Board of Directors Election BOARD CANDIDATES


Board of Directors Election BOARD CANDIDATES
2015 Annual Report
San Juan Community Home Trust
14th Annual Meeting
December 10, 2015
6:00 pm at the Friday Harbor Grange Hall
Home Trust members and interested islanders are welcome!
Come celebrate our 2015 accomplishments! There will be a pizza dinner, with pizza from Bakery San Juan and salads
and dessert from Board members. Two great door prizes will be given away: a $100 gift card to the Palace Theater,
and a beautiful wreath from Browne's Home Center. All free! (donations always welcome.)
Come learn about what Home Trust is doing in it's current project: Phase 2 of Sun Rise. Learn about the updates to our
Strategic Plan.
And participate in the election of the Board of Directors! (see candidate information, below)
It would be appreciated if you would let us know if you are coming- send an email to - so we can
be sure to have enough pizza!
Board of Directors Election
The Home Trust Board of Directors terms are for two years, which are staggered so that not everyone is up for election
at the same time. There are 12 seats on the Board, and per our by-laws, one-third of the seats represent our
homeowners, one-third are public representatives including business owners, and one-third are general representatives.
This year, those continuing on the Board that are not up for re-election are: Sarah Crosby, Chary Caren, Peter
Kilpatrick, Barb Conrad and Mary Bruce.
Completing 4 years of service to the Home Trust, as President of the Board, is Barbara Starr.
Thank you Barbara!
Returning to the Board:
Glen Bruels
Glen is a retired senior partner at the global management and technology consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. He
served BAH for over 25 years as both a staff member and partner working primarily in the space and defense fields in
Washington, DC, and Colorado Springs. He was the cofounder of the Colorado Springs Diversity Forum, served as a
trustee of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, and is a member of the Northwest Regional Council of the National
Parks Conservation Association. He and his wife moved to San Juan Island in March 2011 after collaboratively
designing/building a "green" home that has been used as a demonstration project in the region. This will be Glen's 3rd
term on the Board; he has been instrumental in leading our Strategic Planning efforts.
Dina Melic
Dina and her family moved to Friday Harbor in 1998, after leaving their home in war-torn Bosnia, and living for a time
in Vienna. They came to Friday Harbor where Faim had relatives. Faim works as a skilled stone mason, and Dina as
a house assistant. Faim, Dina, and their son Alen, now in high school, were the first homeowners to move into Salal,
in December of 2004, which fulfilled a dream of home ownership. Dina serves as the Treasurer on the Board. This will
be her 3rd term in the Board.
Sam Buck
Sam is a third generation islander with 5th generation grandchildren. He has been a Realtor on San Juan Island since
1988 and has a background in farming, commercial fishing and experience in the field of natural health. Sam became
involved with and supportive of the need for affordable housing more than a decade ago. "I enjoy seeing children on
the streets and in the schools," Sam said. "Having affordable housing insures children will always be a part of our
community." Sam came on the Board in 2007, so this will be his 5th term on the Board.
Chinmayo Ricketts
Chinmayo has been a resident of the San Juan Islands since 1974 and raised four children here. She is an artist and
taught art classes in various mediums over the years. She was instrumental in creating public art projects involving
groups of children and adults, and served on the Islands Artisan Board for ten years. She is the music coordinator at
the Port, putting on 20 shows each summer for the past 13 years. She has been a Sun Rise resident since
2012. Chinmayo was selected as a National Resident Ambassador by the National CLT Network and participated in
advocacy for affordable housing in Washington D.C. in March of 2015. She serves as secretary of the Board. This will
be her second term on the Board.
Pat Rishel
Pat lived on San Juan Island for 47 years before buying her first home in the Salal Neighborhood. She is an employee
of Browne's Home Center and a mother and grandmother with lots of family on the Island. She is our newest Board
member, elected in mid-term in February of 2015. This will be her first full term on the Board.
NEW to the Board
Chris Compton
Chris works as a CPA with Lake Kennedy McCulloch where he provides accounting and tax services to businesses,
non-profit organizations and individuals with complex tax situations. In Seattle, he spent three years working almost
exclusively with nonprofit affordable housing organizations. He is excited by the opportunity to put his affordable
housing knowledge he gained in Seattle to good use helping such a fantastic organization as the Home Trust. He and
his family moved to San Juan Island two years ago and quickly fell in love with the island and this wonderful, vibrant
community. He and his wife Anna and have three children, Flora (6), Emeline (3.5), and Soren (8 months) along with a
very tolerant dog, Porter. Interestingly, they just moved a house to the island with Nickel Bros., the firm which has
been barging houses from Victoria B.C. to SJI for the Home Trust. Their house joined the two most recent houses for
the Home Trust on their voyage from Victoria.
Peter Goddu
Born and raised on the East Coast, one of 10 siblings, Peter gradually made his way to the West Coast, where he
graduated from law school and began practicing law in 1981. His practice focuses on all aspects of real estate law,
plus advising business and individual clients on matters related to financing and loan transactions. In addition to his
profession, Peter has always been involved in the communities in which he and his wife have lived, serving as a
volunteer fireman, on a water district, on planning committees, in Rotary, and as director of a Chamber of Commerce
chapter, and board member of a local YMCA. On San Juan Island, he has served with SJI Fire District #5, and as a
Beach Watcher until the group was disbanded. Peter and his law partner, Margaret Langlie, are married and have lived
in Friday Harbor since 2009. They have three children and eight grandchildren. Their leisure activities include
bicycling, camping, and boating. Peter's interest in the Community Home Trust is an extension of life-long
commitment to contribute to the community where he lives.
From the Executive Director
At a Glance
by Nancy DeVaux
Home Buyers
Our Neighborhoods
2015 has been a year of innovation for the
Home Trust, largely due to the new type of
project we are working on - moving and
renovating older houses. What an amazing
Stay Connected
project! It will not only provide permanently
affordable housing, but also save historic
homes, prevent the wasteful demolition of
resources and create a unique and charming neighborhood in Friday
Join My Mailing List
Volunteer Board members and professionals have committed
endless hours to researching the homes, and towards planning the
Forward to a Friend
many details of renovation. The Home Trust is very fortunate to have
such a dedicated and hard-working Board of Directors.
While intensely focused on this project, the Home Trust also updated
it's Strategic Plan this year and continues to look towards the future,
forming possible new collaborations and partnerships. The Strategic
Plan acknowledges that the Home Trust should "Evaluate other
affordable housing needs on San Juan Island and what SJCHT can
contribute to meeting those needs; provide assistance and/or
Home Trust Board takes a
moment to celebrate it's
accomplishments .
leadership as resources and expertise allow."
This year we've been in conversations with other community groups
about the possibilities for creating and preserving affordable rental
housing, and the possibilities of collaborating on housing for
agricultural workers. There is much that can be accomplished for the
future of our island if we work together and commit to securing the
resources that it will take to accomplish these goals.
It has become more evident than ever this year that the need for
more affordable housing on San Juan Island is acute and continuing
Houses offloading from
barge at Jackson Beach.
to grow. The people who work on the island and keep it functioning
are at risk. The traditional housing market is growing still further out
of reach for many hardworking island families and individuals. The
Home Trust's waiting list of people in need of an affordable home has
continued to grow this year, more so than ever than ever.
Charitable contributions from individual donors are now funding
affordable housing here in San Juan County. Some communities,
like Bellingham and Seattle, have passed tax levies to help create
affordable housing. Perhaps the political will is increasing that would
allow San Juan County to take decisive action.
Houses moving across the
old gravel pit!
Much work and support has been already been given by many
committed individuals to make sure that there will be homes
affordable to future San Juan Islanders. And yet there is still so much
more to be done!
We are making a difference, one permanently affordable home at a
Last part of the house move,
coming up the hill from the
2015: Year in Review
It's been a very exciting year for San Juan Community Home Trust,
as a new approach to creating permanently affordable homes has
been implemented in Phase 2 of Sun Rise.
Former Board member
Sandy Rabinowitz with the
Bike and Build group.
The Board began planning this project in 2013, and the concept
became definite in 2014 when the decision was made to relocate
older homes and move them to Sun Rise. Enthusiasm grew as field
trips by Board members and other volunteers took place to see
homes that are available in Victoria B.C. and Vancouver, Canada .
Saving well-built homes that were constructed in the early decades
of the 20th century, and that have character and craftsman-like
features, was an idea caught on quickly. People are enthusiastic
about keeping these valuable resources out of a land-fill, which is
happening frequently in high-property-value areas such as Oak Bay,
on Vancouver Island. Houses are being demolished to make way for
Board members having
larger contemporary homes.
dinner with the Bike and
Build group.
A site design was created for a "pocket neighborhood" of 12 homes,
utilizing the density of 8-units per acre, as required by the Town.
Fundraising began. With no promise of State grants from the
Housing Trust Fund, a campaign to gain support from the community
was created.
Los Bambinos entertaining
at the 3rd Annual Fiesta
San Juan in July, 2015.
Concept of "Pocket Neighborhood " using relocated homes
This house is on our wish
list...coming next year?
In July of 2014, a donor offered a $300,000 matching grant, which
was met in January of 2015. The fund-raising Campaign focused on
seeking out "house sponsors" who were willing to pledge $75,000
over a 3-year period. This would cover much of the needed subsidy,
including the cost of purchasing and moving a home to its new
location at Sun Rise. By the end of October 2015, eight donors have
stepped up to become "House Sponsors" with $385,000 already in
Salal mailboxes
hand and $215,000 pledged over the next 2 years. We hope to
secure four more House sponsors in 2016!
A SHOP grant (Self-Help Opportunity Program, a federal program
administered by HUD) of $165,000 was awarded in spring of 2015,
used for infrastructure. This is a loan that is forgiven when each
homeowner performs 50 total hours of sweat equity, within 90 days
of closing on their home.
Sun Rise Phase 1
House Moving
No doubt the most thrilling day of the year was when the first three
homes arrived by barge at Jackson Beach. On a brilliant August
evening, many islanders turned out to watch the barge approach and
the process of unloading the houses from the barge. The next day
was equally exciting as the houses were moved over land across
the old gravel pit, now Lafarge Open Space.
Barge approaching Jackson Beach August 19, 2015
Lots of excitement of as the barge approaches
By mid-October the foundations were completed and renovation
begun. Two more were delivered in November and foundations for
those are being poured as of this writing. The Project Committee is
meeting weekly as the renovation plans for each home are finalized.
Special thanks to our volunteer architectural consultant, El Baylis,
whose patience, enthusiasm and skill is top-notch!
The Home Trust's waiting list has approximately 30 households
seeking affordable home ownership, and we are now working on
getting people matched up to the first five homes, with seven more
homes planned for 2016.
Re-sales in 2015
This year five homes went through the resale process. Two home in Sun Rise closed in 2015, a fourbedroom home sold in July to Kathryn Eltrich (an employee at the UW Marine Labs) and a onebedroom home closed on December 2nd to Steffan Iverson (an employee of RockIsland).
Steffan Iverson after his signing
on Dec 2, 2015.
Kathy Eltrich became a homeowner in July, 2015.
Two homes in the Salal neighborhood are pending, with loans approved from USDA for mortgages.
Moving in to Salal are Sarah Manzden, an employee of San Juan Island School District, and Ashley
Sherlock, who works for a local vision clinic. Congratulations to all!
Another home in Sun Rise is occupied by a buyer while the process of transferring the property is
being being sorted out - due to a deceased homeowner who left no will and had no estate. (A lesson
learned on the importance of estate planning!)
Thank you Donors
Thank you to our Donors!
The following individuals and organizations generously contributed
funds and services. Thank you for your continuing support!
Ace Hardware
Clare & Ed Kelm
Jill Acheson & Ed Sober
David Kennedy
Audra & Eric Adelberger
Peter & Becky Kilpatrick
David & Phyllis Adelman
Alice King
William & Karin Agosta
John King
Donna & Eugene Alexander
Rich Komen
Jerry & Judy Alhadeff
David & Karen Kratter
Tim & Susie Allen
Crystal Seas Kayaking
Leah Altman
Carrie Lacher
Martha Alvarado
John Lackey
Erin & Peter Ancich
Margaret Langlie and Peter Goddu
Charles Anderson & Pamela Gross
Lavendera Massage Center
Mark & Mary Jane Anderson
Angie Lausch
Steve and Kathy Anderson
Jim & Lisa Lawrence
Elizabeth Anderson & Larry Mettger
Richard Lawson Construction
William Arney & Pamela Stewart/Cafe Demeter
Ted Leiker & Dolly Salazar, San Juan Septic
Paul Arroyo
Angela Atwell
Dan & Diane Levin
Richard & Kathy Babbitt
Alison Longley
Geargia Baciu
Katie Loring
Anita Barecca
Lutheran Church in the San Juans
Mark Baute
Walter & Ruth MacGinitie
El & Carol Baylis
Mike MacLellan
Court & Ann Bell
John H. Magee
Drs. Charles & Marcia Bieber
Market Chef
Michael & Mary Bills
Christine Martz
Charles Bodenstab
Maya's Westside Charters
Cat Bordhi
Scott & Frances McAdams
Phillip & Sina Boyd
Vail McClure & Jonathan Hu
Jeff Brash
Jerry & Dede McCormick
Lee Brooks
Fielding McGehee
Browne's Home Center
Pauline & Edgar Stern Foundation
Mary Bruce
Louise McNerney & Jan Sobieralski
Glen & Debra Bruels
Malcolm & Janet McWhorter
Sam Buck, Jr.
Jeremy Means
Nancy Buechner
Dina & Faim Melic
Dana Bune
Jana Meredith
Simona Burla
Liza Michaelson
Vivien Burnett
Rhea Miller & Sandy Bishop
Thomas Cagwin
Richard & Barbara Miller
Heather Cain
Robert & Tana Miller
Chary Caren
Woody Morf & Peggy Skillin
Christine and Peter Chan
Patrica Morse
Jerry & Ann Moss
John Christianson
David Moulton
Jack Clay
The George G Mulligan Revocable Intervivos
Daniel & Janet Clingaman
Coho Restaurant
Susie Murfin
Jim Cole
Jan Murphy
Megan Connelly
Mary Nash
Sam & Emily Connery
Erik & Tamara Nelson
Barb and Dennis Conrad
William & Sally Neukom
Aunde Cornely
Jim & Katy Nollman
Cotton Cotton Cotton
The Norcliffe Foundation
Mary Ellen Courtney
Tom & Connie Odegard
Crisanti Glass Art
Odle Consulting
Annette Crosby
Sarah Crosby
Felimon Padilla
Darby Crouss
Palace Theater
Crow's Nest Coffee
Barbara Parnes
Chris & Pat Curtin
Lesa Pascali-Te Grotenhuis
Trudy Dallas
Mariah Paterson
Richard & Hannah Daly
Donald & Kathleen Peek
Lynn Danaher
Deb Pigman
Becki Day
Sharon Pigman
Teddy & Alice Deane
Wendy Pinnow
David & Susan Dehlendorf
Eloise and Carl Pohlad Family Fund
Cere Demuth
Anne Pope
Betti Deutsch
Chris & Betsy Pope
Joseph & Helen DeVaux
Anne & Ed Praczukowski
Nancy DeVaux
Boyd & Lovel Pratt
Discovery Sea Kayaks
James & Judith Prince
Lorna Dittmer
Darryl & Mary Ann Dobras
John & Priscilla Privat
Susie's Moped Rentals
Susana Quiroz
Eileen & Dan Drath
Sandy Rabinowitz & Ray Glantz
Alvin & Malinda Dreyer
Brooks Ragen
Archdiocese of Seattle
Dave Ralston & Don Pollard
Dr. David Duggins & Dr. Megan Dethier
Ruthe Ramirez
John & Louise Dustrude
Alan Reff
William Egan
Pat Rishel
Steven & Monique Elfman
Stephen Robbins
John & Annette Elsbree
Alan & Lynn Roochvarg
Kathy Eltrich
Joe & Kathy Ryan
Audrey Espinoza
Cal & Mary Karen Ryan
Susan Feldmiller
Roger & Claudia Salquist
David & Kathy Finholm
San Juan Coffee Roasting
Daniel Finn & Therese Scott Finn
San Juan Island Community Foundation
Peter Fisher
San Juan Community Theatre
Greg Ford
San Juan Island Fitness Club
Elizabeth Forlenza
San Juan Island Food Coop
Skip & Mildred Foss
San Juan Transit
Friday Harbor Drug
John & Sheila Scates
Friday Harbor Marine
Bob & Peg Schotz
Bob Gamble & Winnie Adams
David Schroeder
Patty Garcia
Martha Scott
Jason Garcia
The See Foundation
Salvador Garcia
Cady Seiler
Peggy Gerlock & Philip Johnson
Ruth L. Semple
Emily Geyman
Wendy Shepard
Farhad Ghatan
Mark Sheppard
Jim Gimlett
Jean & Ron Shreve
Patricia & David Giuliani
Michael Smith & Mary O'Connell
Golden Triangle
Courtney Smith
Scotty Greene
Roche Harbor Village Resort
John & Marilyn Gresseth
Joyce Sobel
Ed Greub & Alice Acheson
Larry Soll & Nancy Maron
Griffin Bay Bookstore
Beth Spadafora
Michael & Jean Griffin
Nancy & Lewis Spaulding
Wayne & Cynnie Griffin
Kathleen Speed
Leonie Griswold
Barbara Starr
Susan Grout
Gary & Susan Sterner
Tom & Lynn Grow
Ed Stiles
Lucy Hadac
Lori Stokes
Julie Hanks
Sue-Erin Stone
Francie & Bruce Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strathmann
Julie Hansen
Lee & Tal Sturdivant
Sandy Harold & Mike Kaill
Billie Swalla
Rochelle Harrington
San Juan Vineyards
Mel & Florence Harrison
Mike Taylor
Eleanor Hartmann
Janet Thomas
Beth Helstien & Marshall Sanborn
Don & Nancy Todd
Judith & Fred Henley
Misty Todd
Mark & Beth Hetrick
Laura & Doug Tuttle
Backdoor Kitchen
Doris Van Alen
Pam Hoke
Ann and Scott VanBuskirk
Honeywell Charitable Fund of The Community
Val & Leslie Veirs
Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region
Shawnna Vert
Michael Horn, Friday Harbor Dentistry
Mariluz Villa and Tom Reynolds
Verne Howard
Rick Waldron
Shaun Hubbard & Harold Kawaguchi
Bill & Carol Waxman
Alice Hurd
Wendt Fam. Charitable Foundation
Island Studios
Henry & Holly Wendt
Island Gardens Co.
Westcott Bay Orchards
Isle Be Jammin'
Claude & Elaine Werffeli
Islanders Insurance
Polly White
Steffan Iverson
Nancy Wight
Carol Jackson
Bob & Susan Wingate
Diane & Erik Jangard
Mark and Sharon Wood
Don & Ann Jarell
Maia Yip
Elise Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keefe
Ed & Sharmon Kelly
San Juan Community Home Trust | | |
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October 2014