What`s the cost to taxpayers supporting 45000 residents in North


What`s the cost to taxpayers supporting 45000 residents in North
BeSeen. BeHeard. Belong.
Governance............... 1
Municipalities face
challenges................. 4
Business Excellence
Nominees.................. 6
Upcoming Events.. 11
Change Workplaces
Review...................... 12
Golf Tournament... 13
News Tickers........... 14
New Members........ 15
Donald Cooper
Workshop................ 16
A Special Publication of The Sun Times
Municipal Governance:
The Power of One
illustrates some of
the apparent cost
savings derived
from the amalgamation of four municipal
governments in south eastern Ontario
into the municipality of Quinte West
relative to the four similarly sized, but
uncombined municipalities comprising
North Grey [Georgian Bluffs, Owen Sound,
Chatsworth and Meaford). The article
compares four cost centres common to all
municipalities: Mayor and Council, senior
administration, fire services and policing.
Although this is not a new subject, and
many acknowledge that ‘something’
needs to be done to control costs – this
comparison is an important consideration
that needs to be seriously discussed. The
long-term sustainability of North Grey
depends on it).
Within Canadian federalism, there are three
orders of government: federal, provincial
and municipal. They make up a complex
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continued from page 1
structure within which governmental responsibilities
and expenditures are distributed. Most of Canada’s
annual public expenditure are made by federal
government departments and agencies (50%) and
the provinces and territories (42%) with only a small
share (8%) expended by our Country’s 3,664 rural
and urban municipalities.
Let’s look at some local costs in comparison with
Quinte West, a relatively new municipality that,
among other compelling reasons, was created
explicitly to reduce significant cost overlaps – and
has done so. Quinte West is a city of about 45,000
people (about 5,000 less than North Grey), located on
the western end of the Bay of Quinte on Lake Ontario.
It was formerly part of Hastings County, but is now
a separate municipality. It was formed through the
amalgamation of the City of Trenton, the village of
Frankford and the townships of Murray and Sidney
on January 1, 1998.
In making the following four cost comparisons it is
recognized that there are a number of other services
provided by these municipalities that tell the same
story, particularly at the management level. It is
important to also note that the numbers used are
not precise. They have been rounded for analytical
and presentational ease. But the story they tell is so
compelling that this modest adjustment does not in
any way change the evident conclusions.
Mayor and Council
The residents of the four municipalities in North Grey
are represented by four mayors, four deputy mayors
and 20 councillors – a total of 28 elected leaders.
The combined current annual cost to support these
Councils is about $800,000 or about $16 per resident.
However taxpayers in the four municipalities also
pay part of the $620,000 cost associated with the Grey
Regional Council. On the pro-rata allocation basis
used by the County, this adds about another $264,000
to the tax bill in North Grey or about $5 per resident.
So in sum, each resident pays in the range of $21 for
the direct costs of their multiple Councils.
Quinte West has a mayor and 12 councillors for a total
of 13. The current annual cost to support the Quinte
West Council is $500,000 or about $11 per resident.
Senior Municipal Administration
It is difficult to be accurate in making meaningful
calculations of municipal administrative expenses
on a comparative basis. What is clear is that the
numbers are large. The tip of this iceberg is the cost
of the offices of the Chief Administrative Officer and
Municipal Clerk in each municipality. For the four
municipalities in North Grey, a conservative estimate
from the numbers available is a total of $1.5 million
which translates into about $30 per resident. Again,
this calculation does not include related costs at Grey
County which are at least $400,000. On the pro-rata
allocation basis used by the County, this adds about
another $170,000 to the tax bill in North Grey or about
$3 per resident. So in sum, each resident pays in the
range of $33 for the direct costs of senior municipal
In Quinte West, the cost of the CAO and Clerk
functions is in the range of $400,000 or almost $9 per
Fire Services
The current total annual cost of providing fire
protection and prevention in the four municipalities
located in North Grey is about $6.3 million or $125
per resident. This compares to $4 million in Quinte
West, or $90 per resident.
Board of directors 2016
Debbie McKague • The Professional Centren
Mary Smith • Women’s House, Serving Bruce & Grey
Vice Chair:
Syd Austin • Staples
Marg Benedict • Benedict Electrical
Tyler Beckett • Sun Life Financial
Agnes Martin • Agnes’ Bookkeeping Service
Past Chair:
Steve Coffey • IPC Investment Corporation
Chamber Staff:
Peter Reesor, CEO
Administrative Assistant:
Peggy Bielaski
Chamber Photographer:
John Prettie • Prettie Portraits
Media Sponsors:
92.3 The Dock
Bayshore Broadcasting
Christie Leeder • RBC Dominion Securities Wealth Management
Make It Your Business...
is a publication of The Owen Sound & District
Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with The Sun Times.
Advertising Sales: The Sun Times Publication
Layout: The Sun Times, a division of Sun Media.
Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce
1051 2nd Ave East, Suite 226, Owen Sound
519-376-6261 • Fax: 519-376-5647
The contents of this newspaper are protected by copyright and may be used only for your personal non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved and commercial use is prohibited. To make use of any of this material you must first obtain the permission of the owner of the
copyright. For further information, please contact Bert Loopstra, The Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce.
www.oschamber.com 3
The current total annual cost of providing policing in
the four municipalities located in North Grey is about
$11.2 million or $225 per resident. This compares to
$8.4 million in Quinte West, or $187 per resident.
In Summary
So in summary, the approximate cost per person
living in NE Grey for the categories examined is $404
compared to $297 for those living in Quinte West.
Expressed another way, it’s 36% higher per person in
North Grey.
In the considered view of the Owen Sound and
District Chamber of Commerce, the approximately
50 thousand residents of our North Grey are well
served by our democratically elected Mayors
and Councils and our two tiers (Region/ Local)
of professional municipal public service. It is
evident that they consistently strive to maximize
opportunities for social and economic development
while retaining an attractive, sustainable and secure
environment for the enjoyment of residents and
visitors. Through responsible and often innovative
leadership and in partnerships, they seek to improve
the quality of life for all residents living and working
in our communities. And they demonstrate a clear
commitment to maintaining harmony between rural
and urban areas and fostering opportunities for
current and future generations.
If there is a cloud underlying this sizable silver lining
it is in the significant area of cost effectiveness, as
illustrated in the comparisons above. A wide variety
of services and programs appear to be delivered to
each community and sometimes across communities
in a cooperative and efficient manner. But what about
the large, demonstrable cost saving opportunities
associated with eliminating overlap and duplication?
Many of these are apparent but have not yet been
realized in North Grey.
Waiting for Next Steps
It is often said that information is the currency of good
governance. Without good information decisions
are ill-informed and more likely to be subjective,
even wrong in degree or direction – sometimes with
adverse consequences.
The information presented in this brief article is just
scratching the surface of an important discussion
about municipal cost effectiveness. It is illustrative
rather than precise or comprehensive. But in the view
of the Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce,
it points to some significant opportunities that are
worth exploring to streamline municipal government
in North Grey in a low risk way which has the potential
to enhance the value that our taxpayers receive for
their hard-earned money. This value could either
come in lower taxes or in more productive services
- such as the prosperity associated with successful
economic development. Why wouldn’t we explore
this further? There is no downside.
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Meetings • Retreats
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Municipalities face serious
challenges to raise projected
revenues for projected
operating costs
(Featured are three edited excerpts from the report,
What’s Next Ontario? Imagining a prosperous future
for our communities, presented at a recent meeting
of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario
(AMO). The full report is available in the news
section at www.oschamber.com).
Executive Summary
Most municipal governments have forward-looking
strategic plans. But what is the strategic plan for
our community of communities? This document
provides the foundation for a municipal government
conversation about the future.
We are focused on the shared challenges and
opportunities that connect our diverse communities,
and finding a common path towards long-term
municipal fiscal sustainability. All municipalities
need a firm financial foundation to meet our
responsibilities today and over the long term, without
compromising future generations.
If current trends continue, we expect municipal
operating expenditures to grow significantly over the
next ten years. Property taxes are the main source
of municipal revenue. Assuming all other revenues
remain stable, we project property taxes will need to
increase by 4.51% per year for the next ten years just
to meet current service levels and standards.
In addition, municipalities are facing an estimated
$60 billion infrastructure investment gap. If
property tax revenues alone were to close this gap,
it will require an additional increase of 3.84% each
year, for a combined 8.35% increase in property taxes
annually to 2025.
Total estimated operating needs by 2020
The chart below explores in some of municipalities’
main spending areas, based on types of service in the
recent past, the present, and likely by 2020 based on
prior trends.
How will the growth and the demand for services be
financed? If all else remains the same, with the above
tally, property tax increases of 4.51% annually will
be required for the next ten years to meet existing
service levels and standards. When you consider
that the vast majority of municipal expenditures are
devoted to meeting provincially imposed mandates,
what are the future risks and exposure to changing
and increasing regulation and new programs?
What does this operational cost growth mean for a
typical property taxpayer? Let’s assume a household
has an annual property tax bill of $3,000 in 2015. To
meet existing service levels, this amount will increase
to $3,740 by 2020 and will reach $4,663 by 2025.
It begs the question, are property taxes the best
way for municipal governments to raise the funds
required? While user fees can help with some cost
recovery of services, the burden will still fall to the
property tax base.
Reliance on property tax
Of every household tax dollar paid by Ontarians,
municipalities collect just 9 cents. Most of these
dollars are collected through property tax and to a
lesser extent, user fees.
Property tax is the number one source of revenue
for municipalities. Rates are set locally and reflect
local needs for services and the community’s fiscal
capacity. Historically, property taxes across the
province vary considerably by region.
In Northern Ontario, residential tax rates are among
the lowest in the province while commercial and
industrial rates are among the highest. Generally the
www.oschamber.com 5
north has experienced very little assessment growth.
These communities, many of which are “oneindustry towns,” are highly vulnerable to economic
conditions because of resource-based industries.
Previous studies have shown almost one-third of
northern municipalities rank at or near the bottom
of the relative municipal fiscal health scale, about half
of the provincial total.
Property taxes in Southwestern and Eastern Ontario
are higher than in the north. Higher percentages of
farmland and managed forests factor into municipal
revenues in these areas because such lands are taxed
at a discounted rate. Assessment growth has been
higher in the southwest than in the east which has
been very modest.
Central Ontario property taxes are on par with the
provincial average. Assessment growth has been
very strong while debt levels are higher than in the
above regions.
Municipal residents in the Greater Toronto Area
(GTA) pay the highest property taxes in the province.
Assessment growth has been exceptional, double the
growth rate of Central Ontario. Municipal debt levels
in the GTA are nearly double the debt levels of the
surrounding areas of the province.
In the last few years, property taxes have increased
at a higher rate in northern and rural municipalities.
Analysis by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing illustrates that point.
The impact of this change is exacerbated by the fact
that incomes per household in rural and northern
areas are lower than in urban areas. This situation
is likely the result of several factors in combination.
First, the benefit of the social services upload has
been greater in urban communities where the tax
base is high enough that OMPF is not “earned” based
on social program spending. The upload has thus
generally been available in urban areas to assist in
needed infrastructure investments.
In rural and northern municipalities with social
program offsets in their OMPF calculation, the net
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Rachel Desmarais
Financial Advisor
impact of the upload has often been much less, as the
grant is equally reduced. However, these municipalities
have had the same or greater proportional investment
needs for infrastructure over the same period of time.
Secondly, growth in the tax base has been greater in
the urban south, particularly in the GTA, while in
the north and rural south it has been less than CPI
growth. In some cases, particularly in the north, the
tax base has shrunk.
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Celebrating Business at our Gala Event
2016 Owen Sound & District Chamber of
Commerce Business Excellence Awards Gala
Wednesday, October 19th, 2016
Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre
5 – 9:00 pm
• Networking Reception
• Dinner Buffet
• Entertainment (The Beckett Family performs ballroom music for students at Dixon’s Dance and Fitness)
• Awards (celebrating local business)
Reserve a seat or table at www.oschamber.com or contact
Peggy Bielaski
519-376-6261 | peggy@oschamber.com
Of The
Year 1-25
Sponsored By:
Aveda Mane Street Hair Salon
Aveda Mane Street Hair Salon has been in business in Owen Sound
since 1989. Mane Street is an Aveda concept salon caring the full
hair, make-up and skin care line. Part of our mission statement at
Mane Street is that we believe if you can make people around you
feel good than you will be successful.
Benedict Electric
Benedict Electrical is a locally owned full service Electrical business.
We do Residential, Commercial and Industrial services. No job is
too big or too small. We prioritize safety solutions & are dedicated
to meet the needs of our customers.
Brian E. Woods Funeral Home
At the Brian E. Wood Funeral Home our caring staff are honoured
for the trust the Owen Sound area has shown us over the past
decade. Now in our second decade of service we will continue to
grow and serve you with respect.
Concept Signs and Marketing
Concept Signs is the choice of architects, government and
commercial consumers to design, manufacture, distribute, install
and maintain high quality, award winning signs and marketing
tools, including Gemini, Nexus, and Premier Sign Systems.
Desmarais Financial Services
At Desmarais Financial Services, our team of financial planning
consultants are ready to help you prepare for your future. Based
in Owen Sound, we work with clients throughout the area. Our
services include, but are not limited to: investment planning, estate
and succession planning. Learn about our available insurance
products, including our life insurance, health insurance and more.
Fisher Peak Contracting
Tim Sobie specializes in renovations, repair and maintenance
servicing Owen Sound and surrounding areas. His firm tackles
all aspects of renovations, including drywall and taping, painting,
flooring and tile installation as well as doors and windows. He offers
expert finishing carpentry work in all areas of the house including
kitchens and bathrooms. Quality workmanship at reasonable rates.
Great Lakes Masonary
Hutten and Co. Land and Shore
Hutten and Co. Land and Stone provide award winning
landscape design/build services, with a focus on native,
naturalized landscapes. They create timeless spaces that
reflect personality and character including their expanding
dock and lift services and products to waterfront properties.
They also offer shore services to provide environmental
Jesco Builders
With 29 years in the business Cliff McCartney and his
company Jesco Builders handles a wide range of projects
from custom home and renovations to cabinet making and
kitchens. All are done to suit the individual needs of each
client. Jesco's focus is on serving Grey and Bruce county
Great Lakes Masonry is a commercial masonry construction
business owned and operated by Tim and Kelly Priebe since 2001.
Current projects are the Owen Sound Georgian College MED
addition, Owen Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant and the new
UPS. Projects outside of Owen Sound in Collingwood, Thornbury,
Walkerton, Palmerston, Fergus and Kincardine.
Kula Spa and Salon
Grey Bruce Business Service
Middlebro & Stevens LLP is a multigenerational, general
practice law firm with long historical roots in the Grey and
Bruce communities. We serve business, government and
individual clients with integrity and trust.
Grey Bruce Business Services (GBBS) has been operating in Owen
Sound for over 25 years. The owner Kathy Hannen experience
comes from 15+ years of self-employment in the Marine industry,
as well as 15+ years as a Tax Preparer, Certified Bookkeeper, and
Quickbooks ProAdvisor.
Owner, Gabe Nowak has expanded HAVE1.COM over the past
17 years into a viable business by supporting other companies and
community events with their printing, banners, signage, vehicle
graphics, web site, graphic design, and promotional product.
Full service hair salon and day spa. Specializing in all aspects
of hair cutting, coloring, perming, and hair extensions.
Our spa features manicures, pedicures, waxing, facials and
relaxation massage. We also specialize in Eyelash extensions.
Middlebro & Stevens
Old World Medicine
Brenda Lawrie is certified as a Natural Health Consultant
Specialist providing experience and expertise in Nutritional
Herbology, Anatomy/Physiology, Homeopathic Paediatrics,
Homeopathic Psychology, Homeopathic Essential
Psychopathology, Medicinal Juicing, EI/MCS and as a Small
Animal Technician
www.oschamber.com 7
Old World Medicine
Do you have a residential or commercial project that requires a
stone mason? We welcome the opportunity to talk masonry. We
serve Grey Bruce and area with quality stone and brick masonry
inside or out with a unique and custom look. Working with local
suppliers we find the right product for your home or business.
SuiteSpots is Owen Sound's newest, fully-furnished executive suites.
Their flexible business space provides everything you need to grow
your business. Private offices, fast internet, digital boardroom and
a professional concierge/receptionist to greet your guests and assist
with business services. Rent by the day, by the month or longer.
Sutton Sound Realty
Get the power of the ‘Bill Coates and Ernie McFarlane Team’
working for you! Your source for Owen Sound and area real estate.
If you own real estate that you’re thinking of selling, they would
be happy to provide you with a free Home Evaluation. In today’s
competitive real estate market, timing is everything. Beat other
homebuyers to the hottest new homes for sale in Owen Sound with
our New Listings Notification.
Terry's Trailer Service
Terry's Trailer Service is a full trailer dealership. Whether you
want to buy a new or used travel trailer, tent trailer, fifth wheel
for camping or a cargo trailer for work or play, we have all kinds
of trailers! We also repair all types of trailers. Our professionally
licensed RV Technicians are ready to provide you with the top
quality service you deserve.
TG Group
TG Group Inc. is a private, local, Owen Sound Company with over
a 30 year history in Owen Sound. Terry and Janet Graham and a
wonderful experienced staff have created an exclusive Commercial
Insurance Brokerage catering to businesses in Southwestern
Ontario. Specializing in Business , Aviation and Marine Insurance,
TG Group concentrates on building relationships, not just a
The Women’s Shelter
We are an accessible shelter for women and their children fleeing
from domestic violence provided 24 hours/7 days a week. We are
caring leaders in providing a secure shelter, crisis intervention
services, safety planning, individual/group counselling, transitional
housing program, family court support and a second stage housing
program service.
Tree House Children’s Clothing
Tree House carries a large selection of brand name, gently used clothes
and shoes with a savings of more than 70% off original retail prices.
We will buy your gently used clothes too and pay you cash on the spot.
Vandolder’s Home Team – Custom Exteriors
Vandolder’s Home Team has over 50 years of sales, service and
installation of home and commercial exterior products. Featuring the
biggest show room in the area for windows, doors, siding, sunrooms,
garge doors, awnings, railing, window coverings and more. If it goes on
the outside of your house you will find it in the inside of ours.
Of The
Year 25+
We're located right on the shore of Georgian Bay, so stunning views
and fresh air are standard here. We're less than 10 minutes away from
three beautiful waterfalls with hiking trails, so outdoor lovers and
photographers have struck gold. This is one Bruce Peninsula hotel that
never disappoints.
D. J. Peat Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd.
DJ Peat is honoured to be nominated for the Skilled Trade Excellence
Award. We offer 24/7 emergency repair services, sheet metal fabrication,
and flat roof system specialists. We perform quality workmanship in a
timely professional manner.
KC Distributing
KC Distributing is a family owned business in Owen Sound. From
automotive to janitorial, sanitation, food service, packaging supplies
and consumer products we’ve got something that every business needs.
We’ve been delivering products to businesses in Grey, Bruce and
Huron Counties since 1978. We are proud to be nominated.
Scotia Bank – Owen Sound Branch
Scotiabank is Canada's most international bank and a leading financial
services provider. We have been front and centre in Owen Sound since
1889 and provide lending, investment and wealth management services
to individuals and business owners through our 43 local employees and
www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com
Locally Owned and Independently Operated
Ernie Coates
Broker of Record
Sponsored By:
The Dock features the greatest hits from the 60"s, 70's and 80's
and is a active community supporter. The Dock is proud of
recently achieving its Radio for Radiology $250,000 campaign
goal in support of the Owen Sound Regional Hospital
Cliff Bilyea Consultant
A senior leader and a business and not-for-profit consultant with
acclaimed expertise in a variety of organizational settings. Cliff
is experienced in team-building, organizational change, small
business management, and a leader/facilitator helping organizations
envision their future, clarify their missions and values, identify
strategic issues, and then develop consensus and commitment to
realistic and attainable action plans.
DC Taylor Jewelers
D.C. Taylor Jewellers continues to offer free cleaning and inspecting
on all types of jewellery. While your jewellery is getting checked,
head to the front to check out our new line of rings from New York's
Gabriel & Co.
Grey Bruce Business Service
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Aveda Mane Street Hair Salon
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com
Sutton - Sound
Realty Inc., Brokerage
No matter the business or task, we’re here to help our customers.
Whether industry, commercial, private or public sector at home and
on the go, we provide everything from office supplies to technology
to power tools. Our mission is to “MAKE MORE HAPPEN” for our
customers and our associates.
92.3 The Dock
Best Western Inn on the Bay
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Bill McFarlane
Sponsored By:
J. Brent England
Ontario & Canada Land Surveyor
P.O. BOX 245 N4K 5P3
TEL: 519-376-4120 • FAX: 519-376-7203
TOLL FREE: 1-800-265-3194
www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com www.BillandErnie.com
8 www.oschamber.com
Sponsored By:
Kelly Haefling
Investment Advisor
was instrumental in naming and bringing recognition to the term
"Wiarton Stone". This recognized term has become the benchmark
for high quality genuine stone. The business t is still owned and
operated as a family business, with the same dedication and quality
it was founded upon.
The Professional Centre
The Bayshore Broadcasting family of Radio stations are committed
to serving and staying connected to our communities. We are all
about personality - engaging and connecting with listeners and the
communities we serve.
Bibles for Missions
The Owen Sound BFM Thrift Store is part of a nation-wide not
for profit organization. We divert goods from landfill, assist local
service groups and are in joint ministry with Bible League Canada
providing Christian education & training worldwide.
Canadian Cancer Society Grey Bruce Branch
The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based
organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of
cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living
with cancer. Our vision is to create a world where no Canadian
fears cancer.
Owen Sound Little Theatre/The Roxy
The Roxy Theatre, owned and operated by the Owen Sound Little
Theatre, is the premier regional destination for live theatre and
music performances. Built circa 1913, this historic soft-seat opera
house accommodates 400 people, and is located in Owen Sound’s
downtown core.
Owen Sound Regional Hospital Foundation
The Roxy Theatre, owned and operated by the Owen Sound Little
Theatre, is the premier regional destination for live theatre and
music performances. Built circa 1913, this historic soft-seat opera
house accommodates 400 people, and is located in Owen Sound’s
downtown core.
The Women’s House Serving Bruce Grey
Women's House provides services to women and their children who
have or are experiencing abuse, sexual violence and homelessness.
Women and children have access to safe housing for both short and
long term, as well as counselling services.
The Women’s Shelter
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Sponsored By:
Ebel Quarries Inc.
Since 1950, Ebel Quarries Inc. has been quarrying and installing
attractive, quality limestone for residential and commercial uses
for clients across Canada and the United States. Ebel Quarries
See Hospitality
Cathy's Creative Nail Designs
Kula Spa and Salon
Pioneer Masonry
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Bayshore Broadcasting
Casero Kitchen Table
Commercial office space and residential condominiums in the
heart of downtown Owen Sound. Whether big or small, your
office needs can be quickly accommodated with currently
available office space. Add your finishing touches and you are
ready for business! Now the home to Centre Suites on 3rd Ave
with the 3rd and 4th Floors of The Professional Centre being
converted to residential suites.
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Northern Bee Company
Nurse Next Door Georgian Bay
We help seniors stay at home as long as they want by helping
them with things like cleaning and cooking, personal care
like bathing, medical care when they need it socialization and
companionship. We do anything to keep a senior in their own
home and out of a facility.
Princess Auto
Sponsored By:
Princess Auto Ltd. is a Canadian with 42 stores and over 2400
Team Members serving you coast to coast at our Home Office,
Retail Stores, Distribution Centres, Mail Order and Electronic
Fulfillment Centre. We exist because of you, our customer. So
we aim to provide you with quality products, solutions and
outstanding service, plus our Princess Auto Guarantee. It states,
No sale is final until you’re satisfied.”
Real Life Yoga
Best Western Inn on the Bay
See Business of the Year 25+ Employees
Casero Kitchen Table
Located in the heart of downtown; Casero Kitchen Table was
opened this past June by a dynamic team of local residents. The
menu features traditional tacos, nachos, burritos and margaritas.
We are proud to serve quality, freshness and affordability.
Business of
the Year
Sponsored By:
Rock Hard Stone & Fill
We provide landscaping services including hardscaping (patios,
stone stairs, etc.) and softscaping (garden planting, weeding,
mulching, etc.). We also sell stone and fill throughout southern
Ontario. Products include: skids of flagstone, sawn square cut
stone, stone steps, soil, mulch, gravel, river rock and more.
Roosters Diner/Schwant Catering
Now open under new management, join Chef Trevor Schwandt
and GM Miranda Miller for a delicious breakfast. lunch or
dinner at Roosters Diner Owen Sound. Check out the new store,
try fresh baking samples, enjoy a meal from our all-new menu
and swipe your Roosters Rewards card to enter a draw for cool
Rosie Couling Nails
RV & Marine Parts Depot
Advent Solutions Inc.
Advent Solutions Inc. is a collaborative consortium of
highly qualified and experienced process improvement and
communications professionals. With many decades of senior
level experience in the healthcare, public education and social
service sectors, our team of data analysts, programmers and
process design architects work collaboratively to ensure that our
clients' needs are addressed in a coherent, succinct and highly
effective manner.
Retail Sale of RV and wide range of marine parts and accessories
available in-stock or 48 hour pick-up on most items from our
catalogues. Knowledgeable advice from friendly Recreational
SKMM (Steve Kenny Music Management)
“A Fresh Start To Your Day...Blue Sky Café." We provide fresh,
homemade food to help you start your day right!
Steve Kenny is the management multi-tool artists need to keep
the entertainment in entertaining. Steve has seen the music
industry from every perspective during his career as a working
musician. With experience on stages, at soundboards, and behind
management desks, he brings in-depth industry knowledge
and a comprehensive set of skills to cover every aspect of artist
and tour management, booking, and publicity for professional
musical acts.
Bus Stop Café
The Garden Fairy
Blue Sky Cafe
All day breakfast and daily specials. Fantastic food, great friends,
family run restaurant. Good value for your money. Open daily
7:00 am -2:00 pm daily. Comfy, cozy, come on in!
Tree House Children’s Clothing
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
www.oschamber.com 9
Sponsored By:
inspires and fulfills the users’ needs while reducing the potential for
deleterious effects to the environment.
Grey Bruce Business Service
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
RBC Dominion Securities Wealth Management
Hutten and Co. Land and Shore
Professional Wealth Management Since 1901. Build and protect
your wealth with personalized advice backed by the strength and
experience of Canada’s leading wealth management firm.
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
D & M Small Engine Repair
D&M Small Engine Repair is your local authorized CRAFTSMAN
service depot specializing in repairing all STIHL products. We
repair all makes and models of lawn mowers (push, riding and zero
turn), chain saws, line trimmers, rototillers, generators, outboard
motors , quads and snowblowers.
Gem Webb Internet Marketing & Web Design
We provide advantages that will dramatically increase your business
website exposure. We creae websites that include keyword focused
Search Engine Optimization “SEO”, graphics and on-page copy
optimization, Inbound link analysis, local search, competitor
analysis, maps, content forms, and more.
Grant Diemert Architect
Architectural design for all types of buildings and interiors.
Community design concepts, development studies, site assessments.
Donor recognition , signage and identity designs. Architecture that
Kia of Owen Sound is conveniently located on the east side of
Owen Sound, We pride ourselves in offering a first rate customer
experience in all areas of our dealership and we guarantee that we
will work hard to earn your business..
Kula Spa and Salon
Scenic Clean & Dry Carpet
Scenic Clean & Dry Carpets is your reference in Owen Sound for
professional carpet and rug cleaning. Because we care about the
environment, we use Host carpet cleaning products, which saves
money and water. Impeccable carpets and friendly service.
Terry's Trailer Service
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
The Professional Centre
Commercial office space and residential condominiums in the heart
of downtown Owen Sound. Whether big or small, your office needs
Now while they last one of our most
popular mid priced models over 60% OFF
Greystone Office Centre, 345 8th St. East, Suite 101
Sale applies to hearing
aid only; regular fitting
fees apply
Benedict Electric
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Bloodworth Masonry Inc.
Since 1994 John Bloodworth has been an inter-provincial licensed
mason. His experience provides the ability to undertake, and
successfully complete, demanding restoration projects, masonry work
on new build construction, renovations, fireplaces, andscaping, patios
and outdoor kitchens. The team of licensed masons, takes great pride
in providing exceptional craftsmanship in all aspects of masonry and
their commitment to quality and service is second to none.
KIA of Owen Sound • kiaowensound.ca • KIA of Owen Sound • kiaowensound.ca • KIA of Owen Sound
Owen Sound
“Highest Ranked Compact Multi-Purpose
Vehicle in Initial Quality in the U.S.”
For the 2016 Soul
0% for 84 months + $750
Top Quality Bonus
KIA of Owen Sound
“Highest Ranked Small SUV in Initial
Quality in the U.S.”
For the 2016 Sportage
0.9% Finance Available + $750
Top Quality Bonus
519-371-4447 1-800-930-5616
*See Dealer For Details
Mobility Assistance
Grad Rebate
KIA of Owen Sound • kiaowensound.ca • KIA of Owen Sound • kiaowensound.ca • KIA of Owen Sound
Brian Morassutti
Carrie Watson
Joyce Bryans (Home Visits)
Sponsored By:
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
KIA of Owen Sound
KIA of Owen Sound • kiaowensound.ca • KIA of Owen Sound • kiaowensound.ca • KIA of Owen Sound
Aveda Mane Street Hair Salon
can be quickly accommodated with currently available office space.
Add your finishing touches and you are ready for business! Now the
home to Centre Suites on 3rd Ave with the 3rd and 4th Floors of
The Professional Centre being converted to residential suites.
10 www.oschamber.com
Brian E. Woods Funeral Home
Tom McKay Locks
Brian McKibbon Contracting
Truly Nolen Pest Control
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
McKibbon Contracting offers quality residential renovations in
the Owen Sound Area. Brian McKibbon takes into consideration
your budget, time considerations and delivers on all aspects of the
project. A top notch professional local contractor just a call away.
Crose Mechanical Heating/Cooling
Air-Conditioning / Heating / Ventilation Heating, Cooling &
Home Maintenance 24/7. Free Estimates Sales, Service, Repair
and Maintenance Residential and Commercial Heating, Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Service and Repair
Discount maintenance packages available.
David Wrigley@Vandolder's HomeTeam
Decor Design
Décor Design specializes in Custom Window Fashions, Hunter
Douglas Blinds and Bedding. Our expertise, studio and in-home
consultation service offers clients a comfort level when making their
final decisions. Professional, quality service is guaranteed at Decor
Elyse of Mane Street Hair Salon
Fisher Peak Contracting
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Tom McKay Locks
Offering residential and commercial locksmithing services - serving
Grey & Bruce Counties since 1964. Mobile locksmith service,
installation of security hardware, home security evaluation and
consulting, installation of security hardware, armoured rings,
cutting safety deposit box keys. Bonded, reliable and professional
- Customer service is key!
McCartney Roofing and Property Management
Over the past 40 years McCartney Roofing has gained a solid
reputation throughout Grey Bruce and surrounding area as a
leader in roofing and crane services, and storage containers. The
full-service property maintenance business includes: irrigation,
landscaping and lighting, snow removal and more.
See Skilled Trade Excellence
Truly Nolen's Research and Development team created a proactive
program addressing the changes in the pest behavior from season
to season. Instead of using the same material over and over again,
the Truly Nolen Pest Control program uses a series of high quality
and environmentally conscious materials, which minimizes insect
resistance over time. Bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, cluster flies, mice,
spiders, ants, earwigs, wasps are only a few of the many pests we can
help you control.
Sponsored By:
Advent Solutions Inc,
Advent Solutions Inc. is a collaborative consortium of
highly qualified and experienced process improvement and
communications professionals in the healthcare, public education
and social service sectors. Our team of data analysts, programmers
and process design architects ensure that our clients' needs are
addressed in a coherent, succinct and highly effective manner.
Bloodworth Masonry Inc.
See Skilled Trade Excellence
Bluewater Aerosapce Technologies Inc
Bluewater Aerospace Technologies Inc. preforms specialized aircraft
maintenance including repair, overhaul, and modification to both
privately and commercially operated aircraft. Capabilities include
both sheet metal and composite structural work and refinishing.
Cliff Bilyea Consultant
Pioneer Masonry
Enrich Your Soul
Record's Paint & Drywall
Our name says it all. At Record’s Paint & Drywall our services
include: interior/exterior painting and staining, airless spraying,
boarding and taping, insulation, hardwood/laminate flooring and
Rock Hard Stone & Fill
See New Business of the Year
The Garden Fairy
Fritz Jane Inspirational Interiors
Nurse Next Door Georgian Bay
See New Business of the Year
Pioneer Planning Solutions
Pioneer Planning Solutions provides professional land use planning
services and assistance to the Grey-Bruce Region. Our services range
from obtaining development approvals to project and resource
management in a cost effective and timely manner. We seek to
educate our clients in the planning process and in doing so, convey
the concept of creating value through land use change.
Shelly Camm, CPA
Shelly Cam provides small to medium size businesses with parttime controller services on par with larger businesses that employee
full-time resources. She combines her passion for helping others
to achieve their goals, with the education and experience garnered
over her successful career as top financial resource for large
The Garden Fairy
Truly Nolen Pest Control
See Skilled Trade Excellence
Sponsored By:
Donut Diner
Muzzell Plumbing services new homes, renovations, alterations,
as well as repairs to plumbing problems. We provide new service
installations and complete water services, electric pipe thawing,
drain and sewge cleaning. Free consultation for renovations,
alterations, bathroom remodeling and more.
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
Hands On Sport Therapy is dedicated to providing the active
individual with client-oriented rehabilitation services. Owner Andy
Playter is a licensed, board certified therapist, with over 15 years
of experience in all levels of athletic therapy, he caters to all age
groups, levels of activity and types of injury or dysfunction. Services
include strength and conditioning, customized coaching, training,
and consulting work. .
See Community Service
A mobile, seasonal mini donut company serving hot, fresh, minidonuts. Watch the Donut Robot crank out 50 dozen donuts per
hour right before your eyes. Dusted with cinnamon sugar or
powdered sugar and sold in a Baker's Dozen bag from the funky
and vintage-looking Donut Diner. Find the Donut Diner at outdoor
markets and events throughout Grey, Bruce, Huron and Simcoe
Muzzells Plumbing
Hands on Sport Therapy
Owner Tammy Algera is a Freedom Designer and a Registered
Nurse, Ceritified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Colon
Therapist. She provides solutions for weight loss, energy and
performance, healthy aging and wealth creation. Also offers
nutritional counselling and coaching support. Colon hydrotherapy
and detoxification services.
Gem Webb Internet Marketing & Web Design
See Service Excellence Awaards
Grey Bruce Business Service
See Business of the Year 1 – 25 Employees
‘Buff Bistro’ – John Bartley
‘Buff Bistro’ offer users of the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation
Centre in Owen Sound healthy alternatives to typically greasy arena
food. ‘Buff Bistro’ offers wraps, sandwiches, smoothies and other
snacks. John gained his experience in the culinary program at
Georgian College.
Living Lighting – Brandon and Nathan Vanderschot
Affiliated with Canada's largest lighting chain, Living Lighting
Owen Sound represents the best brands and latest designs on the
market. Living Lighting brings unique expertise and a renewed
focus on customer service. Its emphasis is on well-designed lighting
and accessories to fit every style and budget.
McMillen Electric and Complete Home Inspections –
Jordan McMillen
Serving Owen Sound and the surrounding area, McMillen
Electric offers quality work, at affordable prices! Whether
you need electrical services for new construction projects,
renovations, or repairs, we are here to meet your residential and
commercial needs.
www.oschamber.com 11
Upcoming Events
Rock Hard Stone & Fill
See New Business of the Year
Rosie Couling Nails
SS Garden & Property -- Scott Stevenson
SS Garden and Property is a garden and property maintenance
service operating within Owen Sound, ON and the surrounding
areas. The services offered to my customers include: Garden
Maintenance, Snow Removal, Lawn Maintenance, and Odd Jobs
Sponsored By:
Voting starts Monday September 19th
and ends Monday October 7th
through the Chamber website
September 8
Alive @ 5 – Member networking at Forcier Grant
October 21
Awake @ 8 – Member networking at
Joe Tomato’s Restaurant
September 15
Annual Golf Tournament - Legacy Ridge Golf
November 3
Alive @ 5 – Member networking at the
Royal Canadian Legion
September 16
Awake @ 8 - Member networking at Elsie’s
November 18
Awake @ 8 – Holiday dinner meeting at
Best Western Inn on the Bay
October 6
Alive @ 5 – Member networking at Belfor
Property Restoration
December 1
Alive @ 5 – Holiday reception at Tom Tomson
Art Gallery
October 19
Business Excellence Awards - Harry Lumley
Bayshore Community Centre
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Live the Way You Want to Live ...
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CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of the Canadian Investor
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12 www.oschamber.com
Changing Workplaces Review Interim report
contains options that could hurt employers,
employees and contain rising costs for consumers
Leading employer
groups are calling
on the Government
of Ontario to
proposals under
consideration in the
recently released
Interim Report of
the Changing Workplaces Review. Following the,
key Ontario employers are concerned that many
of the policy options under consideration by the
Special Advisors could have a profound impact on
the relationship between employees and employers
in every workplace in Ontario.
While welcoming the release of the report, the
employer groups have released a statement to draw
attention to particular areas of concern where our
advocacy will focus:
“At a time when costs for consumers and costs of
doing business in Ontario are rising, government
must consider the impact these changes will have
on Ontario’s competitiveness and workers. Changes
to the Ontario Labour Relations Act and the
Employment Standards Act will have implications
for Ontario’s economy, and that’s why it’s time to
identify barriers to growth and recommend policies
that will give businesses and their workers room to
“We know that this is an interim report, being
a compilation of the submissions made to the
panel. While many of these policy options are
still under consideration by the Special Advisors,
if the Government fails to take an open, inclusive,
and evidence-based approach to studying these
proposals, it will compromise the ability of Ontario’s
labour force to take part in flexible workplaces that
accommodate workers’ individual needs and the
demands of the global economy.”
“We deserve evidence-based policy. Following the
final recommendations of the Special Advisors,
the Government of Ontario should conduct a
cost-benefit analysis to assess the impact on jobs
and the economy for any changes to labour and
employment legislation that they accept from the
Changing Workplaces Review. The Special Advisors
should also conduct a demonstrated need test. This
process should not be rushed. Ontarians need an
economy that is competitive and responsive to an
ever-changing global marketplace.”
In particular, Keep Ontario Working will focus on
several policy options in the interim report that the
government is considering, including:
Education and Enforcement: A critical first step
in improving workplaces for Ontarians is
increased education and enforcement of Ontario’s
existing labour laws.
Scheduling Provisions: Options that would create
rigid and universal requirements and a one-sizefits-all approach to scheduling fail to recognize the
diverse needs of Ontario’s workforce.
Labour Certification Rules: The requirement for
a secret ballot vote must be maintained.
Certification simply by signing a union card
diminishes employees’ rights and transparency.
Sector Exemptions: The interim report includes
options that would provide for changes to sectoral
exemptions. Doing so would ignore the unique
needs of important industries like agriculture
and information technology when it comes to
flexible scheduling and compensation.
Joint/Common Employers: Changing the
current legal standard for determination of
common employers represents a fundamental
disruption to the current relationship between
employees and employers.
• Sectoral Bargaining: Options that would impose
standards and contractual provisions throughout
identified regional/ occupational/ industrial
labour markets would expand collective
bargaining among disjointed groups of employers
and employees.
Minimum Standards: Employers who provide a
greater set of workplace benefits than those
currently set out in legislation are relieved from
providing the prescribed benefit level. The
interim report includesan option to move away
from this approach, potentially leaving both
employers and employees uncertain of benefit
entitlements and unfairly treating those greater
benefits as being additive rather than replacing
the minimum standards.
In the coming months, Ontario’s leading industry
and sector associations will work together
through the Keep Ontario Working initiative to
motivate employers and employees alike to take a
more active interest in the Changing Workplaces
Review and ensure that we are improving
legislation to support workers’ rights and a
prosperous economy. The Keep Ontario Working
initiative is comprised of the province’s leading
employer bodies, including:
Association of Canadian Search, Employment and
Staffing Services
Canadian Franchise Association
Food & Beverage Ontario
National Association of Canadian Consulting
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Ontario Forest Industries Association
Ontario Restaurant, Hotel & Motel Association
Restaurants Canada
Retail Council of Canada
Tourism Industry Association of Ontario
Other employers and employer groups
With the Interim Report of the Changing
Workplaces Review, Special Advisors will begin a
period of taking public comment before preparing
a final report for Ontario’s Minister of Labour, the
Hon. Kevin Flynn.
Miller Insurance Brokers
Luncheon Sponsor
www.oschamber.com 13
Chamber Golf
Thursday, September 15, 2016 | 11:30am - 8:00pm
Location: Legacy Ridge Golf Course
Sponsored by
Ford Lincoln
Lunch. Golf. Cart. Dinner. Prizes.
Register online at: www.oschamber.com
or contact Peggy 519-376-6261 peggy@oschamber.com
Behind every changed
life is someone who
made it happen.
Investment Planning Counsel Presents:
Beyond the Numbers Education Series
including recent changes
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Best Western Inn on the Bay
RSVP by November 11, 2016.
Contact Jenn Greason 519-376-0095
or via email jenn.greason@ipcsecurities.com
101-1156 2nd       ­ €‚
ƒ„‚…†‡ˆ…‰‰‚ƒ AD{TS4784066}
14 www.oschamber.com
Nurse Next Door
Nurse Next Door is a new business
that proudly serves the areas of Owen
Sound, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach,
Bruce Peninsula, Wiarton, Port Elgin,
Southampton, Meaford, Thornbury
and Tobermory. The firm, owned
and operated by Denae Moores, has
a unique approach to senior home
care. Each client is assigned their own
carefully screened caregiver based on
their needs and interests. In Deana’s
words “Our talent is caring”. Contact
Denae at: 519-512-2058 or admin@
BNI Ontario Central North
BNI Ontario Central North executive
director Deborah Foster-Stahle
says, “I‘m very proud to share that our
local chapter, BNI Sound Networking,
has generated over $340,000 in
business by referral in the last 12
months, resulting in a 40x ROI per
member and $1,725 per referral
on average. Since its launch, this
chapter has surpassed $1.2 million
in business by referral. Great work,
team!” Contact Deborah at: 705-7306648 for more information about BNI.
Four County Labour Planning
Does your company have hard to fill
jobs? Do you have difficulty recruiting
employees? Do you want to know if
other employers experience similar
challenges? We want to hear from
you! The newest survey, the Employer
One survey will be open from Jan
1-31, 2017. Have your say! For more
information and past survey results,
please visit www.planningboard.ca
or call us at 888-774-1468.
The Agency
is excited to announce that Leesha
Nagel will be joining our staff on
September 6th. THE AGENCY has
been proudly serving Grey-Bruce and
beyond since 1991, and is your ‘go-to’
company for full staffing and payroll
services. We allow you to concentrate
on what you do best … being
successful! Contact THE AGENCY
today at: 519 376 HELP (4357).
We are pleased to announce that,
“Lee-Anne Rourke has joined HAVE1.
COM. Lee-Anne brings 15+ years
of graphic design and print
management expertise. Whether
you’re starting up a new business or
wanting to freshen up your business
image, HAVE1.COM is here to help
you make that happen. Lee-Anne’s
extensive knowledge of design,
imprinting, sublimation, heat
transfers and amazing customer
service skills is here to serve you and
your business. Contact Lee-Anne
at: 519-376-6000 or at leeanne@
have1.com. Living Lighting Owen Sound
Living Lighting Owen Sound is now
pleased to offer installations and
full electrical contracting to our list
of services. For further information,
please ask to talk to our in-house
electrician Nathan Vanderschot. Visit
us in store or online at LLGreybruce.
YMCA of Owen Sound Grey
You care about the community you
live and work in. Are you looking for
a way to ‘walk the talk’? The YMCA
of Owen Sound Grey Bruce launched
“Inspired Sponsorship” this year,
allowing you to book a banner in the
Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility –
home to more than 5,000 members –
with all proceeds supporting assisted
memberships at our Y. This means
you get visibility and help those who
need it most.
Leadership Charisma Group
Working with a Canadian Call Center,
Leadership Charisma Group profiled
successful top performing agents.
The resulting performance model
provides information that identifies
specific retention action plans to
increase their recruiting effectiveness.
The company expects improved
financial results with a ROR of 500%.
Discover how you can improve your
bottom line by calling today and
learning the surprising details of
how our analytics will increase your
staff’s engagement and recruiting
effectiveness. Contact Charlie Regan
at: 416-805-8120 or charlie.regan@
Festival of Northern Lights
The Owen Sound Festival of
Northern Lights is excited to
celebrate it’s 29th year. The board
of directors/volunteers have been
focusing on some new and exciting
additions this year, including a new
sponsorship program. We always
welcome new volunteers to help
make our festival a big success
and being a part of our community
event. To find out how you can get
involved: 519-376-4440 ext 1225 or
Table2Table is now an authorized
reseller of Touch Bistro, the very
popular I-Pad based point of sale
system for restaurants. Our service
includes installation, setup, training
and after sale support. It is just one
aspect of our consulting service
for restaurants and food service
organizations. For more information:
519-470-2977 or info@taste2table.
Softext Publishing
Softext Publishing Inc. has
released an updated version of
the Apex e-commerce storefront
for use in retail and wholesale
operations. Our latest version for
wholesalers offers automated
importing of digital supplier
catalogues and features on-the-fly
price adjustments and automated
updating. A tremendous timesaver for businesses carrying
thousands of SKUs.
For more
information: 519-371-7464 or
City of Owen Sound
On the evening of Friday, September
16, the City of Owen Sound will
be hosting the BRACK Classic
Hillclimb Competitors’ Parade in the
Downtown. Competing cars will be
on display in the 800 and 900 block
of 2nd Avenue East between the
hours of approximately 6:30 and 8
p.m. Many downtown merchants
will extend their business hours later
than normal. The BRACK Classic
Hillclimb will be held the following
day – Saturday, September 17 –
at the Grey Sauble Conservation
Authority and Inglis Falls Road.
Contact the DIA at: 519-376-9225 or
at dblackshaw@owensound.ca.
Missions Thrift Store
Bibles for Missions Thrift Store is
simplifying its name to Missions
Thrift Store as of September 1st.
Cathie Mustard has joined Bibles for
missions as Assistant manager and
can be reached at: 519-416-7780 or
at cathiemustard@yahoo.ca.
www.oschamber.com 15
Casero Kitchen Table
946 Building A, 3rd Ave E, Owen
Sound, ON, N4K 2K9
Contact: Beth Milne and Emily Leonard
Category: Food & Beverage,
Phone: 519-416-8226
If you haven’t tried our restaurant, you
are missing out! We are delighted to
provide a different dining experience
in Owen Sound and Sauble Beach. Its
a whole new take on Mexican cuisine.
We feature local ingredients and you’ll
never taste burritos and tacos this
good. Casero means “Homemade”! We
serve homemade Mexican cuisine from
two locations in Grey Bruce counties.
Visit Casero Taco Bus in Sauble Beach
and watch as your fresh tacos are
served from a double-decker bus, or
grab a snack at Casero Kitchen Table in
Owen Sound and kick back and relax
on our licensed patio.
The Beck
720 3rd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON,
N4K 2K3
Contact: Mike Seiler
Phone: 519-375-6585
The Beck is Owen Sound’s premier
guide to upcoming community
events, helpful advice and
tips, and a presentation of the
interesting products, services,
and announcements from local
companies. The Beck is delivered
monthly to every household and
business in Owen Sound – that’s over
13,000 Becks delivered each month.
Luckydog Motors Inc. 1855 17th St E, Owen Sound, ON,
N4K 5R4
Contact: Dan Bruce
Category: Automobiles – Cars & Trucks
Phone: 519-371-4000
Located across from Walmart in
the FedEx building in Owen Sound,
Luckydog Motors features the largest
indoor car lot in Grey Bruce. It’s an
independent, indoor used vehicle
dealership featuring a 10,000-squarefoot showroom for dozens of vehicles
including cars and SUVs to motorcycles.
Luckydog Motors understands that
sometimes bad things happen to
good people. Whether you have bad
credit, no credit, or maybe a divorce or
bankruptcy, LuckyDog has options for
Nikaanaganaa Counselling &
Learning Centre
897 3rd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON,
N4K 2S6
Contact: Trish Meekins
Category: Health & Wellness
Phone: 519-376-8628
Counselling Hypnotherapy Cultural
Awareness & Sensitivity Professional
Development Workshops Group
Counselling Therapeutic Touch
Practitioner Holistic Healing
Royal Canadian Legion
Memorial Branch #6 Owen Sound
1450 2nd Avenue West
16 www.oschamber.com
Business Icon back in town!!
You raved about his full-day small business “Boot Camp”
Now Donald Cooper is offering two half-day workshops on customer service and keeping good
employees, two most pressing issues facing small business:
Donald is an international business speaker and coach. He is respected by business owners and
managers throughout the world as a thought leader and passionate visionary in the areas of
marketing and business innovation. Donald delivers the ‘straight goods’ on how to sell more, manage
smarter, grow your bottom line, and have a life!
Morning Workshop
Owning Customers for Life:
4 powerful steps to increasing loyalty, sales and profitability!
Whether you sell to consumers or to other businesses, your customers/clients are more demanding,
more confused, more time‐compressed and more cynical than ever before. They want your best
service and your best price . . . and they want it now.
Donald Cooper will show you that creating loyal and profitable customers for life is not that
complicated. In fact, you’ll be amazed at how simple and do‐able it actually is.
Afternoon Workshop
Winning the Talent War: 8 Essential Steps to Attracting,
Leading and Keeping a Top Performing Team
Whether your business is large or small, not having the right people in every position carries a huge
bottom-line cost in lost business, inefficiency, missed opportunity and frustration! The talent crunch is
real, and will last for decades. We’ll see many businesses fail because they’re unable to find the talent
they need. The truth is that the best people have to work for somebody…it’s just that we have to
deserve them.
This workshop deliver a clear, specific and effective process that will help make you an excellent
recruiter, a better employer and improve your bottom line.
Donald Cooper
Half-Day Business Workshops
Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 | Royal Canadian Legion – Owen Sound
Register online at www.oschamber.com or call 519-376-6261