Catalogue - Eye Care Wales
Catalogue - Eye Care Wales
February 2012 All WALES LOW VISION SERVICE LOW VISION AID CATALOGUE Hywel Dda Health Board TEL: 01554 779512 / 01554 779513 Fax: 01554 741860 Contents Page CONTENTS PAGE Page 1 Title Page Page 2 Contents Page Page 3 Instructions & Information Page 4 UV Shields Page 5 Norville Spectacle Mounted & Clip On Near Additions Page 6 Pocket Magnifiers & Chest Magnifiers Page 7 Hand Magnifiers Page 8 Illuminated Pocket Hand Magnifiers Page 9 Brightfield & Bar Magnifiers Page 10 Stand Magnifiers Page 11 Illuminated Stand Magnifiers Page 12 Monoculars & Keeler Aids Page 13 Spectacle Binoculars Page 14 Angle type Stand & Illuminated Stand Magnifiers Page 15 Task Lamps, Non Optical Devices & Bulbs Page 16 Contact Details - Administration 2 Instructions & Information Instructions & Information Instructions for ordering Low Vision Aids This catalogue lists the items that can be ordered for people using the Welsh Low Vision Service (WLVS). Most devices can be ordered for an individual by putting the details of the device in the appropriate table on a low vision record card which is then faxed to Low Vision Team in Hywel Dda Health Board ( fax : 01554 741860 ) Note: To reduce queries and possible delays for patients, it is requested that you only order aids from this catalogue, please discard all other copies you may have. Please contact the Low Vision Team in the first instance if you have any queries on (01554 779512 / 779513 -use both lines). Practitioners should always be mindful that there is not an infinite budget. Keeler Aids– If you feel a patient would benefit from a Keeler aid, a trial kit can be loaned for a maximum of two weeks. The trial kit/s are held at the low vision office, please contact the administration team to arrange loan of the kit. The aid should be fitted for the patient to use and a follow-up appointment made within two weeks. If the aid is required it should be ordered as outlined in the Keeler Protocol. Compact + This is our highest priced lva in the catalogue, therefore careful prescribing is important. Demonstration units should be loaned to patients for At least 5 full days prior to ordering. If prescribed, a further follow up appointment should be made within two months. LVA’s not in the catalogue It may be possible to order an LVA that is not in the catalogue. To do this you should fax the record card and a short letter explaining why the person needs the aid to the Low Vision Team. If this request is approved then we will endeavour to source it for you. Please note that this may be a lengthy process and patients should be warned that this could take up to six weeks. Not sure what will work Occasionally you may need advice on what might be the most suitable aid for your patient or you may first want to borrow an LVA for a person to try. In these instances, please contact Barbara Ryan, WLVS Clinical Lead, Barbara is available on Tuesdays to answer queries about the WLVS, she can advise you and / or make the necessary arrangements for you to borrow the devices to try. Barbara can be emailed on or you can let the administration team know you would like to discuss a case, and Barbara will contact you on the fore mentioned day. 3 UV Shields GLARE PROTECTION - UV FILTERS NOIR MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES Percentages relate to light transmission S20 NoIR UV Shield 58% Grey ( S - small ) U20 NoIR UV Shield 58% Grey ( U - medium ) S21 NoIR UV Shield 32% Grey ( S - small ) U21 NoIR UV Shield 32% Grey ( U - medium ) S22 NoIR UV Shield 13% Grey ( S - small ) U22 NoIR UV Shield 13% Grey ( U - medium ) S30 NoIR UV Shield 7% Grey/Green ( S - small ) U30 NoIR UV Shield 7% Grey/Green ( U - medium ) S40 NoIR UV Sheild 16% Amber ( S - small ) U40 NoIR UV Sheild 16% Amber ( U - medium ) U50 NoIR UV Shield 54% Yellow ( U - medium ) S60 NoIR UV Shield 49% Orange ( S - small ) U60 NoIR UV Shield 49% Orange ( U - medium ) 260 NoIR UV Shield 49% Orange ( sunglass Style ) U98 NoIR UV Shield 58% Red ( U - medium ) Pol16/315/ 1000 U21 U40 Quickshields - drop onto patients glasses, tinted to give side and top shield CHILDRENS UV SHIELDS KS-421 Children’s UV Shields Grey 32% ( small ) KM-421 Children’s UV Shields Grey 32% ( medium ) KS-440 Children’s UV Shields Amber 16% ( small ) KM-440 Children’s UV Shields Amber 16% ( medium ) KS-450 Children’s UV Shields Yellow 54% ( small ) KM-450 Children’s UV Shields Yellow 54% ( medium ) Suggested applications Macular Degeneration U40 S40 U21 S21 U22 Cataract U22 S22 Diabetic Retinopathy S60 U60 260 U22 S22 Retinitis Pigmentosa S60 U60 260 U98 S50 Glaucoma U21 S21 U22 S22 U50 S22 All Eye-shields supplied complete with soft case 4 U50 Norville Spectacle Mounted & Clip on Near Additions Norville Spectacle Mounted L Larger Frame S Small Frame B Black Occluder F Frosted O Clear ( plano ) HC MAR Coated 4 +4.00 D HC MAR Coated 6 +6.00 D HC MAR Coated 8 +8.00 D HC MAR Coated 10 +10.00 D HC MAR Coated 12 +12.00 D ( x 3 Hyperocular ) HC MAR Coated 16 +16.00 D ( x 4 Hyperocular ) HC MAR Coated 20 +20.00 D ( x 5 Hyperocular ) HC MAR Coated 24 +24.00 D ( x 6 Hyperocular ) HC MAR Coated 32 +32.00 D ( x 8 Hyperocular ) HC MAR Coated 2I 2 Prism dioptres Base In HC MAR Coated 4I 4 Prism dioptres Base In HC MAR Coated 6I 6 Prism dioptres Base In HC MAR Coated HEAD MOUNTED LOUPES - ESCHENBACH OPTIK ( Figures in brackets : working distance) 1644/51 2x ( 250mm ) On Frame Binocular 1644/53 3x ( 160mm ) On Frame Binocular 1646/20 2x (250mm) Clip-on (Binocular) 1646/25 2.5x (180mm) Clip-on (Binocular) 1646/30 3x (160mm) Clip-on (Binocular) 1646/40 4x Clip-on (Wkg.dist 55mm) (monocular) 1646/70 7x Clip-on (Wkg.dist 32mm) (monocular) CLIP-ON, FLIP UP LOUPES - COIL (HANDS FREE USE) 5328 2.5x/6.0D Magniclip Aspheric (Single lens) 5329 3.5x/10.0D Magniclip Aspheric (Single lens) 5330 4.75x/15.0D Magniclip Aspheric (Single lens) 5 Pocket Magnifiers & Chest Magnifiers POCKET MAGNIFIERS /LOUPES - ESCHENBACH OPTIK 1103 3x, 4.5x, 6x, 9x Slide-out 1104 3x, 6x Slide-out 1187 4x + 6x = 10x 30mm bi-convex 171014 4x/16D Aspheric 35mm 171067 7x/28D Aspheric 35mm 1103 1710 1740 1710910 10x/38D Aspheric 35mm 1740160 3.5x/14.0D Biconvex folding 60mm 1740150 3.5x/14D Biconvex folding 50mm 1740130 6x/24D Biconvex Folding 30mm Eschenbach pocket magnifiers and loupes fold into their own case for protection and ease. The 1710 range has a plastic case with magnification of 4x, 7x and 10x The 1740 range has a leather case with magnification 3.5x in 50mm or 60mm lens and 6x in a 30mm lens The Coil 6262 pocket sliding magnifier has a 5x lens and slides back together into its own case for protection when not in use. Available in 4 different colours - Black, Blue, Yellow & Orange. POCKET SLIDING MAGNIFIER - COIL 6262 5x Sliding Pocket Magnifier Colours Please state colour when ordering Chest magnifiers are ideal for all hobbies, especially reading, sewing, embroidery & cross-stitching. Adjustable around the neck cords allow the magnifier to be positioned at the length required. ROUND THE NECK MAGNIFIER from COIL– Easiview 5820 5820 Easiview 145mm x 100mm 1.7x/3.0D 2678 2677 ROUND THE NECK MAGNIFER from ESCHENBACH OPTIK 2677 100mm 2x/3.2D Biconvex 2678 100mm x140mm 2x; 2.6D Aspheric with 35mm 4x 11.2D Insert in base ROUND THE NECK MAGNIFIERS - THE DAYLIGHT COMPANY D90920 Acrylic Neck magnifier 10.5cm 1.75x D90922 Wide Neck Magnifier 13.5 x10 cm Acrylic 1.75x lens 6 D90920 Hand Magnifiers HAND MAGNIFIERS - ESCHENBACH OPTIK 2614/80 2.5x Visomed Biconvex 80mm 5.1D 2614/65 3x Visomed Biconvex 65mm 7.4D 2655/175 2.75x/ 100x75mm 7D Aspheric 2655/150 3x 100x50mm 7.6D Aspheric 2655/750 3.5x 70x50mm 10D Aspheric 2655/70 4x 70mm 16.0D Aspheric 2655/60 5x 60mm 20.0D Aspheric 2655/50 6x 50mm 23.0D Aspheric 2666/950 2.7x 90x50mm 6.8D Aplanic 2666/75 2.8x 75mm 7.4D Aplanic 2666/60 3.8x 60mm 11.3D Aplanic 2666/50 6x 50mm 14D Aplanic Visomed Aspheric Aspheric HAND MAGNIFIERS - COIL ASPHERIC RANGE 5215 1.7x/2.8D 96x71mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch 5216 2.3x/5.2D 96x71mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch 5203 3x/8.0D 81mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch 5204 4x/12.0D 80mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch 5206 6x/20.0D 50mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch Windsor magnifiers are an in-expensive range of light-weight magnifiers, available in three different magnifications. These magnifiers are ideal for those who do not require high levels of magnification and are ideal for hobbies etc. HAND MAGNIFIERS - COIL Bi-CONVEX = Windsor 5249 2.3x/5.2D 98mm "Windsor" Bi-Convex Hand Magnifier 5248 2.6x/6.4D 70mm "Windsor" Bi-Convex Hand Magnifier 5247 4.4x/13.6D 48mm "Windsor" Bi-Convex Hand Magnifier 7 Illuminated Pocket Magnifiers AT MAX - COIL POCKET ILLUMINATED MAGNIFIERS 8273 3x 83mm x 59mm 9D Bi-aspheric Lens 8275 5x 60mm 16D Aspheric Lens 8277 7x 57.6mm 24D Aspheric Lens 8273 Coil ATMax magnifiers have a large field of view with excellent illumination. The latest LED technology combined with Coil quality lenses. Touch control on/off, ergonomic styling and lightweight. Soft cloth pouch. Requires 2xAA batteries POCKET ILLUMINATED MAGNIFIERS - COIL Autotouch Pocket Illuminated (Rechargeable) 8146 5x 16D 45mm Bi-aspheric Lens complete - charger & case 8270 3x 16D 45mm Bi-aspheric Lens complete - charger & case 8147 7x 16D 45mm Bi-aspheric Lens complete - charger & case 8148 9x 16D 45mm Bi-aspheric Lens complete - charger & case 8271 11x 16D 45mm Bi-aspheric Lens complete - charger & case POCKET ILLUMINATED MAGNIFIERS COIL L.E.D. Version Bulb Version 3x/8D Bi-Aspheric with pouch 44mm 7270 5270 5x/16D Bi-Aspheric with pouch 45mm 7146 5146 7x/24D Bi-Aspheric with pouch 42mm 7147 5147 9x/32D Bi-Aspheric with pouch 40mm 7148 5148 11x/40D Bi-Aspheric with pouch 40mm 7271 5271 Eschenbach pocket Mobilux magnifiers have been improved with a black handle and superior LED light. Codes have changed although lens and sizes remain the same. Eg: old code 151024 is now 15112 as in table below POCKET LED ILLUMINATED MAGNIFIERS - ESCHENBACH 3x/12D Mobilux aspheric 60 mm 15112 3.5x/10D Mobilux aspheric 75x50 mm 15113 4x/16D Nobilux aspheric 75x 50mm 15114 4x/16D Mobilux aspheric 60 mm 151141 5x/20D Mobilux aspheric 58 mm 15115 7x/28D Mobilux aspheric 35 mm 15117 10x/38D Mobilux aspheric 35 mm 151110 12.5x/50D Mobilux aspheric 35 mm 151112 8 Brightfield & Bar Magnifiers DOME "Brightfield" Magnifiers - COIL 5850 5850 Original "Bright" 40mm 1.7x/18.9D 5850 /02 The Coil 5850 Bright Magnifier has a 40mm lens with a 1.7x magnification. The Coil 5850/02 Visual Tracking Magnifier has a 40mm lens, 17x magnification with a shaded reading line. DOME VTM Original Magnifiers - COIL 5850/02 Original (VTM) 40mm 1.7x/18.9D with shaded line COIL: VTM & Bright Dome Magnifiers 5850/12 Red 5850/13 Blue 5850/14 Red 5850/15 Blue Visual Tracking Magnifier 1.7x/18.9d With clip on lid Available in red or blue VTM Bright Magnifier 1.7x/18.9d With clip on lid Available in red or blue COIL: VTM & Clear Reader 5850/22 Red 5850/23 Blue VTM Line Reader 1.1x1.5 Bi Axial Magnifier With shaded reading line Available in red or blue 5850/24 Red VTM Clear Reader 1.1x1.5 Bi-Axial Magnifier 5850/25 Blue Available in red or blue ESCHENBACH Makro Plus Magnifiers 1426 Makro-plus aspheric 1.8x Magnifier 65 x 35 x 46mm 1436 Makro-plus aspheric 2.2x Magnifier 90 x 35 x 70mm L.H.P. The “Hedgehog” and Ultra-Optix dome magnifier LHPT4 UL-DM2BX ULDM2BX LHPT4 "Hedgehog" 85x20mm 4.3x 13D Asph. (Reads into the spine of book/directories) Brightfield Magnifier 50mm diameter Glass 1.8x magnification BAR/STRIP MAGNIFIERS 2605 1.5x Cyl Eschenbach 200x25mm 2606 2x Cyl Eschenbach with guide line 122x26mm 2608 1.5x Cyl Eschenbach with guide line 250x35mm 9 Stand Magnifiers STAND MAGNIFIERS - COIL Hi Power 5213 Coil Stand Magnifier 3x 81mm Bi-aspheric Tilt 8D will tilt 5214 Coil Stand Magnifier 4x 80mm Bi-aspheric Tilt 12D will tilt 4206 Coil Stand Magnifier 6x 50mm Bi-Aspheric 20D 4208 Coil Stand Magnifier 8x 44mm Bi-Aspheric 28D 4210 Coil Stand Magnifier 10x 36mm Bi-Aspheric 36D 4212 Coil Stand Magnifier 12x 34mm Bi-Aspheric 44D 4215 Coil Stand Magnifier 5x 29mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch 56D 4220 Coil Stand Magnifier 20x 26mm Bi-Aspheric with pouch 76D STAND MAGNIFIERS - COIL “Classic” 5123 Coil 7x/24D 36mm Aspheric "Classic" STAND MAGNIFIERS - COIL Coil 1.7x 3D 140x100mm 'Clearview' Stand Magnifier 5855 Ideal for reading and hobby work as able to fit fingers easily underneath the lens STAND MAGNIFIERS - ESCHENBACH OPTIK 2626 Eschenbach 6x/23.0D 50mm Aspheric 1153 Eschenbach 8x/28.7D 24mm Aplanatic 2628 Eschenbach 10x/38.0D 35mm Aspheric 2628 2626 1153 STAND MAGNIFIERS - ESCHENBACH OPTIK 26367 Eschenbach 2.8x/10.0D 100mm x 75mm Aspheric 263611 Eschenbach 3.8x 11D 100mm x 75mm Stand Mag. 10 2636 Illuminated Stand Magnifiers ILLUMINATED STAND- ESCHENBACH System Vario Head Only 3x 54mm Bi-Convex (while stocks last ) 155893 2.8x/7D Aspheric 100x75mm with moveable reading line 158263 3x/7.6D Aspheric 100x50mm with moveable reading line 158063 3x/12D Aspheric 80mm 155993 4x/16D Aspheric 70mm with moveable reading line 155493 5x/20D Aspheric 60mm with moveable reading line 155393 6x/23D Aspheric 50mm 155273 7x/28D Aspheric 35mm 155173 10x/38D Aspheric 35mm with removable scale. 155073 12.5x/50D Aspheric 35mm 155773 Eschenbach system vario. All heads in the table above fit into any choice of illuminated handles below HANDLES ESCHENBACH - System Vario Handle Only Replacement Bulbs 1599144 L.E.D. Battery Version (takes 2 C size batteries) Tungsten Battery Handle 159910 1545 (5 Pack) 1599303 1546 (2 Pack) (takes 2 C size batteries) Xenon Mains powered Handle Illuminated Magnifiers Peak Light Loupe 26mm lens 10x magnification 1966 Peak Light Loupe 7mm lens 30x magnification 1996-L Peak Light Loupe 18mm lens 15x magnification 2023 Replacement bulbs for Peak Light Loupes ( pack of 5 ) Coil Raylite LED handle with 14.7x 54.9D 30.8mm lens 7329/30 Coil Raylite tungsten handle with 14.7x 54.9D 30.8mm 6329 Coil Raylite xenon handle with 14.7x 54.9D 30.8mm lens 6329/14 Coil Raylite mains handle with 14.7x 54.9D 30.8mm lens 6329/10 Coil Raylite head only 14.7x 54.9D 30.8mm lens 7329/01 Coil Raylite LED handle ( 2 x C size batteries ) 7260/30 Coil Raylite Tungsten bulb handle ( 2 x C size batteries ) 6260 Coil Raylite Xenon bulb handle ( 3 x C size batteries ) 6260/14 Coil Raylite Mains Handle ( requires transformer ) 6260/10 Coil transformer for 6260/10 handle 5226/15 Coil Tungsten bulbs for 6260 handle ( pack of 5 ) 6260/01 Coil Xenon bulbs for 6260/14 & 6260/10 (pack of 2 ) 6260/11 11 6260/01 Monoculars & Keeler Aids SPECWELL CLOSE FOCUS MONOCULARS 2.75X8 Short-focus Monocular (150mm) 4x10 Short-focus Monocular (200mm) .4x12 Short-focus Monocular (200mm) 6x16 Short-focus Monocular (260mm) 8x20 Short-focus Monocular (300mm) 8x20R Rubber Covered version of above 8x30 Short-focus Monocular (600mm) 10x20 Short-focus Monocular (400mm) Fingerring Finger Ring+flat eyecup for 2.75/4x Flipclamp Flip-up clamp:2.75/4x to spec frame Micro20 Micro Attachment for 16/20mm (=25x) Micro30 Micro Attachment for 25/30mm (=25x) 1631 Spec Frame for 2.75x or 4x monocular 2D/20/30 20mm or 30mm Supplementary Lens All focus from infinity to close range; closest focusing distance (mm) in brackets CLUB M -This innovative line of monocular Keplerian telescopes provides a unique panoramic field of view and is now available in choice of two different magnifications. All of the monocular telescopes features the unique slide-focus mechanism designed for discreet single-hand use. Case included. MONOCULARS - ESCHENBACH OPTIK 4293616 4293616 Club M 6x16 Rectangular Monocular—Sliding Focus 4293816 Club M 8x16 Rectangular Monocular—Sliding Focus 151025 Mobilux “far” A combined illuminated magnifier and monocular 3.2x near, 2.5x far If you feel a patient would benefit from a Keeler aid, a trial kit can be loaned for a maximum of two weeks. Keeler Trial Kits are held at the Low Vision Office. Please contact the administration team to arrange loan of the kit. KEELER TELESCOPIC DEVICES K22-2 Keeler LVA 22 2x telescopic unit K22-3 Keeler LVA 22 3x telescopic unit K22-4 Keeler LVA 22 4x telescopic unit K22-5 Keeler LVA 22 5x telescopic unit K22-6 Keeler LVA 22 6x telescopic unit K50 Keeler LVA 50 1.9x distance telescope K53-2 Keeler 2.8x distance telescope ( spectacle adaptor ) K53-4 Keeler 4.2x distance telescope ( spectacle adaptor ) SLEEVE Straight ring to attach 12 Spectacle Binoculars 16241 SPECTACLE BINOCULARS - Eschenbach Wheels on each side alter the magnification and focus 16241 Max TV Distance binoculars for TV viewing 2.1x magnification 49g weight PD Tolerance range 60 - 68mm Main distance of use 3m 16245 Max Detail 2x Near Vision Binoculars 2x magnification 49g weight PD Tolerance range 60 - 68mm Working distance up to 40cm Max TV is the simple solution for relaxed viewing. Ideal for use at home for television viewing or when out and about eg. At a sporting event, cinema or theatre. 2.1x magnification and weighing only 49g with a main distance of use of 3m Max detail offer hands free magnification for reading, hobbies etc. 2x magnification with a wide field of view Working distance of up to 40cm, weighing only 49g SPECTACLE BINOCULARS - COIL (Hands free magnification) 4090 4090/02 4090/03 2x (Distance) Tinted Lightweight distance tinted glasses for TV viewing 2x (Distance) Clear: Lightweight distance glasses for TV viewing. 1.5x (Near) Clear: Lightweight glasses for close up detailed work 10x21 SPORT BINOCULARS - PRAKTICA SPORT 10x21 OPERA “Sport” 8x21 Roof Prism Rubber Covered Binoculars 192g Minimum focus 3m 10x21 Porroprism Binoculars Weight 160g Minimum Focus of 6m 3 x 25 Theatre Glasses 13 Illuminated Stand Magnifiers DESKTOP MAGNIFYING LAMP DLMP/ WH Desktop Magnifying Lamp 1.75x magnification /4x insert Desktop Magnifier Lamp White 1.75x / 4x insert Desktop magnifying lamp for bright, even, illumination of any inspection task. Measuring 37cm in height iit features a 100mm lens with dust cover. It has a weighted base with a forward motion arm and 360 degree upper ball joint enabling the lens to be rotated and positioned into almost any angle. Mains powered ( 220—240v ). STAND MAGNIFIERS - THE DAYLIGHT COMPANY D90942 1.75x 3D 130mm Flexilens on clamp 46cm Flexible arm D90946 1.75x 3D 130mm Flexilens on desk base 46cm flexible arm D91101 Flexilens on mini clamp 9cm 2.25x 5D lens with 4x insert FRESNEL/SHEET MAGNIFIERS FPG PAGE Page magnifier with soft touch frame ( pictured ) 250mm x 180mm 2x magnification Sheet magnifier , popular flexible sheet 280mm x 215mm 2x magnification COMPACT + Electronic magnifier Pocket size electronic magnifier 5x, 7.5x and 10x magnification Folding handle. Large easy to see screen. Complete with charger, carry case and strap COMPACT+ This is our highest priced LVA in the catalogue, therefore careful prescribing is important. Demonstration Units should be loaned to patients for at least 5 full days prior to ordering. If prescribed, a further follow up appointment should be made within 2 months. 14 Task Lamps & Non Optical Aids TASK LIGHTING - DAYLIGHT COMPANY D33041 Daylight task lamp white finish 11W complete with heavy base & clamp Mains operated ( bulb supplied ) PORTABLE TASK LIGHTING - DAYLIGHT COMPANY D33700 Daylight Company Portable Twist Low Energy Lamp White 13w bulb and folds down to turn off ( mains operated ) PORTABLE TASK LIGHTING - DAYLIGHT COMPANY DH205 Silver finish light with oval base ( smaller than D33041 ) With flexible arm 11w ( pictured right ) HEAD LIGHT Headlight with 3 LED lights BULBS 5147/11 1544 Coil bulbs for pocket magnifiers ( pack of 10 ) Eschenbach bulbs for pocket magnifiers ( pack of 2 ) 6260/01 Coil bulbs for Raylite tungsten handle ( pack of 5 ) 6260/11 Coil bulbs for battery or mains Xenon ( pack of 5 ) 1545 Eschenbach bulbs for tungsten handle ( pack of 5 ) 1546 Eschenbach bulbs for mains handle ( pack of 2 ) D1200 Daylight 28w tube for D22020 lamp D13622 Daylight 11w tube for D33041 lamp D13625 Daylight 13w tube for portable lamp NON OPTICAL AIDS NOLT Mixed Typoscopes 4 pack ( pictured ) NOLC Standard Clipboard Signature Guide Cord Lanyard Typoscope Signature Guide credit card size Neck strap with safety breakaway attachment DOUBLE ENDED MAGNIFIER CLAMPS 1600 Eschenbach Double Ended Magnifier Clamp For holding magnifier for hands free use. READING STAND - ESCHENBACH OPTIK 1605 Reading Stand - 40cm x 35cm 5 different angles for a comfortable reading position in conjunction with magnifiers 16051 Guide rail for above—Optional Extra 15 Contact Details Administration The Welsh Low Vision Service Hywel Dda Local Health Board 13 Goring Road LLANELLI Carmarthenshire SA15 3HF 16
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