6 - First Alliance Church
6 - First Alliance Church
First Printing: October 15, 2012 Designed by Julie McPhail Editor: Cheryl Siebring Published by: 12345 40 Street SE Calgary, Alberta T2Z 4E6 Phone 403-252-7572 Fax 403-252-6315 info@faccalgary.com www.faccalgary.com Cover graphic purchased from www.iStockphoto.com. Special thanks to our many volunteer photographers. Building Lives That Honour God 1 Annual Report 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2012 AGM Agenda .......................................................................... Greeting from Pastor Scott Weatherford ........................................... Greeting from the Chairman of the Board of Elders ........................... Previous AGM Minutes ..................................................................... Report of the Nominating Committee ................................................ Ministry Report ................................................................................. FAC Staff Listing ............................................................................... The Vision ......................................................................................... Treasurer’s Commentary on the Financial Results .............................. Audited Financial Statements ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 6 7 20 21 22 24 AGENDA Annual General Meeting - First Alliance Church Tuesday, October 30, 2012 First Segment 1. Meeting Called to Order 2. Opening Prayer 3. Declaration of Quorum based on report from Registration Secretary 4. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Sunday, October 30, 2011 5. Motion to Appoint tellers for Annual General Meeting 6. Report of the Nominating Committee for 2011-2012 7. Election of the Nominating Committee for 2012-2013 8. The Story of God’s Provision a. Report of the Treasurer (John Siebring) b. Appointment of the Auditors for the fiscal period of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Second Segment 1. Report on Ministry a. Ministry Story of 2011-2012 b. Glenmore Christian Academy Report c. Vision/Strategic Direction/God’s Movement d. Q & A on Past Year/ Future Plans 2. Prayer Time in Small Groups 3. Final Comments/Closing Prayer 4. Invitation to Dessert Time Building Lives That Honour God 2 Annual Report 2012 Letter From Pastor Scott Weatherford Who are we, and what are we doing here? These are great questions to ask ... It is hard to believe that we are in our fourth year of serving our great God together. God has moved and blessed beyond all I could have known or predicted. I am thankful for you and our time together. With that said, let me address these questions ... Who are we? We are First Alliance Church – started in 1938 with Calgary on our hearts and the world in our view. We are a part of a greater movement, the Christian and Missionary Alliance. A movement with the intent of being “all for Jesus”. Christ is our Saviour, our Healer, our Sanctifier, and our Coming King. We are a Jesuscentered, Holy Spirit-empowered, and missional focused people. This is who we are. Why are we here? We exist to build lives that honor God. A life that honors God is connected to Jesus and to others who share His name, growing into Christ likeness, serving God by serving others, and sharing the love of Christ locally and globally, thus honoring God. We are called by God to bring people in, build them up, train them for, and send them out for God’s glory. This is why we are here. God is moving – and this report is a reflection of how He is moving in us. We are experiencing a movement of God that is both humbling and inspiring. My prayer is that as you read you will reflect, praise, pray, and ask God what’s next. In 2013, we will celebrate our 75th anniversary – for all these years we have known who we are and what God has us doing here...for His glory! We live to make Jesus famous. Blessings, Pastor Scott Building Lives That Honour God 3 Annual Report 2012 Letter From the Board of Elders As we look back upon 2011-2012, we see God’s hand of blessing touching upon First Alliance Church in many ways. We are very grateful that the opportunity to let the Spirit move is present and is taking us on a continuing, forward moving course. This movement forward has blessings, challenges and considerable steps of faith – our reliance on the One we serve is of critical importance to our journey forward. It is only through our reliance on Him to direct our path that we are truly enabled to be a part of Kingdom building. During this past year, we have been blessed by having many new people come through our doors – new people who want to know what God is doing through First Alliance; enquiring about faith and having their questions answered; asking for a new testament to be provided for them; and starting to learn about serving others in the name of our Saviour. These new believers and seekers are learning from those who serve on our staff and as part of our congregation, and see the example set forth by many of our volunteers to undertake tasks in a loving and serving way. The living out of our life values – Connect, Grow, Serve, Share and Honour – all contribute to our goal of building lives that honour God. We reinforce this as a congregation through the teaching at the weekend services, through meetings in small groups, and through the interactions we have with those both inside and outside our church walls. We continue to support the missional focus of the Christian and Missionary Alliance – both locally and around the world. Local examples include the participation in the Serve weekend with activities happening around the city of Calgary that allow work to be completed that might otherwise remain undone. Another local example is Labour of Love, providing backpacks for school kids who would not have some basic needs covered to return to school with what they require. Our international efforts continue to support work done in the Congo, supporting activities in a country that has very little in terms of resources. These aspects reflect our belief that God loves each one, no matter where in the world they come from, or what their current status may be. We can be the hands through which He reaches out to touch someone else’s life. As we embark on a course for the future, it will be our trust in God’s leadership and our expressions of love to others through our obedience that will distinguish us as the body of Christ. May we be encouraged that He goes ahead of us, and may we continue to be blessed with His guidance and leadership as we continue to move ahead. In His Name, Dave Orr On behalf of the Board of Elders 4 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 MINUTES Annual General Meeting of First Alliance Church October 30, 2011 First Segment 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:13 pm. Dave Orr provided some introductory comments and an overview of the agenda and the printed Annual Report. 2. Opening Prayer. The meeting was opened in prayer by Ed Dyck. 3. Declaration of Quorum based on report from the Registration Secretary. 200 members were registered for the meeting. 4. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of November 7, 2010 were reviewed. M/S/C the adoption of the minutes of the November 7, 2010 Annual General Meeting as presented. 5. Motion to appoint tellers for the Annual General Meeting. M/S/C that Garry Quiring would act as head teller and that he would appoint additional tellers as required. 6. Report of the Nominating Committee of 2010/11. Scott Weatherford introduced and recognized the efforts of the nominating committee and presented the names of the men nominated for the role of elders for a 2 year term commencing immediately: Graham Balzun John Siebring Dale Meister Gil Altamirano Jeff Good Robert Hawes A motion to waive a vote by ballot was not unanimous and so a vote by ballot commenced. A motion to accept the recommendation of the nominating committee and appoint the following men as elders for a 2 year term commencing immediately was seconded and carried by ballot vote – 176 “yes” and 7 “no”. M/S/C that the ballots would be destroyed. 7. Election of the Nominating Committee for 2011/12. The nominating committee consists of the Lead Pastor, 3 elders and 3 additional members of First Alliance Church. M/S/C that the following individuals be appointed to the nominating committee for 2011/12: Kristi Jacobson Michael Ho Lindy Neustaedter 8. The Story of God’s Provision A. Report of the Treasurer - Robert Hawes, General Treasurer introduced and recognized the Finance and Facility Committee. He then presented an overview of the churches financial position using a power point presentation as well as referencing printed results in the Annual Report. Building Lives That Honour God 5 Annual Report 2012 M/S/C the audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2011 be accepted as presented. M/S/C that Enns and Company be appointed as auditors for the year ending June 30, 2012. Second Segment 1. Report on Ministry A. Ministry Story of 2010/11 - Scott Weatherford focused on God’s faithfulness towards us and reminding us that God is on the move through abundant examples of individual life change stories. He referenced the large number of new believers, baptisms, new members, increasing generosity, and growing attendance as evidence of God’s work among us. We were encouraged to remain humble recognizing that we are the recipients of God’s blessing and favor. We must continually rely on prayer to advance God’s kingdom. B. Glenmore Christian Academy (GCA) Report - Jeff Good provided a report on behalf of Grant Vogeli, Chairman of the GCA Board of Directors. Many highlights were presented about the school’s continued effectiveness in providing a dynamic Christian education to over 700 current students with 60 staff. The school enjoys an excellent facility which is currently undergoing expansion, on time and on budget. They are serving the community through a Before and After School Program, have recently employed a school Chaplain and are striving to leverage technology advances. The school and church benefit from a close reciprocal relationship and desire that this would continue and deepen. Jeff closed by requesting the continued prayers for God’s blessing upon GCA. C. Vision/Strategic Direction/God’s Movement - Scott Weatherford reviewed and reminded us of the vision statements published in the Annual Report. He outlined the process of personal renewal, relational renewal, missional renewal and cultural renewal. A number of examples were provided as to how we were living out the vision statements. The members were encouraged to look for the upcoming release of Life Box, an online leadership and discipleship resource. As well, our facility needs to be expanded to better serve our children’s ministries. We are launching an online church and are undergoing a church plant through the house coffee sanctuary. We are on a bold journey with God. D. Motion Related to Opportunity to Sell One Acre of Land - Dave Orr presented information about an offer we have received to purchase one acre of our land. A motion will be brought to the church for a vote at a special congregational meeting on Tuesday, November 22, 2011. Greg Schumlich encouraged the board to market the land to determine if a higher price could be achieved. E. Q&A on Past Year and Future Plans A number of questions were brought forward by the congregation and responded to. 2. Prayer Time in Small Groups Attendees huddled in small groups to pray for our church, our congregation and our city. 3. Closing Song Jason Erhardt led the attendees in a closing song. 4. Final Comments/Closing Prayer - Dave Orr concluded the meeting thanking many who had prepared the material and the facility for this meeting. Recognition was extended to the Buhler’s who were concluding their service at First Alliance and moving to British Columbia. Appreciation was extended to Gerry Hand for his ministry of preparing supper for the monthly elders meeting. As well the outgoing elders were acknowledged. We were all encouraged to be followers of Jesus, not just fans. 5. Invitation to Dessert Time Pastor Scott Weatherford concluded the evening in prayer and invited all to stay and enjoy dessert and fellowship. The meeting concluded at 8:40 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Phil Bauer Secretary 6 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 Report of the Nominating Committee Board of Elders for 2012-2013 Elders Mid Term* – Serving to Fall 2013: Gil Altamirano (1st Term) Graham Balzun (1st Term) Jeff Good (3rd Term) Robert Hawes (3rd Term) Dale Meister (1st Term) John Siebring (1st Term) Names placed in Nomination for a 2-year Term* Commencing Fall 2013: Carlos Ang (1st Term) Don Chivers (1st Term) Jake Bueckert (2nd Term) Mike Humphries (2nd Term) Ken Keeler (3rd Term) Brent Kinnie (3rd Term) Elders stepping down after completing their term of office: Marinus Hus Dave Orr Nominating Committee Reverend Scott Weatherford (Chairman) Graham Balzun Jeff Good John Siebring Michael Ho Kristi Jacobson *Elders can serve up to a maximum Lindy Neustaedter of 3 consecutive terms; each term = 2 years. Provision is made for the addition of names to the Report of the Nominating Committee in Article XV of the Church Constitution ... Article XV – Elections At the Annual Meeting of the membership, the Board of Elders and any other officials required by the bylaws shall be elected. The Nominating Committee shall present and post, at least two Sundays prior to the Annual meeting, one name for each office to be filled. Other nominations, if any, shall be made in writing, signed by two members in good standing and filed with the Chairman of the Nominating Committee for posting before the public services of the Sunday prior to the Annual Meeting. Election shall be by ballot except in cases where only one nomination is presented and the ballot is waived by unanimous vote. 7 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE BY SERVICE (JULY 2011-JUNE 2012) 2011/12 NEW MEMBERS including children & youth 1,161 1,114 SUNDAY 11:15 2011/12 BAPTISMS SUNDAY 9:15 SATURDAY 878 AVG. WEEKEND ATTENDANCE BY YEAR (2005-2012) 3500 3,153 2800 2,591 INCREASE 2100 1400 700 0 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 Building Lives That Honour God JULY 2011 - JUNE 2012 Annual Report 2012 CHILD DEDICATIONS MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT ATTENDANCE 2011/12 Preparing for Marriage Workshop ............ 31 couples Dynamic Marriage Course ........................ 22 couples 2011 Marriage Summit ........................... 378 people IN LOVING MEMORY Gunter Bruckner Keith Curle Barbara Gustafson Gary Helmer Norma Jespersen 8 Carole Lawrence Gordon Neufeld Kara Parent Gladys Parsons Ed Quapp Phillips C. Agboma Leila Olusade Aideloje David Odumu Aideloje Daniel James Berger Noah Dane Cantius Maelys Lucile Cantius Rebecca Aurelia Courtney Gracie Leslie Dunlop Brin Eckert Gavin Eckert Alexandria Ann Marie Friesen Grace Kathleen Gill Andrew Christopher Henuset Austin Jeremy Henuset Charlie Scott Henuset Hudson Henry Henuset Leah Kathryn Hausmanis Simone Hope-Klaas Jerrom Katelyn Elizabeth Jonker Damini Tooki Joelle Lawal Quinn Madison Lukay Bryce David McKellar Sofia Natalia Morales Lucas Armando Palma Logan Brandon J.G. Riedyk Paul Li Rostami-Ghomi Isaiah Paul Lloyd Rowsell Zoey Emma Rupert Clara Wendy Savage Gabriel Lucas Schiwy Daniella Karen-Hope Schnell Adrian Surducan Caleb Ysaiah Torrecampo Christina Unruh Elisa Unruh Brody Dean Winters Grace Maria Zacharias PEOPLE BAPTIZED Linda Allain Birgit Andreasen Ashley Ang Timothy Audy Michael Bauer Kamal Bhatta Nicholas Bottomley Genoa Bramhall Tammy Bratton Amanda Bratton Bill Burton Jackie Busu Beth Carlson William Cheung Ashley Clark Louise Colp Ebane Cooper Matthew Dahl Kyle Davidson Travis Day Carolyn Dethmers Amber Diamant Melissa Dolimount Jesse Dutnall Dani Dykema Brooks Fafard Shelsey Finch Colleen Flamont Ian Fougere Claudia Fuentes Daniella Fuentes Gagandeep Gagandeep Anna Gagarin Kennedy Gerber Dana Gerlitz Dallas Gerlitz Jessica Gilroy Alex Gimson Kelsey Gonzalez Brigette Goodale Trey Goodale Aliyah Goodale Kathy Hadley Andy Hann Shannon Hayward Melanie Henry Bethany Henschell Hallee Hightower Dominic Hill Chris Jung Imchan Jung Danny Kanter Kaitlyn Kelly Bryce Kienan Kacie Killaly Soyoung Kim Scott Klassen Karen Klassen Colby Klassen Diane Korchmar Elanie Kotze Riaan Kotze Sarah Laing Janet Leavitt Alexandra Lemay Britney Lentz Otis Lippitt Jonah Loyer Cass Lynds Kymbralee Martinuzzi Sarah McClelland Scotland McKenzie Norm McLellan Michael Moore Quincy Neufeld Jon Neuendorf Ida Oliver James Parker Justin Parker Sarah Parker Crystal Parker Debbie Rice Mary Rungeling Rod Rogalsky Madison Sauve Kennedy Sawatzky Abe Schroeder Tracey Schroeder Jesse Schroeder Joshua Schroeder Luke Schwanke Susan Scurfield-Seida Santiago Solano Lynn Stephenson Marina Strashok Justin Sudowski Leif Taylor Christina Thiessen Michaela Thiessen Mercedes Thiessen Bharath Ummaneni Cara van der Merwe Austin Warkentin Chanah Weber Jonathan Weber Nancy Wilkison Joey Whittaker Carol Wybenga Henry Wybenga Doug Young Marilou Zaldana Odir Zaldana John Zimmer Woneta Zubiss 9 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 CREATING AN APPOINTED TIME OF PRAYER “K airos was inspired by the heart of King David who desired one thing – to dwell with God – but who recognized that it was through intentional time seeking His face that God’s presence was most potent and discipleship most powerful. David’s passion and pursuit for God’s presence captivated me. Over the past year, God has brought together like-minded individuals who believe that we are living in a Kairos time: an appointed time in the purpose of God; a time when God acts. Since we began meeting 3 months ago, offering God our ‘appointed time,’ seeking His face in expectation of His purposes being revealed in our lives, church, city, and country, we have seen God act. We have seen the Spirit of the Lord invade and align our hearts and redirect our prayers to serve His will. It is God’s heart that urges us to seek His face so that He may have a place to dwell. We exist to create time and space to sit and soak in the presence of God so that we may be transformed and empowered with the Holy Spirit to be obedient disciples. We intercede for this to be a reality in our lives and church: that Heaven would open wide so that God’s presence can transform His people.” “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) - Heather Holt ENDURING HEARTS: TURNING MISERY “W hen we’re grieving, we often feel so alone. Our world caves in around us and we live in confusion and pain. We think no one knows, no one can relate. Life moves on for those around us, but for us life becomes a circle, always going back to our pain – until we can lean on God to heal. Then we see His love and blessings again in our life. Through my journey of grief after losing a child, God showed me these blessings and more. He opened my eyes to the fact that I don’t have to go at this alone – that I shouldn’t go at this alone. There are other women resting in God’s love who have gone, are going or unfortunately will go through grief like mine. He instilled in my heart a desire to connect with these women, to join together with them to lean on God and His word, to learn from each other and SUPPORT& RECOVERY PEOPLE INVOLVED IN ... • Ladies’ Afternoon Prayer • After Service Prayer • Between Service Prayer • 24/7 Prayer Room • Wednesday Night Prayer • Prayer & Worship • PrayerNet INTO MINISTRY support each other. Thus began my obedience to His calling. I swallowed my fears and self-doubt and left all control in God’s hands – and so began Enduring Hearts. Michelle Gruszecki and I have seen God at work as women have come to the group, hesitantly at first, but coming week after week. They open their hearts, confide their fears, joys, pain, blessings, all in the safe and loving environment of the group. I have grown in faith, in relationship, and in strength with the Lord and with the amazing ladies in the group these past months. I know God has miraculous things planned for the women in the group as we venture forward. I pray for those women who need to come – that they will open their hearts to God, to the healing that can take place in Enduring Hearts.” -Janeen Robertson PEOPLE INVOLVED IN ... • • • • • • • Freedom Session Single & Parenting DivorceCare DC4K Grief Support Widows’ Connection Enduring Hearts 10 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 LIFE GROUPS IN 2011/12 LEADERS/COACHES IN 2010/11 # OF PEOPLE CONNECTED IN A LIFE GROUP IN 2011/12 (aged 18 yrs. - seniors) 1425 people SENIORS & FRIENDS focuses on INVOLVED IN A LIFE GROUP AVERAGE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE 3,153 (average weekend attendance) # OF RECORDED LIFE GROUPS IN 2010/11 ADULTS (MEN/WOMEN/MIXED) YOUNG FAMILIES YOUNG MARRIED'S SINGLES YOUNG ADULTS the contribution we can make to family, friends and surrounding communities in the autumn of our lives. Our 55+ community has grown significantly in numbers over the last year to over 400. Along with the increase in numbers we have become aware of changing needs and ministry opportunities that we will be addressing in the immediate and near future. We are researching ways and means of providing broader and better care of the different needs that are surfacing as more people are making FAC their home church. This means more opportunities to serve God and the FAC family in one or more of the key areas of connecting, growing, serving, sharing, giving and leading! We currently have more than 20 volunteers who are involved in at least one of these areas relating to Seniors & Friends. Thank you to our faithful volunteers who make a huge difference in this Ministry! - Ed Dyck, Pastor of Seniors’ Ministries. Building Lives That Honour God 11 Annual Report 2012 you goes out to Grant Abbott and the Band of Brothers leadership team for all their hard work and dedication. – Grant Sylvester, Pastoral Liaison to Men’s Ministries MEN’S MINISTRIES We continue to strive to build men that honour God with their lives. Our annual Show ‘N Shine in July is now one of the city’s largest car shows and is proving to be a great connection to the community – a special thank you goes out to Dale Sevcik and his team! Another highlight this past year was our first ever Seattle Road Trip to see an NFL game. What a great experience – 40 guys on a motor coach, building relationships, eating together, and cheering the Seahawks on to victory! We also had a fabulous Date Night with Dad event in November and two more Mess Hall Breakfasts that were fantastic. In the spring we had our annual Father/Son Weekend. We are also excited to have 9 men’s Life Groups happening around the city throughout the week where men have an opportunity to open God’s Word together, build relationships and pray together. A special thank WOMEN’S MINISTRIES We are a community of daughters, sisters, moms, wives, friends and so much more. Our fall kicked off with over 190 women coming every Tuesday for realife Bible studies to study God’s Word together and build friendships. We also had 62 children for realife kids on Tuesday mornings! Our Talk N Tots group reaches out to the community with over 20 moms and LOTS of children coming together for a time of connecting and play. We also had three Bunco game nights that were heard by everyone in the building with lots of laughter, running, yelling “BUNCO!” and meeting new faces. In the fall we also had a leadership retreat at Southern Alberta Bible Camp, and our “Kick Up Your Heels” weekend was a blast – filled with inspirational speakers, worship, games and the opportunity to connect with other women. Proceeds from that event went to Rebecca Brown’s ministry with teen girls in Africa. As spring rolled around, we highlighted our Women2Women Expo focussing on home and garden, with almost 50 vendors and over 300 women in attendance! God provided great weather for our adventurous hiking club, who went on 19 hikes over the summer! It’s Sew Easy, Stitching Post and Quilter’s Corner continued to bless various groups in the community by providing special hand-crafted items. Thank you to all our volunteers who serve faithfully in each of these areas! –Tara Weatherford, Director of Women’s Ministries. SINGLES are a vital part of the FAC community. Fusion (now called “Fuse@ First”) is a dynamic community of single adults committed to developing genuine friendships and nurturing Christcentered living. Our goal is to connect singles in Calgary with Christ and each other through activities, service outreach, teaching, socials and retreats. In 2011/12, our average Sunday evening attendance was 20, with 20-25 coming out to special events. – Lana Ilcisn, peer leader “Serving in a church is a responsibility that brings joy with it.” – Herb & Karen Fehr (Choir, Technical Arts, Operation Christmas Child & more) “... It’s an incredible feeling to be a part of the ‘electricity’ of worship!” – Peter Joo (Technical Arts) “I know how important it is to be part of the church – because the church is not a building; it is the people who make a church.” – Carmen Ayala (DiscoveryLand) “It’s a privilege to be a part of God’s plan.” –Dale Sevcik (Oil Change Day & Show ‘N Shine) “To serve, for me, is a calling, a responsibility and a privilege.” – Irene Huff (Grief Support) “Serving is delivering God’s grace to people who need it, as an expression of His love and to build His kingdom.” – Grant Abbott (Men’s Ministries) “I have become part of a family, sharing our blessings and caring for each other in a time of need or difficulties.” – Stuart Job (Harvest Ministries) “I’m excited to see how God can use me.” – Tiffany Ho (Action Centre, Cornerstone Cafe, After Service Prayer) “Serving is our way of being close to God and giving Him thanks for what He has done.” – Elizabeth & Gabrielle Symbalisty (Cornerstone Cafe) “A smile and a warm greeting is so effective.” – Marj Clowes (Seniors & Friends) Building Lives That Honour God 12 Annual Report 2012 JULY 2011 - JUNE 2012 "What a blessing to be able to serve in one of the most beautiful ministries. I love it and I love to share the love of God to all and each of the kids." - N.J. (small group leader) AVERAGE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE BY 98 TOTAL: 200 grade 1-4 kids GRADE SCHOOL 145 PRESCHOOL 2-5 year olds EARLY CHILDHOOD TOTAL number of children who came to DiscoveryLand (JULY 2011-JUNE 2012) = 1,875 2011/12 OFFERING PROJECTS $5630 + $1065 WHERE THE OFFERING WENT KELLY’S K-CAR Providing funds to purchase a car for Kelly Dyer to help with her work with a church plant in Venezuela. 6 CHILDREN BAPTIZED 443 KIDS birth-walking FIRST TIME VISITORS AVG. 66 NEW KIDS AGE (SEPT. 2011-JUNE 2012) SONSHINE COMMUNITY CENTRE Funding for summer programs to benefit children in transition. SPAIN/BELARUS MISSION TRIPS Supporting our Student Ministries summer mission teams. 13 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE BY MINISTRY (SEPT. 2011-MAY 2012) 100 87 83 80 grade 5-6 58 60 42 40 66 36 2010/11 20 2011/12 0 WEEKENDS 120 100 SPECIAL EVENTS 110 101 87 96 80 grade 7-9 60 42 36 40 2010/11 20 2011/12 0 WORSHIP 82 17 17 STUDENTS BAPTIZED SPECIAL EVENTS 80 70 63 59 60 grade 10-12 Oxygen Serve Nights also averaged 51 in attendance from Sept. 2011-May 2012. 50 42 36 40 30 2010/1120 2011/1210 0 GR. 6-9 STUDENTS ENROLLED WORSHIP SP. EVENTS 80 70 age 18-25 60 68 60 59 56 50 40 SPECIAL EVENTS for 2011/12 includes Friday Night Live. 30 42 36 2010/1120 2011/1210 0 68 LIFE GROUPS SPECIAL EVENTS 14 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 LABOUR OF LOVE 1500 2410 BACKPACKS FILLED & PRAYED FOR THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE APPROX. # OF PEOPLE SERVING ON COMMUNITY IMPACT LBS. OF FOOD DONATIONS TEAMS 2011/12 Labour of Love 2011 ............................... 9 Teen Challenge ...................................... 24 Tool Team ............................................ 79 Sherwood Breakfast Program.................. 15 Inn From the Cold ................................ 75 Oil Change Days ................................... 80 Open Door (McKenna Outreach)............ 6 Serve Day 2011 .................................... 115 Adoption & Foster Care Ministry ........... 5 Community Connect .............................. 3 ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE MINISTRY W hen we were part of launching an adoption and foster care ministry last fall, we were full of anticipation for what God would do. In addition to the staggering numbers of children around the world who need families, we knew there were many children right here in Calgary who needed a family to call their own. We were confident that God was calling people to step forward and embrace these children. We still believe this, both because the need is still there, and because God’s heart is so clearly communicated in Scripture (James 1:27). Over the past year, however, we have come to a deeper understanding of just how crucial it is that we support families who feel called to foster care and adoption. Children who are being cared for by someone other than their birth parents have experienced profound loss, and it is impossible not to be affected by this loss regardless of when and how it happened. This loss is just one of the factors that can make adoption and foster care journeys so challenging. We are privileged to walk alongside adoptive and foster families by providing practical support, such as meals and respite, and by providing resources that will equip them as they parent the unique children God has placed in their families. One family in our church recently brought home a boy from China. Since arriving home with Jensen in May, they have already been to Edmonton for surgery to repair two holes in his heart. Their son is doing extremely well, and we are so grateful that God has placed us in a position to encourage and support them. As Helen (Jensen’s mom) writes, “So far we are thrilled with how Jensen has attached to us, but there is always room for improvement and to learn more. We feel blessed that we have this resource [Empowered to Connect training for adoptive and foster parents] and supportive friends and church family to walk alongside us.” -Colleen Derksen OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD 2109 SHOEBOXES PACKED INN FROM THE COLD 380 BEDS FILLED IN 2011 SEASON FORMULA 4 HOPE BABY BOTTLES $5478 RAISED FOR PREGNANCY CARE CTR. SHERWOOD SCHOOL 40 AVERAGE # OF STUDENTS SERVED BREAKFAST DAILY OIL CHANGE DAYS 80 FAMILIES SERVED IN 2010/11 15 Building Lives That Honour God AN OVERVIEW OF OUR Annual Report 2012 GLOBAL IMPACT W e acknowledge that to be relevant to the destiny of history, we must be focused on God’s agenda to reach all ‘peoples’ of the world for Christ. To avoid the “scattergun” approach, FAC has chosen four major overseas partnerships with differing needs: Democratic Re- public of Congo (focus on leadership and cross-cultural capacities of the C&MA National Church), Arab Peninsula (resourcing our International Workers), North Africa (assisting new International Workers), and Bali (desire to reach nationals by bolstering an international congregation). Where possible, FAC is focusing its short-term endeavors toward ministries which support the four partnership regions. In addition to these four regional partnerships based on our relationships within the C&MA, we also have a longstanding partnership with Samaritan’s Purse in Nicaragua which results in an annual short term opportunity to that country. We intend to be strategic, effective and energetic in sharing Christ wherever we are or go around the world. To improve our serve-readiness, 29 people from FAC attended the five-day Disaster Assistance Response Training hosted at FAC in June 2012 with the goal of being equipped and ready when opportunity presents itself at home or abroad. BELARUS June 28-July 11, 2011 Team Members: 9 LATVIA July 4-16, 2011 Team Members: 3 -Pastor Craig CONGO July 7-23, 2011 Team Members: 4 EAGLE’S NEST, ALBERTA July 9-17, 2011 Team Members: 7 EDMONTON July 24-29, 2011 Team Members: 6 During the past year our focus continued to expand and solidify. We are encouraged to see our congregation increasingly reflect the composition of our community and city with people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. We saw the development of leadership teams for our Filipino and Iranian groups and an effective outreach event to Filipinos led by their leadership team. We also continued with the translation of 2 services; although our Romanian translation ended, Spanish translation began during the Sunday 9:15 am service, and Farsi at the Sunday 11:15 service. During the year we also continued to promote the sponsorship of refugees. The sponsorship of our first couple officially concluded successfully with them becoming self-sufficient. We received our second refugee family, an Iraqi widow and her two young sons, on September 19, 2011. They have made great progress in their language learning and their adjustment to a new country and a new life. We also worked on forming a leadership team for our refugee sponsorships and are very grateful to all the volunteers who have made this program successful. As we enter into a new year we anticipate that we will launch a number of new initiatives that will encourage ethnic families to participate fully in the life and ministry of FAC. - Pastor Pat Worsley CAMBODIA July 24-August 7, 2011 Team Members: 9 HAITI July 30-August 4, 2011 Team Members: 2 NORTH AFRICA January 16-30, 2012 Team Members: 3 NICARAGUA Feb. 25-Mar.10, 2012 Team Members: 24 BALI June 12-24, 2012 (2 people) Building Lives That Honour God 16 Annual Report 2012 HARVEST MINISTRIES 2011/12: BAKING & BREAKING BREAD ... TOGETHER “This is God’s kitchen,” says Michele Flynn, our Café Manager. After 10 plus years, the God who created food continues to move in our Harvest Kitchen. With the dedication of hundreds of committed, servant-hearted volunteers, we are able to create nourishment for many people who walk through the doors of FAC. Often it is their soul that is fed as well. We have rich times of laughter, tears, teaching, learning, friendship and sharing in one another’s lives, inside our Kitchen and Café. Indeed, this is “God’s kitchen,” and we are privileged to join Him in his work here in Harvest Ministries. KG. OF FLOUR USED PER YEAR 1260 FAVORITE CAFÉ TREAT COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER’S NAME # PEOPLE INVOLVED IN WORSHIP & TECHNICAL ARTS 2011/12 TWO FROM GALILEE 40 TECHNICAL ARTS 91 90 DRAMA/THEATRE # OF PEOPLE WHO ATTENDED WORSHIP TEAMS 40 45 ORCHESTRA CHOIR RAISED FOR COMMUNITY IMPACT PROGRAMS CONCERT OF HOPE H onouring our Holy God through creative, scripture-based worship is a special part of every weekend service for everyone involved. For the past 22 years, Pastor Jason Erhardt led us through this type of worship, and significant ministry events around Christmas, Easter and other celebrations. In September 2012 the church family celebrated these 22 years of leadership with the Erhardt family. Our prayers are with them for their next season of ministry. RAISED FOR COMPASSION’S CHILD SURVIVAL PROGRAM Building Lives That Honour God 17 Annual Report 2012 2011/12 PRODUCT REVENUE GUEST SERVICES MAKING CHURCH FEEL LIKE HOME (2011/12) # OF SCHEDULED VOLUNTEERS Parking Team ................................... 4 Ushering .........................................18 Greeters ..........................................12 Info Desk ...................................... 10 W $203,990 TOTAL # OF TRANSACTIONS 10,562 # OF PRODUCTS SOLD 18,618 ith a 22.11% increase in attendance from July 2011 to June 2012, there have been – and continue to be – many new faces each weekend here at FAC. Some guests come with friends or family, but many arrive alone. Our vision in Guest Services # OF VOLUNTEERS starts with welcoming and guiding people into the parking lot and ends when we thank them for visiting and encourage them to come back and worship with us again. We have many dedicated volunteers who serve faithfully to make this happen each weekend. But as we continue to grow as a church family in 2012/13, it will only become that much more important to increase our volunteer base so we can continue to be a warm and welcoming place to everyone who enters our doors. - 2011/12 USED BOOK SALE 30 is to create an atmosphere of love and acceptance for each and every person who enters our facility. This Roy McFadyen # OF FUNERALS BOOKED $2,700 RAISED FOR NEW RESOURCES 7,529 TOTAL ITEMS CHECKED OUT 2011/12 EVENT BOOKINGS 6,953 658 INCREASE FROM 2010/11 # OF RECEPTION VOLUNTEERS LANDSCAPING VOLUNTEERS 117 Building Lives That Honour God UPDATE ON THE 18 HOUSE COFFEE SANCTUARY 2011/12 I t’s been a crazy year for The House Coffee Sanctuary. We were fea- tured on “100 Huntley Street”, telling our story as well as the testimony of one of our regulars who left street culture and addictions to find Jesus. After that interview, we received emails from all over Canada asking about who we are and what we do! It was awesome to share about FAC’s heart to reach some of the least reached in Calgary to people all over Canada. Our church community at The House has continued to grow and will soon need to move to a bigger location. This year our church had 6 Life Groups going and has really intersected with many of our street culture regulars. One person even organized our church to participate in the MS Walk/Run on behalf of one of the teenage guys that visits the shop. He and his friends were blown away that our people would surround him with love like that. This year has also brought sadness as we held our first funeral service. David, a long-time regular who was a former street person and had struggled with addiction most of his life, passed away. He had become a huge part of our community over the years. It was an amazing service with many former and current staff and regulars coming to share stories and memories. We showed a video of David’s testimony and celebrated, praising God that finally he was at rest and peace with his Savior. Please continue to hold our staff and the community at The House Coffee Sanctuary up in prayer as we continue to engage in a very front-line ministry. Annual Report 2012 COFFEE SHOP 14% INCREASE IN SALES (2011/12) BEANS FROM LOCAL ROASTERS CONVERGE CHURCH SERVICES FIRST BAPTISM IN SUMMER 2012 126 - 10 Street NW Calgary www.thehousecoffee.ca –Derrick Mitchell (Pastor of The House) GLENMORE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 2011/12 - YEAR OF CELEBRATION! Have you ever wanted to share psychedelic punch with Austin Powers while enjoying a silent auction? Have you ever dreamed of winning that golden ticket for a tour of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory? Have you wondered what 48 Grade 9 students can do for some families in the Dominican Republic? How long has it been since you have seen the look on a 6-year-old child’s face when she conquers reading a set of books? Have you walked down a hallway marveling at the artwork of a group of 9 year olds? When did you last see a teacher with her arm around a student’s shoulders leading him to Jesus? These are some regular occurrences at Glenmore Christian Academy, where the original vision of Dr. Wendell K. Grout is being fulfilled. GCA is a beautiful 130,000 square foot school in the community of Bridlewood where 43 dedicated teachers feel called by God to be delivering education to 734 students from a biblical world view. It is where 24 dedicated support staff, 10 members of the board of directors, all of the Elders of FAC and Pastor Scott are working together toward furthering the vision, mission and values of GCA: “To Educate Children in a Dynamic Christian Environment Dedicated to Excellence in Learning and Life Development.” As a member of First Alliance Church, you are a supporter of GCA. See for yourself how God has blessed this school and is using this school for His glory! Call to book a tour: 403-254-9050. 19 Building Lives That Honour God MONTHLY HITS 2010/11 Annual Report 2012 2011/12 ONLINE REGISTRATIONS 10,000 ONLINE REG./TICKET SALES 9000 $135,560 8000 7000 ONLINE GIVING 6000 $751,312 5000 4000 61% INCREASE FROM 2010/11 3000 291 PAGE “LIKES” ADDED 2000 The average number of people daily sharing 1000 0 JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 3 MOST DOWNLOADED WEEKEND RESOURCES 2011/12 1 FACcommunity Newsletter 2 FACcommunity Newsletter 3 Storyline magazine (August 2011 edition) - 224 downloads (July 2011 edition) - 217 downloads (April 2012) - 191 downloads LIVE VIDEO STREAMING (UNIQUE VISITORS) INTERNATIONAL (29 different countries) NATIONAL (excluding Alberta) ALBERTA (excluding Calgary)1% CALGARY On September 11, 2011 we launched our free, weekly iTune podcasts, allowing people to listen and even subscribe to audio recordings of each weekend teaching. From February 2011 to June 2012 we averaged 537 downloads per week. stories about “faccalgary” on Facebook from July 2011June 2012 include liking our Page, posting to our Page Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of our posts, answering a question posted, RSVPing to one of our events, mentioning our Page etc. (Unique Users) INTERNATIONAL VISITORS Australia Chile China Finland France Germany Hungary India Italy Japan Latvia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Panama Paraguay Philippines Qatar Romania Slovakia South Africa Spain Sweden Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Venezuela @faccalgary Building Lives That Honour God 20 Annual Report 2012 CURRENT STAFF LISTING For complete contact information, please view our online staff directory located on the homepage under CONTACT US. • Pastoral Staff * Part-time Staff (less than 30 hrs/week) ** Volunteer Staff LEADERSHIP TEAM Scott Weatherford (Lead Pastor) • Carey Thiessen (Director of Operations) • Les Bon-Bernard (Senior Associate Pastor) • Heather Wile (Communications & Senior Director) • ADMINISTRATION & OPERATIONS Carey Thiessen (Administration Team Leader) • Cathie Hall (Executive Office Administrator) Brent Krawchuk (Cornerstone Resources Manager) Roy McFadyen (Guest Services)* Sara Vanderveen (Student Ministries Admin.) Cherie Merryweather (Children’s Ministries Admin.) Janet Loewen (Receptionist & GROW Admin.) Sandra Taylor (Facility Bookings Coordinator) Ruth Bittle (Cornerstone Resources Admin.)* Sharon Teichroeb (Global & Community Impact Admin.) Noelle Bannister (Operations Admin.) Samantha Bell (Worship Arts Admin.) Andrea Zacharias (Communications Admin.) Steven Dyck (Technical Arts Admin.)* WORSHIP ARTS, TECHNICAL ARTS & COMMUNICATIONS Heather Wile (Communications & Senior Director) • Caleb Delamont (Pastor of Worship Arts, New Iniatives) • Celeste Avilés (Worship Arts Associate)* Derek Johnson (Interim Choir Director, Web Design; on contract)* Paul Nadeau-Bonilla (Technical Arts Director) Vic Delamont (Technical Arts Associate) Wayne Jeschke (Technical Arts Associate) Cheryl Siebring (Drama/Editing) Brad Young (Pastor of Online Campus) • Julie McPhail (Graphic Design) FAMILY LIFE Les Bon-Bernard (Family Life Team Leader) • Ed Dyck (Pastor of Seniors’ Ministry)* • Children’s Ministry Team Financial Officers Betty Korthuis (Financial Manager) Sheila Forbes (Accounts Payable) Crystal Sylvester (Pastor of Children’s Ministries) • Meely Cho (Early Childhood Director)* Colleen Hoare (Grade School Director) Dana Brown (Grade School Small Groups Director)* Jenn Limacher (PreSchool Director) Kacie Killaly (Large Group Production Coordinator)* Facilities Student Ministries Team Kevin Jalving (Building Superintendent) Ron Kroeker (Building Maintenance Supervisor) Brad McDowell (Custodian) Dave McNeil (Custodian)* Choy Fuk (Custodian)* Harvest Ministries Gail Hunter (Harvest Food Services Director) Sterling Hunter (Kitchen Manager/Chef de Cuisine) Michele Flynn (Cornerstone Café Manager) Building Lives That SHARE Les Bon-Bernard (SHARE Team Leader ) • Grant Weber (Community Impact Pastor) • Craig (Global Impact Pastor) • Pat Worsley (Pastor of Ethnic Ministries)* • David Kang (Pastor of Ethnic Outreach) • The House Coffee & Sanctuary 126 – 10 St NW Calgary AB T2N 1V3 Derrick Mitchell (Pastor of The House) • Dennis Velikodnijs (Accelerate & Jr. High Pastor) • Jon Caldwell (Student Ministries Associate; Accelerate) Jonathan Klein (Senior High & Young Adults Pastor) • David Conrad (Student Ministries Associate; Senior High) Building Lives That SERVE & GROW Heather Brown (Pastor of Adult Ministries & Development) • Cindy Bartlett (Serve Coordinator) Building Lives That CONNECT Grant Sylvester (Life Groups Pastor/Men’s Ministries) • Tara Weatherford (Women’s Ministries Director) Dianne MacDonald (Women’s Ministries Associate; Realife)* Angela McCombs (Life Group Rep.) Ron Kish (Life Group Coach)** Steve Buszowski (Life Group Coach)** Cory Harasym (Intern) CONGREGATIONAL CARE Ray Matheson (Pastor Liaison) • Fern Buszowski (Pastoral Counselling Intern) Building Lives That Honour God 21 1. We will say yes to God! We will be a people who dare to follow His leadership regardless of the cost. We will be a people of prayer and faith. We will live in a spirit of generosity believing God will provide as He leads. We will be a people of plenty, not scarcity. We will boldly ask people to invest in God’s work here. We are the mission of God! (Zechariah 4:6; Ephesians 6:18; I Thessalonians 5:17-21) 2. We will create an intentional environment and a system where people can come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We will be all about reaching people and assisting them to grow into Christ-likeness. We will provide these experiences for men and women, students, and children with intent and creativity. (Luke 15; Romans 10:14,15; II Corinthians 3:4,5; 5:16-21; I Peter 2:9) 3. We will provide dynamic weekend worship gatherings for all ages. These gatherings will be relevant and excellent using the arts to touch the heart with teaching that is biblical leading to God-honouring life change. We will leverage creativity that is compelling, focused on the core biblical truth being taught that will be evident from the moment one arrives on campus. We will teach for life change and ask for various levels of commitment. We will be risk-takers, adding elements and experiences that will reach people while staying true to biblical truth. We will make our gatherings dynamic, compelling and creative. We will use these experiences as a launch point to align all our experiences through personal development and Life Groups. (Deuteronomy 6:5; Proverbs 3:9,10; Luke 10:38-24; John 17:3; Romans 12:7; II Corinthians 9:6-15; Ephesians 1:22-23; Philippians 3:8-10; Colossians 1:28; II Timothy 3:16-17; I Peter 1:23-24) 4. We will be a church of Life Groups for all ages, genders, and life stages. These smaller gatherings will be the primary place of care, spiritual growth, evangelism, and life change. We will be innovators in this area making Life Groups a primary place of entrance into following Christ. We will not settle until everyone is connected to Jesus and to a Life Group. (Luke 6:1213; Acts 2:44-47; I Thessalonians 2:7-12; Philemon 1:2) 5. We will create an environment and system for every person to minister according to their God-given design. Ministry matters! (Romans 12:8; I Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:11-13; I Peter 4:8-11) 6. We will create a leadership engine to equip leaders to lead well through time-honored biblical concepts, modeled after the servant leadership style of Jesus. This leadership engine will be for the leaders of FAC and the body of Christ. We will invest in the next generation, equipping them to serve in the now and in the next. We will be a church that leads the way in leadership development. (Romans 12:8; Nehemiah 1:1-2:20; John 13:3-5; Acts 6:2-5) Annual Report 2012 7. We will join God in church planting and church restoration movements by being a teaching, research, and resourcing church. This effort will not be limited by geography or our vision, but we will see and seize God’s vision. (Acts 13:1-3; Acts 16:6-10) 8. We will be intentionally engaged in bringing God’s love to Calgary, Canada, North America, and the world through prayer, projects, and the giving of resources. This effort will be in direct relationship with the C&MA. We will base our efforts on God’s movement through vital relationships, resourcing the needs, and reaching the unreached. (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8; I Thessalonians 1:7,8) 9. We will function as a family by having fun, believing the best, guarding unity, and structuring according to relationships and purpose. (John 13:34-35; 1 Corinthians 12:1-13; I Corinthians 13; Philippians 2:1-11, Acts 2:42-47; Galatians 6:10; I John 3:16) 10. We will be a people and place of help, healing, and hope for individuals and families. (Matthew 5:14-16; Luke 10:2537; James 2:14-26) 11. We will create a core curriculum and an ongoing resource that allows people to develop into Christ-like maturity by equipping them to connect, grow, serve, share their faith, develop a generous heart, lead their families to honor God, and develop the leader within. We will use creativity and technology to accomplish this vision. (John 14:21; 2 Corinthians 8:7; Ephesians 4:15-24; Philippians 1:6; II Timothy 2:2; James 1:22-25; Hebrews 12:1; 1 Peter 2:1-3) 12. We will pay off our debt and expand our current campus, creating an environment for building the lives of preschoolers, children, and students. (II Corinthians 9:9-15) 13. We will give our very best in all that we do and we will also leverage technology as we pursue the vision detailed above for the glory of God. (Malachi 1:6-14; Proverbs 27:17; Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17; I Thessalonians 2:12) “All of this is a re-statement of the vision God gave me before I came to First Alliance Church as pastor. It is my prayer that we will clearly define this vision, create strategies to accomplish this vision, and work in unity until God fulfills this vision or calls us home.” – Scott Weatherford (Lead Pastor) 22 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 First Alliance Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance COMMENTARY ON FINANCIAL RESULTS For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 (references to dollar amounts are $ thousands) This Commentary on Financial Results is provided to enable readers to assess the financial operations and condition of First Alliance Church for the year ended June 30, 2012. It should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements, notes and schedules and is dated September 24, 2012. Other Care Fund $325 es iss M r he Ot erm tT le na ri or Hope Res tore or t Su p p s io Mi s ee Refug FAC Sh ab Reac h Vulner Following is a “donut graph” which highlights each fund and how the funds were disbursed during the year including the surplus amount for the year; io ns Gl o ba lA dv an ce Missions Fund $1,356 Su r p l us Ca pi ta l Bldg & Prop Reno's Loan Payments Capital Fund $1,310 ri c st Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the Board of Elders of First Alliance Church (the “Board”). Each restricted donation designated toward an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board, the remaining restricted donations designated for such programs or project will be used as the Board determines. General Fund $5,594 Staff Costs t Fa c i l ities a ti on Ad mi ni y Minis tr s tr Su rp lu s Di Donation Policy FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Total revenues increased by 9% or $707 to $8,584 and total expenses increased by 8% or $597 to $7,644 with distributions as shown on the next page. 1 of 2 23 Building Lives That Honour God Annual Report 2012 General Fund Capital Fund 2012 Missions Fund 2011 Care Fund 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Staff costs Missions costs Ministry costs Care Fund Support costs Interest Amortization Thousands 2012 2011 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Thousands INCREASED GIVING SUPPORT Total donations increased by 10% or $705 to $7,615. Following is a giving breakdown for FAC’s four major funds: • General Fund giving was up by 19% or $749 to $4,625. • Capital Fund giving was down by 12% or $174 to $1,310. • Missions Fund giving was up overall by 11% or $129 to $1,356. i. FAC’s funding for Alliance Foreign Missions reduced to $770 compared with $806 last year. ii. The short term mission trips in 2011-12 increased by $75 over the previous year. • Care Fund giving was up nominally over the previous year to $325. GENERAL FUND HIGHLIGHTS The General Fund had a surplus of $338 compared to $178 in the prior year. Revenues increased by $757 (mostly in giving) and expenses increased by $596. • Staff costs increased by $412 due to increases in pay rates and total paid hours. • Sales volume at The House was up this year by $15 and expenses dropped by $3. • Library and Cornerstone Resources expenses were up $15 and revenues up $15 due to greater activity. • Harvest expenses up $8 and revenues $27 due to more internal catering. • Life Connection expenses increased $40 and revenues increased $41 mostly due to the reclassification of certain events. CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION The debt required to provide FAC’s current facilities was paid down by $472, reducing it from $9.8 million to $9.4 million. In anticipation of expansion, during the year First Alliance Church invested $210 in expansion planning activities and accumulated $506 of cash. As well, when the Church refinanced during the year they borrowed an additional $5,000 from the Western Canadian District and applied this amount to the loan held at RBC. Currently we are paying the District interest whereas we were paying RBC principal and interest. This refinancing will help us accumulate an additional $681 in cash over the current term of the RBC loan. OVERALL SUMMARY All of the above leaves First Alliance Church in a positive financial position, as needed to support ministry to a growing congregation. We are thankful for God’s provision through the giving of His faithful people. This year’s financial results should encourage all of us to continue trusting Him as we take on the larger challenges and opportunities in FAC’s vision. Respectfully submitted by John Siebring, Teasurer 2 of 2 Building Lives That Honour God 24 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 25 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 26 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 27 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 28 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 29 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 30 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 31 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 32 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 33 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 34 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 35 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 36 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 37 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 38 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 39 Annual Report 2012 Building Lives That Honour God 40 Annual Report 2012
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