The Hills Sports High School September 2012 Newsletter


The Hills Sports High School September 2012 Newsletter
The Hills Sports High School
September 2012 Newsletter
Principal’s News
The Higher School Certificate has started for another year and I wish Year
12 well in completing the
final step in their Secondary Education.
The presentation assembly
held to farewell our students and to issue documents was a great success,
I thank Mrs Queffert for
organising such a wonderful send off for our students.
I would also like to congratulate the dux of our
school; Kevin Ng. Kevin
was awarded this honour
based on his results in his
subjects at school which
indicate that he is expected
to be placed in the top
bands for most (if not all) of
his subjects. This is an outstanding result for a most
exceptional student.
The formal function held at
the end of last term was a
most enjoyable occasion in
a terrific venue. Miss Potts
worked tirelessly for the
Year 12 students in order
to ensure that this function
was memorable and a fitting farewell to the students after reaching this
important milestone in
their lives. I thank Miss
Potts on behalf of Year 12,
the school staff and the
community for a fabulous
job. Year 12 were wonderful ambassadors for the
school on this occasion and
should be very proud of the
way in which they conducted themselves. I am
sure that they all had a
marvellous and memorable
Later this year, once the
exams are over and HSC
results are known we will
have a chance to enjoy the
company of Year 12 one
last time as they are all
invited back for lunch with
the staff to tell us all about
their HSC experience and
the results they achieved.
The system for Year 10
has been
changed by the Board of
Studies and the Department of Education and the
School Certificate is no
longer a part of the Secondary Education Qualifications received by students.
The replacement for the
School Certificate is called
the Record of School
Achievement or ROSA. Students who successfully
complete Year 10 become
eligible for the ROSA although it is not actually
issued to students until
they officially leave school.
A student can only leave
school if they have successfully completed Year
10 and have turned 17
years of age OR if they are
not yet 17 but have completed Year 10 and they
have employment and/or
TAFE with total more than
25 hours per week.
For Year 10 students – this
is why lessons are continuing right up until the end of
the year and, if you are not
17 by the time school reopens in 2013 then you
must be back at school,
confirmed in an enrolment
at TAFE or in paid full time
It is expected that most
students will continue into
Year 11 followed by Year
12. When a student makes
the decision to leave school
and is eligible to do so, the
ROSA will be issued by the
Board of Studies. The document will then contain all
results achieved up to that
date. When a student completes Year 12 they will sit
for the HSC and be issued
with both the HSC and the
I remind all students and
parents that every student
apart from Year 12 is expected to attend school up
until the last day of the
school year which is December 19 this year. There
is no early finish date for
students in any year apart
from Year 12.
Exams and assessments
will be conducted and
marked over the next few
weeks. Reports will then be
written and teachers are
preparing for some of our
end of year functions such
as Presentation Day (7 December 2012, 9.30 am)
and Sports Presentation
Night (10 December 2012).
Once exams are concluded,
normal lessons and class
Term 4
Page 2
work continue until all reports are finalised as the
yearly result is a combination of exams, assessments and class work. I
wish all students well in
their exams and hope that
the results they receive are
truly reflective of their work
and effort in classes.
We will once again be conducting an activity for Year
10 students called
“ A u s t ra l i an B us i n es s
Week”. This will be held in
the week commencing 26
November and run by Mr
Haynes in the HSIE faculty.
This activity is highly rated
by the students that complete it. They find it very
enjoyable and say that they
learn an enormous amount
about running businesses,
shares and profit/loss. I
encourage all Year 10 students to take advantage of
this activity as the year
draws to an end before
starting the often rigorous
Year 11 school work next
The new administration
block consisting of the front
offices, the principal’s office, deputy principal, meeting room, counsellor, new
foyer and entry, sick bay,
and staff amenities has
finally been completed after nearly 6 months of construction and renovation.
The staff have now occupied the building and all
aspects of administration
are now operational.
I would like to thank the
many parents who were
patient with us and showed
great understanding when
dealing with the school
office staff while they were
in temporary, over-crowded
and sometimes awkward
Over the coming weeks the
furnishings will be completed. Parents and visitors
should enter the office
foyer via the glass doors at
the front of the school, students should use the student foyer which is accessed from inside A block
The next meeting of the
P&C will take place on
Wednesday 14 November
2012. The venue for this
meeting is Seven Hills/
Toongabbie RSL Club
where we will celebrate a
year of working together to
support the students at the
school. We meet there at 6
pm for 6.30 pm when we
have dinner together and
celebrate a successful
I wish all parents and students a successful and
pleasant month ahead.
Mitchell Struyve
Year 8 Medieval Incursion
Witness History leaping out of the textbooks and into life! Permission notes for the
Medieval Incursion were sent home in Term 3 and are now due. Extra permission
notes are available from the HSIE staff room in E block.
I hope that all Year 8 students will take up the opportunity to experience this exciting
and interactive show.
Date: Wednesday 21st November 2012
Cost: $6
Ms Sorenson
HSIE Teacher
Term 4
Page 3
Hills Sports High
Australian School of Excellence
The Hills Sports High
School has been officially
endorsed by Touch Football
Australia as a School of
Excellence. We are one of
only 3 schools to receive
the honour and the only
one in NSW. It is a credit to
the high calibre of the TSP
Touch Football program
and our coaches Phil
Jarrett and Darren Swain
that we met the comprehensive criterion set by
Touch Australia to receive
its endorsement.
The outstanding achievements of the Open Girls
and Year 9/10 Touch
teams this year highlights
the strength of the program
with both teams being
named State Champions in
their respective age groups.
While the Year 9/10 Boys
The NSWCHSA State Champions Open Girls Team
were also successful as
State Champions, the Open
Boys were narrowly defeated to be runners up at
the NSWCHSA-Competition.
Our Year 7 and 8 teams will
be contesting the state
finals later in the term at a
carnival in Bathurst.
This endorsement provides
a great deal of prestige to
the school and will see the
Touch Football program
continue to grow at Hills.
Miss McKenzie
Touch Mentor
NSW CHS Touch Football Representatives
At the end of Term 3, Hills
Sports High School students Jeremy King, Ashleigh Quinlan and Kai Simbolon
NSWCHS at Nationals in
the 18’s competition. The
Girls squad were runners
up with Captain Ashleigh
Quinlan being named
NSWCHS Most Valuable
Player. The Boys team were
narrowly defeated in the
semi-finals to come third
overall. Congratulations to
these 3 talented students
on their outstanding
Page 4
Term 4
Swan Shield U15 State Knockout 2012
The U15 Swan Shield CHSAFL state knockout has
been running since 1983,
this competition has never
been won by a team from
outside the Riverina area.
Week 1 of Term, our U15
side travelled to Narrandera for the week to
compete in the Swan
Shield State Knockout Finals series.
Our semi-final was played
against the much fancied
Albury High School, winner
of this competition on several occasions. Unaware of
the talent and skill of The
Hills Sports High team, Albury underestimated our
players. Demonstrations of
hard core running across
our midfield, brutal physical
pressure by our backline
and contested marking and
efficient kicking by our forwards were the order of the
day. In a fine display of
skills The Hills Sports took
an early lead and were
never challenged, finishing
the game a convincing sixty
points ahead of their opponents.
Back at camp, preparations
began for the State Final
the following day. Ice baths,
energy replenishing carbohydrate laden meals and
inspirational motivational
speeches followed by a
goodnight’s sleep had our
boys primed to perform
against Corowa High.
The Swan Shield final was
a seesawing display of
schoolboy football at its
best. At quarter time
Corowa had the lead by
only one point, half time
the scores were even, three
quarter time saw Corowa
back in front by the narrowest margin, in a nail biting
final quarter, both teams
playing inspirational footy
and as the end of the game
neared it was still anyone’s
game. Inside the last 90
seconds after some brilliant rebounding by our half
back line and some fine gut
running by our exhausted
mid field to set the ball up
for a shot at goal, we had
an opportunity to win the
game but were unable to
score. With 30 seconds
remaining on the clock, a
quick rebound by Corowa
saw them kick the only goal
in the second half and the
game was theirs by the
Heart breaking for The Hills
Sports High team who had
given their all and were
exhausted from their inspirational efforts.
Congratulations to our fullback, Ryan Porter-Smith
being awarded the best on
ground trophy for his outstanding efforts in the final.
As coach of the team I
must thank and congratulate every player for their
efforts in attempting to
overcome adversity and
realise the dream of bringing a state title away from
the Riverina. With a young
team this year we have
achieved a great deal and
the depth of our talent is
continually improving. All
indications are that it won’t
be long before we are the
state champions and the
trophy will be resting north
of the Riverina in our cabinet.
Rob Murie
Head Coach
Page 5
Term 4
State Champions 2012:
Girls Baseball Takes the Prize
Student Leave
Department of Education
guidelines for exemption of
students to apply for leave
in advance. If you intend
for your child to take leave
from school this must be
applied for prior to
Attendance application
forms are available from
the school office.
Application forms must be
lodged with the school 3
weeks prior to the
The Hills Sports High
School staff and students
would like to congratulate
the Girls State Knockout
Baseball team who have
won the State title for the
second consecutive year.
On September 19th our girls
played Hunter Sports High
in a game dominated by
the power and skill of our
team. The 22-0 final score
indicates the passion and
ferocity with which the Hills
Sports girls approached the
game. Of particular note
was the performance of
Emily Simpson in Year 7
who was awarded player of
the match and was presented with the signed
game ball.
The girl’s team has performed at strength through-
out the competition. Their
cohesive and consistent
fielding as well as their
skilled base running and
powerful batting has
helped them to victory.
Special mention also must
go to the tireless efforts of
the team Mentor Mrs Wallis
and baseball Coach Michael Ibbotson.
Year 7
Year 6 students with
APPROVED enrolment
for Year 7 in 2013 are
required to attend Orientation on Wednesday
5 December 2012.
Students and parents
please meet at the
school hall at 8.30am.
Please contact the
school if you have not
received notification of
Back row: Courtney Atkins Y7, Nicole Michels Y10, Taylah Peters Y9, Erin Mackander Y9,
Samantha Thrupp Y8, Amber Newson Y8
Front row: Tayla Chapman Y7, Sophie Nadjarian Y10, Caitlin Michels Y10, Emily Dunn
Y8, Emily Simpson Y 7, Chiara Aquilina-Reid Y9
Page 6
Term 4
Cyber bullying is an issue
which is affecting more and
more people each day. Bullying and harassment of
young people online is now
becoming common place.
Associated with this are
other forms of harassment
including sexual harassment threats of violence
and intimidation.
The emergence of social
media sites such as Facebook and twitter has seen
cyber bullying go to new
levels. Messages and images can be sent to a large
audience and spread to the
far reaches of the globe in
seconds or minutes. Total
strangers may have images
or information about you
without your knowledge or
Bullies who were once confined to the playground or
the local street corner, now
can extend their reach into
the family home. Bullying
may unfortunately be taking place in your child’s
bedroom. Your child can so
easily be a victim or the
instigator of bullying from
inside the four walls of their
In days past, young people
would hang out at the local
park or the shopping centre. Here they would try to
escape from their parents
and meet up with their
friends and acquaintances.
Today the online world is
the shopping mall or park
of the 21st century. Parents
have the same responsibility to ensure that their children are safe in the online
world as they would if their
children were at the local
park, shopping centre etc.
Stranger danger over the
internet and the online
world are as relevant as in
the real world.
Parents should use preventative strategies to maximise their child’s safety.
These include: teaching
children the right way to
behave online; not allowing
them to spend all night in
the cyber world; ask questions about what sites they
are viewing and who they
may be communicating
with when they are online.
Parents need to explain to
their children, that over the
internet, an image or a
comment can result in an
uncontrollable set of circumstances very quickly.
Children need to be taught
a basic set of rules when
online and using the internet.
Respect others. Make
your child aware that what
they send can offend. Discuss with your child the
types of images and comments that can cause harm
to others when sent.
Think before you send.
Remind your child that cyberspace is a very public
forum. An unlimited number of people could have
access to an image or comment
enough to a single friend.
Once something is in cyberspace it is impossible to
erase or take back.
Treat online pass words
as you would your house
key. Teach your child to
keep passwords guarded at
all times. Young people can
be too trusting of their
should not be shared
amongst friends.
Block Bullies. Teach your
child to block bullying messages. Messages and addresses can be filtered
online. Text messages can
also be blocked online.
Don’t reply to any harassment. A bully can retain
proof of any response by
you. This can be spread
further and encourages
further bullying by the initial perpetrator and possibly by others.
Save the evidence. If your
child is bullied, you should
keep the offending messages or pictures. These
may be used by the police
if an offence has been
Tell someone. The insidious part of bullying is the
silence displayed by the
victims of the bully. When a
child feels that their rights
or safety have been violated thay need to feel safe
by approaching a trusted
adult. Any form of bullying
should be reported to an
online service provider or
possibly the police.
With the internet and the
growth of social media services gaining more and
more popularity amongst
young people, parents cannot pretend that the problem of cyber bullying and
other forms of harassment
are going to go away. A
savvy parent will learn as
much about their child’s
online life as they can, so
that they can act appropriately and quickly when
situations arise. Through
open lines of communication with your children, the
risk of cyber bullying may
not be removed, but it certainly can be reduced.
D. Calleja
Deputy Principal
Page 7
Term 4
Hills–Show Off”
2012 HSC Practical Exhibition
This year saw our annual
HSC exhibition further grow
and expand. Students from
HSC Drama, Music, Metal
work, Wood work and Visual Art had their works and
performances showcased
in an evening that celebrated the hard work and
countless hours that our
students dedicate to the
practical arts. Opened by
Mr Struyve and hosted by
Mr Wheatley, the evening
was a huge success with
contributions from staff
and students across the
The extensive multi-faculty
exhibition included an impressive variety of student
creativity that ranged from
barbeques and coffee tables to paper wedding
dresses and interactive
gaming platforms. Audiences were also entertained with numerous performances from the HSC
Music students and recitals
from the Drama class. The
CAPA/LOTE faculty was
strongly represented with
an extensive display of junior art work and student
videos from Chinese Language studies.
A number of awards were
judged on the night. The
Principal’s Choice Award
went to Kesaia Taufa for
“The Take Away Bride” a
wearable art wedding dress
made completely from fast
food wrappers, whilst the
Deputy’s Award went to
Madeline Cosgrove for her
feminist sculptural work
“Greer’s Gymnastics”. Audience members were also
given the opportunity to
vote for a People’s Choice
Award. Over three hundred
votes were counted and
three students were recognised for their efforts. Ben
Purse was recognised for
his double wood bookcase;
Tracey Baker was a popular
choice for her ceramic teapot and Breanna WrightRyan’s “Modern Monster”
sculptures drew the crowd.
Congratulations to all the
students whose work was
selected for display and we
look forward to what 2013
has to offer us.
Ms Queffert
Head Teacher CAPA
The staff car park is out of bounds for students unless accompanied by a teacher. You are advised
that the staff car park is not a drop off or pick up point. Please observe the directional signs which
are clearly marked on the outside of the car park entry that this is not a student entry or exit point.
Students are to be collected from Best Road. In the event that the school gates are required to be
locked, there is no access for your vehicle to or from the school car park once the gates are locked
Please help us in protecting our students.
Page 8
Term 4
Year 7
Captains & Prefects
School Captains
Nadiana Albistur
Patrick Pope
Vice Captains
Casey Novak
Rebecca Tiems
Adrianne De Pedro
T'Neal Kawau
Aidan Kennon
Geoffrey Raukete
Cossey Tuitupou
Constance Von Gneisenau
The HSIE Department is running an excursion for all of Year 7 on Wednesday 14th November, leaving at 8AM and returning at 2:45pm. To support their History and Geography courses, they will be viewing 3D Egyptian Mummies and To the Arctic 3D. Students
will have the opportunity to buy lunch if they choose. It’s a great day that’s informative
but also fun. Please see Miss McKenzie or Miss Bond in the HSIE staffroom if you need
another permission note and please pay all money ($20.90) to the office as soon as
NSW Geography Competition - THSHS Students EXCEL
Geography students from
The Hills Sports High
School demonstrated key
geographical skills and
knowledge by participating
in the NSW Geography
Competition during August.
Sixty five schools participated in this competition.
The competition consisted
of 50 multiple choice questions which incorporated
maps skills and theory related to the geography curriculum. Students were
also asked to analyse
graphs, tables, and statistics and make deductions.
Our school achieved 20
High Distinctions, 25 Distinctions and 38 credits.
High Distinctions
Jillian Calizar
Elvinna Cheung
Ben Fonoti
Caitlin Michels
Mathew Novak
Marcus Parsfield
Evan Pitt
Harry Rowe
Aaron Stephens
Emma Swanson
Brendan Vielhauer
Tracer Baker
Nabigh Chaudhry
Jacob Collison
Thanyada Sangprajak
Daniel Brown
James Pettit
Kyle Booyse
Mark Backhouse
Taylor Rose Figueira
Joshua Martin
Taliisha Maruta
Nicole Michels
Matt Price
Daniel Ryan
Ashlee Tait
Cliantha Tanea
Andrew De Luca
Jake Doran
William England
Viraj Kadam
Tully Macpherson
Rhondda Morgan
Sanjeeth Singh
Jennifer Williams
Victoria Hack
Aidan Hopping
Brent Jenkins
Shanaye Kuntze
Edoba Osariemen
Brayden Saint- Barry
Joel Tinker
Andrew Cabral
Adam Wootton
We extend our congratulations to all our students for
participating in the competition and achieving such
good results.
Pink Ribbon Day was held at School on Friday 26th
October. The SRC students ran a number of events
on this day to raise much needed funds and
awareness about Pink Ribbon Day.
The SRC team.
Page 9
Term 4
New Zealand All-Schools Academy Visit
Hills Sports High School
Under 13’s Rugby Union
and Under 12’s Rugby
League V’s New Zealand All
school Academy
On Wednesday the 10th of
October The Hills Sports
High hosted the New Zealand all Schools Academy
from Auckland. Two games
were played on the day,
Under 13’s Rugby union in
the morning and under
12’s Rugby league in the
afternoon. Both games
were tuff and physical
game both played in good
The 13’s Rugby union
game presented a challenge to The Hills Sports
boys as they we playing
their first full game of rugby
union as a team and for
this school and they were
up against a highly developed rugby minded New
Zealand outfit. This did not
intimidate the boys at all,
full of confidence the left
the change rooms and
lined up as a team ready
for New Zealand to do the
Haka. The game started of
very evenly matched as
both teams battled for field
possession in strong physical forwards contest. A
quick ball out wide allowed
The Hills sports to run in
the first try of the game,
and with a successful conversion the score was 7-0.
A few handling errors and
penalty’s eventually was
too much for the Hills and
New Zealand crossed over
evening the scores. After
this The Hills boys found
there feet and continued to
apply the pressure to New
Zealand running in several
tries. With credit to the
tourists they never gave up
with the final score being
43-17 to the Hills Sports.
Tries went to Dallas Patterson, Oregan Kaufusi, Junior
Moaga, Kyle Lowe, Zack
Talua and Denzel Taiaroa.
The same New Zealand
shorts for league shorts
and ran back on the field to
try their hand at rugby
league against The Hills
Sports Under 12’s team.
From the kick off it was
evident that this was going
to be an even game, New
Zealand carried a bit of a
size advantage into the
game but the Hills were
confident that their skills
will be enough to get them
to a win. Both teams gave
everything in what was a
very physical match. The
cores alternated throughout the game with The Hills
Sport eventually winning
22-20 with Luke Puru, Valance Harris, Josh Collardey,
Leroy Magalogo all running
in tries.
Between the games there
was a BBQ lunch provided
for the teams and a presentation was made by the
director of sports at The Hill
Sports to the New Zealand
coach of a pendant and
discussion of hopefully setting up a Trans-Tasman
relationship with the New
Zealand All Schools Academy in hope of future
games between The Hills
Sports and the New Zealand team both in Australian and in New Zealand.
Ms Kennon
Rugby League Mentor
Term 4
Page 10
As of Term 4 a number of staff members have implemented an initiative to start a breakfast program at The Hills Sports High School. The Hills High
Breakfast Hive is in operation Thursday mornings
in A block. Students can come and have breakfast
for a small donation of a silver or gold coin. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and
many of our students have developed poor breakfast habits, this program aims at providing a positive atmosphere for students to start their day with
a healthy meal. We look forward to seeing you
Australian Business Week 2012
What is
Australian Business Week?
This is a computer simulation game which helps students understand the world of business running a company. Groups of students compete against each other over the week to try to make their
company succeed. They spend money on wages, advertising or machinery and the data is entered.
As the game progresses some companies will start to get ahead and others will be in trouble – just
like real life.
On the last day of the week students will create a display for a “trade show” to try to get people to
buy their products. This will be held in the school hall.
At the end, a panel of judges will judge the winning team.
What do get out of it?
Students will get a certificate which can be used in their CV folder to apply for casual and full time
work. They will understand the difficulties surrounding running a business and making the correct
decisions in business planning.
They will get the experience of competing against each other and of creating a display which they
can show off to all the other students and visitors.
We hope to get some business people who have successfully run their own businesses to tell us
how they became successful.
When and How?
Australian Business week will be held in week 8 of term 4 (from 26th to 30th November). The program costs the school money to run and also there is a fee for students to take part. The cost is
$34 per student.
It will be assumed that most, if not all, Year 10 students will be taking advantage of this great opportunity. Please return the permission for asap. See Mr Haynes if you have lost the form.
Mr Haynes Head
Teacher HSIE
Term 4
Page 11
CHS Athletics Results
Ashlee Tait (15Years): 3rd in 90m Hurdles (13.73secs),
200m (26.22secs) and Long Jump (5.02m)
Bellarina Situati (15Years): 1st in Discus (31.78m) and 3rd in Shot
Put (11.79m)
Zion Summer Talaia (12 years): 1st in Shot Put (11.27m)
Brock O’Donnell (15Years): 1st in 100m (11.55secs)
Dylan Webb (15Years): 2nd in 400m (52.55secs)
15Years Girls 4 x 100m Relay: 2nd (50.72secs)
12Years Girls 4 x 100m Relay: 1st (54.81secs)
13Years Boys 4 x 100m Relay: 1st (49.17secs)
15Years Boys 4 x 100m Relay: 1st with new CHS
Sketching for Fashion Workshop
On Friday September 24th a group of Textiles and Art students participated in a Sketching for Fashion Workshop. This
workshop was conducted by the Whitehouse Institute of Design who are a Sydney based organisation delivering Fashion
and Interior Design Courses. The students who participated gained valuable skills in life drawing, fashion illustration and
rendering techniques. This will assist them in future years if they study art and/or textiles in the HSC.
Term 4
Page 12
Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter are holding a Careers Day for students in Years 10, 11 and
12. If you are serious about studying architecture and building our cities of the future, come and have oneon-one discussions with the head teachers at all four NSW universities (University of Sydney, UNSW,UTS
and Newcastle University) offering courses in architecture, planning and the built environment. It is your
chance to ask questions. To register your interest at or phone 02
9246 4008.
Tusculum, 3 Manning Street Potts Point.
12 – 3pm Saturday 3 November 2012
Can help students find part time or casual work. It is a completely FREE service for the job seeker visit
University of Western Sydney Postgraduate Expo
Wednesday 10 October 2012
6pm to 8pm
Southee Complex
1 Showground Road, Sydney Olympic Park
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2012
The end of last term saw the graduating class of 2012 attend their graduation assembly. Parents,
friends and students alike enjoyed the formal ceremony complete with student performances,
speeches, well wishes and the presentation of student portfolios.
Our Principal Mr Struyve took the opportunity to commend the grade on their academic performances and exceptional school community involvement. Of particular note was the tireless work of
the school Captains and Vice Captains who were acknowledged with a gift from the school.
The years of dedication and work from the Year Adviser, Ms Potts, were also acknowledged by the
students. Presenting her with flowers, the students spoke of her commitment and thanked her for
the care and compassion she has shown them throughout the years.
Kevin Ng was awarded the Dux of the School Award as recognition of his outstanding academic
achievements. In addition, First in Course awards were presented to students who excelled in each
of the HSC courses offered.
Both the staff and student body wish the students well in their current HSC exams and hope they
carry with them the happy memories and sense of pride in completing their high school education.
Page 13
Term 4
Talented Sports Program
2013 Annual Fees
*Includes 2012 Bus Levy (Terms 1-1V)
A discount of $50 applies if the Annual TSP fee is paid in full by the end of the second
week of the 1st Term.
Parents may prefer to pay in two instalments of 50% of the Annual Fee with the first
payment due by week 2 Term 1 with the second payment due by the end of Term 2.
Parents should be aware, however, that TSP operates on a “user- pays” basis and that
students cannot be permitted to commence TSP until fees are paid.
Discounts are also available to parents with more than one child in the Program.
Enquire at the school office for further details.
Note: for parents who are enrolling students into Year 7, 2013, a minimum of 50% of
their annual TSP fee must be paid on Orientation Day 5th December, 2012.
Page 14
Term 4
8 sessions: 4 with a Dietitian and 4
with an Exercise Physiologist
Focus on healthy food choices, suitable food
alternatives, food labeling, D-tick and
GI symbols, eating plans
Practical advice and demonstrations
of exercises to suit all fitness levels
Starting Wednesday 24th October - join any time
All sessions at KRMC at 6:00pm on Wednesdays
GP referral necessary
We are committed to the care of people
with chronic illness.
For more information, please call 8822 3000
Kildare Road Medical Centre
36 Kildare Road, Blacktown
(next to Westpoint, cnr Kildare Rd
& Balmoral St)
Ph: 8822 3000
OPEN 7 DAYS 8:00AM TO 8:00PM
Page 15
Term 4
Northmead Uniting Netball Club
Northmead Uniting Netball Club is a member of the Gooden Reserve Netball Association. This is a local community competition held on Saturday afternoons at Gooden Reserve in Baulkham Hills. We are committed to
maintaining a low cost competition that has a friendly, safe and welcoming environment where girls of all skill
levels can participate.
These fees are a one-off payment which covers the entire season.
Fun Net:
Under 16’s: $65
Over 16’s: $70
Season starting 6 April 2013
Register now at:
or call 0423 126 278
Fun Net
For ages 5 – 7 we have Fun Net, which teaches ball skills, the rules of the game and teamwork. Fun net is
held every Saturday at 12.30.
Junior Competition
Our junior competition is open to everyone, including those who have not played previously. Games are held
every Saturday at 12.40pm or 2.00pm.
Adults Competition
Our adults division is a social competition with a fun, friendly atmosphere. We have players who join after not
having played for years and even those who have never played. This is the perfect competition to join with a
group of friends for some exercise and fun! We are also happy to receive individual registrations to join existing teams. Games are held every Saturday at 12.40pm or 2.00pm.
Family Life Choice & Change
This group is designed for parents whose children are currently not in their care.
It aims to:
Foster the development of positive parenting skills.
Provide a place to meet other parents with similar experiences.
Help parents deal with the grief and loss associated with not having children in their care.
Look at how we communicate impacts on relating with children and other adults.
The group consists of seven weekly sessions covering topics such as chi8ldren’s developmental needs, communication, discipline, managing emotions, working with agencies, self esteem and managing stress.
7 weeks
10.00am - 12.30pm
Level 1, 149 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead
Fees based on a sliding scale according to income
To make a booking, or for more information about any of our courses or seminars, please phone: 9806-3299
Fridge Calendar
Term 4
Page 16
Year 7 & 10
7/8 NSW Touch
Finals Carnival
Year 8 ESSA
Science Test
Year 7
History & Geography
Year 8 Geography
Trivia Competition
Day Assembly
HSC Economics
Year 11/12
P&C Meeting
SH-Toongabbie RSL
Business Week
Year 10 HSIE
7/8 NSW Touch
Alexander the Great
Imax and Sydney
Wildlife World
Excursion 7O & 7I
Imax and Sydney
Wildlife World
Excursion 7L & 7C
Sydney West
Awards Night
Year 6
Orientation Day
Year 7, 8 & 11
Reports posted home
HSC Results
Internet release &
Year 9 & 10
Reports posted home
Year 7-9 Reward Day
Luna Park
Last Day
for students
Development Day
Development Day
Imax and Sydney
Wildlife World
Excursion 7P & 7Y
Sport Presentation
Christmas Day