CATALOGUE OF PRODUCTS The Health For The Whole Family Introduction Dear Clients, You have just received the updated issue of The marketing strategy of Walmark is aimed at the Walmark product catalogue. Walmark is long-term individual brands building, reinforcing the leading manufacturer of food supplements their position on the market, supporting brands in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. awareness and increasing their market share. Over the past years, products of the Walmark During the past years there have been devel- Company have gained the trust of our satisfied customers in more than 40 countries in Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa. We are therefore pleased that we can present our products to you. oped several brands that represent today leading brands. These brands include Martians, Spektrum®, ArthroStop®, GinkoPrim®, Viaderm®, Prostenal®, Varixinal®, Urinal® and Dialevel®. Besides these well-established brands on most The Walmark product portfolio counts more markets, where the Walmark Company is cur- than 100 preparations. The aim of such a wide rently present, we are constantly trying to re- portfolio is the maximum effort to satisfy the new and improve our product portfolio so as to needs of our customers. It is our priority that our be able to satisfy the specific needs of our clients customers always find a product or products in and to contribute to support and improve the our portfolio which they are interested in. There- quality of their lives. fore, we always renew our product portfolio and We hope that Walmark products gain your at- launch new preparations on the market, which contribute to improve the lives of our clients and help to solve their problems. For your better orientation in our catalogue, our products are divided into several groups. You can find groups such as vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, etc. There is a very wide group of specially developed preparations aimed at specific problems solving. tention not only with its wide range, but also the specific direction and that these products will find other satisfied customers. We wish you above all good health and success in your working and personal life and, if you will ever feel the need, do not forget that Walmark products are here for everyone. Moreover, we are offering groups of preparations especially created for children, women and men. In addition you can find in the product portfolio also OTC drugs and cosmetic preparations. T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Dimitris Anestis EXPORT DIRECTOR 1 Contents Quality management system in Walmark Company Joint Nutrition – Healthy joints and movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spektrum – Multivitamins and multiminerals for adults . . . . . . . . . .14 Preparations For Children – Playful vitamins and minerals. . . . . . . .18 Special Range – Peaceful and harmonious life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 – Quality and comfort life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Special Range – Women’s health and beauty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 – Attractive and beautiful appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Special Range – Healthy and active men. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Coenzyme Q10 – Protection for your heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Ginkgo Biloba – Blood supply for your organism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Natural Products – Beneficial for your organism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Vitamins – Essential for your organism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Minerals & Trace Elements – Essential for your organism. . . . . . . . .94 Santoin – Taking care of healthy teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Reghaar – Healthy and beautiful hair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 2 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Quality Control and Assurance Good Manufacturing Practice Production in Walmark is carried out in agreement with all legislative requirements valid in EU. These include in particular the Food Act, the Drug Act and other related regulations of the Ministry of Health. The distributed products are duly registered and approved, according to their character, by the Ministry of Health and the State Institute for Drug Control. Since 2003, Walmark has held a GMP Certificate and has complied with requirements of the Drug Act and GMP regulation for the production and distribution of medicines in the Czech Republic. (GMP) Quality Control affects all levels of material flow (processing), input control of raw materials is carried out as well as continuous and inter-operational control of raw material, continuous production and output control of finished products. Production plant and facilities and warehouses also undergo regular control. There is also set up a system of activities in Walmark which is known as Quality Assurance. It is a system of internal inspections which controls the individual processes as well as the functionality of the entire Quality Management System. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points The GMP is a part of the Quality Assurance System that ensures that products are continuously processed and controlled in agreement with the quality standards that correspond with their intended usage, with approved registration documentation for the respective preparation and other regulatory documentation. (HACCP) In the area of food supplement production, the company applies the Quality Management System that is in agreement with the system of critical points required for the production of food. This system analyzes the hazards, critical steps and processes in production that can affect the quality of products and stipulates corrective measures so that the health safety of the products is maintained. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 3 Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement ArthroStop® RAPID+ Unique strength of active substances for healthy joints ArthroStop® RAPID+ contains very effective, scientifically proven substances for health and nourishment of joints – Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin sulfate, Boswellin®, and newly a special ExPur complex, which consists of Collagen II type and Vitamin C. Glucosamine sulphate and Chondroitin sulphate are necessary for the proper structure, maintenance of flexibility and mobility of joint cartilage and other connective tissues. Boswellin® has a supportive role in the joints health and flexibility. The new ExPur complex is a special functional combination of Collagen II type and vitamin C that contributes to the maintenance of the healthy function of joints. Arthrostop® RAPID+ operates favourably in all joints and positively influences health of cartilage, sustains mobility and encourages the total health of joints. Effects: •Has a positive influence on a proper structure and function of joints •Supports mechanical and elastic characters of cartilage and smooth working and locomotion of joints •Helps to keep the joints healthy and flexible •Is recommended at the increased load of carrying joints (hard physical work, sport, overweight) One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 533,33 mg Chondroitin sulfate 200,00 mg Boswellin® 50,00 mg ExPur complex: Collagen II type Vitamin C 6,67 μg 4,00 mg Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement 4 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 5 Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement ArthroStop® Lady ArthroStop® RAPID ArthroStop Lady offers a unique combination of active substances specifically designed for women needs. Glucosamine sulphate is important for maintenance of the cartilage condition and the proper function of joints. It contributes to the preservation of flexibility and mobility of joints and helps to maintain healthy connective tissues, bones, ligaments and tendons. ArthroStop® Lady contains the unique OsteoComplex, which consists of Calcium and Vitamins D and K, which are needed for the maintenance of normal structure and function of bones. Vitamin D contributes to the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus and preserves the normal Calcium concentrations in blood. ArthroStop® RAPID tablets represent a unique preparation for the protection and regeneration of joints. The unique composition of clinically proved substances – Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin sulfate and unique component of Boswellin® (patent-protected extract from the bark of the Boswellia serrata tree) efficiently affects in all joints (knee joints, hip joints, other joints of legs, hands and backbone). Glucosamine is a structural component of joint cartilage. By the application of Glucosamine we can stop or significantly reduce the undesirable changes in cartilage. Afflictions of cartilage are very often accompanied by inflammation with an accompanying phenomenon of swellings and pain. Only Boswellic acids report a significant anti-inflammatory effect which brings fast relief from the pain. For healthy joints and bones with long-term effect ® 6 Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement Improvement of joints mobility Effects: •Has a positive influence on a proper structure and function of joints •Contributes to the preservation of healthy joints, bones, tendons and ligaments •Supports mechanical and elastic characters of cartilage One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 500,00 mg OsteoComplex: Calcium 100,00 mg Vitamin D 1,67 μg Vitamin K 25,00 μg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Helps to ease painful symptoms of joint inflammations •Decreases joint stiffness and improves mobility of joints •Decreases painful symptoms of arthritis •Improves mechanical properties and endurance of joints One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 533,33 mg Chondroitin sulfate 200,00 mg Boswellin® Manganese Vitamin C 50,00 mg 1,50 mg 10,00 mg 7 Joint Nutrition Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement ArthroStop® PLUS ArthroStop® Cream For healthy joints Effective substances (Glucosamine and extract from Boswellia) are contained in ArthroStop® PLUS in an optimal combination. The preparation is complemented by MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and Manganese. MSM is an important substance for production of collagen. Manganese helps cartilages to recover. Effects: •Helps to protect, nourishes and regenerates joint cartilages •Decreases joint stiffness and improves mobility and endurance of joints •Supports formation of cartilage One tablet contains: Glucosamine hydrochloride 500,00 mg MSM 100,00 mg Boswellia serrata Manganese 8,33 mg 325,00 µg Locally improves the vascular system and warms painful joints ArthroStop® Cream represents a special form for local relief and elimination of problems with joints. This way of application of effective substances leads to the significant subjective relief of pains in joints and increased muscle tension. The effective substances contained in the cream increase blood circulation in afflicted tissues, warm and ease painful spots. The presence of methylsalicylate helps to inhibit the inflammation of smaller joints and soft tissues. Effective substances: Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL, methylsulfonylmethan (MSM), Boswellia serrata extract, flaxseed oil, methylsalicylate, menthol, camphor, Juniperus Communis oil, Eucalyptus Globulus oil, Terebinthinae oil Healthy joints and movement ArthroStop® Hyal For healthy articular liquid and better joint mobility ArthroStop® Hyal is a preparation containing a natural extract of hyaluronic acid protecting, nourishing and regenerating the articular liquid by increasing its viscosity and decreasing the friction of articular surface. It contributes to better „greasing” of joints and has a favourable effect on their mobility and overall good condition and function of the whole articular system. Effects: •Contributes to better „greasing” and mobility of joints •Protects, nourishes and regenerates the articular liquid •Increases viscosity of the articular liquid and decreases the friction of articular surface/ flats •Contributes to regeneration and protection of the whole articular and locomotive system One tablet contains: Hyal-Joint® (sodium hyaluronate 60 – 70%) 8 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 42,00 mg 9 Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement ArthroStop® Glucosamine 10 Healthy joints and movement Proenzi® 3+ Health and nourishment of joints For proper function of joints ArthroStop® Glucosamine contains a high daily dose of 1600 mg of Glucosamine sulfate in two tablets, which is scientifically proven dose. Glucosamine occurs naturally in the joints and muscles where it plays a role in the smooth working of connective tissue. It serves as a substance for the synthesis of key compounds (glycosaminoglycans) that are important for maintenance of the cartilage and the proper function of the joints. Glucosamine sulfate contributes to the maintenance of flexibility and mobility of the joints and helps maintain healthy connective tissue, bones, ligaments and tendons. Joint Nutrition Effects: •Has a positive influence on a proper structure and function of joints •Effectively protects and nourishes joints •Contributes to the preservation of healthy joints, bones, tendons and ligaments •Is suitable at a signs of untimely wear of joints and backbone One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 800,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Proenzi® 3+ contains very effective, scientifically proven, substances for health of joints and for nourishment of joints – Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin sulphate, MSM, and now newly a special ExPur complex, which contains Collagen II type and Vitamin C. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are elementary building components of joint cartilage and other connective tissues. They are necessary for their proper structure, maintenance of flexibility and mobility of the joints. MSM helps to support cartilage metabolism and function and helps to maintain joint health, comfort and mobility. The new ExPur complex is a special functional combination of Collagen II type and Vitamin C. It contributes to the maintenance of the proper function of joints and supports healthy condition of bones and cartilage. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Has positive effect on proper structure and function of joints •Supports mechanical and elastic characters of cartilage and smooth working of joints •Contributes to the preservation of healthy joints, bones, tendons and ligaments •Is recommended at the increased load of carrying joints (hard physical work, sport, overweight) One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 500,00 mg Chondroitin sulfate 200,00 mg MSM 300,00 mg ExPur complex: Collagen II type Vitamin C 6,67 μg 4,00 mg 11 Joint Nutrition Healthy joints and movement Proenzi 3 Proenzi Gel Proved substances for protection, nourishment and revitalization of joints Proenzi 3 contains a triple combination of effective substances – Glucosamine sulfate + Chondroitin sulfate + MSM. Glucosamine with Chondroitin are helpful during prevention and treatment of joint problems, MSM affects against inflammation. In case of regular use, these substances are well absorbed and influence the joint cartilage condition. They support the recovery and regeneration of joints and improve their mobility. Joint Nutrition Immediate relief from pain of joints and muscles One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 500,00 mg Chondroitin sulfate 200,00 mg Lignisul MSM 300,00 mg Proenzi Gel is massage gel containing a unique combination of three pharmacologically effective substances - Glucosamine Sulfate, MSM and Boscedrin® that help to alleviate painful signs of joint inflammations and share in reduction of tightness and improvement of joint mobility. Moreover it contains eucalyptus oil, Oleum Juniperi, camphor and menthol. These substances warm up the affected area and contribute to reach a feeling of relief. Proenzi Gel is light; it does not grease or leave stains. After application it becomes absorbed immediately and leaves a pleasant and fresh feeling. Healthy joints and movement Proenzi Premium A balanced combination of Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfates which is highly evaluated by doctors which is based on the latest researches of leading global specialists. Both active substances are present in effective daily doses. Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfates are classified into the group of substances known as SYSADOA (symptomatic slow acting drugs of osteoarthritis). One tablet contains: Glucosamine sulfate 500,00 mg Chondroitin sulfate 400,00 mg Effective substances: Glucosamine Sulfate, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Eucalyptus Globulus Oil, Carbomer, Menthol, Juniperus Communis, Methyl Salicylate, Turpentine, Camphor, Sodium Hydroxide, Hectorite, Boswellia Serrata Extract 12 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 13 Spektrum Multivitamins and multiminerals for adults Spektrum Imunactiv® Multivitamin and multimineral with Imunactiv® complex Spektrum is a comprehensive multivitamin and multimineral product of new generation with its unique composition, where all vitamins and trace elements come from organic sources. Such organic sources are found in nature. Spektrum Imunactiv® contains all the necessary vitamins in recommended daily doses. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for maintenance of normal physical and mental vitality and for the normal development and health of the human body. In addition, Spektrum is enriched with the unique complex Imunactiv® that contains Beta glucan, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin C and Zinc. These substances help to support immune system. Effects: •Actively helps to stimulate the immune system of organism •Helps to recover after periods of exhausting and fatigue •Helps to prevent insufficiencies in a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals, resulting from unsuitable lifestyle and thus helps to maintain overall good condition •Suitable as a supplement during increased demands on the human body for vitamins and minerals especially during increased physical and mental stress time period One tablet contains: Imunactiv® complex Beta glucan Bioflavonoids (complex) Vitamin C Zinc Vitamin A (retinol) Vitamin B1 (thiamin) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (niacin) Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Biotin Folic acid Kelp extract Magnesium Manganese Copper Selenium Calcium Iron 50,00 mg 25,00 mg 80,00 mg 10,00 mg 800,00 μg 1,10 mg 1,40 mg 16,00 mg 6,00 mg 1,40 mg 2,50 μg 5,00 μg 12,00 mg 75,00 μg 50,00 μg 200,00 μg 150,00 mg 100,00 mg 2,00 mg 1,00 mg 55,00 μg 120,00 mg 14,00 mg Spektrum Multivitamins and multiminerals for adults 14 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 15 Spektrum Multivitamins and multiminerals for adults Spektrum Energy Multivitamin and multimineral for energy replenishment Spektrum is comprehensive multivitamin and multimineral product of new generation with its unique composition, where all vitamins and trace elements come from organic sources. Such organic sources are found in nature. Spektrum Energy contains the basic vitamins and minerals essential for the normal physical and mental development and for body metabolism. All vitamins are in recommended daily doses. Spektrum Energy is enriched with Coenzyme Q10 that plays in the body one of the key roles in getting the energy from food. It is beneficial in case of energy needs of the body. Effects: •Suitable in enduring tiredness, weakness, problems with concentration •Helps to maintain the immunity system and keeps the body in a good condition •Beneficially influences the physical and mental activity due to content of Coenzyme Q10 16 Spektrum Multivitamins and multiminerals for adults Spektrum 50+ One tablet contains: Coenzyme Q10 Vitamin A Vitamin B 1 (thiamin) Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B 3 (nicotinamide) Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) Vitamin C Vitamin D 3 Vitamin E Vitamin K Folic acid Biotin Magnesium Calcium Kelp extract Manganese Copper Selenium Zinc Iron 10,00 mg 800,00 μg 1,10 mg 1,40 mg 16,00 mg 6,00 mg 1,40 mg 2,50 μg 80,00 mg 5,00 μg 12,00 mg 75,00 μg 200,00 μg 50,00 μg 100,00 mg 120,00 mg 150,00 mg 2,00 mg 1,00 mg 55,00 μg 10,00 mg 14,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Strengthens the physical and mental condition of the human body Spektrum is comprehensive multivitamin and multimineral product of new generation with its unique composition, where all vitamins and trace elements come from organic sources. Such organic sources are found in nature. Spektrum 50+ contains vitamins and minerals, enriched by the extract from the Ginseng root and substance DMAE. Substance DMAE helps maintain mental function. Ginseng has been known for centuries and helps to maintain optimal stamina, feelings of energy and vitality, physical and mental well-being, and supports memory performance. Vitamins and minerals are essential to sustain physical and mental vitality while ageing. Group B Vitamins promote energy metabolism. The increased content of Vitamin D is important for the structure of bones and helps to absorb Calcium in the gastrointestinal tract to keep a healthy balance of Calcium in the organism. One tablet contains: Ginseng extract DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Folic acid Manganese Copper Calcium Zinc 100,00 mg 20,00 mg 1200,00 μg 2,00 mg 2,00 mg 16,00 mg 9,00 mg 1,40 mg 2,50 μg 80,00 mg 10,00 μg 12,00 mg 200,00 μg 2,00 mg 1,00 mg 280,00 mg 10,00 mg Effects: •Supports memory performance, vitality and concentration ability •Helps to maintain optimal stamina and physical and mental well-being •Helps to control the level of cholesterol, heart activities and blood pressure C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 17 Preparations For Children Martians with Prebiotics With forest berry and strawberry flavours Martians help the child to have the necessary supply of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances which are necessary for the correct growth and development of the child and his/her overall health. The included prebiotics (Inulin) support a healthy intestinal microflora, thus promoting digestive and intestinal health and proper absorption of calcium. It is mainly recommended for children with digestion disorders, irregular defecation or insufficient appetite. Playful vitamins and minerals Effects: •Helps to ensure healthy development and growth of a child •Helps to maintain vitality and an overall good health condition •Supports appetite •Contributes to the correct digestion and regulation of defecation One tablet contains: Inulin Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Folic acid Biotin Iodine Zinc Iron Selenium 500,00 mg 200,00 μg 0,30 mg 0,40 mg 4,00 mg 1,50 mg 1,00 mg 1,00 μg 50,00 mg 5,00 μg 4,00 mg 90,00 μg 22,50 μg 70,00 μg 2,50 mg 3,50 mg 10,00 μg Preparations For Children Playful vitamins and minerals 18 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 19 Preparations For Children Playful vitamins and minerals Martians with Imunactiv® With strawberry and orange flavours Imunactiv® is a unique complex of active components (Beta glucan, Zinc, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids) specially developed for the protection of children against colds, bacterial and viral diseases and for the strengthening and stimulation of their immune system. Due to its composition, Imunactiv® stimulates in the child’s body important elements of the immune system – so-called macrophages which are able to identify and subsequently to destroy all substances which can lead to the cause of disease. Effects: •Positively influences the immune system of a child •Helps to ensure the healthy development of tissues, in particular bones, teeth, hair and skin •Helps to maintain the vitality and overall good health condition of a child •Supports appetite Preparations For Children Playful vitamins and minerals Martians Syrup One tablet contains: Imunactiv complex Beta glucan Bioflavonoids (complex) Vitamin C Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Biotin Folic acid Iodine Rosehips L-lysine ® 30,00 mg 50,00 mg 80,00 mg 5,00 mg 800,00 μg 1,10 mg 1,40 mg 16,00 mg 6,00 mg 1,40 mg 2,50 μg 5,00 μg 12,00 mg 50,00 μg 200,00 μg 150,00 μg 10,00 mg 20,00 mg Multivitamin syrup for children with orange flavour Martians syrup is a complex of all necessary vitamins, minerals which are crucial for the physiological growth and healthy development. Moreover it contains the unique active ingredients beta glucan, bioflavonoids, vitamin C and zinc. These substances together with the vitamins and minerals contribute to the proper function of immune system. Vitamins group B are necessary for general vitality and for proper function of metabolism. Vitamin A and iodine are important for normal vision, structure and function of the skin. Vitamin D supports absorption and utilisation of calcium for the structure of bones and teeth. Vitamin C serves as a protective antioxidant. Effects: •Has a beneficial effect on child’s immunity •Promotes vitality and general well-being •Supports the physiological growth and proper development •Is recommended during recovery and physical or mental fatigue One dose (5 ml = 1 tea spoon) contains: Beta glucan 10,00 mg Bioflavonoids (complex) 30,00 mg Vitamin C 25,00 mg Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin B1 0,50 mg Vitamin B2 0,80 mg Vitamin B3 9,00 mg Vitamin B5 3,00 mg Vitamin B6 0,70 mg Vitamin B12 0,70 μg Vitamin D3 1,50 μg Vitamin E 5,00 mg Biotin 20,00 μg Folic acid 50,00 μg Iodine 70,00 μg PABA 50,00 μg Rosehips extract Lysine 20 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 4,00 mg 120,00 μg 5,00 mg 10,00 mg 21 Preparations For Children Playful vitamins and minerals Martians Gummy Effects: •Helps to support the vitality and overall good health condition of children •Influences the proper growth and development of bones of children •Supports normal physiological growth and immunity 22 Playful vitamins and minerals Martians Gummy with Echinacea For proper growth and development of bones of children Martians Gummy are well tasty gelatine Martians in four different fruit flavours that contain necessary vitamins and minerals for proper physiological growth and development. They contain BoneActive complex that is created of two active substances - Calcium and Vitamin D. They are essential for proper growth and development of bones of the children. Martians Gummy are recommended mainly to all active or sporting children whose regular physical load have increased requirements for intake of such a substances. Preparations For Children For support of children immunity One gummy contains: BoneActive complex: Calcium Vitamin D3 60,00 mg 2,50 μg Vitamin K 12,50 μg Vitamin B3 8,00 mg Vitamin B5 3,00 mg Vitamin B12 1,25 μg Vitamin C 40,00 mg Vitamin E 6,00 mg Folic acid 100,00 μg Biotin 25,00 μg Zinc 5,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Martians Gummy with Echinacea are tasty gelatine Martians in mix of four fruit flavours which contain recommended daily dosages of essential vitamins for proper physiological growth and development of child enriched by extract from Echinacea purpurea, which is known for its favourable effects on support of immunity. Martians Gummy with Echinacea are suitable to use in periods of viral infections and colds. Effects: •Helps to strengthen immunity of organism •Support proper growth and development of children •Support vitality and general well being C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K One gummy contains: Echinacea purpurea 30,00 mg Vitamin C 40,00 mg Zinc 5,00 mg Vitamin B3 8,00 mg Vitamin B5 3,00 mg Vitamin B12 1,25 μg Vitamin D3 2,50 μg Vitamin E 6,00 mg Vitamin K 12,50 μg Folic acid 100,00 μg Biotin 25,00 μg 23 Preparations For Children Playful vitamins and minerals Starmen Dinos For development of child’s brain and bright mind Starmen contain omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid DHA that has fundamental effect on proper development of brain and mental functions of a child and simultaneously it affects positively the activity of the heart-vascular system and development of sigh. Starmen are accepted by children very well thanks to their orange flavour, therefore they exclude the problems to consume fish oil in its isolated form. Vitamin C for protection against colds and flu Effects: •Support positively the proper growth and development of child brain •Affect positively the development of child brain functions •Support the concentration, memory and learning process One capsule contains: Fish oil 24 Preparations For Children 250,00 mg Omega-3 175,00 mg DHA 125,00 mg Vitamine C 37,50 mg Vitamine A 500,00 μg Vitamine D 3,00 μg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY This is vitamin C in the form of a dinosaurs with an excellent fruit flavour. Children have an increased demand for Vitamin C, in particular ill and weak children, children in recovery and children living in polluted areas. Effects: •Protects the organisms against colds and flu •Strengthens the immune system of organism •Positively influences maintaining the overall good condition of organism One tablet contains: Vitamin C 100,00 mg Playful vitamins and minerals EchninaBears For strengthening of the immune system of child’s organism EchinaBears are Echinacea tablets for children in the form of Koala bears in blackcurrant or bubble gum flavours. Echinacea is considered one of the best natural aid to positively influence the immune system of organism. Effects: •Helps to maintain the quality immune system of organism •Suitable in periods of increased occurrence of colds •Positively influences the overall condition of organism One tablet contains: Echinacea C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 30,00 mg 25 Special Range Peaceful and harmonious life Benosen® For a restful sleep and refreshing morning Benosen® contains a unique combination of proved substances for complete sleep care. These substances help to release tension and stress, creating an overall feeling of relaxation and making sleep better. Benosen® is recommended for insomnia (difficult falling asleep, waking up at night, waking up too early in the morning), for states of uneasiness, anxiety and irritation. Effects: •Helps to inducing sleep faster •Positively influences the quality of sleep •Makes waking up in the mornings easier •Contributes to overall relaxation •Helps to relieve tension and stress •Suitable for states of depression Helps to FALL ASLEEP faster Helps to make Helps to make SLEEP more WAKING UP in relaxing the morning easier One tablet contains: L-theanin Valeriana officinalis Common hops 100,0 mg 50,0 mg 150,0 mg Special Range 26 Peaceful and harmonious life Quality and comfort life C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 27 Special Range Peaceful and harmonious life GinkoStim 28 Peaceful and harmonious life MemoPlus® For increased concentration and physical activity The preparation is a combination of three herbs which have a positive influence on the physical activity of the human body. Due to the content of caffeine and other alkaloids, Guarana has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It helps to remove the feelings of exhaustion, tiredness and stress. Gotu kola together with Ginkgo biloba improve the blood circulation (particularly in the brain), stimulate mental function and positively influence the memory and other brain functions. It provides appetite and energy for life. Special Range Effects: •It helps to remove the feelings of exhaustion, tiredness and stress •Recommended for any period with increased physical activity and where maximum concentration is necessary •Positively influences the memory and other brain functions One tablet contains: Guarana 200,00 mg Ginkgo biloba 200,00 mg Gotu kola 250,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY For stimulation of memory, concentration and activity of the brain MemoPlus® helps better balancing the consequences of stress and exhaustion, positively influences mental abilities in particular and the overall condition of the individual. Ginkgo biloba is rich of substances which positively influence blood circulation, particularly in the brain and helps to increase thinking and concentration. Vitamin B6 and magnesium are important for nervous system activity. Phosphatidylcholine is a key component of nervous cell membranes and is needed for a healthy nervous system. Caffeine acts mainly as a psychical stimulant and helps to get rid of tiredness. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Has a beneficial effect on mental functions •Suitable in case of tiredness and fatigue •Promotes concentration and memory One capsule contains: Ginkgo biloba Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 10,00 mg 2,00 mg Magnesium 100,00 mg Phosphatidylcholine 100,00 mg Caffeine 30,00 mg 29 Special Range Special Range Peaceful and harmonious life Denoxinal® StresVit® For perfect detoxification of organs Denoxinal® contains a combination of healing herbs and nutrients which support the natural detoxification processes in the human body. Extracts from healing herbs support the activity of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys and significantly help to protect the liver (Milk Thistle). They also help to remove heavy metals from the human body (Chlorella - type of algae and garlic) and have a detoxification effect on the blood circulation. In combination with pectin (a type of fiber) they help to regulate the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood and positively influence the activity of the digestive tract. Effects: •Has a positive influence on the detoxification function of the liver and protects the liver •Supports metabolism and the correct functioning of the digestive tract •Helps to ensure the correct level of cholesterol and sugar in the human body One tablet contains: Chlorella pyrenoidosa 200,00 mg Burdock 12,50 mg Dandelion 12,50 mg Red Clover 12,50 mg Garlic 1,00 mg Pectin 50,00 mg Milk Thistle 50,00 mg Vitamin C 30 Peaceful and harmonious life Special combination of vitamins and minerals against stress This preparation contains mutually complementary substances which increase the ability to adapt and adequately react to various stress situations. The most common symptoms of stress are changes in temper, sensitivity, problems with sleeping, feelings of palpitation and pain in the heart area and digestive problems. One tablet contains: Vitamin B6 5,00 mg Effects: •Completes the increased demands of the human body during stress for important vitamins and minerals •Recommended for maintaining good psychical resistance of the human body •A source of substances necessary for the production of stress hormones Vitamin B12 12,00 μg Vitamin B1 10,00 mg Vitamin B2 10,00 mg Vitamin B3 100,00 mg Vitamin B5 20,00 mg Vitamin C 500,00 mg Vitamin E 20,00 mg Folic acid 400,00 μg Biotin Copper Zinc 45,00 μg 3,00 mg 23,90 mg 200,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 31 Special Range Special Range Quality and comfort life Imunactiv® Vitavision The Imunactiv preparation represents a completely unique and effective solution in reinforcing the immune system. The combination of four active components helps to reinforce the human body’s natural defence system (immunity) and thus to protect the body from common illnesses. The main components contained in Imunactiv® are beta glucan, vitamin C, zinc and bioflavonoids. Vitavision provides comprehensive care for healthy eyes. Lutein is effective as a filter protecting the macula against harmful UV radiation and free radicals. Bilberry extract is a source of bioflavanoids indicated as anthocyanosides. It speeds up regeneration of eye colour pigment which is necessary for night vision. It strengthens capillary walls and helps to prevent the origin of hemorrhage into the retina. Beta carotene is necessary for the production of the photosensitive colour pigment in the retina of the eye and thus for the sight process. Efficient combination for reinforcing the immune system ® Comprehensive care for healthy eyes Effects: •Helps to reinforce the immune system of organism •Supplies the human body with essential substances to help protecting it from common colds and flu •Favourably influences the exhausted organism during the course of illnesses One tablet contains: Beta glucan 200,00 mg Bioflavonoids 25,00 mg Vitamin C 50,00 mg Zinc 32 Quality and comfort life Effects: •Recommended for tiredness of eyes and night blindness •Contributes to the improvement of sharpness of sight •Helps to protect eyes against harmful radiation (sun, working on PC) One tablet contains: Bioflavonoids 50,00 mg Bilberries 10,00 mg Beta carotene 3,00 mg Lutein 2,00 mg 7,50 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 33 Special Range Special Range Quality and comfort life Dialevel® Urinal Akut® For keeping blood sugar under control Dialevel® is a combination of substances that positively influences the level of blood sugar and prevents the formation of neurodegenerative complications during the course of diabetes. The preparation is intended for people suffering from diabetes and people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Its use is also recommended for people suffering from obesity in order to help them reducing the body weight. Effects: •Helps to regulate the level of blood sugar •Useful against pains, the feeling of anxiety and tingling in the lower limbs, which are a sign of diabetes complications •Helps increasing the effect of insulin and the cellular use of glucose •Contributes to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood One tablet contains: Alpha lipoic acid 34 Quality and comfort life 200,00 mg Cinnamon 55,60 mg Chromium 60,00 µg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY For urinary tract care during a sudden and strong discomfort Urinal Akut® contains an active component CystiCran®, a high-concentrated cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) extract that has a beneficial effect on urinary system usually during the first day of use. The amount of the extract in one tablet corresponds to minimally 338 400 mg of cranberry fruit. In a daily dose Urinal Akut® contains a guaranteed amount of proanthocyanidins (36,0 mg), scientifically proven substances that help to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from urinary tract. A unique technology of cranberry processing in a form of the extract CystiCran® ensures the quality and content of effective substances. Substance in Urinal Akut® significantly contributes to the health of the urinary C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K tract and further helps to increase growth of beneficial uroepithelial microflora and supports the immune system. Effects: •Supports maintaining the health of urinary system •Helps to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from urinary tract •Helps to increase growth of beneficial microflora •Supports immune system One tablet contains: Cranberry (CystiCran®) 90,00 mg 35 Special Range Special Range Quality and comfort life Urinal® Urinal® Drink For infection and inflammation of the urinary tract Urinal® contains a unique combination of two active ingredients – standardized extract NutriCran® and high concentrated extract CystiCran® both from cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon). Cranberries have a beneficial effect on health of the urinary tract system and help to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from the urinary tract. Cranberries are a rich source of bioflavonoids, phenolic compounds and other natural substances with a positive effect on human health. They contain naturally occurring antioxidants that help protect cells and tissues from free radicals. Urinal® is possible to use along with antibiotics. Daily intake of Urinal® helps to maintain urinary tract health. 36 Quality and comfort life Effects: •Has a beneficial effect on urinary tract health •Has positive effect during infection and inflammation of the urinary tract •Helps to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from urinary tract •Helps to increase growth of beneficial microflora and supports the immune system One capsule contains: Cranberries (NutriCran®) 200,00 mg Cranberries (CystiCran®) 3,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Delicious hot or cold drink for maintaining healthy urinary tract Urinal® Drink contains cranberries extract NutriCran® that has a favourable effect on health of the urinary tract. Cranberries present a rich source of bioflavonoids, phenolic compounds and other natural substances with a protective anti-oxidative effect. Delicious hot or cold drink helps supplement the level of liquid in organism, prevent from adhesion of heterogeneous bacteria (E. coli) on urethra and urinary bladder walls and wash them out of the urinary tract. Effects: •Helps prevent from adhesion of heterogeneous bacteria on the walls of the urinary tract •Helps supplement the level of liquid in organism and wash heterogeneous bacteria out of the urinary tract •Has anti-oxidative effects and thus it helps to protect against harmful effects of free radicals One sachet contains: Cranberries (NutriCran®) C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 400,00 mg 37 Special Range Special Range Quality and comfort life Salutil Probio OptiTensin® For complex care of digestive tract health Salutil Probio provides user-friendly, complex 4-phase care for the health of the digestive tract with a guaranteed amount of the live microorganisms. Salutil Probio is the ideal supplement for journeys, in situations of increased physical and mental stress, during and after using antibiotics and during pregnancy. The effect of Salutil Probio is unique because, unlike other probiotics, it contains not only Lactobacillus (helveticus, rhamnosus) and Bifidobacterium longum but also Saccharomyces boulardii for 4-phase effect. 38 Quality and comfort life For healthy blood pressure Effects: •Contributes to proper digestion and defecation •Has positive effect on the immune system of the human body •Suitable for traveling and during and after using antibiotics •Helps in case of diarrhea and travel diarrhea One tablet contains: Mixture of living probiotic cultures 5 billions T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY OptiTensin® is a unique preparation from olive leaves extract Benolea® offering the way for gaining healthy blood pressure. Olive leaves extract supports maintaining healthy level of blood pressure. It is also known for maintaining good blood circulation and vascular pressure. Olive leaves extract additionally has an antioxidant effects that helps to protect organism from oxidative damage and contributes to maintain healthy blood sugar level. Additionally, these antioxidation properties contribute to the antihypertensive action as well as they are responsible for the hypocholesterolemic effect. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Helps to maintain healthy blood pressure •Contributes to maintenance of healthy heart •Helps to protect against negative effects of free radicals •Helps to maintain healthy blood sugar level and cholesterol level Each capsule contains: Olive leaves extract (contains oleuropein) 350,00 mg 39 Special Range Special Range Quality and comfort life Hespidin® Hespidin® gel Beneficial effect in haemorrhoids occurrence Hespidin® is a combination of three very effective, scientifically proven substances - Diosmin, Hesperidine and Horse Chestnut that help to support healthy veins, capillaries and have beneficial effect on haemorrhoids occurrence. Moreover, Hespidin® contains the extract of citrus bioflavonoids with high content of Diosmin and Hesperidine in their micronized fraction for better and faster absorbency. The micronized complex of bioflavonoids helps to maintain a good venous blood circulation, supports a normal venous function and supports the strength of blood vessels. Horse Chestnut helps to maintain healthy blood circulation and additionally has an antioxidant effects. 40 Quality and comfort life Soothing and regenerating in haemorrhoids occurrence Effects: •Has a beneficial effect in the occurrence of haemorrhoids •Supports the strength of blood vessels •Helps to maintain vascular integrity •Helps to maintain a good venous blood circulation •Has beneficial effect on the vascular health One tablet contains: Diosmin Hesperidine Horse chesnut 450,00 mg 50,00 mg 200,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Hespidin® gel contains oak bark, allantoin (active substance of comfrey) and oil of cloves that is intended for difficulties such as haemorrhoids requiring astringent, constricting substances. The gel has pleasant aroma and good absorption. Oak bark is for hundreds of years known and used as a powerful astringent. Allantoin as an active substance of comfrey assists to recover the skin. It has calming effects and functions like an antioxidant protecting against the influence of free radicals, which negatively affect the skin. Oil of cloves brings the loss of sensation and eliminates the discomfort in the affected area. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effective substances: Aqua, Propylene Glycol, Quercus Robur Bark Extract, Alcohol. denat., PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Allantoin, Eugenia Caryophyllus Leaf Oil, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben. 41 Special Range Women’s health and beauty Viaderm® Complete For healthy hair, beautiful skin and solid nails Viaderm® Complete is a unique nutricosmetic product containing balanced ratio of substances which take care of three areas of women’s beauty - the quality of hair, condition of skin, and solidity of nails. Three beauty effect is maximized due to the brand new highly effective composition of Viaderm® Complete that strengthen the hair and give it flexibility and natural brilliance, improves the quality of the skin and supports the strength of the finger nails and helps to decrease their refrangibility. It contains active substances which, unlike cosmetics, operate from inside of the organism, in deep dermic layers with a long term effect. Regular intake of Viaderm® Complete substances help to keep hair, skin and nails healthy and beautiful. One capsule contains: Evening primrose oil L-methionine 350,00 mg 62,50 mg Biotin 75,00 μg Silicon 5,00 mg Niacin 8,0 mg Zinc 7,50 mg Copper 0,45 mg Vitamin E 5,00 mg Vitamin A 190,00 μg Effects: •Helps to protect skin against ageing and the creation of wrinkles •Positively influences skin problems, eczema and acne •Deepens natural colour, brilliance and quality of hair •Contributes to the keeping of an overall and beautiful appearance Special Range 42 Women’s health and beauty Attractive and beautiful appearance C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 43 Special Range Special Range Women’s health and beauty Viaderm® Skin Beauty Mabelle® For firm, well hydrated complexion without wrinkles Viaderm® Skin Beauty is a unique nutricosmetic product containing substances which take care of the complexion. Viaderm® Skin Beauty contains four highly effective components – Hyaluronic acid, Evening primrose oil, Coenzyme Q10, and Silicon – that unlike cosmetics operate from the inside of the organism in deep dermic layers with a long term effect. These substances help to improve complexion firmness, its hydratation and help to maintain beauty complexion without wrinkles. Regular intake of Viaderm® Skin Beauty helps to keep the complexion healthy and beautiful. Viaderm® Skin Beauty contains natural dyes only. Relief at the time of climacterium Effects: •Helps to keep overall good health and young look of skin •Promotes elasticity of the skin and maintains it well hydrated and fresh •Keeps the skin smooth and helps to reduce itching and soothes irritation •Helps to stimulate the formation of collagen thus reduces the appearance of wrinkles •Has antioxidative effect and thus protects the skin against ageing One capsule contains: Hyaluronic acid Evening primrose oil 44 Women’s health and beauty 5,00 mg 350,00 mg Silicon 10,00 mg Coenzyme Q10 15,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Mabelle® is a non-hormonal preparation on natural base, developed especially for women with regard to their needs in the period of climacterium. Mabelle® helps maintain the hormonal balance in the woman’s body and also positively influences the quality of her life. Both active components in the preparation - Common flax and Red clover - positively influence sleep disorders, enhanced fatigue and dizziness. They help to ease the waves of hot flushes, sweating, irritability and bad moods. Red clover has a great effect on the cardiovascular system and bones strength. Common flax helps to maintain the breast tissue health. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Brings relief for problems during the climacterium •Helps to ease waves of hot flushes, sweating and dizziness •Contributes to mental relief – positively influencing sleep disorders, concentration, irritability, nervousness, fatigue and anxiety •Helps to keep breasts healthy One tablet contains: Common flax Red clover 62,50 mg 500,00 mg 45 Special Range Women’s health and beauty Varixinal® Varixinal® gel Pregnium® Varixinal® is recommended for people who suffer from varicose veins and other symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. It contains four healing herbs (Horse chestnut, Butcher’s broom, Blueberries and Gotu kola) which strengthen and stabilize the vessel walls, decrease origin of swelling and bruises, improve oxygenation and blood circulation in tissues. Varixinal® gel is recommended for people with symptoms of venous insufficiency (feeling of heavy legs, swelling of calves, frequent suffusion, varicose veins, etc.). Varixinal® gel contains extracts from four healing herbs (Horse chestnut, Butcher‘s broom, Blueberries and Gotu kola) which help to strengthen and stabilize vascular walls, decreases creation of swellings and suffusions and improves oxygenation and blood circulation of the skin. Its advantages are its fine scent and its ability to be easily absorbed. Pregnium® has been designed especially for the time of family planning, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It contains balanced combination of substances necessary for proper development of fetus, breastfed child and health of mother - DHA, folic acid, iodine, magnesium. It helps to supplement particularly those necessary substances, the supply of which may not be sufficient in unbalanced and unvaried diet. For healthy veins and vessels Effects: •Eliminates swellings and pain in lower limbs •Positively influences the outflow and functionality of the vascular system •Decreases the feeling of tiredness and pressure in lower limbs – symptoms of „heavy legs” •Decreases the formation of hemorrhoids For healthy veins and vessels Blueberries Gotu kola 200,00 mg 100,00 mg Horse chestnut 1000,00 mg Butcher’s broom 800,00 mg Vitamin C 250,00 mg Hesperidin 100,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Women’s health and beauty For healthy development of fetus and baby and health of mother Effects: •Provides a balanced combination of substances necessary for healthy foetal development and health of pregnant or lactating woman •Supports proper development of nervous system •Has a beneficial effect on intelligential development One tablet contains: 46 Special Range C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K One capsule contains: DHA 100,00 mg Folic acid 200,00 µg Magnesium 75,00 mg Iodine 75,00 µg 47 Special Range Attractive and beautiful appearance Chromdiet 48 Attractive and beautiful appearance Betabronz For a slim figure The combination of chromium and various types of fibers significantly influence the digestive system of the human body and represent a significant contribution for maintaining the correct body mass and fighting against obesity. Chromium is necessary for the correct activity of insulin, a hormone which particularly regulates levels of sugar as well as fats and proteins in the blood. An increased intake of chromium restricts abrupt feelings of hunger and appetite for sweets. Chitosan is an indigestible fiber that binds cholesterol and other fats and decreases their precipitation from the human body. Inulin from the root of chicory (100% herbal) supports the growth of positive intestinal bacterial microflora (Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus). Special Range Effects: •Helps to reduce feelings of hunger and restricts appetite for sweets •Helps to maintain the correct level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood •Supports intestinal peristalsis and makes defecation easy One tablet contains: Chromium 66,00 μg Chitosan 225,15 mg Inulin (from Chicory) 225,15 mg Fiber (from Accacia) 225,15 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY For a lasting and irresistible suntan! Betabronz has been specially developed to support tanning and protection of the skin when sunbathing outside in the sun or in a solarium. It is the only preparation which contains the unique BiAstin™ substance, which has an exceptionally strong antioxidant effect. BiAstin™ helps to protect the skin from the effects of UV radiation and contributes to a fast regeneration of skin which has been exposed to the sunrays. Betabronz preparation contains also other important substances (Lyc-O-Mato®, beta carotene, vitamins C and E), which help to keep the skin a beautiful, golden-brown colour, to prolong the period when the skin stays tanned and to soften the negative effects of sunbathing (early ageing of the skin, formation of wrinkles, pigment spots on the skin, etc.). C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Supports and accelerates tanning of the skin when sunbathing •Contributes to a healthier and longer-lasting suntan •Softens the impact of the skin’s reaction to sunrays and protects it from erythema (abnormal redness) •Reinforces protection of the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation One capsule contains: BiAstin™ Lyc-o-Mato® Beta carotene 7,10 mg 16,70 mg 7,00 mg Vitamin C 30,00 mg Vitamin E 5,00 mg 49 Special Range Attractive and beautiful appearance PinnoSlim 50 Attractive and beautiful appearance Acneon Appetite suppressant for calories income decreasing PinnoSlim is a unique product developed, patented and proven to suppress the desire to eat. By promoting a feeling of fullness, it helps reduce food consumption, thus preventing the excessive intake of calories. PinnoSlim contains pinolenic acid, which is derived from the nuts of the Korean pine tree. PinnoSlim works by stimulating the release of two hunger-suppressing peptide hormones, CCK (cholecystokinin) and GLP1 (glucagon-like peptide 1). These hormones send signals of satiation to the brain, and thus significantly reducing the urge to eat. Clinical research has showed and confirmed that PinnoSlim may influence meal termination and meal size. Special Range Effects: •Significantly increases CCK and GLP1 releasing •Induces satiety and thus reduces food intake •Helps subdue appetite •Helps limit noshing between meals One capsule contains: PinnoThin™ (Korean Pine nuts extract - Pinus koraiensis) 1000,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Natural approach to healthy and beautiful skin of youth and adults Acneon is a special preparation that presents the natural solution leading to healthy and beautiful skin. It is designed especially for adolescents as well as for adults who suffer from acne; it means increased production of sebum followed by colonization of complexion by bacteria (particularly Corynebacterium acne). The results of this disorder are keratinizing of cells, tamping of sebaceous glands, redness of skin and creation of comedones and skin roughness. Acneon contains an active ingredient Praventin™ that is extracted by special procedure from milk protein Lactoferrin. Praventin™ acts from the inside of the body in contrary to cosmetics. It strengthens the physiological stamina of the skin by increasing the immunity C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K and it helps activating the natural mechanism of the skin contributing to smooth, healthy and beautiful skin. Effects: •Favourably influences the condition of the skin suffering from acne, helps the reduction of skin redness and formation of comedones •Helps to refine the outward appearance of the skin and its roughness •Due to healthy and beautiful skin it strengthens the self-confidence One tablet contains: Praventin™ (Lactoferrin) 200,00 mg 51 Special Range Attractive and beautiful appearance CLA Clarinol® 1000 mg For a beautiful figure CLA Clarinol® represents a unique source of the bioactive form of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which helps to degrade body fat without muscle reduction and, at the same time, has a positive influence against repeated fat deposition (the yo-yo effect). CLA Clarinol® forms harmonious body curves in a unique way. CLA Clarinol® is a substance of natural origin belonging to the group of Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Effects: •Helps to degrade body fat in a visible way without decreasing muscle volume •Positively affects against re-deposition of fat known as the yo-yo effect and can maintain a beautiful figure for a long time •Positively influences metabolism and helps to burn fats during sleeping •Helps to maintain good level of cholesterol One capsule contains: CLA Clarinol® 80% 52 1000,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 53 Special Range Healthy and active men Prostenal® with PERFECT COMPLEX Honours for problems with the prostate Prostenal® containing a unique PERFECT COMPLEX consists of three highly active and natural substances that actively affect prostatic tissue and decrease the creation of substances leading to the hypertrophy of the prostate. It is a high quality, standardized extract from the Saw Palmetto herb complemented with Lycopene and the Common nettle. This unique combination of active substances ensured comprehensive and effective care of the prostate. Saw Palmetto in combination with the Nettle herb is recommended on the basis of scientific studies for benign hyperplasia of prostate, Lycopene is a carotenoid helping to decrease the risk of the prostate cancer origin. Effects: •Helps in case of problems with the prostate (urination disorders, frequent, painful, interrupted and difficult urination) •Has a positive influence on the reduction of the risk of prostate cancer origin •Positively influences the potency of men and helps to maintain sexual activity also in old age •Supports the correct function of the urinary and genital systems One capsule contains: Saw Palmetto extract 160,00 mg Urtica dioica 120,00 mg Lycopene 3,00 mg Special Range Healthy and active men 54 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 55 Special Range Special Range Healthy and active men Prostenal® Duo Prostenal® Active care of prostate and urinary tract Prostenal Duo contains substance which contributes to the smooth functioning of the prostate and urinary system and supporting the reproductive function. Standardized extract of Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) is recommended as a source of free and esterifies fatty acids and sterols, what gives the product a wide range of beneficial effects on prostate. It helps to maintain normal urinary function, support of peak urinary flow and helps to prostate normal function. ® 56 Healthy and active men For problems with the prostate Effects: •Contributes to the smooth functioning of the prostate •Supports urinary function and normal urinary flow •Helps reproductive function One capsule contains: Saw Palmetto extract 320,0 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Often urgent need for urination, difficult or interrupted urination, dropping or urinary incontinence are accompanying symptoms of problems with the prostate which, in addition to serious health problems, can also bring a deterioration of the quality of sex life. Luckily there is a way to prevent problems with the prostate. This way is the use of the natural substances contained in the preparation Prostenal® developed specially for men. Effects: •Recommended for problems with the prostate •Supports the correct function of the urinary and genital systems •Positively influences the potency of men One capsule contains: Saw Palmetto Lycopene Arctostaphylos uva-ursi C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 300,00 mg 500,00 µg 50,00 mg Urtica dioica 250,00 mg Pumpkin (seed oil) 300,00 mg 57 Special Range Special Range Healthy and active men Permen® Liderin® For a good quality sexual life Permen® is a unique preparation specially developed to favourably influence male sexual functions. It has a positive influence on maintaining sexual health, supports erection, male potency, libido and performance. The main active ingredients, L-arginine and Tribulus, positively influence the quality and duration of an erection. Ginseng supports the feeling of sexual desire - libido. L-arginine and Tribulus has a positive effect on spermatogenesis (the formation and agility of spermatozoa), which has a positive influence on fertility. 58 Healthy and active men Effects: •Supports erection •Has a positive effect on sexual desire, durability and performance •Has a beneficial influence on fertility •Supports sexual activity One tablet contains: Tribulus terrestris Ginseng (Panax ginseng). L-arginine 250,00 mg 83,30 mg 166,70 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY For fast inducing and improvement of erection Liderin® contains unique substances L-arginine and Pycnogenol® (pinus pinaster). L-arginine helps to induce and improve erection. L- arginine is the precursor of nitric oxide, a molecule which in turn plays a key role in the regulation of blood circulation via its effects on blood vessels. Pycnogenol® helps to improve microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability. Penile erection is a physiological phenomenon, it is the result of a complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular and endocrine factors, and is usually, though not exclusively, associated with sexual arousal. Erection is affected by many factors. Those factors that are hard to influence include stress, challenging lifestyle, improper nutrition and stress. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Helps to induce and improve erection •Positively influences sperm formation and mobility •Promotes virility and positively influences spermatogenesis •Improves microcirculation One tablet contains: Pycnogenol® L-arginine hydrochlorid 26,67 mg 604,67 mg 59 Coenzyme Q10 Protection for your heart Coenzyme Q10 VesiSorb® Coenzyme Q10 with higher absorbency Coenzyme Q10 VesiSorb® is a revolutionary product with the content of faster and more effectively absorbable form of coenzyme Q10 that supports energy production and so even better operation of all organs in body helps to remove tiredness and exhaustion. Thanks to clinically proven patented technology Coenzyme Q10 VesiSorb® droplets of nanoparticle size create in the digestive tract and therefore penetrate through the intestinal barrier easily and so they get into the whole organism faster and in a highly effective volume. Effects: •Helps to keep healthy physical and mental condition •Supports energy production •Helps to protect from negative effects of free radicals that are responsible for cell ageing, by which it contributes to slower ageing One capsule contains: Coenzyme Q10 (Ubichinon VesiSorb®) 30,00 mg Coenzyme Q10 Protection for your heart 60 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 61 Coenzyme Q10 Protection for your heart Coenzyme Q10 For a healthy heart and life energy Coenzyme Q10 is a very important element as it supports the formation of energy in the body and the supply of oxygen to all the organs. Its insufficiency may lead to a drop in performance and tiredness and in later life may also lead to quickened development and worsening of the course of health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases and other civilization illnesses. With age, increased physical strain or during illness the amount of Coenzyme Q10 in the body diminishes, therefore it is necessary to be replenished. Effects: •Positively influences the physical and mental condition •Supplies energy for the regular functioning of the cardiac muscle and protects it from damage •Helps to prevent fatigue and stress •Helps to slow down the aging process Coenzyme Q10 + Carnitine For life energy and vitality L-carnitine is an important source of energy. It improves the use of oxygen in the muscles and supports the formation of energy from lipids, thus contributing to weight reduction. By these influences significantly complement the positive effect of Coenzyme Q10 in the organism, thus helping to strengthen heart muscle and prevent fatigue. One capsule contains: Coenzyme Q10 10,00 mg Carnitine 50,00 mg One capsule contains: 62 Coenzyme Q10 - 30 mg 30,00 mg Coenzyme Q10 - 60 mg 60,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 63 Ginkgo Biloba Blood supply for your organism GinkoPrim® Max GinkoPrim® GinkoPrim® Max with high content of extract from Ginkgo biloba tree significantly helps to improve blood circulation to tissues, oxygen and nutrients supply of the brain. The effect of Ginkgo biloba is enhanced by the presence of magnesium. Magnesium helps to release muscle tension and cramps, thus helping blood circulation to tissues in the organism even more. Extract from Ginkgo biloba is appropriate especially for people with memory disorder, reduced ability to concentrate, depressions and anxious situations. The effective substances of the extract increase the blood circulation and help to act against the blood clots. In combination with magnesium has beneficial effect on our nervous and muscular system as well cardiovascular system. For better circulation and a good memory GinkoPrim® Max positively influences mental activity, especially the memory, thinking and concentration. It helps to stop the feeling of exhaustion, fatigue and stress. GinkoPrim® Max also helps during headaches, dizziness and rustling in the ears and moreover reducing the feeling of cold hands and feet. For good blood circulation and good memory One tablet contains: Ginkgo biloba Magnesium 40,0 mg 150,0 mg Effects: •Has beneficial effect on blood circulation and vessels •Positively influences memory, concentration and other brain functions •Helps during headaches and dizziness One tablet contains: Ginkgo biloba Magnesium 60,00 mg 150,00 mg Ginkgo Biloba Blood supply for your organism 64 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 65 Ginkgo Biloba Blood supply for your organism GinkoPrim® Hot 66 Blood supply for your organism GinkoPrim® Smart For better blood circulation and body warming GinkoPrim® Hot is a unique combination of three active substances – Ginkgo biloba, Capsaicin and Magnesium. Ginkgo biloba promotes peripheral blood circulation, helps to maintain good cognitive functioning and memory while ageing progression. Ginkgo biloba helps to maintain mental well-being (e.g. by memory focus on work in the short term and in moments of increased stress), its effects on peripheral circulation are especially useful for eyes and ears. Capsaicin enhances thermogenesis and increases energy expenditure. It helps to reduce damage to the body tissues. Magnesium is essential for mental functioning and performance. It has beneficial effects on nervous and muscular systems as well as cardiovascular system. Ginkgo Biloba Effects: •Promotes the peripheral blood circulation •Enhances thermogenesis and thus contributes to reduction of the feeling of cold hand and legs •Helps to support memory and mental activity •Contributes to enhancement of cognitive performance and functioning One tablet contains: Ginkgo biloba Capsaicin Magnesium 60,00 mg 2,50 mg 150,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY For better memory, concentration and mental activity GinkoPrim® Smart is a unique combination of three active substances – Ginkgo biloba, DMAE and Magnesium. Ginkgo biloba promotes peripheral blood circulation and helps to maintain good cognitive functioning and memory while ageing progression. Concurrently Ginkgo biloba helps to maintain mental well-being. Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) is an organic compound that is related to choline and is found naturally in fish like sardines and anchovies. DMAE helps to support mental development. Magnesium is essential for mental functioning and performance. It has beneficial effects on nervous and muscular systems as well as cardiovascular system. Magnesium has also antioxidative properties and thus it helps postponing the ageing process. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Promotes the peripheral blood circulation •Helps maintaining memory while ageing progression and to preserve cognitive functioning •Contributes to mental activity and enhancement of cognitive performance •Supports mental functioning and performance and proper use of energy in the body One tablet contains: Ginkgo biloba extract DMAE Magnesium 60,00 mg 20,00 mg 150,00 mg 67 Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo Biloba Blood supply for your organism Ginkgo-Ginseng-Q10 Ginkgo Biloba Plus Contributing to mental and physical strain Ginkgo-Ginseng-Q10 contains an original combination of healing herbs and coenzyme Q10 and it is intended for people who want to live a full, active life without regard to their advancing age. It significantly influences mental performance, vitality and overall physical durability. Coenzyme Q10 with oil extracted from Blackcurrant seeds supports the regular function of the cardiovascular system. The Panax ginseng extract releases stress hormones and thus works against stress and exhaustion. Gingko biloba stimulates mental function and influences memory and other cerebral functions. For good blood circulation in limbs and good memory Effects: •Helps to maintain optimal vitality and mental freshness even at an advanced age •Supports optimal mental activity, reinforces the cerebral activity •Contributes to maintaining good memory even at an advanced age •Supports the proper function of the cardiovascular system One tablet contains: Ginkgo biloba 20,00 mg Panax ginseng 40,00 mg Blackcurrant seed oil 30,00 mg Coenzyme Q10 30,00 mg Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest trees growing on our planet. The leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree contain effective substances, in particular bioflavonoids, organic acids and other substances which have a positive influence on the blood circulation. Effects: •Improves blood circulation and contributes to the improvement of blood flow, particularly in the brain and legs •Positively affects in case of problems with memory, dizziness, and the ringing in ears (tinnitus), in particular for older people •Has antioxidant effects – protects vascular walls against the sedimentation of cholesterol One tablet contains: 68 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Ginkgo biloba 40,00 mg Hawthorn 10,00 mg Vitamin E 4,13 mg C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Blood supply for your organism Ginkgo Biloba + Evening Primrose For overall vitality of organism Ginkgo biloba in combination with Evening primrose positively influences the memory, ability to concentrate and the overall vitality of the human body. Effects: •Positively influences the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases •Decreases symptoms of premenstrual syndrome •Recommended in case of skin problems (eczema, constitutional dermatitis, etc.) •Increases performance, concentration ability and overall vitality One capsule contains: Ginkgo biloba 400,00 mg Evening primrose 250,00 mg 69 Natural Products Garlic Cleans blood vessels and bowels and suppresses infection Garlic has been considered one of the most effective healing means. It increases the resistance of the human body, in particular the respiration system because garlic works as an effective natural antibiotic and efficiently suppresses inflammation and infection. Effects: •Positively influences resistance of human body, in particular the upper respiration system •Positively influences the level of cholesterol in blood •Suppresses inflammation and infection by its antibacterial effect •Recommended for high blood pressure and for stimulating the function of the digestive glands Beneficial for your organism Iodine For proper function of thyroid gland Kelp is the richest natural source of iodine, a necessary element for the correct function of the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism. Insufficiency of iodine leads to the slowing down of mental functions, growth of body mass and depletion of the human body of energy. Effects: •Necessary for the correct function of the thyroid gland •Helps to burn excessive fat •Participates in the regulation of metabolism One tablet contains: Kelp (Seaweed) 30,00 mg One capsule contains: Garlic extract in soya oil (equiv. 1000 mg of fresh garlic) 2,00 mg Natural Products Beneficial for your organism 70 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 71 Natural Products Omega 3 Fish Oil For healthy heart and blood vessels This preparation contains oil from fish living in cold arctic water which contains a high volume of omega-3 non-saturated fatty acids which fulfil a unique function in decreasing the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Consumption of this fish is a reason for the low occurrence of heart attacks and vascular sclerosis in northern nations. Effects: •Regulates the level of blood cholesterol •Has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels •Maintains psychological health and has a positive influence on brain functions Guarana Awakens your energy Current clinical tests have proved that guarana decreases tiredness, depression and also overweight. It significantly supports concentration, endurance and vitality and helps to remove fatigue from the human body. Effects: •Removes feelings of fatigue and tiredness •Recommended for any period with increased physical or mental activity and where maximum concentration is necessary •Gives energy and buoyancy One tablet contains: Guarana 800,00 mg One capsule contains: Fish oil 90,00 mg Dokozahexaenic acid 60,00 mg Vitamin E 72 500,00 mg Eicozapenthaenic acid Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Lecithin For strengthening the memory and reduction of cholesterol Lecithin is a substance which helps during the transport and conversion of fats in the human body and during the dissolving of fat and cholesterol sediments. It is necessary for keeping cholesterol in a soluble form and helps to prevent the creation of gallstones. It keeps the nervous system healthy and is present in the protective covers of nerve fibres. Effects: •Helps to ensure the correct level of cholesterol and fat in the human body •Protects the liver against increased production of fats •Positively influences the memory and other brain functions •Necessary for the activity of brain cells Lecithin Forte Stronger dose for optimal function of memory and proper cholesterol level Lecithin Forte is a rich source of natural lecithin obtained from soya. Lecithin is an indispensable part of each cell of human body and participates in various important physiological processes. It is important for all physical, mental and cognitive functions of organism, particularly for memory. It also helps to keep a normal cholesterol level. Effects: •Has a positive effect on activity of nerve cells and brain (memory) •Helps to keep a proper blood cholesterol level •Has a favourable effect on health of the heart and vessels One capsule contains: One capsule contains: Lecithin Beneficial for your organism 1200,00 mg Lecithin 1325,00 mg 1,70 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 73 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Evening Primrose Evening Primrose + Vitamin E For inflammations, skin problems and eczema Evening primrose oil is achieved by the cold pressing of seeds and is a rich source of essential non-saturated fatty acids. Some factors which are proven to decrease the level of essential acids are ageing, improper eating habits, alcohol and increased blood sugar level. Effects: •Keeps the correct level of blood pressure and cholesterol, protects the heart and blood vessels •Eases skin problems and eczema •Contributes to the keeping of the correct function of the joints One capsule contains: Evening primrose Vitamin E 74 500,00 mg 0,67 mg For healthy skin and easing problems with menstruation Evening primrose in a unique combination with natural vitamin E is strongly recommended for skin problems and eczema. It keeps the correct level of cholesterol in the blood, has favourable effects on the heart and blood vessels and significantly helps to ease unpleasant symptoms of problematic menstruation. Effects: •Keeps the correct level of cholesterol in the blood and positively influences blood pressure •Eases unpleasant problems before and during menstruation •Keeps the human body in an overall good condition Natural Products Pumpkin Spirulina For problems with the prostate Strengthens immunity, improves digestion and helps Pumpkin seed oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterol, and vitamin E and particu- to lose weight larly zinc which is an important trace element necessary for the human body, in particular it is strongly recommended for keeping the healthy condition of the prostate. Effects: •Supports the correct function of the prostate •Recommended for problems with the prostate, stabilizes urinary defects in men •Helps to remove skin problems One capsules contains: Pumpkin seed oil 275,00 mg 500,00 mg Vitamin E (70 I.U.) 47,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Spirulina is the richest natural source of the green colouring agent chlorophyll and easydigestible complete proteins. It contains important iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A and a group of B vitamins which strengthen the immunity system. It significantly decreases appetite and efficiently helps to decrease weight. Effects: •Helps to keep correct weight by suppression of appetite •Source of necessary vitamins for strengthening of immunity •Keeps correct sugar level One tablet contains: One capsule contains: Evening primrose Beneficial for your organism Spirulina C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 500,00 mg 75 Natural Products Fiber Shark Cartilage Fiber is a natural and often omitted element in our meals which is necessary for the correct course of digestion. The preparation contains a complete profile of plant fiber – cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin which are obtained exclusively from natural sources (bran, Indian bean, guar and xanthan rubber). Overall it protects against diseases related to a poor life style. Shark cartilage is a natural source of proteins, it contains the necessary minerals – it is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus. It helps to keep cartilages of human joints in good condition and suppresses inflammatory reactions of the human body. For healthy defecation Effects: •Provides a full feeling •Supports intestinal peristalsis and makes defecation easy •Protects against harmful influences of modern life Fiber Efficiently strengthens your immunity and joints Effects: •Keeps the correct function of joint cartilages •Recommended for overall strengthening of the human body, in particular during heavy physical and mental loads •Recommended for menopausal women to reduce the risk of losing bone substance One capsules contains: One tablet contains: 750,00 mg Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Shark cartilage 740,00 mg Omega 3-6-9 Super Omega 3 Omega 3-6-9 contains the most important unsaturated fatty acids obtained from purely natural sources – fish, linseed and borage oil. These acids create an integral part of healthy diet and perform irreplaceable role in care for health. According to scientific research there is a broad range of health promoting effects, particularly concerning proper function of heart and vascular system and mental health support. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (mostly EPA and DHA) play a key role in a wide range of biological processes. They have a unique influence on the development and the proper functioning of the brain and perform a role in the maintenance of good level of fat in the blood. For healthy heart and vessels and protection against civilization diseases Effects: •Helps to keep proper level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood and influences blood pressure •Effectively supports health of heart and vessels •Favourably influences brain activity, especially memory and nerve cells activity •Helps to protect against civilization diseases One capsules contains: 76 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Beneficial for your organism Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) 166,70 mg Flaxseed oil 166,70 mg Borage oil (GLA) 166,70 mg C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K With high content of EPA and DHA for healthy heart and vessels Effects: •Helps maintain good cholesterol level in the blood •Has a beneficial effect on heart and blood vessels •Positively affect brain function One capsules contains: Fish oil (omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids) 1000,00 mg EPA (30 %) 300,00 mg DHA (20 %) 200,00 mg 77 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism American Cranberries Evening Primrose Forte American Cranberries contain cranberry extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon) which has a beneficial effect on health of the urinary tract system. They contain substances helping to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from urinary tract. They have antioxidant properties thanks to bioflavonoides and polyphenols. Evening Primrose is a rich source of the omega polyunsaturated fatty acids needed for important physiological processes. It positively affects the overall health of skin, helps to maintain proper appearance of skin, and helps to maintain elasticity, tenderness and health of skin. It helps to maintain optimum comfort during menstruation and helps to avoid tension. Beneficial for urinary tract health Effects: •Have beneficial effect on urinary tract health •Help to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from urinary tract •Help to increase growth of beneficial microflora and thus support the immune system One tablet contains: Cranberry extract 500,00 mg For comfort during menstruation Effects: •Helps to maintain proper appearance of skin •Helps to maintain optimum comfort during menstruation •Helps to maintain the proper level of the blood pressure One capsule contains: Evening primrose oil 1000,00 mg Natural Products Lactobacillus Forte Beta Glucan Lactobacillus Forte represents new modern probiotic preparation containing eight kinds of bacteria. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are essential component of intestinal microflora ensuring proper digestion and immunity support. It is recommendable in case of digestion discomfort, during and after antibiotic treatments and for the support of the immune system. Beta glucan is very effective immunostimulator of natural origin. Effective substance in the Beta glucan product helps to strengthen the natural defence of human organism. Unique source of beta glucan comes from yeast genus called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Beta glucan maintains stamina of organism and helps to maintain healthy blood lipid and cholesterol levels. For the proper digestion Effects: •Contributes to proper digestion and normalize intestinal transit •Suitable for journeys and during and after using antibiotics •Has positive effect on the immune system of the human body One capsule contains: Probiotic blend 1,2 bil. units Lactobacillus acidophilus 3,0 bil. units Lactobacillus rhamnosus 0,5 bil. units Bifidobacterium infantis 0,5 bil. units Fructooligosaccharides 78 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Beneficial for your organism For support of immune system Effects: •Helps to strengthen immunity of the human body •Helps to maintain healthy blood lipid and cholesterol levels One tablet contains: Beta glucan 100,00 mg 100,00 mg C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 79 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Lecithin + Resveratrol Mega Omega 3-6-9 Omega 3 Fish Oil Forte Sea Buckthorn Forte Lecithin promotes the correct function of the nervous system, concentration and supports memory. It also helps strengthening immune system and provides normal function of cardiovascular system. Resveratrol contributes to cell protection from the damage caused by free radicals and contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system. Mega Omega 3-6-9 contains important nonsaturated fatty acids obtained from natural resources – fish, flax and borago oils. Omega 3 helps maintaining healthy levels of good cholesterol and helps keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy. Omega 6 is essential for growth and development. Omega 9 contributes to the maintenance of the health of epidermic and connective tissue. Omega 3 Fish Oil Forte contains highly purified oil that comes from fish living in cold arctic seas and holds quantities of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids – EPA and DHA – that help to maintain healthy levels of good cholesterol and keep the heart and blood vessels healthy. DHA is essential for normal brain function, contributes to the vitality of mind and supports visual functions. Sea Buckthorn supports immune system, helps to maintain healthy skin and improves the body’s resistance to physical stress. As a natural source of vitamin C, Sea Buckthorn contributes to the natural body’s resistance and has antioxidant properties. It improves intestinal tract activity, promotes metabolism and moreover has positive effect on heart health. Effects: •Helps to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol • Helps keeping heart and blood vessels healthy •Contributes to a normal immune system function Effects: •Supports the immune system and contributes to the natural body defence •Helps to protect cells from oxidative damage •Helps to promote metabolism and digestion •Helps to maintain healthy skin For memory and concentration support Effects: •Supports memory and concentration •Helps maintaining a normal cholesterol level in organism •Helps keeping a normal function of cardiovascular and nervous systems One tablet contains: Lecithin Grape-vine extract Wine yeast 80 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism 522,80 mg 10,00 mg 200,00 mg For healthy heart and blood vessels Effects: •Helps maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol •Helps keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy •Supports mental health and brain and cognitive functions •Helps maintaining healthy skin One capsule contains: Omega 3 400,00 mg Flaxseed oil 400,00 mg Borage oil 400,00 mg Vitamin E 4,70 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY For healthy heart and blood vessels One capsule contains: Fish oil (Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids) 1000,00 mg EPA 18 % 180,00 mg DHA 12 % 120,00 mg C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Supporting the immunity system and digestion One tablet contains: Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) 100,00 mg 81 Natural Products Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Digella For healthy digestion and body cleaning Digella contains a specific natural source of fibre – Apple pectin, Psyllium, Chlorella, Spirulina. It helps to maintain normal bowel function and ensures a healthy digestive system. Moreover, it helps to manage appetite and helps with weight control. Digella takes part in the regulation of the fat absorption. All the substances also contribute to the maintenance of the health of heart and blood circulation system. It helps regulating sugar and cholesterol levels and thus supports the digestive system. Galactooligosaccharides stimulate the growth of Bifidobacteria in the colon, beneficially affect the intestinal flora and help to support a healthy immune system. One tablet contains: Apple pectin 285,70 mg Dextrooligosaccharides 337,80 mg OatWell oat glucans 142,90 mg Galactooligosaccharides 47,60 mg Chlorella 10,00 mg Spirulina 10,00 mg Vitamin B3 Psyllium 82 Echinacea Plus Korean Ginseng For centuries, Echinacea has been one of the most important curative herbs. It is used for treating common colds and to support the immune system of organism. Moreover, the preparation contains Ginseng extract, which helps to increase resistance to stress and other negative lifestyle influences and, on the whole, reinforce both physical and mental condition. Korean ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to prolong age and improve the quality of life. It helps the body to fight against an entire range of illnesses. It stimulates the formation of T-cells, which are a part of the immune system that destroy harmful viruses and bacteria. It helps combat tiredness, stress and aids in recovery from long illnesses. It helps the organism mobilize energy to cope with physically and mentally demanding situations and reinforces life energy and vitality. For reinforcing immunity and quicker recovery Effects: •Helps reducing fat absorption and promoting satiety •Helps maintaining normal colonic function •Contributes to maintain the proper cholesterol levels •Stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria and thus beneficially affects the intestinal microflora 0,80 mg 40,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Beneficial for your organism Effects: •Beneficial effect against viral infections and catarrhal illnesses •Helps to reinforce the immune system of organism •Stimulates the organism and strengthens vitality thanks to content of Siberian ginseng One capsule contains: Echinacea purpurea Siberian ginseng 132,00 mg 25,00 mg C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Fights fatigue and stress Effects: •Helps to decrease fatigue and stress •Increases vitality and strengthens immunity •Beneficially influences potency and fertility •Has a positive influence on nervous exhaustion One capsule contains: Korean ginseng Vitamin E 1000,00 mg 10,00 mg 83 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Yucca Oyster Mushroom Yucca contains a group of substances which are generally indicated as „saponins”. These substances decrease surface tension of all sediments and harmful elements, dissolve them and in this way help to remove them from the human body. Moreover, due to the ability of regulating blood clots, they decrease the risk of thrombosis, i.e. heart attack and stroke. Oyster mushroom is a parasitic plant living on tree trunks, from which it draws quite a number of substances beneficial to our health. Optimal harmony of the substances has a beneficial influence on immunity of an organism. Thanks to anti-oxidative effects of some contained substances it helps to protect cells from action of free radicals. Oyster mushroom has also a favourable effect on keeping a proper level of cholesterol in the blood. For detoxification of the human body Effects: •Supports intermediary metabolism, helps to remove toxic substances •Effective against skin problems, helps during healing of wounds, in particular inflammatory •Slows down the development of arteriolosclerosis One capsule contains: Yucca elata 500,00 mg For strenghtening the immune system Effects: •Affects strengthening of immunity of an organism •Has anti-oxidative effects and helps to protect cells from consequences of free radicals •Helps to keep a proper cholesterol level in the blood One tablet contains: Pleurotus ostreatus 84 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Oyster Mushroom Plus For strengthening the immunity and improving intestinal health Oyster mushroom is used as a mean for strengthening the body and gaining stamina. It contains a number of natural substances, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other biologically active and healthy substances such as beta glucans, which are mentioned particularly in connection with support of the immune system. Antioxidant effect of oyster mushroom helps to protect body against free radicals. Echinacea contributes to the proper function of the body’s immune system and contributes to the maintenance of the lower urinary tract health. Echinacea is useful to protect from free radicals which cause cells and tissues damage. Sea Buckthorn supports the immune system, helps to maintain healthy skin, improves intestinal tract activity and promotes metabolism. Effects: •Helps strengthening immunity of organism •Has antioxidative effects and helps to protect cells from consequences of free radicals •Contributes to the maintenance of the lower urinary tract health •Helps to promote metabolism One tablet contains: Oyster mushroom 300,00 mg Echinacea extract 100,00 mg Sea Buckthorn 100,00 mg 500,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 85 Natural Products Beneficial for your organism Oyster Mushroom Forte 86 Beneficial for your organism Psyllium Husks For strengthening the immunity and improving fertility and reproduction Oyster mushroom is used as a mean for strengthening the body and gaining stamina. It contains a number of natural substances, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other biologically active and healthy substances such as beta glucans, which are mentioned particularly in connection with support of the immune system. Antioxidant effect of oyster mushroom helps to protect body against free radicals that contribute to cell ageing. Concentrated extract gently obtained from fresh oysters is supplemented with organic selenium and zinc to support the proper function of the immune system. The presence of these elements creates more positive effects such as support of the maintenance of vision, proper thyroid function, fertility of women and spermatogenesis in men. Natural Products For easier defecation and cleansing of digestive tract Effects: •Helps strengthening the immunity system of organism •Has antioxidative effects and helps to protect cells from consequences of free radicals •Supports normal fertility and reproduction One tablet contains: Oyster mushroom 4800,00 mg Selenium 100,00 μg Zinc 15,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Psyllium Husks stimulates intestinal passage and so it induces a natural process of defecation. It increases guts mobility, accelerates food passage, and makes it easier. Repeated use helps to maintain the proper activity of the digestive tract. Psyllium Husks is a plant known especially for its high content of fibre. Soluble fibre in the digestive tract absorbs water and therefore it increases its volume several times and thus helps to speed up the defecation. C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K Effects: •Encourages intestinal peristalsis and makes defecation easier •Helps cleansing the digestive tract and regulate stool •Helps to control the level of blood sugar and cholesterol One tablet contains: Psyllium Husks (Plantago ovata) 850,00 mg 87 Vitamins Acerola Natural source of vitamin C Each Acerola tablet contains 500 mg dry plant Malpighia punicifolia which is the greatest natural source of vitamin C. Use Acerola especially in the period of increased physical and psychological load, after injuries, operations and during recovery. Increased use of this important vitamin is also recommended for pregnant and nursing women, older people, inhabitants of large cities and smokers, particularly in winter and early spring. Effects: •Protects the human body against common cold and decreases unpleasant symptoms •Strengthens immunity of the human body •Recommended for relief of bleeding gums One tablet contains: Essential for your organism Antioxidant For protection against civilization diseases Antioxidants are able to protect cells against damage by free radicals. Vitamins A, C and E help in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, protect the human body against the origination of myelosis and reduce the risk of the production of blood clots. Effects: •Protects and slows down the ageing of cells •Regulates the level of cholesterol in blood •Helps to prevent heart problems and keeps the vascular system healthy One tablet contains: Vitamin A 750,00 μg Vitamin C 50,00 mg Acerola 500,00 mg Vitamin E 16,80 mg Vitamin C 500,00 mg Selenium 25,00 μg Vitamins Essential for your organism 88 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 89 Vitamins Essential for your organism Beta Carotene B-complex + Vitamin C Vitamin C Mega C Vitamin Beta carotene is an important provitamin which is converted in the human body to vitamin A. It is neces-sary for keeping good eyesight and as an antioxidant it contributes to the protection of the human body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Moreover, beta carotene is a recommended supplement before and during the summer season when it helps to en-hance the appearance of the human body and enables healthy sunbathing. B-complex is a combination of vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid and vitamin C. Combining vitamins B with vitamin C increases their effects, particularly in relation to the correct functioning of the nervous system and psychological condition. Vitamin C helps to prevent common colds and various types of infections and significantly strengthens the immunity system. Vitamin C represents 80 % of the human requirement for vitamins, plays an important role in the metabolic process and is necessary for the maintaining of good health. Each tablet contains 600 mg of vitamin C with a delicious fruit flavour. The demand for vitamin C increases especially in periods with occurrences of flu and increased psychological loads, after injuries, surgeries and recovery. Higher use of this vitamin is recommended also for pregnant and nursing women and older people. Protection of skin during sunbathing Effects: •Positively influences the protective processes of the skin against ultraviolet (solar) radiation and other harmful elements •Improves resistance of the skin against burning and helps tanning of the skin during sunbathing •Recommended for keeping good eyesight and has positive influences in cases of eye problems One tablet contains: Beta carotene 90 Vitamins Essential for your organism 6,00 mg For mental strain and healthy skin Effects: •Beneficial effect on the skin and positive influence on the defence system of the human body •Recommended in the case of excessive strain and stress •Positive influence on the process of growth and development, in particular for children and young people For maintaining good health condition Effects: •Recommended for common colds •Improves the ability of the defence system for the overall condition of the human body •As a strong antioxidant it protects the human body against the harmful effects of free radicals One tablet contains: One tablet contains: Vitamin C Vitamin B1 1,80 mg Vitamin B2 2,00 mg Vitamin B3 7,00 mg Vitamin B5 4,60 mg Vitamin B6 2,20 mg Vitamin C 30,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY 100,00 mg Effective protection against flu and common colds Effects: •Protects the human body against common colds and flu and decreases their unpleasant symptoms •Has a positive influence on the immune system of the human body •Has positive influence on the level of blood cholesterol One tablet contains: Vitamin C C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 600,00 mg 91 Vitamins Vitamins Essential for your organism Mega C Vitamin Active Vitamin C with prolonged effect and enriched with Rose hips Mega C Vitamin Active is a specially modified form of vitamin C that is gradually released during the day into the human body and keeps an optimal balanced level of vitamin C in the blood and tissue. Moreover, Mega C Vitamin Active is enriched by rose hips which are a rich natural source of vitamin C. Effects: •Helps against common colds and flu and decreases their unpleasant symptoms •Strengthens the immunity of the human body •Helps it helps in the action against dege nerative changes Essential for your organism Vitamin D3 Vitamin A Vitamin E Flavoured chewable form of vitamin D3 is especially intended for proper development of bones and for people who are not exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D3 promotes a better absorption and utilization of calcium in the body; it is important for proper structure and strength of bones and teeth mineralization, especially in times of growth. It is important for the immune system and normal cell division. Vitamin A helps in the case of night blindness and weak eye sight, strengthens bones, and ensures healthy skin, hair and teeth. Vitamin E is fat soluble and works as an antioxidant. It protects the human body against harmful influences of the environment, participates in the protection of blood vessels against vascular sclerosis and significantly supports the correct function of the heart and the whole blood circulation. For healthy bones and teeth Effects: •Supports proper function of the immune system •Supports utilization of calcium and phosphorus •Helps maintaining proper bone tissue and teeth For healthy eyes For a young heart forever Effects: •Has positive influences on the eyes health and helps to decrease tiredness of the eyes •Recommended for people working on PC and people with eye stress •Protects the human body against negative influences of the outside environment One capsule contains: Vitamin A 1,80 mg One capsule contains: One tablet contains: Vitamin D3 Effects: •Supports correct function of the heart and blood circulation •Positively influences fertility and potency •Protects cells and helps to slow down their ageing Vitamin E 67,00 mg 10,00 μg One tablet contains: 92 Vitamin C 600,00 mg Rose hips 30,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 93 Minerals & Trace Elements Magnesium Strengthens mental condition and nervous system Magnesium is necessary for the regular activity of the heart and circulation system, for the correct activity of nerves and muscles; it increases the resistance of the human body and strengthens immunity. Magnesium preventively decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, in particular the risk of heart attack. Insufficiency of magnesium leads to increased nervous irritation. It is necessary for the correct functioning of muscles, heart and the circulation system. Effects: •Recommended during depressive feelings and moods •Positively influences the nervous and muscle system •Has a protective influence on blood vessels and the heart One tablet contains: Magnesium 200,00 mg Essential for your organism Chromium Forte Supports your metabolism The requirement for chromium for an adult is 100 - 200 μg, whereas the actual intake is usually only 25 - 100 μg. Deficiency of chromium is reflected by defects in the regulation of the level of blood sugar, an increased inclination to obesity and an increased level of cholesterol. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the daily intake by means of food supplements to 200 μg of chromium. Chromium together with niacin and several amino acids represent the GTF factor which is necessary for the correct function of insulin and its balanced level in the blood. Insulin, as an important hormone of our metabolism, regulates not only the level of sugar, but also fats and proteins in the human body. Effects: •Helps to reduce body weight •Decreases appetite for sweet foods •Regulates and stabilizes the level of blood sugar One tablet contains: Chromium 200,00 µg Minerals & Trace Elements Essential for your organism 94 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 95 Minerals & Trace Elements Calcium - Magnesium Zinc Combination of three important minerals A combination of these three elements is very important because calcium without a combined application of magnesium and zinc cannot be efficiently built into the bones. Similarly, during the influence of zinc on skin and hair, its effects relates to the presence of calcium or magnesium. Effects: •Recommended for people with increased risk of osteoporosis, in particular for older people who are bedridden and for women in menopause or after gynaecological surgeries •Keeps the nervous system in good condition, eases insomnia •Has a protective influence on blood vessels and the heart One tablet contains: Calcium 333,30 mg Magnesium 133,30 mg Zinc 8,30 mg Essential for your organism Calcium - Magnesium Zinc Forte For solid bones, hair, nails and healthy heart and vessels Calcium is a fundamental building element for structure of bones and teeth. Magnesium is indispensable for proper function of nerves and muscles, including heart muscle. Zinc has a favourable effect on the skin quality, hair and nails. Vitamin D3 is important for absorption of calcium, helps in bones mineralization and helps to strengthen bone mass. Effects: •Helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth •Suitable for people with the higher risk of osteoporosis, especially for elderly people and people being confined to bed for a long time, women at menopause or after gynaecological operations •Supports proper heart function and helps to maintain healthy vascular and nervous systems One tablet contains: Calcium 400,00 mg Magnesium 155,00 mg Zinc Vitamin D3 96 Minerals & Trace Elements Essential for your organism Calcium with Fish Oil Zinc Calcium is a basic mineral and has great importance for the correct composition of bones and teeth. For the absorption of calcium in the bowels and penetration into the blood circulation, vitamin D is important. Cod liver oil also contains an active form of vitamin A – retinol. Insufficiency of zinc is reflected by hair loss, breaking of finger nails, skin problems, tiredness, worsening of eyesight, poor healing of wounds and fractures of bones. For men, an insufficiency of zinc can influence the function of the prostate and contribute to hypertrophy. Effects: •Contributes to keeping bones and teeth healthy •Recommended for fast growing infant organism, during pregnancy and breast-feeding, in recovery and in the case of increased physical exertion •Regulates the conversion of calcium in the human body Effects: •Positively influences skin problems (eczema, increased seborrhoea) •Increases the good condition of finger nails and their beautiful appearance •Has a positive effect on the prostate With vitamin D for efficient absorption Necessary for healthy skin and nice finger nails One tablet contains: Zinc 15,00 mg One capsule contains: Calcium 300,00 mg Vitamin D3 4,50 µg Cod liver oil 400,00 mg 8,50 mg 2,00 μg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 97 Minerals & Trace Elements Essential for your organism Selenium Selezin ACE Insufficiency of selenium significantly weakens the antioxidant abilities of the human body which results in an increased inclination to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and the origination and development of tumour cells, fast ageing and other degenerative changes. Selezin ACE represents a unique and balanced combination of minerals – selenium and zinc - enriched by vitamins A, C, E and B6. All contained vitamins and minerals have antioxidant effects which protect the human body against the negative influence of free radicals. Effects: •As an important antioxidant it contributes to the protection of cells against the harmful affects of free radicals •Helps to maintain a healthy vascular system •Helps to prevent the origination of civilization diseases Effects: •Has strong antioxidant effects and helps to protect cells against harmful influences of free radicals •Affects the slowing down of the ageing of cells •Helps to strengthen the immunity system •Helps to prevent the origination of civilization diseases Protects your heart and blood vessels One tablet contains: Selenium 100,00 µg Protection of cells against free radicals One tablet contains: Selenium Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin B6 98 100,00 µg 15,00 mg 1000,00 µg 2,20 mg Vitamin C 90,00 mg Vitamin E 15,00 mg T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 99 Santoin Taking care of healthy teeth Santoin Excellent Santoin Toothpaste Santoin Excellent is toothpaste which helps to reduce the risk of origin of periodontitis and improves the course of acute cases. The Prunella vulgaris healing herb is a source of phenylcarbon acid which has a significant antioxidant and antimicrobial effect. Another healing herb, Macleya cordata, contains the alkaloids sanguinarine and chelerythrine which have antiinflammatory as well as antimicrobial effect. Santoin helps to decrease the risk of origin of periodontitis and significantly improves the course of already acute cases. Effective components of the Chinese healing herb Macleya cordata have antimicrobial effects and restrain the formation of dental plaque, significantly help to decrease the bleeding and inflammation of the gums. Effects: •Positively affects against periodontitis •Helps to protect against dental caries •Helps to decrease the bleeding of gums Effective substances: Extract from Macleya cordata, Allantoin, sodium fluoride Toothpaste with increased anti-inflammatory effect against periodontitis Toothpaste with anti-inflammatory effect during periodontitis Effective substances: Extract from Prunella vulgaris, Macleya cordata, Allantoin, sodium fluoride Santoin Taking care of healthy teeth 100 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 101 Santoin Taking care of healthy teeth Santoin Mouthwash Toothpaste with anti-inflammatory effect during periodontitis Santoin Mouthwash is recommended for the everyday oral hygiene. It is produced from the healing herb, Macleya cordata. Its effective components positively influence the gums condition, help to decrease the baring of tooth necks and contribute to the protection against the formation of dental plaque. Santoin Mouthwash helps to reduce the risk of origin of periodontitis and positively influences against the undesired symptoms of this disease. Effective substances: Extract from Macleya cordata, Allantoin. 102 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 103 Reghaar Healthy and beautiful hair Reghaar Hair Activator Hair lotion against hair loss and dandruff Due to its unique composition, Reghaar Hair Activator restrains hair loss, supports its growth and decreases the formation of dandruff. High efficiency is ensured by the content of vitamin E, B5, biotin, extracts from common nettles, burdock and octopirox. All contained substances significantly help to reduce hair loss and the formation of dandruff, prevent oily hair, nourish the scalp and give hair a healthy appearance and natural brilliance. Reghaar Hair Activator, as a liquid tincture, is recommended for people who prefer direct application into the scalp. Effects: •Helps to nourish the scalp •Restrains hair loss •Supports healthy growth and decreases the formation of dandruff Effective substances: Extract from common nettle, extract from burdock, panthenol, octopirox, vitamin E, biotin, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) Reghaar Healthy and beautiful hair 104 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 105 Reghaar Healthy and beautiful hair Reghaar Hair Shampoo Reghaar Healthy and beautiful hair Reghaar Hair Booster Hair shampoo against dandruff Essential nourishment for your hair Reghaar Hair Shampoo against dandruff is prepared according to a special formula containing herbal extracts of the common nettle and burdock which help to decrease hair loss, restrain oily hair, nourish the scalp skin and give hair a healthy appearance and natural brilliance. The extraordinary efficiency of Reghaar Hair Shampoo against dandruff is guaranteed by the presence of octopirox, a substance which clears off dandruff and has effect against its formation. Reghaar Hair Booster vitamin tablets represent a specially developed combination of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other substances necessary for the growth and nourishment of hair. A suitable supply of these substances helps to positively influence the blood flow in the scalp and to activate the metabolic processes at the level of hair follicles (hair bulbs) which is decisive in keeping hair in a perfect and healthy condition. Moreover, the content of choline and inositol helps striking against dandruff. Effects: •Helps to clear off dandruff, has effect against its formation •Helps to decrease hair loss and restricts oily hair •Nourishes the scalp •Gives hair a healthy appearance and natural brilliance Effects: •Helps the proper blood circulation in the scalp and supplies with suitable nutrition hair bulbs •Restrains hair loss and hair fragility •Helps to decrease the formation of dandruff One tablet contains: Vitamin B3 (niacin) 35,00 mg Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 40,00 mg Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) Folic acid Para-aminobenzoic acid Cholin bitartrate Inositol 6,00 μg 400,00 μg 33,00mg 125,00 mg 50,00 mg Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5,00 mg Iodine (Fucus vesiculosus) 30,00 μg Manganese 2,00mg Copper 2,00 mg Calcium 3,30 mg Zinc 15,00 mg Iron 18,00 mg Effective substances: Octopirox, extracts from common nettle and burdock 106 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 107 Medications Septofort For disinfection of the mouth and upper respiratory tract Infection in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract mostly leads to inflammatory diseases, pain and a burning sensation in the throat, problems during swallowing, hoarseness and common colds. Septofort has been the bestselling product for a long time for prevention and local treatment of infection of the oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract. Septofort is generally available preparation for sore throat which has an effect on the cause of the problems. It disinfects the oral cavity and the throat and affects against sore throat caused by a wide spectrum of bacteria and viruses. It prevents their further growth and reproduction. The excellent mint flavour is also very much appreciated. Effects: •Effects as a prevention and local inflammation treatment of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract •Decreases pain and scratching in the throat, suppresses painful swallowing •Positively effects against inflammation of gums and aphtae One pastille contains: Chlorhexidini digluconas 2,00 mg Medications 108 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 109 Medications Medications Stopex For treatment of hacky and irritable cough Cough is one of the most common illnesses. It is in fact a defence of the respiratory tract that strives to remain clear. Hacky and irritable cough mainly accompanies the illnesses of upper respiratory tract. It could occur in every part of the respiratory tract in the beginning of inflammation or as a cause of any other irritation. Such cough is very exhausting and it results very often to throat pain, raucousness, painful speaking, etc. It is recommended to treat hacky and irritable cough with cough suppressants (antitussives) that inhibit the cough and thus provide necessary relief. Effects: •Treats hacky and irritable cough •Provides very quick effect within 30 minutes after use •Has minimum sedative effect One tablet Stopex 15 mg contains: Dextromethorphani hydrobromidum monohydricum 15,00 mg One tablet Stopex 30 mg contains: Dextromethorphani hydrobromidum monohydricum 30,00 mg Calcium 500mg Pharmavit Magnesium 250mg Pharmavit Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for many important physiological processes in the human body. The majority of calcium is located in bones and teeth where secures their solidity. In case of calcium insufficiency in the body it is taken from stored resources (i.e. bones) and thus bones become thin resulting to osteoporosis. Magnesium is very important for many physiological functions in the human body. The insufficiency of magnesium is very common due to stress, illnesses, drugs use and intensive physical activity. The signs of magnesium insufficiency include cramps, fatigue, irregular palpitation, irritation, nervousness, etc. Effects: •Helps to cover the increased demand for calcium in the period of growth, pregnancy and lactation •Supports the treatment of osteoporosis and osteomalacia •Helps as a supporting treatment of spasmophilia and tetany •Supports fractures healing Effects: •Helps to replenish the daily dosage of magnesium in the period of increased strain and demand •Supports the treatment of health conditions resulting from magnesium insufficiency Effervescent tablet with calcium One effervescent tablet contains: Calcium Vitamin B2 110 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Effervescent tablet with magnesium One effervescent tablet contains: Magnesium 250,00 mg Vitamin C 150,00 mg 500,00 mg 0,20 mg C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 111 Index Alphabetical list of products Acerola common colds, flu, immunity.............89 Acneon acne, skin redness.................................51 American Cranberries urinary tract health...............................78 Antioxidant protection against free radicals.........89 ArthroStop® Cream problems with joints, arthritis..............9 ArthroStop® Glucosamine problems with joints, arthritis............10 ArthroStop® Hyal problems with joints, arthritis..............9 ArthroStop® Lady problems with joints, osteoporosis....6 ArthroStop® PLUS problems with joints, athritis...............8 ArthroStop® RAPID problems with joints, arthritis..............7 ArthroStop RAPID+ problems with joints, arthritis..............5 ® Benosen® Healthy and restful sleep....................27 Betabronz protection and regeneration of skin, healthy sunbathing..............................49 Beta Carotene protection against UV radiation, slowing down of ageing, weak eyesight....................................................90 Beta Glucan immunity.................................................79 B-complex + Vitamin C mental health, immunity of organism.............................................90 Calcium 500mg Pharmavit bones, osteoporosis........................... 111 GinkoPrim® Smart memory, concentration, mental activity........................................67 Martians Syrup strengthening of organism, immunity.................................................21 Coenzyme Q10 + Carnitine protection of heart, increase in physical activity...................................62 GinkoStim tiredness, exhaustion, headaches....28 Martians with Imunactiv® strengthening of organism, immunity.................................................20 Denoxinal® detoxification of organism..................30 Dialevel® reduction of blood sugar levels, protection of the nervous system....34 Digella digestion, body cleaning......................82 Dinos strengthening of organism, common cold..........................................25 EchinaBears strengthening of organism, immunity.................................................25 Echinacea Plus immunity, vitality, viral infections .....83 Evening Primrose cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, pre-menstruation syndrome............74 Evening Primrose Forte cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, pre-menstruation syndrome............78 Evening Primrose + Vitamin E cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, pre-menstruation syndromeí...........74 Fiber digestion, defecation.............................76 Garlic cholesterol, memory, strengthening of organism.............................................71 Ginkgo-Ginseng-Q10 energy, vitality, memory, blood circulation system.................................68 Calcium - Magnesium - Zinc osteoporosis, nervous system..........96 Ginkgo Biloba Plus brain activity, memory, defects in the cardiovascular system..................69 Calcium – Magnesium – Zinc Forte bones, osteoporosis, nervous system.....................................96 Ginkgo Biloba + Evening Primrose cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, pre-menstruation syndrome ...........69 Calcium with Fish Oil bones, teeth............................................97 GinkoPrim® brain activity, defects in cardiovascular system, cardiovascular diseases.....68 CLA Clarinol® 1000 mg reduction of weight...............................52 Coenzyme Q10 protection of heart, increase in physical activity..................................62 112 Coenzyme Q10 VesiSorb® protection of heart, increase in physical activity..................................61 GinkoPrim® Hot Blood circulation, warming.................66 GinkoPrim® Max brain activity, defects in cardiovascular system, cardiovascular diseases......65 Guarana tiredness, exhaustion, headaches....72 Hespidin haemorrhoids occurrence.................. 40 ® Hespidin® Gel haemorrhoids occurrence...................41 Chromdiet reduction of weight...............................48 Chromium Forte diabetes, weight reduction.................95 Imunactiv® immunity, the organism’s immune system, colds, flu, catarrhal conditions..............................32 Iodine thyroidea, regulation of metabolism........................................71 Korean Ginseng fatigue and stress, immunity and immune system ...........................83 Lactobacillus Forte digestion...................................................79 Lecithin memory, cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases...................................................73 Lecithin Forte memory, cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases.......................73 Lecithin + Resveratrol memory, concentration.......................80 Liderin erection improvement.........................59 ® Mabelle® hormonal disorders, osteoporosis....45 Magnesium depression, cardiovascular diseases...................................................95 Magnesium 250mg Pharmavit cardiovascular diseases, stres........ 111 Martians Gummy strengthening of organism, bones development..............................22 Martians Gummy with Echinacea strengthening of organism, immunity.................................................23 T HE HE A LT H F O R T HE W HOLE F A M I LY Martians with Prebiotics strengthening of organism, immunity, digestion..............................19 Mega C Vitamin immunity of organism, common cold.............................................................91 Mega C Vitamin Active immunity of organism, common cold.............................................................92 Mega Omega 3-6-9 cholesterol, blood pressure, heart and vessels..................................80 MemoPlus® memory, brain activity..........................29 Omega 3-6-9 cholesterol, blood pressure, heart and vessels.................................................77 Proenzi Gel pain in joints, arthritis...........................13 Proenzi Premium pain in joints, arthritis...........................13 Prostenal® prostate, potency...................................57 Prostenal® Duo prostate health......................................56 Prostenal® with PERFECT COMPLEX prostate, potency...................................55 Psyllium Husks digestion, blood sugar level.................87 Pumpkin prostate, digestion................................75 Reghaar Hair Activator hair, dandruff ...................................... 105 Reghaar Hair Booster hair, dandruff....................................... 107 Reghaar Hair Shampoo hair, dandruff....................................... 106 Salutil Probio healthy digestion...................................38 Omega 3 Fish Oil cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases...................................................72 Santoin Excellent periodontitis, inflammation of gums................................................. 101 Omega 3 Fish Oil Forte cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases...................................................81 Santoin Mouthwash periodontitis, inflammation of gums................................................. 102 OptiTensin® blood and vascular pressure, blood circulation.....................................39 Santoin Toothpaste periodontitis, inflammation of gums................................................. 101 Oyster Mushroom immunity, cholesterol...........................84 Sea Buckthorn Forte immunity, digestion..............................81 Oyster Mushroom Forte immunity, fertility..................................86 Selenium civilization diseases, cardiovascular system.........................98 Oyster Mushroom Plus immunity, digestion..............................85 Permen® masculine potency, erection, libido and sexual performance.....................58 PinnoSlim slimming, appetite suppressant.......50 Pregnium® development of fetus, healthy mother......................................47 Proenzi 3 pain in joints, arthritis...........................12 Proenzi® 3+ pain in joints, arthritis...........................11 Selezin ACE protection against free radicals.........99 Septofort aphthae, inflammation of the oral cavity and gums.................. 109 Shark Cartilage strenthening of organism, joint problems........................................................76 Spectrum® 50+ strengthening of organism, vitality........................................................17 Spectrum® Imunactiv® immunity of organism, increased physical activity......................................15 Spirulina blood sugar, weight reduction...........75 Starmen child brain functions, memory, concentration..........................................24 Stopex hacky and irritable cough................. 110 StresVit® stress, depression.................................31 Super Omega 3 cholesterol, heart and vessels, brain function.........................................77 Urinal® urinary tract health...............................36 Urinal Akut® urinary tract health...............................35 Urinal® Drink urinary tract.............................................37 Varixinal® varicose veins, disease of vessels.....46 Varixinal® gel varicose veins, disease of vessels.....46 Viaderm® Complete hair, skin, nails health...........................43 Viaderm® Skin Beauty healthy skin without wrinkles...........44 Vitamin A tiredness of eyes, eyesight ability.....93 Vitamin C strengthening of organism, common cold..........................................91 Vitamin D3 bones, teeth............................................92 Vitamin E heart, blood circulation, fertility, potency.....................................................93 Vitavision tiredness of eyes, weak eyesight......33 Yucca detoxification of organism..................84 Zinc skin problems, prostate.......................97 Spectrum® Energy energy suppply, increased physical activity......................................16 C ATA LO G U E O F P R O D U C T S W ALMAR K 113 Walmark, a.s. Oldřichovice 44, 739 61 Třinec, Czech Republic e-mail:, tel.: +420 558 301 348, fax: +420 558 301 366 © 2012 Walmark, a.s. Oldřichovice 44 739 61 Třinec Czech Republic e-mail: tel.: +420 558 301 348 fax: +420 558 301 366 The Health For The Whole Family