254-328 - Sikkim
254-328 - Sikkim
SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd June,2014 Gangtok No. 254 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT (DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES) BALUWAKHANI, GANGTOK – 737101 No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/ 35 Dated: 16th June, 2014 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results for 01st June, 2014 to 15th June, 2014 of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries, marketed through the Sole Distributor, M/s Future Gaming and Hotel Services Pvt. Ltd. are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Future Immense set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Singam Delight set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Kuil Parrot set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Dear Affectionate set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Mumbailaxmi set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), Labhlaxmi Aries set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday), and Dear Affectionate Evening set of weekly lotteries (Monday to Sunday). By Order Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. - / Gazette/ 30 Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 23rd June,2014 Gangtok No. 256 DIRECTORATE OF SIKKIM STATE LOTTERIES FINANCE, REVENUE & EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Dated: 16th June 2014 No. FIN/DSSL/ RESULTS/ 36 NOTIFICATION The Daily Lottery Results from 1st June 2014 to 15th June 2014 of the following weekly lottery schemes of the Sikkim State Lotteries marketed through the Marketing Agent, M/S Pan India Network Ltd. Are hereby notified for general information as per Annexures 1 to 15 :Mon 2. Tue 3. Wed 4. Thu 5. Fri 6. Sat 7. Sun 1. 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Tuesday Thunderball 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Sikkim Keno & Wednesday Jaldi 5 Double Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Thursday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Sikkim Keno & Friday Jaldi 5 Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Saturday Super Lotto 6 draws of Science Online; 1 draw of Fast Digit & Sikkim Keno By Order. Director, Sikkim State Lotteries S.G.P.G. – Gazette/ 30Cps./ SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok No.257 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM G ANGTOK No. 8/HCS Dated: 23.6.2014 NOTIFICATION Hon’ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to constituted a ‘Committee’ comprising of the following members, to examine the “Long term Action Plan” and “Short term Action Plan” relating to Judicial Reforms and Courts regarding Good Governance, received from the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. The members are:1. Mrs. Meenakshi M. Rai, Principal District & Sessions Judge, (East) at Gangtok. 2. Mrs. K.C. Barphungpa, Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim at Gangtok. 3. Mr. N. G. Sherpa, Registrar, High Court of Sikkim at Gangtok. 4. Mr. Karma Wangchuk Bhutia, District & Sessions Judge (Spl. Div. II) at Gangtok. By Order, Sd/ ADDITIONAL REGISTRAR Memo No. : V(55)/Confdl./HCS/3413-18 Date: 23.6.2014 Copy to:1. Mrs. Meenakshi M. Rai, Principal District & Sessions Judge, (East) at Gangtok. 2. Mrs. K.C. Barphungpa, Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim at Gangtok. 3. Mr. N. G. Sherpa, Registrar, High Court of Sikkim at Gangtok. 4. Mr. Karma Wangchuk Bhutia, District & Sessions Judge (Spl. Div. II) at Gangtok. 5. The Deputy Secretary-II(C), Home Department, Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok. 6. The Computer Cell, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. Guard file & 8. File. DEPUTY REGISTRAR (ESTT.) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. GOS/UD&HD/ 1(85)2014/1 Dated : 23/06/2014. NOTIFICATION In partial modification of Notification No. 93/DMA/2010-11/36 dated 25/06/2011, the State Government is hereby pleased to enhance the monthly honorarium for the elected members holding various post in the respective Urban Local Bodies with immediate effect – Councillors of Gangtok Municipal Corporation (Excluding Mayor and Deputy Mayor) 2. Councillors of Namchi Municipal Council : (Excluding Chairperson and Vice Chairperson) `. 4,400/- per month 3. President of Nagar Panchayats : `. 4,800/- per month. 4. Vice President of Nagar Panchayats : ` 4,400/- per month 5. Councillors for Nagar Panchayats : ` 4,400/- per month (Excluding President and Vice President) : `. 4,800/- per month. 1. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO-GOS/UD&HD/1(85)/2014 _____________________________________________________________________________ S.G.P.G. – /Gazette/ /Dt:- GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. GOS/UD&HD/ 1(85)2014/1 Dated : 23/06/2014. NOTIFICATION In partial modification of Notification No. 93/DMA/2010-11/36 dated 25/06/2011, the State Government is hereby pleased to enhance the monthly honorarium for the elected members holding various post in the respective Urban Local Bodies with immediate effect – Councillors of Gangtok Municipal Corporation (Excluding Mayor and Deputy Mayor) 2. Councillors of Namchi Municipal Council : (Excluding Chairperson and Vice Chairperson) `. 4,400/- per month 3. President of Nagar Panchayats : `. 4,800/- per month. 4. Vice President of Nagar Panchayats : ` 4,400/- per month 5. Councillors for Nagar Panchayats : ` 4,400/- per month (Excluding President and Vice President) : `. 4,800/- per month. 1. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July, 2014 Gangtok No.260 G OVERNMENT OF SIKKIM EXCISE (ABK) DEPARTMENT M.G.MARG GANGTOK-737 101 NO:03./Excise(Abk) Dated: 24.06.2014 NOTIFICATION The Government of Sikkim is hereby pleased to upgrade the 18 (eighteen) post of Naik in the Scale of Rs. PB-1-5200-20,200 plus grade pay Rs. 2700/- to that of Head Constable in the scale of PB-1-5200-20,200 plus grade pay of Rs.3000/presently held by the following Naik under Sikkim Excise Sub-Ordinate Service with immediate effect: Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name Shri Agendra Kumar Gurung Shri Dawa Zangpoo Bhutia Shri Dhan Kumar Rai Shri Karma Loday Bhutia Shri Mingur Sherpa Shri Jahar Singh Chettri Shri Ram Prasad Sharma Shri Birkha Bahadur Gurung Shri Yogendra Mohan Dhakal Shri Tejnath Sharma Shri Bhim Prasad Dahal Shri Pratap Sharma Shri Gopal Giri Shri Kishan Tamang Shri Sonam Wangyal Bhutia Shri Kharga Bahadur Chettri Shri Nar Bahadur Gurung Shri Tek Bahadur Bhandari The above upgraded post of Head Constables shall stand restored as Naik as and when the upgraded posts are vacated by the incumbent on account of transfer, promotion, resignation, retirement etc. SD/- (Y.BHANDARI) Mrs. COMM.-CUM-SPECIAL SECRETARY EXCISE (ABK) DEPARTMENT MEMO NO_______________/Excise (Abk) Copy for information to:-‘ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dated____________ Secretary, DOPART Secretary, Finance Revenue & Expenditure Department Additional Secretary, Home Department- For publication in the Official Gazette File and, Guard File DEPUTY SECRETARY EXCISE (ABK) DEPARMTENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAXES DIVISION No: 102/CTD/2014 No. 261 Dated: 23.06.2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (5) of section 13 of the Sikkim Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (5 of 2005) the State Government hereby prescribes that the rate of deduction of tax at source from payments made to the contractors against execution of work contract shall not exceed twenty percent. By order. Principal Secretary Finance, Revenue & Expenditure Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 5th July,2014 No.262 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HEALTH CARE, HUMAN SERVICES AND FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No.230.HC/HS&FW Dt. 20.06.2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 30 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act. 1969 (18 of 1969),the State Government with the permission of the Central Government hereby makes the following rules to amend the Sikkim Registration of Birth and Death Rules, 1999, namely:Short title, extent and commencement. 1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Registration of Birth and Death (Amendment) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall extend to the whole of Sikkim. (3) They shall come into force at once. Amendment of rule 5 2. In the Sikkim Registration of Births and Deaths Rules,1999,(hereinafter referred to as the said rules) in rule 5, (i) for the existing marginal heading, the following shall be substituted namely:“Form etc for giving information of births and deaths”; (ii) for the existing sub-rule (1),the following shall be substituted, namely:“(1) The information required to be given to the Registrar under section 8 or section 9, as the case may be, shall be in form Nos. 1, 1A,2 and 3 for the registration of birth, birth of an adopted child, death and still birth respectively, hereinafter to be collectively called the reporting forms. Information if given orally shall be entered by the Registrar in the signature/thumb impression of the informant obtained.” Insertion of new Form 1A 3. “ FORM NO. 1A (See rule 5) FORM NO. 1-A BIRTH REPORT FOR ADOPTED CHILD Legal information This part to be added to the Birth Register In the said rules, after Form No. 1, the following form shall be inserted, namely:BIRTH REPORT FOR ADOPTED CHILD FORM NO. 1-A Statistical information This part to be detached and sent for statistical processing To be filled by the informant To be filled by the informant 1. 14. Religion of the adoptive Father: (Tick the appropriate entry below) Date of birth (If known, write exact date of birth). (otherwise record the date of birth as ascertained by the Magistrate) 1. Hindu 2. Muslim 3. Christian 4. Sikh 5. Buddhist 6. Jain 7. Any other religion: (write name of the religion) 2. Sex: (Enter “male or female”) ; do not use abbreviation 3. Name of the child: (if name is changed on adoption, write new name) 4. Name of the mother: (if known) 15. Adoptive father’s level of education: (Enter the completed level of education e,g, if studied up to class VII but Passed only class VI, write class VI) 5. Name of the father: (if known) 16. Adoptive mother’s level of education: (Enter the completed level of education e,g, if studied up to class VII but Passed only class VI, write class VI) 6. Date and number of adoption deed/order 17. Adoptive father’s occupation: (if no occupation write ‘Nil’) 7. Name of the adoptive mother: 18. Adoptive mother’s occupation: (if no occupation write ‘Nil’) 8. Name of the adoptive father: 9. Address of adoptive parents as recorded in Adoption deed. 10. Permanent address of adoptive parents: 11. Place of birth: 12. If adoption through agency: write the place & address of the Adoption agency. 13. Informant’s name and address: (After completing all columns 1 to 18 informant will put date and signature here :) *As contained in the original birth certificate. (Columns to be filled are over. Now put signature at left) Date: Signature or left thumb mark of the informant To be filled by the Registrar Registration No.: Registration Date: Registration Unit: Town/Village District:Remarks: (if any) To be filled by the Registrar Name: Code No. Registration No.: District: Date of Birth Tahsil: Sex: 1. Male 2. Female Town/Village: Place of Birth: Name and Signature of the Registrar Registration Unit: Registration Date: Name and Signature of the Registrar” Sd/(Dr. K. Bhandari) Director General cum Secretary Health Care, Human Services & F.W. Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 Gangtok NO.263 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. 01/T.E./HRDD/2014 DATED: 14th June 2014 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to notify the percentage of reservation for different categories of people of Sikkim for allotment of State Quota seats for pursuing studies in various Educational institutions within and outside the State with immediate effect:II. The percentage of reservation shall be as under :Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Categories/Communities % of seat Merit Bhutia and Lepcha Primitive Tribe Most Backward Classes Other Backward Classes Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes Others 10% 20% 05% 20% 20% 13% 07% 05% III. The reservation provided to category/communities at sl. No. 1 to 7 as indicated at para II above is to candidates whose father possesses Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification. IV. The reservation provided to “Others” category is to (i) children of Business Community holding valid trade license in the name of the father (ii) children whose mother possesses Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification but father does not (iii) children of State Government Employees who do not possess Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification and (iv) local candidates who fall under Creamy Layer category of Most Backward Classes/Other Backward Classes who have not qualified in Merit category. V. There shall be 12% horizontal reservation for candidates belonging to BPL in each of the category/community indicated at para II above wherever applicable. The allotment of seats, however, will be subject to minimum criteria as laid down by the concerned Council/authorities as the case may be which is applicable for all categories. VI. The category/communities listed at serial No. 1 to 7 at para II above shall get first preference over those listed under serial No. 8 in the choice/selection of seats/institutions. VII. This Notification supersedes all the previous Notifications on the subject. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(Dr. Thomas Chandy) Pr.Secretary – HRDD (F. No. GOS/30/Sch/HRDD Part-I) Copy to :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principal Secretary to HCM. P.S. to HM/HRD. P.S. to Chief Secretary. JD/IT for uploading in Department web portal. Deputy Secretary, Home Department (Confidential) for publication in the official gazette. Notice board, HRDD and Directorate of Technical Education. File & Guard file. (D.K. Pradhan) Director, Technical Education. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July, 2014 Gangtok No.264 RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK No: 120 / RM&DD. Dated: 30/ 06 / 2014 NOTIFICATION With the approval of the competent authority, the Joint Departmental Committee comprising of following officers are hereby constituted for scrutiny of the claims and examination of the consultancy fee for the work of Kanchenzonga Tourist Villa-cum-Socio Cultural and Amusement Park at Ranka, East Sikkim by the contract firm M/S Civil Engineers Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Name Shri G.T. Dhungel Dr. Sandeep Tambe, IFS Shri Hari Prasad Sharma Designation Chief Engineer Special Secretary Director (Accounts) Nominated as Chairman Member Member The detailed report to be submitted by the committee to the Secretary, RM&DD. By Order. Sd/. ( D.R. NEPAL ) SECRETARY RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEV. DEPARTMENT Copy for information to :1. 2. 3. 4. All above Concerned above, Joint Secretary, Home Department File & Guard file. - for publication in Gazett DEPUTY SECRETARY (ADM) TO THE GOVT. OF SIKKIM RURAL MANAGEMENT & DEV. DEPARTMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 NO.265 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No:GOS/UD&HD/ 1(438)/2013/NULM/3 Dated: 28.06.2014 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to constitute a Governing Council (GC) comprising of following members for the purpose of implementation of National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). 1. Chief Minister 2. Finance Minister 3. Minister, Urban Dev.& Housing 4. Minister, Rural Management & Development 5. Minister, Labour 6. Minister, Industries & Commerce 7. Minister, Health Care, HS & Family 8. Minister, Human Resources Development 9. Chief Secretary 10. State Lead Bank Officer 11. Representative of MoHUPA, GoI 12. Mayor, Gangtok Municipal Corporation 13. Chairman, Namchi Municipal Council 14. Secretary, UD&H Department - - Chairperson Vice –Chair Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member-Convenor Terms of Reference :Governing Council The above Committee will be the policy making body at the State level, setting overall vision and direction to the Mission consistent with the national objectives. -sd/Commissioner-cum-Secretary Urban Development & Housing Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY th 5 July ,2014 Gangtok No.266 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 AMMENDMENT TO NOTIFICATION NO. 264/GEN/DOP DATED 12th February, 2014. Read the figure “824” and “856” instead of “860” and “820” appearing at serial number 6 at column 3 and 5 under heading “Energy and Power Department”. Similarly, under column “Total” read the figure “1220” and “2728” instead of “1256” and “2692” appearing at column 3 and 5 of the Notification referred to above. Further, the post of Junior Telephone Operator and Junior Telephone Attendant are recategorized along with number of post and total figure in its Annexure-VI of Notification referred to above, as under:Nae of Post, Pay Band and Grade Pay PB - 1 - 5200 -20200 + GP - (NEW) PB – 4500 -14500 + 2300 – Entry Pay – 7500 GP - 1400 – Entry Pay – Sl. 5900 No. Name of Department Office Assistant / LDC and Office Assistant / Peon and Equivalent (Group – C) Equivalent (Group – D) Name of Post No. of Name of Post No. of Post Post 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Energy and Power Junior Telephone 05 Junior Telephone 41 Department Operator Attendant By order. JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Memo No. 1164 /GEN/DOP DATED: 27/06/2014. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July ,2014 Gangtok No.267 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 16 /GEN/DOP DATED: 07/06/2014. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to downgrade 01 (one) post of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) created vide Notification No. 54/GEN/DOP dated 21/09/2012 to that of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) in the Pay Band - 1 of ` 5200 - 20200 and Grade Pay of ` 2600 in the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Institute for the Handicapped, Boomtar, Namchi under Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department with immediate effect. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(A. K. Chettri), IAS COMMISSIONER-CUM-SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July ,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Gangtok No.268 DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 295 /GEN/DOP DATED: 28/03/2014. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to sanction creation of in total 12 (twelve) posts, out of which 05 (five) posts of Ministerial Staff in the Sikkim Superior Judicial Service and 07 (seven) posts of Residential Orderlies for attachment to the newly appointed District and Sessions Judges and Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrates under the Hon’ble High Court of Sikkim with immediate effect, namely:Sl. No. 1. 1. Name of Post No. of Post Pay Band Grade Pay 4 5 2 Peshkar (Grade-I) 3 01 PB-2 of ` 9300 - 34800 ` 5000 01 PB-2 of ` 9300 - 34800 ` 5000 01 PB-1 of ` 5200 - 20200 ` 2600 4. Stenographer (Grade-I) Lower Division Assistant (LDA) Driver 01 PB-1 of ` 5200 - 20200 ` 2400 5. Peon 01 PB-1 of ` 5200 - 20200 ` 2200 6. Residential Orderlies 07 PB-1 of ` 5200 - 20200 TOTAL : 12 (Twelve) 2. 3. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(A. K. Chettri), IAS COMMISSIONER-CUM-SECRETARY ` 2200 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July ,2014 No.269 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 09 /GEN/DOP DATED: 27/05/2014. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to up-grade 03 (three) posts of Controller of Household Affairs presently held by the following officers to that of Senior Controller of Household Affairs in the Pay Band - 3 of ` 15600 - 39100 and Grade Pay of ` 6200 in the Sikkim Household Affairs Service under Home Department with effect from the date the upgraded posts are filled-up through promotion on the recommendation of Sikkim Public Service Commission:- (1) Smt. Bipula Sharma, CHA/Manager, SICB, Karfectar, (2) Smt. Usha Lama, CHA/Manager, State Circuit House, (3) Shri. Damber Singh Subba, CHA/Under Secretary, Exercise Department The above upgraded posts shall stand restored as and when the upgraded posts are vacated by the incumbents on account of promotion, resignation, retirement, etc. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(Prakash Subba), SCS ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July ,2014 Gangtok GAZETTE No.270 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 10 /GEN/DOP Dated the Gangtok: 30/05/2014. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to upgrade 38 (thirty eight) posts of Technician Grade-I in different wing presently held by the following officials to that of Technical Officer (Non Medical) in the Pay Band – 2 of ` 9300 – 34800 and Grade Pay of ` 5000 in the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service under Health Care, Human Services and Family Welfare Department with effect from the date the upgraded posts are filled-up through promotion on the recommendation of Sikkim Public Service Commission:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) Mr. Bharat Kumar Rai, Autopsy Technician, Mr. Chewang Norbu Bhutia, Medical Record Technician, Mr. Dawa Tshering Bhutia, Medical Record Technician, Mr. Dugyal Lepcha, Medical Record Technician, Mr. Deepak Subba, Medical Record Technician, Mr. Phurba Tamang, X-Ray Technician, Mr. Norbu Tshering Lepcha, X-Ray Technician, Mr. Nilu Rai, Blood Bank Technician, Mrs. Indira Giri, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Shri Prasad Rai, Blood Bank Technician, Mr. Hem Lal Gurung, X-Ray Technician, Mr. M. B. Gurung, Laboratory Technician, Mrs. Rita Tamang, Laboratory Technician, Mrs. Kabita Rai, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Chandra Lal Chettri, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Suren Subba, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Nar Bahadur Rai, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Deepak Kumar Rai, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Lobzang Bhutia, X-Ray Technician, Mr. Jai Bahadur Bista, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Nar Bahadur Subba, Laboratory Technician, (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) Mr. Dawa Gyaltsen, Laboratory Technician, Mrs. Ratna Lepcha, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Ashok Kumar Sunam, X-Ray Technician, Mr. Bhawani Shankar Sharma, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Buddhi Man Kalikotey, Laboratory Technician, Mrs. Sita Devi Sharma, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Tashi Bhutia, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Dhan Bahadur Rai, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Chatur Man Subba, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Ash Dhan Subba, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Jit Bahadur Subba, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Chewang Tenzing Bhutia, Laboratory Technician, Mrs. Kharki Maya Subba, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Hom Prasad Bista, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Sher Bahadur Subba, Laboratory Technician, Mr. Neem Tshering Lepcha, Laboratory Technician, Mrs. Mala Christina Singh, Laboratory Technician. The above upgraded posts shall stand restored as and when the upgraded posts are vacated by the incumbents on account of promotion, resignation, retirement, etc. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(Surekha Pradhan), SCS ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th JUly ,2014 Gangtok No.271 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 11 /GEN/DOP DATED: 04/06/2014. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to upgrade and re-designate 01 (one) post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) to that of Computer Operator in the Pay Band – 1 of and Grade Pay of ` 5200 – 20200 ` 3000 in the Sikkim Government College, Tadong under Human Resource Development Department with immediate effect. Consequently, 01 (one) post of Lower Division Clerk stands reduced from the existing cadre strength of Sikkim Sub-ordinate (Ministerial and Executive) Service. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(Surekha Pradhan), SCS ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July ,2014 Gangtok No.272 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 13 /GEN/DOP DATED: 06/06/2014. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to up-grade 01 (one) each post of Assistant Survey Officer and Assistant Chemist presently held by Shri. I. L. Tewari and Shri. Trilochand Adhikari to that of Senior Survey Officer and Senior Chemist respectively in the Pay Band - 3 of ` 15600 - 39100 and Grade Pay of ` 6200 in the Sikkim State Mines and Geology Service under Mines, Minerals and Geology Department with effect from the date the upgraded posts are filled-up through promotion on the recommendation of Sikkim Public Service Commission. The above upgraded posts shall stand restored as and when the upgraded posts are vacated by the incumbents on account of promotion, resignation, retirement, etc. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(A. K. Chettri), IAS COMMISSIONER-CUM-SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 ,2014 Gangtok No.273 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK - 737101 No. 15 /GEN/DOP DATED: 07/06/2014. NOTIFICATION 01 (one) post of Driver in the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department is hereby downgraded to that of Peon in the Pay Band - 1 of ` 5200 - 20200 and Grade Pay of immediate effect. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(A. K. Chettri), IAS COMMISSIONER-CUM-SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. ` 2200 with SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No.10/HCS GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 No.274 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Dated: 26.06.2014 NOTIFICATION In continuation of Notification No. 4/HCS dated 05.07.2012 & No. 5/HCS dated 06.07.2012, the terms of the following Advocates as Oath Commissioners is hereby extended for a period of two months (from date of expiry of their previous term) or till new Oath Commissioners are appointed, whichever is earlier. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ms. Geeta Subba Mr. Vivek Chandra Rai Ms. Yangzee Pinasha Mr. Pema Tamang Ms. Pabitra Pradhan Ms. Sushila Thapa The Oath Commissioners shall comply with the provision of the Sikkim Oath Commissioners (Appointment & Control) Rules, 2008. By Order, (K.C. Barphungpa) REGISTRAR GENERAL Memo No. 8 (35) Confdl/HCS/3555-75 Dated: 26.06.2014 Copy to:1. The Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 2. The Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 3. The Additional Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 4. The Principal District & Sessions Judge (East) at Gangtok. 5. The District & Sessions Judge (South) at Namchi. (Also for circulation amongst the existing Oath Commissioner listed in this Notification). 6. The District & Sessions Judge (Special Division - II) at Gangtok. 7. The District & Sessions Judge (North) at Mangan and District & Sessions Judge (Special Division - I) Incharge at Gangtok. 8. The District & Sessions Judge (West) at Gyalshing. 9. The Chief Judicial Magistrate (East & North) at Gangtok and the Civil Judgecum- Judicial Magistrate (East) Incharge at Gangtok 10. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (South) at Namchi and the Chief Judicial Magistrate (South & West) Incharge at Namchi. 11. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (North) at Mangan. 12. The Civil Judge-cum- Judicial Magistrate (West) at Gyalshing. 13. The District Magistrate of all the Districts. 14. The Gazette Section for printing in the Government Gazette. 15. The General Secretary, Bar Association of Sikkim, Gangtok. 16. The General Secretary, High Court Bar Association of Sikkim, Gangtok. 17. The General Secretary, Namchi Bar Association, South Sikkim. 18. Computer Cell, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 19. Notice Board 20. File and 21. Guard file. REGISTRAR SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 Gangtok NO.275 SIKKIM LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT NAMNANG GANGTOK No.7(1)Privileges Committee 2014-15/85 Dated30/6/2014 NOTIFICATION In pursuance to Rule 258 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly, the Hon’ble Speaker has been pleased to nominate the following Members to constitute the Committee on Privileges for the year 2014-2015 : I. Shri Sonam Dadul Bhutia II. Smt.Tilu Gurung and II. Shri Karma Sonam Lepcha. 2. Under the Rule 210 (1) of the said Rules, the Hon’ble Speaker has been pleased to appoint Smt.Tilu Gurung to be the Chairperson of the Committee. -Sd/( D.Rinchen ) Secretary. Copy to : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Chairperson and Members of the Privilege Committee, All other Members of the Sikkim Legislative Assembly, The Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Additional Chief Sectetary,Government of Sikkim, All Heads of Department/Undertakings, Government of Sikkim, The Learned Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, The Principal Accountant General ( Audit ), Lekha Pariksha Bhawan, Deorali, Gangtok 8. The Principal Secretary, Parliamentary Affairs Department, Government of Sikkim, 9. The Registrar, High Court of Sikkim, 10. Gazette Section, Home Department for publication in the State Government Gazette, 11. The P.S. to Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly Secretariat for information to the Hon’ble Speaker, 12. The P.S. to Deputy Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly Secretariat for information to the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker, 13. All Officers in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Secretariat, 14. The Secretary General, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House, New Delhi. -Sd/(Lakpa Doma Bhutia) Additional Secretary, Legislative Committee. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5th July,2014 Gangtok NO.279 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK Dated: 27/6/2014 No: 19 /GEN/DOP NOTIFICATION In supersession of Notification No: 186/GEN/DOP Dated: 21/08/2009, published in Extra Ordinary Gazette number 322 dated 27th August, 2009, the Governor of Sikkim is hereby pleased to approve the restructuring of reservation for all the Sikkimese Communities in posts and services to be filled up by direct recruitment under the State Government and Public Sector undertakings as follows with immediate effect:(i) Bhutia-Lepcha - 20% (ii) Scheduled Tribes ( Limboo and Tamang) - 13% (iii) Scheduled Castes - 07% (iv) Other Backward Classes – Central List (Bhujel, Dewan, Gurung, - 20% (v) Other Backward Classes – State List (Bahun, Chettri and Newar ) - 20% (vi) Primitive Tribe 5% Jogi, Kirat Rai, Manger, Sunwar, Thami and Sanyasi) - 2. The reservation provided for Women, Persons with disability, Ex-servicemen, Sports Person and Artisans of Excellence and Below Poverty Line families with 30%, 3%, 3%, 2% and 12% respectively under horizontal scheme of reservation will continue. 3. To this extent, all the earlier Order/Notification issued in this regard shall stand superseded. However, posts already advertised on the basis of earlier Notification shall, not be affected and shall continue to be governed by the earlier Notification on the Subject. Explanation : Creamy layer as notified by Social Welfare Department for Backward Classes will apply in both cases of ‘Other Backward Classes - Central List’ and ‘Other Backward Classes – State List’. By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(A.K. CHETTRI) IAS COMMISSIONER-CUM-SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 17th July,2014 Gangtok No. 280 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT (MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION) No. 7/MV/T Dated: 11.07.2014 NOTIFICATION Tender Opening Committee for fixation of High Security Registration Plate for different categories of vehicles is hereby constituted comprising the following Officers:- (i) Special Secretary, MVD - Chairman (ii) Chief Engineer (P), SNT - Member (iii) Representative from FRED - Member (iv) Joint Secretary, MVD - Member (v) Accounts Officer, MVD - Member (vi) AD-cum-RTO - Member Secretary Sd/SECRETARY TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 Gangtok No.281 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM Dated the 1st March, 2014 No. 276 /GEN/DOP NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim State Engineering (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) Service Rules, 1989 , namely :- 1. (1) 2. These rules may be called the Sikkim State Engineering (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force at once. In the Sikkim State Engineering (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) Service Rules, 1989, in SCHEDULE-I, for the heading “B. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICE” and the entries relating thereto, the following heading and the entries shall be substituted, namely:“B. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICE” Name of the Cadre post. NAME OF DEPARTMENT Energy and Power Principal Chief Engineer -cumSecretary 03 Chief Engineer 07 Additional Chief Engineer 11 Deputation Reserve (20% of 198) Training Reserve (15% of198) Reserve (5% of 198) Superintending Engineer Divisional Engineer Assistant Engineer Total 24 53 100 198 30 10 TOTAL AUTHORISED STRENGTH By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(T. N. Kazi) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT 40 Leave 278” SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Gangtok PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 No.282 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No. 289/GEN/DOP Dated: 10/3/2014 NOTIFICATION Whereas the State Government has deemed it expedient to fill up the 42 (forty two) posts of Village Level Worker by promotion in the Sikkim State Subordinate Agriculture Service Rules, 2001. And whereas under rule 7 read with Schedule II of the Sikkim State Subordinate Agriculture Service Rules, 2001, the method of recruitment to the post of Village Level Worker is as under, namely:“85% by direct recruitment and 10% by promotion of Fieldman/ Assistants on seniority basis against the total number of vacancies and 5% by promotion of Fieldman/ Field Assistants who has passed class X examination by interview on merit basis against the total number of vacancies.” And whereas keeping in view, the considerable length of service rendered by them, it has felt necessary to promote the 42 (forty two) Seniormost Fieldman/ Field Assistant as Village level Worker in Food Security and Agriculture Development Department; And whereas the State Government is of the opinion that it is necessary and expedient to relax the provision relating to the method of recruitment prescribed under rule 7 read with Schedule II of Sikkim State Subordinate Agriculture Service Rules, 2001 to promote 42 (forty two) Seniiormost Fieldman/ Field Assistant as Village level Worker duly utilizing the direct recruitment quota in Food Security and Agriculture Development Department; And whereas rule 22 of the Sikkim State Subordinate Agriculture Service Rules, 2001 provides for relaxation of rules; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 22 of the Sikkim State Sub-ordinate Agriculture Service Rules, 2001, the State Government is hereby pleased to relax the method of recruitment prescribed under rule 7 read with Schedule II of the said rules with a view to promote 42 (forty two) Fieldman/ Field Assistant as Village level Worker duly utilizing the direct recruitment quota in Food Security Agriculture Development Department as one time relaxation. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(C. Bhutia) JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Gangtok PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 No. 283 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No. 291/GEN/DOP Dated: 14/3/2014 NOTIFICATION Whereas the State Government has deemed it expedient to fill up 1 (one) post of Incharge under the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department from amongst the temporary employees presently working in the Department under the provision of rule 3 of the Sikkim Government Service Rules, 1974, the Sikkim Government Establishment Rules, 1974 and the Sikkim State Direct Recruitment (Special Provision) Rules, 2008 read with Office memorandum No. 1443/GEN/DOP dated: 10/7/2008; AND WHEREAS the State Government has deemed it expedient to fill up 1 (one) post of Incharge under the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department from amongst the temporary employees presently working in the Department on temporary basis by relaxing the provision of upper age limit under the provision of the Sikkim Government Service Rules, 1974, the Sikkim Government Establishment Rules, 1974 and rule 3 of the Sikkim State Direct Recruitment (Special Provisions) Rules, 2008 read with clauses 2 and 3 of the Office Memorandum no. 1443/GEN/DOP dated: 10/7/2008; AND WHEREAS rule 3 of the Sikkim Government Service Rules 1974, and rule 3 of the Sikkim State Direct Recruitment (Special Provisions) Rules, 2008 read with clauses 2 and 3 of the Office Memorandum no. 1443/GEN/DOP dated: 10/7/2008 provide for relaxation of the provision of the rules; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 3 of the State Government Service Rules, 1974 and rule 3 of the Sikkim State Direct Recruitment (Special Provisions) Rules, 2008 read with clauses 2 and 3 of the Office Memorandum No. 1443/GEN/DOP dated: 10/7/2008, the State Government is hereby pleased to relax the provision of upper age limit with a view to fill-up 1 (one) post of Incharge from amongst the temporary employees working in the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department as one time relaxation in consultation with the Sikkim Public Service Commission. By order and in the name of Governor Sd/(T.N. Kazi) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Gangtok PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 No.284 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM NO: 292/GEN/DOP Dated the 21 of March 2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim State Health Service Rules, 1993, namely;1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim State Health Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force at once. 2. In the Sikkim State Health Service Rules, 1993, in Schedule- I, under the heading “Cadre Strength”,(i) against “General Duty Medical Officer/MO (Junior Grade)” , for the figure “87”, the figure “138” shall be substituted; (ii) against “Total Cadre Strength”. for the figure “254”, the figure “305” shall be substituted; (iii) against “Leave Reserve (5%) , for the figure “13” , the figure “15” shall be substituted; (iv) against “Training Reserve”, for the figure “38”, the figure “46” shall be substituted; (v) against “Deputation Reserve”, for the figure “51”, the figure “61” shall be substituted; (vi) against “Total Authorized Strength”, for the figure “356”, the figure “427” shall be substituted. By order and in the name of the Governor Sd/(Surekha Pradhan) ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPTT. OF PERSONNEL, ADM. REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 Gangtok No.285 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No: 01 /GEN/DOP DATED: 15/4/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim Sub-ordinate Revenue Service Rules, 2007, namely;1. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim Sub-ordinate Revenue Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force at once. 2. In the Sikkim Sub-ordinate Revenue Service Rules, 2007, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules) for the words and figures “Schedule I and II” whenever they occur, the words “Schedule” shall be substituted. 3. In the said rules, for the existing Schedule I and II, the following Schedule shall be substituted, namely:“SCHEDULE- I Sl.No . Name of Post Total No. of Posts Classificatio n Scale of Pay Eligibility Conditions Educational Qualification for direct recruitment and other eligibility conditions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 18-30 (upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/ BL candidate and 4 years in case of MBC and 3 years in case of OBC candidates Not Applicable Constituted by the Government from time to time -do- -do- -do- 1. Checker 20 Group C Pay Band 520020200 + Grade Pay 2300 100% by direct recruitment Class X passed with mathematics as one of the subjects. 2. Assistant SubInspector 8 -do- Pay Band 520020200 + 50% by direct recruitment Class XII passed with mathematics or Commerce as one of the subjects Grade Pay 2600 50% by promotion Not Applicable Age Limit for direct recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion grade/post from which promotion to be made If Departmenta l Promotion Committee (9) (10) Through limited departmental Competitive Examination from 3. SubInspector 6 -do- Pay Band 520020200 + Grade Pay 3000 100% by promotion Not Applicable Not Applicable 4. Assistant Commerc ial Taxes Inspector 6- -do- Pay Band 520020200 + Grade Pay 3400 100% by Promotion Not Applicable Not Applicable 5. Commerc ial Tax Inspector 8 -do- Pay Band2 930034800 + Grade Pay 3800 50% direct recruitment Candidates must be a graduate with mathematic or commerce as one of the subjects 50% by promotion Not Applicable 18-30 (upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/ BL candidate and 4 years in case of MBC and 3 years in case of OBC candidates Not Applicable amongst the Checkers with 10 (ten) years of continuous service Through limited departmental Competitive Examination from amongst the Assistant SubInspector with 6 (six) years of continuous service Through limited departmental Competitive Examination from amongst the SubInspector with 6 (six) years of continuous service Not Applicable Through limited departmental Competitive Examination from amongst the Assistant Commercial Tax Inspector with 6 (six) years of continuous service.” By order and in the name of the Governor Sd/(Surekha Pradhan) ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT -do- -do- -do- SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th July,2014 No.286 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No. 04/GEN/DOP Dated: 6/5/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the State Government is hereby pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Sikkim State Jail Employees (Recruitment, Promotion and Seniority) Rules, 2002, namely .- 1. 2. (1) These rules may be called the Sikkim State Jail Employees (Recruitment, Promotion and Seniority) Amendment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force at once. In the Sikkim State Jail Employees (Recruitment, Promotion and Seniority) Rules, 2002, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in Schedule II, in paragraph 1, under the heading “Uniforms”, for the existing entries, the following shall be substituted, namely:“All member of Jail Employees shall wear dark green terry cotton uniform during summer season and woolen uniform during winter season which are stitched in the pattern of Sikkim Police along with the following uniforms articles, namely:(1) For Jailer and Assistant Superintendent of Jail:(a) Green Peak Cap/ Beret with White Metal State Emblem with a letter SJS. (b) Yellow Lanyard (c) Red boots (d) Red leather crest belt (e) Shoulder badge ‘SSJ’ on each shoulder (f) Name plate on the right chest. (2) For other Jail Employees:(a) Green beret cap with a badge having State Emblem on the top inscription ‘SSJ’ in the middle. (b) Green Lanyard on the left side. (c) Black Boots with black socks. (d) Black leather crest belt. (e) Shoulder badge ‘SSJ’ on each shoulder. (f) Name plate on the right chest.” 3. In the said rules, in Schedule-II, after item no. iv of paragraph 2, of Schedule-II, the following items shall be inserted, namely;“(v) Jailer shall wear 1 (one) Silver/ White Metal Star (vi) Assistant Superintendent of Jail shall wear Three Silver/ White Metal Star.” By order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(Prakash Subba) ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th July,2014 No.287 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No. 06/GEN/DOP Dated: 14/5/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Sikkim hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service Rules, 1998, namely:1. (1) (2) These rules may be called the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014. They shall come into force at once. 2. In the Sikkim State Para-Medical Service Rules, 1998, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in Schedule-I, against serial number 10, under column “Name of Post”, for the words “Food Inspector”, the words “Food Safety Officer” shall be substituted. 3. In the said rules, in Schedule-II, under the heading “PREVENTION OF FOOD ADULTERATION CELL”, for the existing “Food Inspector Junior Grade and entries relating thereto, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:“Food Safety Officer 100% by direct recruitment (i) A degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Bio-technology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Science or Bio Chemistry or Microbiology or Master Degree in Chemistry or Degree in medicine from a recognized University, or (ii) any other equivalent/ recognized qualification notified by the Central Government, and (iii) has successfully completed training as specified by the Food Authority in a recognized Institute or Institution approved for the purpose: Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer under this rule.” By Order and in the name of the Governor. Sd/(Surekha Pradhan) ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Gangtok PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 No.288 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No. 14/GEN/DOP Dated : 6/6/2014 NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim considering its exigency in the interest of the Panchayati Raj Administration and in order to achieve faster progress to provide a proper hierarchical structure for assisting the Panchayat bodies, originating from the lowest level functionary to middle level and senior middle level is hereby pleased to prescribe the following Career Advancement Scheme for Panchayat functionaries working under the Rural Management and Development Department, namely:Sl. Name of Pay Grade Mode of Recruitment Eligibility conditions No. Post and Band Pay Grade 1. Field PB-1 Rs. 100% from existing Graduate Facilitator Rs.5200- 2300/Field Facilitator Grade-IV 20200 working in the Field project under Backward Region Grant Fund with a minimum of 5 (five) years working service period 2. Rural PB-1 Rs. 50% by initial Rural Development Development Rs.5200- 2600/constitution Assistant with 10(ten) Assistant/ 20200 years continuous Panchayat service Assistant 50% by Promotion Field Facilitator with 5 Sub(five) years Inspector continuous service. Grade-III 3. Panchayat PB-2 Rs. 50% by initial Rural Development SubRs.9300- 3400/constitution Assistant with 15 Inspector 34800 (fifteen) years Grade-II continuous service. 50% by Promotion Rural Development Assistant/ Panchayat Assistant SubInspector with 5 (five) years continuous service. Contd……… 4. Panchayat Inspector Grade-I PB-2 Rs.930034800 5. Junior Grade PB-2 under Sikkim Rs.9300State General 34800 Service Assistant Panchayat Officer -2Rs. 3800/- Rs. 5000/- 100% by Promotion Panchayat SubInspector with 5 (five) years continuous service 100% by Promotion Panchayat Inspector through SPSC with 5 (five) years continuous service Attainment of higher grade/scale shall be on the basis of recommendation of the Committee consisting of the following members:1. Special / Additional Secretary, RMDD 2. Joint /Deputy Secretary, DOPART 3. Joint/ Deputy Secretary, FR&ED 4. Joint / Deputy Secretary, RM&DD By Order and in the name of the Governor Sd/(CHODAK BHUTIA) JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No.12 /HCS GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 No.289 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Date: 14.07.2014 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified that in pursuance to Notification No. K- 11017/03/2014-US.II dated 30.06.2014 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice (Department of Justice), New Delhi, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunil Kumar Sinha, Hon’ble Judge, Chhattisgarh High Court took Oath of Office as Judge of the High Court of Sikkim on 14th July, 2014 at 10.00 A.M. and has assumed charge of the Office of the Judge of High Court of Sikkim. By Order, Sd/- (K.C. Barphungpa) Memo No.: V (221) Confdl/HCS/4205-43 Dated: 14.07.2014 Copy to:- REGISTRAR GENERAL 1. Mr. Praveen Garg, Joint Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice (Department of Justice), Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road,New Delhi 110 011. 2. The Secretary to His Excellency the Governor of Sikkim, Raj Bhawan, Gangtok. 3. The Secretary General, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi 110 201. 4. The Registrar General of all the High Courts of India. 5. The Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 6. The Principal Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. The Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim, Gangtok. 8. The Additional Secretary, Sikkim State Legal Services Authority, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 9. The Principal Accountant General, Government of India, Tadong, Gangtok. 10. The Chief Pay & Accounts Officer, Treasury Pay & Accounts Office, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 11. The Gazette Section for publication in Government Gazette. 12. All the Section In- Charge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 13. The Computer Cell, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok 14. Personal file, 15. Guard file & 16. File. REGISTRAR SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRA ORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 Gangtok No._290______________ GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LEGAL METROLOGY UNIT AND CONSUMER PROTECTION CELL FOOD & CIVIL SUPPLIES AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT PALZOR STADIUM ROAD, GANGTOK-737101 No. 21/FCS&CA Dated: 01.07.2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 16 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986) and in supersession of Notification No. 11/WM/FCS & CA dated: 31.03.2011, the State Government, on the recommendations of the Selection Committee constituted for the purpose, hereby appoints Shri. T.P. Koirala, (Retd. Controller, Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department, Government of Sikkim) resident of Tadong Housing Colony, Gangtok, East Sikkim, as member of the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. 2. The appointment will be effective from 1st July’2014. 3. He shall hold office for a term of 5 (five) years or upto the age of 67 (sixty seven) years, whichever is earlier. Sd/(D.P. SHARMA) I.A.S. SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FOOD CIVIL SUPPLIES & CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM 1(119)CP/FCS&CA/2014-15 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th July,2014 No: 291 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR GANGTOK NOTIFICATION No: 1/DL Date:10/07/2014. In exercise of the power conferred under section 17(2) of Sikkim Shops & Commercial Establishment Act, 1983, the shops or establishment situated at Naya Bazaar, West Sikkim shall remain closed on Friday. This notification shall not affect the hotel establishments, fruits, vegetable and meat stalls, pan shop, tea stalls and medical clinics and stores. Contravention of this notification shall on first conviction, be punished with fine which shall not be less then Rs:50/- and may extend to Rs:500/- and for second conviction for contravention of same provision shall be published with fine which shall not be less then Rs: 100/and they extend to Rs:1000/-. Further, opening of the Shops & Commercial Establishment and closure shall be regulated by the provision of the Sikkim Shops & Commercial Establishment Act, 1983. Petro Pumps are exempted from closure subject to one day weekly rest for workers on rotation basis. Sd/K.K.Pradhan, IAS, Commissioner-Cum-Secretary, Labour Department, Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY _GANGTOK_______________19th July,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LAW DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. 1/LD/P/14 No.292 Dated: 5.07.2014 NOTIFICATION The following Act passed by the Sikkim Legislative Assembly and having received assent of the Governor on 31st January,2014 is hereby published for general information:THE SIKKIM NURSES, MIDWIVES AND HEALTH VISITORS (AMENDMEND) ACT, 2014 (ACT NO. 1 OF 2014) AN ACT Further to amend the Sikkim Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors (Amendment) Act, 2008. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Sikkim in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:Short title 1. extent and Commencement Amendment of 2. section 32 (I) This Act may be called the Sikkim Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors (Amendment) Act, 2014. (2) It extends to the whole of Sikkim. (3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 08th day of February, 2010. In the Sikkim Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act, 2008, in section 32:----(1) in clause (K) of sub section (1), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely;“Provided the candidate has passed from the institute recognized by the Indian Nursing Council,” (2) in sub-section (2), clauses (g), (h) and (i) shall be omitted. (Lakchung Sherpa) SSJS L.R.-cum-Secretary, Law Department. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 19th July,2014 NO.294 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No:54/Home/2014 Dated:15 /07/2014 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to order an Enquiry into the events that took place on the evening of 14th July, 2014 at Tadong, Gangtok, East Sikkim. The enquiry will be conducted by Shri C.T. Wangdi, Secretary, Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Government of Sikkim. He shall ascertain the facts and issues relating to this incident and submit his report to the Government for appropriate action within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this Notification. By Order, Sd/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY F.NO. 117/1997/03/Vol: I/Pt. Copy to: 1. Shri C.T. Wangdi, Secretary, Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department. 2. Pr. R.C. Sikkim House, New Delhi for information. 3. DGP, Police Headquarters, Gangtok. 4. Pr. Secretary, HRDD. 5. Comm – cum – Secretary to Hon’ble Governor, Raj Bhavan. 6. Pr. Secretary, Chief Minister’s Office. 7. District Collector, East, Gangtok. 8. Special Secretary- Home/ Additional Secretary- Adm/ Additional Secretary- P. 9. Gazette Section for publication in official Gazette. 10. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary- I/C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No: 55/Home/2014 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK NO.295 Dated: 16 /07/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974), Shri A.B. Karki, Additional District Collector (Development), East District is hereby appointed as Executive Magistrate for East District for the purposes of the said Code with immediate effect, till further orders. Sd/(S.C. Gupta) IAS Principal Secretary- Home F.NO.H/C/162/1987/(01)Vol:II SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 Gangtok NO.296 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT No. 56 / Home/2014 Dated.17 /07/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Code of Criminal procedure,1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974), the following officers are hereby appointed as Executive Magistrate for East District for the purposes of the said Code with immediate effect, till further orders. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Smt.Roshni Rai,Additional district Collector(Development), East District. Shri Hem Kumar Chhetri, Joint Secretary, Gangtok Municipal Corporation. Shri Mahesh Sharma, Joint Secretary, DPER&NECAD. Shri Satyen Pradhan, Joint Secretary, RM&DD Shri Bharani Kumar, IAS Probationer. Shri Sangay G.Bhutia, Assistant Municipal Commissioner, Gangtok Municipal Corporation. (( S.C.Gupta )IAS Principal Secretary-Home F.NO/H/C/162/1987/(01)VOL:II SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 NO.297 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT No. 57 / Home/2014 Dated.19 /07/2014 CORRIGENDUM In Notification No.56/Home/2014 dated 17/07/2014, at serial No.3, the words “Shri Mahesh Sharma, Joint Secretary, DPER&NECAD may be read as Shri Mahesh Sharma, Deputy Secretary, DPER&NECAD”. BY ORDER. Sd/(S.C.Gupta) IAS Principal Secretary-Home F.No.H/C/162/1987/(01)Vol.II SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19th July,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 58 /Home/2014 NO.298 Dated: 19 /07/2014 NOTIFICATION The Warrant signed by the Hon’ble Governor on 4th July,2014 is hereby published for information of general public. WARRANT By virtue of the power vested in me by Section 6 of the Sikkim Lokayukta Act, 2014, I Shriniwas Patil, Governor of Sikkim do hereby appoint Shri Sirish Chandra Misra as Judicial Member of the Sikkim Lokayukta with effect from the date he assumes charge of his office. Given at Raj Bhavan, Gangtok, Sikkim this 4th Day of July in the year 2014 in the 65th year of the Republic of India Sd/GOVERNOR OF SIKKIM (R.Ongmu) IAS Chief Secretary F.No. Home/ Conf./ 141/2014/01 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 26th July,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 59/Home/2014 NO.299 Dated: 23/07/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub – section (1) of section 3 of the Sikkim Public Services Act, 2006 (10 of 2006), the State Government hereby appoints following persons in the post mentioned against their respective names with immediate effect. 1. Shri K.T. Gyaltsen Legal Advisor to the Chief Minister 2. Shri Bhim Dahal Press Advisor to the Chief Minister. They shall be accorded status of a Cabinet Minister. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY F. NO. H/C/150/2014/01 Copy to: 11. Shri K.T. Gyaltsen. 12. Shri Bhim Dahal. 13. Comm – cum – Secretary to Hon’ble Governor, Raj Bhavan. 14. Pr. Secretary, Chief Minister’s Office. 15. Special Secretary- Home/ Additional Secretary- Adm/ Additional Secretary- P. 16. Gazette Section for publication in official Gazette. 17. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary- I/C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 26th July,2014 Gangtok NO.300 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT No. 60 / Home/2014 Dated.24 /07/2014 NOTIFICATION Order No.SKM/GOV/2014/502 dated: 23rd July, 2014 issued by the Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim is hereby published for general information:ORDER In partial modification of Order No. SKM/GOV/2014/423 dated: 21st May, 2014, I, Shriniwas Patil, Governor of Sikkim, hereby order that the portfolios of the following members of the Council of Ministers shall be re – allocated as follows with effect from today:CABINET MINISTERS 1. Shri Somnath Poudyal 2. Shri Arjun Kumar Ghatani Food Security & Agriculture Development and Horticulture & Cash Crops Development and Irrigation & Flood Control and Animal Husbandry, Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Services Departments. Healthcare, Human Services and Family Welfare and Information & Public Relations and Printing Departments. (Shriniwas Patil) GOVERNOR OF SIKKIM BY ORDER. Sd/(R. ONGMU) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY Copy to : 1. Comm- cum – Secretary to Hon’ble Governor, Raj Bhavan. 2. Pr. Secretary, Chief Minister’s Office. 3. All Secretaries and Heads of Departments. 4. PS to all Ministers. 5. Gazette Section for publication in official gazette. 6. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary- III/C SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 26th July,2014 Gangtok No.301 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DIRECTORATE OF HANDICRAFTS AND HANDLOOM NOTIFICATION NO: 3(26) /GOS/DHH/1 DATED: 01 /07/2014. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred by Section 4 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 the Director – Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom under Commerce and Industries Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok is hereby designated as Transparency Officer of D.H.H for the purpose of the said Act. A. K. Shrivastava, IAS Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. Copy for information to:1. Director, DHH, 2. Chief Information Commissioner, State Information Commission, Gangtok. 3. SPIO, DOPART, 4. Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department, 5. Additional Secretary, Home Department (Gazette Section) 6. P.S to the Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, 7. All Secretaries/HODs, 8. SPIO/DHH, 9. All APIO/DHH, East, West, North & South, 10. File, 11. Guard file SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 26th July,2014 Gangtok No.302 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM G ANGTOK No. 13/HCS Dated: 21.07.2014 NOTIFICATION Hon’ble the Chief Justice is pleased to reconstitute the following Committees in supersession of Notification No. 2/HCS dated 27.04.2013 with immediate effect:A. B. Library Committee1. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunil Kumar Sinha Chairman 2. Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.P. Wangdi Member Building Committee1. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunil Kumar Sinha Chariman 2. Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.P. Wangdi Member By Order, Sd/- (K.C. Barphungpa) REGISTRAR GENERAL Memo No. : V(165)/Confdl./HCS/4388-409 Date: Copy to:1. The P.S. to Hon’ble the Chief Justice for his Lordship’s kind information. 2. The P.S. to Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunil Kumar Sinha, Judge for his Lordship’s kind information. 3. The P.S. to Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.P. Wangdi, Judge for his Lordship’s kind information. 4. The P.S. to the Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 5. The P.S. to the Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 6. The Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. The Secretary, Buildings & Housing Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 8. The Secretary, Law Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 9. The Additional Secretary, Sikkim State Legal Services Authority, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 10. All the District & Sessions Judges. 11. The Additional Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, for publication in the Government Gazette. 12. All the Section Incharge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 13. Notice board. 14. Guard File. 15. File. REGISTRAR SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 26th July,2014 Gangtok No.303 HIGH COURT OF SIKKIM G ANGTOK No. 16/HCS Dated: 22.07.2014 NOTIFICATION In supersession of Notification No. 33/HCS dated 15.11.2013, Hon’ble the Chief Justice is pleased to reconstitute the Committee for better and effective implementation of the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007, with immediate effect. The Committee comprises as follows:1. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunil Kumar Sinha Chairman 2. Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.P. Wangdi Member By Order, Sd/- (K.C. Barphungpa) REGISTRAR GENERAL Memo No. : V(165)/Confdl./HCS/4471-501 Date: Copy to:1. The P.S. to Hon’ble the Chief Justice for his Lordship’s kind information. 2. The P.S. to Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sunil Kumar Sinha, Judge for his Lordship’s kind information. 3. The P.S. to Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.P. Wangdi, Judge for his Lordship’s kind information. 4. The P.S. to the Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 5. The Additional Advocate General, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 6. The Secretary to His Excellency the Governor of Sikkim, Raj Bhawan, Gangtok. 7. The Legal Remembrancer –cum- Law Secretary, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 8. The Principal District & Sessions Judge (East) at Gangtok. 9. The District & Sessions Judge (South) at Namchi, The Judge, Family Court (South) at Namchi. 10. The District & Sessions Judge (North) at Mangan. The Judge, Family Court (North) at Mangan. 11. The District & Sessions Judge (West) at Gyalshing. 12. The District & Sessions Judge (Special Div. I) at Gangtok. The Judge, Family Court (West) at Gyalshing. 13. The District & Sessions Judge (Special Div. II) at Gangtok. 14. The Chief Judicial Magistrate –cum- Civil Judge (East & North) at Gangtok. 15. The Civil Judge –cum- Judicial Magistrate (East)I/C at Gangtok. 16. The Civil Judge –cum- Judicial Magistrate (North) at Mangan. 17. The Civil Judge –cum- Judicial Magistrate (West) at Gyalshing. 18. The Civil Judge –cum- Judicial Magistrate (South) at Namchi. 19. The Member Secretary, Sikkim State Legal Services Authority, Gangtok. 20. The Joint Secretary (Women and Child Development Division), Gangtok. 21. The Additional Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim for publication in the Government Gazette. 22. The General Secretary, Bar Association of Sikkim, Gangtok. 23. The General Secretary, High Court Bar Association, Gangtok. 24. The General Secretary, Namchi Bar Association, South Sikkim, Namchi. 25. All the Section Incharge, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. 26. Notice board. 27. Guard File. 28. File. REGISTRAR SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 26th July,2014 Gangtok No.304 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SOCIAL JUSTICE,EMPOWERMENT AND WELFRE DEPARTMENT (SOCIAL WELFARE DIVISION) GANGTOK. No. 2/SJE&WD Dated :- 14.7.2014. NOTIFICATION Whereas the State Government has deemed it expedient and necessary to frame schemes with regard to grant of Scholarships to the differently able students to assist them to secure academic education and technical or professional training so as to enable them to earn livelihood and to become useful members of the society. And whereas, this scheme will be applicable to all categories of the local, poor and needy differently able students who are pursuing their education within or outside the State but within the Country. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) Section 30 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995(1 of 1996), the State Government hereby makes the following schemes regulating grant of Scholarships to Students with disabilities, namely:Short title and 1. (1) These scheme may be called the Sikkim Grant of Scholarship commencement to Students with disabilities, Scheme, 2014. (2) They shall come into force at once. Definition 2. In these scheme, unless the context otherwise requires; (a) “Act” means the Persons Opportunities, Protection Participation) Act, 1995; with Disabilities (Equal of Rights and Full (b) “Department” means the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department in the Government of Sikkim; (c) “Disability” means the disabilities as defined in clause (i) of Section 2 of the Act; (d) “Medical Authorities” means the Medical Authorities as constituted vide Notification No: 9/SJE&WD dated 28.12.2013; (e) “Government” means the State Government of Sikkim; (f) ”local ” means a local resident belonging to either Bhutia, Lepcha or Nepali Community possessing Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification (self or father) as the case may be; (g) “poor and needy” means the student having no regular source of income of his/her own or through financial support from family members i.e. the parents should posses the Below Poverty Line Certificate or Income certificate issued by Gram Vikash Adhikari of the locality and is non-recipient of any other financial aid from the State Government/Central Government or any other sources; (h) “Scholarship” means any form of financial aid/incentive paid or reimbursed by the Government either in cash or books, stationery, uniforms, allowances etc. The Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension or Subsistence Allowance as the case shall also be deemed as scholarship within the meaning of its definition; (i)“Selection Committee” means the Selection Committee constituted under paragraph 4; (j) Any other words or phrases used in this scheme, but not herein defined, shall have the meaning as assigned to them in the Act. Amount of Scholarship 3. The amount of scholarship payable to each student shall be such as may be notified by the Government from time to time. Selection Committee 4. There shall be a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose of selection and recommendation of the name of eligible students for drawl of scholarship consisting of the following members, namely:(i) Joint Secretary, Social Welfare Division - (ii) Social Welfare Officer and Member any other senior Officer of the Social Welfare Division nominated by the Secretary-in-Charge of the Department. Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer – Member (iii) Eligibility for Scholarship 5. Member (1) The student should be in the age group of 05 (five) years and above and is suffering from not less than 40% of disabilities as certified by the Medical authorities for the disabilities as defined in section 2 (t) of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995; (2) The Student should be a regular student of any recognized College or University or School of recognized Board and the scholarship will be granted only on production of the Certificate from the Head of the Institution of the College and School; (3) If any student fails to pass the examination in one sitting of the particular academic session, he/she shall not be entitled for the scholarship for the repeated Class; (4) The Student should therefore submit his claim for payment/reimbursement of the scholarship on every first month of the academic year duly endorsed by the Head of Institution; (5) The Students who are availing similar scholarship from other departments, Government of Sikkim or Ministries shall not be eligible for the scholarship under this scheme. Authority Competent 6. The Authority Competent to sanction scholarship shall be the to Sanction Scholarship Secretary-in-Charge, Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department. Procedure for along Application Procedure of grant of scholarship 7. Application for scholarship shall be made in plain paper with three passport size photograph, Father’s Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification as the case may be {in case, the student is below 18 (eighteen) years} of age, Parent’s B.P.L Certificate or Income Certificate issued by the Gram Vikash Adhikari of the respective Block Administrative Centers and date of birth issued by Births and Deaths Cell of Health Care, Human Services & Family Welfare Department or any valid document containing date of birth and Certificate and Mark sheet from the College or School as applicable. 8. 1) On receipt of an application, the same shall be scrutinized by the Selection Committee regarding age, Sikkim Subject Certificate, Certificate of Identification, B.P.L Certificate/Income Certificate etc. and on complete/satisfactory documents, approval shall be accorded by the Secretary; (2) A copy of the order for the grant and payment of scholarship shall be endorsed to the District Collector, Sub-Divisional Magistrate and Accounts Section of the Social Welfare Division, Gram Vikash Adhikari and Panchayat where the student actually resides and the student himself/herself. Payment of Scholarship 9. (1) The Secretary-in-Charge, Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department shall be the competent authority for the grant and payment of scholarship; (2) The scholarship shall be distributed through Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme or any other mode as may be decided by the Sanctioning/Competent Authority from time to time; (3) The details of the scholarship/maintenance of accounts etc. shall be maintained by the Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department. Supply of Books, Stationery and Uniform 10. The Human Resource Development Department shall provide special books free of costs, including text books, uniforms and other materials to students with disabilities attending School as required under clause (f) of Section 27 and clause (c) of Section 30 of the Act. Verification 11. If required, the concerned officer of the Social Welfare Division of Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department shall make verification for the continued existence of the student in the University, College or School as the case may be along with other relevant particulars. Intimation of death of the student 12. In the event of death of the student, the family member/ Panchayat or the Head of Institution shall make report to the Department and also surrender the passbook immediately. Cessation of scholarship. 13.(1)The scholarship shall cease to be drawn from the date of death of the student, failing to pass in the particular Examination conducted by the University or Board and permanent migration to outside Sikkim; (2)Each student shall submit “Life Certificate” in the prescribed format in the month of February every year duly certified by the Head of Institution of the College or School where the student is studying and failing to submit the same, it will be presumed that the student is either died or migrated to outside Sikkim or failed in the particular class of the academic session and the payment of scholarship shall be stopped forthwith without further notice. Penalty. 14. The Sanctioning authority shall have the right to recover payments made on the basis of false or mistaken information, if any, about eligibility and death of the student. Sd/G.P. UPADHYAYA IAS PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT File No. GOS/SJE&WD/2014/6(11) LIFE CERTIFICATE {See rule 13(2)} Certified that I have seen the Shri/Smt_______________________ son of/Wife of______________________________________________ Age ______Resident _________________________________________________ (Full address) beneficiary of/daughter of District_________________________________and that he/she is alive on the date. Signature ______________________ Name ______________________________ Panchayat President of GPU(Seal) Place Date _______________________ _______________________ Signature Name _______________________ ____________________________ Designation of the authorized officer viz; Gram Vikash Adhikari/Sub-Divisional Magistrate or any Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Officer of State Government Seal ___________________________ Affix recent P.P.size Photograph of the beneficiary duly attested by Gram Vikash Adhikari/SubDivisional Magistrate or any Group ‘A’ &’B’ Officer. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 1st August,2014 No. 305 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAXES DIVISION No: 103/CTD/2014 / Dated: 23.07.2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred by section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Shri H. B. Rai, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Division is hereby designated as Appellate Authority for the purpose, under the Commercial Taxes Division, Finance, Revenue & Expenditure Department. Sd/(M. G. Kiran) IAS Principal Secretary Finance, Revenue & Expenditure Department Copy to:01. 02. 03. 04. Shri H. B. Rai, Commissioner Secretary, Sikkim Information Commissioner File Guard file DEPTUY COMMISSIONER (ADM.) COMMERCIAL TAXES DIVISION/FRED SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GANGTOK 1st August,2014 No.306 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No GOS/UD&HD1(85)2014/4 Dated 19/07/2014 NOTIFICATION In partial modification to Notification No. GOS/UD&HD/1(85)2014/1 dated 23.06.2014 the words “immediate effect” is substituted with “with effect from 01.04.2014”. Sd/(TOBJOR DORJI) COMMISSIONR-CUM-SECRETARY URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM FILE NO. _________________________________________________________________________ S.G.P.G. – /Gazette/ Dated…….. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 1st August,2014 Gangtok No.307 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT (SOCIAL WELFARE DIVISION) SAMAJ KALYAN BHAWAN, 5TH MILE TADONG, LUMSAY, GANGTOK No. 3/SJE&WD Dated: 14/7/2014 NOTIFICATION In pursuance of paragraph 3 of the Sikkim Grant of Scholarship to the Students with disabilities, Scheme, 2014, the State Government is hereby pleased to notify the rate of Scholarship/incentives to the Students with disabilities of the State studying within and outside the State as under, namely:Serial No. Class or category of students Classes Pre-primary to VI 1 Amount of Scholarship and other terms and conditions (1) Rs. 600/- per month which includes the Transport or Escort Allowance; (2) No scholarship is admissible to the student who is a recipient of Disability Pension or Subsistence Allowance as the case may be, except books, stationery and uniforms; (3) The beneficiary should be a bonafide student studying in any Government School in the State; (4) The scholarship/ incentive shall be admissible to the student studying in the School (s) being run by the Non Governmental Organizations or the Department; (5) The scholarship/ incentive shall also be admissible to the student who is provided with the Hostel accommodation and free text books, stationery and mess by the Department and the NGOs receiving Grant in aid from the Government. 2 Classes VII to VIII Rs. 700/- per month subject to the conditions laid down against serial number 1 above. 3 Classes IX to XII Rs. 1000/- per month subject to the conditions laid down against serial number 1 above. 4 Under graduate courses (Degree or (1) 100% reimbursement of payment of the cost Diploma) outside the State where the of books, tuition fee, stationery and Uniforms facilities for studies are available in the by the Department subject to production of Universities and Colleges the Certificate from the Head of Institution duly supported by the authentic/valid Cash memos/vouchers; (2) Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension or Subsistence Allowance as the case may be in the form of Transport/Escort Allowance in addition to above. 5 Post graduate Diploma) Courses (Degree or As serial number 4 above Sd/G.P. UPADHYAYA IAS PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT File No: GOS/SJE&WD/2014/6(11) GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 62/Home/2014 Dated:26/07/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub – section (1) of section 3 of the Sikkim State Public Services Act, 2006 (10 of 2006), the State Government hereby appoints following persons as Advisor of the Departments/Organizations mentioned against their respective names, with immediate effect :Sl. No. Name Department/ Organization 01. Shri Mingma Tshering Sherpa SPWD, Roads and Bridges Department 02. Shri P.L. Subba Transport Department 03. Shri Binod Rai Water Security and PHE Department 04. Shri B.S. Pant Energy and Power Department 05. Shri M.B. Dahal Tourism and Civil Aviation Department 06. Shri C.B. Karki Rural Management and Development Department 07. Shri Sonam Gyatso Bhutia Food Security and Agriculture Department 08. Shri Menlom Lepcha State Trading Corporation of Sikkim (STCS) 09. Shri Lakpa Tshering Ghising Ecclesiastical Affairs Department 10. Shri Madan Cintury Irrigation and Flood Control Department 11. Shri Am Prasad Sharma SPWD, Buildings and Housing Department. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(S.C. GUPTA) IAS PRINCIPAL SECRETARY- HOME F. NO. H/C/150/2014/01 SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 7th August, 2014 No.311 GOVTERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sectt.Annexe I, Top Floor, Sonam Tshering Mag, Gangtok. No.744/DIT/14 Dated : 04/08/2014 NOTIFICATION In Exercise to the powers conferred by Sub-Section(I) of Section 70 of the Information Technology Act 2000( 21 of 2000 ), the State Government hereby declares Sikkim State Data Centre, which has identified as Critical Information Infrastructure; as PROTECTED SYSTEM. . -Sd/( Rajesh Verma) Principal Director cum Secretary Department of Information Technology SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 11th August,2014 No.312 Government of Sikkim Sports & Youth Affairs Department, Gangtok White Hall complex, Gangtok, Sikkim–737101/Phone/Fax: 03592-202505 Notification No: 17/SYA/2014 Dated: 01/08/2014 CORRIGENDUM NOTIFICATION In partial modification of Government Notification No.16/SYA/2014, Dated: 15/02/2014 as published in Sikkim Government Extraordinary Gazette No. 64, Dated Gangtok, Monday, 24th February 2014, that; 1. Article 10; Quantum of Awards for medallist in the North East Games/ All India Rural sports Meet/ All India Women’s Sports Festival, may be read as; Quantum of Awards for medallist in the North East Games. Individual Team Event a) Gold Rs. 20,000/Rs. 10,000/(to each member of the team in accordance b) Silver Rs. 15,000/Rs. 07,000/with the number in a team as stipulated by c) Bronze Rs. 10,000/Rs. 05,000/the Sports Authority of India) 2. Article 12: (iii); (b) NATIONAL LEVEL; (ii) National Championship/as refered to in Article 8; may be read as; National Championship as refered to in Article 7 & 8. Olympic Organised by the National Federation of games affiliated to the IOA. Non-Olympic Organized by the National Federation for the Game, affiliated to the International Federation for the game in which at least eight states have participated. 3. Article 12: (iii); (b) NATIONAL LEVEL; (vii) All India Women Sports Festivals/Tournaments/ Competitions; may be read as; All India Women Sports Festivals/All India Rural Sports/ Tournaments/Competitions. Organised by Sports Authority of India. Sd/(Dr. K. Jayakumar, IAS) Principal Secretary Sports and Youth Affairs Department Government of Sikkim Gangtok. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRA ORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 11th August,2014 Gangtok No. 313 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM LEGAL METROLOGY UNIT AND CONSUMER PROTECTION FOOD & CIVIL SUPPLIES AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT PALZOR STADIUM ROAD, GANGTOK-737101 NO. 22/ FCS &CA/ 2013 30/07/2014. Dated: NOTIFICATION In supersession of the notification No. 17/FCS & CA/2013 Dated: 23.10.2013, the State Government is hereby pleased to re-constitute the following committees for monitoring and regulation of prices of essential commodities, vegetables and other consumables in Sikkim with immediate effect. The Committees shall be as follows, namely:1. STATE LEVEL COMMITTEE: The State Level Committee which shall provide major policy initiatives, guidelines for regulation and movement of essential commodities, vegetables and other consumables shall regularly monitor its activities to mitigate the problems of consumers in the State, consists of the following members; namely:(1) Hon’ble Minister, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Chairman; (2) Hon’ble Mayor, Gangtok Municipal Corporation Member; (3) Secretary, Urban Development and Housing Department Member; (4) Secretary, Building and Housing Department Member; (5) Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Department Member; (6) Secretary, Food Security & Agriculture Department Member; (7) Secretary, Horticultural & Cash Crop Development Department Member; (8) Secretary, State Transport Authority Member; (9) Managing Director, Denzong Agriculture Cooperative Society Ltd. (DACS) Member; (10) Secretary, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Member Secretary. 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE:- The terms of reference of the State Level Committee shall be as follows:(1) it shall take all decisions regarding regulation activities related to mobilization, control of prices of essential commodities and other consumable in the state; (2) it shall monitor and coordinate with the line departments and agencies on its progress; (3) it shall examine and evaluate the performance of the District Level Committee and all such related activities as deemed fit in larger public interest; (4) it shall recommend regulatory framework to the Line Departments, agencies and District Level Committee related to the matter. 3. DISTRICT LEVEL COMMITTEE: The District Level Committee consituted for the purpose in East/West/North/South Sikkim located at District Head quarters in Gangtok, Gyalshing, Mangan, Namchi, respectively, shall be responsible for implementation of the policies and decisions taken by the State Level Committee and shall submit report to the Chairman and Member Secretary on all such activities undertaken by the respective District Level Committee which shall consists of the following members; namely:(1) District Collector Chairman; (2) Superintendent of Police Member; (3) Divisional Engineer, Building and Housing Department Member; (4) Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry, Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Member; Services Department (5) Bazaar Officer, Urban Development and Housing Department Member; (6) Regional Transport Officer, Transport Department Member; (7) Assistant Controller, Legal Metrology, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Member; Affairs Department (8) District Civil Supplies Officer, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Member Secretary. Affairs Department 4. TERMS OF REFERENCE: The terms of reference of the District Level Committee shall be as follows:(1) it shall supervise all such activities relating to regulation and management of prices of essential Commodities and other consumables in the District. (2) it shall prepare a systematic concept and working plan for implementing the direction from time to time to meet the exigencies as per law established (3) it shall mobilize the resource for mitigating problems related to the subject. (4) it shall endeavor to make similar such bodies at Sub Divisional, Block and Gram Panchayat Level in the respective District and monitor /evaluate their performances at regular interval of the time. (5) it shall submit detailed report on the status and arrangement made to the State level Committee on monthly basis and daily during crisis or as may be directed by the State level Committee. 5. The Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department shall be the Nodal Department. 6. All official action on Price Regulation shall be governed by law in operation through agencies delegated by the authority in the State. By order and in the name of the Governor. SD/(D.P. Sharma) IAS SECRETARY FCS & CA Department GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM SIKKIM GOVERNMENT Gangtok No: 104/CTD/2014 GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 11th August,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM COMMERCIAL TAXES DIVISION / No. 314 Dated: 01.08.2014 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for information of all concern that the thirteen digits Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) issued as registration number to the dealers by Commercial Taxes Division, Government of Sikkim, shall be changed to eleven digits number by removing two digits placed at tenth and eleventh order. The digits to be removed are “2” (two) at the tenth place and “0” (zero) at the eleventh place, in all the cases. The change is initiated to facilitate the registered dealers of Sikkim in obtaining online statutory declaration forms from the dealers of other States. The new eleven digits TIN shall be in force with effect from 01st August 2014. It is pertinent to mention here that one particular TIN of thirteen digits in force till 31st July 2014 and new TIN of eleven digits created out of the same thirteen digits number by removing tenth and eleventh digits, which will be effective from 01st August 2014, shall indicate registration number of one and the same dealer for all the purposes. Principal Secretary to the Government of Sikkim Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GANGTOK 11th August,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No. 315 No: 63/Home/2014 Dated:01/08/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Family Courts Act, 1984 (66 of 1984), the State Government, in consultation with the High Court of Sikkim, is hereby pleased to appoint the following persons as the Counsellors to assist the Family Court of North District at Mangan and West District at Gyalshing, namely:1. 2. Counsellors for Family Court of North District:(1) Mrs. Premkit Lepcha, Resident of Pentok, Mangan. (2) Mr. Sonam Tshering Lepcha, resident of Upper Singhik. Counsellors for Family Court of West District:(1) Mrs. Chandra Kumari Katwal, resident of Pandey Colony, Gyalshing. (2) Shri T. N.Tiwari, resident of Langang Busty, Yangthang Block, Gyalshing. -Sd/(R.Ongmu) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM F. NO. Home/Confdl./116/1985/01 (Prt.)/ Copy to: 1. All concerned above. 2. Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim. 3. Hon’ble Judge, Family Court, North & West District. 4. Commissioner-cum-Secretary to the Hon’ble Governor. 5. Principal Secretary to Chief Minister’s Office. 6. Principal Secretary, Social Justice Empowerment & Welfare Department. 7. Sr. PS to Chief Secretary. 8.Secretary, Law for information to all Public Prosecutors. 9. Gazette Section, Home Department for publication in the Official Gazette. 10. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary-III/C Home Department SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GANGTOK 11th August,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No: 64/Home/2014 No. 316 Dated: 01/08/2014 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to appoint Shri Mohan Khatiwada as Officer on Special Duty in Chief Minister’s Office on a remuneration basis of Rs. 60,000/- per month with immediate effect. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. -Sd/- (S.C.Gupta) IAS PRINCIPAL SECRETARY HOME DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM Copy to:1. Shri Mohan Khatiwada; 2. Commissioner-cum-Secretary to H.E. the Governor, Raj Bhawan; 3. Principal Secretary, CMO; 4. All Secretaries and HoDs; 5. Special Secretary, Home/Additional Secretary-Adm./Additional Secretary (Protocol); 6. Gazette Section for publication in the Official Gazette; 7. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary-III/Confdl. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY GANGTOK 11th August,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No:65/Home/2014 No. 317 Dated:02 /08/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Sikkim Housing and Development Board Act, 1979 read with sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Sikkim State Legislators’ Appointment to Different Authorities Act, 2006 and in supersession of Notification No. 35/Home/2013 dated 29.05.2013, the State Government is hereby pleased to appoint Shri Narendra Kumar Subba, Minister-in Charge of Urban Development and Housing Department as the Chairman, of the Sikkim Housing Development Board with immediate effect. However, such appointment shall not carry any remuneration or any other benefits. Sd/(R.Ongmu) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM F. NO. 701/(SH& DB)05-56 Copy to: 1. Shri Narendra Kumar Subba, Hon’ble Minister, UD & HD. 2. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Urban Development and Housing Department 3. Commissioner-cum-Secretary to H.E. the Governor, Raj Bhawan; 4. Principal Secretary, CMO; 5. Special Secretary, Home/Additional Secretary-Adm./Additional Secretary (Protocol); 6. Gazette Section for publication in the Official Gazette. 7. File & Guard File. Deputy Secretary-I/Confdl. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Gangtok PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 11th August,2014 No.320 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS, TRAINING & PUBLIC GRIEVANCES GANGTOK-SIKKIM No.20/GEN/DOP Dated: 9/8/2014 NOTIFICATION Whereas the State Government has deemed it expedient to induct Shri Rajendra Chettri, Joint Director, Human Resource Development Department and Ms. Latta Sharma, Deputy Director, Excise (Abkari) Department respectively in the Sikkim State Information Technology Service; And whereas, the method of recruitment to the respective post is 100% by promotion; And whereas, the induction of the officers has to be a parallel induction i.e. induction in the respective posts which they are holding on substantive capacity; And whereas inter-se-seniority of the officers will have to be determined from the date of their appointment or promotion on substantive capacity in the respective posts; And whereas they are the only officers left out with requisite qualification stipulated for induction in the Sikkim State Information Technology Service; And whereas the State Government is of the opinion that it is necessary and expedient to relax the provision relating to the method of recruitment with the view to induct Shri Rajendra Chettri, Joint Director, Human Resource Development Department and Ms. Latta Sharma, Deputy Director, Excise (Abkari) Department in the Sikkim State Information Technology Service; Now therefore, the State Government in exercise of the powers conferred under rule 4 of the Sikkim State Information Technology Service Recruitment Rules, 2001 is hereby pleased to relax the provision relating to the method of recruitment prescribed under rule 3 read with schedule of the said rules with the view to induct Shri Rajendra Chettri, Joint Director, Human Resource Development Department and Ms. Latta Sharma, Deputy Director, Excise (Abkari) Department in the Sikkim State Information Technology Service as one time relaxation. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR. Sd/(A.K. Chettri), IAS COMMISSIONER-CUM-SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT DEPTT. OF PERSONNEL, ADM. REFORMS, TRAINING, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES, SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY NO. 14th August,2014 Gangtok 321 EXCISE (ABK) DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Dated the 11th August of No.05/ Ex (Abk) 2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of Sikkim Excise Act, 1992 ( 2 of 1992) and in supersession of Notification No. 19/Excise(Abk) dated 9/03/2011, published in Extraordinary Gazette number 104 dated 10/3/2011 , the State Government hereby imposes the Excise Duty, Import Pass Fee, Bottling Fee and Export Pass Fee of all brands of various strength for consumption in Civil Market on : (1) Indian Made Foreign Liquor /Beer/ Wine /Ready to Drink Manufactured in the State of Sikkim; (2) Indian Made Foreign Liquor /Beer /Wine /Ready to Drink Imported from other States; (3) Foreign Liquor /Beer /Wine imported from outside India, as under; namely:- A. LIQUOR Sl. No. Particular 1 Cheap Ex Factory Price including levies and commission (in Rs) 450 to 700 Excise Duty % on EFP Bottling Fee (EFP + ½ of 450) Rs. 101/- Import Export Pass Fee Pass Fee Rs. 202/- Rs. 10/- Range 2 3 4 5 Regular Range Semi Premium Premium Deluxe 701 to 1500 1501 to 2500 2501 to 4000 4001 and above x 70% (Excise per case duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 470/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 701) x 60% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less -dothan Rs. 640/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 1501) x 50% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 1145/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 2501) x43% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 1550/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 4001) x30% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 2100/- per case) B. Sl. No. 1 2 per case per case -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- BEER Particular Beer Manufactured in Sikkim Beer bottled in Sikkim for company/ firm located Outside Excise Duty % on EFP 50% on EFP 50% on EFP Bottling Fee NA Rs. 15/per case Import Pass Fee NA NA Export Pass Fee Rs. 6/- per case Rs. 6/- per case 3 Sikkim Beer Imported from Other States 50% on EFP C Rs. 50/- per case Particular 2 Wine manufactured in Sikkim for Company /Firm located Outside Sikkim Wine Imported from Other State Wine Manufactured in Sikkim D. Excise Duty % on EFP 25% on EFP Bottling Fee NA 35% on EFP Rs. 101/per case 40% on EFP NA Particular Excise Duty % on EFP 1 RTD Manufactured in Sikkim RTD Imported from Other States 35% on EFP NA 35 % on EFP NA E. Import Pass Fee NA NA Export Pass Fee Rs. 10/- per case Rs. 10/- per case Rs. 202/- per case NA READY TO DRINK Sl. No. 2 NA WINE Sl. No. 1 3 NA Bottling Fee Import Pass Fee per case (in Rs) -NA Export Pass Fee Rs. 10/- per case Rs. 50 /- per case NA FOREIGN LIQUOR /WINE/BEER IMPORTED FROM OUTSIDE INDIA Sl. No. Particular 1 Foreign Liquor Imported from Outside India 2 Wine Imported from Outside Maximum Excise Bottling Fee Retail Price Duty % on (in Rs) EFP 1000-3000 NA NA 3001-10,000 10,001 and above --NA NA Import Pass Fee per case (in Rs) 3000/4000/5000/1500/- India 3 2. Beer Imported from Outside India --- NA NA 117/- This Notification shall come force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. (A.K. Yadav) IAS Pr. Secretary Excise (Abk) Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok NO.322 14th August,2014 EXCISE (ABK) DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Dated the 11th August of 2014 No.06 /Ex (Abk) NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of Sikkim Excise Act, 1992 ( 2 of 1992) and in supersession of Notification No. 23/Excise (Abk), dated 16/04/2011, published in Extraordinary Gazette number 198 dated 18/04/2011 , the State Government hereby imposes the Excise Duty, Import Pass Fee, Bottling Fee and Export Pass Fee of all brands of various strength for consumption of Army Units located in Sikkim, Sikkim Armed Police, Police Check Post, Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau and Sashastra Seema Bal, Central Reserve Police Force and Indo Tibet Border Police etc. on:(1) Indian Made Foreign Liquor /Beer/ Wine /Ready to Drink Manufactured in the State of Sikkim; (2) Indian Made Foreign Liquor /Beer /Wine /Ready to Drink Imported from other State; as under, namely:- A. LIQUOR Sl. No. Particular 1 Cheap Range Ex Factory Price including levies and commission (in Rs) 450 to 700 Excise Duty % on EFP Bottling Fee Import Pass Fee (EFP + ½ of 450) x Rs. 101/- per Rs. 202/- per 50% (Excise duty in case case this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 285/- per case) 2 3 4 5 Regular Range Semi Premium Premium Deluxe 701 to 1500 1501 to 2500 2501 to 4000 4001 and above B. (EFP + ½ of 701) x 40% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 440/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 1501) x 32% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 685/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 2501) x 27% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 925/- per case) (EFP + ½ of 4001) x 25% (Excise duty in this case so computed should not be less than Rs. 1315/- per case) --do-- -do- --do-- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- BEER Sl. No. Particular Excise Duty % on EFP Bottling Fee Import Pass Fee 1 Beer Manufactured in Sikkim 40% on EFP NA NA 2 Beer bottled in Sikkim for Company/ Firm located Outside Sikkim 40% on EFP Rs. 15/- per case NA 3 Beer Imported from Other States 40% on EFP NA Rs. 50/- per case C. WINE Sl. No. Particular Excise Duty % on EFP Bottling Fee Import Pass Fee 1 Wine manufactured in Sikkim 20% on EFP NA NA 2 Wine manufactured in Sikkim for Company /Firm located outside Sikkim 25% on EFP Rs. 101/- per case NA 3 Wine Imported from Other State 30% on EFP NA Rs. 202/-per case D. READY TO DRINK Sl. No. Particular Excise Duty % on EFP 1 RTD Manufactured in Sikkim 15% on EFP NA 2 RTD Imported from Other States 25 % on EFP NA 2. Bottling Fee Import Pass Fee per case (in Rs) -NA Rs. 50 /- per case Export Pass Fee Rs. 10/- per case NA This Notification shall come force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. (A.K. Yadav) IAS Pr. Secretary Excise (Abk) Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY NO. 14th August,2014 Gangtok 323 EXCISE (ABK) DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GANGTOK Dated the 11th August of 2014 No.07/ Ex (Abk) NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23 of Sikkim Excise Act, 1992 ( 2 of 1992), the State Government hereby imposes Excise duty on Extra Neutral Alcohol /Rectified Spirit/ Methylated Spirit as under; namely- For sale to Pharmaceutical units - Re. 1.00 (Rupee One) per Bulk Litre. located in the State of Sikkim 2. This Notification shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. (A.K. Yadav) IAS Pr. Secretary Excise (Abk) Department Government of Sikkim SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 14th August,2014 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK GANGTOK No: 68 /Home/2014 No. 324 Dated: 11 /08/2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 432 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), the Government of Sikkim is pleased to grant remission of sentences to the prisoners lodged in the Central Prison, Rongyek, on the occasion of the Independence Day, 2014, as under:Sl. No. Particulars Under Section 01 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Bijay Tamang Durga Pd. Chettri Purna Bdr Subba Ratna Bdr. Gurung Ashok Roy Nitesh Rai Deo Raj Rasaily Shanker Chettri Yogesh Rai Yang Subba Ram Kumar Chettri Nakul Ghataney Bhagirath Chettri Passang Lepcha 376 IPC 304 (II) IPC 379 IPC 489B, C, IPC 376 IPC 380/75 IPC 376 IPC 376/511/342 IPC 376/511/323 IPC 376/511/377 IPC 376/511/506 IPC 326/IPC 354/324 IPC 376/511/324/IPC 15. 16. 17. Hasta Bdr. Gurung Md. Akhtar Alam Man Bdr. Subba 376/IPC 363/366 IPC 304 (II) IPC Period of Remission granted 3 months 3 months 2 months 45 days 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months By ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVER NOR. 18. Kul Chandra Baral 409/IPC 3 months 19. Umesh Bhattarai 20. Nir Bdr Chettri 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Sanjay Tamang Sonam Pintso Bhutia Ramesh Kr. Gupta Damber Bdr. Gurung Chandra Bdr. Basnet Bimal Pradhan Hira Lall Rai Passang Tamang 341/354/392/394/3 2 months 25 IPC r/ws.147 F. Act 366 (A)376 (2)(g) 2 Months IPC 376 IPC 3 months 376/342 IPC 1 month 203/408 IPC 1 month 376 IPC 1 month 304 (II) IPC S 1 month d 376/511 IPC 1 month / 326/452 IPC 1 month 376/IPC 1 month ( R.Ongmu) IAS CHIEF SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM F. NO. 6/GOS/Prison/2001 Copy to:1. Principal Secretary to HCM, Chief Minister’s Office, Gangtok. 2. Director General of Police, Sikkim Police, Police Headquarters, Gangtok. 3. Principal Secretary, Law Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 4. Principal Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 5. Superintendent of Police (Prisons), Central Prison, Rongyek. 6. Special Secretary, Home Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. 7. Director, Information and Public Relations Department, for wide publicity. 8. Sr. P.S to Chief Secretary. 9. Gazette Section for Publication in the Official Gazette. 10.File and Guard File. Deputy Secretary-III/C Home Department SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 14th August,2014 Gangtok NO.325 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT GANGTOK – 737101 No : 11/MV/T Date : 14 August 2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred under proviso (iii) to rule 108(1) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 and in supersession of all previous notifications on this subject, the Government of Sikkim is pleased to order as follows with immediate effect :I. The revolving Red Light may be used on the vehicles carrying the following dignitaries while on duty :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. II. Governor of Sikkim Chief Minister of Sikkim Chief Justice, High Court of Sikkim Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly Cabinet Ministers of Sikkim Judges, High Court of Sikkim Deputy Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly The Static Red Light may be used on the vehicles carrying the following while on duty :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dignitaries of the rank/status of Cabinet Minister/Minister of State/Deputy Minister Chief Information Commissioner, Sikkim Chairman Law Commission, Sikkim Chairman, Lokayukta, Sikkim Chairman, Human Rights Commission, Sikkim Chairman, SPSC State Election Commissioner, Sikkim Chairman, SCBC Chairman/Chairpersons of Commissions/Boards appointed under Constitutional/Statutory provisions 10. 11. 12. M.P. (Lok Sabha) and M.P. (Rajya Sabha) from Sikkim Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, SLA Chairman, Estimates Committee, SLA III. 13. 14. 15. 16. Advocate General of Sikkim Chief Secretary of Sikkim Director General of Police, Sikkim Additional Chief Secretary, Sikkim 17. 18. Members, Lokayukta, Sikkim Accountant General of Sikkim The Blue/Multi-Coloured Light may also be used on the following vehicles while on duty :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IV. Ambulances. Fire Tenders Special category of vehicles utilized for emergency/rescue. Vehicles performing security duties with VIP (Pilot, Escort etc.) Vehicles of the Armed Police/SDRF/Civil Police while attending to Law & Order duties/emergencies. Vehicles attached to all Police Stations / Traffic Police / Fire Stations / Home Guards Search & Rescue Platoon. Vehicles of Motor Vehicles Checking Squads The Static Blue Light may be used on the vehicles carrying the following Officials of Sikkim while on duty :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Principal Secretary to the Government Commissioner-cum-Secretary/ Secretary to the Government Members of the Sikkim Superior Judicial Service District Collectors /Additional District Collectors in charge of Law & Order/ SDMs, within their respective jurisdictions. Additional DGP/IGP DIG, Range Commandants of Armed Police Battalions All District SPs/Addl SPs/SDPOs BY ORDER . sd/Secretary to the Govt. of Sikkim Transport Department. Memo No : 4180/MV/T Copy to : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chief Secretary Director General of Police Additional Chief Secretary, Home Department Commissioner-cum-Secretary to the Governor Principal Secretary to Chief Minister All Secretaries/Heads of Departments Registrar General, High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok. Accountant General, Dated : 18 August 2014 9. Secretary, Sikkim Information Commission 10. P.S.s to Speaker/Dy Speaker 11. P.S.s to all Ministers 12. P.S. to State Election Commissioner 13. P.S. to Chairman, Law Commission 14. P.Ss to Chairman/Members, Lokayukta 15. P.S. to Chairman, Human Rights Commission 16. P.S. to Chairman, SPSC 17. P.S. to Chairman, SCBC 18. Office of Advocate General, High Court, Gangtok. 19. All District Collectors/ADCs/SDMs 20. All District SPs. 21. Joint Secretary (Protocol), Home 22. Joint Secretary, Home Department for publication in the official gazette 23. Director, I&PR for giving wide publicity and publication in Sikkim Herald 24. File and Guard File + Special Secretary, Motor Vehicles Division. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 18th August,2014 Gangtok No: 326 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM, GANGTOK No. 02/DL Date:13/08/2014. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (27 of 1996) and in supersession of Notification No. 14/DL, dated: 26/02/2010 published in Sikkim Government Extra Ordinary Gazette No. 65 dated 27/02/2010, the State Government hereby constitute the State Advisory Committee to advise the State Government on such matter arising out of the administration of the said Act as may be referred to it. The Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:- 1. Minister In-Charge, Labour Department, Government of Sikkim - Chairman. 2. Smt. Tilu Gurung, MLA representing Legislative Assembly. - Member 3. Shri K. S. Lepcha, MLA - -do- 4. Secretary, Labour Department - Ex-officio Member Government of - Ex-Officio Member. - Member Sikkim. 5. Chief Inspector, 6. Regional Labour Commissioner representing Central Government (Central), Kolkata, Government of India. 7. Director, Commerce and Industries, - Member representing employers Government of Sikkim. 8. Deputy Secretary, UD & HD - -doGovernment of Sikkim 9. General Manager, Teesta Urja Ltd., - -doNorth Sikkim. 10. General Manager, Abir Infrastructure Ltd., - -doNorth Sikkim 11. Amrita Chettri, 87 Road representing Construction Company, GREF Member Building and Other Construction Workers. 12. Nima Lepcha, 86 Road Construction Company, GREF - -do- 13. Sandhya Rai, 86 Road Construction Company, GREF - -do- 14. Mangal Bdr. Thami, 130 Road Construction Company, GREF - -do- 15. Chief Engineer, Building and Housing Department, Government of Sikkim - Member representing Engineers’ Association. 16. Chief Architect, Building and Housing Department, Government of Sikkim - Member representing Architects’ Association. - Member representing Accident Insurance Institution. 17. New India Assurance Co. India Ltd., Gangtok Branch. Sd/(K. K. Pradhan)I.A.S., Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Labour Department F. No. GOS/DL/2014/55(XIII) SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Gangtok 18th August,2014 NO.327 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No:GOS/UD&HD/ 1(438)2013/NULM/2 Dated:28.6.2014 NOTIFICATION The State Government is hereby pleased to constitute Executive Committee (EC) comprising of following members for the purpose of implementation of National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). 1. Chief Secretary 2. Secretary, UD&H Department 3. Secretary, FR&E Department 4. Secretary, RM & Department 5. Secretary, Labour Department 6. Secretary, SJE&W Department 7. Secretary, Health Care, HS & Family Department 8. Secretary, Building & Housing Department 9. Secretary, Food & Civil Supplies 10. Secretary, HRD Department 11. State Lead Bank Officer 12. State Representative of RBI 13. Industry Representative 14. Representative o SHGs 15. State Mission Director, NRLM 16. Director, Technical Education 17. Representative of MoHUPA, GoI 18. Special Secretary, UD&HD: State Mission Director NULM. Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member-Convenor Terms of Reference : Executive Committee The Committee will oversee the activities of the Mission in the State. They will also ensure smooth functional linkages between different missions, departments and institutions. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee (EC) may nominate additional members as and when required. -sd/Commissioner-cum-Secretary Urban Development & Housing Department Government of Sikkim. SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 18th August,2014 Gangtok No.328 GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GANGTOK-737101, SIKKIM Ref No.02-689 /HRD-PLG/140 Dated:13.8.2014 NOTIFICATION The Governor of Sikkim is pleased to rename the Government Senior Secondary School, Yangang as “ Lobzang Gyaltsen Senior Secondary School ” Yangang, South Sikkim immediate effect. SD/PRINCIPAL SECRETARY ,HRDD Copy to: 1. Pr. Secretary to Hon`ble Chief Minister. 2. Chief Secretary ,Govt. of Sikkim. 3. Principal Secretary,FRED. 4. All Directors,HRDD. 5. Additional Secretary, Home Department for publication in the Gazette. 6. Principal, Lobzang Gyaltsen Sr. Secondary School. 7. A.D (PME). 8. Joint Director (Exam). 9. Joint Director (East/West/North/South). 10. P.S. to Hon`ble Minister ,HRDD. 11. File 12. Guard file. JOINT DIRECTOR(PLANNING) with
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