2009 calendar December
2009 calendar December
ASIAN and PACIFIC ISLANDER Saints and Blessed 2009 Calendar © Asian and Pacific Islander Saints and Blessed Calendar 2009 This calendar features 893 native and foreign born saints and blessed of Asia and Oceania. To enhance information presented in this calendar the Saints and Blessed are grouped in a page and introduced by: - country of origin, or - country of martyrdom/sainthood, - dates of canonization/beatification - memorial day Names have been added to the Group of Martyrs or Companions in recognition of their individual lives, the names of large groups of Martyrs are provided on the last pages of the calendar. The main source of the names and the photos is the Congregation of the Causes of Saints; otherwise, they are indicated in parenthesis. The gifts of life and faith of other Asian and Pacific Islander saints or blessed who are not featured in the monthly calendars are affirmed and treasured in the Litany of Asian and Pacific Islander Saints and Blessed located at the conclusion of the datebook. The Litany includes a line description of the holy women and men. The Church in Asia sings the praises of the "God of salvation" for choosing to initiate his saving plan on Asian soil, through men and women of that continent. It was in fact in Asia that God revealed and fulfilled his saving purpose from the beginning. He sent his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ the Saviour, who took flesh as an Asian! Exulting in the goodness of the continent's peoples, cultures, and religious vitality, and conscious at the same time of the unique gift of faith which she has received for the good of all, the Church in Asia cannot cease to proclaim: "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love endures for ever" (Ecclesia in Asia) This calendar is a tribute to the Asian and Pacific Islander Communities. Our holy women and men represent several countries and various walks of life. Among the many saints and blessed are parents, professionals, children, religious, clergy, and members of the same family. Irma I. Isip Saint and Blessed of India St. Alphonsa (Anna Mattathupandathu) Canonized October 12, 2008 Memorial: July 28 Bl. Agostino Thevarparampil Beatified April 30, 2006 Memorial: October 16 January 2009 India Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Bl. Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan Beatified April 9, 2000 Memorial: June 8 Bl. Kureakose Elias Chavara Sat 2 New Year’s Day Mary, Mother of God Beatified February 8, 1986 Memorial: January 3 3 Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavarra 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Baptism of the Lord Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Epiphany 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 25 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Bl. Mother Teresa Of Calcutta Beatified October 19, 2003 Memorial: September 5 Bl. Eufrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Beatified December 3. 2006 Memorial: August 29 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Observed 26 Lunar New Year Bl. Peter Kibe Kasui, SJ and his 187 companions Beatified: November 27, 2008 Memorial: July 1 February 2009 Japan Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs of Japan Canonized June 8, 1862 Memorial: February 6 8 Sat 6 7 St. Paul Miki and His Companions 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Presidents’ Day 23 Ash Wednesday March 2009 Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions 103 Martyrs of Korea Korea Canonized May 6, 1984 Memorial: September 20 Sun Mon 1 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 1st Sunday of Lent 8 2nd Sunday of Lent 15 St. Cyril of Jerusalem 3rd Sunday of Lent 22 4th Sunday of Lent 29 5th Sunday of Lent 23 24 26 Annunciation St. Rafqa Pietra 30 25 St. Joseph, husband of BVM 31 Bl. Pedro Calungsod Martyr of Guam Beatified March 5, 2000 Memorial: April 2 April (Painting by Rafael de Casal) 2009 Guam/ Futuna Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 4 10 11 Bl. Diego Aloysius de San Vittores Bl. Pedro Calungsod Bl. Diego Aloysius de San Vitores, SJ Martyr of Guam 5 6 7 8 9 Beatified October 6, 1985 Memorial: April 2 Palm Sunday 12 Holy Thursday Good Friday 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 Easter Sunday St. Peter Mary Chanel, SM Martyr of Futuna Patron Saint of Oceania Canonized June 12, 1954 Memorial: April 28 (Marist Fathers) 19 Mercy Sunday 2nd Sunday of Easter 26 3rd Sunday of Easter St. Mark, Evangelist 27 28 St. Peter Chanel 29 30 Martyrs of Papua New Guinea May 2009 Papua New Guinea Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Bl. Peter ToRot 2 St. Joseph the worker Beatified January 17, 1995 Memorial: July 7 (Stain glass from RTA of Papua New Guinea) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 29 30 4th Sunday of Easter Sts. Philip and James, Apostles 10 5th Sunday of Easter 17 St. Matthias, Apostle 18 19 20 6th Sunday of Easter 24 7th Sunday of Easter 31 Pentecost Bl. Giovanni Battista Mazzucconi, PIME Beatified February 19, 1984 Memorial: September 25 21 Ascension In most Dioceses of the U.S. The Ascension is celebrated on Sunday, May 24 Holy day of Obligation on the day celebrated 25 Memorial Day 26 27 28 Bl. Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Sri Lanka Beatified January 21, 1995 - Memorial: June 16 (Indian Catholic. India) June 2009 Sri Lanka / Tibet Sun Mon 7 Trinity Sunday 14 Tue Bl. Maurice Tornay Martyr of Tibet Beatified May 16, 1993 - Memorial: August 11 13th Sunday In Ordinary Time Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 St. Barnabas, Apostle Bl. Ignazio Maloyan Bl. Maria Theresia Chiramel 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Blessed Josepf Vaz 22 23 12th Sunday In Ordinary Time 28 Thu 1 Body and Blood of Christ 21 Wed Nativity of St. John the Baptist 29 Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles 30 Agostino Zhao Rong and 119 Companions Martyrs of China July Canonized October 1, 2000 Memorial: July 9 2009 China Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Bl. Peter Kibe Kasui and 187 Companions 5 6 14th Sunday In Ordinary Time 12 7 8 Sat 3 St. Thomas, Apostle 9 4 Independence Day 10 11 St. Augustine Zao Rong and 119 Companions Bl. Peter ToRot 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 15th Sunday In Ordinary Time 19 16th Sunday In Ordinary Time 26 17th Sunday In Ordinary Time Sts. Anne and Joachim Bl. Andrew of PhuYen St. Charbel Makhlauf St. Mary Magdalene 27 28 St. Alphonsa Muttathupandathu 29 St. Martha 30 31 St. James, Apostle Blessed and Saints of Lebanon August 2009 Lebanon Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Bl. Jacques Ghazir Haddad OFM Cappuchin The apostle of Lebanon Beatified: June 22, 2008 Memorial: December 14 St. Nitullah Al - Hardini (Youssef - Kassab) Maronite Monk Canonized May 16, 2004 Memorial: December 14 2 3 4 5 10 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time 16 7 8 14 15 Transfiguration Of the Lord 18th Sunday In Ordinary Time 9 6 11 12 13 Assumption of the Virgin Mary Holy day abrogated Bl. Maurice Tornay 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time 23 21st Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Rafqa (Rebecca) Pietra Chobaq Ar-Rayes Order of St. Anthony of the Maronites (Baladiya Order) Canonized June 10, 2001 Memorial: March 23 St. Charbel Maklouf Maronite Monk / Hermit Canonized October 7, 1977 Memorial: July 24 30 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bartholemew, Apostle 31 Bl. Marie of Jesus Crucified Bl. Eufrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions Canonized: October 18, 1988 Memorial: September 28 September 2009 Japan/ Philippines Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 5 Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Bl. Martin of St. Nicholas Bl. Melchior of St. Augustine Augustinians assigned to Philippines and Japan Beatified: April 23, 1989 Memorial: December 11 6 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 13 7 Labor Day 8 9 10 11 12 Birth of Mary 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Andrew Kim Taegon, Companions 27 Alfonso Navarrete Benito, Pedro of Avila, Carlo Spinola, Joachim Diaz Hirayama, Lucia De Freitas, and 200 Companions Beatified: July 7, 1867 (Hagiography Circle) 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bl. Giovanni Battista Mazzucconi St. Matthew, Apostle 28 St. Lorenzo Ruiz, and Companions 29 30 Martyrs of Thailand October 2009 Thailand Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 7 Martyrs of Thailand Fri Sat 1 2 3 Beatified October 22, 1988 Memorial: December 18 Bl. Agatha Phutta Bl. Sister Agnes Phila Bl. Cecilia Butsi, (16 years old) Bl. Bibiana Khamphai, (15 years old ) Bl. Sister Lucia Hampai Bl. Maria Phorn, (14 years old) Bl. Philip Siphong, (catechist) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 27th Sunday In Ordinary Time 11 28th Sunday In Ordinary Time 18 Bl. Agostino Thevarparampil Columbus day 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Luke, Evangelist 25 30th Sunday In Ordinary Time Bl. Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung Priest Martyr of Thailand Beatified March 5, 2000 - Memorial: January 12 Sts. Jude and Simon, Apostles St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions 117 Martyrs of Vietnam Canonized: June 19, 1988 - Memorial: November 24 November 2009 Vietnam Sun Mon 1 All Saints Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 All Souls 8 32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time 15 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time 22 Christ the King Armenian Martyrs Bl. Andrew of Phu-Yen Beatified: March 5, 2000 - Memorial: July 26 St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions 29 30 1st Sunday of Advent St. Andrew, Apostle Thanksgiving Day Bl. Marie of Jesus Crucified (Mariam Baourdy) Carmelite Nun Of Bethlehem Beatified November 13, 1983 Memorial: August 26 (Carmel Saints) December 2009 Bethlehem / Armenia Sun Mon Tue Bl. Ignazio Maloyan Bishop of Armenia Beatified October 7, 2001 Memorial: June 11 6 7 Martyrs of Armenia Bl. Salvatore Lilli of Cappadocia and 7 Companions Beatified October 3, 1982 Memorial: November 22 3rd Sunday of Advent 20 Thu Fri 14 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 St. Nimatullah Al-Hardini Bl. Jacques Ghazir Haddad 21 Bl. Martin of Saint Nicholas Bl. Melchior of Saint Augustine 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 7 Martyrs of Thailand 22 23 4th Sunday of Advent Baldji Oghlou Ohannès Khodianin Oghlou Kadir Kouradji Oghlou Tzeroum Dimbalac Oghlou Wartavar Jeremiah Oghlou Boghos David Oghlou David Toros Oghlou David 27 Holy Family St. John, Apostle and Evangelist Sat 1 Immaculate Conception 2nd Sunday of Advent 13 Wed Christmas 28 Holy Innocents 29 30 31 St. Stephen Litany of Asian and Pacific Islander Saints and Blessed Lord, have mercy Christ, have mercy Christ hear us Lord, have mercy on us. Christ have mercy on us. Christ, Graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven, God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Mary, Mother of the Liberator, Mary, Wellspring of peace, Mary, Comforter of the afflicted, Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. St. Alphonsa (Religious, India) Bl. Agostino Thevarparampil (“Kunjachan” of India) Bl. Cyriac Elias Chavara (Priest of Kerala, India) Bl. Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan St. Gonsalo Garcia (Franciscan missionary from Goa, India) Bl. Mother Theresa of Calcutta St. Paul Miki (Jesuit Scholastic, Japan) Sts. Louis Ibaraki and Anthony, (Young martyrs, Japan) Sts Michael and Thomas Kozaki (Father and Son, Japan) St. Andrew Kim Taegon (First priest of Korea) St. Paul Chang Ha-sang (Scholar and catechist, Korea) St. Columba Kim Hyo-im (Virgin, Korea) Sts. Peter Yu Tae-cho’ol, Barbara Yi (Youth Martyrs, Korea) Bl. Pedro Calungsod (Young Catechist, Philippines to Guam) Bl. Diego Aloysius de San Vittores (Jesuit Missionary to Guam) Bl. Peter ToRot (Parish Leader, Papua New Guinea) Bl. Giovanni Battista Mazzucconi (Missionary to P.N.G.) Bl. Josef Vaz (Bishop, Indian Missionary to Sri Lanka) Bl. Maurice Tornay (PIME Missionary to Tibet) St. Zhang Da Peng (Businessman and catechist, China) Sts. Wang Cheng, Fan Kun, Ji Yu, Zheng Xu (Orphans, China) Sts. Teresa Chen Qingjieh, Rosa Chen Aijieh (Sisters, China) St. Mrs. Lang-Yang, St. Paolo Lang Fu (Mother & Son, China) Sts. Mary Du-Tian, Magdalen Du Fengju (Mother & daughter) St. Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès of the Himalayas St. Nimatullah Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini St. Charbel Makhlouf (Maronite Monk) Bl. Peter Kibe Kasui (Jesuit Martyr of Japan) Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. St. Magdalene of Nagasaki (Augustinian Tertiary, Japan) St. Lorenzo Ruiz (Layperson and father, Philippines) St. Lazaro of Kyoto (guide and Interpreter, Japan) St. James Kyushei Tomonaga (Dominican Priest, Japan) Bl. Nicholas Bunkard Kitbamrung (Priest, Thailand) Bls. Cecilia, Bibiana and Maria (Youth Martys of Thailand St. Anthony Nam (Doctor of Medicine & Catechist, Vietnam) St. Agnes Le Thi Thanh (Mother of six, Vietnam St. Andrew Dung-Lac (Diocesan Priest, Vietnam) St. Paul Le Bao Tinh (Seminary superior, Vietnam) St. Phero Nguyen Khac Tu (Catechist, Vietnam) Bl. Sr. Marie of Jesus Crucified (Carmelite Nun, Bethlehem) Bl. Ignatius Maloyan (Bishop of Armenia) Bl. Salvatore Lilli of Cappadocia (Franciscan Priest, Cappadocia) Bls. Dionisius, Redemptus (Carmelite missionaries to Indonesia) St. John de Brito (Jesuit missionary to Goa, India) Bl. Andrew of Phu-Yen (19 year old catechist, Vietnam) Bls. Thomas, Mary and James Gengoro (Family of Martyrs, Japan) Bl. Martin of Saint Nicholas (Augustinian martyr, Japan) Bl. Melchior of Saint Augustine (Augustinian martyr, Japan) Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Grant us peace. Let us pray: Almighty and ever-present God, Your kindness created us in love from every part of the world. Your Son conquered death, and opened for us the way to eternal life. Your Spirit strengthens us in time To follow the lives of those who have been redeemed. Grant that we your servants, Lord, May enjoy unfailing health of mind and body, And through the prayers of the ever Blessed Virgin Mary our mother, And the martyrs of Asia and Pacific Islands Free us from our sorrows in this world And give us eternal happiness in the next. We ask this through our Lord and Elder Brother, Jesus. Amen. Bl. Pietro Kibe Kasui and his 187 companions Beatified: November 27, 2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Ioannes Minami Gorozaemon (layperson; married) Simon Takeda Gohyoe (layperson; married) Ioanna Takeda (mother of Simon) Agnes Takeda (wife of Simon) Magdelena Minami (wife of Ioannes ) Ludovicus Minami (adopted son of Ioannes ) Melchior Kumagai Motonao (layperson; married) Damianus (layperson; catechist) Ioachim Watanabe Jirozaemon (layperson; married) Leo Saisho Shichiemon (layperson) Ioannes Hattori Jingoro (layperson; married) Michael Mitsuishi Hikoemon (layperson) Thomas Mitsuishi (son of Michael) Petrus Hattori (son of Ioannes) Gaspar Nishi Genka (layperson; married; catechist) Ursula Nishi (wife of Gaspar) Ioannes Nishi Mataishi (young son of Gaspar) Hadrianus Takahashi Mondo (layperson; married) Ioanna Takahashi (wife of Hadrianus) Leo Hayashida Sukeemon (layperson; married) Martha Hayashida (wife of Leo) Magdalena Hayashida (daughter of Leo) Didacus Hayashida (son of Leo) Leo Takedomi Kan’emon (layperson; married) Paulus Takedomi Dan’emon (son of Leo Takedomi) Adam Arakawa (layperson; married; catechist) Ioannes Hashimoto Tahyoe (layperson) Thecla Hashimoto (wife of Ioannes) Catharina Hashimoto (daughter of Ioannes) Thomas Hashimoto (son of Ioannes) Franciscus Hashimoto (son of Ioannes) Petrus Hashimoto (son of Ioannes) Ludovica Hashimoto (son of Ioannes) Thomas Kian (layperson) Thomas Ikegami (layperson) Linus Rihyoe (layperson; married) Maria (wife of Linus) Cosmas (father of Franciscus #76) Antonius Domi (layperson) Ioachim Ogawa (layperson) Ioannes Kyusaku (layperson; married) Magdalena (wife of Ioannes) Regina (daughter of Ioannes) Thomas Kishima Shinshiro (layperson; married) Maria (wife of Thomas) Gabrieal (layperson) Maria (layperson; married) 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Monica (daughter of Maria) Martha (layperson; married) Benedictus (son of Martha) Maria (layperson; married) Sixtus (son of Maria) Monica (layperson; married) Thomas Toemon (layperson; married) Lucia (wife of Thomas) Rufina (layperson; widow) Martha (daughter of Martha) Monica (layperson; married) Emmanuel Kosaburo (layperson) Anna Kajiya (layperson; widow) Thomas Kajiya Yoemon (son of Anna) Agatha (layperson) Maria Chujo (layperson; married) Hieronimus Soroku (layperson; married) Lucia (wife of Hieronimus) Ioannes Sakurai (layperson; married) Ursula Sakurai (daughter-in-law of Ioannes) Mancius Kyujiro (layperson) Ludovicus Matagoro (layperson) Leo Kyusuke (layperson; married) Martha (wife of Leo) Mencia (layperson; widow) Lucia (daughter of Mencia) Magdalena (layperson) Didacus Tsuzu (layperson) Franciscus Shizaburo (son of Cosmas #38) Franciscus (layperson) Maria (layperson) Didacus Kagayama Haito (layperson; married) Balthasar Kagayama Hanzaemon (layperson; married) Iacobus (son of Balthasar ) Ioannes Hara Mondo (layperson) Franciscus Toyama Jintaro (layperson) Matthias Shobara Ichizaemon (layperson) Ioachim Kuroemon (layperson; catechist) Balthasar Uchibori (son of Paulus #89) Antonius Uchibori (son of Paulus #89) Ignatius Uchibori (son of Paulus #89) Paulus Uchibori Sakuemon (layperson; married) Gaspar Kizaemon (layperson) Maria Mine (wife of Ioachim #105) Gaspar Nagai Sohan (layperson; married) Ludivicus Shinzaburo (layperson) Dionisius Saeki Zenka (layperson) 95. Ludovicus Saeki Kizo (son of Dionicius) 96. Damianus Ichiyata (layperson; married) 97. Leo Nakajima Sokan (layperson) 98. Paulus Nakajima (son of Leo) 99. Ioannes Kisaki Kyuhachi (layperson) 100. Ioannes Heisaku (layperson; married) 101. Thomas Uzumi Shingoro (layperson) 102. Alexius Sugi Shohachi (layperson) 103. Thomas Kondo Hyoemon (layperson; married) 104. Ioannes Araki Kanshichi (layperson) 105. Ioachim Mine Sukedayu (husband of Maria #91) 106. Paulus Nishida Kyuhachi (layperson) 107. Maria (layperson; married) 108. Ioannes Matsutake Chozaburo (layperson) 109. Bartholomeus Baba Han’emon (layperson; married) 110. Ludovicus Furue Sukeemon (layperson; married) 111. Paulus Onizuka Magoemon (layperson; married) 112. Ludovicus Hayashida Soka (layperson; married) 113. Magdalena Hayashida (layperson; married) 114. Paulus Hayashida Mohyoe (layperson) 115. Ludovicus Amagasu Iemon (layperson; married) 116. Michael Amagasu Tayemon (layperson; married) 117. Dominica Amagasu (wife of Michael) 118. Iusta Amagasu (daughter Michael) 119. Vincentius Kurogane Ichibiyoe (son of Ludovicus) 120. Thecla Kurogane (wife of Vencentius) 121. Lucia Kurogane (daughter of Vencentius0) 122. Maria Ito (layperson; married) 123. Marina Ito Chobo (daughter of Maria) 124. Petrus Ito Yahyoe (son of Maria) 125. Matthias Ito Hikosuke (son of Maria) 126. Timotheus Obasama Jirobyoe (layperson; married) 127. Lucia Obasama (wife of Timotheus) 128. Ioannes Gorobyoe (layperson; married) 129. Ioachim Saburobyoe (layperson) 130. Ioannes Banzai Kazue (layperson; married) 131. Aurea Banzai (wife of Ioannes) 132. Antonius Banzai Oruso (son of Ioannes) 133. Paulus Sanjuro (son-in-law of Ioannes) 134. Rufina Banzai (wife of Paulus) 135. Paulus (son of Paulus) 136. Martha (daughter of Paulus) 137. Simon Takahashi Seizaemon (layperson; married) 138. Thecla Takahashi (daughter of Simon) 139. Paulus Nishihori Shikibu (layperson; married) 140. Ludovicus Jin’emon (layperson; married) 141. Anna (wife of Ludovicus) 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. Mancius Yoshino Han’emon (layperson; married) Iulia Yoshino (wife of no. Mancius) Antonius Anazawa Han’emon (husband of no. 159) Paulus Anazawa Juzaburo (son of Antonius) Andreas Yamamoto Shichiemon (husband of no. 162) Ignatius Iida Soemon (husband of Lucia #158) Ioannes Arie Kiemon (husband of Magdalena #164) Petrus Arie Jinzo (son of Ioannes) Alexius Sato Seisuke (layperson; married) Lucia Sato (wife of Alexius) Elisabeth Sato (daughter of Alexius) Paulus Sato Matagoro (brother of Alexius) N. Shichizaemon (layperson; married) Magdalena (wife of Shichizaemon 154) A Daughter of Shichizaemon and Magdalena A Daughter of Shichizaemon and Magdalena Lucia Iida (wife of no. 147) Crescentia Anazawa (wife of Antonius #144) Romanus Anazawa Matsujiro (son of Antonius) Michael Anazawa Osamu (son of Antonius) Maria Yamamoto (wife of Andreas #146) Ursula Yamamoto (daughter of Andreas) Magdalena Arie (wife of Ignatius #147) Alexis Choemon (layperson; married) Candidus “Bozu” (brother-in-law of Alexis) Ignatius (nephew of Candidus) Michael Kusuriya (layperson; married) Nicolaus Fukunaga Keian,SJ (religious) Iulianus Nakaura, SJ (priest) Ogasawara Yosaburo Gen’ya (layperson; married) Ogasawara Miya Luisa (wife of Yosaburo) Ogasawara Genpachi (son of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Mari (daughter of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Kuri (daughter of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Sasaemon (son of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Sayuemon (son of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Shiro (son of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Goro (son of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Tsuchi daughter of Yosaburo and Miya) Ogasawara Gonnosuke (son of Yosaburo and Miya) A Servant of the Ogasawara Family (layperson) A Servant of the Ogasawara Family (layperson) A Servant of the Ogasawara Family (layperson) A Servant of the Ogasawara Family (layperson) Didacus Yuki Ryosetsu, SJ (priest) Thomas of St. Augustine, OSA (priest) Pietro Kibe Kasui, SJ (priest) Alfonso Navarrete Benito, Pedro of Avila, Carlo Spinola, Joachim Diaz Hirayama, Lucia De Freitas, and 200 Companions 1. Pedro of the Assumption, OFM (Spain) 2. Joao Baptista De Tavora, SJ (Portugal) 3. Alfonso Navarrete Benito, OP (Spain) 4. Fernando of Saint Joseph, Augustinians (Spain) 5. Leo Tanaka, Catechist 6. Gaspar Hirojiro 7. Andrew Yoshida, Seminarian 8. Juan of Saint Martha, OFM (Spain) 9. Juan of Saint Dominic, OP (Spain) 10. Br. Leonard Kimura, SJ 11. Andrew Murayama Tokuan 12. Cosmas Takeya (Korea) 13. John Yoshida 14. Domingos Jorge (Portugal) 15. Thomas Koteda Kiuni 16. Bartholomew Seki 17. Anthony Kimura 18. John Iwanaga 19. Alex Nakamura 20. Leo Nakanishi 21. Michael Takashita 22. Matthias Kozasa 23. Roman Matsuoka Myota 24. Matthias Nakano 25. John Motoyama 26. Ambrosio Fernandes, SJ (Portugal) 27. Matthias, Catechist 28. Simon Kiyota Bokusai 29. Magdalene (wife of Simon) 30. Thomas Gengoro 31. Mary (wife of Thomas) 32. James (son of Thomas) 33. Br. Agustine Ota, SJ 34. Luis Flores, OP (Belgium) 35. Pedro De Zuñiga, OSA (Spain) 36. Joachim Diaz Hirayama, captain of ship which brought priests from Philippines to Japan 37. Leo Sukeyemon, sailor 38. Juan Miyazaki Soyemon, sailor 39. Michael Diaz Hori, sailor 40. Anthony Yamada, sailor 41. Mark Takenoshima Shinyemon, sailor 42. Thomas Koyanagi, sailor 43. James Matsuo Denji, sailor 44. Laurence Rokuyemon, sailor 45. Paul Sankichi, merchant passenger 46. John Yago, merchant passenger (Korea) 48. John Nagata Matashichi, merchant passenger 47. Bartholomew Mohyoe, merchant passenger 49. Fr. Sebastian Kimura, SJ 50. Francisco Sedeño, OP (Spain) 51. Angelo De San Vicente Ferrer, OP (Italy) 52. Alonso De Mena Navarerre, OP (Spain) 53. Jose of St. Hyacinth, OP (Spain) 54. Pedro Prades. OP (Spain) 55. Dominic Nagata, OP 56. Alex Sanbashi Saburo, Catechist 57. Thomas of the Rosary, OP 58. Richard of St. Anne, OFM (Belgium) 59. Pedro de Ávila, OFM (Spain) 60. Vicente Ramirez, OFM (Spain) 61. Carlo Spinola, SJ (Spain) 62. Gonzales Fusai, SJ Scholastic 63. Anthony Kyuni, SJ Scholastic 64. John Thomas Akahoshi, SJ Scholastic 65. Peter Sampo, SJ Scholastic 66. Michael Sato Shunpo, SJ Scholastic 67. Louis Kawara, SJ Scholastic 68. John Chugoku, SJ Novice 69. Leo Satsuma, Catechist 70. Lucy De Freitas 71. Anthony Sanga, Catechist 72. Magdalene (wife of Anthony S.) 73. Anthony Hamanomachi, Catechist (Korea) 74. Mary (wife of Anthony) 75. John (12, son of Anthony) 76. Peter (3,son of Anthony) 77. Paul Nagaishi, Catechist 78. Tecla (wife of Paul) 79. Peter (7, son of Paul N.) 80. Paul Tanaka 81. Mary (wife of Paul) 82. Dominic Yamada 83. Clara (wife of Dominic) 84. Maria Murayama (wife of Anthony #11) 85. Agnes Takeya (wife of Cosmas #12) (Korea) 86. Maria Yoshida (wife of no. 13) 87. Isabella Fernandes (wife of Jorge #14) 88. Ignatio (son of Isabella) 89. Domino Nakano (son of Matthias #24) 90. Bartholomew Kawano Shichiemon 91. Damian Tanda Yaichi 92. Michael (son of Tanda) 93. Thomas Shichiro 94. Rufo Yoshimoto 95. Mary (wife of John Shoun) 96. Clement Ono 97. Anthony (3, son of Clement) 98. Dominica Ogata 99. Catalina 100. Mary Tanaura 101. Gaspar Koteda, Catechist; 102. Francis Takeya (12, son of Cosmas #12) 103. Peter Kawano (7, son of Bartholomew #90) 104. Thomas of the Holy Spirit, OP Sch (Spain) 105. Mancio of St. Thomas, OP Sch 106. Dominic Magoshichi, OP Sch 107. Apolinar Franco, OFM (Spain) 108. Br. Francis of St. Bonaventure, OFM 109. Br. Paulo de Santa Clara, OFM 110. Giovanni Battista Contanzo, SJ (Italy) 111. Louis Yakichi 112. Lucy (wife of Louis) 113. Andrew (8,son of Louis) 114. Francis (4, son ofLouis) 115. Pietro Paolo Navarro, SJ (Italy) 116. Dennis Fujishima Aiku, SJ 117. Peter Onizuka, SJ Scholastic 118. Clement Kuyemon, Cathechist 119. Francisco Galvaz Iranzo. OFM (Spain) 120. Girolamo De Angelis, SJ (Italy) 121. Br. Simon Enpo, SJ 122. Diogo Carvalho, SJ (Portugal) 123. Miguel Carvalho, SJ (Portugal) 124. Pedro of St. Catherine, OP (Spain) 125. Luis Cabrera Sotelo, OFM (Spain) 126. Br. Louis Sasada, OFM 127. Br. Louis Baba. OFM 128. Cayo, Catechist 129. Francisco Pacheco, SJ 130. Baltasar De Torres, SJ (Spain) 131. Giovanni Battista Zola, SJ (Italy) 132. Peter Rinsei, SJ Scholastic 133. Vincent Kaun, SJ Scholastic (Korea) 134. John Kisaku, SJ Scholastic 135. Paul Shinsuke, SJ Scholastic 136. Michael Tozo, SJ Scholastic 137. Gaspar Sadamatsu, SJ Scholastic 138. Mancio Araki Hirozayemon 139. Matthias Araki Kizayemon 140. Peter Araki Chobyoe 141. Susana (wife of Peter) 142. John Tanaka 143. Catalina (wife of John) 144. John Naizen 145. Monica (wife of John) 146. Louis (7, son of John) 147. Luis Beltrán, OP (Spain) 148. Br. Mancio of the Cross, OP 149. Peter of St. Mary, OP 150. Martin Gómez Tozaemon 151. Francis of St. Mary, OFM (Spain) 152. Bartolome Diaz Laurel, OFM (Mexico) 153. Br. Anthony of St. Francis, OFM 154. Gaspar Vaz (Korea) 155. Maria (wife of Gaspar) 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. Magdalena Kiyota Thomas Akashi Jiemen (Korea) Frances Pinzokere Francis Kurobyoe Nakamura Francis Kuhyoe Louis Matsuo Soyemon Thomas Sato Shinemon (Korea) Luke Tsuji Kiyemon Michael Koga Kizayemon Fr. Thomas Tsuji, SJ Louis Maki Soetsu John (son of Louis) Francisco Castellet Vinale, OP (Spain) Br. Thomas De San Jacinto, OP Br. Anthony De Santo Domingo, OP Antonio De San Bonaventura, OFM (Spain) Br. Dominic, OFM Luisa (80 years old) John Tomachi Dominic (16, son of John) Michael (13, son of John) Thomas (10, son of John) Paul (7, son of John) John Imamura Paul Albara Sandayu Roman (son of Paul) Leo (son of Paul) Mathew Alvarez Anjin Michael Yamada Karahachi Laurence (son of Michael) Louis Nihachi, Catechist Francis (son of Louis) Dominic (son of Louis) James Hayashida Dominic Shobyoye Michael Himonoya Paulus (son of Michael) Michael Nakashima, SJ Scholastic John Mukuno Chozaburo Mancio Yukimoto Ichizaemon Michael Kiuchi Taemon Laurence Kaida Hachizo Peter Sawaguchi Kuhyoe Thomas Terai Kahyoe Bartolome Rodríguez, OSA (Mexico) Vicente De San Antonio, OSA (Portugal) Francisco De Jesus, OSA (Spain) Fr. Anthony Ishida Kyutaku, SJ Fr. Jerome of the Cross (Diocesan Priest) Gabriel of The Magdalene, OFM (Spain) Paul Miki and Companions , Martyrs of Japan 1. Antony Deynan 2. Cosmas Takeya 3. Felipe de las Casas, OFM 4. Francisco Blanco, OFM* 5. Francis of Miyako 6. Francis of St. Michael, OFM* 7. Gabriel de Duisco 8. Gaius Francis 9. Gonsalo Garcia,OFM** 10. James Kisai, SJ 11. Joachim Sakakibara 12. John Kisaka 13. Juan Soan de Goto 14. Leo Karasumaru *** 15. Louis Ibaraki 16. Martin de Aguirre, OFM* 17. Matthias of Miyako 18. Michael Kozaki 19. Paul Ibaraki 20. Paul Miki, SJ 21. Paul Suzuki 22. Pedro Bautista, OFM* 23. Peter Sukejiro 24. Thomas Kozaki 25. Thomas Xico 26. Ventura *Franciscans who served in the Philippines and sent to Japan ** Native of India, *** Native of Korea Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions, Martyrs of Japan 1. Anthony Gonzalez, OP* 2. Dominic Ibáñez de Erquicia, OP* 3. Francis Shoyemon, OP 4. Hyacinth Jordan Ansalone 5. James Kyushei Tomonaga of St. Mary, OP 6. Lazaro of Kyoto* 7. Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila (Filipino) 8. Lucas Alonso of the Holy Spirit, OP* 9. Magdalene of Nagasaki 10. Marina of Omura 11. Matthew Kohioye of the Rosary, OP 12. Michael De Aozaraza, OP* 13. Michael Kurobioye 14. Thomas Hioji Nishi of St. Hyacinth, OP* 15. Vincent Schiwozuka of the Cross,OP* 16. Thomas of St. Dominic, OP* *Priest and Lay Dominicans who also served in the Philippines Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions, 103 Martyrs of Korea Agatha Chon Kyong-hyob Agatha Kim A-gi Agatha Kwon Chin-i Agatha Yi Kan-nan Agatha Yi Kyong-i Agatha Yi Sosa Agatha Yi Andrew Kim Taegon Agnes Kim Hyo-ju Alex U Se-yong Andrew-Chong Hwa-gyong Anna Kim Chang-gum Anna Pak A-gi Antoine Daveluy (bishop) Anthony Kim Song-u Augustine Pak Chong-won Augustine Yu Chin-gil Augustine Yi Kwang-hon Barbara Ch'oe Yong-i Barbara Cho Chung-I Barbara Han Ag-i Barbara Kim Barbara Ko Sun-i Barbara Kwon Hui Barbara Yi Chong-hui Barbara Yi Bartholomew Chong Mun-ho Benedicta Hyon Kyong-nyon Catherine Chong Ch'or-yom Catherine Yi Cecilia Yu So-sa Charles Cho Shin-ch'ol Charles Hyon Song-mun Columba Kim Hyo-im Damien Nam Myong-hyok De Bretenières Just Ranfer Dorie Pierre Henri Elizabeth Chong Chong-hye Francis Ch'oe Kyong-hwan Huin Martin Luc Ignatius Kim Che-jun Jacques Chastan John Baptist Chong Chang-un John Baptist Yi Kwang-nyol John Baptist Nam Chong-sam John Pak Hu-jae John Yi Mun-u John Yi Yun-il Joseph Chang Chu-gi Joseph Chang Song-jib Joseph Cho Yun-ho Joseph Im Ch'I-baek Joseph Peter Han Won-so Juliet Kim Lawrence Han I-hyong Laurent Imbert (bishop) Lucia Kim Lucia Park Hui-sun Lucy Kim “Kop-ch’u” Louis Beaulieu Luke Hwang Sok-tu Magalena Ho Kye-im Magdalene Cho Magdalene Han Yong-I Magdalene Kim O-bi Magdalene Pak Pong-son Magdalene Son So-byok Magdalene Yi Yong-hui Magdalene Yi Yong-dok Maria Pak Kun Agi Maria Won Kwi-im Maria Yi In-dok Maria Yi Yon-hui Mark Chong Ui-bae Martha Kim Sang-Im Paul Chong Hasang Paul Ho Hyob Paul Hong Yong-ju Perpetua Hong Kum-ju Pierre Aumaître Pierre Maubant Peter Ch'oe Ch'ang-hub Peter Ch'oe Hyong Peter Cho Hwa-so Peter Chong Won-ji Peter Hong Pyong-ju Peter Kwon Tug-in Peter Nam Kyong-mun Peter Son Son-ji Peter Yi Hoyong Peter Yi Myong-so Peter Yu Chong-nyul Peter Yu Tae-Chol Protasius Chong Kukbo Rosa Kim Sebastian Nam I-gwan Simèon Berneux Stephen Min Kuk-ka Susanna U Sur-im Teresa Kim Im-i Teresa Kim Teresa Yi Mae-im Thomas Son Cha-son Agostino Zhao Rong and 119 Companions Martyrs of China Fr. Albericus Crescitelli, PIME An Linghua Mary An-Guo Mary An-Jiao Anna An-Xing Anna Bro. Andreas Bauer, OFM Bp. Antonius Fantosati, OFM Fr. Auguste Chapdelaine, MEP Bai Xiaoman Cao Guiying Fr. CaIIisto Caravario, SDB Fr. Cesidio da Fossa, OFM Chen Aijieh Chen Changpin Chen Jinjieh Chen Xianheng Chen Ximan Chi Yu Chi Zhuze Cui-Lian Barbara Dong Bodi Du Fengju Du-Tian Mary Du-Zhao Mary Fr. Elias Facchini, OFM Fan Hui Fan Kun Feng De Fr. Fernandez de CapiIIas, OP Fr. Francis Diaz, OP Fr. Francis Regis Clet, CM Fr. Francis Serrano, OP Bp. Franciscus Fogolla, OFM Fu Guilin Ge Tingzhu Bp. Gregorius Grassi, OFM Guo-Li Mary Hao Kaizhi Fr. Jean Pierre Neel, MEP Ji Tianxiang Fr. Joachim Royo, OP Bp. Joannes Dufresse, MEP Fr. Joannes de Triora, OFM Fr. Joseph Gambaro, OFM Fr. Juan Alcobel, OP Lang Fu Mrs. Lang- Yang Fr. Leon Ignace Mangin, SJ Li Quanhui Li Quanzhen Lin Zhao Fr. Liu Hanzuo Liu Jinde Fr. Liu Ruiting Liu Wenyuan Liu Zeyu Lu Tingmei Bp. Luigi Versiglia, SDB Luo Tingyin Ma Taishun Sr. M. Adolphine, FMM Sr. M. Amandine, FMM Sr. Maria Chiara, FMM Sr. M. de la Paix, FMM Sr. M. de Sainte Nathalie, FMM Sr. M. de St Just ,FMM Sr. M. Hermine, FMM Fr. Modeste Andlauer, SJ Fr. Paul Denn, SJ Bp. Pedro Sanz, OP Qin Qunfu Qin-Bian Elizabeth Fr. Remi Isore, SJ Shen Jihe Fr. Theodoricus Balat, OFM Wang Anna Wang Bing Wang Cheng Wang Kuiju Wang Kuixin Wang Rui Wang Erman Wang Tianqing Wang Yumei Wang Zuolung Wang-Li Mary Wang-Luo Mande Wang- Wang Lucia Wu Anbang Wu Enjyu Wu Guosheng Wu Mantang Wu Wanshu Wu Wenyin Wu Xuesheng Yan Guodong Yi Zhenmei Yuan Gengyin Fr. Yuan Zaide Zhang Banniu Zhang Dapeng Zhang-He Theresa Zhang Huailu Zhang Huan Zhang Jingguang Zhang Rong Zhang Tianshen Zhang Wenlan Zhang Zhihe Zhao Mary Zhao Mingxi Zhao Mingzhen Fr. Zhao Rong Zhao Rosa Zhao Quanxin Zhao-Guo Mary Zheng Xu Zhu Rixin Zhu- Wu Mary Zhu Wurui St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions 117 Martyrs of Vietnam Agnes Le Thi Thanh Andrew Nguyen Kim Thong Andrew Tran An Dung-Lac Andrew Tran Van Thong Andrew Tuong Anthony Nguyen Huu Quynh Augustin Nguyen Van Moi Augustin Phan Viet Huy Augustin Schoefler Bernard Vo Van Due Clement Ignatius Delgado Y Cebrian Dominic Bui Van Uy Dominic Cam Dominic Dinh Dat Dominic Henares Dominic Huyen Dominic Mao Dominic Mau Dominic Nguyen Dominic Nguyen Van Hanh Dominic Nguyen Van Xuyen Dominic Nhi Dominic Ninh Dominic Pham Viet Kham Dominic Toai Dominic Trach Dominic Tuoc Emmanuel Le Van Phung Emmanuel Nguyen Van Trieu Francis Do Van Chieu Francis Gil De Federich Francis Isidore Gagelin Francis Jaccard Francis Phan Van Trung Francis Xavier Can Francis Xavier Ha Trong Mau Hyacinth Castaneda James Do Mai Nam Jerome Hermosilla John Baptist Con John Baptist Dinh Van Thanh John Charles Cornay John Dat John Doan Trinh Hoan John Louigi Bonnard John Theophane Venard Joseph Dang Dinh Vien Joseph Do Quang Hien Joseph Fernandez Joseph Hoang Luong Canh Joseph Le Dang Thi Joseph Marchand Joseph Maria Diaz Sanjurjo Joseph Nguyen Dinh Nghi Joseph Nguyen Dinh Uyen Joseph Nguyen Duy Khang Joseph Nguyen Van Luu Joseph Pham Trong Ta Joseph Tuan Joseph Tuan Joseph Tuc Lawrence Ngon Lawrence Nguyen Van Huong Luke Pham Trong Thin Luke Vu Ba Loan Martin Ta Duc Thinh Martin Tho Matthew Alonso Leciniana Matthew Le Van Gam Matthiew Nguyen Van Phuong Melchior Garcia-Sampedro Suarez Michael Nguyen Huy My Micheal Ho Dinh Hy Nicholas Bui Duc the Paul Hanh Paul Le Bao Tinh Paul Le Van Loc Paul Nguyen Ngan Paul Nguyen Van My Paul Phan Khac Khoan Paul Tong Viet Buong Paul Vu Van Duong Peter Almato Ribera Peter Da Peter Doan Cong Quy Peter Doan Van Van Peter Dung Peter Francis Neron Peter Khanh Peter Le Tuy Peter Nguyen Ba Tuan Peter Nguyen Dich Peter Nguyen Khac Tu Peter Nguyen Van Hieu Peter Nguyen Van Luu Peter Nguyen Van Tu Peter Pham Van Thi Peter Rosa Ursula Borie Peter Thuan Peter Truong Van Duong Peter Vo Dang Khoa Peter Vu Van Truat Phillip Phan Van Minh Simon Phan Dac Hoa Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh Stephen Theodore Cuenot Thomas Dinh Viet Du Thomas Khuong Thomas Nguyen Van De Thomas Toan Thomas Tran Van Thien Valentino Berrio Ochoa Vincent Do Yen Vincent Duong Vincent Le Quang Liem Vincent Nguyen The Diem Vincent Tuong ASIAN COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES (East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and Near East [or Middle East]) 1. Afghanistan 2. Armenia 3. Azerbaijan 4. Bahrain 5. Bangladesh 6. Bhutan 7. Brunei 8. Cambodia 9. China 10. Cyprus 11. East Timor 12. Georgia 13. Hong Kong 14. India 15. Indonesia 16. Iran 17. Iraq 18. Israel 19. Japan 20. Jordan 21. Kazakhstan 22. Kuwait 23. Kyrgyzstan 24. Laos 25. Lebanon 26. Macau 27. Malaysia 28. Maldives 29. Mongolia 30. Myanmar (formerly Burma) 31. Nepal 32. North Korea 33. Oman 34. Pakistan 35. Palestine* 36. Philippines 37. Qatar 38. Saudi Arabia 39. Siberia 40. Singapore 41. South Korea 42. Sri Lanka 43. Syria 44. Taiwan 45. Tajikistan 46. Thailand 47. Tibet* 48. Turkey 49. Turkmenistan 50. United Arab Emirates 51. Uzbekistan 52. Vietnam Source: Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, The Churches of Asia Ready for the Challenges of the Third Christian Millennium,1998. Palestine and Tibet were not included in the Congregation's list. PACIFIC STATES 1. American Samoa 2. Chuuk (formerly Truk) 3. Cook Islands 4. Fiji 5. Guam 6. Kiribati 7. Kosrae 8. Marquesas Islands 9. Marshall Islands 10. Nauru 11. New Caledonia 12. Niue 13. Northern Marianas 14. Palau 15. Papua New Guinea 16. Pitcairn Islands 17. Pohnpei 18. Samoa 19. Solomon Islands 20. Tahiti 21. Tokelau 22. Tonga 23. Tuvalu 24. Vanuatu 25. Wallis and Futuna 26. Yap List submitted by Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFMCap, Archdiocese of Agana, Guam Source: Asian and Pacific Presence: HARMONY IN FAITH A STATEMENT OF THE U.S. CATHOLIC BISHOPS
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