marton annual final 2014
marton annual final 2014
2014 ANNUAL REPORT PRESIDENT’S REPORT Marton Football club had another great year on and off the field. Our season started early this year as we did a fundraiser for the Schafer family. With the help of our hard working committee, our old 45’C’s from 2013, Eagles 45C’s, The SSFRA, led by Warren Lane & local business’ we held a gala day of soccer at Dobell & managed to raise over $23k for the family. It was a great way to kick off the season. On the field we managed to field 53 teams (including Nursery Squad) & had over 660 players registered with the club, another club record. Our Nursery Squad was a huge hit again with 59 players kicking the ball around every Sunday morning with a smile on their face. Troy Adams & his team of junior coaches do such a fantastic job with the kids. We held our annual Under 6 Gala Day again this year & would like to thank Ian Davis & all my hard working committee for such a great day. Even though it got washed out the first time, we managed to get it run two weeks later. We had 12 teams in the final series this year. They were the 11E’s, W12B’s, W14B’s, 14B’s, W16A’s, 18B’s, W30A’s, W30B’s SWC’s, 35C’s 35E’s & 35F’s. We then equaled the club record of four premierships, with our 14B’s, 18B’s, W30A’s & 35C’s taking out the premiership. Our 14B’s & 35C’s did it from fourth spot, Our W30A took out their third premiership in a row & the 18B’s did the double, Minor Premier’s & Premiers! Marton wouldn’t be the great club it is without our hard working committee. I would like to thank Julie & Lou for all their hard work, Sam & Megan running the canteen, Kate for merchandise, James for gear steward, the amazing David & Geoff for running the best referee’s in the shire & Gary & Cam for looking after the fields. I would like to especially thank Troy Adams. Troy is the backbone behind this club, there isn’t anything he doesn’t have his hands on. It has been a pleasure working with you over the last seven years mate. As I said at last years presentation, this is my last year as President. Even though it has been hard work at times it has been a great journey. I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing somethig like this seven years ago, but it is such a great family club & a great place to be around. Speaking of family, I know I thank them every year but they are the one’s that are always their for me. To my darling wife April, thanks for evrything, I know it’s been hard & you have been the rock that has kept me going. To my kids, Jesse, Georgia & Patrick thanks for all your love & support. I know the club is in great hands & I will be on the sidelines still cheering for the Mighty Hammers! Thanks James Donkin President Team: Nursery Squad Coach: Troy Adams / James Donkin These kids ranged from age 4 to 6, and started the year with little or no knowledge of the game, which is hard to believe if you had seen them at the years end. Every Sunday bright and early the kids would turn up enthusiastic and bubbling with excitement, now how can you not enjoy that. They learnt to kick, dribble, pass and shoot. The smiles on their faces each week when they lined up to do the routine run to the fence just showed how much they looked forward to their Sunday’s at the oval. And although there were the odd few that hadn’t woken fully yet, before their parents knew it they were off and playing with the rest of them. They always sat patiently whilst they were split up into 5 groups and were sent off to their drills. They would follow instructions and do their drills then happily move to the next drill station and start their next drill. Then they again patiently waited to be put into their teams for the games and away they went playing like true champions. Nursery squad is all about introducing soccer to the kids with the hope they continue to enjoy the game. Hopefully along the way they have picked up a few skills and the confidence to be able to enjoy the sport. Just running around with a group of friends and seeing them have fun is rewarding enough to see that it is making a difference. But then seeing them weave in and out of opposition players and then have a shot on goal just shows how much they enjoy the game and are taking it all in.they had improved. A big thank you has to go to all the young Hammers that helped run Nursery Squad this year, not only did you make our jobs easier, the kids loved having you all there. Without Jesse Donkin, Jayke Day, Spencer Lavender, Jackson Heffernan, Josh Wallace, Oscar McCubben, Zoe McCubben, there would have been no way we could have managed 50 odd kids, so thanks a lot. Also, thank you to all the parents for continuously bringing the kids each week, even on those cold Sunday mornings. James and I had a great time coaching this year, these kids make it enjoyable by seeing their excitement every time they kick a ball. To all the kids we hoped you enjoyed your introduction to soccer and had fun whilst learning a few of the fundamentals, we know we enjoyed it. Hopefully we see you all again next year running around in the under 6’s and turning into little superstars. Our future Superstars: Archer Adams, Tom Adey, Lincoln Albrecht, Blake Allen, Phoebe Allen, Max Arena, Isabel Bates, Ryan Bates, Ivy Bowness, Patrick Christmann, Liam Clark, Madison Cornish, Elise Daniels, Mason Deluca, Lola Evans, Tomas Faulkner, Samuel Foster, Kain Gibson, Ethan Hadden, Kalei Hall, Cameron Hardiman, Mikayla Henson, Austin Highett, Cooper Holmes, Cooper Horwell, Jesse Hyem, William Johnson, Louis Jones, Hayden King, Ryder Lupton, Jaegar Martin, Micah McKay, Zane Melham, Amelia Mesaglio, Blake Murtagh, Kobi Newton, Jett Nisbet, Joel Olbourne, Todd Parratt, Jye Pascoe, Charleigh Piper, Nate Rodgers, Henrik Schaefer, Kade Schofield, Harrison Shave, Zane Shoblom, Jake Simpson, Isabelle Sinfield, Ava Smith, Jayda Smith, Nate Speakman, Alfie Stamps, Olivia Stewart, Aiden Stratton, Deakin Struthers, Liam Wendt, Daisy White, Cooper Wisdom, Ava Wood. 3 Team: 6B-1 Coach: Luke Dowling Manager: Tina Meadows Team: 6B-2 Coach: Jesse Donkin / Jayke Day Manager: Sam Day Oscar: As the year progressed Oscar excelled in any defensive role for the team. He was always there to make the last second tackle and with his big boot he could always clear it out of danger. Axyl: Always played with a smile and always had fun wherever he played, also scored some great goals throughout the season. A real character. Will: Always willing to contribute. His skill level improved immensely after the first few games and throughout the year. Had a few bumps and bruises but always pushed through and tried his hardest. 4 Kade: Kade is a machine that will run until his job is done & will back his teamates up all day. Nelson: The man that can shoot & score with his eyes closed. Has a talent for putting his name on the scoresheet. Patrick: The All-rounder in the team, wil do excellent where ever you put him, striker, midfield or sweeper. Team: 6E Coach: Jacob & Brayden Heffernan Manager: Melinda Tsoupis What a fantastic first season of soccer did the 6E team have! The boys were lucky enough to have two great coaches in Jacob and Brayden Heffernan. These brothers taught the boys new drills to practice their skills, new minor games as well as how to play as a team. The 6E’s enjoyed training and loved playing games and throughout the season they had more wins than losses and a couple of draws too. They also played a few games in the rain and showed good heart throughout the season by never giving up and always trying their best. As the season progressed each boy found their strengths and we were lucky to have Thomas and Jake good at scoring goals, Reagan and Jordan good at dribbling and passing and Xavier and Jacob good at defending. This combined with how hard each boy tried meant that we were a strong team. The boys not only learnt soccer skills and how to play a game of soccer but also sportsmanship and listening to their coaches. New friendships were also made and lots of fun and laughs were had by the team at training and at games. A huge thanks to Jacob and Braydon Heffernan for coaching the boys and to all the parents for being very supportive of the team throughout the season. 5 Team: 6H Coach: Sagar Dave Manager: Bryan Fisher Team: 6X Coach: Graham Peace Manager: Nicole Maynard 6 Team: 7A Coach: Michael Snell Manager: Rohan Carson I n w h a t wa s o u r 2 n d s e a s o n o f p l ay i n g s o cce r, t h e i m p rove m e n t i n t h e b oys f ro m l a st ye a r to t h i s ye a r wa s m a ss i ve. A l l t h e b oys p l aye d g re a t s o cce r we e k i n /we e k o u t . Af te r t h e g re a t e f fo r t l a st ye a r we k n ew t h i s ye a r wo u l d b e a l o t to u g h e r, b u t w i t h t h e m a e st ro (co a c h – M i c h a e l S n e l l ) c a l l i n g t h e s h o t s t h e b oys a n d t h e co a c h d e l i ve re d t h e g o o d s . Eve n i f t h ey we re n ’ t a t t h e i r b e st , t h ey st i l l d o m i n a te d t h e o p p o s i t i o n fo r m o st o f t h e g a m e. Th e re we re s o m e awe s o m e g o a l s s co re d f ro m a l l ove r t h e f i e l d , b u t e q u a l l y a s g o o d we re t h e g re a t s ave s , a n d d e fe n ce. We s aw To m my m ove u p t h e f i e l d m o re o f te n t h i s ye a r, w h i c h re s u l te d i n e i t h e r h i m s co r i n g g o a l s o r s e t t i n g t h e m u p. I t d i d n ’ t m a t te r h ow t a l l t h e o p p o s i t i o n p l aye r wa s , To m my wo u l d t h row h i m s e l f i n to a ny 5 0/5 0 c h a l l e n g e. Th e n t h e re wa s H a m i s h , w h e t h e r h e wa s e i t h e r d e fe n d i n g a t t h e b a c k o r c l e a r i n g t h e b a l l d ow n f i e l d , h e wa s a l ways c h a s i n g t h e o p p o s i t i o n d ow n . H e g o t u s o u t o f t ro u b l e a g a i n st M e n a i w i t h a f re a k o f a g o a l f ro m t h e s i d e l i n e. L i ke H a m i s h , F re d d y a l s o p u t s h i m s e l f i n to a g re a t p o s i t i o n to sto p t h e o p p o s i t i o n f ro m s co r i n g , h e s co re d l o t s o f l o n g ra n g e g o a l s , a n d i f we we re i n t ro u b l e h e wo u l d s e n d t h e b a l l d ow n t h e f i e l d (o n 2 o cc a s i o n s o n to K i n g swo o d R d ) . 1 st t i m e to u c h e s we re c re a t i n g g o a l s , a n d a s we k n ow t h e b u i l d u p st a r t s f ro m t h e b a c k . L a c h l a n a n d Co rey - Yo u wo u l d t h i n k t h ey we re t w i n s t h e way t h ey p l ay. Th ey h ave t h e s a m e st y l e, b o t h a re wo r ka h o l i c s i n d e fe n ce to ste a l t h e b a l l o f f t h e o p p o s i t i o n , a n d i n s o m e c a s e s e a c h o t h e r h a h a . B o t h s co re d t h e i r fa i r s h a re o f g o a l s b u t i t ’s t h e l e a d u p /s e t t i n g u p a n d p a ss i n g t h a t m a ke s o u r co a c h h a p py. A l l f i ve o f yo u we re o u t st a n d i n g t h i s ye a r a n d t h e re i s n o d o u b t yo u g u ys w i l l b e n e f i t f ro m a b i g g e r f i e l d n ex t ye a r, w i t h t h e n ew a d d i t i o n s o f co r n e r s /t h row i n s a n d g o a l ke e p e r s . 7 Our game of the year was again Kirrawee, the passing and moving was unbelievable and we dominated the team coming second at that stage, winning 8-0. A big thankyou goes to all parents for bringing the boys to training and the games, and a massive thankyou to Michael Snell our Supercoach, the kids love you and the parents appreciate the time and effort you put into our team. Even though we are 2 years now undefeated, our time will come for a loss but the main thing is that the boys are having fun and enjoying their soccer. Bring on 2015, looking forward to another fun year with all the boys. Team: 7B Coach: Darren Stewart Manager: Matt Aherns Congratulations to the boys on a fantastic 2014 season, winning all g a m e s e x c e p t a c o u p l e m i d - y e a r s h o c k e r s ! ! ( We ’ l l f o r g e t t h e m ) T h e r e w e r e t w o n e w i n c l u s i o n s t o t h i s y e a r ’ s t e a m i n Tr a v i s & L u k e w h o exce l l e d t h e s e a s o n t h ro u g h o u t . Th e te a m i m p rove d i n a l l aspects of the game as the season went on in defence and most notably in the way they set up goals by stringing together multiple passes which proved too good for their opposition week in and week out. Again this year was a pleasure in coaching Aiden, Jack, Kade, J a m i e , Tr a v i s & L u k e a n d l o o k f o r w a r d t o s e e i n g t h e m b a c k a g a i n next year for another successful season. Special thankyou again to Matt for this year ’s team management . 8 Team: 7C Coach: Matthew Kerr Manager: Phil Barnes Let me start by saying what a pleasure it was to coach such a great team of young boys who are so willing to learn and develop their skills. The boys had a great season and had a lot of fun along the way. The team consisted of Dylan Kerr. Riley Hack, Brodie Barnes and Curtis Sleath, Zinzan Delaney-Fielding, Connor Ganderton, Every single one of the boys improved greatly throughout the season. Dylan was always around the ball and did everything to win the ball and score as many goals as he could. Dylan showed tremendous dedication to the team and would do everything to win the ball back from the other team. He proved to be very competitive and a great team player. Well done Dylan. Riley enjoyed playing this year and he showed a tremendous amount of improvement in his game, he was willing to get into the battle and try and win the ball for his team mates. Riley proved to a very valuable member of the team. I’m very proud of his willingness to learn new skills. Curtis also showed an enormous amount improvement in his game. Curtis was always willing to chase the ball no matter what and got some goals for his efforts. Curtis would be an asset to any team. Tremendous effort Curtis. Brodie was a joy to have in the team, he was always smiling and willing to learn new skills. Brodie was always willing to get in and have a go. Brodie’s commitment was rewarded with a number of goals throughout the season. Keep up the great work Brodie. Connor was a great asset to the team, he was always around the ball and showed great skills throughout the season. Connor went the extra yard for the team and was rewarded with a few goals for his efforts. Great effort Connor. 9 Zinzan showed a great deal of improvement throughout the season. Zinzan showed some great skills early on in the season and he was able to improve on those skills as the season progressed. Zinzan was always willing to do whatever it took to win the ball back for his team. Fantastic Season Zinzan. I’m very proud to have coached the U7C’s this year and have found it very rewarding. I look forward to working with the boys again next year. Thank you to Phil for assisting with the team this year, I thankyou for your support. Matthew Kerr Coach – U7C’s Team: 7E-2 Coach: Peter Whippy Manager: Aaron Turner A great year from the boys,starting the season in the 7F,S and winning all of our games we progressed up to the 7E2,S where we continued our winning ways. Our team was well balanced with some good training sessions I had the pleasure of seeing the boys ball skills and confidence improving.At the start of the season there were a lot of solo effort goals,but what impressed me was by mid season the team was passing between each other and looked to have good structure from defence to attack. To Liam,Brody,Callum,Ryder,Owen and Jake it was a pleasure to coach you guys this year. Also a special thanks to Azz Turner for all your help as Manager this year ,and all the parents of the boys getting them to training and games,great fun happy parents aswell. So once again great season 7E2,S it's been great fun!! Hope to see you all playing again next year,cheers coach Pete Whippy 10 Team: 7E-1 Coach: Gary Nickless Manager: James Wackwitz Team: 7H Coach: Tamara Korotki Manager: Melissa Bannan 11 Team: 7W Coach: Paul Maguire Manager: Ross Walker On behalf of Ross and myself we would like to thank the Club for another great season. What a pleasure it was for Ross and myself to be associated with such a nice and well behaved group of young ladies who listened and tried their best at training and on game day each week. Considering we only had 2 players that played the previous year the 3 new girls did not take long to learn the basics of the game. Brinley This was Brinley’s first year of soccer and it started with a bang. Brinley was never being short of a story or a question and kept us entertained at each training session. Scoring goals was not a problem for Brinley as she had plenty of skill and determination at every game. Well done Brins!! Giselle This was Giselle’s first year of soccer. Giselle’s enthusiasm came out in Game 1 and did not stop all season. She would not hesitate to go in at 100 miles an hour snapping at everyone’s heels and never taking a backward step and will only improve in the years come. Great season Giselle! Clarissa This was Clarissa’s first year as well. Clarissa was one of the most polite, well-mannered children I’ve had the pleasure of training. She was very shy to start off with but came out of her shell when she realised that she was just a good as the others. Towards the end of the season she earned herself a well-deserved trip to McDonalds as promised by her mum for getting in there as scoring a goal. I am really hoping she will be back next year full of confidence!! 12 Sienna Sienna is one of the veterans of the team who stood out from the first game. Right through the season she showed her competitive edge and skill which kept our team competitive in each and every game. Always putting herself on the line for the team. You will not come across a young girl with as much determination as Sienna. Great year Sienna! Lily Another veteran of the team. Lily has a rare ability to be able to kick with either foot (I don’t think she knows which foot she kicks with!) and scoring goals was never a problem. In one game Lily scored 5 goals giving us a victory. Another young girl with the ability and determination to be successful in the game of soccer. Well done Bill!! We would like to thank all the parents for all their help and support throughout the year, particularly Adam who filled in for Ross and I on a few occasions when we were not available. We appreciate your help mate. Thanks! Hope to see you all back next year!! Team: 7X Coach: Sam Pearce, Tamara Mulquiny, Kyrra Day Manager: Danielle Adams Once again our girls have had an incredible season together. All of the girls had improved so much from last year, it was hard to believe that this was the same team. Every week all of our girls gave us 110%, even at our at 8am games when all we wanted to do was go home and sleep (or at least us girls did). Week by week the girls improved more and more. Having been moved up a grade, it set up a tough challenge for the girls, but that didn’t phase them one bit. The girls stuck to their game and ended up only loosing 1 game all year. Having been somehow lucky enough to win, our girls were given the opportunity to play as part of the halftime entertainment at the A-League All Stars Vs. Juventus game. They were all so well behaved in the dressing rooms and we are so proud of them. It was such an amazing thing to have experienced with the girls and we hope that they 13 We want to say a massive thank you to all the parents for coming out to all the games every weekend. Also a massive thank you to both Troy and Dan for giving us girls lifts every Saturday to the games and for just putting up with us in general. We honestly couldn’t ask for a cuter or sweeter bunch of girls to coach! Us girls all hope you have had yet another fun year with us and we can’t wait for you all to come back next year so we can do it all again!! Love from Sam, Tam and Kyrra xx Hayley- Our little pocket rocket that didn’t let anyone get in her way. Could dribble the ball the whole length of the field no worries. Always ready to get on the field and give 110%! Lani- One of the most improved in the team. Lani was always dependable in the back and always saved us when we were in danger of the other team scoring. Also surprised us with her self-taught tricks too! Logan- Another one of our little speedy girls! Was anywhere and everywhere. Always ready to get in and tackle the other team and to score some awesome goals whenever she had the chance. Telina- Our little superstar! Was always there when you needed her, whether it was up front or at the back. Could dribble in and out of anyone on the field and definitely knew how to score some cracker goals with that awesome boot of hers. Zara- Another one of our most improved players. Zara was also always very dependable in the back with her cracker boot that saved us on many occasion. Always did whatever it took to get the ball off the other team. Zoe- Little miss enthusiastic! Always ready to get on the field and give 110%. Could always be depended on to attack and defend no matter the situation. Also scored some cracker goals with that big boot of hers. 14 Team: 7Y Coach: Jason Hobbs Manager: Kylie Bressington We started the year with 2 returning veteran players, Georgia and Caitlin, and 3 highly sort after new players, Miya, Aila and Ellouise. The goal at the start of the year was for everyone to come off the field happy after every game. That certainly did happen with the introduction of the player of the match award, which was highly sort after. The competitiveness nature of the girls resulted in great improvements throughout the year, winning many games. I saw many great goals, saves and celebrations throughout the year. Our team are very well travelled and were often poached to play in other parts of the world during the season. During that time our super subs, Sienna and Zoe (the goal saving wizard) were used to beautifully compliment our team. Thank you to Sienna and Zoe and Troy’s team for helping us when we were short of players. I would like to thank Kylie for managing the girls and the families of the players for having a great attitude and for their support during the season. My biggest thanks go to Georgia, Miya, Ellouise, Aila and Caitlin for a great year. I hope everyone enjoyed the year, and continue to play next season. 15 Team: 8D Coach: John Godi Manager: Jackee Christie Team: 8W Coach: Brad King Manager: Brad King 16 Team: 8X Coach: Sam Pearce, Tamara Mulquiny, Kyrra Day Manager: Danielle Adams What a pleasure it was to coach this great group of girls! They understood the meaning of teamwork and pulled together on the majority of occasions to win, often by very convincing margins. We were all so proud of them, especially when they listened to what we were trying to teach them and it paid off on the field. Well done girls, you make us all so proud. Akeli- A solid fullback that you could count on to chase down the opposition. We lost count of how many times Akeli came from nowhere to make a goal saving tackle. Akeli’s huge throws and great ability to tackle is a real asset to the team. Chelsea- Always smiling and always ready to play. Happy to play in any position just as long as she is playing soccer, you could always count on Chelsea to give 110%. Chelsea was also very handy to have in goals as she never took a step backwards. Drew- Always put in great effort with some strong attacking and defending. She was one of those players you could rely on in any position and always get the job done. Drew was always consistent with her big kicks and her never give up attitude. Mia- Mia was a consistent player throughout the season. Mia worked hard all season, scoring many beautiful goals, she always turned up to the game with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. Mia achieved some amazing crosses to the centre that resulted in brilliant goals. Scarlett- A champion striker in the making, I’ve never seen a kid so hungry to score goal after goal. Scarlett was always keen to get on the field and hardly ever failed to turn up to training. Scarlett had a wonderful season this year. Well done Scarlett! Sienna- Had a really good year, Sienna played some great attack ad some great defence, as goal keeper she saved numerous goals. Sienna brought many laughs to the team always making training and games fun and exciting. 17 Tiana- A strong player no matter where she is on the field. Whether she was up front, in defence or playing goalie she was always determined to succeed and do her best. Tiana was a solid player all over the field. Taisha- Taish ran all game and never stopped trying, she always chased down the opposition and was a fantastic little tackler. Taish showed both courage and determination, she never backed down and always gave 110% Thankyou to all parents and grandparents for getting up early in the mornings for the ongoing support and encouragement of the girls throughout the year we look forward to seeing you all again next season. Also a huge thankyou to Troy and Danielle for driving us to all the games and helping us organise all the girls, especially helping us out with the training schedules. We look forward to seeing all you girls next year for another wonderful season. Team: 9A Coach: David Sinfield Manager: James Wackwitz This year had a little bit of everything, some highs, some lows but overall a really good effort from the kids (and parents) again. We missed 2 games this year due to wet weather so our final results from the 16 games we played were 5 victories (2 byes), 4 draws and 7 losses with the kids scoring a total of 14 goals and conceding 19. It was a much better performance in the second half of the year and I hope we can keep that momentum going into summer soccer and next season. Once again all of the kids played in every position at least a couple of times this year to give them a good grounding for the teamwork required to play this wonderful game, I always find it funny how so many of them want to play goalkeeper when it’s a ‘new’ position, and then how most of them shy away from this position once thy realise the other team can shoot…. They are all starting to evolve naturally into positions that suit their individual style of play, while still having the ability to work as a team wherever they are on the field. 18 This year brought about SDS trials and with some of the kids wanting to tryout we had pretty good results. I am proud to announce that 3 of the team made it into the representative sides this year. Ryan made it in the U8 SDS squad (he plays up a year with us). Mat made it in the U9 SDS squad Aimee made it in the U9 girls SDS squad. She also made it in the NSW squad where she was one of only 16 chosen from 56 who tried out. Well done guys & gal. Our leading goalscorer this year was Jono with 6 goals (a couple were absolute bullets), Mat, Mitch & Jack scored 2 each while Lochie, Ryan & Cooper got 1 each. Unfortunately Aimee didn’t get a goal this year but certainly made up for it with the amount she saved in defence, whether it be in goals or on the field. After the season proper finished, we had 2 gala days to compete in. It was a cold Friday night up at the heights for the Bosco gala night and the competition went ahead without any dramas (except for when they tried to close our field down and move us into the middle of the park, we were all enjoying the wind break from the trees). The kids competed really well all night with 3 wins (1 forfeit) & 1 draw. The night was called off early due to the chance of rain so we all gathered at the clubhouse for the presentation. To our amazement we took the lollies and were crowned the winners of the Bill Charlton cup for 2014 which will reside in the clubhouses trophy cabinet next season. The next Gala day was at North Sutherland on the Saturday that the finals were held for the rest of the competitions. This was a unique gala day where there was a handicap system in place. Our kids started every match by at least 2 goals down and again competed really well winning 3 of the 4 games and only losing one game by 2-1 (where they should have scored about 5). We hung around for the rest of the afternoon to see who would play in the final and once again to our amazement we had qualified. We started the final with a 5 goal deficit due to the handicapping. To our guys credit they all worked hard on a much larger field than they were used to playing on, and once again came home with the lollies when Jono struck another bullet to cap off Lochies 4 goals and Ryans 1 goal to win 6-5 with only a few seconds to go. Mitchell unfortunately missed the last round robin game and the final due to an incident with a wire fence, close call matey…. I would like to say thank you to all of the parents and grandparents for their support each and every week this year. James you helped me out greatly in the managers role and I would like to say a special thank you to you for supporting me and getting messages out, however, you had better keep on your toes as we all know who’s pushing for the top job next year, there could be a coup from one Kelly Powell…. I am so proud of each and every one of these kids and the effort that they put in. I cannot tell you how many times this year an opposing coach, a referee or just someone watching the games would come up and tell me how much they enjoyed the game and what a quality team you all are. Keep up the good work and bring on 2015, the year of the mighty hammer 10A’s!!!! Finally, I would like to thank James Donkin for his efforts over the past seven years as president of the club. He has done some amazing things (along with the committee) and has been a key to making the club the family oriented one that we all enjoy playing with today 19 Team: 9D Coach: Nathan Morando Manager: Jacob Ganderton Team: 9G Coach: Wolf Hatzl Manager: Shane Elliott 20 Team: 9H Coach: Steve Hardmann Manager: Adrian Steer Team: 9W Coach: Tanya Struthers Manager: Melissa O’Shea 21 Team: 10B Coach: John Kirton / Scott Hannan Manager: Kelly Hannan Team: 11B Coach: Steve Page Manager: Kimberly Wheatley PLAYER: Max Bennett, Karl Gibbs, Isaac Lemeki-Uebel, Jeremy Masters, John Nasralla, Liam Page, Callum Rodgers, Nick Tippett, Daniel Ward and Thal Wheatley 2014 has been another great year of football for the 11B. This year we had a couple of new players to the team, who were welcomed with open arms. This year we kicked off in C grade, then after a few weeks the team was successful in being regrade to B grade. 22 Coach Steve Page prepared and trained the boys each week with a mix of drills, fun and skill building activities. Over the season all players grew both in skill and confidence. Thank you Steve and we hope to see you back next year. Our team this year has been not just about the boys who played the ball each week, but the family and friends that supported, cheered and helped on ground control. The achievements, fun and even some laughter would not have been possible without you all, so thankyou. We look forward to next year as we move to full field. See you all in 2015. Team: 11E - Finalists Coach: Steve Herron Manager: Jill Bleszynski What a close and exciting season from this great team of boys. From the very first game we played at Glen McGrath, I went away thinking we could give this a real shake. I knew it was going to be a busy year with a few stressful but enjoyable moments. Thanks boys - you should all very proud of yourselves - Semi-Finalists all be it 1 point to Minor Premiers. To think 1 point was the difference to being Finalists with a nil all draw against Gymea. You all played hard and never gave up to the very end. It just shows how close the season was with 1 or 2 points being the difference between the top 4 or 5 teams. To think at the beginning of the year at our first training session one of our team members said to one of the new boys “welcome to the loser team” as a joke, only the boy he said it too turned out to be our top goal scorer of the year. Overall boys it was great to watch every week, with the crowds getting bigger and bigger as we crept closer to the semis. Highlights of the year for me were the games against Gymea at Gymea – a 3 all draw and Barden Ridge at home where we won 3-2. We had it all, great defence, great goals, good field position, passing and most importantly not giving up. The whole season was exciting and great entertainment. 23 Outstanding play of the season: Jack F’s goal against Gymea in the 3-all draw curled in under the cross bar. Still don’t know how he did that! Scoring left footed goals deliberately for extra money and telling dad it was left footed in case he missed it (Ha Ha). Ryan P’s goal against Barden Ridge in the last game before the semis - kicked in from out far on the right wing. Also, Ryan was the only player to score a goal from a header to beat Lilli Pilli 1-nil. Putting his body or should I say head on the line against Barden Ridge at home to save a certain goal - I think it was our player who kicked or kneed him trying to clear it off the line. To all the Backs consistently solid all year Jack M, Callum & Cody (I reckon the best backline defence in the competition on for and against - stats don’t lie! Cody solid on the left all year also spent some time in goals with some great saves. Jack M sterling on the right with some great runs and passes and always playing with dogged determination. Special mention to Callum for being unyielding all year as centre back. He put in some crunching tackles and great midfield long balls throughout the year all while having the extra pressure of listening to your dad scream at you from the sideline - well done Callum. Owen fantastic goal keeping - many awesome saves, great attack and scoring when playing on the right wing. Ryan D constant running and looking for opportunities to pass or when he had the chance launch one with his right foot giving the goalkeeper a scare on a few occasions. Well done Ryan keep it up! Joel’s great running with bustling energy and finishing off with some cracking goals and crunching tackles - mainly on goalkeepers. Jackson always listening and looking were he needed to be payed off with some great runs were he was able to get the pass away which helped set up some goals. Stefan down that left wing all year leaving a path of destruction as he went with some great passes and a goal of his own. Alex the Terrier, relentless all year, playing up a couple of grades and never fearing anything or anyone. The line had to be drawn though and goalkeeping was not an option (Mother’s Orders not Alex’s) Thanks Colleen & Miles for letting him play. Thanks to Jill (AKA Trish / Tom) from running lollies, ice, water to the kids and even supplying directions to that unknown and mysterious territory (Jannali!) to someone we won’t mention. Stacy (AKA Jerry) best backup fill in relief manager in the game for the whole season and was there when needed. 24 To the Dads who helped out every week at training - special mention to Warren, Grahame, Miles and big brother Brad D - without you guys I think we could have lost a couple of kids early on. To the Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Brothers & Sisters that came every weekend and helped when needed or simply cheered on or yelled at the Ref THANKS I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Well boys, thanks again and it was great fun to be a part of the whole season and hope to see you all next year. Hope you all take some good memories away with you to look back on in years to come, because really - that is what it’s all about. Cheers Steve (Coach) Team: 11W Coach: Tom Scully Manager: Shane Nairn A tough year for the girls this year struggling to field a side for a a number of weeks. It seems jetsetting was the order of the year with some of the girls flying all over the place from US to Europe and all around Australia. This made it tough for Tom to get a regular side on the field and thus many of the girls were forced to cover numerous positions. Overall though the girls never gave up and tried their hearts out every week right up to the last round. The team this year was: Alana - First time in the team this year and did fantastic enjoyed herself every week always coming off with a smile, played great in defence and goals. Amber - the pocket rocket who never stops running really controlled the midfield well and never took a backward step against her bigger opponents. Ayda - Our dependable full back always safe under pressure always manages to get the ball out of the danger zone when required. 25 Ella - Another new addition to the team who regularly played netball before playing soccer but you wouldn't have known it always running her heart out in the midfield. Flynn - You wouldn't know she could still be playing in the under 10's, was a standout player on a number of occasions and never gave her opponents an inch. Jessica - Worked well with Maddison sharing the defensive midfield role, so dependable at the back but made some great runs upfield as well. Keira - As always took on her bigger opponents without fear, played every week even when she was injured very brave. Maddison - Missed the first part of the season due to jetsetting but slotted back in easily with her great defence and passing game. Michaela - Really came into her own this year with a great deal more confidence played numerous positions up front, midfield and in backs when needed very versatile. Summer - Another one of our defenders who could also play further up the field, she was often able to win the ball at the back and put the team in a better attacking position. Zoe - Some great defensive efforts and has a great kick on her to help get the team out of trouble also covered midfield well when needed. Thanks to Tom for coaching the girls once again and thanks to the parents for being so supportive each and every week especially on some of those early cold mornings. Shane - Manager Team: W12B - Finalists Coach: Johanna Boyd Manager: Julie Pearce Well another awesome season of soccer from this amazing team of girls. We made it into the semis for the 2nd year in a row and deserved to be there. 26 Although the girls played hard and it was a very physical semi the girls went down 1 nil against Bosco but as a coach I couldn’t have asked for any of them to have played harder they were just unlucky on the day not to get any of our shots in the back of the net. You girls should be so proud of your achievements and all your hard work I know I am and so are all your parents who come to watch every week. You are by far the best passing team in the competition when you girls are attacking your passes are to your team mates feet and on to the next player its awesome to watch, you also had one of the highest goal tallys at the end and that’s from all your hard work at training. This team of girls are not just a great team on the field but of it as well they all have fun and are great friends. They turn up every week to training with a smile on their faces ready to go and give 100% although sometimes I am a bit confused if we are a soccer team or a gymnastics team as half of the girls are always upside down and doing cartwheels around me. Julie and I have enjoyed this year with you and you make us laugh with your little zone outs at training and we are left thinking OMG they are a little out of control tonight but after every training session you all want to stay and do more so that proves you girls love your soccer. So thankyou for a great season and hope you enjoyed yourselves, well one 12WB’S A big thankyou to Julie she is an amazing manager and runs the team and me so well. Thank you to the parents who bring the girls to training and games every week and are always so supportive all your girls are amazing Team: W13A Coach: Phil Lomas Manager: Belinda Madden 27 Team: 13A Coach: Troy Adams Manager: Louise Mulquiny Not the type of year we were hoping for, finishing at the wrong end of the ladder, but when you take into account that 10 of our 16 games only had 1 goal in it, it just shows how close we are to getting it right. And I wouldn’t change a thing with how these boys play, I really believe once they all have their growth spurts and catch up with most of the other teams (most teams were towering over our boys at times, I’m sure that Lilli Pilli keeper is still giving some of them nightmares), the style of soccer they play by where they trust each other and play it out from the back and continue to pass it all the way up the field, will really turn them into a great team. Not to say they aren’t a great team right now, these guys ooze everything a great team needs, commitment, the right attitude, willingness to learn and do what is best for the team, and the ability to develop their skills every week. This is all shown by how hard they all train, we all know they never have an easy pre-season but they all turn up keen to run and get ready for another year. As the years go on they do get a bit cheekier, but this just keeps me on my toes, and they quickly fall back into routine (with a few grumblings at times). And it doesn’t stop at the pres-season side of things, all through the season they still turn up smiles on and ready to go. The first 3 games weren’t our best, conceding 17 goals and only scoring 2, but this didn’t worry them the slightest, they kept at it and worked even harder. This showed by how well they went from there, with a majority of the rest of the games could have easily gone either way. Unlucky goal here, bad bounce there, really could have been a different story if some of them went our way. But I guess that’s soccer, and one thing I’ve learnt over the years from these boys is that there’s always next week, and as long as we keep on learning we’ll get that one step closer. Even though it wasn’t a great season on the pitch, you’d never have known with these boys, they’re always enjoying the game no matter the result. And although they are getting older and more competitive, the way they keep positive and keep encouraging each other is a lesson I learn every week from these boys. You can’t coach the comradery these boys have, they’re just always there for each other on the pitch, willing to cover another if he does something wrong, or happy to play a position if it means the best for the team, they’ll do whatever it takes. If wins were judged on teams characteristics we’d be winning every week. But hold your heads up high boys, you play some great soccer and have really taken to the big field and how best to play it. Plenty of time to win grand finals, trust me, if you all keep playing the way you are and keep that determination and commitment, you’ll all win plenty. 28 But as always we still had a great time along the way, as they boys get older their true characteristics all start to come out, and they’re a great bunch of guys to be around. Even though it might not be cool, they still love the old games of blindfold soccer, three legged games, and stuffing their faces full of marshmallows. As always boys I hope your season was an fun one, I always enjoy my Thursday nights, and I hope you’re all back next season to give it another go. As I’ve always said, great kids come from great parents, so thanks to all the parents for again being supportive this season. As always Louise has been there to pick up the pieces when things aren’t going our way, you’re always doing the dirty jobs with minimal whinging, thanks again for another great year as manager. The 13A’s: Mitch Boyd: A late signing as was unsure if skating was more his thing, but aren’t we glad he changed his mind. Constantly working in the mids and happy to run all game with not a bad word to be said. Ben Clarke: Slotting back to sweeper where he saved our backside on many occasions. Strong in the air, covers the whole backline, and with that big boot gave us many well needed breaks. Had a great season at the back. Jayke Day: Mr Versatility, I don’t think there’s a position on the field I couldn’t rely on Jayke to play and give 110%. Even though he hated playing in the backline, preferring to run himself ragged in the mids, he was always willing to cover at the back if we were short on fullbacks. Seth Denning: As is becoming accustomed with Seth, plays in just about every position every game, and is always running and giving it his best. One minute he’ll be covering at the back, next he’ll be crossing it up front. Owen Fitzpatrick: You would never know he is playing a year up by how much heart he has, as tough as they come, gets pushed off a ball and always wins it back. Then turns them inside and out with his book of tricks and scores a cracker, always entertaining. Nathan Freestone: Becoming another player that I need to clone, up front his size and shots are a must, at the back in the air he reads it all, then in goals he’s as safe as they come. Jackson Heffernan: Thrown into the midfield this season and had a great year, happy to work hard all game. Can’t remember a bad game from Jackson, you always knew he was going to be solid. Spencer Lavender: Found his home as striker, running down and causing headaches for every backline he came up against. Wherever that ball was Spencer was not far off it, putting pressure on every back he came up against. Oscar McCubben: Another player needing to be cloned, safe and reliable at the back, and calm and confident in goals. I can’t believe that he dislikes keeper so much, but can still be so good in there. Zac Middleton: I’ve never met someone that was so good at a position but hated it so much. Not many players read a game as well as Zac does, always knows when to push forward and when to tackle. I promise I’ll let you have a few more runs up front next year…..maybe. 29 Riley Mulquiny: Back in the midfield where he’s at his best, the teams cocaptain was always willing to lead by example and show the boys how it’s done. Not only did he lead by his actions, but this year his talk was terrific, even gave me a gobfull here and there, now that’s the confidence I want. Great year as always. Stephen O’Neill: One of the hardest working players, always working on his soccer and keen to develop. At the back he ran non-stop and was always working, in goals he was always happy to jump in at the last minute and give it his all. Zaclan Soady: The new kid to the team that took to it with ease. Always happy to work hard at training and take direction on how to better himself. Constantly hard on himself, which shows how well he wants to do for the team. Harry Walker: Also back in his favoured position in the midfield where he was back in fine form. The co-captain let his soccer do the talking and was always willing to knuckle down and do the hard stuff. Hard tackles, running all game, marking players, Harry did whatever was needed to benefit the team. Another great year Harry. Team: 13C Coach: Craig Moran Manager: Rochelle Harty 30 Team: W14B Semi - Finalists Coach: Andrew Mee Manager: Sharon Scully What a great year the girls had this year. After a tough year in A grade last year, the girls were relegated to B grade, where they proved to be one of the top teams. There were a few gutsy efforts during the year, winning two games with on 10 players against teams with 2 to 3 subs. The girls ended up 3rd on the ladder at the end of the season, but unfortunately lost in the first semi. This year we gain a few new players, who all settled in well, with the team now taking space in terms of the positions that the girls like to and are suited to play. Thanks to the girls that played goal keeper this year, particularly Abbey Smith, Alex Halpin, Brooke Petersen, Abbey Cunnington and Paige O’Shea. Hopefully one you will be the fulltime keeper next year. The backline was strong again this year, continually improving our defensive skills, Thanks to Taylah as sweeper, Lillian as Centre Back, and Brea and Courtney as right and left back. One of our new players, Emily added to the strength of the backline playing in either left or right back. In the mid field, we were solid this year, starting to play more positional and holding the mid field a lot more than previous years. Thanks to Lilly Grace, Tash, and Paige in the centres, and the Abbeys, Layla, and Brooke in the outside mid roles. We definitely started to build some good attack down the wings this year. Up front, we had Bronte and Alex, who provide a lot of speed and desire up front. A great effort from these two, who soon learnt about offside and how different it is shooting in a game versus training. I would like to thank the girls for their efforts at training this year, as it was much improved over last year in terms of attentiveness and minimal cartwheels. There is still room for improvement, and a definite opportunity next year to cut out the chatter, or am I just dreaming? Overall, I think that the highlight at training this year was the half hour games we played against the Marton 13 Boys on a few occasions. Heaps of fun!! See you all next year. Coach Squidy. 31 Team: 14B - Premiers Coach: Matt Schweickle Manager: Shane Nairn While we have always believed the boys had the potential to win a comp I think that this year they surpassed all our expectations by fighting to get into the semis and then beating the more fancied teams to take out the big one. The team this year was: Aidan - Mr Calm never seems to be under pressure and stepped up to take the penalty shot to win the GF and did it easily. Dan Pickard - Our sweeper who also never seems to be under pressure a quiet achiever. Dan Pascoe - Our very own bruise brother gave the backs some size this year and excelled in his first year in soccer. Dom - One of the smallest on the field but with the biggest heart never backs down and can cop a knock as a result great stability in the midfield. Isaac - One of our outside halves who runs all day, another one who is small in stature but full of courage against the bigger opponents. Jye - New to the team this year and gave us some great composure in the midfield scored some great goals. Jesse - Really stepped up in the centre midfield this year and always gave us stability when needed, his passing game excelled. Jimmy - Our goal keeper who was new to the team this year, made some amazing saves under pressure and always put his body on the line. Johnny - Safe as house in outside backs and used his skill to provide some great attacking raids from well within our own half. Jett - Another one of our rock solid backs, always made the opposition forwards work hard for the ball. Jonah - As we always say he will run through brick walls, runs all day without regard for his own body, always cool and calm. 32 Josh - Stepped up this year to own the stopper position and never gave his opponents an inch using his fitness to stay with them all day. Nathan - Fantastic at left half and provided some great crosses for the central attackers to score from. Ryan - Another of our outside halves who used his speed and skill to beat many defenders, always good in defence as well. Simon - Our speedster up front who always gives himself a chance by turning the defenders inside out with his ball skills. Tommy - Scored some great goals during the finals series to give us the start we needed, but his passing game this year was what really excited us. It was a challenging year for the coaching staff with James taking on the role of Manager to start the season with Shane travelling and then James took on the coaching role while Matt travelled. Both James and Matt put a great deal of effort into training the boys which really showed on the field and paid dividends with them taking out the comp. Thanks to all the parents for supporting the boys and the coaches and managers it makes it a great deal easier when we have this support. Looking forward to next season hoping the boys can again show their skill and maybe make another appearance in the finals series. Matt and James - Coaches Shane - Manager 33 Team: W16A Semi - Finalists Coach: Troy Adams Manager: Louise Mulquiny Third year in with the girls and I thought surely they’d know how things would work this year, again how wrong I was. Last year was my introduction to girls with attitude, this year they took it to a whole new level. I thought I was a soccer coach, not a counsellor. I spent most my time arguing with them over the most trivial things, to then realise they had just wasted 15 minutes of training and that was their plan all along. For 15/16 years olds they out smarted me every week, just when I thought I knew the game they were playing and thought I had them figured out, they’d throw another thing at me to make sure they got it their way. Then when I finally stuck to my word and did things my way, I was the worst person on earth. After one of their numerous bad performances on a weekend I made them do sprints, planning a full 60 minutes of it, 30 minutes in and I crumbled, it wasn’t worth the whinging/death stares/name calling etc etc. If it wasn’t them trying to get out of hard training it was trying to get them to stop talking for 5 minutes to listen, but they had all the world’s problems to sort out; boyfriend issues, what subjects are best at school, who’s going where that weekend, how many weeks/days/hours until Kyrra goes overseas, all the really important stuff. God forbid we stop and listen to Troy who’s trying to tell us how to better our soccer, that’d be a waste of time….. But amongst all of that, they still managed to actually play some decent soccer. I would love to know how they manage it, because it’s definitely not from my coaching (they’d have to listen to learn something), but they always seem to be able to put it all together when they need to. I’m starting to think this is all part of their grand plan to really annoy me, just when I lose all faith in them and have totally lost it, they pull out something amazing and play unbelievable soccer. They hook me back in and I take it hook, line and sinker. Then they do it all again, not care, scrappy wins, silly loses, Troy kicks and screams, ok girls let’s do well this week just to shut him up long enough so we can get back to gossiping……Then it all starts over again. But I shouldn’t complain, I guess when they need to switch on they do. They’re motto definitely is ‘just enough’, we could be playing the bottom team and I’d still be stressing with 10 minutes to go. Then we’d play the top team and beat them 2-0 and dominate the whole game. It’s those games that annoy me the most, beating Barden Ridge, just losing by a scrappy goal to RSL or Gymea, knowing that they can be so awesome, but then the following week watching them struggle against a bottom team. They all have the potential to be such a great team, but it just has to be on their terms. Don’t get me wrong, I still think you are a great team, it’s just getting you to be a great team every week that can be the difference of losing the semi and winning a grand final. Ok enough of the negative side girls (can you tell I’m still filthy we lost the semi….), as much as you all annoy me every week, I wouldn’t change anything, you’re a great team and a great bunch of girls to coach. You all showed me how great you all are when I had my dummy-spit after the Seagulls performance. You all knew I was disappointed and you all turned up the following day for State Cup and played the best game ever. And even though we lost that game and I know how much you all tried so hard, it was the first time after a loss I was so proud. I couldn’t have asked for more, the effort you all put in just shows how great a bunch of girls you really all are. The same goes for all the big games and the semi-final, the results may have not gone our way all the time, but the determination you all showed when you wanted to do well was indication of true team spirit, and that is the part I enjoy most about being part of this team. Hopefully we can tap into that determination and effort every week, but as long as I know it’s there we’ll just keep working at it. Who knows, you all might surprise me and play like that every week. 34 As always without Louise dealing with my weekly meltdowns I wouldn’t get through a season. I have no idea how you handle some of the cr@p I throw at you when these girls are stressing me out, or the phone calls after another scrappy game, or the blow ups during the game when things aren’t going well, but you manage to get through it all and keep me going. Thanks heaps Lou. Through all of this dribble girls I hope you can take one thing away from it, that I truly believe that every single one of you are full of potential, not only in your soccer abilities, but just in general. You are all a great bunch of girls that are a great team to be around, I hope you all continue to stick together and don’t change a thing (except maybe listen more…). Hopefully you all had an enjoyable season girls, I know I did. Hopefully you all continue to play next year and many years to come. The W16A’s Semi-finalist 2014: This year I’ve given you all the first three things that come to my mind when I think of you. Cleo Cottrell-Dormer: Kyrra Day: Samara Harrison: Brittany Hosking: Tahlae Johnson: Rebecca Keats: Emily Lavender: Jessica Middleton: Tamara Mulquiny: Nikita Nicholson: Samantha Pearce: Mikayla Saelman: Holly Smith: Hayley Sollars: Emma Southwell: Determination, effortless, always happy. Loves countdowns, America, full of potential. Holds midfield together, always calm, consistent. Tough, speedy, would run through a brick wall. Entertaining goals, silky skills, always wants to win. Tough, fearless, eager to play. Runs all day, heart of mids, always gives 100%. Speed, always happy, always keen to learn. Captain annoying, reads game very well, great vision. Rock solid, reliable, will accrue a lot of flybuys points. Teams motivator, boots it a lot, always safe at the back. Goalie, loves training, needs to shut legs in goals. Reliable, confident, saved us on many occasions. Give’s her all, never intimidated, never gives up. Win at all cost, team’s voice, reliable in any position. Team: 18B - Minor Premiers & Premiers Coach: Ian Chambers Manager: Brad Heffernan Won: 12 Drawn: 2 Lost: 2 Goals For: 56 Goals Against: 21 35 The Marton 18B's of 2014 was a team blended together from a number of different clubs including 5 ex Engadine Eagles premier ship winning 18D's from 2013 - Tom, Daniel, Josh D, Robbie & Eden, some returning players coming back to Marton from Loftus and Kirrawee - Dom, Jacob, Brayden, Regan, Josh H, Justin, Kyle & Nathan and a Marton regular - Anthony. At the start of the season we focused on fitness and coming together as a united team - this was the easy bit a most of the boys new each other from school or socially. The first few training sessions focused on positions and formations. By the first trial games these issues had largely been sorted except goal keeper as Nathan was away apparently on cricket duty with the Australian side substituting for an injured Shane Watson. However, a horror run of injuries was to hit the side before the first comp game - broken wrists to Brayden (Orange boots) Heffernan and Regan and also an injury to Josh H (some reports suggest a possible broken toe nail suffered while skate boarding ). With Eden suspended for 1 game after the infamous 'battle of ANZAC field' against a rogue Gymea side at the end of the 2013 season the first game looked like we might struggle to field a side - we did field 11, with the help of the other Marton 18's side. The first game was a 2 - 2 draw (Robbie showed his skill at set plays by slotting one of his 'specials' a free kick from just outside the box) . After that game we managed to win the next 2 games fairly comfortably until in Round 4 were we snatched a draw from the jaws of victory via an own goal to Jacob (Green boots) Heffernan against Cronulla RSL. Round 5 saw the return of Regan & Brayden. Round 6 was the game against our main competition - Engadine Crusaders and our first loss (2 - 3). Round 7 saw our best win of the season a 6 - 0 effort against Menai, with Tom Chambers (kareoke legend )scoring his first goal in many seasons. With wins in the next few games (marred by the loss of Regan for the season with a fractured cheek bone) the team was positioning its self well for a crack at the minor premiership. Our defensive efforts were very pleasing with Dom & Dan proving to be a tough wall to break down and GK 'Marci' pulling of some incredible saves. Moving into the second half of the season, we saw an injury to our hardworking Captain, Josh D ( Kareoke Super star) with a wrist injury, which kept him out until the semis. Anthony did a great job by stepping up to fill in at the central midfield role. We were starting to get some momentum, with some strong come - from - behind wins and only our second loss of the season to semi finalists, Cronulla RSL but the following week saw us resume our unbeaten run into the semis with a moral boosting win over Crusaders 2 - 1, with Kyle (kareoke champion) showing his skill in front of goals by slotting 2 cracking goals. We won the last 3 games in outstanding fashion, scoring 16 goals and conceding only 2 which enabled us to win the minor premiership by 3 points and setting us up nicely for the semis. The Semi final saw us play Crusaders, after falling behind early 0 - 1, we managed to slot 3 goals (Justin, Brayden & Anthony) in the second half, going on to win 3 -1. Being patient and believing in our ability were things we often spoke about. The Grand Final against Crusaders (1 v 2) at a wet and soggy Captain Cook field was a well deserved achievement after a fantastic season. We scored very early (Jacob) but just before half time Crusaders scored to level at 1 - 1. Momentum slowly started to swing our way again, soon after the start of the second half and we were able to establish some good field position which saw Justin slot an absolute cracking half volley to edge as to 2 - 1. Very soon after he slotted another to get us to 3 - 1. The last 15 minutes was tough but I knew we could finish the better as " Winning is a habit". The final result a very well deserved victory 3 - 1. 36 The things I remember about the G F - The pre match 'talk' in the dressing room, Eden's defensive header - just sliding by our own goal post by millimetres, the boys on field celebration after Justin scored that second goal, the noise from our supporters and finally Brad and I going for ' a high five' with 10 minutes to go and leading 3 - 1, probably a bit too early (actually way to early !). Our team consisted of: Justin Byrnes (goals: 14 + 3 in the finals) Striker Thomas Cambers (goals: 1) Right Midfield Joshua Daniels (goals: 7) Centre Midfield Anthony De Michiel (goals: 1 + 1 in the finals ) Midfield / Striker Daniel De Michiel (goals: 1) Left Back Regan Foster (goals: 0) Midfield/ Defender Brayden Heffernan (goals: 1 + 1 in the finals) Centre Midfield Jacob Heffernan (goals: 3 + 1 in the finals) Centre Midfield Joshua Heffernan (goals: 3) Midfield Robbie Lombo (goals: 5) Sweeper Nathan Maciante (goals: 3) Goal Keeper Eden Murphy (goals: 1) Centre Back Kyle Richardson (goals: 12) Left Midfield Dominic Zahar (goals: 3) Right Back Sub (goals: 1) Own Goal (goals: 1) Justin had a fine season at Striker and was awarded 2014 18B Players Player I would like to thank all the boys for their efforts at training, at ground control and especially on the field over this year. It was very rewarding being involved with these young men and I look forward to next year in the 21's. On a final note would like to thank assistant coach/trainer Kyle Chambers & manager Brad Heffernan for their support and advice throughout the season. Also the players we borrowed from the other Marton 18's sides - you know who you are. Also like to thank the teams supporters & spectators, referee's, ground control and Marton club officials Ian Chambers Coach 37 Team: 18D Coach: Gavin Avery Manager: Adam Candy Welcome to playing with the Men! It was going to be a challenge, a challenge the boys accepted with gusto. Once again, we needed to recruit, this year we welcomed Ewan, Chris, James Arrowsmith and Trevor. This gave our team a full complement of players with a couple of reserves, what a nice situation to be in for a change, or so we thought. During the season, the boys were struggling to win due to factors out of their control, such as injuries and players unavailable due to other commitments. The boys would not use these factors as an excuse and continued to play every game like it was their last and continually gave 100%. They would ensure they were at games, even if they may not have been able to play. They were there to support their team mates. During the season most of the games were in the balance well into the second half. Unfortunately with the limited numbers of players available on most weekends it became a struggle to match most teams for fitness late in the game. Overall the boys remained focused and never backed down and gave their all during the matches. As we approached the end of the season it became a battle to avoid the dreaded wooden spoon and subsequent nudie run. With two rounds remaining the boys secured second last place, wow what a relief for the players and coaching staff. The Coach and Managers player of the year was determined on a 3,2,1 ranking after each game and the well deserved player was team captain Ryan Southwell, a well-earned award. The 18d’s are; Jarod Avery, Ethan Candy, Chris Allsop, Ewan Breese, Cory Dubois, Grant Forsyth, James Arrowsmith, James Grady, Thomas Parnell, Trevor Fairweather, Zach Steward, Ryan Southwell, and Bronson Wyper. Gavin (coach) and Adam (manager) would like thank the players and their parents for another enjoyable season. The boys made sure Gavin and Adam were suitably punished during the end of season Paintball extravaganza, thanks Barb and Narelle. The boys always showed the utmost sportsmanship on and off the field, thankyou. We would like to see them all return for next year’s season playing again in the 18’s, see you all then. 38 Team: 18E Coach: Brad Flegg Manager: Debbie Napier In 2014 there were not many easy games. Depending on our commitment all opposition were capable of giving us a good run each week. Our early season results were affected by penalties awarded against us, penalties not awarded to us, clumsy handling and some indecision on the field. As the season progressed all teams found the 18E Hammers hard t o p u t a w a y. I n f a c t w e w h i p p e d G e o r g e s R i v e r e v e r y t i m e w e played them with one memorable game at Kingswood oval in pouring rain; unfortunately it was abandoned. In the later part of the s e a s o n o u r r u n t o t h e s e m i s f e l l s h o r t d u e t o t h e w e a t h e r. B u t w e certainly showed those teams in the semis that they were lucky t h a t t h e w e a t h e r h a d p o u r e d w a t e r o n o u r a s p i r a t i o n s . We c h a l k e d up some fine team performances and thrilled our willing supporters. A good season from a lovely bunch of young chaps. The team was To m P e a r s o n , H a y d e n R e d f e r n , B e n G i b b s , B l a k e G r o v e , B l a k e R o b i n s o n , H e n r y Wa l k e r, D a n i e l N a p i e r, T i m o t h y P y n e , J a s o n Lambert, Mitchell Sargent, Nicholas McRae, Matthew Flegg and Jai B e a r d o w. Debbie Napier (Manager) Brad Flegg (Coach) 39 Team: W18B Coach: Paul Upham Manager: Angelina Upham Moving up to Under 18’s after being Under 16 Grand Finalists in 2013, it was a frustrating up and down year for the Marton W18B team. The girls started the season well with three wins, two draws and two losses in their first seven games, beating eventual premiers Engadine 3-2 in Round 3, but a crippling injury toll and unavailable list mid-season prevented continuity and any charge towards the semis. Despite all of the hurdles put in front of them, the team only missed out on making the play-offs by one win. It was a year of learning and this side will be genuine title contenders in their second crack at the Under 18’s competition in 2015. Coreena Clark: A shooting star capable of brilliance when her mind is on the game. Worked hard for a wide angled goal against Engadine in Round 3; Coreena’s lofted chip to score against Lilli Pilli in Round 6 was very sweet. One of the fastest players in the competition. Games: 15 - Goals: 2 Shaylee Crimmins: The team’s reliable right back had another stellar year in defence. Hampered early on by a foot injury, Shaylee played well in goals when hurt in Round 3, to help secure an important win. Games: 14 Nicola Dow: Played a bigger role in midfield this year organising the attack and displayed some impressive touches with the ball. Always reliable in defence, Nicola gives 100% whenever she is on the field and never gives up. Games: 15 Ashleigh Hooper: The team’s perpetual motion storm-trooper who never stops working on the field. Relished her hit-girl role in defence, often tackling and shutting down opponents much bigger than her. Missed five games only due to state swimming commitments. Games: 11 40 Laura Kirk: Always at an upbeat pace at right wing or forward, Laura played intelligent football and filled in capably when called upon around the field. Needs to show more confidence in her ability when shooting on goals. Games: 10 Megan Kirk: The team’s best centre half was always dangerous in attack and reliable in defence. Continued to improve her passing and tackling skills. Just like her sister, needs to show more confidence in her ability when shooting on goals. Games: 10 Taylissa Kuhn: Always dangerous at right half, Taylissa made many long dribbling runs from deep in her own half, turning defence into attack. Scored her first goal in Round 3 against Engadine, smartly chipping over the goalkeeper ’s head. Missed three games late in the season due to a nagging knee injury, but returned playing with even more determination. Games: 13 - Goals: 1 Alysha Murphy: One of only two players to appear in all sixteen games, Alysha had another strong year at left half. Has a deceptively strong kick and her passing game continues to improve. Was not meant to play in Round 3 due to a tooth operation, but came on at halftime when needed to help win the game. Games: 16 Kate Pendergast: Sadly for Kate, her season ended in Round 3 against Engadine when she tore her right knee cruciate ligament. Her enthusiasm in both attack and defence was missed. Games: 3 Maddie Plunkett: Much improved in defence. Second best kick in the team. Maddie was unlucky not to score when she hit the crossbar from a shot near halfway in Round 1 versus Miranda. Always reliable as one of the team’s best goalkeepers. Missed three games at the end of the year due to a knee injury, but made a triumphant return in Round 18. Games: 12 Megan Purvis: The heart and soul of the team. Megan was the side’s cocaptain and most reliable defender. Continues to improve her deft kicking and tackling skills. Played with passion, enthusiasm and intelligence. Also one of the team’s best goal keepers. Games: 14 Allysha Stephenson: Arguably the most dangerous attacker in the competition with her silky smooth dribbling skills at right wing. Was the team’s leading goal scorer and seemingly always beat the first defender she came to. Games: 15 - Goals: 9 Tara Stevenson: Another tremendous year for the team’s co-captain and reliable centre back - was also very dangerous in attack when used up front. The best kick on the team. Played with smarts and enthusiasm in leading strongly on the field. Games: 13 - Goals: 3 41 Lauren Tracey: A late signing in Round 7 to cover the loss of Kate Pendergast to injury. Lauren fitted in well at left half and left wing with some speedy runs. Continued to improve her play from week to week. Games: 10 Celeste Upham: Scored the winning goal against Engadine in Round 3, but did not have her best year. Tightly marked and often double-teamed at centre forward, Celeste’s straight ahead speed was not utilised as well as it could have been with more accurate through balls from midfield. Along with Alysha Murphy, was one of only two to play in every game. Games: 16 - Goals: 1 Courtney Walton: Had another strong year at sweeper with her deceptively fast speed and improved heading - made numerous goal saving tackles. Extremely fit and played more minutes in defence than any other player. Games: 15 Team: SWD Semi - Finalists Coach: Troy Adams Manager: Danielle Adams So this season we stepped up from D’s to C’s, which is always a big task stepping up a grade. Generally you’ve just won a grad final so that initial jump is eased in as you’re still on a high….but I guess when you lose, it makes it that much harder…..Ok, ok, I need to move on from the GF loss, fine I’m over it…..Anyway, the jump to C’s was the big talking point at the start of the year. ‘How would we handle it, was it going to be that much better, how young would the opposition be’, yes all these questions were coming from Lou M, and my response was always the same, ‘we’ll be right, I have faith in you girls’. And too be honest I wasn’t lying, I actually believed we were a real chance even before the first game. Pre-season rolled in and I was again blown away by how keen you all were, knowing what was in store in those early weeks we still had an average of 12 every week, must be the coach they’re all turning up to see….As always motherhood takes a player each year, and this year was no different with Bree being the ‘lucky one’. Recruitment was in overdrive to try fill those shoes, and big boots they were to fill. Lou M finally did something good for the team and convinced Beth to join the team, even though she’s young enough to be some girls daughter, she fitted in with ease. Fast forward to round 8 and who would have guessed it, the jump to C’s is a walk in the park, we haven’t lost a game, bring out the Hommus the comp is ours. But then the mid-season slump hit. Maybe it was the injuries, maybe we were getting too cocky, maybe it was just the change in the weather, who knows. Whatever it was we were losing games, I was losing my voice, and if we kept at it I’d be losing my hair. Six games past without a win, the season was slowly slipping away, with only 5 games remaining we had to turn it around then and there. It was a game that meant the season, and unfortunately I had a clash of times and couldn’t get to the game. ‘Oh they’ve got not chance’, I thought. Without their fearless coach barking orders what to do, where to go, how to do it….yep back to D’s for sure. Nope, in true team spirit you all dug in and turned it around, and what a turn around it was, an 8-0 win (there goes my confidence, really miss me when I’m not there don’t you girls, thanks). 42 That game against Lilli Pilli in round 14 was the turning point to the season, we had our confidence back and our season was back on track. We finished the season off as we well as we started, with only 1 loss (due to someone flapping their arms around in the box). But we weren’t there yet, it was a really tight comp and as good as we had gone, we were just holding onto 4th place. Round 18 was a do or die match, we were playing 5th place who were 1 point behind us, big game. Oh and to top it off it was our arch nemesis, name withdrawn for legal reasons. So it all came down to this, we hated name withdrawn for legal reasons, and they hated us. Now you girls have done a lot of great things over the years, and I have had countless occasions where I have been so proud of you all, but none come close compared to this day, I don’t have any words to describe, except purely that win was awesome. The way you played was awesome, the way you didn’t let them get under your skin was awesome, the way you all handled the pressure was awesome, the way HE had to sit there and watch his team getting dominated by us was AWESOME. This just sums up how great a team you all are, you all knew what had to be done and just stuck together and dug in and got the win. No nonsense, you all just went out there and played your best and let the soccer do the talking, nothing can describe that win girls, it’s definitely up there as one of your best. So we had done what we had set out to achieve, make the top 4 in C’s, not a bad effort ladies. Albeit the semi wasn’t the result we wanted (going down to Thaiday’s team 2-1), it was still a great achievement to make it there. Jumping up a grade is never an easy task, but you never looked out of place in this grade. I think we might have played our GF in round 18 (no complaints here, again, it was awesome), but you can all hold your heads high as it was another great season. You all know how much you mean to me and how much I enjoy coaching you all, you’re a great bunch of girls and a great team. You never let a bit of soccer get in the way of having fun and enjoying your time together, that is what makes this team such a great one. Awesome on the pitch and even more awesome off the pitch. Don’t change a thing ladies, you’re a great team. I hope you all enjoyed another great year together, and hopefully you’ll all be back next year for a chance to go one step closer of bringing out the Hommus. As always if I don’t thank Danielle I’m sure I’ll cop a nights worth of whinging, so to play it safe thanks Danielle…... By now I’m pretty sure we all know that Danielle is the real one that does everything, and I mean everything from who’s not playing, training, night outs, all of it and she even makes sure my spreadsheet is printed off in large font so I can read it easily. All I do is turn up and yell. Without her there is no way I could do any of this, thanks Danielle, you’re AWESOME. 43 Team: W30A Coach: Andrew Duncan Manager: Katrina Faulkner Another epic season for the over 30s women, taking home the winner ’s medals for the third year in a row. Feel free to raise a glass or seven, ladies. Well done. Looking back, the rhythm of the season seemed to match last year -- a strong start, a wobbly middle and a great finish. You could say we need to pay extra attention to our wobbly middle… but men have been telling us that for years, and it hasn’t helped. Maybe it’s the beer... Cheers to you all. So, let’s start from the beginning... Shuter lived up to her name and was the leading goal scorer after round 1. Unfortunately she was so desperately needed in the backs that she couldn’t go on to claim her rightful place on the goal scoring ladder. Next year we have big expectations. Thankfully she bounced back from a painful back injury just when we needed her. Kudos to the physio. Jill decided to try her luck in Canada. It’s believed she was immediately selected for the Canadian National team but then she suddenly remembered Canada can’t play soccer (ever seen them in the World Cup?!!). She resumed negotiations with Marton Football Club and has been locked into contract for the next five years. Amanda was on the move too. In a desperate bid to get out of the backs, the blonde beauty decided to sleep with the coach. It paid off for all of us when she scored goals aplenty, including the first cracking goal in the semi-final. Talking of goals, Simone put in some tidy ones this season. Must have been all that coffee before each match. Don’t think we ever saw her without a coffee cup, especially those early mornings when she was wearing dark glasses. Ah yes, the hang-overs. You know who you are! No need to mention you all here. On a more sobering note, you’ve heard vanity is a curse. Well, it was certainly the case for Kylie and Jo this year. Mid-season is not the time to be getting an eyebrow lift ladies! They both missed some crucial matches but we have to admit they do look even more gorgeous, if that’s possible. The blood spills were particularly spectacular. And Jo’s bandaging even made boxers jealous. In other medical incidents, the world’s leading scientists gathered for an emergency mid-season forum to determine what had happened to some of Elisa’s speed. All sorts of theories were put forward but eventually it was determined the problem was ‘heavy boobs’! The baby was immediately whipped off the breast and Elisa was once again leaving opponents in her dust. She certainly had them beat in the Grand Final. Meanwhile, it finally happened! After years of strapping and bracing, the inevitable came to pass and Katrina’s leg fell off. Thank goodness for gaffa tape! With her leg hanging by some tape she managed to make a comeback just in time for the finals. She showed her true commitment to the 44 team when after scoring the winning goal in the GF she had to pick up both the ball and her leg out of the back of the net. Lou also boasted some minor alterations, growing a small white fluffy tail and long ears this season. The ultimate snow bunny, she could be seen carving up the snowy mountains for part of the soccer season. We missed her but were mostly just plain jealous. Jenny behaved a bit like a bunny too, at one stage falling over a lone tuft of grass with no other players near her. Spectacular, yes. Coordinated, um... And there was that day Jenny turned up with only one soccer boot. Shall we go on? Megan’s speed saw her join the backline part-way through the season. This meant Jenny had to do even less running (not that we’re convinced she ever actually breaks into a run). With Megan in the middle, the back line was unbreakable the latter part of the season, especially the GF, and her dry wit kept the entire backline entertained in the quieter moments. Leah also kept the team entertained as she scolded herself. No-one else could see a single thing she did wrong but early in the season she was really annoyed at her own game. Whatever words of wisdom she gave herself seemed to work because she had an awesome second half of the season, blitzing the opposition and lining up and/or finishing off some of our best goals. The instinctive teamwork between Jill and Leah was legendary and had the other teams pushing out to the wings. Bad idea. That’s where they encountered the ever-shrinking April, in size not personality, who also had a terrific season. It was lovely to watch how gracefully April tore up the sidelines and outpaced all our opponents, baggy knees and all. For those few balls that did make it through to the backs, goalie Cath was always there with a wink and a smile. She happily (and forcefully) took on the GF bullies who pushed and then slapped her! Who says girls will be girls? She did disappear for one week, enjoying the sunshine of the ski slopes while replacements Jo and Elisa froze their fingers off at an 8am home game in her place. And, with the season finally over and medals in hand, Tracey dared to lose her precious Marton jacket and turned up to the celebrations wearing a bright orange parka, which had to be forcibly turned inside out lest we give our GF opponents any unwarranted publicity. (Anyone finding muchmissed Marton jacket should return it immediately so all necessary embroidery can be completed.) And let’s be frank, Tracey doesn’t win much. Maybe Kylie has it... because the talented player now has had so many wins in her lengthy soccer career, she can’t fit any more embroidery on her own jacket. And seeing as though we forgot to mention the coach in our victory speech (you know who we're talking about Kylie) we want to say a big thanks to Andrew. He put up with a lot of very opinionated women who let him know exactly what they thought about all his decisions - luckily most of them were pretty good ones!! So there you go. 2014 for the Marton Hammer glamour girls. Well done. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure, even on those cold, dark training nights. Hope to see you all again next season. 45 Team: W30C Coach: Paul Upham Manager: Sharlene Garland With a new coach and eight new players in the squad, many of those playing womens football for the first time, 2014 was always going to be a building year for the Marton W30C team. On the surface, one win, one draw and fourteen losses, does not sound like much of a year, but it was a much better season than that. There were four games where Marton lost 1-2 in the final minutes. In three of those matches Marton had led 1-0. Against the 2nd placed Como in Round 8, the winning 1-2 goal came in the final sixty seconds. On too many occasions due to injury and absences, the Marton team was left playing with only ten or eleven on the field. However, the best example of Marton’s improvement came in Round 16 against eventual premiers Heathcote. In the first half and with only eleven players available, Marton held Heathcote, who scored 77 goals in all their 2014 games, to 0-0 at halftime. It was Marton’s best performance of the year. The addition of two or three more players to the squad to cover injuries and absences will see a lot more wins and greater success in 2015. Renee Anderson: Struggled with a leg injury during the second half of the season but when she was on the field, Renee impressed with her ball skills and passing. Also helped out in goals when needed whilst injured. Games: 8 Taneha Baldwin: Could only play every second game due to work commitments but was a strong presence in midfield. Great kicking and passing game. Scored a great goal against Bosco in Round 12. Games: 8 - Goals: 1 46 Kate Clark: ‘Peach’ just got the job done in midfield every week. Never flashy in her play but was always there to make a tackle or slip a pass when needed. Relentless. Games: 15 Belinda Davidson: Arguably the fastest player in the competition, Belinda showed a lot of improvement in the second half of the season. Played her best in midfield. Games: 13 Carlie Hack: Brought experience to the halves and always gave her best. Could be relied upon to keep the team upbeat when the games were not going Marton’s way. Struggled with a foot injury throughout the season but always kept trying. Games: 14 Tracey Hobbs: One of the team’s most aggressive defenders at centre back. Reliable, strong kick. Made a spectacular diving save in goals in Round 2 against Heathcote, which ended the game. Games: 13 Haley Kerr: Once she found her match fitness, Haley became a dominant force at half and midfield with strong kicking and tackling; playing in every game. Brought much needed experience to a team with eight rookies. Scored a memorable goal in Round 18 with a lofted kick from near the halfway line, looping over the Grays Point goalkeepers’ head into the net. Also had a couple of impressive stints in goals. Games: 16 - Goals: 1 Kelly Macdonald: Brought a lot of technical skill and experience to the team. Was always a standout in defence or attack with a touch of flair. Unfortunately, struggled with a back injury throughout the season. Also very capable in goals. Games: 10 Melanie Mulqueeny: New to the game and one of the most improved at right back. Always in the action, Mel brought a truck-full of enthusiasm to the team, bustling opponents off the ball and never stopped trying. Games: 15 Michelle Peace: Struggled throughout the year with an Achilles tendon injury, but more than made up for that with a stellar year as goalkeeper. When she did get out onto the field from goals, was dangerous up front, scoring a goal in the opening minutes against Como in Round 8 Games: 15 - Goals: 1 Julie Pearce: One of the team’s best, and had a fantastic season playing in every match. Very reliable in defence and creative in attack. Cruelly had a goal disallowed in driving rain in Round 2 against Heathcote after the referee overturned her original decision. Scored a cracking 3rd minute goal against Como in Round 15 with a sweet turn and shoot from the edge of the penalty area. Games: 16 - Goals: 1 Toni Rankin: Work commitments and injury limited Toni’s appearances. Has the skills to be a success if she can commit. Games: 2 Fiona Shewan: One of the shining lights of the Marton W30C season. Fiona eventually found her niche up front and scored consecutive goals in Rounds 13 and 14. Cruelly suffered a season ending hernia injury and missed the final three games of the year just when she was reaching her peak. Games: 10 - Goals: 2 47 Vickie Slocombe: A genuine all-rounder. Wherever Vickie played across the field she got the job done. Very strong in goals, making some great saves at times. Scored the team’s first goal of the season in Round 6 against Loftus with a well-timed shot. Games: 14 - Goals: 1 Angelina Upham: Slotted in nicely at left back and formed a reliable back three with Melanie Mulqueeny and Kim Wallace. Played in every game. Improved her fitness as the season went on and made goal saving tackles each week. Angelina’s only problem was a few ‘jumping’ handballs inside the penalty area. Games: 16 Kim Wallace: Was superb at sweeper throughout the season. Used her speed to continually run down breakaway attackers. Supremely fit and regularly played through halves without a break. Games: 14 Team: AA/6 Coach: Troy Adams Manager: Trent Loveday Well what can I say lads, being a very positive coach that I am I’ll keep the negatives out of this report……..which brings us to the end of the season. Let’s just notch that one down as a learning curve boys, a pre-season to the 2015 year, bring on AA10’s. It wasn’t all doom and gloom, yeah it’d be great to have won a few more games (oh how good that would have been….keep it positive, keep it positive), but when the wins failed us the laughs were at a maximum, with another cracking season off the pitch. If only our work with balloons and beer pong helped us win games, we’d have gone all the way. Yep scoring goals and defending our own isn’t really what soccer is all about (seriously, am I actually writing this rubbish), but it’s all about the enjoyment factor…..Yep that’s what we’re gonna run with boys, not about the soccer but all about the team comradery, and we’d beat any team in that stakes. Good bunch of blokes that don’t let a little bit of soccer get in their way of enjoying their arvo off from reality, what more could you ask for (a bl00dy win every now and then wouldn’t go astray lads…..keep it positive, keep it positive). Anyway, wouldn’t change a thing from this motley crew (maybe one or two things), if you all managed to get through 4 years of my cr@p then you’re all good in my book. The season on the pitch may have been a failure, but as always we are WINNING off the pitch, and let the celebrations roll on to our GF that we’re all really here for, bring on the end of season trip….. Unfortunately without the twisted one (Luva) on hand to give us some sort of cryptic dribble to entertain us, and without anything worthy to talk about from the actual season, you’ve really left me with not a lot to write about. So, instead of talking about our “terrific” season, I’ve decided to take the chance to mend some bridges. Most of you may not know, but from time to time I tend to lose my patience a little with some blokes in the team. I know what your saying, you’ve never noticed it either, not many blokes have and nothing too major, just the odd word of encouragement here and there, and unbeknownst to me, sometimes these minor words of encouragement can come off a little negative (so I’ve been told). So as a positive bloke as I always am, I thought I’d finish off the season with a positive comment for everyone, just to square the ledger so we start all happy and fresh next season, so here goes…. 48 #1: Jono Fiess – I love how you like to challenge our strikers. #2: Chad Bero – I really enjoy your chats with referees and how you give them guidance on how to better their game. #3: Doogey McDougall – 52 weeks of annual leave….it ’s ok to say you’re unemployed. #4: Doggy Moorecroft – I’m always happy for you to attack and drops back whenever you feel like it. # 5 : M a r y M o o r e c r o f t – G i v i n g y o u g u i d a n c e i s a l w a y s r e a l l y e a s y, you never want to argue. # 6 : S t e v i e G a r s i d e – Yo u r s u b s a r e a l w a y s s p o t o n , i t ’ s l i k e y o u read my mind. #7: Dr Zoran Apostoloski – I also really enjoy how you handle refs, they’re always willing to listen to you . #8: Red Holmes – Missing sitters is fine, it ’s part of being one of our strikers. # 9 : C a p t a i n Ta n g l e s - Yo u r c a l m i n g i n f l u e n c e i s a l w a y s g r e a t l y appreciated. #10: Glenn Goodegg – 5 mins before ko is always plenty of notice t h a t y o u c a n ’ t p l a y. #11: Booga Adams – Strikers don’t have to defend, it ’s all good, j u s t h a v e a b r e a t h e r. #12: Gorgeous George – Goodluck with your future endeavours, your time with us has been much appreciated. #13: Daniel Bevo – I promise it ’ll only be 20 minutes up front, every now and then, not in the guts…. #14: Red Dog Dworacek – Injured, working, suspended, that ’s fine, there’s always next game. #15: Arrrndy G arside- Every team needs a striker that doesn’t release. #16: Ray Filetti – I think Gorgeous is jealous of you, goodwork, it k e e p s h i m a w a y. #17: Sammy Burgess - Those old legs still have plenty of klm’s in t h e m , s e e y o u n e x t y e a r. # 1 9 : D o l f y B y r n e – Yo u ’ l l h a v e p l e n t y o f t i m e t o r i d e g o - k a r t s , y o u can just be a ring-in here and there. # 2 1 : A n d y B e r o – S t r i k e r t o m i d s t o s w e e p e r, i f y o u w a n t J o n o ’ s job just ask. 49 Team: 35E Semi - Finalists Coach: Brad Heffernan Manager: Kieran Syme It was a great year for the boy’s this year, with an effort that we can all be proud. In a year that saw us welcome back some old blood, and break in some new blood, we lost our super coach and lighthouse, Heffo, early in the season thanks to the Marton cricket pitch. At the half way point of the season we were still coming to terms with the loss of Heffo, and were running second last. A couple of dramatic/traumatic events occurred that lifted the guys for the run home. Firstly, we got to see Rosie’s ‘real’ form at Gandy’s BBQ, and secondly the emergence of Forrest lifted our spirits each game. We ending up coming in fourth thanks at couple of games going our way in the last round. Unfortunately, we lost in the first semi down at Gawley Bay ovals. It was a great effort boys, and a fun year. Looks like we will have to settle for just two premierships in the last 6 years. The team review for this year as follows: 1. Clyde First year back for Clyde after a couple of years off to focus on his drinking. Definitely the team player of the year as he would often volunteer to sit out when we had numbers. Funny how he would then be seen with a beer in his hand, even at the 8:00am games. 2. Juan Not seen for much of the second half of the season due to injury, Juan’s ball skills and goal scoring capabilities were missed. Here’s hoping he is back next year injury free. 3. Kel Bailey(Forrest) One of our new imports from All Age. Forrest proved to be a great outside half, striding out down the sideline with his long legs and slotting the odd goal. He would occasionally forget which sport he was playing, lofting open goalmouths. Probably happy that Decka was still playing keeper after the Bonnet Bay game. 4. Kel Batch. A solid year for Kel as the ‘star ’ front man. He was often overheard saying to super coach that he had that ‘goal feeling today’, which was more than often correct. I wonder how many other ‘feelings’ he has that are realised as often. 5. Rohan (Rosie) Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. What more can we say about one of our young imports. He is in contention to take the serial pest role away from Clarkie. His dancing skills and outfits are beyond reproach and he likes to eat some interesting things. 6. Jeff C. (Clarkie) One of our ‘old’ backline that was often missing this year. Early in the season we were sure that his signing up was purely a rumour, but then we found out his weekends were busy fixing his 4WD. Forever the team player Clarkie. When he was there however, he played to is usual high standard and unexpected speed in the sweeping role. 50 7. Gary (Gaz) Gaz the enforcer was again outstanding. Makes Sam Burgess look like a pussy. After numerous yellow cards and a send-off, he often display his new found magic skills. Gaz would often disappear after training and games. One minute he was there, the next minute gone. How do you do it Gaz? 8. Brett He is still here! Another season and Gandy is still here. This year however he made a massive play for ‘Father of the Year ’, as he missed numerous games in order to support his son in the State League. Go figure, maybe he is reliving his soccer glory days vicariously through his son. 9. Brad (Heffo) Best year ever for super coach and lighthouse. The broken foot early in the season proved a godsend as Heffo managed to annoy the opposition teams more effectively from the sideline with his voice. 10. Jason An exception year for Jase in his second year as ‘barman’. Lots of good variety of beers and he consistently looked after Decka both on the field with great defence, and off the field by always ensure a supply of Tooheys Old in the esky. Hopefully Jase will find his car keys soon. 11. Mark (Holdie) The ever reliable Holdie had another good year on the field, keeping pace with Squidy as leading goal scorer for most of the first half of the season, until he finally out shot Squidy. Reliability and consistency in Holdie may have something to do with his non-drinking lifestyle, a theory which the team has decided not to explore further. 12. Corrie (Coz) Star utility player ‘Corey’ had a much better year than his beloved Dragons. Proved his skills and versatility by playing in his normally mid field position as well as often covering in the backs as our normally outstanding backline succumb to injury and old age. Coz was pivotal again in the fund raising for the kitty at State of Origin time. 13. Frank One of the ‘old’ backline to succumb to injury this year. When he did play he was a solid performer with a lot of heart, proving that Grumpy Guys Rule! 14. Moreno Moreno proved again this year that he plays his best soccer when he is hung over. He plans to spend the off season working on this aspect of his game in parallel with his continued development of his dancing skills. 15. Andrew (Squidy) Squidy is back. After two years of the team finishing at the bottom of the table, Squidy is back from the 45s, and the team makes the finals. What a champion, who would make a good future club president. Squidy also took on the role of team treasury, finishing the year with a nice healthy ‘kitty’ and a really cool overseas holiday for his family. Thanks boys. 16. Luke Another good year for Luke, our anti-Teflon man. Whenever Luke gets the ball, it just seems to stick to his foot. He will spin around and around a couple time, beat one or two players, before he can shake that ball loose. Proved himself both in the centre mid and centre back positions. 51 17. Derek (Decka) Decka, goal keeping since before most of us were born, had another good year in goals. He was a little off his game at times this year as his beloved singlet went missing. There is not much more to say about Decka as you should never complain about someone who is willing to play Goalkeeper, or cannot bend over. 18. Kerian The Manager you have when you don’t have a Manager. A solid year for Kieran, particularly after he passed Squidy as leading goal scorer, when he could relaxed and enjoy the rest of his season. The first year in living memory that Kieran didn’t get a yellow card. He must be mellowing in his old age. 19. Tommy The Year of the Turtle. Brilliant year for Tommy as he managed to pull off a spectacular ‘Hand Of God’ penalty early in the season, unfortunately in our goalmouth. The distinct actions/motions during the move earned Tommy the prestige name of the ‘Turtle’. It is also not clear how much of Gaz’s new disappearing act is because of how much time he now spends with Tommy. 20. Dan Dan the Man. After spending the off season consuming numerous sardines, the lean, mean, fighting machine Dan provided a solid constant in our ‘old’ backline. Unfortunately, late in the season he also succumb to an injury. Dan made a brief and successful appearance as goal keeper mid-season. Possible future Decka with slightly more dress sense. 21. Warren (Waza) Another backline player on the injury list. Waza our quiet achiever, both on and off field, started the season as a most improved fullback. Both solid and consistent in the role, he carried that behaviour into training, as I of the few who actually trained on a Thursday night. 22. Johnny Johnny must have watched the Hunger Games movies too much on those long haul flights, as he took the catch cry from the movies, ‘The Girl on Fire’, and made it his own. He was a ‘Man on Fire’ this year as an outside half, showing lots of heart and running. Just needs to focus on his corners in the off-season. 23. Jeff W (Wardie) Angry man, Wardie, plays his best soccer when he is fired up. Numerous strategies where employed this year to fire him, including, Heffo’s voice continually running from the sideline, adding the young imports in to Wardie’s mid field, but the most effective proved to be having no Tooheys New in the Esky. Way to go Jase. 52 Team: 35F Grand Finalists Coach: Craig Pearce Manager: Darrin Lavender The ambassadors of Marton Hammers Football Club continued to spoil fans with their sweet, gold-wrapped football in 2014 and after toiling away for four long years, the boys finally made it to the big kahuna and came within a bee’s dongle of winning the Johnny Warren Egg Ring in the Shire’s premier competition and with it the title of 2014 Premiers. Alas, it was not to be. Kudos to Loftus, who like an inflamed rash that never seemed to go away; continued to be an itch in our crotch this year including the Grand Final showdown. They have long been known as everyone's most hated team (especially in Loftus) but hats off to them as they displayed more guile than a colony of meerkats and by the time we noticed our pants were unaccountably around our ankles, they’d stolen a lone goal out of nowhere and then disappeared into the night with the JW Egg Ring and the title with it. The boys tried, I mean really tried, but it was Loftus’ day and only Real Madrid; Bayern Munich and Chastity Belt FC have boasted a more impenetrable defence. Yes, they still larked about like schoolgirls who've spotted Justin Bieber when things didn’t go their way, but it seems their evil plan to stay in the 35F comp until they won the bloody thing finally paid off and hopefully that will be the last we see of them. Our 4th season has come and gone but it will surely be remembered for a lot of reasons, least of all our first finals appearance. Firstly, it was a season of change with the off-loading of perpetual crocks Mark-Quee (permanent couch burn) and Skank (permanent ouchy-feet). Dazza brought in a couple of usurpers and both had big boots to fill. Sean “ the Sheep” Payne (permanent team physio) and Luke “Spook” Lavender (permanent brother of Dazza “I can bring whoever I bloody well want into the team including my brother ” Lavender), were worthy replacements and only increased the team’s shininess rather than diminish it. Spook’s forays into the forward line became legendary and the equaliser against Bosco 2 (who had not won a game in something like 10 years) was like a relieving laxative just when the team were on the brink of an embarrassing defeat. Similarly, Sean the Sheep not only played like he’d born to do so, he came to us with the hands of a healer; and graciously applied those healing hands (and 23km of gaffa tape) to our injured mellow roosters and some who were just keen for his gentle touch. His inability to take throw-ins also contributed a small fortune to the team’s kitty and for that we are eternally thankful and have extended an invite to Sean the Sheep to play next season and take all throw-ins. Best game of the year? The whole final series proved how far we had come as a team. The semi-final and final were two of the best games we’ve played in our 4 years together. The penultimate game against the Eagles was brilliant but the best… it would have to be Round 6 against Gwawley Girls. The boys put on a superlative performance on Mother ’s Day playing champagne football, smashing 6 classy goals past the Girls, who were more intent on scratching eyes out than playing football. We were irresistible that day. 53 Goal of the season was probably a two-way tie. Who could forget Spoon’s scud against St. Rats in Round 5 or Dribbler ’s 85m foray down the sideline against Gwawley Girls in Round 6 - pass, dribble, pass, pass, dribble, pass, pass, pass, flick, pass, dribble, finish - the boys at their best making the most intricate look simple beyond belief. A cop out perhaps, but hats off to these audacious wonder-goals. Special mention goes to Rabbit’s half volley against St. Rats - possibly the most technically accomplished of the lot - even though he didn’t know it at the time. What happens in the dressing room stays in the dressing room The “I’m your bloody leader and you will listen to me” award goes to Capt. Blood & Guts, who continued to be a fist full of constant toe-tapping energy. He’s the fella in the middle of the park who keeps winning the ball back. He is the same guy who's always available when the back four need an out ball; he’s the little general dictating forward momentum and he’s the p**ck that’s always bloody angry. Pearcy also found his goal-scoring mojo after remaining scoreless the previous year, picking up a couple against weak opposition fielding crappy goalkeepers. Beard of the Year was a no contest with Dazza’s best impression of a submarine captain taking full honours. Rumours that Dazza’s stubble was created from the offcuts taken from the boy’s torsos are, of course, entirely made up – unless that explains why the boys suddenly turned up to training sporting chests so devoid of fur, they would have shamed a posse of Mexican hairless dogs. 4-way tie for Nob of the Year 54 The "I know the goal's there somewhere but I just can't seem to hit it" award goes to... who else… but Waldo! You have to admire his spirit and effort; unfortunately, he can be just a complete hack in front of goals sometimes. Some of his opportunities were so easy, he could’ve sneezed the ball into the net. Unfortunately, the chisel-jawed midfielder-comeforward was prone to boffing shots over the bar from six yards with the goal at his mercy. Mercy, needless to say, was not afforded to him by the guffawing side-line commentators. Waldo – went looking for the ball in all the wrong places The "I'm in the opposition area now, good chance to score or at least have a shot at goal... but no, think I'll just fall over!" award goes to Bulldog. Bulldog has consistently shown a beguiling ability to defy gravity and the instinct of balance to fall down just about every time opposition came near him or when he neared the opposition goal. In fact, Bulldog spent so much time on the ground, we often wondered if he was born without a skeleton. This propensity to crumple gave rise to one of the best sledges in 2014 against Bosco 2 in Round 13 - “For f *ck’s sake, get him a wheelchair and get him off ” was the rant after Bulldog hit the turf for 20th time. The “Fastest Recovery from a Life Threatening Injury Which Left Me Poleaxed on the Ground in Obvious Agony” award goes to Gazza for his impressive Lazarus-like recovery following a nasty self-inflicted injury when he changed direction too quickly, which left him, apparently, on the way to the Sutherland Hospital Intensive Care Unit. There are midfield powerhouses and then there is Gazza. It takes him a while to get going, but when he gets that huge frame moving forward with the ball, he’s like a tank and just like a tank, there’s no going back. He’s either going past you or taking you with him. This season’s ‘Risking Terminal Constipation’ award goes to Bones for failing to give a shite after turning up to the St. Rats game in a sorry state after an all-night bender at a mates 30th. He spent most of the game panicking from box to box like a spooked ostrich in a house of mirrors and after tripping over the ball several times and contributing nothing to the game; came off as wobbly as a bicycle to no-one’s attention. 55 Bones - on a bender The “Most compelling Cranium Cover ” award was won for the 4th consecutive year by Rabbit. I'm told his carefully cultivated rectangular flat top is fashionable. I can't see it myself, though I have noticed that its dimensions conform perfectly to pitch specifications laid down by the Shire Football Association. The Rabbit takes great pride in his appearance and he comes from a group of sub-humans who favour making statements with their hair although these statements are usually along the lines of “I am a git". Rabbit also had a propensity to throw himself at defenders, flopping over them like a drunken lover and conceding free kicks for poorly executed belly-flops, though he did score one of the best goals the season. Gando continues to be like a cyborg with a cheap haircut. It'd take a brave player to claim he'll be "doing the Gando role today". You'll never find anyone shouting, "Ah, sick! Just like Gando!" after one of the boys runs into an opponent and wins the ball back by breaking his ankle in half. For Gando is not one of the comp’s birds of paradise. He continues to be one of its demolition men. However, like the bird of paradise, Gando’s favourite colours are yellow and red and he is forever attracted them. Gando – cyborg with a cheap haircut The "I'm the secret weapon but does that mean I'll never get a game?" award goes to Mulpenny who selflessly put his hand up just about every time we had to use the Barrel of Death including the Grand Final. Apparently, Mulpenny has a large yam bag and an equally large heart and always put the team first. In saying that, the most unsporting behaviour of the season also went to Mulpenny after giving a penalty away against Bangor in Round 11. Upset with letting the team down and copping another spray from Kez, Mulpenny decided to put off the opponent as he shaped up to take the penalty by breaking wind. The referee ordered the spot-kick to be retaken and Mulpenny was duly booked for unsporting behaviour. So I was told. 56 The “I was attacked by food - seriously!” award goes to the Myth who was forced out multiple times after suffering attacks of vertigo, which coincidentally commenced after a poached egg exploded in his face when he took it out of the microwave. The Myth also ruptured ankle ligaments after a bottle of salad cream fell out of the cupboard and he attempted to control it like a football. In fact, all injuries suffered by the Myth appeared to be food related. The Myth also realised a long-term dream lining up against his doppelgänger, the Leopard (Bosco 2), a slightly large and rotund goalkeeper with a penchant for wild animal print clothing. The Myth generally played with the energy of an elderly housecat, evading all contact with the ground in fear of ending up in the turtle position although he put in a superlative performance against Bosco 1 in Round 12 where he proved he still has Venus fly-trap reflexes and capable of launching into horizontal dives. The “Foxiest Fox of the Year” is strictly an award for the ladies or indeed any admirer of the male form. Plenty lay claim to the award this season including Dribbler who remains ever popular as does the unfathomable cuteness of Strangler. But neither did enough to take first place. In fact, not even the emerging beauty of pretty-boy Sean the Sheep, was enough to take the gong from 35Fs resident stud, Kez. Is this a surprise? Probably not, he’s always been a ladies man and with the addition of that accent well… well… there’s not much more to say at all. Just take 30 seconds (or minutes) to stare and take the full beauty of this Kiwi God in. The “Fashion Statement of the Season” award goes to Rhino who loves getting into saucy Lycra compression shorts for that added extra support during games but even he took it way too far this season after turning up with these beauties. This supportive underwear showcases extra cushioning and room for the ‘gentleman’s region’ – exactly what Rhino needed. Rhino claims that’s it’s been lovely to play the game and be able to run and not be stiff in the morning (in fact, ever) and reckons these shorts should be part of everyone’s kit. Not sure if this contributed to his erratic distribution, which veered between brilliant Zidane and erratic Zombie Jesus or if the tightness around his gentlemanly parts made him, for some reason, want to attack everyone and everything - like Gando with rabies, but I’m thinking these shorts should be packed at the bottom of drawer and should never see the light of day ever again. Never stiff… Rhino Support Underwear! So the final whistle has been blown and the boots are now off. It has been a thrilling season, full of twists and turns at the top, the middle and the bottom – with Loftus emerging as champions in the end. There have been brilliant goals, memorable matches, wonderful performances, as well as some more controversial moments and outbursts. For some, next season can't come around soon enough, however; before it does, let’s not forget that none of this can happen without the dedication, commitment and hard work from one man. A big hearty thanks to Dazza. He’s a legend and without him there is no team. As far as I’m concerned, he doesn’t get enough thanks for what he does for the team. In saying that, there’s also a downside to Dazza… 57 This year saw Dazza turn his hand to poetry and become the team’s greatest performance poet alive today. Every weekend for our reading pleasure, the English language was deconstructed, subverted and otherwise mangled by this one-man art movement. We love him and it’s fitting that we sign-off with one of his better efforts. See you next year! Dazza - the Soccer Poet The Soccer Bee Did you get stung? No! I have no hair, but it was playing in my hair Fortunately, it attacked the ref or he would’ve carded me You would’ve been the crazy guy It’s a testosterone-rich environment The soccer field PROUDLY SPONSORED BY