January - Beit Shalom
January - Beit Shalom
Adelaide Progressive Jewish Congrgegation Beit Shalom Magazine JANUARY 2014 TEVET / SHEVAT 5774 Rabbi’s Column — Life, the Universe and Talmud Study As I told the class at the first session, it is fair to say that I never distinguished myself in Talmud study while in rabbinical school. Twenty years ago, the baroque arguments written in language so abbreviated as to be incomprehensible tried my patience to the limit. I grudgingly completed 1½ years of Talmud study, then quit. All these years later, and the great Talmud scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has given the English-speaking world a wonderful gift: the Talmud, translated into English, with enough explanations added to make it readable. Fantastic! I purchased the first volume Berakhot while in the U.S. last year and resolved to have another go at studying Talmud. The result was my Monday night Talmud study class, which met initially for four weeks in October and November, and then continued on at the insistence of the students. Our starting point was the laws governing the recitation of the Shema and the blessings that surround it, but it soon became clear that the discussions that sprang up could range to just about any subject imaginable. It seems that the open-ended nature of Talmudic discourse, in which the rabbis themselves jump effortlessly from one topic to another, inspired those in the class to ask questions and pose challenges that otherwise might not be covered in any standard course material. The class evolved into discussions on Life, the Universe and Talmud Study. Needless to say, it has been great fun, and I'm very happy that the class has decided to continue starting again in February. Anyone is welcome to join us. A love for rational thought is helpful, although not entirely necessary. An openness to new ideas and new thinking is just about essential. Thanks to a decision at the most recent meeting of the Beit Shalom Board of Management, there is no longer a charge for members to attend the classes I teach. However, a gold coin donation is most welcomed. I hope you'll consider diving in and joining us for this ongoing adventure! Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Special points of interest: Wednesday 1 January— Office Closed Sunday 5 January— 10:30am Sisterhood Book Club meeting Saturday 11 January— 10:30am Bar Mitzvah Nadav Nansel Thursday 16 January— 11:00am JCS Chaverim resumes Monday 27 January— Office Closed Saturday 1 February— 7:00pm Choc Chodesh & Tu B’Shvat Celebration (Adults Only) Sunday 2 February— 12:30pm Purim Spiel 2014 Auditions Inside this issue: Congregational News 2 Yahrzeits & Quote 3 President’s Report 4 Get to Know our New Members Rabbi Kaminsky in the middle of the front row at the November UPJ Conference in Melbourne. Also attending from Adelaide were President Dr Ron Hoenig & Bernice Cohen, UPJ Committee member 5— 6 AAJS Conference 6 Upcoming Events 7 Sisterhood Report & Choc Chodesh 8 Library News & Nelson Mandela z”l 9 Libcon / Yom Kippur Appeals & Kudos 10 Calendar 11 Directory 12 BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 2 Congregational News BIRTHDAYS DONATIONS RECEIVED ימי הולדת Thank you to the following members who have made Yahrzeit donations: Wishing a Happy Birthday to the following members: Donor In Memory of Helen Tversky-Steiner Leila Naomi Lipert & Abraham Tversky Andrew Steiner & John Glonek Amanda Glonek Ed Argy Gioia Argy Kay Ronai Abraham Chaim & Sicha Kugel Penny Richardson Eileen Richardson Sue Musry Walter Ryder Steven Knopoff David Knopoff Liz Bor Rosemary Bor Regina Zielinski Josef & Golda Feldman & family Steffi Barrett Alison Dwyer Janet Henrie Rina Belleli Jack Ades Norman Schueler Margaret Fischer Matthew Goode Bob Setton Rachel Gillespie Anni Delahaye Shirley Abrahamson Penny Main Jill Noble Jonathan Levy Marie Lipert Simona Fischer Helen Tversky-Steiner Andrea Kipperman Daniel Katz Daniel Ninio Eva Temple Esther Mayo Ruth Fischer-Bent Lauren Koopowitz Jeremy Ninio Emily Nirens Zalia Sag Blakeley Ruby Sierp תרומות שהתקבלוּ WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES יובל נישואים Mazel Tov to the following couples who celebrate a wedding anniversary this month: Heidi & Andrew Limareff Ilana & George Culshaw Katherine & Matthew Goode Jill Noble & Steven Knopoff Karen & Philip Sheldon Dina & Jonathan Tversky Jody & Richard Bund Alison & Shaun Dwyer Rachel Sag & Stuart Blakeley Alison Marcus & Matthew Cozens Evon & Michael Hanzalik Jordanna & Jacques Meschemberg Rosters SHAMUS BIMAH OTHER DONATIONS RECEIVED January 3 January 4 R Gilbert P Main January 3 January 4 Thank you to Viv Aarons for her generous donation in honour and memory of her husband Ian Aarons z”l. January 10 January 11 J Henrie R Hoenig January 10 January 11 H Limareff R Hoenig January 17 January 18 R Gilbert S Musry January 17 January 18 R Gilbert S Musry January 24 January 25 J Henrie P Main January 24 January 25 R Richelle S Knopoff January 31 February 1 R Hoenig S Musry SAD NEWS We extend sincere condolences to the family of one of Beit Shalom’s founding members John Cook who passed away in Melbourne in December. A Dwyer M Sag January 31 A Henderson-Sapir February 1 L Lockshin BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 3 Yahrzeits אכ ה ר ה January 3 – 4 Moses Benjamin 28 Tevet—31 December Grandfather of Stan Benjamin Joel Kasan 29 Tevet—1 January Father of Bernice Cohen Esther Riches 29 Tevet—1 January Congregant of Beit Shalom David Knopoff 1 Shevat—2 January Brother of Steven Knopoff Samuel Zetlein 1 Shevat—2 January Father of Leslie Zetlein, father -in-law of Teresa Zetlein Robert Katz 3 Shevat—4 January Father of Daniel Katz, grandfather of Mya & Karni Rachel Bartak 3 Shevat—4 January Grandmother of Marie Lipert Rachel Breckler 3 Shevat—4 January Grandmother of Michael Harrison January 10 – 11 Dora Gardos 4 Shevat—5 January Aunt of Ron Hoenig Kaz Zielinski 5 Shevat—6 January Husband of Regina Zielinski Eric Foley 5 Shevat—6 January Congregant of Beit Shalom Margot Flatau 9 Shevat—10 January Mother of Brigitte Yallen, grandmother of Kitty Goode January 17 – 18 William Topham 12 Shevat—13 January Father of Val Abrahamson Alfred Gee 12 Shevat—13 January Father of Gerri Bloustien Elizabeth Shnukal 13 Shevat—14 January Mother of Dorothy Staska, Michael, Sam, Eva, Joan & Muriel Michael Ansell 14 Shevat—15 January Congregant of Beit Shalom Jocelyn Abrahamson 15 Shevat—16 January Sister of Shirley Abrahamson & Brian Abrahamson Blanche Silberstein 15 Shevat—16 January Grandmother of Heidi Limareff Aronne Costi 16 Shevat—17 January Congregant of Beit Shalom January 24 – 25 Sharon Levin 19 Shevat—20 January Mother of Michael Levin Judith Shapiro 21 Shevat—22 January Mother of Lorre Zuckerman, grandmother of Michael & Nicola Rubin Rosen 24 Shevat—25 January Grandfather of Rachel Gillespie January 31 – February 1 Otto Schueler 27 Shevat—28 January Father of Norman Schueler Isaac Covitz 28 Shevat—29 January Grandfather of Marianne Sag Alan Brown 28 Shevat—29 January Uncle of Ron Hoenig May their memories be for blessing Jonah Gubbay 29 Shevat—30 January Father of Jack Gubbay February 7 – 8 Jillien Goode 2 Adar I—2 February Mother of Matthew Goode, grandmother of Jamie Rae Samuels 2 Adar I—2 February Mother of Myra Waddell Anita Lester 4 Adar I—4 February Mother of Laurence Lester, Ian, Lee, Gillian & Karen Carol Millis 7 Adar I—7 February Aunt of Dina Tversky Bob Phillips 8 Adar I—8 February Husband of Eva Phillips, father of Lynda & Nola A Quote from Nelson Mandela z”l “I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended." Extract from MCCSA E’Voice December 2013—in honour of his work & with respect to his legacy BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 4 President’s Report י ד ימ ה מ י וש ב ה ר אש I’m often struck by the fact that our community is full of overachievers. People who are national and international leaders in their field, whether it be academia, law, medicine or the business world. People who change lives by leading community choirs, advancing public health or teaching our next generation. People who work for Tikkun Olam by creating dialogue across cultural and religious boundaries, welcoming newcomers or chairing the committees that are the heartbeat of Jewish Adelaide. In short, I think we are incredibly lucky, if not actually disproportionately blessed with talent and passion. Often we congratulate our overachievers on their successes, and acknowledge them with awards to cement those sentiments. Yet too often, I think, we only do this for people with formal titles or after they have a lifetime of achievement. Of course it is important to recognise our Chair people and Presidents and the amazing members who have kept our synagogue and other organisations thriving for decades. Yet it is also important to show how much we value our rising stars whose dedication ensures Jewish Adelaide will be thriving for decades to come. One of our overachievers and life members of Beit Shalom, Jack Gubbay, recently proposed the creation of the “Adelaide Jewish Youth Achievement Award”. Jack requested the Board create this annual award as a unique way to formally recognise our young leaders who channel their talent and passion into creating a better community for other young people in Adelaide. The award is not only a recognition of young people’s achievements, but also the important role our young leaders play in creating a sustainable and inclusive community. The award winner will be recognised as the Adelaide Jewish Youth Achiever for the year and presented with a $500 prize. digital copy. I would encourage you to nominate yourself or a young person you know who has made a significant contribution to the Adelaide Jewish community. Shalom, Annetay Henderson-Sapir First Vice President Adelaide Jewish Youth Achievement Award Criteria for Nomination 2014 The award honours young achievers (from 15 ̶ 30 years of age) who have made a major contribution to: Leadership in fostering cooperative activities among youth of both congregations or within their own congregation. The award is open to all young people in the age range specified. The nominee may be any Jewish young person in Adelaide. The award nomination form may be submitted by the nominee or by another person, outlining the specific reasons why the nominee is deserving of such an award. All nominations, forwarded to the office of Beit Shalom Synagogue, are assessed by the 2014 Awards Committee, which comprises three representatives selected by the President of Beit Shalom Synagogue, including one from the State Zionist Council. The following criteria should be considered when selecting a person for nomination: Thank you, Jack, for reminding us of the importance of celebrating the outstanding activities of Adelaide’s Jewish youth. Thank you as well for your kind generosity in establishing this award. and The award is open to all Jewish people in Adelaide aged 15-30 years old. The deadline for 2014 nominations for the “Adelaide Jewish Youth Achievement Award” is Saturday, 15 February 2014. or The nomination form can be found in this copy of the newsletter, or please contact Marie if you would like a The nominee has participated in youth activities in Adelaide, The nominee has made a significant contribution to cooperative activities among Jewish youth in Adelaide, The nominee has fostered a warm collegiate spirit among Jewish youth in Adelaide and drawn those at the margins, for any reason, to participate with their peers in Jewish youth activities. BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 5 Get to Know our New Members— Amy & Oliver Sierp & family Beit Shalom is happy to introduce our recent new members—the Sierp family who have kindly consented to sharing their story with us. This will also be enclosed in our Time Capsule to be opened in 50 years’ time when the children will enjoy reading it and seeing the photos accompanying this brief family history. We have recently become members of Beit Shalom and we are excited about a new chapter in our family’s Jewish life in Adelaide. Our family consists of myself, (Amy), my husband, Oli, daughter Ruby (9) and son Sasha (4). We have been involved in Adelaide’s Jewish communities for many years but recently saw that Beit Shalom would be a great avenue for our children to meet other Jewish children and become more involved in the community. We met Rabbi Shoshana five years ago when Ruby attended Massada in it’s last few years. Shoshana often taught the kindy kids and I also worked with her and my Dad, David Worth, on the Massada board. After Massada sadly closed we wanted to find some Cheder classes for Ruby and soon Sasha too. Ruby started attending Cheder and JAZY in early 2013 and has been really enjoying making new friends and furthering her Jewish education. Oli’s and my parents are in Adelaide but our extended Jewish families are scattered in Melbourne and Sydney where we often travel for the Jewish festivals. L-R: Sasha Dov Sierp, Amy Amirah Sierp-Worth, Ruby Odem Sierp & Oliver Sierp In 1980 when I (Amy) was 7 years old, I moved from Melbourne to Adelaide with my parents, David and Jenni Worth and my two sisters Natalie and Kate. Our family has been members of the St Kilda Orthodox Synagogue for 4 generations. My great grandparents all migrated to Melbourne from Europe and were prominent in the rag trade. When we came to Adelaide we became members of AHC. The Synagogue was in the city off Rundle St and Rabbi Heilbrunn was the Rabbi, or soon became the Rabbi, I can’t remember. We lived in the Adelaide hills and did not have extended Jewish family in Adelaide. We attended school in the hills and would sometimes bus down after school on a Friday to meet our dad at Shule for the Shabbat service. My sister Kate and I both did our Bat mitzvahs at the Synagogue place shule. We also attended Habonim at Walkerville where Massada College used to be. (Cont’d on page 6) Torah Portions חלקים מהתורה DATE PARASHAH TORAH HAFTARAH January 4 Bo Exodus 10:1—13:16 Jeremiah 46:13—46:28 January 11 Beshalach Exodus 13:17—17:16 Judges 4:4—5:31 January 18 Yitro Exodus 18:1—20:23 Isaiah 6:1—7:6 & 9:5—9:6 January 25 Mishpatim Exodus 21:1—24:18 Jeremiah 34:8—34:22 & 33:25—33:26 February 1 Terumah Exodus 25:1—27:19 I Kings 5:26—6:13 BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 6 Get to Know our New Members (cont’d) (Cont’d from page 5) As time went by my family dispersed and sadly went in different directions. Like so many young adults in Adelaide in our 20’s both Oli and I moved interstate to build our careers and we continued to travel and live overseas. We moved back to Adelaide when we were pregnant with Ruby and have loved returning to Adelaide. Having children has been our incentive to re-connect with the Adelaide Jewish community and become more involved. We regularly Above: Ruby & Sasha & Oma, Jenni Worth enjoy delicious and elaborate Shabbat dinners with grandparents and friends. What we love about being Jewish is the ritual, the food, the festivals and We still live in the Adelaide Hills and the remarkable bond that exists are very settled here. Ruby attends through history and culture, Stirling East Primary and Sasha is at suffering and joy. Kindy. Oli runs Sierp Homes and is building architecturally designed Eco I have been very moved during our housing. I own an Art Gallery and attendance at Beit Shalom and feel Consultancy called Worth Gallery. proud and positive by this personal stand I have made for my family’s It is very important to us to see Jewish life and for the wider Jewish Adelaide’s Jewish community work community in Adelaide. together to maintain itself and grow in strength. Although it is a small Amy Sierp-Worth Jewish community it is still vital. Above: Pappa David & the Sierps— Amy, Oliver, Sasha & Ruby holding a birthday cake Above: Ruby & Sasha Sierp Jews, Judaism & Hybridity Aajs Adelaide 2014 The 26th AAJS Conference, 9—11 February 2014 The University of Adelaide North Terrace, Adelaide CBD, South Australia Conference Fee: includes registration, entrance to all sessions, programme, booklet of abstracts, morning & afternoon teas, two lunches (9 & 10 February) & AAJS 2014 membership. On 11 February there will be an optional tour to the beautiful Adelaide Hills. On 11 & 12 February Bruce Springsteen will perform at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Further particulars are available at ghilad.zuckermann@adelaide.edu.au and www.aajs.org.au Guest Speakers include Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Larry Lockshin, Katherine Goode, Avril Alba, Ghil’ad Zuckermann & Lynn Arnold Views or opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Beit Shalom Board of Management or community. BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 7 Upcoming Events Bar Mitzvah Invitation National Council of Jewish Women SA Section Our first meeting for 2014 will be held Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky & Bobby Nansel extend an invitation to the Beit Shalom community on Wednesday 5 February at 12:00 noon on Saturday 11 January 2014 at 10:30am in the Rose Harrison Hall at 39-41 Hackney Road, Hackney when Nadav Nansel will be called to the Torah Please note there is NO January meeting Everyone is invited to enjoy the kiddush which will follow in the Rose Harrison Hall JCS Chaverim Dates Please bring your own copies of Mishkan T’filah to the service Weekly Chaverim sessions recommence on Thursday 16 January 2014 with morning tea, light exercises & lunch @ $5 Do you have a taste for the dramatic? from 11:00am—1:30pm Want to tread the boards with a seasoned cast? in the Rose Harrison Hall Fancy celebrating Purim on stage? For enquiries & new registrations, please contact either Lynette Ninio, Jewish Community Services on 8363-5400, or Marie in the Beit Shalom office on 8362-8281 Purim Spiel 2014 auditions Sunday 2 nd February Jewish Genealogy & History Society of South Australia Notice of Meeting 12.30 pm Rose Harrison Hall The play’s the thing, wherein we’ll catch the essence of Purim W. Shakespeare. Date: Sunday 16 February 2014 Time: 2:30pm Venue: Home of Eva Temple & Gilbert Fromm 46 Hill Street, Mitcham Speaker: Stan Benjamin Cost: Members free, non-members $5, concessions $3 RSVP: President Margot Bailey—Phone: 8295-1220 or Email: kwbailey@optusnet.com.au by 9 February 2014 Afternoon tea will be served BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 8 The Sisterhood invites you to... Choc Chodesh A celebration of... the new month Havdalah Sisterhood Report Dear all, I hope you are all enjoying the summer season of festivities. 2014 kicks off well with the next Book Club meeting, which will be held on Sunday 5th January when we will be discussing “The Gallery of Vanished Husbands” by Natasha Solomons at the home of Alison Marcus. This book, about the London art world in the 1960s through the eyes of a newly widowed Jewish woman, is a very interesting read. I hope that some of you can join us for what is always an entertaining discussion. and (belatedly) Tu B’Shvat with chocolate dancing fruits of the trees and much, much more Saturday 1st February at 7.30 pm til late in the Rose Harrison Hall $10 a head Adults only (sorry) Light supper, dancing and conviviality provided. RSVP: Ruth Gilbert heyruth@internode.on.net or 0421-008-981 We’ll also be holding our new and very own CHOC CHODESH celebration on Saturday 1st February at 7.30pm. This adults only evening event celebrates Rosh Chodesh (the new month of Adar), Havdalah, and (rather belatedly) Tu B’Shvat, with an inspired combination of chocolate, dancing, fruits of the trees and so, so much more. We’re anticipating a hugely entertaining evening, so please join us. RSVP to me as soon as you can, so we have some idea of numbers. Hope to see you all soon. Regards, Ruth Gilbert Sisterhood President BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 9 The Passing of Nelson Mandela We thank Professor Ghil’ad Zuckermann (Chair of Linguistics & Endangered Languages at the University of Adelaide) for sharing his reflections on his personal encounter with Nelson Mandela: 4 December 2013 / 3 Tevet 5774 The World Union for Progressive Judaism is deeply saddened by the death of Nelson Mandela, a highly regarded and much loved former president of the Republic of South Africa. Nelson Mandela, having served 27 years in prison for his active opposition to apartheid, rose to become the first black president of South Africa at a time of much violence and division in his country. President Mandela was able to unite disparate groups who had fought each other for decades. He was able to prevent the bloodshed that had been predicted once apartheid was dismantled. His government set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which has been an example to the world on dealing with painful and bitter divisions within society. He has been one of the most admired world leaders of our time and he has been an example to all who aspire to positions of leadership. Nelson Mandela will be sadly missed; the two million members of the World Union for Progressive Judaism joins with our South African members to express our sorrow at his passing and sends sincere condolences to his family and to the people of South Africa. Michael Grabiner, Chairman, WUPJ & Dr Philip Bliss, WUPJ Advocacy Committee Chair I met Nelson Rolihlahla MANDELA in Oxford England 16 years ago, in 1997. Before I talked to him, he delivered a lecture at Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre. His host, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, introduced Mandela with the mediocre cliché: 'A man who needs no introduction: Nelson Mandela'. (What do you mean no introduction? There is always something new you could say about any person. For example, Mandela's first name Rolihlahla, pronounced [xoˈliːɬaɬa], is a Xhosa colloquialism meaning 'troublemaker'. And do you really believe everybody at the Sheldonian really knew much about Mandela's biography?) Mandela then came to the stage furious, absolutely furious. “I am extremely disappointed with you, Prince Bandar!”, he said. The audience was baffled, perplexed, shocked. Is Mandela ok? Perhaps he is too old and senile(?) Mandela then recounted a lovely real story about his recent visit to a remote village in South Africa (as President of South Africa, 1994-9). He was talking to several local teenager girls and enjoyed their company. After a while his assistants interfered and told him that he needed to continue his trip. He said goodbye to the lovely girls and was about to leave, only to then be approached by one of the girls, who asked him: “Excuse me, Sir, it was nice talking to you. But what's your name?” Since then, I have introduced hundreds of speakers and never used the cliché “a man/woman who needs no introduction.” Library News New items in the library this month: Fiction "My Michael" by Amos Oz "The Torn Messiah" by Yvonne Fein "Closing the Sea" by Yehudit Katzir "Israel: A Traveler's Literary Companion" edited by Michael Gluzman and Naomi Seidman Non-Fiction "The Slopes of Lebanon" by Amos Oz "Walking Israel: A Personal Search for the Soul of a Nation" by Martin Fletcher "Eyewitnesses to Jewish History: from 586 B.C.E. to 1967" edited by Azriel Eisenberg "501 Hebrew Verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses" by Shmuel Bolozky "Lovesong: Becoming a Jew" by Julius Lester "Judaism: An Anthology of the Key Spiritual Writings of the Jewish Tradition" edited and interpreted by Arthur Hertzberg "Judaism" by David Starr-Glass "The Chagall Windows: Symbols of the Twelve Tribes of Israel" by Emmanuel Dehan "To give them Light: the Legacy of Roman Vishniac" edited by Marion Wiesel DVDs The Reader Fiddler on the Roof Penny Richardson Librarian BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE Page 10 LIBCON APPEAL 2013 Donations Received Thank you to the following members who have made contributions to this year’s Libcon Appeal for our Rabbinic Support Fund: Aarons Abrahamson Abrahamson Ades Ades Argy Bailey Baltman Barnes Barouch Barouche Barrett Belleli Bloustien Bor Bund Bund Choate Cohen Culshaw Dreyer Duncan Dwyer Eglinton Fanok Feldheim Galletta Gilbert Gillespie Gold Goode Gould Gubbay Hall Hanwit-Arney Hanzalik Harrison Henderson-Sapir Hoenig Jacobson James Viv & Ian z”l Brian & Val Shirley Jack & Lydia Merrilyn Edwin Margot David & Gail Bill & Sylvia Victor z”l Ralph & Denise Steffi Rina Mark & Gerry Liz Richard & Jody Trish Judith Bernice George & Ilana Rosemary Bella Alison & Shaun Pam Mirek Sarah Marie Ruth Rachel & Callum Michael & Mandy Matthew & Kitty Vilma & Brian z”l Jack Jillian Helen Michael & Evon Michael Ori & Annetay Ron & Marion Colin & Kenise Danielle James Wendy Katz/Roberts Daniel & Jody Kipperman/Fitzgerald Andrea & Ben Knopoff/Noble Steven & Jill Kopstein David & Patti Levy Jonathan & Lorena Lipert Marie Lockshin/Henrie Larry & Janet Marcus/Cozens Alison & Matthew Marshall/Muecke Ruth & Tim Mayo Raya Musry Joe & Sue Newall James Ninio Daniel & Kathryn Ninio Henry & Lynette Pearlman Robert & Linley Peisach Ron & Jill Phillips Eva Pincus Hermina Richardson Penny Rogers Garry & Lisa Rudnick Arthur & Beverley Sag/Blakeley Rachel & Stuart Sag Tom & Marianne Schueler Norman & Carol Sheldon Phillip & Karen Sisterhood Beit Shalom Somers/Rachootin Ron & Pam Staska Dorothy & Paul Steiner Andrew & Helen Stevens Judith Sulan John & Ali Temple Eva Tuckfield Eva Tversky Jonathan & Dina Vroom Pam Vyshovsky Maya Waddell Myra Zielinski Regina Zuckerman Lorre Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky during her second dan grading in Karate— don’t let her size & friendly smile deceive you—she is a finely tuned, dangerous weapon! YOM KIPPUR APPEAL Thank you to the following members for their donations: Argy Edwin Batton Aubrey & Shirley Bund Richard & Jody Culshaw George & Ilana Dunn Ruth Feldheim Sarah Gold Michael & Mandy Gubbay Jack James Wendy Katz/Roberts Daniel & Jody Knopoff/Noble Steven & Jill Kopstein David & Patti Lipschitz Allen & Mary Lockshin/Henrie Larry & Janet Muecke Timothy Musry Joe & Sue Ninio Henry & Lynette Ronai Kay Sag Danny Stevens Judith Trifoi Aurora Tuckfield Eva Zielinski Regina and an anonymous donation Kudos—Rabbi achieves Black Belt Second Dan 20 27 19 26 Australia Day 13 6 12 Sisterhood Book Club 5 Upcoming Events for your Diary Monday Tuesday Office Closed Australia Day Holiday 28 21 14 7 Saturday 1 February—Choc Chodesh Celebration Sunday 2 February—Purim Spiel Auditions Friday 21 February—Oneg Dinner Sunday January 2014 29 22 15 8 1 7:30pm Board Meeting Office Closed New Year’s Day Wednesday Tu B’Shvat 11:00am—1:30pm JCS Chaverim Club 30 11:00am—1:30pm JCS Chaverim Club 23 11:00am—1:30pm JCS Chaverim Club 16 9 2 Thursday 31 24 17 10 3 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Friday Tevet / Shevat 5774 Beit Shalom Calendar 10:30am Shabbat Service 25 18 10:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am Bar Mitzvah Nadav Nansel & Kiddush after Service 11 4 Saturday Adelaide Progressive Jewish Congregation DIRECTORY מדריך PRESIDENT: RABBI: Ron Hoenig ........................................................ 8272-1971 ..................................................... ronhoenig@bigpond.com Shoshana Kaminsky ............................................. 8362-8281 Mobile .............................................................. 0435-050-415 ............................................................. rabbisbk@tpg.com.au TREASURER: Sue Musry .......................................................... 8293-5845 .......................................................... musry@adam.com.au SISTERHOOD: SECRETARY/MAGAZINE EDITOR: Marie Galletta ....................................................... 8362-8281 ...................................................bshalom@bshalomadel.com Ruth Gilbert ................................................... 0421-008-981 ......................................................... heyruth@bigpond.com LIBRARIAN: JUDAICA SHOP: CHOIR CO-ORDINATOR: Merrilyn Ades ..................................................... 8362-8281 ................................................. merades@internode.on.net Janet Henrie ......................................................... 8362-8281 ARCHIVIST: Ron Hoenig, Janet Henrie, Sue Musry, Ruth Gilbert, Penny Main ...................................... 8362-8281 Ilana Culshaw .................................................... 8362-8281 Penny Richardson ................................................ 8362-8281 HONORARY SHAMUS: WE’RE ON THE WEB Rabbi Kaminsky’s High Holy Days sermons are now online—please check them out at: www://bshalomadel.com REMEMBER THE HOLOCAUST: Art and the Holocaust Please visit the Virtual Exhibition devised, curated and funded by Andrew Steiner, artist, historian and Holocaust survivor at: www.youtube.com/user/andrewsteinerartist If undelivered return to: BEIT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE PO BOX 47, STEPNEY 5069 BEIT SHALOM MAGAZINE PRINT POST APPROVED No. PP 542651 0007 Remember: Deadline for submission of articles for the Beit Shalom Magazine is 20th of the month
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