Newsletter for May 29th 2016


Newsletter for May 29th 2016
St Agnes Parish Weekly Newsletter
Kids Corner
Team Ministry of Clogher Rd, Crumlin & Mourne Rd
t: 01-455 5368| or |
The newsletter is available for download from our website:
or Visit us on
29th May 2016 - Corpus Christi
Priests of the Parish
Fr Paul Tyrrell:
455 5368
Fr David Fleming: 454 2308
Fr John Deasy:
455 0955
Fr Tom Clowe:
455 5605
Rev Jimmy Fennell: 455 5368
Child Protection
Dublin Diocesan Office
836 0314 or 087 6853180
An opportunity to participate in PATHWAYS An Adult
Faith Development Programme in Clonliffe College
Have you ever thought about exploring your faith…. Or wished that you could
broaden your understanding of your faith….found yourself longing to search for
some kind of deeper meaning in life?...perhaps you are you feeling challenged by
questions your children or grandchildren are asking about God and the meaning of
faith for which you feel you have ‘no answers’… perhaps you are feeling
challenged by all that is happening in Ireland and in the Church right now. If so,
Pathways may be the course for you.
Pathways is a two-year one night a week course for adults who wins to
explore their faith. It runs from Mid-September to May each year.
There are no exams and no written work. The only requirement is an
openness to listening to others and to participate. You can just come
along and enjoy! The cost is €400 for the coming academic year.
Booking is now open. The programme begins this year in Clonliffe
College on Thursday 22nd September 2016 (7.00pm-9.30pm)
For more information please visit our webpage: or phone
8379253 Ext294 or email us at or
write to Elieen Houlahan, CHF, PhD, Director, Pathways Programme, Clonliffe
College, Clonliffe Rd, Dublin 3 D03 P2E7
Today’s Gospel always evokes in me a
sense of a sharing: a sense of family
picnic. Using mindfulness I try to place
myself at the table of The Last Supper just
as I do when meditating on the Fifth
Luminous Mystery of the Rosary. Those
schools and parishes that organise a First
Communion Breakfast know well how to
recapture the community aspect of
Communion. Another tradition much
appreciated by so many parishioners is the
Corpus Christi procession. In many places
it is no doubt a day special for this year’s
First Communicants and another
opportunity to dress up in those special
clothes and be part of the sacramental
community and the larger family
community. Today, we don’t just receive
Jesus into our souls, in song we also take
Him with us around our streets.
Alan Whelan,
Carnahone, Beaufort, Co Kerry
Can you Spare an Hour for Sunflower Days?
Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services, Harold’s Cross & Blackrock are in
urgent need of your help For Sunflower Days 10th & 11th June
If you could donate an hour or two of your time to lend a hand selling Sunflower pins
to help raise funds on our national collection day please contact Ann or Imelda on: 01
4911072 or Thank you
Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0044
161 941 3498, visit the website or email
St Agnes Church Mass Times
Weekday Masses
9.00am, 10.00 am, 7.00pm
Saturday Vigil Mass
Sunday Masses
9.30am; 11.00 am (Family);
12.30pm (Choir); 7.00pm
Holy day Masses:7.00pm Vigil; 9.00am, 10.00am,
Confession Times
Saturdays from 10.30am to
11.30am & 6.45pm
Eve of First Fridays after
10.00am Mass & 6.45pm
The Coffee Dock in St Agnes Parish
Centre is open Monday to Friday
from 10.00am-12.00 noon.
Call in any day to savour the friendly
atmosphere, have a cuppa and some
chat with neighbours and friends
Last Weekend’s Collections
1st Collection:
€ 2,212
€ 1.433
Family Offering:
€ 1,560
Many thanks for your continued
support and generosity
Thought for the Week
“ With the weapons of love, God has defeated selfishness and death.
His son Jesus is the door of mercy wide open to all.”
Pope Francis Twitter
‘The strength of the family lies in its capacity to love and to teach how
to love.’ - Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia, April 2016)
Pope Francis has decided that the World Meeting of Families will
be held in Dublin from 22nd to 26th August 2018, with the theme
“The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”.
In 2018, the 9th World Meeting of Families is expected to attract
thousands of Catholic families from around the globe to Ireland.
It is hoped that this very special pastoral initiative will present all
of us in the Church with the opportunity, and the challenge, to renew, support
and strengthen Irish families in their commitment to their faith.
Hosting a global event of this size requires a huge amount of planning and
financial outlay on behalf of the host country. Accordingly, our bishops have
now established a National Finance Committee to provide advice on the
financial planning for the World Meeting of Families in Ireland. To support the
hosting of the event we intend to hold three national church collections, the
first of which will take place this weekend of 28–29 May. The remaining
collections will take place in 2017 and 2018. Please visit for more details.
This special collection will be taken up instead of the Share collection. The
World Meeting of Families was a pastoral initiative of St John Paul II. Held
every three years, and coordinated by the Pontifical Council for the Family, it is
the largest universal gathering of Catholic families and brings together families
from all over the world in faith and celebration.
On Friday, 10th June, Scoil Colm is planning a day of celebration to mark its history in
the Crumlin community before its planned amalgamation with St Agnes’ Primary
On the day, the pupils of Scoil Colm will be treated to fun events in the school hall and
our parents and members of the local community will be treated to tea/coffee and
light snacks in our Parents’ Room from 11.00am. Thereafter, everyone will gather
together at midday for our annual sponsored walk around Crumlin. This year, we are
inviting anyone who has a connection with the school to join us in our final sponsored
walk before amalgamation in celebration of our great school.
Traditionally, our sponsored walk raised funds for our school, but this year we are
donating funds to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin in recognition of their
service to our community.
Please spread the word to anyone who has a connection with the school and who
might like to join us in our day of celebration. We look forward to welcoming the
whole school community to this event.
Saturday 28th May
Alan Murray
Teresa Beatty 3rd
Maureen Conteh 6th
Christopher Healy
Myra & George Howard
Jock O’Hara
Sunday 29th May
Nancy McGrory 11th
John & Mary Carroll
John & Ellen Malone
Recently Deceased
Elizabeth McClean
Anthony Byrne 4th
James Collins 4th
Mai Keane 6th
Denis Bradshaw 6th
Ellen Joyce
Irene Byrne
William Caffrey 1st
James Lawler 1st
Sinead Kavanagh 1st
Joseph Gibbons 1st
Breda O’Neill 1st
Teresa Beatty 3rd
Catherine Greene
Brian & John Cheevers
Pro Populo
Monday 30th May
Joe Wheatley
Tuesday 31st May
Hal Gunning, Recently Deceased (UK)
Stephen McKnight 2nd Anniversary
Wednesday 1st June
Sonny and Paul McNamara
Thursday 2nd June
Peggy O'Brien 1st
Friday 3rd June
Eddie McGrath 3rd Anniversary his Wife
Kathleen and Son Derek
May their Souls and the Souls of all the Faithful
departed Rest In Peace. Amen
All Mass Intentions should be booked in
the Parish Office no later than midday on
the Wednesday before the Sunday Masses.
Celebrate Mass with the University of Notre Dame
Folk Choir for the Feast of the Visitation on Tuesday 31st
May at 1.30pm in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary,
Harold’s Cross. The Mass will be recorded for television.
All are welcome.
Our Recently Deceased
Harry Whelan, Rockmeade Court
Kathleen Toibin, Crotty Avenue
Maura Cullen, Moeran Road
William Kavanagh, Lissadell Road
Baby Carter Daniel
We express our deepest sympathies to their families
at this sad time.
May They Rest in Peace. Amen.
St Agnes Parish Reader’s Roster
If you cannot make your scheduled Reading please
contact John Green
Saturday, 4th June
Ann Maher
Sunday, 5th June
Veronica McDermott
B Prior
Nuala Talbot
J Green & D O’Rourke
The Week Ahead…
Sunday 29th – Saturday 4th June 2016
Corpus Christi
Visitation of BVM
St Justin
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Finn Eamon O’Shaughnessy
Leon Jacob Lynch
Frankie Lynn Butler-Leahy
Casey Thomas Quigley
We welcome them into our Christian Community
and wish them every blessing in their lives ahead.
Mount Argus Triduum of Hope in honour of St.
Charles of Mount Argus will take place in Mount
Argus Church from Monday 30th May to Wednesday
1st June. Morning Mass will be at 10.00am each
day, celebrated by Fr. Paul Francis Spencer CP. The
Evening Service will be at 7.30pm when Fr. Frank
Keevins CP and the Mount Argus Spirituality Team
will lead us each night in prayerful reflection and
symbolic action. Triduum prayers and the Blessing
with the Relic of St. Charles will take place at each
Mass and Service.
Adoration will remain in the Oratory on
Thursday’s from 9am to 7.45pm due to
maintenance in the Church
Cemetery Masses 2016
The Annual Masses for the cemeteries listed will
take place on the following dates:
St Fintans, Sutton
June at 3pm
Palmerstown Cemetery
June at 3pm
Bohernabreena Cemetery 19th June at 3pm
Mulhuddart Cemetery
19th June at 3pm
Fingal Cemetery
19th June at 12pm
Templeogue Cemetery*
25th June at 3pm
Glasnevin Cemetery
26th June at 3pm
Dardistown Cemetery
3rd July at 3pm
Newlands Cross Cemetery 10th July at 3pm
Esker Cemetery
28th August at 3pm
*Mass will take place in St. Jude the Apostle
Willington on Saturday 25th June, followed by
Blessing of the Graves in the parish cemetery.
Are you aged 55 or over?
Crumlin and District Active Retired Club
are looking for new members. Based in the Parish
Centre our activities include :- Indoor Bowling,
Sequence Dancing, Table Tennis, Line Dancing, Sing
-Along-Wednesday Night, Holidays, Supper Dances.
Further information at the Parish Centre any
The Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Volunteer
Driver Service’ is a free transport service
available to patients undergoing
chemotherapy treatment in St. Vincent’s
Hospital or Tallaght Hospital. To avail of
this service, please talk to your healthcare
professional or call Gail in the Irish Cancer
Society on 01 2310 566.
Day Programme for those involved in Works of
Mercy that is Twice Blest: Given and Received
Saturday 11 June 2016 10am to 5pm
This day is designed for caregivers, those in healing
ministries and those involved in works of mercy.
Presentations wull include
 Care through Touch by Lily Sexton rsm
 De-stress with EFT Tapping by Nuala
 Nurture & Celebrate Life with Movement &
Music by Catherine McInerney rsm
 Cost €35 including lunch
Register by 9th June by contacting Madeleine at or telephone
Five First Saturday Devotions
to The Immaculate Heart of Mary as
requested by Our Lady of Fatima will start in
St Agnes Church
on Saturday 4th June at 9.00am.
Mass, Communion, Confession after Mass and 15
minutes meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary after
Leaflet and cards of this devotion will be available
at the back of the Church.
Venerable Matt Talbot:
First Friday Novena Mass and prayers for
healing will take place in St. Agatha’s Church,
North William Street, Dublin 1 on 3rd June at 7.30
We pray especially for those suffering from any
form of addiction, those in recovery, their families
and the wider community affected by alcohol and drug
misuse. All are welcome. For further information please
visit or call 8554078.