2016 JulPut - Heritage Golf Collection On Hilton Head Island


2016 JulPut - Heritage Golf Collection On Hilton Head Island
Monthly Publication for the Members of the Port Royal Golf & Racquet Club
President’s Message
As I write this article, we have received news
that the Heritage Golf Group has approved a
major golf course maintenance project
involving our Robber’s Row Golf Course. By
the end of June, work will have begun on a
greens replacement program which will necessitate the closing of
the course in July and August.
While we are not looking forward to the inconvenience of sharing
the two remaining courses with the public for 60 days, the net
result will be play on a first class golf course this fall. Heritage is
working with us to create a tee time schedule that preserves
members’ tee times each day on one of the two remaining courses
while the maintenance work is completed on Robbers Row.
This project represents a major commitment to our Club and its
members on the part of the Heritage Golf Group that will
ultimately add value to all our memberships. It is totally
welcomed and supported by your Board. Project specifics, time
lines, and member tee time schedules will be forthcoming.
Meanwhile, the Board is addressing the topic of member
participation in the various Club activities. Our goal is to
understand, first of all, how many members are participating in
any particular event, the profile of the participants, and what, if
anything, can be done to increase the number of members
enjoying our various activities. At the same time, we will be
looking at adding new events to our “menu” based on member
We need your help to complete this project and will be soliciting
your input throughout the process. You will receive updates on
our findings and recommendations for any changes or additions to
the current lineup of Club activities resulting from the project.
Gary Tauscher, President
July 2016
Music of the 70s, 80s, & Beyond!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Summer Salad
Choice of:
Chicken Provencal
Roasted with garlic, tomato, olives, fresh herbs,
served with wild mushroom risotto
and summer vegetable medley
Bronzed Salmon
Served over smoked bacon white cheddar grits
and wilted spinach
Warm Peach Cobbler with Vanilla Ice Cream
Music By DJ Pete Rice
$25 inclusive
Summer Casual Dress
6 PM Cocktails
Cash bar with member prices
RSVP to Ted Sullivan at (843) 342-1700
tsullivan@heritagegolfgroup.com by Tuesday, July 26
Seating & Special Dietary requests accepted
Come!! Dine, Dance, Party, Be Happy!
Committee: Jacques & Mary Wood, Michael & Karen Sileck,
Art & Connie Tonkinson
2016 Heritage Invitational
Entry Form on Page 8 of this Putter
~~ From the Club ~~
Welcome New Members
Heritage Group
As we have continued to provide
improvements at the club we cannot thank
you enough for your support of our social
programming. Happy Hour and dinner evenings have progressed
each and every month and we appreciate your support as we also
look to bring both members and public guests to our club.
We cannot be successful without both and we certainly appreciate
your on-going support.
In addition to the evening functions, we have recently added an
array of summer events we hope you will join us for as well.
Monday Murder Mystery Dinners, Wednesday Low Country Boil
and BBQ, including Oysters and Crab Legs, Friday evening
entertainment added from 7 to 9 PM, as well as Dueling Pianos
in August. These are just some of the events you will see
planned. All of these will showcase Executive Chef Eric and his
culinary team’s incredible talents and we hope you can join us for
these fantastic events and entertainment!
As we announced recently, we are closing Robber’s Row golf
course in July and August to redo the greens complexes. While
the project will create challenges short-term, I am certain we will
all find the new course to be well worth it. We certainly
appreciate the continued support of the membership during this
With the improved course conditions, and enhanced social
activities, we hope to use this as an opportunity to help drive
membership interest. Membership programs, with special
incentives for Port Royal residents, have been mailed over the
past few weeks in our efforts to grow the club. If you know of
any neighbors or friends who have an interest in the club please
stop by to see Ted Sullivan and he will be happy to share the
latest special offerings.
Thank you again for all of your support and we hope you join us
this summer on the course and for one of our fantastic evenings at
Robber’s Row Grille.
Rick Shoemaker, Director of Operations
This month we welcome one new couple as members of our
club, Dan and Donna Renbarger (resident family tennis). Here
are the details for your Green Book.
34 Planter’s Row
404-374-8425 (M)
Give them our usual friendly welcome when you see them at the
Green Book Corrections
Please make the following correction to your copy of the Green
Jones, Nigel
Send any corrections to tsullivan@heritagegolfgroup.com .
New Menus
If you haven’t eaten at the club recently, drop by and see the new
menus that were introduced in June. Changes have been made to
the lunch, dinner and happy hour menus, keeping some old
favorites and adding some intriguing new items. Click here to
see the new menus.
Talking of eating at the club, at the time of going to press the
Thursday Happy Hour Pot of Gold was up to $1,000. The name
of a member is drawn each Thursday at
6:30. If the member is at Happy Hour at
that time, he/she wins the pot, which
then reverts to $100, building weekly
until won again.
Thursdays are quite obviously busy
nights at the club. However don’t miss
out on the quality entertainment on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. For
example, if you are a Dylan fan,
Wednesdays are a must visit to hear
talented Chris Paul (right) play some of
his favorites.
Murder Mystery Mondays
Low Country evening with music and
outdoor activities!
Elegant dinner with mystery and intrigue!
July 11, 18, & 25
and more in August
August 14 & 15
All Summer
All Summer
Good music, food, and fun!
Dinner and live entertainment!
Dueling Pianos
Click Here for All Summer Event Information!
Page 2
~~ From the Club ~~
~~ From the Games Room ~~
Holiday Party
to be Dazzling
First Wednesday
Mah Jongg
Your Holiday Party Committee has been
working with Heritage to make this Holiday
Party the best ever. Our goal is for the
evening to be intimate and elegant
Heritage hosts many weddings, receptions and other parties
throughout the year, many of which are larger than our Holiday
Party. They have the experience to make this party really special.
This year’s party will start off with a one hour cocktail party, all
drinks, beer and wine included. That means NO DRINK
TICKETS. Appetizers will be passed during the cocktail hour.
The Headliners will play at the event. They will be located on the
porch, which will be enclosed and heated and will have a dance
floor comparable to the Westin’s. As always, this great band will
perform throughout the evening for your listening and dancing
Dinner will include shrimp cocktail and a choice of entrée
including beef wellington, fish and upon request chicken. Both
white and red wine will be served during dinner at the tables.
Heritage has promised that we will enjoy the holiday decorations
and centerpieces. BUT THE BEST NEWS – the price will be the
same as last year.
We will be bringing final details to you later. But in the meantime
please save the date of Sunday, December 4. And if you have any
questions, please contact any member of the Committee: Fermina
and George Evans, Barbara and Bob Fratarcangelo, Polly and
Peter Hopkinson, and Judith and Wes Warren. We welcome your
ideas and look forward to seeing you at the party.
Wes Warren
First Wednesday Mah Jongg will take
place on Wednesday, July 6. The
group meets at 12 Noon in the
Members’ Dining room for lunch followed by play. All club
members who know how to play are welcome to join us.
If you are interested in learning how to play or just want to
see what Mah Jongg is all about, please join us for lunch and
stay afterwards for an introduction to the game. Please email
me at fisheronhhi@gmail.com for a reservation. Even though
we order individually from the menu, the club needs to know
how to staff for the event.
Nancy Fisher
First Friday Bridge
First Friday Luncheon and Bridge this month will be held on
July 1 at 11:15 with lunch served promptly at 11:30.
Please call Nancy Collins with your reservation at 843-3423353.
Joan Heller
Evening Duplicate Bridge
There are no results for this month, and we do not play in
July and August. We will resume play on September 15.
Karen Smith
Sunday, July 31
“Summer Foursome”
2 Ladies – 2 Men – 90% Handicap
Team Score
Best Net of Ladies + Best Net of the Men
Make your own Foursome. Book your own Tee Time.
Sign up in the book in the golf shop by Friday, July 29.
Page 3
~~ From the Links ~~
Golf Chairman
Golf Activities for July
Judy Juggles the Rules
My friend Ed recently played a friendly but
competitive match. Tied on the 18th tee, the
foursome proceeded down the fairway neck
and neck. Ed’s partner sliced his third shot
into the woods, the opponents’ third shots now lay on the green
12 and 15 feet from the hole, but Ed’s approach shot lay only
four inches from the hole. His opponents two putted for a five.
An easy make to win the hole with a four, Ed slapped the ball, not
into the hole, but clear across the green into thick rough. “No
gimmies!” Conceding the match, Ed said, “Give me a chance. I
bet you $100 I can make six.” Looking at the deep rough, his
opponents, of course, doubled the bet. Who had to pay?
July - hot and humid! We’ll be looking for shade and cool
breezes as well as golf balls among trees and roots, tall grasses
and deep bunkers as we play the challenging Planter’s Row.
Because Planter’s was not over-seeded, the Course Condition
Committee has spent June previewing the course and working
with Heritage to identify fairways and greens that need attention.
Thank you Ed, John, Gay, Nancy, Jack, and Ed for your time and
Robber’s Row Greens Restoration
As you may already have noticed, all 18 greens on Robber’s Row
were “multi killed” for a no till restoration in late June. The
greens are to be enlarged to Pete Dye original size and the
drainage redone. This is a significant undertaking by Heritage.
Note the Changes: During July, members play will be Sunday
through Saturday from 8:00 to 11:00 AM, and tee times by
members will be honored up to 48 hours in advance. (After
11:00, however, tee times will be sold for tourist play.) In
addition, special accommodations will be made for member
groups to play on Barony and other Heritage Golf Courses in the
Hilton Head area. Outside guest days will also mean that
members will be afforded membership benefits at other Heritage
courses. (e.g. on August 6, the Homebuilders group have reserved
two courses.)
Since restoration of Robber’s Row will take six to 10 weeks, the
month of August will also entail members play on Planters Row
and Barony. Again, comparable members’ benefits to other
Heritage courses in the area will be available.
Don’t Forget!
Robber’s Row Grille
Friday, July 8: Twilight Golf and Dinner. Free beer has made
the attendance soar and proven a happy mix of golfers, tennis
players and social members! Thank you, Tammie and Don
Wednesday, July 13: Challenge Cup for Men. Number of points
and participants is impressive!
Sundays, July 17 and July 24: Port Royals. Sign up in the Golf
Shop brown book. We’re looking for more participation, please
call the Muehlbergers (843-681-3671) or the Robinsons (843681-7133) with comments or questions. This is a fun opportunity
for couples play! Come join us!
Sunday, July 31: EOM is a summer foursome party. Tee time
sign up is in the Golf Shop, and please call Ted for dinner
I thank you for the opportunity to serve you; your
comments are important to me as we enjoy this great
game of golf!
Judy Robinson, Golf Chairman
Answer: Ed walked to his ball in the rough and immediately
declared it unplayable. He carried it to the green and placed it
as close as possible to the original spot. (Rule 28-a and Rule 271). “The player is the sole judge as to whether his ball is
unplayable and may return to where the original ball was last
played.” (Rule 20-5). Taking a one stroke penalty, Ed, now
laying five, putted the ball into the hole for a six. Rules can often
be your best ally on the course!
Mixed Golf
The July Mixed Golf Event will be a
"Summer Foursome" and will be held on
Sunday, July 31. The format will be the best
net score of the men plus the best net score
of the ladies in the foursome on each hole.
Net scores will be based on 90% handicap.
As usual, members can enter the event by signing up in the
tournament book in the Pro Shop. You should make your
foursome's tee time on line or personally through the Pro Shop.
Simply turn your scorecard in at the completion of your round
and the results will be announced at the End of the Month Dinner
that evening.
We would also like to encourage more couples to participate in
this event. A good time is guaranteed - you pick the foursome
and the tee time - we provide the scorecards. What could be
easier and more enjoyable?
Tuesday - Friday
Happy Hour
4 - 6:30 PM
5 - 8 PM
Polly & Larry Jackson
Page 4
~~ From the Links ~~
Men’s Golf
Ladies 18 Hole
Golf Association
Celebration is in the air. Hamburgers, hot
dogs, and other delectables are making their
way to the picnic table. Our flag is flying and
we are in our red, white, and blue.
Summer is upon us with its heat and
humidity. Be sure to stay hydrated and drink
plenty of water while playing in this heat.
Our Pace of Play Month, May, turned out to be a great success.
Thanks to all for the effort to arrive and leave the cart staging
area in a timely fashion.
In addition to the usual weekly games, this month has only one
scheduled Champion’s Cup event, to be held on Wednesday, July
27. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar and sign up in the
golf shop.
Last month I tried a golf trivia feature and as we had no
participation, I have trashed the golf trivia into the circular file. In
as much as I knew the answers I did treat myself to the Starbucks
coffee though.
The lead in the Champion’s Cup point race is still held by John
Gibbs with 63 points, followed closely by Don Muehlberger, Jim
Stauffer and Larry Jackson with 59, 58 and 57 points
respectively. This promises to be a close race to the end.
Now that we are truly into the “hot and humids”, don’t forget to
stay hydrated on the course and be kind to yourself and your
partner by becoming a shade seeker when driving the cart.
We head to Planter’s Row this month and as always, remember to
do the right thing while on the course by filling your divots,
repairing your pitch mark and one more on the greens, raking the
bunkers and keeping those carts where they belong.
Our Feature Spotlight Winners
May 17: 9 Hole Low Net: Cheryl Moore, Carol Duffin, Nancy
Simpson, Becky Guin: Phyllis Facterman, Heather Garmston,
Heather Stevens, Jolanta Taylor: Dinny Cuthbertson, Polly
Jackson, and Sylvia Sakuta
Ed Harbauer, Men’s Golf Chairman
18 Hole Nassau: Cheryl Moore, Carol Duffin, and Polly Jackson
May 24: Tennessee Waltz: Shirley Poates, Gay Halleman, Tricia
Higgins, Marianne Tillman, Heather Stevens, and Tammie Blank
May 31: 2 Best Balls of Foursome: Hiltrud Gabler, Heather
Stevens, Betsy Papale, and Tammie Blank. Carol Duffin, Tricia
Higgins, Barbara Steiger, and Carolyn Strauss
June 7 and June 14: Two Day Ringer Tournament: Shirley
Poates, Hiltrud Gabler: Marianne Tillman, Barbara Steiger,
Jolanta Taylor, and Heather Garmston
All for now.
Carol Duffin, President
Champions Cup Standings
John Gibbs
Don Muehlberger
Jim Stauffer
Larry Jackson
Joe Patrick
John Carney
Jon Wormley
J. Schrader
Rick Tranquilli
Mike Hall
John Garnett
C. Nelson
Gary Tauscher
63 pts
Nick Costalas
59 pts
John Evans
58 pts
John Robinson
57 pts
Peter Zych
49 pts
E. Harbauer
48 pts
B. Doran
46 pts
Bob Fratarcangelo
45 pts
Connie Lang
42 pts
Tom Street
40 pts
W. Warren
39 pts
Ed Weinlein
38 pts
Howard Strauss
32 pts
L. Bailey
Standings as of June 11
31 pts
27 pts
27 pts
27 pts
25 pts
24 pts
24 pts
23 pts
21 pts
21 pts
20 pts
19 pts
18 pts
Upcoming Dates
July 6
July 27
August 13
August 31
Who's Zoo?
Page 5
~~ From the Links ~~
Ladies Nine Hole
Golf Association
end of the year or sooner. I would like every Nine Holer to see if
they can invite a guest for one of our Thursday guest days.
Thank you Marilyn Lorenz for writing a
wonderful article last month in my absence. It
was so good I almost felt like I was here in Port
Royal enjoying all the golf and good times with the 9 hole women.
However, Charlotte and Ryder are so much fun I wish I could share
them with you also!
Finally, I must address the loss of a truly beautiful person and
former 9 hole lady. Jean Hauer. Jean was a truly talented, caring
and creative woman. We mourn her loss deeply and wish her
family peace.
Joan Pruett, President
Our Moms of the Month were Pat Pollak in May, Ellie Kyle in
June and, for July, Judy Blake will fill the position. Thank you all
for being the first ones out early each Thursday morning, keeping
us on time, knowing what game we play and acknowledging all the
winners! By the way, Ellie is doing so much better that we expect
she will be also joining us for golf come July. Yeah Ellie!
Twilight at the Club
As for the golf winners of this past month, we played a Tennessee
Waltz on May 19 which was danced by winners Ellen Smith, Joan
Street and Teresa Carroll. The
following week we held a Blind Hole
event and Sue Huey won first place
followed by Ellen Smith in second and
Marcia Schwyn third. On June 1 we
participated in a Low Putt event which
saw Sue Huey win again, AND Sue
won again on June 9 when we played a
Low Net Tournament. She was
followed closely by Marilyn Lorenz in
second place. Congratulations to all the
participants, winners and especially Sue
Huey (right) who is truly on a fantastic
winning streak! Keep it up Sue you are
an inspiration to us all!
Golf – 4 PM Shotgun
Hopefully many of you enrolled in the June 29 golf clinic which
was held at Palmetto Hall. It addressed Bunker Play technique.
However, I feel SURE that not too many 9 hole women ever hit
into a bunker! But the wine was good anyway! The next golf clinic
will be held on July 27 here in Port Royal, starting at 4:00 in the
afternoon, and it will help with Short Irons, followed again by a
cool glass of wine. Alas, what a wonderful way to learn better golf.
Please don’t forget to sign up at the club house for the event. The
cost is $15.00 per session.
Fermina Evans, Ellie Kyle and their spouses went to check on the
Golf course for our October going away event. This wonderful time
will be held a bit earlier than in previous years. They are
suggesting the second week of October, specifically October 11
through the 13. More on this later but don’t forget to put this on
your calendars because it will be, as always, a fun and exciting
time on a beautiful golf course, great food, party time and lots of
warm camaraderie!
The Nine group still have several more guest days on our calendar.
For your information we are very low in members and
unfortunately we will be losing several more members by the
Page 6
Friday, July 8
A nine-hole mixed foursome
“step-aside” scramble
Couples and Singles welcome
$2 entry fee charged to your account
Dinner – 6:30 PM
All Members (Golf, Tennis and Social) are invited
to the Twilight Cookout on the Porch
Hamburger or Chicken Sandwich
with all the fixin’s and side salads
Dessert, tea and coffee
Plus FREE beer compliments of the Board
$10.95 per person inclusive
Sign Up Now
Please sign up for Golf, Dinner or both
on the sheet on the outdoor bulletin board
Deadline: 6:00 PM on Tuesday, July 5.
June Twilight Winners
1st place: Doug Waldrop, Jane McGahee
Jolanta Taylor (37 MOC)
2nd place: Ron Sadler, Gary Tauscher
Nancy Simpson (37 MOC)
~~ From the Courts ~~
Racquets Up!
For the Love of Tennis - Iowa must be the
State of Dreamers. Not far from the baseball
Field of Dreams location, Mark Kuhn and
his family have constructed the “Court of
Dreams” on their farm near Charles City, Iowa. From childhood,
Kuhn’s grandfather nurtured in him a love of tennis, and
Wimbledon inspired a curiosity about lawn tennis. In 2003, Mark
Kuhn and his family completed a 16-month project to build a
grass tennis court next to his corn and soybean fields. His goal
was and is to provide guests with the opportunity to play lawn
tennis on a quality court at no cost. Since its completion, players
from 35 states have come to Iowa for a “Wimbledon
experience.” The family only asks that people schedule their
visits in advance, and the courts are open from Memorial Day
through Labor Day each year since its opening.
It is the goal of the Kuhn family to improve the site and
playability of their “All Iowa Lawn Tennis Club” and add
additional features each year. Kuhn researched turf grass
management at Iowa State University at his own expense, and
the court requires daily care. This has truly been their labor for
the love of tennis.
AILTC Official Web Site, copyright 2007.
“Court of Dreams Brings Tennis Players to Iowa Farm.” Farm
Show Magazine: 2013-Vol. 37, Pg. 44.
You Tube-“Court of Dreams”.
Men’s Super-Senior Team Invitational
Like many of the other major tennis tournaments of 2016, the
Hilton Head Island Men’s Super-Senior Team Invitational was
successfully completed in spite of rain delays. Teams from New
England; Naples; South Carolina; Clearwater; Eastern; Middle
Atlantic; and Hilton Head completed the tournament on May 19
when New England defeated Middle Atlantic. Members for our
Hilton Head team included captains Dave Partington and Rick
Rickenbach with team members Tim Arr and Jeff Gurnham of
Port Royal Racquet Club. Tom Aholt also competed as a
substitute for an injured player on the Eastern team. As this
tournament features some of the highest ranked senior players in
the country, we look forward to their continued choice of Port
Royal for this yearly event.
New Members
Port Royal Racquet Club is pleased to welcome new members
who joined our club during the first half of 2016:
Dan and Donna Renbarger have
recently retired and moved to Hilton
Head Island from Atlanta where they
lived for 34 years and enjoyed playing
tennis during most of that time. Having
lived here only since January 2016,
they are both already actively involved
in playing tennis at Port Royal. They
are originally from the Detroit area. In addition to their love of
tennis, Dan and Donna enjoy their two children and two
grandchildren, play some golf, and love to travel.
Brought here by his wife Bonnie, Jeff
Gurnham arrived in Hilton Head in
1990, when he joined the Silver
Streakers tennis team. Originally a New
Englander, Jeff was a child from
Connecticut and moved here from
Maine. He has played tennis with the
Port Royal Super Senior 4.0 team for many years and also with
teams throughout the Island. We are pleased that he has decided
to become a PRRC member. Jeff and Bonnie enjoy not only
tennis but also their New England family including teenage
grandsons. They also love to travel and spend months every year
exploring the world.
Thomas Wilson has been visiting Hilton Head since childhood.
Currently he splits his time between here and Ashville, NC.
Thomas is another New Englander who was raised in Connecticut
and spent his adult life in Massachusetts before moving to Hilton
Head where his parents have also retired. He started playing
tennis as an adult, about four years ago and is reputed to be quite
a good player by both his friends and his opponents.
French Open Round Robin
Thanks to Bill Burger, Tricia Higgins, and Gary Higgins for their
efforts in making the French Open Member/Guest Round Robin a
great success on Saturday, June 4. Thirty-two players participated
in the play and the French-inspired brunch that followed.
Pickle Ball
Check out Pickle Ball! Court 1 has been modified and equipment
is available for all members to try this new racquet sport.
Members can get free court time and can make reservations one
week in advance. Give it a try; you may have fun and enhance
your tennis skills!
Opportunities to Practice
Don’t forget- you can participate in the morning Fast Action
Drills with pros Dana and Patrick from 9 to 10 a.m. every day
and the Stroke of the Day Clinics from 10 to 11 a.m. Monday
through Friday:
Monday-Volley, Tuesday-Forehand, Wednesday-Backhand,
Thursday-Serve, Friday-Overhead.
Check in the Clubhouse for dates of the Men’s and Ladies’ July
Clinics with Dana and sign up.
Jan Schuppert, Vice President
Much Ado About
At the Beach House
August 28
Page 7
2016 Heritage Invitational
Come Do An Australian Walkabout!
Thursday, September 22 through Saturday, September 24
Invitational Gala Transports You to Australia
Your Invitational Gala will take you and your guests across the Pacific for a fun-filled weekend
of Australian food, drink, entertainment, golf and the greatest camaraderie on the Island.
Thursday, September 22: Morning:
Registration and gift presentation at the Clubhouse.
Optional Practice Round on Barony or Robber’s Row.
Evening: Opening reception at Crocodile Dundee’s famous
“Walkabout Creek Bar” (aka. The Beach House).
Fun, food, libations and entertainment; all with an Aussie flair.
The Bondi Beach Casino will be open for adventurous optimists.
Friday, September 23:
First Round of Tournament competition.
Lunch on the PORCH following completion of your round.
Saturday, September 24: Morning:
Second Round of Tournament competition.
Tucker Bags (Lunch) provided on the course during your round.
Evening: Cocktail Reception and Grand Awards Dinner/Dance.
Sign up now on the form below - All Registrants received before August 15 will receive a special gift.
2016 Heritage Invitational Entry Form “UNDER PAR DOWN UNDER”
Entry Fee: $195 per person. Special gift for registrations received by August 15, 2015.
Fee does not include cart fee charged to member’s account after the event.
($25/day for golf members not on the cart plan and their guests; $50/day for social and tennis members and their guests.)
Team #1
Member: _______________________________
We will participate in Thursday’s Practice Round
Address: _______________________________
Preferred Tee Time _______________________________
Special Pairing Request: ___________________________
Address: _______________________________
Non-playing members and spouses of guests
E-Mail: ________________________________
Team #2
Member: _____________________________
Fee: $100 per person
Name: ___________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________
(Includes Thursday and Saturday Social Functions Only)
Address: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________
Entry form and check (payable to Heritage Golf Group) or
charged to club account can be delivered to the Port Royal
Golf Shop or mailed to:
Port Royal Golf Club, Attn: Ben Smith
P.O. Box 7229, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938.
Closing date for entry is September 25, 2015.
Page 8
July 2016
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
11:15 First Friday
18 Holer Golf
Sign up Deadline
for Twilight
6:30 Murder
Mystery Monday
18 Holer Golf
Champions Cup
9 Holer Golf
12:00 First
Mah Jongg
Men’s Day
4:00 Twilight Golf
Men’s Blitz
Men’s Blitz
6:30 Twilight
9 Holer Golf
Men’s Blitz
3:00 PRPC Board
6:30 Murder
Mystery Monday
18 Holer Golf
Men’s Day
9 Holer Golf ( Low
Net Tournament)
Men’s Blitz
9 Holer Tee Time
& Dinner at the
Beach House
6:30 Murder
Mystery Monday
18 Holer Golf
Champions Cup
9 Holer Golf
Sign up Deadline
for End of the
Month Dinner
End of the Month
6:00 End of the
Month Dinner
18 Holer Golf
Men’s Day
9 Holer Golf
Sign up Deadline
for End of the
Month Golf
Men’s Blitz
11:15 First Friday
12:00 First
Mah Jongg
Members’ Course : Planter’s Row
Start Time for Men & Ladies 18 Holers : 8:30 AM Ladies 9 Holers : 9:00 AM