church of saint rocco
church of saint rocco
CHURCH OF SAINT ROCCO 18 Third St., Glen Cove, NY 11542 PARISH STAFF Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Pastor Very Rev. Dom Gabriel Rach, Can.Reg., Parochial Vicar Very Rev. Dom Daniel Nash, Can. Reg. Ms. Bernadette Heym, School of Religion Coordinator: 676-2482 Mrs. Matilde Zozzaro, Secretary Mr. Francesco Iona , Facilities Manager Parish Office: 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542 Telephone: Parish Office - (516) 676-2482 Fax: (516) 676-2117 E-mail: OFFICE HOURS Secretarial Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italian), 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM Vigil of Holy Days and Holy Days: As Announced Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM NOVENA FOLLOWING THE 7:30 AM MASS Monday: Miraculous Medal Thursday: St. Rocco Tuesday: St. Anthony Friday: Sacred Heart Wednesday: St. Jude MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Please inform the Parish Office when a loved one is sick or in need of pastoral care. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:45 PM. Confessions will also be heard at any reasonable time upon request. Sunday, April 14, 2013 St. Rocco, Pray for Us. Orario Messe: Sabato Sera: 4:00 PM Domenica Mattina: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italiana), 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM Messe feriali - 7:30 AM Festa Di Precetto: Come stato annunciato Confessioni: Sabato: 3:00 PM– 3:45 PM Novena: Ogni mattina dopo la messa delle 7:30 c’è la novena Lunedì: La Madonna Miracolosa Martedì: S. Antonio Mercoledì: S. Giuda Giovedì: S. Rocco Venerdì: ll Sacro Cuore Battesimi: Ogni seconda e quarta Domenica del mese. Ore 12:30 PM Matrimoni: Si devono prenotare minimo sei mesi prima Ore d’ufficio: Lunedì - Venerdì 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Ammalati: Se avete bisogno del sacerdote, per favore, chiamate l’ufficio, 676-2482. Grazie BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the Second and Fourth Saturday of every month at 11:00 AM. Parents should contact the Parish Office to participate in the Parish baptismal seminar, which is held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. MARRIAGES Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance of the wedding date. Please phone the Parish Office and make an appointment to speak with the Pastor; this should be done prior to making any other arrangements. Pre-Cana Program required. If either party is under 19 years of age at the time of Marriage, special preparations will be required. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All families are required to register in the Parish. Forms may be obtained at the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office if you move to another Parish or change your address. PARISH ACTIVITIES Children’s Choir - Tuesdays at 5:00 PM-5:45 PM (Parish Center) Rosary Society: Meets last Monday of the month. Communion: 1st Sunday 7:30 AM Mass. E-mail: Bible Study: See bulletin RCIA/Adult Confirmation Preparation - Monday at 7:30 pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul (help line) - 516 723-9557 Website: E-mail: www. YOUTH ACTIVITIES CYIA– Catholic Youth In Action: Mr. Luigi Greco Phone number: 516 637-1959 E-mail: WEBSITE Webservant: Mr. Rocco Ieraci E-Mail: Website: All Saints Regional Catholic School Website: Owned and administered by the parishes of St. Boniface, Sea Cliff, St. Hyacinth, Glen Head, St. Mary, Roslyn, St. Patrick, Glen Cove, St. Rocco, Glen Cove; for information and registration call the School office at 676-0762. CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:30A.M. Catherine Kennedy, Antoinette Lotito, Ralph Sisco, Michael & Mary Gravina 8:45 A.M. Eufemia Graziosi, Luigi, Christopher & Nunziante Grella, Michael Belladoro, Angelo & Saverio Carrozza, Angelo Grella, Roccantonio Cangero, Antonio Ricciardi, Antonietta Graziosi, Maria Merlucci, Antonio Spataforo, Michael & Americo Graziosi, Frank & Angela DiNoto, Joseph Scarfo, Angelo & Antonio Morra 10:15 A.M. SabinaGiambruno (Anniv.) Antoinette Lotito, Joan Kenny, Helen Hettinger, Joseph Abbruzzese, Rachele DeLisa, Bonny Scarfo, Raymond Gravina, Vito Montano, Angela Gallizzi 11:30 A.M. Casazza Family, Mienko Family, Rocco Albanese, Rose Montano, Helen Romarini Monday, April 15, 2013 7:30 A.M. Tuesday, April 16, 2013 7:30A.M Veronica Ranieri Eversman Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:30 A.M. Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:30 A.M. Margaret Saputo (B-day), Joseph Tedesco & Angela Friday, April 19, 2013 7:30 A.M. Giuseppe & Carmela Varamo Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:00 P.M. Linda Antoci, Antoinette Lotito, Bonita Scarfo, Sadie Melchione, George Melchione Jr. Sanctuary Lamp is in memory of Teresa Baker from Joan & Andrew Martone The Altar Breads are In memory of Mary Martinez Hults from Rogelia & Louis Oporto The Altar Wine is in memory of Mary Martinez Hults from Joy & Sonny Palumbo THE ALTAR CANDLES ARE IN LOVING MEMORY OF Columbia Galasso from Matilde & Michael Zozzaro Speciale Intention for Tommy Frank Macedonio (B-day) from Laura DiLeo & Family Antonio Spatofora from Francine Santoro Michelearcangelo & Danny Ricciardi Antoinette Lotito from Carmen & Roseann Douso The Candles on the Blessed Mother Altar are in memory of Columbia Galasso from Theresa & John Capozzi and for a Special Intention for Jody & Kristin Angst from Jim & Lisa Leonick The Candles on the St. Rocco Altar are in memory of Rocco Cangero from Teresa Graziosi, and for a special Intention for Al Venturino from Nieves The Candles on St. Anthony Altar are in memory of Jean Miller (Anniv.) from Rip & Children and for Antoinette Lotito from Lena & Michael Floccari The Candle on the St. Jude Altar is in memory of Roy Baez from Angie Anzalone The Candles on the St. Michael Altar are in memory of Angelo Grella from Angela & Maria and for Michael Coschignano from Mike & Betty Marrone Candle on the St. Francis Altar is in memory of Gerald Francis (2nd yr. in Heaven) from Anita Masucci The Candle on the Crucifix Altar is in memory of Antoinette Lotito from Sonny & Gloria Murch The Candles on the St. Peregrine Altar are in memory of Joseph Graziose Sr. (Anniv.) from wife & family and for a special intention for Rachele Miller from Aunt Josephine Galante The Candle on the St. Theresa Altar is in memory of Quinn O’Shae from Theresa Giacopelli The Candle on the St. Lucy Altar is in memory of Lucyann Lopez, Love, Mom & Dad The Candlltar e on the St. Padre Pio Altar is in memory of Roy Baez from Al & Rose Venturino The Candle on the Chapel of the Saint Altar is in memory of Vincent Madonna from Michele, John and Jayme Ermmarino The Candle on the St. Joseph Altar is in memory of Mary Hults from her sister Margaret Oporto The Candle on the St. John the Baptist Altar is in memory of Richard McCarthy from dear friend Ricky APRIL 14, 2013: THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER "TheLordblessyouandprotectyou. TheLordmakehisfaceshineuponyouandbepropitious. TheLordturntoyouhisfaceandgiveyoupeace." Amen! "TibenedicailSignoreetiprotegga. IlSignorefacciabrillareilsuovoltosuditeetisiapropizio. IlSignorerivolgasuditeilsuovoltoetidiapace". Amen! CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Let us pray for the intentions of our Holy Father during the month of April….. General Intention: That the public, prayerful celebration of faith may give life to the faithful. Missionary Intention: That mission churches may be signs and instruments of hope and resurrection. The regular collection on 4 /7/2013 was $3,780.00 The second collection for School Support was $1,447.00 May God bless you for your continued support and generosity. Thank you, Fr. Elias 2013 Saturday: 3:00pm — 3:45pm BULLETIN REFLECTION In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells Peter again and again, “If you love Me, feed my sheep.” He says the same to each of us, “If you love Me, use the gifts I have given you to serve your brothers and sisters.” LIVING STEWARDSHIP We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who, out of love for Jesus, share their gifts of time, talent and resources to help one another, both within our parish as well as the wider community. Third Sunday of Easter April 14, 2013 “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength, honor and glory and blessing.” —Revelation 5:12 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE We are very grateful to the 66 families who made pledges. Amount Pledged: $14,365.00 Amount Paid: $10,160.00 Please support this important ministry in our Diocese according to your financial means. We have the whole year to complete our pledges. Thank you. Fr. Elias OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL LEGION OF MARY Will meet on Saturday, April 27th. at 10:30a.m. in the Parish Hall of St. Rocco’s. All Are welcome! Please consider joining us. We pray the Rosary at the beginning of each meeting, and our active works include evangelization, hospital and nursing home visits, Religious Ed. Teaching and encouraging people to come back to Mass and the Sacraments, teaching people how to pray the rosary, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Auxiliary Members pray the rosary and our beautiful prayers to support the active members in our work for the Kingdom of God through Mary PLAY BINGO! At the Knights of Columbus Hall in Glen Cove, at 7:15 pm Friday night. All proceeds go to charity. CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Melissa Monaco, Sal Berritto, Baby Nico, Janice C. Johnson, Lauren Kirshern, Antonia Cipriano, Teresa Brunetto, Anna Grella, Clotilde Grella, Carmela Bozzella, Anthony Sarubbe, Anthony DiGiovanni, Ruthann Ogden, Sofia Lucchese, Ofelia Dom Dom, Logan, Michael Martino, Kelly Rant, Carmela Ieraci, Steven Pisano, John Ruthkowski, Evan Schwarz, Connie Pacini, Debra Becker , Angela Lagorio, Nancy Celino, Baby, Adriana Carmona, Arthur Johanson, Theresa, Salvatore Totino, Phil, Mia Perciballi, Robbie Venturino, Robin Ruthkowski, David Grimes, Day Szelwach, Nickolas Pedone Jr., Maria Santoli, Theresa Damiano, Linda Muller, Brian Schmitt, Nonie, Vivian Lorentzen, Frank Dizazzo, Anne Marie Genova, Rose Claro, Adriana A., Mary, Baby Agatha Ruby, Donna King, Faye Griffin, Joey Buonincontri, Deb Grazioso, Tony Jiminez, Kay Grella, Stephen Bimgelis, Garr Family IMPORTANT NOTICE CHANGE OF DATE Loggia Glen Cove No. 1016 Inc. ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERCA P.O. BOX 347 GLEN COVE • NEW YORK 11542 (516) 676-8110 FOUNDED MAY 2, 1920 LOGGIA GLEN COVE NO.1016, INC. CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND OUR 92ND ANNUAL DINNER DANCE SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2013 12:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. AT LEONARD’S OF GREAT NECK HONORING AL DE BLASIO IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT $80.00 PER PERSON MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: LOGGIA GLEN COVE NO.1016, INC.PLEASE RESPOND ON OR BEFORE APRIL 3, 2013 MAIL TO: JANIS CERIELLO 21 DOXEY DRIVE, GLEN COVE, NY 11542 PLEASE CALL: LESTER STANCO AT 671-7879 Sacred objects that have been added to The Church of Saint Rocco Solemn High Mass Dalmatic Solemn High Mass Tunicle Deacon Faldstool Red Faldstool (Priest) and Pillows If anyone should wish to donate any of the above sacred objects in memory of your dear one, please feel free to contact Fr. Elias or the Parish Office. ROSARY SOCIETY OFFERS $1000 SCHOLARSHIP AWARD In an effort to promote Catholic school education, the Rosarians are very pleased and proud to announce their decision to offer a $1,000 Scholarship to a qualifying student who wishes to begin, or further, his or her Catholic school studies. Scholarship forms (which explain how to qualify) are available in the Parish Office and in the Church vestibule. Forms must be completed and returned to Matilde in the Office by May 1st for consideration. Any questions, please call Maryann Ward, Rosary Society President, at 817-4534. PRAY FOR OUR Lieutenant Ryan A. Vessichelli IT3 Joseph Douso IV Let us pray for the recently deceased members of our parish family… Nicholas Pandolfi APRIL 14 , 2013: THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Church of St. Rocco 21st Annual Golf Outing Monday, May 20, 2013 Glen Cove Golf Course Shotgun Start 7:30 am $135.00 per player includes: Registration, Continental Breakfast Driving Range 6:30am to 7:30am Lunch to follow golf Refreshments! Awards! Raffle! Prizes! Golf cart for every two players. The best homemade lunch in town prepared by our renowned Kitchen staff and 5 star chef! Lunch available without golf: Tournament Sponsorship *Tournament Sponsor - $2,000 *Lunch Sponsors - $1,000 *Range Sponsor - $ 1,000 *Breakfast Sponsors - $500 Personalized Pin Flag - $100 Tee Sponsor - $100 * This donation includes full registration for four golfers Please make checks payable to Church of St. Rocco And mail to Church of St. Rocco 18 Third Street Glen Cove, New York,11542 Contact Numbers Chairman: James Capozzi Jr. H (516) 676-7614 C (516) 399-8649 Co-chairpersons: Millie Sullivan (516) 676-7614 Coleen Spinello (516) 238-4039 Roseanne Suozzi (516) 671-1986 Church of St. Rocco Pastor Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg. Phone (516) 676-2482 A BIG Thank You Saint Rocco’s CYO Committee Chairman Anthony Genua Would like to thank Father Elias for his continued support. All the coaches, parents, participants, church staff and volunteers for a fantastic basketball season! The kitchen staff for a wonderful job well done. The committee members and special thanks to Brian Nolan for all his help. Since we are now in tryout mode for travel teams if anyone needs information please contact me directly at? Subject (Travel) CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK FEAST MEETING……FEAST MEETING Our next FEAST meeting is scheduled for April 17 @ 7pm in the Madonna Room. We continue to look for new volunteers to help make our Feast “The Best in the East”. Please give your time and talent to our most important fund raiser. All are welcome. Come and hear the exciting changes planned for this years’ event.
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Mr. Joseph Lane , Facilities Manager
Mrs. Connie Pedi, Secretary
Parish Office: 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542
Telephone: Parish Office - (516) 676-2482
Fax: (516) 676-2117
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