general purpose microphones
general purpose microphones
Sec:. 1320 STUDIO MICROPHONES UNI.DIRECTIONAL RIBBON MIC·ROPHONE Model "333" Studio Uni-Ron IMPEDANCE TABLE Low-.50 ohms Medium-I SO ohms High_Medium 2.50 ohms Here is the de pendoble "333," a truly fin e ond rugg ed microphone created for d iscriminating users with the most exacting professional requirements. Here, indeed, is a mo jor advance in microphone development ond designl This smail, ultra·cardioid " 333 " is high ly recommended for motion-picture studios. TV studios, radio station s, professional recording, and all other uses where quality requirements are of the highest. Here is performance never before achieved in such a small and slender microphonel Here is ruggedness and re liability I Here is match less beauty and striking design to appeal to use rs who demand th e finestl The "333 " is ultra-cardioid, uni-diredional-reduces the pickup of random noise energy by 73 %--prevenh the pickup of moving props, scuffling fe e t and moving "dollies," so common when conventional broadcast microphones a re used. Following are the features that make the " 333" Studio so outstanding in performance, so dependable in operation: (1) patented, world ·famous " Uniphose" system; (2) 0 true ultra-cardioid pickup pattern; (3) horn · loaded ribbon transducer provides extended smooth response, production uniformity guaranteed to plus or minus 2112 db, JO-15,000 c.p.s.; (4) multi-impedance switch; (5) voice·music switch; (6) anti-"pff" filter screen; (7) Shure self-odjusting " lifetime" swivlil; (8) high output; (9) sturdy, one-piece metal cale; (10) vibration-isolation unit mounted in live rubber; (11) Can non XL connector. All these important features. plus the striking design of the Studio " 333," make it ideal for critical studio applications that call for the highe51 possible broadcast quality, small size and matchless beauty--plus the ability to withstand the rough work-a·day handling by the sound crew. The "333" has two.tone " Baked Bronze" non·reflecting finish . Head dimensions: Width, 1 1/ 8"; height. 3 9/ 16" ; depth, 1 3/'4". OUTPUT LEVEL 60 db below 1 Milliwatt per 10 microbar signal . .59 db below 1 Milliwott ' 10 microber signal ~ .~ ' .... Mod el 533 Broadcast Desk Stand For use with Models 300, 333, 525, 535 and 556S List Prite $15.00 OMNI·DIRECTIONAL DYNAMIC MICROPHONE The new Studio "525 " is on e xceptionally fine probe microphone of .b roadcast quality. It features: (1) frequency response 40. 15,000 c.p.s., production uniform ity guaranteed to plus or minul 2V2 db; (2) a moving-coil mounted in 0 highly efficie nt magnetic structure; " Alnico V" magn et; (3) multiimpedance switch; (4) high output; (5) long life " Duracoustic" diaphragm--speciolly designed to withstond moisture, heat, cold and physical shock. The " 525" is fu rnished with a 20 ft., twa-conductor, rubber-cove red, shie lded cable w ith Connon XL·J · l l connt'-ctar attached; swivel adapter; adjustable lavalier assembly (cord and clip), and a belt clip uue r.,bly. The " 525" Studio has a non-reflecting " Baked Bronze" finish-- w hith makes it blend into the background, giving the spotlight to the p erformer. Body diamete r, 1" ; le ngth, 8 17/ 32 ". IMPEDANCE TABLE .50 ohms 150 ohm$ 250 ohms I OUTPUT LEVEL 61 db below I Mill iwatt pl!r 10 microbor signol Model " 525" Studio Slendyne Mode l 533 Broadcast Desk Stand List Price: $ 15.00 MODEL " 525" LIST PRICE $200.00 BI · DIRECTIONAL GRADIENT' MICROPHONE This rugged, high fidelity , multi . impeda nce microphone is w idely used for te levision, radio broadcasting, professionol recording and high · fidelity uses. Th e " 300" reduces reverberotion and the pickup of random noise by 66 %. The "300" combin es the best features of conventional velocity microphones with advanced acoustic design-including on onti·" PFF" f ilter screen . Its bi·directional polar pattern is effective over a broad frequency range . It provid es sound pickup at the front and rear of the microphone, but greatly reduces pickup at th e sid es. One of the outstanding features of the " 300" is the fact that the microphone can be placed at a 73 % greater distance from the performer than is possible with omnidirectional microphones! The " 300" has a non. reflecting " Baked Bronze" finish, so it blends into the background, gives the spotlight to the pe rformer. The "JOO" has a reodily accessible Vaice-Mulic sw itch, vibration-isolotion unit mounted in live rubber, and a multi-impedance switch, providing law medium and high impedance. Extend ed response, production uniformity guaranteed to plus or minus 2112 db, 40·15,000 c.p.s. Furnishe d w ith a 20-foot two-conductor. rub ber.covered, shielded cable with Connon Xl -3-11 conne ctor atta ched . Model "300" Studio Gradie nt' IMPEDANCE TABLE OUTPUT LfVlEL L-35·.50 ohms S9 db below 1 Mililwott per 10 microber signal M-150·2.50 ohm1 60 d b bel:)w 1 Milllwott per 10 mlcrober signel H Hiqh !i7 d b below 1 yolt per microbo, Model 533 Broadcast Desk Stand List Price: $15.00 MODEl LIST PRICE "300" $1.50.00 See Pages 232-235 for additional Shure Products . Co/,y riubl b.v U. C. p .. Illc. Use Index (pg . 2) for Quick. E:uy Location of .ALL ProductS TRADE DISCOU NT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES O NLY The Mil ST E R - 24 th Edition Poge 155 Sec:. 1320 GENERAL PURPOSE MICROPHONES OMNI-DIRECTIONAL DYNAMIC MICROPHONES Th~ new Sle ndyne 535 is the most versa tile fino q uality probe microphone eve r develop ed - a ctually fi ve microphones in onc becau se ot ils pra ctical d esign c nd useful accessories! The "535" is a mO\lin g. coil d ynamic microphone built to provide w ide range reproduction of music and voice. It con be used for indoor or outd oor opplico tions in the following ma nner: (1) in th e hond. (2) on 0 floor stond. (3) o n a d esk stond . (4) hung a round t he nec k on a lova lie r co rd. " Add to th ese fa clo rs o n o n-off switch adopter and a dual-imped a nce sw itch and yo u hove the most co mp letely versa tile fine quality probe ever develope d. Frequency re sponse is 60 10 13,500 c.p.s .. The Slendyne 535 is ideal for high quality pub lic address, th eat e r·slago sound systems, and all re cording applications w h e re an omni ·directional microph one is desired . Th e microphone is rugge dly built to withstand ha rd usage, a nd is una Hecte d by te mp e roture ond humi d ity vo riotio ns. The 18·foot, high quality, shie lde d , two·c9nductar cable is su p p lie d w ith a microphone plug equivalent to the Amph e nal 91-MC3M plug. The " 535 " me e ts the re q uire ments for mo x imum qual ity and minimum size. It is fini shed in rich satin chrome . A self. adjusti ng swivel adapter is supplied with the microphone, and permits it to be tilted from 90 0 from vertical to horizonta l, ma~ing it possible to tilt the microphono at the source of sound. Also includes on·off switch ada pte r. The " 535" is spe cially recomme nde d for " inte r view- t y pe" use where the " hand .a.bility" is important. Of special intere st to P.A. technician s and recordin g e nthus iasts is the quick .dise ngaging feature that permits the microphone to he instantaneou sly remo ved from the stand swivel adopter, for use a s a hand m icrophone dur ing audie nce porticipatian sh o w s, intervie ws, and for home recording sessions. The Model 530 Sle ndyne is the de luxe broadcas t Slendyne, finished in on attractive black and gold anodized finish . It has a frequ e ncy range of 50 to 15 ,000 c.p.s., and is furni shed with a 20-foot, high quality, two-conductor shielded cable with a Con non Xl -3-1 1 coble connector. Furnished with swivel adaptor, d e luxe lavalier cord and belt clip, on -off sw it ch adaptor. Model " 53S" Slendyne LAVAllER ASSEMBLY Mode l A2B l fo r use wi th S lend yne model 535 . MODEL A28L _ ____llST PRICE $ 4 .50 I MODEL OUTPUT lE VEl . IMPEDANCE TABLE "535" L- 50-250 ohm s H- Hi g h "530" l - 50-250 o h ms H- Hi g h 61 MODEl LIST PRICE be low 1 Milliwatt po< 10 microbar sig nal 6 1 d b be lo w 1 yo lt pe r micro bar "535" $72 .50 6 1 db be low 1 Milliwa tt 10 micro ba! sig nal "530" $11 0 .00 db p" 61 d b be lo w I yOIt p e r mic ro bar Model "S30" Broadcast Slendyne BI-DIRECTIONAL GRADIENT ' MICROPHONE This rugged high fidelity multi . impe d o nce microphone is recomm ended for fine qualit y general purpose uses. It feo'tures a frequ e ncy respon se of 50 to 12 ,000 cps- w ill repr oduce voice and mu sic in a clear, natura l tonal qualit y, which make s it ideal f or use in auditor iums, night clubs, school s a nd churches. The " 315" is s imilar in f eatures a nd desi gn to the St udio Mode l 300. It is id e ol fo r t hose nu m erous public address application s where its stream line d d esi gn and stri ki ng be auty lend dign ity ond prestige to any setting in which it is use d . This gra d ien t m icrophone is a fa yor ite of professional performers ond educators because it provides unu5uol freedom of motion on the plgtform - moking it possible for the use r to stgnd ot a 73 % gregter distgnce from the microphone tha n is possible w ith o m n i-directional microphones. Its hi-directional " Fig. 8" p ickup pattern e xtends oyer a broad frequency rangeond it permits the s ound system to be operoted at a level olmos, 6 db higher than is possible w ith non-directional (omni-d iredio n a l) microphone s I The " 3 15 " p icks up voices a nd mu sic f rom fro nt to bock - is " d ead " at th e sides, re duce s re verbe ration o nd the pi ckup of ra ndom noises by 66%. This f eotu re means th e " 315 " can b e used in those c ritica l ins talla tions w here f eedba ck mokes it imp ossible or impra cticoble to use conve ntion a l m icrophone s. It is " PH "-proof - filters out the " PH"t ype noises often heard oye r conve ntiona l mic rophone s. He re aga in is another fine quality Shure m icrophone mode under scie ntific control conditions, w hich a re your guorantee thot il co n b e u sed m onth afte r month w ithout d ovia tion from its o rigina l stond o rd s. Dime ns ion s: he ight 6"; w id th 1 7 / 16"; depth 1 3 / 32". The " 31 5 " is furn ished wit h o n 18. foo t, high q uo lity, two co nd ucto r, shie lded ca ble, s upplie d w ith the eq uiyolent of the Amphe nol 9 1· MC3M plug . l IMPEDANCE TABLE l 35-50 ohm ' OUTPUT LEVEL 59 db bo low 1 Milliwatt MODEL 10 microbor s ig nal " 315 " 60 db bo low 1 Milliwatt p or \ 0 microbor signo l .57 db below 1 volt pe r microbar See Poges 232-235 for additional Shure Products. pcr M 1.50 ·250 ohms H HiQh The /\lA S TER - Page 156 2·h h Edition Use Index ( p g. 2) for Quick, Easy l ocatio n of ALL Products TRADE DISCOUNT APPlIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY LI ST PRICE Model "31 5" Gradient $89.50 Con 'rio'" by U. C. P., I nc. Sec. 1320 GENERAL PURPOSE MICROPHONES UNI-DIRECTIONAL RIBBON MICROPHONE The striking.looking 330 " UNI ·RON" MICrophone ha s b een d esig ned to meet the exacting req uire ments of profeuionol tope record ing a nd highest quality ind oor public.address sy 5t e m ~. The " UNI ·RON " is basically a me mb er of th e Shure Stud io Microphone famil y, simIlar in a ppearance a nd p e rformance to the Mode l " 3 33" . The " UNI ·RON " has a lupe r-ca rdio id pick up polle rn - re d uce s the p ickup of und esired ra ndom noise e nergy by 73 % 1 It ha s a smooth, pe a k-fr ee res ponse fro m 30 to 15,000 cps. The Profeuionol " Uni·Ron" is equ ipp od with multi·imped a nce (50, 150 a nd 250 ohms) switch, life·tim e swive l, and spe cial vibration·isolatio n shock mount, as we ll as Connon XL-3-' 1 cable connector and 20 ft . 2-conducto r shielde d broa dcast.type cable. Th e microphone is finished in b eau tifu l sotin ·chro me with natural anod ized a luminum g rillo. Mod e l " 330" "Professionol Uni·Ron " IMPEDANCE TABLE L 50 ohms M 150 ohms H 250 ohms OUTP UT LEVEl 59 db below 1 milliwon per 10 microbo rs 57 db below 1 milliwo ll per 10 microba rs 58 db below 1 milliwott per 10 microban This rugged pe rfo rmer ha s b eon d evelo p ed to achi eve o ptimum ope rating pe rformance - fo r those a pplica tio ns where hig hest q uality is esse ntial, yet cod is a foet o r. Model " 330" List Price $120.00 UNI-DIRECTIONAL DYNAMIC MICROPHONES Th e small Unidynes are the la rgest sellin g microphones througho u t the w o rld-used co n sistently by fam ed celebrities for those im portan t events w h ere the fa ithfu lness of so u nd re pro ductio n is critica l. A sturdy con struction provid es imm unity of the mov in g.coil syste m to a bnormal a tmosphe ric cond itions and severe me ch a n ica l shock. Mod e l 55S is h ighly re comme nded for fi n o qualit y public address. theater.stage sound systems. re co rd ing and re mo te b roa dca sting. It is also th e field · proved sta ndard f o r fi xed station Ul e in th e police. fir e. tra nspo rtation, fore stry and commercial se rvices. The smooth frequ e ncy re sponse of the 5SS ran ges fr om 50 to 15.000 c.p.s. It is furni shed with an 18·fool, hig h qua lity coble and plug assembly. Specia l Nole: Both of the fa med Un idyn es are now 41 % hi g her in o utpul - can be use d with low ga in tape reco rd e rs and P.A. syste ms. Modol " 555" "Small Unid yne" Model 556S is spe cia lly con structed and to sted to mee t the requirements of the broa dcast and te levision studio. and is held within close tole ra ncel in fr eque ncy respon se ond dire ctivity. It is a moving. co il type microphone with a fr eque ncy rango of 40 to 15.000 C.p.s., production uniformity guarantoed to plus o r minu s 2 V2 db. The Broad cast Un id yne is idea l for high quality stalion and re mote broadcasting, public o ddre u , theate r.stage sound systems and record ing applications. As a further precaution against mec.ha nical vibratio n p ickup. the 556S is provided w ith o n additional isolation unit. This isolation unit is of live rubbe r con structio n in combination with the sta nd connector and a built· in high quality coble connector. The microphone is furni shed w ith a ot. high quality, shielded , 2·conductor cab le with a Cannon microphone plug a ttached . Bo th the 55S and the 556S feature the world · reno w ne d pate nted "Uniphase" ne twork system. IMPEDANCE TABLE L 35·50 ohms M 150·250 ohms H Hi h OUTPUT lEVEl 54 db below 1 Milliwatt per 10 mitrobar signa l 55 db below 1 Mill iwatt per 10 microba r signa l 57 db below 1 volt er microbar MODEL LIST PRICE SS6S SI35.00 S55 S 83.00 MULTI-IMPEDANCE HIGH OUTPUT DYNAMIC · Model " 5565" "Small Broadcast" The "Sonodyne" is ideal for aU gene ral purpose s. including public address. wire and tape recording, and similar applications. It is widel y used by bands. instrumentali sts and professional rocording artists be cause of its outstand ing re production of bo th vo ice and music. Widespread u sage by home u sers of tope re corders indica tes that th e Sonod yne is the ideal high.quality, moderate ly-priced repla ce ment for the conventional microph one supplied w ith tape recorders. The wide range frequ e ncy re sponse is 60 to 10,000 c.p.s. Th is rugged microphone is of the press ure type, with conventional se mi. d irectional characteristics, and it may be u sed for clo se· talking without undue low fr eque ncy e mpha sis. The Sonodyne is a multi-imp edan ce microphone. prov iding the versatility of three microphones in one -for low, medium a nd hi gh imped a nce. Has bu ilt·in recep ta cle and a IS-foot, tw o · cond uctor shie lded coble w ith microphone plug attached . Sat in chrome finish . Model "51" Model " 51 " " Sonodyne" Copyright by U. C. P.. Inc. List Price $49.50 IMPEDANCE TABLE OUTPUT LEVEL L 35 -50 ohms S3 .0 db below 1 Milliwatt fOl" 10 mlcrober signal M 150-250 ohml 52." db below 1 MIlliwatt for 10 microber ligna I H-If h 52.0 db below 1 volt or mlcrober See Page s 232-235 for a dditional Shure Products . Multi.1mpedance Switch on Mod ell "555", " S56S" , "51". " 300" , "315" Use Index Cpg . 2) fo r Quick. E:asy LQC:I.lion of ALL Products TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY The J'I ASTER - 2'h h Edition Page 157 Sec. 1320 GENERAL PURPOSE MICROPHONES ."COMMANDO" ALL-PURPOSE MICROPHONES The new Commando series represents 0 sig nificont a chieve me nt in providing quality performance 01 nominol cosl. These dramatic looking, rugg ed microp hones con be used indoors or outdoors . Models .415 ond 430 provide practical versatility of opcrotion. Th ey con be held in the hondo set on a floor stand or on (I desk stond - con be inserted or withdrawn from the slond in a second, without the use of an y lools. Model 420 is of more compact design and is inte nded primarily for use as a lovelier microphon e. It is re adily detachable from its lovalier clip for use 0'" a hand he ld unit. Coupled with this versatility of usoge, the Commondo$ ore ideal for general-purpose applications where both voice and music reproduction are of critkal importance. Commandos can be used for tape recording in the home; the ater-restaurant public address systems; lecturing; poging ond dispatching syste ms; interview-type shows; outdoor public address systems for cornivols, picnic and .speciol even ts. Model 430 in th e Hand All three units ore rugged ly constructed of otlractive, non.reflecting gray, impact resistant polystyre ne. The lowe r part of Models 415 and 430 are of die cast zinc with a satin chrome finish. The Commandos are omni·directional units with a frequ e ncy res ponse of 60- 10,000 cps. Th ey are controlle d magnetic units and are unaffected by e xtremes of tom perature ond humidity . Models 420 ond 430 are equipped with readily changeable pin jocks for a choice of two impedances (l - 150 to 250 ohms and H - High ), without soldering. Model 430 on Floor Stand Model 430 includes on-off switch, dual-impedance featu re and Amphenol MC2M coble conductor. Furnished with 15 Ft. of 2-conductor shie ld ed cab le, block Model A25-type swivel adapte r and switch locking plate for keep ~ng switch in "on" positian_ List Price: $38.50 Model 420 includes dual impeda nce feature and lavolie r cord and clip assemb ly. Furnished with 20 ft. of non-detachable 2-conductor shielded cobl e. li st Price: $30.00 Model 415 includes block Model A25-type sw ivel adapter and 7 ft. of non-detachable single-cond uctor shie lded coble. High imped ance only. list Price: $27.50 5388 Desk Stand for use with Mode ls 415 and 430. Li st Price: IMPEDANCE OUTPUT LEVEL 150-250 - 54 db below 1 volt per microbar Model 430 on 538 Oe5k Stand HIGH -55 db below 1 milllwall per 10 microbors $4.5 0 ~ lava li e r Model 420 '_'s_T_A_R_L1_TE_._._M~IC_R_O_P_H_O_N_E_S__~1 L -_ _ _ Th ese b ea utifull y des igned mic rophones are exce ll ent for voice and music reproduction. Th e ir extremely low price and good quality moke them a " natural " for home recording, intercom systems and inexpe nsive pub lic add ress systems_ The "Starlite" mic rophon es can be held in the hand, or used on a desk by simply re leasModel 215 and 7 15 ing a built-in retractable stand which is on integ rol port of the bock of t he microphone case. Th ey ore semi-directional, high impedance units, in impact resistant polystyrene CQses_ Madel 2 15, 0 ceram ic un if, hos 0 response from 50-8000 cps; Model 715, 0 crystoJ unit ha s a re sponse range from 50- 10,000 cps. 80th microphones are supplied with 5 ft_ fabri c covered single conductor shielded cable. MODEL OUTPUT 21S .56_.5 db be low 1 volt Ceramic per microbar 50 db below 1 volt pe r microbar 71S Cr),s lal LIST PRICE S8.00 58.00 L I_ _ / IW /£ ~C_A_B_LE__TY_P_E__TR_A_N__SF_O_R_M_E_R__~ Model A86A is a high-quolity, cobletype transformer which mokes it con· ven ient 10 run a long microp hone line from a low impedance microphone to a high impe donce amplifi e r. It is house d in a compact, sturdy and magnetically-s hield ed cose. Cannec· tion terminals are easily accessible, and compression fittings crimp the Model A86A microp hone ond amplifier in puIs. Th e A86A matches 35-50 ohm and 15()-250 ohm microphones to high impedance amplifier inpul$. This type of syste m usually solves the problem of excessive high frequency loss and objectionab:e hum pickup when long lengths of microphone coble are necessary. The A86A offers additional versa tility when used in conjunction wilh Shure Mode ls 51, 555, 5565, 300, 315, 330, 333 , 525, 530 and 535 Dynamic and Ribbon Microphones_ And in addition to these the Model A86A moy be used in speci alized opplicotions which require high impedance to low impedance circuit connect ions_ The transformer is fini shed in on attract ive Iwo-Ione gray and is furnis hed with 0 2-loot cob le . Frequency respon se: 20 to 20,000 c.p.c. , plus or minus 1 db_ Model -A86A list Price: $17.50 See Poges 232-235 for additionol Shure Prod u cts. T he MASTER Page 158 2·lrh Edition Usc Index ( pg. 2) for Quick, Easy LOCl(ion of ALL ProduCtS TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY Cop;yrigh l by U. C. P ., inc. Ser:. 1320 CRYSTAL MICROP.HONES THE VERSATILE "SLlM-X" ALL-PURPOSE MICROPHONE FOR: • Low Cost P. A. Systems In Credle On 538 Duk Stond • Home Recording • Hams • General Purpose In Cr"dle On Floor Stond The "777" Sli m- X Microph ones ore r ugged little microphones weigh ing only 6 ounces! They out of the holde r. Thi s mokes it on ideal "wa lkaround" hand-held microphone. ore d esigned for good.quality voice and music rep roduction. Their versatility and "hand-ability" make them ideal for use by ledurers, announcers, TECHNI CA L INFORMATION : Smooth frequency response-60 to 10,000 c.p.s.; Moistu re-pro of instructors, and Hams; for audience participation " Metal Seal" crystal for long operating life; shows; carnivals; panel and quiz shows; and use high im pedance; 7 ft. single. conductor cable, with home-recorde rs. When mounted on e ither d isconnect type. Dimen sions: (Microphone only) cradle or sw ivel, the "777" can be removed in Leng th, 41/2"; Diameter, 1". Finish: Rich satin a flash (no tools necenory)-simply by lifting it chrome overall. Note: All Models are furni shed with Lavalie r Cord, for suspension of microphon e around ne ck. " SLIM-X" ASSEMBLIES MODEL 777A includes 777 Microphone; A15 Swivel Adaptor; 5·38 Desk Stand; Lava lier Cord. Mode l: 777A list Price: $33.00 MODEL 777SA includes 777S Microphone; A-25 Swive l Adaptor; 5·38 Desk Stand; Lava lie r Cord. Model: 777SA List Price: $35.00 ACCESSORIES FOR '777" MODEL S-38 STAND is a heavy die-cast base. Incl udes me lal screw machine stud for connecting microphone odoptor to 'tond base. Mode l: S-38 li st Price: $4.50 MODEL A-25 SWIVEL ADAPTOR featu res a long-life, high·quality swivel connector. Is lined with a long-life nylon sleeve- for noise·free and scratch·free in sertio n and removal of microphone. Model: A-25 List Price: $ 5.50 I In the Hand Model Output li st Price 7n 777A 777S With Switch $25.00 62 db $33.00 below 1 vall per microbor $27.00 777SA With Switch II $35.00 -(Price includes crodle for mounting on 'tond.) "MONOPLEX" THE "REX" MODEL 707A Th e only Super.Cardioid Crystal Microphone made-far superior to conventionol Crystal Microphonesl Exce llen t for high·quality public address, communica_ tions, recordin g, and similor applications. Th e 737 A operates under adverse conditions of background noise and re verberation-where a conventional microph o ne would be practically useless! Reduces pickup of random sound by 73 0/0 1 Moisture.proof "Meta l Seal" crystal for long ocerating life. Case pivots 01 rear, can be painted toward desired sound o r upwards for horizon tal plane pickup. Has 15 ft. shie lded cable. Rich satin chrome finish. High impedance. Its low price makes this hand ·he ld microphone a natural fo r " Hams" and low-cost public oddren system. A rug· ged unit designed for high speech intelligibility. Sa ves extra costs, as it need. no desk stand! Has a broad base, comple te with stand adapter for mountin g on floor stand. Sits firm ly an a table top w ithout tipping over. Die cost case. Frequency response 60 to 9,000 c.p.s. 5 ft. shielded cable. Beautiful Burgundy· red metollic finish. On ly 2%" wide, 31!,, " high, 15i" thick. High impedance. Idea l for low-cost P.A. systems, amateu r MODEl OUTPUT 737A 53 db below 1 volt per microbor LI ST PRICE $46.00 MODE L OUTPUT LI ST PRICE 710A 50 db below 1 vo lt per microbor 512.00 50 db below 710S wi th switch) 1 volt per mictobo r $14.00 'phone tranlmitters and similar applica' tions. Good.quality performance at low cost. Has typical semi-directionol pickup. Has 7 ft. shielded cable. High impe. donce. Pearl Gray case with rich satin chrome finish on front gri lle. Diameter 2»". Model 707 A designed to be used w ith Shu re Mode l S34B or S36A Desk Stand s ( see page 0-1791. MODEl 1_ _ _O _U _ '_P_U_' _ _ / ll ST PRI CE / 707A 50 db below 1 volt per microbor 5 19.50 See Pages 232-235 for add itional Shure Products. Cop~n'ght b~ U. C. P., Ilic. Use Index (pg. 2) for Quick, easy Location of ALL ProductS TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY The AlASTER - 24dl Edition Page 159 Sec:. 1320 ~---------------------------=--------=-----~ CONTROLLED MAGNETIC MICROPH THE "HERCULES" THE "GREEN BULLET" The "He rcules" is a hand-held unit, ideal for general purpose use in tropical countries and in all coastal areas where heal and humidity are a problem. The "510" provides the ruggedness. cleor reproduction Clnd h igh output for public address, communications and reco rding where high speech intelligibility is vila I. It is recommended fo r Announcing; Mobile Public Ad· dress Systems; Communicolions; Home Recording. and High Quality Intercommunication. The He rcules con be used either Indoors or Outdoor s, fits snugly in the hood , sits firmly on a desk. High impedance. Frequency response 100 10 7000 c.p. s. Furni shed with 7 ft. sh ie lded cable. Green meta llic finish. Dietas! casco Furnished with stand adopter. Dimensions: 2 2/ 3" wide, 3 1/ 4" high, 1 1/ 2" thick. Model 510 Series designed to be used with S34B or S36A Desk Stands. (See page D.7) MODEL OUTPUT lEVEL .52 ..5 db below SlOe 1 volt per microbor 5105 {w ith switch) 52.5 db be low 1 voh per microbor IMPEDANCE The "Green Bullet" is designed to provide quality music and speech reproduction at moderate cost. It is practically immune to the effects of high temperotures and humidity. It features: high output, go'od response, high impedance without the need of a transforme r. The "Green Bullet" has a beautifu l modem metallic g ree n finish w ith a plated grille. Frequency re~ponse is 100 to 7000 c.p.s. Fumished w ith 7 ft. single. conductor shie lded coble. High Impedance. The "Green Bullet" is highly recommended for those public add ress systems w here low cost is a must, good reproduction is essentia l and ruggedness is a necessity. Mode l 520 series designed to be used with Shure Model S34B o r S36A De sk Stands. (See page 0 .7) liST PRICE HIGH IMPEDANCE LIST PRICE 52. HIGH 522.50 S20B 51 db belew 1 milliw elt pe r 10 microbers 130-250 ohms 522.50 S19.00 THE "DISPATCHER" Small microphones specially desig ned for use in vacuum-tube devices such as small, compact amplifiers, transmitters, dictating equipmen tw herever size and weight are important factors. They also are highly recommended for use in small transislar.type devices. They are immune to varying conditio", of heat and humidity, Lbl Price : 512.50 OUTPU T lEVEL 52.5 db below 1 voh per microbe r S17.00 HtGH MINIATURE MICROPHONES Model MCn (Circulor) Impedance: 1,000 ohms Frequency Resoonse: ~OO to 3,000 cps Output Leve l: -75 db 10 db . 1 volt per microbo,) Dimensions: Dio. 1 1/ 64", thicknen 25 / 64" MODEL Model MC20 (Rectang lor) Impedonce: 1, 100 ohms Frequency Response: 400 to 4,500 cps Output Level: -75 db (0 db I volt per microbar) Dimensions' width 10/ 16", !hicknen 5/16", length 15/ 16" List Pric.: 514.00 Model MC30 [Rectangular) Impedance: 1,850 ohms Freq uency Response: 400 10 3.,.500 cps Output l evel: -76 db 10 db . 1 volI per microber) Dimensions: width .5", length .5", thickneu .265" list Pric.: $20.00 Th is new Controlled Magnetic unit is designed to handle the most severe field req uirements of pag ing and dispatching systems. The unit is supplied w ith 7 feet of 2-(onductor shielded cable, and is w ired to operate both microphone and relay circuits. Th e "D ispatche r" is ideal for police, ta x i-co b, railroad airport, bus, truck, and all emergency communications work where dependability is vila I. Large grip-bar assures positive MODEL 520Sl contact. ·11 (NOTE' Comp le te assembly furlli shed aSlusrae t d) MODEL OUTPUT LEVel IMPEDANCE lI5T PRICE S20Sl .52 ..5 db below 1 volt per micro bar High $45.00 THE "RANGER" The new Shure "Ranger" is a new deve lopment of a similar magnetic unit originally housed in microphones used by the Armed Forces, The "Ra'1ger" i, especially recommended for those applications where long lines are used, and a rugged hand-held microphone is needed. It is ideal for outdoor public add ress (sports arenas, athletic fields), mobile communications, ham, audien~ participation shows, etc. The "Ranger" Is designed for high s peech Intelligibility. Easy to use, fits snugly in the palm of th e hand. HOI heavy.duty double-pole, single-throw, leaf-type switch for push-to. talk operation. Phosphor-bronze blades and silver contacts for maximum operating life. Model 5058 is furnished w ith 5 ft. four-conductor shielded coble. Model SOSC is furnished with 05 ft. th ree·conductor shielded coble. Model 505K is the re place ment for General Electric Moder EMIOA and is furni shed with Amphenol MC4M connec Ior on d 5J.7 It . cal'r e d 3 -can d uc or (l-con d cia sh' Id ed) <able Frequency response 's 200 to 8 ~ OOO cps. " , . , MODel OUTPUT LEVEL IMPEDANCE SHPG. WT. 5058 50.0 db below 1 milliwoll per 10 microbor signal 150·250 ohms 1 5/ 8 Ibs. 532.00 SOSC 50.5 db below 1 volt per microber High 1 5/ 8 lbs. 532.00 50SK" 50.5 db be low 1 volt per mitrobor High 1 SI B lb •. $37.50 • Replacement The MA STER Poge 160 LIST PRICE for General Elecl"c EMIOA See Pages 232-235 for odditional Shure Products. 24th Edilion Use Index (pg. 2) (or Quick. E3Sy Loc;al ion of ALL Produces TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO liST PRICES ONLY 505 SERIES CoP:triyflt by U, C. P., illc. Sec. 1320 COMMUNICATIO NS MICROPHONE.S '"RAN GER'" TRANSISTOR-AMPLIFIER FOR CARBON MICROPHONE REPLACEMENT MODEL "100" SERIES CARBON MICROPHONES Mode l 50ST is the perfe ct iml!lrovem~ p l a ce m e nt for carbon m icro phones. A self·contoine d transistor amplifie r, powered b y the corbon micro phone circuit, dO llS not requira an add itional powe r sour ce. Pra y ides unusua l speech dorit y and fre edom from 0ge in9 und e r ,eYOre vibralion conditions. Some size and appeorance a s " 100" seri e s microp hones. Output le ve l 1 db b e low I millivolt pe r 100 mlc robors. Model 50ST l ist Price $48 .50 Used around the world for police, taxi, bus, t ruck, cnd commercial applications more than all olher make. combinedl Rugged uni t with clear. crisp Yoiu re.pon'lI and high output. H.ayY duty Iwitch for pUlh .lo10 Ik performance. Furnished wi th b rock.t for wall mounting, pi UI coiled-cord cable. Adopted .tandard microphone b, G, E.• link. Motorola, R.C."'. and fo, 2·wa.,. radio comolh mu nicalians equipment. Output . 1: 5db below 1 voll for 100 m'I(robor speech lignal. I:EP LACEMENT CHAIT MANUfACTUItERS REPLACEMENT MODElS MODEL C810, C810B, 101C o. CB 10C, C&IOD, ,,,." CB12, C1I12A. C812e , C8 120 CalS, (8 150, C812E CB15f Model 101C 10lE 102e 102E I., IDlE C810E Cabl. Siondord Coiled Cord II" Sw ll(h Arrong.",.nl 102C Ion I.' SPECIFICATIONS FOR MODEL R5T Lilt Pr lee Two Wire Rela y $30.00 retracted; 05' ext..,ded Tlnlel Called Card II· r eo S.... ild! norma lly open. tracted / 05' extended .... ith [No microphone I.... a c:tol $33 .00 Amph..,al MC"M Conn eclo r Standard Called Cord I I' $30.00 re tro cledl 05' extended Re la y normally open. Iwi tt h Tlnlel C o~ ed Cord II" re o Microphone $33.00 tracted l 05' extended .... ith normally open. Ipade Iligi Wi re Relay Stondord Coiled Cord I I " Two relrod e dl 5' extended with S.... itch normall y open. $31 .00 Amphenol MC"M Conn ector {No micro phone Iwitc:tol - -- -- CARBON MICROPHONE CARTRIDGE Rlig ged mia ophane cortridg e re p loceme" t for " C8" , "1 00" , and "1 20" Seriel Corban Mic rophone l. Fll rn· llhed wit h neceuo ry mount ing hordwo re a nd co mplete Inl loll a tion inlt rllc tionl . Direct rep lacemenl for Ihe cor· tridge uled in the Mode ll l OlA, 1018, 101C, 102A, 1028, 10 2C, 120, C810, C81 08, CBI OC, SB IOE, C811, C811 8, CB 12, CBI 2A, CB1 2B, CB12C, CBI 2D, CBI 2E, Mode l RIO and C8U , CB14A, CB15, CBI 58, CB15C, C81 50 , CBI 5F. CB20, CB I 62, 9 1A27 corban microphonu. Mode l 99A 149 Modelt RI O l ilt Price. 58 .50 Model 99AI49 is the r('plocement for co rtridges used in mic rophone models: C820 , CB21, CB50 and 11 5. Mode l 99A149 l ist Price $8.50 SWITCHES CONTRO llE D MAGNETIC CRYSTAL Mod e l RS & Mo d el RSB Model R7 Direct rep locemen l for ca rtri dges use d in the fol lowing Shure mic ro phone models: 5 10C, 51 0MD, 5105, 520, S20 Sl and 50Se. Aho ideal for replocome nt of crystal ca rtrid ges in Shure cases of Ihe Mode l 707A and 70SA Series, whe re heo t and humidi ly ore a proble m. Supplied with rubbe r mo unti ng ring. Mede l: RS lill Price: 511.00 Model R7 Crys lo l Mic ro phone. Avai la bl e for service ins la lial io n os a replacament fo r Ihe C(lrt. ri dges in the Shure Cryslo l Micro· phones of the 707A ond 708A Series, and othe r mic rophonos of si mi lar des ign . High outpu l-48 db below I volt per mic robor. Ca rtr idge suppolied w ith rubber mounting r ings ond insio llo lion instructions. Mod a l: R7 list Prica: SB.25 Mode l 99C86 is used in model ~ SOSS and 5208. Is physicall y ldentico l 10 Model RS; but low impedonce ( l SO to 250 ohms). Ma d e l: RSS lill Price: 511.00 SLlM·X CARTRIDGE Model 99A186 for tho 777 Series Slim-X Microphones. Crystal ole· menl re etol-sealed for long life. Requi res only one solder connec· tion. Mode l: 99A1B6 l is t Price : S10.0q TAKE-APART STAND S,.. List Price: $25.00 Type , Controlled magnetic with tronsistor o mplifier. Frequency Response : 200 to -',000 cps Output Level: · 1 db loaded with 500 ohms (0 db - 1 milliwott per 100 microborsl Polar Pottern : Semi·directionol COILED CORD SETS TinlO l Coilod Cord w ith trimmed o nd linned leods and Amphe no l MC4M con necto r attac he d (3 conducto r shie lde d ) far use w ith Ge noro l Electric EM lOA and SOSK microph ona •. Mode l: CIOC list Price $12.00 Siondord Copper Coile d Co rd w ith trimmod and tin ned loads. lIsed in " C8" and " 100" Series Micropho nes. Mod e l: CISC List Price: $6.25 TinlOl Coile d Cord with Amphe no l MC4M Conne cto r for use wllh Go ne rol Eillctric equipment. Mod. 1; cae LIS! Prlco: $9.'0 Tinso l Coilod Cord w ith spada lugs for usa in Mo toro la oqulpme nt. Mede l: C17C list Price : $7.75 Standard Coiled Cord wi th Am p henol MC4M Connocto; for use wit h Moto rola e quipment. Model : C18C List Price: 59.50 Tinie r Coile d Cord w ith Am p honol MC4M Connac to r for use w ith Moto ro lo equipme nt. Madol: C19C list Price : $9.50 AND ACCESSORIES MICROPHONE REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES Med. 1 MODEL RST Model R5T is a conversion kit containing 0 controlled mognetic cartridge ond transistor omplifier. It i. designed to conve rt corbo" m icrophone. into impro ved controlle d mog· n elic tran.istorized m icrophones. Conversion toke~ only a maUer of minutes-and all that i. neceuory i, 0 screwdriver, a long.noso plier and a soldering iron. Model 53"8. Handy lOW-COlt Itond fo r de. k or ha nd ule. One I .... ill of hand le lock. it ,,(urely In ba le for ule 0 1 a tab le stand , or re l-.oo •• hOlldle fo r ule in hend. M. tol bo •• , wood handl e. Model : 5348 List Prlc. : 54.50 "GRIP-TO-TALK SLiDE-TO-LOCK" SWITCH Heoyy·Ouly Swi lch wJthlfonds the mod Je ve re fiel d requiremell" of paging and di lpotchi ng sYJleml . Ideo! for Pol ice, To.i·Cob, Roi lrood, Airport, 81,11, Truck , alld ott emergency communicat ions work. Con be used .... ith Shure (onlleclor·type cryl lo l, dynamIc ond corban microphoneJ of a ny impe · dance. Fitl ha ndily on Sh ure S36A Oel k Sto nd . Rich Joli" , hrome fin ish. li st Price: S12.50 Mod el: AB8A fi Modol A8BA ON-OFF PRESS-TO-TALK SWITCHES Mode l A83!. Rotory· type "On-Off" switch. Qu l(kLy a tta ched 10 any ,able· (onnector type Shure micropho ne. List Price, 511.00 Model: A83B Model AB.4B. Momentary Prell·lo·Talk "On·O"" IwU,h. Mod.l: A8 4 B lbt Pricel $11 .00 Model AB5C. Momenlary Prell· lo·Talk Re lay·Type Switch . Model : AS5C li l t Price : $11.50 MODERN DESK STAND Mode l SJ 6A. Stre a mlined Oelk Moun t All all Shure (_. neclor.type m[c raph ...... . Adopter p roylded for mounting other type mlcrophon... Id.o ! for 1,1 •• with ABB A twi tch . Mode l: SJ6A lbt Price , $ 6.50 Mod el S36A Se e Poses 232-235 for additiona l Shure Products. Cop)'riglit b)' U. C. P., II/C. Use Index (Ps. 2 ) for Quick, Easy l ocation of ALL Producls TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY The Al II ST E R - 2'h h Ed il ion Pogo 161
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