Issue 6 October 8, 2015


Issue 6 October 8, 2015
St. Helen
School News
Three ways to live out our virtue:
OCTOBER 8, 2015
Important Up Coming Events & Dates
1. Find solutions instead of complaining.
Oct 12th- Columbus Day (We are in school)
2. Practice letting go.
Oct 13th- Speaker in 6th grade classrooms
3. Let beauty in.
Oct 16th- Grandparent's Day- please complete the
form if your child's grandparents will attend
Let us pray for peace, and let us bring it about,
starting in our own homes!
-Pope Francis Twitter January 16, 2014
In light of Pope Francis' Environmental Encyclical
and St Francis of Assisi's Feast Day, participate in
the care of the environment, showing respect for
the materials, pets, plants, and other children.
Start recycling at home if your family currently
does not participate or spend time volunteering at
an animal shelter like Sicsa.
Oct 17th- Family Hike at Bergamo (9 am start time)
Oct 17th- Trivia Night! Join us for a fun evening testing
our trivia knowledge. Gather a team and turn in
your registration form into Lisa Larocca by Oct
Oct 19th- In order to measure the impact of the
literacy program, Children's Day/ Book Day, we
would like parents and guardians to complete a
brief survey. Please go to the link below and
complete the survey by the 19th. Thank you for
your input!
https:/ / r/ VRXQTB6
Oct 23rd- No School- Teacher In-service Day
Oct 28th- Family Dining Out at Milanos in Beavercreek
Our Marketing Director is looking for a few more
volunteers to help out at Trivia Night. There are
several different positions available such as set-up,
50/ 50 Raffle, and Graders/ Judges. All funds from
this fundraiser go to help promote our school. It is
always a great evening of fun and fellowship.
Contact Lisa Larocca if you can help at 937.256.1761
Ext 111 or at
School & Community News
Pict ure Ret akes: If you missed fall picture day or would like to have your fall picture retaken, Lifetouch will be at St.
Helen's on October 27th.
Subst it ut e Teachers Needed: We are looking for substitutes in both our preschool and K-8 program. Substitutes need
to have a four year college degree, substitute teaching's license, background check and VIRTUS training. You are
welcome to specify available days and preferred grade levels!
Trivia Night !
Pick your theme and name your team! Its time to register your table! Trivia Night will be October 17th, doors open at 6
pm and questions start at 7 pm. Register by Oct 15th! Adults only, so make sure you have your baby sitter set up! Cost
is $100 per table of up to 8 adults. Contact Lisa Larocca with any questions and to register your table.
PTO News
We are busy planning the Christmas Bazaar and we are looking for a few people to serve on the Bazaar Planning
Committee. If you are interested in filling this important roll please contact Amy Comer at
The Bazaar will offer the 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to volunteer and earn service hours. More
information will be available soon for student and parent volunteer needs. The Box Top and soup label contest is
underway. If you have not sent in your Box Tops and soup labels be sure to do so by October 14th. Remember to label
the bag, envelope or collection sheet with your child?s homeroom number so their class gets credit. The classroom with
the most Box Tops and soup labels turned in will earn a pizza party!
In order to help get the Box Tops and soup labels ready to be sent in we will be having a Box Top Scissor Party on
October 22nd at 7 PM in the Smith Building. Join us for a fun adult night out, meet new friends and help trim Box Tops
and soup labels. Be sure to bring your favorite pair of scissors!
The next PTO meeting will be October 20th at 7 PM in the Smith Building. See you there!
TROJAN TROT WINNERS: We surpassed our school goal and raised $19,873.73!!
Teacher for the day:
Robbie Mannix & James Williams (preschool)
Nathan Fitterer & Heidi Cortez (kindergarten)
Santiago Basto & Gracie Westerfield (first)
Celeste Elder & Grace Fitterer (second)
Noah Remy, Caitlin Neidhard, Aaliyah Tevis (third)
Kennedy Eckert & Aiden Reivera (fourth)
Craig Vonderheide & Audrey Remy (fifth)
John Lawhorn, Zane Watkins, & Grace Randall (sixth)
Megan Braun, Lissie Baxley, & Donna Lawhorn (seventh)
John Lander & Shay Hary (eighth)
Principal for the day: Alessandria Small
St. Helen School is a preschool through eighth grade school in the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati. Our mission is to provide a structured, nurturing environment that allows each
student to grow spiritually, academically, emotionally, and physically. As educators, we
accept the challenge of our ministry to model Catholic morals, values, and traditions. Our
focus on faith formation and academic excellence prepares the students to be life-long
learners who will work to better the world through on-going service