Dec 2000 Newsletter
Dec 2000 Newsletter
the nex'sletter ol tlte north carolina blcycle club NC dec'oo cle Neus Meeting News Cary planner Tim Brooke speaks at Nov club meeting by fefry KDrab Club Pres dent Ted Korab p.eslded overthe November meeting. 12 mem Vice P.esident B.uce Bosar intrc duced Ti.n Brooke a member ofthe Citi zen's Advisory Committee forthe Gary Comprehensive Transportaton P an. Tim presented the Comm ttee s Bicyc o Element ofthe pan to est€blish an nterconnected network of b keways that allow forthe needs of both commut ng and recreational cyclists. The plan qoes out 5, 15 and 25 years. Among the l.ecommendations thatthe Commirt',.e w ll . 7 short-tenm prority road proiects to enhance bicycling accessibility ln Gary . Opportunilies to build neighborhood bikeways and connectors to oreenways . Create a bicycle suitab iy map fol. Gary . Adopt bicyc e parkng st6ndards for . Change rcadway design standards and construct physical im prcvements for bicycling . Sensitize traffic signal detectors to the presence of bicycles . lmprove railmad crossings Costof implementatlon was also di+ cussed. The Advisory Committee envi sions establishlng Gary as a cyclingf riendly commr.rnity. Their r€commendations wil go tothe GaryTown Council for their reMew and subsequently opened to lhe Public fo. comment [cantinLed on pase 2J Sunday, October 15", our Club had our Fall 2000 Ra ly starting at Blue Jay Point Park n Baleigh. There werc approximately 150 participEnts and we [frnalyl]had spectacula. fall weathe n during the entire event Thanks to the tnemendous effort of ourvolunteers and the gener ous backing from our sponsors, $e eventwes a success.ltwas truly a pleasure justto be among ihe riderc and enjoy the wonderful scenery! I wanito thank each and every peF son who paftlcipared in the H6lly, esp+ cialythose who were kind enough t0 pre-reqister. l hope that everyone had a greattime and lhope the pr+ registrants enjoyed their 'goodie bags". My thanks go to: . Chris Snow. Park Manager of Blue Jay Point Park, who graciously allowed us to usethe Parkfacilities. and also to the park's dedicated staff who heLped by lending us tables, put ring up signage, and tolerating the park ng prcblems we created. . Our fantEstic and generous spon' sors, who helped us with our Fall Bal yT Shirt promoiion some cases, adveftisemeni n our News etter: . Kevin Coggins of Spin Cycle Sreve Levine of Cyc ng Spoken Here Jeff Hutchinson ofAllStar Bike Shops, Floyd Cook of Bike lrne ofG6rner, Gil beriAnderson of Bicycle Or.rtfitter in Baleigh, Kristen Trubey of REI in Gary, Susan Garlow of Kwik Kopy in Gary, and Fichand Guy of Nutrition and Fir" ness, lnc. ln Fayettevlle. , Oun consisten! and aiways gener ous sponsor of a our Fallies, BruegF gers Bage s. Also, specialthanks to the businesses that donated items to our "goodie bags'6nd made them a nice addition for our prareqistered partici pants:Stephanie Adams of Wachovia Bank, William O Neillof Anltime Wines in Apex, Floyd Cook of Bike Line of Gar ner, and Jeff Hutchinson ofAllSt€r Bike Shops Please rememberto patronize all of our sponso.s, who have generously helped support our Club. Among others who helped make ihe Bally a success Kate Vang lder of [cantinued Dn page 3J Prez proposes 2OOl rally dates (CDntinued fiDn page 1J Holiday Pady Ted Korab me.tloned again thatthe Holid6y Panty willbe heLd Saturday, De cember s at 6:00 p m atAlan Egqe's house Everyone attending is asked to bring some soft ofnngeFfood, munchies appetizel. or beverage item. Meat/ cheese platters willbe provided bythe Club As usual. the.e willbe no separate meeting n December We look forur'ard to see ng you atihe partyl Directions to Aldn's house From 14o Exit 287 Har son Ave: Head South on Harrlson Ave. past SAS nsritute on efr [sta]nless steel sculptLrel. On your right side you wlll pass f.stjood rest6Lrants. then Sam s Club [set backfrom road] and then a Wacho via bankjust before the interseclion of' Weston Parkway [ati.affc light]. Turn rghi on Weston Parkway [You have t fyou see a arge undeveL oped ot with constnrcton equiprnent on gone past 2AOO Fall Raty directur red Karab sha /s affsDLvenir Tshitt so as not to confict with Blke Nofth Caro inal. lf there are no major conflicLs with these dat€s, theywillbe suS milted to the Depi. ofTranspor%tjon We will need volunteers to coordts nate each of next year s Rallies. f 6ny one is interested, please coniact us. Olher Business Ted rcviewed the October Financial Bepoft Mernbers Present suggested we look into the possibility ofgetling new Club Jerceys nrade. Tim Hunterwould like to remind everyone that the deadline for subm ssion January Newsletter will be Decem_ hcr B nstesd of December 15. O your r ghtl. Once on Weston Pa*way, getln the left lane and qo stra ghtth.ough the firstllght. Take nexi eft nto Wessex Subdlvision [gates on ether side of roadl. Take first right onto Bathgate Lane. Goto the end ofthe culde-sac [pass pooland tennis], then Wilesden on dght, cross Tynemouth). We are the stone and cedarshake house on the right #406 Bathgate Lane. From the So!!h or WesiYou can take Maynard Bd. to Harrison Ave and head Noth [toward 14O] Cross Gary Parkway [Gary Academy on the dghl], and then tum leftonto Weston Parkway atthe next ight. See directions above frcm Weston Parkway. 2001 Rally Schedule Ted Korab revlewed the ProPosed Rallydates for 20o1, whlch must be submitted to NCDOTfo.their Annual Events Calendar no laterthan Decem' ber I The proposed dates are April 22" forthe Spring Bally, July 15" for the Summer E6lly, and October 21^ for the Fall Rally [one week later than usual I Paoe 2 | OTGARNER come in and check out our Close-ouls on the 2000 models Look al our new exciting 2001's Do your Chrislmas ShoPPing early at BIKE LINE ot Garner Remember to ask for Your NCBC MembershiP Discount Monday-FridaY l0:00'7:00 saturdaY'10:00-5:00 Sunday 12i00-4:00 2668 Timber Drive Ga.ner, NC 27529 (919)773-0233 Web site: www.t NC Bicycle Nevs Thanks for helping! [Cantinued f.Dn page 1 ] Y{-LT "Fun Things to Do forvolunteerng at Feed zone #2 Mary Meletiou, Safety rj t titl Education/Mapping Prcgram Manager of NCDOT for provid ng allthe free maps and pamphlets for our pertici pants. Thanks also to Tracey Namon. Ce-ifed Massage Therapist, who of fened her valuable seruces to our pal. ticipants in need of a well-deserued massage after the r rides A great big thank you io allourvolun ieers wiihoutwhose he p we could not have had so successfula Baly . Tim Hunter for allhis heip with the Ba yflier and his assstance with many .A Johnson and John Bobinyec for hep with the flier mailings . Davd Cole for allhis assistance with ourT-Shirt prcduction hls advice on many of rhe Bally details, and forvolunteering at Feed zone li1. . Alan Egge fo. his valuable expertise & advice in settlng upthe monning of the Bally, picking up food iiems and Gatorade. Also, for his rnuch€ppreciated help wth the preparation of Feed zone bevenages. and coordinating ltre items with the othervo unteers Alan a so swept the 36-m e rouie. . Jarres Hinson for sweeping the 62 mile route and helping with fierdls . Carol Schrcede.for all her help during the Bally preparation, bagels and ice pickup, and forvolunteering at Feed zone #2. . Peter Finkelstein. who contacted me the day before the Bally and ofiered his help with the Ba ly. lwas lacking a person atour 3 'Feed zone, so Pete klndlyaccepred the job, and performed ii admirably Iespec]ally since having the last Feed zone, he devoted an exha 'Che/sea ' oversees haulinq the club trailer to Blue Jay Thanks also go to HenriThomas, our Club's nruch'appreciated Treas urer. who purchased the produce, he ped organize the Feed zone lrems, assisted with registration, kept allour flnances reconciled, and helped sweep th€ 36 mie route. Let me a so thank Joe Millen ofthe News & Observer fo. supporting our C Lrb again by gehiing the word out c!e sheet information, markinq and sweepins the 103 mile route, assisting with regishation, and ing the route NC Bicyclc Nervs Last, and by no means the least, thanks go to my wonderfulwlfe, Terry, who helped me with allthe det€ils of the Baliyand was responsible for creating the artwork that adornsthe FallBally 2OOO T-Shirt. lhope I haven't foraotten anyone.I appreciate all ofyour support, whether itwas by voiunteering on by participatlon in the rides. Ted KoBb, Fall RaA Directar $' GT . GlAllT o SPEGIILIZED . llAXCHl o EAHTII Cf,UISEBS J00G|1{G STR0ILEBS . GUST0il 0IKES . TtttDElNt o B ... LIST IEtnS 0DEI8 0X SltE ... I Sbr lllrl r]l fota t ttt.mih! .lld t! trt 0rr ,ttr 0l f!. rdlcdmtff L i.rr .ll irtt d llrFltl lton lltha b tto LOIS OF IODEL$ amountoftmel. Jack and Donna Powell were key people to the Rally's success by provid- rau preparadons 469-t8p9 . h.rh,m \q@F | 87Gm76 Ora SALEI SAUE SrOO'Sl 183.},sO70 qudr cffa StFnPlnsr'enlc, \hopDlrs.'mrH Yutu@'sr Ir,r.^r&,&:dE I ,:.; $, - .* NCBC Ride Calendar Weekly Rides Time Distance Leader Pace Tue ll:30am 2A-25 2022 Thlr \\red Davd SaLrssy Phone 483 5061 Gla-xo Wel come Ca I Levne Ste,/e 461 0066 Cyclng Spoken Here at tlaynard Crossng Wednesdayeven nq moLritan bike rides - varous trals l4un have ilhls.Cal slore Ior deta ls. sar 8:00am 3050 15"l7ND Cox Za,:h 782 0961 Norrh H ema Sat 8:30 am 25 15 15 or ema I for more lnfo ]TND Sat 10:00am 2535 1516ND iames l,like Kinn E5l 5600 Rogers 661-4918 I S ev n@q. ingspokenhere com ls Shopping Center, nearWacholia Bafk. P€ase r:a l/ I;nterested. zach.ox@pobox coor ParkMy Pointe No Drop ride No ide on 11125. Peas€ con ta.t rde leader I j/ou P an on rid ng. tamesklnn@mlndspr Food Lion at p.ovide H,,rry 50 ard Timber D.i!e nGarner lNanito nt mdated by ai enloyabe ridelorthose ofyou fastergroups. Ths s a chanceto earn about.y.lng, blrn off a itte bodyfat, getto know some new peopeand remember what you saw during the trip. Sat Sat 9:00 9l0 am anr 24 50 35 1215 20+ 15 Cook 7l3.A2T Bkelne o{ Garner2668 Foyd 9 00 anr 4a ta l6 16ND 20 CP Tmbre Drive, Garn€r Conla.l store for more nfo. Steve Levine 461-0066 Cycing Spoken Here at f4aynard Crossing S Sat rogeBm(oeadh l'4argaret Reiswg ev ne@q,c ingsPokenhere com Wison Park in Caffboro Chapel H I area rde Two groups at two diflereni paces. Dstance and speed depend on tempera ture. Regulartrainjng rdes resume llarch lst am 50-60 2D-22+ sat,SLin 900am 35'55 Suf 10:00am 4055 1120 fteSpin Cyde Sat, Sun l,lssion Valey 9130 Lue 460"9173 lay Point Park Pick !p ride Notetmechange SpinCycleatSallBoxVlLageTlvogroups. Suggestions for Riders Pickup dde, pace at dders'disffetion. Biders are encouraged to dlscuss pace before starting. CP Contrclled pace: The leader ensunes gr0upwill ride atthe posted pace. ND No drop: No riders will be left behind thatlhe All ride.s are strongly encouraged to wear he mets Please nform ihe rde leader if you plan lo leave the ride or deviale from the scheduled events. Bicycles are deerned to be vehlcles in North Caroina. NCBC encourages allvehicle operatorcto share the road and obey allFaffic laws. The NCDOI has informative material on cyclng and can be cont€cted at S1S 733 2804. NCBC Ride Calendar D ecembet Rides Time Distance Pace Leader 19 20 David Easter 18 Phone 1191115 l4cCu lers Crossroads dav d.easter@m nds0rin9. !!!l Bob Wollronr 676-3696 BlLre la! Pont ParliAnnualBig Bad Bob B athday Bash (BBBBB) [onre join the w]ey Wof as he.e e brates his 6l st UStF year. Beautiiul Norrh Vlake .ounty and beyond No one maintalning be dropped on this l4 10:00 am l5 Alan iohnson 451 8451 l4off s,r le To$n Store ior 10r00 am 19 20 th Ha l8 L Rlde lo Pat€rson l'11 Country lqr David Easler n91175 Ride do!v. the llcculers Crosvoads Christmas rde. afd.he.k outthe Eidn Lilnqton Chrislrnas and de.oratons easier@mhdsprinq.conr December Rides 1/01 III . h x . lr l I 9i00 Distance am Pace Lead$ Phone NCBC New Yeaas Day l'1etdc. Details 62 lBD. 7*cl{li. ti\ . I Time Mon . . Expert Re[ai]s (Flss Eslimales) Prolessional Wheel Building 30 oay Price Proleclion Lilollmo fres Service (wilh Nsw BlIe Purchas€) Car Racts Availablo rrll simas shopping. aanm@minds0rnq. l'lain Streets o{ Coals, rT'll! nrph ride.p{E[c!@!qk!o rffi: v 461.(,(,66 124s N.w. MAYNARD, CARY CORNER OF I|AYI{ARD & HIGH HOUSE YAXTNA THUTE r=]rJFtt-€:JPINARELTO DEROSA MERCTOO( OPEi' 7 DAYS Arqer dq4 The Road Dog Guide to Route Planning by Ton Sheffle/d Wihln the Boad Dog pack is a truly rare breed the 'Bide Leader' To be fair prob6by everyone has led a ride at some time or another during their cy clng career However not everyone possesses the idealtraits requ red to regularly volunleerfor a position where wl be s nrultaneously rever€d and they Wthotrta Blde Leade. [and the ac companying cue sheetsl, the Boad Dog pack assumes many persona ltes, even befone it neqotlates ihe treacherous Blue Jay Point speed bump that signifies the start of a ride. The pre ride discus sion is divided between the C mblns Dogs, Distance Dogs, and Porch Dogs. Notice thatthe Hammers don't pafticpate n the debate opting to save the r energy forthe poslbreak sprlni back to BJP. Eventually we dec de io'Ride outto someplace, take a break, and come When a Blde Leader announces a and posts the ride on the NCBC nide endar, something magical hatr pens Flrct participation increases, pos sibly because the ride announcement has eliminated the fear ofthe unknown. A word ofwarning to the uninitialed; Boad Dogs have been known to be guilty of false advertsing'when sgning-up to lead a .ide H.weve. th,oir intentions are good. After all. adding an ext.a 1O 20%to the ride dist€nce, average speed. or both, can only lmprove the fitness of the pack. Second, th s volunteer is obviousyTHE le6der. Someone the pack can gossip aboutwhile he's out oi earshot, take the blame ifanything goes wrong and curse at rders who nide ca b.€ak the ru es ofthe ride. Clearly the Bide Leader prcvides the pack with a sense of punpose.ln addiuon, this volun rccently scouted a new route while entoying a post rlde endorphin buzz The resultwas the "BullFun Hill" route. familiarto a Boad Dogs as 'the rlde with colo.coded cue sheets that might have been only 1O% overthe adveftised distEnce if they hadn't been repalnring NCSE which calsed us to take a longer, hilier detour, but at leastwe wene able to drop rhe Bide Leader'. (Also see wam ns about "false advertslng abovel. However, when Allen led an encore ride ofthe same rouie a few weeks later we had an oulstanding turn out prov ng one of three th ngs:Eoad Dogs willshowup for any advertised ride OF Road Dog have a short memory OB both There is a founth possibility:Some Road Doos instinctively show up Et Blue Jay Point 6nd have no idea howthey got there, nor wherc they'l be going, and cou d simply care less when [or if]they return. These Dogs are "beyond intrmi Some of our F de Leaders have been known io spend ong winten nights sipping warm Cyt max in front otthe fire, whle searching Delormes 'North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer' for the tightly spaced contour lines thatwill undoubtedly become part of a 'flat' route the next Spring. There is a hienarchy amonqst our ride leaders. Some have risen above merely lead ng weekend rides. and have taken theln sadistc craftsrnanship to another level We salute them for planning rouEs ror our club Rallies, as wellas other lerge group rldes where they can inf ci pain [6s we]l as a sense of accomplishment) on the masses The NCBC is fortunat€ to be able to callon the seNices of a master Boed Dog route planner, Capt€ln Jack Powell.lfyou've ever had to navigate using cryptic cue sheets o. sporadic road mankings, you know that Capt6in ,l^.k's ..Lrtps ar6 renowne.l fo. d'e sheet cla.ity and flawless road mankings. We were fortunate to gain some teer not only geis to sweep the Goo- inslghtfrom Jack, whlle he was still bers, but may also occasionally get hlt receiving the accolades of apprecia nve club members for his work on the |"outes forthe NCBC Fall2OOO Bally. [Present snd fLture nide Leaders should pay close attentlon, and possi- Boute plsnnlng is the most impor t6nt and eagerly anticipated %sk ofthe Fide Leaden AlLen "B!dman" Walker bly pick'up on some ofthe subte clues for successful .oute planning and rid€ leadershipl The IDteryiew Ride Leader Howwere you able to f nd a diffcult route like the NCBC Fall Century in th s part of North Canolina. Capt Jack Praciice, practce, prcc Pide Leader: Whywas the first part ofthe route before the Century/Metrc spi! idealjy suited for a blist€ring pace? capt Jask Thatwas according to makes some ofthe pack stop for the first feed zone lt hurts the volun teers' feelings if everyone blasts by with out even saying hello. You know weve gotto have some respectfon oun falthful volLrnteers And love to see mone rid ers do the Century. than the Metdc, on rc ydays, becaLrse the Century s what ls allabort There is a Metric training ride on lhe calendar everyweekend, so ihey're no big dealto a neal Road Dog. Also, the uninitiated riders wil be lured into believng thatthe ride will be easy and continue on the Cennrry route, ratherihan chasing the "rEcer dudes" on the shorter, fasten Ride Leader Wow Thats sive, especialysince the Century route conUnued to be .easonably flat fo r a few mies afterthe split before the firsl real cllmb from Old Seventrfive to Bahama. That Stagville Boad ls one b ich n hilll , Capt Jack Yeah! I nea y enjoyed plannlng thatambush. have to climb lt almost every year, wlth 70 pounds of gear on my bike, atthe 4SO mile mark during 'Tour De Lakes" to get back home with Jerry Allen. So ldont feel sorry for a wh ney Road Doq that has been spolled by always coasting down that big hillon Jon Buckleys'Bahama Loop' ride. Anyway, beror-. I started nflicting pain, lgotthem justfar enough away frcm the Metric route thatthey wou dnt think abou!!unning back Ride Leaden Wasthatalso the .eason for labeling the post'split part of the Century route the'Flat Loop ? CaptJack [Following a big Capt. Jack laugh...):A cyclist complained to me aboutthe Fat Loop having h lls. He had IcnnrinDed an paae 7l Route planning [cDntinued hDn page the bottom and then be first atthe top ofTirzah ls good, but he aint Boss Dog yetl Ride Leaden Was the noute de signed to be reasonablyflat between MtTir,ah and the second splitwth the Metric course at NCg6? CaptJack Yes and it served two purposes, bhe Metric Eoute was desiqned to be flat and fasL We wanted those Hammerc to be out of B Lre Jay Polnt before rhe Century riders began arrving. Second, we didnt wantthe century r ders to Gooben out at the second splt wiih the Metr c course at there an\thing rnore embarrassing than a Road Dog giving up the chase and looking for a 6] litue apprcclat on forthe explanation thatlhe Flat Biver and FlaiCneek run thrcugh th6t hilly area, thus the name Tnrth is e.nsscs Flat Elve. below Lake Mickey and Flat Creek above Lake Mickey. so what e se could a Boad Dog have named it? I lke it, Flat Loop draws in the suckercl lthink tis k nd of funny Flat Loop! Joke is on the w mps and the "wantio be' Eoad Dogsl Bide Leader:Why djd the rcute include roads that even dedicated Eoad Dogs seldom. if ever, ride? Capt Jack lt adds to the e ernent of sur.pdse lfyoL've neven ridden to Mt Tirzah,lt's time you did..or at leasttred Bide Leaden:We noticed that you refrained fnom callng the hillon Eaton Foad a "wall'. Why not? to. Just be.arefulwhose wheelyou su.k going upto the top oryou wlll pay capt Jack [Anather raucous /a,grl ldentify ng too ma.y walls on the cue sheetwillscare the packL Ride Leader: Oh manlThaus .eally clever. So you getthem d sode.ted then you ,.Ealrdnop the hammer by sending them up the'Flat CreekWall'. capt Jack: IA deep, belu taush] su.ely dol Butyou know, the Dog that cer qetto that Percon CouFtv line at '..'r,,. Ride Leader:Why d d you include Bike Foute #1 in the course, iust past the last opportunlw to wimp-out? Capt Jack I knewthat many oflhe TH y ',: ii. ,C 1241 Kildaire Farm Rd. SaltboxVitlage Cary, NC C Century rders would be familarwith this st.etch of road and wanted to instlla sense of se f-confidence, pniorto sendlng them up the Bu n Creek Wall . Ride Leader Lke a true F de Leader we heand thatyou volunteered to sweep the noule. THANK YOUIWe understand ihatyou caught some Cen tury ridens in Kittre . At that po nt, what was their genena condition? Capt JackrThe niders we caught at Kitinell area were look ng pretty sick and one was standing besde the road off his bike. The hils of Flat Loop and the Boad to Ruin had toasr€d rhem Ride Leadefi Why are the last 30 mlles ofthis roule so difficult? Most of the Century riderc are aheady com perely fried bythe tinre they cross us1 in Kitrrcll. Capr Jack: [With a t"rinkle in his elE Jldidn't knowthere was any other way lo get backfrom Klttrell. Ride Leaden: Sunelyyou.ould hEVe found a bettier route Franklinton lo the break atthe Weste.n Wear store on NCS6? The trcfflc and road condi tions on were really horrlble on NC56 trYtr LE CIALISTS o- 9 3 73 lcontlnued a" pase 9J Welcome new and returning members Bob & Me ssa Johnson Brooks Lester JeniCunningharn Christine Kennedy Kirn Kimbrell Bonnie G. Mani Kerry L Spear M DemLein Denn s Gannen C. Henry Behrmann Sean KeMn & Hamison LancasterJr MaryWellFKnecht memberships ub Financial Report IIow to reach us! October lncome and Expenses Do you have an article, story, or announcem€nt for the NC Biqcle IN@ME Nerrs? OLrr deadine for artces slhe 75rrof the m.nLh. You can seFd r: byemai Lo cyc isls@.c. oryou can mai itto r.e 6t 7 Lak€hlrsrCouni. Durham, Nc ?7713 at cal me aLhome at 544 9132 beto.e 1O OO PM. Want to add a yout ride to the ride calendar? 390 00 FallBally Registra .II]TAL INCDME $1S63.00 D(PEI{SES 1012.54 63.75 .ide on rhe NCBC.ide c6lendar thaL appears 'tn balh tle Nc Bi.tcle NeMs and on .u. web page The deadlne ior adding a rlde r. the Printing newsletter [Sept & Oct] Tf,TAL DGENSES the newsletter is your newsletter subscription? C6llAlJohnson ai467-4457 or emai ING]ME h Mark Bauer Robert & Conn e Glenn &Winstead 44-66 Do you have a question about !r Art McMillan Roy &Ann Neulicht 128.25 Bulk mailing 362 9574. o.emai him ai dlco eovneL Oavid wi putyour in Bandy Carroll Theresa Costello 15234.OO Call Davd Cole 6t calendanlhatw lapp€ar rhe 75r' of Lhe m.nth Ch stoph Blanchel. m alanj-6em6i .! nc edu. 4f 6.SA Mike Budkin s17A6.18 . D(FEI{SE GASH ON }IAND David L. O'Neal $176.82 $4814.6S Alan Selferheld Gerald Thomas Shawn Weiss want to put something on the NCBC www page? Ema lTom sheffield aLsheiodo ember benefits Classifred Ads NCBC 2oo0 Club Officers and Contacts Make some moneyforLhe summer nidesl You can lrave a FFEE one monLh ad for cvclng equiprnent and accessonies. No charge fo. NCBC members. Non_members pav$5 per ad. Send crBssified ad and check paya ble ro NCBC I f no tnerlbet) Lo NC Bicvcle News Edtor. 7 L6kehurctCoult, Durham, NC?7713 Korab ident Ted P.esldent Bruce 36?1432 441€933 Bosar Bike travel cases fo! rcnt NCBC has good h a.d€hell bike cases ava lable ror .ent 552€104 362-9574 4474479 Edit r' a449132 467-a45f M6iing 460{114 to memberc. The ree is $1 Fen day with a reiurdable deposit or $2OO. The cha.qes fo. laie d.oPotr and ror cance ing reseryatio. less than one month in advance arc borh $25 To reserve a case call em6i David Saussy (dls 1 21 at 434 4795 before 1 O p m. " ' NCBC Member Discount Don'tforgetto askforbhe discountihatis avaiab e to club membens at6rea bicycle shops tnow includins BEI!]. You ca n use ihis nemleffe. as p.oof !f membershlP if fie NCBC mailing abelhasyour name 6nd an expination dale thai shows vou to be a membe' Route planning [Cantlnued han page 1 lnotto ment]on thatthe hi s suckedl. CaptJack My origina centu.y roLte dld notinclude NC56, b'rithe year lput ittogetherthere was a detour on S81127 (the rcad f.orn Franklinton to Pocomokelso we werc forced to use NC56. NC56 also caLses the .oute to be a cou ple miles longe.than desirabe However BobbyPowe and Tom Shetield liked it so much lastyear ldecided notto change lt. Also, going thnough Pocomoke would cause the to have less than 5OOO ftverticaland lthink that would be a shame The factthe course has 5OOO+ ftvertcal shou d be a good marketinq starjstic for drcwing nlders outsde ofthe Ba eigh al.ea. Bulas forthis old t€ndem caE tain,lget 6 realrush out ofthat big downh qoingoutof Frank nton We smoke the traffic there. You just gotto be carcfulaboutwhat kind of companyyou ride wth up ihe oiher side Also we thoughtthe traffic would make any riders from Caryfeelmone at home . Bide Leader: We couldnt help but notice thatthe ride was nea.lytlvo m es longerthan advertised. Why? Capt Jack ltwas a ride frorn Blue Jay Point Why not? Authotb nDte: Some of the statements attributed to Catt tain Jack Powel wefe fabricated but recelved hts approval priar to distribution Miting an atttcle E in many ways stnilar to being a Ride Leader. Renenber to "Beware of false adver tising'. A Membership Application Dues: $15.00 El' (: Trusted 6ear. Erpert Adsice. Since 1938. 255 Crossroads Blvd, Cary 233-8444 lo% discount to NCBC members on your biking related purclases* the only fiangle bike shop to meet ALL ofyour birycle touring needs visit our full serviee bike shop for your maintenance and repair neetls ' i. ddirion b.D-op f,x.ludqs l'rclals, oPs, olklel 'lcnberdnidtnd Aldsct rnJ ]\r{nodn ndnN Ptu\,irlc prooi uf NCAC memterhit Ior - North Carolina Bicycle, Inc. peryeaa either single or family. llail your completed application and check to NCBC, P.O. Box 32031, Raleigh, NC 27622 Name: Address: City: State:_ lEmailaddress: I am inter€sled ir: (pl€ase rhe.k all ihar apply) Ride Iypes ililes/Tritr tr tr O O D O - Averag8 Spe€d D l0tolZ Touring t0to20 tr 12tol{ Commrting tr 20to30 O l{ to 15 Tardem rides O 30lo 40 O 15 to 18 O ilountain bike rid€r tr 50lo t00 tr 18 to 20 O Overrisht der tr t00+ o 20+ Day rides 5lo l0 (w): Phone (H): z.IP: ir assistins vyithl (pl€ase.h€(k all rhar apply) I am irterested a Leading day rides O Leading overnighl ride. tr Ddving SAG wagon O Slide presentations E Edu.aiioral Drograms O Sorial eYe s tr Grorp.ooling o Club tr ll€vrletter 6rticle3 o o o llewsl€tter artwork Occupalion: I Please read and sign the liabililrl rvaiver on the reverse side. ofli(el Ieursletter leying/larort llewsletter mailing North CarolinaBiqcle Club, Inc. PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID CARY, NC PERMIT NO. 22I Raleigh, NC 27622 t,,t,il,,,1,1,t,11,,,,,1'll,l,,,,l,ll',,1,1'l,l,l,,l'l,,"ll,l MEMBERSHIP E)0IRES| 0301 David & Mary Cole-Hal 206 Persifimon PlApe)q NC 27502-9275 |he Christmas porty ls set lor 6:O0 Plll, Dec 9, at Alan Egge's house. 5ec frleeling News inside Membership Application - North Carolina Bicycle, lnc. Pleaae lill out the fotm on the reverse side, and read and sign lhis liabilit/ waiver. Oues: $15.00 peryear, either single or family. lrail your completed application and check to NCBC, P-O. Box 32031, Raleigh, NC 27622 MAIVER: IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ALLOWING ME TO PARTICIPATE I, To INTEND|NG RIDES AND EVENTS, BE LEcaLLy BouND, RELEASE aND D|SCHARGE ANY aND ALL cLAtMs FoR DAMACES FoR DEATH, PERSoNAI IIIJIJRY OR PROPERTY DAMACE, WH]CH I ['AY HAVE, OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ACCRUE TO ME, AS pARTtctpATtoN tN CLUB RtDEs aND EVENT5. THrs WA|VER/RELEA5E CARoL|NA BtcycLE CLUB, aRrsrNc IN NORTH CAROLINA BICYCLE CLUB lNc., rrs our oF oR coNNEarED ts TNTENDED To orscHARGE A RESULT OF MY lN ADvaNcE THE NoRTH oFFrcERs, R,oE LEADERS, aND MEMBERS FRoM AND AcAlNsr ANY AND aLL LlaBlLlrY tN ANy way wtrH My pARTtctpATioN tN CLUB RtDEs AND EVENTS, EVEN THoIJGH THAT LIABILITY ,\,IAY ARISE oUT oF NEGLICENCE OR CARELESSNESS ON IHE PART OT THE NORTH CAROLINA BICYCLE CLUB- INC,, ITS oFFtcERs, R,DE LEADERS, AND/oR MEi,4BERs. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT SERIOUS ACCIDENTS OCCASIONALLY OO OCCUR ON BICYCLE RIDES AND THAT PARTICIPANTS occAstoNALLy susrarN MoRTAL oR sERtous pERsoNAL rNJURtEs, AND/oR pRopERTY DAi\,iAGE, A5 A coNSEQUENCE. KNowlNG I THE RISKs, NEVERTHELEIS, I HERIBY AGREE TO ASsUME THO5E RISKS AND TO RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLEss THE NORTH I I I Date: Signalure: Parenlo,"Guatdia (it uhdet ls)