to see the program and read the cast bios from
to see the program and read the cast bios from
T h e h u n t i ngton be ac h pl ay house pr e sen ts t h e wor l d pr e m i er e of a n o r igi n a l mu s ic a l p l a y september 23 - october 9, 2005 book & lyrics by Joe Syiek music by Erik Przytulski directed by Stephen Reifenstein Medieval Heraldry Heraldry involves the use of colorful markings to indicate ownership over lands and was used in battle for recognition, serving as a rallying banner for men in combat. Each king would create or inherit a distictive herald to proclaim his rule, often drawing upon items of personal significance. The Crest of King Dereck Dereck ruled over his lands with a iron hand and believed that all should submit to him. His crest was a purple dragon on a gray field with a red edge, signifying: Purple - The color of royal privilege Dragon - A mythological beast of great mystical powers - symbol of fear where none is really warranted Grey Field - Life is like stone, hard and cold Red Edge - Hell awaits us book & lyrics by Joe Syiek music by Erik Przytulski directed by Stephen Reifenstein choreography by Edward Bangasser produced by Bettie Muellenberg co-produced by Michael Betts, Daniel Thomas & Joe Syiek A WORLD PREMIERE OF AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL PLAY BASED ON THE POETRY AND MUSIC OF JOE SYIEK CAST OF CHARACTERS The Crest of King Alec Alec rose to power on the strength of his dreams and his determination to put an end to evil. The crest he chose was a golden griffin on a red field with a black edge, signifying: Gold - The color of dreams Griffin - A mythological beast, part lion & part eagle - combining strength with the ability to fly - symbol of the power of dreams and their ability to take flight. Red Field - Symbolizing the blood spilt to achieve dreams Black Edge - Evil surrounds us THE GOLDEN DREAM © Copyright 2001 - 2005 Joseph A. Syiek All Rights Reserved The Golden Dream musical play is derived from The Golden Dream, a poetry anthology copyrighted in July 2001 by Joseph A Syiek. All lyrics, text, graphics, logos, artwork, music and other embellishments that are part of this play are protected by copyright law. No portions thereof may be duplicated, reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent. Any unauthorized use is prohibited and could be subject to criminal prosecution. No videorecording or photography is permitted during the performances. Alec Joanna Gavin Marget Desmond King Dereck Brock (Alec’s Father) Gerard (Joanna’s Father) Pismo the Smith Edward Bess Catrin Priest Bryn Bric Brac Jester/Little Johnny Jack Old Father Time The Noble King The Churlish Knight Doctor Do Good Adele Elaine Young Girls Dan Wozniak Nickie Gentry Paul Hanegan Adriana Sanchez Nathan Hieger Michael Keeney Brian Sipkovich Kyle McFarlan Ryan Coon Alex Syiek Deidre Doyle Arroya Karian Mike Bower Kristin Taylor Schlick Trevor Gardner Shane Cervantes Ryan Marks Tracey Slonim Brittany Beaudry Rachel Buffett, Marisa Saggiani Joanna Syiek Samantha Burbidge Perry & Marlena Mattfeld THE HUNTINGTON BEACH P L AY H O U S E BOARD OF DIRECTORS Catherine Stip President Harold Gooder Vice President Lisa Andrews Secretary Debbie Henderson Treasurer Dawn Conant Business Manager Monica Bartolone Michael Betts Marjie Ferguson Chris Grisey Heidi Hummel-Grant BJ O’Rourke Smith James E Reagan II Nathan Singh Ray Stirling Daniel Thomas Phil de Barros President Emeritus June Chow Office Manager Bettie Muellenberg Community Liaison/ Resident Costumer Betty Greene Laurie Fisher Box Office Staff Jan Fournier Encore Coordinator Diane Loefler Historian We Need Your Help! For over 40 years, the Playhouse has provided live theatre to the residents of Huntington Beach and the surrounding area. To continue to grow and thrive, it is important for the Playhouse to find a permanent home to call our own. As you might guess, this is an enormous undertaking, and one that has been years in the dreaming and planning stages. To help make this dream a reality and to ensure that live theater remains a vital part of Huntington Beach’s cultural life, we are appealing to you - our loyal subscribers, patrons and volunteers. Of course, cash donations of any amount are always welcome (and fully tax-deductible), but we also have a “wish list” of other items that will help us make the transition into a new home: • • • • • • • • • • • • Truck Lighting/Sound Equipment Carpet Paint Construction Supplies Architectural Renderings Lobby Furnishings Display Cabinets Costume/Prop Organization Products Storage Products Piano/Keyboard Construction Volunteer Workers Goods and services like those listed above also are tax-deductible. For more information, please see one of our Board members in the lobby or call our office at (714) 375-0696. Thanks for attending today’s show and for helping the Playhouse bring live theatre to the community! PRODUCTION STAFF Director Musical Director Dance/Fight Choreographer Producer Co-Producers Stage Manager Set Designer, Dresser & Scenic Artist Master Carpenter Lighting Designer Sound Designer Costume Designer Costumes Provided By Production Assistant Choreographer’s Assistant Prop Manager Facilities Director Light Board Operator Sound Board Supervisor Program, Poster & Flyer Design Audition Assistants Stephen Reifenstein Erik Przytulski Edward Bangasser Bettie Muellenberg Michael Betts, Daniel Thomas, and Joe Syiek Jonna Hutchinson Andrew Otero Chris Love Kiana St. Laurent Ron Wyand Andrew Otero Valentino’s Costumes and Jeffrey Shoenberg Joanna Syiek Shelley Millet Catherine Stip Harold Gooder Kiana St. Laurent, Nancy Evans Jonna Hutchinson Joe Syiek Bess Burke, Jan Fournier NOTE: Fog machines and battle-ready swords will be used during the performance SPECIAL THANKS To Joanna Syiek for hours of work and lots of creativity in promotion, publicity and production assistance To Costco Wholesale for their generous donation of food and beverages for the Opening Night “Meet & Greet” Reception To Rocky Castro and all the crew at SGX Media for their fine work and support in the cost of printing this program for more information about this show, please visit w w w. t h e g o l d e n d re a m . c om BOX OFFICE INFORMATION Hours of Operation: Monday 4:30-8:30 PM; Tuesday & Wednesday 1:00-8:00 PM Thursday 1:00-6:00 PM; Friday & Saturday 1:00-5:00 PM; Closed Sunday The Box Office also is open one hour prior to each performance for ticket sales and will-call for that day’s performance only. Exchanges are not processed during the one hour prior to performances. Box Office Phone: (714) 375-0696 Story synopsis Scenes & Musical Numbers Surrounded by poverty and despair, a young man achieves what many can only dream of -- freedom from oppression and success in life and love. Nonetheless, he cannot stop a never-ending quest that deprives him of joy and leads to his undoing. Prologue: On the Outskirts of a Medieval Village “Fairy Tale Lands (Intro)” Act I In a medieval land, a young man rallies the people with dreams of a better life. Using cunning and stealth, they overthrow an oppressive king and the young leader assumes the throne. Taken by the beauty of the ex-king’s stepdaughter, he is disappointed when she spurns his advances and soon becomes frustrated by the politics of court. When word comes that a dark knight is terrorizing the realm, he decides that putting an end to such evil must be his true calling. Finally won over by the new king’s compassion and conviction, the lady’s heart softens. Scene One: Medieval Village and Castle “Cockaygne Ditty” “Golden Cities” “Across The Moat” Scene Two: Village and Castle “This I Vow” - Part 1 “This I Vow” - Part 2 Scene Three: Village and Castle “Free Men” “Golden Cities (Reprise)” Scene Four: In the Castle “Day At Court” “The Ruler” “Softly She’s Touched Me” Scene Five: Jousting Field “Champion” “Answer To The Call” Scene Six: In the Castle “Before Another Day Goes By” “The One That I Adore” “Act I Finale” Act II Fifteen years later, returning from yet another battle, the king and his men receive a warm welcome home. But, while they recuperate, the dark knight lurks nearby and lays out a plan to entrap the king. When the king decides the time has come to leave again, the people sense that their idyllic kingdom is slipping away. One night, on a distant battlefield with his troops near exhaustion, the king acknowledges the error of his ways and resolves that this campaign will be his last. The battle rages again until it seems the dark knight is finally captured. After a final confrontation, the remaining men return home, and the people reminisce for all that they had and lost. About cockaygne (pronounced Kaw-KANE) “Far in the sea, to the west of Spain there is a land we call Cockaygne. Under God’s heaven no other land has such wealth and goodness to hand. Though Paradise be merry and bright, Cockaygne is yet a fairer sight.” -- The Land of Cockaygne 13th Century French Poem An imaginary land of ease and luxury, references to Cockaygne are prominent in medieval European lore. In 1790, George Ellis printed a 13th century French poem called “The Land of Cockaygne” where “the houses were made of barley sugar and cakes, the streets were paved with pastry, and the shops supplied goods for nothing.” Like Atlantis and El Dorado, the land of Cockaygne was a fictional utopia, a place where idleness and gluttony were the principal occupations. In Cockaygne, buildings and roads were made of food just waiting to be devoured and money could be earned even while one slept. Grounded in peasant culture, the tales of Cockaygne offered medieval men and women a way to cope with immediate concerns of famine and backbreaking work, as well as more monumental fears about heaven and the recently discovered New World. Over time, as control over food supplies increased and a more modern work ethic was established, these fears diminished and the stories about Cockaygne faded away. Old Minstrel ACT ONE Peasants Alec, Gerard & Ensemble Alec, Gavin & Brock Alec Marget & Joanna Alec & Peasants Ensemble Alec, Gavin, Marget & Ensemble Alec, Gavin & Ensemble Alec & Joanna Alec & Joanna Alec & Ensemble Marget & Joanna Alec & Joanna Ensemble There will be a fifteen minute intermission ACT TWO - fifteen years later - Scene One: In the Castle “Welcome Back Again” “Mummer’s Play” “Fuel On The Fire” Scene Two: Castle Garden “Go Slowly” “Please, Good Lord” Scene Three: In the Castle & Garden “The One That I Adore (Reprise)” Scene Four: In the Village “In Cockaygne” Scene Five: On a Distant Battlefield “Valhalla” “Dust & Death” Scene Six: In the Village “Fairy-Tale Lands” Ensemble Company of Actors Desmond & Alec Joanna & Gavin Marget & Alec Alec & Joanna Alec, Gavin & Ensemble Alec, Desmond & Men Alec & Desmond Joanna, Gavin, Alec & Ensemble the PLAYWRIGHT the DIRECTOR A Huntington Beach resident and business owner, Joe Syiek also is a published poet and songwriter whose works include Echoes of An Era, Saga and a poetry anthology, The Golden Dream, that was the basis for this play. He has carried this story and most of the melodies in his head for many years, having penned the first lines over 25 years ago. A member of ASCAP and the Dramatists Guild, Joe considers himself fortunate to have found a creative and skillful composer, an energetic and imaginative director, and an extraordinarily talented and enthusiastic cast to bring the production to life. Thanks also go to the Huntington Beach Playhouse and especially to our producer Bettie Muellenberg for her tireless efforts and unwavering support. Most importantly, he thanks his wife and children for all their love and patience. It is a great pleasure for Stephen Reifenstein to be directing his first show at the Huntington Beach Playhouse and he feels honored to have been chosen to bring to life this World Premiere of The Golden Dream. He is, however, no stranger to the HBPH stage, having performed in Damn Yankees and Grease a few years ago. Stephen’s previous directing credits include record-breaking productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Annie for La Habra Depot Theatre, Aladdin for Broadway on Tour, and Bye Bye Birdie and Guys and Dolls for Orange County Children’s Theatre. Acting credits include various roles in Annie Get Your Gun for Saddleback CLO, Oklahoma! for Downey CLO and many other roles for La Habra Depot Theatre including the upcoming reprisal of Mr. Marshall in John Blaylock’s original musical, A Christmas Show. Theatre has been in Stephen’s blood since he was cast in his first show over 18 years ago and he hopes to continue to expand his career and knowledge for the next 18 years and more. He sends special thanks to his friend and choreographer Edward for his expertise, to Bettie Muellenberg for her support, to Erik for his amazing music and to Joe for trusting him with his story. the COMPOSER & Musical Director Erik Przytulski (pronounced “pruh-TOLL-skee”), studied music and composition at Berklee College of Music where he was president of the Songwriters’ Forum and received the prestigious Songwriting Achievement Award. After college, Erik created Pretzyl Music Productions and returned to California to expand his writing and performing services. Previous songwriting projects include: The Alma Mater for P.S. 60 in Staten Island; Keith’s Rhapsody for Peer to Peer Productions; music for the comicstrip Melonpool by Steve Troop; composer for Musicland by Auriel Wyndham Livezey; radio/television jingles; and numerous other film score and song credits. Erik also works as a private piano and music theory instructor, is piano accompanist for the Waldorf School in Costa Mesa, and is keyboardist for the critically acclaimed new band “Natusol.” The Golden Dream is his first fully composed musical work and he is grateful to Joe Syiek for the opportunity to help bring this story to life. Erik would like to thank his family and friends for their unending support, the amazing cast and crew, and you, the audience, for joining us in this debut performance. DON’T FORGET! the Golden Dream souvenirs & memorabilia on sale in the lobby CDs DVDs T-Shirts Cast-Signed Posters a portion of all proceeds benefit the Huntington Beach Playhouse help support local live Theatre Enjoy the show! “Like hungry guests, a sitting audience looks. Plays are like suppers; poets are the cooks. The founder’s you; the table is the place. The carvers we; the prologue is the grace. Each act, a course; each scene, a different dish.” CAST PROFILES Samantha Burbidge - Elaine, Ensemble Samantha is enrolled in the Academy for Performing Arts at Huntington Beach High School where she has appeared in 42nd Street (ensemble) and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Hermia) Her hobbies include dance and soccer. She would like to give thanks to God, family, and friends for being “just plain awesome.” - from The Inconstant by George Farquhar, 1702 CAST PROFILES (in Alphabetical Order) All Huntington Beach Playhouse cast members are talented artists who give their time, energy, skill and creativity in an effort to entertain you. They receive no compensation other than your applause and appreciation. Please join the producers in thanking them. Shane Cervantes - Brac, Sir Shane, Ensemble Shane is a senior at Newport Harbor High School and is proud to make his debut at HBPH. He has worked backstage on many productions and made his on-stage debut in NHHS’s Man of La Mancha. You also may have seen him in Babes in Arms (Peter), Tom Sawyer (Injun Joe), How to Succeed in Business... (Tackleberry), Seussical: The Musical (General Schmitz), and Anything Goes (Mr. Whitney). He would like to thank all who have helped and supported him through the years and offer a special thanks to those who gave him the chance to be part of this show. Brittany Beaudry - Seamstress, The Noble King, Ensemble Brittany is happy to be making her debut at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Favorite past roles include Eulalie Shinn (The Music Man), Kit Kat Girl (Cabaret) and Sarah Brown (Guys and Dolls). She attends the Orange County High School of the Arts with plans to attend AMDA in Los Angeles. She wants to give special thanks to Stephen Reifenstein, the cast and writers, her parents and to her best friend Dan Wozniak. I love you so much. Thank you for all of your love and support! Ryan Coon - Pismo the Smith This is Ryan’s first performance at the Huntington Beach Playhouse and he is very pleased to be performing with such a wonderful cast and crew. Recently, he was seen in Santa Ana College’s productions of Hair and James and the Giant Peach. He hopes you enjoy the show! Mike Bower - Priest Mike is pleased to be returning to the Huntington Beach Playhouse having appeared on this stage as Lazar Wolf in Fiddler on the Roof. He is a familiar face around SoCal theater, recently completing a run as Jacob in the La Habra Depot Theater production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Among his other favorite roles are Pa Carnes in Oklahoma!, the Barber in Man of La Mancha, Capt. Bracket in South Pacific, Frank Gilbreth in Cheaper by the Dozen, and Arvide in Guys and Dolls. Mike is a professor of communications at Cal State Fullerton and is delighted to work with this outstanding cast. Thanks to his first love, Jenny, for her support and understanding of his “second love”… theater. Rachel Buffett - The Churlish Knight, Ensemble Rachel Buffett has trained in dance, voice, and long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, was on drama team. She made her musical debut at HBPH last summer in The Pirates of Penzance, and is pleased to return to this lovely organization. She comments... “I’m simply ecstatic to be in an original cast! I thank God for everything!!! To my family, friends and teacher, I love you guys! To the general public, ‘If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain’t been in vain for nothin.’ Bless you all!” Deidre Doyle - Bess Deidre is so excited to be performing in this brand new show! She is currently a senior at Huntington Beach High School and is in her 4th year at the Academy of the Performing Arts. Her favorite roles include Daisy Mae in Li’l Abner, Val in A Chorus Line, Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, and Deborah Sue in Bye, Bye Birdie. Deidre would like to thank her voice coach, Sharon Cowan, for her support and all her friends and family for their never-ending love. Trevor Gardner - Bric, Cook, Sir Trevor, Ensemble This is Trevor’s 25th show; his favorite roles include: Young Don in Singin’ in the Rain, Vincent in Beast on the Moon and Sim in the world premiere of Ray Bradbury’s Frost and Fire. He appeared in the film Virtuosity with Russel Crowe and Denzel Washington and Three Wishes with Patrick Swayze, has performed on a cruise ship to Alaska, is on the varsity dive team at Marina High and is a Surf City Singer at Huntington Beach High. He thanks Sharon Cowan and everyone involved in this show. CAST PROFILES Nickie Gentry - Joanna Nickie is thrilled to be accomplishing at 25 one of her lifetime dreams: originating a role in a world premiere musical. After graduating from USC, she took to the high seas for 8 months to perform on the cruise ship Rotterdam. Since returning, she has taken a different path and now works at a financial services company. Some of her favorite roles include Frenchie in Grease, Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors and Marsinah in Kismet. This show is for those of you who have encouraged the passion inside; for my family and the ones I love most. Paul Anthony Hanegan - Gavin Paul is happy to be making his debut at HBPH. He has been seen previously as the Baker in Into the Woods at Vanguard University and as ensemble in Fiddler on the Roof at Performance Riverside. He has a BA in Theater Arts from Vanguard University. Favorite roles include Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors; Danceny in Les Liaisons Dangereuses; Rosencrantz in Hamlet; and Combferre/Ensemble in Les Miserables. Film roles include King David in The Third Psalm and Man on Bus in Arizona. To the cast: “I am privileged to have taken this journey with you.” To Joe, Stephen and Erik: “I feel honored to be a part of making your vision a reality.” To the audience: “You may never realize what you have until it is gone - your golden dream may be right here right now!” Nathan Hieger - Desmond Nathan is excited to be making his HBPH debut for this world premiere of The Golden Dream, which follows hot on the heels of the role of George in Schoolhouse Rock Live! at the Newport Theatre Arts Center. Nathan holds a bachelor’s degree in vocal music performance from UCI and has been performing in Opera Pacific’s Opera Chorus since 2001. In the past four years he has performed in twelve different operas in venues including Orange County Performing Arts Center, Pacific Amphitheater and the Hollywood Bowl. Nathan recently played the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, Fyedka in Fiddler on the Roof and Rapunzel’s Prince in Into The Woods. Arroya Karian - Catrin Enrolled in APA at Huntington Beach High School, Arroya has appeared in Alice in Wonderland (Alice), Annie (Grace), You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Marcie), Evita (ensemble), The Wizard of Oz (dancer), Peter Pan (Twin), The King and I (Twin Child and Little Eva), West Side Story (dancer), and Little Shop of Horrors (ensemble). She has trained with Jimmy Defore (Dance), Megan Bodel (Ballet/Pointe), Carrie Hacker (Tap/Jazz), Sharon Cowan, John Blaylock and Elizabeth Burson (Voice), Improv (Earl Byers). Arroya was the Long Beach and Sunset League High Jump Champion; she has been doing musical theater since age four and loving every minute of it! CAST PROFILES Michael J. Keeney - King Dereck, Drunken Man, Ensemble Michael is making his HBPH debut in this world premiere production and is very happy to be here. Some of his favorite roles include Renfield in Dracula, ensemble in Tommy and Little Shop of Horrors, Hudson Landers in the Interactive Mystery Theater production of Audition for Murder. Michael enjoys rock climbing, stunt work, music and video editing and writing short stories, poems & scripts during his free time, which he expects will diminsh once he gets married in May 2006. Ryan Marks - Jester, Little Johnny Jack, Dance Captain Ryan is enrolled in APA at Huntington Beach High School and has appeared in Bugsy Malone (Bugsy Malone), Lil’ Abner (Romeo Scragg), Fiddler on the Roof (Motel), numerous dance shows, and many other musicals! He has studied voice with Sharon Cowan and dance with Andrea Elliot and Marie Hoffman. An honor student, Ryan has received numerous awards recognizing his talent in dance and theatre. He enjoys listening to music, dancing, choreography, reading and playing the piano. Marlena Mattfeld - Mary (Joanna & Alec’s Younger Daughter) I’m not really a royal princess; I’m 9 years old and when I’m not burning up the tennis court, I do excellent in school, play piano and sing in a children’s choir. I have been in several musicals but my favorite shows to be in are the ones that Stephen Reifenstein directs. You may have seen me as a Hairy Ishmaelite in his production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I hope you enjoy spending time with me in this fairy-tale land. Shining a bright light . . . . . . on all the great talent in this show... Break A Leg! Perry Mattfeld - Laura (Joanna & Alec’s Older Daughter), Ensemble SoCal MLS REALTOR® Call me today to buy or sell 714-642-3732 ALL COAST B R Call Sharon Devaney First! O K E R ® S Good day royal subjects, I am proud to be in the first production of The Golden Dream. I’m 11, and have been singing/dancing since I was 4 in musical theatre productions with Orange County Children’s Theatre, dance ballet in The Nutcracker every year, and just completed a dance intensive with Debbie Allen’s Dance Academy. I will appear in two major motion pictures this year. I love life and it’s especially good when I’m under the direction of Stephen Reifenstein; he’s the best! Special thanks to my family and to Joe and Erik for letting me be part of their real life dream come true. Kyle McFarlan - Gerard, Messenger, Ensemble Area Specialist LISTING and SELLING HOMES This is Kyle’s first appearance on the Huntington Beach Playhouse stage. He is 18 and attended the Orange County High School of the Arts where he studied Opera for 3 years. His past performance credits include: Chebutykin in Chekhov’s The Three Sisters, Bottom the Weaver in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Capulet in Romeo and Juliet. He would like to thank his parents for their love and support. CAST PROFILES Marisa Saggiani - Doctor Do Good, Ensemble, Dance Captain Marisa, a former FORD model, has been in 9 national commercials for companies and products such as Neutrogena, Bank of America and Starburst. She co-starred in City Guys and Hang Time (NBC), and starred in Dream Force Angels. Marisa graduated from Chapman University, where she studied communications and ballet. She is now a pharmaceutical representative. Adriana Sanchez - Marget Adriana is thrilled to be a part of this exciting endeavor and to be part of such a talented cast of people. She is most proud of working with Stephen again after having been directed by him in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as the Narrator. Other favorite roles include Sally in Cabaret, Eva in Evita, Ella in Bells are Ringing and Lili in Carnival to name a few. During the day, Adriana teaches first grade in Santa Ana with her dear friend Kyle. Many thanks to Ed for his polish, Joe for his inspiring words, Erik for his beautiful music and Stephen for constantly amazing me with his undying passion for the theatre. Adriana also sends her love to her wonderful husband Greg. Brian Sipkovich - Brock, Lord Faison, Sir Brian, Ensemble Brian was last seen in the CHOC Follies and Goldenwest College’s production of Hamlet. Previous performances include: The Grapes of Wrath, The Crucible (Ezekiel Cheever), The Boy Friend, The Diviners (Ferris Layman), The Diary of Anne Frank, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Napthali), and West Side Story. In addition to acting, Brian has extensive singing experience and is pursuing a Theatre Arts degree. While not performing, Brian enjoys reading, playing basketball and snowboarding. He’s glad to be a part of this production and wishes everyone the best of luck. Enjoy the show. Tracy Slonim - Old Father Time, Ensemble This is Tracey’s first show at HBPH and she is thrilled to be part of such a wonderful cast. Tracey has appeared in performances of West Side Story, Little Shop of Horrors, Li’l Abner, 42nd Street, Evita and The Wizard of Oz. For several years she has studied Voice along with Modern and Jazz Dance Technique. She would like to thank Sharon Cowan for helping her become a better performer and her family and friends for always coming to see her shows. “Actors should be overheard, not listened to, and the audience is fifty percent of the performance.” - Shirley Booth Acclaimed American Actress, 1898-1992 CAST PROFILES Alex Syiek - Edward, Ensemble This is Alex’s third show at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, having first appeared in last summer’s The Pirates of Penzance and earlier this season as Harvey Johnson in Bye, Bye Birdie. He played the lead role of Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof and Aladdin in Dwyer Middle School productions and is enrolled in the Academy for Performing Arts at Huntington Beach High School. Alex also perfomed with MYART as a Lost Boy in Peter Pan and as the Mayor of Munchkin City in The Wizard of Oz. He’d like to thank his Dad for writing this great show! Joanna Syiek - Adele, Ensemble, Assistant Music Director Joanna is delighted to be involved at the Huntington Beach Playhouse once again. She is ecstatic that her father’s musical has come to life and she is able to be a part of the experience! Some of her favorite past roles include Glinda in The Wizard of Oz, the Queen in Cinderella and Kate in The Pirates of Penzance here at HBPH. She also has enjoyed parts in APA shows: Secret Garden, 42nd Street, and Evita. Thanks to Sharon Cowan, her ever-supportive family, wonderful friends, and to her father for teaching her that anyone can achieve a golden dream! On behalf of Kim Cosenza, Louis Dennis and Dan Doyle… Kristin Taylor Schlick - Bryn Kristin is very excited to be in this production of The Golden Dream. You may have seen her as the sister in Damn Yankees, the step-mother in Cinderella, and as a member of the ensemble in Zorba, Gypsy and The Music Man. Kristin is an alumni of the Academy of the Performing Arts and currently is a theater major at California State University Long Beach. An award winning actress, Kristin received the 2004 Macy Award and was a Cappie Award nominee. She would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our congratulations to the Huntington Beach Playhouse for providing 43 Years of live theatre entertainment! 16969 Von Karman Avenue, Suite #150, Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 263-6800 Special Thanks To JAVA CITY For Their Generous Donation of Coffee and Cups Dan Wozniak - Alec Dan recently closed a three month run portraying Frank Butler in Annie Get Your Gun at the Curtain Call Dinner Theatre in Tustin. Other recent credits include: Javert in Musical Theatre West’s production of Les Miserables, Capt. Von Trapp in The Sound of Music and Harold Hill in The Music Man. Thank you to Steve, Joe and Erik for giving me this priceless “golden” opportunity. Special thanks to Mom & Dad, Britt and Chiz-Woz Pictures. Sit back, relax, and follow me Across the Moat!!! Join us At Five Points Plaza 18685 Main Street, huntington Beach (714) 842-5020 “Nobody “becomes” a character. You can’t act unless you are who you are.” - Marlon Brando Acclaimed American Actor, 1924-2004 Production staff PROFILES Production staff PROFILES Edward Bangasser - Choreographer Ed is thrilled to work again with his good friend Stephen Reifenstein on this World Premiere of The Golden Dream. He has choreographed for many OC and LA theaters, including La Habra Depot Theater (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat), Insurgo Theater Movement (Heaven’s Café), Maverick Theater (Superman, the Musical), Brea Curtis Theater (J.C. Superstar), HBPH (Damn Yankees; Man of La Mancha), Newport Theater Arts Center (Bells are Ringing), Westchester Playhouse (Guys and Dolls, Man of La Mancha). Ed is also the resident director/choreographer for the musical theater program at Manhattan Beach Middle School. He has been seen performing at the Curtain Call Dinner Theatre in Tustin, Saddleback Civic Light Opera, Maverick Theater, Insurgo Theatre, Main Street Players, Huntington Beach Playhouse, Long Beach Playhouse, Brea Curtis Theater, Westchester Playhouse, and the Newport Theatre Arts Center. Special thanks to Stephen, Joe and Erik, a great team to be a part of; to Shelly for always being there to pick up the slack; to Michael Lopez for being a great friend and mentor; and finally, to the amazing cast for all their hard work! Ron Wyand - Sound Designer Ron is the resident Sound Designer at the Long Beach Playhouse and a member of the production staff at A Noise Within. His work can be heard throughout Southern California; some favorites include: Lee Miller, The Angel and the Fiend for the J. Paul Getty Museum; The Subject Was Roses at the Newport Theater Arts Center; the LA Ovation Award winning production of The Women for Theater Neo; Quilters and Cabaret for Huntington Beach Playhouse; The Crumple Zone in Los Angeles and Seattle for Dad ‘n’ Pop Productions; A Noise Within’s production of The Price, which earned a Backstage West Garland Award; GLAAD Media Award nominee Blues for an Alabama Sky at Long Beach Playhouse; Ernest In Love at the Fremont Center Theater and Goodnight Children Everywhere for the Chance Theater. Ron has received numerous design awards including a Backstage West Garland Award for The Interact Theater’s production of The Cherry Orchard. Jonna Hutchinson - Stage Manager, Sound Board Operator Jonna is excited to be part of this awesome production and to work with Stephen, Joe, Erik and this amazing cast and crew. You may have seen Jonna fluttering about during previous productions at HB Playhouse, including the award winning productions of Over The River and Through The Woods and Picnic, Ten Little Indians, Heaven Can Wait, Arsenic And Old Lace and Oklahoma. Jonna also works as Stage Manager, Light Operator and Sound Technician for other theaters in the Orange County area. She would like to thank Bettie and Stephen for asking her to be a part of this World Premiere and to her friends and family who support her love of theater “even though they just don’t understand…” Lots of love and huggz to MCA, TSMS, RAC, ALH, YR, AMB, KDA and WGR. Andrew Otero - Set & Costume Designer, Scenic Artist & Set Dresser Andrew is the resident set designer at the Curtain Call Dinner Theatre in Tustin. He frequently works with the Huntington Beach Playhouse as well as with the Lawrence Welk Dinner Theatre, The Long Beach Playhouse and the Newport Theatre Arts Center. Kiana St. Laurent - Lighting Designer, Light Board Operator Kiana is happy to be back at Huntington Beach Playhouse to work on a world premiere with her friend Stephen Reifenstein. Some of her other credits include: Assistant Stage Manager/Scenic Design Anything Goes; Light Design/Stage Manager You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown; Sound/Stage Manager Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat; Light Design Over the River and Through the Woods; Assistant Stage Manager/Sound Cabaret; Light Design/Stage Manager Godspell. When not at the theater, Kiana likes to spend time at Disneyland or out with friends. She would like to thank her parents for their everyday support, her Guardian Angel, Shawn, and her love, Ken. “I have the terrible feeling that, because I am wearing a white beard and am sitting in the back of the theatre, you expect me to tell you the truth about something. These are the cheap seats, not Mount Sinai.” - Orson Welles Actor, Director, Screenwriter, 1915-1985 THE HUNTINGTON BEACH P L A Y H O U S E DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FINAL PRODUCTION OF OUR 2005 SEASON! Let Him Sleep Until It’s Time For His Funeral Comedy by Peg Kehret z October 28 - November 13, 2005 AND DON’T MISS THIS SPECIAL EVENT! BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND z A CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS SHOW Cancel Christmas by Local Playwright Sam Younghans December 20, 21 & 22, 3:00 & 7:00 PM For Tickets and Information call the HBPH Box Office (714) 375-0696 Or visit our web site at A bright light in real estate . . . . . . a better choice for you! Residential SoCal Commercial REALTOR® MLS Income Properties ALL COAST s1031 Exchanges B R O K E R S ® FULL SERVICE TO ALL ORANGE COUNTY BEACH CITIES & SURROUNDING AREAS MENTION THIS AD AND ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL HBPH COMMISSION OFFER SAVE $$ AND TAKE CONTROL OVER WHAT YOU PAY TO SELL YOUR HOME! 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