COLORV I S I O N S P R I N G 2013 LOO KS 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_FC.indd 1 2/1/13 12:39 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_02.indd 1 2/1/13 12:39 PM COLORV I S I O N S P R I N G 2013 LOO KS Sephora COLOR VISION forecasts the must-have spectrum of the season: Lucid Lilac, Majestic Cobalt, and Infrared Rouge. Inspired by both the past and the future, these multi-dimensional tones bring color to a whole new wavelength. Tune in—stand out—with bold effects for eyes, lips, cheeks, and nails. 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_03.indd 1 2/7/13 1:39 PM INFRARED ROUGE SATURATED LIPS Radiant pink undertones transform a classic red lip into a saturated statement. The nouveau tint—half warm, half cool—is positively electric. GET THE LOOK P R E P lips for saturated color by removing dry skin with an exfoliating scrub. Cotton off excess and smooth on a hydrating lip balm. S K E T C H on a rich base of Bite BEAUTY High Pigment Pencil in Quince. Start at the edges and work your way in, using PRO #81 Lip Brush to spread color evenly and perfect the lip line. D A B on Givenchy Le Rouge Lipstick 205 in Fuchsia Irrésistible, Buxom Full-Bodied Lipstick in Exhibitionist, or MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Rouge in 10 with the same lip brush, concentrating lipstick in the center of lips to create a dimensional effect. F I N I S H by pouncing blush over the apples of cheeks with PRO #73 Precision Blush Brush. Sweep off excess into the creases for a soft, allover flush. S E PH O R A .CO M /colorv i s i o n 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_04.indd 1 2/5/13 6:25 PM 1 . S ep h or a by OP I N a i l Co lo ur in I t ’ s All Ab o u t Me 2. Bi te B e aut y Hig h Pig m e n t P e nci l in Q u ince 3 . B uxo m Full- B o d i e d Li pst ic k in E x hib it io nist 4. O b s essi v e Co m pulsi v e Cosm e t ics Li p Ta r in Pret t y Boy 5 . St i la Co n v e rt i ble Co lo r in Sw eet Pea 6 . Gi v enc h y L e R o ug e Li pst ic k 2 0 5 in Fuc hsia Irrésist ib le 7. S m as h box H a lo B lus h in B lo o m 8 . M AKE UP FOR EVER Aq ua R o uge in 10 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_05.indd 1 2/7/13 1:35 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 6. 7. 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_06.indd 1 2/1/13 12:38 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_07.indd 1 2/1/13 12:38 PM LUCID LILAC IRIDESCENT EYES This season, holographic finishes transform pastel lilac into the new neutral. The result: Beauty with a modern halo effect. GET THE LOOK S W E E P a wash of Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Asphyxia from lash lines to browbones using the PRO #15 Small Shadow Brush. T I G H T L I N E the upper lash lines with a black eyeliner for subtle contrast. B R A C K E T the inner and outer corners with the deepest shade from the Dior 5-Colour Eye Shadow in Petal Shine 809 using a dampened PRO #22 Angled Liner Brush—wetting the brush helps intensify shadow and prolong its wear. P O U N C E the lightest lilac shadow from the same palette over the middle of top and bottom lids with the PRO #29 Precision Smudge Brush to create a luminous, wide-eyed effect. D U S T luminous highlighting powder from cheekbones up to the temples using the PRO #74 Contour Brush. D E F I N E brows with quick, subtle strokes of an eyebrow pencil. F I N I S H with a swipe of lilac gloss. S E PH O R A .CO M /colorv i s i o n 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_08.indd 1 2/5/13 4:16 PM 1 . U r b an D e c ay E y e s h a d ow i n As ph yxia 2. H ou r gl ass A mbi e n t L i g h t i n g P owd e r i n M o o d Light 3 . D i or 5 - Colo u r E y e s h a d ow i n P e ta l S h i n e 80 9 4. Nar s L ar ger T h a n L i fe L i p G loss i n I n t e r n at i o n a l Velvet 5 . A nastas i a B r ow W i z i n B r u n e t t e 6 . S ep h or a by OPI N a i l Co lo u r i n W h i t e Hot 7. N a r s B lu s h i n N e w O r d e r 8 . D i or V er ni s N a i l L acq u e r i n L i lac COLORVISION 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_09.indd 1 2/1/13 12:37 PM 2. 4. 1. 3. 5. 8. 7. 6. 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_10.indd 1 2/1/13 12:37 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_11.indd 1 2/1/13 12:36 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_12.indd 1 2/4/13 11:51 AM M A KE IT YOU R OWN PRODUCTS NOTES S E PH O R A .CO M /colorv i s i o n 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_13.indd 1 2/5/13 4:58 PM MAJESTIC COBALT VIVID SMOKY EYES Spring’s cobalt shadows deliver a fresh take on dimension with intensely vivid finishes. Pearlescent touches illuminate the depth. GET THE LOOK S K E T C H MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Shadow in 32E from the inner corners to the center of lids. Use the PRO #18 Shader Brush to blend up toward the browbones. Work quickly to spread the waterproof formula before it sets. S W E E P SEPHORA COLLECTION Colorful Eyeshadow in Pool Party along lash lines using the PRO #26 Gel Liner Brush, thickening strokes at an angle as you work pigment toward the outer corners. D E F I N E edges with SEPHORA COLLECTION Colorful Eyeshadow in My Boyfriend’s Jeans. Using the PRO #17 Precision Crease Brush, blend inward, diffusing excess color into the creases. D E E P E N upper lash lines by wiggling MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Eyes in 15L between lashes for a tightlined effect. S T R O K E Diorshow Mascara in Azure Blue on top lashes. MAKE IT BOLDER D R A G the MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Eyes in 15L onto the bottom lash lines, drawing liner from the outer edges to the middle of lower lids. S M U D G E SEPHORA COLLECTION Colorful Eyeshadow in My Boyfriend’s Jeans over the liner on lower lash lines with the PRO #17 Precision Crease Brush. F I N I S H by wrapping shadow upward onto the outer corners using the PRO #15 Small Shadow Brush. Work color along the creases, blending inward toward the pearlescent shadow. For extra impact, slick an extra finishing touch of Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner in Indigo along upper lash lines. S E PH O R A .CO M /colorv i s i o n 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_14.indd 1 2/7/13 1:39 PM BASIC BOLDER 1 . Nai l s Inc . N a i l Po li s h i n Ba k e r St r e et 2. Se p h or a Col l ec t i o n Co lo r ful E y e s h a d ow I N P o o l Pa rt y 3. Se phor a Col l ec ti on Co lo r ful E y e s h a d ow I N M y Boyfriend’ s J ea ns 4 . M AKE U P FOR E V ER Aq ua S h a d ow i n 32E 5 . M AKE U P FOR E V ER Aq ua E y e s i n 1 5L 6 . L au r a M e r c i e r C r è m e E y e L i n e r i n Indigo 7. Sti l a Stay A l l Day Wat e r p r o o f L i q ui d E y e L i ner in Indigo 8 . D i or D i o r s h ow M as c a r a i n A z ur e Blu e 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_16.indd 1 2/1/13 1:38 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_17.indd 1 2/1/13 12:34 PM EMERALD +COBALT PRISMATIC EYES When swept into juxtaposition, emerald and cobalt activate each other. Their vibrant contrast creates a prismatic effect. GET THE LOOK S W E E P SEPHORA COLLECTION Colorful Eyeshadow in Pool Party from the inner corners into creases using PRO #15 Small Shadow Brush. B L E N D SEPHORA COLLECTION Colorful Eyeshadow in My Boyfriend’s Jeans from the creases outward, tapering color into a soft wing with the PRO #18 Shader Brush. Define edges with a cotton swab. S K E T C H SEPHORA + PANTONE UNIVERSE Graphic Sculpt Waterproof Jumbo Eyeliner from lash lines to creases, following the natural curve of the lid so as not to draw over the cobalt shadow. Drag Emerald along the lower lash lines. G L I D E SEPHORA COLLECTION Long-Lasting 12HR Wear Eye Liner in 01 Black at an angle over outer edges to the center of lids. Retrace to thicken into a wing. Connect to inner corners. F I N I S H with two coats of black mascara on upper lashes. S E PH O R A .CO M /colorv i s i o n 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_18.indd 1 2/5/13 4:43 PM 1 . S ep h or a Co lle c t i o n Lo n g - L ast i n g 1 2HR We a r E y e L i n e r i n 01 blac k 2. S ep h or a + Pa n to n e Un i v e r s e G r a ph i c Scu lp t wat e r pr o o f Ju m bo E y e li n e r 3 . S ep h or a Col l ec t i o n Co lo r fu l E y e s h a d ow IN Po o l Pa rt y 4. S ep h or a Co lle c t i o n Co lo r fu l E y e s h a dow IN M y B oy fr i e n d ’ s Je a n s 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_19.indd 1 2/4/13 12:17 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_20.indd 1 2/1/13 12:40 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_21.indd 1 2/1/13 12:40 PM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_22.indd 1 2/7/13 1:39 PM M A KE IT YOU R OW N P RODUC T S NO T ES NA M E S TORE Get ev e n m o r e be aut y e x pe rt i s e at s e ph o r a .co m / be aut yst ud i o Ta ke ou r s ur v ey fo r a c h a n c e t o w i n a $2 5 0 gift ca rd: su r v e y .me d al l i a.c o m/ s e p h o ra/ u s a SEPHORA .COM /co lo rv i s i o n 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_23.indd 1 2/11/13 9:27 AM 7139_CV13_SPR_LOOKBOOK_BC.indd 1 2/1/13 12:41 PM