- Our Lady of Lourdes Academy
- Our Lady of Lourdes Academy
OUR LADY OF LOURDES ACADEMY EDUCATING HEARTS AND MINDS with mary in all things T I M E D O N O R T A L E N T H O N O R R O L L T R E A S U R E 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 OUR LADY OF LOURDES ACADEMY DONOR HONOR ROLL 2012-2013 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Friends of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, For the school year 2012-2013, our focus was on GROWTH. The year was filled with blessings and challenges as our community grew academically and creatively with the use of iPad and physically with the construction of new facilities. This Donor Honor Roll is produced by the Office of Institutional Advancement of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy to gratefully acknowledge all the contributions made during the school fiscal year of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Every effort has been made so that the information compiled throughout the year is complete and accurate. contributions of time, talent and treasure pertaining to the different events and departments were supplied to the Office of institutional advancement by the chairperson of that event or department. Should there be an error, please accept our apologies and notify us immediately so that it can be corrected in our next edition. Pledges and donations generously given in past years have borne fruit in the completion of the new classroom building. The school community watched the growth of the building process with anticipation, and students waited with excitement for classes to begin in the new facility. The classroom building is the location for the Fine Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Health/PE, and some Foreign Language classrooms. The Phase 3 renovation of the southwest corner of the building is in process. Older parts of school have been outfi tted with new fire alarm, clock, PA, and telephone systems. to the Parents of our alumnae: Please contact our office and notify us if this publication is addressed to a daughter who no longer lives permanently at home. We appreciate you supplying us with her current personal information so we can keep our database updated. At present, over $1,000,000.00 has been raised through the Capital Campaign, income from naming opportunities, brick dedications, foundation gifts, and donations. Such generosity has enabled the commencement of building the gym. The contribution of time, talent, and heart given by parents, alumnae, and friends has generated successful events, creative ideas and additional funds for financial aid and renovations in the existing facilities. The school is charged for undeliverable issues. Please notify us of any change of address. Prayer offered by the Lourdes community is a primary support for our new ventures. God has placed so many good people in our path. The workers who share our grounds are talented and respectful. The process has gone smoothly without disruption of the school schedule. thank you for your help! Office of Institutional Advancement 305-667-1623, Extensions 241, 243 Design / Layout by PIL Creative Group: Patricia Ibarra Linares, Principal, OLLA Class of 1987 Maria Ibarra Hernandez, Creative Director, OLLA Class of 1980 The administration, faculty and staff are grateful for your constant generosity. May God bestow His choicest blessings upon all of you, our benefactors. Printing and binding by Solo Printing, Inc.: Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Hernandez (’08, ’09) Mr. & Mrs. Andy Sanchez (’11, ’13) With Mary in all things, Our sincere gratitude to the above alumnae and school families for their unwavering support throughout the years and their contribution to the printing of the 2012-2013 Donor Honor Roll Sister Kathryn Donze, IHM Principal w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J U LY 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Our Lady of Lourdes Academy would not be such a special place if it were not for the generous assistance of our parents, alumnae and friends. May God continue to bless us as we welcome OLLA’s 50th class of freshmen and continue to work toward our mission of “educating young women to face the future strengthened in their faith prepared, confident in their abilities to achieve their goals and committed to their Catholic and American heritages”. As we begin the 50th anniversary year of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, let us celebrate the blessings of the past, the gift of the present and the hope for the future. Vol. XI 1 OUR LADY OF LOURDES ACADEMY DONOR HONOR ROLL 2012-2013 Our Mission Statement As a two-time recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s Blue The mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy is to educate young Ribbon School of Excellence award, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy has women to face the future strengthened by their faith, prepared and been the launching point for thousands of women who have gone to confident in their abilities to achieve their goals and committed to contribute in the areas of medicine, law, government, entertainment, their Catholic and American heritages. education, religion and more. Our History Our Future Our Lady of Lourdes Academy was founded in 1963 for high school As we begin our 50th Anniversary year we are in the midst of a major girls in the Archdiocese of Miami. The school, which began in two expansion within our campus. Every facet of our school life is classrooms at Epiphany School with 69 freshmen and a faculty of impacted - infrastructure, technology, spirituality, curriculum, and two full-time teachers, grew at a rapid pace. After two years of athletics. It also touches everyone involved - students, parents, overcrowding and limited extra-curricular activities, a new building faculty, administration and support staff. The addition of a two-story, was erected on the six acre site adjacent to the Epiphany School 21-classroom building, a new chapel, and a gymnasium, allows us to and Convent. The dedication of the new building took place in offer our students the education necessary to succeed well into the March of 1965 with 181 students and nine full-time faculty members 21st century. The expansion of our Main Office complex will make our in attendance. campus more secure and efficient. The first graduating class of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy was the The dream conceived in the last decade of the last century is finally Class of 1967 – featuring a group of 28 seniors. That year, enrollment coming to fruition just in time to celebrate our first fifty years of in the freshmen class grew to 125. educating our young women to “face the future strengthened by their Continued growth necessitated the construction of a new and committed to their Catholic and American heritages”. We hope multi-purpose school facility in 1970, and in 1986 a classroom building, our vision, hard work and dedication together with the generosity of computer center, renovated kitchen and elevator were added. To keep our alumnae, parents and friends will help the legacy continue for the pace with advances in science and technology, the science labs were next fifty years, always “With Mary in all Things”. totally rebuilt in 1997 and expanded in 2010. To ensure safety and greater access throughout the second floor, a walkway was built during the summer of 2000. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 faith, prepared and confident in their abilities to achieve their goals 3 OUR LADY OF LOURDES ACADEMY DONOR HONOR ROLL 2012-2013 ta B l e O F c O n t e n t s MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL 1 aDMinistratiOn Gloria Acevedo caPital caMPaign BOarD Sister Kathryn Donzé, IHM Business Administrator S. Kathryn Donzé, IHM Principal Principal Olga Martinez ’00 INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT PARENTS AND ALUMNAE EVENTS 8 25 Hilda de la Vega Vice-Principal for Personnel & Bernadette Scholars Coordinator Gloria Ramos ‘83 PROGRAM ENRICHMENT GENERAL DONATIONS 36 37 Director of Admissions, Marketing and Communications Caridad Bitar-Givner Ana M. Garcia DuQuesne Edmund F. Onorati Recording Secretary Advisor Tim Plummer Olga Martinez Advisory Board President Director of Admissions, Marketing and Communications Institutional Advancement Coordinator Assistant Principal for Academics Ana Oliver Sanchez ‘88 Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ’85 38 Alumnae Association President aDVisOry BOarD MeMBers Teresa Mederos Principal Parents’ Guild President FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Jorge and Patricia Marin Silva ’88 Chairpersons S. Noreen Mangan, IHM Milly Borroto Spiritual Director of Faculty and Staff Manuel Garcia-Linares Gustavo and Lourdes Alfonso ‘86 Albert Hernandez Hilda de la Vega Carlos and Mercy Guitian Capote ‘85 Michael Herold Vice-Principal for Personnel & Bernadette Scholars Coordinator Rene and Lillian Martinez Cedeño ‘86 Eduardo Llano Esteban and Yvette Bascuas Garcia ‘87 Charlie Martinez Frank and Lisa Guerrero Mackle ‘86 Ben Mollere Gilberto and Maria Mendoza Silvia Pinera-Vazquez ‘82 John and Vivian Macia Romanach ‘80 Alberto Rodriguez Raul and Aurora Peñalver Salas ‘75 Jose Valdivia Richard and Georgette Ribas Suarez ‘88 Assistant Principal for Academics l Business Administrator S. Kathryn Donzé, IHM Gloria Ramos w MATCHING GIFT Gloria Acevedo J U LY 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 IHM COMPANIONS 5 Faculty Ela Alvarado, Foreign Languages Bertha Alvarez, Foreign Languages Lynne Arguelles, Business/Computer Science Ileana Armengol, Media Specialist Elena Arteaga-Diaz, Science Grace Balanzategui, English Yvette Garcia Barreneche ‘96, Health/P.E. Corina Basulto-Fraga, Social Studies Lucy Blanco ‘74, Guidance Director Olga Braceras, Science Virginia Castellanos, Guidance Ana Chao, Activities Director Scott Chormanski, Mathematics Sharon Clifford, Social Studies David Coates, Social Studies Mirza Fumero Collazo ‘73, Mathematics Christopher Connell, Science Sara Cortes, English Liliam del Riego, Foreign Languages Edith Diaz, English Cristina Diez-Arguelles, Guidance Idania Dorta, Mathematics Father Ireneusz Ekiert, Chaplain/Theology/ Campus Ministry Sister Carmen Fernandez, IHM ‘85, Theology/ Campus Ministry Giselle Fernandez, English Susan Fleming, Science Magaly Garcia, Business/Computer Science Michelle Garcia-Bode ‘96, Music Dennis Gatto, Theology Mayelei Gaunaurd, Mathematics Erika Camacho Giganti ‘92, Social Studies Rosalie Heffernan, Social Studies Irene Hernandez, Foreign Languages Maura McCutcheon Herrholz ‘85, Athletic Director Peter Hlozek, Mathematics Bernice James, Foreign Languages Melissa Kenny, Mathematics Lourdes Lopez, Theology Margaret Lynch, Mathematics Sister Noreen Mangan, IHM, Spiritual Director, Faculty & Staff Olga Martinez ’00 Director of Admissions, Marketing & Communications James McCrink, English/Theology Rebecca Rodriguez Michalak ‘99, English Michelle Lopez Miñoso ‘91, Business/Computer Science Maria Draschner Munarriz ‘86, English Helene M. Nameth, Science Lisa Robbins Palmieri, Guidance Maria Palomo ’96, Theology/Campus Ministry Alfred Peña, Social Studies Minette Perez, Fine Arts Yudit Perez, Fine Arts Sarah Prieto, Social Studies Carolina Ramirez, Theology Veronica Sanchez Recio ‘73, Technology Coordinator Maria Remis, Foreign Languages Rebecca Quesada Retana ‘95, English Adis Rodriguez, Science Diana Alvarez Rodriguez ‘98, Theology Sandra Rogowski, Theology Virmared Santiago, Foreign Languages Kathryn Saunders, Health/P.E. Glenn Schwartz, Mathematics Christine Taylor, Science Maria Tilson, Guidance Lourdes Togores, Foreign Languages Gloria Vital-Valdes ‘85, Social Studies Olivia Santos Zarraluqui ‘92, English Staff Gloria Acevedo, Business Administrator Luis Berros, Maintenance Caridad Bitar-Givner Institutional Advancement Coordinator Marta Castellanos ‘82, Alumnae Director, Parents’ Guild & Events Coordinator Alien Cervantes, Maintenance Rosa Comas, Maintenance Edesa DuQuesne, Duplicating Patricia Montiel Escobar ‘90, Nurse Lydia Fleites, Tuition Coordinator Anie Planas Flor ‘84, Receptionist Monica Flores, Athletic Trainer Ana Maria Garcia Du-Quesne ‘72, Administrative Assistant to the Principal Elena Garcia-Larrieu, Administrative Assistant Office of Institutional Advancement Diane Gonzalez, Accounting Jorge Lopez, Maintenance Vivian C. Martinez, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principal for Curriculum Carmen Palau, Administrative Assistant to the Vice Principal for Personnel & Bernadette Scholars Coordinator Yin Romero, Maintenance Juan Carlos Serna, Maintenance Ignacio Vazquez, Operations Manager Patricia Sanchez-Aballi Webb ‘81, Administrative Assistant - Guidance w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF From typewriters to iPads - Our Lady of Lourdes Academy is proud to be in the forefront of available technology in our pursuit of excellence in education. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 F ACULTY AN D STA F F 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 7 INSTITUTI O NAL A D VANCE M ENT We would like to recognize the parents of the graduating class of 2013 who have supported Our Lady of Lourdes Academy’s Education Fund. Your generosity enables us to continue providing our students with an excellent Catholic education with the hope that it will have a lasting impact on their lives. PARENTAL STEWARDSHIP – EDUCATION FUND PLEDGES, CLASS OF 2013 IHM Circle ($7,500 - $9,999) Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Cano Medallion Circle ($3,500 - $4,999) Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Abarca Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Alvarez Ms. Milagros Araya w Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Blanco Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Bueno Mr. & Mrs. Saul Campanella Mr. & Mrs. Raoul G. Cantero III n Mr. & Mrs. Juan Cardenas Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Carrera Mr. & Mrs. David Caserta n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Charur n Mr. & Mrs. Ezequiel Cuevas Mr. & Mrs. Manuel De Zarraga n Mr. & Mrs. Frank Del Rey Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Delgado Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Diaz n Mr. & Mrs. Luis Diaz de Villegas Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Dondo Ms. Maria Estevez Dr. & Mrs. Hector Fernandez w MATCHING GIFT Mr. & Mrs. Jorge L. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Filliben n Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Fung Mr. Raul A. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Juan Godoy Mr. & Mrs. Felix Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Lazaro Gonzalez n Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grande n Mr. & Mrs. Hector Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter Ms. Lizzette Inchaustegui w Mr. & Mrs. Raul Isern Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kokenge n Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel Lazcano Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Llano Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Machado Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Macia n Ms. Laura Mackle Ms. Noreen Manella & Mr. Richard Bezold Mr. & Mrs. Octavio Marin Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Marques Ms. Ana M. Martinez n Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Martinez, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Masvidal Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Mendiola Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Mendoza Dr. & Mrs. Jesus Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Marco Osorio Drs. Carlos and Dania Pablos-Aguirre Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Padron Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Pena Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Pereda Mr. & Mrs. Luis N. Perez n Mr. & Mrs. Marcos Perez n Dr. & Mrs. Omar Perez-Murguia Mr. & Mrs. John C. Pittaluga Mr. & Mrs. Tim Plummer Mr. & Mrs. David Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Quinteiro Mr. & Mrs. Mario Quintero Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Quirch n Mr. & Mrs. Mario Robaina Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Rodriguez n Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. J. Ramon Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Jose Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Raul Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Russell Mr. & Mrs. Henry Salas n Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Salas Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Salazar Mr. & Mrs. Andres Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Vince Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Emiliano Saumell n Mr. & Mrs. John Socarraz Mr. & Mrs. Lester Sola Mr. Ramon Valenti Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Vazquez Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Velazco Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Velikopoljski Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vilar Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Vizcarrondo Memorare Circle ($1,000 - $3,499) Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alonso Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Arguelles Mr. & Mrs. Raul Armand Mr. & Mrs. J Michael Barreneche Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bitar Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Blanco Mr. Rafael Bru Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Buedo Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Buitrago Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Burns n Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Cabrera Mr. & Mrs. Raul Cairo Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Capote Dr. & Mrs. Peter Caproni Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Carter Mr. Jorge Luis Castellanos Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Consuegra n Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Cora Continued on next page l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF From left to right: computer class; AGAPE prayer service; studying in the Grotto; cheerleading competition; Annual Fashion Show; OLLA volleyball game. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Le Fleuve Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Sabates 9 INSTITUTI O NAL A D VANCE M ENT PARENTAL STEWARDSHIP – EDUCATION FUND PLEDGES, CLASS OF 2013 (cont.) Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Marrero n Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Jose Martinez n Mr. & Mrs. Luis Martinez n Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Mike Maseda n Mr. and Mrs. Jose Matute Dr. & Mrs. Cesar Mendoza Mrs. Olga Milanes Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Molina Mr. & Mrs. Luis Navarro Mr. & Mrs. Patricio Northland Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nunez Mr. & Mrs. Juan Olloqui Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Opperman Mr. & Mrs. Jose I. Ortega n Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio Pena n Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Pena Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin Perea Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perez-Montoya Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Price Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Riccardi n Mr. & Mrs. Javier Riera Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Rodriguez Ms. Leonor Rodriguez n Mr. & Mrs. Luis Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Mario Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Romero Mr. & Mrs. Teobaldo Rosell n Mr. & Mrs. Mario Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Mateo Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Mark Soeder n Ms. Migdalia Soto n Mr. & Mrs. J. Andrew Southby n Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tomasino Dr. Jorge Tonarely Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Valent Mr. & Mrs. Jose Vargas Mr. & Mrs. Nildo Verdeja Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Villanueva Mr. & Mrs. Luis Villar Ave Maria Circle ($500 - $999) Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Balepogi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Busse Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Candelaria Mr. & Mrs. Rolando Carasa Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Chamorro n Ms. Maria Eugenia Escagedo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Garcia n Mr. & Mrs. Julio Leiva Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Mejides Mr. & Mrs. Alex Nuñez n Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Raul Pelaez Ms. Yvette Perez n Mr. & Mrs. Jose Rivero Mr. & Mrs. Jose Roque Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Suarez Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Taquechel Mr. & Mrs. David Vamos Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Ms. Rosa Maria Admire n Mr. & Mrs. Robert Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Jose Beguiristain Ms. Susan Culmo n Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Del Valle Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Duran Mr. & Mrs. Robert Espinosa Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Gonzalez n Mr. & Mrs. Mario Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Molina Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perez Ms. Barbara Pons Ms. Vivianne Prieto n w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Living Water Society ($1 - $99) Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Artiz Jr. p Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Becerra Our Lady of Lourdes Academy has been involved in the Right to Life movement since its very beginning. Today, many students and faculty travel to Washington D.C. every year for the National Right to Life March. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Mr. & Mrs. Onelio Corzo Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Cosio n Mr. Gerald Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Mario De Novi Mr. & Mrs. Pedro del Campo Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Escobar n Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Farinas Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Juan Fina Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Flores Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Francisco n Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fullana n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia Dr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Ely Gracia Ms. Lourdes Haydar Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Hector Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Angel Hidalgo Mr. & Mrs. Luis Larios Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Lopez Ms. Viviana Lopez-Fonseca Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Lora n Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maduro n Ms. Ana Marmol 11 INSTITUTI O NAL A D VANCE M ENT We take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have supported Our Lady of Lourdes Academy’s Education Fund this fiscal year (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013). Pledges made for the incoming freshmen (class of 2017) will appear next year in the 2013-2014 Donor Honor Roll. Note: Class years next to names refer to daughters currently in school for whom pledge payments have been received this fiscal year (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013). PARENTAL STEWARDSHIP – EDUCATION FUND PLEDGES ROSARY Circle ($5,000 - $7,499) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blanck ‘14, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Silva ‘15 n Medallion Circle ($3,500 - $4,999) Mr. & Mrs. John Romanach ‘14 n w Memorare Circle ($1,000 - $3,499) Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Abaroa ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Abril ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Accad ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Adams ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Aldama ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Julio Aldecocea ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Alessandrini ‘15 n Dr. & Mrs. Jose Almeida ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Tighe Anderson ‘15 Dr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Anton ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Appelkvist ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. John Arias ‘16 w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Markel Arrizabalaga ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Julio Ayala ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Jose Balerdi ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Barral ‘16 Mr. Ignacio Barrera ‘15 Ms. Jacqueline Batista ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Julio Batista ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Bereijo ‘15 Mr. Adolfo Betancourt ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bohatch ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Borell ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Bourrian ‘16 Mr. Rafael Bru ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Cabanas ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Cabeza ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Cabrera ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Camacho ‘14, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Capote ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Mario Carballo ‘15, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Carbonell ‘14 n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Benito Carmona ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Carrillo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Castella ‘15 n o Mr. & Mrs. Juan Jose Celi ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cereijo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Gorky Charpentier ‘15 Mrs. Maria Beatriz Chavarro ‘16 Mr. Gilberto Contreras ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Correa ‘14, ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Cruz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto de Armas ‘14, ‘16 n Mr. Tao de Landaburu ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. del Castillo ‘14 Mr. Reinaldo Del Castillo ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Del Rey ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Del Valle ‘15, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Delgado ‘13 Dr. & Mrs. Pablo Delgado ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Lazaro Diaz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Diaz ‘14 n Mr. Jose Diaz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose I. Diaz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Rolando Diaz ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Dominguez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. David Donet Jr. ‘14 Ms. Selva Eiras ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Espinosa ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Espinosa ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Feijoo ‘14, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Diego Fernandez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Figueras ‘14 n Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fisher ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Flexman ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Frech ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Fung ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Gaitan ‘16 Drs. Orlando and Amalia Galindez ‘14, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Javier Garcia ‘16 Ms. Maria Garcia ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Garcia ‘16 n Mr. Raul A. Garcia ‘13 Mr. Riaz Gaya and Ms. Lourdes de la Vega ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. David Gee ‘14, ‘14 Dr. & Mrs. Al Gonzales ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Gonzalez III ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gonzalez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. William Gregory ‘16 Dr. & Mrs. Nestor E. Guaty ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Guia ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Guitian ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hernandez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hernandez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Antonio Herran ‘14, ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Franz Hoed de Beche ‘14, ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hudak ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Janeiro ‘15, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Jones ‘14 Mr. Arturo Jordan ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kaskavalciyan ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kennedy ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Lamar ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Lamas ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lamey ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Leon ‘14 n Drs. Mel and Magdalena Limia ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Llano ‘15 n Dr. & Mrs. Victor Lopez de Mendoza ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Lorenzo ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Ludert ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. William Martin ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Martinez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Martinez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Maury ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Mederos ‘14, ‘16 w MATCHING GIFT Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Mederos ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Melendez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Eugenio Mendoza ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Mollere ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Moralejo ‘16, ‘16 w Drs. Richard and Cecilia Morales ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Irene Hilario Munoz ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Miguel Norona ‘15 Dr. & Mrs. Francisco Oliva ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Orms ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Hector Ortiz ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Israel Pacheco ‘15 Ms. Jennifer Pallisso ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pavon ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pena ‘16 Dr. & Mrs. John A. Pendas ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Pendas ‘15 Dr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Perez ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Javier Perez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Perez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Luis N. Perez ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Marcos Perez ‘13, ‘14, ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Rafael A. Perez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Pesant ‘15 n Dr. & Mrs. Jose Portuondo ‘15 Dr. Ernesto Prieto and Dr. Lourdes Arguelles-Prieto ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Cesar A. Quintero ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Raad ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ramos ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rebak ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Recuset ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Hernan Rey ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Rivas ‘16 Ms. Susana Teresita Rivera ‘14, ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Rodriguez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Rodriguez ‘14, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Rodriguez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rodriguez ‘16 Mr. Oscar Rojas ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Romance ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rose ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Rosell ‘15 Dr. & Mrs. F. Javier Ruiz ‘14, ‘14 Dr. & Mrs. Norman Ruiz-Castañeda ‘14 Dr. Mario Sabates and Dr. Maria Cortinas ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sacher ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Salas ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Sanchez ‘15 nl Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Sanchez ‘13, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanchez ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Santaella ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schmidt ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sexton ‘14 w Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sierra ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Silberman ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos L. Smith ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Jose Smith ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Staley ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tomasino ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tonsmeire ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Toyos ‘16 Mr. Manuel Valcarcel ‘16, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Valdes ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Valdivia ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Vazquez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Vega ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Velasco ‘14, ‘14, ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Velazco ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Igor Velikopoljski ‘16 Mrs. Monica Vicente ‘15 Mr. Eric Vidal ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff R. Williams ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Zepeda ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zogby ‘14 Ave Maria Circle ($500 - $999) Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Abalia ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Abello ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Adams ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Charles Albano ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Armando Aldereguia ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. James Almaraz ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Alonso ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Arguelles ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Arvesu ‘14 Ms. Dolores Austin ‘16 Ms. Gloria Baez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Balbuena ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Balli ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. George W. Barbara ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barbic ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Barrios ‘14, ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Barrios ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ron Beasley ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Beauchamp ‘16 Mrs. Jocelyn Bianco ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Blandino ‘14 Ms. Doris Blynder ‘14 Mr. Luis Bordon Jr. ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Botero ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brennan ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. John Butchko ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Cabal-Ugaz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cantens ‘15 w Mr. & Mrs. Luis Carranza ‘15 Continued on next page l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 The purpose of the Office of Institutional Advancement is to further the goals of Catholic education and Our Lady of Lourdes Academy by raising funds to supplement the academic and building needs of the school not covered by tuition. It is our job to meet the parents of all new students to inform them of the plans and projects in place for our school, solicit their help, financial and otherwise, and, in general, answer any questions they have regarding the school. All funds donated are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. 13 PARENTAL STEWARDSHIP – EDUCATION FUND PLEDGES (cont.) w MATCHING GIFT Mr. & Mrs. Fabian Figueroa ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Filliben ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fourquet ‘14 Mr. Fernando Franco and Ms. Elsa Arciniegas ‘16 w Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garcia ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Esteban Garcia ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Henry Garcia ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Garcia ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garcia ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Garcia ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Garcia-Linares ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. John Giralt ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Gomez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gonzalez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Arnaldo Gonzalez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Israel Gonzalez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Leonardo Gonzalez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Gordo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guedes ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Guidi ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gunter ‘16 n Ms. Teresita I. Gutierrez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. John Guzzo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Hernandez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Herold ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Abel Herrera ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hoynack ‘15 n Dr. & Mrs. Alberto Iglesias ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Infiesta ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Jacomino ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jimenez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jimenez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Juan ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Darius Khonsary ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Leos ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Logue ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Longoria ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Lopez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Lopez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Lopez ‘14, ‘16 Ms. Christine Lopez-Acevedo ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Loureda ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Macia ‘13, ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Andres Madrazo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Eugenio Marini ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Hector Marrero ‘16 Dr. & Mrs. Frank Martell ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Martinez ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Martinez ‘14 Dr. & Mrs. Francisco Martinez ‘15 Ms. Dora Martin-Gomez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Mateo ‘16 Mrs. Diane Mauri ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Larry McMillan ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mellinger ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mena ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Mendoza ‘13 Dr. & Mrs. Jesus Menendez ‘13, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Menendez ‘14 Ms. Marlene Menendez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Milton ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mirabal ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Molina ‘16 n Ms. Nancy Montano ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Hany Moustafa ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Nunez ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Rolando Nunez ‘16 Ms. Zeida B. Orbea ‘16 n w Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ortiz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Padron ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Pena ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Cristobal Peraza ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Perea ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Perez ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Perez ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Tim Plummer ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Pozo ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Prieto ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. J. Luis Quintana ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Manuel Quintana ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Quintero ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. J. Andres Restrepo ‘14 Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo Reyes ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Eneas Rivas ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Rivero ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rodrigo ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Rodriguez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Rodriguez ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Rodriguez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ramon Rodriguez ‘13, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Rodriguez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Rodriguez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Rodriguez ‘14 Dr. William Rodriguez and Dr. Susana Sixto-Rodriguez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Agustin J. Rojas ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ronconi ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rose ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Roza ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Salavarria ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Max Sanabria ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Emilio M. Sanchez ‘15 w Mr. & Mrs. Hector Sanchez ‘14 Ms. Michelle Sanchez ‘15 n Continued on next page l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF COLLAGE PICTURE PAGE From left to right: Sophomores at Spirit Week; OLLA golf game; students in the Media Center; Father Ekiert distributing ashes during Ash Wednesday service; Club Fair; OLLA tennis match. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Ms. Yolanda Carreno-Rodriguez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Carrillo ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Castrillon ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Rosendo Caveiro ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Charbonneau ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Charur ‘15 n Mr. Omar Cintas ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Clossick ‘15 n Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Consuegra ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Cosio ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Cristobal ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Teodoro Cruz ‘15 w Mr. & Mrs. Adolfo Cuadra ‘14 Ms. Aymee Curbelo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Cutie ‘16 n Ms. Maria de Alzaga ‘16 Dr. & Mrs. Andres de Cardenas ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Roberto de Leo ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Delgado ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Diaz ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Diaz ‘14 Dr. Joaquin Diego ‘14 Mr. Joseph Dunand ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Eboli ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Justo Eiroa ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Esnard ‘14, ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Rolando Farradas ‘15 Ms. Aleida Fernandez ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. David Fernandez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Fernandez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Fernandez ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Fernandez-Sastre ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Ferreiro ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Figarola ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Figueroa ‘15 15 PARENTAL STEWARDSHIP – EDUCATION FUND PLEDGES (cont.) Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Abarca ‘13 Ms. Roussy Abreut ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Alvarez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Julio Alvarez ‘14 w MATCHING GIFT Mr. & Mrs. Luis Alvarez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ancheta ‘15 Ms. Geraldine Arellano ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Tomas Armstrong ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. J Michael Barreneche ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Becerra ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Blanco ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Blanco ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. James Bond ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Bravo ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Julio Brea ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Buedo ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Bueno ‘13 Ms. Tere Pujol Burns ‘14 Dr. & Mrs. Peter Caproni ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Cardenas ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Carrera ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Carter ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. David Caserta ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Castellon ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Castro ‘16 n Dr. & Mrs. Rene Cedeno ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Gracian Celaya ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Codispoti ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Colbert ‘16 n Ms. Irma Colon-Alonso ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Corazon ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cordal ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. Cordo ‘16 n Ms. Alina Maria Coronel ‘14 n o Mr. Gerald Cruz ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cuesta ‘16 Ms. Denise Dammert-Sosa ‘15 Ms. Marilu de la Osa ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Del Rey ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Julio Del Valle ‘16 Ms. Ana M. Delgado ‘15 Mr. Gilbert Delgado ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Diaz ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Edgardo Diaz ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Diaz ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo Diaz ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Diaz de Villegas ‘13 Ms. Esther M. Dominguez ‘15 n Mr. Larry Dominguez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ebbage ‘15 Mr. Manuel Fernandez and Dr. Carmen Gomez-Fernandez ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fernandez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fernandez-Valle ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Ferrer ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Fidel Flamini ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Flores ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Fundora ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Garcia ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. James Gimbel ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Giro ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gongora ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Ahmed Gonzalez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gonzalez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Felix Gonzalez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Gonzalez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Gonzalez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Lazaro Gonzalez ‘13 n Ms. Rosa I. Gonzalez ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Tomas Gonzalez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Ely Gracia ‘13 Mr. Balbino Hernandez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Hector Hernandez ‘13 Ms. Ivonne Hernandez ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Jose Hernandez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Hernandez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hutner ‘16 Ms. Lizzette Inchaustegui ‘13 w Mr. & Mrs. Raul Isern ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo Jauregui ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jude ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kudja ‘16 Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel Lazcano ‘13 Ms. Erica Ledesma ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Legido ‘14 Ms. Vivian Lemus-Suarez ‘16 Mr. David Levy ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Llano ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Lopez ‘15, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopez del Rincon ‘15 n Mr. Jorge Lorente ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Loret de Mola ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Lugo ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Machado ‘13 Mrs. Clara Malagon ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mancebo ‘16 w Ms. Noreen Manella and Mr. Richard Bezold ‘13 Mr. Mitch Marenus and Mrs. Lourdes Wolf-Marenus ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Octavio Marin ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Andres Maristany ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Marques ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Martinez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Martinez ‘13, ‘14 Continued on next page l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF COLLAGE PICTURE PAGE From left to right: Senior model at the Annual Fashion Show; iPad distribution; Installation Mass for Club and School officers; locker combination confusion; Welcome Dance; play production, “Little Women”. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Mr. & Mrs. Lazaro Sarabia ‘15 n w Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Serralta ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Serrano ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Eugenio R. Silva ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sitjes ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Claudio Soberanes ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Lester Sola ‘13, ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Sosa ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Armando Suarez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Suarez ‘15 Mr. Gudjon Sverrisson and Ms. Patricia Velasco ‘15 Mr. Amaury Tirse ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Tonda ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Torres ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. William Trueba ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Maximo Ulloa ‘15 w Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Utset ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Valderrama ‘16 Ms. Madeleine Valdivia ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Valent ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Valido ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Vega ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Lizardo Vega ‘14, ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Verdeja ‘14 Mr. Humberto Vilarino ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Watson ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weller ‘16 17 PARENTAL STEWARDSHIP – EDUCATION FUND PLEDGES (cont.) w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vidal ‘15 Ms. Rosa Vila ‘15 w Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Vizcarrondo ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Zacarias ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Zaldivar ‘15 Living Water Society ($1 - $99) Mr. & Mrs. Raul Armand ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Augusto Bianchi ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Buitrago ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Cairo ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Candelaria ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Cora ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Onelio Corzo ‘13 Ms. Ana De Caso ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Mario De Novi ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Del Valle ‘16 Ms. Maria Eugenia Escagedo ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandez ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Raimundo Fernandez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Fraga ‘16 l Mr. & Mrs. Armando Garcia ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Gonzalez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Gonzalez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Gonzalez ‘16 n Ms. Amy Gonzalez-Hernandez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Hernandez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Angel Hidalgo ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Lopez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Lopez ‘14 n Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maduro ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Marrero ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Molina ‘13 n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Luis Navarro ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nunez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Ordonez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jose I. Ortega ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Pardinas ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Pelaez ‘13 Ms. Yvette Perez ‘13 n Dr. & Mrs. Omar Perez-Murguia ‘13 Ms. Vivianne Prieto ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Riccardi ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Teobaldo Rosell ‘13 n Mr. & Mrs. Mario Sanchez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. W. Shane Soefker ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Taquechel ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Tejidor ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Vargas ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Villanueva ‘13 Since the very beginning students have celebrated Mass together. The uniforms have changed but our Catholic faith has always been a strong symbol of our school community. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Pardo ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Parlade ‘15 n Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Pena ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Pereda ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Derek Perez ‘16 Dr. Ileana Perez-Quintairos ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Pinto ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Luis A. Ponce ‘14 Ms. Barbara Pons ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Quinteiro ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Anuar Rajab ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ramirez ‘16 n Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Rasco ‘16, ‘16 Mr. Alain Rauh and Ms. Montserrat Garrido ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Restrepo ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Robaina ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Rodriguez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Rodriguez ‘14 Mr. Michael Rodriguez ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Rubines ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Rubio ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Salas ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Frank San Miguel ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Andres Sanchez ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Sanz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Singer ‘16 Ms. Silvia Sirven ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Sondon ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Suarez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Ubieta ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Javier Valdes ‘15 nl Mr. Ramon Valenti ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Marcelino Vazquez ‘16 19 INSTITUTI O NAL A D VANCE M ENT- c A P ITAL CA M PAIGN Our Lady of Lourdes Circle ($250,000 up) Our Lady of Lourdes Academy - Parents’ Guild - Computer Classrooms The Angelus Circle ($25,000 - $49,999) Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. & Patricia Marin Silva ‘88 - Reception Lobby Le Fleuve Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) AA Uniform Career & School Apparel - Principal’s Office Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo & Lourdes Fernandez Alfonso ‘86 - Gym Bleachers Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Martinez Student Affairs Office Mr. & Mrs. John & Vivian Macia Romanach ‘80 - Gym Scoreboards w Ms. Martha Regina Thomas ‘78 Chapel Tabernacle Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio & Vivian Perez De La Mesa Urbieta ‘76 - Chapel Altar Mr. & Mrs. Jose Valdivia Gym Bleachers, Chapel Seats Mr. & Mrs. Salvador & Elizabeth Lopez Ferradas ‘84 - Chapel Holy Water Font w GMB Advisors, Corp. - Mr. Gilberto Mendoza - Chapel Holy Water Font Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Lopez Chapel Station of the Cross 12 Maria Corina Mendoza ’13 & Maria Alejandra Mendoza - Chapel Lectern Mr. & Mrs. Marcos & Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 - Chapel Holy Water Font GENERAL DONATIONS Bernadette Circle ($100,000 - $249,000) The Ortega Foundation Le Fleuve Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) Mrs. Egda Barrios De Marquez Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Marlene Civantos De Zarraga ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Javier Estrada Rosary Circle ($5,000 - 7,499) Anonymous Bared Family Foundation Inc. Mrs. Patricia Bean IHM Circle ($7,500 - $9,999) Ms. Annette Onorati ‘86 Chapel Monstrance Mr. & Mrs. Tim Plummer General Donation Medallion Circle ($3,500 - $4,999) AA Uniform Career & School Apparel Manuel Diaz Farms - In-Kind Mr. & Mrs. Alain Viergutz In memory of Jonathan Viergutz Rosary Circle ($5,000 - $7,499) Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Cerra Chapel Stations of the Cross 13 & 14 Memorare Circle ($1,000 - $3,499) Mr. & Mrs. James T. Bernhardt - In-Kind w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Gaston & Gloria Fernandez Comas ‘75 Easton Family Foundation Ms. Norma Fernandez-Lucena The Garrido Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Reynaldo Madiedo Mathon Investments Corporation Ms. Annette Onorati ‘86 Mrs. Maria Pistorino Dr. & Mrs. Jose Portuondo RDG II Enterprises Ms. Margarita Costa Suarez ‘88 Mrs. Ady Viera Ave Maria Circle ($500 - $999) Bela Aviation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Carrillo John W. & Maria Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Carlos De La Rionda Mrs. Edith Diaz l Ms. Ariana G. McMillian '94 Anonymous On the Branch, LLC - My Cotorra Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Sabates Ms. Maria Salles Zehler '77 Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Jose P. Amezaga - In honor of Annette Amezaga Saumell ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Jose P. Amezaga - In honor of Michelle Amezaga Gonzalez ‘98 Anonymous Donation Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Arguelles Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio & Adela Castillo Balli ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo & Maria Carmen Bonet Ms. Mariana Diago Boudet ‘88 Ms. Suzel Maria Morillas Broe ‘92 Mrs. Ana Calleja Byrne ‘79 Ms. Arianna M. Cabrera, Esq. ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Capote Mrs. Carmen Manrara Cartaya ‘04 Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Castellanos Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Blanca Chacon Mr. & Mrs. Felix Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Teodoro Cruz w Mr. & Mrs. Carlos R. & Delia De Jesus Mrs. Hilda de la Vega l Ms. Adriana Suarez Delgado '87 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Diaz de Villegas Ms. Patricia Desmond Evans '76 Mr. Edward J. Feenane Ms. Anne-Marie Fernandez '84 Ms. Helena Jimenez Figueroa '95 Mrs. Celia Castella Fitts '80 Dr. & Mrs. Jose R. Fox Ms. Monserrat Menendez Galan '86 Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Garcia Mrs. Nuri Echenique Gaston '75 Mr. & Mrs. John & Silvia Penin Gomez '77 Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Gonzalez Ms. Maria Granados Mr. & Mrs. Charles Henriques Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hernandez Ms. Sandra Pallanck Hoth '69 Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Ibarra Mr. & Mrs. Darius Khonsary Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Ana Maria Cruz Kokenge '77 Ms. Leticia Lauredo Milian Mr. & Mrs. Miguel & Graciela Celaya Lleonart '73 Mr. & Mrs. Luis N. Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Luis N. Lopez Dr. & Mrs. Carl Lowell Mr. & Mrs. Justo Marin Dr. & Mrs. Frank Martell Mr. Carlos E. Martinez Dr. & Mrs. Felipe Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Martinez Ms. Mariela Anne Perez Martinez-Cid '94 Mrs. Maria Romagosa Millares '71 Dr. & Mrs. Francisco & Yolanda DeQuesada Oliva '81 Mrs. Amelia Orth - In memory of Maria Amelia, Cristina & Becky Orth Mr. & Mrs. Hector & Lian Duran Ortiz ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Palenzuela Ms. Sylvia B. Gonzalez Perez ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Margarita Bustillo Peterson ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Price Mr. & Mrs. Angel Puentes Mr. & Mrs. Reinaldo Ramos Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Carlos S. Rionda Mr. & Mrs. Bernardino Rodriguez l Mr. & Mrs. Javier & Vivian Castella Rodriguez 82 Ms. Joely M. Rodriguez '84 Dr. & Mrs. Norman Ruiz-Castañeda Mr. & Mrs. Osmundo Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Ana Oliver Sanchez '88 l w MATCHING GIFT Ms. Andrea Kristen Sauleda '04 Sisters of IHM - Immaculata Mr. Amaury Tirse Elizabeth Alvarez Torricella '88 Mrs. Maria Mejer Tyler '79 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vazquez Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Vazquez o Ms. Daniela Alexis Vias '10 Mr. & Mrs. John & Silvia Gonzalez Watkins '77 Living Water Society ($1 - $99) Ms. Carmen Meireles Almeida ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Alvarez Ms. Elizabeth Ashley Alvarez ‘10 Ms. Ileana M. Perez Alvarez ‘90 Ms. Silvia M. Alvarez ‘98 Anonymous Donation Ms. Lisa M. McDaniel Bascuas ‘92 Ms. Marianne Madiedo Blanco ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Bravo Ms. Jennifer A. Brill ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Cardet Ms. Grace Carricarte ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Civantos Ms. Andrea Louise Collins ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. & Cristina Lopez-Trigo Cordo ‘94 Kim Pusey Crawford ‘73 Mrs. Christina Capablanca Delgado ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Lazaro Diaz Ms. Sonya Diaz ‘83 Ms. Winnie Gilbert Duque ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Juan & Patricia Ramirez Estevez ‘72 w Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fisher Ms. Maria A. Castanedo Foyo ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Ana Catasus Gamundi ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir & Marta Salvat Golik ‘81 Ms. Jennifer Grau ‘05 Mrs. Patricia M. Semper Hernandez ‘89 Ms. Elizabeth Crespo Hernandez ‘95 Ms. Christina Insua Hidalgo ‘01 Ms. Mary E. Becerra Lee ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Ramon Li Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Lujan Mrs. Vivian Macia o Ms. Zoila Meireles '72 Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Mejer Mrs. Denise M. Lopez Mendez '97 Mrs. Sylvia Fernandez Mendiola '82 Ms. Ana M. Arias Navarro '90 Ms. Krystine Marie Olmedo '12 Mrs. Sheila Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Palacio Gladys T. Palacio '83 Ms. Jennifer Pallisso Ms. Suzanne M. Parets '08 Ms. Tesi Anise Pelaez '08 Mrs. Jennifer Carricarte Penton '87 Mr. & Mrs. George Peon Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Perez Ms. Adriana Perez-Leyva '11 Ms. Reina Vazquez Ponce '89 Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Portela Ms. Christina Cecilia Puig '05 Ms. Catherina Chanel Puig '08 Ms. Beatriz McDaniel Quijano Mr. & Mrs. Felix J. & Lourdes Rodriguez Reimundo '73 Ms. Jessica Lovio Rodriguez '88 Ms. Ana M. Rodriguez '95 Ms. Janet L. Rodriguez-Garcia '94 Mrs. Mary M. Rogers o Ms. Melissa Sanchez '95 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Santamarina Mr. Carlos Manuel Santana Mrs. Jeannette Santeiro '74 o Ms. Cristina Castella Torres '86 Mr. & Mrs. William Trueba Mr. & Mrs. Jose Francisco Valdivia Ms. Martha Patricia Valenzuela '09 Mrs. Karen Valero o Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Patricia Aragon Vazquez '73 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zogby LEGACY WALKWAY BRICKS Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Abaroa Ms. Lourdes Carranza Alvarez ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Alvarez Ms. Alexa Arteaga ‘05 Ms. Cristina Perkins Baiter ‘84 Bela Aviation, Inc. – Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Diane Gonzalez l Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bezold Mr. & Mrs. George Bezold Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bohatch Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Ana Cosculluela Buchenhorner ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Buedo Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel & Marta Catasus Bustamante ‘74 C.A.P. Government, Inc. Mr. Carlos Penin Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Cacicedo Mrs. Anna Citarella Candela ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Capote Continued on next page l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 NAMING OPPORTUNITIES 21 COLLAGE PICTURE PAGE From left to right: students celebrating OLLA FEST; exploring the iPad; art class; students praying the rosary in the Grotto; OLLA soccer team celebrates its advance to the State Championship; students packing boxes for distribution on Thanksgiving. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Osvaldo Castellanos Dr. & Mrs. Rene & Lillian Martinez Cedeno ‘86 Ms. Luisa Salazar Cobb ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Aurelio & Mirza Fumero Collazo ‘73 l Ms. Silvia E. Diaz Corral ‘91 Mr. Alberto & Dr. Gloria Coronel Couto ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Ezequiel Cuevas Mr. & Mrs. David Donet Jr. Sister M. Kathryn L. Donze l Mr. & Mrs. Armand Durrieu Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Maria Cristina Melendez Enriquez '73 Ms. Norma Fernandez-Lucena Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. & Ana Rojas Filliben '80 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fine Ms. Stephanie Ann Freire '12 Dr. Concepcion Marie Sanchez Garcia '88 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Elena Garcia-Larrieu l Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares '85 Ms. Theresa Girten '74 GMB Advisors, Corp. Mr. Gilberto Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Plinio & Gloria Acevedo Gonzalez l Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Heffernan l Ms. Barbara Engels Lopata '85 Ms. Cristina E. Lopez '79 Ms. Marlene M. Lopez '93 Mr. & Mrs. Leonardo Lopez Mrs. Margaret Lynch l w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Enrique & Lourdes Collazo Macia '84 Ms. Laura Mackle Ms. Noreen Manella & Mr. Richard Bezold Mr. & Mrs. Octavio Marin Mr. & Mrs. Hector Marrero Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Rene Mateo Ms. Marlene May '78 Dr. & Mrs. Jorge & Cristina Carrillo Mendia '83 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mirabal Drs. Richard and Cecilia Valdes Morales '89 Mr. & Mrs. Federico Moreno Ms. Yezmin Cuza Munoz '91 Mrs. Helene Nameth l Okura USA, Inc. – Martinez & Palenzuela Families Dr. & Mrs. Francisco & Yolanda De Quesada Oliva '81 Ms. Annette Onorati '86 Ms. Natalia Lucila Ortega '10 Our Lady of Lourdes Academy - Alumnae Association Our Lady of Lourdes Academy Class of 2012 Our Lady of Lourdes Academy FBLA Club Our Lady of Lourdes Academy - Spanish Club Our Lady of Lourdes Academy - Student Council Executive Board Ms. Maria Paradela n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Raul Pelaez Mrs. Colleen Roache Pelton '81 Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Pena Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perez-Siam Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo & Bibiana Madiedo Pesant '79 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Plummer Mr. & Mrs. Esteban & Lily Fernandez Prellezo '74 Dr. Ernesto Prieto & Dr. Lourdes Arguelles-Prieto Mr. & Mrs. G. Frank & Rosa Perez- Heydrich Quesada '70 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Quintero Ms. Gloria Ramos '83 l Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni & Florence Leger Riccardi '82 Mr. & Mrs. Salvador & Ana Colli Rodriguez '75 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto & Maria Cristina Garcia-Saladrigas Rodriguez '86 Mrs. Diana V. Alvarez Rodriguez '98 l Ms. Jennifer Rodriguez '98 Ms. Jacqueline A. Salcines '87 Sisters of IHM - Miami Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith III Ms. Bertila Soto '82 Ms. Angela Flores Valdes '87 Mr. & Mrs. Clemente & Maggie Smith Vazquez-Bello ‘70 Ms. Virginia Vich '97 w Ms. Ana Souto Vila '85 Mr. & Mrs. Enrique & Lian Zamora J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 LEGACY WALKWAY BRICKS (cont.) 23 OUR LADY OF LOURDES ACADEMY DONOR HONOR ROLL 2012-2013 Alumnae association board 2012-2013 PARENTS’ GUILD BOARD 2012-2013 Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 President Teresa Mederos President Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Vice-President Barbara Donet Vice-President Annette Giro Silberman ‘85 Secretary Maria Arguelles Secretary Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Treasurer Maria Mata Pantin ‘76 o Freshman Head PR Elizabeth Lopez Ferradas ‘84 Chairman of the Board Terry Gutierrez Rodriguez ‘92 Sophomore Head PR Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Alumnae Professional Networking / Communications Cindy Kennedy Junior Head PR Ana Pereda Senior Head PR J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 Ana Pujals Saca ’83 Historian Lourdes Singers, Women’s Chorus and Jazz Cats form the choir for liturgy as did the Folk Group of early years. Their many accomplishments include singing for the Pope at the Vatican and performing in Carnegie Hall. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF 25 PARENT CLASS RE P RESENTATI V ES Sophomores Juniors Seniors Susana Sanchez Armengol ‘84 Liz Blanck Tanya Adams Rosalie Charur Beatrice Balerdi Mercedes Cruz Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Boli Abadin Consuegra ‘84 Monsy Fernandez Bond ‘86 Ani del Valle Milly Borroto Susana Corzo Christy Cordo Vivian Eiroa Liana Cabrera Isis Carbajal de Garcia Tina Martell Fernandez ‘87 Tahini Garcia Cristina Carmona Melba Luque Gonzalez Gina Valdes Giralt ‘84 Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Elizabeth V. Cristobal Annie Cruz Kokenge ‘77 Marilyn Gonzalez Ayleen Pinera Llano ‘87 Ana Teresita Diaz Lissette Inchaustegui Monica Bosch Hayes ‘87 Malvina Longoria Biby Lecusay Diaz ‘83 Alina Lazcano Jorge Lorente Mari Llado McMillan ‘87 Vicky Fernandez-Sastre Marvelys Perez Montoya Teresa Mateo Ady Duarte Nuñez-Viera ‘82 Karen Fourquet Ana Vazquez Peña Olga Ponce Lian Ortiz Mari de la Pedraja Garcia ‘81 Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Michelle Garcia Rivera Lily C. Pavon Elizabeth Gonzalez Florence Leger Riccardi ‘82 Lourdes Martinez Rodriguez ‘84 Wendy Perez Marcia Gordo Aymee Riera Monica Rose Silvia Pinera-Vazquez ‘82 Lourdes Wolf Marenus Annette Pena Southby ‘83 Vivian Serralta Patty Marin Silva ‘88 Tania Carreno Mederos Marilys Vizcarrondo Elena Toyos-Sitjes Estela Tost Leslie Roza Marlene Velikopoljski Marina Ruiz Vanessa Villar Jenny Valdivia Katy De Leo Velikopolski J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 COLLAGE PICTURE PAGE Freshmen From left to right: Alumnae Networking; Grandparents’ Mass; Alumnae Mass; Savor the Flavor; Alumnae Mass Awards; Alumnae Potluck Dinner. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF 27 ALUMNAE CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83, Chairperson Martica Castellanos ‘82, Chairperson l Elizabeth Lopez Ferradas ‘84, Chairperson Jim Wilhelm, Chairperson Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Maria Arguelles Maite Arguelles ‘76 Sue Ribero Ayala ‘80 Dora Garcia Barrios ‘82 Tensie Mesa Del Castillo ‘81 Martha Alvarez Franca ‘82 Marta Frascarelli Romina Frascarelli ‘08 Isis Carbajal Garcia Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Ceci Rodriguez Gonzalez ‘85 Robert & Patty Grillo Guedes ’85 Tom & Cindy Kennedy Adriana Puente Lamar ‘78 Eddie & Ayleen Pinera Llano ‘87 Betty Lopez Aparicio ’83 Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Manny & Marvelys Perez-Montoya Susy Bautista Rivero ‘87 Marina Ruiz Sheila Salmon Annette Giro Silberman ‘85 Patty Marin Silva ‘88 Ana Zaldivar Utset ‘83 Rocky & Silvia Pinera Vazquez ‘82 Willy & Ana Vazquez-Peña Felipe & Marilys Vizcarrondo Margann Kees Wilhelm ‘75 w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF O T H ER E V ENTS ALUMNAE CHRISTMAS POTLUCK DINNER Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Martica Castellanos ’82 l ALUMNAE COCKTAIL Susy Rivera Cabrera ’87, Chairperson Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Maite Arguelles ‘76 Martica Castellanos ’82 l Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Annette Giro Silberman ‘85 Ana Zaldivar Utset ‘83 ALUMNAE END OF YEAR CELEBRATION Martica Castellanos ’82 l ALUMNAE MASS Martica Castellanos ’82, Chairperson l Nancy Rodriguez ’84, Chairperson Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Annette Giro Silberman ‘85 Maite Arguelles ‘76 Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Michelle Garcia-Bode ’96 l Sister Carmen Fernandez ’85 l Maruchi Palomo ’96 l ALUMNAE MERCHANDISE Maribe Appelkvist Gongora ’82, Chairperson n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF ALUMNAE MOTHER DAUGHTER LUNCHEON Martica Castellanos ’82, Chairperson l Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Ana Maria Duran Perez’85 Annette Giro Silberman ‘85 ALUMNAE NETWORKING COCKTAIL Rosa Mari Alvarez ’83, Chairperson Maite Arguelles ‘76 Martica Castellanos ’82 l ALUMNAE & PARENT NIGHT OF REFLECTION Claudia Cortina Sarabia ’87, Chairperson Amy Curbelo Ani del Valle Bibi Lecusay Diaz ‘83 Esther Cortina Dominguez ‘87 Barbara Donet Michelle Garcia-Bode ’96 l Lourdes Singers Terry Gutierrez Rodriguez ‘92 Ani Pujals Saca ‘83 ART SHOW Time, Talent & In-Kind Martica Castellanos ’82, Chairperson l April Bohatch Michelle Garcia-Bode ’96 l Perla Garzon-Matiz Vivilu Llano Jeannette Peña Judith Perez l Minnette Perez l Maria Pis-Dudot Florence Leger Riccardi ‘82 Rosy Vila FACULTY CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Time, Talent & In-Kind Martica Castellanos ’82 l Barbara Donet Cindy Kennedy Teresa Mederos Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Ana Pereda Terry Gutierrez Rodriguez ‘92 Ana Pujals Saca ‘83 FASHION SHOW Event Chairperson Martica Castellanos ‘82 l Committee Chairs Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Maria Arguelles Lourdes Barreneche Liz Blanck Darlene Cora Anie Planas Flor ‘84 l Elizabeth Gonzalez Ana Casal Leon '83 w MATCHING GIFT Elva Marin Miranda Productions, INC Marvelys Perez Montoya Mari Mata Pantin '76 o Ana Vaquez Peña Ana Pujal Saca '83 Committee Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Maria Arguelles Maria Baralt Olga Barral Lourdes Barreneche Liz Blanck Milly Borroto Ani Perdomo Cantero ‘79 Monica Casanova Darlene Cora Martha Pozo Diaz ‘83 Georgianna Echegaray Maritza Fernandez Michelle Garcia-Rivera Lourdes de la Vega Gaya Elizabeth Gonzalez Melba Gonzalez Ceci Rodriguez Gonzalez ‘85 Ana Casal Leon ‘83 Liane Loys Elva Marin Marvelys Perez Montoya Cristina Padron Mari Mata Pantin ‘76 o Ana Vazquez Peña Gladys Penin Ana M. Pereda Ana Maria Duran Perez '85 Lidia Rasco Cecy Recuset Maruchi Garcia-Rivera Remos Tere Renfrow Aymee Riera Terry Gutierrez Rodriguez '92 Ana Pujal Saca '83 Lissette B. Perez Sanchez Miggy Sanchez Soto ‘86 Ceci Suarez Cary Velasco Marlene Velikopoljski Olivia Santos Zarraluqui '92 l SPECIAL PATRON BENEFACTOR The Batchelor Foundation GRAND BENEFACTORS Academica Leon Medical Centers PLATINUM BENEFACTOR Quirch Foods GOLD SPONSORS Artiz Family Pistorino Family SILVER SPONSORS Excel Farms Fernandez Family Nippon Okura USA, Inc. BRONZE SPONSORS Cabrera Family Davide Family Gaitan Family Giralt Family Hernandez Family Ramirez Family Roanoke Trade Rodriguez Family US 1 Discount Mall Valdivia Family TIME, TALENT & IN-KIND 305 Plastic Surgery Center A.Collectibles A Hot Plate Catering A Turning Point Miami ACE Hardware So. Miami All Inclusive Collection All Star Auctions Armani Arts by Tay Bacardi Bella Fine Jewelry & Diamonds Bella Quinces & Photography Bellezza Day Spa Belly Motions Biltmore Hotel Body Details Cabrera Photography Caffe Portofino Casa Larios Restaurant Charity Connections LLC Charur Family Chez Enzo Christie Pea Nail Spa & Beautique Confident By Dr. Seage Crystal Connections Cuba Nostalgia Cutting Edge Salon and Spa De Vista Optical Continued on next page l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 ALU M NAE E V ENTS 29 w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF Peace Love Hair Salon Peace Love World William Permuy Pesca Fina Pontunes Boat Rental Progressive Theraphy Center Inc. PTR Professional Tennis Registry Richman Greer The River Seafood & Oyster Bar Rock Candy Rok:Brgr Saks Five Avenue Santayana Jewelry Secada Productions Sedanos Shaw Ross Shoreview Hotel Simply Chic Photography Events Sitting Pretty Pet Service SMP Tutoring S o.Mi.So.U Boutique Springs Liquor Ultraden Products, Inc. Uni K Wax - Pinecrest Vida Day Spa & Wellness Center FATHER-DAUGHTER MASS Katy Velikopoljski De Leo, Chairperson Maria Arguelles Gisela S. Capote Martica Castellanos ’82 l Diana Pascual Cuevas Mari Pedraja Garcia ‘81 Luly Hernandez Mercy Herold Liane Loys Melba Luque n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Lourdes Macia Noreen Manella Maite Arnaiz Martinez Jenny Valdivia Eileen Velikopoljski FRESHMAN CLASS BREAKFAST Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Alina Tariche Ramirez ‘89 GOLF TOURNAMENT Chairpersons Ed Hudak Frank Vilar Committee Members Cristy Brennan Salvy Cisneros Alfred Consuegra Adolfo Cuadra Ely Fleites l Michelle Garcia-Rivera James Gimbel Olga Gimbel Maura McCutcheon Herrholz ‘85 Mike Herold Beatriz Garcia Hoynack ‘88 Jorge Lorente Raul Loys Ana Maria Duran Perez’ 85 Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Steve Rose Carlos Smith Susana Wolf volunteers Gloria Acevedo l Martica Castellanos ‘82 l Vicky Fernandez Sastre Monica Flores l Ely Fleites l Anie Planas Flor ‘84 l Elena Garcia Larrieu l Cari Bital-Givner l Olga Martinez ‘00 l Ceci Suarez Patti Webb ‘80 l TITLE SPONSOR Arellano Construction Co. GOLD SPONSORS Biltmore Hotel Meisner Electric, Inc. PRA Construction Corporation SILVER SPONSORS Coltec Engineering JP Morgan Leon Medical Centers Paramount Drywall, Inc. Pena-Alum Glazing Contractors BRONZE SPONSORS Central Florida Equipment David Plummer & Associates Preferred Care Partners R & C Management Sharpe Project Developments Structural Prestressed Industries United Agency, Inc. From left to right: Father Daughter Mass; Mother Daughter Mass; Thanksgiving Outreach moms; Night of Reflection; Alumnae Christmas Outreach; Thanksgiving Outreach students. Continued on next page w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 FASHION SHOW (cont.) Doctors of Vision Duffy’s Tavern Vivian Eiroa Estee Lauder Estela’s Gifts Filomena Fernandez Five Star Nail Foley + Corinna George’s on Sunset Gibbee Squares Great Clips The Guayabera Lady Hirni’s Wayside Garden Homewood Suites by Hilton Igor & Marlene Velikopoljski J&J Rattan JEI Kennedy’s Banner Tire South, Inc. Kenneth A. Rosen M.D., P.A. Lancome Lilly & Carlos Photography LVS Salon Group Matsuri Japanese Restaurant Maud Fashion Boutique Med Eye Aesthetic Center Miami Int’l. Chess Academy Miller’s Ale House of Kendall Mogra MR Runway My Dog Groomers New Era Co., Inc. Olazabal Hair & Skin Salon OM Beauty Pantry Liquors II Petra Candles 31 TIME, TALENT & IN-KIND Alf Martinez- Planet Golf Ana Souto Vila ‘85 Ani Rovirosa Alexander ‘76 Arturo Fuente Cigars Bacardi Biltmore Hotel Café Portofino Duffys Tavern Eddy Garcia Flemings Steakhouse Florida Caribbean Distillers Garcia’s Restaurant George Hoyos Hector & Maria Marrero Janice Lima-Maribona - Bay Point Dermatology Lime Fresh Mexican Grill Liz Blanck Mandy Bertematti- Battaglia Shoes Miami Heat Mike Fennen- BSN Sports Mike Herold- travel golf bag Mojito Grill Phillip Giganti Ping Sharper Image Shula’s 347 Susana de la Maza Wolf - Liquor One Town Kitchen & Bar Special thanks to Our Lady of Lourdes Academy’s maintenance staff and the administration and staff of The Biltmore Golf Course. GRANDPARENTS’ MASS Ady Duarte Nuñez 82, Chairperson Martica Castellanos ’82 l Sister Carmen Fernandez ’85 l Michelle Garcia-Bode ’96 l Monica Gordo Rosie Restrepo ICE CREAM CAROUSEL Lily Carvajal Pavon, Chairperson Xenia Bustle Martica Castellanos ’82 l Mercedes Cruz Diane Di Pascual Barbara Donet Maria Gonzalez Esnard ‘84 Gina Valdes Giralt ‘84 Cindy Kennedy Teresa Mederos Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Terry Gutierrez Perez ‘92 Wendy Perez Maria Rajab Leslie Roza Vivian Serralta Gladys Staley Eileen Velikopoljski Marlene Velikopoljski JINGLE BELL BREAKFAST Martica Castellanos ’82 l Barbara Donet Teresa Mederos Elsa Rodriguez OLLA FEST Ave Maria Circle ($500 - $999) Mr. & Mrs. Jorge & Patty Marin Silva ‘88 Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Ileana Barbara Engineering Supply Consulting, Inc. Strock & Tanner Mortgage Corp. – Mr. & Mrs. Mario Quintero Living Water Society ($1 - $99) Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Padron Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rodriguez TIME, TALENT & IN-KIND Mrs. Gustavo Cutie – Power Pizza Mrs. Maria Escagedo Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lopez – McDonalds Peace, Love, World Gaby Sola ‘13 Parent Volunteers Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Susana Sanchez Armengol ’84 Monsy Fernandez Bond ‘86 Mercedes Cruz Ani del Valle Barbara Donet Vivian Eiroa Tahini Garcia Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Annie Cruz Kokenge ‘77 Mari Llado McMillan ‘85 Teresa Mederos Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Ana Pereda Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Wendy Perez Terry Gutierrez Rodriguez ‘92 Patty Marin Silva ‘88 Elena Toyos-Sitjes SAVOR THE FLAVOR Chairspersons Felipe & Dora Garcia Barrios ‘82 Joe & Ani Ribero Figueras ‘78 Committee Rosa Mari Alvarez ‘83 Yaneth Araque Maite Arguelles ’76 Adi Castillo Balli ‘86 Jocy Morejon Bianco ‘95 Liz Blanck Lourdes Cabanas Martica Castellanos ’82 l Maria Abadin Consuegra ‘84 Elizabeth Cristobal Diana Pascual Cuevas Ely Fleites l Anie Planas Flor ’84 l Yvette Bascuas Garcia ‘87 Michelle Garcia - Rivera Olga Gimbel Laz & Ceci Rodriguez Gonzalez ‘85 Melba Luque Gonzalez Robert & Patty Grillo Guedes ‘85 Mike & Mercy Herold Raul Isern Liane Loys Olga Martinez Mena ‘84 Lizette Monzon Lourdes Wolf Marenus Olga Moustafa Victoria Nodarse ‘01 Ady Duarte Nuñez 82 Richard & Jackie Otruba Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Terry Gutierrez Rodriguez ‘92 Virginia Enriquez Sanchez ‘84 Madeline Soberanes Willie & Ana Vazquez Peña TITLE SPONSOR Doctors Hospital BLUE SPONSORS American Private Label LLC Banner Tire South, Inc. John S. Bohatch & Family C & G Miami NDT David Plummer & Associaties Jorge De La Pedraja, MD, PA Foster & Clark Leon Medical Centers Link Construction Dr. Richard Mariani, D.D.S. M.S. ProBody Collision PUR Attitude – Felipe & Dora Garcia Barrios ‘82 Francisco J. Roza Uni-K Wax Center WHITE SPONSORS Compass Jose & Biby Lecusay Diaz ‘83 Family Tobacco Traders, LLC Inteligencia Maria Marrero & Family Donors 305 Plastic Surgery Center Ana Maria Rovirosa Alexander ‘76 Benworth Capital Partners Inc. Luis Bregni Osvaldo Castellanos Century Floor Design Center, Inc. Classic Caterers Copier SVC Donet, McMillan & Trontz The Estefan Enterprises Evolution Salon & Spa Flores Learning Academy, Inc. Giorgio Balli Architects Mike Greene Jose Herran Hogan Lovells – Jose Valdivia & Family Hoynack Family Le Royal LINQ Companies Lopefra Corp Law Offices of Maria Llado McMillan, P.A. Matusalem Rum Michelle C. Sanchez P.A. Old Lisbon Pantry Liqours Peak 360 Crossfit Perez-Abreu & Martin-Lavielle, P.A. Pete Diaz Productions PlanMedica Healthcare Solutions LLC R & C Management Inc. Mercy & Mike Herold Season’s 52 Silvia Pinera-Vazquez Law Firm ‘82 Sitting Pretty Pet Services Sorrel Enterprises Inc.– Igor Velikopoljski & Family Law Offices of Susy Ribero-Ayala, P.A. ‘80 Whisk Gourmet TIME, TALENT & IN-KIND Ana Capri Restaurant Benihana Café La Llave Caffe Portofino Caffe Vialetto CrepeMaker Del Sur Divietto Italian-America Fusion Edda’s Cake Designs Family Tobacco Traders Fox’s Sherron Inn Restaurant & Lounge Garcia’s Seafood Grille & Fish Market Gauchos de la Pampa Gibby’s Squares Italian Sports Grill Jacalito Taqueria Mexicana La Carreta Lila’s Desserts Matusalem Rum Mena Catering Mi Rinconcito Mexicano Mixt Peruvian Japaneses Cuisine Mojito Grill Nothing Bundt Cakes Pantry Liquors Quirch Foods Red Koi Thai & Sushi Lounge Sedano’s Shula’s 347 Spice Galore Continued on next page w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 GOLF TOURNAMENT (cont.) OTHER SPONSORS AA Uniform Arellano Construction Bacardi Bill Ussery Mercedes Benz Brophy Air, Inc. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Coltec Engineering, Inc. David Plummer & Associates Direct Digital Concepts Doral Lincoln Mercury ER Stat, Inc. Arturo Fuente Orlando & Amalia Galindez Golf Committee Chairpersons Heineken Leon Medical Centers Manny & Lou Plumbing Meisner Electric OHL Arellano Paramount Drywall, Inc. Pena-Alum Glazing Contractors Perez-Abreu, Aguerreberre, Sueiro, Torres, PL PRA Construction Corporation Precision Sports Training Preferred Care Partners Prudentis Roofing Quirch Foods R & C Management Sharpe Project Developments Structural Prestressed Industries, Inc. SUIO Mineral Water United Agency, Inc. Versailles Restaurant Ana Souto Vila ‘85 33 SENIOR PARENT RECEPTION Christy Carmona Martica Castellanos ’82 l Barbara Donet Anie Planas Flor ’84 l Cindy Kennedy Lourdes Wolf Marenus Teresa Mederos Mari Mata Pantin ’76 o Ana Pujals Saca ‘83 THANKSGIVING OUTREACH PROJECT Mr. & Mrs. Steve Adams Mr. & Mrs. Armando & Lourdes Nodarse Aldereguia ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Arguelles Mr. & Mrs. James & Monsy Fernandez Bond ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Heriberto Borroto Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Rosalie Velikopoljski Charur ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Onelio Corzo Mr. & Mrs. Luis Cristobal Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Roberto de Leo Mr. & Mrs. Mario Del Valle Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Lazaro Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Beatriz Lecusay Diaz ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. David Donet Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Justo Eiroa w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF Mr. & Mrs. Oscar & Cristina Martell Fernandez ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fourquet Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Elena Blanco Garcia-Linares ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Arnaldo Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Gordo Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Monica Bosch Hayes ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Ani Cruz Kokenge ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel Lazcano Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo & Ayleen Pinera Llano ‘87 Mr. Mitch Marenus & Mrs. Lourdes Wolf-Marenus Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nunez Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Pena Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Pereda Mr. & Mrs. Marcos & Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Rafael A. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Ponce Mr. & Mrs. Rafael & Teresita Gutierrez Rodriguez ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rose Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Roza Dr. & Mrs. F. Javier Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Jose Valdivia Mr. & Mrs. Rolando & Silvia Pinera Vazquez ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Igor Velikopoljski Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Vizcarrondo n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF New student leaders are introduced at the annual Installation Mass. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 SAVOR THE FLAVOR (cont.) The Dome Restaurant Bar & Lounge Trattoria Sole Italian Cuisine Village Tavern 35 ATHLETICS Memorare Circle ($1,000 - $3,499) J & M Underground Engineering Corp. Prats Enterprises, Inc. DBA ReneMari, Inc. Mrs. Carolina Santamarina Ave Maria Circle ($500 - $999) Amalia and Orlando Galindez & Family OEC Miami Ana Souto Vila ’85 Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Curry Dixon Construction Ferdinand Funeral Home – Fernando Caballero Ms. Linda Gallagher Dr. Omar Perez-Murguia, DDA, PA Time, Talent & In-Kind Roussy Abreut Yaneth Araque Dora Garcia Barrios ‘82 Cori Basulto-Fraga l Liz Blanck Julio and Mercy Roca Brea ‘82 Alvaro Buitrago Christine Catanach Teresa Cereijo Ana Farinas Diego & Tracey Fernandez Vicki Fernandez-Sastre Ana Ribera Figueras ‘78 Ana Rojas Filliben ‘80 Mike & Mercy Herold Bea Garcia Hoynack ‘88 Jackie Jacobs w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF GENERAL D O NATI O NS Maria Elena Gomez Jude ‘84 Cindy Kennedy Diane Kunkel Yvonne Licea-Cruz ‘80 Jorge Lorente Vladmir Lorenzo Lourdes Wolf Marenus Patty Perez Marrero ‘87 Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Abby Portuondo Maria Cristina Garcia-Saladrigas Rodriguez ‘86 Mrs. Christine Ronconi Ceci Suarez Eddy & Eleonora Velazco CAMPUS MINISTRY Time, Talent & In-Kind Mrs. Yaneth Araque Mrs. Millie Borroto Mrs. Katherine Castellanos Mrs. Rosalie Velikopoljski Charur ‘86 Mrs. Katy De Leo Mrs. Ani Del Valle Ms. Lourdes Lopez l Mrs. Ana Maria Duran Perez ‘85 Mrs. Maria Pistorino Ms. Lina Ramirez l Mrs. Maria Rodriguez CONSTITUTION TEAM 2011-2012 Time, Talent & In-Kind Mrs. Maria Cristina Moreno Mr. Manuel Garcia-Linares n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Time, Talent & In-Kind Ms. Bethany Andrews – Spring Hill College Ms. Elizabeth Costello – University of Central Florida Mr. Edward Gillis – University of Miami Mr. Dart Humeston - Barry University Mrs. Helen Witty – MAAD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) HEALTH AND P.E. Time, Talent & In-Kind Jenny Sanchez Alfonso ‘99 Cecilia Dalmau ‘00 Adrienne Vazquez ‘01 LAW STUDIES/MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION TEAM Time, Talent & In-Kind Beatrice Butchko Therese Girten ‘74 Mari McMillan ‘87 Marie Mato ‘91 Silvia Piñera-Vazquez, ‘82 Eduardo Rasco Bertila Soto, ‘83 Javier Valdes Silvia Vilarino Jayne Weintraub MOOT COURT Time, Talent & In-Kind Mrs. Maria Cristina Moreno PHYSICS – ROBOTICS CLUB Time, Talent & In-Kind Our gratitude and congratulations to the following families for their time and dedication to the Robotics Team: Cabal-Ugaz Family Sanabria Family Charbonneau Family Jones Family FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Le Fleuve Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) The Goizueta Foundation Our Lady of Lourdes Academy Alumnae Assoc. Very special recognition to: Ferradaz Family Emily Ferradaz ‘12 Memorare Circle ($1,000 - $3,499) The Rayni Foundation Rosary Circle ($5,000 - $7,499) OLLA Class of 2012 American Dominican Alumnae OLLA Student Council Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Merhige Family Donation – In memory of Carla and Lisa Merhige ‘94 GENERAL DONATIONS Memorare Circle ($1,000 - $3,499) Gleber Family Foundation, Inc. Teresian Institute of Florida - Josefa Segovia Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Vega Ave Maria circle ($500- $999) Dr. & Mrs. Jorge Echenique Ms. Alina I. Flores ‘94 - In memory of Lisa and Carla Merhige ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Emilio M. Sanchez Target Take Charge of Education Program w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF Candlelight Circle ($100 - $499) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Albano Mrs. Nancy Casares - In honor of Gloria and Ronnie Ramos JIS Construction Management Ms. Michelle A. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Reinaldo Ramos Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Salazar Living Water Society ($1 - $99) Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio & Ana M. Bascuas Altamirano ‘78 Ms. Cristina Perkins Baiter ‘84 Ms. Cristina Ramirez Casero ‘83 Ms. Sonia M. Fernandez Dr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia Mr. & Mrs. John & Georgina Valdes Giralt ‘84 Ms. Ada Nunez - In honor of Gloria and Ronnie Ramos Mrs. Melissa Garry Perez ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Rasco Ms. Margaret Sharkey Spence ‘79 Ms. Virginia Vich ‘97 Time, Talent & In-Kind PIL Creative Group, Inc. – Maria Ibarra Hernandez ‘80, Patsy Ibarra Linares ‘86 Solo Printing, Inc. – Mr. & Mrs. Andy Sanchez, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Hernandez n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Abbott Fund Arthrex, Inc. Bank of America Beckman Coulter Foundation FPL Foundation Group GlaxoSmithKline Foundation The Medtronic Foundation Nextera Energy Foundation Tyco Verizon Foundation C/O Cybergrants, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank Foundation J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 P R O GRA M ENRIC H M ENT 37 I H M C O M PANI O NS IHM Companions iN Prayer and Ministry 2012-2013 Charism is the lived and living chain of holiness and service linking the spirituality of St. Alphonsus, through the inspiration of Father Gillet with the original spirit of Mother Theresa Maxis and the first Sisters, to each IHM Sister past, present, and future. The Companions in Prayer and Ministry is a spiritual association engaging participants in opportunities for prayer and spiritual development. A group of sisters volunteered to explore ways in which Sisters could share spiritually and minister more fruitfully to those with whom we share the work of Catholic education. A survey of apostolic co-workers and friends confirmed a desire on the part of our lay associates to share spiritual opportunities flowing from our IHM spirit and traditions. A committee of Sisters and Companions coordinates the activities of the group, which include a yearly day of recollection, monthly prayer and social gatherings for small local groups, and convent outreach which includes helping with Camilla Chances. Lourdes-Epiphany Companions group are dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. They were established in 2002 by Mrs. Silvia Bravo Camaraza, Sister Alma Marie Walls, and Sister Noreen Mangan. They meet the fourth Tuesday of each month during the school year and end with a mini retreat in May. All are welcome at any time. Celebrating 50 years of Catholic Education. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF J u ly 1 , 2 0 1 2 - J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 The charism of the IHM Congregation is the spirit of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which animated the founder, Father Louis Florent Gillet, a young Redemptorist missionary in Monroe, Michigan in 1845. This charism is LOVE, which continues to manifest itself today in the sisters’ joyful service of God and his people; creative HOPE, which puts all its confidence in God’s loving Providence; and FIDELITY, which inspires fervor in one’s vocation in Christ and in one’s mission in the Church. 39 OUR LADY OF LOURDES ACADEMY DONOR HONOR ROLL 2012-2013 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! The donations in this book have been used for the following purposes: • Building project expenditures • Capital improvements not covered by tuition • Tuition Assistance • Spiritual, Curriculum, & Athletic program support Your generosity with your time, talent and treasure enable us to preserve and improve upon our great tradition of excellence. We are truly grateful for your continued support. w MATCHING GIFT l FACULTY/STAFF n ALUMNAE p FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Our Lady of Lourdes Academy Office of Institutional Advancement 5525 SW 84 Street Miami, Florida 33143 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MIAMI, FLORIDA PERMIT #136