Ludowici Photo Book 2013
Ludowici Photo Book 2013
For over 100 years the name Ludowici has been recognized as a leader in building products that surpasses performance and durability standards and that offers limitless architectural possibilities and enhances the quality of any project. With countless roofing projects that are over 100 years old, Ludowici is recognized today as the greenest and most sustainable choice in the roofing marketplace. Our goal in publishing this book is to inspire you to see the creative possibilities of our collection of roof, wall and floor tiles. The projects featured here are but a small sample of the beautiful buildings that can be achieved with Ludowici. We offer a range of profiles and colors that can be used individually or blended to make a design statement or be a subtle element of the composition. All of Ludowici’s profiles, colors and accessories can also be customized to fit your individual project’s needs. Our website,, is the ultimate resource for up-to-date product information, color selection and technical information. You may also visit the Factory of Ideas at our factory in New Lexington, Ohio to work one on one with Ludowici experts for selecting profiles, colors and accessories to fit your project vision. The facility is one of a kind in the industry where you can make individualized material selections during your design process. Our experienced team of regional sales representatives are available to assist with samples and advice to meet your aesthetic goals. Please call 1-800-945-8453 for assistance. A. Tab Colbert Chief Executive Officer Ludowici Roof Tile TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 LUDOWICI ROOF TILE HISTORY ROOFING WALL CLADDING PROJECT PORTFOLIO Shingle Tile Interlocking Tile French Tile Mission Tile “S” Tile Curved Roofs Details 10 38 72 76 83 100 102 PROFILES Shingle Tile Interlocking Tile Mission Tile “S” Tile Quarry Tile 108 112 116 120 124 COLOR 126 TEXTURE 132 PERFORMANCE 136 SPECIFICATIONS 138 COLOR KEY 142 While every effort possible is made to print our colors as accurately as possible actual samples may vary. FLOORING Some of the projects featured in this book are over eighty years old. Current production tiles may vary in color due to changes in raw materials, production techniques and firing. L U D O W I C I . C O M 1 LUDOWICI ROOF TILE HISTORY Old World to New World: Clay roof tiles have protected shelters for more than 10,000 years and have evolved in the hands of generations of nameless craftsmen. The Ludowici legacy of Old World craft started 400 years ago in Rome where the Ludovisi family became famous for its expertly crafted roof tile. As demand of their tile grew the family moved to Germany and began producing tile under the Germanized name Ludowici. In the late 1800s Carl Ludowici brought his family’s tradition of Old World craft from Germany to the New World technological center of Chicago. 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M Chicago was rebuilding from the Great Fire of 1871. The new technologies to rebuild efficiently brought about the skyscraper, the elevator and modernized manufacturing plants. To capitalize on this massive rebuilding effort and the upcoming 1893 Columbian Exposition, which was to celebrate the rebuilt city, Carl Ludowici went into business with Henry King and Cyrus McCormick. Their plant in Chicago Heights supplied tile for the Exposition and expanded until it became the largest roof tile plant in the United States. It was from this plant that Frank Lloyd Wright would order roof tile for his revolutionary residences and H. H. Richardson would commission the roof tile and massive decorative roof elements of the Allegheny County Courthouse. At the same time in 1888 the Celadon Roofing Tile Company was formed in Alfred, New York and then in 1889, under the leadership of the inventive George Babcock, went from manufacturing terra cotta products and chimney pots to manufacturing innovative roof tile. Babcock held 28 patents for roof tile during his career at Celadon, including the Conosera pattern tile, a revolutionary interlocking tile, considered one of the finest ever made and still manufactured by Ludowici. L U D O W I C I . C O M 3 However, this new roof tile technology and revolutionary thinking were of limited use without good raw materials. So, in 1902 Celadon Roofing Tile Company purchased the Imperial Brick Plant in New Lexington, Ohio, took advantage of its rich clay deposits and converted it into the largest clay tile plant in the U.S. Celadon’s revolutionary products, technology and innovations caught the attention of Ludowici. In 1906 Ludowici purchased Celadon. With this business merger Old World craft met New World technology on the Ice Age clay deposits of the rolling hills of Ohio. The new, unified company was called Ludowici-Celadon and had five operating plants across the U.S. In 1914 LudowiciCeladon doubled the size of the New Lexington plant and through plant consolidations and product diversification the company survived the 1929 Crash, the Great Depression and World War II. Ohio and Clay: The Ludowici legacy in Ohio started 70,000 years ago in the last Ice Age when mammoths and mastodons roamed its landscape and the immense Wisconsin Glacier advanced out of Canada. It buried Columbus in 3,000 feet of ice on its march further south. It destroyed landforms and created others. It ground the earth to a fine powder beneath its advancing weight, and, as it retreated 12,000 years ago, left rich clay deposits in the valleys of New Lexington. 4 L U D O W I C I . C O M Post War to the Present: Ludowici’s Evolution and Innovation after decades of low-quality construction following the war, the industry returned to high-quality construction for commercial, institutional and residential projects in the 1970s. To meet this demand the tunnel kiln at the New Lexington plant was remodeled to produce higher quality roof tile and quarry tile at a much lower cost. In 1976 Ludowici-Celadon was purchased by CSC who repaired the plant buildings, renovated the dryers and further improved the tunnel kiln. CSC sold Ludowici-Celadon to CertainTeed in 1989 and Ludowici-Celadon’s name was simplified to Ludowici Roof Tile. CertainTeed updated Ludowici’s production with a new state-of-the-art kiln and reconfigured the factory layouts for greater efficiency. In 2003 Ludowici merged with Terreal, Europe’s largest manufacturer of clay construction products. It designed and built unique machines to produce new products in response to architects’ and market desires. It expanded its color and texture capabilities to offer the industry’s largest selection. And, in 2007, in an industry first, it built the Factory of Ideas, a place where decision makers can make their own mock-ups assisted by Ludowici experts. In these ways Ludowici continues to lead the industry in product quality and customer service. Ludowici Roof Tile’s commitment and ability to produce the world’s premier clay roof tile is unmatched due to its personnel, history and innovation at the New Lexington plant. Today, Ludowici produces a limitless array of colors and profiles to fit vast architectural styles. Ludowici’s unique custom capabilities allows architects and designers to create durable inspiring architecture utilizing a truly unlimited pallete. With a life span over 100 years a Ludowici roof is not only beautiful but the most sustainable and green roof available. L U D O W I C I . C O M 5 Being Green is finding the most sustainable and efficient use of natural resources Ludowici is the choice for sustainable and efficient roofing. Thinking ahead With an expected life of over 100 years, and because they require no maintenance and reroofing every 10 years like some other roofing materials, Ludowici tiles offer the lowest life cycle costs in the industry. Installed 1896 Installed 1906 1 Installed 1920’s 2 3 Fighting waste Ludowici tiles are made of local and natural materials (clay and water) through a unique process which creates no waste. Moreover, all Ludowici products are 100% recyclable. The tiles are chemically inert, making them forever safe. They may be reused to create a beautiful vintage roof and at the end of their lifespan they can be recycled and used as gravel walkways, filler or filter components for future construction. Prior to Clay Harvesting 6 Clay Harvesting L U D O W I C I . C O M Reclaimed After Harvesting $ Reducing energy consumption Energy savings exceeding 20% are common with a Ludowici roof1. With 28 standard colors (and the capability of making more) that meet a Solar Reflective Index (SRI) of greater than 29, Ludowici offers proven energy efficiency without limiting color choices. Finally, explore Ludowici’s rainscreen system to discover more ways to save energy throughout the building envelope. 1 Cooling cost savings vs. asphalt, Florida Solar Energy Center 2008 Standards Four organizations set the standards for Sustainability or Green attributes for roofing materials in the United States. The U.S. Green Building Council’s Leed certification program, Energy Star, the Cool Roof Rating Council and Cradle to Cradle. LEED is an internationally recognized certification system that measures how well a building or community performs across all the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. U.S. Green Building Council SS Credit 7.2 - Heat Island Effect 1 LEED Point can be earned for LEED approved colors that meet a SRI >29 MR Credit 4 - Recycle Content If the total PRI content of all the materials used for a building totals to 10% = 1 LEED Point or 20% = 2 LEED Points. Ludowici clay tile has a post recyclable content of 3%. MR Credit 5.1 Regional Materials 1 LEED point can be earned if the manufacturing location is within 500 miles of the jobsite. The Cool Roof Rating Council is an independent non-bias organization whose mission is to implement and communicate fair, accurate and credible radiative energy performance rating systems for roof surfaces. Ludowici Roof Tile has over 26 colors rated with the Cool Roof Rating Program. An Energy Star labeled product is a reflective roof product that lowers roof surface temperature, thereby decreasing the amount of heat transferred into a building’s interior. ENERGY STAR labeled roof products save money and energy. General Description of Certification Requirements: • All chemicals in product identified down to 100ppm level (0.01%) • No PVC, chloroprene, or related chemical at any concentration • All materials and chemicals assessed for toxicity to human and environmental health • Strategy developed to optimize all remaining problematic chemicals • All materials defined as technical nutrients to be recycled or biological nutrients to be composted • Halogenated hydrocarbon content <100ppm • Toxic heavy metal content (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr+6)< 100ppm • Material Reutilization score >=50 • Quantify the energy required for manufacturing (final assembly) • Characterize energy sources and develop strategy for including renewable energy • Adopt company-wide water stewardship principles or guidelines L U D O W I C I . C O M 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PROJECT PORTFOLIO A roof is an integral component to any building. In addition to comprising 50 to 70% of the exterior’s initial visual impact, it also sets the character, style and tone of the architecture. Ludowici has 30 standard profiles and limitless custom profiles to fit the full range of architectural styles from Old World to contemporary. Fifty-six standard colors and infinite custom colors are available to coordinate with unlimited building materials and finishes. The following pages are some examples of our roofs. L U D O W I C I . C O M 9 RESIDENCE Ashevil le, N o rth Car o lin a NORMAN™ Custo m S ee Pag e 1 4 2 10 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Atlan ta, Georgia RUSTIC COLONIAL™ C us t o m I m p r e s s i o ni s t B l e n d S ee Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 11 RESIDENCE Smith Mo u n ta in L a ke , Vir gin ia COLONIAL™ Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 12 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Illin ois B R I TTA N Y ™ E b o ny M i s t Ful l Ra ng e and 165- 01 w i t h E b o ny Mist Fu ll Ran ge L U D O W I C I . C O M 13 RESIDENCE Ne w Yo rk COLONIAL™ E bo ny Mist F u ll Ra n ge 14 L U D O W I C I . C O M L E J A R D A N G AT E H O U S E Fairbu rn , Georgia COLONIAL™ E b o ny Mist Fu ll Ran ge L U D O W I C I . C O M 15 RESIDENCE Virg i n ia C U S TO M B E AV E RTA I L G E O R G I A N ™ E arth Gray 16 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Atlan ta, Georgia COLONIAL™ C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 17 RESIDENCE North Caro li n a COLONIAL™ 30% Tuscany, 3 0 % Te r ra Co t t a a n d 4 0 % Fi r e f l a s h 18 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE V irgin ia PROVINCIAL™ 15% C l ay Re d , 70% E b o ny M i s t Ful l Ra ng e an d 1 5 % Ebony L U D O W I C I . C O M 19 DUKE UNIVERSITY Durh a m, N o rth Car o lin a YALE MEMORIAL™ Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 20 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Atlan ta, Georgia C OTTA G E ™ C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 21 RESIDENCE Ind ian a p o l is, I n dian a B R I TTA N Y ™ E bo ny Mist Lig h t t o M e diu m 22 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE V i l l a nova, Pen n sylvan ia ANTIQUE™ E b o ny M i s t Ligh t to Mediu m L U D O W I C I . C O M 23 RESIDENCE Tul sa, Oklah o ma 3 0 % C R U D E ™ a n d 7 0 % B R I TTA N Y ™ w i t h 15% OF EACH WARPED Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 24 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Tu lsa, Oklah oma B R I TTA N Y ™ E b o ny Mist Fu ll Ran ge L U D O W I C I . C O M 25 RESIDENCE Tul sa, Oklah o ma PROVINCIAL™ He ri ta g e Bl u e 26 L U D O W I C I . C O M THE MONTEREY CONDOMINIUMS Dallas, Texas F L AT S L A B w i t h B O N N E T H I P R O L L S C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 27 WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Se a I sl a n d , Geo r gia COLONIAL™ 25% Clay Red a n d 7 5 % 9 M T 3 M o ss G r e e n 28 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE G r e e nv i l l e, S ou th C arolin a C OTTA G E ™ A ged C edar L U D O W I C I . C O M 29 RESIDENCE CRUDE™ with BONNET HIP ROLLS and VALLEYS Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 30 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Atlan ta, Georgia G E O R G I A N ™ a n d C U S TO M F L AT S L A B C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 31 ARONOMINK GOLF CLUB Ne wto n S q u a re, Pe n n sy lvan ia 5 / 8 ” F L AT S L A B S H I N G L E H A N D S L U S H E D A N D WA R P E D Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 32 L U D O W I C I . C O M CABRINI COLLEGE Ra d nor, Pen n sylvan ia 5 / 8 ” F L AT S L A B S H I N G L E 25% S an tiago Rose an d 75% S a nt i a g o Ro s e w i t h E b o ny Mist Fu ll Ran ge L U D O W I C I . C O M 33 RESIDENCE Mari etta, Geo rg ia COTSWOLD™ We a th ered 2 2 MT 1 34 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE O k l a ho ma C ity, Oklah oma CALAIS™ E b o ny M i s t Ligh t to Mediu m L U D O W I C I . C O M 35 C A P I TA L B U I L D I N G W i ll iamsb urg , V ir gin ia G E O R G I A N ™ a n d G R A D U AT E D G E O R G I A N ™ E arth Gray 36 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE C l arksville, Georgia COTSWOLD™ We a t he r e d E b o ny Mi s t Mediu m to Heavy L U D O W I C I . C O M 37 HOUSTON COUNTRY CLUB PRO SHOP Hou sto n, Texas AMERICANA™ Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 38 L U D O W I C I . C O M ALL SOULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH O k l a ho ma C ity, Oklah oma AMERICANA™ C o l o r B l en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 39 HOTEL Nap l es, F lo rid a AMERICANA 14”™ E arth Gray 40 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Tampa, Florida AMERICANA 14”™ Earth Gray L U D O W I C I . C O M 41 RESIDENCE St . S i mo n s I sl and, G e o r gia LANAI 14”™ Custo m I mp ress io n ist B le n d Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 42 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Bl uff t o n , Sou th C arolin a L U D O S L AT E ™ C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 43 H I X S O N S T U D E N T C E N T E R I O WA S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y Ames, I o wa CLASSIC 14”™ Slate Gray, S u m m e r Ro se a n d De se r t Sa n d 44 L U D O W I C I . C O M THE DAYTON ART INSTITUTE Dayton , Oh io NEXCLAD CLASSIC 14”™ and ROMAN S e e Pa ge 1 4 2 for C olors L U D O W I C I . C O M 45 STUDENT HOUSING UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Au sti n , Texa s NEXCLAD CLASSIC 16”™ Clay Red 46 L U D O W I C I . C O M S T. C O L E T T A S C H O O L Wash in gton , D.C . 1 2 4 3 NEXCLAD CLASSIC 14”™ C us t o m G l o s s Bl e n d S ee Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 47 E M O R Y U N I V E R S I T Y- H U M A N S C I E N C E S R E S E A R C H B U I L D I N G At lanta, Geo rg ia NEXCLAD™ CLASSIC 14”™ SMOOTH Summer Ro se 48 L U D O W I C I . C O M THE PLAZA HOTEL N e w York, New York CLASSIC 14”™ Brookville Green L U D O W I C I . C O M 49 T H E E D M O N D J . S A F R A FA M I LY L O D G E AT T H E N AT I O N A L I N S T I T U T E S O F H E A LT H Be thesd a , Ma ryl a n d LANAI 14”™ and NEXCLAD LANAI 14”™ We a th ered S u n se t Re d wit h Ebo ny M ist F u l l Ra ng e 50 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE A s he v i l l e, North C arolin a LANAI 14”™ A ged C edar L U D O W I C I . C O M 51 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Fort Wo rth , Texas WILLIAMSBURG 16”™ Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 52 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Wayn e, Pen n sylvan ia WILLIAMSBURG PREMIER™ A ged C edar L U D O W I C I . C O M 53 RESIDENCE Linvi ll e, N o rth Car o lin a L U D O S H A K E P R E M I E R ™ S TA G G E R E D 70% S ien n a a n d 3 0 % Age d Ce da r 54 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Ten n essee LUDOSHAKE PREMIER™ C l ay Re d w i t h E b o ny Mist Fu ll Ran ge L U D O W I C I . C O M 55 RESIDENCE Marti n svi ll e, V irgin ia LUDOSHAKE PREMIER™ We stern Ced ar 56 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE G l a d w yn e, Pen n sylvan ia LUDOSHAKE PREMIER™ A ged C edar L U D O W I C I . C O M 57 RESIDENCE Gle n mo o re, Pen n sy lva n ia LUDOSHAKE PREMIER™ Aged Ced a r 58 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE S u wan ee, Georgia LUDOSHAKE PREMIER™ 70% Br uns w i c k Bl a c k and 30% Ve rmon t Gray Black L U D O W I C I . C O M 59 THE UNIVERSITY OF TULSA Tul sa, Oklah o ma L U D O S L AT E ™ Brunswick Bl a ck 60 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE H e r t f o r d, North C arolin a L U D O S L AT E ™ Mon tpelier Green L U D O W I C I . C O M 61 RESIDENCE Flo ri d a L U D O S L AT E P R E M I E R ™ 25% Bru n swi ck Bla ck , 2 5 % An t iqu e d Br u n s w i c k Bl a c k a nd 50% Ve r m o nt G ray Bl a c k 62 L U D O W I C I . C O M COVINGTON VISITORS CENTER C ov in gton , Lou isian a L U D O S L AT E P R E M I E R ™ 5 0 % Sla t e G ray, 25% A nt i q ue d S l at e G ray a nd 25% Ant i q ue d Mon tpelier Green L U D O W I C I . C O M 63 RESIDENCE Leawo o d , Kan sas L U D O S L AT E P R E M I E R ™ S TA G G E R E D 40% Mo n tp eli er G r e e n , 2 0 % Plu m st o n e , 2 0 % S l a t e G ray, 10% Bru n swi ck Bla ck an d 1 0 % An t iqu e d S l a t e G ray 64 L U D O W I C I . C O M C H U R C H O F T H E N AT I V I T Y Leaw ood, Kan sas L U D O S L AT E P R E M I E R ™ 3 0 % Sla t e G ray, 3 0 % M o nt p e l i e r G r e e n, 20% Ant i q ue d S l a t e G ray a nd 20% Ve rmon t Gray Black L U D O W I C I . C O M 65 TOWERS HALL at OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY We stervi ll e, Oh io L U D O S L AT E ™ Slate Gray a n d Sla t e Re d 66 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Atlan ta, Georgia L U D O S L AT E ™ A nt i q ue d Bru n sw ick Black L U D O W I C I . C O M 67 TRINKA DAVIS VETERANS VILLAGE Carro l to n , Geo r gia L U D O S L AT E ™ Custo m I mp ress io n ist Co lo r Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 68 L U D O W I C I . C O M TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL Fort Worth , Texas L U D O S L AT E ™ 4 5 % Mo nt p e l i e r G r e e n, 10% S l a t e Re d , 25% S t rat a G ray and 2 0 % S late Gray L U D O W I C I . C O M 69 RESIDENCE Ashevil le, N o rth Car o lin a CLOSED SHINGLE™ Clay Red 70 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE US V irgin Islan ds CLASSIC 16”™ Mat t e Mediterran ean Blu e L U D O W I C I . C O M 71 C AT H E D R A L B A S I L I C A O F T H E I M M A C U L AT E C O N C E P T I O N De nver, Co l o rad o FRENCH Custo m Gl o ss G r e e n 72 L U D O W I C I . C O M T H E L O D G E AT S E A I S L A N D S e a Islan d, Georgia FRENCH A ged C edar L U D O W I C I . C O M 73 URBAN OUTFITTERS HEADQUARTERS P hil ad el p hi a , Pe n n sy lva n ia FRENCH E bo ny Mist F u ll Ra n ge 74 L U D O W I C I . C O M FLEMING HALL at EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY G r e e nv i l l e, North C arolin a FRENCH C lay Red L U D O W I C I . C O M 75 RESIDENCE Hil to n H ead I slan d, So u t h C a r o lin a PALM BEACH MISSION™ HAND SLUSHED Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 76 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE C o r ne l i u s, North C arolin a STRAIGHT BARREL MISSION 18-3/8”™ HAND SLUSHED 50% Fi r e f l a s h a nd 5 0 % Terra C otta L U D O W I C I . C O M 77 RESIDENCE Memp hi s, Tenne sse e PALM BEACH MISSION™ 60% Terra Co tta a n d 4 0 % F ir e f la sh 78 L U D O W I C I . C O M THE JUNÍPERO SERRA MUSEUM S a n Diego, C aliforn ia PALM BEACH MISSION™ C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 79 B A S I L I C A S H R I N E O F T H E I M M A C U L AT E C O N C E P T I O N Washi n g to n, DC TA P E R E D B A R R E L M I S S I O N 1 8 ” ™ a n d F L AT S L A B S H I N G L E Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 80 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Denver, C olorado PALM BEACH MISSION™ C us t o m Bl en d See Page 1 4 2 L U D O W I C I . C O M 81 RESIDENCE Ja ckso nvi ll e, F lor ida PALM BEACH MISSION™ Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 2 82 L U D O W I C I . C O M C A P I TA L F E D E R A L B A N K Mission , Kan sas SPANISH 18-3/8”™ 4 5% Da r k Te r ra C o t t a , 35% Te r ra C o t t a , 10% Fi r e fl a s h an d 1 0 % V illagio L U D O W I C I . C O M 83 ESPLANADE CONDOMINIUMS Ja ckso nvi ll e, F lor ida SPANISH 18-3/8”™ Terra Co tta 84 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE N a s hville, Ten n essee SPANISH 18-3/8”™ Dark Terra C otta L U D O W I C I . C O M 85 RESIDENCE La n d ru m, S o uth Ca r o lin a S PA N I S H 1 8 - 3 / 8 ” ™ a n d G R A D U AT E D S PA N I S H 1 8 - 3 / 8 ” ™ 50% Clay Red wit h Ebo ny M ist F u ll Ra n ge and 50% C l ay Re d w i t h B r i ar B r o w n Mi s t Ful l Ra ng e 86 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Fl o r e nc e , S ou th C arolin a SPANISH 18-3/8”™ S u mmer Rose L U D O W I C I . C O M 87 RESIDENCE O rl and o, F lo rid a SPANISH 18-3/8”™ 20% Terra Co tta , 4 5 % Dar k Te r ra C o t t a an d 35% Fi r e fl as h 88 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Ft. Worth , Texas SPANISH 18-3/8”™ 60% C l ay Re d an d 4 0 % Fireflash L U D O W I C I . C O M 89 RESIDENCE Fort Wo rth , Texas SPANISH 18-3/8”™ 55% Terra Co tta , 3 0 % F ir e f la sh a n d 1 5 % Tus c a ny 90 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE O k l a ho ma C ity, Oklah oma SPANISH 18-3/8”™ 70% Te r ra C o t t a an d 3 0 % Tu scany L U D O W I C I . C O M 91 SALINA AQAUTIC CENTER Sali n a , Kansa s SPANISH 13-1/4”™ 40% Royal Persia n , 4 0 % M e dit e r ra n e a n B lue and 20% Bro o kvil le G r e e n 92 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE O k l a ho ma C ity, Oklah oma SPANISH 18-3/8”™ 60% Tus c a ny, 20% Te r ra C o t t a, 10 % Desert S an d w i t h E b o ny M i s t a nd 10% C l ay Re d w ith Ebony Mist L U D O W I C I . C O M 93 RESIDENCE W i n ter Park, F lor ida SPANISH 13-1/4”™ Vintag e Green 94 L U D O W I C I . C O M RAYMOND JAMES FINANCIAL CENTER A s he v i l l e, North C arolin a SPANISH 13-1/4”™ Forest Green L U D O W I C I . C O M 95 BOHEMIAN GRAND HOTEL Ashevil le, N o rth Car o lin a SPANISH 18-3/8”™ Custo m Co lo r S e e Pa ge 1 4 2 96 L U D O W I C I . C O M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A s he v i l l e, North C arolin a SPANISH 13-1/4”™ C l ay Re d , Bur g und y, S a nt i ag o Ro s e , E m p i r e G r e e n a nd V in tage Green L U D O W I C I . C O M 97 FOUR SEASONS GOLF CLUB Dal las, Texas SCANDIA 13-1/4™ Custo m Co lo r S e e Pa ge 1 4 2 98 L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE Wr i g ht s v i l l e Be a c h , North C arolin a SPANISH 13-1/4”™ M e diterran ean Blu e L U D O W I C I . C O M 99 RESIDENCE RESIDENCE O h io O k l a ho ma C ity, Oklah oma G R A D U AT E D C R U D E ™ G R A D U AT E D B R I TTA N Y ™ Custo m Bl end Se e Pa ge 1 4 3 Ebony Mist RESIDENCE RESIDENCE Ga sto ni a , N o rth Ca r o lin a TOWER TILE 18”™ K i awah I s l a nd , S ou th C arolin a G R A D U AT E D S M O OT H G E O R G I A N ™ Terra Co tta 100 M 11 w i t h M9 Mi s t Mediu m to Heavy L U D O W I C I . C O M RESIDENCE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Flo ri d a Tu lsa, Oklah oma TOWER TILE 16”™ G R A D U AT E D F R E N C H ™ Terra Co tta C us tom Gray 0 2 4 - 0 0 RESIDENCE RESIDENCE Po to mac, Ma ryl a n d Br o ussard, Lou isian a G R A D U AT E D F R E N C H ™ G R A D U AT E D S PA N I S H 1 8 - 3 / 8 ” ™ Custo m Ma ro o n 1 4 7 -0 5 G P roven ce L U D O W I C I . C O M 101 D E TA I L S 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 MAKE THE ARCHITECTURE 7 8 9 10 11 12 L U D O W I C I . C O M 1 B 2 B 4 B B 7 B 8 B 10 6 5 B B 3 9 B 11 L U D O W I C I . C O M 12 103 104 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 L U D O W I C I . C O M 1 B 2 B 4 B B 5 B 7 B 6 B 8 B 10 3 9 B 11 L U D O W I C I . C O M 12 105 106 L U D O W I C I . C O M PROFILES Ludo wici’s co llection of over 30 standard profiles o f fe r s a wide range of style and effect to co m ple m e nt your architectural vision. Our flat sm a ll size d s hingle tiles are reminiscent of Engla nd and northern F rance w hile the high ba r r e ls o f M is sion and S tile originated in the co untr ie s o f M editerranean Europe. Interlocking tile s have thicker butts and cast more dramatic sha do w line s a ccentuating the horizontal courses. Conosera™ Clay Red L U D O W I C I . C O M 107 SHINGLE TILE 2 5 1 1 L ong Top 2 S ho r t To p 3 Und e r E ave 4 End Band 4 3 5 He ad e r C ourse To download our full inst a lla t ion m anual wit h 4 4 pages o f d e t a ils a nd ins tr uc tions v isit : L udowic i. c om 108 Eave & Ra ke Va ll e y Saddle Ridge V-Rid ge #2 1 1 Ve nt e d R i d g e C i r c ul a r C ove r R i d g e H e ader R idge Mi tered Hip Bo n n e t H i p Ro l l Saddle Hip V- Hip L U D O W I C I . C O M SHINGLE TILE R T H RC HS Hip & Ridge Type Visit to download a detailed product sheet on Hip, Ridge and Decorative Hip Starters HS H R RC T Hip Starter Hip Ridge Ridge End Cap Terminal V-Hip Starter V-Hip V-Ridge V-Ridge End V-Terminal 168 Hip Starter 118 Hip Roll 211 Ridge 211 Ridge End 118/211 Terminal CC-Hip Starter CC-Hip CC-Ridge CC-Ridge End CC-Terminal CC-High Bump Terminal 152 Hip Starter 102 Hip Roll 206 Ridge 206 Ridge End 102/206 Terminal 405 High Bump Terminal Bonnet Hip Starter Bonnet Hip Roll Interlocking Ridge Sprocket Hip Roll Rounded Ridge V-Hip & Ridge Trim Group 118/211 Hip & Ridge Trim Group Circular Cover Hip & Ridge Trim Group 102/206 Hip & Ridge Trim Group Old Style Trim Group L U D O W I C I . C O M 406 High Bump Gable Terminal 109 SHINGLE TILE ANTIQUE™ Brittany™ Crude™ Colonial™ Rustic Colonial™ Cotswold™ Flat Slab™ Provincial™ Norman™ 110 L U D O W I C I . C O M SHINGLE TILE Calais™ Georgian™ Greenwich™ Ya l e M e m o r i a l ™ Shingle Tiles Cottage™ Pcs./Square Wt./Square Overall Size Exposure Min. Slope Antique TM 412 1,650 lbs. 7” x 12” x 1/2” 7” x 5” 5:12 Brittany TM 412 1,900 lbs. 7” x 12” x 5/8” 7” x 5” 5:12 317 1,600 lbs. 7” x 15” x 1/2” 7” x 6-1/2” 5:12 CalaisTM 310 1,800 lbs. 7-3/8” x 14-5/8” x 5/8” 7-3/8” x 6-5/16” 5:12 CotswoldTM 317 2,160 lbs. 7-1/4” x 14-1/2” x 3/4” 7-1/4” x 6-1/4” 5:12 CottageTM 276 247 222 1,600 lbs. 1,600 lbs. 1,600 lbs. 8” x 15” x 1/2” 9” x 15” x 1/2” 10” x 15” x 1/2” 8” x 6-1/2” 9” x 6-1/2” 10” x 6-1/2” 5:12 5:12 5:12 CrudeTM 480 1,935 lbs. 6” x 12” x 5/8” 6” x 5” 5:12 Flat SlabTM 480 480 1,300 lbs 1,780 lbs. 6” x 12” x 3/8” 6” x 12” x 5/8” 6” x 5” 6” x 5” 5:12 5:12 GeorgianTM 276 1,600 lbs. 8” x 15” x 1/2” 8” x 6-1/2” 5:12 NormanTM 317 1,600 lbs. 7” x 15” x 1/2” 7” x 6-1/2” 5:12 317 1,575 lbs. 7” x 15” x 1/2” 7” x 6-1/2” 5:12 310 1,800 lbs. 7-3/8” x 14-5/8” x 5/8” 7-3/8” x 6-5/16” 5:12 317 1,575 lbs. 7” x 15” x 1/2” 7” x 6-1/2” 5:12 Varies 2-3,000 lbs. Varies Varies 5:12 Colonial TM Provincial TM Rustic ColonialTM Greenwich™ Yale Memorial™ L U D O W I C I . C O M 111 INTERLOCKING TILE 1 Und e r E ave 2 End Band 1 2 Left R i g ht 3 De t a che d Ga ble Rake 3 To download our full inst a lla t ion m anual wit h 4 4 pages o f d e t a ils a nd ins tr uc tions v isit : L udowic i. c om 112 Eave & Ra ke Va ll e y Saddle Ridge V-Rid ge #2 1 1 Ve nt e d R i d g e C i r c ul a r C ove r R i d g e Mitered Hip V-H i p L U D O W I C I . C O M C i r c ul a r C over Ven ted R idge INTERLOCKING TILE FRENCH INTERLOCKING TILE 1 E nd B and 1 2 Left Right 2 De t a che d Ga ble Ra ke T R H RC HS Hip & Ridge Type Visit to download a detailed product sheet on Hip, Ridge and Decorative Hip Starters HS H R RC T Hip Starter Hip Ridge Ridge End Cap Terminal V-Hip Starter V-Hip V-Ridge V-Ridge End V-Terminal 168 Hip Starter 118 Hip Roll 211 Ridge 211 Ridge End 118/211 Terminal CC-Hip Starter CC-Hip CC-Ridge CC-Ridge End CC-Terminal CC-High Bump Terminal 152 Hip Starter 102 Hip Roll 206 Ridge 206 Ridge End 102/206 Terminal 405 High Bump Terminal V-Hip & Ridge Trim Group 118/211 Hip & Ridge Trim Group Circular Cover Hip & Ridge Trim Group 102/206 Hip & Ridge Trim Group L U D O W I C I . C O M 406 High Bump Gable Terminal 113 INTERLOCKING TILE Americana 14”™ Americana 16”™ Classic 14”™ Classic 16”™ Lanai 14”™ Lanai 16”™ Williamsburg 14”™ Williamsburg 16”™ French 114 L U D O W I C I . C O M INTERLOCKING TILE LudoSlate™ LudoSlate Premier™ LudoShake™ LudoShake Premier™ Interlocking Tiles Pcs./Square Wt./Square TM Americana 14” 158 800 lbs. Americana 16”TM 109 750 lbs. TM Classic 14” 158 800 lbs. Classic 16”TM 109 750 lbs. Lanai 14” 158 800 lbs. Lanai 16” 109 Williamsburg 14”TM 158 TM TM Overall Size Exposure Min. Slope 9” x 14” x 3/4” 8-1/4” x 11” 3:12 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 9” x 14” x 3/4” 8-1/4” x 11” 3:12 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 9” x 14” x 3/4” 8-1/4” x 11” 3:12 750 lbs. 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 800 lbs. 9” x 14” x 3/4” 8-1/4” x 11” 3:12 Williamsburg 16”TM 109 750 lbs. 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 French 133 1,025 lbs. 9” x 16-1/4” 8-1/8” x 13-3/8” 3:12 (10 pcs. 5”, 9 pcs. 7” & 100 pcs. 10”) 660 lbs. 5-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 7-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 5” x 13” 7” x 13” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 111 598 lbs. 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 (10 pcs. 5”, 9 pcs. 7” & 100 pcs. 10”) 660 lbs. 5-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 7-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 5” x 13” 7” x 13” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 111 598 lbs. 10-3/4” x 16” x 3/4” 10-1/8” x 13” 3:12 LudoSlate TM Premier LudoSlate TM LudoShake TM LudoShake TM Premier 119 119 L U D O W I C I . C O M 115 MISSION TILE 3 2 4 1 Rolle d Ra ke 2 Eave Clos ur e 3 Top Fix t ure 4 S hor t Co ur s e 1 To download our full inst a lla t ion m anual wit h 4 4 pages o f d e t a ils a nd ins tr uc tions v isit : L udowic i. c om Eave & Ra ke Va ll e y Ci rcu lar Cove r R idge #2 0 6 R i d g e C i r c ul a r C ove r Ve nt e d R i d g e # 206 Ven ted R idge 4-1/2” Nominal Ci rcu lar Cove r Hip 116 L U D O W I C I . C O M MISSION TILE ITALIA 16”™ Tile 3 2 4 1 1 Rolle d Ra ke 2 E ave Clo s ur e 3 Top Fix t ure 4 Shor t Co ur s e 4-1/2” Nominal T R H RC HS Hip & Ridge Type Visit to download a detailed product sheet on Hip, Ridge and Decorative Hip Starters HS H R RC T Hip Starter Hip Ridge Ridge End Cap Terminal V-Hip Starter V-Hip V-Ridge V-Ridge End V-Terminal 168 Hip Starter 118 Hip Roll 211 Ridge 211 Ridge End 118/211 Terminal CC-Hip Starter CC-Hip CC-Ridge CC-Ridge End CC-Terminal CC-High Bump Terminal 152 Hip Starter 102 Hip Roll 206 Ridge 206 Ridge End 102/206 Terminal 405 High Bump Terminal V-Hip & Ridge Trim Group 118/211 Hip & Ridge Trim Group Circular Cover Hip & Ridge Trim Group 102/206 Hip & Ridge Trim Group L U D O W I C I . C O M 406 High Bump Gable Terminal 117 MISSION TILE Straight Barrel Mission™ Palm Beach Mission™ Ta p e r e d B a r r e l M i s s i o n ™ Italia 16”™ Barrel Tiles Straight Barrel Mission 18-3/8”TM Pcs./Square Wt./Square Overall Size Exposure Min. Slope 163 1,165 lbs. 8” x 18-3/8” 11-1/2” x 15-3/8” 5:12 Straight Barrel Mission 16”™ 192 1,190 lbs. 8” x 16” 11-1/2” x 13” 5:12 Straight Barrel Mission 14-1/4”™ 225 1,250 lbs. 8” x 14-1/4” 11-1/2” x 11-1/4” 5:12 Palm Beach MissionTM 163 1,165 lbs. 8” x 18-3/8” 11-1/2” x 15-3/8” 5:12 Cubana Tapered Barrel Mission 18-3/8” 163 1,200 lbs. 7” x 18-3/8” 11” x 15-3/8” 5:12 Tapered Barrel Mission 16” 212 1,230 lbs. 7” x 16” 10-1/2” x 13” 5:12 Tapered Barrel Mission 14-1/4” 270 1,345 lbs. 8” x 14-1/4” 10-1/2” x 11-1/4” 5:12 ItaliaTM 148 950 lbs. Cover 8” x 16” Pan 9-3/4” x 16” 15” x 13” 5:12 118 L U D O W I C I . C O M See page 143 for Color L U D O W I C I . C O M 119 “S” TILE 3 Alternate to Eave Closure 1 E ave C losure 1 2 Beveled Eave 7 Alternate to Top Fixture 3 Top Fix t ure 4 F lat To p 5 Rolle d Ra ke 6 End Band Left Rig ht 7 De t a che d Ga b le Rake* * For 13-1/4” Spanish Only Eave & Ra ke Va ll e y Ci rcu lar Cove r R idge C ir cu la r C ove r Ve nt e d R i d g e # 206 R i d g e # 206 Ven ted R idge 3” Nominal Ci rcu lar Cove r Hip 120 L U D O W I C I . C O M “S” TILE SCANDIA 13-1/4”™ 2 1 E ave C losure 2 Top Fix tur e 1 Left Right 3 At t a che d Gable Ra ke 3 2-3/4” Nominal T R H RC HS Hip & Ridge Type Visit to download a detailed product sheet on Hip, Ridge and Decorative Hip Starters HS H R RC T Hip Starter Hip Ridge Ridge End Cap Terminal V-Hip Starter V-Hip V-Ridge V-Ridge End V-Terminal 168 Hip Starter 118 Hip Roll 211 Ridge 211 Ridge End 118/211 Terminal CC-Hip Starter CC-Hip CC-Ridge CC-Ridge End CC-Terminal CC-High Bump Terminal 152 Hip Starter 102 Hip Roll 206 Ridge 206 Ridge End 102/206 Terminal 405 High Bump Terminal V-Hip & Ridge Trim Group 118/211 Hip & Ridge Trim Group Circular Cover Hip & Ridge Trim Group 102/206 Hip & Ridge Trim Group L U D O W I C I . C O M 406 High Bump Gable Terminal 121 “S” TILE Spanish 13-1/4”™ “S” Tiles Spanish 18-3/8”™ Scandia 13-1/4”™ Pcs./Square Wt./Square Overall Size Exposure Min. Slope TM Spanish 13-1/4” 171 900 lbs. 9-3/4” x 13-1/4” 8-1/4” x 10-1/4” 4:12 Spanish 18-3/8”TM 114 800 lbs. 9-3/4” x 18-3/8” 8-1/4” x 15-3/8” 4:12 Scandia 13-1/4” 188 926 lbs. 8-3/4” x 13-1/4” 7-1/2” x 10-1/4” 4:12 TM 122 L U D O W I C I . C O M “S” TILE See page 143 for Color L U D O W I C I . C O M 123 QUARRY TILE 9” x 9” PROMENADE 6” x 9” 124 See page 143 for Color PROMENADE 9” x 9” PROMINENCE L U D O W I C I . C O M VALENCIA QUARRY TILE 1/2” STAIR TREAD 3/4” STAIR TREAD 1” STAIR TREAD 1/2” BULL NOSE 1” BULL NOSE COVE BASE 6” x 9” 1 See page 143 for Color 9” x 9” L U D O W I C I . C O M 2 See page 143 for Color 125 126 L U D O W I C I . C O M COLOR Co lo r is o ne of the defining elements of a L udo wici r o o f th at sets Ludow ici apart from other r o o f ing pr o ducts. Unlike asphalt, w ood, concrete a nd sy nthe tic r oofing materials, Ludow ici colors do no t f a de , spall, effloresce or significantly change co lo r ove r tim e . Ludow ici colors are comprised of m ine ra l fr its a n d pigments that are sprayed onto tile s a nd the n fired on at over 2,100°F. All colors co m e with L udow ici’s standard 75-year warranty. Spanish 13-1/4”™ See Page 143 for Color L U D O W I C I . C O M 127 Standard Colors Visit for large printable swatches Process Flash Ebony Mist Sunset Red SRI=33 Slate Red SRI=30 Clay Red Burgundy SRI=31 Summer Rose SRI=39 Briar Brown Beach Brown (Weathered) Aged Oak Hawaiian Gold (Weathered) SRI=49 Desert Sand SRI=56 Barcelona Buff SRI=72 Matte White SRI=98 Midnight Black (Gloss) Brunswick Black Ebony Lava Black (Weathered) Ash Gray SRI=32 Earth Gray Norman Black Classico Brookville Green (Gloss) Forest Green SRI=29 Aged Cedar Empire Green SRI=51 Vintage Green SRI=39 Bright Green SRI=48 Royal Persian Blue (Gloss) Mediterranean Blue (Gloss) Sienna White Cedar Golden Red Cedar Aged Cedar Antiqued Brunswick Black LudoShake™ Colors Earth Gray Western Cedar LudoSlate™ Colors Brunswick Black Vermont Gray Black Strata Gray Slate Gray Antiqued Slate Gray Montpelier Green Antiqued Montpelier Green Plumstone Mottled Green Purple Slate Red 128 L U D O W I C I . C O M Santiago Rose SRI=55 1 2 3 4 Blends While all of Ludowici’s colors look spectacular individually, they have been developed to be used in a wide range of blends. Possibilities range from subtle combinations of aged European looks to more dramatic blends making a striking statement. Wider variations in color than normal (within a single color) can be achieved by blending similar colors together. Contact your Ludowici representative for assistance in developing a blend meeting your design specifications. To see many examples of color blends review the photo gallery at L U D O W I C I . C O M 129 130 1 2 3 4 L U D O W I C I . C O M Impressionist SeriesTM Colors Visit for large printable swatches Ba rrel T i l e Provence SRI=64 Tuscany SRI=72 Dark Tuscany SRI=42 Villagio SRI=50 Terra Cotta SRI=45 Dark Terra Cotta SRI=36 Anziani Vechio Fireflash In terl o c ki ng T i l e Provence SRI=64 Tuscany SRI=72 Dark Tuscany SRI=42 Villagio SRI=50 Terra Cotta SRI=45 Dark Terra Cotta SRI=36 Anziani Vechio Fireflash Impressionist SeriesTM Blends While all of the Impressionist Series colors look beautiful on their own they have been developed to be used in a wide range of blends. To achieve the many variations of the Old World European look the Impressionist Series colors can be mixed in infinite combinations. TM TM A wider color variation than the normal range in a single color can be achieved by blending similar or antiqued colors together. Contact your Ludowici representative for assistance in developing a blend that meets your needs. Visit to see 36 standard blends as well as review the photo gallery to see completed projects. L U D O W I C I . C O M 131 132 L U D O W I C I . C O M TEXTURE Ludo wici’s sur f ace textures from smooth to hand slushe d de f ine a roof tile’s character. Each profile ha s a sta nda r d texture that can be customized to m e e t yo ur a r chi tectural needs. Textures effect the subtle to dra m atic way light reflects off the roof cr e a ting sha dow s and defining color. Rougher te x tur e s ca n take on a centuries old patina. Co nsult yo ur Ludow ici Roof Tile representative to he lp se le ct a texture that suits your specific needs. Palm Beach Mission™ See page 143 for Colors L U D O W I C I . C O M 133 Shingle Tile Textures Stand a rd Text u r e s Antique™ Brittany™ Crude™ Colonial™ Rustic Colonial™ Cotswold™ Yale Memorial™ Flat Slab Provincial™ Norman™ Calais™ Georgian™ Cottage™ Greenwich™ Three Directional Score Pinhole Weathered LudoShake™ LudoSlate™ French C us to m Textur e s Fine Machine Score Medium Machine Score Heavy Machine Score Hand Roughed Hand Slushed Battered & Brushed Butts Battered Butts Warped Interlocking Tile Textures Stand a rd Text u r e s Americana Classic Lanai Williamsburg C us to m Textur e s Weathered 134 Scored L U D O W I C I . C O M Mission Tile Textures Stand a rd Text u r e s Smooth Fine Machine Score 16” Straight Barrel Mission™ only C us to m Textur e s Fine Machine Score Medium Machine Score Heavy Machine Score Hand Roughed Three Directional Score Weathered Heavy Machine Score Hand Roughed Three Directional Score Weathered Hand Slushed “S” Tile Textures Stand a rd Text u r e s Smooth C us to m Textur e s Fine Machine Score Medium Machine Score L U D O W I C I . C O M 135 PERFORMANCE Roof tile per formance is defined by durability and colorfastness. A clay tile roof is an important investment in protecting and beautifying your building. It should have a minimal life span of over 100 years and keep its color and surface over that time. Fortunately there is a standard testing procedure to verify required physical characteristics for durability, ASTM 1167. Ludowici performs the specified tests in house daily on all production runs and submits tile for independent review quarterly. The other method of determining long-term viability is actual performance. Projects that have been installed and subjected to the conditions in your area for a minimum of 50 years are an indication of Installed 1896 durability. Durability is directly tied to minimal moisture absorption. Like most building materials, keeping water out is the secret to long life. When clay tile absorbs moisture they are prone to unsightly mold, breakage from freezing and salt intrusion. Ludowici achieves the industries lowest water absorption, less than 2%, by selecting the best materials, grinding them down to a fine powder consistency and firing at over 2,100ºF. This process transforms the raw clay to a dense, durable vitrified clay tile that will last in excess of 100 years. Even if you live in an area that doesn’ t freeze, moisture absorption is a critical factor in the life of the tile. In more tropical climates excessive moisture absorption promotes the growth of mold and fungus that is unsightly and can damage the tile. In coastal areas salt laden moisture absorbed by tile will crystalize and cause the tile to spall and degrade. Durability is also affected by breaking strength. Transverse breaking strength measures the ability of tile to withstand physical force, which affects wind uplift resistance and other physical forces. Our process and materials produce tile that exceeds the ASTM requirements. This means tile that are more likely to withstand strong wind and resist breaking under load. 136 L U D O W I C I . C O M Installed 1920’s Firing temperature and glaze c omposition control colorfastness. Color glaze durability is tied to using quality raw materials and firing at a very high temperature. Ludowici has over 100 years of experience selecting and manufacturing ceramic glazes that don’ t fade, chalk, effloresce, peel or significantly change. Fired at over 2,100ºF our glazes are chemically and physically bonded to the surface of the tile and do not fade. Moisture absorption and the clay tile bo dy durability directly affects the glaze performance. High moisture absorption can cause the glaze to peel and degrade. Guaranteed performance Ludowici tiles come with a 75-year warranty that covers manufacturing defects and most importantly colorfastness. All backed by a company in continuous operation for over 125 years. To download a full copy of our warranty visit Questions to ask when considering a roofing material: 1) Does the tile meet the minimum requirements for ASTM 1167 grade 1 tile? Ask for a copy of the report from an independent testing agency. 2) Does the company offer a 75-year warranty that covers color fading? If they don’t have enough confidence in their product to guarantee it why use it? 3) Ask for a list of project references in your area that you can go see that are over 25 years old. 4) How old is the manufacturer? Do you want to gamble on a start-up company with limited assets and performance history? L U D O W I C I . C O M 137 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Visit the resources section of to build a specification for your project specifying warranty, profile, color(s) and accessories. Below is a standard specification for Ludowici roof tiles. SECTION 07 32 00 ROOF TILE PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Clay roof tile. B. Fasteners. C. Underlayment. D. Flashings and Counterflashings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS Delete any sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required. A. Section 06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry. B. Section 06 20 00 - Finish Carpentry. C. Section 07 53 00 - Elastomeric Membrane Roofing. D. Section 07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Metal. E. Section 07 71 00 - Roof Specialties: Snow Guards. 1.3 REFERENCES Delete references from the list below that are not actually required by the text of the edited section. A. ASTM A 167 - Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip. B. ASTM B 370 - Standard Specification for Copper Sheet and Strip for Building Construction. C. ASTM B 749 - Standard Specification for Lead and Lead Alloy Strip, Sheet and Plate Products. D. ASTM C 67 - Standard Test Methods of Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile. E. ASTM C 387 - Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Mortar and Concrete. F. ASTM C 887 - Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Surface Bonding Mortar. G. ASTM C 920 - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Sealants. H. ASTM C 1167 - Standard Specification for Clay Roof Tiles. I. ASTM D 226 - Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. J. ASTM D 1970 - Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection. K. ASTM D 2626 - Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated and Coated Organic Felt Base Sheet Used in Roofing. L. ASTM D 4586 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free. M. SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual; Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association, Inc. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00. B. Product Data: Manufacturer’s descriptive literature for products specified in this section. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate the following: 1. Roof tile: a. Exposure pattern. b. Locations and configurations of special shapes. c. Locations and configuration of each type roof flashing. Delete the following paragraph, no fabricated sheet metal items other than roof flashings are specified. 2. Fabricated sheet metal items: a. Dimensioned profiles. b. Locations and extent of each item; include joint locations. c. Jointing methods and materials. d. Provisions for prevention of electrolytic action between dissimilar materials. e. Interface with adjacent construction. D. Selection Samples: Two sets of color charts or samples representing manufacturer’s full range of available colors. E. Verification Samples: Three full-size tile samples of each type tile specified, representing actual color and finish of products to be installed. F. Manufacturer’s printed installation instructions for each product, including product storage requirements. G. Closeout Submittals: Warranty documents, issued and executed by tile manufacturer, countersigned by 138 L U D O W I C I . C O M Contractor. 1.5 QU ALI TY A SSUR A NC E A. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in installing roofing of the type specified in this section, with not fewer than three years of documented experience. If a Clay Roof Tile Manufacturer Weather-tight Warranty is specified include the following: Roofing contractor must be factory trained and approved in writing. B. Roof tile manufacturer shall have current ISO 9000 certification. Delete mock-up if not required. C. Mock-Up: 1. Construct mock-up using materials specified in this section. Delete one of the following two paragraphs. If second paragraph is retained, insert size requirements. 2. Construct mock-up as directed, at location indicated or directed. 3. Construct mock-up at location indicated or directed, size __ feet by __ feet (__ m by __ m). 4. Obtain Architect’s acceptance of mock-up before beginning construction activities of this section; accepted mock-up will be standard by which completed work of this section is judged. Delete one of the following two paragraphs. 5. Mock-up may not remain as part of Work. 6. Accepted mock-up may remain as part of Work. D. Pre-Installation Meeting: 1. Convene at job site seven (7) calendar days prior to scheduled beginning of construction activities of this section to review requirements of this section. 2. Require attendance by representatives of the following: a. Installer of this section. b. Other entities directly affecting, or affected by, construction activities of this section. 3. Notify Architect four (4) calendar days in advance of scheduled meeting date. 1.6 DELI V ERY , ST OR A G E A ND H A ND LI N G A. Store products of this section in manufacturer’s unopened packaging until installation. B. Maintain storage area conditions for products of this section in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions until installation. 1.7 WARRANT Y A. Product Warranty: 1. The clay roof tile manufacturer shall provide a 75-year warranty guaranteeing material integrity and colorfastness for roof tile. Delete the following paragraph if a special warranty is not required for complete roofing assembly. Edit as required. B. Special Warranties: Select One 1. Roofing Contractor Warranty: The Contractor warrants products of this section, as installed, to be in accordance with the Contract Documents and free from faults and defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 3 years. Combine special warranty of this section with products, as installed, of the following sections: a. Section 07 53 00. b. Section 07 60 00. 2. Clay Roof Tile Manufacturer Weather-tight Warranty: The clay roof tile manufacturer shall provide a 20 year or 10 year warranty guaranteeing the Underlayment (the “Roofing and Underlayment System”) to be free from defects in workmanship during the 20 year or 10 year period following the certified completion date of the Roofing and Underlayment System. Specify 20 year or 10 year term. 1.8 EX TRA MAT E R I A LS Edit the following requirement to suit tile specified. Establish quantity based on total area of tile installed. Delete if not required. A. Provide an additional quantity of roof tile matching tile installed, in the amount of 3 percent of the total installed, but not less than one full carton, for Owner’s use in roof maintenance. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANU FAC T UR E R S A. Manufacturing facility shall be located in the United States. B. Manufacturer shall have been in continuous operation for over 100 years. C. Manufacturer shall be ISO 9000 certified and meet Cradle-to-Cradle specifications. D. Acceptable Tile Manufacturer: Ludowici Roof Tile, P.O. Box 69, 4757 Tile Plant Road, New Lexington, OH 43764. Tel: (800) 945-8453. Email: E. Requests for substitution will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00. F. Unless otherwise specified for an individual product or material, supply all products specified in this section from the same manufacturer. 2.2 CLAY ROO F T I LE A. Roof Tile - General: Incombustible, vitrified tile manufactured from shale and fire clays, having less than 2.0 percent moisture absorption when tested in accordance with ASTM C 67, and meeting Grade 1 freeze/thaw resistance requirements when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1167. 1. Color: Standard color ____________________ B. Spanish Clay Roof Tile Type __: 1. Acceptable product: 13-1/4” Spanish. a. Profile: One of the most popular tile in Ludowici’s product line, Spanish tile is prized for its simple, onepiece barrel design which provides a pattern of distinctive ripples across the roof. Often synonymous L U D O W I C I . C O M 139 with clay roof tile, Spanish tile enhances virtually any style of architecture from small bungalows to large public institutions. b. Nominal size: 9.75 inches (247.64999999999998 mm) wide by 13.25 inches (336.54999999999995 mm) long. c. Average exposure: 8.25 inches (209.54999999999998 mm) wide by 10.25 inches (260.34999999999997 mm) long. 2. Accessory tile pieces required: Hip tile, Ridge tile, Rake edge tile, Eave tile, End band tile (half tiles), Hip starter tile & Top fixture tile 2.3 ACCES SOR Y MA T E R I A LS If Weather-tight Warranty is selected delete A, E, K, L & M, and Add Q. A. Underlayment: 2 layers of 30 lbs/sq ASTM D 2626, Type II asphalt-saturated organic felt. B. RoofTopGuard II Premium Underlayment or Ice Protect Plus™ (No substitutions allowed). C. Wood Stringers: S4S, maximum 19 percent moisture content, nominal 1 inch (25 mm) thick, of height required to support tile. D. Flashing: 16oz/sq ft, 0.56mm thick ASTM B 370 cold rolled copper. E. Tile Fasteners: Corrosion-resistant; types and sizes specified in manufacturer’s instructions for indicated uses and conditions. F. Copper Wire: 18 gauge (1.2 mm) minimum. G. Cement Mortar for Setting Tile: 1 part Portland cement mortar ASTM C 270 Type M and 4 parts sand. H. Grout for Finishing Rake and Eave Edges: 1. Mix the following materials in equal parts: a. Factory-mixed mortar meeting requirements of ASTM C 387, Type N. b. Factory-mixed surface bonding mortar meeting requirements of ASTM C 887. 2. Add mineral oxide pigment to match color of roof tile. 3. Add water and acrylic additive in accordance with mortar materials manufacturer’s instructions to obtain correct mix for workability. I. Roof Cement: Asphalt roof cement conforming to ASTM D 4586, Type I or II. J. Sealant Used in Lieu of Flashing Cement: ASTM C 920 silicone; provide one of the following: 1. Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant. 2. GE SilProof. K. Screws: No. 8 or No. 9 brass or stainless steel, flathead Phillips or square drive, not less than 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) long. L. Nails for Solid Wood Deck: Corrosion resistant copper, brass or stainless steel; minimum 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) head diameter; shank of minimum 11 gauge (3 mm) diameter and length sufficient to penetrate 3/4 inch (19 mm) into deck but not through the underside. M. Nails for Plywood Sheathing: Slater’s copper ring shank nail, 11 gauge (3 mm), not less than 1-3/4 inches (45 mm) long with 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) head; point must penetrate through underside of deck. N. Wood Nailers and Cant Strips: Preservative-treated wood, as specified in Section 06 10 00. O. Adhesive: OSI Pro-Series RT-600 Roof Tile Adhesive. 1. Do not expose to ultraviolet rays. 2. Do not allow direct contact with waterproofing shingle underlayment. P. Snow Guards. Q. Tile Fasteners for use on Shield Weathertight warranty projects: Stainless Steel QuickDrive screws as furnished by Ludowici Roof Tile. 2.4 FLAS HI NG F A BR I C A T I ON A. Form flashing to profiles indicated on drawings and as required to protect roofing materials from physical damage and shed water in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for indicated project conditions. B. Form sections square and accurate in profile, in maximum possible lengths, free from distortion or defects detrimental to appearance or performance. C. Fabricate other indicated sheet metal items as follows: 1. Gutters: SMACNA Plate Number ______. 2. Conductor heads: SMACNA Plate Number ______. 3. Downspouts: SMACNA Plate Number ______. D. Fabrication of other indicated sheet metal items is specified in Section 07 60 00. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EX AMI NAT I ON A. Verify that roofing penetrations and plumbing stacks are in place and properly flashed to deck surface. B. Verify that roof openings are correctly framed. C. Verify that deck surfaces are dry and free of ridges, warps and voids. D. Installation in Alpine Conditions: Before application of roof tile in Alpine conditions, plans must be pre-approved in writing by the Ludowici Technical Department (800-945-8453). 3.2 PREPARAT I ON A. Comply with tile manufacturer’s recommendations on preparation of acceptable roof deck. B. Broom clean deck surfaces prior to installation of underlayment. 3.3 U NDERLAY ME NT A ND A C C E SSOR Y I N S TAL L ATI O N A. Underlayment: 1. Beginning at eave edge, install perpendicular to roof slope; extend a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm) over gutters and valley flashing and a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) up abutting vertical surfaces. 2. Overlap side joints a minimum of 2-1/2 inches (64 mm); overlap end joints a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm). Delete the following paragraph if second layer not required. Two layers are recommended if using 30-pound 140 L U D O W I C I . C O M underlayment. 3. Install second layer parallel to first layer, maintaining specified overlap at gutters, valley flashings and at side and end joints; locate side joints a minimum of 18 inches (457 mm) from first layer side joints and locate end joints a minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) from first layer end joints. 4. Install additional layer on rough surfaces; install additional layer of full-width underlayment parallel to, and centered on, hips, ridges and valleys. 5. Fasten sides and ends to deck with fasteners spaced at a maximum of 6 inches (150 mm) on centers. If a Weather-tight Warranty is specified use the following and delete above 1-5. 1. Install RoofTopGuard II Premium Underlayment per manufacturer’s written instruction. B. Install flashing at all locations where roof intersects other roofs, sidewall or parapet walls, chimneys, ventilators and similar projections and at gable edges. Delete the following paragraph if not required. C. Valley Flashings: The following three paragraphs specify open valley flashing. Do not use open valleys in Alpine conditions, because there are exposed edges for the ice to grip -- use closed valleys instead. 1. Install a minimum of 24 inch (610 mm) wide flashing over full-width waterproofing membrane material; fasten metal to deck with cleats. 2. Overlap end joints a minimum 5 inches (127 mm); do not solder joints. Delete the following paragraph if waterproofing membrane installation is specified. 3. Lap underlayment over edges of flashing 4 inches (100 mm). The following three paragraphs specify closed valley flashing. 4. Install flashing over full-width waterproofing membrane material. 5. Interleave roof tiles with a minimum of 20 inch (508 mm) wide prepared metal flashing sheets. 6. Attach roof tiles to deck, using copper wires wired to copper straps nailed beyond top edge of metal flash ing. D. Intersections of Roof Surfaces and Abutting Vertical Surfaces: 1. Install continuous 12 inch (304 mm) wide strips of waterproof membrane material to extend 9 inches (228 mm) across roof deck and 3 inches (76 mm) up vertical surface. 2. Install continuous metal flashing to extend 3 inches (76 mm) up vertical surface. 3. At locations where vertical surface will abut top edge of tile, install metal flashing to extend 3 inches (76 mm) up vertical surface, form metal flashing to extend a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm) over tile and form 1/2 inch (12 mm) return hem at edge of metal. 4. Form saddle flashings for protrusions through roof in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. E. Fabricated Sheet Metal Items: Install in accordance with shop drawings and SMACNA ASMM. F. Fabricated Sheet Metal Items: Installation is specified in Section 07 60 00. G. Cant Strip: Install nominal 1 inch by 2 inches by 48 inches (25 mm by 50 mm by 1220 mm) wood cant strips at eaves. Apply eave flashing and underlayment over cant strip. H. Cant Strip: Install nominal 1 inch by 2 inches by 48 inches (25 mm by 50 mm by 1220 mm) pressure-treated wood cant strips directly over underlayment at eaves, spacing 1 inch (25 mm) apart for drainage. I. Nailers: Install nominal 1 inch by 2 inches by 48 inches (25 mm by 50 mm by 1220 mm) pressure-treated wood nailers as detailed at ridge and hips, directly over underlayment. Protect with additional layer of Ice and Water Shield before installing hip and ridge accessory. 3.4 TI LE I NS T A LLA T I ON A. Install tile roofing in strict conformance with manufacturer’s instructions. Overhang of tile at eaves should not be less than 3/4 inch (19 mm) and not more than 2 inches (51 mm). This dimension should be related to the size of gutters and should either be shown on the drawings or specified here. B. Install first course over cant strip, with overhang. 1. Do not drive fasteners tightly against tiles, to reduce risk of breakage and to allow natural deck movement. 2. Allow tile to “hang” on its fasteners. Delete one of the two subparagraphs below. The first is for normal conditions, the second for Alpine conditions. 3. Provide 3/4 inch (19 mm) to 2 inches (51 mm) overhang, permitting proper flow into gutters. 4. Provide not more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) overhang, unless gutters are in place. If gutters are used, provide just enough overhang to permit proper flow into gutters; provide under-eave tile course or heavy-gauge drip edge with extended hemmed lip to reinforce strength of overhang. C. Install each subsequent course with a maximum exposure in each course of 10.25 inches (260.34999999999997 mm). Wet cut tile at hips and valleys, using masonry saw with diamond blade. D. At hip and ridge and on mansard roofs, install bead of adhesive at butt end of each tile, located so it is completely concealed. Install sealant as required at hip and ridge accessories to achieve watertight installation. Include the following paragraph for Alpine conditions. E. Install snow guards where shown and otherwise required by code. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Do not permit traffic over finished roof surface unless absolutely necessary. B. Minimize traffic over finished roof surface. If necessary, wear soft-soled shoes and walk on the “butt” of the tile in order to avoid breakage. C. Replace tile broken due to improper protection or traffic control. 3.6 S CHEDU LES A. Location: ____________________. 1. Tile: __________________. 2. Color: __________________. 3. Texture: __________________. END OF SECTION L U D O W I C I . C O M 141 COLOR KEY JACKET FRONT 40% Weathered/350-04/M13 Spots M>H, 40% Weathered Aged Cedar, 15% Weathered Sienna & 5% Weathered Western Cedar P AG E 3 8 60% 817-95 with 312-06 Mist, 12% 817-95 with 284-06 Mist, 12% 012-99 with 198-05 Mist & 16% 817-95 with 312-06 Spots P AGE 1 #1: 90% Fireflash & 10% Tuscany #2: Clay Red #3: Clay Red P AGE 6 #1: M26/M13 Impressionist #2: Clay Red #3: 33% M12, 33% 129-01 & 34% 25MT3 P AGE 8 #1: Clay Red #2: 214-07G & 227-07G #3: Clay Red & Briar Brown #4: Earth Gray #5: Gold #6: Vermont Gray Black #7: Mediterranean Blue #8: Midnight Black #9: Clay Red #10: 60% Tuscany, 20% Terra Cotta & 20% Fireflash #11: Sunset Red with Ebony Mist #12: Ebony Mist P AGE 10 109-02 with Norman Sand P AGE 11 50% 129-01/M10/173-00/M13, 30% S4/M23 M>H, 10% Weathered Terra Cotta & 10% Villagio P AGE 12 33% Ebony Mist M>H, 33% Ebony Mist M>H Heavy Hand Sanded & 34% Briar Brown Mist M>H P AGE 17 60% Weathered Fireflash, 13% Weathered/SL3/SL1 M>H, 13% SO/SL3/M23 M>H & 14% Weathered/M4/M23 M>H P AGE 20 50% 350-04/M13 Spots M>H, 45% M1/M13 Spots M>H & 5% 086-08/M7 Spots L>M P AGE 21 40% Weathered 350-04 with M13 Spots M>H, 40% Weathered Aged Cedar, 15% Weathered Sienna & 5% Weathered Western Cedar P AGE 24 55% Ebony Mist M>H, 25% Ebony Mist L>M & 20% Aged Cedar P AGE 27 65% Royal Persian & 35% Blue Spruce Page 39 55% M11 with M14 Mist L>M, 20% M1 with M14 Mist, 12.5% M1 with 005-05 Mist M>H & 12.5% 349-01 with M23 Mist M>H P AG E 4 2 34% Weathered Dark Terra Cotta, 33% Weathered/ 165-01/M13/M10/129-01 & 33% Weathered/129-01/ M10/173-00/M13 P AG E 4 3 50% Antiqued Brunswick Black, 20% Antiqued Montpelier Green, 22.5% Antiqued Slate Gray & 7.5% Vermont Gray Black P AG E 4 5 NeXclad™ Clay Red & Roman (Cap Tile 60% 082-00M & 40% Ebony, Pan Tile Clay Red) P AG E 4 7 #1: Blue 492-046, #2 Light Red 465-04G #3 Red 1GT1 #4: Turquoise 460-046, Red 1GT1 & Yellow 017-05G P AG E 5 2 20% Clay Red, 60% Summer Rose 14% M20 with 244-06 Mist M>H & 6% M20 with 27MT3 Mist M>H P AG E 6 8 Custom Field Green M11/94-538M/M9/M9 Impressionist P AG E 7 6 30% Ebony Mist, 25% Terra Cotta, 25% Dark Terra Cotta & 20% Dark Tuscany P AG E 7 9 42% Clay Red, 23% Santiago Rose with Ebony Spots, 17% Desert Sand with Ebony Spots, 10% Santiago Rose, 5% Plumstone, 2% Desert Sand & 1% Bright Green P AG E 8 0 40% Terra Cotta, 30% Dark Terra Cotta, 20% Clay Red with Ebony Mist M>H & 10% Provence P AG E 8 1 20% Tuscany, 20% Fireflash, 20% Clay Red/M7/ M12/19MT1, 20% M20/M7/M12/19MT1 & 20% M26/M7/ M12/19MT1 P AG E 8 2 85% Classico & 15% 129-01 with M18 Process Flash P AGE 30 M4 with Ebony Mist Full Range P AGE 31 33% Ebony Mist, 33% 165-01 & 34% 165-01 with 316-07 Process Flash 142 P AG E 3 2 5% M1, 15% Clay Red, 20% Ebony Mist L>M & 60% Ebony Mist M>H P AG E 9 6 Fireflash with less Ebony P AG E 9 8 141-11G with M16 Mist L U D O W I C I . C O M COLOR KEY cont. P AGE 100 #1: 70% Beach Brown & 30% Weathered/M10/M8 Mist M>H P AGE 102 #1: 1GT1 #2: 40% Weathered/350-04/M13 Spots M>H, 40% Weathered Aged Cedar, 15% Weathered Sienna & 5% Weathered Western Cedar #3: Tuscany #4: Custom Orange #5: Fireflash #6: Ebony Mist M>H #7: Ebony Mist M>H #8: Weathered Ebony Mist M>H #9: Custom Fireflash Clay Red/25MT3/M13/M7 #10: Desert Sand, Santigo Rose & Clay Red #11: Matte White #12: Aged Cedar P AGE 103 #1: 33% Terra Cotta, 33% Tuscany & 34% Fireflash #2: 33% Desert Sand, 33% 129-01 & 34% 25MT3 #3: Aged Cedar #4: 50% 129-01/M10/173-00/M13, 30% S4/M23 M>H, 10% Weathered Terra Cotta & 10% Villagio #5: Vechio #6: Midnight Black #7: 147-05G #8: Empire Green #9: 55% M11 with M14 Mist L>M, 20% M1 with M14 Mist, 12.5% M1 with 005-05 Mist M>H & 12.5% 34901 with M23 Mist M>H #10: 141-11G with M16 Mist #11: Mediterranean Blue #12: Clay Red P AGE 104 #1: Clay Red #2: Forest Green #3: Ebony Mist Full Range #4: Custom Fireflash Clay Red/25MT3/M13/M7 #5: 42% Clay Red, 23% Santiago Rose with Ebony Spots, 17% Desert Sand with Ebony Spots, 10% Santiago Rose, 5% Plumstone, 2% Desert Sand & 1% Bright Green #6: Clay Red #7: 70% Dark Tuscany, 20% Fireflash & 10% Terra Cotta #8: Clay Red #9: Clay Red #10: Santiago Rose #11: Clay Red #12: 50% 350-04/M13 Spots M>H, 45% M1/M13 Spots M>H & 5% 086-08/M7 Spots L>M P AGE 105 #1: 33% Terra Cotta, 33% Villagio & 34% 129-01/ M10/173-01/M13 #2: Clay Red #3: 20% Ebony & 80% Clay Red #4: 25% Desert Sand, 25% Fireflash & 50% Clay Red #5: 5% Clay Red with 118-09M Mist M>H, 20% 119-09M, 37.5% 120-09M & 37.5% 121-09M #6: Ebony Mist Full Range #7: Heritage Blue #8: M4 with 19MT1 Spots L>M #9: 25% Clay Red & 75% 9MT3 Moss Green #10: Ebony, 25MT3, Burgundy, Clay Red & Santiago Rose #11: M26 with Norman Sand #12: Clay Red P AG E 1 2 3 58% Villagio, 25% Terra Cotta & 17% Dark Tuscany P AG E 1 2 4 252-08 with M13 Spots L>M, 129-01 with M13 Spots L>M, 246-08 with 248-08 Spots L>M, 243-08 with M13 Spots L>M, M12 with M13 Spots L>M, 245-08 with Spots L>M & 041-08 with 10C30 Spots L>M P AG E 1 2 5 #1: 10C9, M35 & 217-08M with a Custom Rolled Surface and 10MT1 Smooth #2: Clay Red P AG E 1 2 6 277-08G P AG E 1 2 9 #1: 55% M11 with M14 Mist L>M, 20% M1 with M14 Mist, 12.5% M1 with 005-05 Mist M>H & 12.5% 34901 with M23 Mist M>H #2: 20% Sunset Red w/Ebony Mist, 20% SO Santiago Rose with Ebony Mist, 20% S2/19MT1 Mist, 10% S0 M12 with 19MT1 Mist & 10% S0/M11 #3: 50% Slate Gray, 25% Antiqued Slate Gray & 25% Antiqued Montpelier Green #4: 6% M13, 7% 082-00M/M23 Mist L>M, 5% 316-07M, 11% 165-01M, 2% CR/M23 Mist L>M, 24% M26/316-07M PF, 5% M26, 4% M20, 4% M26/31607M Mist L>M, 9% Clay Red, 6% 165-01M/M23 Mist L>M, 5% M26/M23 Mist L>M, 5% M20/M23 Mist L>M & 7% 082-00M/165-01M Mist L>M P AG E 1 3 0 #1: 10% Tuscany, 20% Terra Cotta & 70% Fireflash #2: Terra Cotta #3: Tuscany #4: 20% Tuscany, 20% Fireflash, 20% Clay Red/M7/ M12/19MT1, 20% M20/M7/M12/19MT1 & 20% M26/M7/M12/19MT1 P AG E 1 3 2 30% Ebony Mist, 25% Terra Cotta, 25% Dark Terra Cotta & 20% Dark Tuscany PAGE 136 M26/M13 Impressionist PAGE 137 33% 350-04, 33% M21 & 34% 179-11 P AG E 1 4 4 33% M12, 33% 129-01 & 34% 25MT3 JACKET BACK #1: Custom Fireflash CR/25MT3/M13/M7 #2: Custom base 129-01 with Norman Sand #3: M26/M13 Impressionist #4: Clay Red P AGE 119 50% 214-07G & 50% 227-07G L U D O W I C I . C O M 143 4757 Tile Plant Rd. P.O. Box 69 New Lexington, OH 43764 1-800-945-8453 ©2013 Ludowici Roof Tile, Inc. 144 LRT-435 January 2013