Werfein Group Contact Book 2014 V2_LR
Werfein Group Contact Book 2014 V2_LR
Werfen IVD International Contact Book Werfen IVD International Team International Customer Service Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department Credit Department Service Department Advertising Department HOME Pepe Zamora Regional Director EEMEAI department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy zamora@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522230 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 335 5644212 International Customer Service mobile skype zamorapepeil Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Raffaella Airaghi International Sales&Marketing Assistant department country Werfen IVD International Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail rairaghi@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 2522383 fax +39 02 2522347 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Paolo Campana Area Manager - Mediterranean / Switzerland / Middle East / North Africa department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy campana@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522246 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 335 7192579 International Customer Service mobile skype campana.paolo Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Massimiliano Olcese Area Manager - Central East Europe / Baltics / Nordic Countries department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy molcese@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522206 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 335 5301770 International Customer Service mobile skype max_olcese Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Rabie Al Dakkak Area Manager - Saudi Arabia department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Saudi Arabia raldakkak@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522383 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +96 650 4940854 International Customer Service mobile skype rabiedakkak Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Semra Birincioglu Area Manager - Turkey department country Werfen IVD International Werfen IVD International Turkey Clinical Chemistry e-mail semrab@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 2522383 mobile +90 544 2416765 skype semra.birincioglu Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Andre Van der Merwe Area Manager - Sub Saharan/ Central Africa/ West Africa department country e-mail Werfen IVD International South Africa avdmerwe@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +27 11 804 4004 fax +27 86 514 7113 Logistic Department mobile +27 78 459 3965 International Customer Service skype andre.van.der.merwe69 Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Lech Lysenko Area Manager CIS department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Poland lech.lysenko@wp.pl Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +74 991244559 fax +74 959823723 Logistic Department mobile +79 255108602 International Customer Service skype lysenek Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Ksenia Pavlova Country Manager Russia department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Russia k.pavlova@instlab.ru Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +7 499 124 4559 mobile +7 903 545 2004 Logistic Department ksenia.pavlova34 International Customer Service skype Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Luca Rodighiero Marketing Manager department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy lrodighiero@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522237 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 335 5301402 International Customer Service mobile skype luca.rodighiero Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Edmondo Ferretti Hemostasis Product Manager department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy eferretti@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522247 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department mobile +39 335 5897937 International Customer Service skype edmondo.ferretti Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Alexandros Fistouris Hemostasis Product Manager department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy afistouris@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522351 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 340 3601989 International Customer Service mobile skype alexandros.fistouris Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Stefano Fialà Coagulation Product Specialist department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy sfiala@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522234 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 346 6027785 International Customer Service mobile skype stefano.fiala Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Efraín Lechuga Critical Care Product Manager department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy elechuga@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522281 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 340 8624952 International Customer Service mobile skype efrain.lechuga Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Javier Rovira Critical Care Product Specialist department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy rovira@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522373 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 335 7189010 International Customer Service mobile skype JRaider2010 Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Carolina Ramirez Autoimmunity Product Specialist department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy cramirez@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522243 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 342 5971406 International Customer Service mobile skype carolina.ramirez.sanchez78 Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Helena Gonzalez Blanes Autoimmunity Product Specialist department country e-mail Werfen IVD International Italy hgonzalezblanes@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522243 fax +39 02 2522347 Logistic Department +39 335 7891179 International Customer Service mobile skype helena_gonzalez_blanes Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Sandra Roselló Product Manager and Key Account Manager Biokit department country e-mail Marketing Spain sandra.rosello@biokit.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +34 93 8609000 fax +34 93 8609017 Logistic Department mobile +34 600 553742 International Customer Service skype sandra.rosello1 Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Natale Bova Clinical Chemistry SBU Manager department country Clinical Chemistry Business Unit Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail bova@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522823 mobile +39 335 6435795 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Federico Orpilli Clinical Chemistry Product Manager department country Clinical Chemistry Business Unit Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail forpilli@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522873 mobile +39 335 6261440 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Giovanna Bergamaschi Product Manager Reagents department country Clinical Chemistry Business Unit Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail bergamaschi@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522622 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Raffaella Velli Clinical Chemistry Product Specialist department country Clinical Chemistry Business Unit Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail velli@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522265 mobile +39 348 4946543 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Natale Bova Regulatory Affairs Manager Europe and International department country QA/RA Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail bova@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522823 mobile +39 335 6435795 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Antonio Lavezzari Regulatory Affairs Pre-Market Specialist department country QA/RA Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail lavezzari@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522828 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Silvia Ronchi Regulatory Affairs Post-Market Manager department country QA/RA Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail sronchi@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522838 mobile +39 335 8052799 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Silvia Lovato Regulatory Affairs Pre-Market Specialist department country QA/RA Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail slovato@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522827 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Àngels Roma Regulatory Affairs and Complaints Director Biokit department country e-mail phone fax mobile skype Quality Spain angels.roma@biokit.com +34 93 8609000 Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs +34 93 860 90 29 Logistic Department +34 657 883365 International Customer Service angels_roma Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Jordi Font Logistic Manager department country Logistic Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail jordi.font@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 2522261 mobile +39 335 5755454 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Lino Oggionni Export Specialist department country International Customer Service Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail oggionni@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 959193205 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Fabio Ciotola Export Specialist department country International Customer Service Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail fciotola@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 959193219 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Cristina Bocedi Customer Service Specialist department country International Customer Service Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail bocedi@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 959193214 skype bocedi.cristina Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Sabrina Barbaglio Customer Service Specialist department country International Customer Service Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail sbarbaglio@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 959193209 skype Sabrina.barbaglio Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Chiara Fenaroli Customer Service Specialist department country International Customer Service Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail cfenaroli@werfengroup.com phone +39 02 959193227 skype ils.chiara Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Massimo Mazzetto Credit Manager department country Credit Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail mazzetto@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522343 fax +39 02 2522395 mobile +39 335 8052777 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Alessandro Lanzoni Credit Collector department country Credit Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail alanzoni@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522278 fax +39 02 2522395 mobile +39 335 6422429 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Elena Lattuada Service Department Director department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail lattuada@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522842 mobile +39 335 6435772 skype elelatt Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Maria Carati Service Department Assistant department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail carati@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522302 fax +39 02 2522703 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Cesare Casiraghi Service Specialists Coordinator department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail casiraghi@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522719 mobile +39 335 7321736 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Pierangelo Quaglini Hemostasis Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail quaglini@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522240 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 335 5809993 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Massimo Asnaghi Hemostasis Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail asnaghi@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522715 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 335 6435854 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Marco Mascheroni Hemostasis and Autoimmunity/BIO-FLASH Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail mmascheroni@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522844 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 342 5970944 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Walter Ubbiali Critical Care Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail criticalcare_support@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522716 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 335 7321740 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Michele Mottadelli Critical Care Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail criticalcare_support@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522270 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 335 5996402 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Antonio Siliberti Clinical Chemistry Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail clinicalchemistry_support@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522714 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 335 7321739 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Giampiero Referré Clinical Chemistry Service Specialist department country IL Service Department Werfen IVD International Italy Clinical Chemistry e-mail clinicalchemistry_support@mail.ilww.it phone +39 02 2522752 fax +39 02 2522703 mobile +39 335 6435893 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Stefano Dionisio Autoimmunity/BIO-FLASH Service Specialist department country e-mail service support mail IL Service Department Italy dionisio@mail.ilww.it bioflash_support@werfengroup.com Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs phone +39 02 2522382 Logistic Department fax +39 02 2522703 International Customer Service mobile +39 335 8052774 Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department HOME Advertising Department Mirella Rezzonico Adelaide Caldarola Lara Ongaro Marisa Ferrari Maria Teresa Riccardi Werfen IVD International Clinical Chemistry Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Logistic Department Please send all the request to Luca Rodighiero Mobile +39 335 5301402 Phone +39 02 2522237 International Customer Service Credit Department Service Department Werfen IVD International Division of Instrumentation Laboratory SpA Viale Monza, 338 - 20128 Milano Italy www.werfengroup.com Advertising Department
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