Prodotti finiti C.3.
Prodotti finiti C.3.
VINÇOTTE nv/sa Registered office: Jan Olieslagerslaan 35 - 1800 Vilvoorde - Belgium VAT BE 0462.513.222 - RPM/RPR Brussels - BNP Paribas Fortis: BE24 2100 4113 6338 - BIC: GEBABEBB Leuvensesteenweg 248 H - 1800 Vilvoorde - Belgium - phone: +32 2 674 57 50 - I New Class 0804 OK compost Conformity Mark Download the last version of this list. Visit our website or scan the QR code A finished product made of an OK compost certified basic or raw material, does not automatically comply with the requirements of the OK compost certification scheme. Because of the other unknown components that can be added to the finished product (ink, glue, ...), this finished product needs to be submitted to OK compost certification in order to have the permission to put the OK compost mark on this finished product. The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 1 / 141 OK compost Type of products Group Family Type 1. Materiali 1.1. Bio materiale 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.9 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2. Biomateriale composito 2. Componenti & costituenti 2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre 2.1.1 Bio-materiale 2.1.2 Materie naturali 2.1.3 Carta 2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.9 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari 2.9. Altro 3. Prodotti finiti Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato Sotto forma di Film (pellicola-bobina) Altro Granulato Piatti 3.1. Borse / sacchi Additivo Adesivo Colorante Inchiostro per stampe Masterbatch Costituenti vari Nastri Etichette in carta stampata Coperchio – top Guaina Altro componenti Altro Constituenti 3.1.1 Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica 3.1.2 Borse per la spesa / shopper 3.2.1 Vassoi / Piatti 3.2. Catering / ristorazione 3.3. Imballaggi 3.4. Prodotti agricoli, orticoli e per giardinaggio 3.9. Altro 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.9 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.9 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.9.1 Tazze / bicchieri Posate Filtri e capsule caffè Altro Imballaggi per alimenti – Rigidi Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili Imballaggi non alimentari – Rigidi Imballaggi non alimentari – Flessibili Altro Fermagli / clips Film / Pellicola per pacciamatura Vasi per piante Telo di copertura per applicazioni paesaggistic Altri prodotti The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 2 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato API Applicazioni Plastiche Industriali Spa Marco Meneghetti S331 +39 0424 579711 Dante Alighieri 27 Fax +39 0424 579800 @ 36065 Mussolente (VI) ITALY APINAT DP2267 HP10/1/ES CC FC ; max 623 µm Color : Natural white APINAT DP2267/1 P35 C1 max 1.64 mm Color : Ivory APINAT DP2267/2 P35 C1 max 1.64 mm Color : Ivory APINAT DP2971/FC max 1.64 mm Color : Ivory APINAT DP3017/FC max 1.64 mm Color : Ivory APINAT F 9001 max 43 µm Color : White translucent APINAT F 9135 max 47 µm Color : White translucent APINAT F 9135-04 max 36 µm Color : White translucent APINAT F 9135-05 max 35 µm Color : White translucent APINAT F 9136 max 40 µm Color : White translucent APINAT F 9141 max 40 µm Color : White translucent BASF SE Eynat Biedermann S062 +49 621 60-41912 G-PMS/BD - F206 Fax +49 621 60-97988 @ 67056 Ludwigshafen GERMANY Ecovio F 2341 max 130 µm Color : Natural White Ecovio F 23B1 max 130 µm Color : Natural White Ecovio F Blend C2224 max 120 µm Color : White Ecovio F Film C2203 max 120 µm Color : White Ecovio F Film C2331 max 120 µm Color : White Ecovio F Film C2332 max 120 µm Color : White Ecovio F Film EXP max 130 µm Color : Natural White Ecovio F Mulch C2311 max 130 µm Color : Natural White Ecovio FT 2341 max 249 µm Color : White Ecovio IA 1652 max 460 µm Color : Natural White Ecovio M 2351 max 130 µm Color : Natural White Ecovio PS1606 max 624 µm Color : Natural Ecovio T Rigid Packaging C2208, max 1300 µm Color : White Ecovio TA 1241 Color : Natural White max 447 µm Because We Care Pty Ltd Kenny LAY +61 3 99316888 Fax +61 3 99316869 @ 309 Fitzgerald Road Derrimut 3030 Victoria AUSTRALIA BF 90A in a thickness of max. 230 µm Color : Natural (ivory) BF-95B in a thickness of max. 90 µm Color : White translucent S110 The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 3 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato BIO-FED, Branch of AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH Juliana Azevedo BioCampus Cologne Nattermannallee 1 Fax +49 221 8888 94 99 @ 50829 Köln GERMANY M.VERA B5008 in a thickness of max. 250 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA B5010 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA B5011 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Natural white , transparent M.VERA B5012 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA B5015 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA B5017 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA B5018 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA B5019 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA GP1001 in a thickness of max. 35 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA GP1003 in a thickness of max. 35 µm Color : Natural beige M.VERA GP1004 in a thickness of max. 35 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA GP1005 in a thickness of max. 35 µm Color : Natural white M.VERA GP1010 in a thickness of max. 500 µm Color : Off-white BiologiQ, Inc Micah Scott +1-208-357-9650 Fax 2400 East 25th Street S600 @ 83404 Idaho Falls, Idaho UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S454 +49 221 8888 94 21 Grades ESR GS250 to GS330 max 3.59 mm Color : Tranparent BIOME BIOPLASTICS Ltd. Tony Longdon S221 +44 7836354321 North Road, Marchwood Industrial Park Fax +44 2380867070 @ S040 4BL Marchwood Southampton UNITED KINGDOM Biome HT in a thickness of max. 124 µm Color : White BiomeBioplast 105 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent BiomeBioplast 200 in a thickness of max. 185 µm Color : Natural (ivory) BiomeBioplast Blend GF 106 / GS 2189, max. 185 / 221 µm Color : White translucent BiomeBioplast GF 106 Color : White translucent BiomeBioplast GF 106 / 105in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent BiomeBioplast GS 2189 Color : White translucent BiomeBioplast WRAP 100 in a thickness of max. 98 µm Color : White BiomeClearM max 100 µm Color : Transparent BiomeEP1 max 180 µm Color : White translucent Blend BiomeEP1-BiomeEP2max 100 µm Color : White translucent max. 185 µm in a thickness of max. 418 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 4 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato BIOTEC GmbH & Co. KG Johannes MATHAR Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 32 Fax +49 (0) 28 22 518 40 @ 46446 Emmerich GERMANY BIOPLAST 105 max 100 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST 107 max 185 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST 200 in a thickness of max. 187 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST 2149 max 60 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST 300 max 84 µm Color : Ivory BIOPLAST 400 D max 85 µm Color : Ivory BIOPLAST 500 max 172 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST 505 max 250 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST 510 in a thickness of max. 172 µm Color : Ivory BIOPLAST 900 max 418 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST GF 106 max. 185 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST GS 2189 max 418 µm Color : White translucent BIOPLAST WRAP 100 max 98 µm Blend BIOPLAST 510 and B500, amx 172 µm Blend BIOPLAST GF 106/02 and 2149, max 60 µm Color : White translucent Blend GF 106 / 105 max100 µm Color : White translucent Blend GF 106 / GS 2189 max 185 / 221 µm Color : White translucent Color : White Color : Ivory CABOPOL Alexandre Soares Fax +351 244 481 970 @ 2481-917 Porto de Mos PORTUGAL Biomind CM010 max 46 µm Color : Natural White CEPLAST S.r.l. Stefano CENTINARI Fax +39 0744 800347 @ 05100 Terni ITALY Mr. Bi S124 +39 0744 812771 Str. Di Recentino, 5 S261 +351 244 498 151 Apartado 39 - San Jorge S002 +49 (0) 28 22 925 10 max 50 µm Color : White translucent or light green CORBION Group Netherlands B.V. Floris Buijzen S478 +31 (0) 183 695 698 Piet Heinkade 127 Fax +31 (0) 183 695 600 @ 1019 GM Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Corbion PLA D max 1.0 mm Color : Transparent / Natural white Corbion PLA L max 1.0 mm Color : Transparent / Natural white The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 5 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato DaniMer Scientific Scott Tuten 1301 Colquitt Hwy Fax +1 229-246-0764 @ 39818 Barinbridge GA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DaniMer 11220 max 62 µm Color : White transparent DaniMer 12261 max 62 µm Color : White transparent DaniMer 12263 max 62 µm Color : White transparent DaniMer 12291 max 90 µm Color : White transparent DaniMer 15120 in a thickness of max. 570 µm Color : Natural white DaniMer 21906 max 50 µm Color : Natural white DONGAH CHEMICAL Co Ltd Kiseok Yu Fax +82-55-385-0715 @ 626-120 Yangsan Kyungnam KOREA Biopolymer in a thickness of max. 88 µm Color : Beige Biothane in a thickness of max. 186 µm Color : Beige DONGGUAN CHOUQIN PACKAGING Co Ltd He Jian S568 +86-769-82310139 No 5, Jinyin Road, Niuyang Village, Liaobu Fax +86-769-82311828 @ 523400 Dongguan City CHINA ECOMAX S279 +82-55-386-1218 #53 Buk 1 Gil Sanmak Industrial Zone S282 +1 229-243-7075 max 1.88 mm Color : White DONGGUAN JEX Industrial Co Ltd Judy Tang S569 +86-769-83280678 RueNo.415, Jinxing Road, Xixi, Liaobu Town Fax @ 523430 Dongguan City CHINA JEX max 1.88 mm Color : Natural Dongguan Xinhai Environment-Friendly Materi No 17, Shen Xi Road, Baihai Industrial Area, Houjie TownNo 17, Shen Xi Road, Baihai Industrial Area, Houjie Town 523960 Duongguan City CHINA XH-918 max 55 µm Karen Yang S329 +86-769-85921096 Fax +86-769-85993891 @ Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 6 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato ENYAX Srl Anna Meluso S473 +39 02 87343430 Piazza IV Novembre, 7 Fax +39 02 87344444 @ 20124 Milano ITALY Bio-Di C1420 max 1.25 mm Color : Natural white Bio-Di F1420 in a thickness of max 40 µm Color : Translucent FIPLAST Srl Carmine Di Fiore S297 +39 0331-644363 Via del Vignolo, 55 Fax +39 0331-366164 @ 21050 Gorla Maggiore (VA) ITALY Estabio 92319 in a thickness of max 40 µm Color : Translucent Estabio 92319 R20 in a thickness of max 39 µm Color : Translucent Estabio F01 max 60 µm Color : White translucent Estabio F01C max 45 µm Color : White translucent Estabio F02 max 45 µm Color : White translucent Estabio F03 max 45 µm Color : White translucent Estabio F04 max 42 µm Color : White translucent Estabio PL 0480 T05 max 650 µm Color : Ivory Estabio PL 1040 max 1.30 mm Color : Natural white Estabio PL 7000 TR max 20 µm Color : White translucent Estabio PL0640 T05 max 1.64 mm Color : Natural white Estabio PL0640 T05 C15 max 1.55 mm Color : Natural white Prisma Bio 91319 in a thickness of max.86 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 7 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato FKuR Kunststoff GmbH Birgit von Hansen Siemensring 79 Fax +49 (0) 2154 9251 51 @ 47877 Willich GERMANY Bio-Flex A 4100 CL in a thickness of max. 140 µm Color : Transparent Bio-Flex F 1130 max. 110 µm Color : White / Ivory Bio-Flex F 1130 W max. 110 µm Color : White Bio-Flex F 1137 max. 60 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex F 1138 max. 60 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex F 2110 in a thickness of max. 154 µm Color : White translucent Bio-Flex F 2110 W in a thickness of max. 154 µm Color : White Bio-Flex F 2131 in a thickness of max. 110 µm Color : Natural white / ivory Bio-Flex F 2201 CL in a thickness of max. 155 µm Color : Transparent Bio-Flex F 6510 in a thickness of max. 96 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex F 6513 in a thickness of max. 96 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex F 6514 in a thickness of max. 96 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex F 6611 in a thickness of max. 96 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex F 6711 max 96 µm Color : Natural white / ivory Bio-Flex FX 1120 max 112 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory Bio-Flex FX 1130 max. 112 µm Color : Natural white / Ivory FUTURAMAT Sandra MARTIN Fax +33 5 49 37 33 08 @ 86130 DISSAY FRANCE BioCérès® type BC-LBE03 988 µm Color : Beige (natural) GIO-SOLTECH CO, Ltd W.K. Kim Fax @ - Wonju-City, Gangwon-Do KOREA SOLPOL 1000 S288 +82-2-869-1988 P.O. Box 113-57 Jusan-Li Hojeo-Myeon, S170 +33 5 49 89 04 50 660 Route de Chaix S042 +49 (0) 2154 9251 28 max 78 µm Color : White translucent GRABIO Greentech Corporation Tony CHEN S059 +886 (0)3 598 64 96#121 No. 91, Guangfu N. Rd., Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou Township Hukou Township Fax +886 (0)3 598 64 91 @ 30351 Hsinchu County TAIWAN, R.O.C. Gracebio GB090, GB100, GB150, GB 200, GB250 ; max 109 µm Color : White translucent Gracebio GBL312, GBL325, GBL335 ; max 109 µm Color : White translucent Gracebio GL550, GL551, GL552, GL553 ; max 109 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 8 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato GREEN CHEMICAL Co Ltd Lim Heon Young 17-3, Yangpyeong-Ri, Moga-Myeon Fax +82-31-632-9153 @ 467-873 Icheon-City KOREA GC8400 max 213 µm Color : Natural off-white translucent GREENLIFE Srl Tommaso Pepe Fax +39 06 23315553 @ 00198 Rome ITALY Evergreen-Bio in a thickness of max.86 µm Color : Translucent Guangdong Shangjiu Biodegradable Plastics in a thickness of max. 53 µm Color : Natural beige HANGHOU XINFU Science & Technology Co L S300 Fax +86 571 6106 7360 @ 311301 Hangzhou, Zhejiang CHINA Biocosafe 2003 Grace Jin +86 571 6106 2167 No 9 Shangguafan, Jinnan Distr., Lin'an S306 Fax +86-769-22103988 @ 523128 Duongguan City CHINA BOR-Q-805F Vic Mark +86-769-22114999 Shangjiu Eco-Tech Industrial Park, Niushan Village Dongcheng District, Guangdong Province S338 +39 06 85237416 Via Savoia 78 S263 +82-31-632-9152 in a thickness of max.43 µm HUBEI Guanghe Bio-Technology Co Ltd Room 1101, No.868 East Longhua Road, Huangpu District Color : Off-white Yonglei XIE S294 +86-(0)21-58308161 Fax +86-(0)21-61063629 @ 200012 Shanghai City CHINA GH 401 in a thickness of max.590 µm Color : White translucent GH 402 in a thickness of max.540 µm Color : White GH 501 in a thickness of max.590 µm Color : White translucent GH 502 in a thickness of max.540 µm Color : White GH 701 in a thickness of max.590 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 9 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato S592 HYBRID GREEN Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. Lot 2 Jalan Kemajuan Satu 16/17A, Seksyen 16 Fax @ 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor MALAYSIA Hybrid Green Film grade max 57 µm JINHUI ZHAOLONG HIGH TECHNOLOGY Co L anice Li S470 +86 351 8689356 Feixiao Road, Xiao Yi Economic Development Zone, Fax +86 351 8689718 @ 032308 Shanxi CHINA Ecowill FS 0330 max 28 µm Color : Beige Ecoworld PBAT max 33 µm Color : Transparent KAFRIT INDUSTRIES (1993) LTD Erez Yatzkan S176 +972 868 09 515 Kibbutz Kfar Azar Fax +972 868 09 544 @ 85142 M.P. Negev ISRAEL DEG 0K12Q BDP 106 µm ECOMP 142 47 µm Color : White translucent ECOMP 180 max 62 µm Color : White translucent ECOMP 420 0.37 mm / 3.96 mm in grid structure Color : White translucent Color : Translucent (natural) KANEKA Corporation Takahiko Sugaya S318 +81-72-653-8328 5-1-1, Torikai-Nishi, Settu Fax +81-72-653-8292 @ 5660072 Osaka JAPAN AONILEX 151C max 109 µm Color : Ivory AONILEX 151N max 116 µm Color : Translucent AONILEX X131A max 118 µm Color : Ivory AONILEX X131N max 116 µm Color : Translucent AONILEX X151A max 130 µm Color : Ivory AONILEX X331N max 116 µm Color : Translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 10 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato KINGFA SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD Stephen YIBIN TSU Kefeng Road N0.33, Science City, Luogang District Fax +86 20-8703 6219 @ 510663 Guangzhou CHINA ECOPOND FLEX 162 in a thickness of max. 143 µm Color : Beige ECOPOND FLEX 262 in a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : Ivory white ECOPOND FLEX 64D in a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : Ivory white KD 1024 in a thickness of max. 125 µm Color : White translucent KUREHA Corp. Kenichi Suzuki +81 3 3249 4650 Fax +81-3-3249-4606 @ 3-3-2, Nihonbashi-Hamacho, Chuo-ku 103-8552 Tokyo JAPAN PGA in a thickness of max. 137 µm LIMAGRAIN CEREALES INGREDIENTS ZAI SAINT Ignat - BP20 63720 Ennezat FRANCE Emmanuelle Ponsonnaille +33 (0)4 73 33 33 59 Fax +33 (0)4 23 67 17 10 @ BF 3012 max 120 µm Color : Beige BF 3512 in a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : Beige BIOLICE 50C max 256 µm Color : Brown translucent BIOLICE 50C KRI03/46D max. 40 µm Color : Translucent BIOLICE 50C KRI05/62A max. 100 µm Color : Brown translucent biolice.bags 3000 max 120 µm Color : Natural beige biolice.bags 4000 max 120 µm Color : Beige biolice.bags 6000 max 120 µm Color : White translucent biolice.bags 6030 max 120 µm Color : White translucent biolice.mulch 50 max 120 µm Color : Beige MEREDIAN Inc Colette Galivan S039 S292 +1 229-243-7075 140 Industrial Bvd Fax +1 229-246-0764 @ GA 39817 Bainbridge UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Meredian S084 Color : Beige S107 +86 20-8703 1120 in a thickness of max. 430 µm Color : Natural yellow/beige The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 11 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato METABOLIX, Inc David Scarlett S105 +1 978.513.1870 19 Presidential Way Fax +1 978.513.1886 @ 01801 Woburn, MA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MIREL A5004 max 320 µm Color : Natural white MIREL DP9002 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL F1005 0.5 mm Color : White (natural) MIREL F1006 0.48 mm Color : White (natural) MIREL F3200 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL M2100 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL M2200 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL M4200 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL P1003 0.48 mm Color : White (natural) MIREL P1004 0.48 mm Color : White (natural) MIREL P3001 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL P4001 in a thickness of max. 690 µm Color : White, Transparent, Beige or Brown MIREL P4004 in a thickness of max. 345 µm Color : Natural white , transparent MICROTEC srl Diego Lombardo +39.041.5190621 Fax +39.041.5194765 @ Via Croce Rossa, 42 35129 Padova (PD) ITALY BioComp BF3051 in a thickness of max. 203 µm Color : Translucent BioComp BF7210 in a thickness of max. 159 µm Color : White translucent BioComp BF7210S in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd Esmy HUANG S319 S043 +886 4 22 776 888 No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. ECO SOLUTION GP1003 in a thickness of max. 62 µm Color : White / transparent ECO SOLUTION GP3002 in a thickness of max. 62 µm Color : White / transparent ECO SOLUTION GP9001Ain a thickness of max. 67 µm Color : White / transparent ECO SOLUTION GP9001Fin a thickness of max. 68 µm Color : White / transparent ECO SOLUTION GP9002Ain a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : White / transparent FT1 max 87 µm Color : White translucent GP1025 max 62 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 12 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL Corp. Yoshinari Naka 1-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Fax +81 (0)3-3286-1210 @ 100-8251 Tokyo JAPAN GS Pla AD92 in a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : White / transparent GS Pla AZ91 in a thickness of max. 67 µm Color : White / transparent GS Pla FD92 in a thickness of max. 87 µm Color : White translucent GS Pla FD99 in a thickness of max. 89 µm Color : White translucent GS Pla FZ71 in a thickness of max. 74 µm Color : White / transparent GS Pla FZ91 in a thickness of max. 69 µm Color : White / transparent MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol S260 +6638-491725-9 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha Fax +6638-492485 @ 20230 Chonburi THAILAND MBIO-1 max 97 µm Color : Natural White MBIO-3 max 236 µm Color : Natural White or Black, colored printing NINGXIA QINGLINSHENGHUA Technology Co No 7, Fuxing Street, Civil Venture Base, Helan County Jianjun Yang S424 +86 951 8973806 Fax +86 951 8973806 @ 750200 Yinchuan CHINA S075 +81 (0)3-6748-7300 JIAJIAGU Totalcorn GS, max 1.59 mm Colour : White NORTHERN Technologies Intl. Corp. Shilpa MANJURE S188 +001 763 404 8700 4201 Woodland Rd, PO Box 69 Fax +001 763 225 6645 @ MN 55014 Circle Pines UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Natur-Tec Resin BF703B-X max 60 µm Color : Natural white or beige The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 13 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato NOVAMONT S.p.a. Unita Di Novara Fernanda FARACHI S001 +39 0 321 699 611 Via Fauser 8 Fax +39 0 321 699 725 @ 28100 Novara ITALY Mater-Bi AF 03A0 in a thickness of max. 126 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi AF 05B0 in a thickness of max. 133 µm Color : Natural translucent Mater-Bi AF 05S0 in a thickness of max. 133 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi CF 01M in a thickness of max. 115 µm Color : White / Translucent Mater-Bi CF 01U 115 µm Color : White translucent (natural) Mater-Bi CF 03A in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 03D in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 03W max 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 04A in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 04P in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 05S in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 06A in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 51A in a thickness of max. 225 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 51B in a thickness of max. 225 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 51L in a thickness of max. 225 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 51S in a thickness of max. 225 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 51V max 225 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 52A in a thickness of max. 110 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi CF 99A in a thickness of max. 115 µm Color : White / Translucent Mater-Bi CI 01A in a thickness of max. 1,6 mm Color : Natural ivory Mater-Bi CS 01B in a thickness of max. 115 µm Color : White / Translucent Mater-Bi CS 01M in a thickness of max. 115 µm Color : White / Translucent Mater-Bi CX 01A in a thickness of max. 115 µm Color : White / Translucent Mater-Bi DF 01U in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi DF 02 U in a thickness of max. 112 µm Color : Natural Beige Mater-Bi DF 03V HR in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White / Translucent Mater-Bi DF 05S in a thickness of max. 248 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi DF 05S HR in a thickness of max. 248 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi DF 51A0 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi DI 01A max 1,1 mm Color : Natural beige Mater-Bi DI 02A in a thickness of max. 1360 µm Color : Natural Beige Mater-Bi EF 01A in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 02P in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent MaterBi EF 02T max 50 µm Color : Grey Mater-Bi EF 02U in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 03V in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 03V2 max 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 03W0 in a thickness of max. 97 µm Color : Natural translucent Mater-Bi EF 04P in a thickness of max. 97 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 14 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato Mater-Bi EF 05B in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi EF 05S in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 05T0 max 220 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi EF 06A0 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 51L in a thickness of max. 127 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EF 51V in a thickness of max. 127 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi EI 51C0 in a thickness of max. 1.00 mm Color : White Mater-Bi EI 51N0 in a thickness of max. 1000 µm Color : White Mater-Bi EX 51A0 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi FV 271 in a thickness of max. 50 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi HF 03V0 in a thickness of max. 116 µm Color : Natural translucent Mater-Bi HF 03V2 in a thickness of max. 116 µm Color : Natural translucent Mater-Bi HF 05B0 in a thickness of max. 101 µm Color : Natural translucent Mater-Bi HF 05S2 in a thickness of max. 101 µm Color : Natural translucent Mater-Bi KF 01U in a thickness of max. 694 µm Color : Transparent Mater-Bi KF 02B in a thickness of max. 121 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi NF 01U in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi NF 01U/P in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi NF 07U in a thickness of max. 53 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi NF 08U 141 µm Color : White translucent (natural) Mater-Bi NF 10A in a thickness of max. 100.5 µm Color : Translucent Mater-Bi NF 803 in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi NF 803/P in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi NF 866 in a thickness of max. 220 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi PE 01S Color : Natural White Mater-Bi SE 51F0 for expanded beads up to diameter of 20mm in a thickness of max. 251 µm Color : Natural ivory Mater-Bi SS 01B in a thickness of max. 114 µm Color : Natural Mater-Bi TF 01U Color : Natural white Mater-Bi TF 01U in a thickness of max. 3,9 mm (expanded sheet) in a thickness of max. 106 µm (film) Mater-Bi YI 01U in a thickness of max. 435 µm Color : White translucent Mater-Bi YI 01U/C in a thickness of max. 1.0 mm Color : Ivory white Origo-Bi AS 01B in a thickness of max. 201 µm Color : Natural Origo-Bi AS 01G in a thickness of max. 201 µm Color : Natural Origo-Bi ES 01G in a thickness of max. 132 µm Color : White translucent Origo-Bi ES 01M in a thickness of max. 132 µm Color : White translucent Color : Natural white The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 15 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato NUREL Miguel Angel Caballero Ctra Barcelone km 329 Fax +34 976238703 @ 5016 Zaragoza SPAIN INZEA F07 max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F08 max 114 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F09 max 114 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F10 max 133 µm Color : White translucent INZEA F10 UV max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F10F max 114 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F13 max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F15 max 133 µm Color : White translucent INZEA F15F max 114 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F16 max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F17 max 133 µm Color : White translucent INZEA F17M max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F19 max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F22 max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F25 max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F27 max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F27i max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F28 max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F28i max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F29 max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F29 AL30 max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F29 TF max 1.5 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F38 max 1 mm Color : Natural white INZEA F48 max 140 µm Color : Natural white INZEA F48H max 140 µm Color : Natural white PC PAPERCOMPOUND GmbH Co.KG S572 Fax +49 3596 604 537 @ 01844 Neustadt (Sachsen) / OT Polenz GERMANY Papercompound Franz Jaeger +49 3596 509 387 Am Hartpappenwerk 10 S436 +34 976216129 max 829 µm Color : light brown The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 16 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato PERSTORP AB Linda Zellner Perstorp Industripark Fax + 46 435 388 40 @ 284 80 Perstorp SWEDEN CAPA 6500 max 1 mm Color : White translucent CAPA 6800 max 1 mm Color : White translucent PLASTICOS HIDROSOLUBLES SL Water Soluble Film BT Color : Transparent PTL Christophe BRESO S033 +33 (0) 2 35 04 66 60 Av. des Canadiens, BP N° 3 Fax +33 (0) 2 35 04 66 70 @ 76860 Ouville la Rivière FRANCE Biosphere D1 S312 Fax + 34 96 141 24 73 @ 46138 Rafelbunyol SPAIN Victoria Puchol Estors + 34 96 141 24 61 Miguel Angel Blanco 46 S420 + 46 734 27 49 27 max 115 µm Color : Translucent PTT MCC Biochem Company Ltd Jutatip Papangkorn 555/2 Energy Complex Tower, Bld B, 14 floor Vibhavadi Rangsit Road +66 2 140 3567 S534 Fax +66 2 140 3556 @ 10900 Chatuchak, Bangkok THAILAND BioPBS FD92 max 87 µm Color : White translucent BioPBS FD92PK max 69 µm Color : White translucent BioPBS FZ71 max 74 µm Color : White translucent BioPBS FZ71PK max 69 µm Color : White translucent BioPBS FZ91 max 69 µm Color : White translucent PTT Research and Technology Institute Narin Kaabbuathong S326 +66-867-849-558 71/1 Phahonyothin Rd. Fax @ 13170 Ayutthaya THAILAND PTT RTI 6155 J max 73 µm Color : Natural white The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 17 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato RODENBURG BIOPOLYMERS T. Rodenburg S246 +31 162 497030 Denariusstraat 19 Fax @ 4903 RC Oosterhout THE NETHERLANDS Solanyl C1101 max 42 µm Color : White translucent Solanyl C1201 max 282 µm Color : White translucent Solanyl C2101 max 42 µm Color : White translucent Solanyl C2201 max 282 µm Color : White translucent Solanyl C8101 max 42 µm Color : White translucent Solanyl C8201 max 282 µm Color : White translucent S-EnPol Co, Ltd Chung-il Lee S225 +82 33-731-5845 216 Munmakgongdan-gil, Wonju-si Fax +82 33-731-5846 @ 220-805 Gangwon-do KOREA EnPol G4560-M in a thickness of max 29 µm Color : Natural white EnPol G8060 in a thickness of max 197 µm Color : White EnPol PBG 7070 in a thickness of max 197 µm Color : Natural white SHANDONG YUETAI NEW BIOTECH MATERIA Zonghua Li S359 +86-533-6202666 Beiling, West of Baoshan Road, New & Hi-Tech Fax +86-533-6201666 @ 255084 Zibo CHINA Econorm 1201 max 45 µm Color : White translucent Econorm 1301 max 47 µm Color : White translucent Econorm 1501 max 42 µm Color : White translucent Econorm F-1001 max 71 µm Color : White translucent Econorm F-1423 max 73 µm Color : White translucent SHOWA DENKO K.K. Hideharu Kimura S009 +81-3-5403-5600 1-13-9, Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku, Chiyodaku Fax +81-3-5403-5720 @ 105-8518 Tokyo JAPAN BIONOLLE 1000M Series in a thickness of max. 71 µm Color : White translucent BIONOLLE 3000M Series in a thickness of max. 60 µm Color : White translucent BIONOLLE 5001 MD in a thickness of max. 126 µm Color : Transparent BIONOLLE 5A40 in a thickness of max. 107 µm Color : White translucent BIONOLLE Starcla Series in a thickness of max. 129 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 18 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.1. Sotto forma di Resina o Granulato TIPA Corp Tal Neumann S347 +972 523 990 160 3 Hanagar St Fax @ 4501306 Hod Hasharon ISRAEL Tipa 17 compound max 80 µm Color : White transparent S555 UNITED BIOPOLYMERS S.A. Praca das Oliveiras, Lote No 126 Fax @ 3090-451 Figueira da Foz PORTUGAL BIOPAR FG grades from 1000-1030 max 200 µm Color : White translucent WUHAN HUALI Zhang XIANBING Fax +86 (27) 8792 5999 @ - Wuhan, Hubei, CHINA PSM HL-300 max. 207 µm Color : White / transparent PSM HL-301A max 165 µm Color : Natural White PSM HL-301B max 43 µm Color : Natural White PSM HL-303C max 840 µm Color : Natural White XINJIANG BLUE RIDGE TUNHE POLYESTER No 316 South Beijing Road 831100 Changji City, Xinjiang CHINA Huiqin Ma +86-994-2713933 Fax +86-994-2713933 @ TUNHE PBAT max 53 µm Color : Natural White TUNHE PBS max 61 µm Color : Beige ZHEJIANG HISUN BIOMATERIALS Co, Ltd. No.97 Waisha Road, Jiaojiang District, 318000 Taizhou City, CHINA S067 +86 (27) 8792 6666 No.1, Xinfu 3 Road, Jiangxia Miaoshan Development zone Ying Zheng +86-576-88827723 Fax +86-576-88827887 @ REVODE 101 max 331 µm Color : White translucent REVODE 110 max 245 µm Color : White translucent REVODE 190 max 245 µm Color : White translucent REVODE 201 max 245 µm Color : White translucent REVODE 210 max 245 µm Color : White translucent REVODE 290 max 245 µm Color : White translucent S471 S134 The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 19 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.2. Sotto forma di Film (pellicola-bobina) ANDOLFI & C. Snc Alessandro ANDOLFI Via Vecchia Porto, 1599 +39 0734 810108 Fax +39 0734 850489 @ 63811 S. Elpidio A Mare (FM) ITALY Green Leaf - film max 120 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing API Applicazioni Plastiche Industriali Spa Marco Meneghetti Fax +39 0424 579800 @ 36065 Mussolente (VI) ITALY APINAT 3 layers F9135/F9001/F9135 ; max 43µm Because We Care Pty Ltd Color : White translucent Kenny LAY Fax +61 3 99316869 @ 3030 Victoria AUSTRALIA BF 90A in a thickness of max. 230 µm Color : Natural (ivory) BF 90B in a thickness of max. 111 µm Color : Natural (ivory) BWC P1 max 415 µm Color : Natural White BIOME BIOPLASTICS Ltd. Tony Longdon Fax +44 2380867070 @ S040 4BL Marchwood Southampton UNITED KINGDOM max 50 µm Color : Transparent CLARIFOIL Kevin PARKER Fax +44 13 32 66 01 78 @ DE21 7BS Spondon, Derby UNITED KINGDOM P20 Film film of max. 106 µm EURO MASTER srl Elide Calistri S353 Fax +39 0574 657836 @ 59013 Montemurlo (PO) ITALY BIOTER Color : Transparent +39 0574 651969 Via Labriola 268 S095 +44 13 32 68 12 10 1 Holme Lane S221 +44 7836354321 North Road, Marchwood Industrial Park BiomeClearC S110 +61 3 99316888 309 Fitzgerald Road Derrimut S331 +39 0424 579711 Dante Alighieri 27 S443 max 120 µm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 20 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.2. Sotto forma di Film (pellicola-bobina) FUTAMURA Chemical UK Ltd Lucy COWTON Station Road - Wigton Fax +44 (0) 16973 41788 @ CA7 9BG CUMBRIA UNITED KINGDOM NatureFlex HK1 film of max. 75.5 µm Color : Transparent NatureFlex HM1 film of max. 77 µm Color : Metallic NatureFlex NK Matt film of max. 49 µm Color : White translucent NatureFlex NKA film of max 20 µm Color : Transparent and various colors GRABIO Greentech Corporation Tony CHEN +886 (0)3 598 64 96#121 Fax +886 (0)3 598 64 91 @ No. 91, Guangfu N. Rd., Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou Township Hukou Township 30351 Hsinchu County TAIWAN, R.O.C. Gracebio GB090, GB100, GB150, GB 200, GB250 ; max 109 µm Color : White translucent Gracebio GBL312, GBL325, GBL335 ; max 109 µm Color : White translucent Gracebio GL550, GL551, GL552, GL553 ; max 109 µm Color : White translucent KAFRIT INDUSTRIES (1993) LTD Erez Yatzkan 106 µm Color : Translucent (natural) KINGFA SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD Stephen YIBIN TSU Kefeng Road N0.33, Science City, Luogang District ECOPOND FLEX 162 in a thickness of max. 143 µm ECOPOND FLEX 262 in a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : Ivory white ECOPOND FLEX 64D in a thickness of max. 120 µm Color : Ivory white KD 1024 in a thickness of max. 125 µm Color : White translucent MICROTEC srl Color : Beige Diego Lombardo S319 +39.041.5190621 Via Croce Rossa, 42 Fax +39.041.5194765 @ 35129 Padova (PD) ITALY BioComp BF7210S S107 +86 20-8703 1120 Fax +86 20-8703 6219 @ 510663 Guangzhou CHINA S176 Fax +972 868 09 544 @ 85142 M.P. Negev ISRAEL DEG 0K12Q BDP S059 +972 868 09 515 Kibbutz Kfar Azar S020 +44 (0) 16973 41212 / 41610 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 21 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.2. Sotto forma di Film (pellicola-bobina) MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd Esmy HUANG No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. ECOSOLUTION GP1000 max 61 µm Color : White transluscent PLANTIC Technologies Ltd Carmela Mazzarella Fax +61 3 9353 7901 @ 3018 Altona, Victoria AUSTRALIA Plantic HP in a thickness of max. 1000 µm Color : Natural PLASTICOS HIDROSOLUBLES SL Victoria Puchol Estors S312 + 34 96 141 24 61 Miguel Angel Blanco 46 Fax + 34 96 141 24 73 @ 46138 Rafelbunyol SPAIN S036 +61 3 9353 7934 51 Burns Road S043 +886 4 22 776 888 Water Soluble Film BT Color : Transparent SHANDONG YUETAI NEW BIOTECH MATERIA Zonghua Li S359 +86-533-6202666 Beiling, West of Baoshan Road, New & Hi-Tech Fax +86-533-6201666 @ 255084 Zibo CHINA Econorm 1201 max 45 µm Color : White translucent Econorm 1301 max 47 µm Color : White translucent Econorm 1501 max 42 µm Color : White translucent Econorm F-1001 max 71 µm Color : White translucent Econorm F-1423 max 73 µm Color : White translucent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 22 / 141 OK compost C.1. Materiali C.1.1. Bio materiale C.1.1.9. Altro LENZING AG Franziska Holzinger Werkstrasse, 1 Fax +43 7672 701-2023 @ 4860 Lenzing AUSTRIA 50% Lenzing Viscose 50% Tencel - Needlepunch fabrics -54g/m² Color : White 50% Lenzing Viscose 50% Tencel - Spunlace fabrics - 57 g/m² Color : White Lenzing Modal white/color for textile applications ; 55gsm Color : Various Lenzing Viscose white/color for nonwoven applications;55gsm Color : Various Lenzing Viscose white/color for textile application;, 55gsm Color : Various TENCEL - Needlepunch fabrics ; max 56 gsm Color : White TENCEL - Spunlace fabrics ; max 62 gsm Color : White TENCEL Biosoft - Needlepunch fabrics - 54 g/m² Color : White TENCEL Biosoft - Spunlace fabrics - 62 g/m² Color : White YFY Inc Judy Wu Fax 886-3-212-6206 @ 100 Taipei TAIWAN, R.O.C. N-Pulp S398 886-3-312-8565 12F, No 51, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Road, Zohongzheng District, S323 +43 7672 701-2023 max 1.18 mm / 509 gsm Color : Natural brown The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 23 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale ALASKA s.a.s. Gaetano Nino Di Cioccio Via dell' Industria 10 Fax +39 0864.251190 @ 67039 Sulmona (AQ) ITALY ABC 13432 max 40 µm Color : Translucent film with coloured printing ALFAPLAS Ltd David Whiteside Fax +44 (0) 1432 262600 @ HR2 6LR Hereford UNITED KINGDOM max width 2000 mm / 90 µm AMERPLAST snc di Amerotti M&G max 60 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing BEAULIEU Technical Textiles sa/nv 50 µm Color : Milky white, green or black BIO & PAPER Srl Elena salvi Fax 0746 607244 @ 02010 Santa Rufina ZI (RI) ITALY BIO LINE S446 0746 607215 Viale delle Scienze 16/a S185 Fax + 32 (0) 56 560 694 @ 7780 Comines/Komen BELGIUM B-Tape Ökolys Sophie Vandewalle +32 (0)56 560 689 Boulevard Industriel 3 Industrielaan 3 S526 Fax +39 0883 51070 @ 76121 Barletta (BT) ITALY Bio Amer Michele Amerotti +39 0883 510710 Via Foggia 105-107 S050 +44 (0) 1432 262626 1 Ramsden Road Rotherwas S360 +39 0864.251800 max 50 / 110 µm Color : Natural translucent or coloured film, coloured printing or not BIOBAG International AS Mats Rattfält +46 560 711 1 Fax +47 69 88 85 99 @ Hovsveien 8 1831 Askim NORWAY BioBag Film max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing Bio-L 95001 max 85 µm Color : Transparent S014 The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 24 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale CATTANEO PLAST Srl Sonia CATTANEO Via Case Sparse SN Fax +0039 0322 669707 @ 28010 Nebbiuno (NO) ITALY ECOBIOROL max 50 µm Color : Translucent, white or green, with coloured printing CEPLAST S.r.l. Stefano CENTINARI Fax +39 0744 800347 @ 05100 Terni ITALY Mr. Bi max 50 µm Color : White translucent or light green with coloured printing COMPAC srl Graziano Testi Fax +39 0522 688552 @ 42024 Castelnovo di Sotto ITALY Heat Sealable Film max 50 µm Color : Transparent Heat sealable Film Reel max 75.5 µm Color : Transparent , coloured printing COMPLAST Italia srl Dino Signor Fax +39 0423 566390 @ 31030 Caselle d'Altivole (TV) ITALY max 80 µm Color : Translucent, coloured printing CORTEC Corporation Robert Kean S344 +1 (651) 429-1100 4119 White Bear Parkway Fax +1 (651) 429-1122 @ thhp:// 55110 St Paul, MN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S298 +39 0423 915012 Via Giuseppe Toniolo nr 16 Bobine Biocompost S242 +39 0522 688509 Via Spallanzani 8/A S124 +39 0744 812771 Str. Di Recentino, 5 S546 +0039 0322 660689 EcoOcean / EcoWorks AD max 282 µm Color : White transparent, green printing CRISTIANPACK srl Simone Marzetti S251 +39 0717230389 Via San Sabino, 3 Fax @ 60027 Osimo (AN) ITALY BIOCPACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 25 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale DE.MI.COM S.a.s. Roberto De Agostini Via Luigi Einaudi, 19 Fax +39 (0)4 955598988 @ 35016 Piazzola Sul Brenta (PD) ITALY BIOF3 - film on roll film of max 60 µm Color : White transluscent or W hite, coloured printing DERAPLAST Ilaria MIRARCHI / Defazio EMAVELE Fax +39 0298997006 @ 20010 Santo Stefano Ticino ITALY Bio-sac S549 +39 0298997006 Via donatori di sangue, 21 S219 +39 (0)4 99600601 max 60 µm Color : translucent or coloured, with coloured printing ECOBAGS Srl Antonio Fanteria S222 +39 0587489240 Via Goito, 3 Fax @ 40126 Bologna (BO) ITALY ETIFILM PLA110-210 max 345 µm Color : Transparent, unprinted ETIFILM PLA201 with High Barrier max 127 µm Color : Transparent, unprinted ERRETI Srl Egidio D’Adda Fax +39 0331 377871 @ 21058 Solbiate Olana ITALY BIO-B max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing FUTAMURA CHEMICAL Co Ltd Masaki Nomura Fax +81-584-89-6947 @ 503-0932 Ogaki City, Gifu Pref. JAPAN GFML max 36 µm Color : Transparent, unprinted GRINPACK Srl Pierpaolo CONCU Fax +39 041 572 7658 @ 09100 Cagliari ITALY Bio & Comp S293 +39 041 570 3255 Via Mameli 184 S328 +81-584-89-3151 1800, Motoima-cho S373 +39 0331 641690 Via IV Novembre, 145 in a thickness of max. 80 µm Color : White or light green, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 26 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale Groupe BARBIER La Guide BP 39 Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM S098 Patrick DORCY +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 in a thickness of max. 98 µm Groupe SAINT-ANDRE PLASTIQUE Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not S088 Ludovic GROUCY +33 (0) 2 33 57 84 01 Impasse Balleroy, 5 Fax +33 (0) 2 33 55 12 78 @ 50680 Saint-André FRANCE Gamme BIO max 185 µm Color : White or Translucent, printed or unprinted Gamme PLA max 50 µm Color : Transparent printed or unprinted HANCHANG Paper Co., Ltd Lee, Keun Soo #207, Yong Dang-Ri, Ungsang-Eup, Fax +82-2-3774-5488 @ 636-835 Yangsan-City KOREA N4540 max 404 µm Color : Natural White IBI PLAST Srl Claudio PULITI Fax +39 0 331 64 99 30 @ http://www. 21058 Solbiate Olona ITALY ECOSAC S081 +39 0 33164 03 40 Via IV Novembre 143 S155 +82-2-3774-5475 max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Infiana Germany GmbH & Co. KG Karin Schaumburg S220 +49 (0) 9191 81- 711 Zweibruckenstrasse, 15-25 Fax +49 (0) 9191 81- 1711 @ 91301 Forchheim GERMANY Qualität 4010 max 780 µm Color : Transparent, coloured printing Qualität 75423 max 50 µm Color : Transparent, coloured printing Qualität 75489 max 81 µm Color : Transparent, coloured printing Qualität 75496 max 50 µm Color : Transparent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 27 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale JI AN SANJIANG Microfiber Nonwoven Co Ltd No 270, Jijgjiu Ave, Jinggangshan Economic & Technology Dev. Zone 343100 Ji An, Jiangxi CHINA Purystal 55B max 61 gsm Candido Carmelo max 60 / 100 / 203 µm LAVORAZIONE PLASTICA srl Luca MANTOVANI for a thickness of max. 100 µm MANCINI srl Color : White translucent or Yellow, coloured printing Corrado Mancini S245 +39 0442 83600 Via Isolella, 6 Fax +39 0442 83698 @ 37053 Cerea (VR) ITALY ECOCER S131 Fax +39 0516048360 @ 40057 GRANAROLO DELL’EMILIA (BO) ITALY Colour : Translucent or light green +39 0425474233 Via XXV Aprile, 42 Lavoriazone Plastica S427 Fax +39 0331 875624 @ 20022 Castano Primo (MI) ITALY Fax +86-0796-8404833 @ +39 0331 877637 Via Villoresi n 48 ECO-BIO-SAC S564 Color : White LADY PLASTIK Chen Chao +86-0796-8404737 max 50 µm Color : Various, coloured printing MAXPLAST Industriale Srl Massimo Pieragnoli S354 Via Sant'Eufemia SN Fax @ 66010 Fara Filliorum Petri (CH) ITALY SACCOBELLO BIO max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing MAXPLAST Srl Pieragnoli Giacomo S527 +39 0871 70294 Via Sant'Eufemia 112 Fax @ 66010 Fara Filiorum Petri (CH) ITALY Saccobello bio max 27/40 µm Color : Translucent or coloured film with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 28 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale MECPLAST srl Via Briano 6 A/r Fax +39 019 883666 @ 17047 Valleggia (SV) ITALY BIOROLL max 70 µm Color : Translucent, white or light green, coloured printing MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol Fax +6638-492485 @ 20230 Chonburi THAILAND MBIO-3 max 236 µm Color : Natural White or Black, colored printing PLASTITALIA Srl M. Alessandro Miele Fax +39 081 7743878 @ 80040 Cercola (NA) ITALY ZACSAC max 30 µm Color : Natural translucent ; unprinted POLYCART S.p.a. Luca Bianconi Fax +39 075 80 39 433 @ 06081 Palazzo di Assisi (PG) ITALY Poly-Bi max 100 µm Color : White translucent, Coloured printing RE.MA.PLAST Srl Alfonse Capitelli Fax +39 081 9681645 @ 84087 Sarno (SA) ITALY BIOREMA in a thickness of max. 100 µm SAFTA SpA Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing Marketing Safta +39 0523 598217 Fax +39 0523 598215 @ Via Arda, 11 29122 Piacenza ITALY S255 +39 081 942414 Loc. Ingegno Z.I. S267 +39 075 80 98 000 Via delle Macine, 6 S431 +39 081 7731130 Via Verdi 6 S260 +6638-491725-9 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha S303 Christian Pavone +39 019 881888 LamiNEXT P/Y cod: Y1T251001 Grammage 225 gsm S499 Color : white, not printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 29 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale SERIPLAST Srl Ignazio Di Bari Via Mottala KM 2,200 ZI Fax +39 (0) 804308196 @ 74015 Martina Franca (TA) ITALY SERIBIO max 50 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing SILONPLAST srl Rudi Lombardo Fax +39 049 629401 @ 35010 Vigonza (PD) ITALY BIO-COMP max 46 / 288 µm Color : Natural White; coloured printing SIPA Management SRL Tommaso LOVATI Fax +39 0 293 12 583 @ 20010 Pregnana Milanese ITALY Sipabio, Biocartene S077 +39 0 293 04 040 Via Castellazo 53 S262 +39 049 629361 Via Regia 18 S385 +39 (0) 3930445997 film of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing S550 SUNGROW A/S Oerstedvej 38 Fax @ 6760 Ribe DENMARK PlantPaper U1 max 270 µm / 40 gsm Tech IT Packaging SpA Patrizia Maria Tantucci Fax +39 071781023 @ 60027 Osimo Scalo (AN) ITALY Buste e film S325 +39 071781021 S.S. 16 km 311 Zona Industriale Color : White max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent or White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 30 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.1. Bio-materiale TIPA Corp Tal Neumann S347 +972 523 990 160 3 Hanagar St Fax @ 4501306 Hod Hasharon ISRAEL Laminated film TP LAM 400max 85 µm Color : Metallic Laminated film TP LAM 503max 85 µm Color : Metallic Laminated film TP LAM 605max 100 µm Color : Translucent Tipa 17 A max 127 µm Color : White transparent TP LAM 106 max 100 µm Color : Metalised TP LAM 506 max 100 µm Color : Metalised TP LAM 604 max 100 µm Color : Metalised TP LAM 607 max 100 µm Color : Metalised TP231 max 25 µm Color : Transparent TP302 max 120 µm Color : Translucent TP322 max 40 µm Color : Translucent WEI MON INDUSTRY Co, Ltd. Wen-Ni Hsu Fax +886-2-2791-9966 @ 11494 Taipei City TAIWAN, R.O.C. JH-0309 sheet of max 0.94 mm ZHEJIANG HISUN BIOMATERIALS Co, Ltd. Ying Zheng S134 Fax +86-576-88827887 @ 318000 Taizhou City, CHINA REVODE Fabric Color : White +86-576-88827723 No.97 Waisha Road, Jiaojiang District, S133 +886-2-2795-3131 2F, No. 57, Singjhong Rd., Neihu District, max 0.53 mm / 121 gsm Color : Natural white, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 31 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.3. Carta S570 AHLSTROM Specialties +33 4 74 57 36 71 Usine du Marchais Fax +33 4 74 57 29 22 @ 16390 Saint-Séverin FRANCE Grade 5917092 91 gsm Color : Natural white Groupement MICROPAP Bernadette Barreyre Fax +33 (0)1 47 23 75 52 @ 75009 Paris FRANCE MICROPAP Grammage 40 gr/sqm Color : Natural white VEGEPAP Grammage 32 gr/sqm Color : Natural white HANCHANG Paper Co., Ltd Lee, Keun Soo Fax +82-2-3774-5488 @ 636-835 Yangsan-City KOREA GREENUS Paperboard S155 +82-2-3774-5475 #207, Yong Dang-Ri, Ungsang-Eup, S290 +33 1 47 23 75 58 23 rue d'Aumale max thickness of 409 µm IGGESUND Paperboard AB Color : White Anders Skoglund S138 +46 650 28398 Iggesunds Bruk Fax +46 650 28752 @ 82580 Iggesund SWEDEN Invercote G min 260 gsm - max 380 gsm Color : White Invercote GP min 200 gsm - max 380 gsm Color : White Invercup 1S min 260 gsm - max 370 gsm Color : White METSA Board Corporation Katja Tuomola S492 +358 50 460 5835 P.O. Box 10 Fax @ 02020 Metsa FINLAND Paper Simcote 200-340 gsm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 32 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.3. Carta MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd Esmy HUANG No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. BPC-100 S043 +886 4 22 776 888 max 460 µm Color : White MUNKSJO ROTTERSAC Alexandra Venot S487 +33(0)6 82 84 82 58 Usine de Rottersac Fax @ 24150 Lalinde FRANCE CORALPACK 201 KIT NFAmax 11 40 gsm Color : White PIMEX D&L Ltd Mark Lee Fax +886 2 2882 0240 @ 11167 Taipei TAIWAN, R.O.C. Pimex S517 +886 2 2883 1551 9F, No 152, Section 4, Cheng-Teh Road max 402(+25)µm / 290(+35) gsm STORA ENSO OYJ Color : Natural White Tuula Sokka S249 +358 2046 23207 Kanavaranta 1 PO Box 309 Fax +358 2046 24766 @ 00101 Helsinki FINLAND Aurocard 200-350 gsm Color : White Cupforma Dairy 2Bio min 280 - max 290 gsm Color : White Cupforma Natura 2Bio min 220 - max 380 gsm Color : White Cupforma Natura Bio min 195 - max 355 gsm Color : White Cupforma Premium Lite Bio 275 gsm Color : White Cupforma Prime 2Bio min 260 - max 360 gsm Color : White Cupforma Special 195-350 gsm Color : White Ensocard 2Bio min 220 - max 380 gsm Color : White Ensocard Bio min 195 - max 355 gsm Color : White Ensocoat 170-380 gsm Color : White Ensocoat 2S 190-350-500 gsm Color : White Ensocoat GT 220-240 gsm Color : White Ensocoat L 220-270 gsm Color : White Ensocoat T 220-270 gsm Color : White Performa Alto 200-350 gsm Color : White Performa Natura 195-350 gsm Color : White Trayforma Natura Bio min 225 - max 425 gsm Color : White Trayforma Performance Bio min 215 - max 415 gsm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 33 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.1. Film/pellicole, Fogli & Lastre C.2.1.3. Carta TOTEMPAK Solutions Co Ltd Stanley Yang 6F, No 25, Ln 140, Xing Ai Rd, Neihu Dist. Fax +886-2-2796-5961 @ htt:// 100 11494 Taipei City TAIWAN, R.O.C. TKP01 S524 +886-2-2796-5962 max 421 µm / 348 gsm Color : Natural white The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 34 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.1. Additivo CHIMIGRAF Eric BAYLE 6-8, Calle Carcassi Fax +33 (0)2 51 51 34 91 @ 08191 Rubi SPAIN Series NOVA CONFORT Series OMNIFLEX Series SPLENDOR CLARIANT Plastics & Coatings Ltd Jacques LAMBERT S169 +33 (0) 4 50 35 95 20 Rothausstrasse 61 Fax +33 (0) 4 50 35 31 84 @ 4132 Muttenz SWITZERLAND Cesa Compostable Additives Color : all colours by mixing pigments Cesa OKC Additives Color : all colours by mixing pigments IMB SpA Via Tazio Nuvolari Z.I.C. Da Olivala 82100 Benevento ITALY S035 +33 (0)2 28 13 92 30 Angelo Iannuzzi +39 0824 776527 Fax +39 0824 565935 @ S479 Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol +6638-491725-9 Fax +6638-492485 @ S260 BIO-MIX MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha 20230 Chonburi THAILAND MBIO-CACO3 MBIO-SL The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 35 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.2. Adesivo Avery Dennison Labels & Packaging Material Bioscience Park, Willem Einthovenstraat 11 S9500 max 26,5 g/m² - BASF SE Eynat Biedermann Fax +49 621 60-97988 @ 67056 Ludwigshafen GERMANY Epotal P 100 Eco max 6.8% dry weight of finished product SUSTAINABLE ADHESIVE PRODUCTS Arjan Klapwijk S104 Fax +31 (0)10 30 30 30 6 @ 2665 PC Bleiswijk THE NETHERLANDS BioTAK S100 Color : - +31 (0)10 30 30 054 Prismalaan West 25 S062 +49 621 60-41912 G-PMS/BD - F206 S259 Fax +31 71 579 3388 @ 2342 BH Oegstgeest THE NETHERLANDS Hans Eichenwald +31 71 579 3464 max 26,5 g/m² - S529 UPM RAFLATAC OY Tesomankatu 31 Fax @ 33101 Tampere FINLAND RP 55 Bio max 26,5 g/m² - The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 36 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.4. Inchiostro per stampe ACTEGA Colorchemie France Sarl Parc d'Activités Communautaire Serie Colorflex Color : various colors ACTEGA Colorchemie GmbH Ralf Römer Fax +49 (0) 6042 9619 42 @ 63654 Büdingen GERMANY Serie COLORWELL Color : different colors BASF SE Eynat Biedermann S062 +49 621 60-41912 G-PMS/BD - F206 Fax +49 621 60-97988 @ 67056 Ludwigshafen GERMANY S305 +49 (0) 6042 9619 32 Industriestrasse 36 S327 Fax +33 387 816 322 @ 57450 Henriville FRANCE Bruno DEHNHARDT +33 387 828 171 Ink Color : Yellow, Magenta, Blue, Orange, Scarlet, Violet, Pink CHIMIGRAF Eric BAYLE S035 +33 (0)2 28 13 92 30 6-8, Calle Carcassi Fax +33 (0)2 51 51 34 91 @ 08191 Rubi SPAIN IDROSTAR Color : Basic pigments & combinations Pigment ref 50858 Color : White Serie NITRO-BAS / COMPLUS Color : various colours Series NOVA CONFORT Color : Basic pigments & combinations Series OMNIFLEX Color : Basic pigments & combinations Series SPLENDOR Color : Basic pigments & combinations Varnish anti-condensation 11.450.022 Varnish gloss 12.032.325 DONECK Euroflex SA Frank HOFMANN S112 +352 7108101 ZI Potaschberg 4 an de Längten Fax +352 7108108999 @ 6776 Grevenmacher LUXEMBURG ECO FILM Varnish EURO-FOOD WSO Color : Miscellaneous colors EURO-NAP WTE Color : Miscellaneous colors The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 37 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.4. Inchiostro per stampe DONGGUAN YUNCHANG UV Technology Co. No 81 Hongli West Shuiping District, Dalang Town Watr-based ink YW Color : various ESTON CHIMICA Srl Silvia Martinello Fax +39 049 706523 @ 35010 Cadineghe (PD) ITALY HYDROFLEX ECO Color : Yellow, red, blue, black and white FLINT GROUP Europe Matthias HENKER S090 +49 171 240 16 49 05 Zoning Industriel Breuil le Sec Rue André Pommery Fax +49 7852 934 302 @ 60676 Clermont de l'Oise FRANCE Miscellaneous pigments and varnishes Serie FlexiPrint MV Color : various Serie FlexiPrint MV Color : Basic pigments & combinations Serie FlexiStar APF Color : Basic pigments & combinations Serie FlexiStar APF Toolbox Color : various Serie PluriPrint MF Color : Basic pigments & combinations Serie PluriPrint RF Color : Basic pigments & combinations Serie Premo Color : Pigments, varnish & additives HUBER GROUP ITALIA Spa Alessandro SABBATINI S247 +39 0444 25 00 00 A. Meucci 5/6/7 Fax +39 0444 35 03 24 @ 36050 Bolzano Vicentino (VI) ITALY Gecko Frontal Eco (GFE) Color : Yellow, Magenta, Blue, Black, W hite Ink AQUAFLEX Color : Yellow, Red, Blue, White and Black ITALIAN PRINTING INKS Srl Vincenzo Benessere S540 +39 0823821515 Zona Consortile ASI Sud Fax +39 0823821557 @ 81025 Marcianise (NA) ITALY S506 +39 049 702466 Via Majorana 5 S583 Fax 0769-83035501 @ 523800 Dongguan City CHINA Zhibin Han 0769-81125720 Flexographic ink series Color : Various The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 38 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.4. Inchiostro per stampe La Sorgente SpA Dr Simone MEUCCI Via Erbosa, 8 Fax +39-0575-500090 @ 52014 Porrena (Arezzo) ITALY ECOMAT-B DSG 263 HYDROMAT-B-463 Color : Black, red, yellow, violet, white, blue, green + combinat Color : Black,red,yellow,orange,pink,rubin,violet,white,blue,gree n+combinat ROTOFLEX AG Stephanie Scholz Fax +41 32 644 27 80 @ 2540 Grenchen SWITZERLAND Serie GREEN LINE Color : White, Red, Black, Yellow, Orange, Cyan, Violet, Magenta & Extender S468 SAKATA Inx Espana SA +34 938648122 Cl Dels Mercaders 24-26. Pl Riera De Caldes Fax +34 938645878 @ 08184 Palau-Solita I Plegamans SPAIN Yukoflex 600 Color : White,yellow,orange,red,magenta,violet,blue,green,blac k SAMIXCOLOR S.p.A. Maurizion Rosti Fax +39 02 90009483 @ 20086 Motta Visconti (MI) ITALY Serie NITROPOL Color : Black, Blue, Red and Yellow SAREX BELGIUM AG Ralph Nussbaum Fax +32 (0)87 86 66 74 @ 4730 Raeren BELGIUM Inks Sarex Varnish Sarex S078 +32 (0)87 85 80 70 Mähheider Strasse 7 S289 +39 02 90009481/82 Via Don Minzoni 93 S316 +41 32 644 27 92 Lebernstr. 40 S154 +39-0575-500050 Color : White,Yellow,Red,Blue,Purple,Black,Green,Silver, Gold Color : - The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 39 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.4. Inchiostro per stampe SIEGWERK France Philippe Giguet Route de Taninges, 13 Fax +33 (0) 4 50 87 74 04 @ 74105 Annemasse FRANCE S073 +33 (0) 4 50 87 73 59 Série NC239 Color : various colors SUN CHEMICAL Liquid France Gilles Hervy S087 +33 (0) 2 40 13 42 18 Rue René Fonck, 20 Zone D2A Nantes Atlantique Fax +33 2 40 13 42 22 @ 44860 Saint Aignan-de-Grand-Lieu FRANCE FLEXIBLE PACKAGING WHITES Color : White Serie Aquathene BIO1 Serie HYBRID SOLIMAX AP SOLIPROP V AP SOLVAPLAST T Color : White, yellow, orange, rose, red, green, blue, violet, black Color : Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Blue, Violet, Green, Black & White Color : Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Violet, Green, Black, White & Varnish Color : Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Violet, Green, Black, White & Varnish Color : Miscellaneous colors & Varnish SOLVAPRINT TF EP Color : Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Violet, Green, Black, White & Varnish SUNCHEMICAL do BRASIL Ltda Viviana Sayegh Fax + 54 (11) 4909-1001 @ 07251-250 Bonsucesso, Guarulhos SP BRAZIL Aquaking Color : various Hydrosak Color : various Ultrasak Color : various TOYO INKS ARETS NV Ronny BORMS S277 +32 (0)3 880 67 67 Tunnelweg 3 B1 Fax +32 (0)3 880 67 98 @ 2845 Niel BELGIUM S497 + 54 (11) 4909-1000 Av. Amancio Gaiolli, 850 EXCURE Color : Black, White, Red, Blue, Green The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 40 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.4. Inchiostro per stampe VISA Srl Fabrizio MIGLIO Via Varese, 9 Fax +39 0382 814462 @ 27027 Gropello Cairoli (PV) ITALY S491 +39 0382 815395 BIOprint Color : various The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 41 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.5. Masterbatch A. SCHULMANN PLASTICS bvba Ann Delmotte Pedro Colomalaan 25 Fax +32 (0)3 890 43 38 @ 2880 Bornem BELGIUM POLYBATCH Color : Black and White POLYBATCH ® PLA 3230/2 MP Color : Green POLYBATCH ® PLA 8757 Color : White POLYBATCH ® PLA 94178/2 MP Color : Beige POLYBLAK ® EF 707336 Color : Black POLYBLAK ® PLA 7255 Color : Black AF-Color, branch of AKRO-PLASTICS GmbH AF-Eco PB XXXXXX [color] Color : various API Applicazioni Plastiche Industriali Spa APICOLOR Color : Light blue, Yellow, Brown, Red and Green BIOME BIOPLASTICS Ltd. Tony Longdon S221 +44 7836354321 North Road, Marchwood Industrial Park Fax +44 2380867070 @ S040 4BL Marchwood Southampton UNITED KINGDOM BiomeEP2 Color : White BIOTEC GmbH & Co. KG Johannes MATHAR S002 +49 (0) 28 22 925 10 Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 32 Fax +49 (0) 28 22 518 40 @ 46446 Emmerich GERMANY BIOPLAST MB 1501 S331 Fax +39 0424 579800 @ 36065 Mussolente (VI) ITALY Marco Meneghetti +39 0424 579711 Dante Alighieri 27 S467 Fax +49 2636 8092 43128 @ 56651 Niederzissen GERMANY Dirk Schoning +49 2636 8092 128 Industriegebiet Scheid 27 S139 +32 (0)3 890 42 11 max 4% The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 42 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.5. Masterbatch CLARIANT Plastics & Coatings Ltd Jacques LAMBERT Rothausstrasse 61 Fax +33 (0) 4 50 35 31 84 @ 4132 Muttenz SWITZERLAND Renol Compostable Masterbatches Color : all colours by mixing pigments Renol OKC Masterbatches Color : all colours by mixing pigments EURO MASTER srl Elide Calistri Fax +39 0574 657836 @ 59013 Montemurlo (PO) ITALY MASTER Bianco 5FB-2106 and Giallo 5F2-2417A EUROPEAN PLASTIC Company Hue Ha Bio Mates 01 max 20% Bio Mates 02 max 20% Bio Mates 03 max 20% KUNSTSTOF-KEMI A/S Susanne Brinkel (+45) 97 72 27 11 Fax (+45) 97 72 11 27 @ Ringvejen 70 7900 Nykoebing Mors DENMARK 8-34008/BIO S532 Fax +84 4 2220 7112 @ - VIETNAM Color : White and Yellow +84 4 2220 7111 Dong Van Industrial Zone, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province S353 +39 0574 651969 Via Labriola 268 S169 +33 (0) 4 50 35 95 20 max 5 to 10% S599 Color : White POLYONE Belgium François DELEPLANCQUE S047 +33 (0) 321 062727 Rue Melville Wilson, 2 Fax @ 5330 Assesse BELGIUM OnCap BIO Additives Color : Mixed colors OnColor BIO Colorants Color : Mixed colors The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 43 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.5. Masterbatch RIFRA Masterbatches SpA Via T. Tasso, 8 Fax +39 030 2629757 @ 25080 Molinetto di Mazzano ITALY RIFRA BIO Color : various - see certificate VANETTI SpA S521 Gianlucca Vanetti +39 0331 389077 Viale Kennedy, 986 Fax +39 0331 389078 @ 21050 Marnate (VA) ITALY S409 Francesco Averoldi +39 030 2121758 BIOMASTERBATCHES Color : Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White and Black The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 44 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.2. Inchiostri, Coloranti, Adesivi & Additivi C.2.2.9. Costituenti vari S500 SOLVAY Specialty Polymers Italy SpA Viale Lombardia 20 Fax @ 20021 Bollate (MI) ITALY SOLVERA PT5045 PG Color : Light yellow TOPCHIM nv Leo Vonck S451 +32 3 350 08 40 Nijverheidsstraat 98 Fax +32 3 350 08 49 @ 2160 Wommelgem BELGIUM Coating TopScreen ED Color : Transparent Coating TopScreen Ultra Color : Transparent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 45 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari C.2.3.1. Nastri Munksjo Stenay S.A.S Pascal GALLAIRE Usine de Stenay Fax +33 (0) 3 29 80 61 70 @ 55700 Stenay FRANCE S057 +33 (0)3 29 80 59 94 Gerstar 404 I - 97 gr/m² The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 46 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari C.2.3.2. Etichette in carta stampata S419 AUTAJON Labels Nederland B.V. +31 030 232 04 77 Demkaweg 20 Fax +31 030 695 49 28 @ 3555 HW Utrecht THE NETHERLANDS Autajon Bio Label max 98 gsm Color : white, printed Avery Dennison Labels & Packaging Material Thermal Eco L10 S9500 BG40WH Color : White, BELONA B.V. R. Bongestman Fax +31 (0)16 551 1824 @ 4751 RA Oud-Gastel THE NETHERLANDS Belona Biolabel max 91µm, 98 gsm Color : Printed white thermal paper label BERKSHIRE LABELS Ltd Paul Roscoe Fax +44 (0) 1488 684186 @ RG17 0YX Berkshire UNITED KINGDOM Kraft Laid Paper 90gsm / BioTAK S100 Color : Kraft paper NatureFlex 45 / BioTAK S100 Color : Gloss Clear, White or Metallic PLA 50 / BioTAK S100 Color : Gloss Clear or White Bio4Life BV Arjan Klapwijk S378 +31(0)10-3030305 Prismalaan West 25 Fax +31(0)10-3030306 @ 2665 PC Bleiswijk THE NETHERLANDS EcoTherm / BioTak S102 +44 (0) 1488 683628 Swangate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, S410 +31 (0)16 551 2451 Roosendaalsebaan 39 S259 Fax +31 71 579 3388 @ 2342 BH Oegstgeest THE NETHERLANDS Hans Eichenwald +31 71 579 3464 Bioscience Park, Willem Einthovenstraat 11 98 gsm Color : White thermal BIOLABEL BV Patrick Gerritsen S374 Bolderweg 53 Fax @ 1332 BA Almere THE NETHERLANDS Biolabel, printed white thermal label 98 gr/m² The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 47 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari C.2.3.2. Etichette in carta stampata POLYCART S.p.a. Luca Bianconi Via delle Macine, 6 Fax +39 075 80 39 433 @ 06081 Palazzo di Assisi (PG) ITALY Compost Label - unprinted max 70 µm Color : White , not printed REYNDERS Etiketten N.V. J. REYNDERS S025 +32 (0) 3 455 70 71 Nijverheidsstraat 3 Fax +32 (0) 3 455 18 83 @ 2530 BOECHOUT BELGIUM S267 +39 075 80 98 000 Vellum RP51, printed and glued, 80gr/m² The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 48 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari C.2.3.3. Coperchio – top ALJUAN S.L. Juan Garcia Carillo Calle Sevilla, s/n Fax +34 966 553 320 @ 03440 Ibi Alicante SPAIN Cap Hega Hogar max thickness 1.11 mm HANCHANG Paper Co., Ltd Lee, Keun Soo max 567 µm Color : White translucent Munksjo Stenay S.A.S Pascal GALLAIRE S057 +33 (0)3 29 80 59 94 Usine de Stenay Fax +33 (0) 3 29 80 61 70 @ 55700 Stenay FRANCE S155 Fax +82-2-3774-5488 @ 636-835 Yangsan-City KOREA GREENUS PLA Lid Color : White, unprinted +82-2-3774-5475 #207, Yong Dang-Ri, Ungsang-Eup, S581 +34 966 550 452 Gerbier OPCL - 45 gr/m² The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 49 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari C.2.3.4. Guaina ALFAPLAS Ltd David Whiteside 1 Ramsden Road Rotherwas Fax +44 (0) 1432 262600 @ HR2 6LR Hereford UNITED KINGDOM max width 2000 mm / 90 µm Groupe BARBIER Patrick DORCY Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM in a thickness of max. 98 µm PLASTICOS ALHAMBRA Manuel Recuerda max 46 µm Color : White or natural PLASTIROLL Oy Jani Avellan Fax +35833800888 @ 33470 Ylöjärvi FINLAND BIOSKA ® + S324 +358407592000 Vanha Vaasantie 13 S256 Fax +34 958420363 @ 18200 Maracena (Granada) SPAIN Plasticos Alhambra Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not +34 958420149 Camino Antiguo de Atarfe, s/n S098 +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 La Guide BP 39 S050 +44 (0) 1432 262626 max 250 µm Color : White translucent, Coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 50 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.3. Imballaggi & Componenti vari C.2.3.9. Altro componenti URTHPACT LLC Michael Pousland 42 Jungle Road Fax 978-537-4308 @ 01453 Leominster MA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 15120-UP (MHG-812) S589 978-847-9747 max 1.25 mm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 51 / 141 OK compost C.2. Componenti & costituenti C.2.9. Altro C.2.9.1. Altro componenti BISIO PROGETTI SpA Massimo Mestriner Via Enzo Ferrari 49 Fax +39 0131 244468 @ 15121 Alessandria ITALY Coffee capsule < diam 37 biodegradabile > Color : Natural white FLO SPA Erika Simonazzi Fax +39 0521 922844 @ 43012 Fontanellato (Parma) ITALY Coffee capsule - Component - Flo Capsula Compostabile MIFAR Srl Andrea Meli max 1.82% Color : Various PAPERFOAM BV Mark Geerst Fax +31342401588 @ 3771 ND Barneveld THE NETHERLANDS PaperFoam max 3.17 mm / 652 gsm YAMANAKA Industry Co Ltd Eiji Masuno S442 Fax +81 75 841 4757 @ 616-8044 Kyoto JAPAN Tea bag components Color : various colours, unprinted +81 75 841 4682 Ogino-cho 17 Hanazono Ukyo-ku S349 +31880011530 Hermesweg 22 S597 Fax +39 0331 514443 @ 20027 Rescaldina ITALY Compostable CHIP Color : Natural white +39 0331 515037 Via Valtellina 18/20 S509 +39 0521 823111 Via Ghiara Sabbioni, 33/A S472 +39 0131 244411 55-100-159 µm Color : Natural white The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 52 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica 100% PACKAGING Matteo NALDINI S489 N°Verde 800912896 Gramsci, 20 Fax +39 0293661551 @ 20032 Cormano (MI) ITALY BTN Backtonature max 100 µm Color : various, coloured printing BTN Backtonature max 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing S571 ADVANCE BIO MATERIAL Company PVT LTD 525 Avior, Nirmal Galaxy, Lbs Road, Mulund West Fax @ 400080 Mumbay INDIA FT1 max 78 µm Color : White translucent AGRO FOLIJA D.O.O. Ettore SANTI Karlovacka 57 Fax +38 547581364 @ 47303 Josipdol CROATIA AGROFOLIJA max 30 µm Color : Translucent film with coloured printing ALASKA s.a.s. Gaetano Nino Di Cioccio Fax +39 0864.251190 @ 67039 Sulmona (AQ) ITALY ABC 13432 max 40 µm Color : Translucent film with coloured printing Alufix Folien. mbH Thomas Nemeth Fax 0043223662077 @ 2355 Wr Neudorf AUSTRIA ALUFIX max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing ANDOLFI & C. Snc Alessandro ANDOLFI Via Vecchia Porto, 1599 +39 0734 810108 Green Leaf - film S443 Fax +39 0734 850489 @ 63811 S. Elpidio A Mare (FM) ITALY S461 0043223661611 Industriezentrum NO. Süd, Strasse 6, Objekt 4 S360 +39 0864.251800 Via dell' Industria 10 S594 +38 5913333775 max 120 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 53 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica APEI - L'Artisanerie S116 Philippe MERCIER +33 (0)2 48 63 71 11 Avenue du Général De Gaulle, 74 Fax @ 18203 St Amand-Montrond FRANCE L'Artisanerie max. 80µm, de 10 L à 200 L ARDDI SA Fax +33 (0) 4 75 69 90 47 @ 07290 Ardoix FRANCE BIOCOOL max 70 µ, 7 up to 130 liters ArTiPlast S.r.l. Fax +33 0931-1846808 @ max 30 µm Color : White translucent, printed BASILIOTTI Bag's Company Srl Fax +39 0578 293049 @ 06062 Città della Pieve (PG) ITALY eco B-01 max 50 µm Color : White or Natural translucent with coloured printing Because We Care Pty Ltd Fax +61 3 99316869 @ 3030 Victoria AUSTRALIA BF 90A max 230 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing BIO & PAPER Srl Elena salvi 0746 607215 Fax 0746 607244 @ Viale delle Scienze 16/a 02010 Santa Rufina ZI (RI) ITALY BIO LINE S110 Kenny LAY +61 3 99316888 309 Fitzgerald Road Derrimut S449 Sauro Basiliotti +39 0578 293050 Via F. Parri, 11 S231 Matteo Massimo Argentino 96012 Avola (SR) ITALY Bioshoppers Color : Natural, colored printing +33 8-9851827 Via Mauceri 26 S046 F. BOUVIER +33 (0) 4 75 69 91 82 ZI Munas Color : Natural 50 µm S446 Color : Natural translucent or coloured film, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 54 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica S586 BIO FUTURA B.V. Van Nelleweg 1, Unit 19 Fax @ 3044 BC Rotterdam THE NETHERLANDS Bio Futura max 100 µm Color : White translucent, white or green, with green printing BIO PLASTIC Ltd Moira Sormani Fax 00 356 21800077 @ - MALTA SHOPPY max 43 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing Bio4pack BV Patrick Gerritsen Fax +49 5975 955 9458 @ 7480 BV Haaksbergen THE NETHERLANDS Bio4pack compostable bag max 143 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing BIOAPPLY sàrl Frederic MAUCH Fax +41 22 311 88 92 @ 1196 Gland SWITZERLAND BioApply Bioshop/Biomulti/Bioresist max 120 µm max 100 µm Color : Natural or coloured, coloured printing Color : Natural translucent or Green ; coloured printing BIOBAG International AS Mats Rattfält Fax +47 69 88 85 99 @ 1831 Askim NORWAY BioBag Waste bags / liners max 50 µm Color : Various colors, with coloured printing BOTTARI SpA Francesco Innaciotti S475 +39 0348 1257976 Via Tavogliere 6D/6E Fax +39 0375 868160 @ 46030 Pomponesco (MN) ITALY BOTTARI BIO S014 +46 560 711 1 Hovsveien 8 S058 +41 22 311 88 11 33 Av. du Mont-Blanc S345 +49 5975 955 9510 Postbus 26 S501 00 356 21800099 KKW 200 A Kordin Ind. Estate max 1500 x 16100 mm / 100 µm Color : White translucent or Yellow, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 55 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica BRUNPLAST Snc Sebastiano Brundu Regione Coas de Cossu Fax +39 079 867447 @ 07212 Bonorva ITALY S504 +39 079 867447 OKCompost BRUNPLAST max 35 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing CEPLAST S.r.l. Stefano CENTINARI S124 +39 0744 812771 Str. Di Recentino, 5 Fax +39 0744 800347 @ 05100 Terni ITALY Biobag max 100 µm Color : Natural or coloured with coloured printing Mr. Bi max 50 µm Color : White translucent or light green with coloured printing CHUN YIP Plastics Limited Patricia YUNG Unit 2726-2717, North Tower, Concordia Plaza, No. 1 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, - Kowloon HONG KONG Chun Yip max 120 µm Dino Signor Fax +39 0423 566390 @ 31030 Caselle d'Altivole (TV) ITALY max 80 µm Color : Translucent, coloured printing COMPLAST snc di Salvatore Correddu max 50 µm Color : Natural translucent, white, yellow, green, pink; coloured printing CORTEC Corporation Robert Kean S344 +1 (651) 429-1100 4119 White Bear Parkway Fax +1 (651) 429-1122 @ thhp:// 55110 St Paul, MN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S466 Fax +39 079 260038 @ 07100 Sassari ITALY Bio Complast Elia Correddu +39 079 260038 ZI Predda Niedda nord str. 1 n. 81 S298 +39 0423 915012 Via Giuseppe Toniolo nr 16 Sacchi Biocompost Fax 852-24111936 @ Color : White translucent, coloured printing COMPLAST Italia srl S291 852-24167545 EcoOcean / EcoWorks AD max 282 µm Color : White transparent, green printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 56 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica CRISTIANPACK srl Simone Marzetti S251 +39 0717230389 Via San Sabino, 3 Fax @ 60027 Osimo (AN) ITALY BIOCPACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing DE.MI.COM S.a.s. Roberto De Agostini Fax +39 (0)4 955598988 @ 35016 Piazzola Sul Brenta (PD) ITALY BIOF3 - bag max 60 µm Color : White transluscent or W hite, coloured printing DELTA PLAST Srl Luigi Normanno Fax +39 0984 980599 @ 87050 Figline Vegliaturo (CS) ITALY Delta Bio max 40 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing DMP Srl Giuseppe CUOZZO Fax +39 081 3303934 @ 80010 Villaricca (NA) ITALY BioBags in a thickness of max. 22 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing Dongguan Xinhai Environment-Friendly Materi No 17, Shen Xi Road, Baihai Industrial Area, Houjie TownNo 17, Shen Xi Road, Baihai Industrial Area, Houjie Town 523960 Duongguan City CHINA XH-918 max 55 µm S329 Fax +86-769-85993891 @ Gerard Butterly S268 +353429394318 Unit 10 Butterly Business Park, Coes Road, DunDalk Fax +353439320032 @ - Co Louth IRELAND GP1000 Karen Yang +86-769-85921096 Color : Natural White or green, various printing EASYDRY Ltd. S593 +39 081 8945420 Via Corso Italia nr 199 S510 +39 0984 980808 Zona Industriale Piano Lago S219 +39 (0)4 99600601 Via Luigi Einaudi, 19 max 61 µm Color : White translucent or green, Coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 57 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica Eco Concept Service 452 Avenue du prado Fax +33 (0)4 91 71 78 57 @ 13008 Marseille FRANCE Bags for biodegradable refuse, 100 µm Color : White (natural) or coloured, coloured printing ECOPRO Manufacturing Co Ltd Fax + 86-769-88812218 @ - Dongguan City, Guangdong CHINA Ecopro in a thickness of max.143 µm EKP Projekt d.o.o. Fax +38638390299 @ max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing ERRETI Srl Fax +39 0331 377871 @ 21058 Solbiate Olana ITALY BIO-B max 50 µm Color : Translucent or Yellow with coloured printing ERRETIPLAST S.r.l. Emma MOLTENI TENTORI Fax + 39 039 9211366 @ 23893 Brianza (Lecco) ITALY BIO1 - from 5,5 to 30 L max 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing EURO SME snd bhd John Oakley Fax +60 3 7846 6331 @ 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA Clearly S480 +60 3 7846 6301 No 5, Jalan Utarid U5/1, Seksyen U5 Mah Sing Integrated Industrial Park S119 +39 039 956720 Via N. Sauro, 61 S373 Egidio D’Adda +39 0331 641690 Via IV Novembre, 145 S396 Vasja Hramec 3330 Mozirje SLOVENIA Green Bag Color : Natural white, coloured printed +38638390298 Smihelska 2 S315 Yoyo LAI + 86-769-88412298 Yickshun Industrial Park, Beihuang Crossing, Zhongtang Town, S106 Bertrand GAY +33 (0)4 91 25 25 25 max 40 µm Color : Various colors with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 58 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica EXTRAPACK OOD Milen Georgiev Zapadna Promishlena Zona Fax +359 (0) 62 611 556 @ 5000 Veliko Tarnovo BULGARIA ECOMATER max 70 µm Color : White or white translucent with coloured printing EXTRAPAPIR srl Michele FIORINO Fax +39-0934-547714 @ 93100 Caltanisetta ITALY Bags Il Quadrifoglio max 50 µm Color : natural or coloured FARMAB Srl Antonio Nicastro Fax +39 055 4640085 @ 50041 Calenzano (FI) ITALY EcologyBag in a thickness of max. 80 µm FILADEL Srl Franco Grosso 25 µm Color : White translucent or yellow, coloured printing FLEXOPACK S.r.l. Chiara MORTARI Fax +39 0182 582 520 @ 17038 Villanova d'Albenga ITALY FLEXOBIO max 28/50 µm Color : Various colors with coloured printing FUTURA Plast Srl Marco Banini Fax +39 0577 623304 @ 53048 Bettolle (SI) ITALY Greenpol S496 +39 0577 623090 Via Vittorio Alfieri, 15 S092 +39 0182 583 802 Via dell' industria, 12 S232 Fax +39 098584682 @ 87021 Belvedere Marittimo ITALY BIO SHOPPER Color : White or light green, coloured printing + 39 098584682 Localita Campominore - La Chiana S612 +39 055 88 24767 Via delle Calandre 51 S190 +39-0934-20811 Zona Industriale S357 +359 (0) 62 611 515 in a thickness of max. 35 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 59 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica GALLO PLASTICS Srl S537 Viviana Gallo +39 041 880428 Via del commercio 30 Fax +39 041 5411910 @ 30038 Spinea (VE) ITALY BIOSACCO max. 80 µm Color : White or light green, coloured printing BIOSACCO max 50 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing S559 GB PLAST di Bozelli Gabriele Via Raiale, 327 Fax @ 65128 Pescara (PE) ITALY GB COMPOST BAG max 80 µm Color : Transparent, various printing GEL SAC S.r.l. Via Postumia Est, 70 Fax 0422.890.129 @ 31042 Fagarè di San Biago di Callalta (TV) ITALY Gel-Sac S132 Mauro Zanette +39 0422 890150 max 1250 x 1450 mm / 35 µm GELPACK Excelsior Ltd Color : White translucent, green coloured printing S101 Mark CUPIT +44 01432 267 391 Westfields Trading Estate, Grandstand Road Fax +44 01432 264 809 @ HR4 9NT Hereford UNITED KINGDOM 3C / General Compostable Bag max 738 x 897 mm / 40 µm Color : Green with green printing Gelpack max 29 µm Gelpack Bag max 738 x 897 mm / 23 µm Color : White translucent, brown or green; printing: Green or black Color : White, Brown & Green, printed GIANNI SPAGNOLI Mauro FRONZORI Via Pio X, 1 Fax +39 0974 845849 @ 84043 Agropoli (SA) ITALY S531 +39 0974 845553 (int 203) BIO COMPOST GIANNI SPAGNOLI max 130 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 60 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica GLOBAL Srl Contrada La Lenza 28 Fax +39 080 4550315 @ 70010 Capurso-Bari ITALY Global Bio max 24 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing GRABIO Greentech Corporation Grabio in a thickness of max. 109 µm GREEN PACK srl Fax +886 (0)3 598 64 91 @ Color : Various colours, with various color printing S295 Violini Fax +39 0362/993537 @ 20841 Carate Brianza (MB) ITALY BioGREENPACK +886 (0)3 598 64 96#121 +39 0362/991898 Via Lombardia 35 S059 Tony CHEN No. 91, Guangfu N. Rd., Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou Township Hukou Township 30351 Hsinchu County TAIWAN, R.O.C. S399 Chiara Di Gioia +39 080 4550315 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing S065 GREENSAX +353-1-436 6314 DMG House, Deansgrange Business Park, Fax +353-1-436 6315 @ - Deansgrange, County Dublin IRELAND GreenSax max 29 µm Color : White translucent, brown or green; printing: Green or black GRICOPLAST Servizio Clienti Fax +39 06 66183158 @ 00166 Roma ITALY GRICOPLAST max 30 µm Color : Natural translucent or coloured with coloured printing GRINPACK Srl Pierpaolo CONCU +39 041 570 3255 Fax +39 041 572 7658 @ Via Mameli 184 09100 Cagliari ITALY Bio & Comp S452 +39 06 89528914 Via Pantanelle 15A in a thickness of max. 80 µm S293 Color : White or light green, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 61 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica Groupe BARBIER Patrick DORCY La Guide BP 39 Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM in a thickness of max. 98 µm IBC Javier Fuentes max 100 µm Color : White transl,cream,white,black,green or yellow, coloured printing IBI PLAST Srl Claudio PULITI Fax +39 0 331 64 99 30 @ http://www. 21058 Solbiate Olona ITALY Bags Ecobag max 1250 mm x 1800 mm / 50 µm IDEA PLAST Snc Giuseppe De Agostini max 50 µm Color : Natural translucent with coloured printing ID-Waste SL Frederic Puig Magrina Fax +34 972 01 38 89 @ 17190 Salt (Girona) SPAIN SPORA in a thickness of max. 100 µm IMB SpA 82100 Benevento ITALY IMB SPA Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing Angelo Iannuzzi +39 0824 776527 Fax +39 0824 565935 @ Via Tazio Nuvolari Z.I.C. Da Olivala S317 +34 972 41 71 14 Passeig Països Catalans, 158 3rd S539 Fax +39 049 900 2637 @ 35030 Veggiano ITALY ID.PLAST Color : Translucent with coloured printing +39 049 55 99 055 Via A. Volta 39 S081 +39 0 33164 03 40 Via IV Novembre 143 S142 Fax +34 956 63 32 53 @ 11205 Algeciras SPAIN IBC Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not +34 956 10 98 98 C/ Arbolitos s/n S098 +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 max 60 µm S479 Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 62 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica IMPERIAL POLYTHENE Unit 3, Lakeside Industrial Estate, Colnbrook Fax +44 (0) 1753 682793 @ SL3 0ED Slough, Berkshire UNITED KINGDOM Biolice max 43 µm Color : Natural beige, coloured printing IPT Industria Plastica Toscana Fax +39 055 8430267 @ 50038 Scarperia ITALY COMPOSTABILE IPT S213 Graziano Chini +39 055 84381 Viale Kennedy, 184 S209 Sam Marsh + 44 (0) 1753 686 336 45 µm Color : Coloured film with coloured printing ISTANBUL KRAFT TORBA SANAYI VE TICARE S339 Duruduygu +90 212 679 98 18 Abay Caddesi No 182 Fax +90 212 582 07 70 @ 34020 Zeytinburnu Istanbul TURKEY Istambul Kraft Torba Sanayi Ve Ticaret, max 146µm + 89gsm Color : Natural brown, Printing green and black S352 ITH Complast +31(0)488422899 Buskesdries 23 Fax +31(0)488421106 @ 6673 DP Andelst THE NETHERLANDS BF 90A max 230 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing Bioska 302 max 185 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing DUMIL max 55 µm Color : Natural White or green, various printing J&M PLAST Thomas BONNY ZI de Pirolles Fax +33 (0) 4 71 61 59 01 @ 43590 Beauzac FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S054 +33 (0) 4 71 61 59 00 max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 63 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica JET'SAC Elsa PONTFORT ZI Ouest - Boulevard de Malling Fax +33 (0) 3 21 64 50 67 @ 62260 AUCHEL FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm JIANGSU TORISE BIOMATERIALS Co Ltd max 36 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing JOEPLAST SpA Sergio Messina Fax +39 0922 917977 @ 92025 Casteltermini (AG) ITALY JOEPLAST S224 +39 0922 917700 Zona Industriale S335 Fax +86-511-85598456 @ 212009 Zhenjiang, Jiangsu CHINA Torise bag Sunny Wu +86-511-85598458 B6, Technology Park, Wisdom Avenue Ding Mao S024 +33 (0) 3 21 64 50 50 max 60 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printed KENMARE srl Francesco Tognato S240 +39 02 4398 6716 Via Mosè Bianchi 79 Fax +39 02 4341 6957 @ 20149 Milano ITALY ECOGAIA max 130 µm Color : Natural or coloured, coloured printing EcoGaia max 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing KINGFA SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD Stephen YIBIN TSU Kefeng Road N0.33, Science City, Luogang District Fax +86 20-8703 6219 @ 510663 Guangzhou CHINA ECOPOND max thickness of 120 µm KULODAY Technopack Private Limited Anuj Chokhani S413 Fax +91 22 41557711 @ 400069 Mumbay INDIA PIXCY Color : White translucent; coloured printing +91 22 41557799 52, Sona Udyog, Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri East S107 +86 20-8703 1120 max 100 µm Color : White translucent, white, beige,black or gree, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 64 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica LADY PLASTIK Candido Carmelo Via Villoresi n 48 Fax +39 0331 875624 @ 20022 Castano Primo (MI) ITALY ECO-BIO-SAC max 60 / 100 / 203 µm LAVORAZIONE PLASTICA srl Luca MANTOVANI max 1500 x 16100 mm / 100 µm LIMAGRAIN CEREALES INGREDIENTS max 100 µm max 78 µm Color : White translucent MANCINI srl Corrado Mancini S245 +39 0442 83600 Via Isolella, 6 Fax +39 0442 83698 @ 37053 Cerea (VR) ITALY ECOCER S333 Fax +886426308298 @ 435 Taichung City TAIWAN, R.O.C. Winnie Lu +886426380889 N0 36, Lane 378, Sec 2, Yongsing Rd. Wuci Dist. FT1 S039 Color : Translucent or coloured, printed or not, with/without drawstring MAGICAL FILM ENTERPRISE Co Ltd Emmanuelle Ponsonnaille Fax +33 (0)4 23 67 17 10 @ 63720 Ennezat FRANCE BIOLICE Color : White translucent or Yellow, coloured printing +33 (0)4 73 33 33 59 ZAI SAINT Ignat - BP20 S131 Fax +39 0516048360 @ 40057 GRANAROLO DELL’EMILIA (BO) ITALY Lavoriazone Plastica Colour : Translucent or light green +39 0425474233 Via XXV Aprile, 42 S427 +39 0331 877637 max 50 µm Color : Various, coloured printing MATTIUSSI Ecologia Spa Massimo Miotti +39 0432 531521 Fax +39 0432 530727 @ Viale Venezia 113 33100 Udine ITALY Umisac in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Natural or coloured, with coloured printing Umisac paper bag in a thickness of max. 104 µm Color : Natural brown, with coloured printing S311 The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 65 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica MAXPLAST Industriale Srl Massimo Pieragnoli S354 Via Sant'Eufemia SN Fax @ 66010 Fara Filliorum Petri (CH) ITALY SACCOBELLO BIO max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing MAXPLAST Srl Pieragnoli Giacomo S527 +39 0871 70294 Via Sant'Eufemia 112 Fax @ 66010 Fara Filiorum Petri (CH) ITALY Saccobello bio max 27/40 µm Color : Translucent or coloured film with coloured printing MERIDIONAL PLAST di Salerno Pasquale Ecobag max 70 µm Color : Various, with coloured printing MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd Esmy HUANG Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. GP1000, GP1003, GP3002, GP1025, FT1, max 61 µm MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol max 97 µm / 236 µm NORTHERN Technologies Intl. Corp. 4201 Woodland Rd, PO Box 69 MN 55014 Circle Pines UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Natur-Bag S260 Fax +6638-492485 @ 20230 Chonburi THAILAND MBIO-2 / MBIO-3 Color : White translucent or green, Coloured printing +6638-491725-9 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha S043 +886 4 22 776 888 No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, S556 Fax +39 0883 59 88 46 @ 76123 Andria (BT) ITALY Gina Salerno +39 0883 59 71 42 Via Barletta 256 max 60 µm Color : Green, Black or Natural White, colored printing Shilpa MANJURE +001 763 404 8700 Fax +001 763 225 6645 @ S188 Color : Natural white or green, green priting The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 66 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica NUOVA POLIVER S.r.l. Simona MALASPINA Regione Bessiche, 43 Z.I. Fax +39 (0) 143883111 @ 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato ITALY Sacchi Bio max 800 x 1200 mm / 30 µm OERLEMANS Packaging bv Rob van der Bruggen max 110 µm Color : various colors, coloured printing P.B.S. srl Unipersonale Michele Montinaro Fax +39 0831 274515 @ 72023 Mesagne ITALY BIOSACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent PAPELES EL CARMEN S.A. Angela Aizpurua Fax +34 948 330779 @ 31486 Alzuza (Navarra) SPAIN verdeBIO max : 78 µm Color : Natural translucent, White or Green ; coloured printing PAPIER-METTLER Nicole Adams Fax +49 (0) 6533 79 3709 @ 54497 Morbach GERMANY Bag max 600 x 600 mm / 130 µm PDS Srl 20089 Rozzano (MI) ITALY TUOSACCO BIO Color : White translucent or green with coloured printing Pierpaolo BONI +39 02-30328934 Fax +39 02-30328935 @ Strasa 4 Palazzo Q8 S082 +49 (0)6533 79 3761 Hochwaldstr. 22 S151 +34 948 855 742 Carretera de Alzuza sin número S495 +39 0348 04 56 017 Via Provinciale S. Vito S320 Fax +31 416 35 25 90 @ 4265 GB Genderen THE NETHERLANDS OPLBIO Color : Translucent with green printing +31 416 35 81 00 Kleibergsestraat 4 S140 +39 (0) 413883130 max 100 µm S387 Color : Translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 67 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica PETER PAN PLAST S241 Roberto Remonato +39 0424 581445 Via Stefano Carli, 315 Fax @ 36027 Rosà (VI) ITALY BIOSACHETTI max 22 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing BIOSACHETTI max 21 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing PISKAR d.o.o., Sneberska cesta 138 B Fax 00386 1 520 6611 @ 1260 Ljubljana SLOVENIA Piskar max 120 µm Color : Natural white, various colore printing, with or without draw string PLASTICOS ROMERO S.A. Consuelo ROMERO Fax +34 968610924 @ 30500 Murcia SPAIN Plasticos Romero film : max 100 µm, handle : max 150 µm PLASTIK FORTORE Filomena Agostinelli S159 Fax +39 0824 964 554 @ 82028 San Bartolomeo in Galdo (BN) ITALY SACCHETTI BIO Color : White, natural ; printed or unprinted +39 0824 967 412 Via dei Tigli S152 +34 968612383 Naranjo s/n Molina de Segura S429 Zvone Trtnik 00386 1 520 6600 max thickness of 40 µm PLASTIROLL Oy Color : White translucent, white or coloured with coloured printing Jani Avellan S324 +358407592000 Vanha Vaasantie 13 Fax +35833800888 @ 33470 Ylöjärvi FINLAND BIOSKA ® + max 250 µm Color : White translucent, Coloured printing Bioska 302 max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 68 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica PLASTITALIA Srl M. Alessandro Miele Via Verdi 6 Fax +39 081 7743878 @ 80040 Cercola (NA) ITALY ZACSAC max 30 µm Color : Natural translucent ; coloured printing POLYCART S.p.a. Luca Bianconi Fax +39 075 80 39 433 @ 06081 Palazzo di Assisi (PG) ITALY Poly-Bi max 100 µm Color : White or translucent, Coloured printing POWERPACK nv DE JAEGER Fax +32 (0) 14 60 07 50 or 07 60 @ 2340 Beerse BELGIUM Powerpack S031 +32 (0) 14 60 07 67 or 07 40 Toekomstlaan, 18 S267 +39 075 80 98 000 Via delle Macine, 6 S431 +39 081 7731130 max 110 µm Color : Natural white, green printing PRINT BAG srl Guiseppe Luiso S253 +39 080765408 Grumo Z.I. Lotto 71 Fax @ 70020 Cassano Delle Murge ITALY Bags max 30 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing PRINT SAK S.r.l Luigi Calivà Fax +39 0761600651 @ 00195 Roma ITALY Your Shopper max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent or yellow, coloured printing PROSOURCING Inc Veejay C PATELL S560 +1(949)246-6868 12 Santa Catalina Fax +1(949)266-9401 @ 92688 Rancho Santa Margarita - CA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S513 +39 0761600656 Circonvallazione Clodia 145/A BioDOGradable Wast Pick Up max bags 50 µm Color : Translucent, green printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 69 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica PTL Christophe BRESO Av. des Canadiens, BP N° 3 Fax +33 (0) 2 35 04 66 70 @ 76860 Ouville la Rivière FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S033 +33 (0) 2 35 04 66 60 max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm SACME S.p.A. Fabio ZORDAN S195 +39 (0) 445 696 611 Via del lavoro, 2 Fax @ 36034 Molina di Malo (VI) ITALY Bags Sacme max 26 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, Coloured printing SARTORI Ambiente Srl Luca Torresan S402 +39 0464 531 643 Via S. Andrea, 51 Fax +39 0464 515 532 @ 38062 Arco (TN) ITALY BIOCLASSIC max 1500 x 16100 mm / 100 µm Color : White translucent or Yellow, coloured printing BIOCLASSIC max 250 µm Color : Coloured bag, printing : Green SAUPLAST Oy Pekka Kouvuviita Fax +358 2 5500 399 @ 29810 Siikainen FINLAND Sauplast BioLine / Biopussukka max 120 µm Color : White translucent or green, coloured printing S049 SCHWEITZER SAS (Groupe Sphere) +33 (0) 3 83 97 16 00 Impasse Clément Ader, 198 BP 80069 Fax +33 (0) 3 83 97 16 99 @ 54713 Ludres Cedex FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S508 +358 2 5500 300 Kankaanpaantie 14 max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 70 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica SEGEZHA Packaging A/S Stigsborgvej 36 Fax +45 98 17 02 74 @ 9400 Norresundby DENMARK Segheza Paper Bags 1x80 gr/m2 or 2x70 gr/m2, up to 1050x1300 mm Color : Natural Brown, Printing : Green, blue, black and red, printed SERIPLAST Srl Fax +39 (0) 804308196 @ 74015 Martina Franca (TA) ITALY SERIBIO max 50 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing SICILINDUSTRIA CARTAPLAST G Blancato srl Fax +39 0931490177 @ 96100 SIRACUSA ITALY BioCompost max 30 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing BioCompost max 40 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing SILONPLAST srl Fax +39 049 629401 @ 35010 Vigonza (PD) ITALY max 60 µm Color : Natural White; coloured printing SILVEX INDUSTRIA DE PLASTICOS e PAPEIS Fax +351 263 519 193 @ 2130-999 Benavente PORTUGAL Silvex max 100 µm Color : White translucent, green, red or black with coloured printing SIPA Management SRL Tommaso LOVATI Fax +39 0 293 12 583 @ 20010 Pregnana Milanese ITALY Sipabio, Biocartene S077 +39 0 293 04 040 Via Castellazo 53 S533 Hernani Magalhães +351 263 519 180 Quinta da Brasileira, Lote 10 S262 Rudi Lombardo +39 049 629361 Via Regia 18 BIO-COMP S211 Luigi Blancato +39 0931754577 S.S. 114 km5 nr 20 S385 Ignazio Di Bari +39 (0) 3930445997 Via Mottala KM 2,200 ZI S019 Liselotte Bach +45 96 32 32 32 max. 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 71 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica SMP di Sfrecola Gianluca & C sas Gaetano Mario Giannini Via foggia 45 Fax +39 0883 313428 @ 76121 Barletta (BT) ITALY Sacco Bio Cool BS 01 max 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Sacco Bio Cool BS 02 max 42 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Sacco Bio Cool BS 03 max 150 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Sacco Bio Cool BS 04 max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing SOURCE ATLANTIQUE Inc. 140 Sylvan Avenue NJ 07632 Englewood Cliffs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA If You Care Avda. Miguek Servet s/n Apdo. Correos n°2 50180 Utebo SPAIN Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S052 Fax +31 52 32 88 772 @ max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm STEMAPLAST Madau Antonio S234 +33 0785 55122 Zona Industriale PIP SN Fax +33 0785 566184 @ 09070 Paulilatino (OR) ITALY Bags Bio MaterBi S051 Gerrit-Jan Olthoff 7770 AA Hardenberg THE NETHERLANDS Alfonso BIEL +34 976 79 20 30 Fax +34 976 79 20 29 @ +31 52 32 88 776 Bruchterweg 88 7772 BJ Hardenberg PO Box 11 Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S203 max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm SPHERE Nederland BV Charlotte Abella +1 201 947-1000 Ext. 138 Fax +1 201 947-9009 @ max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm SPHERE Group Spain S369 +39 (0) 883 526148 max 25 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 72 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica TECHNOFILM Srl Strada di Recentino 16 Fax +39.0744.807910 @ 05100 Terni ITALY Techno-Bio max 60 µm Color : various colours with coloured printing Techno-Bio max 60 µm Color : various colours with coloured printing TERRY PLAST Sas Fax +39 0331-433761 @ 20020 Dairago (MI) ITALY BioBag Tp max 40 µm Color : White, coloured printing The Compost Bag Company Fax +32 (0) 16 27 02 80 @ 3020 Herent BELGIUM BioBag max 100 µm Color : White translucent, white or green, with green printing TRADIPACK Sarl Fax + 41 27 455 455 @ 3960 Sierre SWITZERLAND BIOTRADIBAG max 50 µm Color : Translucent or Yellow with coloured printing UMBRAPLAST S.r.l. Elena VESCHI Fax +39 075 8560214 @ 06016 San Giustino (PG) ITALY ECOPLAST up to 240 l, max 180 µm UNIBAG Srl Daniele Tacconi S604 Fax +39 071 964188 @ 60010 Ostra Vetere (AN) ITALY Unibio Color : White translucent with coloured printing +39 071 964044 Via Amadeo Rossi 3 S126 +39 075 8560215 Via Garda, 2 S476 Daniel Galofaro +41 27 455 455 7 Av Général-Guisan 25 S008 Jos CELEN +32 (0) 16 27 02 81 Tildonksesteenweg 171 S511 Ivan Segala +39 0331-433761 Via Domenico da Inveruno, 14 S493 Enrico Fiorelli +39.0744.800425 max 130 µm Color : Natural or coloured, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 73 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica UNIVERSAL PLASTIC & METAL Mfg. Ltd. Room 1009, Landmark North, 39 Lung Sum Avenue. Fax +852 246 246 85 @ - Sheung Shui NT HONG KONG Bags Natur Packaging max 100 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing VALPLASTIK SNC Fax +39 0975 70432 @ 84039 Teggiano ITALY La Coccinella max 20 µm Color : transparent with coloured printing VEGWARE Ltd Fax +44 (0) 845 508 1556 @ EH11 1HS Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM Vegware max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing VICTOR Güthoff & Partner GmbH Fax +49 22 34 97 90 5 86 @ 50226 Frechen GERMANY for private labels S447 Jens Boggel +49 22 34 94 90 5 26 Eurpaallee 44 S137 Joe FRANKEL +44 (0) 845 643 0406 Canalside House 43-45 Polwarth Crescent S348 Michele Calandriello +39 0975 70482 Via Mezzana S187 Rickly Wong +852 246 246 29 max 40 µm Color : White translucent with green printing VIFI srl S199 Auguto BALLONI +39 (0)932 997 242 C.da Marangio Fax @ 97019 Vittoria (RG) ITALY Geopack max 110 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing VIROSAC s.r.l. Fax +39 (0)423 68 85 15 @ 31040 Pederobba ITALY Virosac S115 Fabio Nordio +39 (0)423 68 82 50 Zona Industriale Via Feltrina 49 max 50 µm Color : Bag : Natural ; closing strip : Green, printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 74 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica WEI MON INDUSTRY Co, Ltd. 2F, No. 57, Singjhong Rd., Neihu District, Fax +886-2-2791-9966 @ 11494 Taipei City TAIWAN, R.O.C. Pland Bag max 63 µm Color : Natural white with coloured printing WELTPLAST d.o.o. Fax +387 39 681 204 @ 88240 Posusje BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Weltplast max 120 µm Color : Natural translucent or Green ; coloured printing WENTUS Kunststoff GmbH Fax +49 (0) 5271 689 219 @ 37671 HÖXTER GERMANY WENTERRA max 250 µm Color : Coloured bag, printing : Green Wtrading Srl Fax +39 081 8038489 @ 80038 Pomigliano (NA) ITALY WTRADING max 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing WUHAN TANKON Colour Print Co., Ltd. Xudong Road 23#, 7-3-2B, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei Province TK-3 compostable bags S181 Xu Yang +86 27 88615161 Fax +86 27 88615161 @ 430062 Wuhan CHINA S350 Guiseppe Cacace +39 081 8038489 Via G. Luraghi, Consorzio il Sole S010 Karsten BUTH +49(0) 5271 689-252 / 218 Eugen-Diesel-Strasse 12 S426 Suzana Boras +387 39 683 045 Rastovaca b.b. S133 Wen-Ni Hsu +886-2-2795-3131 max 24 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing XINGYUAN Packaging Co Ltd S563 Kevin Chiang +86 13428408658 B52, 29F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street Fax @ - Kwun Tong, Kowloon HONG KONG BF 90A max 230 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 75 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.1. Borse/Sacchi per raccolta frazione organica YOKOZUNA Technologies Philippe LEBACQ Espace Dunant Av. Henri Dunant, 69 Fax +33(0)1 60 22 58 32 @ 77100 MEAUX FRANCE ECOLOBAG from 6.5 L to 120 L, max 35 µm Color : White translucent or light green, printed ZHONGSHAN ZHENHONG Packaging Technol S465 Fax +86-760-22828308 @ 528445 Zhongshan City CHINA biodegradable bags Shi Di Xing +86-760-22211333 No 105 Gaoping Avenue, Sanjiao Town S017 +33 (0) 1 60 22 50 00 max 43 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 76 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper 100% PACKAGING Matteo NALDINI S489 N°Verde 800912896 Gramsci, 20 Fax +39 0293661551 @ 20032 Cormano (MI) ITALY BTN Backtonature max 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing BTN Backtonature max 100 µm Color : various, coloured printing S571 ADVANCE BIO MATERIAL Company PVT LTD 525 Avior, Nirmal Galaxy, Lbs Road, Mulund West Fax @ 400080 Mumbay INDIA FT1 max 78 µm Color : White translucent ALASKA s.a.s. Gaetano Nino Di Cioccio Via dell' Industria 10 Fax +39 0864.251190 @ 67039 Sulmona (AQ) ITALY ABC 13432 max 40 µm Color : Translucent film with coloured printing ALPAGRO PLASTICS A. VINCKE Fax +32 (0) 11 52 51 44 @ 3530 Houthalen BELGIUM BIOBAG -Shopping bags max 740 x 650 mm with loop or punched handles, 100 µm AMERPLAST snc di Amerotti M&G Michele Amerotti max 60 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing ANDOLFI & C. Snc Alessandro ANDOLFI Via Vecchia Porto, 1599 +39 0734 810108 Green Leaf - film S443 Fax +39 0734 850489 @ 63811 S. Elpidio A Mare (FM) ITALY S526 Fax +39 0883 51070 @ 76121 Barletta (BT) ITALY Bio Amer Color : Various colours with coloured printing +39 0883 510710 Via Foggia 105-107 S074 +32 (0) 11 60 91 30 Europark 1060 S360 +39 0864.251800 max 120 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 77 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper ARDDI SA ZI Munas Fax +33 (0) 4 75 69 90 47 @ 07290 Ardoix FRANCE BIOCOOL max 380 x 590 mm / 25 µm ArTiPlast S.r.l. S231 Matteo Massimo Argentino Fax +33 0931-1846808 @ 96012 Avola (SR) ITALY Bioshoppers Color : Natural, colored printing +33 8-9851827 Via Mauceri 26 S046 F. BOUVIER +33 (0) 4 75 69 91 82 max 30 µm Color : White translucent, printed BagspaGroup Srl S310 Valerio Pagnoni +39 030 7704002 Via Maresciallo L. di Bernardo 9 Fax +39 030 7248602 @ info@ 25030 Coccaglio (BS) ITALY BAGSPA in a thickness of max. 70 µm BAGSPA compost in a thickness of max. 46/90 µm Color : Translucent, white or light green, coloured printing Color : White or natural, with coloured printing BAGSPA compost in a thickness of max. 45 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing BAGSPA compost in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing BAGSPA compost in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing BAGSPA compost in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : Translucent or coloured with coloured printing BAGSPA compost in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing BASILIOTTI Bag's Company Srl Fax +39 0578 293049 @ 06062 Città della Pieve (PG) ITALY eco B-01 S449 Sauro Basiliotti +39 0578 293050 Via F. Parri, 11 max 50 µm Color : White or Natural translucent with coloured printing Because We Care Pty Ltd S110 Kenny LAY +61 3 99316888 309 Fitzgerald Road Derrimut Fax +61 3 99316869 @ 3030 Victoria AUSTRALIA BF 90A max 230 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing BOTANICBAG max 347 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 78 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper BIO & PAPER Srl Elena salvi Viale delle Scienze 16/a Fax 0746 607244 @ 02010 Santa Rufina ZI (RI) ITALY BIO LINE 50 µm Color : Natural translucent or coloured film, coloured printing BIO PLASTIC Ltd Moira Sormani Fax 00 356 21800077 @ - MALTA SHOPPY max 43 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing Bio4pack BV Patrick Gerritsen S345 +49 5975 955 9510 Postbus 26 Fax +49 5975 955 9458 @ 7480 BV Haaksbergen THE NETHERLANDS S501 00 356 21800099 KKW 200 A Kordin Ind. Estate S446 0746 607215 Bio4pack compostable bag max 143 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing BIOAPPLY sàrl Frederic MAUCH S058 +41 22 311 88 11 33 Av. du Mont-Blanc Fax +41 22 311 88 92 @ 1196 Gland SWITZERLAND BioApply Bioshop/Biomulti/Bioresist max 120 µm Color : Natural translucent or Green ; coloured printing Bioshop/Biomulti/Bioresist max 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing max 100 µm Color : Natural or coloured, coloured printing BIOBAG International AS Mats Rattfält Fax +47 69 88 85 99 @ 1831 Askim NORWAY BioBag Shopping bags max 50 µm Color : Various colors, with coloured printing BRUNPLAST Snc Sebastiano Brundu S504 +39 079 867447 Regione Coas de Cossu Fax +39 079 867447 @ 07212 Bonorva ITALY S014 +46 560 711 1 Hovsveien 8 OKCompost BRUNPLAST max 35 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 79 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper CATTANEO PLAST Srl Via Case Sparse SN Fax +0039 0322 669707 @ 28010 Nebbiuno (NO) ITALY ECOBIOROL max 50 µm Color : Translucent, white or green, with coloured printing CELVIL SNC Flexible Packaging Fax +39 02 33500711 @ 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI) ITALY Celvil-Bio S462 Uffica commerciale +39 02 33501188 Via de Ruggerio, 15 S546 Sonia CATTANEO +0039 0322 660689 max 70 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing CEPLAST S.r.l. S124 Stefano CENTINARI +39 0744 812771 Str. Di Recentino, 5 Fax +39 0744 800347 @ 05100 Terni ITALY Biobag max 100 µm Color : Natural or coloured with coloured printing Mr. Bi max 50 µm Color : White translucent or light green with coloured printing CHUN YIP Plastics Limited - Kowloon HONG KONG Chun Yip max 120 µm Fax +39 0423 566390 @ max 80 µm Color : Translucent, coloured printing CORNELIS PLASTICS NV S068 Sandra De Decker +32 (0) 3 844 25 00 Industrieweg 12 Fax +32 (0) 3 844 25 85 @ 2850 Boom BELGIUM BIOCOR BAG S298 Dino Signor 31030 Caselle d'Altivole (TV) ITALY Fax 852-24111936 @ +39 0423 915012 Via Giuseppe Toniolo nr 16 Shopper Biocompost 852-24167545 Color : White translucent, coloured printing COMPLAST Italia srl S291 Patricia YUNG Unit 2726-2717, North Tower, Concordia Plaza, No. 1 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, max 1600 x 3000 mm / 60 µm Color : White translucent or white colored, printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 80 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper CORTEC Corporation Robert Kean 4119 White Bear Parkway Fax +1 (651) 429-1122 @ thhp:// 55110 St Paul, MN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S344 +1 (651) 429-1100 EcoOcean / EcoWorks AD max 282 µm Color : White transparent, green printing CRISTIANPACK srl Simone Marzetti S251 +39 0717230389 Via San Sabino, 3 Fax @ 60027 Osimo (AN) ITALY BIOCPACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing DE.MI.COM S.a.s. Roberto De Agostini Fax +39 (0)4 955598988 @ 35016 Piazzola Sul Brenta (PD) ITALY BIOF3 - bag max 60 µm Color : White transluscent or W hite, coloured printing DELTA PLAST Srl Luigi Normanno Fax +39 0984 980599 @ 87050 Figline Vegliaturo (CS) ITALY Delta Bio max 40 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing DERAPLAST Ilaria MIRARCHI / Defazio EMAVELE Fax +39 0298997006 @ 20010 Santo Stefano Ticino ITALY Bio-sac max 60 µm Color : translucent or coloured, with coloured printing DMP Srl Giuseppe CUOZZO Fax +39 081 3303934 @ 80010 Villaricca (NA) ITALY BioBags S593 +39 081 8945420 Via Corso Italia nr 199 S549 +39 0298997006 Via donatori di sangue, 21 S510 +39 0984 980808 Zona Industriale Piano Lago S219 +39 (0)4 99600601 Via Luigi Einaudi, 19 in a thickness of max. 22 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 81 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper DONGAH CHEMICAL Co Ltd Kiseok Yu #53 Buk 1 Gil Sanmak Industrial Zone Fax +82-55-385-0715 @ 626-120 Yangsan Kyungnam KOREA Biopolymer in a thickness of max. 88 µm Color : Beige, coloured printing Dongguan Xinhai Environment-Friendly Materi No 17, Shen Xi Road, Baihai Industrial Area, Houjie TownNo 17, Shen Xi Road, Baihai Industrial Area, Houjie Town 523960 Duongguan City CHINA XH-918 max 55 µm S268 Fax +353439320032 @ max 61 µm Color : White translucent or green, Coloured printing Eco Concept Service Bertrand GAY S106 +33 (0)4 91 25 25 25 452 Avenue du prado Fax +33 (0)4 91 71 78 57 @ 13008 Marseille FRANCE Shopping bags Fax +86-769-85993891 @ Gerard Butterly - Co Louth IRELAND S329 +353429394318 Unit 10 Butterly Business Park, Coes Road, DunDalk GP1000 Karen Yang +86-769-85921096 Color : Natural White or green, various printing EASYDRY Ltd. S279 +82-55-386-1218 100 µm ( handle 135 µm ) ECOBAGS Srl Color : White (natural) or coloured, coloured printing Antonio Fanteria S222 +39 0587489240 Via Goito, 3 Fax @ 40126 Bologna (BO) ITALY Ecobags Ecobags - non woven fabric max 0.53 mm / 121 gsm max 30 µm Color : White translucent or yellow, coloured printing ECOPRO Manufacturing Co Ltd Yoyo LAI Fax + 86-769-88812218 @ - Dongguan City, Guangdong CHINA Ecopro S315 + 86-769-88412298 Yickshun Industrial Park, Beihuang Crossing, Zhongtang Town, Color : Natural white, coloured printing in a thickness of max.143 µm Color : Natural white, coloured printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 82 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper EKP Projekt d.o.o. Smihelska 2 Fax +38638390299 @ 3330 Mozirje SLOVENIA Green Bag max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing ERRETI Srl Fax +39 0331 377871 @ 21058 Solbiate Olana ITALY BIO-B max 50 µm Color : Translucent or Yellow with coloured printing ERRETIPLAST S.r.l. Emma MOLTENI TENTORI Fax + 39 039 9211366 @ 23893 Brianza (Lecco) ITALY BIO1 - from 5,5 to 30 L max 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing EURO SME snd bhd John Oakley Fax +60 3 7846 6331 @ 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA Clearly max 40 µm Color : Various colors with coloured printing EUROPLASTIC Srl Antonio Natale Fax +39 0823 787942 @ 81011 Alife (CE) ITALY EUROBIO max 50 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing EXTRAPACK OOD Milen Georgiev Fax +359 (0) 62 611 556 @ 5000 Veliko Tarnovo BULGARIA ECOMATER S357 +359 (0) 62 611 515 Zapadna Promishlena Zona S582 +39 0823 783037 Via M. Vernelle Z. Ind. LE S480 +60 3 7846 6301 No 5, Jalan Utarid U5/1, Seksyen U5 Mah Sing Integrated Industrial Park S119 +39 039 956720 Via N. Sauro, 61 S373 Egidio D’Adda +39 0331 641690 Via IV Novembre, 145 S396 Vasja Hramec +38638390298 max 70 µm Color : White or white translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 83 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper EXTRAPAPIR srl Michele FIORINO Zona Industriale Fax +39-0934-547714 @ 93100 Caltanisetta ITALY Bags Il Quadrifoglio max 50 µm Color : natural or coloured FARMAB Srl Antonio Nicastro Fax +39 055 4640085 @ 50041 Calenzano (FI) ITALY EcologyBag in a thickness of max. 80 µm FILADEL Srl Franco Grosso 25 µm Color : White translucent or yellow, coloured printing FLEXOPACK S.r.l. Chiara MORTARI Fax +39 0182 582 520 @ 17038 Villanova d'Albenga ITALY FLEXOBIO max 28/50 µm Color : Various colors with coloured printing FUTURA Plast Srl Marco Banini Fax +39 0577 623304 @ 53048 Bettolle (SI) ITALY Greenpol in a thickness of max. 35 µm Future Service di Saporito Luigi Luigi Saporito S364 Fax +39 081 338 1028 @ 80040 Poggiomarino (NA) ITALY Egobag Color : White translucent, coloured printing +39 081 338 1028 G. Iervolino 102 S496 +39 0577 623090 Via Vittorio Alfieri, 15 S092 +39 0182 583 802 Via dell' industria, 12 S232 Fax +39 098584682 @ 87021 Belvedere Marittimo ITALY BIO SHOPPER Color : White or light green, coloured printing + 39 098584682 Localita Campominore - La Chiana S612 +39 055 88 24767 Via delle Calandre 51 S190 +39-0934-20811 max 100 µm Color : White translucent or Coloured, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 84 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper GALLO PLASTICS Srl Via del commercio 30 Fax +39 041 5411910 @ 30038 Spinea (VE) ITALY BIOSACCO max. 80 µm Color : White or light green, coloured printing BIOSACCO max 50 µm Color : Translucent or yellow, coloured printing GAMMAPLAST Fax +39 0141 875000 @ 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze (AT) ITALY SHOPPING BAGS in a thickness of max. 60 µm GI.SA. Srl Fax +39 095 592514 @ max 30 µm Color : Cream, translucent or coloured with coloured printing GIANNI SPAGNOLI Fax +39 0974 845849 @ 84043 Agropoli (SA) ITALY BIO COMPOST GIANNI SPAGNOLI max 130 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing GLOBAL Srl Fax +39 080 4550315 @ 70010 Capurso-Bari ITALY Global Bio max 24 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing GRABIO Greentech Corporation 30351 Hsinchu County TAIWAN, R.O.C. Grabio S059 Tony CHEN No. 91, Guangfu N. Rd., Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou Township Hukou Township S399 Chiara Di Gioia +39 080 4550315 Contrada La Lenza 28 S531 Mauro FRONZORI +39 0974 845553 (int 203) Via Pio X, 1 S274 Francesco Giarratana 95121 Catania (CT) ITALY GI.SA. Color : White or light green, coloured printing +39 095 591827 Quinta Strada Zona Industriale, 11 S481 Ivan Alpiste +39 0141 875008 Via G. Abbate 68 S537 Viviana Gallo +39 041 880428 in a thickness of max. 109 µm +886 (0)3 598 64 96#121 Fax +886 (0)3 598 64 91 @ Color : Various colours, with various color printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 85 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper GREEN PACK srl Violini Via Lombardia 35 Fax +39 0362/993537 @ 20841 Carate Brianza (MB) ITALY BioGREENPACK in a thickness of max. 100 µm GRICOPLAST Servizio Clienti max 30 µm Color : Natural translucent or coloured with coloured printing GRINPACK Srl Pierpaolo CONCU Fax +39 041 572 7658 @ 09100 Cagliari ITALY Bio & Comp in a thickness of max. 80 µm Groupe BARBIER Patrick DORCY in a thickness of max. 98 µm IBC Javier Fuentes max 100 µm Color : White transl,cream,white,black,green or yellow, coloured printing IBI PLAST Srl Claudio PULITI +39 0 33164 03 40 Fax +39 0 331 64 99 30 @ http://www. Via IV Novembre 143 21058 Solbiate Olona ITALY S142 Fax +34 956 63 32 53 @ 11205 Algeciras SPAIN IBC Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not +34 956 10 98 98 C/ Arbolitos s/n S098 Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM Color : White or light green, coloured printing +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 La Guide BP 39 S293 +39 041 570 3255 Via Mameli 184 S452 Fax +39 06 66183158 @ 00166 Roma ITALY GRICOPLAST Color : Translucent with coloured printing +39 06 89528914 Via Pantanelle 15A S295 +39 0362/991898 T-Shirt & handle bag Ecobag max 700 mm x 700 mm / 50 µm S081 Color : Translucent or yellow, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 86 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper IDEA PLAST Snc Via A. Volta 39 Fax +39 049 900 2637 @ 35030 Veggiano ITALY ID.PLAST max 50 µm Color : Natural translucent with coloured printing ID-Waste SL Fax +34 972 01 38 89 @ 17190 Salt (Girona) SPAIN SPORA in a thickness of max. 100 µm IMB SpA Fax +39 0824 565935 @ max 60 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing IMPERIAL POLYTHENE Fax +44 (0) 1753 682793 @ SL3 0ED Slough, Berkshire UNITED KINGDOM Biolice max 43 µm Color : Natural beige, coloured printing IPT Industria Plastica Toscana Fax +39 055 8430267 @ 50038 Scarperia ITALY COMPOSTABILE IPT S213 Graziano Chini +39 055 84381 Viale Kennedy, 184 S209 Sam Marsh + 44 (0) 1753 686 336 Unit 3, Lakeside Industrial Estate, Colnbrook S479 Angelo Iannuzzi 82100 Benevento ITALY IMB SPA Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing +39 0824 776527 Via Tazio Nuvolari Z.I.C. Da Olivala S317 Frederic Puig Magrina +34 972 41 71 14 Passeig Països Catalans, 158 3rd S539 Giuseppe De Agostini +39 049 55 99 055 35 µm Color : Coloured film with coloured printing S352 ITH Complast +31(0)488422899 Buskesdries 23 Fax +31(0)488421106 @ 6673 DP Andelst THE NETHERLANDS BF 90A max 230 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing Bioska 302 max 185 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing DUMIL max 55 µm Color : Natural White or green, various printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 87 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper J&M PLAST Thomas BONNY ZI de Pirolles Fax +33 (0) 4 71 61 59 01 @ 43590 Beauzac FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm JET'SAC Elsa PONTFORT Fax +33 (0) 3 21 64 50 67 @ 62260 AUCHEL FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm JIANGSU TORISE BIOMATERIALS Co Ltd Torise bag (non woven fabric) max 347 µm Color : Natural white, coloured printing JOEPLAST SpA Sergio Messina S224 +39 0922 917700 Zona Industriale Fax +39 0922 917977 @ 92025 Casteltermini (AG) ITALY JOEPLAST S335 Fax +86-511-85598456 @ 212009 Zhenjiang, Jiangsu CHINA Sunny Wu +86-511-85598458 B6, Technology Park, Wisdom Avenue Ding Mao S024 +33 (0) 3 21 64 50 50 ZI Ouest - Boulevard de Malling S054 +33 (0) 4 71 61 59 00 max 60 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printed KENMARE srl Francesco Tognato +39 02 4398 6716 Fax +39 02 4341 6957 @ Via Mosè Bianchi 79 20149 Milano ITALY S240 EcoGaia max 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing ECOGAIA max 130 µm Color : Natural or coloured, coloured printing KINGFA SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD Stephen YIBIN TSU Kefeng Road N0.33, Science City, Luogang District Fax +86 20-8703 6219 @ 510663 Guangzhou CHINA ECOPOND S107 +86 20-8703 1120 max thickness of 120 µm Color : White translucent; coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 88 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper KULODAY Technopack Private Limited 52, Sona Udyog, Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri East PIXCY max 100 µm Color : White translucent, white, beige,black or gree, coloured printing LADY PLASTIK Candido Carmelo Fax +39 0331 875624 @ 20022 Castano Primo (MI) ITALY ECO-BIO-SAC max 60 / 100 / 203 µm LAVORAZIONE PLASTICA srl Luca MANTOVANI max 800 x 1200 mm / 100 µm LIMAGRAIN CEREALES INGREDIENTS max 100 µm Mirella Lincastri +39 091 6140886 Fax +39 091 6145788 @ Fondo La Rosa (Z.I.) 90039 Villabate (PA) ITALY SHOPPERBIO S039 Color : Translucent or coloured, printed or not, with/without drawstring LINCASTRI Srl Emmanuelle Ponsonnaille Fax +33 (0)4 23 67 17 10 @ 63720 Ennezat FRANCE BIOLICE Color : White translucent or Yellow, coloured printing +33 (0)4 73 33 33 59 ZAI SAINT Ignat - BP20 S131 Fax +39 0516048360 @ 40057 GRANAROLO DELL’EMILIA (BO) ITALY Lavoriazone Plastica Colour : Translucent or light green +39 0425474233 Via XXV Aprile, 42 S427 +39 0331 877637 Via Villoresi n 48 S413 Fax +91 22 41557711 @ 400069 Mumbay INDIA Anuj Chokhani +91 22 41557799 S595 max40 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 89 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper LINEA 3000 srl Stefano Peruzzo Via Marconi 91 Fax +39 049 9481232 @ 35014 Fontaniva (PD) ITALY Bag "A-Compostyle" max30 µm Bag "B-Compostyle" max30 µm Compostyle max 22 µm Color : Natural translucent or light green with coloured printing Color : Natural translucent or light green with coloured printing Color : Natural translucent with coloured printing MAGICAL FILM ENTERPRISE Co Ltd @ max 78 µm Color : White translucent MANCINI srl Corrado Mancini Fax +39 0442 83698 @ 37053 Cerea (VR) ITALY ECOCER max 50 µm Color : Various, coloured printing MATTIUSSI Ecologia Spa Massimo Miotti Fax +39 0432 530727 @ 33100 Udine ITALY Umisac S311 +39 0432 531521 Viale Venezia 113 S245 +39 0442 83600 Via Isolella, 6 S333 Fax +886426308298 435 Taichung City TAIWAN, R.O.C. FT1 Winnie Lu +886426380889 N0 36, Lane 378, Sec 2, Yongsing Rd. Wuci Dist. S457 +39 049 9404547 in a thickness of max. 100 µm MAXPLAST Industriale Srl Color : Natural or coloured, with coloured printing Massimo Pieragnoli S354 Via Sant'Eufemia SN Fax @ 66010 Fara Filliorum Petri (CH) ITALY SACCOBELLO BIO max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 90 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper MAXPLAST Srl S527 Pieragnoli Giacomo +39 0871 70294 Via Sant'Eufemia 112 Fax @ 66010 Fara Filiorum Petri (CH) ITALY Saccobello bio max 27/40 µm Color : Translucent or coloured film with coloured printing MECPLAST srl Fax +39 019 883666 @ 17047 Valleggia (SV) ITALY BIOSHOPPER in a thickness of max. 70 µm MERIDIONAL PLAST di Salerno Pasquale max 70 µm Esmy HUANG Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. GP1000, GP1003, GP3002, GP1025, FT1, max 61 µm MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd 20230 Chonburi THAILAND max 97 µm / 236 µm NORTHERN Technologies Intl. Corp. 4201 Woodland Rd, PO Box 69 MN 55014 Circle Pines UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Natur-Bag Color : White translucent or green, Coloured printing Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol +6638-491725-9 Fax +6638-492485 @ 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha MBIO-2 / MBIO-3 S043 +886 4 22 776 888 No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, S556 Color : Various, with coloured printing MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd Gina Salerno Fax +39 0883 59 88 46 @ 76123 Andria (BT) ITALY Ecobag Color : Translucent, white or light green, coloured printing +39 0883 59 71 42 Via Barletta 256 S303 Christian Pavone +39 019 881888 Via Briano 6 A/r max 60 µm S260 Color : Green, Black or Natural White, colored printing Shilpa MANJURE +001 763 404 8700 Fax +001 763 225 6645 @ S188 Color : Natural white or green, green priting The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 91 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper NUOVA ERREPLAST Srl Clelia Raccioppoli Via Nazionale delle Puglie KM 36.400 Fax +39 081 8424066 @ 80013 Casalnuovo di Napoli (NA) ITALY BIONEP 60 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing OERLEMANS Packaging bv Rob van der Bruggen Fax +31 416 35 25 90 @ 4265 GB Genderen THE NETHERLANDS OPLBIO max 110 µm Color : various colors, coloured printing P.B.S. srl Unipersonale Michele Montinaro Fax +39 0831 274515 @ 72023 Mesagne ITALY BIOSACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent PACK 38 Bernard GUELY Fax +33 (0)4 76 07 03 75 @ 38210 VOUREY FRANCE Bio Embal in a thickness of max. 80 µm Color : Natural, printed PACOMBI Group BV Huib BURGGRAAF Willem Beukelszstraat 16 +31-174.636.111 Van der Windt max 50 µm Color : Translucent or yellow, coloured printing PAPELES EL CARMEN S.A. Angela Aizpurua Fax +34 948 330779 @ 31486 Alzuza (Navarra) SPAIN verdeBIO S151 +34 948 855 742 Carretera de Alzuza sin número S122 Fax +31-174.620.299 @ 3261 LV Oud-Beijerland THE NETHERLANDS S060 +33 (0)4 76 07 77 77 ZI Chantarot S495 +39 0348 04 56 017 Via Provinciale S. Vito S320 +31 416 35 81 00 Kleibergsestraat 4 S456 +39 081 8421259 max : 78 µm Color : Natural translucent, White or Green ; coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 92 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper PAPIER-METTLER Hochwaldstr. 22 Fax +49 (0) 6533 79 3709 @ 54497 Morbach GERMANY Carrier bag max 600 x 600 mm / 130 µm PICHON Plastiques Papier Fax +33 471 66 16 43 @ max 120 µm PLASTICA MARCONI Srl Fax +39 0516782163 @ 40037 Sasso Marconi (BO) ITALY Bio Green in a thickness of max. 45 µm Bio Green in a thickness of max. 45 µm PLASTICOS ALHAMBRA Manuel Recuerda max 46/90 µm Color : White or natural with coloured printing PLASTICS DEL FLUVIA Isabel VILLEGAS Fax +34 972 290 245 @ 17857 Sant Joan les Fonts SPAIN max 120 µm Color : Natural or white, coloured printing PLASTIK FORTORE Filomena Agostinelli Fax +39 0824 964 554 @ 82028 San Bartolomeo in Galdo (BN) ITALY SACCHETTI BIO S159 +39 0824 967 412 Via dei Tigli S089 +34 972 290 833 C/ Puigmal, 6 Eco Pack Fluvia S256 Fax +34 958420363 @ 18200 Maracena (Granada) SPAIN Color : Translucent, green or yellow with coloured printing Color : Translucent with coloured printing +34 958420149 Camino Antiguo de Atarfe, s/n Plasticos Alhambra S415 Manuela Pavignani +39 0516783094 Via Pila 2 S091 Thomas Bonny 43600 Saint-Sigolène FRANCE Vegebag Color : White translucent or green with coloured printing +33 (0) 471 75 63 19 ZI Les Taillas - BP 22 S082 Nicole Adams +49 (0)6533 79 3761 max thickness of 40 µm Color : White translucent, white or coloured with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 93 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper PLASTIROLL Oy Jani Avellan Vanha Vaasantie 13 Fax +35833800888 @ 33470 Ylöjärvi FINLAND BIOSKA ® + max 250 µm Color : White translucent, Coloured printing Bioska 302 max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing POLYCART S.p.a. Luca Bianconi Fax +39 075 80 39 433 @ 06081 Palazzo di Assisi (PG) ITALY Poly-Bi S267 +39 075 80 98 000 Via delle Macine, 6 S324 +358407592000 max 100 µm Color : White or translucent, Coloured printing PRINT BAG srl Guiseppe Luiso S253 +39 080765408 Grumo Z.I. Lotto 71 Fax @ 70020 Cassano Delle Murge ITALY Shoppers max 30 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing PRINT SAK S.r.l Luigi Calivà Fax +39 0761600651 @ 00195 Roma ITALY Your Shopper max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent or yellow, coloured printing PROMOPLAST Marie-Lise JARRY Fax +33 (0) 2 40 81 26 05 @ 44142 Chateaubrillant FRANCE BIOTERRE max 65 µm Color : Natural or White, printed PTL Christophe BRESO Fax +33 (0) 2 35 04 66 70 @ 76860 Ouville la Rivière FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S033 +33 (0) 2 35 04 66 60 Av. des Canadiens, BP N° 3 S072 +33 (0) 2 40 81 09 25 Rue du Québec, 1 S513 +39 0761600656 Circonvallazione Clodia 145/A max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 94 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper RE.MA.PLAST Srl Alfonse Capitelli Loc. Ingegno Z.I. Fax +39 081 9681645 @ 84087 Sarno (SA) ITALY BIOREMA S255 +39 081 942414 in a thickness of max. 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing SACME S.p.A. Fabio ZORDAN S195 +39 (0) 445 696 611 Via del lavoro, 2 Fax @ 36034 Molina di Malo (VI) ITALY Bags Sacme max 26 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, Coloured printing SAMAFRAVA S.A. Manuel CORDOBA REINA Fax +34 957 538 761 @ 14960 Rute, Cordoba SPAIN Samafrava S125 +34 957 538 588 C/ Loja S/N max 150 µm (handels max 200 µm ) SARTORI Ambiente Srl Color : White translucent, coloured printing Luca Torresan S402 +39 0464 531 643 Via S. Andrea, 51 Fax +39 0464 515 532 @ 38062 Arco (TN) ITALY BIOCLASSIC 35 µm Color : Coloured film with coloured printing BIOCLASSIC max 800 x 1200 mm / 100 µm Color : White translucent or Yellow, coloured printing SAUPLAST Oy Pekka Kouvuviita Fax +358 2 5500 399 @ 29810 Siikainen FINLAND Sauplast BioLine / Biopussukka max 120 µm Color : White translucent or green, coloured printing S049 SCHWEITZER SAS (Groupe Sphere) +33 (0) 3 83 97 16 00 Impasse Clément Ader, 198 BP 80069 Fax +33 (0) 3 83 97 16 99 @ 54713 Ludres Cedex FRANCE Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S508 +358 2 5500 300 Kankaanpaantie 14 max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 95 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper SERIPLAST Srl Via Mottala KM 2,200 ZI Fax +39 (0) 804308196 @ 74015 Martina Franca (TA) ITALY SERIBIO max 50 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing SICILINDUSTRIA CARTAPLAST G Blancato srl Fax +39 0931490177 @ 96100 SIRACUSA ITALY BioCompost max 30 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing BioCompost max 40 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing SILONPLAST srl Fax +39 049 629401 @ 35010 Vigonza (PD) ITALY max 60 µm Color : Natural White; coloured printing SILVEX INDUSTRIA DE PLASTICOS e PAPEIS Fax +351 263 519 193 @ 2130-999 Benavente PORTUGAL Silvex max 100 µm Color : White translucent, green, red or black with coloured printing SIPA Management SRL Tommaso LOVATI Fax +39 0 293 12 583 @ 20010 Pregnana Milanese ITALY Sipabio, Biocartene S077 +39 0 293 04 040 Via Castellazo 53 S533 Hernani Magalhães +351 263 519 180 Quinta da Brasileira, Lote 10 S262 Rudi Lombardo +39 049 629361 Via Regia 18 BIO-COMP S211 Luigi Blancato +39 0931754577 S.S. 114 km5 nr 20 S385 Ignazio Di Bari +39 (0) 3930445997 max. 100 µm Color : White translucent or coloured, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 96 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper SMP di Sfrecola Gianluca & C sas Gaetano Mario Giannini Via foggia 45 Fax +39 0883 313428 @ 76121 Barletta (BT) ITALY Sacco Bio Cool BS 01 max 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Sacco Bio Cool BS 02 max 42 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Sacco Bio Cool BS 03 max 150 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing Sacco Bio Cool BS 04 max 40 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing SOURCE ATLANTIQUE Inc. Charlotte Abella +1 201 947-1000 Ext. 138 Fax +1 201 947-9009 @ 140 Sylvan Avenue NJ 07632 Englewood Cliffs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA If You Care max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm If You Care max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm SPHERE Group Spain Alfonso BIEL max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm SPHERE Nederland BV Bruchterweg 88 7772 BJ Hardenberg PO Box 11 7770 AA Hardenberg THE NETHERLANDS Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac Zona Industriale PIP SN 09070 Paulilatino (OR) ITALY Shopping bags MaterBi Gerrit-Jan Olthoff +31 52 32 88 776 Fax +31 52 32 88 772 @ S052 Madau Antonio +33 0785 55122 Fax +33 0785 566184 @ S234 max 1500 x 2000 mm / 90 µm STEMAPLAST S051 Fax +34 976 79 20 29 @ 50180 Utebo SPAIN Alfapac, Frio, Embal'sac Bio, Jet'Sac S203 +34 976 79 20 30 Avda. Miguek Servet s/n Apdo. Correos n°2 S369 +39 (0) 883 526148 max 25 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 97 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper STEREOFLEX srl Aldo MOZZONE Via Roma 201 Fax +39 0182 58 25 25 @ 17038 Villanova d'Albenga ITALY StereoBIO in a thickness of max. 45 µm Color : Translucent, white, green or yellow with coloured printing STYL PACK Mathias BESSETTES Fax +33 (0) 2 40 79 38 45 @ 44170 Nozay FRANCE Styl Pack 18 - 23 - 35 µm Color : White , Natural; coloured printing TECHNOFILM Srl Enrico Fiorelli Fax +39.0744.807910 @ 05100 Terni ITALY Techno-Bio max 60 µm Color : various colours with coloured printing TECNOSAC S.r.l. Carlo ORSINI Fax +39 0171 403475 @ 12100 Cuneo ITALY TECNO-BIO max 35 µm Color : White translucent, yellow, green or blue; coloured printing TERRY PLAST Sas Ivan Segala +39 0331-433761 Fax +39 0331-433761 @ Via Domenico da Inveruno, 14 20020 Dairago (MI) ITALY BioBag Tp max 40 µm Adam THORN +353 (0)1 2808 612 Fax +353 (0)1 2804 830 @ 501 Northwest Business Park Ballycoolin 15 Dublin IRELAND Earth 2 Earth S511 Color : White, coloured printing THORN Environmental Ltd S157 +39 0171 403595 Via Torre Acceglio, 24/C S493 +39.0744.800425 Strada di Recentino 16 S045 +33 (0) 2 40 79 38 44 ZI Route d'Abbaretz - BP 9 S309 +39 0182 58 25 24 With handles : 60 µm; without : 120 µm S117 Color : White transluscent - Printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 98 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper TRADIPACK Sarl Av Général-Guisan 25 Fax + 41 27 455 455 @ 3960 Sierre SWITZERLAND BIOTRADIBAG max 50 µm Color : Translucent or Yellow with coloured printing TREDICI Srl Anna Rochetti Fax +39 02 36579575 @ 20155 Milano ITALY Tredici in a thickness of max. 45 µm UMBRAPLAST S.r.l. Elena VESCHI up to 240 l, max 180 µm UNIBAG Srl Daniele Tacconi max 130 µm Color : Natural or coloured, coloured printing UNIVERSAL PLASTIC & METAL Mfg. Ltd. Room 1009, Landmark North, 39 Lung Sum Avenue. Bags Natur Packaging max 100 µm Michele Calandriello +39 0975 70482 Fax +39 0975 70432 @ Via Mezzana 84039 Teggiano ITALY La Coccinella S187 Color : White translucent, coloured printing VALPLASTIK SNC Rickly Wong +852 246 246 29 Fax +852 246 246 85 @ - Sheung Shui NT HONG KONG S604 Fax +39 071 964188 @ 60010 Ostra Vetere (AN) ITALY Unibio Color : White translucent with coloured printing +39 071 964044 Via Amadeo Rossi 3 S126 Fax +39 075 8560214 @ 06016 San Giustino (PG) ITALY ECOPLAST V Color : Translucent, white, green or yellow with coloured printing +39 075 8560215 Via Garda, 2 S525 +39 02 36579576 Via Caracciolo 77 S476 Daniel Galofaro +41 27 455 455 7 max 20 µm S348 Color : transparent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 99 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper VEGWARE Ltd Canalside House 43-45 Polwarth Crescent Fax +44 (0) 845 508 1556 @ EH11 1HS Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM Vegware S137 Joe FRANKEL +44 (0) 845 643 0406 max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing VIFI srl S199 Auguto BALLONI +39 (0)932 997 242 C.da Marangio Fax @ 97019 Vittoria (RG) ITALY Geopack max 50 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing WEFORYOU GmbH S547 Armin Amirpanah +43 660 123 4444 Rungeweg 7 Fax @ 8010 Graz AUSTRIA weforyou - sustainable products 347/530 µm Color : Natural white or various colors, coloured printing WEI MON INDUSTRY Co, Ltd. Fax +886-2-2791-9966 @ 11494 Taipei City TAIWAN, R.O.C. Pland Bag max 63 µm Color : Natural white with coloured printing WELTPLAST d.o.o. Fax +387 39 681 204 @ 88240 Posusje BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Weltplast max 120 µm Color : Natural translucent or Green ; coloured printing Wtrading Srl Fax +39 081 8038489 @ 80038 Pomigliano (NA) ITALY WTRADING S350 Guiseppe Cacace +39 081 8038489 Via G. Luraghi, Consorzio il Sole S426 Suzana Boras +387 39 683 045 Rastovaca b.b. S133 Wen-Ni Hsu +886-2-2795-3131 2F, No. 57, Singjhong Rd., Neihu District, max 100 µm Color : Translucent with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 100 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.1. Borse / sacchi C.3.1.2. Borse per la spesa / shopper WUHAN TANKON Colour Print Co., Ltd. Xudong Road 23#, 7-3-2B, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei Province Fax +86 27 88615161 @ 430062 Wuhan CHINA TK-3 compostable bags S181 Xu Yang +86 27 88615161 max 24 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing XINGYUAN Packaging Co Ltd S563 Kevin Chiang +86 13428408658 B52, 29F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street Fax @ - Kwun Tong, Kowloon HONG KONG BOTANICBAG max 347 µm Color : Natural white or coloured, coloured printing YOKOZUNA Technologies Fax +33(0)1 60 22 58 32 @ 77100 MEAUX FRANCE ECOLOBAG from 6.5 L to 120 L, max 35 µm Color : White translucent or light green, printed ZETAPLASTIC di Zeni Damiano Fax +39 0464683200 @ 38063 Avio (TN) ITALY Shoppers max 40 µm Color : White, coloured printing ZHONGSHAN ZHENHONG Packaging Technol Fax +86-760-22828308 @ 528445 Zhongshan City CHINA biodegradable bags S465 Shi Di Xing +86-760-22211333 No 105 Gaoping Avenue, Sanjiao Town S514 Vittorio Zeni +39 0464684125 Viale Degasperi 22 S017 Philippe LEBACQ +33 (0) 1 60 22 50 00 Espace Dunant Av. Henri Dunant, 69 max 43 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printed The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 101 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.1. Vassoi / Piatti Be_Natural n.v. Wijtschotbaan 9 box 4 Fax +32 (0)3 354 36 16 @ 2900 Schoten BELGIUM Trays, plates, bowls and boxes - Be_NaturaL, 682 µm Color : Natural white ; unprinted BIANUCCI & C SNC Fax +39 0583 48788 @ 55100 Lucca ITALY Ecocanny max 0.775 mm Color : natural BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING for ENVIRON Fax +66 02-944-5282 @ 10230 Bangkok THAILAND Smartware - Biobagasse - Biochanaoy - Bio - BPE, max 493 µm BIOSPHERE Industries, LLC Color : Natural white, Unprinted S143 Elie HELOU, Jr +1 805 566 6563 x101 1025 Cindy Lane Fax +1 805 566 6583 @ CA 93013 Carpinteria UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S334 Wariya Kalom +66 02-944-5512 46/151 Moo 12 Nuanchan Road, Klongkhum, Bungkhum, S421 Stefano Bianucci +39 0583 955481 Via Vecchia Pesciatina 178 S123 Dirk WENS +32 (0)3 685 64 68 Renew-A-Pack , PPM100 Blueware , Biosphere, max 3.65 mm Color : Light beige, Red, Blue or Black C.P.B. Componenti Plastici Biodegradabili Srl S196 Marco PERINI +39 366 488 76 53 Via dei Mille n. 31 Fax +39 035 427 01 084 @ 38122 Trento ITALY Trays & Plates USOBIO USOBIO Paper plates, trays and bowls, 210-310 gsm max 0.775 mm Color : natural Dart Products Europe Ltd Color : Natural white S184 Jo Doyle +44 (0) 1480 420683 Tower Close, St Peters Ind Park Fax @ PE29 7BZ Huntingdon UNITED KINGDOM Solo Soufflé Cup max wall thickness 118 µm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 102 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.1. Vassoi / Piatti DOPLA PAP a.s. Pod Svatoborem 41 Fax +42 0376534219 @ 34201 Susice CZECH REPUBLIC DOPLA PAP max wall thickness 533 µm EATware Food Packaging Ltd Color : Natural white S304 Rita Tien +86-21-66300007 904 Seaview Commercial Building 23 Connaught Road West Fax @ - HONG KONG S483 Petr Zavrel +42 0602166961 EATware - Trays, bowls, lunch boxes and lids, max 0.64 mm ECOBAGS Srl Color : Natural creamy S222 Antonio Fanteria +39 0587489240 Via Goito, 3 Fax @ 40126 Bologna (BO) ITALY Ecobags max thickness : 821 µm Fabbrica Pinze Schio Srl Fax +39 0 445 64 00 73 @ 36014 Santorso ITALY ECOZEMA max 0.775 mm Color : natural FIRSTPACK Fax +33 1 69 09 13 87 @ 91420 Morangis FRANCE Pots & PLA S425 Karen Merran +33 1 69 10 24 94 Rue Nicéphore Niepce, 4 S076 Antonio MUNARINI +39 0 445 64 03 99 Via Campilonghi 3 Color : Natural White max 1.6 mm Color : transparent FREE THE SEED Sdn, Bhd. S192 Ramaness Parasuraman Suite 0.008, Northern Corridor Biochem Center Penang Science Park, 1114 Jalan Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 18 Fax @ 14100 Seb. Prai, Penang MALAYSIA Hot Wheels Car Tray max 1,11 mm Color : natural white; unprinted Trays and Plate Seed max 1,11 mm Color : natural white; unprinted The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 103 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.1. Vassoi / Piatti Greengood Eco-Tech Co., Ltd. S174 Alex WONG +(852) 3403 7777 21 San On Street Unit 9B Fax +(852) 3403 7780 @ - Tuen Mun HONG KONG CPLA Trays, Plates and Lids452 µm Color : White (natural) Natural fibre trays & plates max 0.98 mm / 561 gsm Color : Natural White, Unprinted Trays and Plates Greengoodmax 1650 µm Color : transparent with blue tone, coloured printing ISAP Packaging SpA Via Lungadige Attiraglio, 67 Fax +39 045 8394446 @ 37124 Parona Verona ITALY ISAP Packaging max 770 µm Color : Natural White M.A.D.E. (Thailand) Company Fax 00 662-663 6056 @ 10110 Bangkok THAILAND M.A.D.E. max 655 µm Color : Natural White, Unprinted MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. EFGLO CPLA Trays, Plates and Lids, 452 µm Color : White (natural) MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd Fax +6638-492485 @ 20230 Chonburi THAILAND MBIO-3 S260 Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol +6638-491725-9 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha S043 Esmy HUANG +886 4 22 776 888 No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, S440 Christophe Martin 00 662-663 6053 to 55 Exchange Tower, Unit 3503, 35th floor 388 Sukhumvit Road - Klongtoey S535 Mr. Bruno Spozio +39 045 8394444 max 236 µm Color : Natural White or Black, colored printing NINGBO NINGSHENG Trading Co Ltd R1812, Hall A, 95 Building, No 598 Jiangnan Road S308 Yolanda Chiu +86-13706846382 Fax @ 315 040 Ningbo CHINA Ecoline max thickness : 821 µm Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 104 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.1. Vassoi / Piatti NINGXIA QINGLINSHENGHUA Technology Co No 7, Fuxing Street, Civil Venture Base, Helan County Fax +86 951 8973806 @ 750200 Yinchuan CHINA JIAJIAGU Totalcorn GS, max 1.59 mm Colour : White OY MINI-MAID Ab Fax +358 6 8234061 @ 68700 Terjarv FINLAND Paper plates, trays and bowls, 210-310 gsm Color : Natural white WB-laquered paper plates, max 342 gsm Color : Natural white Packagegroup MOONEN Fax +31 495 53072 @ 6003 DC Weert THE NETHERLANDS max 550 µm Color : Natural light beige, black, red, purple or green PAPERLYNEN PAL CAPS Srl Fax +39 0583 724046 @ 55051 Barga-Lucca (LU) ITALY NAT.BIO 445 µm Color : White SABERT Corporation Fax 732-721-8443 @ NJ 08872 Sayrevill UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TerraPac S397 Julien Bassett 732-721-5544 ext 3202 2288 Main Street Extension S460 Mrs. Nicoletta Michelini +39 0583 710131 Via Roma 50 S103 Leon Simons +31 495 581705 Fahrenheitstraat 11 Trays & plates S375 Tom Hästbacka +358 6 8234021 Fabriksvagen 4 S424 Jianjun Yang +86 951 8973806 max 812 µm Color : Natural brown S358 SHANDONG TEANHE GREEN PAK Sc. & Tech +86-635-2966018 No 15, East Guangming Road Fax +86-635-2963969 @ 252800 Gaotang County, Shandong Prov. CHINA max 0.775 mm Color : natural The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 105 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.1. Vassoi / Piatti SHANGHAI To MILAN Ltd. Unit A, 29/F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street Fax @ KK Kwun Tong HONG KONG STM COMPOST max 0.775 mm Color : natural SHENZHEN VIECOPACK Co Ltd Fax +86 (0) 755 88299827 (Ext 815) @ - Shenzhen CHINA VIECO max 1.24 mm Color : Natural White TAIZHOU JIADEBAO Technology Co Ltd Fax +86-576-88175178 @ 318010 Taizhou CHINA Shuangyu 445 µm Color : White WENZHOU SANXING Eco-Friendly Packaging Fax +86-577-56589111 @ 325025 Wenzhou, Zhejiang CHINA Yulin max 655 µm Color : Natural White, Unprinted Zhe Jiang Pando EP Technology Co., Ltd Fax +86-571-86797000 @ 314423 Haining city, Zhejiang, CHINA BIOPPACK S276 David Yang +86-571-87570169 No.38 Qihui Road, Foreign-oriented Comprehensive Development Zone, S330 Hanna Wang +86-577-56580595 980, 1st , 15 Rd, Binhai Zone, Longwan S459 Chelsea Ruan +86-576-88176588 No 2579 Haifeng Road S485 Leon Li +86 (0) 755 88299827 Room 2222, Hanggang Fuchun Building Futian Dist. S356 Simon Karner +852 2358 9958 max 348 µm (wooden pulp) and 301 µm (paper pulp) Color : Natural White, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 106 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.2. Tazze / bicchieri AMOY PACK S543 Liling Liao 77 Tainan Road, Suite 2703 Fax @ 361100 Xiamen, Fujian CHINA Certified Compostable Papermax Cups 1,42 mm Color : White (cup) with coloured printing BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING for ENVIRON Fax +66 02-944-5282 @ 10230 Bangkok THAILAND S334 Wariya Kalom +66 02-944-5512 46/151 Moo 12 Nuanchan Road, Klongkhum, Bungkhum, Smartware - Biobagasse - Biochanaoy - Bio - BPE, max 493 µm Color : Natural white, Unprinted S453 E.I. Corporation #337, Iteco, 150 Jojungdaero, Fax @ 465-736 Hanam-City, Gyeonggi-Do KOREA My Smart mug cup / EI140320-1, cup wall 2.11 mm ECOBAGS Srl Color : Yellow S222 Antonio Fanteria +39 0587489240 Via Goito, 3 Fax @ 40126 Bologna (BO) ITALY Ecobags max thickness : 821 µm FIRSTPACK Fax +33 1 69 09 13 87 @ 91420 Morangis FRANCE Pots & PLA max 1.6 mm Color : transparent FREE THE SEED Sdn, Bhd. Fax @ 14100 Seb. Prai, Penang MALAYSIA Cups Seed S192 Ramaness Parasuraman Suite 0.008, Northern Corridor Biochem Center Penang Science Park, 1114 Jalan Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 18 S425 Karen Merran +33 1 69 10 24 94 Rue Nicéphore Niepce, 4 Color : Natural White max 1,11 mm Color : natural white; unprinted The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 107 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.2. Tazze / bicchieri Greengood Eco-Tech Co., Ltd. S174 Alex WONG +(852) 3403 7777 21 San On Street Unit 9B Fax +(852) 3403 7780 @ - Tuen Mun HONG KONG Cups and Lids Greengood max 1650 µm Color : transparent with blue tone, coloured printing Natural fibre cups & lids Color : Natural White, Unprinted Single wall cups, Double wall cups Color : White, Coloured printing Triple wall currogated cups Color : White, Coloured printing max 0.98 mm / 561 gsm HANCHANG Paper Co., Ltd #207, Yong Dang-Ri, Ungsang-Eup, 636-835 Yangsan-City KOREA GREENUS Paperboard Cupmax thickness of 409 µm HUHTAMAKI HENDERSON Ltd Color : White translucent; coloured printing 0612 Auckland NEW ZEALAND Cups for Hot and Cold drinksmax 220/320 gsm Color : White with coloured printing Cups for Hot and Cold drinksmax 220/320 gsm Color : White with coloured printing HUHTAMAKI Molded Fiber Technology bv Fax +31 (0) 517 382 538 @ 8800 AA Franaker THE NETHERLANDS Cup CARRIER : for 2 or 4 cups, normal & jumbo size IGGESUND Paperboard AB Color : Natural, unprinted S138 Anders Skoglund +46 650 28398 Fax +46 650 28752 @ Iggesunds Bruk 82580 Iggesund SWEDEN Invercup S099 Gea Draaistra +31 (0) 517 399 419 Zuidelijke Industrieweg 3-7 PO Box 5 S580 Shannon Sealey +64 9 837 0510 Fax +64 9 837 1195 @ 30 Keeling Road, Henderson S155 Lee, Keun Soo +82-2-3774-5475 Fax +82-2-3774-5488 @ min 210 gsm - max 266 gsm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 108 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.2. Tazze / bicchieri Life in Green Plastarch Products Inc 1790 Beaulac Fax +1 514 745 59 57 @ H4R 1W8 Montreal QC CANADA Life in Green / Java Cup max 348 µm (wooden pulp) and 301 µm (paper pulp) M.A.D.E. (Thailand) Company S440 Christophe Martin Fax 00 662-663 6056 @ 10110 Bangkok THAILAND M.A.D.E. Color : Natural White, coloured printing 00 662-663 6053 to 55 Exchange Tower, Unit 3503, 35th floor 388 Sukhumvit Road - Klongtoey S406 Paul Bastien +1 514 745 5757 max 655 µm Color : Natural White, Unprinted MEDAC S.r.l. S287 Francesca MENDOZZI +39 089 301 466 via R. Wenner 52 Z.I. Fuorni Fax +39 089 302 069 @ 84131 Salerno ITALY "E Cup" Line 223 / 293 gsm Color : white with coloured printing Medac 233 / 282 gsm Color : white with coloured printing MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd S043 Esmy HUANG +886 4 22 776 888 No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. EFGLO Single wall cups, Double wall cups Color : White, Coloured printing EFGLO Triple wall currogated cups Color : White, Coloured printing Hot cups / soup bowls BPC-100, max 460 µm Color : White with coloured printing NINGBO NINGSHENG Trading Co Ltd R1812, Hall A, 95 Building, No 598 Jiangnan Road S308 Yolanda Chiu +86-13706846382 Fax @ 315 040 Ningbo CHINA Ecoline max thickness : 821 µm Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 109 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.2. Tazze / bicchieri NINGXIA QINGLINSHENGHUA Technology Co No 7, Fuxing Street, Civil Venture Base, Helan County Fax +86 951 8973806 @ 750200 Yinchuan CHINA JIAJIAGU Totalcorn GS, max 1.59 mm Colour : White PACOMBI Group BV Huib BURGGRAAF Willem Beukelszstraat 16 +31-174.636.111 Cup BIODORE Color : White cup with coloured printing SEDA International Packaging Group Fax +39 081 8809 593 @ 80022 Arzano ITALY Drinking Cup various sizes (see certificate) Color : Coloured printing TOTEMPAK Solutions Co Ltd Fax +886-2-2796-5961 @ htt:// 100 11494 Taipei City TAIWAN, R.O.C. TKC03 max 195-285 / 37.5 Color : Natural white, unprinted VEGWARE Ltd Fax +44 (0) 845 508 1556 @ EH11 1HS Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM Vegware - Cups max 1600 µm Color : Transparent WENZHOU SANXING Eco-Friendly Packaging Fax +86-577-56589111 @ 325025 Wenzhou, Zhejiang CHINA Yulin S330 Hanna Wang +86-577-56580595 980, 1st , 15 Rd, Binhai Zone, Longwan S137 Joe FRANKEL +44 (0) 845 643 0406 Canalside House 43-45 Polwarth Crescent S524 Stanley Yang +886-2-2796-5962 6F, No 25, Ln 140, Xing Ai Rd, Neihu Dist. S147 Gianluca MIELE +39 081 8809 502 Corso Salvatore d'Amato, 84 S122 Fax +31-174.620.299 @ 3261 LV Oud-Beijerland THE NETHERLANDS S424 Jianjun Yang +86 951 8973806 max 655 µm Color : Natural White, Unprinted The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 110 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.2. Tazze / bicchieri XIAMEN WEI MON Environmental Materials Co No.85 Huli Industrial Park, Meixi Road, Tongan District, Fax +86 592 509 77 11 @ 361100 Xiamen City CHINA Cup Pland Paper 1,42 mm Color : White cup with colored printing Pland Paper max 1,42 mm Color : White (cup) with coloured printing Zhe Jiang Pando EP Technology Co., Ltd Fax +86-571-86797000 @ 314423 Haining city, Zhejiang, CHINA BIOPPACK S276 David Yang +86-571-87570169 No.38 Qihui Road, Foreign-oriented Comprehensive Development Zone, S197 Anne LING +86 592 509 88 11 max 348 µm (wooden pulp) and 301 µm (paper pulp) Color : Natural White, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 111 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.3. Posate BIBO Italia S.p.a. Via Enrico De Nicola, 20 Fax +39 (0) 11 8977600 @ 10036 Settimo Torinese (TO) ITALY Bioware Fork (code 6641690) Color : Natural beige Bioware Knife (code 6642690) Color : Natural beige Bioware Spoon (code 6650690) Color : Natural beige C.P.B. Componenti Plastici Biodegradabili Srl Fax +39 035 427 01 084 @ 38122 Trento ITALY Cutlery USOBIO - Ice cream PLA Color : Natural or white USOBIO - Fork, spoon, tea sponn, knife Color : Ivory white Fabbrica Pinze Schio Srl 36014 Santorso ITALY Knife, Fork and Spoon Knife, fork, spoon and little spoon S076 Antonio MUNARINI +39 0 445 64 03 99 Fax +39 0 445 64 00 73 @ Via Campilonghi 3 max 1000 µm Color : Natural White Color : Natural HINSUN Enterprise Co Ltd (Shenzhen Eversu S505 Edmond Leung +86 18148889128 No J6 Nawei Industrial Area Fax +86 6626888738 @ 529500 Doncheng Town, Yongjiang City CHINA Bioworld Fork, knife and spoon Color : Natural MINIMA TECHNOLOGY CO Ltd S043 Esmy HUANG +886 4 22 776 888 Fax +886 4 22 42 01 68 @ No33, Yichang E.Rd., Taiping City, 411 Taichung County TAIWAN, R.O.C. S196 Marco PERINI +39 366 488 76 53 Via dei Mille n. 31 S111 Piero Bossola +39 011 8021205 Fork-knife-spoon : CPLA - MIP55 Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 112 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.3. Posate NINGXIA QINGLINSHENGHUA Technology Co No 7, Fuxing Street, Civil Venture Base, Helan County Fax +86 951 8973806 @ 750200 Yinchuan CHINA JIAJIAGU Totalcorn GS ; fork, knife, spoon, max 1.59 mm NORTHERN Technologies Intl. Corp. Natur-Ware - Fork, knife and spoon Color : Natural White SABERT - BE PULP S086 Marjolaine Sabatier +32 (0)67 888 434 Rue de l'industrie, 4 Fax +32 (0)67 841 034 @ 1400 Nivelles BELGIUM Be Pulp - Fork, knife and spoon Color : Natural White SHENZHEN VIECOPACK Co Ltd S485 Leon Li +86 (0) 755 88299827 Room 2222, Hanggang Fuchun Building Futian Dist. Fax +86 (0) 755 88299827 (Ext 815) @ - Shenzhen CHINA S188 Shilpa MANJURE Fax +001 763 225 6645 @ MN 55014 Circle Pines UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Colour : White +001 763 404 8700 4201 Woodland Rd, PO Box 69 S424 Jianjun Yang +86 951 8973806 VIECO - Fork, knife and spoon (max 1.24mm) Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 113 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.4. Filtri e capsule caffè AROMA SYSTEM Srl Via Battirame 6 Fax +39 051 530038 @ 40138 Bologna (BO) ITALY Coffee capsule <AP15C> Color : Neutral CAFFE D'ITALIA Srl S507 Roberto Bianchini +39 0575 47647 Via Galileo, 2 Fax +39 0575 47648 @ 52029 Castiglion Fibocchi (AR) ITALY S545 Carola Anna +39 051 6017860 Coffee Capsule < Eticap > Color : White CAPSUL'IN Pro SA S520 Jean-Christophe Ponsson Dumontshaff Fax @ 3841 Schifflange LUXEMBURG Coffee capsule <Capsul'in Compost E> Color : Natural White Coffee capsule <Capsul'in Compost> Color : Natural White CASA DEL CAFFE VERGNANO SpA S448 Mr. Francesco Varetto +39 011 9455111 S.S. Torino - Asti Km 20 Fax +39 011 9493507 @ 10026 Santena (TO) ITALY Coffee capsule < DISCOVERY > Color : Natural white, unprinted Coffee capsule < E'SPRESSO COMPOSTABILE > Color : Brown, unprinted COIND sc S498 Susanna Tarozzi +39 051 6328515 Via Saliceto 22H Fax @ 40013 CastelMagigiore (BO) ITALY Coffee capsule < caps Diam 36 > Coffee/Tea capsule < caps 512-14-561 > The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 114 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.4. Filtri e capsule caffè ECOBAGS Srl S222 Antonio Fanteria +39 0587489240 Via Goito, 3 Fax @ 40126 Bologna (BO) ITALY Coffee Capsule Color : Natural white, unprinted Coffee Capsule < Eticap > Color : White ETHICAL COFFEE COMPANY SA Rue Faucigny, 5 Fax +41 (0)21 947 05 11 @ 1700 Fribourg SWITZERLAND Ethical Coffee Classic / Supreme Color : various KONOS GmbH Fax +49 35242 685 20 @ 01683 Nossen GERMANY Coffee Filters - Cone S412 Uwe Lorenz +49 35242 415-0 Fabrikstrasse 8 S554 Marco MILAN +41 (0)21 947 05 10 max 61 g/m² Color : Natural Brown L. LAVAZZA S.p.a; S477 Luisa Borello (+39) 011-2398491 Corso Novara 59 Fax @ 10154 Torino ITALY Coffee capsule < LAVAZZA > Color : Natural white, unprinted ORIGINAL FOOD GmbH Fax +49 761 2828950 @ 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau GERMANY S576 Julia Schmidt +49 761 2828920 Kartäuserstrasse 61 Coffee capsule <Bonga Red Mountain> Color : Natural white SOURCE ATLANTIQUE Inc. S203 Charlotte Abella +1 201 947-1000 Ext. 138 140 Sylvan Avenue Fax +1 201 947-9009 @ NJ 07632 Englewood Cliffs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Coffee Filters - Basket max 31 g/m² Color : Natural Brown Coffee Filters - Cone max 61 g/m² Color : Natural Brown The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 115 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.4. Filtri e capsule caffè TMK Srl S523 Paola Dal Santo +39 0445372107 Via dell'Industria, 13 Fax +39 0445361439 @ 36030 Sarcedo (VI) ITALY Coffee capsule compatible <Nespresso> Color : White Coffee capsule compatible <Nespresso> Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 116 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.2. Catering / ristorazione C.3.2.9. Altro BASF SE G-PMS/BD - F206 Fax +49 621 60-97988 @ 67056 Ludwigshafen GERMANY Drinking straw / Pajas para beber, max 300 µm Color : Natural white BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING for ENVIRON Fax +66 02-944-5282 @ 10230 Bangkok THAILAND Smartware - Biobagasse - Biochanaoy - Bio - BPE, max 493 µm C.P.B. Componenti Plastici Biodegradabili Srl max 209 µm Color : White translucent CGMP S207 Laëtitia MARY +33 (0) Rue de la Mairie, 24 Fax +33 (0) @ 72160 Tuffé FRANCE S196 Marco PERINI Fax +39 035 427 01 084 @ 38122 Trento ITALY Drinking straw USOBIO Color : Natural white, Unprinted +39 366 488 76 53 Via dei Mille n. 31 S334 Wariya Kalom +66 02-944-5512 46/151 Moo 12 Nuanchan Road, Klongkhum, Bungkhum, S062 Eynat Biedermann +49 621 60-41912 Napkins and tablecloths TERRALOVE max 350 µm Color : Coloured or not DUNI AB S379 Elisabeth Gierow +46 (0) 40 10 62 52 Box 237, Ostra Varvsg 9 a Fax +46 (0) 40 10 64 65 @ 221 22 Malmo SWEDEN Napkins BRILLANCE, CRAVATTE : 55-72 gsm Color : Coloured or not, printed or not Napkins DUNI TISSUE 1-4 ply : 16-23 gsm/ply Color : Coloured or not, printed or not Napkins DUNICEL, ELEGANCE, LCTC : 134-164 gsm Color : Coloured or not, printed or not Napkins DUNILIN, DUNISOFT, DUNILETTO : 55-72 gsm Color : Coloured or not, printed or not Napkins EVOLIN : 137 gsm Color : Coloured or not, printed or not The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 117 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.1. Imballaggi per alimenti – Rigidi BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING for ENVIRON 46/151 Moo 12 Nuanchan Road, Klongkhum, Bungkhum, Fax +66 02-944-5282 @ 10230 Bangkok THAILAND Smartware - Biobagasse - Biochanaoy - Bio - BPE, max 493 µm BIOSPHERE Industries, LLC Color : Natural white, Unprinted S143 Elie HELOU, Jr +1 805 566 6563 x101 1025 Cindy Lane Fax +1 805 566 6583 @ CA 93013 Carpinteria UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S334 Wariya Kalom +66 02-944-5512 Renew-A-Pack , PPM100 Blueware , Biosphere, max 3.65 mm Brodrene Hartmann A/S Color : Light beige, Red, Blue or Black S153 Edit Kovács +45 4597 0000 Ornegaardsvej 18 Fax +45 4597 0001 @ 2820 GENTOFTE DENMARK Hartmann - Trays for industrial egg packaging Color : natural, green, red, pink - Printed or not printed Plus Pack, Fresh Pack : egg packaging for retail Color : natural, green, red, pink - Printed or not printed Without label COMPAC srl Fax +39 0522 688552 @ 42024 Castelnovo di Sotto ITALY Trays and vessels, with/without sealed film, max 600+50 µm Color : Transparent Trays P2 - G - L - M - X Color : Natural, printed in colours max 415 gsm ; 50 µm (film) EATware Food Packaging Ltd Fax @ - HONG KONG EATware - Trays, bowls, lunch boxes and lids, max 0.64 mm FREE THE SEED Sdn, Bhd. S192 Ramaness Parasuraman Fax @ 14100 Seb. Prai, Penang MALAYSIA Seed Color : Natural creamy Suite 0.008, Northern Corridor Biochem Center Penang Science Park, 1114 Jalan Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 18 S304 Rita Tien +86-21-66300007 904 Seaview Commercial Building 23 Connaught Road West S242 Graziano Testi +39 0522 688509 Via Spallanzani 8/A max 1,11 mm Color : natural white; unprinted The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 118 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.1. Imballaggi per alimenti – Rigidi Greengood Eco-Tech Co., Ltd. 21 San On Street Unit 9B Fax +(852) 3403 7780 @ - Tuen Mun HONG KONG Natural fibre packaging max 0.98 mm / 561 gsm HUHTAMAKI Molded Fiber Technology bv Egg Carton GreeNest 354 gsm / 1.25 mm Egg Carton HUHTAMAKI 408 gsm / 1.37 mm Color : various colours with colored printing or colored printed label Color : various colours with colored printing or colored printed label HUHTAMAKI Nederland bv Fax +31 (0) 517 382 538 @ 8800 AA Franaker THE NETHERLANDS Trays SHOPAK & FULVUE Color : Natural, Black & Brown, unprinted IMBALLAGGI ALIMENTARI Srl Fax +39 0577-660010 @ http://www. 53048 Sinalunga (SI) ITALY max 710 µm Color : Natural white ISAP Packaging SpA Fax +39 045 8394446 @ 37124 Parona Verona ITALY max 770 µm Color : Natural White MEDAC S.r.l. Fax +39 089 302 069 @ 84131 Salerno ITALY Medac S287 Francesca MENDOZZI +39 089 301 466 via R. Wenner 52 Z.I. Fuorni S535 Mr. Bruno Spozio +39 045 8394444 Via Lungadige Attiraglio, 67 ISAP Packaging S434 Michele Dell’Avanzato +39 0577-630353 Loc. Albergo Scrofiano S100 Gea Draaistra +31 (0) 517 399 419 Zuidelijke Industrieweg 3-7 PO Box 5 BIO-ECO S099 Gea Draaistra Fax +31 (0) 517 382 538 @ 8800 AA Franaker THE NETHERLANDS Color : Natural White, Unprinted +31 (0) 517 399 419 Zuidelijke Industrieweg 3-7 PO Box 5 S174 Alex WONG +(852) 3403 7777 233 / 282 gsm Color : white with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 119 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.1. Imballaggi per alimenti – Rigidi OMNI-PAC EKCO GmbH Friedensallee 25 Fax +49 (0)40 39199-297 @ 22765 Hamburg GERMANY S182 Nico JACOB +49 (0)40 39199-153 Natural moulded fibre trays max 1.3 mm Color : Natural white/beige ONEWORLD Packaging S.L. S561 Ramiro Pelayo +34670751867 Carretera Segovia Km 19.6 Fax @ 47162 Aldemayor de San Martin, Valladolid SPAIN OWP OK-COMPOST Tray max 352/427 gsm Color : Cream, unprinted SABERT Corporation Fax 732-721-8443 @ NJ 08872 Sayrevill UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TerraPac max 812 µm Color : Natural brown SEDA International Packaging Group Fax +39 081 8809 593 @ 80022 Arzano ITALY Double wall cup - Naturelly Seda various ; max sizes 441(see µmcertificate) Color : Coloured printing Food container - Naturelly Seda - Color : Coloured printing Naturelly Seda - Cup Color : coloured Naturelly Seda - Double wallvarious cup sizes (see certificate) Color : Coloured printing SHENZHEN VIECOPACK Co Ltd S485 Leon Li +86 (0) 755 88299827 Room 2222, Hanggang Fuchun Building Futian Dist. Fax +86 (0) 755 88299827 (Ext 815) @ - Shenzhen CHINA VIECO S147 Gianluca MIELE +39 081 8809 502 Corso Salvatore d'Amato, 84 S397 Julien Bassett 732-721-5544 ext 3202 2288 Main Street Extension max 1.24 mm Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 120 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.1. Imballaggi per alimenti – Rigidi SMURFIT KAPPA SIEMCO Chemin des Anglais BP 20509 Fax +33 (0) 240527520 @ 44475 Carquefou FRANCE Barquette QUICK Salad Tray Quick TOTEMPAK Solutions Co Ltd Fax +886-2-2796-5961 @ htt:// 100 11494 Taipei City TAIWAN, R.O.C. TKB05 max 421 µm / 348 gsm Color : Natural white, unprinted VEGWARE Ltd Fax +44 (0) 845 508 1556 @ EH11 1HS Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM Vegware - Pots and containers, max 1600 µm Color : Transparent VERTUPAK Ltd Fax +86 (0)532 8577 8248 @ - Jordan, Kowloon HONG KONG Vertupak max 463 µm Color : Natural White, unprinted Zhe Jiang Pando EP Technology Co., Ltd Fax +86-571-86797000 @ 314423 Haining city, Zhejiang, CHINA BIOPPACK S276 David Yang +86-571-87570169 No.38 Qihui Road, Foreign-oriented Comprehensive Development Zone, S516 Vernon Brown +86 139 639 10896 Room 2009, 20/F, Hang Bong Commercial Center 28 Shanghai Street S137 Joe FRANKEL +44 (0) 845 643 0406 Canalside House 43-45 Polwarth Crescent S524 Stanley Yang +886-2-2796-5962 6F, No 25, Ln 140, Xing Ai Rd, Neihu Dist. S141 Karim ZENEIDI +33 (0) 240682574 max 348 µm (wooden pulp) and 301 µm (paper pulp) Color : Natural White, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 121 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili ACE Packaging Industrieterrein 1/1 I.Z. Webbekom 1013 Fax +32 (0)56 400172 @ 3290 Diest BELGIUM Compy bread bags / butcher and cheese sheets, max 50 gsm Be_Natural n.v. Color : White, beige, brown printed paper bags w/wo coating Fax +32 (0)3 354 36 16 @ 2900 Schoten BELGIUM Be_Natural Flexible Film, max 25 µm, w/without glued label Color : coloured printing Be_NaturaL Flowpack packaging with glued and printed label Color : Transparent, couloured printed label EP-Biopack PLA Labelled Plantsleeves, max 30 µm + label Film packaging with printed label, 30 µm Color (film) : Transparent, white or metallic BIO PLASTIC Ltd - MALTA max 43 µm Color : White translucent with coloured printing BIOBAG International AS Fax +47 69 88 85 99 @ 1831 Askim NORWAY BioBag Packaging Film max 100 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing CORTEC Corporation S344 Robert Kean +1 (651) 429-1100 4119 White Bear Parkway Fax +1 (651) 429-1122 @ thhp:// 55110 St Paul, MN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S014 Mats Rattfält +46 560 711 1 Hovsveien 8 S501 Moira Sormani 00 356 21800099 Fax 00 356 21800077 @ KKW 200 A Kordin Ind. Estate SHOPPY S123 Dirk WENS +32 (0)3 685 64 68 Wijtschotbaan 9 box 4 S411 Peter Parmentier +32 (0)56 413501 EcoOcean / EcoWorks AD max 282 µm Color : White transparent, green printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 122 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili CRISTIANPACK srl S251 Simone Marzetti +39 0717230389 Via San Sabino, 3 Fax @ 60027 Osimo (AN) ITALY BIOCPACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing ESSEOQUATTRO Spa Fax +39 049 5958930 @ 35010 Carmignano di Brenta (PD) ITALY BIOBRILL max 47 µm Color : Printed in color EURALPACK Belgium nv Fax +32 (0) 3 354 36 16 @ 2900 Schoten BELGIUM EP-Biopack PLA max 30 µm + label Color : transparent EURO SME snd bhd Fax +60 3 7846 6331 @ 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA Clearly max 40 µm Color : Natural White or Beige, coloured printing EXTRAPACK OOD Fax +359 (0) 62 611 556 @ 5000 Veliko Tarnovo BULGARIA ECOMATER max 70 µm Color : White or white translucent with coloured printing GOGLIO COFIBOX S.p.A. Fax +39 031904600 @ 22071 Cadorago (CO) ITALY Goglio Cofibox S272 Fabio Marzorati + 39 031905311 Via Verdi, 30 S357 Milen Georgiev +359 (0) 62 611 515 Zapadna Promishlena Zona S480 John Oakley +60 3 7846 6301 No 5, Jalan Utarid U5/1, Seksyen U5 Mah Sing Integrated Industrial Park S093 Thierry LAMBERT +32 (0) 3 354 14 42 Wijtschootbaan, 9 - bus 4 S382 Mara Ortolani +39 049 940366 Fraz. Camazzole, 1 max 87 µm Color : White with Fully coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 123 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili GOGLIO S.p.A. Solari 10 Fax +39 0332 940722 @ 20144 Milano ITALY FRES-CO GREEN max 105 µm Color : Natural film, printed in colour Groupe BARBIER Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM in a thickness of max. 98 µm Groupe FLEXICO Fax +33 (0) 3 44 49 88 51 @ Biocompostable bags (with starch), max 150 µm Groupe SAINT-ANDRE PLASTIQUE max 50 µm Color : Transparent printed or unprinted INDUSTRIA TERMOPLASTICA PAVESE SpA S494 Simonetta Lanati +39 0385 272740 Via Cavallante 13 Fax +39 0385 272320 @ 27040 Bosnasco (PV) ITALY Cambioflex SGE200 S088 Ludovic GROUCY Fax +33 (0) 2 33 55 12 78 @ 50680 Saint-André FRANCE Color : Translucent film with coloured printing +33 (0) 2 33 57 84 01 Impasse Balleroy, 5 Gamme PLA S108 Michel Quedeville 60544 Henonville FRANCE Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not +33 (0) 3 44 49 49 59 Route de Meru, 1 S098 Patrick DORCY +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 La Guide BP 39 S404 Osvaldo Bosetti +39 0332 940359 max 65 µm Color : White, coloured printing JOEPLAST SpA S224 Sergio Messina +39 0922 917700 Zona Industriale Fax +39 0922 917977 @ 92025 Casteltermini (AG) ITALY Film PLA on roll - JOEPLAST max 60 µm Color : Transparent with coloured printing JOEPLAST Color : White translucent, coloured printed max 60 µm The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 124 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili MANCINI srl Via Isolella, 6 Fax +39 0442 83698 @ 37053 Cerea (VR) ITALY ECOCER max 50 µm Color : Various, coloured printing MEDIANE Films + Laminates BV Fax +31 346 284023 @ 3600 BP Maarssen THE NETHERLANDS Mediane Herb Sleeves Color : Transparent, coloured printing OERLEMANS Packaging bv Fax +31 416 35 25 90 @ 4265 GB Genderen THE NETHERLANDS OPLBIO S320 Rob van der Bruggen +31 416 35 81 00 Kleibergsestraat 4 S252 Robert Van der Laan +31 346 285029 Postbus 1623 S245 Corrado Mancini +39 0442 83600 max 110 µm Color : various colors, coloured printing PARKSIDE Flexibles (Europe) Ltd S370 Alan Obern Tyler Close, Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton +44 7714 137 865 Fax @ WF6 1RL Wakefield, West Yorkshire UNITED KINGDOM Pac2Nature max 95 µm Color: Metallic Triplex Laminate; coloured printing Park-2-Nature - Metallic see certificate Color : Metallic with coloured printing Park-2-Nature - White see certificate Color : White with coloured printing PLASTIROLL Oy S324 Jani Avellan +358407592000 Vanha Vaasantie 13 Fax +35833800888 @ 33470 Ylöjärvi FINLAND BIOSKA ® + max 250 µm Color : White translucent, Coloured printing Bioska 302 max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing Bioska 506 max 34.5 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 125 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili POLYCART S.p.a. Via delle Macine, 6 Fax +39 075 80 39 433 @ 06081 Palazzo di Assisi (PG) ITALY Bubble film PLURIBALL S267 Luca Bianconi +39 075 80 98 000 max 100 µm Color : White translucent S602 POLYPACK srl Via dell'Industria 8 Fax @ 36035 Marano Vicentino (VI) ITALY BIO-ENVEL 75 gsm / 76 µm Color : Printed in color PRINT SAK S.r.l Fax +39 0761600651 @ 00195 Roma ITALY Your Shopper max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent or yellow, coloured printing SAUPLAST Oy Fax +358 2 5500 399 @ 29810 Siikainen FINLAND Sauplast BioLine / Biopussukka max 120 µm Color : White translucent or green, coloured printing SILONPLAST srl Fax +39 049 629401 @ 35010 Vigonza (PD) ITALY BIO-COMP max 46 / 288 µm Color : Natural White; coloured printing SOURCE ATLANTIQUE Inc. S203 Charlotte Abella +1 201 947-1000 Ext. 138 140 Sylvan Avenue Fax +1 201 947-9009 @ NJ 07632 Englewood Cliffs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S262 Rudi Lombardo +39 049 629361 Via Regia 18 S508 Pekka Kouvuviita +358 2 5500 300 Kankaanpaantie 14 S513 Luigi Calivà +39 0761600656 Circonvallazione Clodia 145/A Sandwich & Baguette Bag < If you Care >; 45 gsm Color : Natural Brown The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 126 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili S544 SPP 14 Inchyra Road Fax @ FK3 9XB Grangemouth UNITED KINGDOM 2humus max 230 µm Color : various, printed or not SYLVAPHANE Holland nv Fax +31 (0)594-552234 @ 9356 AS Tolbert THE NETHERLANDS Nativia Pla D-801 max 50 µm Tech IT Packaging SpA Fax +39 071781023 @ 60027 Osimo Scalo (AN) ITALY Buste e film max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent or White, coloured printing TER BEKE nv S165 Henk Gurdebeke +32 9 370 12 11 Beke 1 Fax +32 9 370 15 02 @ 9950 Waarschoot BELGIUM S325 Patrizia Maria Tantucci +39 071781021 S.S. 16 km 311 Zona Industriale S243 H.A.M.Rombouts +31 (0)594-552200 Feithsweg 14 Flowpack film, glued printed label, with or without tray TIPA Corp Color : Transparent, couloured printed label S347 Tal Neumann +972 523 990 160 3 Hanagar St Fax @ 4501306 Hod Hasharon ISRAEL TP LAM 400 max 85 µm Color : Metallic with color printing TP231 max 25 µm Color : Transparent with coloured printing S565 TURCONI S.p.A. Via Mazzini, 192 Fax @ 20816 Ceriano Laghetto (MB) ITALY Paper for food "I LOVE NATURE", max 40 gsm Color : Natural with coloured printing Strip window bag "I LOVE NATURE", max 35 gsm Color : White or brown paper, with coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 127 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.2. Imballaggi per alimenti – Flessibili VALPLASTIK SNC Via Mezzana Fax +39 0975 70432 @ 84039 Teggiano ITALY La Coccinella max 20 µm Color : transparent with coloured printing VEGWARE Ltd S137 Joe FRANKEL +44 (0) 845 643 0406 Canalside House 43-45 Polwarth Crescent Fax +44 (0) 845 508 1556 @ EH11 1HS Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM S348 Michele Calandriello +39 0975 70482 Vegware - Flexible film Packaging, max 30 µm Color : Transparent The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 128 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.6. Imballaggi non alimentari – Rigidi BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING for ENVIRON 46/151 Moo 12 Nuanchan Road, Klongkhum, Bungkhum, Fax +66 02-944-5282 @ 10230 Bangkok THAILAND Smartware - Biobagasse - Biochanaoy - Bio - BPE, max 493 µm Brodrene Hartmann A/S Fax +45 4597 0001 @ Hartmann - Trays for non-food packaging Color : natural, green, red, pink - Printed or not printed FREE THE SEED Sdn, Bhd. Fax @ 14100 Seb. Prai, Penang MALAYSIA max 1,11 mm Color : natural white; unprinted Greengood Eco-Tech Co., Ltd. Fax +(852) 3403 7780 @ - Tuen Mun HONG KONG CPLA Trays, Plates and Lids452 µm Color : White (natural) HUHTAMAKI Molded Fiber Technology bv Fax +31 (0) 517 382 538 @ 8800 AA Franaker THE NETHERLANDS Egg Carton GreeNest 354 gsm / 1.25 mm Egg Carton HUHTAMAKI 408 gsm / 1.37 mm Color : various colours with colored printing or colored printed label Color : various colours with colored printing or colored printed label SHENZHEN VIECOPACK Co Ltd S485 Leon Li +86 (0) 755 88299827 Room 2222, Hanggang Fuchun Building Futian Dist. Fax +86 (0) 755 88299827 (Ext 815) @ - Shenzhen CHINA VIECO S099 Gea Draaistra +31 (0) 517 399 419 Zuidelijke Industrieweg 3-7 PO Box 5 S174 Alex WONG +(852) 3403 7777 21 San On Street Unit 9B S192 Ramaness Parasuraman Suite 0.008, Northern Corridor Biochem Center Penang Science Park, 1114 Jalan Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 18 Seed S153 Edit Kovács 2820 GENTOFTE DENMARK Color : Natural white, Unprinted +45 4597 0000 Ornegaardsvej 18 S334 Wariya Kalom +66 02-944-5512 max 1.24 mm Color : Natural White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 129 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.7. Imballaggi non alimentari – Flessibili BIOBAG International AS Hovsveien 8 Fax +47 69 88 85 99 @ 1831 Askim NORWAY BioBag Packaging Film max 100 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing CORTEC Corporation S344 Robert Kean +1 (651) 429-1100 4119 White Bear Parkway Fax +1 (651) 429-1122 @ thhp:// 55110 St Paul, MN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S014 Mats Rattfält +46 560 711 1 EcoOcean / EcoWorks AD max 282 µm Color : White transparent, green printing CRISTIANPACK srl S251 Simone Marzetti +39 0717230389 Via San Sabino, 3 Fax @ 60027 Osimo (AN) ITALY BIOCPACK max 50 µm Color : White translucent, coloured printing CRISTOBAL MESSEGUER S.S. Fax + 34 968 82 35 03 @ 30570 Benijan Murcia SPAIN M-Pack max 55 µm Color : Ivory white; Printed EXTRAPACK OOD Fax +359 (0) 62 611 556 @ 5000 Veliko Tarnovo BULGARIA ECOMATER max 70 µm Color : White or white translucent with coloured printing FLEXOPACK SA Fax +30-2106626583 @ 19400 Koropi GREECE Flexopack SA S337 George ROUSSOS +30-210-6680000 Thessi Tzima S357 Milen Georgiev +359 (0) 62 611 515 Zapadna Promishlena Zona S175 Jose Maria Meseguer Huertasq +34 968 879440 Calle Alejandrico 14 max 100 µm Color : White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 130 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.7. Imballaggi non alimentari – Flessibili Groupe BARBIER La Guide BP 39 Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM in a thickness of max. 98 µm Groupe FLEXICO Fax +33 (0) 3 44 49 88 51 @ Biocompostable bags (with starch), max 150 µm Groupe SAINT-ANDRE PLASTIQUE Color : Translucent film with coloured printing Fax +33 (0) 2 33 55 12 78 @ 50680 Saint-André FRANCE max 50 µm Color : Transparent printed or unprinted JOEPLAST SpA Fax +39 0922 917977 @ 92025 Casteltermini (AG) ITALY Film PLA on roll - JOEPLAST max 60 µm Color : Transparent with coloured printing JOEPLAST Color : White translucent, coloured printed max 60 µm KLABIN SA Fax +55 49 3221-6066 @ 88514-680 BRAZIL 70-120 gsm Color : Natural brown, with 4 colors printing MANCINI srl Fax +39 0442 83698 @ 37053 Cerea (VR) ITALY ECOCER S245 Corrado Mancini +39 0442 83600 Via Isolella, 6 S428 Aluisio Ramos Guedes +55 49 3221-6029 BR 116, km 247 S/N Klabin - bags S224 Sergio Messina +39 0922 917700 Zona Industriale S088 Ludovic GROUCY +33 (0) 2 33 57 84 01 Impasse Balleroy, 5 Gamme PLA S108 Michel Quedeville 60544 Henonville FRANCE Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not +33 (0) 3 44 49 49 59 Route de Meru, 1 S098 Patrick DORCY +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 max 50 µm Color : Various, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 131 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.7. Imballaggi non alimentari – Flessibili MONDI Industrial Bags GmbH Marxergasse 4A Fax +49 (0) 9732 7878 748 @ 1030 Vienna AUSTRIA Terra Bag - Cement bag Color : Natural brown or bleached paper, printing in various colors MOSCA GmbH Fax +49-(0)62 74 / 9 32 - 400 118 @ 69429 Waldbrunn GERMANY Eco-Strap max 335 µm Color : White OERLEMANS Packaging bv Fax +31 416 35 25 90 @ 4265 GB Genderen THE NETHERLANDS OPLBIO max 110 µm Color : various colors, coloured printing PLASTIROLL Oy Fax +35833800888 @ 33470 Ylöjärvi FINLAND BIOSKA ® + max 250 µm Color : White translucent, Coloured printing Bioska 302 max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing Bioska 506 max 34.5 µm Color : Natural translucent, coloured printing POLYCART S.p.a. Fax +39 075 80 39 433 @ 06081 Palazzo di Assisi (PG) ITALY max 100 µm Color : White translucent SEALED AIR Corporation S299 John WOLF +1-201-712-7309 301 Mayhill Street Fax +1-201221-1550 @ NJ 07663 Saddle Brook UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S267 Luca Bianconi +39 075 80 98 000 Via delle Macine, 6 Bubble film PLURIBALL S324 Jani Avellan +358407592000 Vanha Vaasantie 13 S320 Rob van der Bruggen +31 416 35 81 00 Kleibergsestraat 4 S601 Simone Mosca +49-(0)62 74 / 9 32 - 120 Gerd Mosca Strasse 1 S145 Uwe Vogelskamp +49 (0) 9732 7878 746 PakNatural - Loose Fill Packaging ; max density : 0,029 kg/l Color : Natural grain color The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 132 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.3. Imballaggi C.3.3.7. Imballaggi non alimentari – Flessibili SOURCE ATLANTIQUE Inc. 140 Sylvan Avenue Fax +1 201 947-9009 @ NJ 07632 Englewood Cliffs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA If You Care S203 Charlotte Abella +1 201 947-1000 Ext. 138 max 50 µm Color : Transparent with coloured printing S544 SPP 14 Inchyra Road Fax @ FK3 9XB Grangemouth UNITED KINGDOM 2humus max 230 µm Color : various, printed or not Tech IT Packaging SpA Fax +39 071781023 @ 60027 Osimo Scalo (AN) ITALY Buste e film S325 Patrizia Maria Tantucci +39 071781021 S.S. 16 km 311 Zona Industriale max 100 µm Color : Natural translucent or White, coloured printing TIPA Corp S347 Tal Neumann +972 523 990 160 3 Hanagar St Fax @ 4501306 Hod Hasharon ISRAEL TP LAM 400 max 85 µm Color : Metallic with color printing TP231 max 25 µm Color : Transparent with coloured printing VEGWARE Ltd Fax +44 (0) 845 508 1556 @ EH11 1HS Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM Vegware - Flexible film Packaging, max 30 µm Color : Transparent WENTUS Kunststoff GmbH Fax +49 (0) 5271 689 219 @ 37671 HÖXTER GERMANY WENTERRA S010 Karsten BUTH +49(0) 5271 689-252 / 218 Eugen-Diesel-Strasse 12 S137 Joe FRANKEL +44 (0) 845 643 0406 Canalside House 43-45 Polwarth Crescent max 50 µm Color : Coloured film, printing : Green The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 133 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.4. Prodotti agricoli, orticoli e per giardinaggio C.3.4.1. Fermagli / clips A RAYMOND - Tecniacero S275 Josefina Viruega +34 93 874 8810 Carretera Manuresa A Berga KM 0,5 Fax +34 93 877 0260 @ 08272 Sant Fruitos de Bages SPAIN Hook ref 214092 Color : Natural translucent RAYGREEN Bio Clip - Yomato clip CBC25 B ref 222641 Color : Brown BATO Plastics bv S063 G.J.M. SPIERINGS +31 (0) 168 331 030 Munterij 2 Fax +31 (0) 168 331 040 @ 4762 AH Zevenbergen THE NETHERLANDS Clippers & supports Color : Natural ivory and Brown Growrunner Bato Color : Natural ivory and Brown The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 134 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.4. Prodotti agricoli, orticoli e per giardinaggio C.3.4.2. Film / Pellicola per pacciamatura AGRIPLAST srl S551 Augusto Balloni +39 0932 997242 C. da Marangio Fax @ 97019 Vittoria (RG) ITALY Agrobio max 130 µm Color : Neutral white, black and green ARDDI SA Fax +33 (0) 4 75 69 90 47 @ 07290 Ardoix FRANCE BIOCOOL film of max. 19 µm Color : Natural BIOBAG International AS Fax +47 69 88 85 99 @ 1831 Askim NORWAY BioBag Agri Film film of max. 50 µm Color : Natural or black DONGAH CHEMICAL Co Ltd Fax +82-55-385-0715 @ 626-120 Yangsan Kyungnam KOREA Biopolymer in a thickness of max. 88 µm Groupe BARBIER Fax +33 (0) 4 71 75 01 98 @ in a thickness of max. 98 µm MULTIBAX Public Company Ltd S260 Surachai Adsawakeawmongkol Fax +6638-492485 @ 20230 Chonburi THAILAND MBIO-1 / MBIO-3 Color : Natural or colored, Printed or not +6638-491725-9 211 Moo 3 Toongsukhla Sriracha S098 Patrick DORCY 43600 Sainte-Sigolène FRANCE BIOPACK, BIOFILM Color : Beige or Black +33 (0) 4 71 75 11 11 La Guide BP 39 S279 Kiseok Yu +82-55-386-1218 #53 Buk 1 Gil Sanmak Industrial Zone S014 Mats Rattfält +46 560 711 1 Hovsveien 8 S046 F. BOUVIER +33 (0) 4 75 69 91 82 ZI Munas max 97 µm / 236 µm Color : Film : Black or Natural W hite; printing : Yellow, White The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 135 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.4. Prodotti agricoli, orticoli e per giardinaggio C.3.4.2. Film / Pellicola per pacciamatura OERLEMANS Packaging bv Kleibergsestraat 4 Fax +31 416 35 25 90 @ 4265 GB Genderen THE NETHERLANDS OPLBIO S320 Rob van der Bruggen +31 416 35 81 00 max 110 µm Color : various colors The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 136 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.4. Prodotti agricoli, orticoli e per giardinaggio C.3.4.3. Vasi per piante BIOPLANTS France SA RN23 – Lieu-dit « Réserve de Craon » Fax +41 56 297 87 03 @ 49170 Saint Martin du Fouilloux FRANCE Schwarz-Bio max thickness of 988 µm DESCH PLANTPAK b.v. Fax +31-416-562488 @ D-Grade Plant pots and traysmax 700 µm Color : Brown, Olive Green or Beige, Printed FREE THE SEED Sdn, Bhd. Fax @ 14100 Seb. Prai, Penang MALAYSIA max 1,11 mm Color : natural white; unprinted FUTURAMAT Fax +33 5 49 37 33 08 @ 86130 DISSAY FRANCE BioFibra® BF-LHE01 max 600 µm Color : Beige (natural) JIFFY AS Fax +45 86 394 908 @ 8550 Ryomgaard DENMARK Jiffy Plant Pots S038 Jan OPSTRUP +45 86 394 388 Industrivej 4 S170 Sandra MARTIN +33 5 49 89 04 50 660 Route de Chaix S192 Ramaness Parasuraman Suite 0.008, Northern Corridor Biochem Center Penang Science Park, 1114 Jalan Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 18 Plant pots Seed S144 Wouter ZIECK 5145 PC Waalwijk THE NETHERLANDS Color : Green with Black and white printing +31-416-562430 Altenaweg 12 S280 Angel Rodriguez +41 56 297 87 67 3 mm Color : Brown (natural) The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 137 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.4. Prodotti agricoli, orticoli e per giardinaggio C.3.4.4. Telo di copertura per applicazioni paesaggistiche BEAULIEU Technical Textiles sa/nv Boulevard Industriel 3 Industrielaan 3 Fax + 32 (0) 56 560 694 @ 7780 Comines/Komen BELGIUM Ökolys Support , Ökolys Groundcover - 50 µm Color : Woven patern of transparent, milky white, green or black tapes BONAR Fax +32 52 445 604 @ 9240 Zele BELGIUM DURACOVER BLACK max 150 µm Color : Black DURACOVER BROWN max 150 µm Color : Brown DURACOVER GREEN max 150 µm Color : Green DAM DE SAEDELEIR nv S233 Martin Gernaey +32 (0)52 25 83 60 Hoogveld 90 Fax +32 (0)52 22 52 08 @ http://wwwbiocoverseu 9200 Dendermonde BELGIUM Hortaflex Weedcontrol S193 Evelien Nottebaere +32 52 457 422 Industriestraat, 39 S185 Sophie Vandewalle +32 (0)56 560 689 max 200 gsm Color : Dark brown The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 138 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.9. Altro C.3.9.1. Altri prodotti ALBYCO Nederland BV Elschot 2 Fax +31 162486251 @ 4905 AZ Oosterhout THE NETHERLANDS Binding covers and binding combs max 330 µm Color : Miscellaneous colors Binding covers and binding combs max 330 µm Color : Miscellaneous colors ENDOCHOICE Inc Fax 1-866-567-8218 @ 30009 Alparetta, GA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Bowl for endoscopic procedure max 800 µm Color : Translucent EXTRULINE SYSTEMS S.L. micro-irrigation system BIODRIPLINE micro-irrigation system BIODRIPTAPE GAMMAPLAST Fax +39 0141 875000 @ 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze (AT) ITALY SEAT COVER - Car Protection in a thickness of max. 60 µm IPT Industria Plastica Toscana Color : White or light green, coloured printing S213 Graziano Chini +39 055 84381 Viale Kennedy, 184 Fax +39 055 8430267 @ 50038 Scarperia ITALY S481 Ivan Alpiste +39 0141 875008 Via G. Abbate 68 +34 968 40 08 27 Fax +34 968 40 10 23 @ 30890 Puerto Lumbreras Murcia SPAIN S552 Antonio Bayonas Autovia Del Mediterraneo Km 567 Salida 565-Gonar S536 Sam Kim 1-888-682-3636 11810 Wills Road Suite 100 S205 Jos van Uum +31 162486286 Gloves for fruit and vegetables ; 15 µm Color : Translucent KEE PLASTICS AB S390 Per Owe Johansson +46 166 530 Fredriksalsgatan 16 Fax @ 60223 Norrkopig SWEDEN Piping Bag KEE SEAL BIO max 85 µm Color : Natural white, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 139 / 141 OK compost C.3. Prodotti finiti C.3.9. Altro C.3.9.1. Altri prodotti POLIETILPLAST srl S163 Andrea PASSAPONTI +39 0571-582494 Via Vittorio Niccoli, 303 Fax +39 057 1582054 @ 50051 Castelfiorentino (Firenze) ITALY BIO-LINE Dress cover max 35 µm Color : Natural, coloured printing BIO-LINE Hair dresser foil max 35 µm Color : Natural, coloured printing S607 SAMOA REGENPONCHOS e.U. Hebertstrasse 16 Fax @ 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee AUSTRIA Rain Poncho - BIO Regenponcho max 60 µm Color : Milky transparent, coloured printing SHANGHAI TONGJIELIANG Biomaterial Co Lt No 5 Building, No 1135 Baotou Road Fax +86-21-65064765 @ 200438 Shanghai CHINA Sanitary Napkins AGA S389 Qian Cheng +86-15157436311 max 2.7 mm Color : Natural White SOURCE ATLANTIQUE Inc. S203 Charlotte Abella +1 201 947-1000 Ext. 138 140 Sylvan Avenue Fax +1 201 947-9009 @ NJ 07632 Englewood Cliffs UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Baking Cup < If you Care > 40 gsm Color : Natural Brown Baking Paper/Sheet < If you Care >; 42 gsm Color : Natural Brown Parchment Roasting Bag If You Care - max 58 gsm Color : Natural brown Reusable Paper Towel 137 gsm Color : Natural Sponge Cloth 254 gsm Color : Green UNIVERSAL PLASTIC & METAL Mfg. Ltd. Room 1009, Landmark North, 39 Lung Sum Avenue. S187 Rickly Wong +852 246 246 29 Fax +852 246 246 85 @ - Sheung Shui NT HONG KONG Gloves - UPM ECO max 60 µm Color : Beige, unprinted Rain Poncho - Poncho4u max 60 µm Color : Beige, coloured printing The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 140 / 141 OK compost The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark. This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark. PRINTING DATE 03-Oct-16 ENVI PROV/OKC : File NewCert2016 Edition 28/09/2016 141 / 141
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Produits finis C.3.
The conformity of the products is guaranteed by the procedures for awarding and use of the 'OK compost' conformity mark.
This only applies to specimen bearing the 'OK compost' mark.