January - Just For Openers
January - Just For Openers
Just For Openers 24th Year Issue #93 Copyright 2002 John Stanley PO Box 64 Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 (919) 419-1546 Web Site www.just-for-openers.org Past Editors: Don Bull (1979-83) Ed Kaye (1984-88) Art Santen (1989-1993) Membership Renewals / Annual Dues $20.00 Please Renew if your date is 03/31/02 Opener and Corkscrew Books (please check Selling Ads for details) 2002 Handbook of United States Beer Advertising Openers & Corkscrews by Bull, Kaye & Stanley "Just For Openers" "A Guide to Beer, Soda, & Other Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley "Soda Advertising Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley "Beer Advertising: Knives, Letter Openers, Ice Picks, Cigar Cutters and More" by Donald A. Bull "The Ultimate Corkscrew Book" by Donald A. Bull "Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews" by Donald A. Bull “Boxes Full of Corkscrews” by Donald A. Bull "ANRI Woodcarvings: Bottle Stoppers, Corkscrews, Nutcrackers, Toothpick Holders, Smoking Accessories and More" by Philly Rains and Donald A. Bull January 2002 2002 Fredericksburg Convention April 24-28 is fast approaching. Please make plans to attend the 24th annual JFO Convention. Registration form is the last two pages of this issue. Larry Moter promises this will be a memorable convention. Larry is promoting the show with many of the local breweriana collectors. If you have any beer advertising items and want to sell them, bring them to the JFO convention. If you decide to fly we can make arrangements to have your openers and or beer items shipped to either Larry or myself. Also remember to bring some kind of display whether it is a few items or very large. This is a good place to share your collection with fellow members. A-13-20 Hoster Norfolk Virginia A rare car figural from the state of Virginia advertising a beer from Columbus, Ohio. The opener came from Larry Moter on a Christmas exchange about 5 years ago. Member’s Update Art Santen had been feeling real tired for a few weeks but decided to go on a trip to Europe the end of September. On the second day he passed out at the Sistine Chapel. Over objections from Italian doctors he returned to the United States the next day and after examination by his doctors discovered he had lukemia. Art underwent 10 days of chemo treatments and then 20 days to recover at the hospital. His first treatment was very successful and all of the lukemia cells were killed. The first of December he underwent 10 more days of chemo and is currently at the end of his 20 recovering stay at the hospital. The doctors are hoping that this second treatment will finish any possibility of the lukemia coming back. goes 4 days of chemo followed by 7 days of home recovery. He has had one treatment and will have more in the future. Don is doing well at the moment and even told the doctors that he must have April and October time slots open so he can attend his favorite shows (JFO and the Midwest Breweriana Show). JFO would like to officially welcome member number 1000, Robert Behrends. Harriet Waldo asked me to list the members who have the first 10 numbers and here they are. Don Bull (1), Bonnie Bull (2,inactive), Leon Beebe (3,deceased), Joe Cardone (4), Alex Darocy (5), F D Donovan (6,inactive), Duane Dummer (7), Jack Ford (8), Andy Growe (9,inactive), Del Haarberg (10,inactive). The first set of numbers were issued to 19 members. Don Whelan underwent a successful knee Still active from 11-19 are Ed Kaye (11), Herbert Haydock (13), George Lohmiller replacement operation the end of October. At the end of November he was hav- (15), and Don Sherman (18). Congratulations to these original members still active ing kidney problems and it was discovered cancer is in his kidneys. Don under- with JFO in its 24th year. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 Member’s Update Continued PAGE 2 these JFO members and spouses. Ollie Hibbeler recent bone cancer tests have received good results and he is doing very well. Make sure and read Ollie’s write-up about the Mid-West Breweriana Show below. Just a special note for everyone to check the sell ads. Tom Johnson is interested in selling his large collection of openers with all kinds and types included. Art and Eileen Johnson have slowly been recovering from many physical ailments during 2001. Just before Christmas they made the move to Naples, FL for the winter. Pat and myself had a nice visit with the Johnsons in Statesville, NC. May 2002 bring health and happiness to Just a quick note to thank everyone who bought openers off the fixed priced list in the October issue. I still have about 700 openers. Anyone ordering at least $100 worth can take a 20% discount. 19th Midwest Breweriana Convention Oct. 11-13, 2001 Omaha, Neb. by Ollie Hibbeler won four times. I didn’t win at all. I must have my wife’s luck! I acquired 16 new openers for my collection. Shirley and I left home Thursday morning at 4:00 A.M. crossed into Kansas at St. Joe, Mo. Stopped at only three malls along the way. We found nothing. We arrived at Don and Cora Whelan’s new town house in Lincoln, Neb. They have been there only about four months, however Don had his openers out and already nicely displayed in his own collection room. We enjoyed the rest of the day and evening having a “few” and talking J.F.O. “stuff”. BEER: J.F.O. members at the show, besides Don and I, were John Mlady, Tim Payne, who very ably conducted the breweriana auction after the Friday night dinner, and a new Omaha attendee, Bob Campbell and his wife Elayne from Arizona. Bob is the new president of the B.C.C.A. He will also be at the Guzzle N’ Twirl Show in St. Paul, Mn. I understand that is really a BIG BIG show. 350 tables of breweriana “stuff”. Don will also attend. Then on Oct. 29th he is FINALLY going to the hospital for his new knee. He was in some pain in Omaha. Good luck to a fine friend and collector. A-9-3 C-17-2 J-6-UL A-66-1 SHINER B-21-290 OLD FASHIONED LAGER BEER G-6-18 WHITE SEAL BEER E-4-247 ZOLLER/DAVENPORT, IOWA B-14-33 KINGSBURY H-2-123 PABST (TOUGH) M-44-1 STORZ I-14-38 PEARL We left after breakfast Friday morning for a 60 mile trip to I-15-26 PIELS Omaha. We suffered a cracked windshield on our van on Q-12-61 NAT. LIGHT that trip. We registered in about noon. Food and drink L-14-UL BUDWEISER (MILLINIUM LABEL) was almost continuous in the hospitality room for the ONE FOREIGN: GUINNESS whole week-end. The deer sausage went great with the Boulevard Beer! SODA: By the way, have you ever noticed, there are a lot of J.F.O. members who have held or now hold offices and/ or positions in the other general breweriana organizations? Speaks well for members of J.F.O., doesn’t it? At the Saturday public show, I sold general breweriana advertising fairly well. I did not bring any openers as I knew Don would have a whole table full. He did not sell many, but he did sell a few high dollar openers, Nebraska mostly. Don and I each bought 12 raffle tickets. Don COCA-COLA (BRASS FANTASY) COCA-COLA (TOUGH) HEINZ 57 JUICES Sunday morning we left for home on I-29 toward Kansas City. By noon we were eating at the famous Art Bryant’s Bar-B-Que restaurant. Then about two hours for Shirley at the Ameristar casino. I watched the St. Louis Rams on TV at the HOFBRAUHAUS Brewery at the casino. The Rams won and Shirley lost! We arrived home at Lake of the Ozarks in time to go to bed. GOOD FRIENDS-GOOD TIME STAY BUSY-STAY HAPPY What does Ollie say about the JFO Convention: Be There! 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 3 Spouse’s Corner By Pat Stanley, the Editor’s Spouse 1988 is the year under review and what a year. This was the 10th Year of JFO and the year of my first JFO Convention!!! We had only been married 6 months and I was to quickly learn what John's true love is. The plan was to leave Chapel Hill sometime late afternoon and drive as far as we could towards St. Louis, then up early enough to be the first to arrive the next day. Around 10:30 we decided to call it quits in Knoxville, Tennessee. We registered for a room, unseen only to find out that it was right below the busy interstate running through the town. Too noisy for us. Now, you know John is pretty low key, so going back down to the lobby to correct the problem was not an easy task, especially so far past his 9 o'clock bedtime. But, he did just that and since no other rooms were available, we checked out. Back on the road again. We didn't go far before a horrible vision flashed through my mind. Being the helpful person I am, I had carried my hanging clothes to the unwanted room and hung them up. The vision stopped there, right where the clothes remained. It's a good thing we were newly weds as John returned to the lobby once again on my behalf. Next memory was sitting in the hospitality room with Vic and Mary Anne Keown, chatting about the convention, their kids and of course, openers. I was beginning to think this would be a fun time. Our host and hostess put me at ease and will always be dear to me. People started pouring in and John disappeared, went off to sell a corkscrew to someone who returned to the hospitality room with a big grin on his face. Definite sign that he got a real deal. After that John really started to study corkscrews to become more knowledgeable. Our dog, Corkie helps him. While John was gone, Bob Chapman showed up. I was admiring some fans in some of the hotel display cases as my mother-in-law has a beautiful framed fan. Bob offered to break into the showcase and get me one. Now JFO members try to help each other with their collections, but. I doubt Bob remembers that!! It made a bigger impression on me I'm sure. One final memory of my first convention. I know Joe Young wishes I'd forget this one, but it is very vivid in my mind. It was after ten in the evening. I was ready for bed (unusually early for me), when someone knocked. I ran for the bathroom. I had studied all the fixtures, the brand of toilet paper, etc., and the coast was still not clear. Panic began to set in.....just how long might I be held captive in a bathroom??? Poor Joe really wanted to discuss a trade he and John had talked about earlier that day, but was really in a more embarrassing situation than I....afterall, this was the room of "the newly weds". We will always give Joe grief about that visit, and he will always wonder if his visit was unwelcomed no matter what we tell him. But no matter what, we are friends to this day, so either forgiveness was given or never needed!!! At least the bathroom was nice!! Oh my!! I better start my real article!!! John is in the other room, trying to learn some new software to give the newsletter a new look. I better have my article ready when he calls for it!! The last time I passed by, he was quite frustrated with the software. Ed Kaye was pleased that we were in our 10th year of publication. He recognized one of the big contribut 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 4 Spouse’s Corner (continued) ing factors in the success of JFO with this statement, "Our group has a rapport, each willing to help another in our specialized hobby". Joe Young had submitted a great idea for the January 1988 Opener Trivia. He sent Bill McKienzie photstats of three openers with Holiday Greetings on them. Bill dug out some more and borrowed some from Gary Deachman's collection, then added some six-pointed stars for a finishing touch. The result was two pages of sketches of Holiday Openers and a discussion on the six-pointed stars. Very nice. I had to laugh at this note in the trivia, "Usually Ollie (Hibbeler) sez stuff, but this time he wants some answers to thez questions". Hope he got them!! In the Wanted section, John Stanley listed what he was looking for with his Chapel Hill address listed. By that time that address was wrong. When we were married in October 1987, we decided to live in my place, so we moved John there. About a month later, my place sold, so we both moved to his place before January 1988 along with my two Yorkies, Brandi and Cognac. Marrying an opener collector was fate with those names. Oh my....getting off track again. Bill's January trivia about the Mars opener is hilarious. He always wondered what the Martians used to open their beer. He claimed that the opened was found when a Martian spaceship crashed to earth.....probably when the Martians were "boogeying on down" and were totally blitzed at the time of impact. Bill reminded us that this kind of information cannot be found in any other opener column. You must go back and read this article in its entirety. It will brighten any cold, dismal January day. After the Martians article you can read about the Won-Up opener. Was it beer or soda?? Wrong, wrong again. It was a grapefruit drink. Bill exhibited his wealth of patience in his sketch of a can opener that operates on the principle of a cam in the January issue. In the January trivia, Frank Kraft of Mankato, Minnesota wanted some help on an unusual opener from Mankato. It had some function other than being an opener and he wondered if someone could shed some light on it. By the April issue, Ron Klimas, a mason from Federal Way, Washington came to the rescue. Being a mason, he should know. The piece is called a line pin as it helps masons when they are building a wall to keep the middle section level with the two end sections that are built first. Ed Kaye often encouraged members to write Bill McKienzie because of all the time he dedicated to the JFO trivia. Immediately following one such suggestion were these WORDS OF WISDOM: "Being happy is being involved". Bill certainly was a happy person. John fits into the category too, but I thought it was because of me!!! I'll be happy when I have my article completed!! Michael Schille was asked why a Floridian collects Great Falls, Montana Breweriana and responded in the April issue. His Dad worked at several breweries and even attended brewing school in Chicago. His Dad was Assistant Brewmaster/President of Great Falls, so that is the one that caught his interest. Robert Cross promoted JFO by giving a presentation to the Phoenix Antiques, Bottles and Collectibles 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 5 Spouse’s Corner (continued) Club while living in Sun City, Arizona. The July issue is always special as it's the Convention Issue. Now, I already told you quite a bit about the convention, but here's more. The local paper ran an article on the convention host, Vic Keown. He didn't start collecting openers until he was 41. It took that long to run out of space for his can collection, so he made the switch to the smaller collectibles and entered the world of "openologists" and learned a lot from "Just for Openers", the professional newsletter of "openology". For the article Vic told some history. Before Coca-Cola Co. used the fresh-faced kids of today's ads, it spread its "Drink Coca-Cola" message on the in-the-buff backside of an "Early Morn" bottle opener. I knew about the cans that had an opener in the base, so you had to have two cans to open the one you wanted to drink. I didn't know that the bottle -innovator worked at Burger Beer in Cincinnati. Of course, his idea went down the drain, but who knows maybe he started Burger King! Ed Kaye wasn't at the 10th Convention due to a heart attack and mild stroke. He has missed a lot of them since that year, but we know he is always there in spirit and that JFO members always think of him when they're at JFO, often telling stories about baseball player openers. The July issue trivia went into great detail about the E-14 openers. That was great because I always forget if the flat head or round head is more valuable. Gee, there's a dipped head too. And those little points are called "frets". Ok, Pat...don't fret...see if you can remember that the earlier openers generally had a round head and a small fret at the top of the head. I sure am glad I don't have to ask John that again!! Oh, these little guys have manufacturer's marks too. I like the mark shown as "Newell" for it's Canadian. In the April issue there was a jack shaped opener that was a souvenir of a company that produced industrial jacks, Duff-Norton Lifting Jacks. In the July issue we found out that company also gave out a jack shaped souvenir that served as a cigar cutter. That was neat! Remember earlier in this article, the Mars opener? Now, there really was one by that name, even though the story surrounding it was questionable. Bill wasn't sure what one end of the opener might be used for. In this issue, Ron MacLean answered, "The yoke shaped end of the MARS opener is a champagne cork lever or pry to assist in removing a pressurized bottle cork". Ron also answered another trivia question raised in April about the abbreviation D.R.G.M. noted on corkscrew/cigar cutter. The abbreviation stands for Deutsches Reich Gebrauchsmunster which translated means German Empire registered design or utility model. He added that the corkscrew has a German patent of 1890 and is very rare. At the Convention, our host Vic Keown only needed one M-3 to complete his Trommers Collection, the M3/27. Two people had one, Don Bull and someone in New York. After the convention, Don Bull sent it to him saying that he thought Vic would appreciate it more than he did. Like Ed Kaye said, "Our group has a rapport, each willing to help another in our specialized hobby". The October trivia featured sketches of favorite openers acquired at the April Convention. Sorry, Joe Young, but I must mention you again for you picked an unusual can opener, one of the largest you had seen. You added that, "I'm sure you have to register these with the police". I thought you napped a lot at conventions, but you really are awake and having fun! 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 6 Spouse’s Corner (continued) Fil Graff sent in a unique opener. Along with that, Bill wrote, "I'm not sure why Fil claims to be a "monk" (?). Whenever I've been around him he's never acted like one. Maybe finding an opener like this is a religious experience to him. I know he acts like he's in another world when he comes across them. Sort of like finding a lost sheep I guess. Can anyone tell our "monk" anything about this interesting piece he found? He claims to have asked the Lord, but as of this time has not received an answer". Bill McKienzie, we miss you....your Opener Trivia was great. Ollie Hibbeler wrote a letter saying, "Going to the convention to get some openers is fairly low on my priority list. The comradeship and the social are my principal reason for attending. I discovered this at the first one and that still stands today". I think what Ollie said in 1988 is still true today. Plan to come to Virginia in 2002. Mark Barren asked for help identifying two openers in the July issue. No less than three members sent in information to help him out. Now we just need to send sunshine to Mark as he is responsible for snowplowing over seven feet of snow in Buffalo, NY. We're thinking of you, Mark!! The October issue included an article about how an opener was used to get a grave flower holder off someone's shoe. Wish I had read that a couple of weeks ago when I was struggling to get a grave flower holder up out of the ground. I bet an opener would have been a big help, plus I could have pierced the red fire ants that objected to my visit. Did you know that the clothed "Early Morn" opener was called "Suffraget", then later called "Calendar Girl" in Vaughan catalogs? The October issue showed the letter size poster you could order from Ed Kaye. We have one of these "WARNING! OPENER/CORKSCREW POX". It says that the patient is sometimes inattentive to rest of family.....Just sometimes???? And John wonders why Corkie absolutely adores me. She's curled up beside me as I write. But Corkie and I will be in Virginia with John in 2002. Hope You Are Too!! New Discoveries to the 2001 Handbook (Part II) Five more “New Discoveries” are shown on the next page. Jack Ford has been on me for several years to split out the non-gas key A-15s. Since the other figurals similar to this style all have two categories, it was time to create the A-70 type for Eagle Head openers with no gas key. The G-67 was a new Coors type I bought on eBay. It came from Canada and I was curious if they have been found in the U.S. Art Santen hit gold at the ABA Convention in June when he bought this new “M” type. It is just like the handle of a P-9 corkscrew, but no shaft hole has been drilled in the handle. He got an added bonus with the ad being from a pre-pro (actually pre-1900 probably) Nebraska brewery. In mid-November Miller Brewing Co. held an auction through a Wisconsin auction company for about 600 items from the Herb and Helen Haydock collection. I was fortunate to get this new type “mint in the box”. It is the little sister of the standard Vaughan O-4 wall opener. I have a Lime Cola in this model and it is the only Vaughan #2s I have seen. The price I paid for this opener was a $100 (add a 10 percent buyer’s premium). There were only a few other openers in the auction, notably were a K9 Blatz selling for $200 and a K-11-2 Blatz bringing $250 (the buyer’s premium had to be added to these prices). The day after Thanksgiving, I was up early as usual. I got real lucky when the seller had a “Buy It Now” price of $20 for the O-23 Walter Bros on eBay. I have a 7 -Up in this type and Thom Thompson has a Coca-Cola in this type and these are the only three I have ever seen. While on a visit to Don Bull’s house in 1995, I saw the P-162 in his collection and said this is a new style. Don then moved to Virginia and somewhere along the way the corkscrew was misplaced and I would remind him he had the little jewel to list sometime. Finally this summer he found it again. He thought all along I had dreamed the piece up, now we have the proof. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 7 New Discoveries to the 2001 Handbook (Part II) A-70 EAGLE HEAD & BOTTLE NO GAS KEY (SEE A-15) MARKED “C.T.& O.CO.,CHICAGO, PAT.APPLD.FOR.” OR “C.T.& O.CO.,CHICAGO PAT.APPLD.FOR/PATENTED” OR “C.T.& O.CO. CHGO. PATD 4.30.12.” 2 7/8” JACK FORD 1. COOK’S EVANSVILLE, IND. 2. COMPLIMENTS OF THE EAGLE SUPPLY HOUSE 242 STATE STREET ROCHESTER, N.Y. (SEE B-13-77) 1. G-67 TWIST-OFF CAP LIFTER/CAN SHAPE 2 3/8” JOHN STANLEY COORS LIGHT 1. M-134 WOOD HANDLE CAP LIFTER (NO CORKSCREW) CAST IRON CROWN CAP LIFTER IN HANDLE (SEE P-9, P-139) 5 1/8” ART SANTEN DRINK OMAHA BLUE RIBBON BEER. / SAME O-22 VAUGHAN'S "NEVER CHIP" MODEL #2 WALL MOUNT CAP LIFTER MOUNTS WITH 2 SCREWS DESIGNED BY HARRY L. VAUGHAN MECHANICAL PATENT NO. 1,029,645 (06/18/1912) (SEE O-4, O-11) 1 1/2” WIDE JOHN STANLEY 1. BARTL BRAU LA CROSSE, WIS. 1. O-23 METAL PLATE WALL MOUNT CAP LIFTER MOUNTS WITH 3 SCREWS POINTED TOP (SEE O-10) 2” WIDE JOHN STANLEY WALTER BROS. BREWING CO. MENASHA, WIS. 1. P-162 SINGLE RING WIRE HANDLE CORKSCREW METAL SLEEVE AD STAMPED ON WIRE RING WIRE HANDLE DON BULL CONTINENTAL BREWING CO. PAGE 8 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 January New Members, Renewals, Address Changes & Corrections Just For Openers now has 307 members (New Members: Numbers 997-1000) Mem # Last Name 1000 Behrends 478 Bolton 4 Cardone First Name Spouse Street City Stat e Zip Phone E-Mail Specialties/ (Sponsor) Robert Linda 706 E Washington St Havana IL 62644-1555 309-543-6162 billbob@fgi. net US Beer, Soda, Starr Wall Mounts (Art Santen) Fred Sue 2133 Lower Lake Hastings Rd (Address Change) MI 49058-9406 616-945-2308 f.abolton @core.co m Type "E-14" Openers Joe Mary 104 Newsom Grn (Address Change) Nashville TN 37221-2815 615-646-8834 48 Lyman Cir Cleveland OH 44122-2119 216-464-5693 F216-464-5679 ejag72@h Collect all Reotmail.co tractable Bottle m Openers such as L-1s (Beer, Soda, Whiskey) (JFO Book) 104 N Harmony Rd Greenacres WA 99016-9614 509-928-9077 W509-5344764 edevans General (All), US @qwest.n Beer, Soda, et Can, Corkscrews, Starr Wall Mounts, Wall Mounts 2432 La Cross Ct Lexington KY 40514-1478 859-219-2297 W859-5436785 6612 Tannin Ln Apt B (Address Change) Naples FL 34109-6851 941-254-8828 999 Edelstein Howard 998 Evans Edgar 997 Krueger Alan 691 Schaefer Ed Debbi Kelly E-Mail New/Change Addresses Murray Atkinson Mead Bates Mead Bates Robert Behrends David Cress Howard Edelstein Edgar Evans Lyle Feisel Wilford Haynes Robert Hedges Ollie Hibbeler murpam@atlantic.net (Change) cymbainc@aol.com (or) meadb@aol.com billbob@fgi.net daacress@aol.com (Change) ejag72@hotmail.com edevans@qwest.net l.feisel@ieee.org whaynes@pocketmail.com rjnleti@aol.com hibol@socket.net Ben Hoffman Ed Jacobsmeyer Odis Jones Paul Jung Vic Kroll Bill Laraway Thomas Reeder Ed Schaefer Scott Sherman Henry Stawarz Thom Thompson Harriet Waldo Darwin Wilcox Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Openers US Beer, Cast Iron Figurals, Types (JFO WWW) eschaeSchaefer, Koch, ferbeer@j Jamestown, uno.com Chautauqua, Cleveland Beers benbay@netcarrier.com ejacobsmeyer@mjwolff.com jdocotis@aol.com jungpa@webtv.com beer104@home.com (Change) brew.coll@verizon.net (Change) reeder@unclegroup.com (Change) eschaeferbeer@juno.com (Change) buckbear12@aol.com mstawarz@winco.net thomt@iglou.com hlwaldo@advertisnet.com darnle@aol.com Newsletter Content and Deadlines for Sending in Articles and Receiving Newsletter January Issue April Issue July Issue October Issue Newsletter Content New Additions to Handbook Membership Directory Convention Highlights New Discoveries Articles December 1st March 1st June 1st September 1st To Members By January 31st April 30th July 31st October 31st 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 9 “Opener and eBay Trivia” From the last issue, there was no response to Ollie Hibbeler’s inquiry about his A-13 car with the ad for “You Auto Drink “Gotter Trunk” At Otto Brick’s”. For now I will assume it is a non-beer drink of some kind. Shirley will just have to cool it on the slots until Ollie finds out the true worth of this little gem. Other notable auction results were, an A-17 Dr Pepper bringing $468.01 (third one on eBay with all bringing near this price), B-1-6 Wagner for $134.50 with very little paint remaining, B-18-17 Cooks for $127.50 (had to be a couple of local collectors as I did not recognize any of the bidders), M-2-5 BarJack Ford wanted to know how I would classify a B- tholomay for $271.99 (I tried to get this one for Gary 11 Potlatch openers with the Potlatch symbol reDeachman) which was the nicest M-2-5 I have seen moved. Unfortunately since the enamel is on gold, offered for sale, M-3-37 Sheridan (Green) bringing some of the B-11s have their symbols removed. At $270 (sliders prices keep going up), finally those this time I do not have a separate listing in the hand- Starr X wall mounts never cease to amaze me as a book for a “cannibalized” B-11. I have one in my repainted O-502 (side mount) Coca-Cola bringing collection and just make a note in my inventory that $723.13 and a somewhat rough O-502 Delaware the enamel piece is missing. I still consider it a BPunch realizing $609.00. Those prices on the O11. Now it is a poor man’s B-11. 502s would make Dale Deckert roll over in his grave (he was not cheap but those prices would have Each quarter that goes by I keep thinking there is blown his mind too). not much on eBay. Then it sinks in, there are a lot of great openers, I am just not getting nearly as Corkscrews seemed to be somewhat slow this quarmany as I use to. At first I was losing out on lowter in that not a lot of good ones were on the market. end openers and now it is high and low end openOne that just closed was a 1878 Sperry which ers. A lot of opener collectors and many JFO mem- closed below reserve at $1,225.00. This one has bers are now competing. As Pat keeps reminding brought over $3000 in past auctions. Some others me, I do not need any more openers and I am very were a mechanical Graef & Schmidt for $2605.00, thankful to have the openers that I have. one “Hootch-Owl” for $1,875.00, a second “HootchOwl” for $1,506.00, an 1884 Curly with metal handle One opener that you see on the next couple of for $1,302.00, a 1884 Joshua Barnes for $1,030.00, pages of eBay results from this past quarter is an A- an Eclipse bar mount for $725.00, a Syroco Clown 40-2 Excelsior. I wanted it pretty badly so I would for $687.55, a Mumford for $430.00, and a 1926 have both of the known A-40s. Unfortunately I beat pocket ‘Camel” for $180.27. Maybe the corkscrew out a fellow JFO member, Jimmy Beckett for this market reflected the economy this quarter and the one. He had sent me a short note back in the spring fact no collections were being sold via eBay. when he joined JFO and talking about his new found love for openers. The one style he really wanted to The one cast iron opener of note was a “Sammy Saget was an A-40 “September Morn”. I am sorry you moa” in very good condition for $385.00. In fact I lost out on this one, but this is the third one on eBay saw very little activity this quarter in better cast iron and hopefully one will come your way one day. pieces. As usual a lot of the common styles were offered. The “big enchilada” for opener collectors this quarter was Chris Quimby deciding to part with his H-12 Sa- Cigar Box Openers saw a couple unusual styles oflem opener. Chris had just discovered this great fered and one is pictured on the last page of opener opener about two years ago. I thought my bid of trivia and brought $68.00. The one not shown was $333.99 would bring the prize but I ended up in third a RND-9 style and brought $86.00. One very rare place with Craig Green bringing home the H-12 for a soda knife was offered advertising “White Rock” bid of $350.00. Congratulations Craig and by the soda. It was a Remington knife with a sliding corkway he also beat me out on a very tough B-6 Pacific screw (similar to a P-40). The final price realized for Brewing and Malting Co opener the previous month the knife in excellent condition was $684.84. (as well as a couple of other openers). 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 10 “Opener and eBay Trivia” A-001-013 Stone Malt $12.52 A-027-001 Doelger $78.77 B-018-174 Eastside $18.09 A-001-024 Grafs $26.00 A-029-094 Eberle (UL) $44.03 B-018-632 Fort Schuyler $13.53 A-001-045 Gipps $43.00 A-029-999 Dr Pepper (Spin) $74.57 B-018-999 Dr Pepper A-001-104 Wausau (UL) $21.61 A-030-UL $32.00 B-019-036 Star $59.02 A-001-999 Atlantic City 1915 $56.00 A-033-001 Ackerman $48.51 B-019-107 Sprenger $46.66 A-008-001 Ruppert $36.00 A-034-003 Gilt Top $55.00 B-021-095 Bay City $23.05 A-009-004 Leisy $38.11 A-034-003 Gilt Top $79.99 B-021-126 Pfeiffer $25.01 A-009-004 Leisy $42.01 A-040-002 Excelsior $255.51 B-021-135 Schaller $36.66 A-009-004 Leisy (Good) $46.00 A-042-003 Franklin $36.26 B-021-279 Mathie $24.50 A-009-012 Ringler $56.03 $36.00 B-021-305 Schwarzenbach $26.25 A-009-017 Schell $76.00 A-999-999 Goodyear Airplane B-001-005 Pittsburgh (Steel) $27.53 B-021-463 Centlivre $19.02 B-022-036 Hillsboro $89.00 B-022-042 Diehl $22.50 B-022-102 Knapstein $40.39 B-023-999 Owl Drug Co $31.05 B-024-087 Hillsboro $26.76 B-024-091 Boscobel $116.29 B-024-097 Leinenkugel B-024-999 Dr Pepper B-024-999 Dr Pepper (EX) $51.99 B-027-001 Miller (Brass) $51.00 B-027-001 Miller (Brass) $55.99 B-029-999 Coca-Cola $50.00 C-001-003 Schoenhofen (EX) $28.01 C-011-007 Fauerbach (Fair) $20.70 C-012-089 Oconto $33.00 C-013-138 Hillsboro $31.00 C-013-315 Neuweiler & Son $52.01 C-017-035 Eulberg $30.51 C-019-999 Nichol Kola (Bottle) $76.00 A-009-999 Jake's Billiard Parlor $123.01 B-001-006 Wagner (Good) A-009-999 Schuster's Root Beer $48.75 A-009-999 Whistle (Good) $57.78 A-012-014 Rahr $76.75 A-012-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) A-013-027 Crickler A-013-032 Schlitz Buffet (UL) Western Malt $132.49 $74.99 $127.51 A-016-005 Gold Top (Fair) $27.85 A-017-023 Luxus $33.65 B-002-001 Blatz (Brass) $79.99 B-002-004 Feigenspan (Brass) $37.66 B-002-009 Oakland $41.26 B-002-025 Luxus $32.66 B-002-038 Heil (Very Worn) $50.95 B-002-046 Boscobel B-002-066 Coca-Cola B-006-003 Pacific A-017-999 Dr Pepper (UL) A-020-006 Renner A-020-019 Goetz (Var A) A-020-019 Goetz (Var B) $66.00 $115.66 B-013-004 Fink $41.06 B-013-008 Heileman $39.99 B-013-035 Pearl $18.99 B-013-095 Jax $55.13 B-014-081 Cremo $15.00 B-014-088 Country Club $20.50 $64.71 $38.99 $27.00 $45.01 A-020-039 Wayne $20.50 A-021-014 Leidiger $11.61 A-021-027 Pabst $32.00 A-021-UL $35.00 A-023-003 Diamond State $200.00 $468.01 A-020-024 Belmont Burger $134.50 $11.50 B-014-188 Dr Millers (UL) B-014-999 Club Billiards B-018-017 Cooks B-018-162 Claussen (Good) $105.00 $30.00 $127.50 $42.66 $181.38 $54.11 $129.53 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 11 “Opener and eBay Trivia” E-003-025 Wacker $24.28 K-002-006 Pearl $61.02 N-012-001 Becks (NoCover) $14.00 E-004-060 Miami $25.01 K-002-006 Pearl (Good) $47.00 N-022-005 Potosi $36.05 E-004-106 Chester $19.38 K-002-007 Regal $103.50 N-023-006 Pabst $41.00 E-004-163 Deer Park $38.99 K-005-004 Miller (Var B) $19.26 N-025-004 Strohs $24.60 E-004-338 American $60.99 L-001-006 Ruppert $27.52 N-040-025 Miller $54.00 E-005-056 Port Washington $24.28 L-002-005 Eldridge (EX) $147.50 N-054-002 Wehle $235.06 E-008-002 Goebel $24.28 L-002-011 Indianapolis $177.77 N-078-ND Chero-Cola E-009-076 National $14.50 L-004-008 Joliet Citizens $87.90 N-085-001 West End E-009-137 Jung $45.00 L-004-012 Gluek $70.00 O-005-016 Sterling $52.02 E-014-667 San Diego $24.28 L-004-014 Koppitz $52.01 O-005-999 Crosley $147.49 E-014-859 Miami $25.04 L-004-019 Schlitz $72.00 O-005-999 Kelvinator $227.52 E-018-005 Roessle $32.31 L-004-059 Fox Head 400 $93.91 O-502-999 $723.13 F-002-010 Wacker $39.05 Coca-Cola (Repainted) M-002-003 Goebel (EX) $152.55 F-006-057 Wetterer $31.00 O-502-999 Delaware Punch $609.00 M-002-005 Independent $30.50 Bartholomay (EX) $271.99 F-006-078 O-505-999 Orange Crush M-003-011 Cumberland (EX) $34.00 O-522-999 Nehi M-003-018 Stegmaier $35.56 P-001-011 A-B 1876 Patent $80.00 M-003-018 Stegmaier $47.00 P-003-002 American (Fair) $67.00 M-003-018 Stegmaier $43.88 P-007-019 Star $58.76 $68.00 $123.59 $56.57 $103.54 G-001-034 Leidiger $25.28 G-001-061 Hofbrau $21.48 G-001-062 Kessler $26.01 G-003-008 Schneider $67.66 G-005-014 Lion $46.55 M-003-026 Senate $102.59 P-008-123 Sioux Falls $53.79 H-001-015 Kuebler $52.00 M-003-037 Sheridan (Green) $270.00 P-016-001 Narragansett (G) $41.01 H-001-020 Wooden Shoe $61.50 M-003-040 Deer Park (Red) $203.50 P-019-096 Pacific (UL) $89.88 H-001-036 Kuebler $52.00 M-003-999 Electro-Chemical (Green) $66.01 P-025-003 Anheuser-Busch $443.09 H-005-010 Farmers $20.50 M-039-010 Leinenkugel $13.50 P-025-004 Anheuser-Busch $158.50 H-008-002 Buckeye (EX) $26.00 M-040-001 Oshkosh $15.50 P-025-UL Anheuser-Busch $200.50 M-069-003 Hamms $23.38 P-051-062 Michigan Union (UL) $98.00 M-073-004 Mizzoula $221.49 P-051-063 Security $67.66 M-073-011 Kessler (Good) $128.05 P-103-002 Maier & Zobelein $78.13 M-098-001 Leinenkugel $39.99 P-120-002 Scheidt (EX) $198.49 M-108-003 Potosi (MIB) (UL) $62.05 R-004-001 Iroquois (Good) $113.61 N-011-011 Seitz $58.00 R-007-001 Hauenstein H-012-001 Salem I-007-999 Dr Phillips (MIB) $350.00 $21.01 K-002-002 Falstaff $31.00 K-002-002 Falstaff (EX) $76.80 K-002-003 Jax $71.00 $60.03 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 12 “Opener and eBay Trivia” A new style CBO “Double Hammer”. A recently made fake M-19 Coca-Cola. An original is very rare and worth $200-300. These fakes (they have been offered at least 5 different times from the same seller using the same picture) have a starting price of $29.00 and have sold for as much as $115.00. As usual it is buyer beware. The casting appears much cruder in the logo area than the origi- All sides including flaps are shown for the new O-22 nal. $29.00 is not a bad price if you just want to style. Vaughan’s #2 was one inch narrower than have one as a conversation piece. their standard Vaughan #1. Certainly an early Vaughan effort since the one box side has “Crown The opener at the right Throat & Opener Company”, their original trade I got recently on eBay. name used through the late teens. The tip of the wing curving down is the Hopefully everyone likes the new newsletter format. opener and it also has It is very helpful with inserting pictures and will make a gas key and split key for much better quality when the newsletter is proring. I had never seen duced. For seven years I had used Microsoft Word this style before. It to do the newsletter and have now switched to Midoes have an ad on the back for “Compliments of crosoft Publisher. Any suggestion or comments are Whitfield Hardware Co.” Reward slogan on front. appreciated. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 JANUARY 2002 ADDITIONS TO 2001 HANDBOOK (COPYRIGHT JANUARY 2002 JOHN STANLEY) JANUARY 2002 CORRECTIONS TO 2001 HANDBOOK (COPYRIGHT JANUARY 2002 JOHN STANLEY) 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 46. 47. 48. 49. 113. 5. 43. 44. 31. 32. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 4. 56. 46. 9. 19. 53. 92. 93. A-1 SHARON CUT RATE MALT CO. DISTRIBUTOR OF SAMPSON, KING OF THEM ALL SPOKANE BOTTLE SUPPLY 408 SPOKANE PHONE MAIN 3580 (SEE P-19-50) DRINK “THE BEST WHAT GIVES” WAUSAU MALT & HOP STORE, FOREST & GRAND AVES., WAUSAU, WIS. WESTERN MALT CO. 12 MAIN ST., HAMILTON, O. A-3 BELOIT MALT PRODUCTS CO. 436 BROAD ST. BELOIT WIS. JIFFY BRUMALT DISTRIBUTOR LEVY WARD GROCERY CO SOUTH BEND IND DOG GONE GOOD JIFFY MALT DOLAN HORTON CO DISTRIB. THE STONE MALT CO, 333 FEDERAL ST. YOUNGSTOWN OHIO A-5 KWALITY MALT DISTRIBUTORS CO. SOUTH LISBON AVE. MILWAUKEE, WIS. A-7 CORRECTIONS MARX MALT COMPANY 186 S. 4TH ST. -643 N. 4TH ST. 1068 W. BROAD ST. CALL MA. 8261 (02,822) A-9 FRIED'S MALT & HOP STORE DIAL 2-0240 411 HAMILTON ST. ALLENTOWN, PA. PENN MALT STORE 233 FERRY ST. EASTON, PA. A-13 BLUE RIBBON MALT EXTRACT ATLANTIC FOOD PRODUCTS CO. 5308 MARKET ST. SCHLITZ BUFFET J. P. MURRAY, PROP. AURORA, ILL. A-15 EAGLE BREW BOTTLE BEER KLINKERT’S BEER RACINE, WIS. “THE MALTSTER’S MASTERPIECE” GREY EAGLE MALT COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, OH. RITTER BRAU FAR BETTER / COMPLIMENTS OF CHAS. FRITSON MACON-NEB. YUENGLINGS BEER ALE & PORTER / SUNBURY BOTTLING WORKS ROGER ALLEMAN, PROP'R A-15 CORRECTIONS COOK'S EVANSVILLE, IND. (NO GAS KEY) (DELETE USE A-70-1) (02,8) COMPLIMENTS OF THE EAGLE SUPPLY HOUSE 242 STATE STREET ROCHESTER, N.Y. (SEE B-13-77) (DELETE USE A-70-2) (02,339) A-17 MALT SYRUP AND SUPPLY CO. 203 THIRD ST. WALDORF BOTTLERS SUPPLY CO. 229 ADLER ST. A-18 CORRECTIONS PHOENIX BUFFALO FAMOUS BEER (DELETE USE A-2026) (02,406) DRINK PHOENIX BEER BUFFALO'S FAMOUS BREW (DELETE USE A-20-26) (02,406) A-20 THE FAMOUS PLACE FOR QUALITY BEER TRY OUR FAMOUS KULMBACHER / KARL KURZ’S DAKOTA INN & RATHSKELLER 17324 JOHN R A-29 CANADIAN MAID MALT L. C. MERCANTILE CO. QUINCY, ILLINOIS. CANADIAN MAID MALT N. E. SUGAR SUPPLY WORCESTER, MASS. 94. PAGE 13 DRINK EBERLE'S DELICIOUS BEVERAGES JACKSON, MICH. OAK 89 95. MALT & HOPS 616 EAST FOURTH STR. SANTA ANA, CALIF. / DRINK SHERRY MIST 96. ROYAL CANADIAN BEER FIT FOR A KING A-35 53. BOISE'S BEST BEER 100% PURE A-42 CORRECTIONS 2. BUFFALO BREWING CO. SACRAMENTO, CAL. (2 VAR (A) TEXT ON 2 LINES (B) TEXT ON 3 LINES) (02,587) A-46 3. KIEWELS WHITE SEAL (POSSIBLY CANADIAN ???) A-65 5. TEQUIZA EATRA A-66 2. ROLLING ROCK TOWN FAIR (PIC OF HORSE) 3. SHINER BOCK BOCKTOBERFEST ‘98 A-68 LEMON 2 1/2" JOHN STANLEY 1. “DOC” OTIS HARD LEMON ALCOHOL MALT BEVERAGE / SAME A-69 BOTTLE LABEL MARKED “VONPOK MADE IN CHINA” 7" JEB BURRUSS III 1. MICHELOB LIGHT A-70 EAGLE HEAD & BOTTLE NO GAS KEY (SEE A-15) MARKED “C.T.& O.CO.,CHICAGO, PAT.APPLD.FOR.” OR “C.T.& O.CO.,CHICAGO PAT.APPLD.FOR/PATENTED” OR “C.T.& O.CO. CHGO. PATD 4.30.12.” 2 7/8” JACK FORD 1. COOK’S EVANSVILLE, IND. 2. COMPLIMENTS OF THE EAGLE SUPPLY HOUSE 242 STATE STREET ROCHESTER, N.Y. (SEE B-13-77) B-2 CORRECTIONS 12. UNITED STATES BREWING CO. (US B CO LOGO) DRINK SAVOY SPECIAL BREW (02,339) B-6 25. KOPPITZ-MELCHERS BRG. CO. / DETROIT, MICH. B-7 31. SAN DIEGO BREWING CO. “THE QUALITY BEER” B-9 CORRECTIONS 5. MINERAL SPRING BREWING CO. (02,339) B-13 CORRECTIONS 35. “XXX PEARL BEER” ALAMO FOODS CO. SAN ANTONIO (02,339) B-14 188. DR. MILLER'S GOLDEN HARVEST BEER MADE IN CRETE, NEBRASKA B-16 CORRECTIONS 3. KEY TO THE GERMAN BREW'G CO'S BEERS CUMBERLAND, MD. (02,339) B-18 652. COMPLIMENTS OF ACME BREWING CO. SAN FRANCISCO 653. ATLANTA BREWING & ICE CO. / BUD. 654. BUFFALO BREWING CO. HANSEN & KAHLER AGENTS OAKLAND, CALIF. 655. THE HAGEN-BECKER CO. MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAULDULUTH. 656. DRINK LIONS BREW NO. 155 657. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BREWERIANA ADVERTISING 30TH CONVENTION – AUGUST 2001 DETROIT, MICHIGAN (LEFT-HANDED) (MADE BY CYMBA, INC. U.S.A.) 658. KEY TO PARK BREW. CO. PARK MALT EXTRACT WINONA, MINN. 659. PILSENER’S P.O.C. BEVERAGES ARE THE BEST CLEVELAND O. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 660. 620. 257. 258. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 114. 183. 10. 7. 31. 8. 9. 15. 42. 181. 182. 314. 315. 8. 9. 2. 2. 3. 4. JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 SMUTTYNOSE BREWING CO. PORTSMOUTH, NH (BLACK ON SILVER, GRAY ON BLACK) (CYMBA) B-18 CORRECTIONS KEY TO AUG. SCHELL BRG. CO’S NEW ULM, MINN. (02,930) B-19 KRANTZ OLD DUTCH BEER TOLEDO-FINDLAY, O. SCHWARZENBACH’S EXPORT BEER CRYSTAL ALE. B-21 THERE IS NO BETTER BEER THAN BARTELS DISTRIBUTORS OF BONE DRY 218 SO. GREENWOOD ST. TULSA, OKLA. / COMPLIMENTS OF C. E. MEYERS AND W. T. MORELAND CALL FOR JETTERS OLD AGE BOTTLE BEER / JOHN ROHRIG 1119 P. ST. LINCOLN, NEB. PHONE 3480 DRINK LEHNERT’S BEER CATASAUQUA, PA. MULLEN BREWING CO. CHICAGO COMPLIMENTS OF GEO. K. PACKHAM SUPPLY CO. 613 E. LOMBARD ST. BALTIMORE, MD. (OVER) / SUPPLIES FOR LIQUOR DEALERS MAIL ORDER LIQUOR SHIPPERS BREWERS AND BOTTLERS (OVER) (SEE P-19-46) PLATTEVILLE BREWERY FRITZ HOPPE CALL FOR ULMER LAGER BEER NEW ULM BRG. & MLTG. CO. N. WASSERSTROM & SONS 433 NO. HIGH ST. COLUMBUS, OHIO. / NA-WA-SO MALT - SYRUP WEST BEND BREWING CO'S LITHIA BEER WEST BEND, WIS. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, BOTTLER OF WORCESTER ALE & LAGER. / LUDGER LEMOINE, 48 UNION ST. NORTH ADAMS, MASS. B-22 CORRECTIONS DRINK CLICCO BREW (02,339) B-23 HOWELL & KING BREWERY PITTSTON, PA. JOYCE'S PERFECTION BEER B-31 VAL BLATZ BEERS GEO. C. DURISH JR. BRIDGEWATER, S.D. B-52 DRINK “OUR SPECIAL” THE PRAIRIE DU CHIEN BEER B-58 KING COBRA B-73 BUD KING RACING (PIC OF CROWN) KENNY BERNSTEIN SCHLAFLY BEER WWW.SCHAFLY.COM THE SAINT LOUIS BREWERY C-5 CORRECTIONS JOHN WAGNER SONS BWG. CO. / PALE AMERICAN (02,261) C-11 THE HUDEPOHL BREWING CO. C-12 HIGHLAND BEER (BOTTLE) HYDE PARK MALT SHOP 1453 F 55TH ST. PHONE HYDE PARK PARK 8193 C-13 FITZGERALD’S GINGER ALE (PROHIBITION DRINK) L. F. NEUWEILERS & SONS / SAME C-49 BUD LIGHT YBOR GOLD C-50 MILLER GENUINE DRAFT / MGD HQ D-1 CORRECTIONS CHIEF OSHKOSH (DELETE USE D-9-1) (02,339) DELTA BEER (DELETE USE D-9-2) (02,339) DENMARK BREWING CO. (DELETE USE D-9-3) (02,339) 22. 23. 5. 18. 37. 7. 10. 1. 8. 9. 13. 12. 5. 11. 7. 6. 2. 7. 16. 8. 1. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 240. 126. 127. 228. 89. 123. 35. 141. 859. PAGE 14 EDELWEISS (DELETE USE #34) (02,339) KINGSBURY (DELETE USE D-9-4) (02,339) MELLOW BREW (DELETE USE D-9-6) (02,339) OLD IMPERIAL (DELETE USE D-9-7) (02,339) OSHKOSH / RAHR BEER (DELETE USE D-9-8) (02,339) JAC. RUPPERT / KNICKERBOCKER (DELETE USE D-12 -4) (02,339) ZOLLER'S BEER (DELETE USE D-9-10) (02,339) D-2 CORRECTIONS CHIEF OSHKOSH (DELETE USE D-9-1) (02,339) MAIER / RED RIBBON (DELETE USE D-12-2) (02,339) MAIER / SELECT (DELETE USE D-1-40) (02,339) MASS. BREW. CO. / BOSTON (DELETE USE D-12-7) (02,339) MATHIE'S RED RIBBON (DELETE USE D-12-2) (02,339) RAHR BEER (DELETE USE D-9-8) (02,339) JAC. RUPPERT / KNICKERBOCKER (DELETE USE D-12 -4) (02,339) ZOLLER'S BEER (DELETE USE D-9-10) (02,339) D-3 CORRECTIONS KINGSBURY (DELETE USE D-9-4) (02,339) LION ALE / PILSENER LAGER (DELETE FOREIGN) (02,339) MENOMINEE / SAME (DELETE D-9-19) (02,339) STONE STOUT / BENT'S ALE (DELETE FOREIGN) (02,339) D-4 CORRECTIONS FRONTENAC / EXPORT ALE (DELETE FOREIGN) (02,339) LEISYS (DELETE USE #6) (02,339) E-4 GREY EAGLE MALT CO. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO / USE “GREY EAGLE MALT” IT’S MARVELOUS KRUMENAKER BREWS / SAME (SEE E-23-15) MALATCHI’S KING OF THE VALLEY MALT / DISTRIBUTOR BY JOHN MALATCHI KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. OX MALT & HOP CO. 70 E. TOWN ST. / ADAMS 6932 PHILADELPHIA BEVERAGE CO. / SAME (PHILADELPHIA BREW PROHIBITION CO) PORT JERVIS HOME SUPPLY / MALT & HOPS BOTTLING SUPPLIES E-4 CORRECTIONS RAINIER BREWING COMPANY, INC. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. / DRINK RAINIER BEER-5 1/2% (DELETE USE #188) (84,11) (ADD BACK) (02,587) E-5 GENESEE BEER (IN LOGO) ADAMS COUNTY HOME BEVERAGE CORP U.S. ROUTE 30 CASHTOWN, PA. 17310 PHONE 334-5400 “I'M ON MY WAY TO” LONE STAR BEER (IN LOGO) TAKE A BREAK FOR LONE STAR BEER APACHE DISTR. CO. SAN ANTONIO 1538 TAMPICO ST. F. 9316 E-6 WACHTER’S WATERTOWN CREAM ALE / SAME E-7 THE HUNTINGTON BREWING CO. E-8 INDIANAPOLIS BREWING CO. / GOLD MEDAL DUESSELDORFER. E-8 CORRECTIONS GLOECKNER’S MALT COLUMBUS, OHIO. (02,515) E-9 PETER DOELGER BEVERAGES / SAME E-14 MIAMI VALLEY BREWING CO. VAN BEK BEER / “LONDON BOBBY” BEER 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 3. 44. 45. 112. 22. 2. 11. 3. 98. 7. 8. 9. 58. 59. 60. 61. 14. 23. 24. 25. 26. 1. 1. 1. 50. 205. 206. 17. JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 E-24 VARSITY DRY AND ELK BRAND GINGER ALE CONSUMERS NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS S. F. (BLACK ON LIGHT GREEN) (SEE C-21-8) F-5 THE EBERLE BEVERAGE CO. DELICIOUS BEVERAGES / THE EBERLE BEVERAGE CO. PHONE 4733 ROCHESTER BOTTLING CO. / QUALITY BEVERAGES 68 7TH ST., NW (ROCHESTER BREW CO (MINN) PROHIBITION CO) F-6 FEIGENSPAN NEWARK, N. J. / P. O. N. (IN LOGO) THE BEER THAT BUILDS F-9 THE DIEBOLT BREWG. CO. / CLEVELAND, OHIO. / THE CLEVELAND HYGEIA ICE CO. / 2702 PITTSBURGH AVE. F-22 EDELWEISS FOOD PRODUCTS / JOHN SEXTON CO. SUP. 8400 F-27 TRAVIS BEER / PORT ICE COMPANY F-29 LIQUID “CREMO” MALT 1334 SO. ROCKWELL ST PHONE-CRAWFORD 3232 G-9 LUBECK BEER CLEVELAND PROSPECT 3230 (GOLD ON GREEN) G-25 HYAN DRY GINGER ALE OLD GERMAN BREW JUNG BEER RANDOM LAKE KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE OMAHA, NEBR. (SEE A-21-48 HAMMS & A-21-25 HEILEMAN) G-28 BIG HOUSE BREWING COMPANY (BLACK ON GOLD) MILLER LITE (WHITE ON BLUE) SHINER BOCK (BROWN & RED ON YELLOW) YUENGLING (WHITE ON RED) G-35 DRINK FRESH TITLETOWN BEER GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN (GOLD ON GREEN) G-48 BRIDGEPORT (WHITE ON GREEN) MACTARNAHAN’S (WHITE ON GREEN) NOR’WESTER (BLUE ON SILVER) HENRY SAXER (BROWN ON CREAM) G-65 CAP LIFTER/RIBBED OUTLINE 4 1/8" JOHN STANLEY KRUEGER’S FINEST BEER G-66 CAP LIFTER/MAGIC HAT SYMBOL 3" ART JOHNSON MAGIC HAT BREWING COMPANY WWW.MAGICHAT.NET G-67 TWIST-OFF CAP LIFTER/CAN SHAPE 2 3/8” JOHN STANLEY COORS LIGHT H-1 WAGNER BOTTLING WORKS PHONE TRI-CITY 154 MANUFACTURERS OF NEHI (GRANITE CITY, ILL) H-2 THE J. & P. BALTZ BREWING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. S&S MALT BEVERAGE SUPPLY CO. 2416 NORTH AVE. MILWAUKEE H-6 MILLER GENUINE DRAFT (PIC OF ALASKA) 18. 11. 17. 80. 1. 3. 4. 11. 86. 87. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 14. 6. PAGE 15 STROH’S FOR A GOOD TIMES IN ALASKA H-10 FAMOUS A. B. C. BEER I-5 REGAL BEER I-14 MILLSTREAM BREWING CO. AMANA, IOWA (PIC OF MILL) L-12 CORRECTIONS BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS / SAME (2 VAR (A) BLOCK LETTERS (B) SCRIPT LETTERS) (02,158) L-14 MILLER GENUINE DRAFT (STANDARD LABEL & NECK LABEL) MILLER LITE (STANDARD LABEL & NECK LABEL) M-9 STAG, BLACK LABEL RED CAP ALE MILLER'S HIGH LIFE / NORTHLAND PACKAGE LIQUORS 1455 CHAMBERS RD. AT W. FLORISSANT AVE. CLARENCE H. GARDNER, PROP. JA 2-9840 M-29 BUSCH BAVARIAN BEER ELGER A. DUSTMAN, DISTRIBUTOR WARRENTON, MO. GL. 6-8158 (EAGLE IN A) GUS' BAR WINES-LIQUORS 3241 S. SPRING AVE. - PROSPECT 6-8509 GUS. H. SCHILDNECHT M-30 BUD-ON-TAP - MIXED DRINKS CLUB PONDEROSA 6012 TELEGRAPH RD. UL 2-8709 OPEN 6 A.M. TIL 1:30 AM LIVE MUSIC THUR. FRI. AND SAT. DINING AND DANCING BUDWEISER-SCHMIDTS NORTHWEST BEVERAGES THIEF RIVER FALLS, MINN. DISTRIBUTORS OF DUQUESNE, SILVER TOP, AND DUKE ALE HAVE A DUKE! UNITED BEVERAGE COMPANY DUQUESNE (PRINCE) CHAS., W.VA. PH. 342-7115 (PHONE US FOR PARTY KEGS) FAMOUS HUBER BEER BREWED WITH WONDERFUL WISCONSIN WATER SAV-ON LIQUOR INC. 809 ST. LOUIS ROAD ECONO LIQUOR 1406 W. MAIN, BELLEVILLE SIGNAL-HILL-LIQUOR, INC. 9804 W. MAIN, BELLEVILLE LET US KEEP YOU IN GOOD SPIRITS LONE STAR BEER (IN LOGO) 25TH ANNIVERSARY LONE STAR BEER DIST. CO. 203 SO. 11TH SU 3-0537 FORT SMITH, ARK. GO HOGS GO! 1965 (LISTS 10 FALL GAME SCHEDULE-DATES-TIMESCITIES) MICHELOB & BUDWEISER ON TAP ROD & GUN TAVERN PACKAGE GOODS 118 WASHINGTON BEARDSTOWN, ILL. PHONE 1090 JACK BEERS OLD MILWAUKEE SCHMIDT SCHLITZ PABST BLUE RIBBON – BALLANTINE – BLATZ COLT 45 – NATIONAL & FALSTAFF BEER RELIABLE BEER CO. PHONES: 943-8029 & 943-8042 5800 SIXTH AVE. ALTOONA, PA. PEARL BEER (IN LOGO) PEARL BEER DIST. CO. EAGLE LAKE H. J. & R. J. CAMPBELL SCHLITZ (IN LOGO) PHONE 437-7544 DUTCH’S CITY BEVERAGE INC. 175 N. BEESON AVE. UNIONTOWN, PA. 15401 SCHLITZ BEER (IN LOGO) STAG BEER (IN LOGO) SCHWARTZ DISTRIBUTING CO. 1222 BROADWAY HANNIBAL, MO. AC 1-0507 M-34 LITE M-40 EAST AURORA BOTTLING WORKS SIMON PURE BEER & ALE BRADING’S CINCI-SOFT DRINKS 34 ELM ST. PHONE NL2-2090 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 M-54 WEINHARD’S BOARS HEAD RED M-63 5. COMPLIMENTS OF FALLS CITY BEER (DECAL) 6. SCHLITZ C. V. HUDEPOHL BERGHOFF OLD CROWN ALE (IN KEYSTONE LOGO) M-65 6. MARY’S COORS ON TAP PACKAGED LIQUORS 896 N. BROAD GLOBE, ARIZONA M-69 5. HAMMS BEER ROCK SPRING BEVERAGES ORN BEVERAGE CO. GLENVIEW 1-1000 M-83 31. SCHLITZ (IN LOGO) PHONE 437-7544 DUTCH’S CITY BEVERAGE INC. 175 N. BEESON AVE. UNIONTOWN, PA. 15401 M-89 3. BUDWEISER – SCHMIDTS – OLD DUTCH – YUENGLING BEERS REINHARDT BEVERAGES DISTRIBUTORS TAMAQUA, PENNA. PHONE 353 4. STAG BEER NELSON DISTRIBUTING CO. CHICAGO, ILL. M-101 2. PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (IN BLUE RIBBON) ORIGINAL (IN BOX) ESTABLISHED IN MILWAUKEE 1844 M-106 5. FULL SAIL BREWING COMPANY HOOD RIVER & PORTLAND, OREGON / SAME M-108 3. COMPLIMENTS OF POTOSI BREWING COMPANY THE FRIENDLY FOLKS IN POTOSI VALLEY PHONE 7636825 FEATURING OLD BEN STECKER COAL M-124 2. ORIGINAL COORS M-130 MAGNETIC CAP LIFTER MARKED “MAGNACAP PAT. PEND.” RECAPS BOTTLES/CRUSHES ICE CUBES/REMOVES LARGE JAR CAPS/LIFTS AND HOLDS BOTTLE CAPS DESIGNED BY CARL OTTO MADE BY KENNETH ROBBINS CO., INC. OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 6 3/4" JOHN STANLEY 1. BLATZ (IN TRIANGLE LOGO) M-131 CAP LIFTER/CAN PIERCER WITH AUTOMATIC BOTTLE CAP RELEASE CALLED “HANDY DANDY” MADE BY BELLERN RESEARCH CORP. OF SAUGERTIES, NEW YORK 6 3/4" JOHN STANLEY 1. FROEDTERT MALT M-132 COAST BELT SURVIVAL TOOL FORCEPS NOSE PLIERS/NINE BLADES TWO CAN OPENER SCREWDRIVER BLADES/ SCISSORS/SAW/MARLIN SPIKE BLADE/FILLET BLADE/ KNIFE SAW/PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER/ KNOT TYING BLADE/9 INCH RULER MARKED “COAST STAINLESS” 8" FOLDED MARC BENJAMIN 1. BUSCH M-133 CAP LIFTER/CAN PIERCER WOOD HANDLE 4 7/8" JACK WESTALL 1. FEHR’S X/L BEER (DECAL) 18. PAGE 16 M-134 WOOD HANDLE CAP LIFTER (NO CORKSCREW) CAST IRON CROWN CAP LIFTER IN HANDLE (SEE P-9, P-139) 5 1/8” ART SANTEN 1. DRINK OMAHA BLUE RIBBON BEER. / SAME N-9 42. RICHTER’S PALE DRY GINGER ALE & LIME RICKEY (SEE A-33-3) N-18 18. COORS LIGHT BEAT THE PRO (RED PRINTING) N-27 14. COMPLIMENTS OF PETE WOLFF – DISTRIBUTOR SCHLITZ OLD MILWAUKEE & LOWENBRAU BEER PHONE DU 6-3003 HUDSON, WIS. N-27 CORRECTIONS 4. BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS (2 VAR (A) WHITE ON WOOD ON LEFT HANDLE (B) GOLD ON WOOD ON RIGHT HANDLE) (02,158) N-29 20. DRINK PABST BLUE RIBBON LUHRING AND HURLBUT NASHUA, IOWA N-29 CORRECTIONS 6. STORCK SLINGER BEER COMPLIMENTS C.E. MITCHELL DISTRIBUTOR PHONE 180-J HARTFORD, WIS. (02,261) N-35 15. WHOLESALER – HAMM’S BEER L. A. SPENCER N-40 33. STEVENS POINT BREWERY POINT SPECIAL BEER 1857 -1982 125 YEARS OF BREWING EXCELLENCE N-40 CORRECTIONS 29. BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS THE WORLD RENOWNED BUDWEISER LAGER BEER (EAGLE IN A) (EAGLE IN A) (OPENER IN CENTER) (DELETE USE #17) (02,158) N-42 4. COMPLIMENTS JUNEAU BEVERAGE ATLAS PRAGER AND PEOPLES’ BEER 5. (EAGLE IN A) BUDWEISER BUSCH BAVARIAN N-43 7. DIST. OF BLATZ BEER SOUTHERN FRUIT CO. N-45 3. GOLDEN GRAIN BELT BEER (IN LOGO) THANK YOU FROM REICHERT BOTTLING CO. REDWING / SAME 4. DRINK HAMM’S BEER AND SQUIRT / WISHING YOU THE FINER THINGS IN LIFE EACH DAY “ANDY” ANDERSON N-45 CORRECTIONS 2. REFRESHLINGLY YOURS HAMM’S BLOOM DISTRIBUTING CO. WEBSTER, SO. DAK. / WISHING YOU THE FINER THINGS IN LIFE EACH DAY CARL BLOOM (02,930) N-53 4. DIEHL BEER N-56 19. FLECK’S FARIBAULT, MINN. SINCE 1856 20. LONE STAR BEER / SCHROEDER DIST. CO. SEGUIN, TEX. N-109 FOUR BLADE KNIFE/MASTER BLADE/ CAP LIFTER-SCREWDRIVER BLADE/ SCISSORS BLADE/FILE BLADE METAL HANDLES MASTER BLADE MARKED “STAINLESS STEEL JAPAN” 2 3/8" JOHN STANLEY 1. MILLER BREWING COMPANY (LOGO) 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 N-110 FOUR BLADE KNIFE/MASTER BLADE/ CAP LIFTER-SCREWDRIVER BLADE/ SCISSORS BLADE/FILE BLADE METAL HANDLES MASTER BLADE MARKED “LUBOTCO / SOLINGEN GERMANY” 2 3/4" DAVE LENDY 1. NORTHWESTERN MALT & GRAIN CO. (LOGO) O-3 4. DOBLER NATURALLY! O-22 VAUGHAN'S "NEVER CHIP" MODEL #2 WALL MOUNT CAP LIFTER MOUNTS WITH 2 SCREWS DESIGNED BY HARRY L. VAUGHAN MECHANICAL PATENT NO. 1,029,645 (06/18/1912) (SEE O-4, O-11) 1 1/2” WIDE JOHN STANLEY 1. BARTL BRAU LA CROSSE, WIS. O-23 METAL PLATE WALL MOUNT CAP LIFTER MOUNTS WITH 3 SCREWS POINTED TOP (SEE O-10) 2” WIDE JOHN STANLEY 1. WALTER BROS. BREWING CO. MENASHA, WIS. P-7 53. DRINK THE BEST CAMBRIA SELECT BEER BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY JOHNSTOWN, PA. (C B CO LOGO) 54. EL PASO BREWERY’S PREMIUM BEER A SPECIAL BREW FOR FAMILY USE 55. THE WASHINGTON BREWING CO., CITIZEN 7256 BELL NORTH 2040 P-8 217. “MINNEHAHA” / RICHARD E NORRIS BOTTLER 225 W NORTH AVE. 218. COMPLIMENTS OF THE NEW SOUTH BREWING AND ICE CO. MIDDLESBORO, KY. / ASK FOR OUR CELEBRATED PINNACLE AND CRYSTAL PALE BOTTLEDBEER. P-11 3. W. & K. MALT & HOP CO. 933 BERGENLINE AVE. UNION CITY N. J. / BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOODS TEL. UNION 7-6944 P-15 CORRECTIONS 18. FRIENDLY GRAIN BELT / LYLE ENGEBRETSON (ADD '/') (02,158) P-19 92. WHOLESALE LIQUOR AND ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER EPSTEIN & BLOCH SEDALIA, MO. 93. DEALER IN DICK & BROS. QUINCY BOTTLED BEERS. COMPLIMENTS OF WALTER JOHNSON, 94. EDELWEISS THE PURE FOOD BEER ..AND.. SUNNYBROOK WHISKEY EDELWEISS BEER CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL ROCK ISLAND, ILL. (IN SMALL LETTERS ILLINOIS GLASS CO. CHICAGO, ILL.) 95. COMPLIMENTS OF KAIER’S BREWERS AND WHOLESALE WINES & LIQUORS, MAHANOY CITY, PA. 96. DRINK PACIFIC BEER. TACOMA. 97. POTH’S BEER J. T. NODEN WINES AND LIQUORS CHESTER, PA. 98. SCHLITZ BREWING CO’S BEER COMPLIMENTS OF PETER STEFFEN WHOLESALE DEALER YANKTON, S. D. 99. SUNSET BREWING CO., WALLACE, IDAHO P-22 17. MOERLEIN / CINCINNATI P-30 3. BAY CITY BREWING CO. BAY CITY, MICH. PAGE 17 P-34 SCHLITZ PALM GARDEN / AUG. WEISS, MILW. P-35 4. STROH’S BEER DETROIT QUICK AND EASY PATD. FEB 27 94 JULY 23 95 P-49 2. MCAVOY BREW’G CO. CHICAGO / MALT MARROW P-51 61. CLAUSSEN BREWING ASSN. (DIAMOND SHAPES AND STAR) SEATTLE, U.S.A. / BREWERS OF STANDARD LAGER BEER EXPORT BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY PHONE MAIN 1088 62. MICHIGAN UNION BREWING CO. ANN ARBOR, MICH. / SAME 63. SECURITY BREWING CO. NEW ORLEANS, LA. / SAME P-54 38. BEN HAVERLAND, PROPRIETOR BUDWEISER SALOON, FAMILY WINES AND LIQUORS MAIL ORDER TRADE A SPECIALTY PHONE-1213 125 S. FOURTH ST. QUINCY, ILL. 39. SCHLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER DELIVERY TO PRIVATE TRADE A SPECIALTY E. A. BALLOU ALLIANCE, OHIO P-55 9. SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING COMPANY / DRINK THE FAMOUS “RAINIER” (PIC OF MOUNT RAINIER MT. RAINIER) / SAME P-66 11. BLATZ MILWAUKEE / ED KRAUS P-69 2. HENNEPIN BREWING CO. / SAME P-82 14. MAHAN BROTHERS WICHITA KANSAS / WHOLESALERS / BEERS WINES & LIQUORS (SEE L-2-16 BUDWEISER-SCHLITZ) P-85 9. COMPLIMENTS OF AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING CO. GREAT FALLS, MONT. P-138 3. THE MARIETTA BREWING CO. ??? SPECIAL BREW IS THE BEST BEER FOR YOU TELEPHONE BELL 373 ??? P-160 WAITER’S FRIEND/CORKSCREW/ CAP LIFTER NECKSTAND BLADE/MASTER BLADE METAL HANDLES MASTER BLADE MARKED “W. H. HILLER GERMANY” JOHN STANLEY 1. WIEDEMANN / FINE (W LOGO) BEER P-161 SIX BLADE KNIFE/CORKSCREW/MASTER BLADE/ PEN BLADE/CAN OPENER BLADE/PUNCH BLADE/ SCREWDRIVER BLADE BLACK CELLULOID HANDLES SALESMAN’S SAMPLE KNIFE KNIFE BLADES MARKED “CHRISTIANS SOLINGEN (FORK LOGO)” JOHN STANLEY 1. DAVID STEVENSON BREWING CO. NEW YORK P-162 SINGLE RING WIRE HANDLE CORKSCREW METAL SLEEVE AD STAMPED ON WIRE RING WIRE HANDLE DON BULL 1. CONTINENTAL BREWING CO. 3. JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 Q-8 44. 45. 38. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 133. 184. 7. 8. 6. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. BUD LIGHT LITE Q-10 FOR QUICK DELIVERY OF ANHEUSER-BUSCH PRODUCTS CALL REX DIST. INC. 374-3676 Q-12 BUD BUD BUD (WHITE ON RED) CAPITAL BREWERY MIDDLETON, WI (608) 836-7100 (GOLD ON BLUE) ELEPHANT MALT LIQUOR IMPORTED (PIC OF ELEPHANT AND 2 ARROWS) (RED ON GREY) GRANTS FARM (A-B PRODUCT) MAD BOAR RESTAURANT BREWERY (PIC OF BOAR) (BLACK ON BLUE) (BLACK ON GREEN) (BLACK ON GREY) (BLACK ON ORANGE) (BLACK ON RED) (BLACK ON WHITE) (BLACK ON YELLOW) NORTHERN ALE (PIC OF 3 WOLVES) (BLACK, GREEN & RED ON GOLD) NORTHERN SUPERIOR LAGER (PIC OF 3 WOLVES) (BLACK, BLUE & RED ON GREY) Q-18 EXPORT LIGHT (SILVER ON BLUE) GRIZZLY PEAK BREWING COMPANY (GREEN ON YELLOW) LEINENKUGEL’S LIGHT (BLUE ON WHITE) MILWAUKEE’S BEST (BLACK ON RED) REDWOOD BREWING CO. FLINT, MI (YELLOW ON GREEN) SCHELL’S BEER (WHITE ON BLUE) SINGLETRACK BOULDER BEER BOULDER, COLORADO (BLACK ON RED) (ADD COLOR) ZYWIEC BEER TASTE THE REAL BEER (RED ON WHITE) Q-24 PYRAMID ALES (PIC OF PYRAMIDS) (GRAPE ON WHITE) Q-28 MILLER GENUINE DRAFT RACING TEAM MGD (PIC OF 2 RACE FLAGS) (BLACK ON WHITE) Q-30 BUDWEISER BUDVAR (RED ON WHITE) Q-31 BIG SKY BREWING COMPANY MOOSE DROOL BROWN ALE WWW.BIGSKYBREW.COM MISSOULA, MONTANA (PIC OF MOOSE) (WHITE ON BLACK) (WHITE ON BLUE) (WHITE ON GREEN) (WHITE ON PURPLE) (WHITE ON RED) HURRICANE MALT LIQUOR (BLACK ON WHITE) MICH GOLDEN DRAFT LIGHT (BLACK & RED ON WHITE) ROCHESTER MILLS BEER CO. (248) 650-5080 (BLACK & RED ON WHITE) TEQUIZA (LOGO) (GREEN & YELLOW ON WHITE) Q-32 COORS LIGHT THE SILVER BULLET (PIC OF GOLF BALL & 2 CLUBS) (BLACK ON WHITE) COORS 10TH ANNIVERSARY PENNSYLVANIA 1988-1998 (WHITE ON BLUE) LEFT HAND BREWING COMPANY LONGMONT, COLORADO (PIC OF HAND) (BLACK & RED ON WHITE) MILLER GENUINE DRAFT (PIC OF BASEBALL & BAT) / REMINDS YOU TO PLEASE THINK WHEN YOU DRINK. (BLACK ON WHITE) MILLER GENUINE DRAFT LIGHT (PIC OF GOLF BALL & 2 CLUBS) (BLACK ON WHITE) WOW POINT SPECIAL BEER (PIC OF POINTING HAND) (BLACK ON WHITE) ROLLING ROCK H J AND FRIENDS SHENANDOAH, PA (GREEN ON WHITE) YBOR CALUSA WHEAT (GOLD ON BLUE) YBOR GOLD (GOLD ON BLACK) PAGE 18 Q-36 COEUR D’ALENE BREWING COMPANY (PIC OF SPEEDBOAT) (GOLD ON GREEN) 69. FLYING DOG ALES / WWW.FLYINGDOGALES.COM (BLACK ON WHITE) 70. MILLER GENUINE DRAFT / THINK WHEN YOU DRINK (BLACK & GOLD ON WHITE) 71. POINT CLASSIC AMBER (GOLD, RED & WHITE ON BLACK) 72. POINT SPECIAL BEER WOW (PIC OF HAND POINTING) (BLUE & RED ON WHITE) 73. REDWOOD BREWING CO. 810-233-8000 (RED ON WHITE) 74. TABERNASH BREWING COMPANY QUALITY BEER FOR THE PEOPLE (HAND HOLDING GLASS LOGO) (BLACK ON WHITE) Q-39 5. BLATZS Q-65 TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER PLIERS MARKED “PAT. PEND. MADE IN U.S.A.” 4" JOHN STANLEY 1. UNCLE ABE SAYS GRAB A SCHLITZ Q-66 TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER/TAB LIFTER MARKED "PAT. PEND. LOTTERY TWISTER-TAB LIFTER" 2 9/16" JACK WESTALL 1. STROH’S Q-67 TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER/TAB LIFTER SURFBOARD SHAPE MARKED "EVANS ASI –52040 U.S.A. 1" 3 3/8" MARC BENJAMIN 1. ORIGINAL COORS / DESIGNATE! Q-68 CAP LIFTER/TAB LIFTER CAP LIFTER HAS METAL SUPPORT GUITAR SHAPE DESIGN ON TOP EDGE (Q-18 HAS STRAIGHT SIDES) MARKED "EVANS MFG SA CA 92704 PAT. 4,864,898" 2 5/8" ART SANTEN 1. LITE BEER ROCK A’ RAMA (GREEN ON LIGHT GREEN) 2. MILLER GENUINE DRAFT (WHITE ON BLACK) Q-69 TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER/TAB LIFTER MARKED "CANADA 4 IN" 2 1/4" JACK WESTALL 1. ALASKAN BREWING CO. / (MAGNET) R-7 3. A. B. C. AURORA BEER R-21 CORRECTIONS 1. BUD KING OF BEERS (WHITE ON BLACK & RED) (2 VAR (A) BLOCK LETTERS (B) SCRIPT LETTERS) (02,158) R-24 2. FULL SAIL BREWING (PIC OF SAILBOAT) R-25 3. PETE’S (GOLD ON BLACK) R-39 2. BUD LIGHT / SAM (ORANGE ON BROWN) R-41 JAR LID REMOVER/CAP LIFTER/CAN OPENER 8 3/4" JOHN STANLEY 1. RISING SUN PRODUCTS CO. 4819 N. FRONT ST. PHILA. PA. MALT – HOPS BOTTLERS SUPPLIES 68. JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 ETC. S-3 7. 10. 1. SCHMIDT’S BEER T-2 PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (BLUE RIBBON LOGO) / SAME X-13 2001 JFO CONVENTION OPENER EAGLE SHAPE AFTER A-10 3 3/4" DON WHELAN JUST FOR OPENERS 23RD ANNUAL CONVENTION ST. JOSEPH MO APRIL 2001 DRINK MUEHLEBACH BEER (JFO PIN LOGO) (BROWN WHITE BLUE & RED) (BLACK WHITE BLUE & RED) A SINCERE THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING DEVOTED COLLECTORS WHO TOOK THE TIME TO SEND THEIR NEW ADDITIONS (UL'S) TO ME TO MAKE THIS LIST POSSIBLE. IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED BY ALL OF US. MEMBER NAME & NUMBER (# LISTED) MARK BARREN 406 (2) GARY BAUER 951 (2) MARC BENJAMIN 389 (1) JOHN BITTERMAN 786 (1) LEO BLATZ 844 (1) DON BULL 1 (3) LEW BURRITT 805 (1) JOHN BURRUSS III 822 (11) JOHN CARTWRIGHT 587 (8) PAGE 19 DICK CLARK 733 (3) EBAY 0 (10) CRAIG GREEN 187 (1) RICH HARTZOG 537 (1) OLLIE HIBBELER 149 (5) BEN HOFFMAN 261 (13) HARRY HORN 476 (2) NORMAN JAY 181 (5) JIM KAISER 893 (1) ED KAYE 11 (2) VIC KEOWN 321 (4) JOE KNAPP 703 (1) MIKE KREJCI 909 (13) DAVE LENDY 804 (8) LARRY MOTER 450 (8) JIM OSBORNE 126 (1) BILL PATTIE 486 (1) JOHN PATTON 776 (1) TIM PAYNE 943 (1) HAROLD QUEEN 572 (3) ART SANTEN 158 (56) BOB STAHLY 176 (1) PAT STAMBAUGH 930 (9) JOHN STANLEY 339 (36) ERNIE THOMS 852 (12) HARRIET WALDO 228 (2) JACK WESTALL 728 (14) DON WHELAN 583 (2) MARK ZEPPENFELT 886 (1) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (2002) This Christmas, my dear assistant and loving wife was concerned about mailing out cards with all the news about anthrax. As the threats settled down and cards from family and friends started pouring in, including many from JFO, she regretted her decision, but it was too late. She drove 1531 miles between December 13 th and 17th, then another 250 on the 20th. So, she sends this message to all the members of JFO and their families: You know, even without a card, that you are in our thoughts, that we wish you a Merry Christmas and that the New Year will be Healthy and Happy. In fact, we wish you lots of Merry Christmas Days in 2002, for that is what it is like each time you find that special opener/corkscrew!!! Our greatest gift is the close friendships we treasure with our JFO members and their families. We stay in touch throughout the year. We always feel that you are very near. We hope that you know we are always here. Three cheers, three cheers!!! 2002 JFO Convention (What is Available and What to Bring) Clayton Denney will have a room full of Starr X wall mount openers, casting plates, brass name tags, plus a large display board of Starr X openers for sale at the convention. If you collect wall mount openers whether it be beer, soda or both this will be an excellent chance to buy tough and common openers made by Brown Manufacturing and if you buy in quantity, nice discounts will be given. Also bring any and all Breweriana to Fredericksburg. As stated on page one, Larry Moter is heavily promoting the convention to local beer collectors. Anything from Virginia should be brought along if it available. As usual we will have a regular display contest with first, second and third. The display can be large or small and any kind of openers or corkscrews can be displayed. The other contest is for the “Bill McKienzie Best In Show Award”. Only one item, it can be a New Discovery, your favorite opener, and can be any opener or corkscrew whether it is a beer advertising item or non-beer item. Just take the time to share your collection with fellow JFO members. Last but not least, if you don’t know, Larry Moter is a major collector of all wire advertising openers (‘E”s). Bring any and bring all wires. Larry has a pretty short want list compared to all of the known wires listed but you never know when you might make him a really happy convention host. He is also famous for finding great traders. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 20 JFO and OTHER CLUBS (Newsletter Name in Italics All Clubs Offer an Annual Convention) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– American Breweriana Association (ABA): American Breweriana Journal (bi-monthly) on breweriana collecting. Dues $25.00/ year. Chris Galloway, Recording Secretary, P.O. Box 11157, Pueblo CO 81001 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Canadian Brewerianist: The Canadian Brewerianist (bi-monthly) on Canadian Breweriana collecting. Dues $14.00/year (US Funds). Loren Newman, 2978 Lakeview Trail, Bright's Grove, Ontario, CANADA, N0N 1C0 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Canadian Corkscrew Collectors Club (CCCC): The Quarterly Worme (quarterly) on corkscrew collecting. Dues $30.00/year. Milt Becker, PO Box 9863, Englewood NJ 07631 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– East Coast Breweriana Association (ECBA): The Keg (quarterly) on breweriana collecting. Dues $25.00/year. ECBA, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Figural Bottle Opener Club (FBOC): The Opener (quarterly) on cast iron openers. Color guide book: $27.95/Non Members or $17.00/Members. Dues $20.00/year. Linda Fitzsimmons, 9697 Gwynn Park Dr, Ellicott City, MD, 21042 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Just For Openers (JFO): Just For Openers (quarterly) on all areas of opener collecting (with auction each issue). Dues $20.00/ year. John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– National Association Breweriana Advertising (NABA): The Breweriana Collector (quarterly) on breweriana collecting. Dues $25.00/year. NABA, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– SHOWS & CONVENTIONS (Sources For Openers and Corkscrews) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Feb 14-17 – 23rd Annual Blue & Gray Breweriana Show – Ramada Inn Holidrome-Fredricksburg VA – All JFO Members Welcomed. Contact: John Fisher, PO Box 153, Benedict MD 20612-0153, (301) 274-3340 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Apr 24-29 – 24th Annual Just For Openers Convention –Ramada Inn Holidrome-Fredricksburg VA– All Opener / Corkscrew / Breweriana Collectors Welcomed. Contact: Larry Moter, 10149 Michaels Rd, Woodford VA 22580, (804) 448-3928 E-Mail accneca@aol.com —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Jun 19-24 – 21st Annual ABA Convention – Reno NV – ABA Members Only Only (Saturday Public Show). Contact Stan Galloway, Executive Director, P.O. Box 11157, Pueblo CO 81001 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Jul 11-15 – 30th Annual ECBA Convention –Holiday Inn Select-Frederick MD– ECBA Members Only (Saturday Public Show). Contact John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064, (919) 419-1546 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 July 31st-Aug 4th – 31st Annual NABA Convention –Marriott West-St Louis MO – NABA Members Only (Saturday Public Show). Contact John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064, (919) 419-1546 —————————–———————————————————————————————————————————————— 2002 Sep 21 – 7th Annual K.C. Antique Bottle & Breweriana Show, (American Legion Hall, 499 SW Highway 7, Blue Springs MO). Saturday Show 9AM to 3PM. Contact H. James Maxwell, 1050 W Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City MO 64145, (816) 942-0291 hjmesq@aol.com —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Oct 10-12 – 19th Annual Midwest Breweriana Show – Holiday Inn Central-Omaha NE– JFO Members welcomed. Contact Heather Hain, 15447 Allan Dr, Omaha NE 68137, (402) 896-9917 E-Mail randhhain@aol.com —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Just For Openers "Auction Guidelines" Please Note: Fee of 15% Will Be Charged on Consignments This auction is a service to members of JFO. Submit consignments by sending a graded inventory list. Reasonable minimum bids can be established for good items. Any openers submitted for the auction should have a minimum value of $3.00. Money realized will be sent 4 to 5 weeks after closing date. Please Write First Before Sending Consignment Material. When Bidding Please! give the Lot Number and a Short Description with each bid. Please remember to at least sign your name on each auction page and keep a copy. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 WANTED (Please remember there is no charge for Ads) ———————————————————————————— Members to Swap Openers for Openers, Trade List for Trade List. People who want to hear from other members in different parts of the country. Scott Sherman, W5268 Quarry Rd Appleton WI 54913, (920) 954-1168 ———————————————————————————— Golden Glow Openers: A-1-9, B-23-149, E-14-787, O-4-22 & A-12-12 Grace Bros. Also any Breweriana from Rainier Brewing Co (Seattle WA,LA CA,SF CA), Golden West Brewing Co of Oakland CA & Port Townsend Brewing Co. of Port Townsend WA. Buy/Trade. John Cartwright, 1548 Via Arroyo, Paso Robles CA 93446, (805) 226-9270 ———————————————————————————— Please Help Me Upgrade My Collection. How? Will trade poor A-9-15 Excelsior, A-9-32 Fried and A-9-33 Rainier for good ones or cash. Ed Kaye, 7077 Cedarhurst Dr, Fort Myers FL 33919, Call Collect (941) 590-3068 ———————————————————————————— A-22-1 Ballantine. Great Trades Available. Jack Ford, 5351 Boyd Ave, Oakland CA 94618, (510) 655-5393 ———————————————————————————— Any:A-34 (Beer or Non-Beer), Beer:A-42,B-6,B-7,B-22,B-294,B-31,G-5. Soda Openers (Esp Dr Pepper, Coca-Cola, Nehi, Pepsi-Cola). B-9-2 Salinas, B-9-10 Ambrosia. C-21-3 Old Timers, C-21-6 Grand Rapids, E-17s:#1 American,#7 I.S.D.,#9 Everett,#12 Lion. H-1s #8,12,21,24,26,27,31,34,35,39, 42,44. O-1-2 Leidigers. O-4 Orange Crush. Write for latest trade list or buy. John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 ———————————————————————————— A-17 "Wilber Brewery" & P-8 Corkscrew "Omaha Brewing Association" (Excellent Condition Only). Will purchase outright. John Mlady, 1506 S 25th St, Omaha NE 68105-2611, (402) 345-7909 ———————————————————————————— A-43-Dixie & N-15 Bud Knife. (Buying). Marc Benjamin, 167 Nixon Beach Rd, Edenton NC 27932, (919) 482-2099 ———————————————————————————— Will Trade A-64-2 Miller High Life for Opener of Equal Value. Send list of what you will trade? Ralph W. Pitsch, 2814 Wedemeyer St, Sheboygan WI 53081 ———————————————————————————— B-45, B-66, I-7, P-72, P-100, R-14 types with a Corkscrew (Beer/Non-Beer) and Silver Top Beer Openers. Herb Danziger, 550 Cherry Ct, Birmingham MI 48009-1459, (810) 646-9470 ———————————————————————————— Beverwyck-B-18-499,B-21-147,C-10-48,E-9-87,F-6-87,I-2-2,I14-1,J-5-5a, Dobler-I-11-232,I-18-6, Fitzgerald-C-20-12,I-1223,I-18-9, Hedrick-E-9-55, Hinckel-P-30-1, Quandt-P-8-118,P35-2, Stanton-A-20-13,C-12-103,C-18-24, Isengart-E-8-59, Stoll-B-18-380,E-8-107, Misc-A-28-40. Buying. Bill Laraway, 627 Kenwood Ave, Delmar NY 12054 ———————————————————————————— “E”s! Have Trade List (various types) to send for “E”s that I need or will buy. Top 10 List: E-6-208 Old Lancaster, E-14832 Uneeda, E-7-77 Lima, E-4-207 Yosemite, E-14-626 Modesto, E-9-58 Jacksonville, E-16-11 Ganser, E-18-4 American, E-8 #24 & #25 New Braunfels, E-23-11 Evansville. Larry Moter, 10149 Michaels Rd, Woodford VA 22580, (804) 448-3928 E-Mail accneca@aol.com ———————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————— PAGE 21 Bond and Lillard Openers (would like to buy). Have A-29, would like any others. Lillard is a family name. George Love, 4301 Forest Plaza Dr, Hixson TN 37343, (423) 877-6006 ————————————————————————————E-2-19 Yuengling Por-Tor (HELP!!!!!) Harold Queen, 1001 Centre Ave, Jim Thorpe PA 18229, (717) 325-2612 —————————————————————–——————– “E” Type Openers Wanted. Will Trade my “C”, “E” and “I” Types. Please send list of what you have and I'll send my list. Ralph Tewksbury, 84 Wildwood Dr, Parkersburg WV 26101 (304) 863-3627 ———————————————————————————— Wanted I-4s # 31 Acme, 33 Becker, 5 & 61 Burgermeister, 57 GB, 39 Lion, 54 Piels Schlitz, 42 Pilser, 59 Silver Fox. Cash or trade. Ben Hoffman, 213 Simmons Rd, Perkiomenville PA 18704, (610) 287-8243 ———————————————————————————— "I-5"s, “E-14”s, “B-24”s, “G-1”s. Send for Want List. John Patton, 9224 Sugarloaf Dr, Redding CA 96001 ———————————————————————————— Will Buy or Trade from My Collection for these Openers: I-745 Anheuser-Busch Dry Malt, I-7-46 Berghoff, I-7-37 Schaefer, E-11-18 Arrow, H-6-1 Blatz, H-6-3 Olympia, H-6-4 Pabst, H-6-9 Pabst. Tom Gormally, 22555 Cardiff Dr, Santa Clarita CA 91350, 661-291-1392 ———————————————————————————— I-7 Beer or Non-Beer Openers. I'm interested. Extensive trade list or cash. Hale Milano, 506 Springhouse Road, Camp Hill PA 17011-1454, (717) 737-5067 ———————————————————————————— M-3s #20 Liberty, 40 Deer Park, 23 Fuhrmann & Schmidt, 25 Harrison Golden Brew, 41 Harrison Old Style, 26 Senate, 39 Hialeah, 33 Moose, 44 Osterstyock, 36 Piel Bros, 34 Ruppert, 42 Seitz, 37 Sheridan, 6 Standard Erin Brew, 27 Trommers. Don Virostek, 3746 Margate Rd, Pittsburgh PA 152213914, (412) 241-5894 ———————————————————————————— O-5 Openers/Send for list-Buy/Trade.Top $$$. Steve Owen,1175 Elkins Lake, Huntsville TX 77340 (409)295-3329 ———————————————————————————–Atlas Prager Openers: A-21-46, A-21-69, B-14-73, B-14-74, B22-101, B-24-58, B-24-103, B-28-2, E-5-70, E-7-1, E-8-32, E-14 -755, E-14-657, E-14-719, F-4-36, H-2-166, M-23-8, N-10-6, O8-3, P-66-4. Will Buy or Trade. Dave Lendy, 1927 Allen Dr, Geneva IL 60134, (630) 208-6950 ———————————————————————————–Belmont A-20-24, A-29-29, B-14-105, B-19-144, E-1-48-29-54, E-3-1, E-7-34, G-34-1; Matz E-5-12, E-5-78, E-6-141-142, E-14 -804, E-14-660, F-4-31, F-15-6; Uneeda E-14-832; Schmulbach A-17-38, E-8-65. Would like to buy Openers/ Breweriana from these Breweries. Albert Doughty, Jr, 415 N Zane Hwy, Martins Ferry OH 43935-1626 ————————————————————————————Bottle Shaped and/or Openers with Bottle on them. Gary Deachman, PO Box 438, North Woodstock NH 03262 ————————————————————————————Chester PA Openers: B-18-192 Peerless, B-21-557 Haser, C12-71 Chester, P-7-46 Stoeckle, and A-17-14 & A-43-3 Soda Openers with ad for “Penn Brand”. Joseph Knapp, 211-A Berbro Ave, Upper Darby PA 19082, (610) 352-5055 ————————————————————————————CIGAR BOX OPENERS. Will Buy or Trade. Will trade for about anything. Glen Enloe, 805 Tepee Dr, Independence MO 64056, (816) 796-9965 Email enloes@juno.com 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 WANTED (Please remember there is no charge for Ads) ————————————————————————————Cigar Box Openers: HT-5---SHM-2,6,13---DHM-13,15---RBO-1 ---HKH-7,9---HOR-3---RND-13---SQR-4---NL-6---BB13,16,17,18---PKT-1,2,5,6,8,9,10---SEP-9---MIS-5,8. Ken Hoesch, PO Box 299, Zeeland MI 49464-0299 ———————————————————————————— Hartford, Connecticutt Openers Wanted esp. E-8-61 Fischer & P-17-4 Columbia. Edward Johnson, 1290 Poquonock Ave, Windsor CT 06095, (860) 688-6795 ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews-Cork Pullers-Syroco (especially Golden Knight and Clown)-Early US Patents-Anything Unusual. Pay competitive price in trade or cash. Have many corkscrews to trade. Please send description, sketch, photocopy, etc to Paul Luchsinger, 1126 Wishart Place, Hermitage PA 16148 (Tel/Fax 724-346-2331) ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews & Tin Can Openers: Beer Openers for Trade. Joe Young, 36 S. Weston Ave., Elgin IL (847) 695-0108 ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews, Beer Advertising Letter Openers, Beer Advertising Knives, & Postcards depicting Corkscrews. Please send description, photo, sketch, photocopy, or tracing of what you have and advise price wanted. Don Bull, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184, (540) 721-1128, E-Mail corkscrew@bullworks.net ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews: Esp. Walker's “Waiters & Hallboys” and old Williamson wire shafted “T”s with attachments to wood handle (such as brushes/wire cutters). John Vlossak, 1044 East Eldorado St., Appleton WI 54911, (414) 739-2789 ———————————————————————————–Dixie Beer Openers, N-2 and N-88: Bill Moser, 10200 Spunn Rd, Jackson CA 95642, (209) 223-2916 ———————————————————————————–Eifel Mutitool: Floyd Olson, 18226 182nd St, Tonganoxie KS 66086, (913) 724-3020 ———————————————————————————–Figural Corkscrews and any WASHINGTON D.C. Openers and/or Corkscrews. Sandra Emme, PO Box 1454, Upper Marlboro MD 20773, (301) 627-8207 ———————————————————————————–Openers from Jamestown Brewing Co, Kuhn's Beer, Chautauqua Brew, Monessen, PA, Independent Brewing Co, Schaefer, & all Cleveland Beers. Ed Schaefer, PO Box 149, Maple Springs NY 14756, (716) 386-4024 ———————————————————————————–Kiewel Openers: B-14-143, B-18-111, B-19-172, C-41-2, E-14390, E-14-722, H-1-42, H-2-187. Keith Olson, 17021 Oak St, Little Falls MN 56345, (320) 632-4066 E-Mail noslo@brainerd.net ———————————————————————————— Lexington Brewery (Dixie Beer) & Coca-Cola Openers. Want to buy any figurals or unusual older examples of these. Also looking for old manufacturer's brochures or catalogs (originals or copies of). Thom Thompson, 123 Shaw Ave., Versailles KY 40383, (606) 873-8787 ———————————————————————————–“M-1 & M-2” Lithographed Openers (Excellent Condition Only) by beginning collector. Also Openers or Other Related Items to any Jung Breweries. Paul Jung, PO Box 425, Bechtelsville PA 19505, (610) 367-0239 ———————————————————————————–- PAGE 22 Dear Santa, I have been good this year, for XMAS I want, A4-19,40, A-5-18, A-14-2, A-21-77,127,128, A-29-26, B-2-37, B6-15, B-7-3,21, B-13-12, B-18-177,390,409,328,330,237,440, 75, B-19-49,70,83,114,174, B-21-375, B-22-68,99, B-23-171, C -8-3, H-2-113,126,136,175,195, M-5-2, M-39-6, N-36-1, N-71-1, N-74-1, O-1-1, O-2-8,14, O-6-4, P-7-13,34, P-22-5, P-146-1. Pat Stambaugh, 718 S Lakeshore Dr, Lake City MN 55401 ———————————————————————————–Montana & Idaho Beer/Brewery Openers & other Breweriana. Also looking for H-8 & L-1 Openers to complete collection. Steve Armstrong, PO Box 741, Kamiah ID 83536, E-Mail sunset@cybrquest.com ———————————————————————————–Montana Openers-Corkscrews: I need 39 of the 211 in the JFO Handbook. A-21-84,A-43-5,A-45-1,A-45-2---B-5-29,B-18370,B-18-479,B-18-481,B-18-331,B-18-538,B-21-471,B-21142,B-21-488,B-21-522,B-22-112,B-52-5---E-1-52,E-2-29,E-4325,E-9-29,E-13-29---F-8-9---M-29-63---N-38-4---P-7-41,P-8160,P-8-56,P-17-11,P-18-3,P-18-6,P-62-2,P-66-6,P-83-1. Will trade or purchase. Also interested in any Montana advertising openers (non-Beer). Bill Pattie, PO Box 1126, Big Timber MT 59011, (406) 932-5422 ———————————————————————————— Nebraska Openers esp: “A”s, “B”s, Omaha, West Point, Grand Island, Crete, Columbus. Top Prices Paid. Tim Payne, 5144 Walker Ave, Lincoln NE 68504, (402) 4666592, E-Mail house-of-payne@webbtv.net ———————————————————————————–New York State Openers: E-4-4 American, E-4-345 Koch, E14-312 Amsterdam, G-1-67 Hupfel. Will Buy or Trade. Mark Barren, 6141 Tachi Dr., Newfane NY 14108-9517, (716) 778-9724 ———————————————————————————— Orange Crush Openers Wanted: Will Buy or Trade if I have anything you may need. Thanks. Paul Gauvin, 24 Strawberry Ln, Manchester CT 06040, (860) 646-9722, E-Mail mtkneo@aol.com ———————————————————————————–P-1-2 Anheuser-Busch Corkscrew & $100 for P-1-10 Highland or P-1-15 Schnaiders or P-88-2 Burton or P-88-3 National or P-88-4 Yonkers. Ollie Hibbeler, 298 Highline Road, Lake Ozark MO 65049 ———————————————————————————–Pinney Beverage Items Wanted: Pens & Pencils, Bottle & Can Openers, Any item imprinted with Pinney Beverage Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dave Pinney, 1766 Red Barn Road, Encinitas CA 92024. Email: davecent@tmisnet.com or phone (760) 753-8151 Pacific Time Zone. ———————————————————————————–Rahr Malting Company: Looking for openers or any items. John Seidl, 4324 Granby Way, Marietta GA 30062, (404) 6312334, E-Mail jseidl@dc.com ———————————————————————————–Help!!! need only 10 of 45 known Spokane, Washington Openers to complete collection: B-6-9 Spokane, B-13-61 Bohemian Club, B-14-109 Spokane, E-3-58 Bohemian Club, E-6-137 Golden Age, E-7-6 Gilt Top, E-14-475 Bohemian Club, N-44-1 Inland & P-19-16 New York. Will trade heavy or pay your price. Nick Johnson, 4708 Spiser Ln, Wichita Falls TX 76302, (940) 322-1696 ———————————————————————————–West Virginia Openers (B-7-12, B-18-110, and H-4-3), Roger Jarrell, 1500 Sedwick Rd., Durham NC 27713, (919) 544-7787 ———————————————————————————— 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 23 SELLING (Please remember there is no charge for Ads) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 300 to 400 For Sale. Send SASE for List. John Patton, 9224 Sugarloaf Dr, Redding CA 96001 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Large Can-Jar-Bottle Opener Collection. Tom Johnson, 922 Bailey St, Jackson MN 56143, (507) 847-2828 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Beer and Soda Openers For Sale. Send SASE for List. John Fisher, PO Box 153, Benedict MD 20612-0153 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– JFO Back Issues: Complete copies of a Set 1978-2000, $100 (US Shipping Only): 1994-2000 Set ($60) John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– “American Breweries II”: by Dale Van Wieren. Over 18,000 entries for nearly 8,000 brewing firms, tracing names, addresses, and dates of operation. ($24 Priority Mail). John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Handbook of United States Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews (contains 13,000 Listings & pictures 1000 Types (Black & White Copies)) . $20 sent priority mail. John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Just For Openers" "A Guide to Beer, Soda, & Other Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley, 160 Pages, 380 Color Pictures, $26.95 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Soda Advertising Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley, 160 Pages, Over 275 Color Pictures & 2500 Listings, $26.95 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Beer Advertising: Knives, Letter Openers, Ice Picks, Cigar Cutters and More" by Donald A. Bull, 180 Pages, Over 500 Color Pictures, $26.95 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "The Ultimate Corkscrew Book" by Donald A. Bull, Hardcover Book Weighs 5 Lbs, 744 Color Photographs, 3746 Corkscrews with Values, $75.00 plus $8.80 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews" by Donald A. Bull, 190 Pages, Over 200 Color Photographs, 942 Corkscrews with Values, $18.00 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Boxes Full of Corkscrews" by Donald A. Bull, 236 Pages, Over 836 Color Photographs, 95% New Information with Values, $47.95 plus $7.70 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "ANRI Woodcarvings: Bottle Stoppers, Corkscrews, Nutcrackers, Toothpick Holders, Smoking Accessories and More" by Philly Rains and Donald A. Bull, 272 Pages, Over 800 Color Photographs picturing more than 2500 ANRI Carvings with detailed information, $62.95 plus $7.70 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Hometown Beer - A History of Kansas City's Breweries" by H James Maxwell & Bob Sullivan Jr, Hardcover Book with 300 Pages, 585 Pictures (352 in Color) and Illustrations, $49.00 Postpaid in US. H. James Maxwell, 1050 West Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City MO 64145-1216 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Talking About Be Lucky and Having a Nice Christmas Pat Stambaugh is on a roll. Just before Christmas and due to a trading frenzy, he picked up the following: B-18-200 Minnehaha, B-18-237 Wolf, B-19-104 Schellhas, B-19-105 Schmidt, B-19-170 Minneapolis, B-21-190 Park, B-21-407 Schell, B-2254 Wolf, B-22-107 Gluek, B-23-79 Schmidt, B-24-62 Cold Spring, F-2-24 Gluek, F-5-UL Rochester Bottling, G-25-5 Schmidt, M-57-1 Schuster, N-8-1 Schuster. Now I have heard of being lucky but this man hit pay dirt big time. The openers came through in 3 trades. Please check Pat’s want ad for additional Christmas openers he needs. At this rate his bag will be full by Christmas next year. Bud.Bob Takes Over eBay New member Bob Suddeth has jumped all over any A-B knives on eBay plus some other choice knives from the St. Louis area. Bob writes that he is a retiree of Anheuser-Busch after 36 years of service based in the St. Louis corporate headquarters. He purchased a mint A.B.C. knife on eBay and reports that the A.B.C. Brewery was located in part at what is now the parking lot for the main Anheuser-Busch corporate offices building on 7th St. Many years before as an engineer, he was involved in reworking the property; grading, adding storm sewers, etc. During the process we uncovered some of the old man-made storage caves/tunnels for the A.B.C. Brewery. A few artifacts were found, but not much. Thanks Bob, welcome to JFO. 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 24 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 Results of October 2001 JFO Auction Closing November 14, 2001 Thanks to all 38 Bidders 1 A-001-025 LEMBECK & BETZ 6 38.00 27 A-029-999 RED ROCK COLA 6 18.00 53 B-018-310 SEITZ 6 19.10 2 A-001-059 COLUMBIA PRODUCTS 8 52.99 28 A-029-999 PELISSIERS ALE 6 10.00 54 B-018-413 W. VA. 2 20.00 3 A-001-999 COPLANDS 6 20.00 29 A-046-999 STANDARD BOT 1 0 45.00 55 B-018-423 NIAGARA FALLS 2 40.00 4 A-001-999 LA REINA GIN 6 15.00 30 B-002-007 KRUG (VAR B) 4 35.55 56 B-018-999 EXCELSIOR BOT 2 7.01 5 A-004-999 HAGAN & RUNDLE 4 10.00 31 B-005-030 STORZ 4 12.50 57 B-018-999 QUINN BEV 2 7.01 6 A-006-001 WEST END 6 16.25 32 B-006-004 COLUMBIA 4 21.55 58 B-019-017 HAMMS 4 9.01 7 A-007-021 MANHATTAN BOT 6 26.00 33 B-013-006 GRIESEDIECK 4 5.01 59 B-019-058 RADEKE 2 8.01 8 A-007-999 MERIDIAN HOTEL 6 7.15 34 B-013-067 SCHILLER BROS 4 13.00 60 B-019-089 HOME 6 11.51 9 A-008-001 RUPPERT 6 12.65 35 B-013-083 MUEHLEBACH 4 21.00 61 B-019-110 WALTER 4 10.51 10 A-012-001 BURGERMEISTER 4 9.01 36 B-014-019 GOETZ 8 3.76 62 B-021-034 HYDE PARK (VAR A) 4 8.01 11 A-012-999 SCHREIBER OIL & GAS 4 11.51 37 B-014-029 HOOSIER 1 0 10.95 63 B-021-037 INDEPENDENT 6 8.01 12 A-015-048 COOKS 4 21.00 38 B-014-047 ALPEN BRAU 1 0 10.95 64 B-021-041 INDIANAPOLIS 4 8.01 13 A-016-016 SPOKANE BOT 4 26.00 39 B-014-090 GOETZ 6 3.51 65 B-021-094 AMSTERDAM 4 9.51 14 A-016-999 FRANKLIN BOT 4 35.00 40 B-014-127 BURGEMEIS- 8 TER 8.26 66 B-021-105 DICK BROS 6 14.51 15 A-017-999 CASCADE GIN 4 15.00 41 B-014-171 KRUEGER 6 20.00 67 B-021-272 LEISY 4 20.00 16 A-021-999 SKINNER CO 6 7.50 42 B-014-999 MULLER PALE DRY 4 7.50 68 B-021-462 AKRON 6 14.95 17 A-021-999 ROOSE RESTAURANT 6 12.10 43 B-014-999 FREEBURG BOT 8 7.01 69 B-021-504 BERKSHIRE 4 22.00 18 A-021-999 FISCHER LIME 6 12.10 44 B-015-999 MT ZIRCON 4 12.01 70 B-021-UL 6 50.00 19 A-021-999 JIMMY’S TAP ROOM 6 12.10 45 B-015-999 OTTO EBERLIN 4 12.01 71 B-022-004 FALSTAFF 6 7.65 20 A-024-002 MILLER (MIN $40.00) 6 43.77 46 B-018-019 DAEUFERLIEBERMAN 4 5.01 72 B-022-045 INDIANAPOLIS 6 9.51 21 A-025-009 SCHOEN 4 24.01 47 B-018-038 HORLACHER 4 7.50 73 B-022-047 LEMP 4 12.51 22 A-028-002 MCINNERNY 2 7.01 48 B-018-076 STEGMAIERS 6 13.95 74 B-022-073 REISCH 4 27.00 23 A-029-003 K-B 6 4.01 49 B-018-122 SOUTH BETHLEHEM 4 20.00 75 B-023-016 KING OF CLUBS 4 24 A-029-027 WAGNER 4 7.01 50 B-018-146 SCHILLER BROS 4 9.01 76 B-023-017 MAUSNER 6 13.45 25 A-029-999 JAMAICA DRY 6 5.51 51 B-018-188 HELVETIA 8 24.00 77 B-023-022 OLD STYLE 4 26 A-029-999 EMERSON JULEP 6.01 52 B-018-299 RIEDEL 6 18.01 78 B-023-047 RUFF-RIEDEL 4 18.53 4 WORCESTER 8.51 7.51 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 25 Results of October 2001 JFO Auction Closing November 14, 2001 Thanks to all 38 Bidders 79 B-023-059 ATLAS 2 7.01 80 B-023-081 WHITE BANNER MALT 6 14.95 81 B-023-999 CARLYLE BOT 4 7.01 82 B-024-018 HOMESTEAD 6 83 B-024-041 CAPITOL 6 12.78 131 E-006-071 DIEHL 4 2.76 106 C-036-002 MOUND CITY 6 MALT 13.79 132 E-006-122 STERLING 6 9.15 107 D-014-001 ANHEUSER BUSCH 1 0 16.79 133 E-007-026 FALSTAFF 4 5.78 18.05 108 E-001-022 GRIESEDIECK 6 2.76 134 E-007-066 TROMMER 8 8.01 4 25.00 109 E-001-999 TIP TOP SODA 6 8.00 135 E-007-999 MCDONAGH 6 10.00 84 B-024-042 DUQUESNE 6 13.01 110 E-002-010 SCHEIDT 1 0 2.15 136 E-008-012 ANHEUSERBUSCH 4 3.11 85 B-024-054 OLTIMER 8 52.99 111 E-002-016 PRIMO 6 15.05 137 E-008-040 RED TOP MALT 4 2.76 86 B-024-081 SCHELL 6 50.00 112 E-003-007 FOX HEAD 6 2.76 138 E-009-004 BLATZ 4 0.00 87 B-031-003 FALSTAFF (MIN $30) 6 55.60 113 E-003-008 GRIESEDIECK 4 0.00 139 E-009-115 SCHMIDT 4 2.15 88 B-033-001 SCHOENHOFEN 6 34.51 114 E-003-013 KAMM 8 2.76 140 E-009-999 CLICQUOT CLUB 4 2.76 89 B-035-019 PABST 6 12.79 115 E-003-005 FISHER 4 2.15 141 E-011-005 BUDWEISER 4 1.65 90 B-063-009 INDIANAPOLIS 6 21.10 116 E-003-020 STANDARD 6 2.76 142 E-014-018 BECKER 6 2.76 91 B-069-001 MICHELOB DRY 6 11.01 117 E-003-027 CENTRAL 4 3.01 143 E-014-019 BECKER 6 2.11 92 C-001-003 SCHOENHOFEN 4 24.00 118 E-004-028 DICK BROTHERS 4 1.15 144 E-014-026 BLATZ 4 0.00 93 C-002-003 HUTCHINSON & SONS 2 20.00 119 E-004-035 FALSTAFF (VAR A) 6 0.00 145 E-014-037 BURGERMEISTER 6 3.05 94 C-006-008 THOMAS 6 6.79 120 E-004-117 GOETZ 4 1.15 146 E-014-101 GENESEE 6 1.15 95 C-011-003 BIG-BEN BEV 4 9.00 4 2.76 147 E-014-105 GIBBONS 8 1.15 96 C-012-034 ALPEN BRAU 6 5.50 121 E-004-144 SCHORRKOLKSCHNEIDER 122 E-004-150 TROMMER 148 E-014-109 GOETZ 10.12 1 0 2.11 6 123 E-004-164 DICK & BROS 149 E-014-117 GRAIN BELT 8 0.00 6 7.95 150 E-014-122 GRAUPNER 6 2.76 124 E-004-195 STANDARD 8 8.01 125 E-004-279 JACKSON 151 E-014-131 HABERLE 6 1.15 6 10.00 126 E-005-043 STAG 152 E-014-133 HAMMS 6 0.00 6 3.65 153 E-014-135 HAMMS 6 1.15 127 E-005-090 BUDWEISER 4 7.01 128 E-006-055 VICTOR 154 E-014-139 HANLEYS 8 12.05 4 0.00 129 E-006-068 COLUMBIA (VAR A) 155 E-014-143 HEILEMAN 6 1.15 1 0 8.01 156 E-014-155 HUDEPOHL 6 2.76 130 E-006-068 COLUMBIA (VAR B) 6 4.50 97 C-012-148 TENNESSEE 98 C-012-UL HIGHLAND 99 C-013-058 HIGHLAND 100 C-013-124 BLUFF CITY 101 C-013-158 VICTOR 4 6 6 6 6 102 C-013LOT #18 #19 #37 #42 #44 #80 #81 #93 103 C-013LOT #2 #66 #91 #97 4 #112 #132 #137 #143 104 C-020-006 LION 4 8 32.00 20.50 6.95 20.00 105 C-020-025 ELIZABETH 6.95 11.65 11.65 8.01 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 26 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 Results of October 2001 JFO Auction Closing November 14, 2001 Thanks to all 38 Bidders 157 E-014-157 HYDE PARK 4 0.00 183 E-014-440 SCHOTT 6 9.78 209 I-008-001 FOX 6 15.77 158 E-014-159 JUNG 8 16.15 184 E-014-462 BECKER 8 8.01 210 I-030-002 SCHAEFER 1 20.00 0 159 E-014-167 KOCH 4 0.00 185 E-014-495 FESENMEIER 4 8.78 211 L-002-001 ANHEUSER BUSCH 4 160 E-014-174 LEINENKUGE L 6 1.15 186 E-014-508 HAUENSTEIN 6 4.25 212 L-004-012 GLUEK 6 10.01 161 E-014-182 MANKATO 4 7.05 187 E-014-509 HELB 4 7.05 213 L-004-034 BALLANTINES 4 162 E-014-184 METZ 6 0.00 188 E-014-512 HUDEPOHL 6 6.78 214 M-001005 HARVARD (VAR A) 8 25.00 163 E-014-187 MILLER 4 0.00 189 E-014-536 RAINIER 6 5.00 215 M-004002 BLATZ 1 0 164 E-014-194 NARRAGANSETT 1 0 1.15 190 E-014-559 STERLING 4 2.76 216 M-009003 STAG 4 20.00 165 E-014-223 PILSEN 8 2.76 191 E-014-584 BECKER 4 8.78 217 M-009005 FALSTAFF 6 20.00 166 E-014-226 QUEEN CITY (VAR A) 4 0.00 192 E-014-612 GUNTHER 6 0.00 218 M-022001 EDELWEISS (MIN $40) 6 48.01 167 E-014-245 ROYAL 58 8 2.76 193 E-014-668 TROMMER 6 27.07 219 M-023012 ATLAS 8 13.03 168 E-014-253 SCHEIDT 4 0.00 194 E-014-697 SCHMIDT 4 0.00 220 M-053001 SCHLITZ 8 13.98 169 E-014-256 SCHLITZ 1 0 2.76 195 E-014-701 STEGMAIER 6 2.76 221 M-065-UL COORS ON TAP 4 20.00 170 E-014-260 SCHMIDT 6 2.11 196 E-014-705 OERTEL 4 0.00 222 N-011-003 FALSTAFF 4 171 E-014-261 SCHMIDT 6 3.05 197 E-014-741 MICHELOB DRY 1 0 6.50 223 N-018-002 BUDWEISER 8 15.11 172 E-014-284 TIVOLI 8 4.05 198 E-014-804 MATZ 6 40.25 224 N-023-008 STROH 8 173 E-014-286 TROMMER (VAR B) 8 0.00 199 E-014-822 SCHMIDT 6 5.05 225 N-035-UL 6 20.00 174 E-014-289 UNITED STATES 6 1.15 200 E-020-001 ORTLIEB 6 7.65 226 N-082-002 BLATZ 4 50.50 175 E-014-295 WALTER 6 0.00 201 E-022-001 FRONTENAC 6 11.00 227 O-004-009 STAG 8 176 E-014-299 WIEDEMANN 6 0.00 202 F-004-005 OSHKOSH 8 8.01 177 E-014-300 WIEDEMANN 6 0.00 203 F-004-021 BUSCH 8 30.60 229 O-005-010 SOUTHERN SELECT 6 178 E-014-321 BISMARCK 4 27.07 204 F-006-031 WALTER 6 20.00 230 P-001-013 JOS LEOPOLD & BRO 4 21.79 179 E-014-335 CAPITOL 6 35.99 205 F-006-032 WAYNE 6 20.00 4 0.00 180 E-014-347 DIEHL 6 7.05 206 G-001LOT #8 #9 #21 #65 2 20.00 231 P-005-001 ANHEUSERBUSCH (MIN BID $60) 232 P-007-UL 2 2.01 181 E-014-356 FALSTAFF 6 2.11 207 G-050-001 DEVIL MOUNTAIN 8 15.50 182 E-014-359 FISHER 6 2.11 208 H-008-004 ESSLINGER 6 4.15 HAMMS 4.15 3.65 1.15 5.50 6.50 8.01 228 O-004-016 GRIESEDIECK 6 12.01 BROS (VAR B) Note **** CAMBRIA E-3-15 Fisher is E-3-5 3.00 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 27 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #_________________________ Send Bids To: John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Auction Rules (Note: No Phone Bidding) 1) $1.00 Minimum Bid on Each Lot, Only 1 Bid for each Lot Allowed 2) Openers Sold to Highest Bidder, For Identical Bids Earliest Postmarked Bid Wins 3) 7 Days to Return Openers If Not Satisfied, Shipping and Handling Extra 4) Openers Shipped Upon Payment (Please Pay within 7 days of Receiving Invoice) 5) Results Shown Next JFO Issue (Winning Bidders Receive Copy with Invoice) Grading (G): 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 4-Good, 6-Very Good, 8-Excellent, 10-Near Mint-Mint (UL-Unlisted in 2002 Handbook, 999 Non-USA-Beer) JFO # & Description from 2002 Handbook Of United States Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews # JFO # Description ST G 1 A-001-014 MALTOP CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. USE GENUINE “MALTOP” MALT AND HOPS NY 6 2 A-001-066 THE STONE MALT COMPANY COLUMBUS, OHIO OH 8 3 A-001-999 DRINK PARFAY KY 4 A-001-999 SOURIS BREWERIES LTD. ESTEVAN, SASK. (CANADIAN) 5 A-003-008 DOG GONE GOOD JIFFY MALT DON'T MEAN MAYBE MO 4 6 A-004-009 LEISY BEER PEORIA, ILL. IL 7 A-004-017 ALPEN BRAU BOTTLED BEER (VAR (B) “ALPEN BRAU” SCRIPT AND IN QUOTES) MO 4 8 A-004-055 J.M. DANZER'S AROMA HERMANN, MO. (MINIMUM BID $30) MO 4 9 A-005-002 DRINK GRAF'S “THE BEST WHAT GIVES” WI 10 A-007-999 WHITE-CAP BEER CAPS’EM ALL (CANADIAN) 11 A-009-004 THE ISAAC LEISY BREWING CO. CLEVELAND, O. PHONES CUYAHOGA-ERIE 234 BELL-HARVARD 730 (MINIMUM BID $30) 12 A-009-999 ROYAL WINE CO. PHONES HOME A 6874 SUNSET & MAIN 6658 211-W-2ND ST. 13 A-012-010 BECKER'S PALE BEER “PREMIUM QUALITY” OGDEN, UTAH 14 A-012-999 LOUIE GREENWALD LIQUORS TA. 7411 6 15 A-012-999 SAY OK FOR O’KEEFE / WELCOME SHRINERS (CANADIAN) 4 16 A-015-005 DRINK SCHREIRER'S BEER SHEBOYGAN, WIS. / EDELBRAU BEER WI 2 17 A-021-002 BLATZ MILWAUKEE / BLATZ OLD HEIDELBERG WI 8 18 A-021-999 SI NO QUIERE PERDER TOME CERVEZA CRUZ BLANCA BEER 8 19 A-028-999 THE DOMINION BREWERY CO. LTD. TORONTO / WHITE LABEL ALE (CANADIAN) 8 20 A-029-023 POTOSI BREWING CO. POTOSI, WIS. / “WISCONSIN LAGER” “THE DRINK FOR YOU” 21 A-029-999 GRANT’S SPRING EXPORT LAGER HAMILTON, ONT. ALE 7 PORTER (CANADIAN) 6 22 A-029-999 SPECIAL PONTIAC BREW ALE RED BALL BREWERY (CANADIAN) 6 23 A-030-004 SCHOTTS LAGER HIGHLANDER CENTENNIAL (MINIMUM BID $40) 4 8 6 10 6 OH 6 4 UT WI IL 6 2 6 BID 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 28 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 24 A-041-001 MEDFORD LAGER BEER MEDFORD, WIS. (MINIMUM BID $75.00) WI 25 B-014-047 ALPEN BRAU MO 8 26 B-014-999 CALGARY BREWING & MALTING CO LIMITED CALGARY (CANADIAN) 6 27 B-014-999 CARTA BLANCA / EN BOTELLAS TRANSPARENTES 4 28 B-018-100 CALL FOR EVANSVILLE BREWING ASS'N BEERS STERLING-COLUMBIA-RHEINGOLD 29 B-018-161 DEMAND CARLING'S RED CAP / BLACK LABEL RICE BEER REGISTERED (CANADIAN) 6 30 B-018-999 FOWLER’S CROWN ALE (BRITISH) 6 31 B-018-999 LL AVE PARA ABRIR CERVEZA CENTRAL DE MEXICO 6 32 B-018-999 DEMAND CARLING'S RED CAP ALE / BLACK LABEL RICE BEER REGISTERED (CANADIAN) 6 33 B-018-999 CASCADE GINGER ALE 4 34 B-019-062 DRINK DICK BROS' QUINCY BEER QUINCY, ILL. 35 B-019-999 CALL FOR MUTZ’S BEER FERNIE, B.C. (CANADIAN) 36 B-021-034 HYDE PARK / SAME (VAR (B) SMALL LETTERS) MO 2 37 B-021-163 KEY TO GOETZ BEER ST. JOSEPH, MO. / FAMOUS COUNTRY CLUB BEER MO 2 38 B-021-999 SOUTHERN FOUNTAIN CO. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. AR 39 B-021-UL BARTELS THERE IS NO BETTER BEER 40 B-023-031 “ALPEN BRAU” MO 4 41 B-023-053 FALSTAFF FALSTAFF CORP. MO 8 42 B-023-055 GRIESEDIECK BROS. / ST. LOUIS, MO. MO 6 43 B-023-081 WHITE BANNER MALT EXTRACT / PREMIER DISTRIBUTING CO., ST. LOUIS MO 8 44 B-023-119 GRIESEDIECK BEV. CO. ST. LOUIS BUY HEK MO 4 45 B-023-999 ASK FOR SILVER SPRING ALE / DEMANDEZ ASK FOR SELECT EXPORT (CANADIAN) 46 B-024-001 ACME BEER CA 8 47 B-024-013 GB LAGER CA 6 48 B-024-017 GRIESEDIECK BROS. ST. LOUIS MO 6 49 B-024-018 HOMESTEAD BREWERY HO-4242 HEIGH-HO PREMIUM BEER / HOFBRAU BEER HO4242 BY CASE-BARREL OR TRUCKLOAD PA 6 50 B-024-026 FAMOUS NARRAGANSETT ALE (VAR (B) SCRIPT LETTERS) RI 6 51 B-024-047 POINTER BREWING CO. CLINTON, IOWA POINTER BEER IA 4 52 B-024-075 BECKER BREWING AND MALTING COMPANY EVANSTON, WYOMING WY 6 53 B-024-094 EXTRA PALE ALE BAVARIAN STOUT / PILSNER (IN BANNER) (CANADIAN) IN IL 8 4 6 6 4 4 8 6 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 29 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 54 B-024-999 CANADA BUD BREWREIES TORONTO / DRINK CANADA BUD BEER WA 1885 ALESTOUT 55 B-025-001 C&J MICHEL BREWING CO. LACROSSE, WIS. / ELFENBRAU (MINIMUM BID $30) WI 4 56 B-025-005 KEY TO COOKS BEER EVANSVILLE, IND. / GOLDBLUME (MINIMUM BID $40) IN 4 57 B-030-001 CAPITOL BEER MO 4 58 B-030-999 THE DREWERYS LTD ALE BEER-STOUT / ORDER PHONE 57 221 WINNIPEG (CANADIAN) 59 B-042-005 THE ROYAL BREWING CO. KANSAS CITY, MO. / CELEBRATED ROYAL PILSENER (GAS KEY STRIPPED) 60 B-042-999 QUEENSTOWN ALES & STOUTS / SAME (CANADIAN) 8 61 B-042-999 DRINK CHERO-COLA THERE’S NONE BETTER 5c / IF LOST-FINDER PLEASE RETURN TO CHERO-COLA BOT. CO. 4 62 C-006-002 FALLS CITY LAGER BEER KY 6 63 C-011-004 BLATZ MILWAUKEE / BLATZ OLD HEIDELBERG WI 4 64 C-011-999 BIERE BLACK HORSE ALE (PIC OF HORSE) (CANADIAN) 65 C-013-999 SARATOGA GEYSER WATER SPA NY 66 C-042-001 BUSCH BEER MO 10 67 D-001-001 A.B.B.ASS'N ST.L. / BUDWEISER (VAR (B) RAISED LETTERS) MO 4 68 D-003-021 REISCH / GOLD TOP IL 69 D-012-013 EXCELSIOR BRY. BR. / ST. LOUIS MO 4 70 E-001-017 BLUFF CITY QUALITY BREW SINCE 1882 IL 71 E-001-022 GRIESEDIECK BROS. LIGHT LAGER BEER ST. LOUIS / SAME MO 6 72 E-002-023 BECKER BREWING & MALTING CO. / BECKER'S UNITA CLUB BEER UT 6 73 E-004-005 DRINK ARROW BEER / IT HITS THE SPOT (IN ARROW) IN 6 74 E-004-006 ATLANTIC BREWING CO. / TAVERN PALE BEER IL 6 75 E-004-014 BLATZ MILWAUKEE / DRINK OLD HEIDELBERG BREW WI 6 76 E-004-018 BUSHKILL BEER / SAME PA 6 77 E-004-021 CENTLIVRE BRG. CORP. FORT WAYNE / NICKEL PLATE BEER IN 6 78 E-004-025 DRINK COORS GOLDEN BEER / SAME (VAR (B) SQUARE HEAD) CO 6 79 E-004-033 FALLS CITY BREWING CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. / FALLS CITY BEER KY 80 E-004-047 HUDEPOHL BREWING CO. / CINCINNATI OHIO (SCREWDRIVER TIP) OH 4 81 E-004-093 WAGNER BEER / SAME IL 8 82 E-004-105 CALIFORNIA BREWING ASS'N SAN FRANCISCO-LOS ANGELES / ACME BEER CA 4 83 E-004-127 THE MUESSEL BREWING CO. SOUTH BEND, IND. IN 6 6 6 MO 4 4 8 6 6 6 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 30 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 84 E-004-129 PABST BLUE RIBBON BREW / THE BREW THAT BRINGS BACK MEMORIES WI 4 85 E-004-174 INDIANAPOLIS BREWING CO. INC. / SAME IN 6 86 E-004-199 TROMMER'S MALT BEERS / SAME NY 8 87 E-004-213 BLATZ MILWAUKEE / DRINK OLD HEIDELBERG BEER WI 4 88 E-004-221 COOK'S GOLDBLUME BEER / SAME IN 6 89 E-004-999 SHEA’S SELECT / SHEA’S STOCK ALE (CANADIAN) 90 E-005-009 HYDE PARK 75 THE DIAMOND JUBILEE BEER MO 6 91 E-005-031 STORZ BEER LIGHT-DRY-SMOOTH NE 92 E-005-043 STAG BEER (HANDLE A LITTLE DEFORMED) MO 4 93 E-005-077 COMPLIMENTS OF MARATHON CITY BREWING CO. WI 4 94 E-005-093 HAMM'S PREFERRED STOCK BEER ELKHORN BEV. CO. NORFOLK, NEBR. (HANDLE BENT) NE 4 95 E-005-999 FERD WINKLER BOTTLING CO. 121 SO. FIRST ST. BELLEVILLE, ILL. PHONE 730 IL 6 96 E-006-127 WALTER BREWERY TRIPLE BREW BEER / SAME (VAR (A) SQUARED TOP) 97 E-006-999 WYANDOTTE BEVERAGE CO. VIRGINIA DARE SODAS / SAME 98 E-007-047 DREWERYS BEEER AND STOUT / DREWERYS OLD TAVERN ALE 99 E-007-069 WAGNERS BOTTLING WORKS PHONE TRI-CITY 154 (WAGNER BREW CO GRANITE CITY, IL) 100 E-008-999 BRITISH COLUMBIA BREWERIES, LTD. / CASCADE BEER VANCOUVER, B.C. (CANADIAN) 4 101 E-008-999 PELISSIER’S LIMITED WINNIPEG PH. 42304 / PELISSIER’S CLUB BEER BANQUET ALE (CANADIAN) 4 102 E-009-001 ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS MISSOURI. / SAME MO 6 103 E-009-002 ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS, MO. / BUDWEISER MEANS MODERATION MO 4 104 E-009-059 KLAUSMANN'S SPECIAL / SAME MO 6 105 E-009-999 WESTMINSTER BREWERY LTD. / OLD MILWAUKEE (CANADIAN) 6 106 E-009-999 VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED / CASCADE BEER VANCOUVER B.C. (CANADIAN) 8 107 E-011-001 ATLAS BREWING COMPANY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS / ATLAS PRAGER BEST BEER IN TOWN IL 4 108 E-011-006 KAIER'S OUTSTANDING BEER / SAME PA 6 109 E-011-012 SCHOENHOFEN EDELWEISS CO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS / EDELWEISS BEER A CASE OF GOOD JUDGMENT IL 8 110 E-013-009 THEO. HAMM BRG. CO. ST. PAUL, MINN. / HAMM'S SMOOTH MELLOW BEER MN 6 111 E-013-016 WHAT'LL YOU HAVE? PABST BLUE RIBBON / SAME WI 6 112 E-014-005 ACME BREWING CO. LOS ANGELES / ACME BEER CA 8 113 E-014-013 STEGMAIER BREWING CO. WILKES-BARRE, PA. / BREWERS AND BOTTLERS OF GOLD MEDAL BEER PA 6 4 6 6 MI 6 6 IL 6 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 31 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 114 E-014-018 BECKER'S BEER OGDEN, UTAH UT 6 115 E-014-030 BRACKENRIDGE BREW. CO. INC. HIGHLAND 2929 / OLD ANCHOR BEER PA 6 116 E-014-046 COLUMBIA BREWING CO. ALPEN BRAU / SAME MO 8 117 E-014-059 DICK BROS. BRG. CO. QUINCY, ILLINOIS / SAME IL 6 118 E-014-080 F.& S. BEER SHAMOKIN, PA. / SAME PA 4 119 E-014-082 FAUERBACH C.B. BEER / FAUERBACH ASK FOR C.B. WI 6 120 E-014-086 FESENMEIER BRG. CO. HUNTINGTON, W.VA. / WEST VIRGINIA BEER AND ALE WV 4 121 E-014-091 ERNST FLECKENSTEIN BREWING CO. / FARIBAULT, MINN. MN 10 122 E-014-100 G B BEER G B ALE / SAME CA 123 E-014-109 M.K. GOETZ BREWING CO. ST. JOSEPH, MO. / COUNTRY CLUB BEER GOETZ LAGER BEER MO 4 124 E-014-111 M.K. GOETZ BREWING CO. ST. JOSEPH, MO. / DRINK COUNTRY CLUB COUNTRY CLUB SPECIAL MO 8 125 E-014-112 M.K. GOETZ BREWING CO. ST. JOSEPH, MO. / COUNTRY CLUB PILSENER COUNTRY CLUB SPECIAL MO 4 126 E-014-127 GRIESEDIECK BROS. ST. LOUIS-BEER / SAME MO 6 127 E-014-166 KINGSBURY PALE BEER MANITOWOC AND SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN WI 8 128 E-014-176 (STAR) LONE STAR BEER (STAR) SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS / SAME TX 8 129 E-014-181 MANKATO BREWING CO. KATO LAGER BEER / SAME MN 10 130 E-014-266 SHERIDAN EXPORT BEER / SHERIDAN WYOMING WY 8 131 E-014-274 STAR-PEERLESS BRY. CO. OLTIMER BEER / SAME IL 8 132 E-014-293 WAGNER BEER / SAME IL 4 133 E-014-299 THE GEO. WIEDEMANN BREWING CO., NEWPORT, KY. / BOHEMIAN ROYAL AMBER KY 6 134 E-014-301 DRINK WIELAND'S EXTRA PALE / SAME (VAR (B) ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS) CA 6 135 E-014-307 D.G. YUENGLING & SON, INC. POTTSVILLE, PA. / DRINK YUENGLING'S BEERALE PA 6 136 E-014-317 BECKER'S BEER UT 8 137 E-014-318 BECKER BREWING & MALTING CO. / BECKER'S UINTA CLUB BEER UT 6 138 E-014-319 BECKER BREWING & MALTING CO. UT 6 139 E-014-324 BLUFF CITY BEER QUALITY BREW SINCE 1882 IL 8 140 E-014-352 EASTSIDE OLD TAP LAGER BEER / SAME CA 6 141 E-014-359 FISHER BEER SINCE 1884 / SAME UT 6 142 E-014-419 PEARL BREWING CO. PEARL BREWING CO. / PEARL BEER PEARL BEER TX 6 143 E-014-422 POTOSI BREWING CO. DRINK POTOSI BEER WI 6 4 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 32 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 144 E-014-432 REISCH BREWING CO. REISCH BEER IL 4 145 E-014-470 BLATZ BEER BLATZ BEER / SAME WI 6 146 E-014-483 COOPER'S BEER-ALE-PORTER PA 6 147 E-014-495 FESENMEIER BRG. CO. HUNTINGTON, W.VA. / SAME WV 4 148 E-014-498 FOX DELUXE BEER FOX DELUXE BEER / SAME 149 E-014-523 MONARCH BEER MONARCH BEER / SAME IL 6 150 E-014-542 ROBIN HOOD BEER ROBIN HOOD BEER / SAME (MINIMUM BID $20) NE 6 151 E-014-557 DRINK STAG BOTTLED BEER / SAME MO 4 152 E-014-653 WARSAW BREWING CORP. / BURGEMEISTER BEER IL 4 153 E-014-679 REISCH BREWING CO. “GOLD TOP BEER” IL 4 154 E-014-720 BURTON BR'G CO. VITABREW / MOERLEIN SCHULTZ NJ 6 155 E-014-730 SCHLITZ BEER MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN / SAME WI 6 156 E-014-855 TROMMER'S BEER IT'S ALL-MALT & HOPS / TROMMER'S ALE TASTE & COMPARE! NY 8 157 F-003-001 POTOSI BREWING CO. AN OPENER FOR FRIENDSHIP WI 4 158 F-003-011 FALSTAFF BEER GOOD CHEER ALL YEAR HARRY S. FLODIN 159 F-004-016 JONES BREWING CO. SMITHTON, PA. STONEY'S, “AMERICA'S BEST BEER” 160 F-004-038 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY-BUY PILSENER CLUB BREW 421 SO. 11TH ST.-24 HOUR SERVICE TEL. JA. 7576 161 F-006-028 THE RENNER PRODUCTS CO. AKRON, OHIO-PHONE M. 2272 / HOME OF ZEPP-MALT TONIC AND OLD GROSS AKRON'S BEST BEERS OH 4 162 F-015-999 THE QUALITY BEVERAGE SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS (7 UP IN BOWL) IL 2 163 F-017-001 ADEL BRAU / SCHOENS WI 8 164 F-027-002 LYELL PRODUCTS CO. 191 LYELL AVE. / MALT & HOPS NY 6 165 F-027-003 OLD HEIDELBERG BEER / WATERLOO ICE CO. 166 F-029-002 LIQUID “CREMO” MALT 1334 SO. ROCKWELL TWO DOORS NORTH OF OGDEN AVE. PHONE-CRAWFORD 3232 WI 167 G-009-081 STAR ALE & LAGER / SAME (WHITE ON RED) MA 6 168 G-014-001 (A.B.'S EAGLE IN A) HAVE A NICE DAY ZERO-IN WORK SAFELY MO 6 169 G-016-001 BUD KING OF BEERS MO 8 170 G-020-001 STROH’S MI 171 G-027-001 BUD LIGHT (ON NECK LABEL) BUD LIGHT (LABEL) / EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST A LIGHT MO 10 172 G-027-002 BUDWEISER (LABEL) BUD KING OF BEERS (ON NECK LABEL) / THIS BUD'S FOR YOU MO 10 173 G-029-001 COORS CO 8 6 2 PA 6 4 6 8 8 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 33 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 174 G-030-001 BUD THE KING OF BEERS MO 8 175 H-002-004 BERGHOFF FORT WAYNE IN 176 H-002-134 GREEN TREE (GREEN TREE BRWG. ST. LOUIS) MO 6 177 H-002-999 NATIONAL BOTTLING CO ST. LOUIS, MO. MO 6 178 H-004-002 DRINK PRIMA SPECIAL IL 179 H-005-999 ALBERTA / BREWERIES (CANADIAN) 180 H-008-008 IROQUOIS INDIAN HEAD BEER MADE FROM CHOICEST MALT, SELECTED HOPS AND GRAINS 181 H-010-999 WHITE HORSE ALE & STOUT (CANADIAN) 182 J-007-002 COORS BEER GOLDEN, COLO. CO 6 183 K-002-002 FALSTAFF (SHIELD & 3 STARS) MO 8 184 L-003-003 MICHELOB (BLOCK LETTERS) BEER (EAGLE IN A) MO 6 185 M-009-001 BALLANTINE (3 RINGS) BEER (WHITE ON GREEN) NJ 8 186 M-009-008 FALSTAFF BEER MEYER DISTRIBUTING CO. PADUCAH, KY. METROPOLIS, ILL. DIAL 443-3949 KY IL 6 187 M-014-001 SCHMIDT'S OF PHILADELPHIA (HANDLE SPLIT AND WORN) PA 2 188 M-016-001 BUDWEISER / BEECHWOOD MO 8 189 M-017-001 BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS MO 8 190 M-029-001 BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS (EAGLE IN A) MO 4 191 M-029-003 FALSTAFF (IN SHIELD) FOUR MILLION BARRELS AMERICA'S PREMIUM QUALITY BEER 1957 MO 4 192 M-029-004 GO GO GO FOR FALSTAFF (CARTOON CHARACTER-COACH BOTTLE NOSE) MO 4 193 M-029-040 BLATZ (RED CIRCLE) PABST BLUE RIBBON (RED RIBBON) GRELLNER DISTRIBUTING CO. RICH FOUNTAIN, MO. PHONE 1731 BLATZ - PABST – MILLERS MO 6 194 M-029-069 STAG BEER CARLING BLACK LABEL BEER (IN LOGO) SCHWARTZ BROS. INC. WM. SCHWARTZ 1222 BROADWAY HANNIBAL, MO. PH. AC 1-0507 MO 4 195 M-029-070 STAG BEER KOLA-BRU. BOTG. WKS. MEL J. NEWMAN & SON DISTRIBUTOR OF NEW ATHENS, ILL. OUR 25TH YEAR 1933-1958 IL 196 M-030-002 BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS MO 10 197 M-030-011 1863 MELLOW STERLING BEER 1963 IN 198 M-030-012 FALSTAFF (IN SHIELD) (CREAM PLASTIC HANDLE) MO 6 199 M-030-034 MICHELOB (EAGLE IN A) DRAUGHT BEER (REST IN HANDBOOK) MO 6 200 M-030-073 GO, GO, GO! FOR ... FALSTAFF (IN SHIELD) (CARTOON CHARACTER-COACH BOTTLE NOSE) MILLER HIGH LIFE 6 201 M-030-083 BUDWEISER ON DRAUGHT THE NEIGHBORHOOD TAVERN HU 1-9675 5007 MACKLAND AVE. DUTCH AND LIGE PITTS, PROPS. 6 202 M-030-089 PABST BLUE RIBBON, BLATZ, CHAMPAGNE VELVET JIM'S DISTRIBUTING CO. PH. LU.3-2626 UNION, MO. MO 6 203 M-030-091 STAG BEER (IN LOGO) MILLER HIGH LIFE (IN LOGO) (REST IN HANDBOOK) MO 10 6 4 10 NY 8 4 4 8 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 34 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 January 2002 JFO Auction-Closing February 13, 2002- Name & Mem #:_________________________ 204 M-039-009 STAG BEER MO 2 205 M-045-001 JOHN GRAF CO. / JAMAICA PALE DRY GINGER ALE WI 206 M-051-006 FALSTAFF (IN SHIELD) SEASON'S GREETINGS DIAMOND LOUNGE ED. SULLIVAN TOM LAVIN 207 M-102-001 BUDWEISER / SAME (WHITE ON RED) MO 8 208 N-002-001 DRINK DIXIE BEER LA 6 209 N-025-003 CARLING NATIONAL INC. FRANKENMUTH, MICH. MI 8 210 N-032-001 BUDWEISER (IN BOWTIE) MO 6 211 O-002-002 COLUMBIA BREWING CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. ALPEN BRAU BEER MO 4 212 O-002-999 SMILE REFRESH WITH A SMILE (PIC OF ORANGE MAN) 213 O-004-003 IF IT'S GIBBONS IT'S GOOD PA 8 214 O-004-011 CHAMPAGNE VELVET (CV IN CIRCLE) IN 8 215 O-004-014 SCHAEFER AMERICA'S OLDEST LAGER BEER NY 8 216 O-014-999 SUN CREST 217 P-006-001 DRINK F AND S BEER SHAMOKIN, PA. PA 8 218 P-008-105 ACME BREWING CO. BREWERS & BOTTLERS OF FINE BEERS MACON, GA. U.S.A. / AMERICAN QUEEN (SLIGHT WEAR AT HIGH POINT) 8 G A 219 P-019-057 BALLANTINE'S EXPORT BEER ALE AND PORTER EASTERN BOTTLING CO. FULL LINE OF LIQUORS AND SOFT STUFF. NJ 8 220 P-019-999 J. B. MERCER LTD. AGENT FOR CALGARY BEER AND OLD ORKNEY & WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKEY 212 JASPER AVE. EAST EDMONTON, ALTA. PHONE 1415 (CAN) 221 P-020-003 “BLATZ MILWAUKEE BEER” / BOTTLE BOY WI 6 222 P-066-010 BLATZ MILWAUKEE (VAR (A) BLATZ BLOCK LETTERS) WI 6 223 P-066-010 BLATZ MILWAUKEE (VAR (B) BLATZ SCRIPT LETTERS) WI 6 224 P-106-001 MOUND CITY MALT SYRUP IL 6 225 Q-001-002 SCHMIDTS OF PHILA. (WHITE ON RED) PA 10 226 Q-003-001 OLYMPIA BREWING CO. OLYMPIA, WASH. U.S.A. LIGHT OLYMPIA BEER (RED ON WHITE) WA 10 227 Q-023-001 SCHMIDT BEER THE BREW THAT GREW WITH THE GREAT NORTHWEST 228 R-016-003 BUDWEISER / SAME (RED & WHITE (BOWTIE) ON RED HELMET) MO 8 229 T-001-001 CHRISTIAN MOERLEIN CINCINNATI SELECT BEER / SAME OH 10 230 T-002-001 ANHEUSER BUSCH (EAGLE IN A) NATURAL LIGHT BEER / SAME MO 10 231 T-002-004 BUSCH BORN OF NATURAL INGREDIENTS SMOOTH REFRESHING BEER (EAGLE IN A) / SAME MO 10 232 T-002-UL PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER / SAME WI 233 X-002-001 TELLURIDE BREWERY (SILVER) (REST IN HANDBOOK) CO 10 4 6 8 6 4 10 6 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 PAGE 35 24TH ANNUAL JFO CONVENTION REGISTRATION APRIL 24-28, 2002 RAMADA INN—FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA (SOUTH) 5324 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY, FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA 22408 I-95-EXIT 126 (MASSAPONAX) 1-540-898-1102 (SITE OF BLUE/GRAY SHOW) MAKE HISTORIC FREDERICKSBURG YOUR NEXT STOP ON THE JFO CONVENTION TRAIL Hotel Room Rate: $65.00 (+9.5% tax)-Standard Atrium Room Credit Card number needed to hold or one nights’ advanced deposit Inform then that you are with the “Just For Openers” Group Hotel Reservation Cutoff Date: April 1, 2002 Member Registration Fee: $40.00 (Includes hospitality room, convention opener & 1 show table) Spouse/Partner—$10.00 (total Member & Spouse/Partner $50) A) Convention Registration: Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City:______________________State/Province:_________________Zip: ________________ Evening Phone Number: ______________________________________________________ Arrival Date:___________________ Approximate Time: ____________________________ Departure Date and Time:_____________________________ (Need for planning purposes) How will you arrive? Car____ Plane____ Train____ Other __________________ If By Plane? Airline:________________ Flight #:___________ ETA: __________________ Name(s) For Convention Badge(s):______________________________________________ Make Check Payable To: Lawrence R. Moter, Jr. Forward To: 10149 Michaels Rd Woodford VA 22580 H-804-448-3928 W-804-672-2234 E-Mail: ACCNEA@aol.com ************ BRING A DISPLAY !!! BRING A DISPLAY !!!********** 24TH YEAR ISSUE #93 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2002 PAGE 36 24TH ANNUAL JFO CONVENTION REGISTRATION APRIL 24-28, 2002 B) Saturday Public Breweriana Show Registration-Open to the Public for Sellers and Walk-Ins: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. $12.00 Per Table Number of Tables Needed:_______ X $12.00 = $________(Total Cost) Make Check Payable To: Lawrence R. Moter, Jr. Forward To: 10149 Michaels Rd Woodford VA 22580 H-804-448-3928 W-804-672-2234 E-Mail: ACCNEA@aol.com C) Schedule of Events: Tuesday - Early Bird Arrival Wednesday - Afternoon-Evening-Hospitality Room Open Room-To-Room Trading Thursday - Afternoon-Evening-Hospitality Room Open Room-To-Room Trading Friday - Auction-1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M-Registration Auction-3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.-Auction Afternoon-Evening-Hospitality Room Open Saturday - Breweriana Show-9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Afternoon-Evening-Hospitality Room Open Sunday - Convention Over-Start Planning for 2003 St. Louis D) Please check if you are interested in the following: Please note that Fredericksburg is rich in history, including major Civil War (locally known as The War of Northern Aggression) battlefields, such as Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness and Spotsylvania ______ Brochure on Historic Fredericksburg ______ Northern Virginia/Washington DC area Brewpubs ______ Richmond area Brewpubs ************ BRING A DISPLAY !!! BRING A DISPLAY !!!**********