Newsletter - Great Basin Basketmakers


Newsletter - Great Basin Basketmakers
August 2014
Volume 28 Number 8
Editor: Sandy Zoerner
August 7 - Meeting & Program
First Congregational Church of Reno, 627 Sunnyside Dr., Reno
Meeting at 11:00am, Show & Tell and lunch immediately after.
The program begins at 1:00 p.m.
Program will be: Billie Walker’s Shell Basket ~ Start Taught by Karen Winberg
Start your shell basket with Karen after our general meeting. We will be preparing
our branch, drilling holes for the spokes and gluing the spokes in place. This start
will be used to complete the basket during Karen’s class on August 21st at 88
Cups, Minden, NV.
We are going to be using Manzanita branch or if you have a special small branch or
small piece of wood you want to use (as long as it is sturdy), please bring it with
you. We are going to finish the basket with a variety of materials. If you are unable
to attend the meeting program, please contact Karen 775-790-0316 to make
arrangements to make the basket start before August 21.
In This Issue:
August Classes.………………………..………..2
June/July Photos ……………….. ……………..3
Other Events & Classes………………………...4
GBB Outreach & Save the Date..……….……..5
Teacher Appreciation, July Meeting Recap,
Treasurer’s Report, Star basket……...………..6
Sparks Library Exhibit & Reused Exhibit……...7
Great Basin Basketmakers
Welcome New Members:
Tim Van Meter, Carson City
Gloria Gaytan-Robles, Reno
August 2014
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Finish the
Shell Basket
Taught by Karen Winberg
Thursday, August 21, 10:00 to 4:00
88 Cups
1663 Lucerne St., Minden, NV
$15 members, $20 non-members
Materials fee: $20.
Fee paid at the Basket Start
We will finish the basket we started at the meeting
Program. There will be a variety of materials
to choose from to weave with.
Instructor: Judy Magiera
Saturday, August 16, 9:30 to 3:00
Sunvilla Estates Club House,
91 Cabernet Way, Reno
$15 members, $20 non-members
Materials fee $15
The dragonfly is a tree branch body and reed formed
wings filled with a random weave of mostly telephone wire.
No two will be the same. I will be providing all the
materials you need to complete one dragonfly.
Please bring packing tools, spray bottle, reed cutters,
wire cutters, a tape measure and needle nose jewelry
pliers if you have them. Bring any special beads or
embellishments you may want to use. I will be bringing
an assortment of beads in many colors and sizes.
Don't forget to bring your lunch.
Great Basin Basketmakers
August 2014
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Pat & Cheryln preparing birch bark during Molly’s class
Karen, Lorrie, & Nancy blending pulp during
Cheryln’s paper making class
DeDe, Susan, & Tim with their wine baskets
made during KayLee’s class
Julia, Karen, Bonnie, & Diane: “Our official underwater basket
weaving team” showing their skills during the July 3rd meeting
long awaited
flat reed wine
basket class
was a great
another basket making
and took
home a beautiful basket to boot!
Thanks to Kaylee for sharing her skills & enthusiasm.
Great Basin Basketmakers
Lorrie Moore demonstrating proper focusing techniques during Betty Hulse’s June“ Natural Materials”
class. The students in this Carson Community Outreach class had a full day of learning about our local
weaving materials, while twining some truly unique
Thank you Betty for a great class
August 2014
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BABM Members Retreat at Heidelmann
Lodge–2nd weekend in August (8th-10th)
People are welcome to come a few days earlier
and stay longer. Our hostess is Nancy Briemle
(925) 846-3579; The Lodge
is owned by the Nature Friends (Naturfreunde)
and located Norden at Donner Summit. Overnights are $22/night plus a one-time surcharge per person of $3 for oil. Day rate is
$3. (GBB members that might want to go up
for a couple hours during the day to visit and
meet our bay area friends contact Sandy at
(775)-786-2165 or
Basket making with Charles Kennard
Saturday, August 24 from 9–4 p.m. Weaving a Coiled
Willow Basket at Kule Loklo in Point Reyes National
Seashore. All levels welcome.
Saturday, October 5 from 9–4 p.m. Tule BerryGathering Basket. Register online at http:// or call 415-663-1200 x 373.
August 19-23, 2014
Lene Rassmussen ~ Willow Weaving
The Branch Ranch, Warkworth
Ontario, Canada
August 22-24, 2014
Pattie Bagley ~ Antler Baskets
John C. Campbell Folk School
Brasstown, NC ~ 828.837.2775
August 24-30, 2014
Eric Taylor
Traditional Methods/Contemporary Designs
John C. Campbell Folk School
Brasstown, NC ~ 828.837.2775
August 31- September 6, 2014
Peggie Wilcox
Scottish Baskets with an American Twist
John C. Campbell Folk School
Brasstown, NC ~ 828.837.2775
September 10-14, 2014
Columbia Basin Basketry Guild Retreat
Camp Magruder, Rockaway, OR
Great Basin Basketmakers
September 4-9, 2014
Jeanette Biederman
Splint-Woven Basketry: Independent Study
School of Fiber Arts, Washington Island, WI ~ 920.847.2264
September 12-14, 2014
Fonda Haddad ~ Basketry Gourds
John C. Campbell Folk School
Brasstown, NC ~ 828.837.2775
September 12-14, 2014
Karen Tembruell ~ Birch Bark Sewing Kit
Sievers School of Fiber Arts
Washington Island, WI ~
September 13, 2014
George Neptune
Children’s Ash & Sweetgrass Bookmark
Abbe Museum Downtown Bar Harbor, ME ~ 207.288.3519 ext. 31.
September 13-16, 2014
Lanny Bergner
Metal Meshworking in 3D
Pacific NorthWest Art School
Coupeville, WA
~ 866.678.3396
September 18-21, 2014
Central Pennsylvania Basket Weavers Guild
14th Annual Weaving Odyssey Convention
Gettysburg, PA
September 26-28, 2014
Fall Workshop - Wolf River Basketry Guild
Comfort Inn & Suites, Shawano, WI
September 22-24, 2014
Jacki Bedworth
Small Scale Willow Baskets
Sievers School of Fiber Arts
Washington Island, WI ~
September 26-28, 2014
Nadine Spier
Ornate Pine Needle Basketry
Pacific NorthWest Art School
Coupeville, WA
August 2014
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Rose, April & Laurel making pipe cleaner baskets
during Young Chautauqua
Carson City Outreach Class
Catching The
Friday, August 29th
Instructor: Susan Lester
Susan will teach dream catcher
weaving. This is an
easy project to expand your weaving experience, and is
suitable for all skill levels.
Tuition: $25.00
Material Fee: $10.00
Register with Susan Lester
338.9710 or
GBB Outreach: Thank you to April, Karen,
Billie & Donna for helping out kids to make baskets
during Young Chautauqua
Billie Walker helping Laurel with her basket
Our youngest GBB member Rose performing during Young
Great Basin Basketmakers
SEPTEMBER 4TH: The program after our
general meeting will address how to finish a basket
rim. Several of our member artists/teachers will
demonstrate rim techniques, for baskets of many
different materials and designs.
A good time to learn how to put the finishing
touches on all those unfinished projects.
SEPTEMBER 6TH & 7TH : GBB member/artists Kristy Dial & Sande Rowan have been
juried into this year’s Reno Art Blast at Mckinley
Arts & Cultural Center. Stop by their booths to show
your support….Plus see some amazing art by other
Nevada Artists.
August 2014
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Over this past month I have had the distinct
pleasure of attending classes taught by several of our dedicated GBB member/teachers.
I have been humbled by the professionalism,
preparedness, and teaching skills of these
women. I’m wondering if the membership at
large truly appreciates how fortunate we are,
as a guild, to have so many world class teachers within our ranks. Do we really appreciate
what goes into presenting a basket making
class, and what a bargain we are receiving?
When a teacher shows up to teach a class,
she has already put in many hours, if not days,
gathering or ordering materials, writing a class
tutorial or pattern directions, measuring and
dividing materials, purchasing adornments &
binding, and about a hundred other little details that we all take for granted. These are
people who love basket making, and willingly
share this love with the rest of us, for an unbelievably small monetary return. These are
artists who help us discover our own creativity. These are teaching professionals in every
sense of the word.
One look at our class schedule, and the diversity of basket styles and techniques taught
during the year, is enough to convince anyone
that GBB is a force to be reckoned with in the
world of Basket Making. And we owe all this
to a small group of teachers who deserve a
standing ovation for a job very well done!
July 3d Meeting Recap
There were 13 of us enjoying April’s yard,
pool, and hospitality at the July 3rd meeting
and potluck. Bonnie shared stories and baskets she made from her trip to Ketchikan,
Karen Olson shared baskets she made from
her trip to Canada, and other beautiful baskets shared by members included: wine baskets from KayLee’s class, birch bark from
Molly’s class, little waxed linen baskets from
Lauren’s class, and paper from Cheryln’s
class. After our meeting and sharing, we
took a wonderful dip in April’s pool followed
by a salad potluck lunch. April and Karen
Olson then provided materials and instructions to do knotless netting on rocks. We all
had fun coming up with different designs and
approaches. Thank you April for offering
your home for our meeting and thank you
Karen and April for providing the fun program.
Submitted by Sandy Zoerner
Sande Rowan, Classes and Programs Committee
Treasures Report as of July 15, 2014
Submitted by: Bonnie Kennedy
Begining Cash includes
checking & saving
Expenses to date
New Balance
Great Basin Basketmakers
$ 10,580.39
$ 10,305.72
Star Basket Start completed
during Lauren’s class in June
August 2014
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Sparks Library Exhibit coming up
The Sparks Library exhibit will be the month of
Sept. Please note the set up will be Sat. Sept.
6th and take down will be the 27th. We have
the case in the entry way as well as two cubes
suitable for small baskets. The case in the entry
way will take medium sized baskets.
Reused + Recycled =
Exhibit Continues through Sept. 30.
UNR—Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center
Over 100 artworks made of 80% reused or
recycled materials by local artists, University
and high school art students.
2013 GBB Officers and Board Members:
President………………….. … Susan Lester 338-7910
Vice-President……………… Kaylee Mayne
Secretary…………………… Marge Purdy
Treasurer……………………… Bonnie Kennedy
Board Co-Chair ………………. Sandy Zoerner 786-2165
Board…………………………… Phyliss Lewis
Board…………………………… Judy Magiera
Board Co-Chair……………… Paula Pennington
Board…………………………….Julia Richardson
Membership………………….. Karen Olson 852-5401
Next Month’s
Newsletter Editor is:
Susan Lester
Please submit articles
for September newsletter
by August 12.
Great Basin Basketmakers Membership Application/Renewal
Annual Membership Dues: $20/yr, $35/2 yrs, $50/3 yrs. (Renewals due in January)
Date _________________________________Amount: $______ New _____ Renewal _____
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________________ Email______________________________________
Send this completed form and check payable to Great Basin Basketmakers and mail to:
Great Basin Basketmakers * P. O. Box 11844 * Reno, NV 89510-1844
Great Basin Basketmakers
August 2014
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Great Basin Basketmakers
Post Office Box 11844
Reno, Nevada 89510-1844
Great Basin Basketmakers
Established January 1987
Meet the first Thursday of each month at the First Congregational
Church of Reno, United Church of Christ located at 627 Sunnyside Dr, Reno.
Open business meeting at 11:00 AM. All are welcome.
Bring a sack lunch.
Show & Tell/Lunch 12-1 PM. Program starts at 1:00 PM
Membership dues for Great Basin Basketmakers are $20/yr, $35/2 yrs,
$50/3 yrs. $5 extra per household member pr yr. Dues are to be paid
annually in January. Membership includes monthly newsletter, access
to large library and reduced workshop rates.
Please direct address, email changes, membership dues, and requests
for membership to PO Box 11844, Reno, NV 89510-1844
Questions regarding workshops, events, etc may be directed to GBB
president, Susan Lester at or check our
website at:
Information to be exchanged among GBB members may be directed
Great Basin Basketmakers
August 2014
Our Mission
The main focus of the
Great Basin Basketmakers is
to make baskets, to learn
everything possible about
the tradition and
techniques of basketry and
to pass this knowledge
along to others.
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