- Middletown Township
- Middletown Township
MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 Table of Contents Earth Day ..................................................................2 Run The Gates ..........................................................3 Good For You Photo Contest..................................3 Safe Kids Car Seat Check........................................3 Discount Amusement Park Tickets ..........................3 Yard Waste Information ..........................................3 Shredding Event........................................................4 MCF 2016 Scholarship Program ............................5 Family Movie Night ..................................................5 Building Art Contest ..................................................6 Upcoming Art Exhibits ..............................................6 Middletown At Mall Events ......................................7 Summer Recreation Information ............................8 4th of July Parade ....................................................9 Spotlight Programs..................................................10 Adult Programs ..................................................11-15 Teen Programs ........................................................15 Fee Assistance Program ........................................16 Youth Programs..................................................16-18 Action Karate ..........................................................19 Sesame Place..........................................................20 Middletown Senior Bus Trips ..................................21 Waste Managment ................................................22 Hulmeville Soccer Club ..........................................23 Oxford Valley Mall/Sesame Classic ......................24 Robin Kemmerer Associates..................................25 Ramagli Real Estate ..............................................26 Langhorne Neshaminy United Soccer ................27 K.E. Seifert ..............................................................28 KBA McHales. ..........................................................28 Middletown Country Club ....................................28 Dr. David Tucker, Chiroprator................................29 Dynamix Gymnastics ..............................................29 Registration Information ........................................30 Parks & Recreation Facilities..................................30 Program Registration Form ....................................31 Hulafrog is the must-read email for in-the-know parents around town. Please love us on Hulafrog by searching for Middletown Township Parks and Recreation on Hulafrog.com! 2016 PHOTO CONTEST PHOTO CREDIT: Lisa McGovern, Photographer People are spending time with family and friends, keeping healthy and fit, and discovering the wonders of nature. We want to share all of the good times with the whole community. To enter, submit a digital photo of people enjoying one of the Middletown parks. Each individual may submit one photo. Photos should be 300 DPI. Each entry must include the application and release form that can be downloaded from the Township website. Fall Guide deadline is August 1. The photographs will be judged based on the quality of the photo and how closely it represents Middletown Parks, Good For You/Good For All. The winning photos will be the cover photos for the 2016/2017 program guides. All other photos that meet the criteria will be used in displays, marketing materials, on the Township website and the Parks and Recreation Facebook page and Twitter. www.middletownbucks.org FREE CAR SEAT CHECKS! Sponsored by Bucks County SAFE KIDS led by St. Mary Medical Center’s Trauma Department. To make an appointment for a free car seat check: www.chop.edu/centers-program/ car-seat-safety-kids/event-listing 4th Wednesday of every month 3 PM - 6 PM 1st Saturday of every month 10AM - 12 PM LOOK FOR JUNE 5, 2016 11th Annual Run the Gates 5-miler & 1-mile fun Run/Walk Run The Gates will be held at the Forsythia Crossing Park, between Forsythia and Snowball Gates, in Levittown. Join us for one of the premier chip timed running events in this area. More than 40 awards are given out in 11 categories. Proceeds benefit three Bucks County agencies providing service to people with disabilities. REGISTER OR BECOME A SPONSOR visit www.RunTheGates.org or call 215-781-5070 DISCOUNT AMUSEMENT PARK TICKETS TO BE AVAILABLE AFTER MAY 1 Tickets may be purchased at the Municipal Center. For a complete list of parks and prices go to www.middletownbucks.org As of April yard waste will be collected every Wednesday through November. Page 3 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 C O MM UNIT MIDDLETOWN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Y D N I N DAT OU IO E TOW DL N F 2016 Scholarship Program M The Middletown Community Foundation will award scholarships to high school seniors residing in Middletown Township to be used for higher education. The scholarships must be used to pay for tuition and fees to enroll in or attend an educational institution (college, university or other accredited institution of higher education), or to purchase books, supplies and equipment that are required of all students for their course work. From 2002 to 2015, the MCF has awarded $153,250 in scholarships! To qualify, students must meet all of the following criteria: 1. Be a resident of Middletown Township. 2. Be enrolled in an accredited high school. 3. Be accepted as a full time student in a college or university for the fall or summer semester of 2016. 4. Be able to document community or public service involvement. 5. Write an essay of 250 to 500 words detailing your public service to date, why you chose this type of public service, and how this service has influenced you. 6. Submit the application by May 1, 2016. Applications will be evaluated without regard to race, religion, creed or grade point average. Relatives of board members of the Middletown Community Foundation are not eligible. All essays must be double-spaced and typed using 12 point Times Roman, Courier or Arial font. Applications must be postmarked by May 2, 2016 to: The Middletown Community Foundation Scholarship Program P.O. Box 1128 Langhorne, PA 19047 Scholarships will be awarded at a public meeting of the Middletown Township Board of Supervisors in June. For more information or to download an application form, visit the MCF website at www.middletowncf.org. Follow us on TWITTER @MiddletownTwp or like us on FREE FRIDAY . JULY 29 COMMUNITY PARK SHOWTIME: DUSK Get the family together and enjoy a great evening of end-of-summer fun. The outdoor movie is being shown through the generosity of Eisenacher Audio Visual Services. The Community Park has a playground that will keep the small ones busy until dusk approaches and the movie starts. We will announce the movie title on our website as the date approaches. Bring your blankets and pillows for comfortable viewing. Facebook Middletown Twp Parks & Recreation www.middletownbucks.org Page 5 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION BRICK BY SUMMER 2016 BRICK PUT YOUR CREATIVITY TO WORK! MAKE USE OF ALL THOSE LEGOS®, DUPLOS, MEGABLOCKS ETC…. PLASTIC BRICKS AROUND YOUR HOUSE! The Langhorne Council for the Arts and Middletown Parks and Recreation are hosting a LEGO® Creation Contest that is open to artists of all ages through adults. Participants are asked to build their project at home and drop them off at the Middletown Municipal Building, 3 Municipal Way, Langhorne, PA, on September 16, 2016 between 8:30 - 4:30 for judging. Prizes will be awarded during an awards ceremony on September 17, 2016. For more details and registration form visit: www.middletownbucks.org or call 215.750.3890 ELECTRONIC RECYCLING TWO GROUP SHOWS PLANNED AT THE MIDDLETOWN MUNICIPAL CENTER SYMMETRY & SEQUENCE . May 21 - August 5 Shapes and colors repeat themselves in a number of ways throughout the natural and imagined world. Sometimes they are hidden in plain sight and other times they are reflected in bold and powerful ways. From the delicate designs on a butterfly's wings to the harmonious way that the grains on a wooden board are shaped - patterns are everywhere. Often, the challenge is finding just the right way to capture those discoveries. In the show Symmetry & Sequence the concept of patterns will be explored through photography, fine art, textiles, and a number of other mediums. Artist applications are due May 2. ANYTHING PAPER . September 12 - November 11 Paper art is an exciting art form in which the art is the paper, not the media you put on it. If you use paper to sculpt or paint with, it will be appropriate for this show. Use old magazines, newspaper, paper-mache, paint swatches, cardboard, even the tubes from paper towels to make art. Think about scrolls, pop-ups, printmaking, papermaking and collage. Try searching the internet for paper artists or paper sculpture to get your imagination flowing. Applications are due: August 31. Visit www.middletownbucks.org and click the Recycling/Trash button for up to date information about disposing of electronics. Go to www.middletownbucks.org, Documents & Forms/Parks & Recreation to download the prospectus and application form. For the most up to date information about the arts in Middletown Township sign up for the free electronic Art News. Click the link "Sign up for our email newsletter" on the home page of the township's website for a list of all the email updates available at www.middletownbucks.org. APRIL 9 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Explore Middletown's dump truck, backhoe and other Public Works equipment. The fire apparatus, police vehicles and ambulance will be there, too. Collect safety information and give-aways for your home and family. The trucks will be located in the parking lot behind the Food Court Entrance of the Oxford Valley Mall. SUMMER EXPO JUNE 8 . 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Join the Middletown staff in the Sears Court at the Oxford Valley Mall for a Summer Fun Preview! Play games with the Summer Recreation staff and find out about the fun activities that are planned for the summer of 2016. Parents can do last minute registration for available programs, drop off or pick up health forms and trips lists and talk with the Site Supervisors about the upcoming Summer Recreation season. Get the latest information on pool and water safety and how to stay healthy and safe outdoors in the summer. Talk with a police officer about keeping your home and neighborhood safe. Bring your bike helmet along and have it checked for proper fit. Kids can play a safety game to win prizes. www.middletownbucks.org TOP TIPS FOR WATER SAFETY Never leave your child unattended around water. We know it sounds strict, but there is no room for compromise on this one. Babies can drown in as little as one inch of water. Put the cell phone away, forget about all the other things you have to do and give young children 100 percent of your attention when they are near or around water. Empty all tubs, buckets, containers and wading pools immediately after use. Store them upside down and out of children's reach. Keep toilet lids closed and use toilet seat locks to prevent drowning. It's also a good idea to keep doors to bath rooms and laundry rooms closed. Parents have a million things to do, but learning CPR should be on the top of the list. It will give you tremendous peace of mind - and the more peace of mind you have as a parent, the better. For more information visit www.safekids.org Brought to you by Bucks County Safe Kids Page 7 A supervised program of games, arts & crafts, sports, nature and science activities and special guests. JUNE 20 - AUGUST 12 SR HALF DAY SR FULL & EXTENDED SR MIDDLE SCHOOL For Children K - 5th Grades This is an outdoor program. Children must be at least 5 years old and must be entering Kindergarten in September 2016. All supplies and field trips are included in the price. Parents provide transportation for local trips. Buses are provided for any trips outside of the local area. Select a location at the time of registration. Locations: Core Creek Park Pavilions 1 & 2 Langhorne or Community Center 2140 Trenton Road, Levittown Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM For Children K - 5th Grades This is an outdoor program. Children must be at least 5 years old and must be entering Kindergarten in September 2016. For Children in 6th - 8th Grades Tweens who are 11 must be entering 6th grade in September 2016. FEES 4 Weeks 6 Weeks 8 Weeks Per Week HALF DAYS All supplies and field trips are included in the price. Buses are provided for trips. Select a location at the time of registration. Locations: Community Park Barn 2600 Langhorne-Yardley Road Langhorne or Community Center 2140 Trenton Road, Levittown Time: Full Day 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Extended Day 8:00 AM - 5:15 PM FULL DAY $158 $190 $227 $60 *REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 10TH , This program offers a balance of outdoor fun, games, field trips and special guests. Most days the group has an off-site field trip such as swimming, bowling, roller skating and mini-golf. Bus transportation is provided. All supplies, program fees and field trips are included in the fee. Locations: Community Park Barn 2600 Langhorne-Yardley Road Langhorne Time: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM EXTENDED DAY MIDDLE SCHOOL $449 $658 $816 $612 $898 $975 $735 $1,075 $1,166 $150 $225 $245 OR WHEN PROGRAMS ARE FULL. NON-RESIDENTS ADD $30 PER CHILD. IT’S TIME TO SIGN UP FOR THE 5TH ANNUAL 4th of July Parade Each year the parade shines a spotlight on our Middletown Stars, the hometown heroes that make Middletown a great place to live, work or visit. The 2016 Middletown Stars will be Educators. Teachers can wear their school shirts or carry a sign for their school. We would like to have 25 teachers carry American flags. If you are a teacher or know a teacher in any school, university, day care or any learning environment send an email to the Parade Committee at middletowntwpparade@gmail.com or call the Parks & Recreation Department at 215-750-3890 and let us know you want to march with the Stars. ENTER A FLOAT IN THE PARADE TO PROMOTE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD OR SCHOOL Each year the parade floats are judged to find the Fan Favorite. Everyone enjoys the floats but wouldn't it be fun for a neighborhood to come together to build and enter a float in the parade. It isn't very hard to build a float. Just a quick Goggle search brings up an assortment of building instructions and float ideas. Here is a sample link. http://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Float Once you have your idea, submit the Float Entry Form and you could be on your way to winning the Middletown Cup this year. www.middletownbucks.org JOIN US ON THE STREET! Any active military personnel who are in town for the 4th of July are invited to march in the parade. We will put you up front with the flags. Everyone in town would be excited to give our troops a hometown welcome. As always we want families, neighborhoods, businesses and organizations to be part of the celebration. Download a Parade Entry Form from the Township's website and send it via email to: middletowntwpparade@gmail.com or mail to Middletown Township Parade, 3 Municipal Way, Langhorne PA 19047 SEE YOU ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE! Page 9 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 Spotlight on... COUNSELOR IN TRAINING PROGRAM Has your Teen aged out of our Summer Rec Program? Sign them up for our new Counselor In Training Program! This program will teach your teen what it takes to be a Summer Rec counselor and will help develop their leadership skills. It will prepare them to not only apply to be a Summer Rec counselor, but it will teach them valuable skills for applying and holding a job in the future. CITs will also be going on up to two field trips a week as a part of the program. Ages 14 & 15, Fee: $350 Location: Core Creek Park Pavilion 1 Date: Jul. 11 - Jul. 29 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Trip days will have longer hours. SPORTS BLOCK PARTY Sponsored by Real Living Ramagli Real Estate and United Tire SUMMER RECREATION BASKETBALL Join us as the Township hosts Neshaminy High School JV and Varsity teams vs other local high schools in baseball, softball and lacrosse on the same night at the same place. Enjoy live music from Gainstrive, food, sports, miniature golf, and inflatables. The park will be closed to cars adding that block party feel. Roam between games, listen to live music while enjoying the evening with of friends and neighbors. Free parking will be available at nearby Maple Point Middle School. From MP school, you can walk ½ mile or take a shuttle to the field. Admission is free. Our most popular sports program - it's organized, pickup ball. For boys and girls ages 8-17. Games are played at night on outdoor courts. We assign teams & schedule; each team will play twice a week on Mon./Wed. or Tue./Thu. cycle. Novice, recreational and travel players are welcome. No team registrations allowed. Coed play, ages 8-12 and a separate girls division, ages 13-17. Register online at middletownbucks.org or return the registration form by mail or in person to Township. Direct questions to Parks & Rec 215.750.3890. Late registration ends May 31. Location: Community Park Date: Fri., May 6 Schedule: Basketball JV 3:30; V 7:00 PM Lacrosse JV 5:30; V 7:00 PM Softball JV & V 7:00 PM Time: 3:30 PM - 10:00 PM Early Fee: Reg. Fee: Late Fee: Location: Date: Time: $63; NR $68 by Apr. 17 $70; NR $73 by May 17 $90; NR $95 May 18 - 31 Firefighters’ & Simmons Park Jun. 13 - Jul. 21 6:30PM - 8:30PM Starts ADULT PROGRAMS Outdoor Oil Painting Local artist, Jeanne Jordon, teaches the basics of oil painting in an outdoor setting! Experiment with new techniques as you complete an 8x10 canvas. Materials included in fee. (If you have your own materials, you could be eligible for a discount). Fee: $40; NR $50 Location: Community Park Barn Session 1: Mon., May 16 Session 2: Mon., Jun. 13 Session 3: Sat., Jul. 23 Time: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM Tennis Five one-hour classes. Register directly at http://buckscounty.usta.com or by calling 215.322.7020. Ages 14 and up. Fee: $70 Location: Simmons Park Sessions Begin: Apr. 13; May 25; Jul. 13; Sep. 7 Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Boating for Beginners Become a PA state-certified boat operator by completing this 8-hour class. This class provides an introduction to boating, equipment, safety, emergencies and general regulatory information. The instructor is Raymond Robson, Coast Guard Auxiliary. Fee: $70; NR $80 Location: Municipal Center Date: Sat., Apr. 16 Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM www.middletownbucks.org Country Line Dancing Dragon Boat Festival Kick, stomp, & boot-scoot in the main ballroom. Come alone or bring others to dance to boot-steppin' tunes. Enjoy a meal or your favorite beverage at the Hackers Pub before or after dancing. Make Wednesdays your fun-night out. This exciting Festival offers one day of fun, culture, and competition. No experience necessary. To register visit: www.buckscountydragonboatfestival.com Fee: See Website Location: Core Creek Park Boat Rental Date: Sat., Sep. 24 Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Beginners: Intermediate: $75; NR $80 Middletown Country Club Wed., Apr. 13 - May 25 Wed., Jun. 1 - Jul. 13 Wed., Sep. 7 - Oct. 19 6:30 PM 7:45 PM Duplicate Bridge Bridge is the world's greatest game of the mind. Register for Beginners if you have never played. Intermediate Duplicate Bridge is designed for players looking to improve their game. Taught by Barbara Patterson, a certified ACBL Instructor. Each session consists of six 2-hour classes on Friday. Fee: $100; NR $110 Location: 340 E. Maple Ave. Suite 102 Langhorne, PA Session 1: Fri., Apr. 22 - May 27 Session 2: Fri., Jun. 10 - Jul. 15 Session 3: Fri., Jul. 22 - Aug. 26 Beginners: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Intermediate: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Walk Outdoors Long walks encourage a healthy, active lifestyle. Middletown P&R leads a series of 90-min. walks on Wed. through Core Creek or Tyler State Park. Reconnect with nature. The class is free but register for the Walks. We will email you on the preceding Monday with the meeting place and you can decide if you want to participate. Fee: Location: Date: Time: None Varies Wed., Jul. 13 - Aug. 31 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Crocheting Our instructor provides step by step instructions. Create your own handiwork or bring in an existing project. Some crocheting ability is helpful. Bring your own crochet hook and yarn. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Time: $50; NR $55 Municipal Center Wed., May 4 - May 25 Wed., Jun. 2 - Jun. 22 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Page 11 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 Golf Pickleball Adult Kickball Tournament Get golf ready in 5 days. Designed to teach and improve your overall golf game. Clubs provided, if needed. Six Saturdays: the first two lessons start at 10am, the next three at 8am, and the finale is on the course 7:00-9:00am. The lead instructor is PGA Director of Golf Dan Hoban: Class A Member of the PGA. Pickleball shares attributes of badminton and tennis using a wiffle-type ball and a paddle. Any age person can play pickleball: our group is an energetic 50+ crowd. Our instructors will show you how to play and you take it from there. We supply equipment, if needed. Middletown allots Mon. and Thu. evenings at Firefighters' Park (formerly Poplar) as pickleball nights. Stop by; rookies are always welcome, just introduce yourself. Teams register for round robin tournament of fun. Great as a company outing. Games last 5 innings. You will play at least three games. Contact pkopera@middletownbucks.org for details. Registration deadline is July 28. Fee: $117; NR $127 Location: Middletown Country Club Date: Apr. 16 - Apr. 30 May 14 - May 21 & Jun. 4 Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Start Meditation & Journaling Series Meditation is known to have many benefits such as reducing stress, improving concentration, and enhancing self-confidence. During this four part series you will learn several meditation and journaling techniques, as well as, take several guided journeys where you might just discover hidden answers that may profoundly affect your life, especially if you can trust, honor and act upon the wisdom that you find. Please bring a journal and pen to each class, along with a pillow or something comfortable to sit on. Led by Lynn Cohen. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $60; NR $70 Community Park Barn Thu., Apr. 21 - May 12 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Fee: Location: Date: Time: Free Firefighters’ Park Apr. 25 - Nov. 10 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Adult Kickball Schoolyard fun for adults, 18+. Everyone registers individually. Save $10 when registering online. Form your own team by submitting a roster consisting of at least 13 players. Team tees are provided. Fiveweek season. Games last 7 innings or 1 hour. Rain outs can extend the season. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $35 online; $45 on paper Firefighters’ Park Fri., Apr. 15 - May 20 6:30 PM - Dark Fee: Location: Date: Check in: Start Time: $50 Per Team Simmons Park Sat., Aug. 6 (Rain date 8/13) 10:30 AM 11:00 AM Movie Making Crash Course Have you ever wanted to learn how to make movies? This 10 week crash course is just for you. Taught by local film maker Christian Grillo, the curriculum will cover what one would learn in an entire 2 semesters of film school. Techniques for lighting, staging, and sound will be explored. The class will be able to test their new skills with practical field experiences. A standard digital recording camera is necessary to take this course. Smartphones do not qualify. All other equipment will be supplied Fee: Location: Date: Time: $300; NR $330 Community Park Barn Sat., Apr. 23 - Jun. 25 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM DISCOUNT REGAL THEATER MOVIE TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $9.00 AT THE MUNICIPAL CENTER Qi-Gong Tai Chi Gentle Yoga Pilates This 8-week meditation in motion will help you connect the mind and body. The gentle postures increase blood flow and strengthen your balance. An introductory yoga series on the mat. Learn gentle, foundational yoga poses on the mat. Strengthen the muscles that support the spine to create balance and increase flexibility. Bring your mat, light weight dumbbells and resistance band. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Time: $41; NR $49 Community Center Tue., May 17 - Jul. 5 Tue., Jul. 12 - Aug. 30 Community Park Barn Wed., May 18 - Jul. 6 Wed., Jul. 13 - Aug. 31 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Beginning Yoga Build strength, flexibility and balance. This popular one-hour class is offered with two start times. Bring your mat. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Time: $44; NR $48 Community Park Barn Tue., Apr. 19 - May 10 Tue., May 17 - Jun. 14 Tue., Jun. 21 - Jul. 19 Tue., Jul. 26 - Aug. 16 5:15 PM or 6:30 PM Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Time: $44; NR $48 Community Park Barn Thu., Apr. 21 - May 12 Thu., May 19 - Jun. 16 Thu., Jun. 23 - Jul. 21 Thu., Jul. 28 - Aug. 18 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Chair Yoga Sitting or holding onto a chair for support, you will practice some of the most common yoga poses. Improve your strength, and flexibility. This class is accessible for all ages and abilities. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Time: $28; NR $32 Community Park Barn Wed., Apr. 20 - May 11 Wed., May 18 - Jun. 15 Wed., Jun. 22 - Jul. 20 Wed., Jul. 27 - Aug. 17 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM Fab Abs Sculpt & Burn Improve core strength and flexibility for all fitness levels. Bring a mat. A mix of strength training, cardio, and toning for all fitness levels. Bring a mat for comfort and dumbbells up to 15 lbs. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Time: $32; NR $36 Community Park Barn Thu., Apr. 21 - May 12 Thu., May 19 - Jun. 16 Thu., Jun. 23 - Jul. 21 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM www.middletownbucks.org Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Time: $28; NR $32 Community Center Wed., Apr. 20 - May 11 Wed., May 18 - Jun. 15 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Time: $32; NR $36 Community Park Barn Mon., Apr. 18 - May 9 Mon., May16 - Jun. 13 Mon., Jun. 20 - Jul. 18 Mon., Jul. 25 - Aug.15 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Zumba This high energy workout incorporates Latin-inspired dance moves to popular music making it a fun and easy class to follow. (Note the day change in the summer.) Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Time: $20; NR $24 Community Center Tue., Apr. 19 - May 10 Tue., May 17 - Jun. 14 Thu., Jun. 23 - Jul. 21 Thu., Jul. 28 - Aug. 18 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Cardio Strength Interval Bring your mat and moderate weights to enhance overall strength and flexibility. Modifications are made for beginners. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Time: $28; NR $32 Community Park Barn Mon., Apr. 18 - May 9 Mon., May 16 - Jun. 13 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Page 13 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 S-T-R-E-T-C-H Clayboard Scratch Art Open Studio for Metal Clay Enhance posture and balance with this simple workout at your lunch-break or right after work. All exercises are standing. Wear casual clothes with supportive athletic shoes. Students will learn techniques to make art on clayboard. Pens and wire brushes are used to 'scratch' on clayboard to make beautiful pieces of art. Project completed in one session. No painting skills required. Materials included in fee. This is an open studio for artists to experiment with metal clay. Artist Linda Reboh will be on site to answer any questions and provide guidance. The studio will contain everything necessary to create pieces, except artists must provide their own clay. It will also give you an opportunity to meet other artists working on similar projects. Clay may be purchased through Linda Reboh via cosmiccreations@live.com Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 3: Time: Session 2: Session 4: Time: $20; NR $24 Community Park Barn Mon., Apr. 18 - May 9 Mon., May16 - Jun. 13 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Fri., Apr. 22 - May 13 Fri., May 20 - Jun. 17 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM $75; NR $85 Community Park Barn Sun., May 15 Tue., Jun. 14 Sun., Jul. 17 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM Necklace Making Dragon Boat Clinic Join the Blazing Dragons on beautiful Lake Luxembourg as they teach you the sport and the culture. Register directly with Bucks County Parks & Recreation at https://apm.activecommunities.com/bu cksco or call 215.757.0571. Must be 18+. Fee: Location: Date: Time: Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Time: $50 Per Person Core Creek Park Sat., Jun. 11 10:00 AM or 11:30 AM Students will make a necklace made of eyelash yarn and glass beads. Project will be completed in one session. A large selection of beads and charms will be available. Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 3: Session 2: Time: $50; NR $55 Community Park Barn Wed., May 11 Wed., Jun. 15 Sat., Aug. 6 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM WE’LL RECYCLE IT IF YOU DON’T USE IT! DROP BOX IN THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fee: Location: Date: Time: $36; NR $40 Community Park Barn Sat., Jul. 9 - Jul. 30 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM The Creative Life Whether you are an artist or not, being creative is an important outlet to the stresses of everyday life. In this program, creatives can come together to discuss issues they are having with expressing their creativity. They will explore new art mediums through demonstrations by local artists. All materials will be included for the art demonstrations, but it is recommended that registrants purchase "Walking In this World" by Julie Cameron for the discussion portion of this program. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $120; NR $140 Community Park Barn Thu., May 12 - Jul. 28 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Metal Clay Work for Beginners All inclusive metal clay program taught by Linda Reboh. Students will make beautiful jewelry while learning proper technique for working with metal clay. This value priced class is a great deal for those interested in expoloring this wonderful medium. Fee: Location: Session 1: Time 1: Session 2: Time 2: $185; NR $200 Community Park Barn Sat., Jun. 4 - Jun. 25 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Tue., Jul. 12 - Aug. 2 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Recycled Jewelry The art supply store is not the only place to find materials to make jewelry! Participants use bottle caps and other natural and recyclable material to create jewelry such as pendants, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces that look like they were done by a professional. Taught by local artist Linda Reboh. All materials included. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $65; NR $75 Community Park Barn Sat., Jun. 25 - Jul. 5 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM FOR HEALTH www.middletownbucks.org TEEN PROGRAMS Drivers Education Check with your insurance company for the applicable discount rate after completing the 30-hour classroom course. Special summer session consists of 10 three-hour weekdays. Mon-Fri for ages 15-18. Driver's permit is not required to register. Fee: $109; NR $114 Location: Maple Point Middle School 2250 Langhorne-Yardley Rd Langhorne Date: Jul. 11 - Jul. 22 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Tennis Juniors, ages 11-13, play five one-hour Wed. classes. See website to register, email, or visit http://buckscounty.usta.com or call 215.322.7020 for more information. Fee: $70 Location: Simmons Park Sessions: Apr. 13; May 25; Jul. 13; Sep. 7 Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Self Defense Learn the best self-defense awareness tips from Middletown Officer Melissa Robison and martial arts instructor Scott Sadowsky. For ages 12-17. Fee: $10; NR $15 Location: Municipal Center Date: Wed., Jul. 20 Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Geoventures: Zombie Survival Camp Are you prepared for the zombie invasion? Become a member of the Zombie Outbreak Response Agency. As a ZORA agent you will learn proper protocol for building zombie-proof shelters, locating supply caches using GPS, signaling skills to communicate with other agents, tracking the undead's movements and camouflaging to hide among the zombie legions. Join the resistance for this postapocalyptic camp! Each day will include hands-on activities, discussion and a team activity. Bring a water bottle and healthy snack; wear comfortable shoes and dress for activity and the weather. Ages 10-14. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $125; NR $135 Jones Memorial Park Jul. 18 - Jul. 22 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Junior Boating Offered through Bucks County Parks & Recreation. Ages 10-16 learn the basics of boating safety, paddling and rowing. Each session is four days. Registration and fee information is available at https://apm.activecommunities.com/bu cksco or call 215.757.0571. Start Dates: Jul. 11; Jul. 18 and Aug. 1 Time: 10:00 AM Page 15 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION $66; NR $72 Community Park Barn Sat., May 7 - Jun. 4 Sat., Jun. 11 - Jul. 16 Sat., Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 Classes: Saturday Early Elementary Drawing Ages 4 to 6 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Saturday Drawing Ages 7 to 14 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Saturday Cartooning Ages 8 to 14 11:15 AM - 12:15 AM Fire & Police Camp Explore the inside of a police car, a firetruck, an ambulance, learn about first aid, visit a police building, a firehouse and use a firehose. Four days at four nearby locations. Ages 6-12. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $40; NR $50 Municipal Center Aug. 15 - Aug. 18 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Y E TOW DL N D I M Fee: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: MM UNIT N Encourage your child's enthusiasm for art and develop their skills by signing them up for a Saturday morning drawing class. Young Rembrandt's skilled teachers will introduce children to color, imagery and core drawing techniques while they explore their own creativity. O N DAT OU IO Young Rembrandts C F YOUTH PROGRAMS SUMMER 2016 FEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Full or partial assistance may be available for children's programs offered by Middletown Township's Recreation Department. Assistance will depend on availability of funds. Summer application deadline is May 2, 2016. Download an application at www.middletowncf.org Mad Science: Brixology 101 Children team up to construct engineering themed projects using Mad Science Exclusive LEGO® builds. Topics include aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering. Your children will use their creativity to solve real world design challenges while developing their problemsolving and team building-skills! Ages 6-12. Fee: $160; NR $170 Location: Community Park Barn Date: Aug. 22 - Aug. 26 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Junior Boating Camp Learn the basics of boating safety, paddling and rowing. Each session is four days. Registration and fee information is available at www.apm.activecommunities.com/bucksco or call 215.757.0571. Ages 10-16 Start Dates: Jul. 11, Jul. 18 & Aug. 1 Time: 10 AM - 1 PM Bricks 4 Kidz Summer Camp SUPER HERO ACADEMY Join Bricks 4 Kidz for a week building Super Heroes with LEGO bricks! Explore all the caped crusaders, create a fantasy world and protect it against all of their evil arch enemies. At the end of the week all campers will go home with a custom mini figure! Ages 6-12. Location: Community Park Barn Date: Aug. 15 - Aug. 19 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM SPACE ADVENTURES CAMP Inspired by NASA and Star Wars, this camp will give children the chance to learn about space exploration through LEGO models, video games, group challenges and more! Ages 6-12. Location: Community Park Barn Date: Aug. 15 - Aug. 19 Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM You can sign your child up for one or both camp programs. Children who sign up for both receive an hour of lunch time between programs. Fee: $175 Per Program $325 For Both $10 Fee for Non Residents ATVs ARE ILLEGAL on ROADS & IN PARKS Swim Lessons Learn from American Red Cross instructors; Monday through Thursday, eight half-hour classes per session. Each Friday is a rain date. Fee: $65; NR $75 Location: Middletown Country Club Session 1: Jun. 27 - Jul. 14 (No class Jul. 4-7) Session 2: Jul. 18 - Jul. 28 Preschool Beginner, Age 3-5 Designed for the new swimmer. The student will learn front/back floating, flutter kicking skills and changing directions. It’s a popular class. Time: 6:00 PM; or 6:30 PM Preschool Advanced, Age 3-5 Designed for the swimmer who is comfortable putting their face in the water for 5 seconds. Child is able to demonstrate flutter kicking and paddling on both the front and back independently. Student should be able to jump in without assistance. Time: 7:00 PM Level 3: Youth 6 and Up Designed for beginner level swimmer. They will work on the fundamentals of swimming to include floating, arm stoke on both the front and back. Time: 7:30 PM www.middletownbucks.org Tennis Kitchen Wizards: Pasta Palooza! Ages 4-10 experience exciting gamesbased learning stressing FUN-damentals. Loaner racquets are availble. Five Wednesday classes. See website to register, email, or get more info at:www. buckscounty.usta.com or 215.322.7020. Children will learn to roll their own pasta, make meatballs and sauce from scratch, and top off their meal with homemade chocolate mousse parfaits. Children will to learn the basics of cooking while having fun in the process! For Ages 8-13. Fee:: $25; $30 NR Location: Community Park Barn Date: Sat., May 14 Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Fee Range: Location: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Time: Time: $65; NR $70 Firefighters’ Park Apr. 13 - May 11 May 25 - Jun. 22 Jul. 13 - Aug. 10 Sep. 16 - Oct. 14 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM Ages 4-6 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ages 7-10 Soccer Shots Classes for 2-8 year olds; see website for more details. Participate in fun-based soccer instruction introducing soccer skills through creative games, skill challenges, and high-quality instruction. Register directly with Soccer Shots at www.lowerbucks.ssreg.org. Direct questions to Thomas or 267-630-1557. Fee: See Website Location: Forsythia Crossing Park Date: Sat., Apr. 2 - Jun. 11 Sat., Jul. 9 - Aug. 13 Time: 9:00 - 11:30 Pottery Design Camp Have your child try something different and fun with Potteryworks Mobile's Design Camp! Your children will explore their creativity and create unique pieces of pottery art. This is a great way for kids to express their artistic ability and keep their minds active while they are out of school! Ages 5 and up. Fee: Location: Date: Time: $165; $175 NR Community Park Barn Aug. 15 - Aug. 19 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Multi-Sports Camp US Sports Institute (USSI) offers a variety of sports for boys and girls of all abilities, from ages 3-11. Register directly with USSI at 866.345.2255 or www.ussportsinstitute.com for complete details and pricing. Location: Simmons Park Date: 3 Day Mini Camp Jun. 15 -17 Date: Full Week Camp Aug. 22 - 26 Page 17 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION Around the Pond: Pre School Nature Program Exploring the wonders of the outdoors is crucial to living a healthy life. In this program your child will learn about all of the critters that live around bodies of water with our environmental educator Maryellen Noonan. Parents must be present at this program. Ages 3 -6. Fee: $20; NR $30 Location: Forsythia Crossing Park Date: Fri., Jul. 29 Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM DYNAMIX Gymnastics GAME MAKER SERIES Come ROLL into Summer with Dynamix Gymnastics! Campers will be split into groups based on age and/or ability and will rotate to all their favorite events and activities throughout the week. Crafts and games will be created around our week's theme. Full Day camp includes field trips and pool time. Contact Dynamix Gymnastics at 215-750-0111 for details. GAME ON: GAME MAKER DESIGN This program will teach kids the art of coding and online game programming. Kids take their love of online games and use their expertise to create their own digital games using our easy computer programming. Participants will learn how to develop a game creating objectives, scoring, and levels- and then package the games for sharing with friends and family! Pee Wee Gymnastics Camp Ages 3-5 Fee: $150 Location: 181 Wheeler Way, Suite C Langhorne, PA Date: Jul. 11 - Jul. 15 Olympic Games Theme Aug. 15 - Aug. 19 Gym Ninja Theme Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PHOTO CREDIT: Susan Ley Nature FUNdatmentals for Kids This three day program will introduce your child to nature in a fun, relaxed way. Each day we will see, hear and feel nature as we explore the water, soil, plants and wildlife of Christopher Jones Memorial Park! We'll go on a hike, make a bird feeder and investigate habitats just to name a few things! Ages 7-11 Fee: Location: Date: Time: $55; NR $65 Jones Memorial Park Jun. 28 - Jun. 30 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM SUMMER 2016 Pee Wee Gymnastics Camp Ages 5 and up. Fee: $295 Location: 181 Wheeler Way, Suite C Langhorne, PA Date: Jun. 27 - Jul. 1 Beach Days Theme Aug. 8 - Aug. 12 Camp Wars Theme Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM *A required $25 Membership fee will be due to Dynamix Gymnastics on the first day of camp for anyone enrolled through Middletown Township. Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM LEVEL UP: ADVANCED GAME MAKER DESIGN This program will teach kids the art of coding and online game programming. Kids take their love of online games and use their expertise to create their own digital games using our easy computer programming. Participants will learn how to develop a game creating objectives, scoring, and levels- and then package the games for sharing with friends and family! Time: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Fee: $60 For One Program $110 For Both Add $10 Non-Resident Fee Location: Community Park Barn Date: Sat., Jun. 11 REGISTER ONLINE AT www.middletownbucks.org www.middletownbucks.org Page 19 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 www.middletownbucks.org Page 21 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 $10 OFF One Bagster R Bag Collection1 Expires: 12/31/2016 Coupon Code: 123-RES16 To schedule colelction visit thebagster.com or call 1-877-789-BAGS (2247) (1) Discount valid for the collection of (1) Bagster bag. Discount applied to highest priced Bagster bag of an order. One coupon per person, household, or company per order. Coupon code must be given at the time of scheduling Bagster bag collection to receive discount. Coupon not valid where prohibited by law and not valid with other offers. Collection service not available everywhere; visit www.thebagster.com to find available service areas. The Bagster bag is provided by WM Bagco, LLC, a Waste Management company. Collection services provided by a local operating subsidiary of Waste Management, Inc or a contracted third party, licensed where required by law. Bagster®, Dumpster in a Bag®, BUY. FILL. GONE.®, and Take It On® are marks of WM Bagco, LLC. Waste Management of New York, LLC, NYC BIC #1146. www.middletownbucks.org Page 23 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 Proudly supporting the Middletown Citizen Service Corps www.middletownbucks.org Page 25 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 WE SELL A COMMUNITY ALONG WITH YOUR HOME AND THAT CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE! Let’s sell your home and our local community, too BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS FOOD DRIVE benefiting BCHG Penndel Pantry REAL LIVING RAMAGLI REAL ESTATE YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY! Call Me to find our how!!! Bob Romani 215.593.8463 LANGHORNE NESHAMINY UNITED SOCCER CLUB FALL SOCCER 2016! AGES 3-19 The Fall Season will consist of Academy Style and Coach training for participants, all games will be scheduled on Friday evening and Saturdays through the fall season. All teams will operate under the new regulations set forth by US Soccer Association REGISTER ONLINE NOW AT: www.langhornesoccer.org 5/1/2016-7/31/2016 - $100 6/1/2016-7/31/2016 - $115 8/1/2016-8/15/2016 - $115 Plus $50 late fee www.middletownbucks.org Page 27 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER 2016 215-752-9080 Residential & Commercial Service & Installation Committed to Customer Satisfaction! PLUMBING SERVICES Water Heaters . Sump Pumps . Water & Sewer Installations High Pressure Sewer Jetting . Video Pipe Inspection . Sinks & Faucets Toilets . Garbage Disposals . Gas Piping HEATING & A/C SERVICES Geothermal . Oil Burner Service . Heat Pumps . Air Conditioning Indoor Air Quality . Sheet Metal Ductwork . Air Purification Preventive Maintenance . Generator Installation & Service FINANCING AVAILABLE FREE 1 YEAR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE $20 OFF * ON ANY PLUMBING or AIR CONDITIONING REPAIR on your HVAC SYSTEM with PURCHASE OF A NEW UNIT *DOES NOT APPLY TO DIAGNOSTIC FEE THIS COUPON EXPIRES 07/31/16 COUPON EXPIRES 07/31/16 FREE 10 YEAR PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY with any new COLEMAN SYSTEM or A/C UNIT WITH INSTALLATION THIS COUPON EXPIRES 07/31/16 Registered Master Plumber RCC#262; Phila.#4216 PA Home Improvement Contractor License # PA 003366 PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE MIDDLETOWN CITIZEN SERVICE CORPS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 2016 SUMMER SWIM CLUB MEMBERSHIPS Single ....................................$435.75 Family of 2 ..........................$621.18 Family of 3 ..........................$690.80 Family of 4 ..........................$760.41 Family of 5 ............................$830.03 Additional (5+ Family) ....$69.92 per Nanny/Caregiver ..................$107.10 Only one family per membership. Must reside in the same household. GUEST FEES: $10 Full Day, $5 Half Day 10 Full Day Guest Passes may be purchased for $90.00. Get well, move well, and stay well! To optimize your health, we at Tucker Chiropractic will tailor and customize a treatment plan for you by addressing your physical, chemical and emotional stress. No matter what your injury may be, our unique approach to treating the root cause of your health problems may provide wellness solutions you have not yet had. To help you improve your quality of life and achieve your goals we offer chiropractic care, massage therapy, physiotherapy modalities, weight loss, personal training, lifestyle management, nutraceutical grade supplements and x-ray imaging under one roof. CALL TODAY 215.750.8006 402 MIDDLETOWN BOULEVARD SUITE 210 LANGHORNE, PA 19047 Proudly supporting the Middletown Citizen Service Corps www.DrDavidTucker.com www.middletownbucks.org Page 29 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION REGISTRATION INFORMATION • Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis and fill quickly...register early! • If the desired program is full, ask to be placed on a waiting list. Additional programs may be opened. • Pre-registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. • Payment in full must accompany registration form. • Registration deadline is one week prior to the start of the program, unless otherwise noted. • Attend the first class as scheduled - no confirmation is mailed to you. • No news is good news. We will contact you with any changes or cancellations. • Make checks payable to: Middletown Township • There will be an $30 charge for returned checks. WAIVER OF LIABILITY Middletown Township is not responsible for any injuries sustained as a result of participation in any Township-sponsored activity or while using Township facilities. A signed waiver is required to participate in all programs. NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS Participants must recognize that all classes, programs and trips are planned with your safety in mind. Every effort is made to insure your safety and to provide you with quality recreational activities. The Recreation Department is committed to providing safe facilities, equipment and programs, as well as qualified staff. It is assumed that the participant knows the risks involved with the class, program, or trip. Register for all programs by mail, online or in person at: Middletown Township • 3 Municipal Way • Langhorne, PA 19047 CLASS CANCELLATION WEATHER POLICY Middletown Township Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel any activity due to lack of enrollment, inclement weather, or causes beyond our control. PHOTO POLICY Participants agree to allow Middletown Township to use any photos taken at an activity for future Township publications. REFUNDS Because the decision to hold classes is based on enrollment, refunds for recreation programs will be processed upon request in accordance with the following policy: • Full refunds/credits will be issued if Middletown Township cancels a program. • No refunds will be issued after a program begins. • All refund requests must be received in writing before the program start date. • Participants assume the risk of changes in personal affairs or health. • Refunds will not be issued for trips. • Please allow 6 to 8 weeks to process refunds. SPECIAL NEEDS All program locations are accessible to persons with disabilities, unless otherwise stated. Persons with disabilities or special needs who would like to participate in or have questions about our program or facilities can call the Recreation Department for information at 215-750-3890. SUMMER 2016 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PARKS & RECREATION FACILITIES Middletown Community Park 2600 Langhorne-Yardley Road Athletic Fields, Basketball, Playground, Walking Path, Skate Park, Restrooms L/Cpl H. J. Simmons, Jr. Park 900 Brownsville Road Baseball/Softball Field, Tennis, Basketball, Playgrounds, Walking Path Community Park Barn In Middletown Community Park Multi Purpose Room, Classrooms Detective Christopher C. Jones 200 Beechwood Avenue Baseball/Softball Field, Playground, Walking Path, Picnic Tables Twin Oaks Park 2897 Trenton Road Athletic Fields, Playground, Picnic Tables, Benches Cobalt Ridge Cobalt Cross Road Half-Court Basketball, Playground, Benches Quincy Hollow Quincy Drive Basketball Court Upper Orchard Upper Orchard Drive Half-Court Basketball, Playground, Swings, Benches Walking Path, Benches, Picnic Area Detweiler Park 800 Fox Lane Firefighters’ Park Poplar Street off of Hulmeville Road Tennis, Basketball, Athletic Fields, Playground, Picnic Tables, Benches Harris Park Harris Avenue off of Business Route 1 Open for passive recreation only Deep Dale East Deep Dale Drive Turf Basketball Court Forsythia Crossing Park Forsythia Crossing Roller Hockey Rink, Playground, Walking Path, Benches, Picnic Gazebo Lion's Park Trenton Road & Route 413 Playground, Benches Tareyton Estate Tareyton Drive off N. Flowers Mill Rd. Playground, Picnic Tables, Benches Veterans Park 700 Veterans Highway Walking Path, Benches, Picnic Area Middletown Country Club 420 N. Bellevue Avenue Langhorne Borough 18-Hole Regulation Golf Course, Swim Club, Restaurant & Banquet Room Sunflower Park 815 Sunflower Avenue Playground, Gazebo, Picnic Area, Benches Raymond P. Mongillo, Sr. Community Center 2140 Trenton Road Playground, Multi Purpose Room, Classrooms Periwinkle Park 200 Periwinkle Avenue Multi-purpose Field Delaware Park Wyoming Avenue off of Durham Road Open for passive recreation only PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE ONE FORM PER PARTICIPANT. DATE OF BIRTH CITY PHONE ZIP ALTERNATE PHONE LAST NAME ADDRESS GRADE IN SEPT. MI SCHOOL PARENT’S EMAIL PARTICIPANT’S FIRST NAME PARENT’S NAME F GENDER M HEALTH PROBLEMS PHYSICIAN’S PHONE NUMBER (CIRCLE ONE) PHYSICIAN’S NAME (CIRCLE ONE) NO RESIDENT OF MIDDLETOWN WK. 1 (6/20) SIGNATURE WK. 3 (7/04) PROGRAM NAME WK. 2 (6/27) WK. 4 (7/11) WK. 5 (7/18) WK. 6 (7/25) SESSIONS DATE WK. 7 (8/01) WK. 8 (8/08) FEE Please check with your doctor before registering in any fitness or exercise program. I, the parent or guardian of the above minor, or myself, submit that my child/I, is/am able to participate in the activity below and waive Middletown Township, its staff, and affiliates of any responsibility of injury or illness. RELEASE OF LIABILITY . ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS FORM. YES EMERGENCY CONTACT 1. 2. 3. 4. ALL 8 RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT TO: MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP - 3 MUNICIPAL WAY - LANGHORNE PA 19047 Please direct any questions or comments to Middletown Township Parks & Recreation - 215.750.3890 STATE: VISA V CODE 3 digit code on back of card ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: CREDIT CARD BILLING INFORMATION MASTER CARD EXP. DATE DISCOVER Additional forms can be obtained at the Township Building or downloaded from our website at www.middletownbucks.org; click on Parks and Recreation. Photos may be taken at any or all Middletown Township activities and used for promotion of future events. If you do not want your child’s/children’s picture published, please notify the Middletown Parks and Recreation Department. NAME: (As it appears on credit card) BILLING ADDRESS: CITY: TYPE OF CREDIT CARD: CARD NUMBER : MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP RECREATION DEPARTMENT 3 Municipal Way Langhorne, PA 19047 CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. George Leonhauser, Chairperson Thomas Gallagher, Vice Chairperson William Oettinger, Secretary Amy Strouse Tom Tosti Langhorne, PA Permit No. 53 PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Debbie Marchesani, Chairperson Kristine Piazza-Belser, Vice Chairperson Dori Bower, Secretary Doris Bower Chris Sauerbry Bill Fuller Drew Kreiling PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Postal Customer
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