3D x-RAY comPUteD tomoGRAPHY - X
3D x-RAY comPUteD tomoGRAPHY - X
SoLutionS 3D x-RAY comPUteD tomoGRAPHY TM S PECIFICATIONS TM inSPect Ty PE X-R Ay Tu bE AnAlYze X-R Ay dETECTOR meASURe X-RAy TubE TyPES MICRO-FOCuS hIGh vOlTAGE 150kv MAX FOCAl SPOT SIzE < 5 MICRONS NANO / MICRO / MINI-FOCuS, OPEN OR SEAlEd, TRANSMISSION OR dIRECTIONAl OR duAl hEAd SEAlEd TubE: 100kv - 130kv - 150kv A P P l ic A t io nS e L e c t Ron i c S m iL i t a Ry n e w ma t e Ri a LS R e S e a Rc h L a bS F oo D a nD S ee D m u Se u mS n Dt inS Pe c t ion D e n S it y a n a Ly SiS in t e Rn a L & e xt e Rn a L me aS u Re me ntS Re v eRS e e n g in e e Rin g RaP iD P Rot ot y Pin g me t Ro Log y 3 D D ig it iza t ion / mo D eLin g PL ea Se viSit ww w .xvi e w c t.c om Fo R moRe in F oR mat ion dental impression FROM < 1 MICRON PIXEl SIzE FROM 50µm, IMPROvEd wITh MAGNIFICATION. PANEl SIzE FROM 4” X 4” TO 16” X 16” MANuAl OR MOTORIzEd 7 AXIS 6 AXIS 5 AXIS (CuSTOMIzATION AvAIlAblE): vERTICAl: 12” hORIzONTAl: 12” z AXIS: 53” TIlT: +20°/-10° ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS vERTICAl: 24” hORIzONTAl: 24” z AXIS: 48” TIlT: +20°/-10° ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS vERTICAl: 48” hORIzONTAl: 33” z AXIS: 48” TIlT: +20°/-15° ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS (w/ dETECTOR TRANSlATION) vERTICAl: 7.5” z AXIS: 24” ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS CuSTOM OPTIONAl 8 AXIS All dRIvES ARE vARIAblE SPEEd jOySTICk CONTROllEd. EACh AXIS CONTROl IS INdEPENdENT. PROGRAMAblE CNC OPTIONAl AuTOMATIC & PROGRAMMAblE FOCAl dISTANCE AdjuSTAblE & REPEATAblE CT TuRNTAblE 0.001 dEGREE RESOluTION, MAX CT dATASET ACquISITION = 10,000 PROjECTIONS, I.E., 1 PROj / .036 dEGREE MAX SAMPlE wEIGhT 10 lbS. RAdIATION ShIEldING 150kv EXTERNAl dIMENSIONS 30” dEEP, 58” TAll, 57” lONG SAFETy COMPONENTS m ARK et S OPEN TubE: 160kv - 225kv - 320kv - 450kv dETECTOR RESOluTIONS ANd SIzE CAbINET FEATuRES S OFTwAR E – FlAT PANEl (CT PREMIuM GRAdE), lINEAR ARRAy CAb INET rat femur EXPRESS-CT PROduCTION X-RAy dETECTOR TyPES MANIPulATOR CONTROl 2 second scan of a braze joint X5000-CT R & d / INduSTRIAl MANIPu l ATOR electronic bga chip X500-CT R & d MANIPulATOR SETTING PRototYPe ae Ro SPac e & avi a t i on P ha Rmace u t i c aL & m eD i caL De vi c eS a uto mot i ve c aS t i n g S tiR e i n Du S t Ry X50-CT 3 AXIS moDel internal measurements IMAGIX 25 lbS. 200 lbS. 200 lbS. structural honeycomb CuSTOM 160kv, 225kv, 320kv OR 450kv 52” dEEP, 79” TAll, 108” dEEP, 92” TAll, 108” dEEP, 92” TAll, 87” lONG 79” lONG 79” lONG CuSTOM electronic bga chip STEEl / lEAd / STEEl CONSTRuCTION CAblE ACCESS PORT wITh COvER, INTERIOR lIGhTING, SlIdING ACCESS dOOR wITh lEAd GlASS vIEwING wINdOw X-RAy “ON” wARNING lIGhT, PRIMARy ANd SECONdARy X-RAy SAFETy INTERlOCkS dESIGNEd TO MEET All STATE ANd FEdERAl X-RAy SAFETy COMMANd TEThEREd dESkTOP CONTROl CONSOlE wITh ERGONOMIC dESk X-RAyS & dETECTOR SETTING ANd MONITORING by SOFTwARE ACquISITION wORkSTATION STANdARd COMPuTER wITh wINdOwS, 2 wIdE SCREEN MONITORS INCludEd RECONSTRuCTION wORkSTATION MulTI-CORE COMPuTER, wINdOwS 64 bIT hIGh CAPACITy hARd dRIvES, MulTIPlE hIGh ENd GRAPhICS CARdS (GPu) OPTIMIzEd FOR ulTRA FAST RECONSTRuCTION OvERAll SCAN TIME APPlICATION dEPENdANT: 5 SECONdS TO 2 hOuRS 2 SECONdS - 5 MIN 3d CAPAbIlITIES 3d RENdERING SOFTwARE METROlOGy OPTIONAl 19 8 7 5 S ou t h D i a m on D L a k e R oaD • Suite 10 P h on e : 1 .8 0 0 .6 3 5 .8 3 9 2 o R +1 .7 6 3 .4 6 3 .5 6 5 0 • • Rog e RS, m n 5 5 3 7 4 • uSa e maiL : S aL eS @4 n Si. c om n Si c oR P o R a t e S i t e : w w w .4 n Si. c om www.xv i ewc t.co m aluminum casting COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY S OSLYUSTTIEOMNSS O V E R V I E W TM For over 20 years, North Star Imaging, Inc. has been a market leader in the development and production of cutting edge NDT equipment. In 2008, NSI took over as the market leader in the USA for industrial X-ray and Computed Tomography inspection systems. NSI offers a complete line of digital X-ray Computed Tomography equipment branded X-ViewTM CT. With our diverse CT and MicroCT product line, we are able to provide the properly sized system for all applications. We design and manufacture systems utilizing the latest in X-ray sources, manipulators, and detectors including the latest generation of flat panels and linear arrays. Our in-house design and manufacturing capabilities allow us to offer systems tailored to the most demanding of applications. All NSI radiation shielded enclosures are designed to meet state and federal radiation safety regulations and are built with a steel/lead/steel cabinet construction which has a fit and finish that is unparalleled in the industry. NSI X-ViewTM CT systems integrate the most powerful CT reconstruction and visualization software available, efX-CT, which includes modules for geometric calibration, ultrafast GPU based CT Reconstruction, measurement, real-time density segmentation and surface extraction (point clouds, CAD capabilities). A unique 3D volume rendering feature is included for real-time voxel-based visualization of CT results, as well as many more functional features dedicated to CT applications. ALL IMAGES ARE ACTUAL RECONSTRUCTIONS SURFACE RECONSTRUCTIONS OF AN ALUMINUM CASTING TM IN SGPI XE–CCTT SE RI E S I MA EXPR ESS-CT The ImagiX is a universal microCT system designed for the scanning of small objects. The system can handle objects from 0.02’’ (0.5mm) to 6’’ (150mm) and perform automatic 3D Computed Tomography reconstruction with state-of-the-art software. NSI offers the first Inline CT solution for ultra-fast CT inspection with 3D Automatic Defect Recognition (ADR) and/or 3D modeling of manufacturing parts while in production. NSI’s proven experience in production inspection systems coupled with the latest generation of ultra-fast CT reconstruction software provides a revolutionary solution for 100% complete 3D CT inspection on the production line. ANALYZE MEASURE MODEL P X5 R 0O–TCTOSTE RI YEPS E OTHER CT SOLUTIONS The X50-CT is a six-axis universal x-ray imaging ELECTRONIC BGA CHIP system designed for the inspection of small to medium sized objects. The small footprint and shielding up to 225kV makes the 50 Series the #1 choice for space sensitive environments. It is ideal for scanning multiple small objects and larger objects up to 12” (30cm) in size for 3D CT. CT UPGR A D E NSI can upgrade any X-ray system to 3D-CT capability utilizing the efX-CT software and unique CT upgrade experience. This is an easy and affordable solution for X-ray users to implement CT inspection and 3D volume digitization. NSI’s CT Upgrade solution is also suitable for any existing CT system resulting in much faster reconstruction as well as a user-friendly interface and 3D capabilities. X5 0 0 / 5 0 0 0 – C T S E RI E S ASTHMATIC DEVICE The X500/5000-CT System is designed for the inspection of medium to large objects utilizing a 7-axis universal manipulator (X5000) and optional C-arm (X500). The spacious scan envelope of the 500/5000 Series makes it ideally suited for INTERNAL MEASUREMENTS 2 SECOND SCAN OFobjects A BRAZE JOINT scanning multiple small objects and larger up to 24” (60cm) in size for computed tomography. PHARMACEUTICAL TABLET M AR K E T S N SI OFFERS: C T SY STE MS FOR 3 D INSPE CT I ON: EXPRESS-CT IMAGIX, X50-CT, X500-CT, X5000-CT, CUSTOM CT F OR VE RY F AST I NL I NE P ROD UC T I ON I NSP EC T I O N I N 3D C T SYSTE MS F OR 3 D ME ASURE MEN T S AND REV ERSE EN G I NEERI NG: CXMM TM C T UPGRADE : HARDWARE AND SOF T W ARE P AC K AGE D ED I C AT ED T O D I GI T AL RADIOGRAPHY UP GRAD E F OR 3D C T C AP ABI L I T I ES AND CT RET ROF I T C T INSPE CTION SE RVICE EFX-CT - SOFTWA R E RAT FEMUR AP PLI C AT IO NS ELECTRONICS AERO SP ACE & AVIATION MILITARY P HARMACEUTICAL & NEW MATERIALS MEDICAL DEVICES NSI can design and manufacture a custom X-ray RESEARCH LABS AUTOMOTIVE Computed Tomography system to solve even the F OOD AND SEED CASTINGS most complex application needs. Custom systems MUSEUMS TIRE INDUSTRY NDT INSP ECTION DENSITY ANAL Y S I S INTERNAL & EXTE R N AL ME AS U R E ME N TS REVERSE ENGI N E E R I N G RAP ID P ROTOTY PI N G METRO LOGY can be designed for nano inspection, extra large 3D DIGITIZ ATION /MODE L I N G C U S TOM C T inspection, or anywhere in between. PLEA S E V I S I T W W W .X V I E W C T .C O M F OR MOR E I N FOR MA TION NSI’s efX-CT Computed Tomography software is the Easiest, Fastest and most Complete Industrial CT Software on the market today. efX-CT features a unique 5-step start-to-finish guided process for easy CT reconstructions. The software is equipped with a revolutionary GPU accelerator module for unmatched CT reconstruction and visualization speed. CT INSPECTION SER V ICE NSI’s Inspection Services Group is the most advanced CT inspection lab in the country. Visit www.xrayinspectionservice.com for more information. comPuteD tomogRaPhy SyStemS oveRview TM For over 20 years, North Star Imaging, Inc. has been a market leader in the development and production of cutting edge NDT equipment. In 2008, NSI took over as the market leader in the USA for industrial X-ray and Computed Tomography inspection systems. NSI offers a complete line of digital X-ray Computed Tomography equipment branded X-ViewTM CT. With our diverse CT and MicroCT product line, we are able to provide the properly sized system for all applications. We design and manufacture systems utilizing the latest in X-ray sources, manipulators, and detectors including the latest generation of flat panels and linear arrays. Our in-house design and manufacturing capabilities allow us to offer systems tailored to the most demanding of applications. All NSI radiation shielded enclosures are designed to meet state and i ma g i x – c t S e Ri e S exPR eSS- ct The ImagiX is a universal microCT system designed for the scanning of small objects. The system can handle objects from 0.02’’ (0.5mm) to 6’’ (150mm) and perform automatic 3d Computed Tomography reconstruction with state-of-the-art software. NSI offers the first Inline CT solution for ultra-fast CT inspection with 3d Automatic defect Recognition (AdR) and/or 3d modeling of manufacturing parts while in production. NSI’s proven experience in production inspection systems coupled with the latest generation of ultra-fast CT reconstruction software provides a revolutionary solution for 100% complete 3d CT inspection on the production line. federal radiation safety regulations and are built with a steel/lead/steel cabinet construction which has a fit and finish that is unparalleled in the industry. NSI X-ViewTM CT systems integrate the most powerful CT reconstruction and visualization software available, efX-CT, which includes modules for geometric calibration, ultrafast GPU based CT Reconstruction, measurement, real-time density segmentation and surface extraction (point clouds, CAD capabilities). A unique 3D volume rendering feature is included for real-time voxel-based visualization of CT results, as well as many more functional features dedicated to CT applications. all images are actual reconstructions surface reconstructions of an aluminum casting x5 0 – c t S e Ri e S The X50-CT is a six-axis universal x-ray imaging system designed for the inspection of small to medium sized objects. The small footprint and shielding up to 225kv makes the 50 Series the #1 choice for space sensitive environments. It is ideal for scanning multiple small objects and larger objects up to 12” (30cm) in size for 3d CT. x5 0 0 / 5 0 0 0 – c t Se Ri e S asthmatic deVice The X500/5000-CT System is designed for the inspection of medium to large objects utilizing a 7-axis universal manipulator (X5000) and optional C-arm (X500). The spacious scan envelope of the 500/5000 Series makes it ideally suited for scanning multiple small objects and larger objects up to 24” (60cm) in size for computed tomography. pharmaceutical tablet n Si oFF e RS: c t Sy Ste m S FoR 3 D inSPe ct i o n : exPReSS-ct imagix, x50-ct, x500-ct, x5000-ct, cuStom ct FoR veRy Fa St i nLi n e P Ro D uc t i on i n SP ec t i o n i n 3D c t SySte mS Fo R 3 D me aS uRe ment S an D Rev eRSe e n g i nee R i ng: cxmm tm c t uPgRa De : ha RDwaRe anD S o Ft w aR e P ac k age D eD i cat eD t o D i g i t aL RaDiogR aPhy uP gRaDe F o R 3D c t c aP abi Li t i eS anD c t R et Ro F i t c t inSPe ction S e Rvice c uStom c t NSI can design and manufacture a custom X-ray Computed Tomography system to solve even the most complex application needs. Custom systems can be designed for nano inspection, extra large inspection, or anywhere in between. othe R ct SoLution S ct uP gR a De NSI can upgrade any X-ray system to 3d-CT capability utilizing the efX-CT software and unique CT upgrade experience. This is an easy and affordable solution for X-ray users to implement CT inspection and 3d volume digitization. NSI’s CT upgrade solution is also suitable for any existing CT system resulting in much faster reconstruction as well as a user-friendly interface and 3d capabilities. eFx- ct - S oF twaR e NSI’s efX-CT Computed Tomography software is the Easiest, Fastest and most Complete Industrial CT Software on the market today. efX-CT features a unique 5-step start-to-finish guided process for easy CT reconstructions. The software is equipped with a revolutionary GPu accelerator module for unmatched CT reconstruction and visualization speed. ct in SPection S eR v ice NSI’s Inspection Services Group is the most advanced CT inspection lab in the country. visit www.xrayinspectionservice.com for more information. SoLutionS 3D x-RAY comPUteD tomoGRAPHY TM S PECIFICATIONS TM inSPect Ty PE X-R Ay Tu bE AnAlYze X-R Ay dETECTOR meASURe X-RAy TubE TyPES MICRO-FOCuS hIGh vOlTAGE 150kv MAX FOCAl SPOT SIzE < 5 MICRONS NANO / MICRO / MINI-FOCuS, OPEN OR SEAlEd, TRANSMISSION OR dIRECTIONAl OR duAl hEAd SEAlEd TubE: 100kv - 130kv - 150kv A P P l ic A t io nS e L e c t Ron i c S m iL i t a Ry n e w ma t e Ri a LS R e S e a Rc h L a bS F oo D a nD S ee D m u Se u mS n Dt inS Pe c t ion D e n S it y a n a Ly SiS in t e Rn a L & e xt e Rn a L me aS u Re me ntS Re v eRS e e n g in e e Rin g RaP iD P Rot ot y Pin g me t Ro Log y 3 D D ig it iza t ion / mo D eLin g PL ea Se viSit ww w .xvi e w c t.c om Fo R moRe in F oR mat ion dental impression FROM < 1 MICRON PIXEl SIzE FROM 50µm, IMPROvEd wITh MAGNIFICATION. PANEl SIzE FROM 4” X 4” TO 16” X 16” MANuAl OR MOTORIzEd 7 AXIS 6 AXIS 5 AXIS (CuSTOMIzATION AvAIlAblE): vERTICAl: 12” hORIzONTAl: 12” z AXIS: 53” TIlT: +20°/-10° ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS vERTICAl: 24” hORIzONTAl: 24” z AXIS: 48” TIlT: +20°/-10° ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS vERTICAl: 48” hORIzONTAl: 33” z AXIS: 48” TIlT: +20°/-15° ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS (w/ dETECTOR TRANSlATION) vERTICAl: 7.5” z AXIS: 24” ROTATION: 360° CONTINuOuS CuSTOM OPTIONAl 8 AXIS All dRIvES ARE vARIAblE SPEEd jOySTICk CONTROllEd. EACh AXIS CONTROl IS INdEPENdENT. PROGRAMAblE CNC OPTIONAl AuTOMATIC & PROGRAMMAblE FOCAl dISTANCE AdjuSTAblE & REPEATAblE CT TuRNTAblE 0.001 dEGREE RESOluTION, MAX CT dATASET ACquISITION = 10,000 PROjECTIONS, I.E., 1 PROj / .036 dEGREE MAX SAMPlE wEIGhT 10 lbS. RAdIATION ShIEldING 150kv EXTERNAl dIMENSIONS 30” dEEP, 58” TAll, 57” lONG SAFETy COMPONENTS m ARK et S OPEN TubE: 160kv - 225kv - 320kv - 450kv dETECTOR RESOluTIONS ANd SIzE CAbINET FEATuRES S OFTwAR E – FlAT PANEl (CT PREMIuM GRAdE), lINEAR ARRAy CAb INET rat femur EXPRESS-CT PROduCTION X-RAy dETECTOR TyPES MANIPulATOR CONTROl 2 second scan of a braze joint X5000-CT R & d / INduSTRIAl MANIPu l ATOR electronic bga chip X500-CT R & d MANIPulATOR SETTING PRototYPe ae Ro SPac e & avi a t i on P ha Rmace u t i c aL & m eD i caL De vi c eS a uto mot i ve c aS t i n g S tiR e i n Du S t Ry X50-CT 3 AXIS moDel internal measurements IMAGIX 25 lbS. 200 lbS. 200 lbS. structural honeycomb CuSTOM 160kv, 225kv, 320kv OR 450kv 52” dEEP, 79” TAll, 108” dEEP, 92” TAll, 108” dEEP, 92” TAll, 87” lONG 79” lONG 79” lONG CuSTOM electronic bga chip STEEl / lEAd / STEEl CONSTRuCTION CAblE ACCESS PORT wITh COvER, INTERIOR lIGhTING, SlIdING ACCESS dOOR wITh lEAd GlASS vIEwING wINdOw X-RAy “ON” wARNING lIGhT, PRIMARy ANd SECONdARy X-RAy SAFETy INTERlOCkS dESIGNEd TO MEET All STATE ANd FEdERAl X-RAy SAFETy COMMANd TEThEREd dESkTOP CONTROl CONSOlE wITh ERGONOMIC dESk X-RAyS & dETECTOR SETTING ANd MONITORING by SOFTwARE ACquISITION wORkSTATION STANdARd COMPuTER wITh wINdOwS, 2 wIdE SCREEN MONITORS INCludEd RECONSTRuCTION wORkSTATION MulTI-CORE COMPuTER, wINdOwS 64 bIT hIGh CAPACITy hARd dRIvES, MulTIPlE hIGh ENd GRAPhICS CARdS (GPu) OPTIMIzEd FOR ulTRA FAST RECONSTRuCTION OvERAll SCAN TIME APPlICATION dEPENdANT: 5 SECONdS TO 2 hOuRS 2 SECONdS - 5 MIN 3d CAPAbIlITIES 3d RENdERING SOFTwARE METROlOGy OPTIONAl 19 8 7 5 S ou t h D i a m on D L a k e R oaD • Suite 10 P h on e : 1 .8 0 0 .6 3 5 .8 3 9 2 o R +1 .7 6 3 .4 6 3 .5 6 5 0 • • Rog e RS, m n 5 5 3 7 4 • uSa e maiL : S aL eS @4 n Si. c om n Si c oR P o R a t e S i t e : w w w .4 n Si. c om www.xv i ewc t.co m aluminum casting
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