db 2 (brochure)
db 2 (brochure)
Deliverable Work Package B2 Corridor-specific Reports (incl. Action Plans) The TREND Project is funded under the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission Project No: TREN-05-FP6TR-S07.43661-513504 Towards new Rail freight quality and concepts in the European Network in respect to market Demand Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports (incl. Action Plans) © DB AG/ Seyferth Instrument: Co-ordination Action Thematic Priority: Sustainable Surface Transport Start date of project: 01.02.2005 Duration: 18 Months 31.07.2006 This report has been elaborated by HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Hannover, Germany KombiConsult GmbH Frankfurt, Germany Gruppo CLAS Milano, Italy Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports Table of Contents Table of Contents I II III IV V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..........................................................................................12 FRAMEWORK OF TREND AND OBJECTIVE OF CORRIDOR STUDY................13 METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................13 CORRIDOR MAP.........................................................................................................14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................15 1 TREND CORRIDOR A.................................................................................................20 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them........................................20 Introduction in TREND Corridor A.....................................................................................................20 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor A.........................................................................................24 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments......................................................24 Alleviation projects already under way.............................................................................................29 Action plans.......................................................................................................................................31 Introduction of action plan methodology..........................................................................................31 Short-term actions – package of measures I....................................................................................31 Medium-term actions – package of measures II..............................................................................34 Long-term actions – package of measures III...................................................................................36 Other actions – package of measures IV..........................................................................................36 TREND CORRIDOR B-WEST....................................................................................37 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them........................................37 Introduction in TREND Corridor B-West............................................................................................37 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor B-West...............................................................................41 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments......................................................42 Alleviation projects already under way.............................................................................................47 Action plans.......................................................................................................................................49 Introduction of action plan methodology..........................................................................................49 Short-term actions – package of measures I....................................................................................49 Medium-term actions – package of measures II..............................................................................51 Long-term actions – package of measures III...................................................................................52 Other actions – package of measures IV..........................................................................................53 TREND CORRIDOR B-EAST.....................................................................................54 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them........................................54 Introduction in TREND Corridor B-East.............................................................................................54 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor B-East.................................................................................57 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments......................................................57 Alleviation projects already under way.............................................................................................61 Action plans.......................................................................................................................................61 Introduction of action plan methodology..........................................................................................61 Short-term actions – package of measures I....................................................................................62 Medium-term actions – package of measures II..............................................................................63 Long-term actions – package of measures III...................................................................................65 Other actions – package of measures IV..........................................................................................65 Table of Contents 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 TREND CORRIDOR C.................................................................................................66 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them........................................66 Introduction in TREND Corridor C......................................................................................................66 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor C..........................................................................................75 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments......................................................76 Alleviation projects already under way.............................................................................................86 Action plans.......................................................................................................................................87 Introduction of action plan methodology..........................................................................................87 Short-term actions – package of measures I....................................................................................88 Medium-term measures – package of measures II..........................................................................91 Long-term actions – package of measures III...................................................................................94 Other actions – package of measures IV..........................................................................................95 TREND CORRIDOR D.................................................................................................97 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them........................................97 Introduction in TREND Corridor D.....................................................................................................97 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor D.......................................................................................102 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments....................................................103 Alleviation projects already under way...........................................................................................109 Action plans..................................................................................................................................... 110 Introduction of action plan methodology........................................................................................ 110 Short-term actions – package of measures I.................................................................................. 110 Medium-term actions – package of measures II............................................................................ 112 Long-term actions – package of measures III................................................................................. 113 Other actions – package of measures IV........................................................................................ 113 TREND CORRIDOR E................................................................................................ 114 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them...................................... 114 Introduction of TREND Corridor E.................................................................................................... 114 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor E........................................................................................ 116 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments.................................................... 117 Alleviation projects already under way........................................................................................... 119 Action plans..................................................................................................................................... 119 Introduction of action plan methodology........................................................................................ 119 Short-term actions – package of measures I.................................................................................. 119 Medium-term actions – package of measures II............................................................................121 Long-term actions – package of measures III.................................................................................122 TREND CORRIDOR F................................................................................................124 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them......................................124 Introduction of TREND Corridor F....................................................................................................124 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor F........................................................................................127 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments....................................................127 Alleviation project already under way............................................................................................130 Action plans.....................................................................................................................................132 Introduction of action plan methodology........................................................................................132 Short-term actions – package of measures I..................................................................................132 Medium-term actions – package of measures II............................................................................133 Long-term actions – package of measures III.................................................................................135 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports Table of Figures 8 CLUSTERING OF CORRIDORS...............................................................................136 9 EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................137 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Framework and objectives of evaluation........................................................................................137 Criteria for evaluation......................................................................................................................137 Evaluation of corridors with respect to the envisaged IP...............................................................139 Recommendations............................................................................................................................142 Table of Figures Figure I-1 Figure III-1 Figure IV-1 Figure V-1 Figure V-2 Figure V-3 Figure V-4 Companies and representatives involved.................................................................................12 Meetings of TREND work package B2......................................................................................14 Overview about European corridor-related research projects.................................................14 Overview of TREND corridors....................................................................................................15 Comparison of TREND corridors’ main characteristics.............................................................16 Rail freight impediments caused by cross border activities.....................................................17 Overview of infrastructural and technical interoperability on TREND corridors.........................................................................................................................18 Figure 1.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor A.................................................................................................... 20 Figure 1.1.1–2 Figure 1.1.1–3 TREND Corridor A in Italy...........................................................................................................20 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor A in Italy...........................................................................................................21 TREND Corridor A in Slovenia....................................................................................................21 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor A in Slovenia....................................................................................................21 TREND Corridor A in Hungary....................................................................................................22 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor A in Hungary....................................................................................................22 Total volume of freight amongst Corridor A countries 2004 (rail, road, waterway, sea) [1000 t/a].........................................................................................23 Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor A countries 2004..........................................................................................................23 Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule)..............................................................................................................25 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity...........................................................26 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor A – infrastructure.............................................................................................27 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor A – traction.......................................................................................................27 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor A – international services................................................................................28 Permitted train parameters for non-stop operating on Corridor A...........................................28 Co-operation of RU.....................................................................................................................32 Co-operation of RU – IM.............................................................................................................32 Quality Management System....................................................................................................33 Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures......................................................33 Corridor control centre...............................................................................................................33 Priority rules between freight and passenger trains................................................................34 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers......................................................................34 Figure 1.1.1–4 Figure 1.1.1–5 Figure 1.1.1–6 Figure 1.1.1–7 Figure 1.1.1–8 Figure 1.1.1–9 Figure 1.1.3–1 Figure 1.1.3–2 Figure 1.1.3–3 Figure 1.1.3–4 Figure 1.1.3–5 Figure 1.1.3–6 Figure 1.2.2–1 Figure 1.2.2–2 Figure 1.2.2–3 Figure 1.2.2–4 Figure 1.2.2–5 Figure 1.2.3–1 Figure 1.2.3–2 Table of Figures Figure 1.2.3–3 Figure 1.2.3–4 Figure 1.2.3–5 Figure 1.2.4–1 Figure 1.2.5–1 Figure 1.2.5–2 Figure 1.2.5–3 Communication between Railway Undertakings......................................................................35 Extension of interoperable traction concepts...........................................................................35 Prioritising of freight trains........................................................................................................35 Long-term actions......................................................................................................................36 Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks................................................................36 Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports...........................................................................................................................36 Other measures..........................................................................................................................36 Figure 2.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor B-West......................................................................................... 37 Figure 2.1.1–2 Figure 2.1.1–3 TREND Corridor B-West in the Netherlands.............................................................................37 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in the Netherlands.............................................................................37 TREND Corridor B-West in Germany.........................................................................................38 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in Germany.........................................................................................38 TREND Corridor B-West in Switzerland....................................................................................39 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in Switzerland....................................................................................39 TREND Corridor B-West in Italy.................................................................................................39 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in Italy.................................................................................................40 Total volume of freight amongst Corridor B-West countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) [1000 t/a]................................................................................................40 Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor B-West countries 2003.............................41 Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule)...................42 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity...........................................................43 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor B-West................................44 Permitted train parameters for non-stop operating on Corridor B-West.................................45 Intermodal profiles in Switzerland and Italy.............................................................................45 Maximum train lengths between Freiburg and Milano............................................................45 Maximum gross loads between Freiburg and Milano..............................................................46 Co-operation of RU.....................................................................................................................49 Co-operation of RU – IM.............................................................................................................49 Quality Management System....................................................................................................50 Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures......................................................50 Corridor control centre...............................................................................................................50 Priority rules between freight and passenger trains................................................................51 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers......................................................................51 Communication between Railway Undertakings......................................................................51 Extension of interoperable traction concepts...........................................................................52 Prioritising of freight trains........................................................................................................52 Long-term actions......................................................................................................................52 Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks................................................................53 Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfaces with terminals/ports...........................................................................................................................53 Other measures..........................................................................................................................53 Figure 2.1.1–4 Figure 2.1.1–5 Figure 2.1.1–6 Figure 2.1.1–7 Figure 2.1.1–8 Figure 2.1.1–9 Figure 2.1.1–10 Figure 2.1.1–11 Figure 2.1.3–1 Figure 2.1.3–2 Figure 2.1.3–3 Figure 2.1.3–4 Figure 2.1.3–5 Figure 2.1.3–6 Figure 2.1.3–7 Figure 2.2.2–1 Figure 2.2.2–2 Figure 2.2.2–3 Figure 2.2.2–4 Figure 2.2.2–5 Figure 2.2.3–1 Figure 2.2.3–2 Figure 2.2.3–3 Figure 2.2.3–4 Figure 2.2.3–5 Figure 2.2.4–1 Figure 2.2.5–1 Figure 2.2.5–2 Figure 2.2.5–3 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports Table of Figures Figure 3.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor B-East.......................................................................................... 54 Figure 3.1.1–2 Figure 3.1.1–3 Figure 3.2.5–3 TREND Corridor B-East in Germany...........................................................................................54 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East in Denmark/Germany..........................................................................55 TREND Corridor B-East in Austria.............................................................................................55 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East in Austria.............................................................................................55 TREND Corridor B-East in Italy..................................................................................................56 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East in Italy..................................................................................................56 Volume of rail freight on dedicated relations in Corridor B-East 2003 [1000 t/a]....................56 Rail freight by transport modes on Corridor B-East 2003.........................................................57 Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule)...................58 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/nodes capacity..........................................58 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity...........................................................58 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor B-East.................................59 Co-operation of RU.....................................................................................................................62 Co-operation of RU – IM.............................................................................................................62 Quality Management System....................................................................................................62 Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures......................................................63 Priority rules between freight and passenger trains................................................................63 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers......................................................................63 Communication between Railway Undertakings......................................................................64 Extension of interoperable traction concepts...........................................................................64 Prioritising of freight trains........................................................................................................64 Long-term actions......................................................................................................................65 Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks................................................................65 Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports...........................................................................................................................65 Other measures..........................................................................................................................65 Figure 4.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor C.................................................................................................... 66 Figure 4.1.1–2 Figure 4.1.1–3 Figure 4.1.1–4 TREND Corridor C: Variations’ overview...................................................................................66 TREND Corridor C in Germany...................................................................................................67 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Germany...................................................................................................67 TREND Corridor C in the Czech Republic...................................................................................68 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in the Czech Republic...................................................................................68 TREND Corridor C in Slovakia....................................................................................................69 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Slovakia....................................................................................................69 TREND Corridor C in Austria......................................................................................................69 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Austria......................................................................................................69 TREND Corridor C in Hungary....................................................................................................70 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Hungary....................................................................................................70 TREND Corridor C in Romania....................................................................................................71 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Romania....................................................................................................71 Figure 3.1.1–4 Figure 3.1.1–5 Figure 3.1.1–6 Figure 3.1.1–7 Figure 3.1.1–8 Figure 3.1.1–9 Figure 3.1.3–1 Figure 3.1.3–2 Figure 3.1.3–3 Figure 3.1.3–4 Figure 3.2.2–1 Figure 3.2.2–2 Figure 3.2.2–3 Figure 3.2.2–4 Figure 3.2.3–1 Figure 3.2.3–2 Figure 3.2.3–3 Figure 3.2.3–4 Figure 3.2.3–5 Figure 3.2.4–1 Figure 3.2.5–1 Figure 3.2.5–2 Figure 4.1.1–5 Figure 4.1.1–6 Figure 4.1.1–7 Figure 4.1.1–8 Figure 4.1.1–9 Figure 4.1.1–10 Figure 4.1.1–11 Figure 4.1.1–12 Figure 4.1.1–13 Figure 4.1.1–14 Table of Figures Figure 4.1.1–15 Figure 4.1.1–16 Figure 4.2.5–3 TREND Corridor C in Serbia-Montenegro..................................................................................71 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Serbia-Montenegro..................................................................................71 TREND Corridor C in Bulgaria....................................................................................................72 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Bulgaria....................................................................................................72 TREND Corridor C in Turkey.......................................................................................................72 Total volume of freight amongst Corridor C countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) [1000 t/a]................................................................................................73 Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor C countries 2003.......................................74 Cluster of future “Very high” expectations amongst Corridor C destinations.........................75 Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule)...................76 Required infrastructure for cross border activities...................................................................79 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/nodes capacity..........................................79 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity and quality........................................79 Train path availability per day for additional regular freight trains on Corridor C...................80 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor C (Seaport branch).........................................................................................................................81 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor C (Ruhr branch)...................81 Response times to train path requests amongst Corridor C countries....................................83 Average processing time within marshalling yards on Corridor C............................................84 Transport data and document exchange amongst Corridor C countries..................................85 Co-operation of RU.....................................................................................................................88 Co-operation of RU – IM.............................................................................................................89 Quality Management System....................................................................................................90 Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures......................................................91 Priority rules between freight and passenger trains................................................................91 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers......................................................................92 Communication between Railway Undertakings......................................................................93 Extension of interoperable traction concepts...........................................................................93 Prioritising of freight trains........................................................................................................94 Long-term actions......................................................................................................................94 Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks................................................................95 Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports...........................................................................................................................96 Other measures..........................................................................................................................96 Figure 5.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor D.................................................................................................... 97 Figure 5.1.1–2 Figure 5.1.1–3 TREND Corridor D in the Netherlands.......................................................................................97 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in the Netherlands.......................................................................................97 TREND Corridor D in Germany...................................................................................................98 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in Germany...................................................................................................98 TREND Corridor D in Poland.......................................................................................................99 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in Poland.......................................................................................................99 TREND Corridor D in Lithuania...................................................................................................99 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in Lithuania...................................................................................................99 TREND Corridor D in Latvia......................................................................................................100 Figure 4.1.1–17 Figure 4.1.1–18 Figure 4.1.1–19 Figure 4.1.1–20 Figure 4.1.1–21 Figure 4.1.2–1 Figure 4.1.3–1 Figure 4.1.3–2 Figure 4.1.3–3 Figure 4.1.3–4 Figure 4.1.3–5 Figure 4.1.3–6 Figure 4.1.3–7 Figure 4.1.3–8 Figure 4.1.3–9 Figure 4.1.3–10 Figure 4.2.2–1 Figure 4.2.2–2 Figure 4.2.2–3 Figure 4.2.2–4 Figure 4.2.3–1 Figure 4.2.3–2 Figure 4.2.3–3 Figure 4.2.3–4 Figure 4.2.3–5 Figure 4.2.4–1 Figure 4.2.5–1 Figure 4.2.5–2 Figure 5.1.1–4 Figure 5.1.1–5 Figure 5.1.1–6 Figure 5.1.1–7 Figure 5.1.1–8 Figure 5.1.1–9 Figure 5.1.1–10 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports Table of Figures Figure 5.1.1–11 Figure 5.1.1–12 Figure 5.2.5–3 TREND Corridor D in Estonia....................................................................................................100 Total volume of freight amongst Corridor D countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) [1000 t/a]..............................................................................................100 Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor D countries 2003.....................................101 Typical market segments served by rail freight amongst Corridor D countries 2003........................................................................................................102 Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule).................104 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/nodes capacity........................................105 Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity and quality......................................105 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor D (main branch)................106 Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor D (alternative branches)................................................................................106 Co-operation of RU................................................................................................................... 110 Co-operation of RU – IM........................................................................................................... 110 Quality Management System.................................................................................................. 111 Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures.................................................... 111 Corridor control centre............................................................................................................. 111 Priority rules between freight and passenger trains.............................................................. 112 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers.................................................................... 112 Communication between Railway Undertakings.................................................................... 112 Extension of interoperable traction concepts......................................................................... 112 Prioritising of freight trains...................................................................................................... 113 Long-term actions.................................................................................................................... 113 Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks.............................................................. 113 Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports......................................................................................................................... 113 Other measures........................................................................................................................ 113 Figure 6.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor E....................................................................................................114 Figure 6.1.1–2 Figure 6.1.1–3 Figure 6.1.1–4 Figure 6.1.1–5 Figure 6.2.2–1 Figure 6.2.2–2 Figure 6.2.2–3 Figure 6.2.2–4 Figure 6.2.2–5 Figure 6.2.3–1 Figure 6.2.3–2 Figure 6.2.3–3 Figure 6.2.3–4 Figure 6.2.4–1 Figure 6.2.4–2 Figure 6.2.4–3 Figure 6.2.4–4 Figure 6.2.4–5 Corridor E in France; branches West and East........................................................................ 115 Corridor E in Switzerland......................................................................................................... 115 Corridor E in Italy...................................................................................................................... 116 Marshalling Yards and Terminal Facilities on TREND Corridor E............................................ 116 Co-operation of RU................................................................................................................... 119 Co-operation of RU – IM; West branch....................................................................................120 Co-operation of RU – IM; East branch.....................................................................................120 Quality Management System..................................................................................................120 Priority short-term low budget infrastructure measures........................................................121 Priority rules between rail freight- and passenger trains.......................................................121 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers....................................................................121 Communication between Railway Undertakings....................................................................122 Extension of interoperable traction concepts.........................................................................122 Establish rules and tools to manage trains along Corridor E..................................................122 Improve co-ordination of national control centres..................................................................123 Monitor planned upgrading and extension of infrastructure..................................................123 New solutions for the existing HERMES system....................................................................123 Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections...................................................................123 Figure 5.1.1–13 Figure 5.1.1–14 Figure 5.1.3–1 Figure 5.1.3–2 Figure 5.1.3–3 Figure 5.1.3–4 Figure 5.1.3–5 Figure 5.2.2–1 Figure 5.2.2–2 Figure 5.2.2–3 Figure 5.2.2–4 Figure 5.2.2–5 Figure 5.2.3–1 Figure 5.2.3–2 Figure 5.2.3–3 Figure 5.2.3–4 Figure 5.2.3–5 Figure 5.2.4–1 Figure 5.2.5–1 Figure 5.2.5–2 Table of Figures Figure 7.1.1–1 Map of TREND Corridor F....................................................................................................124 Figure 7.1.1–2 Figure 7.1.1–3 Figure 7.1.1–4 Figure 7.1.1–5 Figure 7.2.2–1 Figure 7.2.2–2 Figure 7.2.2–3 Figure 7.2.2–4 Figure 7.2.3–1 Figure 7.2.3–2 Figure 7.2.3–3 Figure 7.2.3–4 Figure 7.2.4–1 Figure 7.2.4–2 Figure 7.2.4–3 Figure 7.2.4–4 Figure 7.2.4–5 Corridor F in Spain:...................................................................................................................125 Corridor F in France..................................................................................................................125 Corridor F in Germany...............................................................................................................125 Marshalling Yards and Terminal Facilities on TREND Corridor F............................................126 Co-operation of RU...................................................................................................................132 Co-operation of RU – IM...........................................................................................................133 Quality Management System..................................................................................................133 Priority short-term low budget infrastructure measures........................................................133 Priority rules between rail freight and passenger trains........................................................133 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers....................................................................134 Communication between Railway Undertakings....................................................................134 Extension of interoperable traction concepts.........................................................................134 Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor...............................................135 Improve co-ordination of national control centres..................................................................135 Monitor planned upgrading and extension of infrastructure..................................................135 New solutions for the existing HERMES system....................................................................135 Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections...................................................................135 Figure 8-1 Characterisation of corridors (or segments of corridors)........................................... 136 Figure 8-2 Typing of investigated corridors..............................................................................................137 Figure 9.3–1 TREND corridors’ evaluation with respect to the envisaged IP..............................................139 Table of Appendices Appendix 1.1 Appendix 1.2 Appendix 1.3 Appendix 2.1 Appendix 2.2 Appendix 2.3 Appendix 2.4 Appendix 2.5 Appendix 2.6 Appendix 2.7 Appendix 2.8 Appendix 2.9 Appendix 3.1 Appendix 3.2 Appendix 3.3 Appendix 4.1 Appendix 4.2 Appendix 4.3 Appendix 4.4 Corridor A – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data......................................................143 Corridor A – Detailed statistic road freight transport data....................................................143 Corridor A – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data...........................................143 Corridor B-West – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data............................................144 Corridor B-West – Detailed statistic road freight transport data..........................................144 Corridor B-West – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data...........................................................................................................................144 Corridor B-West – Important technical parameters for infrastructure – complete corridor (main route only)..............................................................145 Corridor B-West – Important technical parameters for traction – complete corridor (main route only)........................................................................145 Corridor B-West – Important technical parameters for service – complete corridor (main route only).........................................................................146 Corridor B-West – Detailed technical parameters for infrastructure....................................146 Corridor B-West – Detailed technical parameters for traction..............................................147 Corridor B-West – Detailed technical parameters for service...............................................148 Corridor B-East – Important technical parameters for infrastructure....................................149 Corridor B-East – Important technical parameters for traction.............................................149 Corridor B-East – Important technical parameters for service..............................................149 Corridor C – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data......................................................150 Corridor C – Detailed statistic road freight transport data....................................................150 Corridor C – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data...........................................151 Corridor C – Typical market segments served by rail freight 2003........................................152 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 10 Table of Appendices Appendix 4.5 Appendix 4.6 Appendix 4.7 Appendix 4.8 Appendix 4.9 Appendix 4.10 Appendix 4.11 Appendix 5.1 Appendix 5.2 Appendix 5.3 Appendix 5.4 Appendix 5.5 Appendix 5.6 Appendix 6 Appendix 7.1 Appendix 7.2 Corridor C – Expectations regarding future development of rail freight market.....................................................................................................................154 Corridor C – Important technical parameters for infrastructure (Seaport branch)................157 Corridor C – Important technical parameters for traction (Seaport branch).......................................................................................................................158 Corridor C – Important technical parameters for service (Seaport branch).......................................................................................................................159 Corridor C – Important technical parameters for infrastructure (Ruhr branch).............................................................................................................................160 Corridor C – Important technical parameters for traction (Ruhr branch).............................................................................................................................161 Corridor C – Important technical parameters for service (Ruhr branch).............................................................................................................................162 Corridor D – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data......................................................163 Corridor D – Detailed statistic road freight transport data....................................................163 Corridor D – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data...........................................164 Corridor D – Important technical parameters for infrastructure – complete corridor (main route only)..............................................................164 Corridor D – Important technical parameters for traction – complete corridor (main route only)........................................................................165 Corridor D – Important technical parameters for service – complete corridor (main route only).........................................................................165 Corridor E – Overview technical specifications......................................................................166 Corridor F – Overview technical specifications.......................................................................167 Corridor F – Statistic data on freight flows (2003)..................................................................167 11 I Acknowledgements I Acknowledgements This Corridor Report represents the results of intensive co-ordination work, which has been performed within work package B2 of the TREND Project. It reflects the situation and the necessary actions for the Corridors as seen by the TREND participants involved – both Partners and Experts – at the end of 2005. In the course of several working meetings, representatives from some 30 companies (Railway Undertakings [RUs] and Infrastructure Managers [IMs]) contributed their specific input in terms of expert-knowledge into the study. Figure I-1: The input was compiled, structured and cross-checked by the TREND Corridor Leaders HaCon (Corridors B, C, D), KombiConsult (Corridors E, F) and Gruppo CLAS (Corridor A) who wrote this final Corridor Report. The process was guided by HaCon as Work Package Leader. We thank all our experts (including their assistants and/or collaborators) for the co-operation in performing this study. A special “Thank you” is dedicated to Jacques Dirand and his team from the CER in Brussels for supporting us in the co-ordination activities of this corridor study. Companies and representatives involved 1 2 ADIF – Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias BDZ – Bulgarian State Railways 3 ČD – České dráhy 4 Spain Bulgaria Francisco Contreras Martinez, Santiago Badillo Krassimir Borissov Anguelov • Czech Republic Danuse Marusicova • ČD – Telematika Czech Republic Tomáš Michalec • 5 DB Netz Germany Michael Pohl 6 Lokomotion Germany Wera Gruehn, Niels Jaeger 7 MAV – Hungarian State Railways Hungary László Daczi, Zsuzsanna Ring • • 8 MAV Cargo Hungary Mónika Kurdi • • 9 Poland Piotr Pszczólkowski 10 PLK – PKP Polskie Linie Kollejowe ProRail Spoorontwikkeling Netherlands 11 Railion Deutschland Germany 12 Railion Deutschland Germany Alexander Van Andel, Marcel Kroeze Frank Weppner, Ferhat Haciimamoglu Roland Hartkopf, Frank Frühling 13 Railion Deutschland Germany Sandra Kuhlmann F E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 RCA – RailCargoAustria Austria Dietmar Schratt 15 RENFE Operadora Spain 16 RFF – Réseau Ferré de France France Manuel Sanchez Garzon, Juán Antonio Gil Vera Michel Gaspard 17 RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Italy Andrea Pepe • 18 SZ – Slovenske železnice Slovenia Igor Hribar • 19 SNCF Fret France 20 TCDD – Turkish State Railways Turkey Antoine Varoquaux, Bertrand Minary, Christian Abellan Hülya Cilgi 21 Trenitalia Logistica Italy Francesco Del Vecchio 22 TX Logistik Germany Burkhard Bräkling 23 Slovakia Vladimir Cebo Slovakia Ján Simco, Marek Chachalak 25 ZSR – Železnice Slovenskej Republiky ZSSK – Železničnej spoločnosti Slovensko GruppoClas Italy 26 HaCon Germany 27 KombiConsult Germany Carlo Vaghi, Gabriele Grea, Roberto Zucchetti Marian Gaidzik, Lars Deiterding, Jan Hildebrandt Rainer Mertel, Uwe Sondermann, Markus Middendorf 24 D Corridor involvement C Representative BEast Country BWest Company A No • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 12 II Framework of TREND and objective of corridor study II Framework of TREND and objective of corridor study The European Commission’s White Paper developed a general framework of actions aimed at strengthening the rail freight sector and contributing to advancing an innovative, competitive and integrated Pan-European network of rail freight services. TREND seeks to recommend a coherent series of individual actions as a detailed “break down” within the White Paper’s general framework. Another key result is the elaboration of the “Terms of Reference” for the envisaged Integrated Project (IP) “New Concepts for Trans-European Rail Freight Services” and the support of the potential proposers for the Integrated Project during the preparation phase. In contrast to a scientific study the TREND Project is a Co-ordination Action which involved the stakeholders actively. The final results have been agreed with the responsible actors within the stakeholders. Within this framework, three main outputs of the TREND work package B2 are to be highlighted: 1. The data gathered within the TREND corridor studies (six corridors in total) feeds a comprehensive web-based geo-referenced information system (“GIS”) that includes all relevant project findings with respect to the railway infrastructure. 2. A selection of suitable freight corridors, based on this broad and deep knowledge, for a future Integrated Project to be selected under the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission. 3. The Corridor Action Plans, as agreed upon by the stakeholders, which can be implemented by the business partners as a follow-up activity. The detailed data gathering of all experts involved in TREND B2 and the analysis of the compiled information of the six TREND corridors will give a detailed insight into these important freight corridors. Nevertheless, the conclusions and recommendations will not be based “only” upon the results of the TREND corridor studies, but also on all important corridor studies performed so far (CER corridors, TEN corridors, IQ-C corridor study, Brenner Action Plan and BRAVO Project, etc.). The main milestones towards the final “IP-Corridor-Recommendation” are listed hereunder. TREND will: 1. Provide an objective inventory of the problems on the corridors. 2. Indicate their cause or combination of causes. 3. Place and rank the problems in areas e.g. legislative, organisational, technical problems, interoperability, distorted competition, etc. 4. Provide an expert vision on the relevance of problems with regard to the corridor’s performance. 5. Derive jointly agreed comprehensive action plans. 6. Improve freight service and thus market share (modal shift). 7. Identify RTD Needs with respect to the future Integrated Project. This corridor report is the final result of the TREND work package B2 and represents an important milestone towards the overall objective of the TREND Project. IIIMethodology The corridors investigated under the TREND umbrella were selected when starting the TREND Work package B2. The conception and refinement of the corridor characteristics were done by means of an iterative process between the TREND Project Management, the TREND partners and the experts who were involved as subcontractors in the project. The final decision about the corridors was mainly based on the following criteria: • Volume of existing freight flows (road, rail, waterways) • Future market development potential (growth of rail and potential for modal shift) • Existing and foreseeable capacity problems • Potential for quick improvements • Capability of improvement initiatives already underway • Commitment and motivation of stakeholders • Cohesion with ERTMS corridors (European Rail Transport Management System) • Integration of new Member States of the European Union 13 IIIMethodology Based on this evaluation scheme the following six corridors (with Corridor B divided into variant West and East) were chosen for a detailed analysis: • Corridor A: Italy (Adriatic coast) – Slovenia – Hungary • Corridor B-East: Scandinavia (German border/ferry ports) – Germany – Austria – Italy Meetings of TREND work package B2 Date Location • Corridor C: Germany (Seaports and Ruhr area) – Czech Republic/Austria – Slovakia – Hungary – Serbia/Romania – Bulgaria – Turkey Subject • Corridor E: France (Seaports and UK via tunnel) – Switzerland – Italy • Corridor F: Germany (Ruhr area and possible branch to Poland) – France – Spain • Corridor B-West: Netherlands (Seaports) – Germany – Switzerland – Italy Figure III-1: • Corridor D: Netherlands (Seaports) – Germany – Poland – Lithuania – Latvia – Estonia Participants 23.02.05 Bruxelles (Belgium) Workpackage Kick-Off TREND Partners involved in B2 26.04.05 Hannover (Germany) 1st Corridor Workshop – Corridors A, D, F TREND Partners involved in B2 and Experts of Corridors A, D, F 27.04.05 Hannover (Germany) 1st Corridor Workshop – Corridors C, E TREND Partners involved in B2 and Experts of Corridors C, E 28.04.05 Hannover (Germany) 1st Corridor Workshop – TREND Partners involved in Corridors B East & West B2 and Experts of Corridors B East+West 13.06.05 Milano (Italy) 2nd Corridor Workshop – All Corridors TREND Partners involved in B2 and All B2- (Corridor-) Experts 18.07.05 Mainz (Germany) 3rd Corridor Workshop – Corridors B, C, E, F TREND Partners involved in B2 and Experts of Corridors B, C, E, F 19.07.05 Mainz (Germany) 3rd Corridor Workshop – Corridors A, D TREND Partners involved in B2 and Experts of Corridors A, D The final routing of the six TREND corridors was finally agreed at a joint meeting of all parties involved in TREND work package B2. This meeting took place in Milano (Italy) on June 13th, 2005. The last corridor workshop in Mainz was dedicated to the final adjustment of the Data Gathering Tables and the agreement on possible improvement measures that are likely to improve the situation of rail freight on the respective corridors. Thus, the results of this meeting are the basis for this report. The data gathering concerning the characteristics, main problems, alleviation projects etc. on the TREND corridors was done by means of standardised tables that were harmonised for all TREND corridors. These tables were filled by the experts on the basis of their company- and country-specific expert knowledge. The results were discussed and verified in two working meetings (for better understanding see the overview of TREND B2 working meetings). All data documented in this report have been gathered from the TREND data and action plan tables. In some cases information gaps had to be filled by analysing additional sources. These sources are documented by footnotes on the respective page. IVCorridor Map The following map shows a geographical overview over the corridor studies performed so far in Europe, including the TREND corridors, the CER corridor studies (CER corridors 2, 3 and 5), the IQ-C corridor study and the Brenner Action Plan (dotted yellow lines). Most of the sections of these corridors are part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T); TEN-T corridor sections that are not involved in the corridor studies appear red. Figure IV-1: Overview about European corridor-related research projects Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 14 V Executive Summary V Executive Summary This corridor report comprises the results of the TREND work package B2. Within this work package the following six European freight corridors were subject to a deeper analysis: All results presented here are based on the input of the TREND B2 experts (both Infrastructure Managers and representatives of Railway Undertakings), who contributed their specific knowledge to the analysis. • Corridor A: Italy (Adriatic coast) – Slovenia – Hungary (1) Geographic extent and routing of the TREND corridors: • Corridor B-West: Netherlands (Seaports) – Germany – Switzerland – Italy The extent and routing of the TREND corridors were discussed, fine-tuned and agreed upon in the 1st Corridor Workshop in Hannover in April 2005. The final corridor selection makes reference to the most important freight flows (in terms of current volume and growth potential) across Europe. The selection took account of previous projects and stakeholders interest. • Corridor B-East: Scandinavia (German border/ferry ports) – Germany – Austria – Italy • Corridor C: Germany (Seaports and Ruhr area) – Czech Republic/Austria – Slovakia – Hungary – Serbia/Romania – Bulgaria – Turkey Figure V-1: Overview of TREND corridors • Corridor D: Netherlands (Seaports) – Germany – Poland – Lithuania – Latvia – Estonia • Corridor E: France (Seaports and UK via tunnel) – Switzerland – Italy • Corridor F: Germany (Ruhr area and possible branch to Poland) – France – Spain On the basis of the analysis of the corridors a coherent conception of individual measures (“Action Plans”) was developed for each corridor aiming at improving the competitiveness of rail freight services. The methodology of work bases on TREND work package B1 and was further refined in the starting phase of TREND B2. The main working steps were: 1. Agreement upon geographical extent and routing of the corridors. 2. Analyses of the corridors, especially as concerns current freight volume (incl. modal split), analysis of the rail infrastructure and border crossing procedures. 3. Diagnosis of impediments and problems that are jeopardising the development of rail freight services on the corridors. 4. Analysis of alleviation projects already under way. 5. Deduction of action plans, sub-divided into priorities. 15 V Executive Summary (2) Analysis of the corridors Figure V-2: Comparison of TREND corridors’ main characteristics 1 The length of the analysed TREND corridors varies between 1,100 km (Corridor E) and 2,900 km (Corridor C), the number of involved countries is between 3 and 9. Corridor A I. Corridor length [km] II.Involved countries thereof transited III.Locations on the corridor route with • terminals for intermodal service road/rail • marshalling yards IV.Rail freight interface concentration (= ∑ III.*100/I.) V. Freight transport amongst corridor countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) VI.Modal split rail/ road/waterway 2003 Corridor B East 2 Corridor C 2,300 1,200 3 4 3 9 3 4 3 6 – 7 21 16 – 17 13 17 – 22 1,600 2,600 – 2,900 29 5 – 6 5 10 – 20 2.2 1.8 – 1.9 1.1 0.9 – 1.6 26.0 Mio t 276.3 Mio t n.a. n.a. 17/53/30 13/45/42 n.a. n.a. As far as adequate data has been provided the total freight flows (rail, road, waterway) amongst these countries vary from 26 Mio t on Corridor A to 277 Mio t on Corridor B-West. The following conclusions could be drawn for all TREND corridors: • The corridor destinations contribute unevenly to the total amount: As a general rule it can be stated that the two strongest relations represent more than half of the all transport modes‘ volume. • Most relations are directionally unbalanced. • Rail freight traffic currently represents a poor modal split of 8 % to 17 %. • Higher modal splits of rail on parts of the corridors are due to impediments limiting road transports or specific conditions favouring other modes of transport (e.g. alpine transit by rail, inland waterways on Corridor B-West). • The experts forecasted a significant increase of freight volume on all TREND corridors. (3) Diagnosis of rail freight impediments Corridor D 3 I. Corridor length (in km) II.Involved countries thereof transited III.Locations on the corridor route with • terminals for intermodal service road/rail • marshalling yards IV.Rail freight interface concentration (= ∑ III.*100/I.) V. Freight transport amongst corridor countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) VI.Modal split rail/ road/waterway 2003 Corridor B West The following figure provides an overview over general specifications of the TREND corridors. 2,500 Corridor E 4 Corridor F 1,100 – 1,250 2,200 – 2,500 6 2 – 3 3 6 2 – 3 3 The diagnosis of impediments that are jeopardising the development of rail freight transport was structured as follows: a) Border crossing bottlenecks b) Other infrastructural impediments 10 8 – 11 10 – 23 c) Lack of interoperability d) Resource problems 8 6 – 7 9 – 16 0.7 1.1 – 1.6 0.8 – 1.8 254.4 Mio t 11/38/52 49.3 Mio t 5 24/76/n.a. 116.9 Mio t 8/75/17 1: Different values refer to alternative routings on the respective corridor 2: Including Danish/German border, but without Scandinavia 3: Main route only 4: Including Channel Tunnel, but without UK 5: Without waterway volume e) Operational problems (a) Border crossing bottlenecks The main border crossing related problems can be assigned to the following groups of impediments (see also Figure V- 3): • multiple loco changes due to different technical/ infrastructural railway equipment (current systems, signalling systems) • lack of mutual transport and technical train trust • missing operational co-ordination (e.g. lack of communication, double work) • administrative burdens (e.g. double authority / customs procedures) Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 16 V Executive Summary • insufficient transport data management, which often requires multiple data pickup/correction/modification and manual document transfers • lack of co-operative rolling stock and personal dispatching • insufficient infrastructure causing complex shunting movements • transhipment of loading units/wagon loads or axle change of wagons due to different track gauges • specific problems due to special geographic situations (like the Channel Tunnel) (b) Other infrastructural impediments mainly concern the lack of capacities and operational quality within the stations/nodes or along the lines. These problems lead to expensive operational procedures - especially within the nodes - increasing the total costs and deteriorating the market position of rail freight traffic. The following different types of impediments due to the infrastructure are to be distinguished: • high traffic volume leading to capacity restrictions for additional rail freight • limitations of the intermodal gauge, caused e.g. by tunnel sections • speed restrictions due to disadvantageous line layout • single track line sections • insufficient length of tracks in stations, limiting the maximum train length • congested intermodal terminals (c) Lack of interoperability A variety of operating and technical parameters leads to a lack of interoperability on each corridor (see Figure V-4), triggered by • different energy systems • varying widths of the pantograph • incomplete electrification • changes of permitted train parameters (length, load, line category, intermodal gauge) • different signalling systems. The new European ETCS levels 1 and 2 have only been implemented in dedicated corridor parts Corridor Corridor Corridor Corridor A B West B East 6 C I. Min/max total time need for cross border activities per direction II.Min. required amount of loco driver changes per direction III.Number of loco changes per direction 7 due to different 1h 2/4 h 1/1,5 h 14/28 h 2 3 3 5 – 6 • energy systems 2 2 1 1 – 3 • signalling systems 2 3 2 ≥ 3 • pantograph widths IV.Quality deficiencies because of time loss due to 1 1 1 ≥ 1 • lack of mutual train trust o o o – • missing operational co-ordination o o + – • administrative problems o + + – • insufficient transport data and document management o o o – • lack of co-operative dispatching o – o – • customs clearance procedures amongst corridor countries o o + – • insufficient infrastructure causing complex shunting movements o + o o • transhipment of loading units/wagon loads or axle change of wagons + + + + + + + + • specific problems Corridor Corridor Corridor D E 8 F I. Min/max total time need for cross border activities per direction II.Min. required amount of loco driver changes per direction III.Number of loco changes per direction 7 due to different 2/7 h 1/2 h 4/24 h 1 1 2 3 1 1/2 ≥ 2 1 1/2 • pantograph widths IV.Quality deficiencies because of time loss due to 0 1 2 • lack of mutual train trust – + + • missing operational co-ordination – o o • administrative problems o o + • insufficient transport data and document management – n.a. n.a. • lack of co-operative dispatching – o + • customs clearance procedures amongst corridor countries o o o • insufficient infrastructure causing complex shunting movements o o – • transhipment of loading units/wagon loads or axle change of wagons – + – • specific problems + – + • energy systems • signalling systems Figure V-3: Different values refer to alternative routings on the respective corridor Rail freight impediments caused by cross border activities + criteria does not influence negatively in level of rail freight quality o criteria influences slightly negative in level of rail freight quality – criteria influences significantly negative in level of rail freight quality 6 Including Danish/German border, but without Scandinavia 7 Assumption: No multi-system loco used 8 Including Channel Tunnel, but without UK 17 V Executive Summary (especially within the Baltic States) causes delays in the border crossing procedures. • changes of track gauge (e.g. Corridor D/Baltic States, Corridor F/Spain) Figure V-4: Overview of infrastructural and technical interoperability on TREND corridors 9 • dissentient wagon coupling modes (Corridor D/ Baltic States) (e) Operational impediments mainly concern the following aspects: • only sporadic employment of interoperable loco drivers Corridor A Corridor B West Corridor B East 10 Corridor C I. Different track gauges 1 1 1 1 II. III. IV. Max/min speed for freight trains [km/h] Different wagon coupling modes Max/min line category 120 120 120/120 120/65 1 1 1 1 C2/D3 D4/D4 D4/C3 D4/C2 V. Max/Min train length [m] 750/450 750/555 750/515 750/500 VI. Max/min intermodal gauge P/C 80 – P/C 32 P/C 80 – 410/ 45-364 2,735/ 1,300 5 P/C 80 – 410/ 45-364 2,800/ 1,100 2 P/C 80 – 410/ 45-364 3,000/ 1,100 ≥ 3 – 5 VII. Max/min permitted train mass [t] VIII.Different signalling systems IX. Different current systems 2,000/ 1,300 3 – 5 2 4 2 2 – 3 X. Complete electrification – ✓ ✓ – XI. Different widths of pantograph 1 2 2 ≥ 2 Corridor F Corridor E 11 Corridor F I. Different track gauges 2 1 2 II. III. IV. Max/min speed for freight trains [km/h] Different wagon coupling modes Max/min line category 120/≤ 80 120/80 120/90 2 1 1 D 4/≤ C3 D4 D4 V. Max/Min train length [m] 750/540 750/550 750/500 VI. Max/min intermodal gauge P/C 80 – 410/ ≤70-400 5,100/ ≤1,600 ≥4 P/C 60 – 390/ 45-364 3,640/ 1,100 3 P/C 80 – 410/ 45-364 2,800/ 820 3 ≥4 4 4 VII. Max/min permitted train mass [t] VIII.Different signalling systems IX. Different current systems X. Complete electrification – ✓ ✓ XI. Different widths of pantograph 1 n.a. n.a. 10Including Danish/German border, but without Scandinavia 11Including Channel Tunnel, but without UK • The controlling of cross border train operations is already done by bilateral control centres in some cases; however, mostly controlling issues are still separated on national dispatching systems • Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon traffic) • Heterogeneous EDP-standards; from complete absence of EDP-solutions to totally EDP-supported procedures • Time loss due to other operations (e.g. low permitted speed for freight trains) (4) Alleviation projects already under way Several cross-border alleviation projects have already been started in order to overcome the above mentioned problems. Some of them represent a bunch of single measures, such as the implementation of OneStop Shops (OSS) or the “ZEUS project”. The following projects have been mentioned as of particular importance: • CIFFA: Cross border operation centre for interchange between SNCF and Railion, including common dispatching of interoperable locos and train paths (Corridor F) • Several activities of RENFE and SNCF Fret in order to improve border crossing operations, bundled in projects like MUM, GOTI or SISIFO • Increase of amount of trust trains (especially for intermodal trains), leading to a considerable reduction of the required border processing time (d) Resource problems 9 Max-/min values may refer to different routings on the respective corridor • Operational priority of passenger trains over freight trains in infrastructure bottlenecks, such as metropolitan nodes, and in conflict situations Another main impediment concerns the rolling stock, especially the multi-system locos. In many cases interoperable engines for different signalling systems are regarded too expensive by the Railway Undertakings. Other reasons for the lack of locomotives are insufficient dispatching systems (especially on Corridor E/France) or breakdowns due to their obsolete technical status. Furthermore the poor quality of the wagons • Upgrading signalling and control systems to the status of ETCS and GSM-R • The establishment of the new European loco driver license for cross border rail traffic • Common quality agreements and common priority rules for train path planning/operation Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 18 V Executive Summary Alleviation projects within the TREND corridors’ countries mainly concentrate on upgrading infrastructure (line doubling, levelling steep gradients, and station reconstruction). Medium-term actions – package of measures II: • Analyse management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains (5) Action plans • Intensify the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at “service planning” level and at “operational” level The alleviation measures and projects for the TREND corridors have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts, representing the respective Railway Undertaking / Infrastructure Manager. A classification into three types of actions (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short-term, medium-term, long-term) shall facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies and in the Brenner Action Plan. The action plans are completed by a fourth group of measures (“other measures”). Short-term actions – package of measures I: • Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings • Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Improve communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information • Extend the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts • Prioritise freight trains Long-term actions – package of measures III: • Establishing rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor (RU operating centres) • Improving co-ordination of national traffic control centres (between IMs) • Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) • Elaborating of new solutions for the existing HERMES system • Elaborate an implementation plan for quality management tools • Development of ERTMS on the corridor • Define priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks Other actions – package of measures IV: • Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks • Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports • Other measures © DB AG/Klee 19 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Figure 1.1.1–1: Map of TREND Corridor A Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 1.1.1 Introduction in TREND Corridor A Corridor A extends from Italy through Slovenia to Hungary. It begins at Gioia Tauro container hub seaport. From Gioia Tauro the corridor runs via Paola and Taranto to Bari. From Bari, after having joined the branch from Brindisi, the corridor covers the whole Adriatic line until Bologna. For the purpose of the present corridor definition, the railway triangle connecting the important railway nodes of Verona, Padova and Bologna has been taken into account. The corridor reaches Slovenia through the cross border station of Villa Opicina/Sezana. In Slovenia the corridor runs from the Italian border via Ljubljana and Pragersko to the Hungarian border at Hodos. An alternative route has been considered to connect the port of Koper. The corridor reaches the Ukrainian border through Hungary, at Zahony terminal (see Figure 1.1.1–1). The length of the corridor (calculated on its “main route”) is 2,280 km. As a first positive factor to enhance interoperability, the track gauge is 1,435 mm on the whole corridor. Moreover, the trains are coupled with screw coupler and buffers on all involved railways. The corridor line starts in Gioia Tauro, then follows the Jonian line from Sibari to Taranto, where it collects the traffic coming from the container terminal at Taranto seaport. From Bari to Bologna the corridor covers the Adriatic line, through Pescara, Ancona and Rimini. For the purpose of the present corridor definition, the railway triangle connecting the important railway nodes of Verona, Padova and Bologna has been taken into account. The corridor reaches Slovenia through the cross border station of Villa Opicina/ Sezana (see Figure 1.1.1–2). Figure 1.1.1–2: TREND Corridor A in Italy BRENNERO Main Route Alternative DOMODOSSOLA CHIASSO MILANO Today TARVISIO BOLZANO TORINO UDINE CERVIGNANO VERONA MESTRE PIACENZA ARQUATA GENOVA FERRARA BOLOGNA RIMINI VENTIMIGLIA PISA FIRENZE ANCONA CAMPIGLIA M. PESCARA ORTE CIVITAVECCHIA FOGGIA BARI CASERTA BRINDISI SALERNO LECCE TARANTO Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 1.1.1–3. SIBARI PAOLA LAMEZIA GIOIA TAURO PALERMO MESSINA MELITO P.S. ARAGONA CATANIA SIRACUSA Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 20 1 TREND Corridor A Location 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Port terminals for Ro-Ro and sea-rail unaccompanied intermodal transport (semi trailers/swap bodies) Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport (road/ rail and port container terminals) Gioia Tauro (seaport) ✓ Taranto (seaport) ✓ Brindisi (seaport) ✓ Brindisi CEMAT Bari (seaport) Figure 1.1.1–3: Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Cor-ridor A in Italy 12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bari Ferruccio ✓ ✓ Pescara ✓ ✓ Ancona Falconara ✓ ✓ Ferrara ✓ Lugo ✓ Bologna Interporto ✓ Padova Interporto ✓ Verona Quadrante Europa ✓ Verona Porta Nuova ✓ ✓ Venezia Marghera ✓ ✓ Cervignano ✓ Trieste (seaport) ✓ ✓ Villa Opicina (border m.y.) Figure 1.1.1–4: ✓ TREND Corridor A in Slovenia In Slovenia the corridor follows the East-West main line until Ljubljana. In Divaca the branch connecting Koper seaport merges. Main Route HODOS Alternative MAR-SPI MURSKA SOBOTA MARIBOR The connection to Hungary is ensured by the new built non-electrified line from Ormoš to Hodoš (cross border station; see Figure 1.1.1–4). JES-ROS JESENICE PRAGERSKO CAC-SRE ORMOZ CELJE GROBELNO Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 1.1.1–5. ZIDANI MOST LJUBLJANA SEVNICA NOVA GORICA DOBOVA SEZANA DIVACA PIVKA OPC-VIL PRESNICA KOPER ILI-SAP BUZ-RAK Figure 1.1.1–5: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor A in Slovenia 13 Location Port terminals for Ro-Ro and sea-rail unaccompanied intermodal transport (semi trailers/swap bodies) Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport (road/ rail and port container terminals) Sežana (border m.y.) Koper Tovorni (seaport) Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ ✓ Ljubljana Zalog ✓ Ljubljana Moste KT ✓ Celje ✓ ✓ 12Based on: European Commission „Integrated Services in the Intermodal Chain“; Trenitalia, CEMAT 13Based on: European Commission „Integrated Services in the Intermodal Chain“; SŽ, Adriakombi 21 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them HIDASNEMETI Main Route In Hungary the corridor runs from the border station of Öriszentpeter, through Zalalovo, Boba until Budapest. From Budapest to Szolnok the corridor takes advantage from the choice between two possible routes. The corridor reaches the Ukrainian border (where a different track gauge exists) at Zahony terminal. Zahony Alternative FELSOZSOLCA HEGYESHALOM KOMAROM VAC SOPRON GYOR TATABANYA FUZESABONY HATVAN BUDAPEST DEBRECEN ERD SZOMBATHELY PUSPOKLADANY SZEKESFEHERVAR UKK SZENTGOTTHARD SZABADBATTYAN TAPOLCA NYIREGYHAZA SZOB SZOLNOK An alternative route, connecting Hungary with Croatian seaports, has been considered as well. It leads from Gyekenyes border station to Budapest, via Kaposvar and Szekesfehervar (see Figure 1.1.1–6). BIHARKERESZTES KUNSZENTMIKLOS-TASS KECSKEMET SIOFOK ZALALOVO FONYOD KISKUNFELEGYHAZA Oriszentpeter BEKESCSABA PINCEHELY NAGYKANIZSA MURAKERESZTUR LOKOSHAZA KISKUNHALAS KAPOSVAR GYEKENYES KELEBIA SZEGED Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 1.1.1–7. PECS MAGYARBOLY The total rail freight transport volume between Italy and Hungary adds up to six destinations, to which transit traffic has been added, to take into account that the corridor through Slovenia (and Hungary) is the main route (for terrestrial modes) for import and export traffic between Italy and Central Eastern Europe countries. Figure 1.1.1–6: TREND Corridor A in Hungary © Intercontainer Austria Figure 1.1.1–7: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor A in Hungary 14 Location Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport (road/rail and port container terminals) Öriszentpeter (border m.y.) ✓ Zalalovo ✓ Zalaegerszeg ✓ Boba ✓ Veszprem ✓ Kaposvar ✓ Szekesfehervar ✓ Budapest Kelenfold 14Based on: European Commission „Integrated Services in the Intermodal Chain“; MÀV Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ Budapest BILK ✓ Budapest Joszefvaros ✓ ✓ Ujszasz ✓ Szolnok ✓ Szajol ✓ Puspokladany Debrecen ✓ ✓ Nyiregyhaza Zahony ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 22 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Country Destination 2,100 12,300 • 52 % (i.e. 13.7 Mio t/a) of the total volume is handled by road transport. The “waterway” transport is reported at 30 %, but also short-sea-shipping transport is included. It has to be reminded that the statistical sources provided by experts from RUs for the present survey consider “waterway” transport also the transfer of goods performed by sea for at least one segment. Rail overall modal split is then 17 %. 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % ) ou nd ) tb ou (W es tb as ns it (E Tr a Tr a ns it ga un H nd ia lo ve n ry -S ry -H un - It Sl ov en ia ry ga al ry ga ia y 0 % ov en • There is a strong heterogeneity in the rail modal split. The rail split is in general lower for traffic to and from Italy (also due to the presence of short sea shipping) and particularly low between Italy and Slovenia. It reaches the relevant rate of 45-46 % for the traffic between Slovenia and Hungary. 80 % lo ve n • The ratio of transit traffic is particularly relevant: it adds up to 6.8-6.9 Mio t (52 % of the total traffic on the corridor). 90 % Sl • The unbalanced traffic is growing year by year, due to EU enlargement. A general increase of import traffic to Italy is reported after May 2004, following the entering in EU of Slovenia and Hungary. The traffic increase is particularly relevant for rail, due to the traffic of raw materials westbound. Figure 1.1.1–9: Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor A countries 2004 100 % -S • The strongest relation, despite of the mode of transport, is Italy-Slovenia, with an about balanced traffic. ly More detailed statistic transport data are listed in Appendix 1. The main transport structures can be described as follows: A closer look shows the proportion of the railway transportation modes: conventional trains or intermodal trains differentiating, where possible, between block trains and single wagons. Suitable data have been provided for the six relevant destinations and for transit traffic by the RUs (see Figure 1.1.1–9). The corridor appears to be devoted to conventional traffic, which is demanded in 79 % of the cases (by average among destinations). It a The total freight traffic sums up at about 26 Mio t in 2004 (see Figure 1.1.1–8). It has to be kept in mind that the volumes listed underneath represent not only the corridors but the total flows amongst the involved countries. 6,900 6,800 ga 4,900 un 5,200 Transit (from Italy to other destinations) un Sub-Total Total volume of freight amongst Corridor A countries 2004 (rail, road, waterway, sea) [1000 t/a] 3,800 H 1,700 y 2,100 4,300 4,200 al Hungary 1,100 1,100 -H 3,100 Sub-Total - It 3,200 Slovenia Hungary ly Italy Slovenia ia Italy It a Country Origin Figure 1.1.1–8: Transit (from other origins to Italy) Conventional block trains Conventional single wagon Intermodal trains (Block trains and single wagon) • Conventional single wagon trains feature the rail freight’s majority on Italy’s inbound destinations, whilst the traffic in export shows a small but significant percentage of intermodal traffic, due to the establishment of some block train intermodal relations from Verona/Padova/Bologna terminals. • Intermodal transport plays the lion’s share only in Slovenia-Hungary relations (66 % of the total). 23 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them For the future the consulted experts forecast a strong increase of the total freight market within Corridor A, especially due to: • the development of trade between Italy and the new EU Member countries • the powerful increase of traffic at Gioia Tauro and Taranto container terminals The growth of the Gioia Tauro port has been remarkable: from 572,000 TEU in 1996 to 3,080,710 TEU in 2003. Though the main traffic is a transhipment one, the sea-land traffic (O/D Italy) is very significant. Taking only January and February of 2005, the overall handling of TEU amounted to 523,292, 13 % more than the same period in the previous year. It is probable that the target of 4-5 million TEU, forecast by the year 2010, can be reached before that date. Nevertheless the throughput in Taranto increased up to 763,000 TEU in 2004. 1.1.2 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor A Corridor A is one of the most important axes in Europe, connecting some of the most relevant container hubs in Southern Italy (Gioia Tauro and Taranto) with some of the most relevant intermodal terminals in Europe (Verona, Bologna, Padova) and furthermore with some of the most promising markets on the enlarged EU (Slovenia, Hungary). Of course the current rail freight transport has to be developed with specific organisational and infrastructure measures, even if some episodes of interoperability (between Italy and Slovenia) have been already put in place. The challenge for rail is to capture the foreseen increase in the total transport demand along the corridor as a whole, and along corridor power segments (Southern Italy seaports to Northern Italy, and from there to Slovenia/Hungary). 1.1.3 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments Structuring of impediments The results of TREND B2 presented hereunder derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables; exceptions will be expressly stated. The results of the meetings were analysed and taken into account, as well. This report shall make the TREND results comparable to corridor studies already performed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for a future Integrated Project (IP). Thus the TREND corridor report will refer to the structuring of the action plans that had already been developed in the CER corridor reports: a) Infrastructure problems; b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation); c) Resource problems. Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments The main border problems result from the different signalling systems and different languages at the borders (see also chapter The difference of current systems, almost widespread in European rail borders, does not appear to be a barrier, since the cross border traffic between Italy and Slovenia can be performed by 3kV locos, and the traffic between Slovenia and Hungary by diesel locos. Anyway a complete corridor relation cannot be performed with the same locomotive. The loss of time required for multisystem locomotives at the borders (e.g. those displaced between Italy and Slovenia) appears to be due to organisational problems (the most relevant is the lack of mutual accep tance of drivers). In all other cases the locomotive has to be changed at the border. A further and relevant infrastructural impediment is due to the different track gauge between Hungary and Ukraine (Zahony terminal). All in all the scheduled time for border crossing purposes along the Corridor A can be seen in Figure 1.1.3–1. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 24 1 TREND Corridor A Border Italy/Slovenia (interoperable trains) Processing time per train Activities (including technical and operational procedures) Total = 65 min 10 min change of loco (driver) technical/wagon inspection (scan) 15 min brake test (reduced) 40 min commercial inspection 20 min train registration 30 min data input Figure 1.1.3–1: Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule) Without loco change. Scan is performed under a “trust handover” agreement between RUs, by one RU only wagon exchange 10 min document exchange 10 min train formation/departure Total = 60 min Total time calculated on technical operations only 10 min change of loco 35 min technical/wagon inspection 15 min brake test 45 min commercial inspection 20 min train registration 30 min data input 5 min Remarks Total time calculated on technical operations only 35 min 5 min Slovenia/Hungary 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them wagon exchange 10 min document exchange 10 min train formation/departure In addition to time delay border crossing activities also require considerable infrastructure resources and costs. At the borders the following infrastructure resources are provided for interchange purposes: • Italy/Slovenia (Villa Opicina): 8 tracks • Slovenia/Hungary (Hodos): 5 tracks • Hungary/Ukraine (Zahony): 13 tracks The performance of border crossing activities was rated as „good“ between both borders. Custom clearance procedures are reported to be necessary between Hungary and Ukraine. Other infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality A number of infrastructural impediments have been reported as a lack of capacities in the stations/nodes or along the lines. These missing resources make it difficult or even impossible to acquire additional rail freight traffic on the corridor. Furthermore they lead to expensive operational modes – especially within the nodes – which increase the total costs and worsen the market position of rail freight traffic. For elimination of these impediments measures to increase lines and nodes capacities have to be planned cohesively (see also chapter 1.1.4). • Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/ nodes capacity: – Gioia Tauro seaport: The difference in power voltage between the access track to the port and the main line allows the shunting of trains to Rosarno (10 km distance) only by splitting the train and recoupling it before entering the main line. – Bari node: Currently trains have to change direction in Bari Centrale, which takes 25 minutes. – Ljubljana Moste KT: The actual terminal capacity of 500 TEU/day is considered scarce and not meeting the demand increase rate. – Koper seaport marshalling yard: The capacity is reported as scarce. – Boba: Changing of engines (diesel to electric locos) and direction required. 25 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them – Zahony: At Hungary/Ukraine border, different track gauges cause the already mentioned lack of interoperability. Figure 1.1.3–2: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity Country Italy Line/Section Gioia Tauro – Paola Paola – Taranto P/C 32 from Gioia Tauro to Rosarno Taranto – Bari Brindisi – Bari single track between Polignano and Fasano (20 km) Padova – Venezia Mestre Monfalcone – Villa Opicina Bologna – Verona (complete corridor) Koper – Divaca Ormož – Ljutomer Ljutomer – Hodoš Hungary Bottleneck caused by • line category: C3 • max train length: 450 m between Metaponto and Taranto single track section Foggia – Ancona Slovenia The infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity are listed in Figure 1.1.3–2 Hodoš – Zalalovo Zalalovo – Zalaegerszeg Zalaegerszeg – Boba Boba – Veszprem • single track between Ortona and Casalbordino, between Campomarino and Lesina and between Apricena and S.Severo • P/C 32 loading gauge between Termoli and Ancona • capacity exploitation: 88 % capacity exploitation: 81 % • capacity exploitation: 73 % • between Monfalcone and Villa Opicina 140 train paths/day in both directions • currently only 30 – 40 additional train paths available line category C3 and single track section between Bologna and Nogara max. train load: 1,600 t • • • • • • • • scarce rail capacity in the shunting sections capacity exploitation of the line: 94 % single track line 20 % slope Hrpelje-Rodik (4 km) 25 % slope Koper t.-Prešnica (21 km) power supply restraints insufficient IT interface These limitations are causing reduced train length and weight, the requirement of additional uphill locomotives, high average dwelling time of wag-ons, delays of inbound and outbound trains and lengthy in/outbound processes • single track line • capacity exploitation: 79 % • 21 km long inter station section Ormož – Ljutomer • short main tracks on stations Ljutomer and Ormož • 11 % slope Ljutomer – Ivanjkovci • diesel traction • limited axle load • These limitations are causing reduced section through-put of trains, reduced train length and weight, higher traction costs, noise disturbance and reduced wagon loading utilisation • single track • diesel traction • single track • diesel traction • max. train load: 1,300 t • single track • diesel traction • trains longer than 300 m are not allowed to stop • single track • diesel traction • trains longer than 350 m are not allowed to stop single track Veszprem – Szekesfehervar • single track • 20 km/h speed limitation at node Line category: C3, except Hodoš – Zalalovo (D3) and (complete corridor) Nyiregyhaza – Zahony (C2) Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 26 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 205 122 118 D4 C3 D4 D2 118 2293 137 40 364 D3 69 100 114 52 598 Zahony Szolnok 96 236 1435 mm C3 C3 75 km/h 120 km/h Budapest Szekesfehervar Boba Hodos Ormoz Hungary MAV 1435 mm D4 Maximum Speed Pragersko Ljubljana Villa Opicina 141 1435 mm Track Gauge Figure 1.1.3–3: Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor A – infrastructure Slovenia SZ 513 1331 Distance Line Category Venezia Italy RFI 110 103 Bologna Foggia Bari Country IM 129 Figure 1.1.3–3, Figure 1.1.3–4 and Figure 1.1.3–5 give an overview about the most important technical and operational parameters for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor A. Brindisi Bari Taranto Paola Gioia Tauro Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport 80 km/h 80 km/h C2 90 km/h 100 km/h Tracks Figure 1.1.3–4: Country Track Gauge Relevant Clearance Signalling System Energy System Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Italy 1435 mm BACC / RSDD Indusi 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (SLO) Zahony Szolnok Budapest 1435 mm UIC-505-1 ERTMS Level 1 Diesel DC 3 kV Szekesfehervar Hungary 1435 mm UIC-505-1 Basic locomotive with one country package (I) Boba Slovenia UIC-505-1 1450 mm Hodos Ormoz Pragersko Ljubljana Villa Opicina Venezia Bologna Foggia Bari Brindisi Bari Taranto Paola Gioia Tauro Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor A – traction Diesel EVM AC 25 kV / 50 Hz 2050 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (H) Basic locomotive with three country packages (I, SLO, and H) Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 27 Italy Track Gauge Coupler 600 m 450 m Intermodal Gauge Maximum Train Mass Figure 1.1.3–5: Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor A – international services 520 m P/C 45 480 m Hungary MAV 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers 575 m 625 m P/C 32 575 m 550 m 597 m 550 m 500 m P/C 80 1600 t The compilation shows the existence of several technical parameters which affect interoperability on the corridor: – in Italy and Slovenia DC 3 kV and Zahony Screw coupler with buffers 600 m P/C 80 1900 t Szolnok Budapest Szekesfehervar Boba Hodos Ormoz Pragersko Ljubljana Slovenia SZ • Two current systems are used by the involved railway companies 500 m 750 m P/C 80 or P/C 50 1600 t 1300 t 2000 t 3300 t This means that a locomotive generally applicable on the corridor would have to be compatible with • two current systems, plus diesel • two widths of pantograph • four different signalling systems – BACC/RSDD/SCMT in Italy – in Hungary AC 25 kV, 50 Hz – a diesel section crossing Slovenia and Hungary • The width of the pantograph is 2,050 mm in Hungary and 1,450 mm in Slovenia and Italy. • In each country a dedicated national signalling system is used. The ERTMS level 1 is established in Hungary, on a section between the Slovenian border and Boba. In Italy, the complete Adriatic line is going to be converted. Further lines will not be converted to SCMT (Sistema Controllo Marcia Treno), which is ERTMS-compatible. © DB AG/ Klee Villa Opicina Venezia Bologna Foggia Bari Country Maximum Train Length 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Brindisi Bari Taranto Paola Gioia Tauro 1 TREND Corridor A – Indusi in Slovenia – ERTMS level 1 on selected Hungary lines – EVM in Hungary The SCMT signalling system that is going to be implemented on the most part of Italian network is reported to be fully compatible to ERTMS system. Thus it seems sensible that this implementation will not lead to a further system. The maximum permitted parameters for a freight train to operate along the whole corridor are listed in Figure 1.1.3–6. From Gioia Tauro to Zahony Intermodal gauge P/C 32 Train length 450 m Train gross load 1,300 t Figure 1.1.3–6: Permitted train parameters for non-stop operating on Corridor A The main limitations, affecting the organisation of a whole corridor service, are: • profile limitation to P/C 32 between Foggia and Bologna Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 28 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them • train length limitation to 450 m on Paola – Taranto section. However, trains longer than 300 m are not allowed to stop in a short section in Hungary. • train weight limitation to 1,300 t in Hungary On the other hand, there are no interoperability problems on the corridor line concerning: Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon) The minimum time for a wagon to pass a marshalling yard was stated by the railway undertakings as: • Bari (reversal of direction) (Italy): 30 min • the track width (1,435 mm) • Villa Opicina – Sezana (Italy-Slovenia border): 65 min for interoperable trains • the wagon coupling mode (screw coupler and buffers) The highest time reported for a wagon to stay in a marshalling yard is 240 – 360 minutes. Operations as impediment for rail freight transport Exchange of data and transport documents Operational impediments on Corridor A mainly concern the following aspects: • cross border train path planning • time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon traffic) • exchange of data and transport documents Cross border train path planning Cross border train path planning on Corridor A follows RNE guidelines. This means for example that „One Stop Shops (OSS)“ have been established. The infrastructure managers shall apply the following response times when replying to a customer‘s request for a train path concerning the running timetable period: • One working day when making an offer concerning pre-planned international train paths. Data exchange with rail production system is done via HERMES interface in all involved countries. Interchange of the consignment note is done manually along the corridor. Every country along the corridor has its own national braking sheet and wagon list. The change is made manually at the border even if the loco is not changed (multi-system loco). 1.1.4 Alleviation projects already under way Further activities integrated in ”action plans” are listed in chapter 1.2. Cross border improvement actions under way • Co-operation projects between Trenitalia and SŽ: several projects are under way in order to improve the existing functions of the effective cross border common operation centre in Villa Opicina. The following actions are the most relevant: • Five working days when making an offer concerning minor adaptations to pre-planned international train paths, as well as related cross-links, feederlines and use of terminals. – common Quality Service Centre responsible for daily and weekly planning and management of border-crossing freight operations on BC Villa Opicina and Gorisia/Nova Gorica • Thirty calendar days when making an offer concerning tailor-made international train paths as well as the use of associated terminals. In any case, the IMs shall provide the customer with a relevant answer within five working days. – trust based handover of wagons for 85 % of all trains • Five working days when confirming that an international train path has been allocated following the final request by the customer, provided that within three working days from the customer’s final request the contact IM has received confirmation of the allocation from the partner IM(s). – reorganisation of border-crossing activities (working time alignment, new division of activities performed by TI and SŽ at the border crossings (braking test, inspections etc.) – entrusting the ”RU releasing” with the responsibility of the braking test at Villa Opicina and Gorisia 29 1 TREND Corridor A 1.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them – renewal of the agreement on the border-crossing activities – increasing number of trains in the technical trust system • Co-operation projects between SŽ and MÀV: several projects are under way in order to optimise cross border activities between Slovenia and Hungary. The following actions are the most relevant: – introduction of the trust based handover of wagons – optimisation of the border-crossing activities Alleviation projects within the TREND Corridor A countries • Italy: – upgrading of alternate route for freight traffic From Gioia Tauro to Bari, consisting in the improvement of track speed on the CosenzaSibari-Metaponto section and upgrading of the Rosarno-Paola and Metaponto-Taranto sections; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2006; calculated costs are 42.9 Mio € – upgrading of the entire coastal route from Reggio Calabria to Battipaglia in order to eliminate all obstacles (gauge, train length and electric power) to freight traffic; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2010; calculated costs are 230 Mio € – completion of the doubling of the Bari-Taranto line and new connection to the MetapontoTaranto line; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2009; calculated costs are 466.5 Mio € – doubling and electrification of the Bari-Lecce (including the Polignano-Fasano section); currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2006; calculated costs are 217 Mio € – technical improvement of the whole BolognaBari route: – new Command and Control centre in Bari – completion of the coded current block system – upgrading of electric traction facilities currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2008; calculated costs are 293.5 Mio € – doubling of the entire Pescara-Bari route, including all the single track sections; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2009; calculated costs are 478 Mio € – new bridge on the Po river at Occhiobello; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2006; calculated costs are 60 Mio € – quadrupling of tracks on the Padova-Mestre section with upgrading of the signalling system; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2006; calculated costs are 467 Mio € – between Monfalcone and Villa Opicina works are in progress for bidirectional block – upgrading of the electric line and installation of Train Run Control System from Latisana to Trieste and from Bivio Aurisina to Villa Opicina; currently under construction; planned to be finished between 2006 and 2007 – doubling of all the single track sections on Bologna-Verona line; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2008; calculated costs are 892.3 Mio € • Slovenia: – reconstruction and enlargement of Ljubljana intermodal terminal; currently under feasibility study development – construction of the second track Koper-Divača; preliminary design done; planned to be finished in 2015; calculated costs are 823 Mio € – implementation of additional technical solutions and operational concepts to increase efficiency of port operations at Koper; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2006; calculated costs are 3.1 Mio € – implementation of ERTMS/ETCS and implementation of GSM-R on the entire Slovenian sector of the corridor; feasibility study; calculated costs are 154 Mio € – modernisation of the line and signalling devices, building of two energy supply plants and two traffic bypasses, reconstruction of the stations Divača and Koper; construction of the second track Koper-Divača; preliminary designs ready; planned to be finished in 2008 (stations) and 2015 (doubling); calculated costs are 946.6 Mio € Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 30 1 TREND Corridor A 1.2 Action plans – Ljubljana – Pragersko line: reconstruction of the stations Sava, Kresnice, Trbovlje; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2006; calculated costs are 34 Mio € – Ljubljana – Pragersko line: modernisation of level crossings and construction of passenger underpasses at the railway stations up to Murska Sobota; upgrading the line to D4 category; currently under design; planned to be finished in 2012; calculated costs are 258.3 Mio € – Pragersko – Hodoš line: modernisation of the line Pragersko-Ormož, upgrading of signallingsafety and telecommunication devices, reconstruction of Kidričevo, Ptuj, Moškanjci and Ormož station, bridging structures; electrification of the railway line Pragersko-Hodoš; currently under tendering and design; planned to be finished in 2007 – 2009; calculated costs are 126 Mio € • Hungary: – Zalalövő (exc)-Zalacséb-Salomvár (inc) substructural works: finished in 2004 – 2005 – Zalalövő (exc) – Bagod (exc) sub and superstructure works: finished in 2005 – 2006 – Bagod-Zalegerszeg track construction: finished in 2005 – 2007 – Zalegerszeg triangle track construction: finished in 2002 – 2003 – Zalegerszeg (exc) – Ukk (exc) track rehabilitation: finished in 2005 – 2007 – Ukk (inc) – Boba track triangle. Rehabilitation in 2006 – 2007 – Székesfehérvár-Boba renovation: making the EU supporting application 2006. Approval plan in 2005 – 2006 – reconstruction Sülysáp (inc) – Tápiószecső (inc): finished in 2003 – 2004 – reconstruction Tápiószecs_ (inc) – Nagykáta (inc): finished in 2005 – 2006 – Nagykáta (exc) – Újszász (exc) rail rehabilitation (ballast screening, rail replacement, track adjustment): finished in 2006 – 2007 – EU supporting application for Szajol-Debrecen-Záhony (2006), approval plans for SzajolPüspökladány (2005 – 2006) and approval plans for Nyiregyháza-Záhony OH (2005 – 2006) in progress 1.2 Action plans 1.2.1 Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor A have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short term, medium term and long term measures) shall facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. Each measure described in the following action plans is followed by a table indicating the entities are (or should be) responsible to carry it through. The letters ”n.a.” mean ”not applicable”. Further activities already underway are described in chapter 1.1.4. 1.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst railway undertakings • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources (locomotives and drivers): Procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives and/or better organisation of resource dispatching, • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport by means of agreements on service guarantees • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation 31 1 TREND Corridor A 1.2 Action plans Italy – Slovenia Slovenia – Hungary Done: • Deployment of interoperable locomotives (3 of Trenitalia, 3 of SŽ) for cross-border operations (Ljubljana – Cervignano). The maximum traffic is 4 trains/day • The process of implementation 2006 of SŽ provides for the purchase of new multi current locomotives (6 of a total programme of 20 in 2006) Not done: Acceptance of foreign drivers II.Ensure availability of re- Done: sources Operational since 2003 (Villa Opicina and Sezana cross borders). Personnel of a single IM manage each cross border centre. Extension of responsibilities foreseen III.E xtended responsibility Done: of cross-border • Villa Opicina and Sezana operation centres are operation centres operating since 2001 with responsibilities of cross-border traffic management, quality management and real time information to customers • Extension foreseen: Villa Opicina operation centre will be responsible also for Gorisia/ Nova Gorica cross border. I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not done: The deployment of diesel interoperable locos is foreseen. Agreement underway between SŽ and MAV Not done: Problems due to different track gauges Not done Not done Not done: • Deeper research needed by SZ and MAV • Establishment of border operation centre and connection with existing one in Villa Opicina for integrated corridor management. Not done Figure 1.2.2–1: Co-operation of RU Figure 1.2.2–2: Co-operation of RU - IM and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures Italy – Slovenia I. Tail signal lamp II.Braking sheet III.Wagon list/train consist report IV.Regulation of hazardous goods V. Regulation of out-of-gauge-loads • Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods, out-ofgauge regulations for through trains). Slovenia – Hungary Partially done: • Change at border still needed; only interoperable trains to and from Italy don‘t change tail signal • Monitoring Group in progress (RFI, Trenitalia, SŽ, AŽP-Slovenian Railway Agency) Partially done: • Change at border still needed • Monitoring Group in progress (RFI, Trenitalia, SŽ, AŽP) • Exchange is not done in electronic version. Need to adapt the data to the respective technical rules Partially done: • Change at border still needed • Monitoring Group in progress (RFI, Trenitalia, SŽ, AŽP) • Exchange is not done in electronic version Partially done: • International RID rules adopted • Control at cross-border for all trains is done • Leaflet UIC No 471-3-O (control only in origindestination of the train) not applied by SŽ for transit trains • Deeper research needed by Trenitalia, SŽ, Governments and EU. Not done: • No bilateral agreement in force • UIC Leaflet 502 and reliance agreement adopted. Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not done: Deeper research needed by MÀV Infra, SŽ and AŽP Not done: MÀV-UZ regular meetings Not done Not done: MÀV-UZ regular meetings Not done Not done: MÀV-UZ regular meetings Not done: Deeper research needed by SŽ, MÀV, Governments and EU Not done: MÀV-UZ regular meetings Not done: Not done: Need to adapt the data to the MÀV-UZ regular meetings respective technical rules Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 32 1 TREND Corridor A 1.2 Action plans an implementation plan for quality management tools • Elaborate Quality Management and Measurement Systems (taking into account UIC guidelines) • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations) • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor Italy – Slovenia I. Quality Management and Measurement System II.Quality Agreements • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks Develop recommendations for low-budget short-term infrastructure measures and for a ”whole-corridor-coordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. of a dedicated corridor control centre Done: • Realised since 2001 by Trenitalia and SŽ • RFI provides their customers with Train info: train path buyers can enter the Traffic Management System and can monitor the progress of their trains and causes of delay on RFI network. Done: • Quality agreement signed since 2001 by Trenitalia-SŽ • RFI has implemented since 2005 the “Performance regime” on RFI network. Done: Installed by SŽ (same as at Brenner station). III.Computerised Quality Management System (QMS) IV.Common Rules Partially done: of handling de- Realised since 2001 by layed trains SZ and TI – for selected trains. – Co-ordination with timetable construction and marketing Italy – Slovenia Not yet done: Not done • Planned for 2006 by SŽ and MÀV • Pilot implementation of UIC RU - RU Standard Agreement Not done Not done Not done Not done Slovenia – Hungary I. Priority of low Not done: Done: budget shortTo be envisaged by in- • Realised since 2001 by term measures ternational Round TaSŽ Infra and MÀV Infra ble (“Corridor Cham• Intergovernmental pion” – approach) group, quarterly meetings existing, extended to interoperability issues – Object: avoid capacity bottlenecks caused by civil works Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not done Figure 1.2.2–4: Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures • Improvement of daily business by regular meetings of the operation management Italy – Slovenia • Co-ordination of cross-border timetables • Transparency for train path prices Not done Quality Management System • Exchange of operational data (train path statistics and forecasts) – Co-ordination of regional/central planning Not yet done: • Planned for 2006 by SŽ and MÀV • Since now UIC and CER guidelines are applied. Hungary – Ukraine (border) Figure 1.2.2–3: • Setup of a corridor dedicated operational control system • Co-ordination of rail construction operations Slovenia – Hungary I. Setup of a corridor dedicated operational control system Slovenia – Hungary Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not yet done: Deeper research needed by Trenitalia and SŽ • Alternative 1: integrating the operating centre of Villa Opicina with possible additional operating centre in Hodoš • Alternative 2: change business model and consider joint venture or other alliance possibilities for integrated corridor management Figure 1.2.2–5: Corridor control centre 33 1 TREND Corridor A 1.2 Action plans 1.2.3 Medium-term actions – package of measures II Figure 1.2.3–1: Priority rules between freight and passenger trains Analyse the management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains Italy – Slovenia I. Priority rules of freight vs. passenger trains Slovenia – Hungary Partially done: • One-way operation split (night-day) between Thyrrenian/ Adriatic Corridor • Deeper research needed by RFI and SŽ Infra. Not done: Deeper research needed by SŽ, MÀV Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not done the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.) • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links Figure 1.2.3–2: Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange (e.g. implementation of the TSI Telematics for Freight”) Italy – Slovenia Not done: No catalogue paths on the corridor II.Improve time tables to Partially done: reduce transport times Process of implementation 2005 – 2006 by RFI, Trenitalia and SŽ III.Ensure timely and sys- Partially done: tematic international in- RFI and SŽ participate in formation exchange RNE working group. IIIB.Implementation of Not done: TAF (Telematic Implementation Plan for TSI Applications for TAF Freight) TSI IV.International catalogue Not done: train paths No catalogue paths on the corridor V. Provide reliable inforDone: mation on train location • RFI Traininfo, see Figure and delay 1.2.2–3 • RFI participates in EUROPTIRAIL Project I. Evaluate the availability of train paths • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL …) Slovenia – Hungary Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not done Not done Partially done: Process of implementation 2005 – 2006 by MÀV and SŽ Not done Partially done: MÀV and SŽ participate in RNE working group Not done Not done: Implementation Plan for TSI TAF Not done Not done: No catalogue paths on the corridor Not done Partially done: • MÀV: Extending existing train monitoring system to customer information • SŽ Infra and Tovorni Promet (RU) share the same information system. The system needs to be separated in future Not done Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 34 1 TREND Corridor A 1.2 Action plans communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange Figure 1.2.3–3: • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data I. Improve communication and data exchange Communication between Railway Undertakings Italy – Slovenia Slovenia – Hungary Hungary – Ukraine (border) • Trenitalia - SŽ: actually only Hermes 30; extension of exchange foreseen • Examination of data exchange from electronic consignment note based on COTIF/CIM rules Examination of data exchange from electronic consignment note based on COTIF/CIM rules Examination of exchanging data of freight notes even between OSJD/SMGS and COTIF/CIM regimes Extend the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers Figure 1.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts • Standardise and simplify approval procedures Italy – Slovenia I. Optimising use of locomotives II.Deployment of interoperable locomotives III.Agreement on mutual acceptance of locomotives and drivers IV.Standardisation of approval procedure Slovenia – Hungary Done: Realised since 2003 by TI and SŽ Partially done: Bilateral agreement signed between SŽ and MÀV Done: Partially done: • The deployment of interoperable electric locos Implementation plan for on Ljubljana - Cervignano section is foreseen deployment of diesel locos to be extended to Trieste and Bologna • The involvement of CESIFER (The RFI safety department in charge of issuing safety authorisations) is needed Not done: Partially done: Foreseen in the long term • Since 2003 locomotives cross border only if they have the „failure book“ • Agreement for mutual acceptance of drivers only at border stations Done: Not done: Since 2003. Foreseen in the long term Hungary – Ukraine (border) Not done Not done Not done Not done Figure 1.2.3–5: Prioritise freight trains (time windows) Prioritising of freight trains Italy – Slovenia I. Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) RFI: During freight peak hours (23:00 – 06:00) • freight 1 paths are ranked in class 2 • freight 2 paths are ranked in class 3 Slovenia – Hungary n.a. Hungary – Ukraine (border) n.a. 35 1 TREND Corridor A 1.2 Action plans 1.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III Figure 1.2.4–1: Long-term actions • Establishing rules and tools to manage trains along corridor (RU operating centres) the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) • Improving co-ordination of national traffic control centres (between IMs) • Elaborating of new solutions for the existing HERMES system • Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of • Development of ERTMS on the corridor Italy – Slovenia I. Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor II.Improve co-ordination of national traffic control centres III.Monitor timely upgrading and extension of railway infrastructure Hungary – Ukraine (border) See Not done Not done Not done Done: • IMs monitor the implementation • International Round table („Corridor Champion“) with authority to steer the money would be welcome Done: • IMs monitor the implementation • International Round table („Corridor Champion“) with authority to steer the money would be welcome • To be envisaged by RAILDATA • MÀV is member SŽ is observer Partially done: ETCS from border to Boba. Done: • IMs monitor the implementation • International Round table („Corridor Champion“) with authority to steer the money would be welcome n.a. IV.Development of new solutions for the existing HERMES system • To be envisaged by RAILDATA • Trenitalia is member, SŽ is observer V. Development of ERTMS on the parts of the corridor Partially done: Italy: Adriatic Line to be equipped with SCMT system by 2007 Figure 1.2.5–1: Slovenia – Hungary 1.2.5Other actions – package of measures IV Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks Italy – Slovenia n.a. Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks Slovenia – Hungary Hungary – Ukraine (border) see chapter I. Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks) Figure 1.2.5–2: Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports Italy – Slovenia I. Remove physical bottlenecks II.Provision of „terminal services“ on a timetable basis Figure 1.2.5–3: Other measures Slovenia – Hungary see chapter n.a. n.a. n.a. measures Italy – Slovenia I. Other measures Hungary – Ukraine (border) n.a. Slovenia – Hungary n.a. Hungary – Ukraine (border) n.a. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 36 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 2.1.1 Introduction in TREND Corridor B-West The Corridor B-West connects the Ports of the Netherlands via Germany and Switzerland with Italy. It extends from Rotterdam via Duisburg and Köln along the Rhine to Basel. In Switzerland the corridor line diverges into the Gotthard- and the Lötschberg-Simplon route. Both routes converge in Milano again (see Figure 2.1.1–1). The length of the corridor is about 1,200 km, with only small differences between the Gotthardand Lötschberg-line. The corridor line starts in Rotterdam, follows the planned new BETUWE line, connects to the existing network at Zevenaar and proceeds to the German border at Emmerich (see Figure 2.1.1–2). Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 2.1.1–3. Figure 2.1.1–1: Map of TREND Corridor B-West Main Route DELFZIJL Today LEEUWARDEN GRONINGEN NIEUWESCHANS MEPPEL UITGEEST ZWOLLE LELYSTAD HAARLEM WIERDEN DEVENTER SCHIPHOL BREUKELEN LEIDEN DEN HAAG HENGELO IJSSELBURG JCT UTRECHT VELPERPOORT JCT SCHIEDAM GOUDA Emmerich/Zevenaar ZWIJNDRECHT LAGE ZWALUWE BREDA VLISSINGEN TERNEUZEN BOXTEL ESSEN SAS-VAN-GENT EINDHOVEN NEE-WEE BLERICK ROERMOND Figure 2.1.1–2: TREND Corridor B-West in the Netherlands Location Rotterdam (seaport) Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport service road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ Kijfhoek/Rotterdam Figure 2.1.1–3: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in the Netherlands 15 ✓ Remarks 15Based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen über wichtige Linien des internationalen kombinierten Verkehrs und damit zusammenhängende Einrichtungen (AGTC)“, state: 08.03.2005 37 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them In Germany the corridor follows the most important and highly frequented main line along the Rhine via Duisburg, Köln, Mainz, Karlsruhe to Basel (Switzerland border, see Figure 2.1.1–4). Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 2.1.1–5. Figure 2.1.1–4: TREND Corridor B-West in Germany FLENSBURG Main Route SASSNITZ PUTTGARDEN KIEL STRALSUND NEUMUNSTER ROSTOCK CUXHAVEN LUBECK BUTZOW HAMBURGSCHWERIN LUDWIGSLUST LEER BREMEN PASEWALK SZC-TAN ANGERMUNDE UELZEN STENDAL CELLE BERLIN LEHRTE FRANKFURT AN DER ODE LOHNE HILDESHEIM MAGDEBURG MUNSTER DESSAU ALTENBEKEN COTTBUS HAMM GOTTINGEN HALLE S HAGEN RIESA KASSEL GROSSHERINGEN JCT GORLITZ KOLN GERA BAD SCHANDAU MARBURG BONN ZWICKAU FULDA KOBLENZ HOF ROHRBACH JCT MARKTREDWITZ MAINZ WURZBURG TRIER BIBLIS RHEINE Emmerich/Zevenaar MANNHEIM SAARBRUCKEN HORB FREIBURG SINGEN Basel Figure 2.1.1–5: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in Germany 16 Location ANSBACH SCHWANDORF KARLSRUHE STUTTGART Terminals for accompanied intermodal transport road/rail ULM REGENSBURG INGOLSTADT NEU-PAS AUGSBURG BRA-MUH MUNCHEN KEPMTEN FRE-SAL KUFSTEIN Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Emmerich ✓ Duisburg ✓ Neuss ✓ Köln ✓ ✓ Mannheim ✓ ✓ Ludwigshafen ✓ Karlsruhe ✓ Freiburg ✓ Basel/Weil ✓ Southwards Basel the corridor line separates (see Figure 2.1.1–6) into the • Lötschberg route via Olten, Thun, LötschbergBase-Tunnel, Brig, Simplon-Tunnel and the • Gotthard route via Olten, Gotthard-Base-Tunnel, Giubiasco, Chiasso. In Giubiasco the route splits up into another branch towards Luino; this branch joins the Lötschberg-route at Busto Arsisio (Italy). 16Based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 38 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Figure 2.1.1–6: TREND Corridor B-West in Switzerland SCHAFFHAUSEN Main Route Basel WINTERTHUR BRUGG St Margrethen DELEMONT OTHMARSINGEN OLTEN MOUTIER THALWIL ZUG BIEL LUZERN BERN NEUCHATEL BUCHS ARTH-GOLDAU SARGANS LANGNAU AUV-PON CHUR FRIBOURG THUN VALLORBE DAILLENS JCT SPIEZ LAUSANNE BRIG BRI-DOM Iselle BEL-GEN MARTIGNY GIUBIASCO Luino/Pino GIU-LUI LUGANO Chiasso Figure 2.1.1–7: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in Switzerland 17 Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 2.1.1–7. Location via route Terminals for accompanied intermodal transport road/rail Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ ✓ ✓ Basel Lötschberg, Gotthard Brig Lötschberg ✓ Aarau Gotthard ✓ Castione-Arbedo Gotthard ✓ Lugano Gotthard Chiasso Gotthard ✓ ✓ ✓ The Lötschberg branch continues via Domodossola, Arona and Gallarate towards Milano. An alternative route via Novara is available as well. ✓ The junction of the two main branches is in the north of Milano (see Figure 2.1.1–8). Figure 2.1.1–8: TREND Corridor B-West in Italy BRENNERO Domodossola/Iselle Luino/Pino BOLZANO Chiasso Main Route TARVISIO UDINE CERVIGNANO VERONA TORINO MILANO PIACENZA ARQUATA MESTRE FERRARA BOLOGNA GENOVA VENTIMIGLIA RIMINI PISA FIRENZE ANCONA CAMPIGLIA M. ORTE PESCARA CIVITAVECCHIA FOGGIA BARI CASERTA SALERNO BRINDISI LECCE SIBARI PAOLA LAMEZIA PALERMO ARAGONA MESSINA MELITO P.S. 17Based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. CATANIA SIRACUSA 39 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on this corridor sector are listed in Figure 2.1.1–9. Figure 2.1.1–9: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West in Italy 18 Location Terminals for accompanied intermodal transport road/rail Domodossola II ✓ Busto Arsisio-Gallarate ✓ Novara ✓ Milano ✓ Figure 2.1.1–10: ✓ 2.1.1–10). It has to be kept in mind that the volumes listed underneath represent not only that of the corridor but the total flows of the involved countries. Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Switzerland Italy Total Germany 128,963.8 66,065.9 809.3 1,618.0 68,493.2 Switzerland Italy Total 5,045.2 4,093.2 138,102.2 12,259.3 20,572.4 98,897.6 2,299.0 8,474.3 5,366.0 25,275.3 159,605.1 The detailed statistic transport data are listed in Appendix 2. The main transport structures can be described as follows: • The 12 destinations contribute unevenly to the total amount: The two strongest relations (Netherlands – Germany and vice versa) represent about 70 % of the all transport modes‘ volume. Other main traffic flows are Germany – Italy and vice versa • With the exception of Germany – Italy all relations are unbalanced (i.e. the difference between the directional flows is more than 20 %) 18Based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ The total rail freight transport volume between the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland an Italy adds up to 12 destinations with 276.3 Mio t in 2003 (see Figure Total volume of freight amongst Corridor B-West countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) [1000 t/a] Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail • 36.2 Mio t or 13 % of the total goods amount is transported by rail, with a strong heterogeneity on the particular destinations. Between Germany and Italy rail transportation mode reaches about 50 % of the modal split, due to alpine restrictions for road traffic. Other relations with a high rail transportation rate are Switzerland – Italy, Switzerland – Netherlands, Germany – Switzerland and Netherlands – Italy. In contrast destinations as Germany – Netherlands (and vice versa) or Netherlands – Switzerland represent only a poor modal split value for rail transport 30,801.5 3,908.2 21,212.7 26,964.6 276,275.6 • Extremely strong waterway destinations lead from the Netherlands (sea ports) along the Rhine to Germany and Switzerland and vice versa. Most of the other relations are negligible small. All in all waterway transport contributes by 42 % or 116.8 Mio t/a to the total transport volume. However the main part of this waterway volume refers only to the first corridor section between the Netherlands and Germany • 45 % (i.e. 123.2 Mio t/a) of the total volume is handled by road transport. Unlike rail and waterway transport, road traffic has a strong position in almost all relations A closer look shows the proportion of the railway transportation modes • conventional block trains • conventional single wagon transport and • intermodal trains (block trains + single wagon) Suitable data have been provided for 10 out of 12 destinations by the Railway Undertakings (see Figure 2.1.1–11). With each about 38 % conventional block trains and intermodal transport participate strongest in the total amount of these 10 relations. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 40 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Figure 2.1.1–11: Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor B-West countries 2003 100 % 90 % 80 % 70 % Conventional block trains 60 % Conventional single wagon 50 % 40 % Intermodal trains (Block trains and single wagon) 30 % 20 % 10 % m N et er G N et he rla nd s – G an er y m – he an N rla et y n h Sw ds er la – it z nd Sw le s rla it z nd le r – la N nd et N h et er he la n rla nd ds It a s – ly G – It er N al et m y he an y – rla Sw S nd w it z s it z le le rla r nd la nd – G e rm G er an m y an y – It a It a ly – ly G er m an y 0 % • Alpine transit destinations are dominated by intermodal trains • Conventional block trains constitute the rail freight’s majority on Netherlands – Germany destination (and vice versa). Container transport in advance of and continuation of overseas transport via Rotterdam is mostly taken over by inland navigation (along the Rhine, also turnover to rail and road in Duisburg) • Conventional single wagon traffic has a strong position especially for the Germany – Switzerland destination (and vice versa) For the foreseeable future the traffic volume is even forecasted to increase considerably. In this context the building of the freight dedicated BETUWE line in the Netherlands is likely to open new options for rail transport to and from Rotterdam as well as for the chemical industry in the Netherlands. Currently, railway infrastructure capacities are depleted on many sections along the corridor. Thus rail freight transport has to prove its ability to take over a significant part of the expected volume increase. For the future, the consulted experts forecast a strong increase of the total freight market within Corridor B-West, especially along the Rhine between Germany and the Netherlands and between Germany and Switzerland. 2.1.2 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor B-West The Corridor B-West is one of the most important North-South-axis in Europe, connecting the biggest European seaport (Rotterdam) via the industrial zones along the Rhine with the north Italian industrial centre (Milano). Therefore the high amount of existing freight flows is no surprise; however current rail freight transport has only a small share in this volume. © DB AG/Schmid 41 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 2.1.3 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments Structuring of impediments The results of TREND B2 presented hereunder derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables; exceptions will be expressly stated. The results of the meetings were analysed and taken into account, as well. This report shall make the TREND results comparable to corridor studies already performed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for a future Integrated Project (IP). Thus the TREND corridor report will refer to the structuring of the action plans that had already been developed in the CER corridor reports: All in all the scheduled time for border crossing purposes along the Corridor B-West can be seen in Figure 2.1.3–1. In addition to time delay border crossing activities also require considerable infrastructure resources and costs. At the Switzerland/Italy border the following infrastructure resources are provided for interchange purposes: • Domodossola: 10 tracks • Domodossola II: 36 tracks a) Infrastructure problems b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation) c) Resource problems Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments 19In railway engineering, a catenary structure consists of overhead lines used to deliver electricity to a railway locomotive, multiple unit, railcar, tram or trolleybus through a pantograph or a trolleypole. These structures consist of an upper structural wire in the form of a shallow catenary, short suspender wires, which may or may not contain insulators, and a lower conductive contact wire. By adjusting the tension in various elements the conductive wire is kept parallel to the centerline of the track, reducing the tendency of the pantograph or trolley to bounce or sway, which could cause a disengagement at high speed. (Source: Wikpedia, http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Catenary, accessed 20th April 2006, 17.03 hours.) In other cases the locomotive has to be changed at the border. In Switzerland the ETCS system requires an additional locomotive on the Lötschberg tunnel route. The main border problems result from the different current systems and different signalling systems (see also chapter Due to these technical handicaps multi-system locomotives are required to avoid time loss at the borders. At present these multi-system locos are used between the Netherlands and Germany in most cases. Figure 2.1.3–1: • Luino: 10 tracks Additional aspects: • In Domodossola II (Switzerland/Italy) the lack of a multi-current catenary 19 leads to an additional shunting movement of the complete train from the arrival track to the departure track. In the meantime a project has been set up to eliminate this problem; the funding has been ensured, so the work should begin soon. • At the Netherlands/German and the German/ Switzerland border the Infrastructure Managers criticised that the border staff did not communicate sufficiently and suggested regular meetings. • However the performance of border crossing activities was rated as ”good” or ”very good” between the Netherlands/Germany and Germany/ Switzerland the Railway Undertakings. Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule) Border Processing time per train Netherlands/ Germany 3 min 50 - 60 min 10-30 min Germany/ Switzerland Switzerland/Italy Included activities only PVG data transfer Remarks without change of loco or technical equipment with loco change 1h change of train control system without loco change and pantograph with loco change via Schaffhausen 0h change of loco • via Basel, without change of loco or technical equipment • parallel working on both border sides • cross border performance rated as „good“/“very good“ via Domodossola, Chiasso with customs clearance customs clearance procedure required for about 70 % of the trains 2h 3h Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 42 2 TREND Corridor B-West infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality Other infrastructural impediments mainly concern lack of capacities in the stations/nodes or along the lines. These missing resources make it difficult or even impossible to acquire additional rail freight traffic on the corridor. Furthermore they lead to expensive operational modes – especially within the nodes – which increase the total costs and worsen the market position of rail freight traffic. For elimination of these impediments measures to increase lines and nodes capacities have to be planned cohesively (see also chapter 2.1.4). • Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/ nodes capacity: 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them – Node Chiasso: The freight relay yard has only few tracks and does not operate during 24 h/d. Consequence: Many transit trains have to be moved in other nodes areas causing a longer transit time. – Node Chiasso: The actual position of the Italian engine shed is not appropriate to the freight trains‘ operation modes. Consequence: Interference between trains to/from the south and freight locomotives going/coming to/from the engine shed. – Node Luino: Only three freight tracks are more than 600 m long. Consequences: Some freight trains from/to north must be shunted in other station’s areas. • Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity are listed in Figure 2.1.3–2. Country Line/Section Netherlands/ Germany Germany Zevenaar – Emmerich junction of BETUWE line Freiburg – Basel profile P/C 70 - 400 Basel Bad – Basel SBB insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Basel – Chiasso profile P/C 60 - 384 Pratteln – Brugg insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Germany/ Switzerland Switzerland Rotkreuz – Erstfeld insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Giubiasco – Luino profile P/C 60 - 384 Giubiasco – Luino Basel – Olten • single track • insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Bern – Thun insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Thun – Brig only single track with P/C 80 - 405 profile Lötschberg Base-Tunnel • single track • high traffic volume insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Switzerland/Italy Brig – Domodossola Italy Bottleneck caused by Domodossola – Novara (via Borgomanero) Novara – Milano Domodossola – Arona Luino – Laveno • single track • max. train length: 575 m • profile P/C 80 – 410 profile P/C 45 - 364 • profile P/C 22 • max. train length: 555 m insufficient capacity Gallerate – Rho • single track • short passing tracks • insufficient capacity • profile P/C 50 – 364 • max. train length: 555 m no further capacity due to high traffic volume Busto Arszio – Milano profile P/C 45 - 364 Chiasso – Milano • profile P/C 60 – 390 • max. train length: 575 m max. train gross load: 1,600 t Luino – Gallerate Luino – Busto Arsisio lines in Italy Figure 2.1.3–2: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity 43 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport Country Relevant Clearance Track Gauge Netherlands Germany Milano Chiasso Basel Freiburg (Brsg) Ludwigshafen Mannheim Cologne Emmerich Rotterdam/ Maasvlakte Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor B-West Oberhausen Duisburg Figure 2.1.3–3: Figure 2.1.3–3 gives an overview about the most important technical and operational parameters for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-West. More detailed results can be found in Appendices 2.4 to 2.9. Switzerland Italy UIC-505-1 G2 EBO EBV 2 UIC-505-1 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 120 km/h 80 - 90 km/h 120 km/h Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Tracks Maximum Speed (Freight trains) Coupler Line Category Maximum Train Length Intermodal Gauge 100 km/h 120 km/h 100 km/h (Betuwe-Route) 100 km/h Screw coupler with buffers D4 D4 700 m 690 m (Betuwe-Route) 615 m 540 m 690 m Energy System Width of contact shoe (pantograph) 750 m D4 600 m 575 m (Old Line) P/C 80-410 P/C 80-410 P/C 70-400 2735 t Maximum Train Mass Signalling System D4 ERTMS / ETCS (Betuwe line) ATB / Crocodile AC 25 kV/50 Hz 2000 t PZB / LZB (Betuwe line) DC 1,5 kV AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm 1950 mm P/C 60-384 P/C 60-390 1700 t 1600 t Signum / ZuB 121 BACC / RSDD AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1450 mm DC 3 kV 1450 mm The figure shows a large variety of operating and technical parameters which affect interoperability on the corridor: • The width of the pantograph amounts to 1950 mm in the Netherlands and Germany and to 1450 mm in Switzerland and Italy • All European current systems are used by the involved railway companies: • In each country a dedicated national signalling system is used. The new European ETCS level 2 will be only established on Betuwe line, Bern Thun line and the Lötschberg base-tunnel. Further lines will not be converted to ETCS in the foreseeable future however. – in Germany and Switzerland AC 15 kV, 16.7 Hz – in Italy DC 3 kV and – in the Netherlands on old lines, in Kijfhoek (marshalling yard of Rotterdam) and in Zevenaar (German border) DC 1.5 kV; on the main part of BETUWE line AC 25 kV, 50 Hz • This means that a locomotive generally applicable on the corridor would have to be compatible with: – four current systems. A use of diesel locomotives is prohibited southwards of Basel because of the long alpine tunnels. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 44 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them – two widths of pantographs • The maximum permitted parameters for a freight train to operate along the whole corridor are listed in Figure 2.1.3–4 (see also Figure 2.1.3–5, Figure 2.1.3–6 and Figure 2.1.3–7) – five different signalling systems · · · · · ETCS level 2 in the Netherlands and Switzerland (Lötschberg route) Figure 2.1.3–4: Permitted train parameters for non-stop operating on Corridor B-West ATB/Crocodile in the Netherlands PZB 90/LZB in Germany via Gotthard route via Lötschberg route P/C 60-384 P/C 45-364 Signum/ZuB 121 in Switzerland (Gotthard route) Intermodal gauge Train length 575 m 575 m BACC/RSDD in Italy Train gross load 1,600 t 1,300 t Giubiasco P/C 60-384 P/C 60-384 Chiasso Gotthard P/C 60 - 390 P/C 60-384 P/C 80-410 P/C 70-400 Freiburg Luino Basel P/C 80-405 Lötschberg - old Line P/C 80-410 P/C 80-405 Frutigen Lötschberg - Base-Tunnel - P/C Busto 50 - 364 Arsizio P/C 45-364 P/C 45-364 P/C 50 - 380 P/C 80-405 Brig Milano P/C 80-410 Domodossola Novara double track single track • Trains with profile P/C 80-405 and P/C 80-410 have to use the Basel – Lötschberg – Simplon – Domodossola – Novara line. However beyond Novara these trains are not permitted to continue to Milano. Figure 2.1.3–5: • Northwards of Basel the profile is limited to P/C 70-400 by the Freiburg (Brsg) – Basel line Intermodal profiles in Switzerland and Italy Figure 2.1.3–6: Maximum train lengths between Freiburg and Milano Giubiasco 600 m 600 m Chiasso Gotthard 575 m 600 m 750 m Freiburg Luino Basel 700 m 700 m 700 m Thun Frutigen 700 m Brig Milano 555 m 575 m 555 m Lötschberg - old Line 750 m Lötschberg - Base-Tunnel - Busto 555 m Arsizio 575 m Domodossola Novara double track single track 45 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Giubiasco 2000 t 1700 t Chiasso Gotthard 1600 t 2000 t 2735 t Luino Freiburg Basel 2000 t 2000 t 3200 t Thun Frutigen 1300 t Brig Milano 1600 t 1600 t 1600 t Lötschberg - old Line 4000 t Lötschberg - Base-Tunnel - Busto 1600 t Arsizio 1600 t Domodossola Novara double track single track Figure 2.1.3–7: Maximum gross loads between Freiburg and Milano On the other hand, there are NO interoperability problems on the corridor line concerning • the track gauge (1,435 mm) • the line category (D4) • the wagon coupling mode (screw coupler and buffers) A look at the future situation (2015) of terminals for combined transport reveals that some of the main terminals along the corridor will have to face severe capacity problems as well. Particularly in Köln, Neuss, Mannheim/Ludwigshafen and Milano the rate of employment – depending on terminal infrastructure and transfer equipment – is forecasted to exceed the 100 % level, in spite of upgrading measures 20. Another main impediment concerns the rolling stock. As shown in chapter, a freight train to pass the complete corridor would have to be provided with a ”4 current-system locomotive”. Taking Railion´s 189 class, a suitable engine has been licensed in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Nevertheless only a small amount of these locomotives is available yet, the more so as for transalpine freight trains double traction mode will be requested. © DB AG/Lautenschläger Resources as impediment for rail freight transport 20MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity reserves for combined transport by 2015“; Final report; Freiburg/Frankfurt am Main/Paris 2004 Rhine) and Switzerland/Italy (Basel – Gotthard). Even when planned and current infrastructure measures (BETUWE, Offenburg – Freiburg, NEAT) have been completed, a high utilisation of Corridor B-West infrastructure will remain with some exposed bottlenecks (e.g. Basel area) 20. The current problems concerning infrastructure capacity have been already mentioned above (see chapter In consideration of the forecasted volume increase (see chapter 2.1.1) the situation will even worsen: As shown in rail capacity research on the corridor Benelux – Germany – Switzerland – Italy with planning horizon 2015 the utilisation of capacity shall increase up to more than 100 % on most corridor sections, especially in Germany (along the Operations as impediment for rail freight transport Operational impediments on Corridor B-West mainly concern the following aspects: • Cross border train path planning • Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon traffic) • Exchange of data and transport documents Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 46 2 TREND Corridor B-West Cross border train path planning Cross border train path planning on Corridor B-West follows RNE guidelines. This means for example that ”One Stop Shops (OSS)” have been established. The Infrastructure Managers shall apply the following response times when replying to a customer‘s request for a train path concerning the running timetable period: • One working day when making an offer concerning pre-planned international train paths • Five working days when making an offer concerning minor adaptations to pre-planned international train paths, as well as related cross-links, feederlines and use of terminals 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them lands, if the loco is not changed (multi-system loco). In all other cases country-specific braking sheets/wagon lists have to be exchanged, partially electronically and partially manually. 2.1.4Alleviation projects already under way Further activities integrated in ”action plans” are listed in chapter 2.2. Cross border improvement actions under way • One-Stop Shops (OSS): Cross-border train path orders are co-ordinated by the ”Contact OSS” 21 – RNE marketing organisation founded in September 2002 in Berlin and based in Wien since December 2003 22 • Thirty calendar days when making an offer concerning tailor-made international train paths as well as the use of associated terminals. In any case, the Infrastructure Manager shall provide the customer with a relevant answer within five working days – OSS network in use Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon) – Regular information exchange via conference calls The minimum time for a wagon to pass a marshalling yard was stated by the Railway Undertakings as: – Standardised, multilingual train path order documents • Gremberg and Mannheim (Germany): 3 h – Regular quality surveys • Milano (Italy): 2 – 3 h – Catalogue of available train paths • Domodossola II (Italy): 40 – 60 min – Harmonisation of train path order processes However the actual time requested for a wagon to stay in a marshalling yard is much higher (often 1 – 2 days). – Provision of IT support tools (e.g. Pathfinder) Exchange of data and transport documents Data exchange with rail production system is done via HERMES interface in all involved countries. Problems exist for example between Switzerland and Italy, because HERMES does not provide all data requested by the information processing systems. Interchange of the consignment note is completely done by EDI standard between Netherlands/Germany and Germany/Switzerland. Between Switzerland and Italy the exchange is done partially manually. Every country along the corridor has its own national braking sheet and wagon list. An international braking sheet and wagon list without change at the border is only used between Germany and the Nether- – Corridor OSS co-ordination group ProRail/DB Netz/SBB/RFI established – New contact ”OSS Switzerland” established – RNE homepage online • Pathfinder: internet application for train path requests and allocations • Priority rules for train operations (Switzerland/Italy) – 6:00 to 22:00 class 1: Passenger class 2: Regional Passenger class 3: Freight international class 4: Freight national – 22:00 to 6:00 class 1: Freight class 2: Passenger class 3: Regional Passenger 21IQ-C: International Group for Improving the Quality of Rail Transport in the North-South-Corridor; Progress-Report; June 2004 22IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c., Appendix 2; Deutsche Bahn 47 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them • Common rules to handle delayed trains (Switzerland/Italy): Principle: Trains running in advance shall not cause delays to trains on time – Conflicts between delayed trains are to be solved by application of the following train path priority: class 1: Eurostar class 2: Intercity – Eurocity class 3: Euronight – Express – Interregional – Direct – Freight 1 – Building new line or upgrading old line respectively between Offenburg and Basel. Line sector Freiburg – Basel is already under construction, Offenburg – Freiburg still in planning phase; calculated costs are 2,230 Mio €; planned to be finished in 2017. Afterwards line capacity shall increase from 364 to 576 trains a day. • Switzerland: class 4: Regional – Metropolitan – Freight 2 – Freight bypass between Basel Bad and Basel SBB class 5: Single wagon – Locos – Empty wagons – Conditional trains – Gotthard base tunnel (in use by 2014/15) and Lötschberg base tunnel (in use by 2007/08) During commuter peak hours (6:00 –9:00 and 17:00 – 19:00) Interregional, Direct, Regional and Metropolitan train paths are ranked in class 1. During freight peak hours (23:00 – 06:00) Freight 1 paths are ranked in class 2 and Freight 2 paths are ranked in class 3. – Wiesenberg tunnel between Basel and Olten to increase capacity – Generally: increasing freight trains‘ speed up to 100/120 km/h • Italy: • Definition and acceptance of a simplified customs procedure for transit EU-goods including Switzerland to be implemented by summer 2004 – Upgrading of interlocking installation in Node Luino: 1st phase in 2004 and 2nd phase in 2005; project in progress. • Quality assurance – Extension of track length (6 tracks) in Luino to 630 m; project in progress. – Netherlands/Germany: by definition of common quality standards, meetings and contact RU – RU – Germany/Switzerland: by definition of common quality standards, meetings and contact RU – RU – Extension to 600 m of the passing tracks between Luino and Gallarate, construction of the Sesto Calende ”by-pass” to increase the line capacity to 75 freight trains/day by 2005; project in progress. – Construction of a relay in Domodossola II yard with 4 – 6 tracks providing for power switch by 2007; project in progress. Alleviation projects within the TREND Corridor B-West countries • Netherlands: – Building new BETUWE line between Rotterdam and Emmerich/Germany for freight trains exclusively; currently under construction, planned to be finished in 2007. • Germany: – Upgrading train capacity on line sector Wesel – Oberhausen (due to junction of BETUWE line) from 290 trains/d to 366 trains/d; calculated costs are 3 Mio €; currently under construction; planned to be finished in 2007. – Upgrading the gauge between Domodossola and Arona to PC 45 and to PC 50 between Arona and Gallarate by 2005; project in progress. – Interventions on the line to increase the permitted train length to 650 m between Domodossola II and Novara by 2007; the profile will be upgrated to PC 80 until Novara by 2006; project in progress. – Straightening of the Novara – Domodossola (alternative) line by means of a new single track section near Gozzano, work in progress; finished until 2008. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 48 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.2 Action plans 2.2.1 Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor B-West have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short-term, mediumterm, long-term) shall facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. The action plans are completed by a fourth group of measures (”other measures”). 2.2 Action plans and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures • Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods and out-ofgauge regulations for through trains) Netherlands – Germany Germany – Switzerland I. Tail signal lamp Done Done Further activities already underway are described in chapter 2.1.4. II.Braking sheet 2.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I III.Wagon list/train consist report IV.Regulation of hazardous goods Railion: bi-lingual braking sheets Done Railion: tri-lingual braking sheets Done Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources (locomotives and drivers): Procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives and/or better organisation of resource dispatching. • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport by means of agreements on service guarantees. • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation. Switzerland – Italy no activity until UIC solution Part of IQ-C Plan Part of IQ-C Plan Part of IQ-C Plan Part of IQ-C Plan an implementation plan for quality management tools • Elaborate quality management and measurement systems (taking into account UIC guidelines) • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations) • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs Figure 2.2.2–1: Co-operation of RU I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks II.Ensure availability of resources III.E xtended responsibility of cross-border operation centres V. Regulation of outof-gauge-loads Venlo not allowed n.a. for hazardous goods; alternative routing („bypass“); shunting in other stations n.a. n.a. Figure 2.2.2–2: Co-operation of RU – IM Netherlands – Germany Germany – Switzerland n.a. co-operation BLS – Railion co-operation SBB – TI Switzerland – Italy n.a. n.a. Railion applies CIFFA experience to all centres Railion – SBB apply CIFFA experience to all centres co-operation SBB – TI; TX – TI Not planned between SBB and TI 49 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.2 Action plans Figure 2.2.2–3: Netherlands – Germany Quality Management System Figure 2.2.2–4: Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures n.a. n.a. Application of UIC, CER guidelines II.Quality Agreements Done n.a. Pilot implementation of UIC RU – RU Standard Agreement III.Computerised Quality Management System (QMS) n.a. n.a. n.a. IV.Common Rules of handling de- n.a. layed trains n.a. see chapter priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks • Exchange of operational data (train path statistics and forecasts) Develop recommendations for low-budget short-term infrastructure measures and for a ”whole-corridor-coordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. • Co-ordination of rail construction operations I. Priority of low IQ-C-Group budget short-term measures Germany – Switzerland n.a. – Co-ordination of regional/central planning – Co-ordination with timetable construction and marketing Switzerland – Italy – Object: avoid capacity bottlenecks caused by civil works RFI has implemented performance regime of a dedicated corridor control centre 23 • Setup of a corridor dedicated operational control system • Improvement of daily business by regular meetings of operation management • Co-ordination of cross-border timetables • Transparency for train path prices Netherlands – Germany Figure 2.2.2–5: 23Source for chapter IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c. Switzerland – Italy I. Quality Management and Measurement System Netherlands – Germany Corridor control centre Germany – Switzerland Germany – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy I. Setup of a corridor dedicated operational control system Project EUROPTIRAILS (part of ERTMS programme): • project has started by end of 2003 / beginning of 2004, planned to be finished by end of 2005 • objects: cross-border, transparent communication, presentation and handling of international freight trains • focus: ad-hoc-timetable construction, train path dispatching, quality control II.Exchange of operational data no activities until finalisation of new operational control system Data exchange since January 2003. Objective: optimising of train path and border processing • Data exchange planned for 2004. Objective: optimising of train path and border processing • Installation of RFI-infosystem MERCURIO at SBB and Installation of SBB-info system Pro-Surf at RFI. Objects: improvement of train path information and ad-hoc dispatching. III.Co-ordination of rail construction operations annual co-ordination of main projects co-ordination meeting November 2003 co-ordination meetings under construction IV.Improvement of daily n.a. business by regular meetings of the operation management • 2 regional meetings per year „Improvement rail traffic at Basel border“ (DB/ SBB/BLS) • 3 meetings per year about Basel bypass (DB/SBB/SNCF). n.a. V. Co-ordination of cross-border timetables at least annual meetings n.a. n.a. VI.Transparency for train path prices International train path price information system EICIS in use on Corridor BWest Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 50 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.2 Action plans 2.2.3Medium-term actions – package of measures II Analyse the management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains Netherlands – Germany I. Priority rules of freight vs. passenger trains RNE Germany – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy RNE Netherlands – Germany SBB - RFI Germany – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy RNE RNE RNE II.Improve time tables to reduce transport times RNE RNE Done III.Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange see chapter see chapter • SBB – TI • see also chapter IV.International catalogue train paths Freight Freeway Catalogue of pre-constructed train paths within the scope of RNE, distributed by OSS 24 V. Provide reliable information on train location and delay Railion by GPS the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.) • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange (e.g. implementation of the TSI Telematics for Freight”) • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL …) Figure 2.2.3–2: Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers I. Evaluate the availability of train paths Railion by GPS Figure 2.2.3–1: Priority rules between freight and passenger trains n.a. communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data Netherlands – Germany I. Improve communication and data exchange n.a. Germany – Switzerland n.a. Figure 2.2.3–3: Communication between Railway Undertakings Switzerland – Italy Examination of electronic consignment note used by TI – SNCF 24Source: IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c. 51 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.2 Action plans the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts Figure 2.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives (taking into account an economic acceptable deployment of interoperable locomotives) and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers • Standardise and simplify approval procedures Netherlands – Germany Germany – Switzerland I. Optimising use of locomotives Railion for BETUWE Line at Emmerich station Railion for BETUWE Line at II.Deployment of interoperable locomotives Emmerich station • RU and certification procedures III.Agreement on mutual acceptance of locomotives • partially cross-border operating and drivers locodrivers 25 • mutual recognition of locos: not yet done 25 IV.Standardisation of approval Manufacturers and Certification procedure Agencies n.a. n.a. mutual recognition of locos and drivers: not yet done 25 n.a. Switzerland – Italy Application of UIC, CER guidelines Pilot implementation of UIC RU – RU Standard Agreement • ongoing • mutual recognition of locos and drivers: not yet done 25 ongoing freight trains (Time windows) Netherlands – Germany I. Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) Germany – Switzerland BETUWE line for freight trains exclusively Switzerland – Italy different RU/RU solutions for the section and train • time priority in Italy • Luino line dedicated to freight • tunnel Monte Olipino II: freight priority basics for national legislation (definition in 2003, realisation in 2006) 25 : • terms of application for current/planned timetable • train path construction • train path allocation Figure 2.2.3–5: Prioritising of freight trains 2.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III • Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) • Establishing rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor (RU operating centres) • Improving co-ordination of national traffic control centres (between IMs) Figure 2.2.4–1: • Development of ERTMS on the corridor Netherlands – Germany Long-term actions 25Source: IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c. • Elaborating of new solutions for the existing HERMES system I. Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor II.Improve co-ordination of national traffic control centres III.Monitor timely upgrading and extension of railway infrastructure IV.Development of new solutions for the existing HERMES system V. Development of ERTMS on the parts of the corridor Germany – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy Joint centre like CIFFA n.a. Chiasso operating centre n.a. n.a. RFI Regular Meetings between Transport Ministries and IM Members of RAILDATA Basel node part of IQC group + trilateral strategic group 2020 Members of RAILDATA RFI - SBB ProRail (Betuwelijn); DB whole corridor ETCS: planned but financing open n.a. n.a. Members of RAILDATA Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 52 2 TREND Corridor B-West 2.2 Action plans 2.2.5Other actions – package of measures IV Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks Figure 2.2.5–1: Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks Netherlands – Germany Germany – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy I. Developing the corridor see chapter 2.1.4 concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks) the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports Figure 2.2.5–2: Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfaces with terminals/ports Netherland Germany Switzerland Italy I. Remove physical bottlenecks Upgrading terminals for combined transport in Rotterdam by 2012/15 up to 1 Mio LU 27 per year Upgrading terminals for combined transport in Basel by 2007/08 up to 200,000 LU per year Upgrading terminals for combined transport in • Busto Arsisio II and III/Gallarate up to 400,000 LU per year • Novara by 2012 up to 700,000 LU per year II.Provision of „terminal services“ on a timetable basis n.a. Upgrading terminals for combined transport in • Weil/Basel by 2003/04 • Ludwigshafen KTL by 2005 up to 242,000 LU per year • Köln Eifeltor by 2008 up to 300,000 LU per year • Duisburg DIT by 2010 up to 150,000 LU per year n.a. n.a. n.a. 26 measures Netherlands – Germany I. Other measures n.a. Germany – Switzerland n.a. Switzerland – Italy Figure 2.2.5–3: Other measures n.a. 26MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity...“, l.c. 27LU = Loading Unit 53 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 3 TREND Corridor B-East Figure 3.1.1–1: Map of TREND Corridor B-East 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 3.1.1 Introduction in TREND Corridor B-East The Corridor B-East connects Scandinavia via Germany and Austria with Italy. Within the scope of TREND, Scandinavia is represented by the logistic entry to Germany (Danish border at Flensburg/Padborg and Rostock seaport). The corridor route has a length of 1,590 km and extends from Flensburg/Rostock via Hamburg and München along the Brenner to Bologna (see Figure 3.1.1–1). The corridor line starts with two branches in Flensburg/Padborg and in Rostock; both branches converge at Hamburg and continue via the main north-southline until Celle. From now on the corridor route avoids the more passenger dedicated lines and switches over to the more freight train prioritised line via Lehrte and Hildesheim instead. Way down to south Corridor BEast follows the ”old” main line via Göttingen, Bebra, Würzburg, Augsburg, München, Rosenheim to Kufstein (Austrian border, see Figure 3.1.1–2). Figure 3.1.1–2: TREND Corridor B-East in Germany FLENSBURG SASSNITZ PUTTGARDEN KIEL STRALSUND NEUMUNSTER ROSTOCK CUXHAVEN LUBECK BUTZOW HAMBURGSCHWERIN LUDWIGSLUST LEER BREMEN LOHNE MUNSTER ALTENBEKEN HAMM GOTTINGEN HAGEN KASSEL KOLN BONN MARBURG FULDA KOBLENZ TRIER ANGERMUNDE UELZEN STENDAL CELLE BERLIN LEHRTE FRANKFURT AN DER ODE HILDESHEIM MAGDEBURG RHEINE MAINZ PASEWALK SZC-TAN DESSAU COTTBUS HALLE S RIESA GROSSHERINGEN JCT GORLITZ GERA BAD SCHANDAU ZWICKAU ROHRBACH JCT WURZBURG HOF MARKTREDWITZ BIBLIS MANNHEIM ANSBACH SCHWANDORF SAARBRUCKEN REGENSBURG KARLSRUHE STUTTGART INGOLSTADT NEU-PAS HORB ULM AUGSBURG BRA-MUH MUNCHEN FREIBURG SINGEN BAS-FRE KEPMTEN FRE-SAL KUFSTEIN Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 54 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the German corridor sector are listed Figure 3.1.1–3. Location Terminals for accompanied transport service road/rail Terminals for Marshalling yards unaccompanied for conventiontransport service al single wagon road/rail traffic In Austria the route follows the river Inn to Innsbruck, where the step-up to the Brenner pass begins. At the Brenner the corridor line traverses into Italy (see Figure 3.1.1–4). Taulov (Dk) ✓ Rostock ✓ Hamburg ✓ ✓ Hannover ✓ ✓ Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Austrian corridor sector are listed in Figure 3.1.1–5. Göttingen ✓ Augsburg ✓ München ✓ ✓ ✓ Figure 3.1.1–3: GMUND BRE-BER SUMMERAU PASSAU ABSDORF LINZ BRA-MUH SANKT POLTEN STADLAUDEV-MAR KITSEE WELS ATTNANG PUCHHEIM HEGYESHALOM SALZBURG WIENER NEUSTADT Kufstein LAUTERACH FELDKIRCH INN-MIT SOPRON GYSEV BISCHOFSHOFEN WORGL Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East in Denmark/Germany 28 SELZTHAL BRUCK St MICHAEL SCHWARZACH StVEIT INNSBRUCK GRAZ Brennero FEHRING SPIELFELD-STRASS VILLACH KLAGENFURT ROSENBACH Figure 3.1.1–4: TREND Corridor B-East in Austria Location Terminals for accompanied transport service road/rail Innsbruck Wörgl ✓ Brennersee ✓ Terminals for unaccompanied transport service road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ ✓ Figure 3.1.1–5: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East in Austria 28 28Based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. © DB AG/Neuhaus 55 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Reaching Italy the corridor route continues to Bologna via Bolzano, Trento and Verona (see Figure 3.1.1–6). Brennero MILANO PIACENZA ARQUATA GENOVA VENTIMIGLIA Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Italian corridor sector are listed in Figure 3.1.1–7. UDINE CERVIGNANO CHIASSO TORINO TARVISIO BOLZANO DOMODOSSOLA VERONA MESTRE FERRARA BOLOGNA PISA FIRENZE The involved Railway Undertakings supplied only a fragmentary set of transport data. Therefore analysis of the transport market in Corridor B-East is restricted to dedicated rail freight destinations (see Figure 3.1.1–8). RIMINI ANCONA CAMPIGLIA M. ORTE CIVITAVECCHIA PESCARA FOGGIA BARI CASERTA SALERNO The main statements resulting from these data are: BRINDISI LECCE • The corridor’s rail flows are extremely affected by two main relations: Germany – Austria and Germany – Verona (each vice versa). SIBARI PAOLA LAMEZIA PALERMO MESSINA • Almost all of the corridor’s rail freight volume dedicated to Italy ends up in Verona (gate function of Verona-Interporto). Further flows to/from Bologna are almost negligible small. MELITO P.S. ARAGONA CATANIA SIRACUSA Figure 3.1.1–6: TREND Corridor B-East in Italy Figure 3.1.1–7: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East in Italy 29 Location Terminals for accompanied transport service road/rail Terminals for unaccompanied transport service road/rail Bolzano ✓ Trento ✓ ✓ Verona ✓ ✓ Bologna Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ Figure 3.1.1–8: ✓ Destination Volume of rail freight on dedicated relations in Corridor B-East 2003 [1000 t/a] 30 Origin Denmark Germany Austria Italy Verona Denmark n.s. Germany n.s. Austria n.s. Italy Verona Bologna 101.0 0.0 n.s. 6,941.1 31 5,905.8 1,279.9 2.9 Bologna 97.3 0.0 2,053.9 32.8 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 29Based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. 30Source: Trenitalia from TREND data gathering tables, unless otherwise stated 31Source: Railion from TREND data gathering tables Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 56 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them • With the exception of Germany – Austria (and vice versa), where all three modes participate in the total rail freight volume, the destinations are dominated by one rail transport mode (see Figure 3.1.1–9): 100 % 90 % 80 % 70 % – Conventional block trains on Germany – Bologna relation (and vice versa) 60 % 50 % – Intermodal trains on Denmark – Verona and Germany – Verona relation (and each vice versa) 40 % 30 % 20 % 3.1.2 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor B-East Nevertheless Corridor B-East has got a strong strategic position for the involved Railway Undertakings which shall even increase in the near future. Indicators for this development are the currently agreed intensification of co-operation between Green Cargo (Sweden) and Railion (Germany) 33 or the expansion of Hupac rail service on Taulov – Busto Arsisio destination 34. 3.1.3 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments Structuring of impediments The results of TREND B2 presented hereunder derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables; exceptions will be expressly stated. The results of the meetings were analysed and taken into account, as well. This report shall make the TREND results comparable to corridor studies already performed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for a future Integrated Project (IP). Thus the TREND corridor report will refer to the structuring of the action plans that had already been developed in the CER corridor reports: m an y It a G ly m er Au st – ria – It a G er Au – an y m er G ly /V /V er er o on na G a er – m G an er y m – an It a It a y ly ly /B /B ol ol og og na na – G er m an y an y ria st ar m en D – a – ly ar k en m /V er on It a ly /V er on a k 0 % D The Corridor B-East is of great importance for the European transport system and of vital interest for stakeholders of transport and logistic industry. However it is necessary to improve rail transport service to exploit the still increasing volumes. Especially goods traffic from and towards Scandinavia is still dominated by road. Transport centres like Padborg (Denmark) concentrate an enormous goods volume, but show only a poor rail freight share. 10 % It a 3 TREND Corridor B-East Conventional block trains Conventional single wagon Intermodal trains (Block trains and single wagon) a) Infrastructure problems b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation) Figure 3.1.1–9: Rail freight by transport modes on Corridor B-East 2003 32 c) Resource problems Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments The main border problems result from the different current systems and different signalling systems (see also chapter Normally a train from Denmark to Italy via Corridor BEast gets three loco changes at • Danish/German border • Kufstein (Germany/Austria); not required if transport is done by Lokomotion/RTC 32Source: Trenitalia, except for Germany – Austria: Railion • Brennero (Austria/Italy) 33See „Nordschiene wird ausgebaut“; Deutsche Verkehrs zeitung No. 123, 15.10.2005 Due to these technical handicaps multi-system locomotives are required to avoid time loss at the borders. However at Denmark/Germany border locos are still changed because interoperable engines for different signalling systems are regarded as too expensive by the Railway Undertakings. 34See „Hupac mit eigenen Zügen am Kombi-Hub Taulov“; Deutsche Verkehrs zeitung No. 122, 13.10.2005 57 3 TREND Corridor B-East Border Processing time per train Denmark/Germany n.s. Germany/Austria 5 min 15 min Included activities Austria/Italy Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule) 30 - 50 min Remarks with loco change new transport documents • • Figure 3.1.3–1: 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them • • • Austria – Germany • different braking sheets, tail signals required 35 • no customs clearance required • cross border performance rated as „excellent“ Germany – Austria new transport documents, • different braking sheets, tail signals required 35 change brake position into „G“ – of loco only (if wagons‘ gross • no customs clearance required load is between 800 and • cross border performance rated as „good“. 1,200 tons) – of loco + first 5 wagons (if wagons‘ gross load is more than 1,200 tons) change of loco • different braking sheets, tail signals required 35 shunting • no customs clearance required train control • cross border performance rated by 90 %. An overview of the scheduled time for border crossing purposes along the Corridor B-East can be seen in Figure 3.1.3–1. In addition to loss of time border crossing activities also require considerable infrastructure resources and costs. In Brennero station 11 tracks are provided for interchange activities. Furthermore the lack of a relay yard in Brennero station leads to complex operating movements during loco change. Other infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality Other infrastructural impediments mainly concern lack of capacities in the stations/nodes or along the lines (see Figure 3.1.3–2, Figure 3.1.3–3). These missing resources make it difficult or even impossible to acquire additional rail freight traffic on the corridor. Furthermore they lead to expensive operational modes – especially within the nodes – which increase the total costs and worsen the market position of rail freight traffic. For elimination of these impediments measures to increase lines and nodes capacity have to be planned cohesively (see also chapter 3.1.4). Figure 3.1.3–2: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/nodes capacity 35 Country Node/station Bottleneck caused by Germany München – Riem Austria/Italy Brennero unfavourable infrastructure connection for southbound trains via München Ost (e.g. singletracked sections, train direction changes) no relay yard Italy Verona Q.E. (train entry/depart, holding yard) insufficient infrastructure capacity for additional transport volume Figure 3.1.3–3: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity 35Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine zielgerichtete Weiterentwicklung des internationalen Kombinierten Verkehrs Schiene - Straße“; FuE-Projekt-Nr. 96.0744/2002; Frankfurt/Main, Hannover 2003 Country Line/Section Bottleneck caused by Hamburg – Uelzen high traffic volume Bebra – Fulda insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Fulda – Flieden insufficient capacity due to high traffic volume Augsburg – München high traffic volume München – Rosenheim high traffic volume Austria/Italy step-up to Brenner pass Italy Nogara – Bologna • max. train length: 550 m (north side) • max. train length: 600 m (south side) • single track • line category: C3 • max. train length: 515 m • profile P/C 45 – 364 max. train gross load: 1,600 t Germany lines in Italy Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 58 Germany Relevant Clearance Track Gauge Austria Bologna Nogara Verona Brennero Kufstein München Country Innsbruck 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Lehrte (Hannover) Hamburg Flensburg Rostock 3 TREND Corridor B-East Italy G2 EBO G2 EBO UIC-505-1 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers D4 D4 Tracks Maximum Speed (Freight trains) Coupler Line Category Maximum Train Length 750 m 750 m 530 m 750 m 600 m P/C 80-410 Intermodal Gauge Maximum Train Mass 650 m 1800 t 2000 t 2000 t 1800 t P/C 80-410 C3 515 m P/C 80-410 P/C 45-364 1100 t 1600 t PZB / LZB PZB / LZB BACC / RSDD AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm 1950 mm 2000 t Signalling System Energy System D4 Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport Figure 3.1.3–4 gives an overview about the most important technical and operational parameters for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor B-East. More detailed results can be found in Appendix 3. The compilation shows a considerable variety of operating and technical parameters which affect interoperability on the corridor: • Two of the four European current systems are used by the involved railway companies: 1800 t 2800 t 1800 t 2800 t • This means that a locomotive generally applicable on the corridor would have to be compatible with – two current systems DC 3 kV 1450 mm Figure 3.1.3–4: Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor B-East – two widths of pantographs – two different signalling systems (PZB 90/LZB in Germany and Austria and BACC/RSDD in Italy) • A freight train to operate on the corridor without restriction is limited by – a maximum train length of 515 m – a maximum gross load of 1,600 t – In Germany and Austria AC 15 kV, 16.7 Hz – a maximum axle load of 20.0 t – In Italy DC 3 kV – the profile P/C 45 – 364 (for intermodal trains) • The width of the pantograph amounts to 1,950 mm in Germany and Austria and to 1,450 mm in Italy. The relevant link for these values is the section Nogara – Bologna • All in all there are two different signalling systems used; one in Germany and Austria and one in Italy. The new European ETCS level 2 will not be established in either of the corridor’s countries in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, there are no interoperability problems on the corridor line concerning • the track gauge (1,435 mm) • the wagon coupling mode (screw coupler and buffers) 59 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Resources as impediment for rail freight transport Cross border train path planning The current problems concerning infrastructure capacity have been already mentioned above (see chapter In consideration of the forecasted volume increase the situation will even worsen: As shown in rail capacity researches on corridor Scandinavia – Germany – Austria – Italy with planning horizon 2015 the utilisation of capacity shall increase up to more than 100 % on several corridor sections. Particularly concerned are the respective railway lines in Germany (Hamburg – Hannover, Bebra – Fulda) and Austria, even in consideration of current infrastructure measures (see chapter 3.1.4) 36. Further investments (e.g. the so called ”Y-line” project in Germany) would be necessary to ease the mentioned bottleneck situations. A look at the future situation (2015) of terminals for combined transport makes clear that some of the main terminals along the corridor will have to face severe capacity problems as well. Particularly in Taulov and Hamburg the rate of employment – depending on terminal infrastructure and transfer equipment – is forecasted to exceed the 100 % level, in spite of upgrading measures 37. An analysis of reasons for intermodal train delay on the Brenner axis stated, next to terminal problems, the main causes as lack of locos and loco personnel 37. Between Fritzens-Wattens and Bolzano double traction mode is required, and an additional pushing engine for trains going south. Looking at the personnel situation the FS regulations require two engine drivers between Fritzens-Wattens and Verona. Operations as impediment for rail freight transport Cross border train path planning on Corridor B-East follows RNE guidelines. This means the realisation of ”One Stop Shops (OSS)” for example. The Infrastructure Managers shall apply the following response times when replying to a customer‘s request for a train path concerning the running timetable period: • One working day when making an offer concerning pre-planned international train paths • Five working days when making an offer concerning minor adaptations to preplanned international train paths, as well as related cross-links, feederlines and use of terminals • Thirty calendar days when making an offer concerning tailor-made international train paths as well as the use of associated terminals. In any case, the Infrastructure Managers shall provide the customer with a relevant answer within five working days Exchange of data and transport documents Data exchange with rail production system is done via HERMES interface at the Austrian/Italian border between TI/RCA and Lokomotion/RTC respectively; in the course of this exchange some problems concerning data structures are to be corrected. TI and RCA also exchange consignment notes, braking sheets and wagon lists electronically. On the other hand there is no data interchange via EDI between Railion and Lokomotion; these RUs exchange the consignment note manually (driver/driver). Time loss due to other operations Adding of an additional loco in Bolzano takes another 20 minutes. Operational impediments on Corridor B-East mainly concern the following aspects: 36MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity reserves for combined transport by 2015“; Final report; Freiburg/Frankfurt am Main/Paris 2004 • Cross border train path planning • Exchange of data and transport documents • Time loss due to other operations 37Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 60 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.1.4Alleviation projects already under way Cross border improvement actions under way • One-Stop Shops (OSS): Cross-border train path orders are co-ordinated by the ”Contact OSS” 38 – RNE marketing organisation founded in September 2002 in Berlin and based in Wien since December 2003 39 – OSS network in use – RNE homepage online – regular information exchange via conference calls – standardised, multilingual train path order documents – regular quality surveys – catalogue of available train paths – harmonisation of train path order processes – provision of IT support tools (e.g. Pathfinder) • Pathfinder: internet application for train path requests and allocations • ÖBB establishes the new European loco driver license for cross border rail traffic • Common rules to handle delayed trains (Austria/ Italy): Principle: Trains running in advance shall not cause delays to trains on time – Conflicts between delayed trains are to be solved by application of the following train path priority: class 1: Eurostar class 2: Intercity – Eurocity class 3: Euronight – Express – Interregional – Direct – Freight 1 class 4: Regional – Metropolitan – Freight 2 class 5: Single wagon - Locos – Empty wagons – Conditional trains During commuter peak hours (6:00 – 9:00 and 17:00 – 19:00) Inter-regional, Direct, Regional and Metropolitan train paths are ranked in class 1. During freight peak hours (23:00 – 06:00) Freight 1 paths are ranked in class 2 and Freight 2 paths are ranked in class 3 3.2 Action plans • Quality control/assurance by co-ordination centre TI-RCA + RFI-ÖBB in Brenner station • Test for abandonment of braking sheet between Lokomotion/RTC • Attempt to change the regulations responsible for brake position changes between Germany and Austria Alleviation projects within the TREND Corridor B-East countries • Germany: Upgrading train capacity on line sector Augsburg – München from 364 trains/d to 576 trains/d; calculated costs are 270 Mio €; currently under construction; planned to be finished by 2010 • Italy: – Technical upgrading of Bologna – Verona – Brennero – line: new control centre in Verona, upgrading of electric traction equipment; project in progress, to be finished by end of 2006; costs: 272.9 Mio € – Doubling all single track sections on Nogara – Bologna link; project in progress, to be finished by end of 2008; costs: 892.3 Mio € 3.2 Action plans 3.2.1 Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor B-East have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short-term, mediumterm, long-term) shall facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. The action plans are completed by a fourth group of measures (”other measures”). Further activities already underway are described in chapter 3.1.4. 38IQ-C: International Group for Improving the Quality of Rail Transport in the North-South-Corridor; Progress-Report; June 2004 39IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c., Appendix 2; Deutsche Bahn 61 3 TREND Corridor B-East I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks 3.2 Action plans 3.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I Denmark – Germany Germany – Austria Austria – Italy see also chapters 3.1.4, • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • see also chapters 3.1.4, part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • see also chapters 3.1.4, part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ II.Ensure availability of resources Railion-DSB III.E xtended responsibility apply CIFFA to of cross-border all centres operation centres • done (Brenner • done (Brenner Service Stelle) Service Stelle) • part of • part of „Brenner action „Brenner action plan 2005“ plan 2005“ Figure 3.2.2–1: Figure 3.2.2–2: Co-operation of RU – IM Denmark – Germany I. Tail signal lamp done II.Braking sheet Germany – Austria Austria – Italy Railion: bi-lingual braking sheets done Austrian accept of German signals Joint use of data of Austrian electronic system done no activity until UIC solution working group n.a. done n.a. n.a. done n.a. n.a. Denmark – Germany IV.Common Rules of handling delayed trains and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures an implementation plan for quality management tools Quality Management System III.Computerised Quality Management System (QMS) • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport by means of agreements on service guarantees • Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods and out-ofgauge regulations for through trains) Figure 3.2.2–3: I. Quality Management and Measurement System II.Quality Agreements • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources, e.g. procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives and/or better organisation of resource dispatching • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation Co-operation of RU III.Wagon list/train consist report IV.Regulation of hazardous goods V. Regulation of outof-gauge-loads Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings Germany – Austria • Elaborate quality management and measurement systems (taking into account UIC guidelines) Austria – Italy n.a. done n.a. Railion internal • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • ongoing in BRAVO • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • done in BRAVO, e.g. Demonstration of a Quality Management System (QMS) 40 projected in BRAVO • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • ongoing in BRAVO • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • done in BRAVO, e.g. Demonstration of a Quality Management System (QMS) 40 projected in BRAVO n.a. n.a. • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations) • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs 40BRAVO (Brenner Rail Freight Action Strategy Aimed At Achieving A Sustainable Increase Of Intermodal Transport Volume By Enhancing Quality, Efficiency And System Technologies); Integrated Project within the Sixth Framework Programme, Contract no. 506391, Annex I – „Description of work“ Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 62 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.2 Action plans priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks Develop recommendations for low-budget short-term infrastructure measures and for a ”whole-corridor-coordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. Denmark – Germany I. Priority of low n.a. budget short-term measures Germany – Austria • part of • part of „Brenner action „Brenner action plan 2005“ plan 2005“ • ongoing in BRA- • ongoing in BRAVO VO 3.2.3Medium-term actions – package of measures II Analyse management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains Figure 3.2.2–4: Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures Denmark – Germany I. Priority rules of RNE freight vs. passenger trains the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.) • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange (e.g. implementation of the TSI Telematics for Freight”) Austria – Italy Germany – Austria Austria – Italy • ÖBB – RFI • DB – ÖBB • part of • part of „Brenner action „Brenner action plan 2005“ plan 2005“ Figure 3.2.3–1: Priority rules between freight and passenger trains • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL…) • Develop IT system to provide the customers – in case of delay – with Estimated Time of Availability (ETA) • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements Denmark – Germany I. Evaluate the availability of train paths RNE II.Improve time tables to reduce transport times RNE III.Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange IV.International catalogue train paths V. Provide reliable information on train location and delay VI.Develop IT system for Estimated Time of Availability (ETA) no problem with Railion RNE GIS & GPS based localisation tool n.a. Germany – Austria Austria – Italy • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • done in BRAVO • done • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • DB - ÖBB/RNE • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ done • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • done in BRAVO part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ Figure 3.2.3–2: Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers • ÖBB - RFI/RNE • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ done • ongoing • ongoing • part of „Brenner action • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ plan 2005“ • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • BRAVO: Demonstration of Estimated Time of Availability (ETA) function: Integration of terminal management systems, operation control systems, realtime location and GPS systems 41 41BRAVO, Annex I, l.c. 63 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.2 Action plans communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data Figure 3.2.3–3: Communication between Railway Undertakings Denmark – Germany I. Improve communication and data exchange n.a. Germany – Austria • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • projected in BRAVO Austria – Italy • Examination of electronic consignment note used by TI – SNCF • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • projected in BRAVO existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives (taking into account an economic acceptable deployment of interoperable locomotives) and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers • Standardise and simplify approval procedures Figure 3.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts Denmark – Germany I. Optimising use of locomotives n.a. Germany – Austria Done Austria – Italy Done BRAVO: Demonstration of radio-controlled pushing loco 42 II.Deployment of interoperable locomotives Railion/Manufacturers develop less expensive locos Done Done • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ • done in BRAVO, e.g. Demonstration of an innovative employment scheme on multi-current locos 42 • done • ÖBB - RFI / Certification • part of „Brenner action Agencies plan 2005“ • part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ Done Manufacturers/Certification Agencies III.Agreement on mutual acceptance of locomotives and drivers IV.Standardisation of approval procedure Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) Figure 3.2.3–5: Prioritising of freight trains 42BRAVO, Annex I, l.c. Denmark – Germany I. Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) no problem within Railion Germany – Austria Austria – Italy high priority to international freight trains by flexible disposition on the track in Austria high priority to international freight trains by flexible disposition on the track in Austria Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 64 3 TREND Corridor B-East 3.2 Action plans 3.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III Denmark – Germany This package of measures aims at • Establishing rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor (RU operating centres) • Improving co-ordination of national traffic control centres (between IMs) • Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) • Elaborating new solutions for the existing HERMES system • Development of ERTMS on the corridor 3.2.5Other actions – package of measures IV Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks Germany – Austria I. Establish rules and Apply joint centre tools to manage like CIFFA trains along the corridor Railion – RCA; LM – RTC Austria – Italy Railion – TI; LM – RTC BRAVO: Sustainable and open corridor management system 43 II.Improve co-ordination of national traffic control centres III.Monitor timely upgrading and extension of railway infrastructure IV.Development of new solutions for the existing HERMES system V. Development of ERTMS on the parts of the corridor DB - ÖBB ÖBB - RFI (Brenner Service Stelle) „Feste Querung Fehmarn Belt“ strategic planning only Members of RAILDATA International Round International Round table („Corridor table („Corridor Champion“) Champion“) Members of RAILDATA Members of RAILDATA n.a. n.a. n.a. Figure 3.2.4–1: Long-term actions Denmark – Germany I. Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks) Germany – Austria Austria – Italy see chapter 3.1.4 Figure 3.2.5–1: Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks Figure 3.2.5–2: the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports I. Remove physical bottlenecks 44 Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports Denmark Germany Upgrading terminal for combined transport in Taulov up to 120,000 LU 45 per year New terminal for combined transport in Lehrte/ Hannover by 2007, designed for 200,000 LU per year Austria Italy n.a. • Upgrading terminals for combined transport in – Bologna Interporto by 2008 up to 235,000 LU per year – Verona Q.E. up to 380,000 LU per year • New terminal for combined transport in Isola della Scala part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ II.Provision of „terminal services“ on a timetable basis n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. III.Improve co-ordination of long distance trains, shunting movements and terminal operation within the terminals IV.Unburden congested terminals by switching to other terminals n.a. part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ n.a. part of „Brenner action plan 2005“ measures 43BRAVO, Annex I, l.c. Denmark – Germany I. Other measures n.a. Germany – Austria n.a. Austria – Italy n.a. Figure 3.2.5–3: Other measures 44MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity...“, l.c. 45LU = Loading Unit 65 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Figure 4.1.1–1: Figure 4.1.1–2: Map of TREND Corridor C TREND Corridor C: Variations´ overview “Ruhr branch” Austria Line variant Line variant “North” “South” Hungary 4.1Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Germany Line variant “Seaport branch” Bremen/Bremerhaven Hamburg Czech Republic Line variant “South” Line variant “West” Line variant “North” Slovakia Line variant “East” Line variant “North” Main route Alternative route Romania Main route Alternative route Bulgaria Turkey Main route 4.1.1 Introduction in TREND Corridor C The Corridor C connects Germany with Turkey. Its origin is located either in the German North sea ports or in the Rhein-/Ruhr area. On the way to Halkali/Istanbul Corridor C traverses Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia-Montenegro, Romania and Bulgaria (see Figure 4.1.1–1). According to the actual and foreseeable transport structures numerous corridor variations had to be evaluated. These variants consider • alternative branches (routing includes different starting/end points of the corridor) Line variant “South” Serbia Alternative route 4 TREND Corridor C • alternative routes (routing does not include different starting/end points of the corridor, but different traversed countries) • alternative lines (routing only includes different railway lines within the same respective country) Due to these variations nine countries are involved in Corridor C planning (see Figure 4.1.1–2). Four out of these nine countries participate in any routing (Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey). Furthermore Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 66 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them two or three other countries have to be included, depending on the respective corridor route. So the total number of Corridor C countries varies from six (via Austria, Serbia/Romania) to seven (via Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia/Romania). Depending on the respective routing the total length of Corridor C varies between about 2,600 km and 2,900 km; taking course via Serbia (alternative line) turns out to be slightly shorter than via Romania (main line). The corridor has its origin in Germany and traverses the country within two branches (see Figure 4.1.1–3). The ”Ruhr branch” starts in Duisburg and follows the Rhine to Mainz, bypasses the node Frankfurt/Main via Wiesbaden, Darmstadt and Aschaffenburg and reaches the Austrian border at Passau via Würzburg and Nürnberg, with a line variant via Ansbach. The ”Seaport branch” combines the rail freight flows from the main North Sea ports (Bremerhaven/Bremen, Hamburg) at Lehrte/Hannover. From Lehrte the Seaport branch runs along the east-west-mainline via Hannover and Braunschweig to Magdeburg and further on via Güterglück and Dresden towards the Czech border at Bad Schandau. Location “Seaport branch” “Ruhr branch”, main line “Ruhr branch”, line variant FLENSBURG SASSNITZ PUTTGARDEN KIEL STRALSUND NEUMUNSTER ROSTOCK CUXHAVEN LUBECK BUTZOW LEER HAMBURGSCHWERIN LUDWIGSLUST ANGERMUNDE UELZEN SEELZE/ STENDAL CELLE BERLIN HANNOVER LEHRTE FRANKFURT RHEINE LOHNE HILDESHEIMMAGDEBURG AN DER ODER MUNSTER DESSAU COTTBUS ALTENBEKEN HAMM Duisburg GOTTINGEN HALLE S HAGEN RIESA KASSEL GROSSHERINGEN JCT GORLITZ KOLN GERA BAD SCHANDAU MARBURG BONN ZWICKAU FULDA KOBLENZ HOF ROHRBACH JCT MARKTREDWITZ MAINZ WURZBURG TRIER BIBLIS MANNHEIM ANSBACH SCHWANDORF SAARBRUCKEN REGENSBURG KARLSRUHE STUTTGART INGOLSTADT PASSAU HORB ULM AUGSBURG BRA-MUH MUNCHEN FREIBURG FRE-SAL SINGEN KEPMTEN KUFSTEIN BAS-FRE Figure 4.1.1–3: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the German corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–4. Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Remarks Hamburg ✓ ✓ Bremerhaven ✓ Bremen ✓ Hannover ✓ ✓ • Seaport branch only • starting terminal for the “Hansa-Hungaria-Container-Express (HHCE)” to Sopron, with connection to further trains to Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey • starting terminal for intermodal service to Wien, Wels, Budaörs, Budapest, Györ, Bratislava • Seaport branch only • starting terminal for intermodal service to Budaörs, Budapest, Györ • Seaport branch only • starting terminal for intermodal service to Wien Seaport branch only Dresden ✓ ✓ • Seaport branch only • currently served only by conventional single wagon traffic • accompanied intermodal service („Rolling Road“) to Lovosice closed down since June 2004 • Ruhr branch only • starting terminal for Combined Block Train (TCS) to Köseköy Ruhr branch only ✓ • Ruhr branch only • currently served only by conventional single wagon traffic Ruhr branch only Duisburg ✓ Köln ✓ Mainz ✓ Nürnberg ✓ Regensburg ✓ PASEWALK SZC-TAN BREMEN • Ruhr branch only • also accompanied intermodal service TREND Corridor C in Germany Figure 4.1.1–4: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Germany 46 46based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen über wichtige Linien des internationalen kombinierten Verkehrs und damit zusammenhängende Einrichtungen (AGTC)“, state: 08.03.2005, Kombiverkehr, ZSR 67 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Figure 4.1.1–5: „Seaport branch“ – main line TREND Corridor C in the Czech Republic „Seaport branch“ – line variant „North“ FRY-ZAW DECIN HLN „Seaport branch“ – line variant „South“ LIBEREC USTI NAD LABEM TURNOV VSETATY LYSA NL KARLOVY VARY PRAHA LIBEN CHEB MARIANSKE LAZNE LIC-MIE KOLIN KUTNA HORA hl.n. BEROUN CHOCEN CESKA TREBOVA OSTRAVA SVINOV PLZEN hl.n. SVITAVY BENESOV U PRAHY CESKY TESIN HAVLICKUV BROD HRANICE NA MORAVE PREROV TABOR NEZAMYSLICE PROTIVIN BRNO hl.n. VESELI n/l HOR-PUC NEDAKONICE C.BUDEJOVICE BRECLAV HOR-SUM © Turkish State Railways Crossing the Czech Republic the main line of the Seaport branch of Corridor C leads via Praha, Brno and Breclav to Kuty at the Slovakian border (see Figure 4.1.1–5). A line variant ”North” bypasses Praha northwards via Strekov, Vsetaty and Lysá nad Labem to Kolín. This line variant is often used for trains which are limited by clearing gauge on the main line. A second line variant ”South” takes a short cut from Kolín to Brno via Havlickuv Brod. Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Czech corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–6. Figure 4.1.1–6: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in the Czech Republic 47 Location Decin Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ Lovosice ✓ Praha ✓ Kolin 47based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c., Carpathia Group Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail ✓ ✓ Remarks Seaport branch only • Seaport branch only • destination terminal for intermodal service from Duisburg • accompanied intermodal service („Rolling Road“) to Dresden closed down since June 2004 • Seaport branch only • destination terminal for intermodal service from Duisburg Seaport branch only Ceská Trebova ✓ Seaport branch only Brno ✓ Breclav ✓ • Seaport branch only • pickup terminal for the “Carpathia Express” from Havlickuv Brod to Löközhaza (Romania) • Seaport branch only • pickup station for the “Carpathia Express” from Havlickuv Brod to Löközhaza (Romania) Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 68 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The Seaport branch of Corridor C traverses the very west of Slovakia. Here the branch diverges into two line variants, both heading for Hungary (see Figure 4.1.1–7) in order to join the Ruhr branch there. The line variant ”West” crosses the Hungarian border at Rajka, the line variant ”East” at Stúrovo. CADCA MUS-PLA HOR-PUC PUCHOV ZILINA VRUTKY STRBA POPRAD BARCA HANISKA P. K. HID-KEC KUTY Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Slovakian corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–8. LEOPOLDOV „Seaport branch“ GALANTA BRATISLAVA PETRZALKA RAJKA Line variant „East“ NOVE ZAMKY Line variant „West“ STU-SZOB KOMARNO Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Slovakia 48 Bratislava HAN-UZH CIERNA NAD TISOU DEVINSKA N V Figure 4.1.1–8: Location PRESOV MARGECANY Figure 4.1.1–7: Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ ✓ Seaport branch only ✓ Seaport branch, line variant East only Stúrovo The Ruhr branch of Corridor C runs through Austria instead of Czech Republic and Slovakia. The route follows the main western-eastern line to Wien via Wels and Linz. Beyond the Austrian capital the Ruhr branch continues towards Hungary; however it splits up into a line variant ”North” (via Hegyeshalom) and a line Remarks TREND Corridor C in Slovakia variant ”South” via Sopron (see Figure 4.1.1–9). From Austria to Hungary both border crossings are currently about evenly frequented by rail freight traffic. Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Austrian corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–10. Figure 4.1.1–9: TREND Corridor C in Austria GMUND PASSAU „Ruhr branch“ BRE-BER SUMMERAU ABSDORF Line variant „North“ LINZ BRA-MUH SANKT POLTEN STADLAUDEV-MAR WELS Line variant „South“ KITSEE ATTNANG PUCHHEIM HEGYESHALOM SALZBURG WIENER NEUSTADT SOPRON GYSEV LAUTERACH FELDKIRCH KUFSTEIN WORGL INN-MIT INNSBRUCK SELZTHAL BISCHOFSHOFEN SCHWARZACH StVEIT BRUCK St MICHAEL GRAZ BRENNERO FEHRING SPIELFELD-STRASS VILLACHKLAGENFURT ROSENBACH Location Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Wels ✓ ✓ Linz ✓ ✓ St. Pölten ✓ Ruhr branch only 48based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c. ✓ • Ruhr branch only • destination terminal for intermodal service from Bremen, Hamburg, Duisburg 49based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c., Ökombi, Kombiverkehr Wien ✓ Remarks • Ruhr branch only • accompanied service • starting terminal for Rolling Road service to Arad (Romania) • destination terminal for intermodal service from Hamburg, Duisburg Ruhr branch only Figure 4.1.1–10: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Austria 49 69 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Figure 4.1.1–11: TREND Corridor C in Hungary „Ruhr branch“ „Seaport branch“ Line variant „North“ Line variant „West“ Line variant „South“ Line variant „East“ HIDASNEMETI ZAHONY FELSOZSOLCA NYIREGYHAZA HEGYESHALOM SZOB KOMAROM SOPRON VAC FUZESABONY GYOR HATVAN TATABANYA DEBRECEN BUDAPEST ERD SZOMBATHELY UKK SZENTGOTTHARD ZALALOVO PUSPOKLADANY SZOLNOK SZEKESFEHERVAR SZABADBATTYAN KUNSZENTMIKLOS-TASS TAPOLCA SIOFOK BIHARKERESZTES KECSKEMET FONYOD KISKUNFELEGYHAZA BEKESCSABA PINCEHELY NAGYKANIZSA MURAKERESZTUR KISKUNHALAS LOKOSHAZA KAPOSVAR GYEKENYES KELEBIA PECS SZEGED Main route Line variant „North“ MAGYARBOLY Line variant „South“ Alternative route Right beyond the Austrian/Hungarian border the line variant ”West” of the Seaport branch meets the line variant North of the Ruhr branch (see Figure 4.1.1–11) in order to join the line variant South at Györ. Finally all branches and all line variants merge in Budapest to split up again into a main corridor route, continuing towards Romania, and into an alternative route, takFigure 4.1.1–12: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Hungary 50 50based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c., Ökombi, Hungarokombi, Kombiverkehr, Intercontainer Location Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Sopron ✓ Györ ✓ Budaörs ✓ Budapest ✓ Szolnok ✓ ing its way to the Serbian border at Kelebia. The main route diverges once more into a line variant ”North” via Ujszasz and a line variant ”South” (via Cegléd). Both variants rejoin at Szolnok. Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Hungarian corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–12. Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ Remarks • Ruhr branch only • also accompanied service • destination terminal for the “Hansa-HungariaContainer-Express (HHCE)” • starting terminal for the “Europe-Turkey-Container-Express” to Halkali • starting terminal for the “Danubia Express” to Bradu de Sus and Bucuresti, with further connections to terminals in Romania and Bulgaria • destination terminal for Rolling Road service from Wels • Ruhr branch and Seaport branch/West only • destination terminal for intermodal service from Bremerhaven, Hamburg • Ruhr branch and Seaport branch/West only • destination terminal for intermodal service from Bremerhaven, Hamburg • also accompanied service • destination terminal for Rolling Road service from Wels • destination terminal for intermodal service from Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Duisburg Main route only Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 70 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Crossing Romania the main route of Corridor C runs along Arad, Brasov, Ploiesti to Bucaresti and further on to Giurgiu. At Giurgiu the route crosses the Danube and proceeds towards Ruse, Bulgaria (see Figure 4.1.1–13). Main route VAD-VIC HALMEU SATU MARE SUCEAVA PASCANI DEJ ORADEA IAS-UNG APAHIDA Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Romanian corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–14. LOKOSHAZA ARAD TEIUS COPSA MICA VINTU DE JOS DEVA MARASESTI SIBIU TIMISOARA BRASOV GALATI BRAILA STAMORA MORAVITA BUZAU FAUREI PLOIESTI PITESTI ORSOVA TITU FILIASI BUCURESTI CRAIOVA Figure 4.1.1–14: Figure 4.1.1–13: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Romania 51 TREND Corridor C in Romania Location Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Lököshaza ✓ Arad ✓ VIDELE RISIORI CALAFAT FETESTI MEDGIDIA CONSTANTA GIURGIU NORD MANGALIA Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Remarks Simeria ✓ • Main route only • destination terminal for the “Carpathia Express” from Havlickuv Brod/Brno/Breslav (Czech Republic) • Main route only • accompanied intermodal service • destination terminal for Rolling Road service from Wels Main route only Brasov ✓ Main route only Ploiesti ✓ Main route only ✓ Main route only Bucarest ✓ ✓ The alternative route crosses Serbia-Montenegro instead of Romania. From the border crossing station at Subotica the corridor line runs to Beograd and further on via Resnik and Nis to the Bulgarian border at Dimi trovgrad (see Figure 4.1.1–15). Figure 4.1.1–15: Alternative route SUBOTICA TREND Corridor C in Serbia-Montenegro BOGOJEVO NOVI SAD SID VRSAC BEOGRAD RESNIK JCT POZERAVAC SABAC Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Serbian corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–16. STAMORA MORAVITA STARA PAZOVA JCT LOZNICA VALJEVO V PLANA PRAHOVO LAPOVO VRAZOGRNAC POZEGA KRALJEVO VRBNICA STALAC NIS DOLJEVAC DIMITROWGRAD/ DRAGOMAN KOSOVO POLJE PODGORICA BAZ-POD Figure 4.1.1–16: BAR D JANKOVIC Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Serbia-Montenegro 52 Location Beograd Nis Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Remarks ✓ ✓ Alternative route only ✓ Alternative route only 51based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c., Ökombi, Carpathia Group 52based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c., Kombiverkehr 71 4 TREND Corridor C Figure 4.1.1–17: TREND Corridor C in Bulgaria 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them In Bulgaria the main corridor route leads from Ruse via Gorna Oryahocia and Dobova to Dimitrovgrad. In Dimi trovgrad the alternative route, coming from Kalotina, Sofia and Plovdiv, joins the main route. The common Corridor C route proceeds to Svilengrad at the Turkish border (see Figure 4.1.1–17). Main route Alternative route CALAFAT KAR-NEG BRUSARCI JASEN • intermodal service from Lambach (Austria) KASPICAN VARNA GORNA ORYAHOVICA MEZDRA • the ”Turkey Container Shuttle (TCS)”, combined block train from Duisburg SINDEL KOMUNARI KALOTINA ILIYANCI JCT KAZICENE JCT KARLOVO KARNOBAT DABOVO ZIMNICA Marshalling yards for single wagon traffic are not available within the Turkish section of Corridor C. BURGAS RADOMIR STARA ZAGORA GYUESEVO DUPNICA In Turkey the corridor extends from Kapikule to Hakali/ Istanbul (see Figure 4.1.1–19). Halkali is the location of the only Turkish Corridor C terminal for intermodal transport road/rail and furthermore destination terminal for • the ”Europe-Turkey-Container-Express” from Sopron RUSE LOM Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Bulgarian corridor sector are listed in Figure 4.1.1–18. MIHAYLOVO PLOVDIV DIMITROVGRAD SVILENGRAD KOULATA Figure 4.1.1–18: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C in Bulgaria 53 Location Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Ruse ✓ ✓ Main route only Gorna Orjachowisa ✓ ✓ Main route only ✓ Main route only Tulovo Remarks Stara Zagora ✓ ✓ Main route only Sofia ✓ ✓ Alternative route only Plowdiw ✓ ✓ Alternative route only Dimitrovgrad ✓ Figure 4.1.1–19: Main route TREND Corridor C in Turkey KAPIKUE EDIRNE ZONGULDAK KARABUK HALKALI SAMSUN ARIFIYE ACH-DOG KARS AMASYA BANDIRMA BALIKESIR ESKISEHIR SINCAN BALISIH SIVAS HANLI CETINKAYA ALAYUNT MANISA CUMAOVASI AFYON TATVAN VAN KAP-QOT DIYARBAKIRKURTALAN KONYA ULUKISLA ADANA 53based on: Wikipedia: „List of important...“, l.c., BDZ ERZURUM BOGAZKOPRU MALATYA DINAR GONCALI ERZINCAN NARLI GAZIANTEP FEV-MAY KARKAMIS ISKENDERUN NUSAYBIN Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 72 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The involved Railway Undertakings supplied only a fragmentary set of all modes‘ transport data (see Figure 4.1.1–20). It has to be kept in mind that the volumes listed underneath represent not only the corridor´s but the total flows amongst the involved countries. The nine Corridor C countries add up to theoretically 72 destinations. However, depending on the respective routing, six or seven countries will effectively be involved with 30 or 42 destinations. Figure 4.1.1–20: Total volume of freight amongst Corridor C countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) [1000 t/a] 54 Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 19,612.7 Czech Republic Austria Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania SerbiaMontenegro Bulgaria Turkey Total 24,042.6 10,452.5 1,738.3 3,162.6 442.9 123.2 218.5 1,935.3 42,115.9 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 145.0 n.s. n.s. 5,760.0 2,126.0 521.0 n.s. 107.0 n.s. n.s. 82.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 255.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. 918.0 n.s. n.s. 1,241.0 14,618.2 7,096.0 Slovakia 2,592.3 n.s. 5,067.0 Hungary 4,338.0 n.s. 768.0 n.s. Romania 630.5 n.s. 97.0 n.s. Serbia-Montenegro 230.6 n.s. n.s. Bulgaria 379.1 122.0 150.0 Turkey Total 1,711.4 n.s. 44,112.8 n.s. 26.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. 26.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. 144.0 568.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 550.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 57.0 n.s. n.s. 1,014.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. routing via Germany (Ruhr branch) - Austria - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey routing via Germany (Seaport branch) - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey Detailed statistic transport data are listed in Appendices 4.1 to 4.3. The main transport structures can be described as follows: • The nine corridor countries have an uneven share in the total freight amount, as far as known according to Figure 4.1.1–20: More than 85 % is represented by Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic, followed by a second group, consisting of Slovakia and Hungary. The other four countries‘ contribution to the all transport modes‘ volume is only some 5 % altogether. By far strongest single relationship is between Germany and Austria, followed by Germany/Czech Republic and Czech Republic/Slovakia. Other destinations with volumes of note are Germany – Hungary, Germany – Slovakia, Germany – Turkey (each vice versa) and Czech Republic – Hungary. • Most relationships are unbalanced (i.e. the difference between the directional flows is more than 20 %). Exceptions are Germany – Austria, Germany – Turkey and Czech Republic – Slovakia. • Due to the lack of several all modes‘ data, conclusions about modal split values can be made only for dedicated destinations: Rail transport has a dominant position on several relations with modal split values up to more than 80 %. Most of these destinations can be found amongst neighbour countries (e. g. Czech Republic – Slovakia, Czech Republic – Hungary or Romania – Bulgaria). However, at the same time most of these high rail shares are based on a rather small absolute volume. On the other hand, rail share fades significantly with increasing transport distance. Destinations like Germany – Romania/Serbia/Bulgaria/Turkey show only a very poor rail modal split value. • The strongest waterway modal split values refer to sea transport destinations as Germany – Turkey or Turkey – Bulgaria. All other relations with considerable waterway share follow the Danube (barge transport). • Unlike rail and waterway transport, road traffic has a strong position on all relations, especially on almost all of the strongest volume destinations. 54Source: TREND data gathering tables, based on: • all German and all Turkish destinations (except Turkey – Czech Rep. and Turkey – Bulgaria): Railion • Austria – Hungary: RCA • all Czech relations (except Czech Rep. – Germany): CD, data refer to year 2004 • Slovakia – Austria and Slovakia – Hungary: ZSSK • all Bulgarian destinations (except Germany – Bulgaria and Czech Rep. – Bulgaria): BDZ 73 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them A closer look at the rail freight volume shows the proportion of the transportation modes • conventional block trains • conventional single wagon transport • intermodal trains (block trains + single wagon) Suitable data have been provided for 39 destinations by the Railway Undertakings (see Figure 4.1.1–21). Figure 4.1.1–21: Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor C countries 2003 • On seven out of 39 destinations all three transport modes participate considerably (i.e. by more than 20 %) in the total rail freight volume: from Germany to Hungary and the Czech Republic (each vice versa), on Germany – Austria, Czech Republic – Slovakia and on Austria – Hungary. • Conventional (block and single wagon) trains dominate the freight traffic especially from Hungary southwards. • Intermodal trains are mainly concentrated on dedicated Corridor C destinations. In most cases they are based on special transport conditions (e.g. alpine transit on Germany – Austria) or logistic concepts (e.g. logistic trains for automotive industry on Germany – Hungary). The typical market segments of rail freight traffic amongst the Corridor C countries are listed in Appendix 4.4. 100 % 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % -A ria an y er G Au st er m G -G us tri m er a an m a y Se - S ny rb e ia r - G bia G er er m m an a Tu ny y -T rk ey u G - G rke er y m an er m y an Ro -R y m om an i a a G ni er a m Ge r a m Bu ny a - B ny lg a G ria ulg er ar m -G i an er a m y H - H an un un y ga G ry g er - G ar y m an e Cz r y - C ma ec ny h ze Re ch p. R G - G ep er . er m m an an y Sl -S y ov lo ak v ia ak ia Au - G e s Au tria rm st - H any r un Cz i a e c Cz ga ec r y h Re h Cz p. R e ec - A p. h Re us Bu p. tr i lg a -B ar u ia - C lg a ria ze ch Re p. 0 % 100 % Conventional block trains 90 % Conventional single wagon 80 % Intermodal trains (Block trains and single wagon) 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 74 Ro m ze c Cz ec h ry un H Cz ec h ga Re p. -C -H un ga ry Re h Re p. p. an - R C z ia - o m ec Cz an h ia Sl R ec ov ep h R e ak . ia Sl p. o v Cz Cz a ec kia ec h h Re Re Tu p. p. rk ey Tu rk -C ey Bu zec h lg Re ar i p. Tu a T rk ey urk Bu - B ey lg ul ar ga Ro i a r Ro ia m an m an B u ia ia lg ar Bul ga ia H un r g a H u ia r y ng - B ar Bu ul y lg ga ar ri ia Au -A a st us r tr i Bu i a a B lg u ar l g ia ar Sl ov - Sl ia o ak va ia ki -B a ul ga ria 0 % Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 4.1.2Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor C As documented above the transport structures of the involved Corridor C countries do not represent a homogenous arrangement. In fact they can be classified into (at least) four logistic clusters: • The first cluster includes Germany and Austria. Additional potential for rail transport is likely to be found most of all in alpine transit (Corridor B-East). Beyond it there is only little scope left to change the modal split appreciably, since transport structures are long and well established. • The second logistic cluster refers to the exchange of goods between Germany/Austria with the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. EU membership of these countries has induced an increase of transport volume in common and with Western Europe, especially Germany. It is also obvious that transport structures converge to Western Europe rates with all consequences for rail freight (e.g. increase of high prised goods and logistic demands, loss of market shares for conventional rail freight). In the rail freight market, specialised transport logistics and intermodal transport chains are already established. All in all, the transport situation provides a high potential; thus, urgent intervention is required to strengthen the market position of rail freight. • The third cluster comprises the new and potentially future EU members Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. From the rail freight point of view these countries are still dominated by former transport structures (i.e. strong position of bulk cargo, high share of rail transport, intermodal rail transport less developed). Nevertheless changes are expected in the short to medium term, so rail freight should be prepared. • The fourth cluster consists of Turkey exclusively, which plays a special role. EU membership is envisaged, but not to be expected within the next few years. Nevertheless, the Turkish economy actually produces high rates of increase, which is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Since Germany is the most important trading partner, rail transport – which is virtually non-existent – should be able to partake in the forecasted volume increase especially on this long term destination. For the assessment of Corridor C not only the present transport structures, but also the perspectives for the future have to be considered. Due to this purpose the Commercial/Infrastructure Managers of the involved Corridor C countries stated their estimations concerning the future development of the freight market in general and the rail freight production systems in special. Figure 4.1.2–1 shows the cluster of ”very high” increase expectations. More detailed results can be found in Appendix 4.5. The highest expectations for the development of the total freight market concentrate on the first and second group of countries, as defined above, especially between respective neighbour countries. A closer look at the rail production systems shows the highest forecast values for intermodal block trains; additionally to relations with high total market increase several other – mostly long term – destinations are included as well, especially Germany – Romania, Germany – Turkey or Austria – Bulgaria (each vice versa). Summarising the expected developments to be potentially picked up by rail freight, the Seaport branch has a slight advantage to the Ruhr branch. Destination Branch/ route Germany ⇔ Czech Rep. Germany ⇔ Slovakia Germany ⇔ Hungary Germany ⇔ Romania Germany ⇔ Turkey Austria ⇔ Czech Rep. Seaport branch Seaport branch All branches/routes All branches/routes All branches/routes No Corridor C destination Ruhr branch Seaport branch Austria ⇔ Bulgaria Czech Rep. ⇔ Slovakia Czech Rep. ⇔ Hungary Slovakia ⇔ Austria Hungary ⇔ Bulgaria Total freight market Potential Potential Potential for addfor adfor aditional ditional ditional conveninterintertional sinmodal modal gle wagon block single trains wagon • • • • • • • • • • • • • Seaport branch No Corridor C destination All branches/routes Potential for additioal conventional block trains Figure 4.1.2–1: Cluster of future ”Very high” expectations amongst Corridor C destinations • • • • • 75 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 4.1.3Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments a) Infrastructure problems b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation) Structuring of impediments Figure 4.1.3–1: Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule) Border Germany/Austria (Passau) Germany/Czech Rep. (Decin) The results of TREND B2 presented hereunder derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables; exceptions will be expressly stated. The results of the meetings were analysed and taken into account, as well. This report shall make the TREND results comparable to corridor studies already performed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for a future Integrated Project (IP). Thus the TREND corridor report will refer to the structuring of the action plans that had already been developed in the CER corridor reports: Processing time per train 15 min 30 - 60 min c) Resource problems Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments One of the main current impediments for rail freight traffic on Corridor C results from border crossing operations. The involved Railway Undertakings provided adequate data, as stated in Figure 4.1.3–1. Included activities • PVG data input • change of loco driver Operational activities: • PVG data input • if necessary, change of loco driver • commercial inspection • RID inspection • make out the list of end owner • acceptance of the train, checking documents • generate Wagon list • hand out documents to engine driver Remarks • • • • stated by Railion cross border performance rated as „good“ stated by Railion/CD further activities and time need in case of customs clearance (only for goods to district of the DECIN • cross border performance rated as „good“ Technical activities: • loco change, if necessary • brake test • generate Brake sheet • technical inspection 5 min Czech Rep./ Slovakia (Kuty) 30 - 70 min Operational activities: • commercial procedure – make out the list of end owner – calculation of transport charges – inspection of goods in wagons – inspection of customs seals – inspection of loaded goods – inspection of delivery date – inspection of wagon label • RID inspection • acceptance of the train • document processing – verification of information in consignment note – process consignment note – generate Wagon list – handing out documents to loco driver • change loco driver only for intermodal trains: transport, technical and RID confidence (see chapter • stated by CD/ZSSK/ZSR • cross border performance rated as „good“ • further activities and time need (60-90 min) in case of customs clearance (only for goods from none EU-countries) Technical activities: • loco change • technical inspection of the train, e.g. – damaged wagons – overloaded wagons – bearings – bogies – couplers • brake test • generate brake sheet 5- 10 min Deliverable 76 for trains with mutual transport and technical trust (intermodal trains, logistic trains for automotive industry) Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 4 TREND Corridor C Border 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Processing time per train Slovakia/Hungary (Sturovo) 80 min (Rusovce) 90 min Included activities Operational activities (ZSR/ZSSK): • change loco • change loco driver • process consignment note (CN) • verification of information in CN • calculation of transport charges • inspection of goods in wagons • customs seals • inspection of loaded goods • control of overloaded wagons • inspection of delivery date • inspection of wagon label Remarks • stated by ZSSK/ZSR • cross border performance rated as „good“ • further activities and time need (60 -90 min) in case of customs clearance (only for goods from none EU- countries) Technical activities (ZSSK): • technical inspection train, damaged wagons • inspection of bearings, bogies • check of couplers, coach bodies • brake tests 10 min Austria/Hungary (Hegyeshalom) n.s. Hungary/ Romania (Lököshaza) Romania/Bulgaria (Giurgiu Nord) n.s. Bulgaria/Turkey (Svilengrad) 120 - 240 min 120 – 300 min 70 min • • • • • • • • • • • • change loco (except for multi-system locos) • change loco driver • Other activities not specified change loco • change loco driver • Other activities not specified • change loco • change loco driver • Customs clearance Other activities not specified • • • • • change loco change loco driver Customs clearance Other activities not specified • Customs clearance • Other activities not specified • • • • • • • stated by ZSSK for trains with mutual transport and technical trust stated by MAV normal customs clearance procedure, except for AUDI trains. stated by MAV 110 min for customs clearance procedure cross border performance rated as „good“ stated by BDZ border activities done on both sides separately from different institutions partially common parallel operational and technical procedures cross border performance rated as „poor“ stated by BDZ border activities done on both sides separately from different institutions no common parallel operational and technical procedures cross border performance rated as „deficient“ stated by TCDD additional time request for customs clearance = 60 min © DB AG/ Hermkes Slovakia/Hungary 77 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Adding up all single values – with plausible estimation of missing data – an educated guess can be made that the total time loss caused by cross border activities amounts to 20 – 24 h per direction. About three quarters of this total value accounts for the section from the Hungarian/Romanian borderline southwards. The main border problems, leading to this time loss can be assigned to the following groups of impediments: • Different technical/infrastructural railway equipment (current systems, signalling systems, see also chapter The different current systems require multiple loco changes (multi-system-locos are not available or only exceptionally used at present). A special situation is the Bulgarian cross border stations via Romania and Turkey, which are not electrified. This implies an additional change of traction mode from electric to diesel and back to electric again. • Missing operational co-ordination and administrative problems on the two sides of a border. Because train passing is not based on the rule of mutual trust in most cases, a technical examination of the train is done on both sides of the border. Additionally some border procedures – as customs or police activities – are not only nationally, but also within the same country separated into several authorities (e.g. Bulgaria/Turkey). Transport data management, which actually requires multiple data pickup/correction/modification and manual document transfers (see also chapter • A lack of co-operative rolling stock and personal dispatching: – Common loco dispatching is still a great exception amongst the involved Corridor C Railway Undertakings and mostly restricted to multisystem engines. More rare is the interoperable employment of loco drivers. Apart from Railion/ RCA and Railion/CD Cargo, where loco drivers are changed on all Corridor C cross border stations. – Common rules for the use of wagons are based on RIV 2000 guidelines amongst all Corridor C countries. Further agreements are the AVV (”Allgemeiner Verwendungsvetrag”, contract between the wagon owner and the Railway Undertaking, practiced by Railion and RCA) or bilateral contracts. Common dispatching of wagon pools does not exist. Another indicator of the severity of impediments at the border crossings is the rate of punctual trains (defined as a train with less than a one hour delay), gauged at the border crossing stations. Extremely low values for punctual trains (less than 20 %) were stated by the Slovakian Railway Undertakings (RU). The main reasons for these delays were not infrastructure capacity problems in the first instance, but insufficient technology (interlocking technique), technological procedures (e.g. processing of transport documents), lack of locos or discordance between RU and IM. Significantly higher values (about 80 %) for punctual trains were stated by the Bulgarian RUs for the Romanian and the Turkish border crossing. The main reasons for train delays were the actual mode of border control activities incl. loco change and the influence of delays from other trains. Quick improvement – without long term and expensive infrastructure and technique measures – of the current situation could be reached for example by consequent mutual train trusting. Electronic data interchange (for customs clearance as well) could also provoke great effects; however, short-term realisation prerequisites dedicated hard- and software conditions which are not yet fulfilled within all Corridor C countries. To improve flexibility of personal dispatching the European engine driver license, as implemented by ÖBB, is a step forward, too. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 78 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them In addition to loss of time, border crossing activities also require considerable infrastructure resources and costs. Within the border stations the following infrastructure resources are provided for interchange purposes: Border Border crossing station Number of tracks for interchange purposes Germany/Austria Passau 6 Germany/Czech Republic Bad Schandau Decin HLN Decin Vychod Kuty 4 10 11 10 Sturovo 18 Austria/Hungary Hegyeshalom 27 Hungary/Romania Curtici 7 Romania/Bulgaria Giurgiu Nord 7 Bulgaria/Turkey Svilengrad 8 Czech Republic/ Slovakia Slovakia/Hungary Other infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality Other infrastructural impediments mainly concern the lack of capacities and operational quality within the stations/nodes or along the lines. These handicaps make it difficult or even impossible to acquire additional rail freight traffic on the corridor. Furthermore they lead to expensive operational modes – especially within the nodes – which increase the total costs and deteriorate the market position of rail freight traffic. Figure 4.1.3–3 and Figure 4.1.3–4 show the current infrastructural impediments within the stations and lines on Corridor C, as stated by the Infrastructure Managers. Country Figure 4.1.3–2: Node/ station Slovakia Bratislava main station Hungary Rajka station Required infrastructure for cross border activities Country Germany Line/Section Hamburg – Uelzen Uelzen – Celle Bremen – Hannover Hannover – Lehrte Köln – Neuwied Würzburg – Nürnberg Czech Republic Usti Nad Labem hl.n. – Praha Liben Usti Nad Labem hl.n. – Decin Hln Decin Hln – Decin PZ Kolin – Praha Liben Usti Nls – Lysa Nl Slovakia Bratislava Petrzalka – Rajka Hungary Hegyeshalom – Rajka Szajol – Lokosgaza Bulgaria Complete corridor line Plovdiv – Dimitrovgrad Turkey Kapikule – Halkali Impediment caused by/remarks • • • • 40 km/h speed restriction Seaport branch only 40 km/h speed restriction Seaport branch, line variant West only Impediment caused by/remarks • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 4.1.3–3: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/nodes capacity line loaded 55 due to high traffic volume Seaport branch only line congested due to high traffic volume Seaport branch only line congested due to high traffic volume Seaport branch only line congested due to high traffic volume Seaport branch only line congested due to high traffic volume Ruhr branch only line congested due to high traffic volume Ruhr branch only reduction of permitted intermodal gauge due to several tunnels on the line section Seaport branch/main line only reduction of permitted intermodal gauge within station Usti NL due to platform roofs Seaport branch/main line only reduction of permitted intermodal gauge due to several tunnels on the line section Seaport branch/main line only line congested due to high traffic volume Seaport branch/main line only line congested due to high traffic volume Seaport branch/line variant North only Capacity restrictions due to single tracked line Seaport branch, line variant West only Capacity restrictions due to single tracked line Seaport branch, line variant West only Capacity restrictions due to single tracked line sections Main route only Capacity restrictions due to single tracked line Main route only Capacity restrictions due to single tracked line Alternative route only Capacity restrictions due to single tracked line Figure 4.1.3–4: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity and quality 55rating for capacity employment rate: > 100 % = overloaded; 86 – 100 % = loaded; 70 – 85 % = congested 79 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Summarising these problems can be assigned to the following types: • single track line sections, mainly in the southern part of the corridor • high traffic volume leading to capacity restrictions for additional rail freight (especially in Germany) For elimination of these impediments some measures to increase lines and nodes capacity are already underway (see chapter • complete tunnel section causing limitations of the intermodal gauge (Czech Republic, Slovakia (only in direction from south to north)) • speed restrictions due to disadvantageous line layout (especially within nodes in Slovakia and Hungary) Within the framework of these infrastructural impediments, the Corridor C Infrastructure Managers reported available capacity for additional regular freight trains per day. In Figure 4.1.3–5 the lowest of these values for the respective corridor section is shown, assuming Status Quo conditions, i.e. without planned and/or current infrastructure measures. Figure 4.1.3–5: Train path availability per day for additional regular freight trains on Corridor C Slovakia Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 80 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport separated in Seaport and Ruhr branch. Both figures show the main routing via Romania instead of Serbia. Line variants have been included as far as relevant for the change of technical parameters. More detailed results can be found in Appendices 4.6 to 4.11. Germany DB Netz AG Czech Rep. CD Slovakia ZSR Hungary MAV G2 EBO UIC-505-1 UIC-505-1 UIC-505-1 Relevant Clearance 1435 mm Track Gauge 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm Istanbul Gorna Orj. Stara Zagora Dimitovgrad Svilengrad Campina Bucuresti Giurgiu Lököshaza Budapest Cegled Szajol Bratislava Galanta Sturovo Szob Kuty Poricany Lysa NL Figure 4.1.3–6: Kolin Svitavy Dresden Bad Schandau Decin V. Usti NLS Praha Rosslau Hannover Country IM Lehrte Hamburg Bremen Figure 4.1.3–6 and Figure 4.1.3–7 give an overview about the most important technical and operational parameters for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor C, Romania CFR Bulgaria BDZ Turkey TCDD 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor C (Seaport branch) 56 Tracks 29 550 m P/C 45-364 1100 t ERMTS Level 1 AC 25 kV 50 Hz AC 25 kV/50 Hz AC 25 kV/50 Hz Figure 4.1.3–7: Istanbul Campina Bucuresti Giurgiu Szajol Budapest Lököshaza 2050 mm Wien-Hütteldorf Wien Sopron Hegyeshalom Györ Linz Passau Regensburg Nürnberg Ansbach Würzburg D2 0 m 50 550 m 0 53 m 0 m P/C P/C 80-41045-364 AC 25 kV/50 Hz Austria ÖBB G2 EBO 1435 mm Track Gauge 65 km/h D4 750 m 1950 mm 65 km/h Screw coupler Screw coupler with buffers with buffers C2 P/C 80-410 AC 25 kV/50 Hz Germany DB Netz AG G2 EBO Relevant Clearance Screw coupler with buffers ERTMS LVZ / LST EVM Level 1 1950 mm Aschaffenburg Darmstadt Wiesbaden Mainz-Bischofsheim Köln ERTMS LVZ / Level 2 LST DC 3 kV 1950 mm Country IM C3 730 m 2000 t 1400 t 2000 t LVZ / LST AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz Energy System Width of contact shoe (pantograph) 70 km/h 00 t 25 0 40 0 t 00 25 t 00 t 2500 t PZB / LZB Signalling System C2 650 m P/C 70-400 P/C 47-360 P/C 47-377 P/C 70-400 P/C 80-410 100 km/h Screw coupler with buffers D4 650 m 600 m 650 m 600 m 700 m 700 m 740 m 650 m 2000 t 3000 t Screw coupler with buffers D4 750 m Maximum Train Length Intermodal Gauge 80 km/h 55 Screw coupler with buffers D4 Line Category 100 km/h 00 11 t 0 15 0 t 0 14 0 t 00 t 120 km/h 12 Screw coupler with buffers Coupler Maximum Train Mass 80 120 km/h km/h 100 km/h Gorna Orjachowiza Stara Zagora Dimitovgrad Svilengrad 120 km/h Maximum Speed Hungary MAV UIC-505-1 Romania CFR Bulgaria BDZ Turkey TCDD 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor C (Ruhr branch) 56 Tracks PZB / LZB AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm PZB / LZB EVM AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm P/C P/C 80-41045-364 2050 mm 550 m P/C 45-364 00 11 t 0 15 0 t 0 14 0 t 00 t t AC 25 kV/50 Hz D2 0 m 50 550 m 0 53 m 0 m D4 750 m ERTMS Level 1 65 km/h Screw coupler Screw coupler with buffers with buffers C3 C2 00 t t 00 00 1450 t t 1800 t 33 1850 t 30 2000 t Screw coupler with buffers P/C 80-410 P/C 70-400 t 2735t P/C 80-410 00 Maximum Train Mass P/C 45-375 D3 650 m 20 P/C 80-410 D3 D4 700 m t Intermodal Gauge P/C 80-410 50 750 m 750 m Maximum Train Length Screw coupler with buffers 65 km/h 12 D4 70 km/h 55 Screw coupler with buffers D4 Line Category 100 120 100 80 100 km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h 40 0 25 0 t 00 t Screw coupler with buffers Coupler Signalling System Energy System Width of contact shoe (pantograph) 120 km/h 20 120 km/h 00 80 km/h 13 120 km/h 27 Maximum Speed 1100 t ERTMS Level 1 AC 25 kV/50 Hz AC 25 kV 50 Hz AC 25 kV/50 Hz 56 Data gaps for intermodal gauge filled by: IU2005, Commission technique: “Carte de codification des lignes ferroviaires pour le transport de caisses mobiles”. Planco Consulting GmbH, HaCon GmbH: “Machbarkeitsuntersuchung für ein KVAngebot Dortmund – Türkei”; Essen/Hannover 2001 81 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The compilation shows a large variety of operating and technical parameters that affect interoperability on the corridor: – AC 15 kV, 16.7 Hz in Germany and Austria – maximum train mass (single traction mode) = 1,100 t (Bulgaria and Turkey), neglecting one rather short line section in Slovakia to be operated only by 900 t trains in single traction mode in direction from south to north; nevertheless regular operation is done with an additional pushing engine on this sector – AC 25 kV, 50 Hz in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey – intermodal gauge = P/C 45-364 (Bulgaria, Turkey) • The railway companies are using three current systems on Corridor C: – DC 3 kV in the Czech Republic The corridor is not completely electrified; gaps have to be stated at the Romanian/Bulgarian and at the Bulgarian/Turkish border. • Common signalling systems are currently used in Germany/Austria (PZB/LZB), in the Czech Republic/Slovakia (LVZ/LST) and Austria/Hungary (EVM). Dedicated line sections within Corridor C countries have already been switched to the new European ETCS level 1 (Austria/Hungary, Romania) or level 2 (Czech Republic). • Assuming that the electrification gaps at the Bulgarian borders will be closed by current projects (see also chapter 4.1.4), a locomotive to operate on the complete corridor would have to be compatible with – two current systems on the Ruhr branch and with three systems on the Seaport branch – at least five different signalling systems on the Seaport branch and at least three systems in case of taking the Ruhr branch. Since some of the involved railway provided no adequate data, the actual number of required signalling systems is likely to be even higher – two pantograph widths 57In Hungary line category C2 means permitted axle load = 21 t, differing from the UIC class (20 t) 58MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity reserves for combined transport by 2015“; Final report; Freiburg/Frankfurt am Main/Paris 2004 • The maximum train capacity is limited by the southern part of the corridor: – Line category C 2 (i.e. maximum wagon axle load = 21 t 57, maximum wagon length load = 6.4 t/m) in Hungary – maximum train length = 500 m in Bulgaria No interoperability problems on the corridor line concern • the track gauge (1,435 mm) • wagon coupling mode (screw coupler and buffers) Resources as impediment for rail freight transport The actual problems concerning infrastructure capacity have been already mentioned above (see chapter Due to forecasted development of rail freight traffic reasonable lacks of capacity for the year 2015 are expected mainly in Germany, especially on line sections • Hamburg – Hannover • Göttingen – Frankfurt (via Bebra) • Köln – Frankfurt as well as around node Hannover. In contrast no severe capacity problems are expected within the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary 58. A look at the future situation (2015) of terminals for combined transport makes clear that some of the main terminals along the corridor will have to face severe capacity problems as well. Particularly in Germany (Hamburg, Köln), Austria (Wels, Wien) and Hungary (Budapest) probable capacity gaps are forecasted 58. Concerning the available capacities within the marshalling yards (single wagon train splitting/composing) no problems were stated by the Railway Undertakings. Another main impediment concerns the rolling stock, especially multi-system locos. Rail transit through the Czech Republic requires Three-System-Locos, as the CD uses two different current systems (DC 3 KV and AC 25 KV). For cross border traffic Austria – Hungary ETCS will be installed in 13 ”Taurus” locos. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 82 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Turkish Railways reported a lack of personal and rolling stock. Cross border train path planning and controlling A special problematic situation in Bulgaria results from the interdependence of infrastructural and operational impediments, due to prioritising delayed passenger trains on single tracked line sections. Another resource related problem in Bulgaria is the insufficient track layout parameters, causing the need (and the lack) of additional pushing locos on sections with steep gradient and reducing the permitted speed, especially in case of missing train maintenance, and finally leading to increasing operational costs. Since all nine Corridor C countries are members of FTE, the construction of cross border train paths follows RNE guidelines. This means for instance the use of ”Pathfinder” as a common platform for data and information interchange or institutions like ”One Stop Shops (OSS)” with the help of catalogue train paths. According to these guidelines the Infrastructure Managers shall apply the following response times when replying to a customer‘s request for a train path concerning the running timetable period: Operations as impediment for rail freight transport Operational impediments on Corridor C mainly concern the following aspects: • Cross border train path planning and controlling • Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon traffic) • Exchange of data and transport documents • Time loss due to other operations • One working day when making an offer concerning pre-planned international train paths. • Five working days when making an offer concerning minor adaptations to pre-planned international train paths, as well as related cross-links, feederlines and use of terminals. • Thirty calendar days when making an offer concerning tailor-made international train paths as well as the use of associated terminals. In any case, the Infrastructure Manager shall provide the customer with a relevant answer within five working days. Nevertheless other FTE/RNE components like ”One Stop Shops (OSS)” are still missing in most of the Corridor C countries. Response times to train path requests were rated by the Infrastructure Managers as listed in Figure 4.1.3–8: IM definition interface Rated as Figure 4.1.3–8: Response times to train path requests amongst Corridor C countries Quality agreements IM/IM Stated by Germany/Austria „fast“ yes DB Netz Germany/Czech Republic „slow“ yes DB Netz 0.5 – 2 working days no CD Czech Republic/Slovakia 0.5 – 2 working days no CD Czech Republic/Austria according to working schedule of arrangement train traffic diagram for dedicated trains or extra trains five working days before the re quested departure in (e.g. VW) national traffic and 21 working days before the requested departure in international traffic no 0.5 – 2 working days ZSR CD Slovakia/Hungary according to working schedule of arrangement train traffic diagram no or extra trains five working days before the requested departure in national traffic and 21 working days before the requested departure in international traffic minimum 1 day no ZSR Hungary/Austria minimum 1 day no MAV Hungary/Romania minimum 1 day no MAV Bulgaria/Romania “slow” no BG Bulgaria/Turkey “slow” no BG MAV 83 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Alleviation projects to improve the stated cross border time losses are new bilateral border arrangements between Bulgaria/Romania and Bulgaria/Turkey. Studies about compensation within the scope of new arrangements between IM and RU are under way between the Slovakian/Czech and the Slovakian/Austrian authorities. Passenger trains are given priority over freight trains in train path planning and operation in Corridor C countries. The most often used ranking is: 1. International passenger trains 2. International/fast freight trains Controlling of cross border trains operations is already done by bilateral control centres in some cases (e.g. Czech Republic – Germany/Austria/Slovakia). However especially in the southern part of the corridor, controlling issues are still separated on national dispatching systems (Bulgaria/Romania, Bulgaria/Turkey). Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon) The average time for a wagon to pass a marshalling yard was stated by the Railway Undertakings as shown in Figure 4.1.3–9. However, the actual requested time for a wagon to stay in a marshalling yard is much higher (often 1 – 2 days). 3. Other passenger trains 4. Other freight trains In some cases freight trains are even ranked on third position only, prioritised by international and also by national passenger trains (MAV/ÖBB, MAV/ZSR, MAV/CFR). Figure 4.1.3–9: Average processing time within marshalling yards on Corridor C Country Germany Marshalling yard Maschen (Hamburg) Gremberg (Köln) Nürnberg Czech Republic Decin Hln Praha Liben Average processing time [min/train] Remarks 170 Seaport branch only 180 Ruhr branch only 140 Ruhr branch only 240 – 260 Seaport branch only 150 Seaport branch only Ceska Trebova 210 – 240 Seaport branch only Brno Malomerice 180 – 240 Seaport branch only Breclav Prednadr. 240 – 360 Seaport branch only Slovakia Baratislava Vychod Bulgaria Russe Gorna Orjahovica Tulovo Stara Zagora Dimitrovgrad Sofia Plovdiv 120 Seaport branch only 120/360 • Main route only • Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing 30/200 • Main route only • Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing 30/240 • Main route only • Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing 45/240 • Main route only • Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing 45/300 Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing 30/200 • Alternative route only • Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing 30/200 • Alternative route only • Values refer to “simplified” and to “complete” train processing Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 84 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Exchange of data and transport documents As shown in Figure 4.1.3–10, data exchange with rail production systems and exchange of wagon list is done via HERMES interface between Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The consignment note is exchanged electronically between Germany and Austria as well as between the Interface Electronic Data interchange (EDI) Consignment note (CN) related to production Germany/Austria via HERMES DB Netz – ÖBB Railion – RCA Germany/Czech R. via HERMES DB Netz – CD Railion – CD Cargo via HERMES Czech R./Slovakia CD – ZSSK CD Cargo – ZSSK Cargo via HERMES via HERMES ZSK – MAV ZSSK Cargo – MAV Czech Republic and Slovakia. Nevertheless, in most cases this transport document is exchanged via fax (from Germany to the Czech Republic) or by hand in a paper version, either additionally (Czech/Slovakia) or exclusively (Czech Republic to Germany/Austria). However, operational tests for electronic data exchange are currently in progress, especially by CD. via HERMES done Czech R./Austria CD – ÖBB CD Cargo – RCA via HERMES MAV – ÖBB done MAV – CFR No electronic interchange BDZ – CFR does not exist BDZ – TCDD does not exist Exchange of Braking sheet Remarks Wagon list via EDI Fahrlagenplanung via HERMES by Railion Digital sender (fax in) Fahrlagenplanung via HERMES by Railion by hand in the paper version In preparation: Bilateral data exchange of CN subset Bilateral data exchange of CN subset and by hand in a paper version According CIM rules by hand in a paper version via HERMES and by CD by hand in a paper version by hand in a paper version via HERMES and by CD by hand in a paper version International braking sheet (only paper version) According CIM rules International braking sheet (only paper version) n.s. No exchange, done separately by each railway company International wagon list (only paper version) International wagon list (only paper version) No exchange, done separately by each railway company via HERMES and by hand in a paper version by hand in the paper by hand in a paper version version In preparation: Bilateral data exchange of CN subset n.s. No exchange, done No exchange, separately by each done separately railway company by each railway company n.s. No exchange, done done separately by each railway company No electronic does not exist does not exist interchange No electronic does not exist does not exist interchange Time loss due to other operations In the southern parts of Corridor C the line is mainly single tracked. In addition to potential capacity problems this circumstance decreases the operational flexibility, especially in case of train delays and the mostly Figure 4.1.3–10: Transport data and document exchange amongst Corridor C countries by ZSSK by ZSSK by MAV by CD by MAV by MAV by BDZ by BDZ practiced priority of passenger trains in these cases (see also chapter The low maximum speed for freight trains, especially in Bulgaria and Turkey weakens the position of rail freight. 85 4 TREND Corridor C 4.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 4.1.4Alleviation projects already under way Cross border improvement actions under way • Project ZEUS (= Projekt zur Zusammenarbeit der europäischen Schienengüterverkehrsunternehmen BDZ, CD, CFR MARFA, GYSEV, HZ, ZS, MÁV, MZ, OSE, Railion, RCA, SZ, TCDD, ZSSK Cargo): Support of the expected volume rail freight increase on Corridor IV and X (Transeuropean Rail Freight Network (TERFN)). The project started in 2004 and developed measures for rail freight quality advancement, based on concrete train routings. One of the chosen trains is the ”Asia-Europe-Express” from Köln to Istanbul, which had a demonstration running in May 2004 with one multi-system loco along the Ruhr branch of Corridor C. – provision of IT support tools (e.g. Pathfinder) Currently the following Corridor C Railway Infrastructure Undertakings provide OSS services: DB Netz (Germany), ÖBB Netz (Austria), Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurther Eisenbahn AG/Györ-SopronEbenfurti Vasut-Rt. (Austria/Hungary). • Pathfinder: internet application for train path requests and allocations. • Since 2005 intermodal trains between Germany and the Czech Republic are operating on the basis of transport, technical and RID confidence. Thus the required processing time for these dedicated trains at the German/Czech border could be reduced down to five minutes. At the Czech/Slovakian border the processing time for intermodal trains has been decreased from about 3 h (year 1993) down to about 30 minutes. By end of 2005 it is planned to operate these trains on the basis of transport, technical and RID confidence as well, in order to reduce the time loss once more 61. • ÖBB establishes the new European loco driver license for cross border rail traffic. • Common quality agreements and common priority rules for train path planning/operation have been established for dedicated international trains between Germany/Austria and Germany/Czech Republic. © DB AG/Obst • One-Stop Shops (OSS): Cross-border train path orders are co-ordinated by the ”Contact OSS” 59: – RNE marketing organisation founded in September 2002 in Berlin and based in Wien since December 2003 60 – OSS network in use 59 IQ-C: International Group for Improving the Quality of Rail Transport in the North-South-Corridor; Progress-Report; June 2004 60 IQ-C: Improving the Quality ..., l.c., Appendix 2; Deutsche Bahn 61 CD Cargo: „Bulletin of Czech Railways‘ Freight“; 2005 • Reconstruction and electrification of border crossing station Svilengrad (Bulgaria/Turkey) in progress, to be finished by 2010. • Train monitoring on the Turkish side of Bulgarian/ Turkish border by new hard- and software; project has started. – RNE homepage online Alleviation projects within the TREND Corridor C countries – regular information exchange via conference calls • Germany: – standardised, multilingual train path order documents – regular quality surveys – catalogue of available train paths – harmonisation of train path order processes – Upgrading line sector Roderau – Dresden; currently under construction; planned to be finished by 2013 – Leveling steep gradient on line sector Würzburg – Gemünden by building new tunnel; currently in planning phase; to be finished by 2013; costs: 136 Mio € Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 86 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans • Austria: – Line upgrading between Passau and Wels to ”high capacity standard” – Line quadrupling between Linz and St. Valentin • Czech Republic: – Reconstruction of the railway station Usti NL – The corridor line is a pilot project for the use of GSM-R; first implementations are currently done and will cover the section from Kolin to Bratislava until 2007/08. On line section Kolín – Poricany ETCS level 2 is actually installed. • Slovakia: Upgrading of almost the complete corridor line, especially the border crossing stations and Bratislava main station; to be realised between 2007 and 2020, the calculated costs amount to some 800 Mio € altogether. • Hungary: Upgrading of almost the complete corridor line, especially the single tracked section (except Hegeyshalom – Rajka). Measures partially already completed, partially under construction until 2007; the calculated costs amount to about 500 Mio € altogether. 4.2 Action plans 4.2.1Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor C have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short-term, mediumterm, long-term) shall facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. The action plans are completed by a fourth group of measures (”other measures”). Further activities already underway are described in chapter 4.1.4. Due to a lack of any suitable data, cross-border action plans between Austria/Hungary, Hungary/Serbia and Serbia/Bulgaria are missing within the following tables. In contrast measures in co-operation between the Czech Republic and Austria have been included in order to provide all available information, although there is no corridor routing variant between these two countries. • Bulgaria: Reconstruction and electrification of line sections Plovdiv – Dimitrovgrad (alternative route) and Dimitrovgrad – Svilengrad. The project is already underway and to be finished by 2009/10; the calculated costs amount to about 334 Mio €. 87 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans 4.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport by means of agreements on service guarantees. Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources (locomotives and drivers): Calculation of profitability and – if applicable – procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives, better organisation of resource dispatching. Figure 4.2.2–1: Germany – Czech Republic Co-operation of RU I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks II.Ensure availability of resources III.E xtended responsibility of cross-border operation centres • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation. Czech Rep. – Austria Railion / CD: Line improvement Dresden region • no bottleneck • ongoing co-operation n.a. n.a. no problems concerning resources done • Railion / CD: GONG agreement ongoing for itermodal freight trains, in progress for other freight trains • extension of current practice to be envisaged Not done, to be envisaged done Slovakia – Hungary Hungary – Romania I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks ZSR/MAV have no problems with traction, lines’ capacity II.Ensure availability of resources Common training of staff MAV – BDZ in cross border operation, to ensure fluency, regularity and punctuality for loco and crew changes, planned by ZSSK CARGO for 2006 • Rationalising of cross MAV – BDZ border activities planned by ZSSK CARGO for 2006 in order to establish clear responsibilities for border staff and operation • Transit in trust also for dangerous cargo III.E xtended responsibility of cross-border operation centres Germany – Austria Infrastructure improvement Romania – Bulgaria Czech Republic – Slovakia • ZSR/CD: no problems concerning traction, lines’ capacity • ongoing co-operation • no problems concerning resources • Common training of staff in cross border operation, to ensure fluency, regularity and punctuality for loco and crew changes, planned by ZSSK CARGO for 2006 • Rationalising of cross border activities planned by ZSSK CARGO for 2006 in order to establish clear responsibilities for border staff and operation • Concentration of CD/ZSSK activities on one side of the border • Only short stop for dedicated (intermodal) freight trains: no loco change, no technical and no commercial inspection • extension of current practice to be envisaged Bulgaria – Turkey Flooded area BDZ – TCDD bilateral leads to large meetings detour for the RU; needs to be improved shortly CFR – BDZ BDZ – TCDD CFR – BDZ BDZ – TCDD Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 88 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures. • Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/ safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods and out-of-gauge regulations for through trains). Germany – Czech Republic Czech Rep. – Austria I. Tail signal lamp No change II.Braking sheet No change III.Wagon list/train consist report done IV.Regulation of hazardous goods • DB – CD – ZSSK + States • CD / RCA: and EU adoption of • deeper research and imTSI, plementation to be envis- • deeper reaged search and implementation to be envisaged. V. Regulation of out-of gaugeloads done Slovakia – Hungary CD / RCA: adoption of TSI 62 CD / RCA: adoption of TSI CD / RCA: adoption of TSI Germany – Austria done Romania – Bulgaria • Process of implementation 2004 – 2006 by ZSSK CARGO: RID rules have been implemented, mutual trust still to be established • project for transport acceleration of dangerous goods according guideline UIC 471-3 done: regulations according to CIM and COTIF Bulgaria – Turkey I. Tail signal lamp done n.a. n.a. BDZ – TCDD II.Braking sheet done n.a. n.a. BDZ – TCDD III.Wagon list/train consist report done n.a. n.a. BDZ – TCDD IV.Regulation of hazardous goods • Process of implemenn.a. tation 2004 – 2006 by ZSSK CARGO: RID rules have been implemented, mutual trust still to be established • ZSSK/MAV + States + EU: project for transport acceleration of dangerous goods according guideline UIC 471-3 • extension of current practice to be envisaged done: regulations according n.a to CIM and COTIF n.a. n.a. V. Regulation of out-of gaugeloads Figure 4.2.2–2: Co-operation of RU – IM done: Austria CD – ZSSK accepts German signals done: common CD – ZSSK use of Austrian electronic system done CD – ZSSK CD / RCA: done adoption of TSI Hungary – Romania Czech Republic – Slovakia 62TSI = technical specifications for interoperability, according directive 2001/16/ EC. This directive requires adoption of a first group of priority TSI within three years, i.e. in 2004, in the following areas: • control / command and signalling systems • telematic applications for freight services • traffic operation and management, including staff qualifications for cross-border services • freight wagons n.a. according RIV annex 2, UIC guideline 502 • noise problems deriving from rolling stock and infrastructure 89 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans an implementation plan for quality management tools • Elaborate quality management and measurement systems (taking into account UIC guidelines) Figure 4.2.2–3: Quality Management System • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations) Germany – Czech Republic Czech Rep. – Austria • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs Germany – Austria I. Quality Management and Measurement System • Application of UIC, CER guidelines • extension of current practice to be envisaged • Application of UIC, CER guidelines • extension of current practice to be envisaged II.Quality Agreements • Pilot implementation of UIC RU – RU standard agreement • extension of current practice to be envisaged • Governmental agreement, ongoing in BRAVO but not IM / RU • Only basic agreements between IM – IM with addition agreements for each cross-border (management of operation, signalling systems, time table, accidents …) • extension of curent practice to be envisaged n.a. projected in BRAVO III.Computerised Quality n.a. Management System (QMS) RU of DB – CD IV.Common Rules of handling delayed trains RU of RCA – CD Slovakia – Hungary I. Quality Management and Measurement System (QMS) Quality measuring system • currently worked out by MÁV • planned to be established by ZSSK Cargo by 2007 Planned for 2006 by II.Quality Agreements ZSSK CARGO. Mutual quality agreements to be signed. III.Computerised Quality • Introduction of compuManagement System terised QMS planned by ZSSK CARGO for 2006 • Introduction of common QMS to be envisaged • planned for 2006 by IV.Common Rules of handling delayed ŽSR trains • development of common rules to be envisaged done projected in BRAVO Hungary – Romania Czech Republic – Slovakia • currently established by ZSSK Cargo from 2004 to 2007. For dedicated logistic trains already in operation • extension of current practice to be envisaged • Only basic agreements between IM – IM with addition agreements for each cross-border (management of operation, signalling systems, time table, accidents …) • process of implementation by ZSSK Cargo from 2004 to 2007. For dedicated logistic trains already in operation • extension of current practice to be envisaged currently established by ZSSK Cargo from 2004 to 2007. For dedicated logistic trains already in operation • planned for 2006 by ŽSR • development of common rules to be envisaged Romania – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. n.a. BDZ – TCDD n.a. n.a. Agreement for improving border crossing procedures between BDZ – TCDD n.a. n.a. n.a n.a. n.a. Common agreements BDZ – TCDD Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 90 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks Develop recommendations for low-budget short-term infrastructure measures and for a ”whole-corridor-coordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. Czech Republic – Austria Germany – Czech Republic I. Priority of low budget shortterm measures International Roundtable „Corridor Champion“ n.a. Slovakia – Hungary I. Priority of low budget shortterm measures Germany – Austria ongoing in BRAVO Hungary – Romania • Upgrading line section to n.a. Raijka from 1 to 2 tracks • Including all trains into quality system planned by ŽSR for 2006, according UIC action plan for border crossing ŽSR/ MAV Romania – Bulgaria n.a. Czech Republic – Slovakia Including all trains into quality system planned by ŽSR for 2006 Figure 4.2.2–4: Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. 4.2.3Medium-term measures – package of measures II Analyse management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains Czech Republic – Austria Germany – Czech Republic I. Priority rules of freight vs. passenger trains DB - CD CD - RCA Slovakia – Hungary I. Priority rules of freight vs. passenger trains Realised within daily opera- n.a. tion, according to the train traffic diagram and management priority the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.). • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links. • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange on timetable adaptations due to track works. Hungary – Romania Germany – Austria DB - ÖBB Romania – Bulgaria n.a. Czech Republic – Slovakia Realised within daily operation, according to the train traffic diagram and management priority Figure 4.2.3–1: Priority rules between freight and passenger trains Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements. • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL …). 91 4 TREND Corridor C Germany – Czech Republic 4.2Action plans Czech Rep. – Austria Germany – Austria I. Evaluate the availability of train paths RU: DB/CD not done: no problem IM ÖBB/SZDC done in BRAVO II.Improve time tables to reduce transport times RU: DB/CD done within the scope of regular time table update: IM takes care for track modernisation, RU cares for use of adequate locos done within the scope of regular time table update: IM takes care for track modernisation, RU cares for use of adequate locos done • CD - RCA piloting test III.Ensure timely and • DB/CD + RNE in systematic internaprogress • extension within impletional information • extension within implementation of TSI to be exchange mentation of TSI to be envisaged envisaged done: DB/ÖBB + RNE IV.International catalogue train paths V. Provide reliable information on train location and delay done done: DB/CD + RNE done: CD/ÖBB + RNE • CD gets suitable inforongoing • No common data platform, but GPS system mation from train dis• National information patcher science systems CEVIS • National information science systems CEVIS and CDZ: UIC-Project according regulation and CDZ: UIC-Project according regulation UIC UIC 407-1 (application 21) in progress 407-1 (application 21) in progress • extension within implementation of TSI to be • extension within implementation of TSI to be envisaged envisaged Slovakia – Hungary I. Evaluate the availability of train paths sufficient capacity, train paths are offered by the network statement published on website • done within daily operaII.Improve time tables to reduce tion by ŽSR transport times • Rationalisation of cross border activities and exchange of time table data to be envisaged III.Ensure timely and Electronic system for musystematic interna- tual monitoring of trains in tional information real time still to be estabexchange lished IV.International cata- Realised by ŽSR in 2004 logue train paths V. Provide reliable in- Process currently impleformation on train mented by ŽSR for dedilocation and delay cated trains Hungary – Romania Czech Republic – Slovakia No problem IM ZSR/SZDC: sufficient capacity, train paths are offered by the network statement published on website • done within the scope of regular time table update: IM takes care for track modernisation, RU cares for use of adequate locos • done within daily operation by ŽSR • Rationalisation of cross border activities and exchange of time table data to be envisaged • CD - ZSSK done • extension within implementation of TSI to be envisaged • Electronic system for mutual monitoring of trains in real time to be envisaged Realised by ŽSR in 2004 • Process currently implemented by ŽSR for dedicated trains • National information science systems CEVIS and CDZ: UIC-Project according regulation UIC 407-1 (application 21) in progress • extension within implementation of TSI to be envisaged Romania – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. FTE Meetings and bilateral BDZ – TCDD meetings for dedicated trains n.a. n.a. n.a n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Intention to equip locos no train location system with GPS rather than equip infrastructure Figure 4.2.3–2 Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 92 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans Germany – Czech Republic I. Improve com- • Project ISR - database for the munication documentation of freight wagons and data exmovements change • extension within implementation of TSI to be envisaged. Slovakia – Hungary I. Improve communication and data exchange Czech Republic – Austria • Project ISR - database for the documentation of freight wagons movements • extension within implementationof TSI to be envisaged. Hungary – Romania Currently data are exchanged ben.a. tween ZSR and CD according UIC A 30. The exchange is in a testing operation phase. ZSR prepares implementation of TAFTSI. the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives (taking into account an economic Germany – Austria Czech Republic – Slovakia projected in BRAVO • Project ISR - database for the documentation of freight wagons movements • Currently data are exchanged between ZSR and CD according UIC A 30. The exchange is in a testing operation phase. ZSR prepares implementation of TAF-TSI. • extension within implementation of TSI to be envisaged. Romania – Bulgaria n.a. Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. Figure 4.2.3–3: acceptable deployment of interoperable locomotives) and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers Communication between Railway Undertakings • Standardise and simplify approval procedures Figure 4.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts Germany – Czech Republic I. Optimising use of locomotives done: Railion - CD done II.Deployment of interoperable locomotives III.Agreement on done mutual acceptance of locomotives and drivers IV.Standardisation continuing process of approval procedure Slovakia – Hungary I. Optimising use of locomotives • Planned for 2006 by ZSSK CARGO • extension of loco optimisation to be envisaged II.Deployment of • currently evaluated within the interoperable loscope of ZEUS project • Purchase of multi-system/intercomotives operable locomotives and unification of technical and operational conditions planned by ZSSK CARGO III.Agreement on not done mutual acceptance of locomotives and drivers IV.Standardisation • ZSR approves the locos of all opof approval proerators • development of standard approvcedure al procedure to be envisaged Czech Rep. – Austria Germany – Austria Czech Republic – Slovakia not done: loco change at border crossing locos are not interoperable, change at border crossing necessary done CD – ZSSK: Optimisation already done for dedicated trains done locos are not interoperable, change at border crossing necessary continuing process done • CD – ZSSK: done (locos are interoperable) • Unification of technical/operational conditions planned by ZSSK CARGO CD – ZSSK: only for locomotives and for dedicated trains done Hungary – Romania n.a. • continuing process, ZSR approves the locos of all operators • development of standard approval procedure to be envisaged. Bulgaria – Turkey Romania – Bulgaria currently evaluated within the scope of ZEUS project currently evaluated within the scope of ZEUS project BDZ - TCDD n.a. n.a. n.a n.a. n.a. n.a. currently evaluated within the scope of ZEUS project currently evaluated within the scope of ZEUS project 93 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) I. Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) I. Prioritise freight trains (Time windows) Germany – Czech Republic Czech Republic – Austria Germany – Austria Czech Republic – Slovakia Priority: 1. international express trains and intermodal trains 2. regular international trains 3. exceptional international trains Priority: 1. international express trains and intermodal trains 2. regular international trains 3. exceptional international trains high priority to international freight trains by flexible disposition in Austria Priority: 1. international fast trains 2. other international trains 3. national fast trains 4. national trains Slovakia – Hungary Hungary – Romania Romania – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Turkey Priority: 1. international fast trains 2. other international trains 3. national fast trains 4. national trains Figure 4.2.3–5: Prioritising of freight trains Figure 4.2.4–1: Long-term actions n.a. n.a. 4.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III This package of measures aims at • Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals), • Establishing rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor (RU operating centres), • Elaborating of new solutions for the existing HERMES system, • Improving co-ordination of national traffic control centres (between IMs), • Development of ERTMS on the corridor. Germany – Czech Republic done within the scope of I. Establish rules and tools to manage trains daily operation along the corridor Czech Republic – Austria Germany – Austria done within the scope Railion – RCA; of daily operation LM – RTC • done by CD/RCA • done by DB/ÖBB • improvement of data exchange (e.g. implementation of TSI) to be envisaged International III.Monitor timely up• Bilateral coordination after n.a. Round table („Corrigrading and extension the decision on harmonised infrastructure paramdor Champion“) of railway infrastruceters and timing has been ture taken • International Round table („Corridor Champion“) IV.Development of new Members of RAILDATA done (InterfaceMembers of RAILsolutions for the existProject) DATA ing HERMES system II.Improve coordination • done by DB/CD of national traffic con- • improvement of data exchange (e.g. implementatrol centres tion of TSI) to be envisaged V. Development of ERTMS on the parts of the corridor n.a. • pilot project of the n.a. • pilot project of the GSMGSM-R at the corriR at the corridor section Kolín – Děčín (cross-bordor section Kolín – der) and pilot project of Břeclav (project in the ETCS level 2 at the preparation) corridor section Kolín – • extension to be enPoříčany (both projects are visaged. in progress) • extension to be envisaged. Czech Republic – Slovakia • done within the scope of daily operation • Logistic - operating centres to be envisaged for train management and customer information • done by CD/ZSSK • improvement of data exchange (e.g. implementation of TSI) to be envisaged Planned by ŽSR after 2010 modernisation of line CD/Kuty - Bratislava Main station Currently ZSSK CARGO use three kinds of UIC applications: • A30: advance, notice, send to another railway for RU and IM • A38: international search for missing wagon • A40: data exchange of consignment notes (actually only between ZSSK CARGO/CD) • pilot project of the GSM-R at the corridor section Kolín Břeclav (project in preparation) • pilot project of the GSM-R at the corridor section Břeclav Bratislava (project planned) • extension to be envisaged. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 94 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans Slovakia – Hungary I. Establish rules and Logistic - operating centres to tools to manage trains be envisaged for train manalong the corridor agement and customer information II.Improve coordination Improvement of TAFof national traffic con- TSI Planned by ŽSR by trol centres 2007/2008 • Planned by ŽSR by 2016 III.Monitor timely upgrading and extension after track doubling between Bratislava main staof railway infrastruction and Bratislava Nove ture Mesto • common monitoring to be envisaged IV.Development of new Currently ZSSK CARGO use solutions for the exist- three kinds of UIC applicaing HERMES system tions: • A30: advance, notice, send to another railway for RU and IM • A38: international search for missing wagon • A40: data exchange of consignment notes (actually only between ZSSK CARGO and CD) V. Development of ETCS + GSM-R pilot line exERTMS on the parts ist in preparation of the corridor Hungary – Romania Romania – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. n.a. BDZ - TCDD n.a. n.a. n.a. common monitoring to be envisaged common monitoring to be envisaged n.a. n.a. n.a. Implementation of IT systems n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.2.5Other actions – package of measures IV Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks Germany – Czech Republic I. Developing the n.a. corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks) Czech Republic – Austria n.a. Slovakia – Hungary I. Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks) GSM – R: pilot line Bratislava-Nové Zámky by 2005/06. The project is submitted to the EU funding. Collaboration with CD and MAV. n.a. Hungary – Romania n.a. Germany – Austria Romania – Bulgaria n.a. Czech Republic – Slovakia GSM – R: pilot line Bratislava-Nové Zámky by 2005/06. The project is submitted to the EU funding. Collaboration with CD and MAV. Figure 4.2.5–1 Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. 95 4 TREND Corridor C 4.2Action plans the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports Czech Republic – Austria Germany – Czech Republic I. Remove physical bottlenecks • problems concerning load- no problem ing gauge in tunnels at corridor line Praha – Děčín. Alleviation depends on financial possibilities of the IM (SŽDC). • New terminal for combined transport in Lehrte/ Hannover by 2007, designed for 200.000 LU/a 63 . II.Provision of „terminal services“ on a timetable basis in progress II.Provision of „terminal services“ on a timetable basis • Upgrading capacity in Köln Eifeltor up to 300,000 LU/a by 2008 • New terminal in NürnbergRoth Hafen, designed for 300,000 LU/a by 2007 • Expansion of terminal Wien Freudenau Hafen CCT up to 140,000 LU/a by 2006/07 • Replacement of Wien Nordwest by new terminal Wien Inzersdorf by 2007/08, designed for 160,000 LU/a n.a. in progress Slovakia – Hungary I. Remove physical bottlenecks Germany – Austria 63 Hungary – Romania • Single tracked sections Bratislava main station Bratislava Nové Mesto (to be doubled by 2016). • 11 per mille gradient between Bratislava Nové Mesto and Bratislava main station. • Upgrading terminal in Budapest to 300,000 LU/a 63 n.a. Czech Republic – Slovakia • Modernisation of Bratislava main station planned after 2015 • New terminal for combined transport in BrnoSlatina by 2008/09 • Modernisation of Lovosice terminal for unaccompanied service by end of 2007, designed for 1,100 TEU/d Modernisation of marshalling yard Bratislava Vychod is planned after 2010 Romania – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Figure 4.2.5–2: Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports measures Germany – Czech Republic Figure 4.2.5–3 Other measures I. Other measures Corridor-wide train monitoring system to be envisaged Slovakia – Hungary I. Other measures 63MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity...“, l.c. Czech Rep. – Austria n.a. Hungary – Romania Within framework of mod- n.a. ernisation set-up of GSM-R and ETCS will be continued in order to ensure interoperability of international railway traffic. Germany – Austria n.a. Czech Republic – Slovakia Within framework of modernisation set-up of GSM-R and ETCS will be continued in order to ensure interoperability of international railway traffic. Romania – Bulgaria n.a. Bulgaria – Turkey n.a. LU/a = loading unit per annum Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 96 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Figure 5.1.1–1: Map of TREND Corridor D Figure 5.1.1–2: 5 TREND Corridor D TREND Corridor D in the Netherlands 5.1Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Main Route 5.1.1 Introduction in TREND Corridor D Alternative The Corridor D connects the Ports of the Netherlands with the Baltic States. Starting in Rotterdam (sea port) the line follows a main branch via Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia to Estonia. The total length of this main route is about 2,500 km. In Germany an alternative corridor route diverges from the main line, heading for the industrial centres in Poland around Kraków (see Figure 5.1.1–1). Today In the Netherlands the corridor line starts in Rotterdam and follows the planned new BETUWE line to the German border at Emmerich. An alternative line, which is currently preferred by Railion, crosses the Netherlands/German border at Hengelo/Bad Bentheim (see Figure 5.1.1–2). Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Netherlands corridor sector are listed in Figure 5.1.1–3. DELFZIJL LEEUWARDEN GRONINGEN NIEUWESCHANS MEPPEL UITGEEST ZWOLLE LELYSTAD HAARLEM SCHIPHOL LEIDEN WIERDEN DEVENTER BREUKELEN UTRECHT DEN HAAG GOUDA SCHIEDAM ZWIJNDRECHT HENGELO IJSSELBURG JCT VELPERPOORT JCT EMMERICH LAGE ZWALUWE BREDA BOXTEL ESSEN VLISSINGEN EINDHOVEN TERNEUZEN SAS-VAN-GENT NEE-WEE BLERICK ROERMOND Figure 5.1.1–3: Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in the Netherlands 64 Location Rotterdam (seaport) Kijfhoek/Rotterdam Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport service road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic ✓ ✓ Remarks 64based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. 97 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them FLENSBURG Main Route SASSNITZ PUTTGARDEN KIEL STRALSUND NEUMUNSTER ROSTOCK CUXHAVEN LUBECK BUTZOW Alternative Today LEER HAMBURGSCHWERIN LUDWIGSLUST BREMEN ANGERMUNDE UELZEN CELLE LEHRTE PASEWALK SZC-TAN STENDAL BERLIN FRANKFURT LOHNE AN DER ODER MAGDEBURG BAD BENTHEIM MUNSTER DESSAU ALTENBEKEN COTTBUS HAMM GOTTINGEN HALLE S HORKA HAGEN RIESA KASSEL GORLITZ KOLN GERA BAD SCHANDAU MARBURG BONN ZWICKAU FULDA KOBLENZ HOF ROHRBACH JCT MARKTREDWITZ MAINZ WURZBURG TRIER BIBLIS MANNHEIM ANSBACH SCHWANDORF SAARBRUCKEN REGENSBURG KARLSRUHE STUTTGART INGOLSTADT NEU-PAS HORB ULM AUGSBURG BRA-MUH MUNCHEN FREIBURG FRE-SAL SINGEN KEPMTEN KUFSTEIN BAS-FRE Figure 5.1.1–4: Location TREND Corridor D in Germany Emmerich Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport service road/rail In Germany both branches merge at Löhne/Westfalen and run along the east-west-mainline via Hannover and Braunschweig to Magdeburg. In Magdeburg Corridor D diverges into the main route, which continues via Berlin to the Polish border at Frankfurt/Oder, and an alternative line via Güterglück through the industrial centre in Saxony to the German/Polish border crossing at Horka (see Figure 5.1.1–4). Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the German corridor sector are listed in Figure 5.1.1–5. Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic BETUWE route only ✓ Hamm Remarks ✓ BETUWE route only Bielefeld ✓ BETUWE route only Rheine ✓ Bad Bentheim route only Hannover ✓ Figure 5.1.1–5: Magdeburg ✓ Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in Germany 65 Berlin ✓ Frankfurt/ Oder ✓ ✓ ✓ Main route only © Kombiverkehr • Main route only • currently served by conventional single wagon traffic only 65based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 98 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them In Poland the main corridor line heads for the Lithuanian border at Trakiszki/Mockava via Kunowice, Poznan, Warszawa and Bialystok. As a variant the main line diverges at Sokótka into another branch via Kuznica Bialostocka to Belarus. GDYNIA GDANSK Main Route Alternative BRANIEWO TRAKISZKI TCZEW BOGACZEWO BIALOGARD SUWALKI ILAWA RUNOWO POMORSKIE SZCZECIN DABIE SOKOLKA MAKSYMILIANOWO BIALYSTOK The ”Horka” route proceeds to the southern Polish industrial centre via Legnica, Wroclaw, Opole, Gliwice and Katovice. This southern branch ends up at Kraków (Figure 5.1.1–6), with the option to be continued and connected to the main route later on. KRZYZ INOWROCLAW POZNAN GORCZYN RZEPIN Frankfurt (Oder)/ Kunowice FORST KONIN TERESPOL KORYTOW PILAWA LUKOW NOWA SOL OSTROW WIELKOPOLSKI ZAGAN WEGLINIEC Horka Warszawa KUTNO ZBASZYNEK ZIELONA GORA GOR-ZGO FRY-ZAW Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Polish corridor sector are listed in Figure 5.1.1–7. GRABOWNO WIELKIE BELCHATOW WIELUN OLESNICA WROCLAW BROCHOW STRZELIN OPOLE LUBLIN SKARZYSKO KAMIENNA DOR-JAG HERBY NOWE JCT KOZLOW MIEDZYLESIE PRZEWORSK KRAKOW GL CHALUPKI PRZEMYSL NOWY SACZ ZAKOPANE Location Figure 5.1.1–6: Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport service road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Poznan ✓ ✓ Main route only Warszawa ✓ ✓ Main route only Wroclaw ✓ ✓ Alternative route only Figure 5.1.1–7: Gliwice ✓ Alternative route only Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in Poland 66 Katowice Kraków ✓ Remarks TREND Corridor D in Poland ✓ Alternative route only ✓ Alternative route only In Lithuania the Western European track gauge of 1,435 mm ends at Sestokai. Near Kaunas both line variants converge and take course as a united corridor route to the border to Latvia (see Figure 5.1.1–8). MEI-SAR SIAULIAI DAU-SAP JONAITISKIAI Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on the Lithuanian corridor sector are listed in Figure 5.1.1–9. LINKAICIAI KLAIPEDA PAGEGIAI GAIZIUNAI KAUNAS KAISIADORYS KAZLU RUDA LENTVARIS KYBARTAI GUD-VIL SESTOKAI Main Route Alternative Figure 5.1.1–9: LEN-POR Important entry/handling points for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D in Lithuania 66 Location Sestokai BEN-VIL TRAKISZKI Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport service road/rail Marshalling yards for conventional single wagon traffic Remarks Figure 5.1.1–8: TREND Corridor D in Lithuania Main route only ✓ Siauliai ✓ Vilnius ✓ Alternative route only 66based on: Wikipedia: „List of important shunting yards“; „Europäisches Übereinkommen...“; l.c. 99 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them From the border crossing in Meitene the Latvian section continues to Riga and further on to Valga (see Figure 5.1.1–10). Along the corridor route neither terminals for intermodal transport nor marshalling yards are available. The Latvian marshalling yards are located in Daugavpils and Skirotava. 67 From Valga the corridor proceeds northwards through Estonia to end up in Tallin (see Figure 5.1.1–11). In Tallin the only Estonian marshalling yard is located; terminals for intermodal transport rail/road are not available. PER-RIG Figure 5.1.1–10: TREND Corridor D in Latvia VALGA VENTSPILS TUKUMS RIGA PYT-REZ JELGAVA LIEPAJA KRUSTPILS REZEKNE MEITENE REZ-SEB DAU-SAP DAUGAVPILS DAU-POL DAU-TUR Figure 5.1.1–11: TREND Corridor D in Estonia TALLIN NARVA TAPA The total rail freight transport volume between the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia adds up to 30 destinations with 254.4 Mio t in 2003 (see Figure 5.1.1–12). It has to be kept in mind that the volumes listed below represent not only the corridors but the total flows amongst the involved countries. TARTU PARNU VALGA Figure 5.1.1–12: Total volume of freight amongst Corridor D countries 2003 (rail, road, waterway) [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Germany Poland 67State joint stock company „Latvian Railway“: Network statement 2005 Netherlands Germany 128,963.8 66,065.9 Poland Estonia Total 65.4 49.7 0.0 130,451.5 11,811.3 1,605.9 953.3 558.5 80,994.9 398.0 61.0 80.0 28,704.7 27,065.0 Lithuania 74.4 2,648.8 553.0 Latvia 71.4 5,566.1 101.0 Estonia Latvia 1,372.6 1,100.7 Total Lithuania 1,393.0 443.0 43.2 2,033.3 24.0 179.0 637.0 67,355.6 166,277.0 13,861.9 2,691.3 3,094.0 115.0 4,784.2 370.0 6,551.5 1,123.5 254,403.3 2,916.5 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 100 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them • conventional block trains on the Netherlands – Germany route (and vice versa) and on Poland – Germany • conventional single wagon traffic on Germany – Lithuania (and vice versa) Figure 5.1.1–13: • intermodal trains on Netherlands – Poland (and vice versa) Rail freight by transport modes amongst Corridor D countries 2003 100 % 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0 % • 38 % (i.e. 96.1 Mio t/a) of the total volume is handled by road transport. Unlike rail and waterway transport, road traffic has a strong position on almost all relations. N et • Strong waterway destinations lead from the Netherlands (sea ports) along the Rhine to Germany and vice versa. Most of the other waterway relations are of a rather small absolute amount, but represent extremely high modal split values in some cases, e.g. Germany – Baltic States (and vice versa) via sea transport. Generally water transport contributes by 52 % or 131.1 Mio t/a to the total transport volume. However the main part of this waterway volume refers only to the first corridor section between the Netherlands and Germany. Suitable data have been provided for 8 out of 30 destinations by the Railway Undertakings (see Figure 5.1.1– 13). With the exception of Germany – Poland, where all three modes participate in the total rail freight volume, each relation is dominated by one rail transport mode. nd s – G an er y – m N an N et et y he he rla rla nd nd Po s s – la nd P ol – an N et d G he er r la m n an y – ds Po P la ol nd an G – d er G e m rm an an y – Li y Li th th ua ua ni ni a – a G er m an y • 27.3 Mio t or 11 % of the total goods amount are transported by rail, with a strong heterogeneity on the particular destinations. Especially in some Baltic States the rail transportation mode reaches high modal split values, up to 60 % and more (Lithuania – Poland, Lithuania – Latvia). Other relationships with a high rail transportation rate are Poland – Germany and vice versa. • intermodal trains (block trains and single wagon) m • With the exception of Netherlands – Poland and Netherlands – Lithuania all relations are unbalanced (i.e. the difference between the directional flows is more than 20 %). • conventional single wagon transport rla On the other hand the proportion of freight traffic in the Baltic States amongst each other and in exchange with the other corridor countries is only 7 % of the total traffic altogether. • conventional block trains er • The 25 destinations contribute unequally to the total amount: The two strongest relations (Netherlands – Germany and vice versa) represent more than 75 % of the all transport modes‘ volume. Adding Germany – Poland (and vice versa) more than 90 % are covered. A closer look at the rail freight volume shows the proportion of he More detailed statistic transport data are listed in Appendices 5.1 to 5.3. The main transport structures can be described as follows: G 5 TREND Corridor D Conventional block trains Conventional single wagon Intermodal trains (Block trains and single wagon) 101 5 TREND Corridor D Country Origin 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Country Destination Netherlands Netherlands Germany n.s. Poland Lithuania food and feeding stuff agriculture and forestry – • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • food and animal stuff n.s. Poland • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products solid fuels Lithuania • agriculture and forestry • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • crude oil • mineral products • crude oil • mineral products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products Latvia agriculture and forestry • solid fuels • crude oil • mineral products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products Estonia agriculture and forestry • crude oil • mineral products • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products food and animal stuff Typical market segments served by rail freight amongst Corridor D countries 2003 Estonia • vehicles • machines • semi finished and finished products Germany Figure 5.1.1–14: Latvia The typical market segments of rail freight traffic amongst the Corridor D countries are listed in Figure 5.1.1–14. The overview evidently shows that rail freight traffic from the Baltic States to Western Europe is dominated by agriculture and forestry products (to the Netherlands) and by crude oil/mineral oil products (to Germany) respectively. Vice versa the rail flows are affected by vehicles, machines, semi finished/finished and food products. solid fuels solid fuels 5.1.2Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor D As documented above the destinations of Corridor D accumulate to a considerable amount of freight volume. Since rail freight contributes only 11 % to this, an educated guess can be made that there should be enough potential to be tapped by new and innovative rail freight services. However, a closer look shows that Corridor D can be divided in three logistic parts: The first part includes the Netherlands and Germany. Freight flows between these two countries are by far the biggest proportion of the total volume of the cor- Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 102 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them ridor. This volume is forecasted to increase due to the development and continuation of overseas transport to and from Rotterdam. For rail freight service additional volume is likely to be acquired as an effect of the new BETUWE line. Beyond it there seems to be only little scope left to change the modal split in a nameable way since transport structures between the Netherlands and Germany are long and well established. In the last year rail freight traffic especially in Latvia has increased considerably, mainly due to bulk cargo (oil, coal) exchange with Russia 68. Nevertheless EU membership of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will intensify connections with western destinations. Therefore it is a special challenge to enable rail freight to take over a considerable amount of the additional volume. The second logistic part refers to the exchange of goods between the Netherlands/Germany and Poland. These relations (especially Germany – Poland and vice versa) are of considerable amount at this stage and – as a consequence of Polish EU membership – are expected to grow fast in the foreseeable future. 5.1.3 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments As another outcome of EU membership, not only the volume but also the structures of transport will change. Today rail transport from Poland to Germany is dominated by bulk cargo; intermodal transport is nearly irrelevant, considering the total amount. Future volume increase will extend to new markets (time sensible and high prised goods), which require transport quality demands that actual rail freight services are unable to fulfil. Participation in new markets requires a great leap forward. EU membership has immediately alleviated former cross border impediments for road traffic, while rail freight is still severely handicapped by a lack of coordinated transport organisation and operating at the German/Polish border as well as by a currently poor technical standard of infrastructure and rolling stock in Poland. Regarding the railway infrastructure in Poland there are good pre-conditions for additional transport volume, as no severe capacity problems on the lines of Corridor D are expected, taking the planned or current infrastructural measures for granted. On the whole transport situation with Poland provides a high potential for improvement; nevertheless urgent intervention is required to strengthen the market position of rail freight. Thirdly the Baltic States represent an external (rail) transport area. Historically oriented towards Russia and among each other, goods exchange with the other corridor countries (Netherlands, Poland) is rather poor or (Germany) dominated by overseas transport at present. The infrastructural and technical railway structures are significantly different and in addition linguistic problems aggravate cross border transport and trade. Structuring of impediments The results of TREND B2 presented below derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables; exceptions will be expressly stated. The results of the meetings were analysed and taken into account, as well. This report shall make the TREND results comparable to corridor studies already performed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for a future Integrated Project (IP). Thus the TREND corridor report will refer to the structuring of the action plans that had already been developed in the CER corridor reports: a) Infrastructure problems, b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation), c) Resource problems. Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments The main border problems result from two groups of impediments: • different technical/infrastructural railway equipment (current systems, signalling systems, track gauges, see also chapter and • a lack of operational co-ordination and administrative problems on both sides of a border. At the German/Polish border different current systems require a change of loco (multi-system locos are not available or are not used at present). Using the alternative border crossing at Horka, the traction mode has to be changed twice (from electric to diesel and back to electric again), due to non-electrified sections. Complementary to the locos the drivers usually change at the border as well. 68see M. Radloff: “Mit 55 Mio. t Rekord geschafft”. Deutsche Verkehrszeitung Nr. 21, 18.02.2006, S. 3 103 5 TREND Corridor D © DB AG/ Lautenschläger 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The actual average border crossing time is between 2 and 6 hours per train, due to uncoordinated proceedings on both sides of the border. Because train passing is not based on the rule of mutual trust, a technical examination of the train is done on both sides of the border, combined with a new issue of transport documents 69, 70; electronic data interchange is not practiced at present. At the borderline from Poland to Lithuania additional problems accrue from a different track gauge and an extensive lack of electrification within the Baltic States. The difference of track gauges between 1,435 and 1,520 mm causes the necessity of either reloading the freight, or shifting the wagon body onto bogies of the other gauge or using wagons with automatic wheel set gauge change. A facility for automatic wheel set gauge change is installed at Mockava (border crossing Poland/Lithuania), where wheel sets of type SUW2000 (PKP) and DB AG/Rafil V can be handled; this facility is currently used for passenger trains between Warszawa and Vilnius exclusively. Due to these technical handicaps multi-system locomotives could be one module to reduce time loss at the borders. However even at Netherlands/Germany border locos are still changed because Alstom and Siemens locos are not compatible and an upgrade is regarded as too expensive by the Railway Undertakings. An overview of the scheduled time for border crossing purposes along Corridor D can be seen in Figure 5.1.3–1. Figure 5.1.3–1: Average processing time for border crossing procedure (according to schedule) Border Netherlands/ Germany (Emmerich) Processing time per train 3 min 50 – 60 min Netherlands/ Germany (Bad Bentheim) 69PKP: „The PKP Group´s position on public consultation announced by the European Commission concerning transport between the EU and third countries“; Warszawa 2005 70Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. 71SMGS = Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail 104 35 min Germany/ Poland (Frankfurt/O.) 2 – 4 h Germany/ Poland (Horka) 4 – 6 h Included activities only PVG data transfer with change of loco • change of loco • PVG data transfer • • • • • • • • change of loco mostly change of loco driver technical examination issue of transport documents change of loco mostly change of loco driver technical examination issue of transport documents Poland/ Lithuania n.s. Poland/ Belarus n.s. Lithuania/Latvia n.s. • reloading cargo • recollecting all transport data (for SMGS-consignment note 71 ) • reloading cargo • recollecting all transport data (for SMGS-consignment note) n.s. Latvia/Estonia n.s. n.s. Remarks without change of loco or technical equipment • mostly no loco change (Diesel engines) • no driver change • trusted trains • cross border performance rated as „good“ • mostly change of loco driver • Employment schemes allow loco drivers of Railion Nederland to operate until Rheine and Osnabrück cross border performance rated as „not good“ • time need for loco change: 30 min • 2 x loco change in Hoyerswerda and in Horka due to not electrified line section between Hoyers werda and Horka and different current system in Poland • cross border performance rated as „not good“ • for alleviation project see chapter 5.1.4 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Additional aspects: • At the Netherlands/German border the Infrastructure Managers criticised that the border staff did not communicate sufficiently and suggested regular meetings. • At the German/Poland border the IMs stated missing co-operation between the neighbour-RUs and a lack of co-planning. • In addition to loss of time, border crossing activities also require considerable infrastructure resources and costs. Within the border stations the following infrastructure resources are provided for interchange purposes: – Netherlands/Germany (Emmerich): 3 tracks (but used for national trains as well) – Germany/Poland (Frankfurt/O.): 6 tracks (for both directions) infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality Other infrastructural impediments mainly concern lack of capacities and operational quality within the stations/nodes (see Figure 5.1.3–2) or along the lines (see Figure 5.1.3–3). These handicaps make it difficult or even impossible to acquire additional rail freight traffic on the corridor. Furthermore they lead to expensive operational modes – especially within the nodes – which increase the total costs and deteriorate the market position of rail freight traffic. For elimination of these impediments measures to increase lines and nodes capacity have to be planned cohesively. Country Node/station Poland/ Lithuania border crossing stations Poland Bialystok – Germany/Poland (Horka): 5 tracks – Germany/Poland (Kunovice): 2 tracks nodes Katowice, Warszawa, Wroclaw Figure 5.1.3–2: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to stations/nodes capacity Impediment caused by • insufficient length of tracks • insufficient reloading capacity 72 some tracks without connection to rail control centre several infrastructural and/or operational bottlenecks 73 – Poland/Lithuania (Trakiszki): 1 track – Poland/Belarus (Kuznica Bialostocka): 1 track Country Germany Line/station Wunstorf – Hannover • line congested due to high traffic volume • double tracked section (rest of the line: 4 tracks) line loaded due to high traffic volume Hannover – Lehrte line congested due to high traffic volume Knappenrode – Horka Zbąszynek – Poznań Górczyn • line loaded due to high traffic volume • single tracked section line congested due to single tracked section at Oder bridge extension of transit time by 0,5 min/train due to radio-active control system • medium line quality • crossings without adaptation for 160 km/h medium line quality Minden – Wunstorf Germany/ Poland Border crossing at Frankfurt/Oder Poland Impediment caused by Kunowice – Rzepin Rzepin – Zbąszynek Poznań Górczyn – Swarzędz medium line quality Swarzędz – Konin medium line quality Konin – Kutno • medium line quality • lack of automatic electric block system medium line quality Kutno – Łowicz Łowicz – Warszawa Odolany poor line quality Warszawa – Kuznica Bialostocka several single tracked sections Warszawa Odolany – Warszawa Targówek speed restrictions Warszawa Targówek – Warszawa Michałów poor line quality Warszawa Rembertów – Warszawa Zielonka poor line quality Warszawa Zielonka – Tłuszcz Łowicz – Pilawa Pilawa – Małkinia Białystok – Trakiszki Suwałki – Trakiszki • poor line quality • lack of automatic electric block system poor line quality • poor line quality • lack of automatic electric block system poor line quality extension of transit time by 0,5 min/train due to radio-active control system Figure 5.1.3–3: Infrastructural impediments ascribed to lines capacity and quality 72PKP: „The PKP Group´s position on public consultation...“, l.c. 73Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. 105 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport The current infrastructural situation of intermodal transport 74 in Poland is affected by insufficient productivity and complicated operational procedures, e.g. Figure 5.1.3–4 gives an overview about the most important technical and operational parameters for rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor D, main branches (i.e. BETUWE line in the Netherlands, corridor line via Warszawa in Poland and continuation to Estonia). • overaged transshipment facilities (gantry cranes, reach stackers), often with restricted bearing capacity, Track Gauge Netherlands ProRAIL UIC-505-1 1435 mm 1435 mm Poland PLK UIC-505-1 Lithuania LG Latvia LDZ 1435 mm 1520 mm 1520 mm 100 120 km/h 100 Screw coupler with buffers D4 700 m P/C 80-410 600 m C3 750 m Tallin Valga Automatic coupler without buffers 23,5 t 600 m 5100t PZB / LZB KHP (Betuwe line) DC 1,5 kV AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz DC 3 kV 1950 mm 1950 mm 1950 mm Rotterdam/Kijhoek Relevant Clearance Track Gauge Tracks Maximum Speed (Freight trains) Coupler Line Category Maximum Train Length Intermodal Gauge Netherlands UIC-505-1 1435 mm 100 km/h 120 km/h Screw coupler with buffers 615 540 Width of contact shoe (pantograph) 750 m 690 100 km/h 80 km/h Screw coupler with buffers D4 650 m 550 2500 t ATB / Crocodile PZB / LZB DC 1,5 kV AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm 600 m P/C 80-410 2765 t Diesel 1435 mm D4 (Old Line) P/C 80-410 Diesel Poland UIC-505-1 Screw coupler with buffers D4 Maximum Train Mass Signalling System Energy System Germany G2 EBO 1435 mm 4600 t Diesel Falkenberg Knappenrode Horka AC 25 kV/50 Hz Gliwice (Betuwe line) ATB / Crocodile 2500 t Wroclaw Signalling System P 75-405 C 77-407 P/C 70-400 Wegliniec 2735 t Country 106 650 m 700 m Automatic coupler without buffers (Old Line) P/C 80-410 Figure 5.1.3–5: Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor D (alternative branches) 74Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. 80 km/h Automatic coupler without buffers C4 D4 750 m (Betuwe-Route) 615 540 690 ERTMS / ETCS Width of contact shoe (pantograph) 80 60 km/h km/h Screw coupler with buffers D4 690 m Maximum Train Mass Energy System 1520 mm (Old Line) Screw coupler with buffers Magdeburg Intermodal Gauge 90 km/h Hannover Maximum Train Length (Betuwe-Route) 100 km/h 80 100 km/h km/h Löhne Line Category 120 km/h Bad Bentheim Coupler Estonia EVR Some double tracked sections Tracks Maximum Speed (Freight trains) Riga Meitene Kaunas Sokolka Warsaw Poznan Frankfurt/Oder Rzepin Magdeburg Berlin Germany DB Netz AG G2 EBO Krakow Relevant Clearance Kattowice Country IM Hannover Main technical and operational parameters on TREND Corridor D (main branch) Emmerich Rotterdam/Kijhoek Figure 5.1.3–4: Oberhausen • lack of stationary brake filling and inspection installations. Sestokai (LG) Additionally the parameters for the alternative lines (i.e. Bad Bentheim route in the Netherlands, branch to Krakow in Poland), are listed in Figure 5.1.3–5. More detailed results can be found in Appendices 5.4 to 5.6. • inadequate loading track lengths and storage areas, P 75-405 C 77-407 P/C 70-400 2100 t 1600 t KHP Diesel DC 3 kV Deliverable Work Package1950B2mm– Corridor-specific Reports 1950 mm 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The compilation shows a large variety of operating and technical parameters which affect interoperability on the corridor: • In the Netherlands, Germany and Poland the track gauge is 1,435 mm. In these countries trains are coupled by screw coupler and buffers. In contrast the track gauge amounts to 1,520 mm in the Baltic States; these railway companies also use an automatic coupling system. Thus at the Polish/Lithuanian border the cargo has to be reloaded or the wagons have to be regauged. • All four European current systems are used by the railway companies between Rotterdam and Sokolka: The only parameter to stay constant throughout the whole (electrified) corridor is the width of the pantograph (1,950 mm). Resources as impediment for rail freight transport The actual problems concerning infrastructure capacity have been already mentioned above (see chapter Due to forecasted decrease of rail freight traffic in Poland reasonable lacks of capacity for the year 2015 are expected only around node Hannover 75. Between Berlin and the German/Polish border upgrading measures incl. the finalisation of the new Oder bridge will ease the current bottleneck situation. – in the Netherlands DC 1.5 kV (old lines) and AC 25 kV, 50 Hz (BETUWE line) – in Germany AC 15 kV, 16.7 Hz The electrified part of the corridor line ends in Sokolka (Poland). In the Baltic States electric traction mode is restricted to dedicated passenger trains in the periphery of the capitals. For (transit) freight trains Diesel traction mode will be required. • All corridors countries use their own, national signalling system. Additionally the new European ETCS level 2 will be established on BETUWE line by 2007; further corridor lines will not be switched over to ETCS in the foreseeable future. On the other hand there is only one signalling system throughout the Baltic states. • This means that a locomotive to operate on the entire 1435 mm section would have to be compatible with – four current systems – four different signalling systems (ETCS level 2 in the Netherlands, ATB/Crocodile in the Netherlands, PZB 90/LZB in Germany, KHP in Poland) • A freight train to operate on the corridor without restriction is limited by – a maximum train length of 600 m (540 m on Bad Bentheim branch, 550 m on Kraków branch) © DB AG/Schulz – in Poland DC 3 kV A look at the future situation (2015) of terminals for combined transport makes clear that some of the main terminals along the corridor will have to face severe capacity problems as well. Particularly in Poland additional capacity needs are forecasted for the terminals in Gliwice, Poznan and Warszawa 75. Concerning the available capacities within the marshalling yards (single wagon train splitting/composing) no problems were stated by the Railway Undertakings. Another main impediment concerns the rolling stock. At present the poor quality of the rolling stock especially within the Baltic States causes delays in train take over 76. Operations as impediment for rail freight transport Operational impediments on Corridor D mainly concern the following aspects: • Cross border train path planning – a maximum axle load of 21.0 t • Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon traffic) – the profile P/C 70 – 400 (for intermodal trains) • Exchange of data and transport documents • Time loss due to other operations 75MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity...“, l.c. 76PKP: „The PKP Group´s position on public consultation...“, l.c. 107 5 TREND Corridor D 5.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Cross border train path planning Cross border train path planning between the Netherlands and Germany follows RNE guidelines. This means the realisation of ”One Stop Shops (OSS)” for example. The Infrastructure Managers should apply the following response times when replying to a customer‘s request for a train path concerning the running timetable period: • One working day when making an offer concerning pre-planned international train paths. • Five working days when making an offer concerning minor adaptations to pre-planned international train paths, as well as related cross-links, feederlines and use of terminals. • Thirty calendar days when making an offer concerning tailor-made international train paths as well as the use of associated terminals. In any case, the Infrastructure Manager shall provide the customer with a relevant answer within five working days. Between Germany and Poland cross border train paths are constructed according FTE/RNE as well, however the response time to a customer´s request has been stated as a minimum of 3 and normally 15 working days. Within the planning and operating procedures freight trains are prioritised lower than passenger trains. Eastwards of Poland (border to Lithuania and Belarus) scheduling of train paths follows bilateral agreements. The normal response time for a train path request amounts to 15 working days as well. Time loss due to operations in marshalling yards (single wagon) The minimum time for a wagon to pass a marshalling yard was stated by the Railway Undertakings as: • Seelze (Hannover/Germany): 190 min • Seddin (Berlin): 180 min The actual time for a wagon to stay in a marshalling yard is much higher (often 1 – 2 days). Exchange of data and transport documents Data exchange with rail production systems is done via HERMES interface between the Netherlands and Germany. Amongst these two countries the interchange of the consignment note is done via EDI standard as well. In all other corridor-involved countries, neither electronic data interchange nor electronic exchange of the consignment note is practiced yet. Every country along the corridor has its own national braking sheet and wagon list. An international braking sheet and wagon list without change at the border is only used between Germany and the Netherlands, if the loco is not changed (multi-system loco). In all other cases country-specific braking sheets/wagon lists have to be exchanged. The Baltic States do not accept the CIM consignment note, but the SMGS consignment note instead. Thus all transport data have to be collected again manually at the Polish/Lithuanian border. © DB AG/Jazbec Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 108 5 TREND Corridor D 5.2 Action plans Time loss due to other operations • The low maximum speed for freight trains in Poland and especially within the Baltic States weakens the position of rail freight 77. • Train tracing is practiced only from Rotterdam until the German/Polish border. Within Poland train information is provided by Polzug for intermodal trains. However, for other trains in Poland or within the Baltic States no information concerning the actual position or state of the train is available 78. 5.1.4Alleviation projects already under way Cross border improvement actions under way • One-Stop Shops (OSS) for Netherlands/Germany/ Poland: Cross-border train path orders are co-ordinated by the ”Contact OSS” 79 – RNE marketing organisation founded 2002 in Berlin – OSS network in use – RNE homepage online – regular information exchange via conference calls – standardised, multilingual train path order documents – regular quality surveys – catalogue of available train paths – harmonisation of train path order processes – provision of IT support tools (e.g. Pathfinder) • Pathfinder: internet application for train path requests and allocations • Bilateral agreements for controlling/operating cross border trains between Poland/Lithuania Horka and to improve the technical and commercial transfer systems. As a total result of these measures the border crossing time is aimed to be decreased to max. 45 minutes 81. Alleviation projects within the TREND Corridor D countries • Netherlands: Building new BETUWE line between Rotterdam and Emmerich/Germany for freight trains exclusively; currently under construction, planned to be finished in 2007. • Germany: Upgrading train capacity on line sector Wesel – Oberhausen (due to junction of BETUWE line) from 290 trains/d to 366 trains/d; calculated costs are 3 Mio €; currently under construction; planned to be finished by 2007. • Poland: – Line upgrading between Kunovice and Rzepin; project done by about 90 %, to be finished by 2007; costs: 24 Mio €. – Line upgrading between Rzepin and Poznan; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised by 2013; calculated costs: 286.9 Mio €. – Node Poznan: new railway control centre under construction, to be finished by 2009; costs: 105 Mio €. – Line upgrading between Swarzedz and Kutno; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised by 2010; calculated costs: 318.8 Mio €. – Line upgrading between Kutno and Warszawa; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised by 2012; calculated costs: 239.1 Mio €. 77PKP: „The PKP Group´s position on public consultation...“, l.c. – Line upgrading between Warszawa and Tluszcz; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised 2007 – 2013. 78Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. • Common quality agreements including border crossing meetings between the Netherlands and Germany – Line upgrading between Lowicz and Czachowek; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised by 2009; calculated costs: 297.5 Mio €. • RIV 2000 as a common employment scheme for wagons between the Netherlands, Germany and Poland – Line upgrading between Czachowek and Pilawa; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised by 2013; calculated costs: 340 Mio €. • Building new Oder bridge for border crossing Frankfurt/Oder; start of project by 2006 80 – Line upgrading between Tjuszcz and Sokolka; project in analysing phase; planned to be realised 2007 – 2013. • German/Polish border at Horka: PKP plans to shift the point of power switching from Wegliniec to 79IQ-C: International Group for Improving the Quality of Rail Transport in the North-South-Corridor; Progress-Report; June 2004 80Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. 81Additional information by PKP 109 5 TREND Corridor D 5.2 Action plans 5.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I 5.2 Action plans 5.2.1 Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor D have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short-term, mediumterm, long-term) shall facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. The action plans are completed by a fourth group of measures (”other measures”). The experts from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia provided no information concerning existing or envisaged action plans. Therefore these three countries were aggregated to ”Baltic States” within the following tables. Further activities already underway are described in chapter 5.1.4. Figure 5.2.2–1: • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources (locomotives and drivers): Procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives and/or better organisation of resource dispatching, • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport by means of agreements on service guarantees, • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation. and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures, Co-operation of RU Netherlands – Germany I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks II.Ensure availability of resources III.E xtended responsibility of cross-border operation centres Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings Germany – Poland Poland – Baltic States see chapter 5.1.4 • Upgrading line Horka – Wegliniec (second track, electrification) 82 • see chapter 5.1.4. n.a. n.a. n.a. Railion applies CIFFA experience to all centres n.a. DB - PKP concentrate activities on one side of the border Figure 5.2.2–2: n.a. • Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods and out-ofgauge regulations for through trains). Netherlands – Germany Co-operation of RU – IM Germany – Poland Poland – Baltic States I. Tail signal lamp done n.a. n.a. II Braking sheet Railion: bi-lingual braking sheets n.a. n.a. n.a. III.Wagon list / train con- done sist report n.a. IV.Regulation of hazard- Venlo not allowed for hazardous ous goods goods; alternative routing („bypass“); shunting in other stations n.a. n.a. V. Regulation of out-ofgauge-loads n.a. n.a. n.a. 82Bundesverkehrs wegeplan (BVWP) 2003 for section Knappenrode – Horka – German/Polish border Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 110 5 TREND Corridor D 5.2 Action plans an implementation plan for quality management tools • Elaborate quality management and measurement systems (taking into account UIC guidelines), • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations), Netherlands – Germany Germany – Poland I. Quality Management and Measurement System II.Quality Agreements n.a. n.a. n.a. done n.a. n.a. III.Computerised Quality Management System (QMS) IV.Common Rules of handling delayed trains n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor, Figure 5.2.2–3: Quality Management System • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs. priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks Netherlands – Germany I. Priority of low budget shortterm measures Develop recommendations for low-budget short-term infrastructure measures and for a ”whole-corridor-coordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. of a dedicated corridor control centre 83 • Setup of a corridor dedicated operational control system • Exchange of operational data (train path statistics and forecasts) • Co-ordination of rail construction operations – Co-ordination of regional/central planning II.Exchange of operational data III.Co-ordination of rail construction operations IV.Improvement of daily business by regular meetings of the operation management V. Co-ordination of crossborder timetables VI.Transparency for train path prices • IQ-C-Group • Capacity research within the scope of UIC project „EURAILINFRA“ (2015/2020) 83 Germany – Poland n.a. Poland – Baltic States n.a. Figure 5.2.2–4: – Co-ordination with timetable construction and marketing Priority of short-term low budget infrastructure measures – Object: avoid capacity bottlenecks caused by civil works • Improvement of daily business by regular meetings of the operation management • Co-ordination of cross-border timetables • Transparency for train path prices Netherlands – Germany I. Setup of a corridor dedicated operational control system Poland – Baltic States Germany – Poland Poland – Baltic States Project EUROPTIRAILS (part of ERTMS n.a. programme): • project has started by end of 2003/ beginning of 2004, planned to be finished by end of 2005 • objects: cross-border, transparent communication, presentation and handling of international freight trains • focus: ad-hoc-timetable construction, train path dispatching, quality control no activities until finalisation of new opn.a. erational control system annual co-ordination of main projects n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. at least annual meetings annual international meetings 84 n.a. International train path price information system EICIS in use Figure 5.2.2–5: Corridor control centre n.a. n.a. 83IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c. 84additional information PKP 111 5 TREND Corridor D 5.2 Action plans 5.2.3Medium-term actions – package of measures II • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links Analyse management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange (e.g. implementation of the TSI Telematics for Freight”) Netherlands – Germany I. Priority rules of freight vs. passenger trains RNE Germany – Poland Poland – Baltic States n.a. RNE 85 Figure 5.2.3–1: Priority rules between freight and passenger trains Figure 5.2.3–2: Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.) Netherlands – Germany Germany – Poland Poland – Baltic States I. Evaluate the availability of train paths II.Improve time tables RNE RNE 85 n.a. RNE RNE 85 n.a. III.Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange IV.International catalogue train paths see chapter n.a. n.a. Freight Freeway Catalogue of preconstructed train paths within the scope of RNE, distributed by OSS 86 V. Information on train loca- Railion by GPS n.a. tion and delay Netherlands – Germany I. Improve communication and data exchange n.a. Germany – Poland Communication between Railway Undertakings Figure 5.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts 85additional information PKP 86source: IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c. 87Studiengesellschaft für den kombinierten Verkehr, HaCon, KombiConsult: „Erarbeitung von Konzepten......“; l.c. 88additional information PKP I. Optimising use of locomotives II.Deployment of interoperable locomotives III.Agreement on mutual acceptance of locomotives and drivers IV.Standardisation of approval procedure communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them n.a. n.a. • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data n.a. Figure 5.2.3–3: • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL …) • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange Poland – Baltic States n.a. • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives (taking into account an economic acceptable deployment of interoperable locomotives) and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers • Standardise and simplify approval procedures Netherlands – Germany Railion for BETUWE Line at Emmerich station Railion for BETUWE Line at Emmerich station • RU and certification procedures - partially cross-border operating loco drivers 87 • mutual recognition of locos: not yet done 87 Manufacturers and Certification Agencies Germany – Poland Poland – Baltic States n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Manufacturers and Certification Agencies 88 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 112 5 TREND Corridor D 5.2 Action plans freight trains (Time windows) Netherlands – Germany I. Prioritise freight trains BETUWE line for freight trains exclusively (Time windows) basics for national legislation (definition in 2003, realisation in 2006) 89 : • terms of application for current/planned timetable • train path construction • train path allocation Germany – Poland Figure 5.2.3–5: Poland – Baltic States Prioritising of freight trains n.a. n.a. Figure 5.2.4–1: Long-term actions 5.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III Netherlands – Germany I. Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor II.Improve co-ordination of national traffic control centres III.Monitor timely upgrading and extension of railway infrastructure IV.Development of new solutions for the existing HERMES system V. Development of ERTMS on the parts of the corridor This package of measures aims at • Establishing rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor (RU operating centres) • Improving co-ordination of national traffic control centres (between IMs) • Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) • Elaborating of new solutions for the existing HERMES system • Development of ERTMS on the corridor Germany – Poland Joint centre like CIFFA n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Regular Meetings be- n.a. tween Transport Ministries and IM n.a. Members of RAILDATA n.a. n.a. ProRail (Betuwelijn); DB whole corridor ETCS planned but financing open n.a. n.a. 5.2.5Other actions – package of measures IV Figure 5.2.5–1: Alleviation of capacity differences and bottlenecks Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks Netherlands – Germany I. Developing the corridor concept by alleviating capacity differences and bottlenecks the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports Netherlands I. Remove physical bottlenecks 90 II.Provision of „terminal services“ on a timetable basis Upgrading terminals for combined transport in Rotterdam by 2012/15 up to 1 Mio LU 91 per year n.a. Germany New terminal for combined transport in Lehrte/Hannover by 2007, designed for 200,000 LU per year n.a. Germany – Poland Netherlands – Germany Poland Baltic States n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Germany – Poland n.a. Poland – Baltic States see chapter 5.1.4 measures I. Other measures Poland – Baltic States Poland – Baltic States n.a. Figure 5.2.5–3: Other measures Figure 5.2.5–2: Developing the corridor concept by alleviating problems in interfacing with terminals/ports 89IQ-C: Improving the Quality....., l.c. 90MVA, KombiConsult, Kessel+Partner: „Study on infrastructure capacity...“, l.c. 91LU = Loading Unit 113 6 TREND Corridor E 6.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them passes Dijon, Lyon (Rhone valley line) and enters Italy at Modane border crossing station. The alternative route passes Metz, then enters Switzerland via Basel border crossing and takes the usual north/south transit route towards Chiasso and Milano region. The B2 work package did not count with input from experts based in the United Kingdom. However, due to the high volume of freight crossing the British Channel (currently mainly by ferry) and the new opportunities of the Channel (rail-) Tunnel these factors will be taken in account wherever suitable. Please see Figure 6.1.1–1 for a geographical overview over TREND Corridor E. Figure 6.1.1–1: Map of TREND Corridor E 6 TREND Corridor E 6.1Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 6.1.1 Introduction of TREND Corridor E The TREND Corridor E links France (starting in Calais/ connected to the Channel Tunnel) with the important industrial region of Milano (northern Italy). When analysing the traffic flows on Corridor E it became clear that between Metz region and Milano region the corridor had to be split up in two branches, according to the actual transport structure. The main route The total length of the TREND Corridor E varies between 1,250 km for the western branch via Lyon; (some 1,000 km in France, ca. 250 in Italy) and 1,100 km for the eastern branch (some 700 km in France, ca. 350 km in Switzerland, ca. 50 km in Italy). Although the Swiss transit is shorter than the western branch, the positive effect on the transport time is compensated by the need of an additional border crossing. The total rail freight transport on this corridor in 2003 was of 11.9 Mio. tonnes. Compared to the road volume of 37.4 Mio. tonnes rail counts with a market share of ca. 24 %. The results presented in this Corridor Study are based on the input of the experts who were involved in the data gathering of TREND Corridor E. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 114 6 TREND Corridor E 6.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The following maps show the detailed course of the corridor in the involved countries including an alternative route via Southern France (branch West; see dashed line) which is sometimes used for conventional single wagon transport. TREND Corridor E crosses international borders at Modane/Bardonecchia, St. Louis/Basel and Chiasso. Calais Main Route Alternative Metz © DB AG/Klee Dijon Basel Modane/ Bardonecchia To be considered for single wagon traffic Figure 6.1.1–2: The alternative route passes Switzerland via the highly frequented north/south transit line Basel – Chiasso: Corridor E in France; branches West and East Main Route SCHAFFHAUSEN Alternative Basel WINTERTHUR BRUGG OTHMARSINGEN DELEMONT MOUTIER THALWIL ZUG BIEL NEUCHATEL AUV-PON LUZERN BERN FRIBOURG VALLORBE DAILLENS JCT St Margrethen OLTEN BUCHS ARTH-GOLDAU SARGANS LANGNAU CHUR THUN SPIEZ LAUSANNE BRIG BRI-DOM BEL-GEN GIUBIASCO MARTIGNY GIU-LUI LUGANO Chiasso Figure 6.1.1–3: Corridor E in Switzerland 115 6 TREND Corridor E 6.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them The end of TREND Corridor E is Milano, which is reached either via Torino (branch West) or via Chiasso (branch East). Main Route BRENNERO Alternative TARVISIO BOLZANO UDINE CERVIGNANO CHIASSO MILANO Modane/ Bardonecchia VERONA MESTRE PIACENZA TORINO ARQUATA GENOVA FERRARA BOLOGNA RIMINI VENTIMIGLIA PISA FIRENZE ANCONA CAMPIGLIA M. CIVITAVECCHIA FOGGIA BARI CASERTA SALERNO BRINDISI LECCE SIBARI PAOLA LAMEZIA PALERMO MESSINA MELITO P.S. ARAGONACATANIA SIRACUSA Figure 6.1.1–4: Corridor E in Italy On its route via France and Italy, Corridor E passes several important handling points for rail freight traffic. Besides terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport both Italy and France still count with a network of marshalling yards, enabling Railway Undertakings in both countries to offer conventional single wagon transports to their customers. The main locations are listed hereunder. Figure 6.1.1–5: Marshalling Yards and Terminal Facilities on TREND Corridor E Location TREND Corridor E has been chosen according to clearly defined criteria (cf. chapter III). The corridor counts with a high traffic volume and a considerable modal split for rail. The main attractiveness of TREND Corridor E resides in the connection of the British Islands with central Europe. The Alps as natural barrier of road transport increases the attractiveness of rail transport on the corridor even more. On the Switzerland branch the rail sector counts with a particularly strong political/regulatory support of the Swiss government. This assessment is supported by the dynamic change of the legal and infrastructural framework that the rail sector faces in Switzerland and which to a high extend is independent from the developments in the European Union (most recently: The increase of the tonnage limit for trucks to 40 tons, the advanced progress of the Lötschberg base tunnel project, the projected Gotthard base tunnels). PESCARA ORTE 6.1.2 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor E Apart from these long-term investments several shortand mid-term measures show the importance that is given to this axis by the companies involved in activities on the corridor, such as the investment in the Modane tunnel that shall improve the processing time at that border crossing from 2008 onwards. Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport Marshalling yards France (from Lille to Metz): Dunkerque ✓ Location: Grande-Synthe Lille ✓ (2 x) Locations: Dourges, Lomme Metz ✓ Location: Somain ✓ Location: Woippy Eastern Branch (from Metz to Milano via Switzerland): Strasbourg (F) ✓ ✓ Location: Hausbergen ✓ Location: Muttenz Basel (CH) ✓ Aarau (CH) ✓ Lugano (CH) ✓ Chiasso (CH) ✓ (I) ✓ Busto (I) ✓ (3 x); Locations: Smistamento, Certosa, Segrate Western Branch (from Metz to Milano via Dijon / Lyon / Modane): Milano 116 ✓ Location: Smistamento Dijon (F) Lyon (F) ✓ Location: Venissieux ✓ Location: Sibelin ✓ Location: Orbassano ✓ Location: Gevrey Torino (I) ✓ Novara (I) ✓ Milano Deliverable Work (I) ✓ (3 x); Locations: Smistamento, Certosa, Segrate Package✓B2Location: – Corridor-specific Smistamento Reports 6 TREND Corridor E 6.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 6.1.3 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments garded an organisational/operational bottleneck, not an infrastructural. Structuring of impediments Concerning the other border crossings of Corridor E capacity problems were claimed for international freight trains entering Basel from the west bank of the Rhine River. Due to a high amount of commuter trains in the area these trains have to pass Basel main station whose transiting capacity seems to be highly saturated. For the French-Italian border crossing no problems were mentioned. The results of TREND B2 presented hereunder derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables and B2 co-ordination meetings. The unified structure of the report shall make the results comparable to corridor studies already performed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for a future Integrated Project (IP). Thus all TREND corridor reports refer to the structuring of the action plans that had already been developed in the CER corridor reports: a) Infrastructure problems b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation) c) Resource problems The problems will be prioritised according to their importance (relevance for limitation of rail freight quality today and in the future) and time line of a possible solution of the problem (short-term, medium-term, long-term). It will be evaluated which of the alleviation ideas that have come across could be put in practice as part of an Integrated Project. Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments The natural barrier between Great Britain and central Europe is the English Channel. Since the Eurotunnel was finished, this natural bottleneck is theoretically overcome for rail transport given the fact that the tunnel is 100 % dedicated to rail transport. Nevertheless and due to several problems that will not be mentioned in detail, up to now rail did not achieve the modal split that was expected when opening the tunnel. One of the main problems is that the infrastructure and resources of the tunnel are dedicated to Eurotunnel and are managed by the company itself. Freight trains are hauled by purpose-built, dual-system electric locomotives; other locomotives are not authorised to pass the Eurotunnel. This gives Eurotunnel a monopoly for the stretch, preventing competition and thru-traction that implies further negative consequences. Another problem is the prohibition of hazardous goods transports after the tunnel fire which further limits the potential for rail. Thus the Eurotunnel should be re- Other infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality Apart from the border crossings the experts mentioned few infrastructural bottlenecks on Corridor E. The most important infrastructural bottleneck appears to be the highly frequented Rhone valley – line between Dijon and Lyon where congestion (together with the priority of passenger trains) often result in a lack of punctuality of freight trains. A further impediment, which only concerns single wagon traffic in France is the marshalling yard in Lyon centre, which is constantly congested. Both impediments are not likely to be solved by short- or mid-term measures but need long-term investments in the infrastructure. Thus possible alleviation projects are not likely to be treated by means of an Integrated Project. Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport Like all international freight corridors, TREND Corridor E faces a variety of national power- safety- and signalling systems: • France: 1.5 kV DC in southern France; 25 kV 50 Hz AC in northern / western France; safety systems: TVM; KVB, BRS • Italy: 3 kV DC; safety systems: BACC, RSDD • Switzerland: 15 kV 16 2/3 Hz; safety systems: SIGNUM, ZUB 121 Like in other international rail freight corridors the result of this variety is the need of multi-system locomotives and/or locomotive changes (in case of conventional single system locomotives) in order to overcome these interfaces. Nevertheless, the involved Railway Undertakings affirmed a satisfactory situation concerning cross border operations between France/ Switzerland/Italy. The level of interoperability on the corridor has been increased in selected areas. 117 6 TREND Corridor E 6.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them For example the French 437000 SNCF locomotives are authorised to enter Switzerland until Basel. As a next step Trenitalia plans to purchase 20 interoperable locomotives for French-Italian border crossing operations. For the Swiss-Italian border crossing 20 interoperable TI E412 are already homologated, another 40 will be purchased. ard or are just missing because of a lack of dispatching optimisation. This is especially the case for transport to and from France, both inside the country and concerning the provision of resources at the border when performing a change of a locomotive. Nevertheless, the partners have taken several measures for improving the situation (see above). The inflexibility and long duration of the homologation processes of locomotives/locomotive types from abroad is a well known and still ongoing problem in many European countries. High prerequisites, whose justifications in some cases appear to be more than questionable, prolong the duration of the homologation processes. The result is a significant increase of the costs of the interoperability limiting its positive effects. Operations as impediment for rail freight transport © DB AG/Hartmann Another focus of the interoperable improvement measures is the training of locomotive drivers. Up to now only some drivers are accepted bilaterally for interoperable employment, for a few particular trains and limited sections of the network. A lot of activities are in progress aiming at defining agreements on mutual acceptance of locomotives and loco-drivers. However, the current situation still shows a very limited level of interoperable operations on the border crossings of TREND Corridor E. Despite of this the Railway Undertakings are satisfied with the current situation. Apart from this ”technical” interoperability in terms of multi-current locomotives etc. the partners stated a lack of the so called ”administrative interoperability”, which is aimed at the standardisation and harmonisation of EDI processes, documents etc. This missing interoperability causes a significant amount of delays and (in comparison to the technical interoperability) could possibly be implemented with less investments than the technical interoperability. Resources as impediment for rail freight transport The delayed and insufficient provision of adequate rolling stock appears to be a severe impediment for rail freight transport quality on TREND Corridor E. The lack of locomotives frequently causes delays; locomotives break down due to the obsolete technical stand- Different organisational structures and the resulting problems in the co-ordination of international rail freight transport are still an important impediment for improved quality of rail freight transport in Europe. The level of application of the EC Directive 2001/12/ EC concerning the organisation of the rail freight sector still varies widely in the countries affected by TREND Corridor E. The lack of harmonisation affects significantly the performance of the border crossings procedures, where different responsibilities, different ways of operating freight trains, and even different form of company-organisations limit the success of harmonisation efforts. A complete harmonisation of all organisational structures and ”ways of doing things” will not be possible and is not even desired by the EC. Whilst they do not affect the interfaces with other rail freight companies (especially those interacting at the border crossing stations), processes that have proven their viability in the respective countries shall be maintained, even though they are not harmonised with the operations of other countries. Nevertheless, all participants agreed upon an increasing need of harmonisation at the border crossings and are willing to perform the necessary steps. Concerning operative infrastructure procedures (train path dispatching) passenger trains in general still have priority over freight trains, even though a freight train runs on schedule and competes with a delayed passenger train. This problem occurs especially on infrastructure bottlenecks, such as metropolitan nodes. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 118 6 TREND Corridor E 6.2 Action plans 6.1.4Alleviation projects already under way Generally the Railway Undertakings involved in TREND Corridor E stated that they are currently quite satisfied with their own cross border performance. Nevertheless, some alleviation projects have been launched. They can be split up in two blocks of measures: a) Improvement of supply of interoperable locomotives. Launch of several investment projects that will show effects after the delivery of the locomotives. b) Concerning the ”administrative interoperability” several working groups on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) have been established aiming at the standardisation and harmonisation of information structures and systems in order to accelerate and improve the quality of the data interchange between the participants. Quality Agreements do already exist on bilateral/national level, for example between RFI and TI. Setting up a Quality Management System (incl. quality agreements) on international level is regarded a mid-/longterm necessity. Positive experiences taken from the BRAVO Project have proven the possibility of implementing such a system on an international multilateral basis but have shown the high level of resources demanded for the implementation, as well. 6.2 Action plans 6.2.1Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor E have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (= packages of measures) according to their priority and realisation timeframe (short-term, mediumterm and long-term measures) will facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. Each measure described in the action plans is followed by a table indicating the entities that are (or should be) mainly responsible to carry it out. A question mark indicates that an issue has not been discussed or that no decision could be suggested at this stage. The reasons for this mainly reside in missing expert knowledge for the subject and/or region; ”n.a.” stands for ”not applicable”. 6.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources (locomotives and drivers): Procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives and/or better organisation of resource dispatching, • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport (e.g. locomotives, drivers) by means of agreements on service guarantees, • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation. Figure 6.2.2–1: Co-operation of RU UK – France France – Italy I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks n.a. Eurotunnel provides sufficient resources but has a traction monopoly in the tunnel II.Agreement on service guarantees ? III.Border crossing operation centres ? Partially done level of technical interoperability is satisfying to the partners; on administrative level is still a lot of work to do; EDI – working groups are in process (TI – SNCF – IMs) Not done Quality agreements between RFI and TI on national level. Needs to extend to intl. level (SNCF, TI, RFF, RFI) Done Modane border crossing centre implemented and running satisfactory France – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy Partially done Private RUs like BLS run interoperable trains; incumbent RUs have purchased several interoperable locos but are still waiting for the start of the interoperable traction II.Agreement on Not done Partially done service guar- (SNCF, SBB etc.) (Contracts for intermodal antees trains sometimes contain quality clauses) III.Border cross- Partially done Partially done ing operation joint SNCF/SBB team exists in Ba- Realised in 2004 between centres sel marshalling yard; a real “cenRFI and SBB - contract for the tre” does not exist – SBB, SNCF management of bordercrossing traffic TI – not planned between SBB and TI I. Remove interoperable resource bottlenecks Partially done SNCF locos authorised to enter Basel; “true” interoperability is not envisaged 119 6 TREND Corridor E I. Tail Lamp II.Braking Sheet III.Wagon List / Train Consist Report IV.Regulations on Hazardous Goods V. Regulation on out-of-gaugeloads 6.2 Action plans UK – France France – Italy Done A convention between SNCF, EWS and Eurotunnel is running satisfactory ? Done (for interoperable trains) – employment of French night signal and Italian day signal Partially done (for trains performed interoperable there is one agreed braking sheet); otherwise not (SNCF, TI, RFF, RFI) Done (EDI via HERMES) Done (data interchange by HERMES) Done International (RID) + national rules applied Done Preconditioned studies before all shipments except for Combined Transport Done RID + Employment of UIC Leaflet 471-3-O Done (employment of Leaflet 502) Figure 6.2.2–2: Figure 6.2.2–3: Co-operation of RU – IM; West branch Co-operation of RU – IM; East branch France – Switzerland I. Tail Lamp II.Braking Sheet III.Wagon List / Train Consist Report IV.Regulations on Hazardous Goods V. Regulation on out-of-gaugeloads Switzerland – Italy Not done (SNCF – SBB) Not done no activities envisaged by partners until UIC-solution; consequence: Need to chance tail signal at border (SBB, RFI, TI) Not done Partially done (SNCF-SBB) EDI is partially implemented, further improvements to be developed by IQ-C Project (IQ-C members) Done Not done EDI done by HERMES Improvements to be developed in IQ-C Plan (SBB, TI, RFI) (IQ-C members) Partially done Partially done International (RID) + Employment of UIC Leaflet 471-3-O national rules applied by TI; further improvements envisaged in IQ-C Project (IQ-C members) Not done Partially done (SNCF –SBB) Employment of UIC Leaflet 502; further improvements envisaged as part of IQ-C Project (IQ-C members) and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures. Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/ train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods and out-of-gauge regulations for through trains). an implementation plan for quality management tools • Elaborate quality management and measurement systems (taking into account UIC guidelines), • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations) – Take into account experiences from other project and work already done; e.g. UIC ”Standard Quality Agreement between RUs”, BRAVO Project etc., • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor, • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs. Figure 6.2.2–4 Quality Management System UK – France France – Italy I. Quality Management and Measurement System ? Not done (SNCF – SBB) Not done (TI application of CER / UIC guidelines) (SBB, TI) II.Quality Agreements ? Not done (RFI offers access to traffic management system to customers, but no further quality management measures) (all participants) Partially done (“Quality Label” between SNCF and TI since 2000; Pilot quality agreement running between RFI and TI on national level) Not done (SNCF – SBB) Not done (see “Quality Management System) (all participants) No harmonisation (handling according to national rules) (TI, SNCF, IMs) Not done (SNCF – SBB) Partially done (Some quality agreements for intermodal block trains; some on national level between RFI and TI). Need of extension to international trains (TI, SBB etc.) Not done (TI – SBB etc.) III.Computerised Qual? ity Management System IV.Common Rules of No handling delayed harmonisation trains 120 France – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy Not harmonised (treated by national centres) – SNCF, SBB Deliverable Work Partially done (in place for some intermodal block trains, but no general Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports agreement) (SBB, TI, IMs) 6 TREND Corridor E 6.2 Action plans priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks • Develop recommendations for low-budget shortterm infrastructure measures and for a ”wholecorridor-co-ordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. UK – France France – Italy I. Priority low budg- Not done Not done et shortterm (to be envisaged involving the (to be envisaged involving the measures “Corridor Co-ordinator”) “Corridor Co-ordinator”) France – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy I. Priority low budg- Not done Not done et shortterm (to be envisaged involving the (to be envisaged involving the measures “Corridor Co-ordinator”) “Corridor Co-ordinator”) 6.2.3Medium-term actions – package of measures II Figure 6.2.2–5: Analyse the management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level Priority short-term low budget infrastructure measures UK – France I. Priority rules freight trains vs. passenger trains • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange on timetable adaptations due to track works Done Fixed priority rules give freight trains priority over passenger trains at night (contrary during the day) France – Switzerland I. Priority rules freight trains vs. passenger trains • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.) ? France – Italy Not done (France: New System under preparation) (RFF, SBB) Switzerland – Italy Done (Luino and Monte Olimpino II tunnels dedicated to freight transport) • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL …) • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements UK – France I. Evaluation of harmonisation of operational schemes II.Timetable improvements III.Information exchange on time table adaptations IV.International catalogue train paths V. Reliable information on train location and delays ? ? ? ? ? France – Switzerland I. Evaluation of harmonisation of operational schemes II.Timetable improvements III.Information exchange on time table adaptations IV.International catalogue train paths V. Reliable information on train location and delays ? ? ? Figure 6.2.3–1: Priority rules between rail freight- and passenger trains Figure 6.2.3–2: Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers France – Italy Not done (RFF / RFI) Not done (RFI / RFF – RFI will review the timetables after finalisation of Modane tunnel construction) Not done (RFI / RFF; possibly involvement of RNE) Partially done (Process is guided by international institutions like RNE, FTE) Partially done (Ongoing RNE Project on tracking and tracing); RFI has implemented tracking and tracing – system on national level Switzerland – Italy Partially done (Intl. catalogue train paths existing according to RFI) Done IQ-C Project. Partially done (EDI via Raildata Orpheus system and Hermes 30) Done Not done (IMs in co-operation with RNE) Partially done Partially done (Ongoing RNE Project) (RFI System working on national basis) 121 6 TREND Corridor E 6.2 Action plans UK – France communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information France – Italy I. Implementation plan on eliminating weak points II.Agreements on data quality and validity III.Information exchange on time table adaptations To be envisaged See I. To be envisaged (SNCF, TI) See I. See I. See I. I. Implementation plan on eliminating weak points II.Agreements on data quality and validity III.Information exchange on time table adaptations To be envisaged (SNCF, SBB) See I. To be envisaged (SNCF, TI) See I. See I. See I. France – Switzerland • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them Switzerland – Italy • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data Figure 6.2.3–3: Communication between Railway Undertakings UK – France n.a (no interoperability via Eurotunnel) II.Increase of interop- Not done erable locomotives (not envisaged) the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts France – Italy I. Optimise the use of locomotives Not done (all RUs) III.Agreement on mu- Not done tual acceptance of (not envisaged) locomotive drivers IV.Standardisation of ? locomotive approval procedures Partially done (Modalor trains performed interoperable); no further increase planned Not done (Further research needed between RFI /RFF) Not done (RFF / RFI / national authorities) France – Switzerland I. Optimise the use Partially done and of locomotives ongoing II.Increase of interop- Ongoing erable locomotives III.Agreement on mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers ? IV.Standardisation of locomotive approval procedures ? • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives (taking into account an economic acceptable deployment of interoperable locomotives) and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers • Standardise and simplify locomotive approval procedures, especially for multi-system locomotives 6.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III Switzerland – Italy Partially done and ongoing Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor, aiming at co-ordinating the various bilateral border crossing ”operational” centres (between RUs) Partially done and ongoing (TI to purchase additional interoperable locomotives) Partially done (interoperable locomotive deployment only in exceptional cases) SBB and SBB Italia working on agreement on mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers with IG Not done (RFF, RFI, national authorities) Figure 6.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts UK – France I. Establish rules and tools to manage trains along corridor France – Switzerland Figure 6.2.4–1: Establish rules and tools to manage trains along Corridor E ? I. Establish rules and tools to manage trains along corridor To be envisaged EurOptirail Project as first improvement step is ongoing France – Italy To be envisaged EurOptirail Project as first improvement step is ongoing Switzerland – Italy Partially done (TI – Chiasso operating centre) Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 122 6 TREND Corridor E 6.2 Action plans the co-ordination of national traffic control centres along the corridor UK – France ? I. Improve the co-ordination of national traffic control centres France – Italy To be envisaged EurOptirail Project ongoing France – Switzerland I. Improve the co-ordination of national traffic control centres To be established EurOptirail Project ongoing Figure 6.2.4–2 Improve co-ordination of national control centres Switzerland – Italy To be envisaged (SNCF, TI) the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) with respect to major bottlenecks UK – France ? I. Monitor planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure France – Switzerland ? I. Monitor planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure France – Italy Done Figure 6.2.4–3 Monitor planned upgrading and extension of infrastructure Switzerland – Italy To be envisaged (RFI / SBB) and develop new solutions for the existing HERMES system UK – France ? I. New solutions for the existing HERMES system France – Switzerland ? I. New solutions for the existing HERMES system France – Italy To be checked by RFI (whether members of RAILDATA) Figure 6.2.4–4 New solutions for the existing HERMES system Switzerland – Italy Done (TI – Member of RAILDATA) Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections UK – France France – Italy I. Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections ? To be checked (Check national implementation plans) France – Switzerland Switzerland – Italy I. Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections Under discussion (for Athus Basel link) (RFF, SBB) ? Figure 6.2.4–5 Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections 123 7 TREND Corridor F Figure 7.1.1–1: Map of TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 7.1.1 Introduction of TREND Corridor F The TREND Corridor F links Spain and Germany, including a branch towards Poland. This branch represents a connection to TREND Corridor D which connects the Ports of the Netherlands via Germany and Poland with the new Baltic Member States of the European Union. The total length of TREND Corridor F varies between ca. 2,200 and 2,500 km, depending on the branch of the corridor (ca. 600 km in Spain, 1,000 in France, 800 in Germany). The total rail freight transport between the three countries involved in Corridor F was some 9.5 Mio. tonnes in 2003. The modal split of rail is relatively poor, amounting to 8,1 % of a total freight of 116.9 Mio. tonnes (2003) on the corridor. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 124 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Starting on the western side in Spain, Corridor F comprises a North- and a South-Branch (according to the major traffic flows on rail). The North branch (”Atlantic Branch”) starts in Madrid and passes Valladolid and Burgos towards the French border in Irún/Hendaye. In 2004 1.81 Mio. tonnes of rail freight passed the Irún/Hendaye border crossing of which 45 % was conventional and another 55 % intermodal rail transport. The traffic flow is rather balanced between southbound (France towards Spain) and northbound (Spain towards France) transports. The ”Mediterranean Branch” of Corridor F exceeds the ”Atlantic Branch” in terms of traffic volume. It starts in Valencia as a major centre of chemical industry in Spain, passes Barcelona (where the majority of today’s intermodal transport between Spain and central Europe is sourced or bound to), and crosses the French border at Port Bou/Cerbères border crossing station. 2.37 Mio. tonnes of rail freight transports pass through Bou/Cerbères (2004) and account for some 57 % of all rail transports crossing the Spanish/ French border (4.18 Mio. tonnes in 2004). The freight structure on the Mediterranean Branch is different to the Atlantic Branch, being clearly dominated by intermodal block train traffic (some 75 % of the freight volume). Furthermore in Port Bou/Cerbères southbound rail transports outnumber northbound transports in terms of tons (64 % vs. 36 %). In France Corridor F passes the highly frequented railway lines via a) Bordeaux – Tours – Paris (Atlantic Branch) or b) Montpellier – Lyon – Dijon (Mediterranean Branch). The junction of the two branches is Metz. East of Metz the corridor is divided into two new branches, either towards a) Köln via border crossing Apach/Perl or b) Poland via Forbach/Saarbrücken border crossing – Mannheim – Mainz. Depending on the final destination of the trains, the Polish border is either crossed at Frankfurt/Oder (direction Warszawa) or Horka (towards Kraków region). Irun/Hendaye Oviedo La Coruna Bilbao Alsasua Miranda de Ebro Santiago Leon Orense Vigo VALENCA San Sebastian Burgos Port Bou/Cerbère Castejon Puebla de Sanabria Venta de Banos Valladolid Main Route Riaza Salamanca Lerida Zaragoza Manresa Barcelona Fayon Reus Fuentes de Onoro Avila Ulldecona Madrid Chamartin Monfrague MAR-VAL Valencia Alcazar de San Juan Albacete Ciudad Real Puertollano Aljucen Xativa La Encina Alicante Linares Cordoba Huelva Murcia Moreda Granada Sevilla Bobadilla Almeria Malaga Cadiz Algeciras Figure 7.1.1–2: Corridor F in Spain Main Route Alternative Perl/Apach Saarbrücken/ Forbach Paris Metz Orleans Dijon Tours Lyon Borbeaux Irun/Hendaye Montpellier Port Bou/Cerbère Figure 7.1.1–3: Corridor F in France FLENSBURG Main Route Alternative SASSNITZ PUTTGARDEN KIEL STRALSUND NEUMUNSTER ROSTOCK CUXHAVEN LUBECK BUTZOW LEER HAMBURGSCHWERIN LUDWIGSLUST BREMEN UELZEN PASEWALK SZC-TAN ANGERMUNDE Direction Warszawa STENDAL CELLE BERLIN LEHRTE RHEINE FRANKFURT AN DER ODER LOHNE HILDESHEIMMAGDEBURG MUNSTER DESSAU ALTENBEKEN COTTBUS HAMM GOTTINGEN HALLE S HORKA Direction Krakow HAGEN RIESA KASSEL GROSSHERINGEN JCT GORLITZ KOLN GERA BAD SCHANDAU MARBURG BONN ZWICKAU FULDA KOBLENZ HOF ROHRBACH JCT MARKTREDWITZ MAINZ WURZBURG TRIER BIBLIS Perl/Apach MANNHEIM ANSBACH SCHWANDORF Saarbrücken/ REGENSBURG KARLSRUHE Forbach STUTTGART INGOLSTADT NEU-PAS HORB ULM AUGSBURG BRA-MUH MUNCHEN FREIBURG FRE-SAL SINGEN KEPMTEN KUFSTEIN BAS-FRE Figure 7.1.1–4: Corridor F in Germany 125 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Please see the following figure (Figure 7.1.1–6) for important handling points of rail freight traffic on TREND Corridor F. In Spain conventional single wagon transport is no longer offered to the rail freight customers. Figure 7.1.1–5: Marshalling Yards and Terminal Facilities on TREND Corridor F Location Thus, the marshalling yards are of minor importance (apart from the border crossing stations Port Bou and Irún). Terminals for unaccompanied intermodal transport Marshalling yards Germany (Eastern Branch; Polish border to Forbach): Frankfurt/Oder (Polish border) Berlin ✓ (currently no transhipments) ✓ Location: Großbeeren Halle/Saale ✓ Location: Seddin ✓ (no intl. functions) Erfurt ✓ (limited importance) Bebra ✓ (no intl. functions) ✓ (no intl. functions) Frankfurt/Main ✓ (2 x); Locations: FIT, Frankfurt East (DUSS) Mannheim ✓ (2 x); Locations: Rhenania, Handelshafen (DUSS) Ludwigshafen ✓ ✓ (2 x); Locations: BASF, TriPort Saarbrücken ✓ (no intl. functions) Germany (Western Branch; Köln to Perl/Apach): Köln ✓ (2 x); Locations: Eifeltor (DUSS), Port (Niehl) Koblenz ✓ Location: Gremberg ✓ (limited importance) France (Atlantic Branch): Metz Paris ✓ Location: Woippy ✓ (3 x); Locations: Noisy le Sec, Valenton, Rungis Tours ✓ (2 x); Locations: Le Bourget, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges ✓ Location: St. Pierre des Corps Bordeaux ✓ Bayonne ✓ Location: Mougerre ✓ Location: Hourcade France (Mediterranean Branch): Metz ✓ Location: Woippy Dijon ✓ Location: Gevrey Lyon ✓ Location: Vénissieux Avignon ✓ Perpignan ✓ ✓ Location: Sibelin Spain (Atlantic Branch): Irún ✓ Vitoria ✓ ✓ Miranda de Ebro ✓ (no intl. functions) Venta de Baños ✓ (no intl. functions) Valladolid ✓ Madrid ✓ Location: Abroñigal ✓ (2 x); (no intl. functions) ✓ ✓ Spain (Mediterranean Branch): Port Bou Granollers ✓ Barcelona ✓ (2 x); Locations: Port / Morrot ✓ (no intl. functions) Zaragoza ✓ ✓ (no intl. functions) Tarragona ✓ Location: Constanti ✓ (no intl. functions) Castellón de la Plana Valencia ✓ ✓ (2 x); Locations: Port / Silla ✓ (no intl. functions) Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 126 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them 7.1.2 Reasons for analysing TREND Corridor F As has been mentioned above, the selection of the TREND corridors was done on the basis of clearly defined criteria. TREND Corridor F fits with all the criteria, especially with a high traffic volume and a poor modal split of rail, leading to a high potential for future increases of rail freight volume on the axis. Up to now Railway Undertakings were not able to exploit this potential. Recently the incumbent Railway Undertakings, Railion and SNCF, have launched a successful project implementing a cross border operations centre at the border France-Germany. This CIFFA (Centre Interoperabilite Fret Franco Allemagne) institution has become a success story and the CIFFA principles could serve as a benchmark for other border crossings, especially in the new EU Member States in Eastern Europe. On the other hand those countries have extensive experience in streamlining border crossing procedures. Mutual benchmarking of improvement measures for problems in all of the corridors should help increase best practice and the modal split for rail. In contrast with the ”old” CER Corridor 2 the TREND Corridor F has a branch to the Polish border crossings Frankfurt (Oder) and Horka. This branch connects the TREND Corridor F to other TREND corridors that examine the axis from the western Polish borders towards the Baltic Countries. The perspective of a mutual benchmarking together with the high modal shift potential on the corridor encouraged the TREND Consortium to examine this corridor. 7.1.3 Diagnosis of existing and potential future freight impediments Structuring of impediments The results of TREND B2 presented hereunder derive directly from the TREND Data Gathering Tables and co-ordination meetings with the TREND Experts. This report shall make the TREND results comparable to corridor studies already executed in other projects prior TREND in order to achieve a harmonised information base for structuring a future Integrated Project (IP). The TREND corridor reports therefore structure the problems and the action plans in the same way as the CER corridor reports: a) Infrastructure problems b) Operational problems (especially co-ordination and harmonisation) c) Resource problems The problems will be prioritised according to their importance (relevance for limitation of rail freight quality today and in the future) and time line of a possible solution of the problem (short-term, medium-term, long-term). By this it will be evaluated which of the improvement ideas that have come across could be put into practice as part of an Integrated Project. Infrastructural impediments for rail freight transport on the corridor TREND Corridor F presents numerous infrastructural impediments that harm the quality of rail freight ser vices on the axis. A distinction can be made between the bottleneck ”border crossing” and other infrastructure bottlenecks on the course of the corridor (within the countries). Most of the infrastructure bottlenecks will not be eliminated in the short- or medium-term due to the required investment volumes and the long planning periods. This means that the Railway Undertakings will deal better with this ”status quo” and develop operational procedures that decrease the impact of these infrastructural problems wherever possible. Border crossing bottlenecks as impediments The most obvious infrastructure problem on the corridor is the change of the track gauge between France and Spain, which implies the necessity of extraordinary measures to pass the border. In the case of intermodal transports the load units are transhipped from wagon to wagon with a gantry crane, a procedure that despite upcoming capacity problems in Irún and Port Bou generally works without major problems due to the long experience of the involved partners. Nevertheless, it has become difficult for Intermodal Operators to obtain new transhipment slots in Irún or Port Bou due to the congestion of the installations in the border crossing stations and terminals. Conventional rail transport faces even more problems in overcoming the track gauge interface. One possibility is the change of the wagon-axle, a procedure that is done at the moment especially for automotive rail transports (parts and finished cars, as well). The processing time of both the transhipment of load units and the axle change is some three hours, which is a considerable disadvantage in comparison to other border crossings with interoperable rail traction. Nevertheless, due to the generally long distance of the rail transports crossing the border between Spain and France, the effect is limited and customers know about the duration. However, if the aim is shifting new 127 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them traffic volumes from road to rail, even on shorter distances, this processing time at the border will be a major impediment, if not a decisive factor. The situation of the conventional rail transports where wagon-axles cannot be changed is considerably worse. In these cases the freight itself has to be transhipped from one wagon to another. This leads to processing times of up to three days at the border. Looking at the significant share of conventional rail transport at the two border crossing stations Port Bou (25 %) and Irún (50 %) this limits the performance of relatively high volumes of rail freight transports. First concepts of cross border co-operation have been launched on the border crossing Port Bou and Irún. Those are called MUM (”Mando Unico de Mercancías” – Port Bou) and GOTI (”Gestión Operativa de Transportes Internacionales” – Irún), and comprise shared offices between RENFE and SNCF, where the co-ordination and communication between the Railway Undertakings are improved, especially by bilingual employees of both RUs sitting together in a common office. MUM and GOTI do not include electronic interfaces between the different information systems or the dispatching of common resources, so both are still at a relatively low co-operation level in comparison to the cross border operation centres between France and Germany. The border crossings between France and Germany have fewer structural problems, although signalling and security systems vary significantly from each other. Recently RAILION and SNCF have established CIFFA as a cross border operations centre to overcome the severe interoperable problems that both Railway Undertakings faced before when crossing the border. The project has shown positive results and the performance has improved significantly (see chapter By this, the capacity of the border crossing infrastructure in Forbach/Saarbrücken, Apach/Perl, Strassbourg/Kehl has increased and train path availability is not scarce at the moment. The situation on the border crossings between Germany and Poland is described in the report of Corridor D and thus is not treated here. Other infrastructural impediments for rail freight quality Besides the border crossing problems the rail freight sector faces other infrastructure problems, as well. The majority of these impediments require longterm improvement projects, if solutions can only be achieved by construction measures. In Spain the standard maximum freight train length is still limited to 450 m. Thus 600 m/700 m long international freight trains entering Spain from France need to be split into two trains in Spain which leads to quality deficiencies. Alleviation projects to increase the maximum train length to 600 m are underway. Nevertheless, the problem remains an important issue for further improvements. As in most countries in Europe, on an operational level, regular passenger trains have priority over regular freight trains, even though the freight train running on schedule ”competes” with delayed passenger trains. This situation might improve with the opening of several new high-speed lines in Spain/France. The ”old” infrastructure will be released from passenger traffic and some lines may even become ”Dedicated Freight Lines”. The positive effects of this de-mixing of types of traffic on the rail infrastructure are obvious. In terms of infrastructure, some line sections of TREND Corridor F show scarce or no availability of additional train paths. A list of the most critical line sections is included hereunder. Against the background of the expected growth of international freight traffic, capacity increasing measures in terms of optimised production concepts or infrastructure upgrading are urgently required here: • Spain: – Connection of Port of Bilbao to main line Irún – Madrid – Line Madrid – Irún: Villafría – Venta de Baños; Villalba – Pitis – Line Port Bou – Valencia: Valencia – Castellón; Vandellos – Tarragona – Line Zaragoza – Port Bou: Zaragoza – Reus Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 128 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them • France: – Total section between German border and Dijon – lack of line capacity due to high traffic volume of passenger and freight trains – Section Montpellier to Cerbères (Spanish border); congested due to insufficient border crossing infrastructure – Nodes Paris, Perpignan, Montpellier • Germany: – Mannheim region: Poor state of Mannheim marshalling yards affects punctuality of freight trains processed there – Line Horka (Polish border) – Halle: Section Horka – Knappenrode congested – Node Frankfurt/Fulda: Section Hanau – Bebra congested – Section Saarbücken – Forbach is highly saturated but improvement measures are under construction Lack of interoperability as impediment for rail freight transport TREND Corridor F is characterised by a diversity of current and safety and signalling systems (see Appendix 7). Currently, the three participating countries use four different systems: • Spain: 3 kV DC • France: 1.5 kV DC in southern France; 25 kV 50 Hz AC in northern/western France • Germany: 15 kV 16 2/3 Hz AC Apart from the different systems currently in use, each country employs at least one unique safety and signalling system. Thus, locomotives operating on the infrastructure of more than one country of the corridor are to be equipped with at least two safety-packages. This circumstance leads to a significant increase in the loco-price. The only alternative to the employment of multi-system locos is a loco- and driver-change at the border leading to a processing time of at least 20 minutes, generally more. During the information gathering of TREND B2 the experts made clear that the employment of interoperable locos is only viable if an extra stop at the border is eliminated. If the dispatching procedures require a stop at the border anyway, the additional costs caused by the employment of multi-current locomotives cannot be compensated by a cut of the transport time. In this case, the interchange procedures at the border are to be optimised in order to minimise the processing time. SNCF and Railion have opted for thru-traction between the two countries and have increased their stocks of multi-system locomotives. A considerable number of Railion´s type 189 locomotives have been assigned to a common multi-system-locomotive pool. This pool is managed under the exclusive responsibility of CIFFA between the marshalling yards Mannheim/Köln (Gremberg) and Metz (Woippy). SNCF plans to allocate the same number of interoperable 437000 locos to the common pool but is still waiting for the homologation of the German authorities. © DB AG/Lautenschläger 129 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them Resources as impediment for rail freight transport The main ”critical” resources that appear as impediments for quality of rail freight transport on this corridor are the provision of locomotives and locomotive drivers. Deficits still reside in the punctual provision of locomotives. Contrary to the situation some years ago, the reason is not yet a lack of interoperable locomotives. Now all trains passing the border between Germany and France are operating without locomotive change and without loco driver change at the border crossing station. Once all French 437000 locomotives are approved by the German authorities there will be (for the time being) a sufficient number of interoperable locos for the actual traffic volumes. In order to face the prognosticated growths of the traffic volume, the stock will need to be extended further. Apart from the situation at the border crossings, the lack of locomotives and loco drivers is still a severe problem for the quality of international rail freight service. Especially in France, where the loco pool is particularly old, missing locomotives (due to damage) is a main cause of major delays in international rail freight transport from/to or transiting France. Nevertheless, the problem of missing and/or damaged locos affects Germany and Spain, as well. In Spain a high number of the RENFE locos are obsolete and/or not in suitable condition to pull trains with characteristics required by today’s rail freight customers. By 2009 considerable investments are foreseen to acquire new freight locos and refurbish the loco pool. Operations as impediment for rail freight transport Different organisational structures and the resulting problems in the co-ordination of international rail freight transport are still an important impediment for improved quality of rail freight transport in Europe. The application of the EC Directive 2001/12/EC concerning the organisation of the rail freight sector still varies widely in the countries affected by TREND Corridor F. Thus, the harmonisation of the processes within the companies involved in international rail freight transport on this corridor is still limited. The lack of harmonisation appears especially at the border crossings, where different responsibilities, different ways of op- erating freight trains, and even different organisational forms limit the success of harmonisation efforts of cross border operations to a great extent. A complete harmonisation of all organisational structures and ”ways of working” will not be possible and is not even desired by the EC. Whilst they do not affect the interfaces with other rail freight companies (especially those interacting at the border crossing stations), processes that have proven their viability in the respective countries shall be maintained, even though they are not harmonised with the operations of other countries. Nevertheless, the participants should show more flexibility in harmonising those processes that, due to their heterogeneous structure at international level, limit the cross border performance. Concerning operative infrastructure procedures (train path dispatching), passenger trains in general still have priority over freight trains, even though the freight train runs on schedule and competes with a delayed passenger train. This problem occurs especially on infrastructure bottlenecks, such as metropolitan nodes. Thus, some delays of freight trains are still caused by this prioritisation of passenger transport. 7.1.4 Alleviation projects already under way All the participating companies of TREND Corridor F agree upon the necessity of alleviation measures to improve the current situation. Up to now the performance of international rail freight services on this corridor has not been meeting customer requirements concerning quality of transport to an extent that (in competition to road transport) is likely to attract a growing market share for rail. Nevertheless, a couple of actions have already been initiated, short- mediumand long-term measures, particularly concerning the border crossing. CIFFA as a benchmark for improved cross border procedures As stated above, SNCF and Railion (for the respective border crossings between France and Germany) have launched a cross border operation centre called CIFFA. CIFFA´s area of responsibility comprises the border crossings Apach/Perl (line section between Gremberg marshalling yard and Woippy marshalling yard) and Forbach/Saarbrücken (line section between Mann heim marshalling yard and Woippy). An extension to Kehl/Strassbourg border is under preparation. CIFFA is operating to the satisfaction of all participants. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 130 7 TREND Corridor F 7.1 Diagnosis of freight impediments and current actions to alleviate them CIFFA (within the ”Mannheim – Woippy” project) has a high level of decentralised competences that were assigned to this institution by the headquarters of SNCF Fret and Railion. Today CIFFA dispatches interoperable locomotives and loco drivers from it’s own pools. The responsibility for these pools is exclusively in the hands of CIFFA, interventions from outside are not foreseen. The CIFFA competences even go beyond the dispatching of locomotives and loco drivers. Train paths are issued and controlled similarly as well as all data and information on the CIFFA-border crossings, these are exchanged using EDI. The CIFFA offices are located at the Forbach border crossing station so that employees are directly involved in the process. The only borderspecific activity that is still to be controlled by CIFFA is the change of the brake-position at Apach/Forbach. The effect of CIFFA has been a reduction of the cross border processing time to an average of 3 minutes. to be extended to Port Bou (MUM). Spain has ongoing studies of innovative techniques of overcoming the track gauge interface between France and Spain. Recently tests with an interoperable locomotive (TRAVCA – ”Tren de alta velocidad con cambio de ancho”) have begun but are still aimed exclusively at passenger trains. Nevertheless, once this technique has proven its viability it could be applied to freight transport, as well. Furthermore, at the border crossing Cerbères/Port Bou a new UIC line connecting Figueras and Perpignan is under construction. This line is intended for mixed traffic and will eliminate the necessity of stopping at the bottleneck station Port Bou for those trains operating on the new UIC line. Thus, the quality and reliability of rail freight transport between France and Germany has improved significantly as an effect of the CIFFA-establishment and can be considered as a benchmark for optimised cross border procedures in terms of ”operation”. Thus, the extent of co-operation between SNCF Fret and RENFE is considerably below the CIFFA level, but has already brought an improvement of reliability of the cross border co-operation. RENFE Operadora and SNCF Fret are planning an intensification of this cooperation in order to further streamlining and improving border crossing procedures. Whether the CIFFAapproach and -experiences can serve as a benchmark for this (besides the ”structural” limitation of different track gauges) remains to be seen. Other cross border improvement actions under way Alleviation projects within the TREND Corridor F – countries At the rail border crossing between France and Spain, RENFE and SNCF Fret as (up to now) the only two Railway Undertakings operating international rail freight trains crossing this border, have launched several alleviation projects aiming at improving the performance of cross border operations. MUM (Cerbères/Port Bou) and GOTI (Hendaye/Irún) are border crossingspecific alleviation projects. These concepts comprise common offices of both Railway Undertakings at the border station – one office in Irún and another in Port Bou. In the common offices bilingual personnel from both companies work together in order to improve and harmonise the procedures at the border, especially regarding data interchange concerning incoming trains. Nevertheless, both MUM and GOTI concepts do not comprise EDI interfaces, nor do they include the allocation of resources other than the staff itself. The RENFE-Project SISIFO is a pilot project for the webbased interchange of wagon data between France and Spain and in the future will assure a better data flow towards the overtaking Railway Undertaking (at a first stage only RENFE). It is already in service for trains crossing the border in Irún (GOTI) but still needs All countries have launched diverse alleviation projects for improving the situation of rail freight transport within their territory. Those projects differ significantly concerning their possible impact, the investment volume and the time horizon of their realisation. Due to the long time horizon (especially for large scale infrastructure projects), the financing is sometimes not fully guaranteed. Experiences in past years suggest that realisation of some or all projects could be regarded doubtful. Apart from the border crossing improvement projects, Spain has launched several infrastructure alleviation projects, partly funded by the European Commission. Currently several construction measures are been carried out for increasing the maximum weight and length of trains (600 m on important freight corridors) by the year 2008. As an effect of these measures freight trains entering Spain from France will no longer have to be cut into several parts due to their higher length and weight. In the medium and long term several UIC High Speed Lines will be opened in Spain, connecting all major cities. This will lead to a release of older con- 131 7 TREND Corridor F 7.2 Action plans ventional infrastructure giving more train path capacity to rail freight transport. SNCF has launched an investment programme in freight locomotives in order to significantly improve the resource situation for international rail freight transport. This programme is targeted to the period 2006 – 2009 so that first improvements, including increased reliability, a decrease of delays, and lower loco damages, will be evident from 2006 onwards. Both in France and in Germany several infrastructure measures are envisaged, especially for improving the situation in major metropolitan bottlenecks, such as Perpignan, Paris, Thionville, Lyon in France or the stretch Ludwigshafen – Forbach in Germany. 7.2 Action plans 7.2.1 Introduction of action plan methodology The alleviation measures and projects for TREND Corridor F have been elaborated and agreed upon by the TREND experts. A classification into three action plans (packages of measures) according to their priority and delivery timeframe (short-term, medium-term and long-term measures) will facilitate a better overview to the reader. The structure of these action plans is comparable to the one that has already been used in the CER corridor studies. Figure 7.2.2–1: Co-operation of RU Each measure described in the following action plans is followed by a table indicating the entities that are (or should be) responsible to carry it through. A question mark indicates that an issue has not been discussed or that no decision could be suggested at this stage; ”n.a.” means ”not applicable”. 7.2.2Short-term actions – package of measures I Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already started amongst Railway Undertakings • Remove existing traction bottlenecks by providing sufficient resources (locomotives and drivers): Procurement of interoperable multi-current locomotives and/or better organisation of resource dispatching • Ensure the availability of the resources required for international freight transport (e.g. locomotives, drivers) by means of agreements on service guarantees • Extend the responsibilities of existing border crossing ”operational” centres or establish new ones in the field of resource control and in the field of optimisation of the organisation Spain – France I. Remove interoperable Partially n.a. due to different track resource bottlenecks gauge. Interoperable loco “TRAVCA” incl. automatic change of axle gauge has been developed in Spain only for passenger transport. RENFE plans to train loco drivers for RFF network in order to allow them entering Cerbères and Hendaye station. II.Agreement on service Not done guarantees RENFE Operadora to introduce service guarantee system on national level; could possibly be benchmark for SNCF Fret. Infrastructures to be included in the process (RENFE Op., SNCF Fret, IMs) III.Border crossing oper- Partially done ation centres MUM and GOTI as first steps of co-operation/harmonisation need to be intensified. SISFO as data interchange approach needs to prove its reliability, to be introduced in daily business extended to border crossing Cerbères/Port Bou (SNCF Fret, RENFE Op.) France – Germany Partially done Interoperable resources efficiently dispatched by CIFFA. SNCF due to deliver the total amount of 20 interoperable locos to the CIFFA loco pool. Still lack of interoperable locomotive drivers and missing common train path dispatching rules Not done To be envisaged by SNCF Fret/Railion/ Stinnes Done CIFFA has been introduced successfully and has received high competences. Border Crossing Kehl / Strassbourg still to be included in CIFFA competences by CIFFA (SNCF Fret / Railion). Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 132 7 TREND Corridor F 7.2 Action plans Improve and intensify the co-operation that has already begun between Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers • Simplify and/or standardise administrative procedures. Remove operational obstacles at border crossings by harmonising the ”operational/safety” rules (e.g. tail lamps, braking sheets, wagon list/ train consist reports, treatment of hazardous goods and out-of-gauge regulations for through trains). Elaborate an implementation plan for quality management tools Spain – France I. Tail Lamp II.Braking Sheet III.Wagon List/ Train Consist Report IV.Regulations on Hazardous Goods V. Regulation on out-of-gaugeloads • Elaborate quality management and measurement systems (taking into account UIC guidelines), • Elaborate harmonised quality agreements amongst RUs and between RUs and IMs (determination of service levels, development of a system of compensations) – Take into account experiences from other project and work already done; e.g. UIC ”Standard Quality Agreement between RUs”, BRAVO Project etc., • Investigate the possibility to develop a comput erised Quality Management System along the corridor, • Develop common rules to handle delayed trains between RUs and IMs. Define priority projects for improving infrastructure bottlenecks • Develop recommendations for low-budget shortterm infrastructure measures and for a ”wholecorridor-co-ordinated” plan of important infrastructure upgrades. I. Priority low budget shortterm measures n.a. due to no interoperability (up to now) Generally n.a. because trains change lengths, weight etc. (up to now) n.a. Up to now wagons do not operate interoperable Not done Regulations to be harmonised in co-operation between RENFE, SNCF Fret, IMs and authorities Not done Regulations to be harmonised in co-operation between Railway Undertakings, Infrastructure Managers and authorities Harmonisation is done Harmonisation is done Not done Regulations to be harmonised in co-operation between Railion, SNCF Fret, IMs and authorities Harmonisation is done Figure 7.2.2–2: I. Quality Management and Measurement System II.Quality agreements III.Computerised Quality Management System IV.Common Rules of handling delayed trains Spain – France France – Germany Partially done Some trains under quality monitoring (=Quality Measuring System). No harmonised Quality Management System. (SNCF, RENFE) Not done RENFE / ADIF are working on quality agreements for domestic transport that (once in service) needs to be extended to international traffic. (SNCF, RENFE, IMs) Not done To be envisaged by RENFE / SNCF Fret (incl. Railion for corridor wide approach) Not done To be envisaged by RUs in cooperation with IMs Partially done Some trains under quality monitoring (=Quality Measuring System). No harmonised Quality Management System. (SNCF, Railion) Not done Pilot quality agreement between DB Netz and Railion envisaged. (SNCF, Railion, IMs) Not done To be envisaged by SNCF Fret / Railion (incl. RENFE for corridor wide approach) Not done To be envisaged by RUs in cooperation with IMs Figure 7.2.2–3: Quality Management System Spain – France France – Germany Not done To be envisaged by international Round Table (“Corridor Co-ordinator” – approach) Analyse management of international freight traffic through congested areas, focusing on priority rules between freight and passenger trains Harmonisation is done Co-operation of RU – IM Not done To be envisaged by international Round Table (“Corridor Co-ordinator” – approach) 7.2.3Medium-term actions – package of measures II France – Germany Figure 7.2.2–4: Priority short-term low budget infrastructure measures Spain – France I. Priority Rules freight trains vs. passenger trains France – Germany Partially done ADIF is introducing new “train path slot system”; no further consideration of type of train (“Freight Train” or “Passenger Train”); “slot” gives Railway Undertaking the right to use this train path. (ADIF, RFF) To be envisaged RFF / DB Netz. Figure 7.2.3–1: Priority rules between rail freight- and passenger trains 133 7 TREND Corridor F Figure 7.2.3–2: Co-operation between Infrastructure Managers 7.2 Action plans Intensify the co-operation amongst IMs and between IMs and RUs at ”service planning” level and at ”operational” level • Ensure timely and systematic international information exchange on timetable adaptations due to track works • Evaluate the existing operational schemes and analyse capacity increases by harmonising the schemes (train speed etc.) • Improve the co-operation and co-ordination between IMs to create a train path catalogue for international freight services according to market requirements • Improve timetables to reduce transport times on some links Spain – France I. Evaluate harmonisation of operational schemes II.Timetable improvement III.Information exchange on time table adaptations IV.International catalogue train paths V. Reliable information on train location and delays France – Germany To be envisaged (RNE / IMs in co-operation with RUs) To be envisaged (RNE / IMs in co-operation with RUs) See I. See I. See I. See I. To be envisaged (RNE responsible for the elaboration of international catalogue train paths) To be envisaged (IMs in co-operation with RUs) Exploit existing cross border co-operations like MUM, GOTI and SISFO To be envisaged (RNE responsible for the elaboration of international catalogue train paths) To be envisaged (IMs in co-operation with RUs) CIFFA has access to both DB Netz and RFF IT systems, but NO EDI interface. Introduce EDI interface. Improve communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between RUs, to optimise resource control and customer information Figure 7.2.3–3: Spain – France France – Germany To be envisaged SISIFO as a first step towards an improved data exchange between RENFE and SNCF Fret See I. To be envisaged CIFFA as a first step towards an improved harmonisation of data access between Railion and SNCF Fret See I. II.Agreements on data quality and validity III.Information See I. exchange on time table adaptations See I. • Agree on ensuring a high quality and validity in data collection and on improving existing forms of data interchange Extend the existing corridor-related interoperable traction concepts • Enhance traction efficiency by optimising the use of locomotives (taking into account an economic acceptable deployment of interoperable locomotives) and by developing agreements for the mutual acceptance of locomotive drivers • Standardise and simplify locomotive approval procedures, especially for multi-system locomotives Figure 7.2.3–4: Extension of interoperable traction concepts • Evaluate and prioritise the existing weak points in the fields of communications and data exchange and prepare an implementation plan to eliminate them • Replace existing manual interfaces by electronic exchange of operational data Communication between Railway Undertakings I. Implementation plan on eliminating weak points • Provide reliable information on train location and train delays by the IMs and RUs. This may include the evaluation of the applicability of IT systems currently under development (CROBIT, USE-IT, EUROPTIRAIL …) Spain – France I. Optimise the use of locomotives II.Increase of interoperable locomotives n.a. (up to now) n.a. Up to now – RENFE / SNCF Fret: Evaluate the employment of interoperable locos with automatic adaptation of axle gauge, e.g. TRAVCA-concept – see III.Agreement on mutual RENFE/SNCF acceptance of locoRENFE loco drivers being trained since motive drivers 2005 until 2006 with the aim to allow RENFE drivers entering station Hendaye and Cerbères; could be adapted to total RFF network at a later stage IV.Standardisation of n.a. locomotive approval Deliverable Work procedures 134 France – Germany Done (CIFFA) Done (CIFFA) Done CIFFA – mutual acceptance of interoperable locomotive drivers in the stretch Mannheim – Woippy Not done Authorities on harmonisation as Package B2 working – Corridor-specific Reports an ongoing process, but needs to be accelerated 7 TREND Corridor F 7.2 Action plans 7.2.4Long-term actions – package of measures III Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor, aiming at co-ordinating the various bilateral border crossing ”operational” centres (between RUs) Spain – France I. Establish rules and To be envisaged tools to manage trains MUM/GOTI as a first step to improve along corridor border crossing performance but NO train management (RENFE, SNCF) France – Germany Partially done CIFFA does train management successfully on the stretch Mannheim/Woippy. Apart from this stretch no harmonised rules and tools along the corridor Figure 7.2.4–1: Establish rules and tools to manage trains along the corridor Improve the co-ordination of national traffic control centres along the corridor Spain – France I. Improve the co-ordination of national traffic control centres RNE to determine necessary harmonisation/collaboration between Infrastructures France – Germany RNE to determine necessary harmonisation/collaboration between Infrastructures Figure 7.2.4–2: Improve co-ordination of national control centres Monitor the planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure (lines, nodes, marshalling yards, terminals) with respect to major bottlenecks Spain – France I. Monitor planned upgrading and extension of the railway infrastructure Done France – Germany Done Figure 7.2.4–3: Monitor planned upgrading and extension of infrastructure Elaborate and develop new solutions for the HERMES system Spain – France I. New solutions for the To be envisaged by RAILDATA. existing HERMES system France – Germany To be envisaged by RAILDATA. Figure 7.2.4–4: New solutions for the existing HERMES system Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections Spain – France I. Development of ERTMS on corridor sections France – Germany To be envisaged by IMs To be envisaged by IMs Check national implementation plan (RFF, Check national implementation plan (DB ADIF) Netz, RFF) Figure 7.2.4–5: Development of ERTMS on the corridor sections 135 8 Clustering of corridors 8 Clustering of corridors As it has been shown in the previous chapters the freight corridors analysed within TREND are characterised by the heterogeneous situation of those factors that determine the performance of rail freight service. Above all this refers to the level of co-operation and harmonisation of the border crossing procedures. Due to the length of the corridors and the amount of countries involved (especially in Corridors C and D) even within the corridors different progress levels have to be distinguished. So before performing the detailed evaluation of the TREND Corridors, a rough clustering concerning those characteristics of the TREND corridors shall facilitate an overview of the above mentioned progress levels, which is complementary to the detailed assessment with respect to the potential for an Integrated Project (see chapter 9). The TREND Corridors have been analysed according to their main characteristics as concerns… • cross border operation and level of co-ordination • successful business cases demonstrating innovation and level of customer orientation • potential for improvements and innovations • current modal shift and prognosticated market growth … and results in a categorisation of the status of development for rail freight. Three different categories from ”Standard” via ”Advanced” to ”Top” and the respective criteria have been defined (Figure 8–1). Figure 8-1: Characterisation of corridors (or segments of corridors) Category I "Top" The category ”Standard” is defined by the traditional processes at the borders and the affected parties which generally speaking count with a low level of performance resulting in a large need for improvements and innovations. Provided that the mentioned improvements have been done, the modal shift of rail is supposed to be increased significantly. The overall development status of rail freight has been assessed as ”low”. The second category is denominated ”Advanced”, as border crossing operations have already been improved, but still remain insufficient for achieving a competitive performance of rail freight services along the corridor. Business cases and the offered services do not fit totally the requirements of the market and are therefore often not competitive to road transport. This type of corridor has reasonable potential for improvement and innovations in several aspects. A significant potential for increasing the volume of rail freight has been identified, either based on the growing transport market in general or by a modal shift from road to rail. The objective – and thus benchmark for the other two categories - could be the category ”Top”, where good practices for the cross border operations have been introduced. Suitable solutions, which are competitive to road transport, have been developed and the impact of additional improvements is thus limited. A further increase of the market share of rail is often limited by the infrastructure capacity. These corridors can be characterised as ‘ripe’ with a ‘high’ status of development of rail freight services. Category II "Advanced" Category IIII "Standard" Crossborder operation and co-ordination mostly good/advanced practises Business cases and level of service suitable solutions (competitive to road) already improved processes (but often not really sufficient) solutions not totally fitting the existent (road) market Potential for improvements and innovations Modal shift and market growth mainly for dedicated objectives potential for increase of market share often limited by infrastructure capability reasonable (serveral aspects) potential for increase rail share (modal shift and/or market growth) traditional/historical and general insufficient processes more or less inadequate offers compared to (road) market general high (all aspects) high potential for increase of market share (modal shift and market growth) Status of development for rail freight High In progress Low Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 136 9 Evaluation and recommendations As most of the corridors are heterogeneous and, in addition, the development is different from category to category, it was difficult to assign one single type to each country section. However, a rough overview of the investigated corridors is given in Figure 8–2. The Figure comprises the level of development regarding interoperability, cross border operations and the potential for improvements and modal shift. Two significant findings are on the one hand that some corridors are already well developed, and that on the other hand the actual stage of development can be significantly different along the corridors as well as between them. 9.1 Framework and objectives of evaluation B-East Scandinavia Germany Austria Italy B-West Netherlands Germany Switzerland Italy E France Switzerland F Germany France A Italy Slovenia D Netherlands C Germany Germany Austria Czechia Slovakia Poland Hungary Italy Spain Hungary Lithuania Romania Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Turkey Figure 8-2: 9 Evaluation and recommendations Typing of investigated corridors 92 9.1 Framework and objectives of evaluation The TREND Corridor Analysis is providing three kinds of results: 1. A comprehensive knowledge base detailing the current state of rail freight along the corridors. This is included in this report and can be partly displayed and used in the Geo-referenced Information System (GIS). Infrastructure related results have been transferred to TREND work package B5 and are accessible through the TREND website. 2. Corridor Action Plans that have been mutually agreed between the stakeholders that can be implemented by the business partners. The Action Plans are an integral part of respective corridor related chapters. 3. Evaluation of the corridors with respect to the envisaged Integrated Project (IP) ”New Concepts for Trans-European Rail Freight Services”. The IP will be finally selected and awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the 4th Call (closing December 2005). The IP’s scope will be a business solution using to management and operational models involving external business relationships: such as collaboration with other mode operators and infrastructure providers; management of contractual arrangements with customers; strategic relationships with financial institutions; and/or market communication. The IP will aim to launch seamless freight services in (at least two) corridors. Within the scope of work package B2 a comparison and evaluation shall complete the examination of the TREND corridors. This final chapter therefore provides an evaluation framework that allows the recommendation of at least two corridors for the envisaged IP ”New Concepts for Trans-European Rail Freight Ser vices”. Thus the main focus is upon the establishment of new transport concepts and innovative transport techniques, not upon upgrading or building new infrastructure. 9.2 Criteria for evaluation The evaluation of the corridors takes place against criteria which are either on-hand (such as the transport volume and interest by the business partners) or presented in the European Commission’s work programme for the 4th Call 93. As a basis for evaluation five groups of in total eleven criteria have been worked out and harmonised within the TREND work package B3 (see Figure 9.3–1). In detail the criteria are the following: • Corridor freight volume separate for rail (1) and road (2) in million tonnes by 2002/3. The precise figures which have been elaborated in two market studies in the framework of TREND work package B3, and which have been agreed upon with the stakeholders, have been transferred into evalu ation points by means of a transparent scale. 92Colors: see Figure 8–1 93European Commission, Thematic Priority 1.6. Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems 1.6.2: Sustainable Surface Transport, Workprogramme 2002-2006 Year 2005 update Call 4A, June 2005. 137 9 Evaluation and recommendations 9.2 Criteria for evaluation • Estimated growth rates for the increase of corridor volume separated for rail (3) and road (4) in % for the time horizon 2002/3 to 2008. The year 2008 has been selected because the envisaged IP shall start its demonstration by then. The rates have been agreed upon with the stakeholders. The before mentioned criteria are essential as a measuring stick for the impact of proposed and implemented measures in freight services. • Stakeholder evaluation of corridor results with respect to – (5) Existing (infrastructure) capacity problems identified in the scope of the Corridor analysis and – (6) Potential for short-term improvement within the time frame of the Integrated Project (most probably 3 – 4 years), thus 2007-2010. – (7) Experienced commitment of stakeholders to collaborate in a joint project. • Compliance with existing European Commission initiatives to implement the Tran-European (Rail) Transport Network (8) and the European Rail Transport Management System (ERTMS) (9). • Congruence with specific aims of the 4th call namely to involve active New Entrant railway undertakings (10) and New Member States and Candidate Countries (11). • A final assessment of factors, e.g. the existence of ongoing European projects which are already dealing with the improvement of the Corridor or its section, and which would therefore limit the value added of additional RTD funding; in order to reflect this limitation 1 point has been subtracted to derive the final scoring. Each of these criteria has been rated within a scale with the following expressions: 5: excellent, criterion completely fulfilled 4: very good/very high, criterion preponderantly fulfilled 3: good/high, criterion partly fulfilled 2: fair/moderate, criterion preponderantly not fulfilled 1: poor/low, criterion (almost) completely not fulfilled 0: not at all or very limited, criterion not fulfilled Different criteria can thus be linked by adding the points set into a final scoring. A sensitivity analysis has shown that reasonable but different weights for the criteria will not significantly change the picture so that it has agreed to use the un-weighed criteria. The result of the evaluation is shown and explained in Figure 9.3–1. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 138 Similarity to other Corridor Studies Austria BRAVO Switzerland TREND B West small 139 0 to 2.9 3 to 5.9 0 6 to 8.9 low/small 1 9 to 11.9 2 12 to 14.9 3 good/high 4 15 and more Classification 0 to 9.9 10 to 19.9 20 to 29.9 30 to 39.9 40 to 49.9 50 and more Road Mio. tons n.s. 41.2 37.4 n.s. 10 17 26 23 36 27 53 38 22 20 36 23 0 to 4.9 5 to 14.9 15 to 24.9 25 to 34.9 35 to 44.9 45 and more Rail Growth in % 4 3 5 3 Classification very good/very high Rail Mio. tons 2 37.4 86.1 0 4 2 1 2 2 2 0 35 1 2 3 2 4 3 5 4 2 2 4 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 to 4.9 5 to 14.9 15 to 24.9 25 to 34.9 35 to 44.9 45 and more Road Growth in % n.s. 25 15 18 17 26 33 20 17 16 16 15 16 16 13 5 4 1 3 3 3 2 5 3 2 5 4 3 4 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 4 1 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 5 0 2 4 5 4 0 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 2 3 5 0 5 0 1 5 5 0 5 5 5 0 0 2 1 3 1 1 0 3 0 2 5 5 3 4 5 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 n.s. 2.64 1.91 2.82 2.09 2.36 3.00 2.64 2.73 2.73 2.82 1.82 2.82 2.82 3.55 2.73 2.00 2) 2) 1) 1) 1) 1) 2.64 1.91 2.82 2.09 Lack of stakeholder commitment 2) 1) n.s. 5 10 2 7 8 16 1.36 5 2.00 2.64 3 1.73 2.73 11 15 1.82 11 1.82 11 11 1.82 1.82 1 3 8 3.55 2.73 2.00 Traditional north-south axis with competition in place; high level of research knowledge already available; limited impact of IP see TREND B-West see TREND B-West see TREND B-West see TREND E 4 see TREND A 4 see TREND F see TREND C see TREND F see TREND F 2 5 2 1 2 see IQ-C/TREND B-West 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 9.3 Evaluation of corridors with respect to the envisaged IP large Italy Switzerland Germany 8.4 2 2 1 3 6.2 41.7 25.6 12.4 28.3 29.2 20.5 9.9 0 28 Classification 5 Germany Italy France Hungary 8.5 8.0 4.2 11.9 3 5 1 3 2 3 1 5 9.9 4 3 2 TEN-T Rail Classification Netherlands TREND B West France Netherlands Italy Italy TREND B West TREND E TREND A France France Slovakia Germany France Spain Germany TREND C TREND F France Germany France Switzerland/Italy 9.7 16.5 3.8 9.1 7.6 11.2 4.2 18.4 4 45.7 26 22 ERTMS Impact on attractiveness for IP IQ-C CER 5 CER 3 Spain France CER 2 TREND F Spain TREND F France CER 2 Estonia TREND F Poland Poland Germany Germany TREND E CER 2 Slovakia Italy Austria Slovakia/Slovenia Turkey Germany Germany BRAVO Germany Italy 14.0 5 3 3 Classification TREND D IQ-C/ Netherlands TREND B-West TREND C Switzerland IQ-C / CER 5 Switzerland 18.1 26 29 Scoring Restriction limiting potenital for IP Scandinavia Germany IQ-C Germany 2 1 Congruence Congruence with EU-Ini- with 4th Call tiatives Ranking (1. – 16.) TREND B-East Netherlands IQ-C Rail in Mio t 2003 TREND B-West Road in Mio t 2002 15.7 Rail in % 2003 – 2008 20.7 Road in % 2002 – 2008 0 0 Existing capacity problems 2.7 Potential for quick improvements 0.6 Experienced commitment of partners Hungary Stakeholder evaluation New entrant-RU Activities Slovenia Expected growth rates New Member States/ candidates Slovenia Italy Corridor freight volume Provisional scoring CER 3 Corridor Section Final Scoring TREND A CER 3 Corridor 9 Evaluation and recommendations 9.3 Evaluation of corridors with respect to the envisaged IP TREND corridors’ evaluation with respect to the envisaged IP Figure 9.3–1: 9 Evaluation and recommendations 9.3 Evaluation of corridors with respect to the envisaged IP (1) (2) (5) Under the headline ”corridor freight volume” the transport volume in terms of million tonnes per year has been transferred into evaluation points by means of a transparent scale. The analysis shows the differences of the present volumes between road and rail, and between the corridors. The corridor sections with the largest quantities of goods transported (both ways) on rail are Switzerland – Italy, The Netherlands – Germany, and Germany – Poland, while the largest aggregated road flows are between Spain - France, The Netherlands – Germany, Germany – Poland followed by France – Italy and France – Germany. Based on the corridor results on the existing – and remaining – rail infrastructure ”capacity problems” the corridor sections can be assessed. The largest quantifiable bottlenecks have been identified at the FrenchSpanish border, in line sections in Germany, Switzerland and (north) Italy. (3) (4) Based on the previous market studies and the ”estimated growth rates” which have been agreed upon with the stakeholders the future potential of the corridors can be assessed. Generally, transport volume increase is expected within all corridors, with peak values on Corridors C and D. The criterion market volume for additional rail freight services indicates which rate of the expected market increase can be exploited by new rail freight services and techniques. Indicators are e.g. • high existing and forecasted freight volume • low current modal split value for rail freight • actual lack of high quality rail transport services In this respect Corridor C shows the best perspectives: Its new EU members and candidate countries show above-average economical growth rates, which are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. This expected volume increase is not yet covered by adequate rail freight services, which implicates a big chance for innovative services and techniques. Considerable additional rail freight potential can also be expected for Corridor B-East (mainly by developing the Scandinavian market), Corridor D (in case of high quality rail transport offers on Poland destination) and F (mainly Spain relation by solving the track gauge problem). On Corridors B-West and E high level rail freight services have already been established for several years, further volume increase is mainly expected due to new infrastructure or within the scope of common transport market growth rates. Looking at the respective corridors it can be stated that most of the capacity problems on the lines are subject to current improvement activities, particularly on Corridor B-West (Betuwe-line, upgrading Offenburg-Freiburg, freight bypass for node Basel, Gotthard/Simplon-tunnel) and also on Corridors B-East and F. On Corridors C and D there are several ”white spots” with unknown activities, especially in South Eastern Europe and the Baltic States; on Corridor E as the only exception from the rule no nameable ”line” capacity improvement activity has been stated. Despite all these measures underway most of the bottleneck situations within the nodes and the terminals remain valid in the next year. Next to these infrastructural activities several projects have been launched to improve daily operation, e.g. co-ordination centre in Brenner station, CIFFA at the German – French border, or MUM and GOTI at the French – Spanish border. A serious unsolved organisational problem remains in the form of the Eurotunnel (Corridor E). (6) The aspect ”Potential for short-term improvements” fits to those corridor related problems which can be alleviated by measures with short- (and probably mid-) term effects, mainly caused by administrative measures, optimised data exchange and technical improvement. In this respect two groups of corridors have to be distinguished: The first group comprises the corridors with long established rail transport structures (B-West, B-East, and F). Within this category transport organisation has been optimised in the course of time and in daily operation. This manifests itself for example in relatively small time loss at the borders, compared to Corridor C or D, or in well-rehearsed operational procedures. Due to this the scope for improvements by further short-term administrational or operational measures is rather small. Suitable components could be Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 140 9 Evaluation and recommendations 9.3 Evaluation of corridors with respect to the envisaged IP • mutual acceptance of loco drivers (8) (9) • filling remaining gaps of electronic data interchange The European Commission has launched two initiatives with respect to infrastructure improvement, alleviation of bottlenecks and rail traffic management and commissioned high level representatives to co-ordinate the activities with respect to the implementation of the ”Trans European Transport Network” and the ”ERTMS”. Since it is vital for the IP to comply with those initiatives, the congruence of the corridor sections with the target sections of these corridor co-ordinators has been evaluated. Only the Corridor B-West is entirely covered while the other corridors are partly dealt with by the European co-ordinators. • consequent prioritising of freight trains • using common braking sheets and tail signals • changing rules for brake position between Germany and Austria (B-East) The second group implicates the Corridors A, C and D. Within these corridors short-term measures could be a big step forward, for example • on Corridor A (trust based handover of trains already in place at the cross border centre Italy/Slovenia) • on Corridor C (train operating on the basis of transport, technical and RID confidence, co-ordination of border activities) • by transport management on Corridor D (e.g. using common transport documents also in the Baltic States) • by electronic data exchange, keeping in mind that the hardware and knowledge conditions have to be completed first (especially in South Eastern Europe, Corridor C) On Corridor D and F a further large potential for technical improvement lies in new techniques for track gauge change (borderlines Poland/Lithuania, France/Spain). (7) The ”Interest of stakeholders in corridor wide transport services” refers to the stakeholders’ intention to establish a new rail freight service not only on dedicated destinations, but covering the whole corridor length. This interest is a necessary condition for stable and economically sustainable transport services. In this regard a great interest has been stated on almost all corridors, with Corridor D as the only exception due to less interest in rail freight services to/from the Baltic States. (10) (11) The 4th Call is targeting two additional features which is the involvement of active ”new entrant railway undertakings” and ”New Member States” as well as Accession countries. A considerable number and market share of new entrant railways was seen in corridors B only, while in other countries they have just started their activities. New EU members/Accession countries are directly integrated only in three corridors. Corridor C takes the first place in this criterion with in six countries of this group (including the candidates Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey). The Corridor D involves three and corridor A two new Member States. The final evaluation takes account of the reasoning of additional public funding in the framework of an IP which is fulfilled especially in the event of missing financial resources to carry out the necessary research and development work by the respective countries or institutions. In particular those (traditional north – south) corridors where competition is already in place might have difficulties to identify common ”precompetitive” tasks for a joint research project, while on other corridors it is basically the lack of commitment that jeopardises mutual collaboration although this is a prerequisite in the intended IP. Some corridor sections have therefore been marked and ranked accordingly. 141 9 Evaluation and recommendations 9.4 Recommendations 9.4 Recommendations Within this framework the most urgent needs with respect to the implementation of an Integrated Project (IP) on ”New Concepts for Trans-European Rail Freight Services” have to be seen on: • Parts of Corridors D (namely The Netherlands – Germany) where a new dedicated freight railway line will come into operation and requires the proper integration into the networks and operation concepts including interoperability. • The entire Corridor C with its high potential in south-east Europe. This corridor might be connected to sections dealt with in Corridor A (interoperability aspects for the transit through Slovenia based on the Italy-Slovenia common practice). In contrast the operating risks and additional research needs on Corridors B and E are comparatively manageable and should therefore be mainly taken over by the involved Railway Undertakings and (potential) customers. The recommendation made in the framework of the TREND Co-ordination Action with respect to the Integrated Project can under no circumstances replace competitive elaboration and submission of proposals and independent evaluation and selection which is to be made by the European Commission services in the framework of the 6th Framework Programme. • The Spanish – French border and the transit through France. Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 142 Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 1.1: Corridor A – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data Country Destination Country Origin Italy Italy Slovenia Hungary 200 Slovenia 300 Hungary 500 800 Sub-Total 800 1,000 Sub-Total Transit (from other origins to Italy) a.) Total rail freight [1000 t/a] 400 200 800 500 1,300 700 2,500 1,600 500 Transit (from Italy to other destinations) Total 4,600 Country Destination Country Origin Italy Slovenia Hungary Transit (from Italy to other destinations) Total Italy Slovenia Hungary 5 % 9 % 45 % 6 % 43 % 46 % 7 % Transit (from other origins to Italy) b.) Modal split rail freight 23 % 18 % Appendix 1.2: Corridor A – Detailed statistic road freight transport data Country Destination Country Origin Italy Italy Slovenia Hungary 2,968 Slovenia 1,653 Hungary 1,537 939 Sub-Total 3,190 3,907 Sub-Total 867 3,835 611 2,264 Transit (from other origins to Italy) a.) Total road freight [1000 t/a] 2,476 1,478 8,575 2,431 2,662 Transit (from Italy to other destinations) Total 13,668 Country Destination Country Origin Italy Slovenia Hungary Transit (from Italy to other destinations) Total Italy Slovenia Hungary 88 % 55 % 97 % 54 % 57 % 54 % 39 % Transit (from other origins to Italy) b.) Modal split road freight 35 % 52 % Appendix 1.3: Corridor A – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data Country Destination Country Origin Italy Italy Slovenia Hungary 32 Slovenia 1,147 Hungary 63 Sub-Total 1,210 Sub-Total Transit (from other origins to Italy) 65 33 – a.) Total waterway freight (including short-seashipping and transportation made with a waterway segment) [1000 t/a] 1,147 63 – 32 33 1,275 2,769 3,938 Transit (from Italy to other destinations) Total 7,892 Country Destination Country Origin Italy Slovenia Hungary Transit (from Italy to other destinations) Total Italy Slovenia 1 % 37 % 3 % – 57 % Hungary 3 % – Transit (from other origins to Italy) b.) Modal split waterway freight (including shortsea-shipping and transportation made with a waterway segment) 40 % 30 % 143 Appendices Appendix 2 Appendix 2.1: Corridor B-West – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data a.) Total rail freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Switzerland Italy Total Germany 10,939.3 2,135.3 243.3 Switzerland Total 335.4 1,044.1 12,318.8 3,214.1 10,509.7 15,859.1 895.4 2,248.7 12,449.2 36,214.0 Italy Total 1,110.0 724.7 4,484.7 578.0 3,103.3 16,534.0 4,127.5 b.) Modal split rail freight Italy 5,787.4 Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany 8 % 3 % Switzerland 26 % 7 % 26 % 21 % Switzerland 30 % Italy 45 % 18 % 15 % Total 5 % 10 % 19 % 9 % 51 % 16 % 39 % 27 % 19 % 46 % 13 % Appendix 2.2:Corridor B-West – Detailed statistic road freight transport data a.) Total road freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany 37,031.3 35,543.6 Switzerland 829.7 3,049.1 40,910.1 8,796.5 52,419.4 129.0 3,976.5 Italy 893.3 20,128.9 3,330.1 36,565.9 61,136.7 12,239.1 b.) Modal split road freight Total 8,079.3 Switzerland Total Italy 1,403.5 5,509.0 24,352.3 13,249.1 123,190.8 Italy Total Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany 29 % 54 % Switzerland 16 % 74 % 30 % 66 % 43 % 53 % 61 % 65 % Switzerland 16 % 74 % Italy 55 % 80 % 85 % Total 53 % 38 % 58 % 79 % 49 % 45 % Appendix 2.3: Corridor B-West – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data a.) Total waterway freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Switzerland Italy Total 3,880.1 0.0 84,871.8 958.9 1,236.8 30,581.2 437.0 273.5 0.0 634.7 0.0 28,822.5 81,899.9 4,839.0 b.) Modal split waterway freight 0.0 710.5 634.7 1,236.8 116,798.2 Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Switzerland 63 % 77 % 0 % 61 % 8 % 6 % 31 % 0 % 8 % 5 % 42 % 43 % Switzerland 54 % 5 % 0 % 3 % 0 % 42 % 51 % 23 % Total Italy Total Germany Germany Italy 144 Switzerland 28,385.5 Italy Total Germany 80,991.7 2 % Appendices Appendix 2 173 173 Distance in km Country IM Track Gauge Line Category 73 8 64 265 669 1192 3 61 311 311 Milano Chiasso Basel Freiburg (Brsg) 195 39 39 Netherlands ProRail Germany DB Netz Switzerland SBB / BLS 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 D4 D4 D4 100 km/h 120 km/h 100 km/h 120 km/h (Betuwe-Route) 100 km/h Maximum Speed Ludwigshafen Mannheim Köln Oberhausen Duisburg Emmerich Rotterdam/Maasvlakte Appendix 2.4:Corridor B-West – Important technical parameters for infrastructure – complete corridor (main route only) Italy RFI 120 km/h 80 - 90 km/h (Old Line) Tracks Country Track Gauge Relevant Clearance Signalling System Netherlands Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Switzerland Milano Chiasso Basel Freiburg (Brsg) Ludwigshafen Mannheim Köln Germany Italy 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm UIC-505-1 G2 EBO EBV 2 UIC-505-1 ERTMS / ETCS (Betuwe line) ATB / Crocodile AC 25 kV/50 Hz Energy System Oberhausen Duisburg Emmerich Rotterdam/Maasvlakte Appendix 2.5:Corridor B-West – Important technical parameters for traction – complete corridor (main route only) PZB / LZB (Betuwe line) DC 1,5 kV AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm 1950 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (NL) Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) Signum / ZuB 121 BACC / RSDD AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) DC 3 kV 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (I) Basic locomotive with four country packages (NL, D/A, CH, and I) Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 145 Appendices Appendix 2 173 173 Distance in km Country IM Track Gauge Line Category 73 8 64 265 669 1192 3 195 Milano Chiasso Basel 61 311 311 39 39 Netherlands ProRail Germany DB Netz Switzerland SBB / BLS 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 D4 D4 D4 100 km/h 120 km/h 100 km/h 120 km/h (Betuwe-Route) 100 km/h Maximum Speed Freiburg (Brsg) Ludwigshafen Mannheim Köln Oberhausen Duisburg Emmerich Rotterdam/Maasvlakte Appendix 2.6:Corridor B-West – Important technical parameters for service – Corridor B West completeimportant corridor (main route only) technical parameters for infrastructure 80 - 90 km/h Italy RFI 120 km/h (Old Line) Tracks 37 259 Country IM Track Gauge 52 46 39 311 350 39 Switzerland SBB Italy RFI Switzerland SBB Italy RFI 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 Line Category Chiasso 46 296 Distance in km Giubiasco Luino Giubiasco Basel Milano (Gallarate) a.) Gotthard route Milano (Monza) Appendix 2.7: Corridor B-West – Detailed technical parameters for infrastructure D4 D4 D4 D4 120 km/h Maximum Speed 120 km/h Distance in km Country IM Track Gauge Line Category 128 28 Switzerland SBB 24 59 Switzerland BLS 23 256 14 Switzerland SBB 90 90 87 107 107 Italy RFI Italy RFI 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 120 km/h 120 km/h Base-tunnel Tracks Only one track P/C 80 - 405 Milano (Rho) Busto Arizio Milano (Rho) Novara Domodossola 41 363 Switzerland BLS Maximum Speed 146 Brig Base-tunnel Ferden Frutigen Brig Frutigen Thun Bern Basel b.) Lötschberg route Domodossola Tracks Appendices Appendix 2 Appendix 2.8:Corridor B-West – Detailed technical parameters for traction Switzerland Track Gauge Energy System Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Italy 1435 mm 1435 mm EBV 2 UIC-505-1 EBV 2 Signum / ZuB 121 BACC / RSDD Signum / ZuB 121 AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz DC 3 kV AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1450 mm 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) Italy 1435 mm UIC-505-1 BACC / RSDD DC 3 kV 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (I) Milano (Monza) Chiasso Switzerland 1435 mm Relevant Clearance Signalling System Giubiasco Luino Giubiasco Basel Country Milano (Gallarate) a.) Gotthard route 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) Basic locomotive with one country package (I) Country Track Gauge Relevant Clearance Signalling System Energy System Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm EBV 3 EBV 3 EBV 4 Signum ZuB 121 ETCS Level 2 AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) Italy Italy 1435 mm 1435 mm EBV3 UIC-505-1 UIC-505-1 BACC / RSDD BACC / RSDD Signum / ZuB 121 ETCS Level 2 Signum / ZuB 121 AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1450 mm 1600 mm 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) Basic locomotive with one country package (CH) DC 3 kV 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (I) Milano (Rho) Busto Arizio Domodossola Novara Domodossola Brig Base-tunnel Ferden Brig Frutigen Frutigen Thun Bern Basel b.) Lötschberg route DC 3 kV 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (I) 147 Appendices Appendix 2 Chiasso Giubiasco Luino Giubiasco Basel Country Milano (Gallarate) a.) Gotthard route Milano (Monza) Appendix 2.9:Corridor B-West – Detailed technical parameters for service Switzerland Italy Switzerland Italy 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers 600 m 555 m 600 m 575 m Intermodal Gauge P/C 60-384 P/C 50 - 364 P/C 60-384 P/C 60-390 Maximum Train Mass 2000 t 1600 t 1700 t 1600 t Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard Track Gauge Coupler Maximum Train Length Country Track Gauge Coupler Maximum Train Length Intermodal Gauge Maximum Train Mass Switzerland 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers 2000 t 1435 mm 1435 mm P/C 80 - 405 2000 t Screw coupler with buffers 750 m Switzerland 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers 700 m P/C 80-410 P/C 80 - 405 4000 t 1300 t Italy Milano (Rho) Busto Arizio Domodossola Milano (Rho) Novara Domodossola Brig Ferden Frutigen Switzerland 700 m 3200 t Base-tunnel Switzerland Screw coupler with buffers 700 m P/C 80 - 405 Brig Frutigen Thun Bern Basel b.) Lötschberg route Italy 1435 mm 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers 575 m 555 m P/C 80 - 410 1600 t P/C 45-364 P/C 50-380 P/C 45-364 1600 t Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 148 Appendices Appendix 3 204 181 165 698 1141 Distance in km Country IM 97 73 1590 Germany DB Netz AG 1435 mm Track Gauge Line Category Maximum Speed 110 37 236 339 32 71 Austria ÖBB Italy RFI 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 D4 120 km/h 120 km/h Bologna Verona Nogara Brennero Innsbruck Kufstein München Lehrte (Hannover) Hamburg Flensburg Rostock Appendix 3.1: Corridor B-East – Important technical parameters for infrastructure D4 C3 120 km/h Tracks Country 1435 mm G2 EBO G2 EBO UIC-505-1 PZB / LZB PZB / LZB BACC / RSDD AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm 1950 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) Signalling System Bologna Verona Nogara Brennero Austria Relevant Clearance Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Innsbruck Germany 1435 mm Track Gauge Energy System Kufstein München Lehrte (Hannover) Hamburg Flensburg Rostock Appendix 3.2:Corridor B-East – Important technical parameters for traction Italy 1435 mm DC 3 kV 1450 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (I) Basic locomotive with two country packages (D/A and I) Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 Country Germany Austria 1435 mm 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Bologna Nogara Verona Bolzano Trento Brennero Insbruck Kufstein Wörgl München Augsburg Göttingen Lehrte (Hannover) Hamburg Flensburg Rostock Appendix 3.3:Corridor B-East – Important technical parameters for service Italy Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard Track Gauge Coupler Maximum Train Length 750 m 750 m 530 m 750 m 600 m P/C 80-410 Intermodal Gauge Maximum Train Mass 650 m 1800 t 2000 t 2000 t 1800 t 2000 t P/C 80-410 1800 t 2800 t 1800 t 2800 t 1100 t 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers 600 m 515 m P/C 80-410 P/C 45-364 1600 t 149 Appendices Appendix 4 Appendix 4.1: Corridor C – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 6,941.1 Austria 5,905.8 Czech Rep. 4,665.0 5,180.1 Slovakia 743.1 672.0 Hungary 978.8 n.s. Romania Czech Rep. 3,317.3 347.5 Slovakia Hungary Romania 469.1 1,251.5 68.6 n.s. 5,280.3 n.s. n.s. 17.4 3,916.8 1,509.5 317.8 n.s. 20.3 20.0 2,250.0 n.s. n.s. 31.2 n.s. n.s. n.s. 193.8 86.0 n.s. 780.3 66.0 3,800.3 199.7 n.s. 27.2 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 34.8 n.s. Serbia-Monten. 1.6 n.s. Bulgaria 1.6 1.2 19.5 Turkey 0.1 95 0.0 1.0 n.s. 2.1 n.s. SerbiaMonten. 16.4 n.s. Bulgaria 5.6 n.s. 38.9 397.6 n.s. 59.0 40.0 0.0 Turkey 0.1 94 33.2 0.0 527.3 154.0 a.) Total rail freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 29 % Austria 30 % Czech Rep. 32 % Czech Rep. 32 % 28 % 73 % Slovakia Hungary Romania 27 % 40 % 15 % n.s. n.s. 12 % n.s. 61 % n.s. 19 % 35 % n.s. n.s. 38 % n.s. n.s. n.s. 76 % n.s. n.s. 85 % n.s. n.s. 75 % n.s. 26 % n.s. Romania 6 % n.s. 28 % n.s. Serbia-Monten. 1 % n.s. Bulgaria 0 % n.s. 0 % 96 n.s. 29 % 0 % 96 3 % 71 % 23 % Turkey Turkey n.s. Hungary 1 % Bulgaria 68 % Slovakia SerbiaMonten. 13 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 13 % 8 % 27 % 70 % n.s. n.s. n.s. 4 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 28 % SerbiaMonten. 85.3 Bulgaria Turkey 110.2 656.2 76.3 52 % b.) Modal split rail freight a.) Total road freight [1000 t/a] Appendix 4.2:Corridor C – Detailed statistic road freight transport data Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 16,290.3 Czech Rep. 6,862.5 Hungary Romania 1,229.1 1,637.2 335.8 Austria 13,114.8 Czech Rep. 9,550.1 1,915.9 Slovakia 1,393.0 n.s. 1,266.8 Hungary 2,483.8 n.s. 568.3 n.s. Romania 541.9 n.s. 69.8 n.s. n.s. Serbia-Monten. 199.8 n.s. n.s. n.s. Bulgaria 231.4 90.3 130.5 1,334.3 203.1 25.0 Turkey 893.5 Slovakia n.s. 1,843.2 n.s. n.s. 616.5 n.s. 14.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. 78.3 203.2 n.s. 86.7 37.1 n.s. n.s. 41.0 n.s. n.s. 40.8 18.0 n.s. 119.3 0.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. 54.7 147.7 n.s. 4.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 385.3 198.0 94data refers to 2003 statistics. 2004 value is 136.5 [1000 t/a] 95data refers to 2003 statistics. 2004 value is 91.7 [1000 t/a] 96data refers to 2003 statistics. 2004 value is about 1 % Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 150 Appendices Appendix 4 Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 68 % Czech Rep. 66 % Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Turkey 76 % SerbiaMonten. 69 % 71 % 52 % 72 % n.s. n.s. 50 % 34 % n.s. n.s. 54 % 32 % n.s. 29 % 39 % n.s. 81 % 65 % n.s. n.s. n.s. 50 % n.s. n.s. 16 % n.s. n.s. 13 % n.s. Austria 67 % Czech Rep. 65 % 27 % Slovakia 54 % n.s. Hungary 57 % n.s. 74 % n.s. Romania 86 % n.s. 72 % n.s. n.s. Serbia-Monten. 87 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Bulgaria 61 % 74 % 87 % 54 % 38 % 26 % n.s. Turkey 78 % n.s. 96 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 25 % n.s. n.s. n.s. 38 % 36 % b.) Modal split road freight Appendix 4.3:Corridor C – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 811.2 Czech Rep. 272.7 Austria 592.1 0.0 Czech Rep. 403.1 0.0 Slovakia 456.2 n.s. 0.0 Slovakia Hungary Romania 40.1 274.0 n.s. n.s. 0.0 Bulgaria Turkey 38.5 SerbiaMonten. 21.5 102.7 1,279.0 n.s. n.s. 49.3 n.s. 0.0 0.0 n.s. 0.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. 9.8 n.s. n.s. 20.4 n.s. n.s. 18.4 n.s. n.s. n.s. Hungary 875.4 n.s. 0.0 n.s. Romania 53.8 n.s. 0.0 n.s. n.s. Serbia-Monten. 29.2 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Bulgaria 146.1 30.5 0.0 9.9 50.4 22.7 n.s. Turkey 377.0 n.s. 0.0 n.s. n.s n.s. n.s. 0.0 n.s. 101.4 198.0 a.) Total waterway freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria 3 % Czech Rep. 3 % Austria 3 % Czech Rep. 3 % 0 % Slovakia 18 % n.s. 0 % Hungary 20 % n.s. 0 % Romania 0 % Slovakia Hungary 2 % 9 % 9 % SerbiaMonten. 17 % 47 % 66 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 34 % n.s. 0 % 0 % 0 % n.s. 0 % 0 % n.s. n.s. n.s. 12 % n.s. n.s. n.s. 8 % n.s. 2 % n.s. n.s. Romania 9 % n.s. 0 % n.s. n.s. Serbia-Monten. 13 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Bulgaria 39 % 25 % 0 % 38 % 35 % 4 % n.s. Turkey 22 % n.s. 0 % n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Bulgaria Turkey n.s. n.s. 10 % 36 % b.) Modal split waterway freight 151 Appendices Appendix 4 Appendix 4.4:Corridor C – Typical market segments served by rail freight 2003 Country Destination Country Origin Germany Germany Austria • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles Czech Rep. Slovakia Hungary • Misc. manufactured • Manufactured articles goods classified • Chemical products by material • Beverages, tobacco • Machinery and transport equip• Mineral fuels and lubricants ment • Misc. manufactured articles • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles • Chemical products n.s. • Beverages, tobacco n.s. Austria • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles Czech Rep. • Misc. manufactured articles • Beverages, tobacco • Oils and fats • Oils and fats • Manufactured goods classified by material Slovakia • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles Machinery and transport equipment • Mineral fuels and lubricants • Crude minerals except fuels • Beverages, tobacco • Chemical products Hungary • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles n.s. • Misc. manufactured n.s. articles • Oils and fats Romania • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles n.s. • Beverages, tobacco n.s. • Chemical products n.s. Serbia-Monten. • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Bulgaria • Beverages, tobacco • other commodities Beverages, tobacco other commodities • Oils and fats • Chemical products • Misc. manufactured articles • other commodities • Beverages, tobacco Turkey other commodities • Magnesite Crude minerals except n.s. • other commodities. fuels • Oils and fats • Machinery and transport equipment • Beverages, tobacco • Chemical products. • Machinery and transport equipment • Oils and fats • Beverages, tobacco • Chemical products • Mineral fuels and lubricants • other commodities • White goods • industrial cargo • other commodities Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 152 Appendices Appendix 4 Country Destination Country Origin Romania Serbia-Monten. Bulgaria Turkey Germany • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles • Manufactured goods classified by material • Machinery and transport equipment • Misc. manufactured articles • Misc. manufactured articles • other commodities • Automotive construction materials • chemicals, wooden materials • polymer • pipes • glass products • other commodities • Chemical products Austria n.s. n.s. • other commodities • Mineral fuels and lubricants • Crude materials except fuels • Misc. manufactured articles • other commodities • Chemical products Czech Rep. Manufactured goods classi- n.s. fied by material • Misc. manufactured articles • Chemical products • other commodities Beverages, tobacco Slovakia n.s. n.s. • Chemical products • Misc. manufactured articles • Manufactured goods classified by material • other commodities n.s. Hungary n.s. n.s. • other commodities • Manufactured goods classified by material • Misc. manufactured articles • Mineral fuels and lubricants • • • • n.s. • Mineral fuels and lubricants • Oils and fats • Misc. manufactured articles • Chemical products • Misc. manufactured articles • Machinery and transport equipment • Beverages, tobacco n.s. n.s. Romania Serbia-Monten. n.s. Bulgaria • Misc. manufactured articles • Manufactured goods classified by material • Chemical products • other commodities n.s. Turkey • Misc. manufactured articles • Manufactured goods classified by material • Chemical products • Beverages, tobacco n.s. Cosmetics Industrial cargo other commod. Misc. manufactured articles • Chemical prod. • Beverages, tobacco • Beverages, tobacco • Misc. manufactured articles • Oils and fats • Machinery and transport equipment • Beverages, tobacco • Manufactured goods classified by material • other commodities • Food and live animals 153 Appendices Appendix 4 Appendix 4.5:Corridor C – Expectations regarding future development of rail freight market very low low high very high very low low high very high Germany – Czech Rep. (and vice versa) Germany – Slovakia Slovakia – Germany Germany – Austria (and vice versa) Germany – Hungary (and vice versa) Germany – Romania (and vice versa) Germany – Serbia (and vice versa) Germany – Bulgaria (and vice versa) Germany – Turkey (and vice versa) Slovakia – Austria Future development of total freight market Potential for additional intermodal block trains Potential for additional conventional block trains Potential for additional intermodal single wagon Potential for additional conventional single wagon Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 154 Appendices very low Appendix 4 low high very high Czech Rep. – Turkey (and vice versa) Czech Rep. – Slovakia (and vice versa) Romania – Czech Rep. Czech Rep. – Romania Hungary – Czech. Rep. Czech Rep. – Hungary Bulgaria – Czech Rep. Bulgaria – Czech Rep. Austria – Czech Rep. (and vice versa) Slovakia – Bulgaria very low low high very high Future development of total freight market Potential for additional intermodal block trains Potential for additional conventional block trains Potential for additional intermodal single wagon Potential for additional conventional single wagon 155 Appendices Appendix 4 very low low high very high very low low high very high Bulgaria – Slovakia Austria – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Austria Hungary – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Hungary Romania – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Romania Turkey – Bulgaria Bulgaria – Turkey Future development of total freight market Potential for additional intermodal block trains Potential for additional conventional block trains Potential for additional intermodal single wagon Potential for additional conventional single wagon Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 156 Appendices Appendix 4 189 591 Country IM 164 40 251 441 Germany DB Netz AG 120 km/h Maximum Speed 100 km/h 120 km/h 13 49 222 88 14 Lököshaza Budapest Cegled Szolnok Szajol Szob Sturovo Galanta Devinska N.V. Bratislava 58 71 Slovakia ZSR 140 328 117 Hungary MAV 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 D4 C2 100 km/h 80 km/h D4 Line Category 141 Czech Rep. CD 1435 mm Track Gauge Ceská Trebova Svitavy Brno Breclav Kuty Lysa NL 24 25 Kolin Usti n. L. S. Lovosice Praha Poricany Dresden Bad Schandau Decin V. Usti NLS 206 165 Distance in km Rosslau Lehrte Hannover Bremerhaven Bremen Hamburg Appendix 4.6:Corridor C – Important technical parameters for infrastructure (Seaport branch) 1435 mm C3 C2 120 km/h 80 km/h 120 km/h 100 km/h 12 116 107 27 57 Istanbul Svilengrad Dimitovgrad Simeonovgrad Tulovo Stara Zagora Gorna Orjachowiza Giurgiu Russe Bucuresti Ploesti Campina Ploesti Ploesti Arad Lököshaza Tracks 23 42 Romania CFR Bulgaria BDZ Turkey TCDD 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 70 km/h D2 65 km/h 65 km/h 157 Appendices Appendix 4 Country Track Gauge Energy System Hungary 1435 mm 1435 mm UIC-505-1 LVZ / LST ERTMS Level 2 UIC-505-1 LVZ / LST 1950 mm EVM AC 25 kV/50 Hz 1950 mm ERTMS Level 1 AC 25 kV/50 Hz 1950 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CZ/SK) Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) UIC-505-1 LVZ / LST DC 3 kV Lököshaza Szob Budapest Cegled Szolnok Szajol Galanta Slovakia 1435 mm AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Sturovo Czech Rep. PZB / LZB Signalling System Devinska N.V. Bratislava Germany 1435 mm G2 EBO Relevant Clearance Ceská Trebova Svitavy Brno Breclav Kuty Bad Schandau Decin V. Usti n. L. S. Lovosice Praha Poricany Kolin Dresden Rosslau Lehrte Hannover Bremerhaven Bremen Hamburg Appendix 4.7:Corridor C – Important technical parameters for traction (Seaport branch) 2050 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (CZ/SK) Basic locomotive with one country package (H) Basic locomotive with six country packages (D/A, CZ/SK, H, R, BG, and TR) Country Track Gauge Romania Bulgaria 1435 mm 1435 mm Istanbul Svilengrad Dimitovgrad Simeonovgrad Tulovo Stara Zagora Gorna Orjachowiza Giurgiu Russe Ploesti Bucuresti Campina Ploesti Ploesti Arad Lököshaza Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 Turkey 1435 mm Relevant Clearance Signalling System Energy System ERTMS Level 1 AC 25 kV/50 Hz AC 25 kV 50 Hz AC 25 kV/50 Hz Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Basic locomotive with one country package (R) Basic locomotive with one country package (BG) Basic locomotive with one country package (TR) Basic locomotive with six country packages (D/A, CZ/SK, H, R, BG, and TR) Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 158 Appendices Appendix 4 Lököshaza Budapest Cegled Szolnok Szajol Szob Sturovo Galanta Devinska N.V. Bratislava Ceská Trebova Svitavy Brno Breclav Kuty Lysa NL Kolin Bad Schandau Decin V. Usti n. L. S. Lovosice Praha Poricany Dresden Rosslau Usti NLS Country Lehrte Hannover Bremerhaven Bremen Hamburg Appendix 4.8:Corridor C – Important technical parameters for service (Seaport branch) Germany Czech Rep. Slovakia Hungary 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard Track Gauge Screw coupler with buffers Coupler Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers Screw coupler with buffers 600 m 600 m 740 m 730 m 750 m P/C 80-410 Country Romania Bulgaria 1435 mm 1435 mm Istanbul Svilengrad Dimitovgrad Simeonovgrad Tulovo Stara Zagora Gorna Orjachowiza 2000 t 1800 t 1400 t 2000 t Giurgiu Russe Bucuresti Ploesti Campina 2500 t Ploesti 3000 t Ploesti Arad 2000 t Lököshaza Maximum Train Mass 29 00 t P/C 70-400 t P/C 47-377 t P/C 70-400 P/C 47-360 00 P/C 80-410 Intermodal Gauge 650 m700 m 700 m 25 600 m 00 650 m 40 750 m Maximum Train Length 650 m Turkey Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard 0 53 m 0 m 60 m m 0 55 0 52 50 0 m Screw coupler with buffers t 00 14 t 00 t 550 m P/C 45-364 15 00 12 0 t P/C 45-364 11 0 t 00 00 15 Maximum Train Mass 55 0 0 P/C 80-410 t Intermodal Gauge 65 Maximum Train Length 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers m Screw coupler with buffers m Coupler 12 Track Gauge 1100 t 159 Appendices Appendix 4 10 45 686 101 119 81 25 184 374 Germany DB Netz AG 120 km/h Maximum Speed 80 km/h 127 D4 120 km/h 120 km/h 430 Lököshaza Szolnok Szajol Györ 46 Budaörs Budapest Hegyeshalom Sopron 65 140 117 Hungary MAV 1435 mm D4 Line Category 19 Austria ÖBB 1435 mm Track Gauge Wien St. Pölten Wien-Hütteldorf Wels Linz Passau Regensburg Nürnberg 89 44 103 90 Country IM Ansbach Würzburg Darmstadt 33 Aschaffenburg Wiesbaden Köln 185 Distance in km Mainz-Bischofsheim Appendix 4.9:Corridor C – Important technical parameters for infrastructure (Ruhr branch) 1435 mm D3 D4 D3 100 km/h 100 km/h C3 80 km/h C2 100 km/h 12 116 107 27 57 Istanbul Svilengrad Dimitovgrad Simeonovgrad Tulovo Stara Zagora Gorna Orjachowiza Giurgiu Russe Bucuresti Ploesti Campina Ploesti Ploesti Arad Lököshaza Tracks 23 42 Romania CFR Bulgaria BDZ Turkey TCDD 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm D4 70 km/h D2 65 km/h 65 km/h Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 160 Appendices Appendix 4 Country Track Gauge Signalling System Austria 1435 mm 1435 mm G2 EBO G2 EBO PZB / LZB PZB / LZB AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz Width of contact shoe (pantograph) AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz 1950 mm 1950 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) Lököshaza Szolnok Szajol Györ Budaörs Budapest Hegyeshalom Sopron Wien St. Pölten Wien-Hütteldorf Wels Linz Passau Regensburg Nürnberg Germany Relevant Clearance Energy System Ansbach Würzburg Aschaffenburg Darmstadt Mainz-Bischofsheim Köln Wiesbaden Appendix 4.10: Corridor C – Important technical parameters for traction (Ruhr branch) Hungary 1435 mm UIC-505-1 EVM ERTMS Level 1 AC 25 kV/50 Hz 2050 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (H) Basic locomotive with five country packages (D/A, H, R, BG, and TR) Country Track Gauge Romania Bulgaria 1435 mm 1435 mm Istanbul Svilengrad Dimitovgrad Simeonovgrad Tulovo Stara Zagora Gorna Orjachowiza Giurgiu Russe Bucuresti Ploesti Campina Ploesti Ploesti Arad Lököshaza Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 Turkey 1435 mm Relevant Clearance Signalling System Energy System ERTMS Level 1 AC 25 kV/50 Hz AC 25 kV 50 Hz AC 25 kV/50 Hz Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Basic locomotive with one country package (R) Basic locomotive with one country package (BG) Basic locomotive with one country package (TR) Basic locomotive with six country packages (D/A, CZ/SK, H, R, BG, and TR) Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 161 Appendices Appendix 4 Lököshaza Szolnok Szajol Györ Budaörs Budapest Hegyeshalom Sopron Wien St. Pölten Wien-Hütteldorf Wels Linz Passau Regensburg Nürnberg Ansbach Würzburg Darmstadt Aschaffenburg Mainz-Bischofsheim Köln Wiesbaden Appendix 4.11: Corridor C – Important technical parameters for service (Ruhr branch) Country Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard Screw coupler with buffers 650 m 1435 mm 1435 mm t 00 t 00 Istanbul 30 t 00 t t 00 00 20 Svilengrad 50 Tulovo Stara Zagora Bulgaria 27 1450 t Romania P/C 80-410 P/C 70-400 t 1800 t 750 m 20 P/C 80-410 13 P/C 80-410 Gorna Orjachowiza 1850 t Ploesti Campina Ploesti 2000 t 700 m Giurgiu Russe P/C 45-375 Bucuresti 2735t Ploesti Maximum Train Mass Arad P/C 80-410 Lököshaza Intermodal Gauge Screw coupler with buffers 33 750 m 750 m Maximum Train Length 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers Dimitovgrad Simeonovgrad Coupler Country 1435 mm 40 0 25 0 t 00 t 1435 mm Track Gauge Turkey Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard 53 m 0 m 0 60 m m 55 0 m 0 0 50 52 Screw coupler with buffers t 00 14 t 00 t 550 m P/C 45-364 15 00 12 t P/C 45-364 11 00 t 00 00 15 Maximum Train Mass 55 0 0 P/C 80-410 t Intermodal Gauge 65 Maximum Train Length 1435 mm Screw coupler with buffers m Screw coupler with buffers m Coupler 12 Track Gauge 1100 t Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 162 Appendices Appendix 5 Appendix 5.1: Corridor D – Detailed statistic rail freight transport data a.) Total rail freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Poland Germany 10,939.3 2,135.3 Poland Estonia Total 86.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 11,025.9 61.9 0.0 0.0 4,453.1 94.0 0.0 11.0 9,947.0 823.0 0.0 1,326.8 128.0 331.0 139.0 27,343.8 9,796.4 Lithuania 0.0 26.8 477.0 Latvia 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Latvia 2,255.9 45.6 Estonia Lithuania 203.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 260.0 2,180.9 20,762.5 2,819.5 358.9 1,083.0 260.0 b.) Modal split rail freight Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany 8 % Poland 6 % 19 % Lithuania Latvia Estonia Total 0 % 0 % 0 % 8 % 4 % 0 % 0 % 5 % 24 % 0 % 14 % 35 % 0 % 28 % Germany 3 % Poland 4 % 36 % Lithuania 0 % 1 % 86 % Latvia 0 % 0 % 0 % 46 % Estonia 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 41 % Total 3 % 12 % 20 % 13 % 35 % 59 % 35 % 5 % 9 % 12 % 11 % Appendix 5.2:Corridor D – Detailed statistic road freight transport data a.) Total road freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany Poland Poland 37,031.3 1,280.7 65.4 49.7 0.0 38,427.1 7,741.2 600.2 212.5 117.0 44,214.5 304.0 61.0 69.0 10,450.3 115.0 1,322.6 35,543.6 Lithuania Latvia 1,034.7 8,981.6 Lithuania 74.4 487.2 76.0 Latvia 71.4 317.5 101.0 240.0 Estonia 43.2 153.0 24.0 179.0 377.0 36,767.3 46,970.6 9,222.9 1,388.6 1,270.2 Total 570.0 Estonia Total Germany 242.0 971.9 776.2 543.0 96,162.6 b.) Modal split road freight Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Netherlands Germany 29 % Poland Lithuania Latvia Total 93 % 100 % 100 % 0 % 29 % 66 % 37 % 22 % 21 % 55 % 76 % 100 % 86 % 36 % 41 % 100 % 28 % Germany 54 % Poland 94 % 33 % Lithuania 100 % 18 % 14 % Latvia 100 % 6 % 100 % 54 % Estonia 100 % 8 % 100 % 100 % 59 % 55 % 28 % 67 % 52 % 41 % Total Estonia 65 % 15 % 27 % 48 % 38 % 163 Appendices Appendix 5 Appendix 5.3:Corridor D – Detailed statistic waterway freight transport data a.) Total rail freight [1000 t/a] Country Destination Country Origin Germany Netherlands Netherlands Poland 28,385.5 Poland 0.0 0.0 0.0 80,997.0 943.8 740.8 441.6 32,325.9 0.0 0.0 8,307.3 0.0 0.0 2,134.7 0.0 5,448.5 441.6 131,093.6 20.4 8,286.9 0.0 2,134.7 0.0 Latvia 0.0 5,448.5 0.0 Total Total Estonia 5.3 Lithuania Estonia Latvia 1,814.2 80,991.7 Germany Lithuania 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,880.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 28,405.9 98,742.0 1,819.5 943.8 740.8 b.) Modal split rail freight 1,880.2 Country Destination Country Origin Netherlands Germany Netherlands 63 % Germany Lithuania Latvia Estonia Total 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 62 % 15 % 59 % 78 % 79 % 40 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 29 % 0 % 0 % 45 % Poland 43 % Poland 2 % 31 % Lithuania 0 % 81 % 0 % Latvia 0 % 98 % 0 % 0 % Estonia 0 % 92 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 42 % 59 % 13 % 35 % 24 % Total 83 % 0 % 64 % 39 % 52 % Distance in km Country IM Track Gauge Line Category Maximum Speed 173 173 Netherlands ProRail 73 254 144 674 81 28 28 152 306 852 225 152 300 235 Germany DB Netz AG Poland PLK Lithuania LG Latvia LDZ 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1520 mm 1520 mm D4 D4 100 120 km/h 100 120 km/h (Betuwe-Route) 100 km/h D4 80 100 km/h km/h C4 C3 90 km/h 80 60 km/h km/h Tallin Valga Riga Meitene Kaunas Sestokai (LG) Sokolka Warsaw Poznan Frankfurt/Oder Rzepin Magdeburg 135 Berlin Hannover Oberhausen Emmerich Rotterdam/Kijhoek Appendix 5.4:Corridor D – Important technical parameters for infrastructure – complete corridor (main route only) 98 280 Estonia EVR 1520 mm 23,5 t 80 km/h (Old Line) Tracks 98Corridor distance of Latvia taken from: State joint stock company „Latvian Railway“: Network statement 2005. Corridor distance of Lithuania and Estonia approximately taken from: “Rail map of Europe” Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 164 Appendices Appendix 5 Country Signalling System Energy System 1435 mm UIC-505-1 G2 EBO ERTMS / ETCS Latvia Tallin Valga Riga Meitene 1520 mm Estonia 1520 mm 1520 mm Diesel Diesel UIC-505-1 (Betuwe line) DC 1,5 kV AC 15 kV/ 16,7 Hz DC 3 kV 1950 mm 1950 mm 1950 mm Basic locomotive with one country package (D/A) Basic locomotive with one country package (PL) Basic locomotive with one country package (NL) Kaunas Lithuania KHP AC 25 kV/50 Hz Sestokai (LG) Poland 1435 mm PZB / LZB (Betuwe line) ATB / Crocodile Sokolka Warsaw Poznan Berlin Frankfurt/Oder Rzepin Germany 1435 mm Width of contact shoe (pantograph) Magdeburg Hannover Oberhausen Netherlands Track Gauge Relevant Clearance Emmerich Rotterdam/Kijhoek Appendix 5.5:Corridor D – Important technical parameters for traction – complete corridor (main route only) Diesel Basic locomotive with three country packages (NL, D/A, and PL) Basic locomotive: e. g . Bombardier Traxx F 140 MS or Siemens ES 64 U4 Country Netherlands Germany Poland Lithuania Latvia 1435 mm 1435 mm 1435 mm 1520 mm 1520 mm Screw coupler with buffers Automatic coupler without buffers Tallin Valga Riga Meitene Siauliai Kaunas Sestokai (LG) Sokolka Warsaw Poznan Berlin Frankfurt/Oder Rzepin Magdeburg Hannover Hamm Bielefeld Emmerich Rotterdam/Kijhoek Appendix 5.6:Corridor D – Important technical parameters for service – complete corridor (main route only) Estonia Transloading Facility Marshalling Yard Track Gauge Coupler Screw coupler with buffers 700 m Maximum Train Length Intermodal Gauge Maximum Train Mass Screw coupler with buffers 690 m 750 m (Betuwe-Route) 615 540 690 (Old Line) P/C 80-410 650 m 700 m P/C 80-410 2735 t 2500 t 600 m 750 m Automatic coupler without buffers 1520 mm Automatic coupler without buffers 600 m P 75-405 C 77-407 P/C 70-400 5100t 4600 t 165 Appendices Appendix 6 Appendix 6: Corridor E – Overview technical specifications Deliverable Work Package B2 – Corridor-specific Reports 166 Appendices Appendix 7 Appendix 7.1: Corridor F – Overview technical specifications Appendix 7.2: Corridor F – Statistic data on freight flows (2003) Country Origin Germany Destination Country France France Germany Subtotal: Germany – France v.v. Total freight volume in Mio. t 30.2 Rail freight volume in Mio. t 4.0 Modal Split rail 13.2 % 32.1 2.4 7.5 % 62.3 6.4 10.3 % 13.4 % Germany Spain 8.2 1.1 Spain Germany 7.1 0.9 12.7 % 15.3 2.0 13.1 % 3.0 % Subtotal: Germany – Spain v.v. France Spain 15.2 0.5 Spain France 24.9 0.6 2.4 % 40.1 1.1 2.6 % 117.7 9.5 8.0 % Subtotal: France – Spain v.v. Total Corridor 167