: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-1 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix Table 3-1 SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix Storage Partner Storage System Model Page HDS TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform (USP), Adaptable Modular Storage, Lightning, 3 IBM ESS 2105 model 800, DS 8100 4 DS4200 (FAStT 700), DS4500 (FAStT 900) HP 5 HP HP XP12000,HP XP128, XP1024, HP MSA 1500, HP EVA 6 XL4000 (HSV200, HSV201), 6000 (HSV200, HSV201), 8000 (2Gb or 4Gb)(HSV210 Network Appliance1 EMC 2 v3070c, FAS3050c, FAS940c (Ontap 7.2.4) 7 Symmetrix DMX1000, DMX3, CX500, CX700 8 1. For Network Appliance SANTap/ReplicatorX support matrix, goto: 2. For EMCSANTap/RecoverPoint support, use the EMC e-Lab Navigator web tool. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-2 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix HDS Table 3-2 TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform (USP), Adaptable Modular Storage, Lightning Operating System Switch Fabric1 SAN-OS/SSI Multipath Support Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2003 Enterprise Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000, LP10000 HDLM Edition SP1/R2 Qlogic: QLA2340, QLE2460 MDS9513 MDS9509 Netware 6.5 SP5 QLogic: QLA2340 bundled MDS9506 HPUX 11i, 11iv2 HP: A6795A HDLM MDS9216A AIX 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 5715, 6239 VMWare ESX 3.0.1 Emulex: LP10000 MDS9216i No QLogic: QLA2340 Solaris Linux RedHat 9, 10 RedHatAS 3.0 (IA32), 3.0(1)/3.0.1 3.0(2a)/3.0.2i Emulex: LP10000, LP9802 HDLM 3.0(3)/3.0.3i QLogic: QLA2340 DMP 3.1(2b) / 3.1(2b) Emulex: LPe11000, LP11000, LP10000 HDLM 3.1(3a) / 3.1(3) 3.2(2c) / 3.2(2b) AS 4.0 (x64) 2 3.2(2c) / 3.2(3) 1. Refer to the following link for SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for Storage Service Module: 2. This combination is supported on SANTap fabric service only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-3 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix IBM Table 3-3 ESS 2105 model 800, DS 8100 Operating System Type Version Windows 2003 Enterprise SP1 Emulex: LP11002 Solaris 10 QLogic: QLA2462 MDS9509 5.3 IBM: FC5716 MDS9506 4.0 QLogic: QLA2462 MDS9216A AIX 3 Linux RedHat Host Bus Adapter Switch Fabric1 SAN-OS/SSI Multipath Support SDD MDS9513 MDS9216i 3.0(1)/3.0.1 3.0(2a)/3.0.2i 3.0(3)/3.0.3i 3.1(2b) / 3.1(2b) 3.1(3a) / 3.1(3) 3.2(2c) / 3.2(2b) 2 3.2(2c) / 3.2(3) 1. Refer to the following link for SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for Storage Service Module: 2. This combination is supported on SANTap fabric service only. 3. SDD support for the DS8000 storage array family is in SSI 3.2(2b) version and higher. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-4 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix Table 3-4 DS4200 (FAStT 700), DS4500 (FAStT 900) HP Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 QLogic: QLA2462 AIX 5.3 IBM: FC5716 Solaris 10 Emulex: LP11002 Multipath Support RDAC1 Switch Fabric SAN-OS/SSI MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MPXIO MDS9216A MDS9216i 3.0(1)/3.0.1 3.0(2a)/3.0.2i 3.0(3)/3.0.3i 3.1(2b) / 3.1(2b) 3.1(3a) / 3.1(3) 3.2(2c) / 3.2(2b) 2 3.2(2c) / 3.2(3) 1. For AIX, RDAC is supported on SSI image 3.2(2b) and higher 2. This combination is supported on SANTap fabric service only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-5 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix HP Table 3-5 HP XP12000,HP XP128, XP1024, HP MSA 1500, HP EVA XL4000 (HSV200, HSV201), 6000 (HSV200, HSV201), 8000 (2Gb or 4Gb)(HSV210 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (IA32) QLogic: QLA2342 Enterprise HP: QMH2462 (C-Class Mezzanine) Edition SP1 (IA32, IA64, x64) Qlogic: QLE2462, QLA2342 11.23, 11.11 HP: AB378A, A6826A Windows 2003 HPUX Linux RedHat Switch Fabric1 SAN-OS/SSI Multipath Support MPIO-DSM MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A MDS9216i Emulex: LPe1105, LP11002-M4, LP1050DC. 3.0(1)/3.0.1 SecurePath 3.0(2a)/3.0.2i PVlink 3.0(3)/3.0.3i 4.0 (IA32) Emulex: LPe1105 (C-Class Mezzanine) Multipulse 3.1(2b)/3.1(2b) 4.0 (IA64) QLogic: QLA2460 Qlogic-MPIO 3.1(3a)/3.1(3) 3.2(2c) / 3.2(2b) 2 3.2(2c) / 3.2(3) 1. Refer to the following link for SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for Storage Service Module: 2. This combination is supported on SANTap fabric service only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-6 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix Network Appliance Table 3-6 v3070c, FAS3050c, FAS940c (Ontap 7.2.4) Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath Support Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (IA32) Emulex: LP11000 MPIO-DSM Enterprise QLogic: QLA2342 Windows 2003 Switch Fabric1 SAN-OS/SSI MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 MDS9216A Edition SP2/R2 Emulex: LP11002 MDS9216i IA64 QLogic: Mezzannine QMH2462 HPUX 11.23 HP: A6795A PVlink AIX 5.3 Emulex: LP10000 MPIO-DSM Solaris 10 U1 Emulex: LP11000 MPXIO 10 U3 QLogic: QLA2462 4.0 U4 Emulex: LPe11000 2 Linux RedHat QLogic: QLA2460, Mezzannine QMH2462 3.2(2c) / 3.2(3) Device Mapper 1. Refer to the following link for SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for Storage Service Module: 2. This combination is supported on SANTap fabric service only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-7 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix SANTap DVT Interoperability Support Matrix EMC Table 3-7 Symmetrix DMX1000, DMX3, CX500, CX700 Operating System Type Version Host Bus Adapter Windows 2003 Enterprise Emulex: LP9002DC, 10000, LP1105 (IBM Blade Center), LP9802DC, LP11000 Edition Switch Fabric1 SAN-OS/SSI Multipath Support Power Path QLogic: QMC2462 (Mezannine card) MDS9513 MDS9509 MDS9506 AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 IBM: 6239, 6228 HPUX 11iv2 (PA-RISC, IA-64) HP: A6826A, A6795A 4.0 AS QLogic: QLA234, Mezannine card 3.1(2b)/3.1(2b) Emulex: LP1105 (Mezzannine card)2 3.1(3a)//3.1(3) Emulex: LP10000, LP10000DC 3.2(2c) / 3.2(2b) QLogic: QLA2342 2 Linux RedHat Solaris 8, 9, 10 MDS9216A MDS9216i 3.0(2a)/3.0.2j 3.2(2c) / 3.2(3) Sun: X6768A 1. Refer to the following link for SAN-OS Release Compatibility Matrix for Storage Service Module: 2. This combination is supported on SANTap fabric service only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-8 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) Table 3-8 Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) Software Partner Severless Backup Application Page Computer Associates CA Brightstor ARCserv Version 11.1 10 CommVault CommVault Qinetix 5.9.0 (SP1) 11 EMC Legato Legato NetWorker 7.2 12 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-9 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) Computer Associates CA Brightstor ARCserv Version 11.11 Table 3-9 Operating Systems Tape Library Model Tape Drives Supported SAN-OS/SSI Code Version Windows 2000 ADIC Scalar 100 IBM LTO-1 2.1(1b) / 2.1(1f) (Advanced Server SP4) IBM Stand Alone Drive IBM 3590 2.1(2b) / 2.1(2) STK 180 9840B 3.0(1) / 3.0(1), 3.0(2) Quantum LP4000 SDLT/Internal Bridge 3.0(2) / 3.0(2) SONY SAIT SONY SAIT 1. Refer to the following Computer Associates website to obtain the full application compatibility matrix: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-10 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) CommVault Table 3-10 CommVault Qinetix 5.9.0 (SP1)1 Operating Systems SAN-OS/SSI Code Version Tape Library Model Tape Drives Supported Windows 2000 IBM 3584 IBM LTO-2 2.1(2b) / 2.1(2) (Advanced Server SP4) IBM 3583 IBM LTO-2 3.0(1) / 3.0(1), 3.0(2) STK L700 IBM LTO-2 3.0(2) / 3.0(2) HP LTO-2 HP LTO-3 STK 9940B SDLT 600 1. Refer to the following CommVault website to obtain the full application compatibility matrix: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Network Accelerated Serverless Backup (NASB) EMC Legato Legato NetWorker 7.21 Table 3-11 SAN-OS/SSI Code Version Operating Systems Tape Library Model Tape Drives Supported Windows 2000 VirtualTape Library/CLARiiON Disk Library ADIC SCALAR 100 / DLT 2.1(2b) / 2.1(2 7000 3.0(1) / 3.0(1), 3.0(2) ADIC SCALAR 100 / DLT 3.0(2) /3.0(2) 8000 (Advanced Server SP4) Windows 2003 (SP1) ADIC SCALAR 100 / SDLT T320 ADIC SCALAR 100 / TD1 ADIC SCALAR 100 / TD2 ADIC Scalar 24 TD1 TD2 Stand Alone Drive TD2 IBM Ultrium 3581 TD2/TD3 Quantum LP4000 SDLT/Internal Bridge SONY SAIT SONY SAIT 1. Refer to the following EMC Legato website to obtain the full application compatibility matrix: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-12 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) Data Mobility Manager (DMM) Table 3-12 Data Mobility Manager1 Software Partner Storage Array Page EMC Transfering data from Existing CLARiiON 600 to New CLARiiON 700 14 Transfering data from Existing CLARiiON 600 to New DMX 3000 14 Transfering data from Existing Symmetrix-5 to New DMX 3000 15 Transfering data from Existing FAStT to New DS4500 16 Transfering data from Existing ESS 2105 model 800 to New DS8000 16 Transfering data from Existing ESS 2105 model 800 to New DS8000 17 Transfering data from Existing EVA 5000 to New EVA 4000/ 8000 18 Transfering data from Existing EVA 5000 to New XP12000 18 Transfering data from Existing XP1024 to New XP12000 19 Transfering data from Existing HDS9585 to New HDS9970v 20 Transfering data from Existing HDS9585 to New TagmaStore 20 Transfering data from Existing HDS9000 to New TagmaStore 21 IBM HP HDS 1. The following matrices includes configurations tested and certified by Cisco Quality Assurance labs. For more details on the listed configs including the SAN-OS and SSI versions, send an inquiry request to “”. For configurations other than listed below, please send an RPQ request to “”. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-13 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) EMC Table 3-13 Transfering data from Existing CLARiiON 600 to New CLARiiON 700 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 PowerPath Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat AS 3.0 QLogic :QLE2462 PowerPath Volume Manager Windows Native MDS9500 LVM MDS9216i Emulex: LPe11002 AS 4.0 Solaris 10 HPUX 11iv2 Switch SAN-OS / SSI MDS 9216A MDS 9222i QLogic: QLE2462 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 PowerPath LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks PowerPath LVM PowerPath AIX 5.3 Table 3-14 IBM: 03N5014 PowerPath Transfering data from Existing CLARiiON 600 to New DMX 3000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 PowerPath Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX LVM Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 PowerPath LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLE2462 PowerPath LVM2 MDS 9222i Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 11iv2 PowerPath LVM PowerPath AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 PowerPath LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-14 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) Table 3-15 Transfering data from Existing Symmetrix-5 to New DMX 3000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 PowerPath Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat AS 3.0 QLogic :QLE2462 PowerPath Volume Manager Windows Native MDS9500 LVM MDS9216i Emulex: LPe11002-M4 AS 4.0 Solaris HPUX 10 11iv2 Switch SAN-OS / SSI MDS 9216A MDS 9222i QLogic: QLE2462 PowerPath LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks PowerPath LVM PowerPath AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 PowerPath LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-15 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) IBM Table 3-16 Transfering data from Existing FAStT to New DS4500 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 RDAC Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 QLogic :QLA2342 RDAC LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLA2342 Device Mapper LVM2 MDS 9222i Emulex: LPe11002-M4 RDAC LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 HPUX Volume Manager 11iv2 RDAC LVM RDAC AIX 5.3 Table 3-17 IBM: 03N5014 RDAC Transfering data from Existing ESS 2105 model 800 to New DS8000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLA2342 SDD Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX LVM Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 SDD LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 MDS 9222i SDD LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 11iv2 SDD LVM SDD AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 SDD LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-16 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) Table 3-18 Transfering data from Existing DS4500 to New DS8000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLA2342 RADAC, SDD Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 QLogic: QLA2342 SDD LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 SDD LVM2 MDS 9222i QLogic: QLA2342 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 11iv2 RDAC, SDD LVM RDAC, SDD AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 RDAC, SDD LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-17 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) HP Table 3-19 Transfering data from Existing EVA 5000 to New EVA 4000/ 8000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 SecurePath Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 SecurePath LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLE2462 QL Failover LVM2 MDS 9222i Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 HPUX Volume Manager 11iv2 MPXIO LVM SecurePath AIX 5.3 Table 3-20 IBM: 03N5014 SecurePath Transfering data from Existing EVA 5000 to New XP12000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 MPIO Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX LVM Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 QLogic: QLE2462 QL Failover LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLE2462 QL Failover LVM2 MDS 9222i Emulex: ? Multipulse LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 11iv2 MPXIO LVM SecurePath AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 SecurePath LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-18 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) Table 3-21 Transfering data from Existing XP1024 to New XP12000 Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 MPIO Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI Windows Native MDS9500 MDS 9216A AS 3.0 QLogic: QLE2462 QL Failover LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLE2462 QL Failover LVM2 MDS 9222i Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Multipulse LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks 10 11iv2 MPXIO LVM SecurePath AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 ? LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-19 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) HDS Table 3-22 Transfering data from Existing HDS9585 to New HDS9970v Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 HDLM Linux RedHat Solaris Switch SAN-OS / SSI MDS9500 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Windows Native AS 3.0 QLogic: QLE2462 LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLE2462 LVM2 MDS 9222i 10 HPUX Volume Manager 11iv2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks MDS 9216A HDLM LVM HDLM AIX 5.3 Table 3-23 IBM: 03N5014 HDLM Transfering data from Existing HDS9585 to New TagmaStore Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 HDLM Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX LVM Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI MDS9500 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Windows Native AS 3.0 Emulex: ? LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QL?2462 LVM2 MDS 9222i 10 11iv2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks MDS 9216A HDLM LVM HDLM AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 HDLM LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-20 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Data Mobility Manager (DMM) Table 3-24 Transfering data from Existing HDS9000 to New TagmaStore Operating Systems OS Version Host Bus Adapter Multipath App. Windows 2003 SP1 QLogic: QLE2462 HDLM Linux RedHat Solaris HPUX Volume Manager Switch SAN-OS / SSI MDS9500 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Windows Native AS 3.0 QLogic: QLE2462 LVM MDS9216i AS 4.0 QLogic: QLE2462 LVM2 MDS 9222i 10 11iv2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 Device Mapper LVM2 Emulex: LPe11002-M4 (Leadville) Veritas DMP VxVm HP: AB378-60101 HP PVLinks MDS 9216A HDLM LVM HDLM AIX 5.3 IBM: 03N5014 HDLM LVM Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-21 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) Storage Media Encryption (SME) Table 3-25 Storage Media Encryption1 Software Partner Data Center Backup Application Page Symantec Veritas NetBackup 23 EMC Legato Networker 25 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) 27 HP HP Data Protector 28 BakBone Software NetVault 29 1. The following matrices include configurations tested and certified by Cisco Quality Assurance Labs.For configurations other than listed below, please send an RPQ request to “”. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-22 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) Symantec Table 3-26 Veritas NetBackup Operating Systems NetBackup Version Tape Library Model Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported Windows 2000 (SP4) 5.1 Sun/STK L180 STK 9840C, IBM LTO-2 MDS 9500 HP Stanalone Tape Drive MSL 6060 MDS 9216A Sun/STK L180 HP LTO-2, MDS9216i Sun/STK L700e STK T10k, IBM LTO-3, IBM MDS9222i LTO-2, HP LTO-3 3.2(2c) HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3, 3.2(3a) IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3 3.3(1a) ADIC i2k SDLT320 6.0 Sun/STK L8500 EMC CDL 4400 Switch SAN-OS version Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 Windows 2003 (SP1) 5.1 Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 IBM LTO-3 IBM Standalone Tape Drive IBM 3592 Sun/STK L180 IBM LTO-2, STK 9840C Sun/STK L700e STK T10k, HP LTO-3, IBM LTO-3 6.0 HP Stanalone Tape Drive HP MSL 6060 Sun/STK L180 HP LTO-2 Sun/STK L700e STK T10k, HP LTO-3, IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3 Sun/STK L8500 HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3, IBM LTO-2, Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 IBM LTO-3 EMC CDL 4400 ADIC i2k SDLT320, Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 Solaris 8 5.1 IBM Standalone Tape Drive IBM 3592 Sun/STK L180 HP LTO-2, STK 9840C, IBM LTO-2 Sun/STK L700e HP LTO-3, STK T10k IBM LTO-3 6.0 Sun/STK L8500 HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3, IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3, SDLT 600 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-23 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) Table 3-26 Veritas NetBackup (continued) Operating Systems NetBackup Version Tape Library Model Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported Solaris 10 5.1 Sun/STK L180 HP LTO2, STK 9840C, MDS 9500 6.0 Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 IBM LTO-3 MDS 9216A Sun/STK L700e STK T10k, IBM LTO-2, IBM MDS9216i LTO-3, STK 9940B MDS9222i HP LTO-3, HP LTO-2, 3.2(2c) STK T10k, IBM LTO-2, IBM 3.2(3a) LTO-3, 3.3(1a) SDLT 600 Sun/STK L8500 EMC CDL 4400 Switch SAN-OS version ADIC i2k SDLT 320 Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 AIX 5.3 IBM 3584 IBM LTO-2 IBM Stand Alone Tape IBM 3592 6.5 STK-L700 IBM LTO-4 6.0 Sun/STK L700e IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3, HP LTO-3, STK T10k EMC CDL 4400 Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-24 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) EMC Table 3-27 Legato Networker Operating Systems Networker Version Tape Library Model Windows 2000 (SP4) 7.2.1 Sun/STK L700e Sun/STK L8500 IBM Standalone Tape Drive IBM 3592, HP MSL 6060 Sun/STK L700e IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3, HP LTO-3 Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 HP MSL 6060 EMC CDL 4400 ADIC i2k SDLT320 EMC CDL 4400 Sun/STK L180 Sun/STK L700e Windows 2003 (SP1) 7.2.1 Switch SAN-OS version HP LTO-3, IBM LTO-2, IBM MDS 9500 LTO-3 MDS 9216A IBM LTO-3 MDS9216i ADIC i2k SDLT320 MDS9222i Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 3.2(2c) HP LTO-2, IBM LTO-2 3.2(3a) STK T10k 3.3(1a) IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3 Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 7.3.2 Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 7.3.2 7.4 Sun/STK L180 STK 9840C, HP LTO-2, IBM LTO-2 Sun/STK L700e STK T10k, STK 9940B Sun/STK L8500 IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3 IBM Standalone Tape Drive IBM 3592, HP MSL 6060 Sun/STK SL500 HP LTO-4 Sun/STK L700 IBM LTO-4 Sun/STK SL500 HP LTO-4 Sun/STK L700 IBM LTO-4 Solaris 8 7.2.1 Sun/STK L700e IBM LTO-3 Solaris 10 7.2.1 Sun/STK L700e HP LTO-3, IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3 7.3.2 Sun/STK L700e STK T10k Sun/STK L180 HP LTO2, STK 9840C, IBM LTO-2 Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 IBM LTO-3 Sun/STK L8500 IBM LTO-3, SDLT 600 EMC CDL 4400 ADIC i2k SDLT 320 Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 IBM Stand Alone Tape IBM 3592 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-25 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) Table 3-27 Legato Networker (continued) Operating Systems Networker Version Tape Library Model AIX 5.3 7.2.1 Sun/STK L700e 7.3.2 Sun/STK L700e EMC CDL 4400 IBM Standalone Tape Drives Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported Switch SAN-OS version IBM LTO-2, IBM LTO-3, HP MDS 9500 LTO-3 MDS 9216A STK T10k MDS9216i Sun/STK SL500 IBM LTO-3 MDS9222i IBM 3592 3.2(2c) 3.2(3a) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-26 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) IBM Table 3-28 Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Operating Systems TSM Version HBA Windows 2000 (SP4) 5.4.0 LPe11002-M4 IBM Stand Alone Tape Tape Library Model Switch SAN-OS version Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported IBM LTO-2, IBM TS1120 MDS 9500 Windows 2003 (SP2) MDS 9216A RHEL AS Ver 4 Upd 2 (kernel QLA2462 AIX 5.3 LP9802 Sun/STK 8500 HP LTO-2 LP11000 Sun/STK SL500 HP LTO-3 IBM Stand Alone Tape IBM TS1120 EMC CDL SL500 IBM LTO-2 Sun/STK L700 IBM LTO-2 IBM Stand Alone Tape IBM LTO-2 Sun/STK L180 IBM LTO-2 IBM 3584 IBM LTO-2 Quantum ADIC Scalar i2000 IBM LTO-3 EMC CDL SL500 IBM LTO-3 Sun/STK L700 IBM LTO-3 EMC CDL 4400 IBM LTO-3 EMC CDL 4400 IBM LTO-3 STK L700 STK-9840C STK L180 STK-9940B STK L700 STK-T10000A Sun/STK SL500 HP LTO-4 Sun/STK L700 IBM LTO-4 MDS9216i MDS9222i LP9802 LP11000 3.2(3a) 3.3.(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-27 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) HP Table 3-29 HP Data Protector Operating Systems Data Protector Tape Library Model Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported Linux RedHat 6.0 ESL 322e HP LTO-2 MDS 9500 MSL 2024 HP LTO-3 MDS 9216A VLS 6105 HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3 MDS9216i Linux SUSE ESL E-series HP LTO-3 MDS9222i (SLES 9.0) MSL 6030 Quantum SDLT 600 3.2(3) EML E-serries HP LTO-4 3.2(3a) MSL 8096 HP LTO-4 3.3(1a) Windows 2003 ESL 322e HP LTO-2 (Enterprice) MSL 2024 HP LTO-3 VLS 6105 HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3 ESL E-series HP LTO-3 MSL 6030 Quantum SDLT 600 EML E-serries HP LTO-4 MSL 8096 HP LTO-4 Sun/STK SL8500 HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3 HP ESL 322e HP LTO-2 HP ESL 322e HP LTO-2, HP LTO-3 (version 4.0) HP-UX 11iv3 5.5 Switch SAN-OS version Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-28 OL-10416-11 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) BakBone Software Table 3-30 NetVault Operating Systems NetVault Tape Library Model Tape Drives & Emulated LibrariesSupported Linux RedHat AS 8.0 Sun/STK L180 HP LTO-2, IBM LTO-2 MDS 9500 Stand Alone drive HP LTO-4 MDS 9216A MDS9216i (version 4.0) FAS 940C - Data ONTAP 6.5.2 NDMP Sun/STK L180 HP LTO-2, IBM LTO-2 FAS 940C - Data ONTAP 7.2.4 NDMP Stand Alone drive HP LTO-4 Switch SAN-OS version MDS9222i 3.2(3) 3.2(3a) 3.3(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 3-29 Chapter 3 Fabric Services Interoperability Matrix Storage Media Encryption (SME) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 3-30 OL-10416-11 CH A P T E R 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix This chapter lists devices tested by Cisco Solution-Interoperability Engineering group (iLAB) used for connecting SAN islands over metropolitan networks (MAN) and wide area networks (WAN). • Cisco Devices • Switch Interoperability Matrix • NPV • IBM eServer Bladecenter Interoperability Matrix • NPV Interoperability Matrix Customer Order Number: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 4-1 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Cisco Devices Cisco Devices Table 4-1 Cisco System Ethernet/ MAN/WAN Device Status Vendor MAN/WAN Device Protocol Cisco Systems Storage Router 5420, 5428, 5428-2 Cisco Systems ONS 1553/15540/15252/15454 FC Cisco Systems Cisco 1000Base cWDM GBICs + Add/Drop Modules FC Cisco Systems IPS-4, IPS-8, MPS-14/2, MDS9216i, MDS9222i, MPS 18/4 Cisco Systems Cisco 7000 Router w/Port Adapter Module (PAM) FC, iSCSI Qualified Yes iSCSI, FCIP FC Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 4-2 OL-10416-11 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Switch Interoperability Matrix Switch Interoperability Matrix The switch Interoperability test was performed per the Fibre Channel Methodologies for Interconnect (FC-MI) Technical Report version 1.92 which describes common methodologies for facilitating interoperability in a heterogeneous switch SAN environment. The MDS family is SANmark 3001and 3002 qualified. IBM Supports MDS InterOp Mode-1 (FC-MI standard), Mode-2 (Brocade PID=0), Mode-3 (Brocade PID=1), and Mode-4 (McDATA native). Please refer to the following IBM documnet for more information: EMC Supports all MDS InterOp Modes with Brocade and McDATA outlined in the Switched Fabric Topology Parameters section EMC Support Matrix: HDS Supports MDS InterOp Mode-1 with Brocade and McDATA HP Supports MDS InterOp Mode-1 with Brocade and McDATA, refer to the below link for more information: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 4-3 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Switch Interoperability Matrix Table 4-2 Switch Interoperability Matrix Switch Vendor Switch Models Brocade 2400, 2800 Firmware Version Cisco SAN-OS Version 2.6.0j 1.2(1b) 2.6.1a 1.2(1a) 2.6.1c 1.2(1b) 2.6.2 1.3(4a) 2.6.2b 2.0(1b) Interop Mode 11, 2 2 2.1(1a) 1, 2, 33 200E 5.1.0d 3.1.2b 1, 2, 3 3800 3.02k 1.2(1a) 1, 2 3.1.1 1.2(1a) 3.1.1c 1.2(1b) 3.1.2 1.3(4a) 3.1.3a 2.0(1b) 2.1(1a) 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.0(2) 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(3) 3.2.1c 3.2(3a) 1, 2, 3 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 3900 4.0.2d 1.2(1a) 1 4.1.1 4.1.2b 1.2(1b) 4.2.0b 1.3(4a) 4.2.2a 2.0(1b) 2.1(1a) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 4.4.0f 3.0(1) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 4.4.0f 3.1(2) 3.1(3) 1, 3 1, 2, 3 3.2(1a) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 4-4 OL-10416-11 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Switch Interoperability Matrix Table 4-2 Switch Interoperability Matrix (continued) Switch Vendor Switch Models Brocade (continued) 3900 Firmware Version Cisco SAN-OS Version Interop Mode 5.0.3 5.0.3b 5.0(3) 3.0(1) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 1, 3 5.1.0d 3.1(2) 3.1.3 1, 2, 3 3.2(1a) 5.3.0 3.2(1a) 1 5.3.0b 3.2(3a) 1, 3 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 48000, 3850, 41004 5.0.3 5.0.3b 5.0(3) 3.0(1) 3.0(2) 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) 1, 3 5.3.0 3.2(1a) 1 5.3.0b 3.2(3a) 1, 3 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 4012, 4024 5.3.0b 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 1, 3 12000 5.0.5c 3.2(3a) 1, 3 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 24000 5.1.0d 3.1(2), 3.2(1a) 1, 2, 3 5.3.0b 3.2(3a) 1, 3 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) QLogic SANbox2 1.3(4a) 6.0 2.1(2b) 1.3(4a) 2.01 1.3(4a) SANbox 5600 3.0(2a) 3.0(3) NX-5020 4.0(0)N1(1) 3.2(3a)/FM 3.4(1) SAN box 5200 SANbox64 Cisco Native Native Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 4-5 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Switch Interoperability Matrix Table 4-2 Switch Interoperability Matrix (continued) Switch Vendor Switch Models McDATA 6064, 6140, 4500, 3232 Firmware Version Cisco SAN-OS Version 4.01 1.2(1a) 5.0.1 1.2(1b) 5.0.2 1.2(1a) Interop Mode 1 1.3(4a) 6.0 1.3(4a) 6.01 6.02 2.0(1b) 7.0 2.1(1a) 4500, 6140, 6040 Inrange 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 8.1.014 3.0(1) 3.0(2a) 3.1(2) 9.00 3.0(3) 3.1(2) 3.1(3) 9.01 3.0(3), 3.2(1a) 9.06 3.2(1a) 9.06.00 22 3.2(3a) 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 3032 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) i10k 3.2(2c), 3.2(3), 3.2(3a) 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) 6040/6140 with 10G w/XPM card 9.06.00 22 3.2(3a) 3.3(1a), 3.3(1c) FC/9000 1.3(4a) 1, 45 No Interop Setting required 1. Cisco MDS interop mode 1 supports connectivity of Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches to other Fibre Channel vendor switches per the FC-MI standard document. 2. Cisco MDS interop mode 2 supports nondisruptive connectivity to Brocade Silkworm 2800 and 3800 switches family with Core-PID set to 0. 3. Cisco MDS interop mode 3 supports nondisruptive connectivity of all Brocade Silkworm switches including 3900 and 12000 switch family with Core-PID set to 1. We recommend that you use Cisco Fabric Manager for all MDS interop mode types with Brocade for zone administration. 4. Cisco SAN-OS 3.2(1a) is supported on Brocade swithes running 5.3.0 only. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 4-6 OL-10416-11 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix Switch Interoperability Matrix 5. MDS interop mode 4 supports native connectivity to McDATA switches, and is supported for migration purposes. McDATA software security features such as Fabric Binding are not supported in this mode and must be disabled. The McDATA/IBM Bladecenter embedded switch in McDATA mode is not supported in interop mode 4. Only the standard mode (mode 1) is supported. For HP Blade servers with embedded Brocade and McDATA switch Interoperability matrix, visit: and For procedures, guidelines, and techniques for implementing switch-to-switch interoperability refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Switch to Switch Interoperability Configuration Guide at the following URL: Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 4-7 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix NPV NPV The table below lists the OSM Qualified SAN-OS versions that supportNPV. Table 4-3 SAN-OS Versions Supporting NPV Cisco Core Connecting to >>> MDS 9200 MDS 9500 Brocade Core McData Core IBM Blade Switch SAN-OS 3.2(2c) SAN-OS 3.2(2c) SAN-OS 3.2(2c) SAN-OS 3.2(2c) HP Blade Switch SAN-OS 3.2(1a) SAN-OS 3.2(1a) SAN-OS 3.2(1a) SAN-OS 3.2(1a) IBM eServer Bladecenter Interoperability Matrix . Table 4-4 MDS Interoperability with IBM eServer Bladecenter Blade SW Module Firmware 2062-D07, T07,D04, T04 (MDS 9500) Firmware 2054-E11 (MDS9513) Firmware 2062-D01/2061-020/ 040 (MDS9200/9100) Firmware 2053-424 (MDS9124) Firmware 1.3(2a) to 3.0(2a) 3.0(1) & 3.0(2a) 1.3(2a) to 3.0(2a) NA QLogic 6-port 2G Enterprise FC Switch Module 2.1(1a) to 3.0(2a) 3.0(1) & 3.0(2a) 2.1(1a) to 3.0(2a) NA (No InterOp Mode Required) 3.0(2a) 3.0(2a) 3.0(2a) QLogic 6-port 4G Enterprise FC Switch Module 3.0(2a) & higher 3.0(2a) & higher) 3.0(2a) & higher 3.1(2) 3.0(2a) & higher 3.0(1) & higher 3.0(2a) & higher 3.1(2) (default Mode) (default Mode) (default Mode) (default Mode) 1.3(2a) to 3.0(2a) 3.0(1) & 3.0(2a) 1.3(2a) to 3.0(2a) NA Blade Center 2-port FC Switch Module (No InterOp Mode Required) (No InterOp Mode Required) McData 6-port 2/4G FC Switch Module (Standard Mode) Optical Pass-thru Module NA Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 4-8 OL-10416-11 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix NPV Interoperability Matrix Table 4-4 MDS Interoperability with IBM eServer Bladecenter Blade SW Module Firmware 2062-D07, T07,D04, T04 (MDS 9500) Firmware 2062-D01/2061-020/ 040 (MDS9200/9100) Firmware 2054-E11 (MDS9513) Firmware 2053-424 (MDS9124) Firmware Blade Center Brocade Enterprise SAN Switch Module (InterOp Mode) 4.2.1a 1.3(4a), 2.0(2b), 2.1(1a) 5.0.3a 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) (InterOp Mode 1) (InterOp Mode 1) Brocade Entry SAN Switch Module 3.0(2a) (InterOp Mode 1) 1.3(4a), 2.0(2b), 2.1(1a) NA) (InterOp Mode) Brocade Enterprise SAN Switch Module (Native Mode) 4.2.1a 1.3(4a), 2.0(2b), 2.1(1a) 5.0.3a 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) (InterOp Mode 3) (InterOp Mode 3) Brocade Entry SAN Switch Module (Native Mode) Brocade 4G 6-port SAN Switch Module 5.0.3a (InterOp Mode) 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) & higher 3.0(2a) (InterOp Mode 3) 3.0(2a) & higher (InterOp Mode 1) (InterOp Mode 1) Brocade 4G 6-port SAN Switch Module 5.0.3a (Native Mode) 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) & higher 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) & higher NA 3.1(2) (InterOp Mode 1) (InterOp Mode 1) 3.0(2a) & higher (InterOp Mode 3) (InterOp Mode 3) Note 1.3(4a), 2.0(2b), 2.1(1a) 3.0(1), 3.0(2), 3.0(2a) & higher 3.1(2) (InterOp Mode 3) (InterOp Mode 3) Refer to the following URL for full IBM SAN Volume Controller compatibility information with Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches: NPV Interoperability Matrix . Table 4-5 Cisco N-Port Vrtualization (NPV) InterOp Matrix MDS 9124e Blade Switch (edge) Switch Vendor Model Switch Vendor Code Version Silkworm 3900,24000 5.3.0 3.2(1a) M6140 9.0.6 3.2(1a) Cisco SAN-OS Cisco MDS Switch Mode Switch Vendor Mode Switch Vendor Brocade Native (NPV enabled) Native (NPIV enabled) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 4-9 Chapter 4 SAN Interconnect Device Matrix NPV Interoperability Matrix Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 4-10 OL-10416-11 CH A P T E R 5 iSCSI Interoperability This chapter lists iSCSI drivers and TCP Offload Engine (TOE) cards tested by Cisco’s Solution-Interoperability Engineering group (iLAB). Note • EMC • IBM • HDS • HP • ADTX Minimum iSCSI driver version required for supporting Cisco’s feature modes on Cisco SAN-OS Release 2.1(1b) and later are as follows: • Store-and-forward forwarding mode–There is no restriction. • Cut-through forwarding mode–There is no restriction. • Pass-through forwarding mode: – Cisco iSCSI driver version 4.2.1 for Windows 2000 and 2003 – Microsoft Windows 2000 and 2003 iSCSI driver version 2.0 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 5-1 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability EMC EMC Table 5-1 MDS iSCSI Feature Support IPS Advanced Features Supported Switch Fabric, IPS-8, IPS-4, MSP-14/2 Proxy mode initiator Yes MDS 9500, 9216, MDS9216i Transparent mode initiator Yes Transparent IP failover (VRRP) Yes CHAP authentication Yes 1.3(3), 1.3(4a), 2.0(1b), 2.1(2b), 2.12(d), 3.0(2a), 3.1(2), 3.2(1a), 3.2(2c), 3.2(3a) Transparent target failover No Virtual target LUN mapping Yes Table 5-2 Linux Drivers (Only 32-bit CPU Support) RedHat AS, Enterprise SUSE Enterprise EMC Storage Types 3.6.2, 3.6.3 2.4 kernel 10 DMX Yes Yes All Cx family Yes Yes Table 5-3 OSM Drivers HP: HPUX 11i IBM: AIX 5.2 Solaris 8/9/10 EMC Storage Types B.11.11.03a 1.1 3.3.5/ 3.3.6/11.11 Multipath Support DMX No No No No All Cx family No No No No Table 5-4 Microsoft Drivers Windows 2000 Windows 2003 EMC Storage Types 2.0 2.0 Multipath Support DMX Yes Yes Power Path All Cx family Yes Yes Power Path Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 5-2 OL-10416-11 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability IBM IBM Table 5-5 MDS iSCSI Feature Support IPS Advanced Features Supported Switch Fabric, IPS-8, IPS-4, MSP-14/2 Proxy mode initiator Yes MDS 9500, MDS 9216, MDS 9216i Transparent mode initiator Yes Transparent IP failover (VRRP) Yes CHAP authentication Yes 1.3(2a), 1.3(4a), 2.0(1b), 2.1(1b), 2.1(2b), 3.0(2a), 3.0(3), 3.1(2a), 3.2(1a), 3.2(2c), 3.2(3a) Transparent target failover Yes Virtual target LUN mapping Yes Table 5-6 Linux Drivers (Only 32-bit CPU Support) RH Linux RH 2.4 kernel (AS3) IBM Storage Types 3.4.2/3.6.2/3.6.3 ESS 2105-800 Yes ESS 2105-F20 Yes DS8000, 4000 Yes Table 5-7 OSM Drivers HP: HPUX 11i IBM: AIX 5.2 / 5.3 Solaris 8&9/10 IBM Storage Types B.11.11.03e, B.11.23.03c 3.3.5/1.0/ 11.10.0 Multipath Support ESS 2105-800 Yes Yes Yes No ESS 2105-F20 Yes Yes Yes No DS 8x00, 4x00 No No Yes No Table 5-8 Microsoft Drivers Windows 2000 Windows 2003 IBM Storage Types 2.0x 2.0x Multipath Support ESS 2105-800 Yes Yes No ESS 2105-F20 Yes Yes No DS 8x00, 4x00 Yes Yes No Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 5-3 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability IBM Table 5-9 IBM SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Linux RH 7.3, 2.1, 3.0 1.06 1.06 3.6.2 ESS 2105-800 Yes Yes Yes ESS 2105-F20 Yes Yes Yes IBM Storage Types DS 8x00, 4x00 Yes Yes Yes Heterogeneous SAN Switch Support Multipath Support Brocade and McDATA No Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR) is supported No No Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 5-4 OL-10416-11 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability HDS HDS Table 5-10 MDS iSCSI Feature Support IPS Advanced Features Supported Switch Fabric, IPS-8, IPS-4, MSP-14/2 Proxy mode initiator Yes MDS 9513, MDS 9500, 9216, 9216i Transparent mode initiator Yes Transparent IP failover (VRRP) Yes 1.3(3c), 1.3(4a), 2.0(1b), 2.1(1b), 2.1(2b), 2.1(2d), 2.1(2e), 3.0(1), 3.0(2a), 3.0(3), 3.1(2), 3.2(1a), 3.2(2c), 3.3(1a) CHAP authentication Yes Transparent target failover Yes Virtual target LUN mapping Yes Table 5-11 Linux Drivers (Only 32-bit CPU Support) RH Linux AS, Enterprise HDS Storage Types 4.0 kernel 2.6 Lightning 9900v, 9900 Yes TagmaStore USP V Yes TagmaStore USP Yes Thunder 9500v, AMS 500 Yes Thunder 9200 No Table 5-12 OSM Drivers IBM: AIX HP: HPUX 11iv2 5.2/5.3 Solaris 8/9/10 Novell: Netware 6.0/6.5 HDS Storage Types B.11.23.03e 1.0 3.3.5/1.0 1.0.3/4 Multipath Support Lightning 9900v, 9900 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Thunder 9500v, AMS 500 Yes Yes Yes Yes No TagmaStore USP Yes Yes Yes Yes No TagmaStore USP V Yes Yes Yes Yes No Table 5-13 Microsoft Drivers Windows 2000 Windows 2003 HDS Storage Types 1.06/2.0 1.06/2.0 Multipath Support Lightning 9970v, 9900, Yes Yes No Thunder 9500v, AMS 500 Yes Yes No TagmaStore USP, USP V Yes Yes No Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 5-5 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability HP HP Table 5-14 MDS iSCSI Feature Support IPS Advanced Features Supported Switch Fabric, IPS-8, IPS-4, MSP-14/2 Proxy mode initiator Yes MDS 9513, 9509, 9216, 9216i Transparent mode initiator Yes Transparent IP failover (VRRP) Yes CHAP authentication Yes 1.2(1b), 1.3(4a), 2.0(1b), 2.1(1b), 2.1(2d), 3.0(1), 3.0(3), 3.1(2a), 3.2(1a), 3.2(2c), 3.2(3), 3.3(1a) Transparent target failover Yes Virtual target LUN mapping Yes Table 5-15 Cisco Drivers (Only 32-bit CPU Support) HP Storage Types Linux SUSE Linux RH AS, Enterprise 8, 10 XP12000, XP1024, XP48 Yes EVA 3000, EVA 5000 Yes MA8000 (HSG80) Yes Table 5-16 OSM Drivers HP HPUX 11i, 11.23 Novell Netware 6.5 IBM Solaris SP2 AIX 5.2, 5.3 8/9/10 HP Storage Types 11i-v1, 11.23.03d 1.0.3 1.0 3.3.6 Multipath Support XP Family Yes Yes No Yes No EVA GL & XL Family No Yes No Yes No MA8000 (HSG80) No Yes No Yes No Table 5-17 Microsoft Drivers Windows 2000 Windows 2003 HP Storage Types 2.01 and prior 2.01 and prior Multipath Support XP Family Yes Yes Yes (2.00+) EVA GL & XL Family Yes Yes Yes (2.00+) MA8000 (HSG80) Yes Yes Yes (2.00+) Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 5-6 OL-10416-11 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability ADTX ADTX Table 5-18 MDS iSCSI Feature Support IPS Advanced Features Supported Switch Fabric, IPS-8, IPS-4, MSP-14/2 Proxy mode initiator Yes MDS 9500, 9216, MDS9216i Transparent mode initiator Yes 2.0(2b), 2.1(1b), 2.1(1b), 2.1(2b) Transparent IP failover (VRRP) Yes CHAP authentication Yes Transparent target failover Yes Virtual target LUN mapping Yes Table 5-19 Microsoft Drivers Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Storage Types 1.06 1.06 Multipath Support ArrayMasStor L Yes Yes No Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 5-7 Chapter 5 iSCSI Interoperability ADTX Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 5-8 OL-10416-11 Cisco Nexus 5000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix • Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix CH A P T E R 6 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix This chapter lists storage systems qualified by the Original Storage Vendors (OSMs), Cisco’s Partners, Cisco’s Solution-Interoperability Engineering (iLAB) for supporting seamless deployment of Storage Area Networks using the Nexus 5000 family products. . Table 6-1 Qualified Storage Systems Vendor Disk Storage Model Page EMC Symmetrix DMX-3 2 CLARiiON CX3 3 CDL 720 4 Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 6-1 Chapter 6 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC EMC Table 6-2 Symmetrix DMX-3 Operating System Type Version Multipath Support (PowerPath) Windows 2003 R2 32bit 5.1.0 (build 51) R2 64bit 5.1 SP1 (build2) Channel Network Adapter (CNA)1 QLogic: QLE8000 NX-OS 4.0(0)N1(1) Compatible Switch Fabric Cisco MDS 9000 Emulex: LP21002-M SAN-OS 3.2(3a) QLogic: QLE8000 FM 3.4(1) Emulex: LP21002-M Windows 2008 32bit 5.1 SP2 (build11) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M 64bit 5.1 SP2 (build11) RHEL 5.1 32bit 5.0.1 (build 22) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M RedHat Linux QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M RHEL 5.1 64bit 5.1.0 (build 194) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M SUSE Linux SLES-10 32bit 5.1.0 (build 194) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M SLES-10 64bit 5.1.0 (build 194) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M 1. The latest qualified version of the FCoE driver can be downloaded from the support page of the CNA partner website. Direct Attach Storage (DAS) configuration is not supported. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 6-2 OL-10416-11 Chapter 6 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 6-3 CLARiiON CX3 Operating System Type Version Multipath Support (PowerPath) Windows 2003 R2 32bit 5.1.0 (build 51) R2 64bit 5.1 SP1 (build2) Channel Network Adapter (CNA)1 QLogic: QLE8000 NX-OS 4.0(0)N1(1) Compatible Switch Fabric Cisco MDS 9000 Emulex: LP21002-M SAN-OS 3.2(3a) QLogic: QLE8000 FM 3.4(1) Emulex: LP21002-M Windows 2008 32bit 5.1 SP2 (build11) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M 64bit 5.1 SP2 (build11) RHEL 5.1 32bit 5.0.1 (build 22) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M RedHat Linux QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M RHEL 5.1 64bit 5.1.0 (build 194) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M SUSE Linux SLES-10 32bit 5.1.0 (build 194) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M SLES-10 64bit 5.1.0 (build 194) QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M 1. The latest qualified version of the FCoE driver can be downloaded from the support page of the CNA partner website. Direct Attach Storage (DAS) configuration is not supported. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix OL-10416-11 6-3 Chapter 6 Disk Storage Interoperability Matrix EMC Table 6-4 CDL 720 Operating System Type Version Channel Network Adapter (CNA)1 Windows 2003 R2 32bit QLogic: QLE8000 Emulex: LP21002-M Backup Application NX-OS 4.0(0)N1(1) NetBackup 6.0 Compatible Switch Fabric Cisco MDS 9000 SAN-OS 3.2(3a) FM 3.4(1) 1. The latest qualified version of the FCoE driver can be downloaded from the support page of the CNA partner website. Direct Attach Storage (DAS) configuration is not supported. Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix 6-4 OL-10416-11
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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Interoperability Support Matrix
Area Networks using the MDS 9000 family of Fibre Channel Switch and Director class products.
Refer to the following OSM web sites to obtain the latest support matrix: