Announcements - Syracuse Builders Exchange


Announcements - Syracuse Builders Exchange
Vol. 16
January 29, 2016
No. 4
Save The Date
Meet the Generals
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Genesee Grand Hotel, Syracuse NY
Invitations will be mailed early February
2016 AHL All-Star Classic Discounted Tickets
Sunday, January 31- Skills Competition
Monday, February 1 AHL All-Star Game
Click Here for Order Form
Syracuse Builders Exchange Night with the Syracuse Crunch
Friday, February 19, 2016 vs. Utica Comets
Click Here for Order Form
Post Employment Opportunities on Syrabex
You can now post positions available at your company or upload your resume on our Career
Center tab on our NEW website This service is FREE to members and
anyone can upload a resume, but only members can post employment positions and view posted
resumes. Need help posting? Call Lisa at 315-437-9936 or
Education and Safety Courses
Click Here for Class Descriptions and Registration Forms.
The Syracuse Builders Exchange offers a number of educational safety and training courses to
member firms. All courses and seminars will be held in the SBE classroom. Students must preregister.
Please contact Melissa Gould at at SBE to enroll your employees in a
future course or register online at Melissa's phone number is (315) 437-9936
Mechanics Liens & Bond Claims Seminar
January 27, 2016 RESCHEDULED TO MARCH 24th
Price: Free to Members/$25.00 Non-Members
3PM -5PM
What is a Lien? Who can file a Lien? What can be Liened? Mechanics of Mechanics Liens,
recordkeeping and trust funds, discharging liens, bond claims, developer projects, etc. These are
some of the topics covered in this informative seminar.
Signal Person Subpart CC Safety Course
February 3, 2016
Price: Free to Members
In response to the new Cranes and Derricks standard, the Syracuse Builders Exchange is now
conducting the signal person certification class. The safety of equipment operations depends in
many situations on signals given to the operator. It is critical that the operator understand the
signals given, and the signals person must therefore be able to give clear, accurate and
appropriate signals that clearly convey the needed information. Employers must train employees
who will be assigned to work as signal persons. This course will describe and demonstrate the
standard crane hand signals, an overview of crane operations and limitations, the correct use of
voice signal communication, the use of non-standard and new signals and will describe the basic
safety practices for a crane signal person.
Claims & Construction Management
February 4, 2016
Price: Free to Members/$25.00 Non-Members
3PM -5PM
Topics to be covered include:
- Estimating
- Bidding
- Protests
- Contract Documents
- Recordkeeping
- Payments
- Punch Lists
- Disputes and Claims
- Sales Law for contractors and suppliers under the Uniform Commercial Code
- Sales transactions, sales contracts, sellers and buyers obligations and rights
Attend this popular seminar to find out the latest information from noted Attorney Edward J.
Sheats, Jr. of Sheats & Bailey.
OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Course
February 9, 2016 and February 10, 2016
Price: Free to Members
8:00am-1:30pm (both days)
Upon completion, students will understand how to use the construction standard (29 CFR 1926)
as an aid in recognizing and correcting standards, gain the ability to identify safety and health
hazards on site. Completion also meets the requirements for OSHA 10-Hour training as an
addition to the existing prevailing rate law. This mandate applies to workers receiving prevailing
wages on every contract for public work of $250,000 or more effective June 18, 2008. OSHA has
made several changes to the 10 and 30 hour courses.
Sponsored by a Grant from the NYS Dept. of Labor Hazard Abatement Board
Fall Protection Course
February 11, 2016
Price: Free to Members
OSHA has developed construction industry safety standards addressing systems and procedures
designed to prevent employees from falling off, onto, or through working levels and to protect
employees from being struck by falling objects. This Fall Protection class will inform individuals
of ways to recognize and evaluate hazards and to determine the possible solutions, how to protect
workers from falls through the use of warning lines, personal fall protection, control zones and
similar systems
Sponsored by a Grant from the NYS Dept. of Labor Hazard Abatement Board
Excavation & Trenching Safety Course
February 12, 2016 RESCHEDULED TO MARCH 29th
Price: Free to Members
Excavation and Trenching are among the most hazardous construction operations. General
Trenching and Excavation rules include keeping heavy equipment away from trench edges,
knowing where underground utilities are located, inspections by a competent person, and more.
This class will train your employees to be capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards,
working conditions that are hazardous, unsanitary or dangerous to employees, as well as some of
the corrective measures to eliminate or control such hazards and conditions.
Air Barriers and Thermal Bridging-Complying with NYS Energy Codes
February 24, 2016
Price: Free to Members
The Energy Conservation Code of NYS is a document that most contractors are not familiar
with, although it can have a significant effect on their work. We’ll start with an overview of
compliance requirements, including the differences between residential and commercial aspects
of the code that have been gaining in importance, yet have not been well understood by all
members of the design and construction community; Air Barrier systems, including new testing
requirements, and complying with conductive insulation requirements by avoiding thermal
bridging. The presentation will include infrared images that illustrate heat loss through buildings.
Business Law for Contractors & Suppliers
March 7, 2016
Price: Free to Members/$25.00 Non-Members
3PM -5PM
Attend this seminar and learn about sales law for contractors under the Uniform Commercial
Code; sales transactions within the Uniform Commercial Code; sales contracts; sellers and
buyers rights and obligations and more. Suppliers, General Contractors, Subcontractors and
Sureties will benefit from attending this seminar.
Construction Labor Law
March 14, 2016
Price: Free to Members/$25.00 Non-Members
3PM -5PM
The class will provide construction employers a general understanding of the law regarding labor
unions, employee rights and employer rights. Topics will include the employees rights to
organize, strikes, representation and recognition, disputes between unions, double breasting and
the NLRB hearing. We will not focus on the collective bargaining negotiations.
I. Protected Activity
A. Rights of Employees
B. Employer Interference
C. Employer Speech
D. Unlawful Employer Conduct and Unfair Labor Practices
II. Representation and Election
A. How a Union becomes The Union
B. Jurisdiction and Bargaining Units
C. The Election
D. Multi-Employer Bargaining Units
III. Pre-hire 8(f) Agreements and 9a Agreements.
IV. Double Breasting and Separate Operations
V. Underfunded pension fund liability
VI. The NLRB Process
DEC Erosion and Sediment Control Course
March 30, 2016
Price: Members $100
8:30 am-12:30 pm
Soil disturbing contractors are required to have at least one trained individual on site every day of
soil disturbing activity as of May 1, 2010. This DEC mandated 4-hour course is designed to
inform individuals responsible for installing or maintaining erosion & sediment control practices
in areas such as Construction, Grading, Excavating, Filling, Soil Stockpiling, Demolition, ClearCutting, Grubbing and Stump Removal. The card is valid for 3-years from the date of the course.
This workshop will be conducted by the OCSWCD with cooperation from the Syracuse Builders
Exchange as part of the Storm Water Education program. This storm water training focuses on
providing training required to comply with the contractor’s responsibilities under the NYS DEC
COURSE. Limited to 4 employees per company due to demand. Each person planning to attend
must complete a registration form supplied by the NYS DEC and return the ORIGINAL form
with payment to the Syracuse Builders Exchange.
Business Executive Coaching Two-Day Seminar
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Price: Free to Members Non-Member$25
8:00 AM - Thursday, April 07, 2016 12:00 Noon
Presented by: Jeff Rogers, Executive Business Coaching
March 31, 2016 – 8:00am-12:00pm Session 1
Personal Effectiveness and Goal Setting and Gap Management
Two very separate concepts, but when combined can make all the difference in your business.
Learn ways to maximize your effectiveness in your organization and personal life. Maximize
your time and improve strategic relationships to build a better personal strategy.
Identify where you are currently and know where you want to be. The difference is the Gap.
Learn how to be purposeful in your daily strategies and tactics to best close that Gap.
April 7, 2016 – 8:00am-12:00pm Session 2
Key Performance Indicators and Strategic Planning for your Business
Sure you know about KPI’s but do you have them and more importantly, are they the right
KPI’s? Better measure your business performance on a daily basis to better stay on course.
We will plot a course and develop a strategic plan for your business. You will take away
strategies and tactics designed for measurable success.
Are you doing what you already know? Or are you looking to put some new business tools in
your tool box? Either way, this program will get you moving forward.
Cold Weather Masonry and From the Codebook to the Field
April 21, 2016
Price: Free to Members
Understand code requirements for cold weather masonry construction, learn industry guidelines
and common practice, proper storage of materials and helpful tips to plan for winter construction.
Understand the interrelationship between masonry materials, architecture, engineering and
construction. Learn how the intent of code requirements can be translated into specification
language, on-site training tools, certifications and upgrades and on-site Q&A.
Project Bidding Information
Project Name
Bid Date
Addition to Elk Terminal Lofts East Side Development Perry Street City of Buffalo
Project entails converting the building into 23 apartment units. Work to commence immediately upon
receipt of the building permit, which we are hopeful to obtain by the 22nd of Feb. Bidding is open to all
trades, with the exception of MEP trades, which is by invitation only.
A walk thru is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 22nd at 2:00 p.m. Meet on the Chicago St. (east) side of the
Construction On-Street Parking Meter Installations Downtown Niagara Falls
Phase I
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 20, 2016 at 2 PM
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Bathroom Upgrades Jessup Youth Sports Association
Field Lackawanna County PA
The work on this project will include but is not limited to the demolition of the existing bathroom fixtures
along with the tile floor, drop ceiling and exterior doors in the two bathrooms at the Jessup Youth Sports
Association Field. Construction for both bathrooms will include new toilets with grab bars, sinks, mirrors,
and hand dryers, along with new epoxy floor, suspended t-bar ceiling system, fluorescent light and metal
door with frame.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the Jessup Borough Municipal Offices, 395 Lane Street, Jessup, PA
18434 On Wednesday, January 20,2016 at 2:00 PM. for purpose of reviewing the project.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Interior Renovations and Sitework, 1 Prime, (General
Remodeling) Rochester Housing Authority RHA
Interior Renovations and Sitework
A walk through is scheduled for January 11, 2016 at 10:30 AM meeting at 54-66 Garson Ave Rochester
Nidus Corporate Office-Tenant Expansion Buildout Bid Packages 1B Thru 12A
and Design-Build 15A thru 16A
Bid Packages #1B thru 12ADesign-Build Bid Packages 15A thru #16A
REBID Welding Supplies and Repair City of Rochester 427605
Welding Supplies and Repairs to welding equipment.
RFB Exterior Signage for OCM BOCES Main Campus Syracuse NY
OCM BOCES is soliciting bids from vendors for signage for our new Main Campus. There will be five (5)
signs total.
RFP Capital Improvement Project Greene Central School District Greene NY
Renovations of the Middle/High School auditorium, renovation of the Primary Building kindergarten wing
and district-wide renovation work. The renovation work will include most contracting disciplines and will
involve all school district buildings.
Slope Stabilizations Muddy Brook Road Town of Shandaken
Site preparation, maintenance and protection of traffic, erosion and sediment control, stream protection,
selective demolition, excavation, backfill, anchored steel sheeting, select fill, sub-base, asphaltic concrete
paving, guide rail reinstallation. rip-rap, drainage, site restoration and other related work.
Mandatory pre-bid meeting 11/23/15 at 1 PM, Shandaken Town Hall, 7209 Route 28.
2015-16 Cash Capital, Bond Ordinance Renovations to Dr. Walter Cooper
Academy School No. 10 Rochester CSD
Contract No. 1 General Construction Work Contract No. 2 Mechanical Work Contract No. 3 Plumbing
Work Contract No. 4 Electrical Work Contract No. 5 Roofing Work Contract No. 6 Site Work
Capital Improvement Plan - Phase IIA Sweet Home Central School District
Amherst NY
Multiple Contracts will be provided as follows:1. General Construction2. Electrical Construction
A Pre-bid Conference will be held Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 10:00am
Construction for Town of Amherst Sidewalks for Safety Transportation
Enhancements Program PIN 5760.91***
Installation of 6,400 +/- lineal feet of sidewalk along Klein Road, Paradise Road, Northledge Drive,
Smallwood Drive, and Sargent Drive. Project includes ADA compliant ramps, crosswalk striping, and
pedestrian signal improvements.***12.30.15 - Per the Town of Amherst, this project is being delayed and
may bid in February 2016
Door and Window Improvements to Kenilworth Library Job No. 2941 Montrose
Avenue Town of Tonawanda
Improvements to the doors and windows.
A pre bid meeting will be held on January 26, 2016 at 11am.
Elevator Rehabilitation at Kenmore Library Job No. 2942 Delaware Road Town of
Rehabilitation to elevator
A pre bid meeting will be held on January 26, 2016 at 11am.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Renovation to 112 Bathrooms at Belmont Courts City
of Ogdensburg
The project consists of the renovations of 112 bathrooms which include shower surrounds, plumbing
piping to showers, replacement of ventilation fans, consolidation of electric switches for light and fan, and
painting of bathroom ceilings.
New Dollar General Store Route 197 Town of Argyle
Scope of Work: Approximately 9100 sq. ft. +/- PEMB Structure +/- 1.97 acre site. Earth work, domestic
water well, septic & drain field, storm drainage, asphalt & concrete paving, landscaping, concrete slab
prepared for a polished finish, PEMB erection only, CMU masonry, metal framing, hollow metal frames,
wood doors, drywall, painting, insulation, caulking, plumbing, HVAC, electrical
Provide Expanded Midway and RV Sites NYS Fairgrounds OGS No 45331 C
Construction Work
REBID Reconstruction Work at Jr/Sr High School and Phoenicia Primary School
Onteora CSD Boiceville
General Construction Plumbing Electrical Asbestos Abatement
Refurbish and Upgrade Ice Sluice Gates at Saint Lawrence FDR Power Project
Massena NY NYS Power Authority
Removal of ice sluice gates #4, #5 and #6 and install new concrete structures across the concrete
openings at the Authority's St. Lawrence - Franklin D. Roosevelt Power Project, Massena, NY
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 1/13/16 at 11:00 AM at site.
Rehab Plaza Garage Level 5 Connection Replacement SUNY Administration
Campus Broadway Albany SUCF Project 36126-02
Level 5 connection replacement
Pre-bid conference Januarys 15, 2016 at 11 am, SUCF Room N304, 353 Broadway, Albany
Renovations South County Office Building PF-7-16 B & G Chautauqua County
DPF Jamestown NY
Renovations to the South County Office building
Pre-bid meeting 1/20/16 at 2:00 p.m.
Renovations to Gerard Place New Community Learning Center Bailey Avenue City
of Buffalo
The construction phase of this project consists of renovation of the former school building located at 2563
Bailey Ave, Buffalo NY 14215. The work will include, but not limited to, the following:a. Plumbing:
installation of plumbing fixtures, plumbing equipment, interior plumbing piping (including domestic water,
sanitary, vent, and storm), domestic water heater & recirculation pump, gas piping to HVAC units,
condensate piping from HVAC units, fire suppression systems, and all related accessories, specialties,
hangers, insulation, etc.b. Electrical: installation of new electrical service, power distribution equipment,
emergency/standby power system, interior and exterior lighting and lighting controls, branch circuits and
connections, wireless clock system, and fire alarm system. Partial demolition of existing electrical systems
will also be required in the former church.c. HVAC: installation of new high efficiency boiler and related
accessories, pumps, and trim, fin radiation, convectors, variable refrigerant volume fan coils and
condensers, two pipe fan coil, 100% outdoor air units, roof, inline, and ceiling mounted exhaust fans,
ductwork, hydronic and refrigerant piping.
A formal pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 12, 2016 at 10AM
Renovations to Kodak Park School No. 41 Rochester CSD Bond Ordinance
Contract No. 1 General Construction Work Contract No. 2 HVAC Work Contract No. 3 Plumbing Work
Contract No. 4 Electrical Work
Renovations to Service Center Rochester CSD Bond Ordinance
Contract No. 1 General Construction Work Contract No. 2 Plumbing Work Contract No. 3 Electrical Work
Replace Federal Building Windows SUNY System Administration Building 353
Broadway Albany SUCF Project 36138
Replacement of all windows and associated asbestos abatement on the Federal Building at System
Administration in Albany.
A pre-bid conference and project walk through will be held on 21 January 2016 at 1:00 PM with all
contractors assembled in Room N304 at State University Plaza, 353 Broadway, Albany NY 12246
Restoration to Area No. 1 Project No. 201600004 Erie County Water Authority
Area No. 1 Restoration, April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018. The work consists of asphalt, lawn, and
concrete restoration resulting from emergency maintenance repair work arising out of excavation and
other work performed by the Erie County Water Authority.
A prebid meeting will be held at 10:00am on Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Restoration to Area No. 2 Project No. 201600005 Erie County Water Authority
Area No. 2 Restoration, April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018. The work consists of asphalt, lawn, and
concrete restoration resulting from emergency maintenance repair work arising out of excavation and
other work performed by the Erie County Water Authority.
A prebid meeting will be held at 10:00am on Wednesday, January 20, 2016
2014 Capital Improvement Project –Phase 2 Kendall Central School District
The project scope includes but is not limited to: exterior site improvements (drainage, concrete,
pavement, walks, lighting), selective demolition, asbestos abatement, science classroom renovations,
toilet room renovations, Counseling center renovations, framing & gypsum board work, electrical,
mechanical/HVAC, and plumbing. Below are the contracts that are currently bidding:-Contract 201:
CONTRACT-Contract 204: ELECTRICAL CONTRACT The buildings involved are: Kendall Jr/Sr High
School (SED# 45-06-07-04-0-004-008)Kendall Elementary School (SED# 45-06-07-04-0-001-007)
Pre-bid Meeting at 1:00 PM on Monday January 18, 2016
2016 Capital Improvement Project Phase 1 Bolivar Richburg Central School
District Bolivar NY
General Construction
A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for the Project will be conducted by the Architect/Engineer on Friday
January 22, 2016 at 11:00 AM local time at the Bolivar Middle High School.
2016 Emergency Repairs City Owned Streets & Utilities City of Binghamton
Addition and Renovation Fulton Montgomery Community College Student Union
General Construction Plumbing HVAC Electrical
pre-bid meeting, 1/18/16 at 9 AM, Fulton-Montgomery Community College Student Union Building
Addition Newark Valley Fire Station Newark Valley NY
Construction of A Salt Storage Facility For The Town Of Saratoga
The work includes:Phase I: Foundation Contractor to supply forms, all necessary equipment, and labor, to
install concrete and rebar for footings and walls of new building foundation. Concrete and rebar to be
supplied by the Town of Saratoga .All excavation to be completed by the Town of Saratoga. Phase II:
Framing and Sheeting Contractor to supply labor and equipment to install framing and sheeting package
for walls and roofing on new building. Framing and sheeting package to be supplied by the Town.
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for January 20,2016.
Construction of Five Story Mix Use Building Valley Avenue Elmsford NY
The project consist of construction of a new five story mix use building (Retail & residential) approximately
125,000 SF. The scope of work includes concrete, gypsum cement underlayment, unit masonry, thin brick
panel system, metal stairs, rough carpentry/wood framing, wood trusses, finish carpentry, millwork,
waterproofing, thermal insulation, membrane air barrier, asphalt shingles, siding, EPDM roofing, mold
remediation and prevention, joint sealants, doors, frames & hardware, aluminum storefronts, vinyl
windows, drywall, VCT flooring, painting, signage, wire mesh partitions, closet specialties, window
treatment, residential appliances, waste compactors/trash chute, electric traction elevator, sprinklers,
HVAC, plumbing & electrical. Include sales taxes (Exclude Materials)
Maintenance and Repair of Chillers and Precision Cooling Systems for Finger
Lakes Community College Ontario County Q16008
Finger Lakes Community College is seeking quotations for maintenance of Refrigeration Systems.
Specifically, a service contract for three chillers and their connected accessories (purge, drives, heat
exchangers) and four packaged systems serving the computer machine room.
Time and material for any other minor refrigeration systems requiring EPA certification. The College is
located at 3325 Marvin Sands Dr. Canandaigua NY 14424.
The equipment includes:
Chiller 1 – Trane Centavac Model CVHE500 w/heat recovery bundle
Chiller 2 – York MaxE Model YTG3A3C3 – CLJ with Opti speed drive
Chiller 3 – Trane Centravac Model CVHE450 w/adaptive frequency drive
PAC1 – Liebert Challenger 3, Model CU71WG
PAC2 – Liebert Challenger3, Model CU46WG
PAC3 – Liebert Challenger3, Model CU46WG
PAC4 – Liebert DS 053, with rooftop DX, AC8 coordinating controller
The quote shall include a price for preventative maintenance of the equipment listed (see description of
PM services listed below) and a time and material price for repairs.
REBID Theater Renovation Project Contract No.4 Fire Protection Construction
Monroe Community College Property Preservation Projects Phase 2 Monroe
County 0104-16
Contract No.4: Fire Protection Construction The work to be performed under Contract No. 4 consists of
the furnishing of all labor and materials for fire protection construction as a prime contract. The theater
renovation project involves major renovations of approximately 22,000 square feet of the existing 550 seat
auditorium Theater including Lobby areas and Stage at Building #4. The renovations will include minor
structural modifications such as removal of existing in-floor stage doors, and infilling the stage floor
openings with framing and finished floor. Interior reconfigurations will include removals (including
asbestos abatement) and construction of acoustical wall and ceiling panels, a sound barrier at the roof
truss line, auditorium seating, orchestra pit and stage rigging improvements, and upgraded audio and
visual equipment and controls. Theatrical lighting upgrades are planned at the stage, and catwalk level,
as well as the addition of theater tormentors. HVAC systems will be altered to achieve acoustical
separations. The mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems will be modified or extended
from systems in the existing building. Additional Stage equipment is included to provide acoustical tuning
of the theater for multiple uses.
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on January 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM at Monroe Community College 1000
East Henrietta Rd. Rochester, New York 14623 Building 4 - in the Theater
Rehabilitation of Three Bridges on NYS Thruway I87 In New York Division NYS
Thruway Authority TANY 16 18B
Rehabilitation of Three (3) Bridges on NYS Thruway I-87 in New York Division at Pascack Road - M.P.
23.09, Scotland Hill Road - M.P. 23.62 and Saddle River Road Rt. 306 - M.P. 25.10 in Rockland, Ulster,
Orange and Westchester Counties
Renovations to Main Corridor Floor with Associated Asbestos Abatement
Sunmount DDSO
CR No 23-General Construction The project consists of patching and leveling existing flooring after
abating the floor mounted door stops. Provide new finished floor, modify the base of the doors to clear
new flooring, and reinstall the doors and the floor mounted door stops.
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 1/20/16 at 9:30 AM at DASNY Field Office.
Repair Brick Facead Laurel Residence Hall East Stroudsburg University PA
Repair the cracked and delamination of portions of the brick faced from the structure of Laurel Residence
Hall. Work will include but not limited to, brickrestoration including cracked and spalled brick replacement,
restoration of brick anchors, expansion joint installation, window lintel repairs, concrete and limestone
repair work, repointing, steel door frame and door replacement and sealant.
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on January 13, 2016 at 10:00 AM. Facilities Management
Office, East Stroudsburg University.
Replace Roof Administration Building 1 Woodbourne Correctional Facility OGS
General Construction
The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job site to take field measurements and
examine existing conditions of the project area will be at10:00 a.m. on January 14, 2016 at Woodbourne
Correctional Facility, 99 Prison Road, Woodbourne, NY. Prospective bidders are urged to visit the site at
Sand Filter Recoating Water Treatment Plant Village of Lake George
said office publicly opened and read aloud.The project generally consists of the following work: Abrasive
blasting and recoating of three sand filtertanks and appurtenances. Some steel repair may be necessary.
Upgrade Power Lines Highland Residential Center Highland New York NYS OGS
Project 42575E
Electrical Work Upgrade Power Lines
Prebid Conference will be held at 10am on January 14th 2016 at The Highland Residential center
2015 2016 Capital Outlay Project Altmar Parish Williamstown CSD
Pre-Bid conference will be held on 1/26/16 at 3:30 PM at site.
2015 Capital Improvements Project Belmont Center Cattaraugus Allegany Erie
Wyoming BOCES Belmont, NY
Main building, environmental lab, wood storage, and storage barn. General Contracting:
$800,000.00Mechanical Contracting; $400,000.00Electrical Contracting: $200,000.00Plumbing
Contracting: $40,000.00
Pre-bid conference 12/21/15 at 2:30 p.m.
Bridge Cleaning Various Locations Albany Essex Greene Rensselaer Saratoga
Warren and Washington Counties NYSDOT D263083
Bridge cleaning
Bridge Replacements RT 9N and Rt 73 over the West Branch of the AuSable River
Towns of Jay Black Brook and North Elba NYS DOT D263107
Bridge Replacement
Capital Project Phase 3 Middle School High School and Support Building Indian
River CSD
Sitework General Construction Plumbing Mechanical Electrical Geo-Thermal
Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 1/18/16 at 10:30 AM at Transportation Center Meeting Room
Construction Bell Tower Lofts Colvin and Tacoma Buffalo NY SUBBIDDING
Construction of 26 New Apartments on an existing lot. The project consists of but is no limited to:
Demolition, Site work, Foundations, Concrete, Asphalt, Fencing, Roofing, Siding Masonry, Replacement
windows, Doors, Frames and Hardware, Framing, Insulation, Drywall, Ceilings, Painting, Flooring, Wall
Coverings and tile,Toilet Accessories, Fire Suppression, Electrical, HVAC and Plumbing
Construction Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths Pine Tree Road Town of Ithaca
Construction of a bicycle and pedestrian trail along County Road 174, Pine Tree Road, from Maple
Avenue to New York State Route 366, also known as Dryden Road
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 1/22/16 at 10:00 AM at Tompkins County Public Works Department
Conference Room.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Robert Moses Niagara Power Project Abutment
Drainage Improvements and Emergency Lighting Installation Project NYPA Q16-
In general the improvements will consist of rehabilitation of deteriorated concreteincluding crack and joint
repair, rehabilitation of the cast iron longitudinal seepage drain and its risers embedded in the South
Abutment footing concrete, and placement of new graded to drain reinforced concrete floor slabs at El.
455 ft in Cells 4S –1S. Also included within this scope of work are general access, safety, and lighting
improvements to the interior of portions of the South Abutment.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Site Improvements Martin Luther King Jr Apartments
for the Poughkeepsie Housing Authority
Site improvements
Pre-bid meeting Martin Luther Kings JR Apartments 1/21/16 at 11 AM.
Improvements to Distribution System Village of Gouverneur
Contract No. 1 –pipeline Construction Bid description –Work under this Contract may generally be
described to include, but not be limited to the following: Mobilization, stakeout of utilities, Dig Safely New
York clearances, obtain NYS DOT construction permits and other permits as required, clearing and
grubbing, trenching, protection of existing facilities and structures, backfilling and compaction, rock
removal, new water distribution facilities/appurtenances, piping pressure/leakage testing, water system
disinfection, asphalt pavement road replacement, connection to existing water service laterals, periodic
and final cleanup, hydrant and valve replacement, site restoration, erosion and sediment control, and all
work necessary to complete the utility improvements in accordance with the Plans and Specifications.
NYS DOT Replacement of 7 Large Culverts at Various Locations Otsego County
Replace Culverts
Pavilion Structural Repair to Sinking Ponds Park Village of East Aurora
Structural repair of the pavilion at Sinking Ponds Park at the end of Pine Street in the Village of East
There will be a pre-bid meeting on Tuesday the 26th day of January, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
Phase III Fuel Consolidation Project for Various Locations in Hamilton County
Fuel consolidation
RFP Provide Municipal Solar Photovoltaic Systems and Programs Town of Tully
The RFP is to provide solar photovoltaic systems same to be municipal (Town) facilities, i.e., benefiting
the local Town government in reducing its electric costs, such facilities are intended to be remote net
metered facilities located on one or more designated otherwise unimproved parcels located within and
just outside of the Town.
A site visit will be held on 1/27/16 at 11:30 AM at Municipal Building.
RFQ Lawn Care Maintenance Services at Various Sites in Herkimer Oneida and
Onondaga Counties Office for People with Development Disabilities
Lawn Care Maintenance Services
Saratoga County Water Authority Connection Phase 2 Town of Stillwater
Contract 1 – General Construction - Installation of water mains along Elmore Robinson Road, George
Thompson Road, McDermott Road, Van Ness Road, and County Route 75 along with associated
hydrants, valves, and water services; connection to existing mains; connection to new water storage tank;
chemical feed and control equipment and wiring; SCADA system components; coordination of work;
testing and coordination with utility companies; installation and compaction of sub base, installation of
pavement to match existing lines and grades; concrete equipment pads; erosion and sediment control,
site restoration; equipment operation and maintenance manuals; all necessary and required testing and
approvals; special inspections; provide and maintain a field office; startup and all work necessary to
provide a fully operational water distribution system in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Contract 2 – Electrical Construction – Construction of all electrical systems associated with the
components installed on the new water storage tank site on George Thompson Road. The work generally
includes coordination with the electrical utility providers, one (1) outdoor emergency generator, one (1)
automatic transfer switch, underground electrical, electrical distribution conduit/wiring and panels,
equipment connections, and other miscellaneous electrical systems as required in accordance with the
plans and specifications.
Contract 3 – Water Storage Tank Construction – Construction of a new 750,000-gallon elevated water
storage tank on George Thompson Road. The work to be performed includes furnishing all labor,
materials, tools and equipment necessary to design, fabricate, construct, inspect and test a single
pedestal spheroidal welded steel elevated water storage tank, including the delegated design and
construction of the foundation and accessories as shown on the drawings, as well as associated rough
grading and associated site work at the tank site, internal electrical wiring, panel board, wiring devices,
lighting fixtures. The work shall also include all labor, material, and equipment necessary to clean, paint,
and disinfect the water storage tank, and special inspections associated with tank construction and
painting. .
Site Improvements to the Martin Luther King Jr Apartments Washington Street
Poughkeespie Housing Authority
Site improvements
Pre-bid meeting 1/21/16, 11 AM at Martin Luther King Jr Apartments
2015 Capital Improvement Project Phase II Pavilion Central School District
Work will involve separate sealed bids for General, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Contracts
A pre-bid meeting will take place Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
Floor Refinishing Chenango Forks Central School District
Full resurfacing of Middle school gym approximately 7,995 sq. ft. 2) Using Standard resurfacing
procedures Vac and tack. 3) Apply 2 coats of either Polo Plaz Voc350 oil based sealer or buckeye 100
VOC oil based sealer. Reline with existing game lines-main court basketball with 2-cross court basketball
Keys only no 3 point line or block , Main Court volleyball, 2 cross court volleyball courts and 6 standard.
Badminton courts. (Paint colors to be approved by Authorized BY Authorized representative.) 4) Lines are
to be painted with two coats of paint after 2nd coat of paint allow paint to dry for at least.48 hours 5)
Abrade with 180 gr. Screen vac and tack. 6) Apply two coats of either Polo Plaz 350 VOC oil Based finish
or Buckeye 275 VOC oil based finish 15 to 20 Water damaged boards to be replaced.
Resurfacing Running Track Scio CSD Scio NY
Running track resurfacing
RFI Curb & Sidewalk Replacement Southport Correctional Facility Main Parking
Lot Pine City NY
This is a request for information RFI only, seeking responses from qualified vendors regarding a potential
future project that would contain the following specifications.
SUBCONTRACTOR BIDS ONLY CVS Crittenden Blvd and Mount Hope Ave
You are invited to bid on just building work for an odd 14,200 sqft type "B" CVS 3 miles south of
downtown. Master developer will have civils up to 5 ft of building pad (pad ready).See Site Perimeter plan
for sidewalk limits. New building is stud wall, brick and stone veneer (faux 2 story), eifs cap, fully adhered
roof, several awnings, one prefab canopy @Drivethru. Please mark whether you are union, or not, we are
accepting bids from all divisions.
2015 Capital Improvement Project - Security Entrance Project Mount Morris CSD
Contract No. 100: Single Prime Contract (GC/MC/EC combined)
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 26th, 2016 and will begin at 10:00 AM at the front lobby of the
main building entrance 30 Bonadonna Ave, Mt Morris, NY 14510
Construction and Maintenance Materials and Services (Annual Bid) Livingston
County Highway Department
Construction & Maintenance Materials & Services
Rental of Various Pieces of Construction Equipment (Annual Bid) Livingston
County Highway Department
Rental of Various Pieces of Construction Equipment
RFP Full Design and Construction Plans for a Multi-Use Bridge Across FIshkill
Creek South Avenue City of Beacon
Notice is hereby given that City of Beacon is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to develop
design and construction documents for a multi-use bridge across the Fishkill Creek on South Avenue at
the Madam Brett Park and Trail.
2016 Capital Improvement Project East Bloomfield CSD
General Construction Work Contract, Plumbing Work Contract, HVAC Work Contract, Electrical Work
Contract and Site Work Contract, and Photovoltaic Work
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 21, 2016 at 1:45 PM at the Bloomfield Middle / High School, 1
Oakmount Avenue East Bloomfield New York at the Performing Arts Center located at the South end of
the school for a question and answer period and tour of the site.
2016 Capital Improvements Reconstruction Toilet Room Franklin Central School
Contract No. 1- General Construction
Center City Two-Way Conversion Phase II City of Rochester C04560
***Per City of Rochester Addendum 1 will be issued to fix the incorrect pre-bid/bid date in the specification
book. The pre-bid date of 1/26 and the bid date of 2/9 are correct****(1) PRIME CONTRACTOR This
project consists of the improvements to East Broad Street from South Avenue to South Clinton Avenue
and South Clinton Avenue from I-490 to East Main Street.The scope of the work consists of improving
mobility within Downtown Rochester by converting E. Broad St. to two-way traffic between Stone St. and
S. Clinton Ave. and converting S. Clinton Ave. to two-way traffic between Main St. and E. Broad St.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 26, 2016 at 1:00 PM at City Hall, Room 321-B 30 Church Street
Rochester, NY 14614
Console Replacement at the Emergency Communications Facility City of
Rochester C04580
(2) TWO PRIME CONTRACTORS, General Construction, Electrical Renovations to the existing
Emergency Communications building related to the replacement of dispatch consoles in primary and
secondary operations areas. It includes carpet replacement and paint, with construction of a new
supervisor's platform. Relocation of a number of consoles to the 311 Call Center at 945 Mt. Read is also
included in the project.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on February 2, 2016 at 10:00 AM at 911 ECD, 321 W. Main St.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Parking Lot Paving Dickson City Civic Center Dickson
City PA
The work on this project will include but is not limited to the grading of an area for a new parking lot and
sidewalks, installing proposed drainage, curbing, concrete walks, and approximately 1,443 sq . f new
pavement structure. Also included is installation of three light standards with base wiring.
Reconstruction of Summit Street City of Batavia
Full depth pavement reconstruction for a length of 0.5 miles between NY Route 5 - East Main Street and
North Street. The scope of work also includes water main replacement, installation of new storm sewers
and sidewalk construction.
Renovation PE Building Jamestown Community College JCC Jamestown NY
General Construction including HVAC and electrical
Renovations to Charles Carroll School No 46 Rochester CSD
Contract No. 1 Window Work Contract No. 2 Roofing Work Contract No. 3 Plumbing Work Contract No. 4
Air Monitoring Work
Roof Replacement and Asbestos Abatement SUNY College at Buffalo Porter Hall
CR 5 Project No. 3320809999
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 26, 2016 at 9 AM
Separate Street Lights from Utility - Electrical City of Rochester 427490
The Project consists of; Installing fuse kits on wood poles to isolate/separate the overhead fed lights at
approximately 200 locations throughout the City. Installing fuse kits in existing underground enclosures or
in light pole bases to isolate / separate the underground fed lights at approximately 1,500 locations
throughout the City. Installing underground enclosures over existing conduit systems at approximately
500 locations throughout the City
A pre-bid conference will be held on January 25, 2015 at 9:30 AM at 30 Church St RM# 321B Rochester
NY 14614
Supply Colilert Reagent And Polystyrene Vessels City of Rochester 427590
Colilert Reagent and Polystyrene Vessels for us in at the Hemlock Water Filtration Plant, Hemlock, NY.
Utility Improvements Durand Eastman Beach Lake Shore Boulevard City of
Rochester C04540
This project consists of the extension of a water main from the Town of Irondequoit east to Durand
Eastman Beach Park. New water services will be installed from the new main to a location on Lake Shore
Boulevard near Parking Lot A. Ductile iron pipe for the water main and plastic pipe for the water services
are proposed. A meter vault will be constructed at the Town line. Lake Shore Boulevard will be crossed by
a bored casing pipe, near the Camp Eastman entrance drive. The scope of the work also includes
improvements to Parking Lot A along the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard, Three points of access to
the lot will be defined by the construction of asphalt driveway aprons, barriers along the south edge of the
parking lot, and minor landscape improvements.
A pre-bid conference will be held on January 26, 2016 at 10:00 AM in Room 321B, City Hall, 30 Church
Street Rochester, NY 14614.All bidders are urged to attend so their bid is not rejected due to lack of
adequate documentation.
2014 Capital Improvements Phase 3 Union Endicott Central School District
Endicott NY
Contract No. 1- Site Construction Contract No. 2- Electrical Construction
Addition to Town Hall Town of Virgil
General Construction
Air Monitoring Services, Asbestos Survey, Asbestos Abatement Specifications
Preparation for Property Located at 67 A-D Windwood Court Cheektowaga NY
Commercial 4 Unit Apartment Structure Approximately 3,328 s.f.
Culvert Repairs Onondaga and Ontario Counties Thruway Authority TAS 16-1B
Contract TAS 16-1B / D214432 –Syracuse Division Culvert Repairs at MP 279.65, MP 334.01 and MP
341.53 in Onondaga and Ontario Counties in accordance with the Plans and Specifications.
Downtown Perry Streetscape Project P.I.N. 4760.78
Streetscape improvements, including but not limited to excavation; backfill; cold milling of bituminous
concrete; shields and shoring, concrete for structures, class F; cast-in-place, concrete curb type VF150;
planting and landscaping
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Bridge Washing South Grand Island Bridge NYS
Thruway Authority TAN 16-7B D214447
The Contract documents for this project contain sensitive and/or confidential information that may only be
used for the sole purpose of preparing a bid for this Project. Prospective Contract document holders and
bidders will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement with the Authority before they can review the
Contract documents. A company or individual that does not sign a confidentiality agreement will not be
allowed to review the Contract documents and therefore cannot submit bid. If a prospective Contract
document holder/bidder is not a sole proprietorship or individual, the confidentiality agreement must be
executed by a representative of the company that is authorized to bind the company contractually.
Contract documents will be made available on January 12, 2016 for contractor's use once the
confidentiality agreement has been executed.
For Information Only Reconstruction of Airport Road CR 69 Town of Dickinson
Town of Union Broome County
The Pre-Bid Information Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Planning
and Economic Development Conference Room, 5th Floor, Edwin L. Crawford County Office Building, 60
Hawley Street, Binghamton, NY.
Fort Niagara State Park Boat Launch and Fishing Access General Construction
Contract D004817
This project involves the removal of shore rubble; installation of quarry stone shoreline; installation of dock
anchor piles; installation of owner-provided floating docks and gangways; launch pavement extension;
and aquatic plantings.
There will be a pre-bid meeting January 20, 2016 at 10 AM
Generator South Otselic Fish Hatchery South Otselic NY
Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision necessary for the installation of generator,
secondary electric feeders, buried propane gas line,connections and equipment with miscellaneous site
Install Satellite Boilers Phase 2 Alfred State College SUCF 221001 Alfred NY
Installation of a satellite boiler system in the Engineering Technology building located on the campus and
the replacement of an existing steam boiler system in the Ceramics Annex building located off campus.
Engineering Technology will be provided with standalone boiler systems and will be separated from the
central high temperature hot water system which is being decommissioned. ln addition, standalone
domestic hot water systems will be provided
A pre-bid conference and project walk-through is scheduled for January 21, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. with all
contractors assembled at Alfred State College, DASNY Trailer (south side of Facilities Services)
LaSalle Skate Plaza –Phase 2 Group 838 City of Buffalo
Submission to become a pre-qualified bidder will be received by the Commissioner of Public Works, Parks
& Streets, City of Buffalo, 502 City Hall, Buffalo NY 14202, UNTIL ELEVEN O’LOCK A.M. LOCAL TIME
ON: January 27, 2016The City of Buffalo, will issue a Pre-Qualified List of Bidders on February 3, 2016
Municipal Building Accessibility Improvements City of Warren at the Municipal
Building Warren PA
reconstruction of exterior masonry entrance ramp, interior renovations to public unisex restroom and the
installation of electric water cooler per plans and specifications including all labor, materials, tools and
equipment necessary or incidental thereto.
Pre-bid conference 1/27/16 at 3:00 p.m.
Provide Forensics Identification, Evidence Storage Building NYS Police Troop E
Headquarters Ontario County OGS 44559-C, H, P, E
Provide storage building
The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job site to take field measurements and
examine existing conditions of the project area will be at 10:00 AM on January 28, 2016 at Troop E
Headquarters, 1569 Rochester Road, Canandaigua, NY.
REBID Rehabilitation Pipeline Salmon River Fish Hatchery Town of Albion and
Project Description: Work includes but is not limited to furnishing all labor materials equipment and
supervision for the cleaning of 8,675+/- feet long, 24-inch diameter HDPE raw water hatchery supply
pipeline by foam or ice pig, transport and disposal of removed pipeline sediment, construction of sediment
dewatering/disposal area, construct pipeline access ports, replace existing valves, diving services, reenergizing of raw water supply pipeline, and site restoration. This project is a Re-Bid with changes.
Reconstruction High School Pool Area Phase III Bethlehem CSD Delmar
Bids are requested for General Construction Work. Project includes new doors, safety and handicapped
access equipment and miscellaneous work within the High School Natatorium (swimming pool). Work
must be completed on or before Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Rehabilitation Ellicott Tennis Courts Surface State University of New York SUNY
Buffalo North Campus Project No. 2015-172
Repairs, resurfacing and fence repairs and replacement to existing asphalt tennis courts.
Renovate SHU and Lobby Elevators At The Green Haven Correctional Facility
General Construction HVAC Plumbing Electrical Elevator
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2016 at 10:00 AM. It will be held at the Green Haven
Correctional Facility OGS Field Office, located on Route 216 in Stormville, NY.
Renovations Excel Project Adirondack CSD
General Construction Plumbing HVAC Electrical
A Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 1/27/15 at 3:00 PM at Boonville Elementary School Cafeteria.
Renovations to Alden Central School District 2014 - Phase II Alden NY
Contract 201: GENERAL TRADES CONTRACT Contract 202: MECHANICAL CONTRACT Contract 203:
A Pre-bid Conference will be held January 25, 2016 at 2:00pm
Replace Roof Phase II Madison Oneida BOCES
Replacement of Existing Emergency Generators at Tuttle North and South SUNY
Brockport L02063A
The work shall include the replacement of the main switchgear and transformer serving Tuttle North.
Provisions for temporary power shall be included. The existing emergency generator serving Tuttle North
shall be replaced with two exterior diesel generators complete with automatic transfer switches. The
emergency generator serving Tuttle South will be replaced with a diesel generator. Appropriate screening
and landscaping will be provided in this contract.
Roof Replacement Phase 1 Administration, Laundry, Storeroom, Kitchen
Buildings and Housing Units A,M,K, and F Block State Correctional Institution
Muncy PA DGS 574-28
Work consists of roof replacement and other renovations to various existing buildings, including
demolition, hazmat abatement, general construction, and related work.
A Pre-Conference has been Scheduled for Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the State
Correctional Institution- Muncy, 6454 Route 405, Muncy PA 17756.
SUBCONTRACOR BIDS ONLY Construction of Conifer Village at Cayuga
The site is located at West Hill Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850. We are requesting a proposal for this project
which includes all scopes of work required to construct a new three story, 68 unit building, totaling roughly
63,000 SF.
Upgrade Pump Stations Various Locations in Various Counties Hudson Valley
Flood Control Project DASNY Project 3115209999
CR 5 HVACCR 16 Plumbing/General Construction CR 17Upgrade five Flood Control Pump Stations in
four different locations: two in Herkimer, one in Amsterdam, one in Kingston and one in Rosendale.
Pre-bid meting 12/16/15, 9 AM, 515 Broadway, Albany. Contact James Monroe 518-257-3377.
Von Storch Outfall #11 CSO Facility Scranton Sewer Authority Contract 1
Contract - General Construction The project consists of an underground, off-line Combined Sewer
Overflow (CSO) pipe storage system capable of retaining approximately 120,00 gallons of CSO and
includes construction of a diversion structure, CSO conveyance sewer, pipe storage system and
submersible pumping station within the storage system.
Pre-bid conference will be held on January 20, 2016 at 2:00 PM at the Authority's office. Afterward the
pre-bid conference will continue at the project site located at 401 Von Storch Avenue, Scranton PA.
Von Storch Outfall #11 CSO Facility Scranton Sewer Authority Contract 2
Contract 2- Instrumentation and Electrical Construction The project consist of instrumentation and
electrical work associated with the construction of an off-line underground wastewater storage facility.
Pre-bid conference will be held on January 20, 2016 at 2:00 PM at the Authority's office. Afterward the
pre-bid conference will continue at the project site located at 401 Von Storch Avenue, Scranton PA.
2015 Capital Improvement Phase 2A Chenango Valley Central School District
Binghamton NY
A. Contract No. 1- General Construction B. Contract No. 2- Sitework Construction C. Contract No. 3Athletic Fields Construction
2015 Capital Improvement Projects Broome Tioga BOCES Binghamton
A. Contract No. 1- General Construction B. Contract No. 2- Mechanical Construction C. Contract No. 3
Electrical Construction
Asbestos Abatement Frankfort Schuyler CSD
Asbestos Abatement
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 2/4/16 at 3:00 PM at Elementary School Cafeteria.
Build Out to Liberty Yellow Cab Office Kenmore Avenue City of Buffalo
Provide Pricing for the following trades - Roofing Framing and drywall/ACT Painting Flooring –Carpet Tile
and VCT Electrical –Provide light fixture allowance Low Voltage and security Plumbing –provide plumbing
fixture allowance HVACHM Frames / Wood Doors and Hardware
Cass Park Ice Rink Renovations - Phase II City of Ithaca
Contract No. 1 General Construction Contract No. 2 Electrical Construction***Please note section 001095
Insurance Requirements has been added to the specifications***
There will be a pre-bid meeting at 1:30 pm on January 28, 2016 at the Cass Park Ice Rink 701
Taughannock Blvd Ithaca NY 14850
Construct New Baseball Dugouts John Jay High School Wappingers CSD
Hopewell Junction
Construction of new masonry/wood frame dugouts and related site work including accessible pathway
and parking area reconstruction.
Pre-bid meeting 2/4/16 at 2:30 ay the John Jay High School Cafeteria.
Construction of New SPCA Serving Erie County West Seneca NY SUBBIDDING
The Work includes construction of a new freestanding facility including all Architectural, Site, HVAC,
Electrical, and Plumbing systems. Bids will be privately opened
Enhancement project East Dominick Streetscape City of Rome
The project will include sidewalk, curbing and curb ramp construction, installation of porous surface
treatment between the sidewalk and the curb, tree plantings, midblock crossings, road milling work and
resurfacing, stripping, signage and other streetscape appurtenances.
For Information Only Pharmacy Build Out and Store Renovations Price Chopper
Interior demolition of walls, floors and ceilings and reconstruction of same for new pharmacy. Also
includes various renovations in selected areas within the store. Project also includes plumbing, electric,
hvac, sprinklers within the project. Interested Subcontractors should Contact Granger with any questions
or if plans are needed.
Hay Storage and Commodity Shed SUNY College of Technology at Alfred Alfred
New construction of hay storage and commodity shed
Pre-bid meeting 2/2/16 at 10:00 a.m.
INFORMATION ONLY Rehabilitation of Upper Mountain Road (County Rte 5) from
Thrall Road (County Rte 64) to NY Route 63 Project No. 1008 Niagara County
**Niagara County DPW does not permit plans and specs to be available on the website. This job can be
viewed in the Buffalo Construction Exchange Office.
Interior Renovations Resource Center Primary Care Center Jamestown NY
Interior renovations of the Resource Center's Primary care facility. One free copy of construction
documents will be issued to each prime contractor, additional sets $200.00 and it is nonrefundable. Other
interested parties such as subs and suppliers may purchase the documents for $200.00 which is nonrefundable. Documents are available from the owners office at 143 Jackson Avenue, Celeron, NY and the
contact person is Ron Carlson who can be reached at 716-661-1044.
Prebid meeting will be held January 15th at 7:00 AM at the project site.
REBID Construction of Salt Storage Shed Town of Leicester
Construction of Salt Storage Shed
A pre-bid conference will not be held.
Rebid Exterior and Asbestos Abatement Murphy Hall SUNY Delhi DASNY
3276309999 CR No. 6
Project consists of upgrading the exterior of Murphy Hall. Scope of work includes but is not limited to;
installing exterior insulation finishing system, brick repairs, painting and asbestos abatement.
Rebid Improvements and Asbestos Russell Hall Lounge SUNY Delhi DASNY
3212809999 CR No. 7
The project entails the updating of the existing student lounges in Russell Hall. One of the lounges will be
partially converted into a kitchen with seating. Work includes, but is not limited to; demolition, general
construction, flooring, suspended ceiling, painting, plumbing electrical and asbestos abatement.
Rehabilitation Green Parking Lot Roosevelt Baths and Victoria Pool Saratoga Spa
State Park Saratoga Springs
Parking lot rehab
Replace Boiler Schuylerville CSD
Boiler replacement Electrical Contract Mechanical Contract
Access to the building during the bid period can be scheduled with Peter Riggi 518-695-3255
Theatre Rigging Project at Churchville-Chili Middle School Churchville-Chili CSD
General Construction Work
A Pre-Bid conference will be held on January 29, 2016 at 9:00 AM at the Churchville-Chili Middle School
139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville, New York 14428
Watermain Replacement For Vista And Park Avenue Town Of Colonie
The work includes, but is not limited to: Replacement of approximately 1300 LF of water main on Park
Ave and 700 LF of water main replacement on Vista Ave. Work includes services, valves, hydrants and a
NYS DOT utility work permit application for connection at Route 2. Vista Ave. water main replacement will
be bid as an add alternate.
There will not be a pre-bid conference.
2016 Road Improvement Project Borough of Bear Creek Village Luzerne County
The project involves the reconstruction of pavement surfaces of approximately 5,000 feet of borough
streets including but not limited to asphalt leveling course, asphalt top course, milling, under drain, and all
materials, labor and equipment necessary for a complete installation.
Maintenance Overhaul of Steam Turbine / Generator Unit #6 Samuel A. Carlson
Electric Generating Station City of Jamestown BPU Jamestown NY
Supply of technical direction, tooling, materials and labor during an eight-week unit outage beginning May
2, 2016.
Reconstruction Sister’ of Charity Hospital –neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
The work includes approximately 22,900 square feet of interior demolition and build-out, minor renovation
and cosmetic renovations
A pre-bid walk-thru will be held on January 15, 2016, from 9 AM to 11AM
Repair of Five Existing Tennis Courts at the Middle-High School AuSable Valley
Crack repair and re-surfacing on 5 tennis courts, applications of 2 coats of surfacing material, re-stripe
lines and clean up.
RFP Landscaping Maintenance Services Rochester Housing Authority RHA
The Rochester Housing Authority (RHA) owns and operates approximately twenty-four (24) apartment
complexes and high-rise buildings. As well as numerous scattered multi-family units, duplexes, and other
various buildings and lots throughout the City of Rochester including one (1) complex in the Town of
Henrietta. The complexes, in general, are situated on multi-acre lots with lawns that are provided for the
recreational use of our residents. Most of the scattered units duplexes, and vacant lots have lawns that
are on average a normal sized city of Rochester residential house lot. RHA is responsible for providing
lawn maintenance and general landscaping services for most of these sites. It is the intent of RHA to
provide lawn care services to these sites through contractors on a fixed annual cost basis. In addition to
these sites, RHA owns single-family houses where the tenants are responsible for the lawn maintenance.
RHA may request from the successful bidders additional per trip service costs for these locations. There
will be other services requested on an as needed basis such as dirt, grass seed, edging, etc. which will
have a per treatment charge associated with it.
Student Housing University Plaza Vestal NY SUBCONTRACTOR BIDS ONLY
The Site consists of approximately 14 Acres.Total Project SF is approximately 245,000 of new
construction with 22 Buildings consisting of: 128 Villas and 12 Brownstones totaling 560 new student
housing beds.15,000 SF Community Center including Administrative Areas and Interior & Exterior Social
SUBCONTRACTOR BIDS ONLY Construction of Dollar General, #16318
Asbestos abatement in existing structure, demolition of existing building, full site work package, paving
and landscaping. Foundations, metal building erection, metal building insulation, interior build out with
metal studs, drywall, ceilings, painting, specialties, hollow metal,, exterior split face block, storefront,
plumbing, electric and HVAC. This is a new building. Pre-engineered metal building structure is furnished
buy owner.
Yurt Construction Various Parks Erie and Niagara Counties D004822 –general
Project Locations:1) Evangola State Park10191 Old Lake Shore Road Irving, NY 140812) Four Mile
Creek State Park1055 Lake Road Youngstown, NY 141743) Golden Hill State Park9691 Lower Lake
Road Barker, NY 14012
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 22, 2016 at 10 AM
2015 Elementary Renovations Franklinville CSD Franklinville NY
Football grandstand renovation, site work, interior finishes, and window replacement
Pre-bid conference January 26, 2016 at11:00 a.m.
Alterations to Richard Mann Elementary School Phase 1C Gananda CSD
Alterations to Richard Mann Elementary School
For a Pre-Bid walk thru please contact the construction manager Tod Mervis, with Campus Construction,
at 585-402-6570 to set up a time.
Capital Outlay Project 2016 Warsaw Central School District
A single prime contract for all the work
A pre-bid conference will be held on February 2nd at 2PM
County Courthouse Entrance Vestibule Renovation Livingston County
Contract 1: General Construction Work
A Pre-Bid Conference for the Project will be held on January 26, 2016, 10:00 AM, starting at Project
Location, Main Courthouse Entrance, 2 Court Street, Geneseo, New York, to provide bidders with a
question session. Review of the existing project areas will follow this session.
Improvements to Owasco Sewer System Town of Owasco
Base Bid: The project generally includes the installation of approximately 34,600 feet of low pressure
sewer piping and appurtenances, 146 simplex grinder pump stations, 8 duplex grinder pump stations,
rehabilitation and upgrade of the Burtis Point Pump Station, rehabilitation and upgrade of the Oakridge
Pump Station, approximately 3,400 feet o ,060 feet of gravity sewer rehabilitation lining and
appurtenances, and 1,610 feet of gravity sewer open-cut replacement and appurtenances.Additive Bid
No.1: Additive Bid No. 1 generally includes the replacement of approximately 1,270 feet of 15-inch clay
trunk sewer pipe with new 15-inch PVC pipe using conventional open-cut replacement and
appurtenances. Additive Bid No.2: Additive Bid No. 2 generally includes the replacement of approximately
1,270 feet of 15-inch clay trunk sewer pipe with new 16-inch HDPE using the trenchless pipe bursting
method of replacement.Additive Bid No.3: Additive Bid No. 3 generally includes the repaving of various
asphalt fire lane roads indicated on the contract drawings that may be damaged by construction or
construction activities.
Interior Alterations for Food Storage Stamford Central School District
General Construction
A Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 at 2:00 PM in the Cafeteria.
Attendance is strongly recommended. Stamford Central School District1 River Street Stamford, NY 12167
North Campus Utilities, Infrastructure, and Site Enhancements SUNY Brockport
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to: Replacement of existing utilities, and overall site feature
improvements located in the area along the existing pedestrian spine between the Dailey Plaza area and
Kenyon Street, and the re-development of the north section of Kenyon Street between the pedestrian
spine intersection and Monroe Avenue. Additionally, work will take place in the quad area between Smith,
Edwards and Tower Fine Arts where the existing structural stairwall along Holley Street will be
demolished, and replaced with walkways and terraces. Some entrances to Smith, Edwards, Seymour and
Tower Fine Arts will be reconstructed to provide more universal access. Utilities included in the project for
rehabilitation or replacement include water, storm, sanitary, electric and communication infrastructure.
Existing abandoned high-temp hot water piping and concrete box tunnels will be demolished in the work
area. Also included are improvements to the above-grade site features such as walkways, plazas,
landscaping and tree plantings. Storm sewer improvements near the Commissary building will be included
as part of Add-Alternate #1. Parking lot G located directly west of Tower Fine Arts will be fully
reconstructed as part of Add-Alternate #2. Installation of new campus signage will be included as part of
Add-Alternate #3.
A mandatory site visit will be held on Thursday February 4, 2016 at 10:00am starting in the Facilities and
Planning Conference Room located in the Chapman Service Center on the College at Brockport Campus.
Contractors are required to obtain a day parking pass from the Visitors Center and park in Lot D.
Preventative Maintenance Project Broad Street Bridge City of Rochester C04530
Preventative Maintenance to the Broad St. bridge
A pre-bid conference will be held on February 1, 2016 at 10:00 at City Hall, Room 321-B, 30 Church
Street Rochester, NY 14614
Renovations Bio Technology Building Sodexo Pantry SUNY Binghamton
Renovate existing storage room into a new Sodexo Pantry. Infill of overhead doors and reconfiguration of
space to fit out new kitchen. this contract includes but is not limited to Site, General, Mechanical,
Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Kitchen Contractors. Project shall be a turnkey space for the new
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 2, 2016 at 11:00 AM in conference room C of the
Physical Facilities Building.
Replace Bathrooms and Elevator Crosby Hall South Campus SUNY Buffalo
University SUCF 28432-04
The work of this single bid project involves renovation of basement studio space, construction of toilet
rooms on Floors 1-3 with peripheral renovations associated with the work, as well as installation of a new
4 1/2 stop hydraulic elevator.
A project walkthrough has been scheduled for January 26, 2016 at 3:30pm.
Services Contract HVAC, Steam and Mechanical, Emergency and Routine
Services SUNY Buffalo All Campus Locations 15MGS0109
The State University of New York at Buffalo, “university” is submitting an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for HVAC,
Steam and Mechanical, Emergency and Routine Services. It is the intent of these emergency and routine
procedures to assure that all HVAC, steam, and mechanical equipment is operational within industry and
manufacturer’ tolerances. All work shall be quality work performed according to the standards of the
industry, in the best practices of the trade, and to the complete satisfaction of the University. This is a Five
(5) year term contract
Mandatory pre-bid site visit is not required
2015 Capital Outlay Project Bath CSD Bath NY
Replacement of existing electrically operator bus garage door systems
Pre-bid conference 2/8/16 at 2:00 p.m.
Burchfield Penney Art Center - The Front Yard SUNY Buffalo State College
The project involves, but is not limited to sidewalk replacement, planting and site restoration, landscaping
improvements, and ground cover
A Pre-bid conference and site inspection will be held on January 27, 2016 at11:00am
Construct School of Pharmacy SUNY Binghamton SUCF 07A84-00
Construct a new 6-story steel building clad in brick, insulated metal panel and curtain wall. The scope
includes multiple exterior finishes, specialized interior finishes, complex mechanical and electrical systems
and coordination with multiple owner vendor contracts
A pre bid conference and project walk through will be held on February 2, 2016 with all contractors
assembled at the site at 96 Corliss Avenue, Village of Johnson City, NY at 10:00 AM.
Construction Work Steam Tunnel Repair at Academic Drive SUNY Buffalo State
The work will include but not be limited to the removal and repair of portions of the walls and roof of the
concrete steam tunnel in two locations
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 27, 2016 at 1 PM
CSO 19 & 20 Detention Facility Phase IV Scranton Sewer Authority Scranton PA
Instrumentation Construction Electrical Construction
Pre-bid conference will be held January 27, 2016 at 10 AM at the Authority's Office. Afterward, the pre-bid
conference will continue at the project site located near East Lackawanna Ave. between the Martz Bus
Terminal and the Linden Street Bridge.
Demolish Building 2 State Office Building Campus New York NYS OGS Project
Construction Work, Demolish Building 2
Prebid Conference will be held at 10am on February 4th 2016 at The State Office Building Campus
Environmental Remediation Fuel Spill Troop B Sub headquarters OGS No 44604 C
Construction Work
Pre-bid meeting will be held on 1/12/16 at 10:00 AM at the site.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Improvements Site & Storm Water Green Infrastructure
Grant Program Broome County Public Safety Facility
The Pre-Bid Information Meeting will be held on February 3, 2016, at 10:00 AM in the Planning and
Economic Development Conference Room -5th Floor, Edwin L. Crawford County Office Building, 60
Hawley Street, Binghamton NY.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Removal and Installation of DI System Morrison Hall
SUCF 161004 Cornell University
1. Removal of existing deionization system and associated piping.2. Installation of new deionization
system and associated piping.3. Cutting and patching as necessary.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on February 1, 2016 at 9:00 AM in 133 Humphreys Service Building
Miscellaneous Upgrades At The Fleet Administration Shop DOT Region 1
Saratoga County OGS 45290C
General Construction
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 4, 2016 at 10:00 AM. It will be held at DOT Region 1 located
at 21 Ninth Street in Waterford NY.
Painting of 13 Bridges in Various Locations in Albany, Columbia, Greene and
Ulster Counties NYSTA Project TAA 16 2BP/D214442
Bridge painting
Provide Central Security For Building 51 At The Highland Residential Center OGS
General Construction HVAC Plumbing Electrical
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 4, 2016 at 10:00 AM. It will be held at the GS Field Office
Trailer located at 629 North Chodickee Lake Road in Highland, NY.
Reconstruction Work Various Buildings Wallkill CSD
Reconstruction to Wallkill Senior High School, John G. Borden Middle School, Leptondale Elementary
School, Ostrander Elementary School, Plattekill Elementary School.Separate Bids are requested for the
following Contracts:General Site Electrical
pre-bid conference for potential Bidders and other interested parties will start at the Front Auditorium of
the Wallkill Senior High School, 90 Robinson Drive, Wallkill, NY 12589:Site Work –0:00 AM on Thursday,
January 28, 2016.General / Electrical Work –:30 PM on Thursday, January 28, 2016
Rehab / Reconstruct Outdoor Kiln Facility New York State College of Ceramics at
Alfred University SUCF 351000 Alfred NY
Demolition of the existing structure housing the kilns, including slab and foundations, construction of a
new heavy timber structure with a concrete slab, installation of gas lines to future kiln locations, interior
and exterior perimeter lighting, electrical power to locations within the structure, modifications to paved
areas surrounding the new structure, removal of a number of trees to accommodate the new structure
footprint and expanded site, regrading areas surrounding the new structure to slope water runoff away
from the structure and replacement of the roof structure on the existing adjacent gas house.
A pre-bid conference and project walk-through January 27, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
Rehab Skylights and Roof Bray Hall and Moon Library SUNY Environmental
Science and Forestry
Partial replacement of the existing membrane roof with a new single-ply membrane roofing system,
exterior terracotta restoration, replacement of aluminum framed skylights and limited hazardous materials
abatement work.
A project walk-through will be held on 2/3/16 at 10:00 AM in Baker Lab Room 408.
Repair Gutter Roofing and Masonry Marshall Hall SUNY Environmental Science
and Forestry
Replace the existing roof membrane on the low slope of Marshall Hall with a new single ply membrane
roofing system. The existing integral box gutter will be restored, skylight replacement and the existing
limestone cornice and water-table will be restored. Brick masonry cleaning and restoration work as well
as abatement work is included in the work.
A project walk through will be held on 2/3/16 at 10:00 AM at Baker Lab Room 408.
Replacement Of HVAC Troop B Headquarters Raybrook NY OGS 45111CHE
General Construction HVAC Electrical
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 4, 2016 at 9:00 AM. It will be held at Troop B Headquarters,
located at 1097 Route 86 in Ray Brook
Shared Water Improvements Town and Village of Champlain
Pipeline Construction
Window Treatments for the Caudell Hall Rehabilitation Project SUNY Buffalo State
College SUCF Project No. 03421-6
Window treatments to include manually operated, sunscreen and blackout roller shades
A pre-bid meeting and site inspection will be held on Feb. 4th at 9 AM
2015 Capital Outlay Elmira Heights Central School District
Single Prime-General Trades Work
A Pre-Bid conference for all Bidders will be held on February 1, 2016 at 3:00 PM at the Cohen Elementary
School/Middle School Gymnasium.
Capital Improvements Project Fillmore CSD Fillmore NY
Asbestos abatement, general construction, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical. Estimated costs for each
contract: General Construction: $2,900,000Plumbing Construction: $240,000HVAC Construction:
$700,000Electrical Construction: $1,030,000Asbestos Abatement: $32,000
Pre-bid conference 2/9/16 at 11:00 a.m.
Construction of Phase 2 Combined Sewer Overflow Project City of Utica
The Project consists of separating combined sanitary and storm sewers, removing and replacing existing
sanitary sewers, and constructing new storm sewers in select project areas.
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 2/9/16 at 10:00 AM at Common Council Chambers.
Construction of the Town of LeRoy Water District No. 10
A single contract will be awarded. The Project consists of constructing approximately 20,100 linear feet of
8-inch water main and appurtenances along portions of Sweetland Road, East Bethany LeRoy Road
(C.R. 2), Bater Road, Cole Road, and Westcott Road inthe Towns of LeRoy and Stafford.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held
Construction Work Campus Square Bid Package #7 (Including BP #2A-2 thru BP
#16A) Buffalo NY
2A-2 Sitework (Additional to BP #2A-1)2B Site Concrete Work2E Sprinkler Irrigation System2F
Landscaping & Planting Work3A-1 Reinforcing Steel - Material (Additional to BP #3A)3B-1 Concrete
Foundation Work (Additional to BP #3B) (To be issued by Bid Period Clarification)3C Concrete
Flatwork4A Masonry Work5B Miscellaneous Light Iron Work6C Interior Architectural Millwork –aterial7C-1
Sheet Waterproofing Work (To be issued by Bid Period Clarification7D Roofing Work8A Doors, Frames, &
Hardware - Material8B Overhead Door Work8D Aluminum & Glass Work9A Metal Studs, Drywall,
Acoustic & Carpentry Work9B Tile Work9C Resilient Flooring & Carpeting Work9D Painting & Finishing
Work9E Fluid Applied Flooring Work10C-1 Signage10C-2 Wire Mesh Partitions10C-4 Toilet, Bath, &
Laundry Accessories10C-5 Fire Protection Specialties10C-6 Postal Specialties11A Parking Control
Equipment11C Residential Appliances Work11D Waste Compactor Work12A Window Treatments
Work12B Residential Cabinets - Material12C Countertop Work14A Elevator Work15A HVAC Work15B
Plumbing Work15C Fire Protection Work16A Electrical Work8C Elevator Door Smoke Containment
Thursday February 4, 2016 @ 9:00 AM .Important: The pre-bid meeting will be held at the R & P Oak Hill
Development, LLC field office trailer located on the project site
Fence Improvements Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center Utica NY
Fence Work
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 2/2/16 at 10:00 AM at site.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY RFQ Engineering Design Services Johnson City Water
Department Maintenance Storage Building Town of Union
*Preliminary and final design plans and specifications for construction*A preliminary estimate of probable
cost: *Construction administration / inspections services:All necessary due diligence:* Other such services
outlined in the RFQ
NYS DOT Bridge Replacement Composite Girder NY Route 97 over Beaver Brook
Town of Highland D263108
NYSDOT Erie & Niagara Counties General Bridge Repairs (10 bridges), Various
Locations D263104
General Bridge Repairs
NYSDOT Niagara County General Bridge Repairs Main Street over Erie Canal in
the City of Lockport D263092
Bridge Repairs
NYSDOT Niagara County Reconstruction of Route 62, Sy Road to Bergholtz Creek
Work includes drainage, culvert, sidewalks, new center lane in the Town of Wheatfield
REBID Capital Improvements Phase II Salmon River CSD
SiteworkGeneral ConstructionRoofingTheatricalPlumbingMechanicalElectricalGeo-Thermal Construction.
Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 1/27/16 at 3:00 PM in Large Group Instruction Room at High School.
Replacement of Statler Pedestrian Bridge SUNY Buffalo North Campus Project
No. 2011-103B
Demolition and removal of the existing three span, cast in place concrete pedestrian bridge over Bizer
Creek. Furnish and install a new pre-manufactured weathering steel truss bridge. Provide all temporary
barricades and signage. Include all ancillary electrical work.
A walk through site inspection will be held on February 10, 2016 at 11am.
Roof Replacement CVMF Building 101 City of Rochester C04550
(1) PRIME CONTRACTOR This project involves removal and replacement of roof membrane, additional
roof insulation and upgrading the lighting protection system.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on February 5, 2016 at 10:00 AM at 414 Andrews St., Conference Room
Rochester NY
Twin Rise North Tower Stone Panel Stabilization and Abatement of PCB Materials
CR 5 Buffalo State College DASNY Project No. 3331509999
The project involves the stabilization of the existing slate panels on the exterior of Twin Rise North Tower
by installing post-installed anchor bolts as outlines in the documents. Abate existing asbestos containing
sealant from perimeter of existing slate panels and install sealant at perimeter of existing slate panels.
Remove and or replace existing slate panels identified on Drawings.
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 10am.
Rehabilitation and Dredging of Green Lake Dam Town of Orchard Park Erie
County NY Job No. 2014.012
Work includes but is not limited to repairs to the upstream and downstream sides of the dam, spillway
replacement, and pedestrian bridge replacement at Yates Park within the Town of Orchard Park, New
A pe-bid meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on January21,2016.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Interior Renovations 1 Prime, (General Remodeling)
Rochester Housing Authority RHA
Interior Renovations to 33 Kestrel Street
A walk through is scheduled for February 2, 2016 at 10:30 AM, meeting at 33 Kestrel Street.
Building Improvements to Marina Boater Services Facility City of Rochester
(1) PRIME CONTRACTOR Improvements include: Interior renovations of the existing link building to
create a new boater service facility, including new men's and women's toilet and shower rooms, laundry
area and lounge. Exterior renovations include removal of the existing gangway to the exterior of the
building and miscellaneous exterior patching.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on February 9, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the Port of Rochester 1000 North River
St. Rochester, NY 14612
Capital Outlay Project Forestville CSD Forestville NY
Pre-bid meeting and site visit 2/9/16 at 9:00 a.m.
Facilities Reconstruction Project Elementary School and High School Forestville
renovation of the district's High School Building and Elementary School.
Pre-bid meeting and site visit 2/9/16 at 9:00 a.m.
Fire Restoration at 282 Hempstead - Kenfield Homes BMHA Project No.15-10-CF
General construction work
Pre-bid meeting will be held February 11, 2016 at 10 AM
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Control Panel Replacement At The Birch Hill Water
Treatment Plant Beekman NY
General Construction Installation of replacement control panel and associated electrical and control work.
A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM. It will be held at 27 High
Street in Poughkeepsie, NY.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Interior Renovations 1 Prime, (General Remodeling)
Rochester Housing Authority RHA
Interior Renovations to 59 Federal Street
A walk through is scheduled for February 4, 2016 at 10:30 AM, meeting at 59 Federal Street.
2016 Tennis Court Reconstruction Project Wayland-Cohocton CSD Wayland NY
Site construction work
Pre-bid conference 2/10/16 at 1:00 p.m.
Construction Work, HVAC Work and Electrical Work, Provide Bar Screen
Wyoming Correctional Facility OGS Project Nos. 45017-C, 45017-H, 45017-E
Three contracts will be awarded
A pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on February 11, 2016
Emergency Generator Project 6 Locations Greater Amsterdam Governors Office
Storm Recovery Housing Trust Fund DASNY Project 3270209999
Emergency generators
pre-bid meeting 1/25/16, 8AM, Town Hall, Town of Amsterdam, 283 Mannys Corners Road.
Fire Hall Addition and Alterations Clarence Fire District # 1 SUBBIDDING
CONTRACTS: Contract 101: Asbestos Abatement & Selective Demolition Contract 102: Sitework
Contract 103: General Construction Work Contract 104: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Work Contract 105: Plumbing Work Contract 106: Fire Protection Work Contract 107: Electrical Work
a prebid meeting will be held on February 10th, 2016 @ 10:00am
Mechanical Improvements N. Hornell Elementary School Hornell CSD Hornell NY
Multiple prime contracts for general construction, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing.
Pre-bid conference 2/10/16 at 3:00 p.m.
Overlook Big Eddy Esplanade Town of Tusten
Removal of existing overlook deck and associated sidewalk, pavement, retaining walls, and railings;
construction of new overlook, sidewalk, permanent excavation support system; salvage and relocation of
existing signage, planters, telescope, erosion and sediment control; and site restoration.
A pre-bid meeting will be held at the Town of Tusten Town Hall at 11:00 AM local time Friday, February
12, 2016.
Reconstruction Work Bus Garage Argyle CSD
The Work consists of the following:a. Removal of existing exterior metal swing doors in their entirety.b.
New FRP Doors, Aluminum Frames and related accessories. C. Upgrade of the Existing Fuel Monitoring
Building may be inspected by bidders at pre-arranged times during normal school hours. To make
arrangements for inspection, call: Ronald Black Business Manager(518) 638-8243, ext. 308
Refurbish and Repair Ross Park Carousel Binghamton NY
The scope of this contract shall be to refurbish and repair to historical condition the Ross Park Carousel
Excluding the Carousel organ.
Survey and Rehabilitation Parking Lot David Axelrod Institute New Scotland Ave
Albany DASNY 3258309999
Parking rehabilitation
Pre-bid meeting 1/28/16, 10 AM, NYS DOH David Axelrod Laboratory.
Upgrades & Associated Asbestos Abatement Russell Hall Heating System SUNY
Delhi DASNY 3271609999 CR No. 4
The project entails selective demolition and replacement of major elements of the heating system at
Russell Hall, including but not limited to: the removal and replacement of the heat exchanger, hot water
distribution pumps, glycol hot water distribution pumps and temperature controls, steam pressure
reducing station, ventilation fan and air handling units. Selective asbestos is included in the project work
Wireless Access Point Retrofit and Installation Associated Asbestos Abatement
SUNY Oneonta DASNY 3323409999 CR No. 4
The project entails the installation of Wireless Access Points and associated elements in four (4)
residence halls. Work includes, but is not limited to : installation of wiremold base, mounting brackets, and
cable. Asbestos abatement work is limited to mounting of brackets and wiremold to facilitate cable
A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1:00 PM, SUNY Oneonta Morris Hall,
Oneonta NY 13820.
Bid Package 16 Empire State Plaza ESP General Trades Albany Capital Center
Eagle Street Albany
Bid Package 16 Empire State Plaza (ESP) General Trades 6283.09B
The Pre Bid Meeting will be held at: ACCA/Gilbane Field Office 126 State Street (access via Howard
Street entrance) Albany, New York 12207.Wednesday February 3, 2016 3:00 PM
Roof Replacement, Masonry Repair, and Asbestos Abatement Buffalo Psychiatric
Center - Building 4 DASNY Project 3288709999, CR No.4
One contract general construction contract will be awarded. Work includes but is not limited to the
following: selective demolition of the existing roofing system as required to accommodate the installation
of new roof system, including associated adjacent roofing repairs and the replacement of building
sealants. Related roofing, including coverings, flashings, and roof specialties. Selective
demolition/removals of existing materials. HVAC ductwork relocation. Fire alarm and detection systems
for temporary removal and reinstallation at smoke hatches. Masonry work, including re-pointing and
selective replacement of existing exterior brick, lintel replacement, and installation of new flashing at the
soldier course. Asbestos abatement.
A pre-bid meeting will be held Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 10:00 AM
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Utility Improvements Contract No. 2 Market Street
Dutchess Ave School Street and Liss Road Pump Station Village of Wappingers
The major components of said
work are approximately: 1. Saweut pavement and pavement/curbing/sidewalk removal 2. Installation of
new 8 inch diameter ductile iron pipe water main with appurtenances including but not limited to gate
valves, wet taps with sleeve and valve, fire hydrants with 6 inch valve and
box, and cutting, capping, and/or plugging the existing water mains along Market Street, Dutchess
Avenue, and School Street. 3. Replace existing water services along Market Street, Dutchess Avenue,
and School Street. 4. Furnish and install new sanitary sewer manholes, sanitary sewer gravity main, and
sanitary sewer laterals along Market Street, Dutchess Avenue, and School Street. 5. Bypass pumping for
live sewer main replacements. 6. Installation of new sanitary sewer force main along School Street and
installation of a new doghouse manhole to connect to the existing gravity sanitary sewer main along West
Main Street. 7. Abandonment of
existing inverted siphon on School Street. 8. Fabrication and construction of new pump station on School
Street with concrete retaining wall and emergency generator. 9. Abandonment of existing pump station on
Liss Road. I 0. Fabrication and construction of new pump station on Liss Road with retaining wall and
emergency generator. 11. Installation of Cured-In-Place piping along existing McKinley Street and Lower
Market Street sewer main. 12. Furnish and install stormwater collection structures and piping including
storm water quality devices along Market Street, Dutchess Avenue, and School Street. 13. Replacement
of existing concrete curb and
concrete sidewalks. 14. Roadway reconstruction including restoration of full depth pavement and overlay
pavement. 15. Milling and paving of detour routes along Village roadways. 16. Maintenance and
Protection of Traffic.
RFP - Purchase and Redevelopment of 199 Buffalo Street Village of Hamburg
Seeking proposals from interested developers to demonstrate their capacity to develop a residential only,
mixed-use, or commercial only project on the Property. Preference will be given to those projects which
include a residential component. Proposals that meet the requirements contained in this RFP will be
evaluated by the Board and will be given the rights to purchase the Property under the terms presented in
this RFP and the submitter’ proposal.
Water Improvements Cherry Street Neighborhood Village of Hudson Falls
Post project funding sign; replacement of existing water mains along Pearl Street, Hudson Place, Cherry
Street and Mechanic Street and along with associated hydrants, valves, and water services; connection to
existing water mains; capping and abandonment of existing mains, testing, coordination with utility
companies; removal and disposal of existing pavement; removal and disposal of existing sub base,
removal and disposal of sidewalks; selective tree/stump removal; installation and compaction of sub base,
installation of pavement to match existing lines and grades; installation of concrete sidewalks; erosion and
sediment control; site restoration; and record drawings.
Pedestrian Improvements Safe Routes to School Village of Oxford NY
Construct new ADA compliant sidewalk, crosswalks, and curb ramps and provide connectivity to the
Village of Oxford Allowing for safe access to the Oxford Middle School and Oxford Academy.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Path Replacement Stony Creek Part District1 Clifton
Replacement of approximately 6,140 linear feet of existing path in the Stony Creek Park District No. 1;
work includes grading work, installation of new stone paths, culvert work, and all associated restoration.
Reconstruction at Middle School High School Primary School Intermediate
School and Bus Garage Greene Central School District
General Construction Plumbing Mechanical Electrical
A pre-bid conference will held on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Middle School/High
School Auditorium, 40 S. Canal Street, Greene, NY.
Rehabilitation of the Pavilion Building within the Cave of the Winds Area on Goat
Island Niagara Falls State Park Contracts D004813, 4814, 4815, and 4816
Four contracts will be awarded. General Construction Contract; Electrical Construction Contract;
Mechanical Construction Contract and Plumbing Construction Contract
There will be a pre-bid meeting on February 2, 2016 at 10:00 am at the Project Site
Relocation of Utilities over the American Rapids Bridge at Goat Island within
Niagara Falls State Park D004827 General Construction Contract
General Construction Contract D004827 General site demolition and removals
Installation of Temporary Facilities and Controls (as required)
Installation of Temporary Soil Erosion and Control Measures
Rock Removal (estimated less than 10 cubic yards)
Conversion of existing driveway pavement to turf
Removal and restoration of existing pavement section and curbing on Buffalo Ave
Connection to existing electrical medium voltage facilities and extension of new
electrical service in conduit
Connection to existing water-main and extension of new water-main
Connection to existing sanitary force main and sanitary sewer and extension of
new sanitary force main
Installation of pipe support system beneath the First Street (American Rapids)
Installation of electrical conduit and medium electrical cable in the pipe support
system beneath the First St. bridge
Installation and testing of insulated water-main and sanitary force main in the pipe
support system beneath the First St. bridge
Assistance to National Fuel Gas’s contractor in the installation of gas main in the
pipe support system beneath the First St. bridge
Installation and testing of a heat tracing system and heat trace to serve insulated
water-main and sanitary force main beneath the First Street bridge and previously
installed water-main and sanitary force main (by others) beneath the Robert Moses
Installation and testing of a “hot box” above ground heated enclosure and backflow
preventer and pipe work to serve the water-main system
Location and repair of reputed gaps in existing galvanized steel conduit under the
First Street bridge
Installation of new doors in the bridge curtain walls and installation of crushed
stone fill inside the existing northwest and southwest curtain walls of the First
Street bridge
Repair of stone facing on First Street bridge curtain walls and piers following
pipework and door installation
Restoration and Rehabilitation Binghamton Johnson City Joint Sewage Treatment
Plant Vestal NY
Contract No. 5-General Construction Contract No. 6- Electrical Contract No. 7-HVACContract No. 8Plumbing
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM on January 12, 2016 in the University Room at
the Vestal Quality Inn & Suites, 4105 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal NY 13850.
Alterations to Loading Dock Student Life Center SUNY Cortland
Partial Demolition of the existing Student Life Center Loading Dock Asphalt Ramp and Steel Canopy and
Replacement with a new Asphalt Ramp and expanded Steel Canopy. Related work includes canopy
support columns and foundations, steel railings, lighting, and concrete walkway removal and replacement.
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 2/9/16 at 11:00 AM at site.
NYS DOT Bridge Replacement Lyell Ave. over Rte. 390 and Other Roadway
Construction & Bridge Painting in the Town of Gates Monroe County D263114
Bridge Replacement and Other Roadway Construction & Bridge Painting
NYS DOT Pavement Rehabilitation of 9 Bridges on I-88 Towns of Fenton and
Colesville Broome County D263018
Bridge Pavement Rehabilitation
NYS DOT Pavement Restoration along Rte. 441 Including Bridge Rehabilitation
Etc. Towns of Brighton, Penfield & Pittsford Monroe County D263076
Pavement Restoration along Rte. 441 Including Bridge Rehabilitation, etc.
RFP PV Solar Development Project for SUNY Oneonta NY
Interested parties there will be a Mandatory Site Visits Scheduled Wednesday, February 3, 2016 and
Thursday February 4, 2016 1:00 PM.
2014 Capital Improvement Project Phase 1A Baldwinsville CSD
General Construction Site Theatrical Mechanical Plumbing Electrical
Pre-Bid walk through will be held on 2/9/16 at 3:00 PM at Baker Auditorium
Construct UV Disinfection System Wastewater Treatment Facility Village of
Contract No 1-General Construction Contract No 2-Electrical
Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 2/10/16 at 10:00 AM at Site.
RFP Design/Build Services for Delhi Pool Town of Delhi
The Town of Delhi is seeking proposals for the design and construction of a new swimming pool and
restroom, change rooms and mechanical building.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY RFP Qualified Developer and/or Construction
Contractor for Student Residence Facility on the SUNY Polytechnic Institute
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Campus at Fuller Road Albany
Ow n e r is seeking proposals from experienced Developers and/or Construction Contractors to plan,
design and implement a Student Residence Facility on the SUNY Poly campus at Fuller Road, Albany,
New York.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY RFP Qualified Developer and/or Construction
Contractor Proposals for Parking Garage/Office Facility SUNY Polytechnic
Institute Albany
Plan, design and implement a Combined Parking Garage and Office Facility on the SUNY Polytechnic
Institute College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Campus at Fuller Road, Albany
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Roof Replacements Scattered Sites ( 1 Prime) Roofing
Rochester Housing Authority RHA
Roof Replacements Project at Various locations in the City of Rochester
A Walk Through has been scheduled on February 9, 2016 @ 10:30 AM meet 134 York Street Rochester
Rehabilitation of Two Bridges on Routes 9 and 20 in the City of Rensselaer and
Town of East Greenbush NYS DOT D263057
Rehabilitation of two bridges
RFQ Rooftop Snow Retention Project Grahamsville NY
NAES Corporation invites you to submit a Proposal to provide engineering, procurement, installation and
testing (essentially turn-key) services. These services are required for the Rooftop Snow Retention
Project at the Neversink Tunnel Outlet (NTO) Hydroelectric Plat located in Grahamsville, NY. Additional
information/ description of the required services is provided and detailed in the Scope of Services located
in the RFQ.
NYS DOT Reconstruction I-81 NY-17 Interchange Phase 2 Broome County
Reconstruction I-81 NY-17 Phase 2 (concrete pavement, bridge replacements, ITS measures,
noise/retaining walls).
NYS DOT Pothole Repair and Resurfacing 2.0 Miles of Asphalt Concrete Route
17C Town of Union and Village of Johnson City Broome County D262984
Pothole Repair & Resurfacing
Buildout of Vacant Beechgrove Building For Trenton Technology Utica NY
renovation of a 143,000 square foot vacant structure into an industry-standard high tech area for
Bid Results
Project Name
Bid Date
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Building Contract I-81 Gateway Rest Area Town of
Kirkwood Broome County D263026
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Plumbing Contract I-81 Gateway Rest Area Town
of Kirkwood Broome County D263027
Reconstruction Phase 1 Wood Refinishing Ripley CSD Ripley NY
Structural Repairs and Door Replacement at Kenmore Police Department Job No.
2869 Sheridan Drive Town of Tonawanda
2015-2016 Capital Project Phase 1 Sitework Candor Central School District
Candor NY
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Site Contract I-81 Gateway Rest Area Town of
Kirkwood Broome County D263025
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Electrical Contract I-81 Gateway Rest Area Town
of Kirkwood Broome County D263029
2016 Capital Project Solvay Union Free School District
Installation Master Water Meter Vault Thompson Mazzarella Town Park
Depew Village Landfill Site Phase III Village of Depew
Rehabilitation Sanitary Sewer Simmons Ln - Oakland Ave Village of Menands
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Carlisle Gardens Contract No. 162S-R Town of
Reconstruction and New Construction Work at Various Clarence Central School
District Locations Erie County
Interior Rehabilitation South Tower SUNY Plaza Building Broadway Albany SUCF
Project 36X136-01
Sewer Improvements CSO Outfall #087 Kelly Avenue Scranton PA
RFQ Improvements to Electrical Nicks Lake Campground Town of Old Forge
Construction of Raceway Slab Chateaugay Fish Hatchery Town of Chateaugay
Roof & Masonry Reconstruction Project 2601-009 Joseph F. Jones Service Center
Bailey Avenue City of Buffalo
Dunkirk Harbor Fishing Access Site Modifications D010004 NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation City of Dunkirk, NY
5.0 Miles Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing I-86 Exit 27 to Allegany County Line Town
of Hinsdale NYS DOT D263081
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Roof Replacement Vroman and Weiting Halls SUNY
Preventive Maintenance Pavement 2.7 Miles, Sidewalks and Curbs, Traffic Signals
Town of Orchard Park NYSDOT D263080
Fire Alarm Upgrades Erie 2 BOCES District Wide Carrier Educational Center
Project No. 74186.02 Angola NY
Mechanical and Electrical Reconstruction Work and Masonry Reconstruction at
the Elementary School Stillwater CSD
NYS DOT Crack Sealing Project in Clinton Franklin Jefferson Lewis and Saint
Lawrence Counties D263090
Replace Exterior Doors Uptown Phase I at University at Albany SUCF Project
Renovation - Asbestos Abatement and Hazardous Materials Abatement at Court
of Appeals Chamber Buffalo City Court Delaware Avenue City of Buffalo DASNY
3309809999 CR No. 6
Equipment Relocation East Gym SUNY Binghamton
General Work Wilson Tuscarora Boat Launch and Fishing Access Wilson NY
D004819 –general
Sludge Holding Tank Improvements Project at the Northwest Quadrant
Wastewater Treatment Plant Monroe County 0101-16
Asbestos Abatement Renovation Couper Admin SUNY Binghamton
City Wide Parks Improvements Play Court Rehabilitation Project Phase 4, Group
842 City of Buffalo
Electrical Upgrades Delhi Elementary Kitchen Delaware Academy Central School
District Delhi NY
LaSalle Park Improvements DAR Drive City of Buffalo Group 837
2014 Capital Improvements Phase 2 Ichabod Crane CSD Valatie
2014 Capital Improvements Livingston Manor Central School District Livingston
Manor NY