Family Promise of Salem County


Family Promise of Salem County
Family Promise of Salem County
FALL 2010
Foglietta of
Salem Café
winner of
“Best Soup.”
wins “Best
Acton’s Pig
& Catering
wins “Best
Entrée” for
Pork Loin
and Pulled
Taste of SJ Photos by Sara Parker
First “Taste of South Jersey” Features
Food, Raffle Gift Baskets and Fun!
Family Promise of Salem County (FPSC) hosted their first “Taste of South
Jersey” fundraiser October 11 at the Riverview Inn in Pennsville, NJ. Sixteen area
restaurants and caterers offered samples of signature foods. Awards were
presented for the “Best of” selections in the appetizer, soup, entrée and dessert
categories (See winners-left). The following food vendors also provided more
delicious food samples.
Auburn Road Vineyard
Italian Kitchen
Beans Coffee Shop
Papa Luigi’s
Cakes by Diane
Ranch Hope Catering
Carolina Blue
The Rushes Restaurant
Conte’s Pasta Kitchen
Sweet Mary’s Exceptional Chocolates
Ginger Cake Café
The Telford Inn
The Riverview Inn in Pennsville donated the use of their entire restaurant, set up,
cleanup, staff, linens, and dinnerware, as well as a dessert sampling table. Owner
Jeff Cook offered two additional stations featuring foods from his family’s other
two restaurants - Carolina Blue and The Telford Inn.
About 285 people attended the event. They sampled foods, participated in a 50/50
raffle, purchased 2010-11 FPSC Discount Cards and listened to volunteer vocalists. Many bought Basket Auction tickets for a chance to win one of 77 baskets or
gift certificates donated by local businesses, community and religious organizations. Volunteer Terry Ostrander of Pennsville served as the Basket Auction
Chairperson. Mary Harvey of Woodstown volunteered her time and materials to
create 27 different table centerpieces that became part of the Basket Auction at the
evening’s end. “In all, more than 40 Family Promise volunteers worked tirelessly
to sell tickets and program ads, solicit restaurants and give of their time the night
of the fundraiser,” remarked Event Chairperson Christine Hoehn. She says the
“Taste of South Jersey” raised more than $13,000 for Family Promise.
Other area businesses supported the “Taste of South Jersey” by purchasing
advertisements in the program booklet or selling tickets. PSEG was one of the
largest sponsors with a donation of $2,500. The new 2010-11 Family Promise of
Salem County Discount Cards, sold for the first time that night, featuring 31
different local businesses. Each business offers a special discount that can be used
repeatedly by card holders through October 31, 2011. (Cards cost $20 each and
can be purchased throughout the year by calling Christine Hoehn at 609-2022217.)
(To view more photos from “The Taste of South Jersey,” visit the new Family
Promise of Salem County’s website at and click on the
network’s Facebook page.) ■
Page 2
Family Promise of Salem County
Launches New Website
Thanks to the volunteer efforts and expertise of webmaster Claire Lelli of SJCOM LLC, Vineland, NJ,
Family Promise of Salem County now has a local website. The address is As she receives
new information and photos, Claire will keep the site updated.
Visitors to the website can learn how volunteers show hospitality to guest families as they rotate between Host
Congregations every week. Churches who serve as Host and Support Congregations are listed with links to
their own websites.
Those seeking volunteer opportunities can find out how to fill Host Weeks roles by preparing a meal, serving
as an Overnight Host or becoming a Transportation Volunteer. Aside from these opportunities, the site
describes how additional volunteers are needed to offer special skills that support the upkeep of the Family
Center, enhance development activities, provide office support and mentor guest families. Another section of
the website lists ongoing supplies needed for the Family Center.
The site also offers information about local social service agencies and community resources that partner with
Family Promise. These organizations may offer financial assistance and education to guest families that the
FPSC network does not provide.
Web surfers can also find out how to make a financial contribution, host a fundraiser to benefit Family
Promise, take a love offering at their place of worship, or join the 252 Club. (The 252 Club is way to donate a
total of $252 in one year, all at once, or in quarterly or monthly increments.)
The website also highlights two fundraising events sponsored by the FPSC Board of Trustees every spring and
fall. These include the annual “Kids Helping Kids” Walk and Fun Day and the “Taste of South Jersey” food
sampling event.
One section features profiles of Board of Trustees members and the Executive Director. Another offers links to
past FPSC newsletters.
A new Facebook page linked through the website offers photos of recent events, information about the network and comments from those who visit the page. ■
Direct Your United Way Contribution
to Benefit Homeless Families
Your United Way contribution can help homeless children and their families regain their independence.
Designate Family Promise of Salem County as your charity of choice. Simply enter the complete name of
the organization and 10201671 as the designation number on your company’s United Way form. ■
Page 3
FPSC Hosts Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
to Celebrate Network’s First Anniversary
The Family Promise Board of Trustees hosted a picnic at the Woodstown
Sportman’s Club on Sunday, August 22. The purpose of the event was to
celebrate the network’s first anniversary and honor scores of volunteers who
helped the organization reach this milestone.
The first homeless family entered the Family Promise of Salem County network
on August 31, 2009. Since then we have served 13 different families: 16 adults
and 29 children.
Volunteers and their families enjoyed food and fellowship. Each brought a
covered dish. The night before, volunteer Kenny Mack of Woodstown roasted
25 chickens for the event. The Family Promise Board purchased hamburgers,
hotdogs and beverages for everyone.
Rev. Carlton Bodine of the
Pennsville Trinity United
Methodist Church grilled
Two guest families staying in the network at the time were transported to
the anniversary picnic in the network van. The three adults and eight children
were happy to eat and reunite with volunteers they had come to know in
the past weeks.
In addition, Host and Support Congregation Liaisons were honored. Each received a certificate recognizing them for their tireless efforts to fill Host Week
volunteer slots and to ensure hospitality throughout the week to guests families.
(Liaisons as of 8/2010)
Billy Roeske was honored with
a certificate for raising more
than $800 for the June 2010
“Kids Helping Kids” Walk.
Host and Support Congregation
Asbury United Methodist Church (Woodstown)
Broadway United Methodist Church (Salem)
First Baptist Church of Salem
First Baptist Church of Woodstown
Harvest Time Worship Center (Salem)
Morning Star Baptist Church (Woodstown)
Pennsville Assembly of God
Quinton Baptist Church
Sharptown United Methodist Church
Trinity United Methodist Church (Pennsville)
Victory Assemby of God
Walnut Street Bible Church (Salem)
Wesleyan Church of Carneys Point
Woodstown Presbyterian Church
Tracy Cianci, Stephanie Allen
Joyce and Rev.Walt Kellen
Eric Sharp
Joni Sigars
Ruth Ollinger
Mary Ann and James Taylor
Adisa Manning
Diane Peterson
Julie Dobbs
Judy Kiple
George Daisey
Pastor Emerson Woodward
Brenda Bevis
Mary Harvey, Valerie Weist
Picnic goers enjoyed swimming, fishing and playground equipment until a
sudden rainstorm, later that afternoon, caused everyone to gather under
the pavilions. Despite the storm, volunteers and guests enjoyed the day. ■
Page 4
Valero Awards $5,000 to
Family Promise of Salem County
On September 1, 2010, the Valero Foundation hosted an awards breakfast at Adelphia’s Restaurant in
Deptford, NJ to honor several children’s charities whose work benefits children in Camden, Gloucester, Salem
and Cumberland counties. Family Promise of Salem County (FPSC) was one of the recipients of a $5,000
award for “efforts to help homeless children and their families achieve and sustain their independence.” All
financial gifts were funded by proceeds from the 2010 Valero Texas Open Golf Classic to Benefit Children, a
project of the Valero Energy Foundation in communities where Valero has major operations. The non-profits
chosen are nominated by Valero employees. A committee of employees evaluates each application and
chooses the agencies they believe provide the most benefit to disadvantaged children.
Board of Trustees member Martha Nealer nominated Family Promise and accepted the award on behalf of the
organization. As Valero’s newest local awards recipient, FPSC Executive Director Brenda Hecker was asked
to be a guest speaker at the awards breakfast. She gave an overview of Family Promise and described how
volunteers have helped 29 homeless children and their families in our first year of operation. The other
presenter, Southern Regional Director Laurie Ehrlich, represented Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, a
children’s charity that has received the Valero grant for many years. ■
“Kids Helping Kids” Walk &
Fun Day Set for June 4, 2011
Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 4, 2011 for the “Kids Helping Kids”
Walk and Fun Day. Each spring, Family Promise of Salem County hosts this
fundraiser in which elementary and middle school children raise sponsorship
money to participate.
Salem County Freeholder and FPSC
Board of Trustee Treasurer Julie
Acton cuts the starting ribbon.
Kids walk around the Woodstown High School track, enjoy games, carnival
style food, face painting and music. Proceeds benefit the children of homeless families that FPSC serves. Volunteers are needed to recruit children to
raise sponsorships, solicit businesses for financial support, or donations of
goods or services. On the day of the event additional volunteers can help to
set up, register walkers, serve food or coordinate games. To volunteer for this
event, call: Fundraising Committee Co-Chair Dawn Parker at: 856-769-0732
or e-mail her at Co-Chair Martha Nealer can be
reached at 856-769-1814 or via e-mail at ■
Mark Your Calendar for These Important Dates
Host and Support Congregation Liaison Meeting ● Tuesday, January 18, 2011 ● 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
● Sharptown United Methodist Church, 24 Church Street, Pilesgrove, NJ 08098.
New Volunteer Training ● (Weather permitting) Wednesday, January 26, 2011 ● 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ● Asbury
United Methodist Church, 149 South Main St.,Woodstown, NJ 08098. (Please RSVP by sending e-mail to Inclement weather reschedule date will be Wednesday, February 2, 2011 ●6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ●Asbury Methodist.
Page 5
Family Promise Participates in
Pennsville Business Expo
For the second year, Family Promise of Salem County has hosted a table at
the Pennsville Business Expo as a way to educate and foster support of
the network.
The 2010 event was held Saturday, October 29 in the Pennsville High
School Salberg Gym. Volunteer Kelly Peterson of Woodstown and Board
Trustee Dawn Parker (pictured left) staff the FPSC table. Board members
Christine Hoehn and Linda Garrison also volunteered their time at the
Pennsville Business Expo. ■
FPSC Helps Single Mom and 3 Children
Move from Motel to Network to their Own Apartment
When a single mom with three pre-teen children was referred to Family Promise of Salem County, she wasn’t
sure how she would ever change her situation. After moving out of her brother’s house, she found herself and
her children living in a motel, working full time, but barely making ends meet.
In order to qualify to enter the FPSC network, the Mom had to speak to her employer to change her work shift
to 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. She also had to find daycare for a 10, 11 and 12-year-old
from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each weekday during the summer. She was successful in doing both, and the single
Mom and her three children entered the FPSC network.
During their three-month stay, the Mom was able to follow a budget and obtain her credit scores. To improve
her credit, she began calling creditors to lower her payments and began paying off small debts first. She also
worked to get copies of two of her children’s birth certificates reissued. Mom build up a small cash reserve
in a savings account and used some of the money for the new low income apartment she eventually secured
in Salem City. ■
Attention Verizon Employees Who Volunteer
for Family Promise of Salem County
Are you an active full, or part-time Verizon employee who volunteers their time for Family Promise of Salem
County? If you log 50 hours of volunteer time in one calendar year, you can apply for a $750 grant that will
help FPSC continue to help families without homes. The $750 is made possible by the Verizon Foundation as
part of the company’s Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP).
For complete rules and more information, visit the Verizon Foundation website at, or call Verizon at 1-866-247-2687. ■
Page 6
Family Promise Liaisons Coordinate
Holiday Surprises for Guest Families
Thanks to the coordination of Sharptown United Methodist Church Liaison Julie Dobbs, all six guest children
currently in the FPSC network, will receive new clothes and a special toy. (Children from any new families
who enter the network before December 22 will also receive gifts.)
Members of Sharptown United Methodist took children’s names from their “Angel Tree” and purchased $75
worth of new clothes and toys for scores of local children. Julie Dobbs will coordinate the delivery of gifts to
Broadway United Methodist in Salem for all six Family Promise guest children. On Christmas morning when
the children wake up at the church, they will have some surprises! (Broadway Methodist is the Host Congregation that is hosting the families during Christmas week.)
Realizing the sacrifices parents make for their children, members of Broadway United Methodist Church of
Salem purchased new clothing and/or shoes for each of the four parents. Broadway United Methodist Church
Liaison Joyce Kellen coordinated the gift buying and wrapping. ■
Adopt the FPSC Family Center
Other religious congregations and organizations will “Adopt the Family Center this Christmas” by purchasing
a big ticket item like a new computer and printer, or supplies for the Family Center. If your organization would
like to adopt Family Promise’s Family Center after the holidays, please call Executive Director Brenda Hecker
at 856-678-FPSC (3772) or send an e-mail to■
Since opening our doors on August 31, 2009, Family Promise of Salem
County has served 13 different families. The Family Center is the place
where families shower, receive mail and use computers with Internet access
to search for social service benefits, community resources, jobs, or affordable housing. Parents who are between jobs care for preschool children at
the Family Center. Sometimes families eat breakfast or lunch at the Center
as well. (Families never sleep at the Family Center.) ■
Support Family Promise Financially by Joining the “252 Club”
Family Promise of Salem County is funded entirely by individual giving, charitable donations from religious
congregations and community organizations, corporate gifts and fundraisers, One way to help FPSC continue
to serve homeless families with children is to join the “252 Club.” Becoming a member is easy. Simply commit to a donation of $63.00 per quarter or $21.00 per month. No matter how often you donate, you will contribute a total of $252 in one year. Enclosed in this newsletter is a “252 Club” pledge envelope. Join the “252
Club” or use the envelope to make a single donation. ■
Page 7
Host Congregation Woodstown Presbyterian
Church Provides Thanksgiving Food Baskets
for Former Family Promise Guests
Host Congregation Liaison Mary
Harvey (behind shopping cart), Mark
Valente, and Carol Klinke (at checkout
counter) shop for food to make and
deliver Thanksgiving food baskets to
former Family Promise guests.
Woodstown Presbyterian’s Liaison Mary Harvey worked with her church
Deacons to contact former FPSC guests and deliver Thanksgiving food
baskets to their new homes. Each basket contained a turkey, one gallon
of milk, one pound of butter, canned green beans, gravy and cranberry
sauce, prepared mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, heat and serve
rolls, a pumpkin or apple pie and one dozen eggs. The idea was to
provide enough food for a Thanksgiving dinner and a few meals
afterwards. Volunteers from Woodstown Presbyterian Church went to the
Woodstown Acme to shop.
When an Acme manager noticed the shoppers buying large quantities of food, he asked about their efforts.
When he found out how the food baskets would benefit formerly homeless families, he offered a second food
basket compliments of the Woodstown Acme with another turkey and all the fixings. (Hopefully, former families paid it forward and shared their good fortune with other needy friends and family.) Members of
Woodstown Presbyterian Church plans to contact former Family Promise guests again and deliver Christmas
food baskets just before December 25. ■
Area Businesses Donate Goods and
Services to Help Homeless Families
As Family Promise of Salem County grows, many area businesses have donated goods and services to benefit
our families. Each has shown their compassion and commitment to help FPSC help families without homes.
Here is a partial list. Many other businesses have faithfully supported our fundraisers. Thank you to everyone!
Professional Organizer Valerie Cowan, owner of Destination Organized
(Southern New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware) has been volunteering her
time to work with Family Promise volunteer Supply Coordinator Virginia Sisco and Board of
Trustee member Martha Nealer. Together, they are assessing and reorganizing the living space
for families who spend time at the Center during the day.
Realtor Diane McAllister of Caldwell Banker (Pennsville) has been serving as
a volunteer consultant to answer questions about foreclosure, rental properties etc. Her advice
often helps Family Promise guests as they look for affordable housing and work to improve
their financial situation before leaving the network.
Angela Lombardo-Sacchet, Owner of Salone DiBellezza (Pennsville) has offered to give a
free haircut to any parent or child who is currently staying in the Family Promise of Salem County network.
Families must make individual appointments.
Italian Kitchen (Pennsville) and Roman Pantry (Penns Grove) owned by the DiMarco
family has offered coupons to Host Congregation Liaisons to redeem for a donation of two large party pizzas
and two large salads that can be picked up any Monday or Tuesday night and served to guest families staying
overnight at their church. ■
Family Promise of Salem County is Not a Shelter,
But a Unique Approach to Helping Homeless Families
Family Promise of Salem County (FPSC) is a non-profit 501c3 organization that helps families without homes in
Salem County, NJ. Our mission is “to help families regain and sustain their independence.” We are an affiliate of
the national Family Promise Interfaith Hospitality Network, established in 1989. Currently there are more than 160
networks nationwide.
FPSC provides temporary overnight accommodations and an evening meal for three or four homeless families with children at a time (up to 14 people). Our network is made up of Salem County Host Congregations who pledge overnight use
of their facilities and volunteers who host families for one week approximately every three months. Each family sleeps
on air mattresses (babies in portable cribs) in their own Sunday school classroom. Families stay together at a Host
Congregation for one week at a time, and then rotate to the next church on Sunday evenings, 365 days per year.
Trained volunteers from Host and Support Congregations make and serve an evening meal, stay overnight with the
guests, or drive the network van. (Go to for a complete list of FPSC congregations.) Currently there are
more than 500 trained FPSC volunteers who support the rotation of families from one congregation to another.
Families accepted into the network must be motivated to help themselves break the cycle of homelessness. Working with
the Executive Director, each family establishes a Family Plan with achievable goals to help them regain sustainable independence. Every week, their progress is monitored and recommendations are made to modify goals as they work toward
their ultimate goal of finding a home. Typically, families remain in the network between 30 and 60 days, occasionally
longer if they are actively striving to achieve their Family Plan goals. Family Promise of Salem County provides a “hand
up” not a “hand out” for families who are temporarily homeless and need some time to refocus, save money and not
worry where their family will sleep. ■
Brenda M. Hecker
Executive Director:
Randall Clark
George Daisey
Linda Garrison
Christine Hoehn
Peter Nines
Dawn M. Parker
Kathy Bodine, President
Pastor Ralph Siegel, VP
Martha Nealer, Secretary
Julie Acton, Treasurer
Board of Directors:
Phone: 856-678-FPSC (3772)
FAX: 856-678-4100
Family Center
391B South Broadway
Pennsville, NJ 08070
Family Promise
of Salem County