newtown shopping guide
newtown shopping guide
ls l e W Avv e rnA t e e nnuu s e W ee PPrrooss Moorrrr ppeecctt SS t M iisssseeyy t rreeeett Rooaa d R d Geeoorrgg G ee S Sttrreeee t t Brriidd g B g ee S Sttrree e e tt SSttrree e e tt Stt M S Maarryy Sttrree e S e tt Mr Conte Tailoring 14 King Street T: (02) 9519 7716 Elly’s Shoes and Bag Service / My Beautiful Laundrette 110 King Street T: (02) 9517 9788 SS ttrr eeee tt 7 Laundry Magic 514 King Street T: (02) 9517 2393 FASHION 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Cs Flashback 180 King Street T: (02) 95654343 17 18 19 20 21 Nadine Dilani Couture Suite 4, 134-140 King Street T: 0422 056 603 Cat Protection Society Op-shop 85 Enmore Road T: (02) 9516 2072 Cream on King 317 King Street T: (02) 9565 2955 Devela 433a King Street T: 0450 591 417 EVELEIGH Earth Kid 555a King Street T: 0431 765 624 Etelage 430 King Street T: (02) 9557 9089 Frolic Clothing 461 King Street T: (02) 9519 9895 Haus of Passe 481 King Street T: (02) 8065 6851 & 0416 945 924 Mulberry Street Vintage Designer Boutique 50 Enmore Road & 592 King Street T: (02) 9519 2284 & 9517 1009 Retro A Go-Go 123 Enmore Road T: 0433 316 640 Scraggs House of Fashion 559 King Street T: (02) 9550 4654 St. Luke’s Church Op-Shop 133 Enmore Road T: (02) 9550 5713 Rooaadd Heennddeerrssoonn R H St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) 187 King Street T: (02) 9557 1996 & 0401 602 087 22 Three 5 Nine (Red Cross) 2/359 King Street T: (02) 9517 9209 de a r a P ay w il Ra Sw S waannss o o nn S Sttrreeeett 23 The Smith Family Shop 1, 8-10 Enmore Road T: (02) 9557 3020 24 The Flying Penguin Extraordinary Educational Toys Shop 1, 359 King Street T: (02) 9516 2842 & 0414 568 187 FURNITURE/ANTIQUES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 531 on King 531 King Street T: (02) 9565 5577 Antiques and Old Wares 529 King Street T: (02) 9516 5754 Dellis Furniture 626 King Street T: (02) 9519 2169 Envision 54 473 King Street T: (02) 9550 6650 Michael’s Shoppe 557 King Street T: 0425 216 318 c k la u B Nest 541 King Street T: (02) 9557 6768 Rosebud Antiques 571 King Street T: 0403 075 793 Towers Antiques and Collectables 539 King Street T: (02) 9519 6574 FFoo uunn ttaa iinn 33 Vintage Delight 488 King Street T: (02) 9550 2407 BOOKS/MUSIC Asshhm A moorree S S ttrreeeett 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Berkelouw Books 6-8 O’Connell Street T: (02) 9557 1777 Books on King 161 King Street T: (02) 9519 7602 Egg Records 3 Wilson Street T: (02) 9550 6056 Elizabeth’s Book Store 257 King Street T: (02) 9550 5691 Fine Print Books 404 King Street T: (02) 9550 6859 Gould’s Book Arcade 32-38 King Street T: (02) 9519 8947 Pete’s Musician’s Market 494 King Street T: (02) 9550 1416 Revolve Records and Relics 65 Erskineville Road T: (02) 9519 9978 Repressed Records 356 King Street T: (02) 9557 6237 M COMPUTERS/MECHANICS 26 Coouullss o C o nn S Sttrreeeett et e r t S et BnS Alterations and Tailoring 606 King Street T: (02) 9557 1698 M M iittcc hhee LLaa llll ww rree RRoo nncc SSuu aadd BBee ee ttttoo llm SStt m rr SS rree oonn eett ttrr tt SS eeee ttrr tt eeee tt SStt rree eett Unnii o U o nn Allm A maa Avv A eenn u TTuu p u ee p pp eerr SSttrr eeee t t Wee W myy m ssss SSttrr eeeett PPee rrrryy SSttrr eeeett Agg A aarr SSttrr eeeett Anngg A eell SS t t rreeee tt 19 31 et e r St RRoo cchh ffoo rrdd Sttrreeee S tt Am A myy S Sttrreeeett Brrii B ddggee Roo a R a dd C C aarr d d iiggaa nn SS t t rreeee tt Sttaaffffoorr d S d S Sttrreeeett LLiinnccoollnn Sttrreeeett S LLiibb eerrtt yy SS ttrree eett Hoo H lltt SS ttrree eett Coo C ookk Roo R aadd 16 4 49 Best Ever Dry Cleaners 128a Erskineville Road T: (02) 9516 4518 S 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Acon Technology 261 Enmore Road, Enmore T: (02) 9519 8898 Advance Loan Office 217 King Street T: (02) 9557 3963 Advance Mont de Piete Loan Office 411 King Street T: (02) 9557 3923 Cartek 540 King Street T: (02) 9557 3060 CTC Tobacconist 318a King Street T: (02) 9557 8737 Digital World 371 King Street T: (02) 9550 4405 Expertech 1/612 King Street T: (02) 8307 8691 King Street Autos 424-426 King Street T: (02) 9550 3088 M M aadd SS Scooter Engineering 426 King Street ddooT: (02) 9516 0077 xx SStt rree ee King Service Appliance Repairs 496 King Street T: (02) 9517 1113 Malcolm Motors 23-27 King Street T: (02) 9519 6947 ev c B 12 29 Aquick Laundry 51 Enmore Road T: (02) 9557 9686 e SShh eepp hhee rrdd 1 2 3 4 5 6 39 ERSKINEVILLE 46 25 24 32 30 ey l r Da g Ki n5 re 7 et tre gS et e r St a ur a L 33 40 51 15 et e r St n e d Ca m t ee r t eS c i Al 52 t e e r S t ee r d e e S tr n a L bi m rc ro e Alterations Studio Shop 9, 330 AbKing Street T: (02) 9516 3535 St 14 28 nt e sc e Cr S t re Iv y 50 53 13 11 41 oa d 45 Avveennuuee eerrnnA 38 3 V V d a o R n QUICK GUIDE o gt n i l ALTERATIONS Da r t re e k St Par 48 RRoo aadd Sttrreeeett JJoohhnn S Nee w N wm maa nn SS t t rreeee t t Clleevveell a C a nndd DARLINGTON 37 1 42 e az M 44 Kin Rooaadd aR r i 218 King Street, Newtown t o V ic Printed on 100% recycled paper SSm Photography: Lucia De Giovanni / Anna Potaczala m Published May iitt CC2011 hh hhaa CChh SStt ppee EEdd rree aall l l SS dd iinn ee LLllee wee w llllyy nn SS ttrree eett 24 22 ee t S tr a rl Pe The Watershed Sustainability Resource Centre Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am-4pm, Thursday 10am-7pm Phone: (02) 9519 6366 ENMORE 16 eet Str Add A ddiiss oonn Roo R aadd 23 2 y Re ib Coo C wpp w eerr SSttrr eeee t t 43 ad Ro re wa ge Ed So have fun using this guide to find your treasures, and know that every secondhand item bought saves our natural resources. Roo R aadd NEWTOWN 9 t ree s St mo n et S im S t re ian Mar oa d an R olit ro p Met Nee N wii n w n gg ttoonn eet et St r tr e is tS nc lie Fr a Ju outfit, boutique-style kids clothes, whitegoods, curios and bric-a-brac, musical instruments, beautiful antique furniture, delicate china your grandmother would love (or jewellery you would). We’ve also listed where you can have your clothes or shoes fixed, altered or laundered, as well as auto maintenance and computer repairs to give the things you already own a new lease on life. In Newtown there are more than 50 retail outlets dedicated to conserving resources by offering goods or services that keep the secondhand economy ticking over. 20 18 35 8 et t re n S tio St a Caa C vvee n n dd iisshh SSttrr SSttaa eeee t nnm t moo r r ee Roo R aadd Use this guide to find the perfect retro or re-designed 17 21 ee t r t et S e e r St a rl m x no be n l B B A e Gll G L eedd aadd ffoo ssttoo rrdd 10 nnee S S ttrree SStt r 36 eett r eeee 47 tt et tr e n S ndo Lo This shopping guide explores a fascinating shopping experience in Newtown. Hunting through a secondhand shop can bring real joy – finding an object that’s totally unique and of a quality that has stood the test of time. In a world where goods are increasingly massproduced, disposable and made cheaply, there has been a resurgence in secondhand shopping. Not only can we rescue pre-loved objects from landfill, doing so saves on the resources needed to make a new item. Pre-loved stuff keeps earning money every time it is sold. 6 Sttrreeeett S r en Bur Avv e A e nnuu TTrraaffaallggaarr ee SSttrr eeeett Haa H rrrroo wR w R oo aadd 34 Rooaadd hheerr R Raaiillw R waayy et e r t l S l e m pb a C C R y t i d a o The Watershed is a green living centre in the heart of Newtown. A joint initiative of City of Sydney and Marrickville Councils, it is part of an ongoing commitment to supporting sustainable environments within the urban community. The Watershed is free and open to the public and offers a variety of services such as a library, free workshops, practical ideas for everyday sustainable living, educational and business programs. ee t S tr ee n Qu Sa et e r Doouuggllaa s S t D s ee t S tr a l ia st r ee t Au S tr on nis De 2011a l is bu reet n St d r ow et B e e Roa Str il l den ell et sen ev e onn Mis Str in O 'c an ee t sk Eg S tr Er rn r de Ho oaadd o R y R n y a n b a l Al b A et e r St s a L uc et tr e hS urc Ch et tre nS Rooaadd y R y a l a u l a u c a Maac M NEWTOWN STANMORE SHOPPING Myyrr t M ad t llGUIDE ee SStt r o R r eeeett ry et tr e t S llet Ma o nn Ca Rooaadd naa R n n u n r u o r o C C CAMPERDOWN Cat Protection Society Op-Shop Retro a-go-go The Flying Penguin Rosebud Antiques Berkelouw Books Secondhand clothes, from vintage to contemporary, shoes, bags, jewellery, kitchenware, toys, decorative items and a huge library of books. Tinsel to trashy with a glimmer of glamour. Clothing and curios from the 60s, 70s and 80s for hire or sale. Educational toys and games for babies to teens. Australian-made products, natural, and creatively made from recycled and re-claimed materials. Tiffany lamps, china and jewellery tucked in amongst a vast range of antique furniture and curios. The romance of books is alive and well at this beautiful bookshop with in-store cafe and ramen bar just off King Street. New, rare and secondhand books. Mr Conte Tailoring Expert tailor and clothing alterations. Dry cleaning services also available. FASHION 1 Alterations Studio Clothing alterations and repairs Shop 9, 330 King Street T: (02) 9516 3535 Mo to Th 9:30-6, Sa 10-4 8 Cs Flashback Vintage clothing, shoes, accessories 180 King Street T: (02) 956 54343 Mo-We & Fr-Sa 10-6, Th 10-7, Su 11-5 17 Nadine Dilani Couture Tailor/designer, repairs, classes Suite 4, 134-140 King Street T: 0422 056 603; Mo to Sa 10-6:30 25 531 on King Antiques, bric-a-brac 531 King Street T: (02) 9565 5577; Mo-Su 10-6 9 Cat Protection Society Op-shop Clothing, bric-a-brac and books 85 Enmore Road T: (02) 9516 2072 Mo to Sa 10-4 18 Retro A Go-Go Clothes, furniture, bric-a-brac 123 Enmore Road T: 0433 316 640 Mo to Sa 12-6, Su 12-4 26 Antiques and Old Wares Antiques, furniture, bric-a-brac 529 King Street T: (02) 9516 5754 10 Cream on King Re-worked and re-sized fashion 317 King Street T: (02) 9565 2955 Mo-Th & Sa 10-6, Fr 10-8, Su 11-6 19 Scraggs House of Fashion Vintage clothing and accessories 559 King Street T: (02) 9550 4654 Su to Th 12-5, Fr-Sa 11-6 2 Aquick Laundry Clothing alterations and repairs 51 Enmore Road T: (02) 9557 9686 Mo to Sa 8-6, Su 9-4 Approximately 70,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas is emitted from decaying wood and paper products in Australian landfills each year. 3 4 Earth Kid Stylish recycled clothing for little kids. Boutique-style shopping, top brand names. 5 Best Ever Dry Cleaners Clothing alterations and repairs 128a Erskineville Road T: (02) 9516 4518 Mo to Fr 7-7, Sa 8-6 BnS Alterations and Tailoring Clothing, leather alterations, repairs 606 King Street T: (02) 9557 1698 Mo-Sa 10-6, Su 10-4 Mr Conte Tailoring Tailor, alterations and dry cleaning 14 King Street T: (02) 9519 7716 Mo to Fr 9:30-5, Sa 10:30-4 Over 700 tonnes of clothing and textiles were thrown out by residents in the Marrickville Council area in 2004-05. That’s the equivalent of 2.2 million t-shirts. 6 Elly’s Shoes and Bag Service/ My Beautiful Laundrette Clothing alterations and repairs 110 King Street T: (02) 9517 9788 M0-We & Fr 7:30-7, Th & Sa 7:30-6, Su 10-4 7 Laundry Magic Clothing alterations and repairs 514 King Street T: (02) 9517 2393 Frolic Clothing Quality 1950s to 1980s clothing, shoes and accessories for women and men. Vintage and retro gear for all occasions. FURNITURE/ANTIQUES ALTERATIONS 27 Dellis Furniture Office and home furniture 626 King Street T: (02) 9519 2169 Mo to Sa 11-5, Su 11-4:30 The embodied energy in an average washing machine could power a 60-watt lightbulb nonstop for three years. Australians consumed just under 4.2 million tonnes of paper products in 2008-09. That’s enough paper to fill 67,184 26m semi-trailers, enough to stretch all the way from Brisbane to Melbourne. 11 Devela Clothing and accessories 433a King Street T: 0450 591 417 Mo to Su 11-6, Th 11-8 12 Earth Kid Locally sourced clothes for kids 555a King Street T: 0431 765 624 Tu-Su 10-4 “More users, more uses.” 20 St. Luke’s Church Op-Shop Clothes, antiques, furniture, records, CDs, books and bric-a-brac 133 Enmore Road T: (02) 9550 5713 Tu to Fr 9:30-4, Sa 9:30-2:30 21 St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) Clothing, books, shoes, bric-a-brac 187 King Street T: (02) 9557 1996 & 0401 602 087 Mo to We 9-8pm, Th 9-9, Fr 9-10, Sa 10-10, Su 10-7 13 Etelage Beads, jewellery and vintage clothing 430 King Street T: (02) 9557 9089 Mo-We 10:30-5, Th-Sa 10:30-7, Su 11-4 22 Three 5 Nine (Red Cross) Secondhand clothing, accessories, shoes, vintage clothes and books 2/359 King Street T: (02) 9517 9209 Mo to Sa 10-6, Su 11-5 14 Frolic Clothing Vintage clothes, shoes and accessories 461 King Street T: (02) 9519 9895 Mo to Sa 11-6, Su 11-5 This guide is printed on 100% recycled paper. 15 Haus of Passe Vintage clothes, shoes and accessories 481 King Street, T: (02) 8065 6851 & 0416 945 924 Mo-We, Fr & Su 11-6, Th 11-7, Sa 10-6 23 The Smith Family Clothing, antiques, music, books and bric-a-brac Shop 1, 8-10 Enmore Road T: (02) 9557 3020 Mo to Fr 10-4:45, Sa 10-2:45 16 Mulberry St Vintage Designer Boutique Vintage clothes, shoes and accessories 50 Enmore Road & 592 King Street T: (02) 9519 2284 & (02) 9517 1009 Tu-We 11-5, Th-Fr 11-7:30, Sa-Su 10:30-5 24 The Flying Penguin Extraordinary Educational Toys Toys from recycled materials Shop 1, 359 King Street T: (02) 9516 2842 & 0414 568 187 Mo-We & Fr-Sa 10-6, Th 10-8, Su 11-5 Mulberry Street Vintage Designer Boutique Service and advice, with clean and perfect pieces of clothing from the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s, all at affordable prices. St Vincent de Paul Retro, secondhand clothing, household goods. The Vinnies store is the largest op-shop in Newtown. Big on bargain shopping for quality items at low prices. 28 Envision 54 Antiques, curios 473 King Street T: (02) 9550 6650 Tu to Su 12-5 29 Michael’s Shoppe Antiques, furniture 557 King Street T: 0425 216 318 30 Nest Furniture and homewares 541 King Street T: (02) 9557 6768 Mo-We & Fr-Sa 10-6, Th 10-9, Su 10-4 Around 2500L of water is required to produce a new cotton t-shirt. 31 Rosebud Antiques Antiques, furniture and jewellery 571 King Street T: 0403 075 793 Mo to Fr 11-6, Sa-Su 10-6 Etelage Unique jewellery, fashion, accessories. Jewellery workshops for all skill levels using vintage and contemporary beads. 32 Towers Antiques and Collectables Antiques, furniture and bric-a-brac 539 King Street T: (02) 9519 6574 Tu to Su 11-6 33 Vintage Delight Vintage photographs, bric-a-brac 488 King Street T: (02) 9550 2407 Mo to Fr 12-4, Sa-Su 11-5 BOOKS/MUSIC 34 Berkelouw Books Secondhand and rare books 6-8 O’Connell Street T: (02) 9557 1777 Mo-We 10-9, Th-Sa 10-10, Su 10-8 35 Books on King Secondhand books 161 King Street T: (02) 9519 7602 Mo to Su 10-11 36 Egg Records Records, CDs, books and bric-a-brac 3 Wilson Street T: (02) 9550 6056 Mo to Th 10-6:30, Fr-Sa 10-7, Su 11-5 37 Elizabeth’s Book Store Secondhand books 257 King Street T: (02) 9550 5691 Mo to Th 9-11, Fr-Sa 9-11:30, Su 9-11 It takes 7400L of water on average to make a new pair of jeans. 38 Fine Print Books Secondhand books 404 King Street T: (02) 9550 6859 We to Fr 11-6:30, Sa 11-5:30 39 Gould’s Book Arcade Books, CDs, videos 32-38 King Street T: (02) 9550 5924 & (02) 9519 8947 Mo to Su 9-10 40 Pete’s Musician’s Market Guitars, keyboards and amps 494 King Street T: (02) 9550 1416 Mo to Th 11-6, Fr-Sa 11-5 41 Revolve Records and Relics Records, bric-a-brac, vintage and secondhand clothes 65 Erskineville Road, Erskineville T: (02) 9519 9978; Mo to Su 12-6 42 Repressed Records Vinyl, CDs, DVDs 356 King Street T: (02) 9557 6237 Mo-We 11-7, Th 10-8:30, Fr-Sa 10-7 Repressed Records Range of new and secondhand CDs and vinyl, T-shirts, music merchandise, interesting imports and local releases. COMPUTERS/MECHANICS 43 Acon Technology TV and whitegoods repair/sales 261 Enmore Road T: (02) 9519 8898 Mo to Fr 8-4:30 44 Advance Loan Office Money lenders 217 King Street T: (02) 9557 3963 Mo to Fr 9-5:30, Sa 9-3 Pete's Musician's Mart Specialist in secondhand guitars, keyboards, amps and effects pedals. All instrument repairs and maintenance. 45 Advance Mont de Piete Loan Office Jewellery, guitars and tools of trade 411 King Street T: (02) 9557 3923 Mo to Fr 8-5:30, Sa 8-2 46 Cartek Car service and mechanics 540 King Street T: (02) 9557 3060 Mo to Fr 8-5, Sa 8-1 47 CTC Tobacconist Shoe repairs 318a King Street T: (02) 9557 8737 Mo to Su 7-8:30 48 Digital World Computer repairs 371 King Street T: (02) 9550 4405 Mo to Sa 10-6 49 Expertech Computer repairs 1/612 King Street T: (02) 8307 8691 Mo to Fr 9:30-6, Sa 10-4 Towers Antiques and Collectables Extensive range of vintage and retro, specialising in 19th and 20th century furniture, antiques and bric-a-brac. 50 King Street Autos All auto repairs 424-426 King Street T: (02) 9550 3088 Mo to Fr 8:30-5:30 51 King Service Appliance Repairs Whitegoods appliances and repairs 496 King Street T: (02) 9517 1113 Mo to Fr 9-5 52 Malcolm Motors Mechanical repairs 23-27 King Street T: (02) 9519 6947 Mo to Fr 7-5, Sa 7-11 53 SS Scooter Engineering Scooter restoration and repair 426 King Street T: (02) 9516 0077 Mo to Fr 8:30-6, Sa 10:30-4 Gould's Book Arcade A treasure trove for book lovers. Huge range of rare and out-of-print books, with Australia's largest collection of books on the labour movement and left-wing politics.