baby dolls
baby dolls
baby dolls Baby Dolls Our cute and cuddly Baby dolls can be made with composition or cloth bodies. They're fun to create and dress in special gowns. Some of these dolls can also be made with a child or toddler body. Babies with composition bodies Hilda 5020H All-time favorite baby doll. Marked: Hilda JDK 1914, by JD. Kestner. Open mouth, molded hair. References: Doll Artisan, Vol. 19, No.3 and Vol. 20, No. 1. German Children Dolls; Worksheets for Baby Dolls, WSBDI3, WSBDA. Brown version: Holbrook, The Doll As Art. Fits compo. bodies BBI4S, TBI4S. Optional body mold: OED3036. Head circ 12 1/ 2" (32cm), Eyes 16mm, Doll size 18" (46cm) S020H HildaO head mold. Wt. 141bs. Patterns: CPI04 Dress, bonnet Ll5216 Christening gown Hilda II 5234 Same as Hilda, but one size smaller. Fits compo. body BB 11.5S (optional body mold OED3043). Head circ 10%" (27cm), Eyes 12mm, Doll size 14" (36cm) S234 Hilda 11° head mold. Wt. 121bs. Patterns: Ll5212 Christening gown with variations CP6002 Romper suit, underwear, jacket, bonnet Hilda III 5237 One size smaller than Hilda 11. Fits compo. body BB7.5S (optional body mold ALB9412). Head cire. 7" (18cm), Eyes 10mm, Doll size 9 1/ 2" (24cm) S237 Hilda IlIO head mold. Wt. 4lbs. Pattern: DPI0ll Dress, slip, bonnet, diaper 34 Hilda IV 5238 Same as Hilda III, one size smaller. Fits compo. body BB6.5S, TB6.5S (optional body mold ALB9433). Head circ 6" (lScm), Eyes 8mm, Doll size 85" (21cm) S238 Hilda N° head mold. Wt. 2lbs. Patterns: Ll3408 Baby layette (for BB6.SS) L13909 Romper suit with variations (for TB6.SS) Hilda V See section for All-Bisque Dolls. For referral to a Seeley Doll Center or to order, call toll free: 1-800-433-1191 5239 K*R 116 Happy S022H * Adorable laughing doll. Marked: K R, S&H, 1161A, 50. Open-closed mouth. References: Porcelain DoUmaking ABC; Doll Artisan, Vol. 17, No.6; Black Happy: Collector's Encycl. of Dolls, Vol. 11. Fits compo. bodies BB14S, TB14S, GB16S. Optional body mold: OED3069. Head eire. 12" (Jacm), Eyes 16mm, Baby doll size 18" (36cm) S022H K R 116 Happyo head mold. Wt.15lbs. Patterns: LlS216 Christening gown with bonnet (for BB 14S) CP10S Smocked dress, slip, drawers, bonnet, two styles, smocking instr. (for BB 14srrB 14S) Ll4119 Lanvin pleated dress (GB16S) LH20 Poke bonnet (for GB 16S) * JDK 257 Marilyn S241 Magnificent large baby doll with flirty eyes by Kestner. Marked: Made in Germany, JDK, 257,64. Open mouth with teeth and tongue. Reference: Worksheets for Baby Dolls, WSBD1, WSBDA; Doll Artisan Vol. 18, No.2. Fits compo. bodies BB 17S, GB21 S. Optional body mold: OED303S. Head eire. 14 3/ / (38cm), Eyes 20mm, Doll size 22, 26" (56, 66cm) S241 Marilyn© head mold. Wt. 23lbs. Patterns: CPS001 Short baby dress, underwear, bonnet (for BB 17S) CPS002 Christening gown, underwear, bonnet (for BB 17S) CP2004 Dress, slip, drawers from 1890's (for GB2l S) Ll2827 Double cape coat (GB21 S) LHIS 1908 hat (for GB2lS) TO GS Optional tongue mold. Wt. 2lbs. Head eire. 81f4 " (21cm), Eyes 12mm, Doll size Il1f2" (29cm) S247 EmeraldO head mold. Wt. 7lbs. Patterns: Ll3912 Romper Suit (for GB8S) Ll5212 Christening gown, petticoat (for BB90S) Ll4912 Christening gown with variations (for BB90S) JDK Marilyn II (Not shown.) Beautiful features. Incised: AM Germany, 353/4K. By Armand Marseille. Reference: Making Porcelain Dolls. Fits compo. body BB11.SS (optional body mold OED3043). Head eire. 101f/ (26cm), Eyes 12mm, Doll size 14" (36cm) S079 AM Oriental Babyo head mold. Wt.12lbs. Pattern: CP6003 3-piece pajamas, slippers S326 Same as Marilyn, but one size smaller. Fits compo. body BB1SSS. Head eire. 12 1/ 2" (32cm), Eyes 16-18mm, Doll size 19" (48cm) S326 10K Marilyn ll© head mold. Wt. 14lbs. Pattern: CP3001 Christening gown TO GS Optional tongue mold. Wt. 2lbs. K*R 122 Emerald Oriental Baby S079 S247 Adorable little baby or toddler with dimples and rounded cheeks. Open mouth with teeth and wobbly tongue. Made in Germany around 1912. Marked: K*R Simon & Halbig 122. References: Porcelain Doll Arrisny, Vo1.2; Worksheets for Baby Dolls, WSBD6, WSBDA; Doll Artisan, Vol. 17, 10.3; Vol. 18, 0.4. Fits compo. bodies BB90S, GB8S. Optional body mold: ALB9960. .. ... ...... .... ..... ... ... ........ .... ..... .... ...... ...... ..... ................................ .................... ..... .... ...... .. Orders outside the U.S., please call (607) 433-1240 ET. 35 baby dolls 5214 JDK Oriental OED3023 (Not shown.) Lovely oriental baby girl. Open mouth with teeth. Upper lashes only. Made by J.D. Kestner, Germany. Marked: JDK243. References: Worksheet for Baby Dolls WSBD8, WSBDA. Fits compo. body BB90S (optional body mold ALB9960). Head eire. 9" (23cm), Eyes 12-14mm, Doll size] ] I/Z" (29cm) OED3023 ChingC> head mold. Wt. 6lbs. Patterns: DP1009 Ching's oriental costume, jacket, pants, slippers Ll4912 Christening gown w. variations Babies with cloth bodies [j]Garnet S251 The American company Arranbee originally produced and sold this sweet little baby. The German company Armand Marseille manufactured the porcelain heads. Marked: Germany Arranbee. She is a charming baby with a calm, rather serious expression. Flange neck on a soft cloth body with porcelain hands. Reference: Doll Arti an, Vol. 20, 0.] . Head eire 9" (23cm), Eyes 10mm, Doll size] 2" (30cm) S2S1 GarnetC> head mold. Wt. 6lbs. 36 OED3000A Hand mold. Wt. 2lbs. Patterns: BP91 Body MP64 Dress and bonnet Tynie Babe S214 Sweet baby doll by B. Lipfert. Incised: 1924 E 1 Horsman, Made in Gennany. Flange neck. References: Baby Dolls, Vol. 1; Worksheet for Baby Dolls, WSBD9; Doll Artisan, Vol. 17, No.3. Head eire. 10 1/ Z" (27cm), Eyes 12mm, Doll size 13" (33cm) S214 Tynie BabeC> head mold. Wt. 6lbs. A9214 Hand mold. Wt. 4lbs. Patterns: BP04 Cloth body with feet BCP02 Body, dress, cap, bonnet Opal S248 Century Baby S246 A darling baby with cloth body and unique jointed compo. arms, BCA6 or BCA6S. By Kestner & Co. Marked: Century Doll Co. Kestner, Germany 275/11. Flange neck. Reference: Worksheet for Baby Dolls WSBD4. Head eire. 11" (28cm), Eyes 15-16mm, Doll size 15 1/ Z" (39cm) S246 Century BabyC> head mold. Wt. 181bs. A9246 Arm mold (entire arm). Wt. I4lbs. Use with pattern BPS4 body with jointed cloth legs or: A9232 Hand mold. Wt. 3lbs. Use with pattern BP18 Body pattern (unjointed body) Clothing Pattern for both versions: MP18 Gown and bonnet Sweet baby by Ernst Heubach. Incised: Heubach-Kopplesdorf 349-4/0 Germany. Flange neck, "star-fish" porcelain hands. References: Worksheet for Baby Dolls, WSBD14; Doll Artisan, Vol. 17, o. 2. Head eire 8'1z" (22cm), Eyes 1Omm, Doll size 11'1z" (29cm) S248 Heubach OpaIC> head mold. Wt. 6lbs. A9249 Hand mold. Wt. 2lbs. Patterns: BPOS Body BCP03 Body, dress, bonnet For referral to a Seeley Doll Center or to order, call toll free: 1-800-433-1191 OED3046 Baby Stuart S217 Molded bonnet with painted roses. By Gebr. Heubach. Boy or girl. Painted, intaglio eyes. Reference: Worksheet for Baby Dolls WSBD II. Head eire. 8" (20cm), Doll size 13" (33cm) S2I7 Baby StuartC shoulder-head mold. Wt. SIbs. A930S Arm mold. Wt. 3lbs. L930S Leg mold. Wt. 3lbs. Patterns: BPI9 Leather body LlS2I2 Christening gown MP29 Dress, underwear Dream Baby OED3046 Collector's favorite. Incised: A M 341. Flange neck. Also brown version. References: Baby Dolls, Vol. 1; 0011 Artisan, Vol. IS, No. l. Head eire. 8" (20cm), Eyes 8mm, 0011 size 10" (2Scm) OED3046 Dream Babyc head mold. Wt.6Ibs. OED3000A Hand mold. Wt. 2lbs. Patterns: BP06 Cloth body with feet DPI011 Long dress, bonnet Baby Gloria S209 Beloved German baby doll. Open mouth with teeth. Incised: Baby Gloria, Germany. Flange neck. References: Worksheet for Baby Dolls WSBDA; Baby Dolls, Vol. 1. Head eire. 11" (28cm), Eyes 14mm, Doll size 15" (3 8cm) S209 Baby Gloria c head mold. Wt. 13lbs. AL9209 Arm/leg mold. Wt. Illbs. Patterns: BP58 Body MPI8 Dress and bonnet Orders outside the U.S., please call (607) 433-1240 ET. 37
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