Re-Cycle - December 2006 Edition


Re-Cycle - December 2006 Edition
President Dave Moot 952-703-0373
Vice President Jim Kojola 612-374-8913
Treasurer Linda Schunk 952-831-5065
Secretary Deb Riggs 612-869-7038
Newsletter Paul Meisel 952-472-2097
work 952-746-2361
Graphics and Greg.Claflin 612-529-5812
Club Historian Tom Jones 763-533-9163
Kerry Rasmussen
Tom Broich
Sean O’Neil
Gene Hostetler
Newsletter of the Viking Chapter
Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc.
Published Quarterly
March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, December 1st
Moot’s Point
December 2006
by Dave Moot
Greetings and salutations
from the ever cluttered
desk of your tireless
ell it’s that time of year
again to banish those
two wheelers to the darkest
corners of the garage and if
you are anything like me, you
will need to maintain access
PLEASE NOTE: Any Club member may
to a few bikes so they can be
attend the Board Meetings, however be
disassembled (again) in those
sure to let the person hosting the Board
frigid days to come.
Meeting know ahead of time that you wish
to attend.
There is not a lot going on as
far as club events go these
Winter 2006-2007
days but behind the scenes
one can detect a great deal of
Schedule of Events
activity in the preparation of
Seasons Greetings from the President.
next year’s 2007 National
December 13, 2006 B.O.D. Meeting (6:30p)
Meet which will be held at the Minnesota
Fairgrounds, June 15th and 16th.
Diamond’s Coffee Shop
as many aspects of Meet preperation as
1618 Central Ave. NE
we can think of.
Mpls., MN.
Deputy Judge
Jerry Richards
Roger Rimnac
Holiday Party and General
Meeting (4:30-9pm)
Richfield Community Ctr.
7000 Nicollet Ave. S.
Richfield,MN 55423
Questions, call Deb Rigg: 612-229-7244
February 2-4, 2007 Cycle World Show
Minneapolis Convention Ctr.
If interested in displaying a bike or volunteering to
work the Club’s booth, Please contact: Roger
Rimnac at 612-825-2550
February 15,2007
B.O.D. Meeting (6:30p)
Steve Hall’s
420 8th Ave. SE
February 22, 2007 Viking Chapter General
Meeting (6:30p)
Fury Motorcycle
740 Concord St. S., St.Paul,MN
Food will be provided.
January 6, 2007
If you have not heard, the 2007 theme will be “Recycle The Sixties.”
It will focus on what many people consider the “Greatest Decade In Motorcycling” and if you
find yourself grumbling at that last statement, bear in mind that the 60’s was a decade where
most of our classics came from virtually every country and manufacturer was well represented
and hundreds of models were available to the public.
Also every single bike of the 60’s is considered an “antique” by AMCA guidelines.
I personally think all of us were influenced in some way by the 60’s either by riding in the 60s
or riding a 60’s bike (could you say the same about the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s?).
The 2007 Meet ought to be a blast as we plan to include all aspects of life in the sixties in our
Meet format. There will be non-stop 60’s music, a number of grade B biker films showing,
tons of 60’s decorations and an overall “relive the 60’s” feel.
We also have a goal of displaying at least 100 bikes! This is where we need YOUR help!
In spite of my plummeting public approval numbers I appeal to you as your president to
please help make this a memorable meet. We need you to display at least one of your
classic bikes!
Original condition bikes are just as popular
as pristine restored bikes and any effort you
can make to help fill up the fantastic new
building we have would be much appreciated.
You do not need to have them judged if
you do not want to, however it occurred
to me some time ago that possessing
AMCA awards is the easiest and most
effective way to add more cash value to
your very nice original or restored antique
advantage of being in the heart of the city
while we’ll also see a fresh approach to the
classic events that make our national meet
the great time that we’ve all love. The goal
of the meet is to have the greatest Antique
Motorcycle show there is. A successful meet
will be the perfect event to enjoy the bikes
for both AMCA members as well as reaching
out the general public.
The theme for 2007 is “Recycling the 60’s”.
This theme borrows from the “Back to the
If you ever sell it or auction it off, it can’t hurt
to call it an “award winning bike” with what
has to be one the most respected awards it
could ever win, and that’s from the AMCA.
Volunteering for the 2007 meet ought to
be easier for you next year because of the
new location. We need you to help out
(even now) in any way you can!
When you attend our most popular holiday
party in January, bring your best hot dish, gifts
for the gift giveaway and any 60’s decorations
you might be willing to donate for the June
meet including posters, any 60’s motorcycle
magazines that can be used to make photo
motorcycle) etc.
Thanks to Steve Hall and Tom Broich for
putting on a great Garage Get-together
October 25th. If you would like to host such
a gathering sometime this winter, simply
contact me and we will be certain to announce
the time and place. I also wanted to say that
if there are club events you would like to see
implemented then please step forward and
you can make it happen!
50’s” idea taken from the Hot Rod crowd but
puts a new twist by moving things up a
decade. The 60’s was a transitional period
for antique motorcycles where insurgent
brands from Britain and Italy challenged
classic American marques. With the
beginning of the rise of hot bikes from Japan,
the 60’s is the perfect period to celebrate
So what’s Moot’s point?
Your involvement will make all the
AMCA National Meet
Minnesota State
June 15th – 17th 2007
by Sean O’Neal
he preparations for our 2007 national
meet at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds
are well underway. I’ll be writing a brief article
in each Recycle Newsletter to keep you all
up to date with the exciting new developments
as we prepare for what will sure to be the
greatest motorcycle show this town has ever
seen! Our new location will tap into the
growing interest in antique bikes within the
biking community and the general public.
We’ll have some new events that will take
bikes from around the world. What a great,
inclusive theme that everyone can relate to!
(Even a guy like me who literally had nothing
to do with the 60’s ;-)
“The Dinner Ride” – Keeping with the Viking
chapter motto of “Ride to Eat / Eat to Ride”,
there will be two chances to ride with your
buds and get some grub. On both Friday
and Saturday nights, there will be an
organized ride to a dinner destination in the
Twin Cities. Feel like dressing up in 60’s
flair and tearing up University Avenue? Let’s
all head over to Porkys! Wouldn’t it be great
to see how many old bikes we can get
together and go cruising through the city?
“The 100 Bikes Display” – Now that we’ll
be so close to the general public, let’s give
them a great reason to come on down and
share the excitement of antique bikes. Can
you imagine how awesome it will be if we can
get 100 bikes in our display? What a great
way to draw in the public while giving the
discerning enthusiast a world-class show.
There are a lot of bikers out there that don’t
know much about antique bikes except what
they saw in “The World’s Fastest Indian”, but
are very curious to learn more. There are a
lot of young people that have never seen
anything older than what shows up at
Dulono’s on First Thursday. Having a large
display will not only be the main draw of our
event, but will be a great way to educate the
general public on the huge diversity of bikes
over the last hundred years. There are
already 45 bikes signed up so far but we
need you to do your part to hit our goal.
Contact Linda Schunk (952-831-5065) to get
your bike on the list. Need help getting your
ride to the Fairgrounds? No problem! There’s
a transportation committee forming that will
help coordinate trailer haulers and bike
pushers. If you’d like to help out with this
committee, contact Gene Hostetler (952472-5063).
“60’s Biker B-Movies” – The lounge area was
a great hit in 2006 and there’s going to be
even more improvements in 2007. A great
addition next year will be round-the-clock
groovy biker movies from the 60’s. Some
flicks that you may remember and others you
wish you could forget! So far we’ve got “The
Wild Angels”, “Hell’s Belles “, “Cycle
Savages”, “Born Losers”, “Run Angel
Run”, “Hell’s Angels 69”, “Hell’s Bloody
Devils”, “Hell’s Angels On Wheels”,
“Satin’s Sadists”, “HellCats”. What a great
way to relive the wacky history of Hollywood’s
obsession with the outlaw biker in the 1960’s!
That’s it for this issues update. We need your
help to pull this thing off, so please volunteer
to help and keep your ideas coming. Contact
Jim Kojola (612-374-8913) to find out how
you can help or sign up at the next General
Meeting for one of the activity committees.
SWAP MEET by Paul Meisel
2006 Fall Swap Meet
by Tom Whittles
he Viking swap meet was held
September 17, 2006. Although the
meet was smaller than we hoped, we still
managed to make a profit.
:00am volunteers arrive at Perkins
restaurant for coffee, some
take a light breakfast.
We talk over our strategies and after a
Thanks to Tom Whittles who headed it
final briefing at 6:00, the motorcade
up and all the many Viking members
leaves the parking lot- on route to the
who helped out.
state fair grounds.
It’s dark out… the drizzle has
The Board of Directors is working on a plan
stopped… vendors wait for the gate to
Club members hanging out at the registration tent.
for much wider promotion next year.
open. The Viking Swap Meet Team
members leap into action! Barricades are placed to make lanes for incoming vehicles. Flagmen
I snapped a few random photos between
(with cool flags) direct traffic. Club member Rollie Stoehr arrives with the club trailer, he
customers. I sure wonder how that guy
unloads tables and chairs , like a man possessed.
made out with the outboard motor
With help, the big tent goes up and becomes “Swap Meet Headquarters ”.
strapped to the back of his
Vendors fill the north parking area as the temperature falls like a brick. At the peak of the
event- about 10:30 or so- we had about 5 rows of vendors.
One early vendor- Paul Koch- a long time flat tracker, mentioned that he had sold a mid
‘70’s Yamaha 650 rolling frame and a number of repair manuals but
Yep, he strapped an outboard motor on the back and we watched
the SR 500 in a Champion frame didn’t sell. Paul had just returned
him ride down Snelling Avenue, but never heard if he made it all the
from Bonneville and witnessed the Motorcycle land speed record raised
way home.
to 350 mph!!!
Viking club “Super Ladies” Deb Riggs and Gloria Peters emptied
the club trailer, reorganized all it’s contents, cataloged everything, then,
neatly, put everything back. We now know what resources the Viking
club has… about noon’ish a number of club ladies went to have some
lunch at Beni Hana Japanese Restaurant (when I arrived home after
the meet, all I heard was “The Lemon Drop Martinis” were delicious).
The sun did make an appearance in the afternoon. The crowd was
down from last year, most notable, motorcycle traffic was light. The
club took in about $1800.00 at the gate, we profited about $500.00.
Thanks to all the club members that helped out.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Dealing with the “riff-raff”. Club Prez Dave Moot.
Swap meeters
enjoy the new
hand washing
station. (Gloria
Peters and
Cheryl Whittles).
“OK which way
to the rusty
Rough weather at the fall swap-meet didn’t deter everyone and some good deals were made.
The Results of The Club Survey
The results of the Club survey are in and comments and percentages are as follows.
A special thanks to Lola Jensen for taking the time to talley up the results of the survey.
Members as of May 31, 2006
Replies received from members 50 or 22%
Do you ever attend the Farmington meet?
Yes 100% No
No Answer
Would you attend the Farmington meet if something were
different about it?
Yes 42%
No 8%
No Answer 50%
What would that be?
Comments: Don’t move from Farmington. Booth Babes. Not sure.
Don’t understand the question. Keep it at Farmington. I would go
more often if I knew vendors/exhibitions stayed on Saturday afternoon.
It is perfect the way it is. Moving it! No opinion. I would always
attend if I’m not called to work. More fun. No pets and no kids on
motorcycles. Location More room. I would attend it no matter what.
No more on site banquets Please(It’s boring for the ladies-anything
please) I would have to know what were different to answer that
question wouldn’t I? Why fix what isn’t broken.
Do you approve of the plan to change the location of our meet to
the Minnesota State Fair Grounds?
Yes 56%
No 36%
No Answer 8%
Comments: It will make riding antiques very difficult. Vendors from
the south will find the drive a big hassle. Bigger is not necessarily
better! I like small towns. Not opposed to changing locations but I’m
not too big on it being at the state fair grounds. Traffic! Scott county
fairgrounds are great. Heartily – way better location! Very good move.
Better location, more exposure. I don’t really know for sure. I’d have
us rather go further out in the country, not into the city. Nice change,
different, and may be hard to accept for older members All
membership should have been allowed to vote. Could send out ballots
as was a major item and over $200.00. Too late. Yes/No.
Have you ever brought a club t-shirt at the Farmington Meet?
Yes 84% No 16%
Comments: Can only wear one at a time. Never knew they were
sold there. Also show design in newsletter by the meet and sell in
newsletter also.
Do you have any club t-shirt suggestions?
YES 44% No 38%
No Answer 18%
Comments: Two Styles Light & Dark. Get rid of embroidery and
print them, Club graphics on back. Nat’l meet tee’s are fine. Not Yellow.
Don’t order so many too hard to sell. Don’t recall having seen them
for sale. Would buy one if it have a catchy slogan & graphics to
match theme of meet on front & Viking club logo on back. Screen
print because of shrinkage. Mix it up with bright colors! More bright
colors please! Less embroidery – good graphics. You’re doing good.
Lighter brighter colors not so hot in sun. Make club logo bigger.
Embroidered logo Not silk screened. Bigger logo. Rust never sleeps?
How about a Viking club t? Keep logo simple & clean & colors bright.
No black Don’t change design after it has been voted on. Less is
more as in size of lettering & silk screening. Leave them as they
Have you ever volunteered for any club activities?
Yes 76% No 24%
Do you have a sense that you are part of the club?
Yes 66% No 16% No Answer 18%
If not what would make you feel more welcome?
Comments: At the beginning of every meeting, event, etc. greet the
new folks. This group is hard to get to know. I feel welcome. Have
some events out of metro area. How about a “welcome pack” for new
member-club t-shirt, M/C oil, etc. Somebody saying Hi. Being
recognized as a member. Sometimes the club feels a bit cliquish &
if you don’t volunteer, club members try to make you feel guilty. More
events would provide more opportunities to get acquainted. More
comfortable for new people to work events but need to know specifics
where, when, see who. More interaction and rides. Cut out the clichés
and rudeness. For new members a personal follow up-e-mail-phone
call-a postcard. A board that is up front with members & no deals
behind their backs. Let the members make the decisions not the
Have you ever attended the banquet at Farmington?
Yes 56% No 44%
Now that the club is a (501 3C non-profit) organization are you
willing to denote any parts, memorabilia, motorcycles, to the club
for a tax credit? Yes 28% No 42% No answer 3%
Comments: Maybe later. If it benefits something like Make-A-Wish.
All my parts are in use. Not sure. Don’t have any. Maybe. (Tax Credit?)
If available. $? Perhaps for individuals or groups? If I had them.
Do you have any fund raising Ideas? If so describe.
Yes 14% No 42% No Answer 44%
Comments: Why more fund raising? Restore a bike and auction it
off. Maybe just do Bobbers & Customs. Learn to polish gold. I think
we make enough. Become more visible. Post club recruiting flyers
in mc dealerships. Host major cycle show in conjunction with national
meet. Charge more. Super Hawk restoration project. Toys for Tots
run in December. Chile Feed. Silent auction. Do a raffle? Sponsor
money per mile old bike ride. Why do we need more money?
What is your favorite club function? Sturgis ride chili feed at
Richard’s, fish fry Chicken feed. Farmington. Club Rides Swap meet.
Fall mystery ride. Spend money. Christmas party. General meetings.
All are good. Garage get togethers. Presidents & overnight camping.
Davenport. Rides. Filling out questionnaires. Old bike rides.
Farmington most popular followed by club rides and fall swap meet.
How long have you been a member?
Received answers from members who have belonged one year to
32 years.
Are you satisfied with the Viking newsletter?
Yes 88% No 1% No Answer 1%
Comments: It could come out sooner. Could do with better printing.
Excellent. Read it several times. Should be monthly or every other
month. Look forward to it.
continued on page 5
Are you satisfied with the Viking newsletter? Comments continued
Too many cartoons and inside jokes. Photos poor, print too small. Get rid
of square Dud cartoons a total waste of space.
Have you ever contributed articles, want ads, etc. to the newsletter?
Yes 46% No 54%Is the club better or worse for giving equal attention
to Japanese and European motorcycles?
Better 72% Worse 4%
No Answer 24%
Do you have any suggestions for new club events?
Yes 28% Mo 34% No answer 18%
Describe: Antiques only ride from Excelsior to Henderson. Road run
Northern MN. Keep meet at Farmington. Trips to King of Diamonds. More
garage time with specific tech events. Fishing trip. Card games. All club
events on south or east sides of metro get some on north and west sides.
Check out small town events. Have Viking presence at the GSTA and
World of Wheels show. Tours. Vintage Dirt Bike event. More rides for all
bikes. Internet forum to set up rides etc at any time. August BBQ. Thank
you dinner. Piggy back on some car shows.
Are there any club events you would like to see discontinued?
Yes 8% No 68% No Answer 24%
Comments:The move to State Fair. Judging on Sat. Exclusive parties.
Would you like to see the club change (events, rides, etc.) or stay
pretty much the same?
Comments: More rides. Same. Get out of the metro area. Make people
feel more welcome. Like to see it evolve. No one responds to emails. More garage tours. Rules enforced at Farmington. Change
location of Holiday party and have in Dec not Jan.
by Stan Mewhorter
ome members were to meet at Dave Moot’s home, and some of
us to meet at Betty’s Bike & Buns and hook up at Levee Cafe in
Hastings, Well! it was raining in Bloomington so Dave and Jim Kojola
took Dave’s truck to bring lawn chairs and a cooler to the hillclimb.
The riders from Betty’s just got a few sprinkles and road splashes on
the way to Hastings.
Five of us left Betty’s for Hastings and when we got to Hastings, Dave
Flory from Stillwater was there on his beautiful 1952 Triumph
After we ate breakfast Tom Broich led us to Red Wing taking the
back roads. It was a great hillcimb, some of open class bikes had
1400cc engines with over 200 hp.
On the way back home we went through Wisconsin on some windy,
hilly, fun roads. All the bike made it home on their own power.
The Riders and Motorcycles
Dave Flory
1952 Triumph Thunderbird
Stan Mewhorter
1966 Triumph TR6SC
Mike Blackburn
1970 Ducati 450
Rodney Schmitt
1972 Yamaha XS 650
Steve Hall
1975 Triumph Trident
Tom Broich
1978 Yamaha SR500
Dave Moot & Jim Kojola
chase truck
By Paul Meisel
he fall picnic was a giant success as usual. The turnout was
over 90
J e r r y
headed up
the grill again
this year and
fantastic job,
despite the
added hamburgers to the menu this year. Next year we promised
Jerry he would
have more help!
Dave Moot held
our August club
meeting after we
ate and Stan
Mewhorter kept
track of all who
rode motorcycles.
couldn’t have
been better, and
e v e r y o n e
seemed to have
a good
The Club ride to Sturgis August 6th, 2006
Meeting at the Hilltop
Don McGillvary and
Tom Jones.
Cafe in Excelsior.
Don McGillivary from Florida is a charter member of our club and former Club president. He is 74 years old and rode a 1974 360
cc Honda to Sturgis. It ran trouble free. Tom Jones rode his ’67 BSA Lightening. Tom had to fix a wire, but otherwise the
BSA ran trouble free. Although it rained on the way to Sturgis, it was still an enjoyable ride.
September General Meeting
at Motoprimo
he folks at Motoprimo made us feel welcome
with free cookies and coffee and a special
thanks to them for hosting our Club meetings
there over the years.
Among other items on the agenda for
tonight’s meeting was one big item and that was
the election of new Club officers. A vote was taken
and the new officers are as follows:
Vice president - Tom Broich
Secretary - Craig Kotval
Board of Directors
Paul Davidson,
Kerry Rasmussen
Ron Spargo.
Planning Meetings for the 2007
National Meet at the State
We need to really focus on getting people involved
in Jim Kojola’s weekly planning meetings for
National 2007. His meetings are on Thursdays
at 7pm at Delano’s Pizza on Lyndale and Lake
in Mpls. All Club members are welcome to attend
and contribute to planning ideas.
Also don’t forget if you have a bike to display for
the 100 bike display, remember the bike does
not necessarily need to be 35 years old.
For more info contact: Linda Schunk @ 952831-5065 and Jim Kojola @ 612-374-8913.
October 7, 2006 Fall Ride
Bits and Pieces
by Stan Mewhorter
by Paul Meisel and Greg. Claflin
t don’t get any better than this in October,
80 degree weather, peak leaf color and
lots of slow antique motorcycles.
Members started to arrive at Carol’s and
my home at 10 am. Carol picked up four
dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (she has
stock in Krispy Kreme, 5 shares) so she is
trying to get the stock price to go up. We
had coffee and doughnuts while waiting for
members to arrive.
We left for Crown, Minnesota at 11:15
about 35 miles one way. We rode down
West River Road through Dayton and Elk
River, then jumping on back roads to the
County Line Restaurant and Bar in
Crown. We went about 45 mph because
we had four slow motorcycles, my 1944
BSA-M20, Ron Spargo’s 1939 BSA-M20,
Tim O’Keeffe and his daughter on a 1958
250cc BSA C-12 and Doris St.John on a
motor scooter.
etty’s Bike and Buns closed it’s
doors for what we are told will may
be the last time. Betty’s was extremely
well liked by many motorcyclists and we
are all very sorry to hear about its
Ready a fall ride and it was a perfect day for it.
Thanks to Lola Jensen for tallying up all
the surveys returned from our members.
Our club has been invited to show
motorcycles at the giant Cycle World
Show again next year. The show dates are
February 2 - 4, 2007. Please volunteer to
show your bike, help with the show, or both.
Contact Roger Rimnac, 612 825-2550
Jerry Richards, Dave Rademacher and other Club
members chat before taking off to Crown
We had a good turnout with 18
motorcycles, and 24 people (nine of the
motorcycles were 35 years old or older,
legal antiques) When we pulled into the
County Line restaurant another club
pulled in at the same time we did. There
must of been 50 motorcycles there. We
ate in our own private room. After lunch
we headed back to Carol’s and my home
by a different route against a 30 mph head
wind. My 13 hp M-20 would only go about
40 mph with the throttle pegged.
We had no bike breakdowns on the run,
Steve Hall and Tom Broich ran the chase
Motorcycles and Riders
Ron Spargo
1939 BSA-M20
Stan Mewhorter
1944 BSA-M20
Dan Conlan
1946 Indian Chief
1947 Indian Chief
Dave Flory
1952 Triumph Thunderbird
Tim O’keffe & daughter 1958 BSA C-12
Jim Kojola
1971 Honda 750
Sean O’Neil
1971 Triumph TR6C
Kerry Rasmussen 1971 Triumph Daytona
Mike Warner
1973 Moto Guzzi
Bill Potter
1978 BMW
Marc Raffe
1992 Kawasaki
Paul St.John- granddaughter (Monique)
2000 Ural with sidecar
Paul Meisel
2000 Harley
Doris St.John
2003 Scooter
Ron Cossette
2003 Harley
Dick Erickson
2006 Harley
Jerry Richards & Trudi
2007 Harley
Steve Hall & Tom Broich Chase Truck
Jim Jones met us at Crown
We had a good turnout with 18 motorcycles,
and 24 people ( nine of the motorcycle were
35 years old or older, legal antiques)
There is a very nice article on our
Farmington meet which was written
by Gary Charpentier. Check it out at
The Farmington Addendum
Thursday, June 29th, 2006
For those of you who asked…
Here are some more of the photos I made
at the Farmington Antique Motorcycle
event. Wandering around the grounds on
Friday afternoon, I was overwhelmed by
the quantity and quality of the machinery
on display. In the limited time I had, there
was no way to stop and chat with all the
owners to learn all about each and every
incredible motorcycle I visited. Since a
picture is worth a thousand words, here
are several thousand for you to savor. I
hope you enjoy them.
Gary writes for the Minnesota Motorcyle
Monthly and the pictures are awesome.
The riders left to right is Dave Flory, Mike Warner, Dave
Rademacher, Dan Conlam, Stan Mewhorter, Ron Spargo,
Sean O’Neal, Jim Kojola,Kerry Rasmussen, Tim O’Keffe.
Wanted; Anybody out there interested in
running to the wall over Memorial Day weekend,
for the Rolling Thunder Run? If you have never
been to the wall it is a very moving experience,
should be unbeleivable with another 250,000
Bikes. I’ve never done the ride.It’s also the 20th
Anniversary of Rolling Thunder. Contact Jim
Curlee at 507-356-8857, any time.
Wanted; Chrome headlight rim for a 1967
Honda CB160 sport. Not dented,scratched or
rusty. If you have one to sell or swap,
contact: Greg. Claflin @ 612-529-5812 or email @