stylebook - Fashion for Floors
stylebook - Fashion for Floors
floor designer m o n te - c a rl o STYLEBOOK floor styling is the magical ingredient that will transform your space into a multi-dimensional living experience ! WElCOME @ Ëdk_i`cc\[Xe[gifl[kfgi\j\ekkfpflflie\n=8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJJkpc\9ffbMfcld\+#n_`Z_ n`ccj_fnpflk_\`dgfikXeZ\f]pfliÕffiXe[k_\ZXig\kpflZ_ffj\kfjlYc`d\`k% =8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJ\c\mXk\jpfliÕffikfX[`]]\i\ekc\m\c#dpk\XdXe[dpj\c]Xi\[\[`ZXk\[kf kiXej]fidpfliÕffij`ekfk_\dfjk`dgfikXekjkpc\\c\d\ekf]pfli`ek\i`fiPfln`cc[`jZfm\i`e k_\]fccfn`e^gX^\jaljkXjdXccgXikf]fliZfcc\Zk`fej#j_fn$ZXj\[`eYi\Xk_$kXb`e^`ek\i`fijkfXccfnpfl Xe\oZ`k`e^`ej`^_kf]Xdlck`[`d\ej`feXcc`m`e^\og\i`\eZ\XZZfi[`e^kf===%?Xm\X^ff[ki`g kamyar moghadam A\i\jj\ejle`dd\ej\gcX`j`i\kle\^iXe[\Ô\ik\emfljgij\ekXekefki\eflm\XlJkpc\9ffbMfcld\+=8J?@FE =FI=CFFIJ#hl`mflj]\iX[Zflmi`icË`dgfikXeZ\[ljfc\k[lkXg`jhl`c\jlYc`d\iX%=8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJc m\ mfki\jfcm\ijlee`m\Xl[`]]i\ek%Dfehl`g\\kdf`$dd\ZfejXZifejkflkefki\jXmf`i$]X`i\gflic\kiXej]fid\i \ecËcd\ek\jj\ek`\c[\mfki\`eki`\liEfljmfljgij\ekfej`Z`aljk\leg\k`kXg\il[\efjZfcc\Zk`fej#iXZfek ~ kiXm\ij [\j \e[if`kj hl`# a\ cË\jg i\# mflj ]\ifek mfpX^\i \k mflj `eZ`k\ifek ~ gXjj\i ~ cX gifZ_X`e\ [`d\ej`fe j\cfe===%9femfpX^\ page .2/3 BXdpXiDf^_X[XdËjYXZb^ifle[_XjXcnXpj Y\\e`ek_\]Xj_`fenfic[#Xe[_Xm`e^Y\\eX ZcXjjdXk\f]Kfd=fi[XkGXijfeËjJZ_ffcf] ;\j`^e#_\c\Xie\[k_\`dgfikXeZ\f]jkpc\`eXcc Xjg\Zkjf]c`]\Xe[i\$[\Ôe\[ Xn_fc\e\ndXib\k1Õffi[\j`^eXe[ [\j`^e\iZXig\k`e^ ?Xm`e^Y\\eYifl^_klg`eX]Xd`cpn_\i\ZXig\kj _Xm\Y\\ekiX[\[]fi^\e\iXk`fej#k_\`[\X kfZi\Xk\X]lj`feY\kn\\e_`jgXjk`e]Xj_`fe Xe[_`j]Xd`cpkiX[`k`fejY\ZXd\\m`[\ek% =8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJjkXik\[flkkfY\Zfd\ k_\nfic[ËjÔijkZfeZ\gkjkfi\fecp[\[`ZXk\[kf [\j`^e\iZXig\kjXe[ÕffiZflkli\% ===f]]\ijk_\nfic[ËjcXi^\jkjkfZbXkXepk`d\ f][\j`^e\iZXig\kjXe[_XjY\\eXggf`ek\[Yp k_\GXcXZ\f]DfeXZfXe[?%J%?%Gi`eZ\8cY\ik@@ Xjk_\f]ÔZ`Xcjlggc`\i% @ejg`i[liXekkflk\jX]fidXk`fegXicËle`m\ij [\cXdf[\#BXdpXiDf^_X[Xd]lkc m\Xm\ZKfd =fi[~cXGXijfeËjJZ_ffcf];\j`^e%@cXggi`kiXg`[\d\ek cË`dgfikXeZ\[ljkpc\[Xejkfljc\jXjg\Zkj[\cXm`\ \ki`em\ekXkflkledXiZ_1c\jfci\m`j`kgXic\[\j`^e \kcXZflkli\%@jjl[Ële\]Xd`cc\fcËfe\jk`d\ c\jkXg`j[\gl`j[\j^eiXk`fej#`c[\m`ekm`[\ek ~j\jp\lo[\Zi\ile\]lj`fe\eki\jfe\ogi`\eZ\[\ cXdf[\\kj\jkiX[`k`fej]Xd`c`Xc\jgfliZi\i =8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJ#gi\d`\iZfeZ\gkjkfi\Xl dfe[\le`hl\d\ekZfejXZiXlokXg`j[\j`^e \k~cX_Xlk\Zflkli\[ljfc% ===f]]i\~kflkdfd\ek#c\gcljcXi^\Z_f`o[\kXg`j [\j`^eXldfe[\\kXkefdd~Z\k`ki\gXi J%8%J%c\Gi`eZ\8cY\ik@@[\DfeXZf# ]flie`jj\lif]ÔZ`\c[lGXcX`j% page .4/5 Fournisseur Breveté de S.A.S. Le Prince Souverain de Monaco I’❤ GUARANTEE N\Y\c`\m\`ej\cc`e^fecpk_\Ôe\jkZXig\kjdX[\]ifdk_\ Y\jkdXk\i`Xcj#jfn\n`cc^iXekpflXle`hl\nfic[$n`[\ ^lXiXek\\1 ❤ <oZ_Xe^\n`k_`e()dfek_jXk(''f]k_\gliZ_Xj\gi`Z\ feXcc_Xe[$befkk\[ZXig\kj%<m\e`]pflaljknXekkfZ_Xe^\ k_\jkpc\f]pfli`ek\i`fi8e[\m\eX]k\i()dfek_jn\Ëcc ^iXekpflXgifgfik`feXcZi\[`kX^X`ejkXepe\ngliZ_Xj\% ❤ <oZ_Xe^\n`k_`efe\dfek_Xk(''f]k_\gliZ_Xj\gi`Z\ ]fiXccfk_\ig`\Z\j% ❤ 8c`]\cfe^^lXiXek\\f]k_\Xlk_\ek`Z`kpXe[hlXc`kp f]\m\ipZXig\k% I’❤ ROOM SERVICE N\nXekkfdXb\jli\k_XkpflZ_ffj\k_\g\i]\ZkZXig\kjfk_Xk pflcfm\`kXjdlZ_Xjn\[f¿k_\i\]fi\n\f]]\ipflflile`hl\ ÈIffdJ\im`Z\É1 ❤DXb\Xg\ijfeXcXggf`ekd\ekn`k_fe\f]fliÕffi[\j`^e\ijXk pfli_fd\`efi[\ikfkXb\k_\g\i]\Zkd\Xjli\d\ekj#cffbXkk_\ iffdgifgfik`fejXe[kf^\kX]\\cf]pfli`ek\i`fi% ❤DXb\Xj\c\Zk`fef]j\m\iXcZXig\kjk_Xkpflcfm\n`k_fliXjj`jkXeZ\% ❤Flik\Xdn`ccZfd\Xe[gi\j\ekkfpfl\XZ_g`\Z\`e`kjÔeXcXe[ i\Xcj\kk`e^#n`k_pfli]lie`kli\Xe[pflic`^_k`e^%KXb\pflik`d\ kfZ_ffj\%@]pfl[feËkÔe[pflig\i]\ZkdXkZ_#n\n`ccdXb\X j\Zfe[j\c\Zk`fe`]pflXjbljkf[fjf#fialjkZi\Xk\pflifne g\ijfeXc`q\[ZXig\k% N`k_flkXepfYc`^Xk`fef]gliZ_Xj\% @jk_\i\Xepk_`e^\cj\n\ZXe[f]fipfl6 fljmflcfejefljXjjli\ihl\mfljZ_f`j`jj\qc\kXg`jgXi]X`k#gflihl\ E mfljcËX`d`\qXlkXekhl\efljcËX`dfej¿Efljmfljf]]ifej[feZefki\ ÈIffdJ\im`Z\Èle`hl\1 GXiZ\hl\efljjfdd\jZfemX`eZljhl\efljm\e[fejle`hl\d\ekc\jgclj Y\XlokXg`j#]X`kjXm\Zc\jdXk` i\jc\jgcljefYc\j#efljmfljf]]ifej le\^XiXek`\le`hl\1 ❤Gi\e\qlei[mg\ijfeeXc`jXm\ZcËle[\efj[\j`^e\ij[ljfc#Z_\qmflj# ❤Gfjj`Y`c`k[ËZ_Xe^\g\e[Xek()df`j~(''[lgi`o[ËXZ_Xkgflikflj c\jkXg`jefljdX`e#dd\j`ZË\jkaljk\gXiZ\hl\mfljXm\q\em`\[\ Z_Xe^\i[\[Zfi% ❤:_f`j`jj\qXm\Zefki\X`[\le\jc\Zk`fe[\gclj`\lijkXg`jhl\mfljX`d\q¿ gfligi\e[i\c\jd\jli\jgXi]X`k\j#i\^Xi[\ic\jgifgfik`fej\kmfcld\j [\jg` Z\jXÔe[ËfYk\e`ile\m`j`feZfdgc k\[\mfki\`eki`\li% ❤Efki\hl`g\j\[gcXZ\iX\kmfljgij\ek\iXZ_Xhl\df[ c\Z_f`j`[Xej ❤Gfjj`Y`c`k[ËZ_Xe^\g\e[Xek(df`j~(''[lgi`o[ËXZ_Xkgflikflk\j le\d`j\\ej`klXk`fei\cc\Xm\Zmfjd\lYc\j#mfki\ZcX`iX^\\kkflk c\k\dgj[fekmfljXli\qY\jf`egfli]X`i\mfki\Z_f`o¿<kj`mfljeË\e Xm\qX`dXlZle#efljmfljgifgfj\ifej[\Zi\imfki\kXg`jg\ijfeeXc`j% ❤ CËXlk_\ek`Z`k\kcXhlXc`k[\Z_Xhl\g` Z\jfek^XiXek`\j~m`\% :\Z`jXejXlZle\fYc`^Xk`fe[ËXZ_Xk% PX$k$`cXlki\Z_fj\hl\efljgl`jj`fej]X`i\gflimflj6 .6/7 page c\jXlki\jZfcc\Zk`fej% DU CÔTÉ DE CHEZ KARL. Classic extravaganza à La Vigie, one of the most mythical villas in history … Classique extravagance à la Vigie, une des villas les plus mythiques de l’histoire contemporaine… page .8/9 page erased classics - ferrara rocked - 100% hand-knotted - 250x300 cm – himalaya wool & silk erased classics by jan kath .10/11 acid bamboo - 100%hand - knotted - 70x160cm - 100% bamboo silk boro 10 - 100% hand-knotted - 250x300cm - 100% bamboo silk - 9450 € page .12/13 orbit velvet - 100% hand tufted - 170x240cm - brushed cotton on denim ground – 3250 € KNOT BY KNOT BefkYpbefk#[XpX]k\i[Xp#dfek_X]k\idfek_#\XZ_ZXig\k`jle`hl\ Xe[(''_Xe[$befkk\[n`k_k_\dfjkY\Xlk`]lcdXk\i`Xcj`ek_\nfic[¿k_\lck`dXk\hlXc`kp HOW ARE THEY MADE ? VINTAGE PATCHWORK 8]XjZ`eXk`e^ZfeZ\gkn_\i\fecpXek`hl\Xe[[`jki\jj\[_Xe[$dX[\8eXkfc`XeZXig\kjXi\Zlkflk#[p\[ `em`YiXekZfcfijXe[i\Xjj\dYc\[Yppfle^XmXek$^Xi[\Xik`jkj#Zi\Xk`e^ÕffiZflkli\n`k_jflc EÅl[jXgi jeÅl[j#afliXgi jafli#df`jXgi jdf`j#Z_Xhl\kXg`j\jkle`hl\ \k(''efl~cXdX`e[Xejc\jgcljY\cc\jdXk` i\j[ldfe[\¿CËlck`d\hlXc`k LeZfeZ\gk]XjZ`eXekf[ËXeZ`\ejkXg`j[Ë8eXkfc`\efljdX`ej#ljjgXic\k\dgj#jfek[Zflgj\kk\`ekj \e[\m`YiXek\jZflc\lijgl`jXjj\dYcjgXi[ËXmXek$^Xi[`jk\jXik`jk\j#XÔe[Ë_XY`cc\ic\jjfcj[Ële\d\ eflm\cc\% BAMBOO SILK COUSSINS K_`jY\Xlk`]lcXe[j\ejlXcÔY\i_Xj^`m\ec`]\kfjfd\Yi\Xk_kXb`e^ (''_Xe[$befkk\[ZXig\kj`ecfnfi_`^_$g`c\%EXkli\f]]\i`e^XkXZk`c\\og\i`\eZ\ ===f]]\ijfe\f]k_\dfjkYi\Xk_kXb`e^Zfcc\Zk`fejf][\ZfiXk`m\Zlj_`fejXifle[DX[\n`k_k_\dfjk cloli`fljdXk\i`XcjXe[`eXjdXccc`d`k\[j\i`\j#k_\pn`ccdXb\k_\[`]]\i\eZ\pfli`ek\i`finXjnX`k`e^]fi% :\kk\ÔYi\jlYc`d\\kj\ejl\cc\X[feem`\~[\jkXg`j(''efldX`e ~gf`cZflikflcfe^%CXeXkli\efljf]]i\Xcfijle\mi`kXYc\\ogi`\eZ\kXZk`c\ =8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJf]]i\le\Zfcc\Zk`fe[\Zfljj`ej[ZfiXk`]j~Zflg\ic\jfl]Õ\:felj[Xej c\jdXki`Xloc\jgcljclol\lo\k\oZclj`m\d\ek\eji`\jc`d`k\j#`cjXggfik\ifekZ\g\k`khl\chl\Z_fj\ [\gcljhlËXkk\e[X`kmfki\`eki`\li% DOT BY DOT PETIT MOBILIER ?Xc]nXpY\kn\\edXelXcXe[d\Z_Xe`Z%8dXq`e^i\jlckjXe[cfkjf]Z_XiXZk\in_`Z_Zflc[efkY\ XZ_`\m\[YpXepfk_\ik\Z_e`hl\%KfkXc]i\\[fd]fijg\Z`Xc\]]\ZkjXe[k\okli\j% 8e\oZclj`m\Xe[le`hl\Zfcc\Zk`fef]jdXcc]lie`kli\fecpXmX`cXYc\Xk===%<XZ_g`\Z\`j_Xe[$dX[\Xe[ gif[lZ\[`ejdXcc\[`k`fej% 8d`Z_\d`e\eki\cXiXc`jXk`fedXel\cc\\kdZXe`hl\#Z\kk\dk_f[\lk`c`j\[\jk\okli\j\kg\id\k [\j\]]\kjhl`e\g\lm\ekgXjki\iXc`jj[Xej[ËXlki\jk\Z_e`hl\j%LeijlckXkkfeeXekgfli[\jkXg`j [\ZXiXZk i\ Le\Zfcc\Zk`fele`hl\[\g\k`kdfY`c`\iXYjfcld\ek`e[`k\% :_Xhl\g` Z\\jk]X`k$dX`e\kgif[l`k\\eji`\c`d`k\% SKIN & LEATHER PLAIDS N\_Xe[$g`Zbk_\dfjkY\Xlk`]lcZfnjb`ej#dX`ecp]ifd9iXq`c#kfZi\Xk\jfd\f]k_\dfjk\oZ`k`e^ ZXig\kjk_Xk_Xm\\m\iY\\eglkfeXÕffi%K_\pXi\j\op#ZffcXe[k_\pXi\½gXikpgiff]¾#jkX`ec\jjXe[ i\j`jkXek% Eflji\Z_\iZ_fejc\jg\Xlo[\mXZ_\c\jgcljY\cc\j#gi`eZ`gXc\d\ekXl9ij`c#gfliZi\ic\jgclj \okiXfi[`eX`i\jkXg`j[\Zl`iaXdX`jgij\ekjjlilejfc%@cjjfekj\op\kfek[a~gXjjc\½GXikpK\jk¾1 `efop[XYc\j\kij`jkXekj GAZELLE DE LUXE Jflk_$8]i`ZXe#]Xid\[jgi`e^YfZb#_Xe[$ZiX]k\[`ekfle`hl\ÕffiZflkli\#Y\[jgi\X[jfiZlj_`fej`e XiXe^\f]\oZ`k`e^Zfcflij% CX>Xq\cc\jl[$X]i`ZX`e\#[Ëc\mX^\#Zfljl\dX`e[Xej[\jXk\c`\ijjc\Zk`feej# \e[\jjlj[\c`k#=cffi:flkli\fl\eZfljj`ej#[Xejle\^Xdd\_Xlk\\eZflc\lij% :fm\ilg`eclolip Fecpk_\dfjkcloli`fljdXk\i`Xcjn`k_ZXj_d\i\c`e`e^kfY\lj\[fepflijf]XfiXjXY\[Zfm\i% GXi\q$mflj[\clo\ C\jdXki`Xloc\jgcljclol\loYfi[j[\ZXj_\d`i\~XYXe[fee\ijlimfki\ZXeXgfljlimfki\c`k% À LA CARTE 8k===n\f]]\ipflfm\i()''Zfcfij#_le[i\[jf]dXk\i`XcjXe[_le[i\[jf][\j`^ejkfZ_ffj\]ifd`e fliÈZfcficXYfiXkfipÉ%8e[`]pfl_Xm\Xjg\Z`ÔZ[\j`^e#flik\Xdn`ccdXb\pfli`[\XY\Zfd\i\Xc`kp% :_\q=8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJefljgifgfjfejgclj[\()''Zflc\lij#[\jZ\ekX`e\j[\dXki`Xlo\k [\[\j`^ej~Z_f`j`i[Xejefki\ÈcXYfiXkf`i\[\Zflc\lijÉ% .14/15 page COMMENT SONT-ILS FAITS ? .16/17 page Some of our most soulful pieces showcased in a bohemian villa floating between dream and reality … Quelques-unes de nos pièces les plus charmantes, sur le pont d’une villa bohème, flottant entre rêve et réalité… Vintage patchwork intense pink - 230x320cm - 100% hand-knotted antique carpets - 3950€ 1.Vintage patchwork emerald green - 200x295cm - 100% hand-knotted antique carpets - 2850€ WELCOME ON BOARD ! Another few examples of our vast choice of color and design finishings in vintage patchworks. Encore quelques exemples de notre vaste choix de couleurs et finitions en vintage patchworks. .18/19 page vintage patchwork sun-bleached - 230x300cm -100% hand-knotted antique carpets - 2950€ SOUL FUL LIVING 2. .20/21 page 1. 1 2 AC!D PUNK 1- mad cow - 100% Brazilian cow-hide different color variations in stock 70x160cm - 495€ 2 - Acid punk -100% south-african springbok 170x240cm - 1850€ vertical mad cow - 100% Brazilian cow-hide - different color variations in stock - 70x160cm - 495€ MAD COW .24/25 page Stream-lined, pure and simply chic …. A 60’s architectural jewel brought to new life ! Epuré et simplement chic… Le nouveau souffle d’un bijou architectural années 60 ! geometrical luxury -100% hand-knotted in Himalaya wool -170x240cm - 3450€ / Silver rope – 100% hand-tufted – 90x200cm – 1950€ Flower power cow - 100% cow-hide - 300x400cm - 4450€ PURE EXERCISE 2. 1. 3. 4. page 1- Silver lamb - 100% new-zealand lamb - 200cm round -1450 € / 2- Café macchiato - 100% new-zealand lamb shaved - 200x300cm - 3950 € 3- Raspberry pixel - 100% hand-tufted - 100% laine - 200x250cm – 4250 €/ 4- Count on me - 100% laser cut leather - hand-sewn - 140x200cm – 795 € RASPBERRY PIXEL COUNTONME KIDS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN ! .26/27 page Juicy jute - 100% hand-knotted-100% jute - 200x300cm - 995€ - 6 colors available JUICY JUTE .28/29 by RUG STAR like love & pain - green 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk like love & pain - original 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk .32/33 page ADVANCED COLOR THERAPY like love & pain - red 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk 100% hand-knotted - Himalaya wool & silk revolver yellow/Pink 100% hand-knotted - Himalaya wool & silk .34/35 page love hurts/feel me life is good - original 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk i love you - grey i love you - orange life is good - orange 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk i love you - original i love you - red - 100% hand-knotted - Himalaya wool & silk All you need is love original page .36/37 bakhu - white 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk bakhu - red 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk bakhu - pink 100% hand-knotted Himalaya wool & silk grass green 100% hand-knotted - Himalaya wool & silk noodlesoup .38/39 original page bakhu l& d-k ove I ll wil you se - as led mb pie ces ted –H silk Splash black & white no 2C 0 - 10 not woo page Paradise luxury accessories an %h a lay ima .40/41 Splash black & white Playground grass green Splash no 6 Playground black & white Dolce vita on the French Riviera… One of the most exciting private properties to be discovered… Dolce Vita sur la Côte d’Azur… Une des propriétés privées les plus exceptionnelles à découvrir… .44/45 page labyrinth - grey/white - 100% hand-knotted –100% Himalaya wool - 300x300cm - 6950€ GRAPHIC CHIC EFFICIENCY page 1 - Crazy Zebra - black&white - wool & viscose -100% hand-knotted - 220x320cm - 3950 € 2 - Imperial chess – black&white- wool&viscose-100% hand-knotted- 140x200cm -1450€ CRAZYZEBRA Bamboo lines - white/silver - wool & viscose - 100% hand-knotted - 240x170cm - 1950€ 1. 2. .46/47 Organic structure - 50% linen/50%bamboo -100% hand-knotted - 250x300cm - -4875€ 1 - Walk on me – 100% pure silk- 100% hand-tufted-many colors - 495€/m² 2 -Boro 1 – 100% bamboo silk-100% hand-knotted-250x350cm-8450€ 1. WALK ON ME 2. page .48/49 1 - Boro 10 - light grey combo- 100% handknotted- wool&silk mix- 220x320cm Detail - Verona air – original colors - wool/ silk/nettle mix - any size possible 2 - Paschmina delight - cream - cachmere & silk mix - 100% hand-knotted - 250x350cm - price on request PASCHMINA DE LIGHT 1. 2. .50/51 page 1 detail 2 .52/53 page Cette collection est composée de peaux de vache découpées en bandes, capitonnées, cousues et assemblées en un époustoufflant tapis couture pour une “walking experience” unique… - 100% embossed cowhide- 400x500cm-9850€ This collection is made of padded pieces of cowhide, stitched and patched into stunning floor couture with a unique walking experience … satin alligator paddy- grey- 100% cowhide- 200x300cm- 2950€ WALKING EXPER -IENCE Micro chip yummy yellow page Micro chip – dark grey - wool& silk mix- 220x320cm- 6950€ Crystal star-100% hand-knotted-wool&silk mix - 200x300cm - price on request MICROCHIP Micro chip dizzy green Micro chip turtle turquoise .54/55 r- ta rs ou am Gl x re lu lv er si ry de oi br em on m ni de s- nd ou gr cm 40 x2 17 0 0€ 95 -4 page .58/59 Metallica- bronze/silver- 100% cow hide -170x240cm - 2650€ Mandala silver - Himalaya wool & silk - 100% hand-knotted - 230x310cm - 6950€ Pebble star - natural colors - 100% felted wool-hand-sewn - all sizes available starting at 395€ for 70x140cm Gazelle de luxe - 8 colors available - all sizes available for your floor or as bed cover page .60/61 A LA CARTE... Nothing is impossible at FFF ! If you can’t find the perfect piece within our permanent collections, you can let your creativity go wild with 1200 colors, hundreds of material mixes and any idea you want to bring to life. At our Monaco flagship, we have dedicated a full floor to our color lab, where you can see and feel all in real life. .62/63 page Chez FASHION FOR FLOORS rien n’est impossible ! Si vous ne parvenez pas à trouver le modèle parfait parmi nos collections permanentes, vous pouvez laisser votre imagination galloper parmi 1200 couleurs, des centaines de matériaux mixes et toutes vos idées prendront vie. Dans notre flagship monégasque, nous avons dédié un étage entier à notre laboratoire de couleurs, où vous pourrez voir et sentir vos rêves en direct. BY Jan Kath is one of the most influential designers in the world of contemporary handmade carpets and has been winning design awards around the globe for his timeless creations. At FFF we offer one of the largest collections of Jan Kath. Jan Kath est l’un des designers les plus influents dans le monde des tapis contemporains noués mains et a remporté de nombreux prix design dans le monde entier pour ses créations intemporelles. Chez FASHION FOR FLOORS, vous pouvez découvrir une large partie des collections de Jan Kath. Sliced-agate blue-wool&silk mix-250x300cm - price on request JAN KATH SLICED, is the latest collection, which evolves around the idea of sliced precious stones and these can be seen live at our Monaco Flagship. SLICED, est sa dernière collection. Elle évoque la vision en coupe des pierres précieuses et peut être découverte dans notre flagship à Monaco. .64/65 page SLICED SLICED Radi deluxe #1 Radi deluxe #2 BY ERASED CLASSICS/ RADI DELUXE JAN Radi deluxe #3 .66/67 page KATH BRICK. 100% suede leather mille-feuille - any size possible on request .70/71 page Prestige -100% silk - wall to wall or area rug PRESTIGE FLOOR FINE Sphere - 100% cowhide-any size possible for your floor or as wall decoration A very subtle assembly of cowhide and leather stripes into hard-wearing and stylish carpets that can pass the party test or suitable for commercial use. Un subtil assemblage de peaux de vache et de bandes de cuir pour des tapis élégants et résistants à usages intenses : commerciaux ou festifs ! Fine – 100% cowhide-any size possible page .72/73 page Inter galactic system - Floor to heaven - wool & viscose -100% hand - tufted - 200x200cm - 2950€ INTERGALACTICSYSTEMFLOOR .74/75 #1 Lloyd Wright #2 Lloyd Wright #3 WALL TO WALL UP THE STAIRS Mustang-100% cowhide-any size and color possible Mustang page Lloyd Wright Wall to wall carpet in many color combinations available. lloyd wright .76/77 limited edition Almost anything is possible ! Moquette : impossible n’est pas FASHION FOR FLOORS ! Choose from hundreds of high quality floorcoverings in our colour lab ! Choisissez parmi les centaines de revêtements de haute qualité dans notre laboratoire de couleurs ! .78/79 page WALL TO WALL 1. Bliss – 100% viscose -100% hand - tufted-many colors available. by > Touch me > Touch me #2 #4 > Touch me #3 > Touch me #1 > Touch me #5 IF YOU JUST WANT TO FEEL THE SENSUALITY OF PURE SILK UNDER YOUR FEET, THEN THIS LINE IS A MUST-HAVE ! OUR OWN PRIVATE COLLECTION OF PURE SILK CAN BE MADE TO MEASURE IN ANY SHAPE OR SIZE AND YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM OUR 36 PERMANENT COLOR RANGE OR EVEN PICK FROM A RANGE OF 1200 COLORS… ME > Touch me > Touch me #9 #7 > Touch me #8 > Touch me #6 .80/81 > Touch me # 10 page PURE SILK TOUCH & SIT & FEEL ME ! Farming deluxe pouf - 100% Mongolian sheep and natural wood-40x40x50cm-295€ Country deluxe pouf-100% cow-hide-40x40x40cm- 295€ Square sheep pouf -100% newzealand sheep and natural wood-40x40x50cm-395€ Wouf wouf pouf-100% Mongolian sheep – 50x50x70cm-895€ Chalet pouf-100% cowhide and natural wood40x40x50cm- 295€ .82/83 page Square Mongolian pouf 100% Mongolian sheep and natural wood 40x40x50cm - 395€ 1 2 3 1. 2. 3. IN COVER UP LUXURY 1- silver fox 2- white fox 3- snow white fow - 140x190cm - 1950€ There is nothing more cosy and luxurious than to drape yourself in all natural skins with pure cashmere lining … Our collection of plaids and cushions are only made in small series and can be used as a throw for your sofa or as a sensual bed cover … Each piece is hand-made and checked by our team of experts. .84/85 page Rien n’est plus confortable et luxeux que de se draper dans des peaux véritables bordées de pur cashemire… Notre collection de plaids et coussins n’est produite qu’en séries limitées pour ornementer vos canapés ou vos lits… Chaque pièce est fait-main et vérifiée par notre équipe d’experts. page ACCESSORIES Red fox - Snow white fox cushion - 40x40cm-295 SNOW WHITE FOX CUSHION .86/87 REDEFINING AESTHETICS OF YACHTING EXCEPTION ON BOARD N_\i\m\ipflXi\#[i\jjpflipXZ_kÕffijn`k_k_\dfjkY\Xlk`]lcdXk\i`Xcj#k_\dfjk i\Ôe\[ZfcflijXe[k_\dfjk[\c`ZXk\Ôe`j_\j% N_\k_\ipflËi\cffb`e^]finXcc$kf$nXccZXig\k`e^file`hl\il^jZfeZ\`m\[\jg\Z`Xccp ]fipfliYfXk#kipk_\=8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJ\og\i`\eZ\% ;`jZfm\iXefZ\Xef]gfjj`Y`c`k`\j%8jb]fiXepj_Xg\fiYfi[\ipfln`j_% Flifecpc`d`k`jpfli`dX^`eXk`fe% L’EXCEPTION À BORD Fhl\mfljjfp\q#_XY`cc\qmfki\jfc[\jgcljY\cc\jdXk` i\j#[\jZflc\lijc\jgclj iX]Ôe\j\k[\jÔe`k`fejc\jgclj[c`ZXk\jgflimfki\pXZ_k% <eXdeX^\d\ekkfkXcfl\ekXg`j[\[ZfiXk`feZfeljjgZ`Xc\d\ek gflic\YXk\Xl#]X`k\jcË\ogi`\eZ\=8J?@FE=FI=CFFIJ% .88/89 page ;Zflmi\qlefZXe[\gfjj`Y`c`kj\e[\dXe[Xekkflk\jc\j]fid\j\kkflk\jc\jYfi[li\j hl\mfljjfl_X`k\q% EfjiXc`jXk`fejeËXlifekgflic`d`k\hl\mfki\`dX^`eXk`fe% FLOOR TO HEAVEN 3D Honey bee- floor to heaven-100% wool-100% hand-tufted -price on request 3D moon – floor to heaven - 100% wool -100% hand-tufted -price on request .90/91 page by .92/93 page Voici un aperçu de notre collection couture «Floor To Heaven» ! Nous pouvons transformer chaque modèle en «moquette» pour habiller votre yacht ou simplement votre demeure... Floor To Heaven est la marque design la plus avant-gardiste pour les revêtements de sol mode. Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter une sélection spécifique des collections actuelles. Illusion – floor to heaven -100% new-zealand wool-100% hand - tufted Laser flower- floor to heaven-100% new-zealand wool-100% hand-tufted / Silver embroidery-floor to heaven-100%cotton/lurex mix-100% hand-tufted This is just a sneakpreview of our extensive collection of “Floor To Heaven” floor couture ! We can have them made wall to wall, for specific yachting use or just for your own private home… Floor To Heaven is the most avant-garde designer brand for the coolest floor decorations around and we are proud to offer you a huge selection of all current collections. LA REVOLUTION DU SOL .94/95 very special thanks to Maren Krass for the amazing pictures … ! page THE FLOOR REVOLUTION 39 Bd des Moulins • MC - 98000 Monaco Tel. + 377 92 16 12 16 www.fashionforf 10 € / 10 £ / 1O $
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