2012 March-April Main Entries


2012 March-April Main Entries
We’ve Got Connections
Volume 28, Number 2
M a i n
E n t r i e s
March/April 2012
Newsletter of the
Davenport Public Library
Inside this issue: FRIENDS’ Focus Library’s Corner Leap Year Digital Highlights Calendar of Events ‐ Money Smart Week Programs for Adults Programs for Teens Programs for Kids FEATURES:   FRIENDS’ Book‐it/ Chair‐ity Event   Leap Year Trivia   New eAudiobook Service   Money Smart Week Activities   New Programs for Adults   1940 Census   New Programs for Teens   Programs for Kids FRIENDS’ FOCUS
Main Entries
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FRIENDS of DPL “Book‐it, Chair‐ity Event” Coming October 2012
In 2010, the FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library raised nearly $7000 at its first ever Chair‐ity event. Due to its success, the FRIENDS are hosting another event in October 2012 called the “Book‐it, Chair‐ity Event.” This event will combine painted chairs with book‐themed gift boxes. The items for this silent auction will be due October 10, 2012. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Davenport Public Library. These funds will be used to provide materials and programming for all three branches that the library would not otherwise be able to afford. At this time, we are looking for book clubs willing to donate a book‐themed gift box with a minimum value of $50, including the price of the book. We hope to have 75 boxes for this event. The FRIENDS are also looking for book donations from publishers, writers, and book stores to give out to area clubs to help with this endeavor. Clubs may also choose to provide their own books. If you, your book club, or your business is willing to help, please contact Carol Wagner, 563‐359‐5285, carolwagner01@gmail.com. A flier with specifics for book clubs and donations will be available by January 15 at all three branches and on the library website, www.davenportlibrary.com. Sample boxes will be on display at the Fairmount and Eastern branch libraries after that date. Anyone interested in helping with this event, please contact Carol Wagner (information above) or Rick Brammer, 309‐945‐3414 or via email at rebrammer@mediacombb.net. Davenport Public Library Visit a FRIENDS’ bookstore & help support your library!
FRIENDS Book Store Hours FAIRMOUNT BRANCH EASTERN AVENUE BRANCH Monday: 10:00 a.m. ‐ 2:00 p.m. Monday: 7:30 a.m. ‐ 8:00 p.m. Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. ‐ 5:00 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. ‐ 5:30 p.m. Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. ‐ 2:00 p.m. Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. ‐ 8:00 p.m. Thursday: 1:00 p.m. ‐ 5:00 p.m. Thursday: 7:30 a.m. ‐ 5:30 p.m. Friday: 10:00 a.m. ‐ 2:00 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. ‐ 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. ‐ 2:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. ‐ 5:30 p.m. Join the FRIENDS! Fill out the registration form & return it to the Library.
Main Entries March/April 2012 Volume 28, Number 2 Published bimonthly by the FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library Editor & Layout: Steve Hart Contributors: Ann Franke Liza Gilbert Amy Groskopf Holly Hampton Michelle Richmond Stephanie Schulte Kasey Shipley Carol Wagner Director: LaWanda Roudebush 321 Main Street Davenport, IA 52801 www.davenportlibrary.com LIBRARY’S CORNER
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Volume 28, Number 2
You Belong @ the Library!
This year’s theme for Na onal Library Week, April 8 ‐ 14, is “You Belong @ the Library!” There are so many reasons why you belong at the Davenport Public Library! Free programs for adults, teens and children Free books, DVDs, Books on CD, Music CDs Free downloads for movies, books, and music Free databases for accurate, up‐to‐date informa on Free skilled librarians to assist in answering your ques ons Free accessible informa on through technology as well as print Free website and blogs providing addi onal social media interac on Free electronic “e‐Connec ons” newsle er upda ng ac vi es and events Free access to employment opportuni es and resume/cover le er informa on Free access to three conveniently located facili es add to the resources available We hope as you review the various upcoming events found throughout this month’s newsle er, you will realize just how much your Davenport Public Library offers our community. It is through the efforts of staff, the Library Board of Trustees, the FRIENDS of the Library, and the City of Davenport that so many resources are available for your use. We hope you will thank them along with the 175 volunteers who provide many hours of assistance to the community. ‐LaWanda Roudebush, Library Director March 4 ‐ 10 Teen Tech Week April 12 Support Teen Literature Day April 1 ‐ 30 School Library Month April 21 ‐ 28 Money Smart Week April 8 ‐ 14 Na onal Library Week April 22 ‐ 28 Preserva on Week April 10 Na onal Library Worker’s Day April 23 ‐ 24 Na onal Library Legisla ve Day April 11 Na onal Bookmobile Day MAY LIBRARY CLOSINGS: The Davenport public libraries will be closed on Thursday, May 10 for training & Monday, May 28 for Memorial Day. ***Did you know that parking for the public is available in the 4th and Brady Streets lot across from the Main Library? A recent re‐arrangement has the public parking much closer to the building. Just check the signs that are posted. You may park there for two hours! LEAP YEAR TRIVIA
Main Entries
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The Gregorian calendar, our current calendar, is based on the length of me it takes the earth to complete its orbit around the sun, 365 ¼ days. To accommodate this discrepancy, every four years has an extra day, February 29. We call the year with the extra day, leap year. Here is the formula for determining if a year is a leap year. Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are divisible by 100. Those years are leap years only if they are exactly divisible by 400. The Gregorian calendar was signed and started in 1582 and was originally devised to set the dates of Easter. The Julian calendar noted that March 21 was the date of the official vernal equinox, but by the 13th century the equinox was off about 10 days from the March 21 date. Because the date of Easter was based on this official vernal equinox, the church wanted the calendar corrected. It took from 1582 un l 1919 to have the Gregorian calendar accepted in countries throughout the world. Even the United States accepted it at different mes. Those areas that were part of French and Spanish territory used the calendar which those countries accepted in 1852. The areas along the Eastern and Western seaboards that were considered Bri sh territories adopted it in 1752 with Britain. Alaska adopted it in 1867 when it became a part of the United States. About 0.068% of the popula on has a birthday on February 29 as compared to any other day which has about 0.274% of the popula on born on that day. People who are born on February 29, leap day, are known as leaplings or leapers. Some popular Leap Year Birthdays are: 1736 1808 1864 1892 1896 1904 1920 1940 1952 1960 1968 1976 1980 1992 Ann Lee, founded the Shaker movement in England Charles Pritchard, Bri sh astronomer Alice Davenport, silent screen comedic actress born in New York Augusta Chris ne Savage, first black member of the Na onal Associa on of Women Painters Stanley Swash, CEO of Woolworths John “Pepper” Mar n, third baseman for St. Louis Louis Wood, director of Girl Scouts of USA Gretchen Christopher, recording ar st and lead singer of “the Fleetwoods” Sharon Dahlonega Raiford Bush, weather anchor in Detroit, Michigan Anthony Robbins, mo va onal speaker Gary Conklin, NFL quarterback Ja Rule, rapper and actor Taylor Twellman, American soccer player Caitlin E.J. Meyer, actress Here is a Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme to remember the days of the months. Thirty Days Hath September Thirty days hath September April, June, and November; February has twenty‐eight alone, All the rest have thirty‐one, Excep ng leap‐year, that’s the me When February’s days are twenty‐nine. DIGITAL H I G H L I G H T S
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Volume 28, Number 2
The Davenport Public Library is excited to launch a new eAudiobook service – Recorded Books One
Click Digital! One Click Digital offers thousands of eAudiobook titles for download and features an
easy-to-use website with simple navigation, fast downloads, and technical support for a wide range
of portable devices.
Davenport Public Library patrons will have access to
downloadable eAudiobooks at
home by just creating an
account with a Davenport
eBook Public Library card number.
Month Checkouts Titles may be listened to on a
August, 2011 396 home computer or a portable
September 410 player. All titles from Recorded
October 431 Books are iPod compatible as
November 477 well! Available titles include
current best-sellers, classics,
December 497 and titles for young adults and
January, 2012 711 children. The majority of the
titles are always available without the need to place a hold.
eAudiobook Checkouts 306 322 338 380 349 423 Patrons checking out downloadable books from the library for the first me. 58 97 98 128 244 306 Visit the library’s website, www.davenportlibrary.com, and follow the links to our eBooks and
eAudiobooks and start downloading today.
Questions? Contact the Reference Department.
The Davenport Public Library offers web
printing services! You can print web pages and documents from virtually
any internet-connected computer, laptop, and other supported devices
at any time from anywhere. All it requires is an internet-connected
computer, laptop, or other device with a compatible web browser or
e-mail capability.
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
1 - 4 PM
Main Library Open
1 - 4 PM
Main Library Open
Early Literacy Tips for
Parents 7P [E]
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
1 - 4 PM
Short & Sweets 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Main Library Open
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
P.A.W.D. Read to a Dog 6P [E]
The Great Design 3P [E]
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
The Great Design 3P [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F)
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
7P (F)
Early Literacy Tips for Parents
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
After Hours Cast Party 5:30P <X>
Teen YouTube Video Contest &
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Between the Lines 7P [E]
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
The Great Design 3P [E]
Teen Volunteer Council 5:30P (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
West End Book Discussion 7P (F)
P.A.W.D. Read to a Dog 6P (F)
Bix Birthday Bash 1P [E]
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Short & Sweets 6P [E]
1 - 4 PM
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
The Great Design 3P [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Oscar in the Afternoon 2P [E]
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F)
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
{M} = Main Library (F) = Fairmount Branch Library [E] = Eastern Ave Branch Library <X> = Offsite KEY: MONDAY
Main Library Open
Book Sculp ng 2P (F) Allergy Wars! 2P (F) 31
Backyard Naturalist 1P [E] 24
March 2012
All Davenport
Public Libraries
After Hours
Genealogy Night
4 - 9 PM {M}
Main Library Open
1 - 4 PM
1 - 4 PM
Main Library Open
1 - 4 PM
Main Library Open
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
The Great Design 3P [E]
P.A.W.D. Read to a Dog 6P [E]
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Money Smart Week Kid Creations
3:30P (F)
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
The Great Design 3P [E]
West End Book Discussion 7P (F)
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A [E]
Holocaust Remembrance
Day: The Jewish Experience
in Film 12:30 - 8P (F)
6:30 P (F)
The Titanic: 100 Years Later
P.A.W.D. Read to a Dog 6P (F)
Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F)
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Between the Lines 7P [E]
The Great Design 3P [E]
Teen Volunteer Council 5:30P (F)
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Short & Sweets 10A (F)
The Great Design 3P [E]
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Oscar in the Afternoon 2P [E]
Toddler Story Time 10A (F)
Get Your Game On 3P (F)
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Baby Story Time 10A [E]
Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F)
Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F)
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
Adventure Quest 3:30P [E]
Kid Creations 3:30P (F)
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Jerusalem: United or Divided?
6:30 P [E]
Short & Sweets 6P [E]
1 - 4 PM
Census & Coffee 8A {M}
Baby Story Time 10A (F)
Main Library Open
Access the library 24/7 at
April 2012
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Story Time 10A (F)
Money Smart Week Preschool
Story Time 10A [E]
Money Smart Week Preschool
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Teen Movie Blitz 4P [E]
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Preschool Story Time 10A [E]
Preschool Story Time 10A (F)
Backyard Naturalist 1P [E] Teen Book Sculp ng 2P (F) Shred Day 9A ‐ 11A (F) Child Safety ID Kits 9A ‐ 11A (F) Journal and Diary Making 2P (F) {M} = Main Library (F) = Fairmount Branch Library [E] = Eastern Ave Branch Library <X> = Offsite KEY: 28
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Main Entries
Money Smart Week Activities
Saturday, April 21
Shred Day
Fairmount Branch (9 -11 AM)
Invest in Your Child’s Safety
Fairmount Branch (9 - 11 AM)
Have your child’s photo and fingerprints taken as part of the identification kit
that will be given to every child who participates. The kits are provided by
Western & Southern Life Insurance Company.
Tuesday, April 24
Money Smart Week Kid Creations
Fairmount Branch Library (3:30 - 4:30 p.m.) - Grade-school aged kids
Focus on making art and new creations by recycling and reusing what kids
already have to save money.
Friday, April 27
Money Smart Week Preschool Storytimes
Fairmount Branch Library (10 AM)
Eastern Avenue Branch Library (10 AM)
Children will learn about money through fun stories and crafts related to
money, saving, spending, and shopping.
Visit www.moneysmartweek.org/quadcities for more
information on scholarships, contests, and other events
happening around the Quad Cities during Money Smart Week!
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Volume 28, Number 2
Fairmount Branch Library
Saturday, March 17th 2:00 p.m.
Registration required. For more
information or to register call
Main Street Library Richardson‐Sloane Special Collec ons Monday, April 2 Main Street Library 8 a.m. ‐ 11 a.m. Richardson‐Sloane Special Collec ons Center Help the Special Collec ons Staff celebrate the release of the 1940 Federal Census! You provide the list of rela ves, we'll provide the coffee! Call to register at 563.326.7902 Sunday, April 29th
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
$10 registration fee
Call (563) 326-7902
Main Entries
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The Great Design
Eastern Avenue Branch Library Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. through May The Library needs you to help with “The Great Design.” Teens with any level of ar s c ability are invited to work in groups or alone crea ng large‐scale art. Create new worlds using pens, pencils, markers, and other media. Hang out, listen to unusual music, and have fun at “The Great Design.” This program is FREE and artwork will be displayed throughout the libraries upon comple on of the program. Fairmount Branch Library
Saturday, April 21
2:00 p.m.
Registra on required. For more informa on or to register call 563.326.7832. The following programs happen at the Fairmount Branch Library through May:
Anime Club - Come explore all things Anime
First and third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Teen Volunteer Council - Be cool, volunteer at the Library!
2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Get Your Game On! - Hang out, have fun, and play video games
Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m.
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Volume 28, Number 1
Cut below to use as a bookmark! Eastern Avenue Branch Library Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ This program is designed for elementary‐aged children. P.A.W.D. Read to a Dog
6:00 p.m.
Fairmount Branch - Second Thursday of the Month
Eastern Avenue Branch - Fourth Wednesday of the Month
Fairmount Branch Library
Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m.
Drop in after school to create and
construct art, crafts, and more.
Mailed to you by the FRIENDS of
the Davenport Public Library
321 Main Street
Davenport, IA 52801
Major funding provided by the FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library. Return Service Requested
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Davenport, IA
Permit No. 3178
Cut below to use as a bookmark! Library Hours & Loca ons Main Library 321 Main Street Davenport, IA 52801 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12:00 PM ‐ 8:00 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 1:00 PM ‐ 4:00 PM (October ‐ April) Fairmount Branch Library 3000 N. Fairmount Street Davenport, IA 52804 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 12:00 PM ‐ 8:00 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 12:00 PM ‐ 8:00 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM CLOSED Hundreds of programs
throughout the year, just for you!
Eastern Avenue Branch Library 6000 Eastern Avenue Davenport, IA 52807 Backyard Naturalist
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12:00 PM ‐ 8:00 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 12:00 PM ‐ 8:00 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM 9:30 AM ‐ 5:30 PM CLOSED Eastern Avenue
Branch Library
Fourth Saturday
PHONE NUMBER: 563‐326‐7832 OPEN 24 / 7 at: www.davenportlibrary.com
of the month
at 1:00 p.m.
TEXT A LIBRARIAN: Start a text message with
DPLKNOWS and send it to 66746
24 hour renewal number: (563) 823‐5565 (local) or (888) 534‐6130 (long distance) Learn how to identify
and interact with
the plants and
animals in your